Effect Vitamin K2-7 Peripheral Neuropathy

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Original Article

The effect of vitamin K2-7 in peripheral neuropathy due to

Vitamin B12 deficiency and/or diabetes mellitus:
A Preliminary Study
Kulkarni VK*, Upase DP*, Dound YA**, Jadhav SS**, Bhave AA***,
Mehta DS**, Vaidya ADB

Objective: To evaluate the activity and tolerability of Vitamin K2-7 (MK-7) in a series of patients with peripheral neuropathy due to
vitamin B12 deficiency and / or diabetes mellitus.
Material and Methods: An open labeled clinical study was conducted in 30 patients presenting with peripheral neuropathy and
suffering from either megaloblastic anaemia (viamin B12 deficient) and/ or diabetes mellitus. Vitamin B12 levels in blood were estimated at
baseline and during therapy. Vitamin K2-7 capsules (100 mcg / capsule, twice a day) was given orally for 8 weeks. Patients kept a regular
record of the intensity of the symptoms during the baseline and throughout the study. Symptoms included tingling and numbness along
with weakness, fatigue and cramps. The intensity of the symptoms was assessed on a Visual Analog Scale (VAS). They were followed
up to 8 weeks. Blood biochemical and organ function tests were studied at the baseline, at the fourth week and at the end of the eight
week. Prior to the study Ethics Committee Approval was obtained from the Ethics Committee of T. N. M. C. & B. Y. L. Nair Ch. Hospital.
The trial was registered with Clinical Trial Registry of India (CTRI). (CTRI/2012/08/002930). Informed written consent was obtained from
the patients before enrollment.
Results: Depending on the basal VAS score the patients were divided in a moderate group and a severe group. The moderate group had
VAS score of 6-8 and the severe group had a VAS score of 8-9. By the end of eight week, the VAS score in both the groups was reduced to
1-2. The intensity specifically of tingling and numbness has reduced to a much greater extent. It was of interest to observe that ten out of 23
patients of Vitamin B12 deficiency group had residual neuropathic symptoms in-spite of adequate levels of Vitamin B12 following vitamin
B12 administration. The residual neuropathic symptom score reduced following Vitamin K2-7 therapy. Vitamin K2-7 was well tolerated
clinically and found to be safe as per the organ functions in all the patients. No adverse events were reported during the period of therapy.
Conclusion: This preliminary study has shown that vitamin K2-7 at a dose of 100 mcg twice a day for 8 weeks was well tolerated and
safe with a therapeutic activity for the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. However, the therapeutic efficacy needs to be evaluated further
in a larger sample size, with a placebo controlled randomised double blind trial.
KEY WORDS: Vitamin K2-7, diabetes mellitus, megaloblastic anaemia, peripheral neuropathy, reverse

* - Department of Haematology, B. Y. L. Nair Ch. Hospital, Dr. A. L. Nair Road, Mumbai Central, Mumbai.
**- Viridis BioPharma Pvt. Ltd., V. N. Purav Marg, Chunabhatti, Mumbai. ***- Consultant Haematologist; -
ICMR Advance Centre of Reverse Pharmacology in Traditional Medicine, Medical Research Center-Kasturba
Health Society, Mumbai. Correspondence to: Dr V K Kulkarni, 7, Shefalee, Makarand Society, Veer Savarkar
Marg, Mahim, Mumbai - 400016 Email: vitamink2beuropathy@gmail.com

The Indian Practitioner Vol. 66 No.10, October 2013 625

Original Article

INTRODUCTION plied.4 The study was conducted at B. Y. L. Nair

Ch. Hospital.
eripheral neuropathy is a common problem
faced by a large number of patients. Its Subjects
aetiology is multifactorial. Most common
causes would be megaloblastic anaemia and diabe- For the study 38 patients of age 18-60 years
tes mellitus. India is considered to be the diabetic were screened. A written informed consent (ap-
capital of the world.1 The total number of people proved by the ethics committee) was taken from all
with diabetes is projected to rise from 171 million the patients. Out of 38 patients screened, 8 patients
in 2000 to 366 million in 2030.2 Megaloblastic did not report back. The remaining 30 patients
anaemia and vitamin B12 deficiency are often were enrolled in the study. Out of these 30 patients
missed and is frequently neglected. There is a high 23 patients (male 13 and female 10) were suffering
incidence in the vegetarian population. The mani- from megaloblastic anaemia and 7 patients (male
festations of neuropathy in these conditions varies 3 and female 4) had diabetes mellitus. The patients
from mild to severe with symptoms of sensory and were divided in two groups based upon the vali-
motor defects which reduces the quality of life and dated visual analog scale score for the degree of
productivity. severity of symptoms of peripheral neuropathy
(tingling and numbness along with weakness,
One added cause of iatrogenic neuropathy in fatigue and cramps). The group A (Severe) had a
diabetes mellitus is the treatment with Metformin VAS score of 8 - 9 and group B (Moderate) with a
that leads to vitamin B12 deficiency. Persistence of score of 6 - 8.
neuropathy symptoms despite routine treatment is
a well identified unmet medical need. The study procedure and assessments
Two of the authors (DSM and ABV) of the Thirty patients after a proper history, exami-
present study had earlier observed that Vit.k2-7 nation and investigations were selected as per
relieves idiopathic muscle cramps as well as symp- the criteria of choice mentioned in the protocol.
toms of diabetic neuropathy. 3 Blood investigations viz. complete blood counts
Taking a lead from this serendipitous discov- with ESR, vitamin B-12, homocysteine, glycosyl-
ery it was decided to conduct an open labeled ated haemoglobin, glucose tolerance test, fasting
reverse pharmacological study of Vitamin K2-7 and post prandial plasma glucose, PT-INR, liver
(MK-7) in 30 patients with peripheral neuropa- function tests and renal function tests were done
thy. Appropriate permission from the Ethics at the base line, at the fourth week and at the end
Committee (EC) of T. N. M. C. & B. Y. L. Nair Ch. of the study. The patients were assessed at follow
Hospital was obtained prior to the study. This ups at 1st week, 2nd week, 3rd week, 4th week, 7th
clinical study was registered with Clinical Trial week and 9th week. A detailed physical (general
Registry of India (CTRI). (CTRI/2012/08/002930) and systemic) examination was done at the base-
line and at every visit. A predesigned case record
Material and Methods form (approved by the Ethics Committee) which
included a page of adverse events was used. The
Study Design patients were given 2 capsules (100 mcg each) a
day of Vitamin K2-7 (Viridis BioPharma Pvt. Ltd.)
This study was an open labeled observational
for 8 weeks. The subjective severity of the symp-
study for evaluation of activity and tolerability
toms of peripheral neuropathy was assessed with
of vitamin K2-7 (MK-7)
validated VAS from 0 to
in patients of diabetes
The subjective severity of the symptoms of pe- 10 (nil to unbearable) be-
mellitus and megalo-
fore, at the end of fourth
blastic anaemia with ripheral neuropathy was assessed with validated
week and at the end of
peripheral neuropathy. VAS from 0 to 10 (nil to unbearable) before, at the
therapy. The safety was
Reverse pharmacologi- end of fourth week and at the end of therapy. assessed by clinical tol-
cal approach was ap-

626 The Indian Practitioner Vol. 66 No.10, October 2013

Original Article

erability, adverse events and by any change in the bottles to patients at the time of the enrollment and
organ function tests. The therapeutic activity was at an interval of every 15 days. Patient ingested a
assessed by noting the reduction in the severity of 100 mcg capsule every morning and evening after
the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy viz. tin- breakfast or snacks for 8 weeks. The drug compli-
gling and numbness along with weakness, fatigue ance was judged by counting the capsules in the
and cramps as compared to the baseline. Any other bottle brought back at the follow up visits. Patient
effect during the therapy beneficial or adverse was said to be compliant if he had consumed mini-
was also recorded. mum 80% of the total dispensed capsules.

Methods for organ function tests Results

Complete blood counts were done by the PC Patients from the megaloblastic series showed
210 ERMA Blood Cell Counter. ESR was done by improvement in their blood levels of vitamin B12
Wintrobe method. Liver function test and renal on supplementation, However, 10 of them con-
function test were done by Biochemical method. tinued to have symptoms of neuropathy despite
Prothrombin time was done by coagulation reaching adequate blood levels of vitamin B12.
method. Fasting and post prandial plasma glucose Majority of the remaining 13 had also shown
was estimated by GOD POD Enzymatic method. higher than baseline levels of vit.B12.. Patients
Glycosylated haemoglobin was measured by from Group A (n=25) had VAS score of 8-9 at base-
Boronate affinity method on Nycocard. Vitamin line. Patients from Group B (n=5) had VAS score
B-12 and homocysteine were done by RIA/ of 6 at baseline.
ELISA/ CLIA method.
By fourth week, the score in Group A had
Interventional drug, dosage and compliance reduced to 5-6. There was a reduction in the inten-
sity of the symptoms of tingling and numbness.
Vitamin K2-7 was supplied by Viridis BioPharma Patients were feeling better with the therapy. The
Pvt. Ltd., in the form of capsules (100 mcg) packed weakness and fatigue had also reduced. Patients
30 capsules per bottle. Drug was supplied in who had also complained of cramps were feeling
better. The intensity of cramps had re-
duced to a greater extent. By the same
time the score in Group B had reduced
to 3-4. The pattern in reduction of the
10 symptoms was similar to group A.
At the end of 8 weeks, in the pa-
8 tients of Group A as well as Group B
the VAS score had reduced to 1-2. The
tingling and numbness had reduced
6 significantly. There was a significant
decrease in the weakness and fatigue.
4th week Cramps were occasional with de-
4 creased intensity.
It is of a great interest to review a
case of 32 year male patient working
as a teacher in a school who came with
8th week the complaints of tingling & numbness
0 along with pain in both the legs, ag-
Group A Group B gravated by standing for more than 20
minutes and by walking for more than
Baseline 4th week 8th week 15 minutes. He was experiencing fati-

The Indian Practitioner Vol. 66 No.10, October 2013 627

Original Article

gability since 3-4 months. nature is often missed

He was enrolled in the The current observational pilot study was and is relatively neglect-
study. He was given designed to identify such patients with resid- ed. It has high incidence
Vitamin K2-7, 2 capsules ual neuropathy and study the effect of vitamin in vegetarian popula-
(100 mcg each) twice a K2-7 in relieving the symptoms of peripheral tion because of lack of
day. Within 2 weeks the neuropathy. vitamin B12 intake. 5
tingling numbness along As judged from clini-
with pain in the legs de- cal practice, vitamin B12
creased. The fatigability improved. Now he was markers are often not done.
able to stand for a longer time during the lecture.
The most common symptoms of peripheral
His fatigability also improved a lot. Till the end of
neuropathy includes tingling , numbness, tremor,
the study, i. e. till 8th week, there was no experi-
gait abnormality, weakness, tiredness, heaviness,
ence of tingling & numbness along with pain in
pain, itching, crawling, cramps, muscle twitching
legs and fatigability.
and sensation of pins and needles.
Tolerability and Safety For the diagnosis of megaloblastic anaemia,
Vitamin K2-7 capsule were clinically tolerated there are assays available which detect the levels
well by all the patients. Two mild adverse events of vitamin B12 and MCV in the blood. 6 There are
were reported, which were said to be unrelated various treatment modalities available for this con-
to the test substance as judged by the Principal dition. The route of intake remains oral. However
Investigator. No serious adverse events were re- in patients with gastro intestinal disturbances, the
ported during the period of therapy. The levels of route of administration available is parenteral by
Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) showed a trend injectables.
which is decreasing. Biochemical investigations Despite good glycaemic control and correction
and the organ function tests were in normal limits of vitamin B12 through supplements, yet there
at the baseline, at fourth week and at the end of 8 remain symptoms of neuropathy. This is an obser-
weeks. vation of an expert haematologist (AAB) which he
termed as residual neuropathy.
The current observational pilot study was
Monitoring of the drug intake during 8 weeks designed to identify such patients with residual
of trial indicated that the drug intake was regular neuropathy and study the effect of vitamin K2-7 in
by the patients. This was done by counting the relieving the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy.
number of capsules remaining in the bottle at the Five out of thirty patients with residual neuropa-
end of 15 days from the date of dispensing the thy were identified and the therapeutic impact of
bottle. vitamin K2-7 was identified by considerable relief
in the symptoms by a validated VAS scale.
This preliminary observational effect of vitamin
Peripheral neuropathy, damage to nerves of
K2-7 in peripheral neuropathy due to diabetes
peripheral nervous system, can be caused by mul-
mellitus and / or megaloblastic anaemia has in-
tiple aetiological factors. The commonest among
dicated therapeutic potential of vitamin K2-7 in
these are vitamin deficiencies like vitamin B12
these two conditions. Study with a large sample
and folate and diabetes mellitus. Other causes are
size of residual neuropathy needs to to be done..
auto immune disorders, alcohol, heavy metal tox-
icity and anti cancer agents. India with her large In a recent publication by Mehta et al 2010, it is
vegetarian population and burden of diabetes seen that Vitamin K2-7 at a dose of 100 mcg / day
epidemic has a large number of patients suffering is helpful in relieving idiopathic muscle cramps.7
from peripheral neuropathy.
Megaloblastic anaemia of mild to moderate

628 The Indian Practitioner Vol. 66 No.10, October 2013

Original Article

Conclusion Hypertension. JAPI 2007; 55: 323-24.

Vitamin K2-7 at a dose of 100 mcg twice a day 2. Wild S, Sicree R, Gojka R et al. Global
for 8 weeks was found to be well tolerated and has Prevalence of Diabetes. Diabetes Care 2004;
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diabetes mellitus. Disease Conditions and Disorders using
Acknowledgement Vitamin K analogues and Derivatives. PCT/
IN2008/000465, Jul. 2008.
We appreciate the guidance and technical ex-
pertise of Dr. Anselm deSouza,, Technical Director, 4. Vaidya, A. Reverse pharmacological cor-
Viridis BioPharma Pvt. Ltd. We thank Dr. S. C. relates of ayurvedic drug actions. Indian J.
Talwalkar for the laboratory evaluation of bio- Pharmacol. 2006; 38:311-5.
chemical and organ function tests. 5. Oosterhuis WP,Niessen RW,Bossuyt PM et al.
Conflict of interest: Diagnostic value of the mean corpuscular vol-
ume in the detection of vitamin B12 deficiency.
Dr. Dilip Mehta is CEO and chairman of Viridis Scand J Clin Lab Invest.2000; 60:9-18
BioPharma Pvt Ltd.
D r. Yo g e s h D o u d , M e d i c a l D i r e c t o r, 6. Antony C Asok. Vegetarianism and vitamin
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Dr. Shashank Jadhav, Medical Associate, Viridis 2003;78:36.
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The Indian Practitioner Vol. 66 No.10, October 2013 629

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