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First published in UK 2004 by Hodder Education, an Hachette UK Company, 338 Euston Road,
London NW1 3BH.
Perfect Italian Copyright 2004, 2006, 2011, Thomas Keymaster Languages LLC, all rights reserved.
Perfect Italian Vocabulary Copyright 2007, 2011, in the methodology, Thomas Keymaster Laguages
LLC, all rights reserved; in the series template, Dr Rose Lee Hayden; in the content, Paola Tite.
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CD 1 Track 3
0:19 I speak parlo
0:24 they speak parlano
0:34 With all -are verbs, for they you go from the first person parlo to parlano.
For all other verbs, the first person -o will lead you to the third person -ono,
which maintains the same stress.
1:15 Im leaving parto
1:20 they are leaving partono
1:40 Im selling it. Lo vendo.
1:48 Theyre selling it. Lo vendono.
2:04 I have ho
2:12 you have (tu) hai
2:38 they have hanno
2:39 you have (voi) avete
2:48 we have abbiamo
2:54 I am sono
2:58 they are sono
3:07 I am busy. Sono occupato.
3:21 They are busy (now). Sono occupati / occupate (adesso).
3:52 You are busy. (tu) Sei occupato (occupata).
4:03 you are (voi) siete
4:10 Im going vado
4:15 hes going va
4:18 youre going (tu) vai
4:21 theyre going vanno 7
4:26 vado vanno follows the same pattern as ho hanno
4:36 to give / to donate dare
4:41 I give do
4:49 you give (tu) dai
4:52 they give danno
5:14 I want voglio
5:19 they want vogliono
5:30 I can posso
5:32 they can possono
5:35 you can (voi) potete
5:45 you want (voi) volete
5:51 we want vogliamo
5:55 we can possiamo
CD 1 Track 4
0:00 to say / to tell dire
0:07 Im telling / Im saying dico
0:18 Im telling you. (signore) / Le dico.
Im telling her.
0:34 Im telling him. Gli dico.
0:38 Im telling it to him. Glielo dico.
0:46 The combination of gli + lo changes to glielo.
0:57 Im giving it to her. Glielo do.
1:11 They are not telling me. Non mi dicono.
1:24 Theyre not telling it to me. Non me lo dicono.
1:35 If you have it to me, the mi changes to me lo.
1:49 to understand capire
1:52 I understand capisco
1:57 I dont understand it. Non lo capisco.
2:03 They dont understand it. Non lo capiscono.
2:11 I dont know him. Non lo conosco.
2:17 They dont know me. Non mi conoscono.
2:27 Im finishing finisco
2:34 Im finishing it. Lo finisco.
2:39 Theyre finishing it. Lo finiscono.
2:44 They dont want to do it. Non lo vogliono fare. /
8 Non vogliono farlo.
3:06 They dont want to tell me. Non vogliono dirmi. /
Non mi vogliono dire.
CD 1 Track 5
0:00 The key to voi is the infinitive.
0:07 Why dont you tell me? Perch non mi dite?
0:19 Why cant you do it? Perch non potete farlo? /
Perch non lo potete fare?
0:49 Why cant they do it? Perch non possono farlo?
1:15 Why dont they do it? Perch non lo fanno?
1:26 Why dont you do it, signore? Perch non lo fa, signore?
1:40 Why dont you do it? Perch non lo fai?
(friend / Roberto)
1:53 Why dont you do it? (voi) Perch non lo fate?
2:04 Why dont you tell me? (voi) Perch non mi dite?
2:36 Why dont you tell it to me? Perch non me lo dite?
3:00 Why dont you do it? (voi) Perch non lo fate?
3:13 Why dont you want to do it? (voi) Perch non volete farlo?
3:30 Why cant you tell it to Perch non me lo potete dire
me now? adesso? / Perch non potete
dirmelo adesso?
CD 1 Track 6
0:06 We cannot do it because Non possiamo farlo perch non
we dont want to do it. vogliamo farlo.
0:26 Were going to see it. Andiamo a vederlo.
1:00 Can you please show me Puoi mostrarmi cosa hai comprato?
what you have bought?
1:36 Can you make me see Pu farmi vedere?
(what youve bought)?
2:10 This is not what I want. Questo non quello che voglio /
ci che voglio.
2:25 Im preparing it. Lo preparo.
3:04 Im preparing it right now. Lo sto preparando.
3:31 Im just about to prepare it. Sto per prepararlo.
3:50 stare belongs to the handful of verbs (avere, essere, andare, fare)
that doesnt follow the usual sequence: sto (I), stanno (they),
sta (he/she/it), stai (you), stiamo (we), state (you, voi)
CD 1 Track 7
0:29 I have ho
0:34 to leave partire
0:39 I will leave (to leave I have) partir
0:47 he will leave (to leave he has) partir
0:53 you will leave (to leave you partirai
have), Roberto
1:02 they will leave (to leave partiranno
they have)
1:10 The r is the key sound for the future tense. The endings are:
-r, -rai, -r and -ranno. You hook them onto the infinitive except for the -are
verbs where -ar changes to -er (preparer).
2:28 At what time will you leave, Roberto? A che ora partirai, Roberto?
2:38 At what time will you leave, signore? A che ora partir, signore?
2:46 you will leave (voi) partirete, voi partirete
3:03 we will leave partiremo
3:31 we would leave partiremmo
3:59 We will do it. Lo faremo.
4:07 We would do it. Lo faremmo.
4:13 We wouldnt do it. Non lo faremmo.
4:21 We wont do it. Non lo faremo.
4:45 He wont tell me. Non mi dir.
4:53 We wont do it. Non lo faremo.
5:04 We wouldnt do it. Non lo faremmo.
5:12 They will do it. Lo faranno.
5:20 I wont do it. Non lo far.
5:30 Why wont you do it? (tu) Perch non lo farai?
CD 1 Track 8
0:07 I would do farei
0:13 he would do farebbe
0:40 they would do farebbero
0:49 They wouldnt do it. Non lo farebbero.
0:56 He wouldnt tell me. Non mi direbbe.
1:06 They wouldnt tell me. Non mi direbbero.
1:38 You will be here. Sar qui.
1:55 I will be here. Sar qui.
1:59 They will be here soon. Saranno qui subito.
2:06 right away subito
2:06 soon presto
10 2:15 later pi tardi
2:20 We will be here. Saremo qui.
2:26 But it wouldnt be possible Ma non sarebbe possibile cos.
that way.
2:42 We would be very happy Saremmo molto contenti /
to do it. felici di farlo.
3:12 It will please me very Mi piacer molto farlo.
much to do it.
3:26 But I wouldnt like to do it. Ma non mi piacerebbe farlo.
(It wouldnt please me to do it.)
3:46 It would be very important Sarebbe molto importante
for me. per me.
4:02 I will have it for you. Lo avr (Lavr) per te.
4:18 But we wont have it today. Ma non lavremo oggi.
4:28 I wouldnt have it today. Non lavrei oggi.
4:49 I will leave partir
4:53 they will leave partiranno
5:01 you will leave partir
5:06 you (Roberto) will leave partirai
5:16 you all will leave partirete
5:25 When will you leave? (voi) Quando partirete?
5:49 We will leave soon. Partiremo presto.
6:00 But we wouldnt leave today. Ma non partiremmo oggi.
6:17 he will leave partir
6:22 he would leave partirebbe
6:30 they will leave partiranno
6:42 they would leave partirebbero
7:02 He told me that he wont leave. Mi ha detto che non partir.
7:23 I really know that he Veramente so che non
wouldnt leave. partirebbe.
7:50 Im sure that they wouldnt Sono sicuro che non partirebbero
leave today. oggi.
8:20 you would leave (tu) partiresti
8:30 The would part for tu is -resti and for voi its -reste.
9:01 You would be here. (tu) Saresti qui.
9:18 You would be here (all of you). Sareste qui. / Voi sareste qui.
9:30 The r is the key for will and would. Remember to hit the endings.
CD 1 Track 9
0:00 I will have it. Lavr.
0:09 I would have it. Lavrei.
0:16 I would have bought it. Lavrei comprato.
0:22 We would have waited for you. Ti avremmo aspettato.
0:35 We would have waited for him. Lavremmo aspettato.
0:45 They wouldnt have waited Non mi avrebbero aspettato.
for me.
1:22 He would have seen me and Mi avrebbe visto e mi avrebbe
he would have told me why detto perch non lo far (cos).
he wont do it (that way).
CD 1 Track 10
0:00 Im preparing it. Lo preparo.
0:27 / Im just about to prepare it. Lo sto per preparare. /
0:54 Sto per prepararlo.
0:38 Im in the process of Lo sto preparando. /
preparing it. Sto preparandolo.
1:32 I will tell you tomorrow. Le dico domani.
1:52 I tell you. (Roberto) Ti dico.
1:55 I tell it to you (tomorrow). Te lo dico (domani).
2:05 I will tell him. Gli dico.
2:11 I will tell it to him. Glielo dico.
2:24 I will tell it to you tomorrow. Glielo dir domani.
3:59 He wouldnt tell it to me. Non me lo direbbe.
CD 1 Track 11
0:00 Im preparing it. Lo preparo.
0:16 We have a past -ing tense in English: I was preparing, I was doing it, he was
buying it. We also have a present -ing tense: am/are/is doing. In the past its was
or were doing: the w-ing tense.
1:38 I was speaking parlavo
1:52 he was speaking parlava
2:06 they were speaking parlavano
2:20 you were speaking (tu) parlavi
2:31 you were speaking (voi) parlavate
2:42 we were speaking parlavamo
2:49 I was selling vendevo
2:56 they were selling vendevano
12 3:13 he was selling vendeva
3:18 you were selling (Roberto) vendevi
3:34 we were selling vendevamo
3:41 I was leaving partivo
3:47 he was leaving partiva
3:52 you (Roberto) were leaving partivi
3:59 they were leaving partivano
4:05 we were leaving partivamo
4:14 you were leaving (voi) partivate
4:23 Im doing (it). (Lo) faccio.
4:32 Theyre doing (it). (Lo) fanno.
4:38 Youre doing it. (tu) Lo fai.
4:44 Hes doing it. Lo fa.
4:48 Youre doing it. (voi) Lo fate.
4:50 Were doing it. Lo facciamo.
4:54 I was doing it. Lo facevo.
5:01 He was doing it. Lo faceva.
5:07 They were doing it. Lo facevano.
5:15 We were doing it. Lo facevamo.
5:24 You were doing it. (voi) Lo facevate.
5:34 The w-ing tense expresses a straight line in the past, either a short straight line
or a very long line.
6:10 I did it. / Ive done it. Lho fatto.
6:12 In English you dont make a sharp distinction between a dot or a straight line
in the past. In Italian the line in the past (I was doing facevo) can also be a
broken line (I used to do it, often, every day).
7:18 I did it every day. Lo facevo ogni giorno.
7:38 I was doing it. Lo facevo.
7:45 I did it. Lho fatto.
CD 2 Track 1
0:11 A few verbs when used in the past tense express a straight line in the past, such
as to know. I knew doesnt refer to a specific moment in the past (a dot past),
but to knowledge youve had for some time, either a short or a long period
of time.
0:48 I knew sapevo
0:51 I knew it. Lo sapevo.
0:54 I didnt know it. Non lo sapevo.
1:18 I found out. Lho saputo.
1:29 I found out that it will be Ho saputo che sar pronto
ready soon. presto. 13
1:50 I didnt know it. Non lo sapevo.
2:15 Another verb that usually expresses a line in the past is volere (to want):
I wanted I always wanted it.
2:50 I have wanted it. Lho voluto.
2:38 I (always) wanted it. Lo volevo.
3:16 I didnt want to buy it. Non volevo comprarlo.
3:29 I was looking at it (but) I didnt Lo guardavo (ma) non ho
want to buy it. (at that moment) voluto comprarlo.
4:15 I didnt want to have it. Non volevo averlo.
4:29 I dont understand what you mean. Non capisco ci che vuole dire.
5:03 Other verbs with a past tense that expresses a line in the past are avere
and essere.
5:46 I didnt want to do it because I Non volevo farlo perch
didnt have the time to do it non avevo (il) tempo di farlo
because I was very busy. perch ero molto occupato.
6:34 I was ero
6:46 I had avevo
6:49 I wanted volevo
6:51 I knew sapevo
7:08 I could potevo
7:13 I couldnt find it. Non potevo trovarlo.
7:27 I didnt know where it was. Non sapevo dovera.
8:40 I was looking for it but I Lo cercavo ma non lho trovato.
didnt find it.
9:09 I was looking for it but I Lo cercavo ma non potevo
couldnt find it. trovarlo.
CD 2 Track 2
0:00 could in English expresses two different tenses: he couldnt do it can mean
he wouldnt be able to do it or he wasnt able to do it.
1:15 He couldnt do it. / He wouldnt Non potrebbe farlo.
be able to do it.
2:09 He couldnt do it (yesterday). Non poteva farlo.
3:25 Could you tell me where it is? Potrebbe dirmi dov?
4:05 Can you tell me where it is? Pu dirmi dov?
4:20 Could you please tell me Potrebbe dirmi dov?
where it is?
4:57 He was looking for it and Lo cercava e non poteva
he couldnt find it. trovarlo.
CD 2 Track 3
0:00 must / to have to dovere
0:18 I must see it. Devo vederlo.
0:30 You have to tell me. Deve dirmi.
0:42 You have to tell me. (Roberto) Devi dirmi.
0:57 You all have to tell me. Dovete dirmi.
1:10 We have to buy it. Dobbiamo comprarlo.
1:31 I will have to do it. Dovr farlo.
1:50 He will have to be here. Dovr essere qui.
2:05 Whenever you have two or three consecutive verbs, the second and the third
verb will be in the infinitive, except after any form of avere or essere. avere
and essere are the two diving towers after which you dive into the past.
2:52 He would have to be here. Dovrebbe essere qui.
3:51 He should be here. Dovrebbe essere qui.
4:00 You should tell me. Dovrebbe dirmi.
4:10 I think that you should do it. Penso che / Credo che dovresti farlo.
4:58 I think that you should do it. (voi) Penso che dovreste farlo.
5:25 We have to buy it. Dobbiamo comprarlo.
5:38 you would have to (tu) dovresti
6:18 You should tell me. (tu) Dovresti dirmi.
6:34 You all should come (with me). Dovreste venire (con me).
7:02 He had to wait. Ha dovuto aspettare. /
Doveva aspettare.
CD 2 Track 4
0:00 I wont be able to do it without you. Non potr farlo senza di te.
0:21 I couldnt have done it Non avrei potuto farlo
without you. / I wouldnt have senza di te.
been able to do it.
2:34 If could is not clearly in the past, use potrei, potrebbe, potresti, potreste,
potrebbero, potremmo. If it is clearly the past, use potevo.
3:45 Could you wait for me now? Potrebbe aspettarmi adesso?
4:11 Could you wait for me now? Potresti aspettarmi adesso?
4:46 Could you wait for me now? Potreste aspettarmi adesso?
4:59 Im sorry but I couldnt wait Mi dispiace ma non ti potevo
for you because I had to leave. aspettare perch dovevo partire /
ho dovuto partire.
6:00 I havent been able to wait (for you). Non ho potuto aspettarti.
6:23 to go away andare via / partire / andarmene 15
6:50 Im leaving parto / me ne vado / vado via
7:27 I had to leave. Ho dovuto andarmene.
CD 2 Track 5
0:17 To say I could have done it in Italian change it in English to I would have been
able to do it. To say I could have told you change it in English to I would have
been able to tell you.
1:03 I couldnt do it now. Non potrei farlo ora. /
Non potrei farlo adesso.
1:12 I couldnt do it yesterday. Non potevo farlo ieri.
1:35 I have not been able to do it. Non ho potuto farlo.
2:02 I could have / I would have avrei potuto
been able
3:02 I could not have waited for you. Non avrei potuto aspettarti.
3:26 I could have told you. Avrei potuto dirle.
3:50 I couldnt have gone there. Non avrei potuto andarci.
5:04 I would have to do it. Lo dovrei fare. / Dovrei farlo.
7:26 I should do it. Dovrei farlo.
7:31 You should tell me. (signore) Dovrebbe dirmi.
7:50 I should dovrei
7:55 You should wait for me. (tu) Dovresti aspettarmi.
8:53 You have to wait for me. Devi aspettarmi.
CD 2 Track 6
0:00 The handles: potere (can, to be able), dovere (to have to, must,
2:46 should, supposed to), volere (to want, to wish, would like). They are used a lot
and are followed by infinitives.
2:53 to be able to potere
3:39 you can (voi) potete
5:41 Can you tell me? (voi) Potete dirmi?
6:06 Can you tell me? (tu) Puoi dirmi?
6:27 Can you tell me? (signore) Pu dirmi?
6:41 Could you tell me? (tu) Potresti dirmi?
7:08 Could you tell me? (signore) Potrebbe dirmi?
8:15 I was looking for it (but) Lo cercavo ma non potevo trovarlo /
I couldnt find it. non lo potevo trovare.
9:20 I couldnt find it (at that moment). Non lho potuto trovare.
9:48 (At that time) I had not Non avevo potuto trovarlo.
16 been able to find it.
10:19 I could have told you Avrei potuto dirle dovera.
where it was.
12:33 It is important not to guess. The thinking out process may seem long, but the
time it takes to think out something is very short. Take your time.
CD 2 Track 7
0:00 I asked you. Ti ho chiesto.
0:19 In diving chiedere becomes chiesto, dire becomes detto and fare becomes
0:39 I have done it. Lo ho fatto. / Lho fatto.
1:16 I havent done it. Non lho fatto.
1:26 He didnt do it. / He has not done it. Non lo ha fatto.
1:46 I saw it. Lho veduto.
2:27 Ive seen him. Lo ho visto. / Lho visto.
2:47 Ive seen her. La ho vista.
2:54 In diving, the word you dive into will agree with lo, la or another direct object
that you are using.
3:39 Ive seen them. Li ho visti. / Le ho viste.
4:30 In diving, scrivere becomes scritto. parlare > parlato, partire > partito, sentire
(to hear) > sentito, vendere > venduto. However, some verbs are different,
such as vedere which becomes veduto or visto.
CD 2 Track 8
0:00 In diving, chiedere becomes chiesto.
0:17 He asked me. Mi ha chiesto.
0:31 Why didnt you ask me? (tu) Perch non mi hai chiesto?
0:53 In diving, dire becomes detto.
1:07 Why didnt you tell me? (signore) Perch non mi ha detto?
1:25 In diving, fare becomes fatto.
1:37 I did it. Lo ho fatto. / Lho fatto.
1:47 I didnt do it. Non lho fatto.
1:55 Why didnt you do it? (signore) Perch non lo ha /
Perch non lha fatto?
2:23 I didnt do it because I didnt Non lho fatto perch non
know that you wanted to sapevo che voleva averlo.
have it.
4:21 that you wanted to have it che ha voluto averlo /
(at that moment) che lha voluto avere
CD 2 Track 9
0:07 Could you please tell me? Potrebbe dirmi?
0:58 He couldnt tell me because Non poteva dirmi perch
he did not know it. non lo sapeva.
3:11 I could have told you. / Avrei potuto dirle.
I would have been able to
tell you.
4:11 He couldnt have done it that way. Non avrebbe potuto farlo cos.
CD 3 Track 1
0:23 Whenever you want to say they, the I form leads you into it.
0:41 Im leaving parto
0:50 they leave partono
1:00 Theyre telling me. Mi dicono.
1:13 I know so
1:17 they know sanno
1:20 There are a handful of verbs which are different in the they form:
avere > hanno, essere > sono, dare > danno, andare > vanno, stare > stanno,
fare > fanno
2:05 they can possono
2:50 they understand capiscono
3:04 they are finishing finiscono
3:26 For voi you always go to the infinitive.
3:38 you can (voi) potete
3:49 they can possono
4:22 youre saying / telling (voi) dite
4:56 Why dont you tell me? Perch non mi dite?
5:27 They cannot do it. Non possono farlo.
6:00 They dont want to do it Non vogliono farlo cos.
that way.
6:16 Theyre not telling me. Non mi dicono.
6:28 They dont understand it. Non lo capiscono.
6:40 The only other exception for they, apart from the verbs above, is the -are
verbs. You dont use parlo for the they form; its parlano.
7:47 they are eating mangiano
8:00 they are selling vendono
8:10 They dont see it. Non lo vedono.
8:20 theyre finishing finiscono
8:49 I know him. Lo conosco.
9:00 They dont know him. Non lo conoscono.
18 9:13 For voi (you all) the key is the infinitive. You just replace the r of the infinitive
with a t. The endings are -ate, -ete or -ite, depending on the verb.
9:38 At what time are you all leaving? A che ora partite?
9:52 At what time are they leaving? A che ora partono?
10:16 to have to, must dovere
10:27 I must devo
10:34 They have to be here soon. Devono essere qui presto.
10:59 they have to devono
11:06 you have to (voi) dovete
11:10 You all have to tell me. Dovete dirmi.
11:58 I have ho
12:04 they have hanno
12:13 you have (voi) avete
12:28 you are doing fate
12:59 Why dont you tell me? (voi) Perch non mi dite?
13:04 Why dont they tell me? Perch non mi dicono?
CD 3 Track 2
0:00 We cannot find it. Non possiamo trovarlo.
0:29 I will be able to do it. Potr farlo.
0:52 I wont be able to do it that way. Non potr farlo cos.
1:10 He wont be able to come with us. Non potr venire con noi.
1:26 Theyre not coming. Non vengono.
1:55 I come vengo
2:16 Why dont you come? (voi) Perch non venite?
2:47 You have to wait for me. (signora) Deve aspettarmi.
3:25 You have to wait for me. (Roberto) Devi aspettarmi.
3:39 youre leaving parti
3:45 you have to devi
4:05 we have to dobbiamo
4:18 we have abbiamo
4:27 We have to wait here. Dobbiamo aspettare qui.
4:41 I will have to do it. Dovr farlo.
5:02 We will have to do it. Dovremo farlo.
5:27 We would have to do it. Dovremmo farlo.
6:04 We should do it. Dovremmo farlo.
6:11 You should wait for me. (signore) Dovrebbe aspettarmi.
7:22 he should / he would have to dovrebbe
7:27 they should / dovrebbero 19
they would have to
7:40 you should (Roberto) dovresti
7:55 you should (voi, all of you) dovreste
8:27 They should tell me. Dovrebbero dirmi.
8:43 Could you tell me? (Roberto) Potresti dirmi?
9:13 All of you could tell me. (voi) Potreste dirmi.
9:33 They couldnt tell me. Non potrebbero dirmi.
CD 3 Track 3
0:00 The key to will and would is the r of the infinitive. For will use the have
endings: -o, -ai, -a or -anno are hooked onto the r of the infinitive to give you
the future tense endings.
0:49 I will leave partir
1:05 he will leave partir
1:10 you (Roberto) will leave partirai
1:16 they will leave partiranno
1:25 we will leave partiremo
1:36 For we will we have to be very careful and make the sound distinction between
we will (-remo) and we would (-remmo).
2:00 we would leave partiremmo
2:06 we will leave partiremo
2:16 you will leave (voi) partirete
2:50 We will tell you. Ti / Le diremo.
3:12 We wouldnt tell him. Non gli diremmo.
3:29 We wouldnt give it to him. Non glielo daremmo.
4:24 we will leave partiremo
4:35 we would leave partiremmo
4:42 When will you leave? (voi) Quando partirete?
5:05 When will you do it? (voi) Quando lo farete?
5:22 When will you do it? (signore) Quando lo far?
5:33 When will you do it? (Roberto) Quando lo farai?
5:42 When will they do it? Quando lo faranno?
(OR you all, formal)
5:59 He told me. Mi ha detto.
6:17 He told me that he Mi ha detto che non lo farebbe /
wouldnt do it. non lo avrebbe fatto.
7:37 The endings for will are: -r, -rai, -r, -ranno, -remo, -rete
8:01 I would do it. Lo farei.
20 8:17 He would do it. Lo farebbe.
8:23 They would do it. Lo farebbero.
8:32 We would do it. Lo faremmo.
9:01 You would do it. (tu) Lo faresti.
9:17 You would do it. (voi) Lo fareste.
CD 3 Track 4
0:30 I can posso
0:34 they can possono
0:47 we can possiamo
0:54 you can (Roberto) puoi
1:01 Can you tell me? (Roberto) Puoi dirmi?
1:10 Can you tell me? (signora) Pu dirmi?
1:22 all of you can (voi) potete
1:40 I will be able to do it. Potr farlo.
1:50 I wont be able to do it Non potr farlo cos.
that way.
2:03 He will be able to do it. Potr farlo.
2:10 They will be able to do it. Potranno farlo.
2:19 You will be able to do it. (signore) Potr farlo.
2:29 He wont be able to do it. Non potr farlo.
2:35 You (Roberto) will be able Potrai farlo.
to do it.
2:46 We will be able to do it. Potremo farlo.
2:56 We would be able to do it. Potremmo farlo.
3:30 We couldnt find it. Non potevamo trovarlo.
3:42 I couldnt go there last night. Non potevo andarci ieri sera.
4:01 I couldnt go there tonight. Non potrei andarci stasera.
4:45 Can you tell me? (voi) Potete dirmi?
4:57 Could you tell me? (signore) Potrebbe dirmi?
5:19 Could you tell me? (Roberto) Potresti dirmi?
5:37 Could you tell me? (voi) Potreste dirmi?
5:50 The forms for could are: potrei, potrebbe, potresti, potreste, potrebbero,
potremmo. For could in the past use potevo. For could have you have to use
the equivalent of would have been able to.
6:47 You could have told me. Avrebbe potuto dirmi.
7:11 I could have told you. Avrei potuto dirti / dirle.
CD 3 Track 5
0:00 should in Italian is the same as would have to.
0:17 I should do it. Dovrei farlo.
0:33 You should wait for me. Dovrebbe aspettarmi.
0:55 We should go there. Dovremmo andarci.
1:11 They should come with us. Dovrebbero venire con noi.
1:28 All of you should wait for us. Dovreste aspettarci.
1:50 For should have you have to use the equivalent of would have had to; just as
for could have you have to use the equivalent of would have been able to.
2:10 You could have told me. (voi) Mi avreste potuto dire. /
Avreste potuto dirmi.
3:08 I could have done it. Avrei potuto farlo.
3:36 I should have avrei dovuto
3:44 I should have told you. Avrei dovuto dirle / dirti.
4:15 We should have left earlier. Avremmo dovuto partire pi presto.
4:32 earlier pi presto
4:49 in a little while fra poco
CD 3 Track 6
0:15 In Italian some verbs in the past use essere (be): you have to dive from the
essere tower. They are verbs of coming and going. We still have some
examples in modern English: The time is come. He is gone.
1:55 I went sono andata
2:27 we went siamo andati / andate
2:52 Where did you go? (Carla) Dove sei andata?
4:09 Where did you go? (girls) Dove siete andate?
4:30 Where did you go? Dove siete andati?
(mixed group)
4:44 We went to see it. Siamo andati a vederlo.
5:06 he left partito
5:32 At what time did you leave? A che ora partito?
5:48 At what time did you leave? A che ora sei partita?
6:11 we left siamo partiti
6:34 Weve just left. Siamo appena partiti.
6:48 He just arrived. / appena arrivato.
He has just arrived.
7:11 we went out siamo usciti
7:27 to go out uscire
22 7:36 Im going out esco
7:48 theyre going out escono
7:59 you are going out (voi) uscite
CD 3 Track 7
0:00 To form the polite imperative, take the first person of the verb and change -o
to -a, except with the -are verbs.
0:18 Go out! Esca!
0:38 Dont go out! Non esca!
1:11 Dont go out! (tu) Non uscire!
1:13 Dont tell me! (Roberto) Non mi dire! / Non dirmi!
1:42 Dont wait for me! (friend) Non aspettarmi!
2:05 Come. (signore) Venga.
2:35 Dont go there. (Roberto) Non andarci.
2:52 Dont come. (signore) Non venga.
3:14 Dont tell me. (Roberto) Non dirmi. / Non mi dire.
3:26 Tell me. (signore) Mi dica.
4:07 Dont tell me. Non mi dica.
4:26 The polite imperative with -are verbs is not formed with -a but with -i.
4:40 Speak more slowly. Parli pi lentamente.
5:11 Speak! (Roberto) Parla!
5:28 Leave! (signore) Parta!
5:38 Leave! (Roberto) Parti!
5:54 Speak Italian with me, Roberto! Parla italiano con me, Roberto!
6:06 Speak Italian with me (signore)! Parli italiano con me!
6:23 Dont speak! (tu) Non parlare!
7:00 There are a few exceptions to the commands for the tu form.
7:17 Im telling you. Le dico.
7:29 Tell me. (signore) Mi dica.
7:56 Dont tell me. (Roberto) Non dirmi. / Non mi dire.
8:29 Dont tell me what you Non mi dire / Non mi dir ci
want to buy. che vuoi comprare.
8:56 Tell me. (Roberto) Dimmi.
9:13 Do it. Fallo.
9:26 Dont do it. (Roberto) Non farlo. / Non lo fare.
9:41 Give me. Dammi.
9:54 Dont give me. Non mi dare.
CD 3 Track 8
0:00 Hes just arrived. appena arrivato.
0:12 He would have arrived earlier. Sarebbe arrivato pi presto / prima.
0:44 We are learning how to use would have with either avrei or sarei, but also to
make a distinction between would and would have, could and could have,
should and should have. Well talk about going into the woulds in one direction
and into the coulds and the shoulds in a separate direction, away from the
woulds. It is very important to keep the coulds and the shoulds out of the
woulds. Whenever you want to go into the woulds, you know you have
to hit the r.
2:13 You would do it. Lo farebbe.
4:17 They wouldnt do it. Non lo farebbero.
4:28 I wouldnt do it. Non lo farei.
4:37 I would have done it. Lo avrei fatto.
5:02 I wouldnt do it now. Non lo farei.
5:08 I wouldnt have done it. Non lo avrei fatto.
5:18 We wouldnt buy it. Non lo compreremmo.
6:19 I will buy comprer
6:27 he will buy comprer
6:34 we will buy compreremo
6:41 we would buy compreremmo
6:47 we would have bought avremmo comprato
7:40 Whenever you want to go into the woulds, you have to hit the r, whether it is
a plain would or would have. With would have you have to know if you have
to dive from avere or essere. So would have is either avrei (avrei parlato
I would have spoken) or sarei (sarei partito I would have left).
8:35 he would leave partirebbe
8:49 he would have left sarebbe partito
9:19 He would buy it. Lo comprerebbe.
9:43 He would have bought it. Lo avrebbe comprato.
10:03 He wouldnt tell me. Non mi direbbe.
10:18 He wouldnt have told you. Non ti avrebbe detto.
10:53 He would arrive soon. Arriverebbe presto.
11:23 He would have arrived a Sarebbe arrivato molto tempo fa.
long time ago.
11:46 fa means ago.
CD 4 Track 1
0:00 would have is either avrei, avrebbe, avremmo, etc. or sarei, sarebbe, saremmo,
sarebbero, saresti, etc.. Keep the coulds and the shoulds out of the woulds.
With could you have to know if it is clearly the past (potevo, poteva etc.) or
plain could (potrei, potrebbe etc.).
0:47 I couldnt find it. Non potevo trovarlo.
(I wasnt able to find it.)
1:08 I couldnt find it (wouldnt Non potrei trovarlo.
be able to find it).
1:18 Could you tell me? (signore) Potrebbe dirmi?
1:56 You could have told me. Mi avresti potuto dire. /
Mi avrebbe potuto dire.
2:40 I know that you couldnt do it. So che non potrebbe farlo.
3:41 He wasnt able to do it. Non poteva farlo.
4:08 I could do it. Potrei farlo.
4:16 Could you tell me? (signore) Potrebbe dirmi?
4:29 I could have told you. Avrei potuto dirle.
4:50 I would have left sooner. Sarei partito pi presto.
5:35 I could have left sooner. Avrei potuto partire pi presto.
5:54 I would have arrived on time. Sarei arrivato in tempo.
6:43 You have to wait for me. Deve aspettarmi.
8:32 You should wait for me. (signore) Dovrebbe aspettarmi.
8:52 You should have waited for me. Avrebbe dovuto aspettarmi.
CD 4 Track 2
0:00 to go up salire
0:07 Im going up salgo
0:26 theyre going up salgono
0:35 youre going up (voi) salite
0:50 I went up sono salito
1:11 I have been sono stato
1:27 he has been stato
1:36 she has been stata
1:46 I was there yesterday. / Cero ieri. / Ci sono stato ieri.
Ive been there yesterday.
2:24 there was cera
2:27 there is c
2:31 there are ci sono
2:37 There are many problems. Ci sono molti problemi.
2:40 There are many people. C molta gente.
3:06 There are so many people. C tanta gente. 25
3:25 There were so many people. Cera tanta gente.
CD 4 Track 3
0:00 Wait! (tu) Aspetta!
0:30 Wait! (signora) Aspetti!
0:41 Speak! (lei) Parli!
0:51 Speak! (Roberto) Parla!
0:58 These endings (-a for Roberto and -i for signore) are for the command forms
of -are verbs. For all other verbs you switch them around (-i for Roberto and
-a for signore).
1:17 Leave! (signore) Parta!
1:27 At what time are you leaving? A che ora parte?
1:49 At what time do we leave? / A che ora partiamo?
At what time are we leaving?
1:59 Lets leave! Partiamo!
2:13 Lets go! Andiamo!
2:20 Im coming vengo
2:25 theyre coming vengono
2:29 youre coming (voi) venite
2:36 were coming veniamo
2:42 hes coming viene
2:49 youre coming (Roberto) vieni
2:58 Come! (signora) Venga!
2:60 Come! (Roberto) Vieni!
3:22 Tell me! (Roberto) Dimmi!
3:41 Dont tell me! Non mi dire!
3:53 Tell me! (signore) Mi dica!
4:18 Tell it to me now! (signore) Me lo dica adesso!
CD 4 Track 4
0:00 The command tense or subjunctive is formed in the same way as the command
for signore, signora. In English we also have the subjunctive, although it is not
used much, whilst in Italian it is used a lot. In English you use the subjunctive
when you say if I were instead of if I was or in emphatic expressions, such as
it is absolutely necessary that you be here. In English in most cases you can
get round this. For example, you can say I want you/him to do it. In Italian you
cant say this, so you have to say I want that you/he do it. You have to use the
3:44 Speak! (signore) Parli!
26 4:17 that I speak / that you parli
(tu) speak / that he speak(s)
4:27 (that) they speak parlino
4:41 (that) we speak parliamo
4:47 (that) you speak parliate
4:52 parliamo is the same as the command form, but parliate is different from the
command form which is parlate.
5:43 I want you to speak. Voglio che parliate.
6:55 To form the subjunctive with verbs that dont end in -are, its the same pattern
but you use -a, instead of -i.
7:10 Leave! (signore) Parta!
7:23 I leave (subj.) parta
7:26 you leave (tu) (subj.) parta
7:28 he/she/it leaves (subj.) parta
7:30 you leave (signore) (subj.) parta
7:34 they leave (subj.) partano
7:45 we leave (subj.) partiamo
8:04 you leave (voi) (subj.) partiate
8:24 I want you to leave (voi) with me. Voglio che partiate con me.
8:53 At what time are you leaving? (voi) A che ora partite?
9:11 Why dont you want me Perch non vuole / vuoi /
to sell it? volete che lo venda?
9:52 I dont want you to sell it. Non voglio che lo venda.
10:15 The subjunctive is a mood tense: it expresses an element of doubt,
of uncertainty, not an established fact.
10:35 I want you to do it. Voglio che lo faccia.
11:01 I want you to tell me. Voglio che mi dica.
11:16 At what time do you want (A che ora) vuoi / vuole che
me to finish? finisca?
11:33 I want you to call me. Voglio che mi chiami.
CD 4 Track 5
0:00 The subjunctive of essere and avere is a little different. For have start from
abbiamo (we have). The subjunctive for I, you, he/she/it is: abbia, abbia, abbia.
For be start from siamo (we are). The subjunctive for I, you, he/she/it is: sia,
sia, sia.
1:59 It is important that you be here. importante che tu / che lei sia qui.
2:28 It is important that I be here. importante che (io) sia qui.
2:40 It is important that they be here. importante che siano qui.
3:07 It is important that all of importante che siano qui.
you be here. (loro) 27
3:25 it is important bisogna
3:43 I have need, I need ho bisogno
3:50 I need it / I have need of it. Ne ho bisogno.
4:21 I dont need it. Non ne ho bisogno.
4:41 It is important that he is here. Bisogna che lui sia qui.
CD 4 Track 6
0:00 The subjunctive or command tense for have is: abbia, abbia, abbia, abbiano,
and abbiamo, abbiate. And for to be: sia, sia, sia, siano, and siamo, siate.
The past subjunctive is also much used in Italian. For -are verbs it is -assi.
0:50 It was necessary that I spoke. Era necessario che parlassi.
0:59 I spoke (subj.) parlassi
1:24 you spoke (tu) (subj.) parlassi
1:27 he, she, it, you spoke parlasse
(lei) (subj.)
1:34 they spoke (subj.) parlassero
1:38 we spoke (subj.) parlassimo
1:42 you spoke (voi) (subj.) parlaste
1:52 It was necessary that we spoke. Era necessario che parlassimo.
2:42 We can group the past subjunctive verb forms like this:
parlassi, parlassi, parlassimo
parlasse, parlaste, parlassero
3:44 For -are verbs the ending is -assi (parlassi), for -ere verbs -essi
(vendessi), for -ire verbs -issi (partissi).
4:02 you left (tu) (subj.) partissi
4:06 we left (noi) (subj.) partissimo
5:00 you left (voi) (subj.) partiste
5:10 he, she, it, you (lei) left (subj.) partisse
5:26 they left (subj.) partissero
5:34 you left (voi) (subj.) partiste
6:08 I sold (subj.) vendessi
6:23 you sold (tu) (subj.) vendessi
6:28 we sold (subj.) vendessimo
6:35 they sold (subj.) vendessero
6:41 you sold (voi) (subj.) vendeste
CD 4 Track 7
0:20 From avere you make the past subjunctive avessi.
0:34 you had (tu) (subj.) avessi
0:40 we had (subj.) avessimo
0:56 they had (subj.) avessero
1:06 he, she, it, you (lei) had (subj.) avesse
1:22 you had (voi) (subj.) aveste
1:28 Use the past subjunctive after if (se), like in the English if I were here.
2:03 If I had known it, I would Se lo avessi saputo, lo
have done it. avrei fatto.
4:15 And I would have prepared E lo avrei preparato per lei.
it for you.
6:54 If I had the time, I would do it. Se avessi il tempo, lo farei.
CD 4 Track 8
0:20 The past subjunctive of to be is fossi.
0:40 if I were se fossi
0:44 you were (tu) (subj.) fossi
0:49 he were (subj.) fosse
0:53 they were (subj.) fossero
1:01 we were (subj.) fossimo
1:06 you were (voi) (subj.) foste
1:14 avessi and fossi are used a lot in Italian. se fossi is used for if I had with all the
verbs conjugated with to be.
1:49 if I had left se fossi partito / partita
1:53 to leave partire
2:00 I left sono partita
2:30 I had left ero partita
3:08 if she had left se fosse partita
3:22 if we had left se fossimo partiti / partite
3:45 I would have made a Avrei fatto una prenotazione
reservation if I had known it. se lo avessi saputo.
4:38 I would have waited and I Avrei aspettato e ci sarei andata /
would have gone there. ci sarei andato.
7:18 if you had called me se mi avessi chiamato
7:49 and if you had told me e se mi avessi detto
8:05 that you wanted to have it che volevi averlo
8:22 I would have given it to you. Te lo avrei dato.
CD 4 Track 9
0:20 The historic past is not used much in the spoken language. You will find it more
in literature. In some areas of Italy you will hear it also in the spoken language.
So instead of ha parlato you will hear parl (he spoke) or with -ere verbs you
will find vend (he sold). It is useful to recognize it, especially in reading.
CD 4 Track 10
0:00 Advice on reading Italian
30 Perfect Italian Vocabulary index
NB CD references below refer to CDs 1, 2 and 3 of Perfect Italian
CD 1 Track 1
1 CD 1 Track 2
-are verbs: the good guys
evitare (to avoid); mangiare (to eat); usare (to use); inventare
(to invent); parlare (to speak); raccomandare (to recommend);
comprare (to buy)
Using quel, quei, quegli (that, those)
Using qualcosa di speciale (something special)
Using mi piace (it is pleasing/it pleases me)
mi piacciono (they are pleasing/they please me); gli piace
(it pleases him); ci piace (it pleases us); non ci piace (it doesnt
please us)
More -are verbs
gridare (to shout); guadagnare (to earn)
Wing tense endings: -are track and the other track (-ere, -ire verbs)
are avo (guadagnavo); ere evo (vivevo); ire ivo (capivo)
2 CD 1 Track 3
Inventing -are verbs using -tion words in English. Remove the -tion and
add -re.
invitation to invitare (to invite); etc.
More -are verbs
dimenticarsi (to forget); cenare (to dine); giustificare (to justify);
immaginare (to imagine); installare (to install); adorare (to adore);
considerare (to consider); ispirare (to inspire); studiare (to study);
consolare (to console); organizzare (to organize); etc.
3 CD 1 Track 4
-are verbs (various tenses)
comprare (to buy)
Using se fossi for if I were plus the conditional tense (-rei)
Se fossi ricco, comprerei un appartamento a Portofino. (If I were
richer, I would buy an apartment in Portofino.)
When would refers to the past
Quando ero ricco, compravo una macchina nuova tutti gli anni. (When
I was a rich man, I would buy/I used to buy/I bought a new car
every year.)
4 CD 1 Track 5
More -are verbs (various tenses) 31
lavare (to wash); chiamare (to phone; to call); guardare (to look at);
prestare (to lend); lasciare (to leave); baciare (to kiss); scusare (to
was in the process of plus the dot past
Stavo lavando i piatti quando mi ha chiamato. (I was washing the
dishes when you called me.)
is in the process of
Mi sta guardando adesso. (Shes looking at me now.)
Using -i ending for formal commands
Non mi tocchi! (Dont touch me!); Mi lasci stare. (Leave me alone.);
Mi scusi. (Excuse me.)
Using -a ending and hooking pronouns onto the verb for familiar
Baciami. (Kiss me.); Scusami. (Excuse me.)
5 CD 1 Track 6
The other track: -ere and -ire verbs
bere (to drink); leggere (to read); capire (to understand); rispondere
(to respond; to answer); scrivere (to write); ridere (to laugh);
piangere (to cry)
6 CD 1 Track 7
Reflexive verbs when the subject and object are the same: think -self
nascondersi (to hide oneself); svegliarsi (to wake up; to wake
oneself up); sedersi (to sit down; to sit oneself down); alzarsi (to
get up or stand up; to get oneself up); lavarsi (to wash oneself);
sposarsi (to get married); vestirsi (to get dressed; to dress oneself);
addormentarsi (to fall asleep); divertirsi (to enjoy oneself); lamentarsi
(to complain); rendersi conto di (to realize); esprimersi (to express
onself); rallegrarsi con (to congratulate)
With added - ne
andarsene (to go away from here); dimenticarsene (to forget about
The impersonal one
Si mangia bene qui. (One eats well here.); Si parla italiano qui.
(Italian is spoken here.); Come si dice questo in italiano? (How do
you say this in Italian?)
7 CD 1 Track 8
More practice with -ere verbs and reflexives
promettere (to promise); permettere (to permit); proteggersi
(to protect oneself); difendersi (to defend oneself)
8 CD 1 Track 9
32 More -ere and -ire verbs; future tense
bere (to drink); pulire (to clean); vendere (to sell); perdere
(to lose)
The future endings on all tracks: -r, -rai, -r, -remo, -rete, -ranno
Praticher sempre il mio italiano. (I will always practise my Italian.)
The -go -gono verbs
valere (to be worth); valere la pena (to be worth it); valgo to valga
in command tense
La, l (it) and li (them)
La chiave, lho perduta. (The key, Ive lost it.); I biglietti, non li ho
perduti. (The tickets, I havent lost them.)
9 CD 1 Track 10
More -ere and -ire verbs: diving into the past; the command tense
temere (to fear); tossire (to cough); credere (to believe); crescere
(to grow); riconoscere (to recognize); mettere (to place, to put)
Using -a ending for formal commands
Lo metta nella mia macchina.
Using -i ending and hooking pronouns onto the verb for familiar
Mettilo nella mia macchina.
10 CD 1 Track 11
More -ere and -ire verbs; some special verbs
ammettere (to admit); insistere a (insist on); omettere (to omit);
decidere (to decide); ricevere (to receive); descrivere (to describe);
assistere a (to attend); dire (to say, to tell)
Another -go -gono verb
venire (to come), vengo, vengono
11 CD 2 Track 1
Some more -ire verbs: without -isc, with -isc
without -isc: soffrire (to suffer); scoprire (to discover); aprire (to
open); dormire (to sleep)
with -isc: pulire (to clean), pulisco (I clean); contribuire
(to contribute), contribuisco (I contribute); finire (to finish), finisce
(he finishes); preferire (to prefer), preferiscono (they prefer); capire
(to understand), capisco (I understand)
12 CD 2 Track 2
-urre, -orre, -arre verbs 33
tradurre (to translate), I translate = traduco; formal command tense
= traduca; past tense dives into tradotto
produrre (to produce), I produce = produco; past tense dives into
comporre (to compose), I compose = compongo
attrarre (to attract), it attracts me = mi attrae (roll your r!)
13 CD 2 Track 3
Verbs that go from -e to -ie
venire (to come) vieni, viene; tenere (to keep, to hold) tieni, tiene;
contenere (to contain) contiene
14 CD 2 Track 4
Verbs that go from -o to -uo; rebel -are verbs
volere (to want) vuoi, vuole; potere (to be able) puoi, pu
andare (to go) vado, vai, va; fare (to make, to do) faccio, fai, fa;
dare (to give) do, dai, d
15 CD 2 Track 5
Future endings: -r, -rai, -r, -remo, -rete, -ranno (hit the r)
On the -are track change -are to -ere: parlare parler, invitare
Rebel verbs: andare andr; venire verr
16 CD 2 Track 6
Conditional endings: -rei, -resti, -rebbe, -remmo, -reste, -rebbero
(hit the r).
volere vorrei; venire verrei; vedere vedrei; mi piace mi
piacerebbe; preferire preferirei
17 CD 2 Track 7
Revising commands
formal you: non li metta qui (dont put them here), me lo dica (tell
me it), mi dia (give me)
familiar you: mettili qui (put them here), dimmi (tell me), dammi
(give me)
lets : parliamo, cantiamo, mangiamo, cambiamolo, andiamoci
familiar you in the negative (non + to form): non mangiarla
18 CD 2 Track 8
34 Expressions that trigger the formal command tense
Whenever you want someone else to do something
volere che (to want that); preferire che (to prefer that); proporre che
(to propose that)
Expressing permission or prohibition
permettere/non permettere che (to permit/not to permit that)
Expressing emotion, doubt
temere che (to fear that); essere contento che (to be glad that);
dubitare che (to doubt that); essere ridicolo che (to be ridiculous
that); mi dispiace che (Im sorry that); un peccato che (its a
shame that); necessario che (its necessary that)
19 CD 2 Track 9
The formal command tense in the past
-are track: parl-assi, parl-assi, parl-asse, parl-assimo, parl-aste,
-ere track: pot-essi, pot-essi, pot-esse, pot-essimo, pot-este,
-ire track: fin-issi, fin-issi, fin-isse, fin-issimo, fin-iste, fin-issero
Era impossibile che venisse. (It was impossible that he might come.)
20 CD 2 Track 10
More about the formal command tense in the past
Dubito che Paolo abbia mangiato. (I doubt that Paolo has eaten.)
Dubitavo che venisse. (I doubted that you would come.)
Everyday expressions
1 CD 2 Track 11
Verb expressions with stare
stare + -ando (-are track), -endo (other track)
stiamo mangiando (we are eating), stavamo mangiando (we were
eating), stavo finendo (I was finishing)
stare per + the to form of the verb (-are, -ere, -ire)
stiamo per cominciare a mangiare (we are about to start eating);
stavo per lavare la mia macchina (I was about to wash my car)
2 CD 2 Track 12
Verb-plus expressions
cominciare a (to start to); smettere di (to stop doing something);
tornare a (to return to doing something); finire di (to finish doing
These verb-plus expressions are followed by the to form of the verb
in examples such as these: Abbiamo smesso di mangiare. (We stopped 35
eating.); Avevamo finito di lavorare presto. (We had finished working
approfittare di qualcosa/qualcuno (to take advantage of something/
3 CD 2 Track 13
More verb-plus expressions
dimenticarsi di (to forget to)
contare su qualcosa/qualcuno (to count on something/somebody)
rendersi conto di qualcosa (to realize, to notice something)
essere/non essere daccordo con qualcuno (to agree/disagree with
4 CD 2 Track 14
Verb-plus combinations
vuol dire (it means), vuol dire che (it means that)
vale la pena + to form of the verb (it is worth it), valeva la pena (it
was worth it)
5 CD 2 Track 15
Time expressions with da
Aspettiamo da unora. or unora che aspettiamo. (Weve been
waiting for an hour.)
Maria viveva a Roma da due anni. or Erano due anni che Maria viveva
a Roma. (Maria had been living in Rome for two years.)
Da quanto tempo aspetta? (How long have you been waiting?)
6 CD 2 Track 16
Weather expressions with fare
Fa caldo. (Its hot.) Fa freddo. (Its cold.)
Che tempo fa? (Whats the weather like?) Fa bel tempo. (The
weather is good.) Faceva brutto tempo ieri. (The weather was bad
C il sole. (Its sunny.) C molto vento. (Its very windy.) C nebbia.
(Its foggy.)
Piove. (Its raining.)
Some other uses of fare
fare una domanda (to ask a question)
fare un viaggio (to take a trip)
fare attenzione (to be careful)
farsi male (to hurt oneself)
7 CD 2 Track 17
Expressions using avere/aver
avere freddo (to be cold)
avere caldo (to be warm)
avere sete (to be thirsty)
avere fame (to be hungry)
avere paura (to be afraid)
avere sonno (to be sleepy)
avere fretta (to be in a hurry)
avere ragione (to be right)
avere torto (to be wrong)
8 CD 3 Track 1
More expressions using avere
averne colpa (to be to blame)
aver voglia di (to desire to do something, to be in the mood for)
aver bisogno di (to need, to have need of)
avere X anni (to be X years old)
aver luogo (to take place)
avere pazienza (to be patient)
avere senso (to make sense)
9 CD 3 Track 2
Uses of per
non possibile per me, il pacco per me, per poter parlare, per
quando, per la settimana prossima
Words used to ask questions
perch? (why?); quanto/quanta? (how much?); quanti?/quante? (how
many?); come? (how?); dove? (where?); chi? (who?); quale? (which?/
which one?)
Days of the week (see glossary)
10 CD 3 Track 3
Time expressions
prima di (before)
dopo (after)
More days of the week (see glossary)
Seasons of the year (see glossary)
Months of the year (see glossary)
Double pronouns hooked on to the verb
Pu prepararmelo prima dellautunno?
Pu mandarglielo oggi?
11 CD 3 Track 4
Telling the time 37
luna. (Its one oclock.)
Sono le due. (Its two oclock.)
Per le sei e mezza. (By 6.30.)
Erano le sei e un quarto. (It was quarter past six.)
mezzogiorno. (Its midday.) mezzanotte. (Its midnight.)
la mezza. (Its half past 12.)
Time of day (see glossary)
Numbers (see glossary)
12 CD 3 Track 5
More uses of da
for and since: Studiamo italiano da tre mesi/da giugno.
from: Treno in arrivo da Roma Termini.
to + person: Vado da Roberta.
used for: Abiti da bambini.
as, like: Studio da ingegnere.
by: Questo libro scritto dal mio amico.
qualcosa, molto, niente + da + to form of the verb: Vorrei qualcosa
da bere.
13 CD 3 Track 6
Uses of a
time: alle otto
place: al ristorante
after verbs of movement: andare a vedere; portare a vedere; venire a
English per: quaranta miglia allora
14 CD 3 Track 7
Uses of per
through a place or space: passato per il parco ieri.
duration of time (action now finished): Ho studiato per
sedici anni.
Some expressions using per
per questo (because of that; therefore)
per lamor del cielo (for heavens sake)
per esempio (for example)
per caso (by chance)
per la strada (in the street)
per scherzo (as a joke)
15 CD 3 Track 8
38 Useful expressions
il bello che (the good thing is that)
il brutto che (the bad thing is that)
il peggio che (the worst thing is that)
limportante (the important thing)
il necessario (what is necessary)
il possibile (what is possible): Far il possibile per aiutarla.
(Ill do what is possible to help you.)
16 CD 3 Track 9
Combining di with the
Combinations with plural nouns: dei libri; degli studenti; delle ragazze
(compare with those: quei libri; quegli studenti; quelle ragazze)
Showing possession: la macchina della mia ragazza (my girlfriends car)
Origin: Di dov? (Where are you from?); Quelle arance sono della Sicilia.
(Those oranges are from Sicily.)
17 CD 3 Track 10
Combining in with the.
Verona una citt nel Veneto.
Il mio paese molto importante nel mondo.
18 CD 3 Track 11
Expressions with stare
sto cucinando (I am right now in the process of cooking)
sto per cominciare (I am about to start)
stare male (to be unwell)
stare bene (to be well)
Come sta? (How are you?) Non c male. (Not bad.)
Quella giacca ti sta bene. (That jacket suits you.)
stare da + person (to stay at somebodys place)
Expressions with volere
Ci vuole unora. (It takes an hour.) Ci vogliono due orez. (It takes two
19 CD 3 Track 12
Using double negatives
Non ho visto nessuno. (I didnt see anybody.)
Non conosco nessuno in Italia. (I dont know anybody in Italy.)
Expressions using negatives
neanchio (neither do I)
Neanche per sogno! (No way!)
n la geografia n la storia (neither geography nor history)
Potrei farlo o oggi o domani. (I could do it either today or tomorrow.)
20 CD 3 Track 13
Making comparisons 39
pi/meno intelligente (more/less intelligent)
il pi/il meno intelligente (the most/the least intelligent)
migliore di/peggiore di (better than/worse than)
il migliore (the best); il peggiore (the worst)
pi piccolo di (smaller than)
il pi piccolo (the smallest)
Ha meno soldi di me. (He has less money than me.)
21 CD 3 Track 14
Using opposites to build vocabulary.
bello brutto (beautiful ugly)
buono cattivo (good naughty)
facile difficile (easy difficult)
piccolo grande (small large)
entrata uscita (entry exit)
40 EnglishItalian glossary
NB This glossary contains vocabulary from Perfect Italian Vocabulary, as
well as some extra vocabulary which is taught in Total Italian with the Michel
Thomas Method. Go to for more information.
4. In each clip you can pause the audio and adjust the volume using the
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5. At the end of each interactive exercise you will see the correct
answers so you can review your progress.