Some Grades of Carbon Steel and 0.5mo Steels
Some Grades of Carbon Steel and 0.5mo Steels
Some Grades of Carbon Steel and 0.5mo Steels
damage mechanism
formation of stress
loss of ductility
Damage due to loss of material property
Evidence of Damage
damage mode failure mode
scale formation
cavitation oxidation
Affected Units Affected Equipment Affected Materials
Critical Factors
caused by reactions
metal made up of
caused by temeratures
caused by sress
Prevention / Mitigation
micro structure
Strain aging is a form of damage found mostly in older vintage carbon steels and C-
0.5 Mo low alloy steels under the combined effects of deformation and aging at an
intermediate temperature. This results in an increase in hardness and strength with a
reduction in ductility and toughness.
Advanced stages of damage Advanced stages of damage
Initial stage Damage
Evidence of graphitization is most
effectively evaluated through
Advanced stages of damage
removal of full thickness samples Advanced stages of damage
related to loss in creep strength
Damage due to graphitization is for examination using related to loss in strength include
may include
not visible or readily apparent metallographic techniques. surface breaking cracks or creep
Damage may occur midwall so that deformation that may be difficult
formation, subsurface cracking or
a) Spheroidization is not visible surface connected cracking. field replicas may be inadequate. to detect.
or readily apparent and can
only be observed through
metallography. b) In the case of the 5% to 9% Spheroidization can only be found
CrMo alloys, spheroidization is through field metallography or
The pearlitic phase undergoes
removal of samples for
a time dependant the process of transforming the
metallographic observation. A
transformation from partial to carbides from their original
reduction in tensile strength
complete finely dispersed morphology to and/or hardness may indicate a
spheroidization (Figure 43 large agglomerated carbides. spheroidized microstructure
and Figure 44).
a) A common method of
monitoring is to install blocks of
b) Temper embrittlement can be original heats of the alloy steel
identified by an upward shift in the material inside the reactor.
ductile-to-brittle transition Samples are periodically removed
temperature measured in a Charpy from these blocks for impact
a) Temper embrittlement is a
V-notch impact test, as compared testing to monitor/establish the
metallurgical change that is not
to the non-embrittled or de- ductile-brittle transition
readily apparent and can be
embrittled material (Figure 4-5). temperature. The test blocks
confirmed through impact testing.
Another important characteristic of should be strategically located
Damage due to temper
temper embrittlement is that there near the top and bottom of the
embrittlement may result in
is no effect on the upper shelf reactor to make sure that the test
catastrophic brittle fracture.
energy. material is exposed to both inlet
c) SEM fractographs of severely and outlet conditions.
temper embrittled material show b) Process conditions should be
primarily intergranular cracking monitored to ensure that a proper
due to impurity segregation at pressurization sequence is followed
grain boundaries. to help prevent brittle fracture due
to temper embrittlement.
f) The second and more damaging type of graphitization results in chains or local planes of concentrated
graphite nodules. This form of graphitization can result in a significant reduction in load bearing capability while
increasing the potential for brittle fracture along this plane. The two forms of this type of graphitization are weld
heat-affected zone graphitization and non-weld graphitization.
1) Weld heat-affected zone graphitization is most frequently found in the heat-affected zone adjacent to welds
in a narrow band, corresponding to the low temperature edge of the heat- affected zone. In multipass welded
butt joints, these zones overlap each other, covering the entire cross-section. Graphite nodules can form at the
low temperature edge of these heat-affected
exposure zones, resulting in a band
weak factors.
graphite extending across the
a) Metal chemistry, microstructure, time, and temperature
section. Because of its appearance, this graphite formation within heat-affected
b) The rate of spheroidization depends on the temperature and initial microstructure. zones is called eyebrowcan occur
in a few hours at 1300F (552C), but may take several years at 850F (454C).
2) Non-weld steels
c) Annealed graphitization
are moreisresistant
a form oftolocalized graphitization
spheroidization that sometimes
than normalized steels.occurs along planes
Coarse-grained of localized
steels are more
yielding in steel. It also occurs in a chain-like manner in regions that have experienced
resistant than fine-grained. Fine grained silicon-killed steels are more resistant than significant plastic
deformation as a result of cold working operations or bending.
g) The extent and degree of graphitization is usually reported in a qualitative fashion (none, slight, moderate,
severe). Although it is difficult to predict the rate at which it forms, severe heat-affected zone graphitization can
develop in as little as five years at service temperatures above 1000F .Very slight graphitization would be
expected to be found after 30 to 40 years at 850F, Time-Temperature-Transformation curves for heat-affected
zone graphitization can be
found in Reference 2.
a) Alloy steel composition, thermal history, metal temperature and exposure time are critical factors.
b) Susceptibility to temper embrittlement is largely determined by the presence of the alloying elements
manganese and silicon, and the tramp elements phosphorus, tin, antimony, and arsenic. The strength level and
heat treatment/fabrication history should also be considered.
c) Temper embrittlement of 2.25Cr-1Mo steels develops more quickly at 900F (482C) than in the 800F to
850F (427C to 440C) range, but the damage is more severe after long-term exposure at 850F (440C).
d) Some embrittlement can occur during fabrication heat treatments, but most of the damage occurs over
many years of service in the embrittling temperature range.
e) This form of damage will significantly reduce the structural integrity of a component containing a crack-like
flaw. An evaluation of the materials toughness may be required depending on the flaw type, the severity of the
environment, and the operating conditions, particularly in hydrogen service.
a) is difficult to prevent except by minimizing long-term exposure to elevated temperatures.
Existing Materials
1) Temper embrittlement cannot be prevented if the material contains critical levels of the embrittling
impurity elements and is exposed in the embrittling temperature range.
2) To minimize the possibility of brittle fracture during startup and shutdown, many refiners use a
pressurization sequence to limit system pressure to about 25 percent of the maximum design pressure for
temperatures below a Minimum Pressurization Temperature (MPT). Note that MPT is not a single point but
rather a pressure-temperature envelope which defines safe operating conditions to minimize the likelihood of
brittle fracture.
3) MPTs generally range from 350oF (171oC) for the earliest, most highly temper embrittled steels, down
to 125oF (52oC) or lower for newer, temper embrittlement resistant steels (as required to also minimize
effects of hydrogen embrittlement).
4) If weld repairs are required, the effects of temper embrittlement can be temporarily reversed (de-
embrittled) by heating at 1150F (620C) for two hours per inch of thickness, and rapidly cooling to room
temperature. It is important to note that re-embrittlement will occur over time if the material is re-exposed
to the embrittling temperature range.
b) New Materials
1) The best way to minimize the likelihood and extent of temper embrittlement is to limit the acceptance
levels of manganese, silicon, phosphorus, tin, antimony, and arsenic in the base metal and welding
consumables. In addition, strength levels and PWHT procedures should be specified and carefully controlled.
2) A common way to minimize temper embrittlement is to limit the "J*" Factor for base metal and the "X"
Factor for weld metal, based on material composition as follows:
J* = (Si + Mn) x (P + Sn) x 104 \'7belements in wt%\'7d
3) Typical J* and X factors used for 2.25 Cr steel are a maximum of 100 and 15, respectively. Studies have
also shown that limiting the (P + Sn) to less than 0.01% is sufficient to minimize temper embrittlement
a) Strain (Si + Mn)
aging control
is not the rate
an issue of embrittlement.
for newer steels that contain low levels of interstitial impurity elements and
4) A newer
sufficient and less
aluminum widely used
(>0.015 wt%)factor called
to fully the Equivalent
deoxidize the steel.Phosphorus content has been developed for
base metal
b) For olderand weld metal
equipment, and care
extra is defined
taken is togiven
the potentially damaging effects of strain aging
byP avoiding
= C + Mnstressing
+ (Mo Cr) or /3 + Si / 4 +equipment
pressurizing 3.5 x [(10 until
x P +the(5 metal
x Sb) + (4 x Sn) + reaches
temperature As) \'7belements
an in wt%\'7d
Expert metallurgical
level whereadvice should
the risk be solicited
of brittle fracturetois determine
low. Refer acceptable
to curve Acomposition,
in UCS 66 oftoughness
the ASMEand
strength levels,VIII,
Code Section as well as appropriate
Division welding, fabricating
I for pressurization temperatures and of heat treating
vessels procedures
susceptible for new
to strain loweffects.
aging alloy
steel heavy wall
c) Applying PWHTequipment and lowofalloy
to weld repairs equipment
susceptible operating
materials will in the temper
eliminate the embrittlement
effects of strainand/or
Where PWHT is not possible, buttering should be considered to minimize welding on old material
under restraint.
885F (475C) embrittlement is a loss in toughness due to a metallurgical change
that can occur in alloys containing a ferrite phase, as a result of exposure in the
temperature range 600F to1000F (316C to 540C).
Strain aging is most likely to occur in thick wall vessels manufactured from
Mostly older (pre-1980s) carbon steels
susceptible materials that have not been stress relieved.
with a large grain size and C-0.5 Mo low
alloy steel.
a) Metal chemistry, microstructure, exposure time, and temperature are critical factors.
b) The rate of spheroidization depends on the temperature and initial microstructure. Spheroidization can occur
in a few hours at 1300F (552C), but may take several years at 850F (454C).
c) Annealed steels are more resistant to spheroidization than normalized steels. Coarse-grained steels are more
resistant than fine-grained. Fine grained silicon-killed steels are more resistant than
Prevention / Mitigation Appearance or Morphology of Damage
a) Strain aging is not an issue for newer steels that contain low levels of interstitial impurity elements and
sufficient aluminum (>0.015 wt%) to fully deoxidize the steel.
b) For older equipment, extra care should be taken to avoid the potentially damaging effects of strain aging
Strain aging can result in the formation of brittle cracks that
by avoiding stressing or pressurizing equipment until the metal temperature reaches an acceptable level
are revealed through detailed metallurgical analyses, but
where the risk of brittle fracture is low. Refer to curve A in UCS 66 of the ASME Code Section VIII, Division
damage most likely will not be identified as strain aging until
I for pressurization temperatures of vessels susceptible to strain aging effects.
fracture has already occurred.
c) Applying PWHT to weld repairs of susceptible materials will eliminate the effects of strain aging. Where
PWHT is not possible, buttering should be considered to minimize welding on old material under restraint.
3) Typical J* and X factors used for 2.25 Cr steel are a maximum of 100 and 15, respectively. Studies have
also shown that limiting the (P + Sn) to less than 0.01% is sufficient to minimize temper embrittlement
because (Si + Mn) control the rate of embrittlement.
4) A newer and less widely used factor called the Equivalent Phosphorus content has been developed for
base metal and weld metal and is defined as follows is given by:
P = C + Mn + (Mo Cr) /3 + Si / 4 + 3.5 x [(10 x P + (5 x Sb) + (4 x Sn) + As) \'7belements in wt%\'7d
5) Expert metallurgical advice should be solicited to determine acceptable composition, toughness and
strength levels, as well as appropriate welding, fabricating and heat treating procedures for new low alloy
steel heavy wall equipment and low alloy equipment operating in the temper embrittlement and/or creep
a) A common method of monitoring is to install blocks of original heats of
b) Temper embrittlement can be identified by an upward
the alloy steel material inside the reactor. Samples are periodically
shift in the ductile-to-brittle transition temperature measured
removed from these blocks for impact testing to monitor/establish the
in a Charpy V-notch impact test, as compared to the non-
ductile-brittle transition temperature. The test blocks should be
embrittled or de-embrittled material (Figure 4-5). Another
strategically located near the top and bottom of the reactor to make sure
important characteristic of temper embrittlement is that
that the test material is exposed to both inlet and outlet conditions.
there is no effect on the upper shelf energy.
b) Process conditions should be monitored to ensure that a proper
c) SEM fractographs of severely temper embrittled material
pressurization sequence is followed to help prevent brittle fracture due to
show primarily intergranular cracking due to impurity
temper embrittlement.
segregation at grain boundaries.