Process Manual PMKVY-TI Dec 2016

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Process Manual



Version 1.0
Table of Contents

Glossary 3

About this Document 4

Definition 5
List of Activities, Time Lines and Roles of individuals
Finalization of roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders and Regional 7
Monitoring through AICTE Portal & SDMS 8

Identification of Colleges 8
Student mobilization and Enrollment 9

Co-ordination with SSC for Curriculum Alignment, Train the Trainer program 10
and Assessment & Certification
Delivery of skill based training 13

Submit Assessment Fees to SSC 14

Joint certification 15
Qualification Packs National occupational Standards based on NSQF level 15

Conduct Assessment 16
Certification 18
SPOC Details 20
Sector Skill Council 20


Term Detail

AA Assessment Agency

AICTE All India Council for Technical Education

MoU Memorandum of Understanding

NOS National Occupational Standard

NSDC National Skill Development Corporation

NSQF National Skill Qualification Framework

PMKVY-TI Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana by Technical Institutions

QP Qualification Pack

SDMS Skill Development Management System

SSC Sector Skill Council

SPOC Single Point of Contact

TC Training Centre (colleges approved under this Scheme)

About this Document

Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Higher Education

currently caters to over 3 Crore students, which comes to a Gross Enrolment Ratio
of 21.1% and the dropout rate at each level is in higher side. There is a large
requirement of skilled persons in the core engineering; and it is possible to train the
dropouts from the higher education system is these skills. However, the traditional
higher education system in the country is rigid in terms of duration.

Keeping in view these National Programmes, Ministry of Human Resource

Development directed All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi to run
the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana for Technical Institutions (PMKVY-TI).

National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) will be the Strategic Partner in

implementing PMKVY TI project with AICTE. The main objective of this project is
to provide skill based training to the school and college drop outs who to
pursue/attain higher order skills and living in the vicinity of College.

This document is a Process Manual that can be used as a step by step guide by
AICTE, all sanctioned polytechnics/ engineering colleges under PMKVY-TI, NSDC,
Sector Skill Councils and other stakeholders, including Assessment Agencies and
Assessors. This manual can be used as reference for clarification during the
execution of the skill based training.


a) NSDC The National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) has been

constitutes to foster private sector initiatives in skill development. It is a
Private Public Partnership (PPP) organization with representatives of
Government and Industry Associations on its Board.

b) AICTE AICTE is a statutory body through an Act of Parliament 52, in

1987. The Council, i.e. AICTE was established with a view to the proper
planning and coordinated development of the technical education system
throughout the country, the promotion of qualitative improvement of such
education in relation to planned quantitative growth and the regulation and
proper maintenance of norms and standards in the technical education system
for matters connected therewith.

c) SSCs Sector Skill Councils (SSCs) are industry-led bodies, who would be
responsible for the defining the skilling needs, concept, processes, certification,
accreditation of their respective industry sectors. The SSCs shall prescribe the
NOSs and QPs for the job roles relevant to their industry, and shall work with
the NSDA to ensure that these are in accordance with the NSQF.

d) NSQF The National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) is a descriptive

framework that organizes qualifications according to a series of levels of
knowledge, skills and aptitude. These levels are defined in terms of learning
outcomes i.e., the competencies which the learners must possess regardless of
whether they were acquired through formal, non-formal or informal education
and training. It is, therefore, a nationally integrated education and competency
based skill framework that will provide for multiple pathways both within
vocational education and vocational training and among vocational education,
vocational training, general education and technical education, thus linking one
level of learning to another higher level to enable a person to acquire desired
skill levels, transit to the job market and return to skill development to further
upgrade their skill sets.

e) NOSs National Occupational Standards (NOSs) specify the standard of

performance an individual must achieve when carrying out a particular activity
in the workplace, together with the knowledge and understanding they need to
meet that standard consistently. Each NOS defines one key function in a job role.
In their essential form, NOSs describe functions, standards of performance and

f) QPs A set of NOSs, aligned to a job role, called Qualification Packs (QPs), would
be available for every job role in each industry sector. These drive both the
creation of curriculum, and assessments. These job roles would be at various
proficiency levels, and aligned to the NSQF.NOSs and QPs for job roles in various
industry sectors, created by SSCs and subsequently ratified by appropriate
authority, would be available online and updated from time to time.

g) SDMS The Skill Development Management System (SDMS) is a portal to

capture the data that have undergoing training, an MIS system which has been
developed and maintained by NSDC.

List of Activities, Times Lines and Roles of individuals

1. Roles and Responsibilities:

Timeline Remarks
Number Activity Brief Responsibility
MHRD along with AICTE will draft
Outlining the roles the roles & responsibilities of all
1. & responsibilities MHRD & AICTE - stake holders (AICTE, NSDC, SSCs,
of all stakeholders. Colleges, AA) for the
implementation of the program
AICTE will share the roles &
responsibilities with all
Sharing of the roles
stakeholders (Colleges, SSCs) to
& responsibilities
2. AICTE - bring clarity about the programme
with all the stake
& the part each stakeholders play
for smooth implementation of the
3. Organizing regional AICTE & NSDC By 20th Nov Regional Workshop will be
workshop with organized with Principal/SPOC.
colleges on process The objective of the workshop is
of Implementation to orient the college on the
process of the program and the
implementation strategies.
Agenda for the meeting will be as
follows :

Understanding on
Qualification Pack & National
Occupational Standard (NOS)
Alignment of Curriculum and
Lab requirement
Finalizing Train the Trainer
Assessment Process &
SDMS alignment with AICTE
Monitoring mechanism
2. Monitoring through AICTE Portal & SDMS

Number Activity Brief Responsibility Remarks (If Any)

The programme Regular reports would be

implementation will generated indicating the batch
be monitored through wise, sector, college wise
AICTE Portal & SDMS progress of the programme

3. Identification of Colleges

Timeline Remarks
Number Activity Brief Responsibility
(Optional) (If Any)
1. Identification of Institutes - Approved list of Institutes
Sectors and Job Role along with their approved
Sectors & Job Roles are
uploaded on AICTE Portal.

2. Identification & National - Activity completed

finalization of Steering
colleges Committee The State Steering
Committee formed as
per the scheme.

The SSC has already

processed their
recommendation to the
National Steering

The NSC has approved

the colleges. Intake and
Sectors has also been

4. Students mobilization and Enrollment :

Timeline Remarks
Number Activity Brief Responsibility
(Optional) (If Any)
1. Student Selected College Upto 15th It will be the
Mobilization December responsibility of
2016 colleges/
polytechnics which
are approved by
TI scheme to mobilize
students from the
Students cannot be
from the regular
college stream. Only
drop out students or
unemployed students
to be mobilised.
qualification and
experience should be
as mentioned in
Qualification Pack of
respective Sector Skill

Student College/ 15th Colleges/ Polytechnics

Enrolment Polytechnics December will begin enrolment in
2016 approved courses by :

Creating Batch as per

maximum enrolment
approved by AICTE
Completing Batch
Level details as
mentioned in AICTE
The permissible batch
size is 25 students

5. Co-ordination with SSC for Curriculum Alignment, Train the Trainer program
and Assessment & Certification

Timeline Remarks
Number Activity Brief Responsibility
(Optional) (If Any)
1. Curriculum College along with Before College will map
SSC commence curriculum as per
ment of the model curriculum
batch available, with the QPs
and NOS set by the
respective SSC.
Model curriculum will
include Key learning
outcome, Theory and
Practical duration,
Training Tools
Curriculum developed
by College to be
validated by SSC.

2. Adequate College - College will also

infrastructure ensure physical
infrastructure for
theory sessions
projectors, black/
white boards, tables,
chairs, etc.) for the
training programs.
Availability of
infrastructure in terms
of laboratories as per
the QPs and NOS set
by the respective SSC

3. Train the College along Before College will identify
Trainer with SSC commencem subject expert/s who
Program ent of batch will be the lead trainer
(Optional) for the program.

Lead trainer will

attend Train the
Trainer Program
which will be
organised by SSC.

Institute need to
approach SSCs to
nominate trainers for

Fees for the workshop

will be as decided by

Train the Trainer will

be a certification
program and passed
candidates will be
given Certificates.

Passing Criteria for

Train the Trainer
Program will be as per
norms decided by SSC

4. Assessment College - Assessment Guidelines
to be followed by
College available in
QP/ Model curriculum.
College will confirm
dates on AICTE portal
for conducting
Assessment date to be
entered by College on
the AICTE portal and
communicated to SSC
30 days prior of end of
training/ date of

SSC will conduct the

assessment within the
stipulated time in
coordination with TC.
AICTE Portal will be
linked to SDMS portal
and information on
Assessment will
directly go to SSC.
SSC will send the
assessor for
College should meet all
requirements as
mentioned in Model
College will make all
arrangements (raw
material, lab facilities,
infrastructure setup)
for the Assessor to
conduct the
Fees for assessment
would be as per 12
National Common
5. Result & College & SSC within 15 College will be able to
Certification days from view result on AICTE
the Portal.
Result will be declared
within 15 days from
the assessment.
SSC will share the
Certificates link to the
colleges within 15 days
of the assessment.
Certificate to be
downloaded by
colleges and printed
certificates to be
shared with students
by the college.

6. Responsibility of College/ Polytechnic for Delivery of skill based training:

Number Activity Brief

College shall provide training in accordance with the Qualification Pack and Model
College will deploy faculty and equipment labs in the colleges as per the
requirements of the respective job roles.

3. Organize books and study materials relevant for student learning.

Organise industry Guest Lectures, Industry Visits during the training and On-job
Trainings for minimum of 15 days in the relevant industries.
At the end of training, College would confirm, through SDMS,the list of students who
have completed their training program.

7. Submit Assessment Fees to SSC

Step Timeline Remarks

Activity Brief Responsibility
Number (Optional) (If Any)
1. College to share
information on training 1 month
batches with SSC before
College -
through AICTE Portal completion
of batch

2. College to transfer the Assessment fees

cumulative assessment is Rs. 1200/- per
fee to the SSC 15 days to student.
30 days before the end of
the training for a batch Fee is non-
through electronic bank refundable in
transfer case student is
15 days to absent.
30 days In case of re-
assessment, fees
will be Rs. 800/-
per student even
if student has
failed or was
absent in last
College to update on
SSC can verify
AICTE Portal with 15 days to
these details
Assessment Fee 30 days
based on the
3. transferred details, NEFT College before
actual bank
transaction number and completion
transfer made.
the date of transfer. of training

8. Joint Certification

Timeline Remarks
Number Activity Brief Responsibility
(Optional) (If Any)
Standardized Certificate
Template will be AICTE &
1. - -
approved by AICTE and NSDC
AICTE & NSDC will share
their high resolution logo
2. & signatures with SSCs - -
for inclusion in the

9. Qualification Packs National occupational Standards based on NSQF level

Number Activity Brief Responsibility Remarks
1. Notional Hours and SSC -
Allocate Notional Hours
minimum qualification
for identified QPs
for identified QPs
Provide minimum
qualification for
identified QPs.
2. Model Curriculum SSC - Model Curriculum to be
developed for identified

Lab requirement and

Assessment criteria
should be available in
Model Curriculum

If curriculum for the

selected job role is not
available, the SSC will
Support colleges in
developing curriculum
or validation of the
developed curriculum .

3. Train the Trainer (TTT) SSC - Plan Regional Train the
Trainer Workshops
Set criteria for
minimum qualification
as per QP requirement
TTT workshop will be
for 2 to 3 days per QP
Maximum of 25 trainers
for TTT workshops
Can use AICTE
approved college
infrastructure for
Support required from
AICTE regional team
Optional for Trainers
from AICTE Approved

10. Conduct Assessment

Responsibil Timeline Remarks

Number Activity Brief
ity (Optional) (If Any)
1. SSC to identify Assessment SSC Eligible Assessment agencies
Agencies that can get include-
affiliated with SSC for Assessment agencies with
undertaking assessments national presence and
under the programme having demonstrated
ability to assess the
eligible training content
with respect to NOS and
Assessment Agencies
formed by SSC, but
operating independent of
Assessment agencies
participating in
assessments of training
programs under any
government scheme,
Trade associations,
Industry bodies.
Responsibil Timeline Remarks
Number Activity Brief
ity (Optional) (If Any)
2. SSC will receive
information on assessment
College 30days -
date on SDMS Portal before
30 days of finish of training
3. Assessment Fees will be Fees of Rs. 1,200/- per
paid by College to SSC 30 student to be paid by
days prior to assessment institutes directly to SSCs
date College 30 days Fees will be paid as per
final number of students
30 days before the
assessment date
4. Inform the relevant
assessment agency on
receipt of the information 2 working
of trainees who have days
completed their training

5. If the assessment agency

does not accept, identify
SSC - -
another assessment agency
to conduct the assessment
6. On acceptance for
conducting the
assessments, the 2 working
AA -
assessment agency shall days
assign an Assessor from its
contracted pool
7. SSC will share the contact
details of the training Specified
centre where the SSC date and -
assessments need to be time
carried out.
8. The Assessor will report at
the college on the The assessment fee will be
designated date and time, borne by the College.
conduct assessment as per Specified
the guidelines, and SSC/AA date and All other costs of
complete the assessment time assessments like boarding
sheet lodging, travel, etc. will be
borne by the SSC.

Responsibil Timeline Remarks
Number Activity Brief
ity (Optional) (If Any)
Assessment will be
conducted either through
online or offline medium.
It is the responsibility of
the SSC to make the
necessary arrangements.
9. Assessment agency will
share the result with SSC 4 days from
with 4 days from date of SSC/AA date of -
assessment assessment

10. The SSC will validate the

data received from the SSC - -
assessment agency.
11. SSC will also input the
assessment results on SSC - -

11. Certification

Step Timeline Remarks

Activity Brief Responsibility
Number (Optional) (If Any)
NSDC & AICTE will share their
high resolution logos &
1. NSDC & AICTE - -
signatures with SSCs for
inclusion in the certificate
After assessment is completed
by assessment agency and
shared on SDMS/AICTE Web
2. Portal , SSC to review the SSC - -
assessment completion
information for any
SSC will approve the
3. assessment results, if found to SSC - -
be in order on SDMS
SSC will finally declare the Depending on the marks
4. student pass or fail in the SSC - scored in Practical and
course Theory

SDMS will generate an excel
sheet in a predefined format
5. SSC - -
(with trainee name, course,
assessment marks etc.)
The certificates should
have the logos &
within 15
signatures of SSC,NSDC
SSC will issue certificate for days from
each of the certified trainees the
SSCs will issue the
certificate within 15
days of assessment
After review, the SSCs
Review certificates generated will hand over the soft
7. SSC -
for accuracy of information copy of the certificates to

SPOC Details


Sl. No. Region Name E-mail ID

1 Head Office Dr. R.S.Rathore
2 Central Dr. C..S. Verma
3 North Sh. Manoj Kumar Tiwari
4 East Dr. M.S. Ghuge
5 West Sh. Ramesh U.
6 South Sh. R. Balamurugan
7 North West Dr. R.S. Rathore
8 South West Dr. Ramesh U.
9 South Central Sh. R. Balamurugan


Sl. No. Name E-mail ID

1 Nitin Jhamb



Sl. No Sector Name of the SSC
Name Email

Agriculture Skill Sunil M. Naik

1 Agriculture
Council of India Manzood Alam

Apparel, Madeups &

2 Apparels Home Furnishing Nidhi Trehan
Sector Skill Council

Automotive Skills
3 Automotive Sumita
Development Council
Capital Goods Skill
4 Capital Goods Nirbhay S
Construction Skill
5 Construction Development Council of Jancy Mathew
Electronics & Electronic Sector Skill Rohit Mehra
Hardware Council of India Saleem
Food Food Industry Capacity
7 Riya Dhar
Processing & Skill Initiative
Gems & Gems & Jewellery Skill
8 Tanvi Shah
Jewellery Council of India
Megha megha.aggarwal@healthcar
Healthcare Sector Skill Aggarwal
9 Healthcare
Council zainab.zaidi@healthcare-
Dr Zainab Zaidi
Infrastructure Infrastructure
10 Krishna Vijay
Equipment Equipment Skill Council
Indian Iron & Steel Ravishankar,
11 Iron & Steel
Sector Skill Council Consultant
Leather Sector Skill
12 Leather Priya A
13 Logistics Logistics Skill Council Dhanashankar

Media & Entertainment Saradhi krishna

14 Media
Skills Council Mohit Soni
Skill Council for Mining
15 Mining CB Sinha
Indian Plumbing Skills
16 Plumbing Gunjan Aneja
Rubber Skill ratnesh.mishra@rsdcindia.i
17 Rubber Ratnesh Mishra
Development Council n
Telecom Sector Skill govt-
18 Telecom Preet Sandhu
Council of India
Textiles & Textile Sector Skill Dr. Swapna
Handlooms Council Mishra


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