7 Grade Inferences Unit - Math Learning Contract

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7th Grade Inferences Unit

Math Learning Contract

Purpose of this Learning Contract: This Learning Contract will address the following 7 grade standards for independent learners.

Use random sampling to draw inferences about a population. MCC7.SP.1, MCC7.SP.2

Draw informal comparative inferences about two populations. MCC7.SP.3, MCC7.SP.4


Student Work:
Complete all required learning activities.
Show work (or setup of work) for each problem (where applicable) .
Answer all written responses in complete sentences and support with examples.
Seek assistance from teacher, as needed, when direct instruction is not being provided.

Student Behavior:
Remain on task at all times.
Keep track of all usernames and logins provided for the different online resources:

Learnzillion class
Blendspace class
Learning Activities:
See the chart on this contract for the required learning activities.
Select one of the supplemental activities from the approved list on the chart after you complete the required learning activities.

Standard Required Activities Supplemental Assessment Evidence of Learning Due Dates

MCC7.SP.1 Understand 1. Blendspace Lesson Inference 1. Quiz on Canvas Required Activities:
that statistics can be used 1, which includes Before/by: __________
1. PBS Population I will complete the following
to gain information about a Learnzillion: Understanding
sampling. Submit required activities:
population by examining a statistics and random sampling. Alternate Activities:
saved document. (Also Blendspace
sample of the population; a. 4 Video Lessons Before/by: __________
on Inference 1 Lesson Learnzillion Quiz
generalizations about a Playlist
on Blendspace, but By this date:____________
population from a sample Thinkwell: Populations and
only required if you
are valid only if the sample Samples
choose this) I will complete the following
is representative of that b. Analyzing sampling
population. Understand that methods alternate activities:
2. USAtest prep Inference
random sampling tends to c. Indentifying
1. PBS population
produce representative potentially biased
samples and support valid samples sampling
USA testprep
inferences. d. Verifying Claims
based on statistical By this date:____________
I demonstrated mastery through
2. Learnzillion Quiz: the following assessment:
Understanding statistics and Quiz on Socrative
radom sampling.

Standard Required Activities Supplemental Assessment Evidence of Learning Due Dates

MCC7.SP.2 Use data 1. Blendspace Lesson Inference 2, None at this time I will complete the following Required Activities:
from a random sample to which includes required activities: Before/by: __________
draw inferences about a Learnzillion: Drawing inferences Blendspace
population with an about a population and 1. Counting trees task Study Guide for Standard
unknown characteristic of understanding variability. 1 and Standard 2. Alternate Activities:
interest. Generate multiple a. 4 Video Lessons 2. IXL practice (through Learnzillion Quiz Before/by: __________
samples (or simulated Paylist Blendspace) AND By this date:____________
samples) of the same size UsaTestprep
to gauge the variation in 2. Learnzillion Quiz: Drawing assignment: Inference I completed the following alternate
estimates or predictions inferences about a population 2 activities:
and understanding variability. Counting Trees task.
IXL and USATestprep
3. Work on the Study Guide By this date:____________
MCC7.SP.1 and MCC7.SP.2
1. Blendspace Lesson Inference 3,
MCC7.SP.3 Informally which includes I completed the following required Required Activities:
Quiz on Canvas
1. Khan Academy: Box

assess the degree of A. Braincamp activities: Before/by: __________
Plots 5 videos and 5
visual overlap of two a. Lesson Blendspace:
activities AND
numerical data b. Manipulative o Brain Camp Alternate Activities:
Braincamp video:
distributions with similar c. Questions o Khan Academy Before/by: __________
Measures of Variability
variabilities, measuring d. Problems o Two Learnzillion
the difference between the e. Challenge assignments Assessment:
2. Understanding Box
centers by expressing it By this date:____________ Before/by: __________
Plots and Mean
as a multiple of a measure B. Khan Academy: MAD
Absolute Deviation
of variability. (mean absolute deviation)- I completed the following alternate
(Canvas or handout)
2 videos and 1 activity activities:
Khan Academy
C. Learnzillion : Compare Braincamp
Also, if you think you need
medians and IQRs of two Understanding Box plots
data sets. 1 Video Lesson and MAD worksheet
Learnzillion class REVIEW
D. Learnzillion : Compare the assignment: Create a dot By this date:____________
means and MADs of two plot
data sets I demonstrated mastery through
the following assessment:
a. Quiz on Socrative

Standard Required Activities Supplemental Assessment Evidence of Learning Due Dates

1. Blendspace Lesson
MCC7.SP.4 Use measures of Inference 3, which includes:
1. UsaTestprep You will not have assessment I will complete the following Required Activities:
center and measures of assignment: Inference 4 for this specific standard, but required activities: Before/by: __________
variability for numerical data
A. Learnzillion: Using when you complete all Blendspace
from random samples to draw
informal comparative
measures of center and 2. Interpreting College assignments you will take the Learnzillion Quiz Alternate Activities:
variability to draw informal Athletes data Unit Assessment. Study Guide for Before/by: __________
inferences about two
comparative inferences Standard 3 and
a. 4 Video Lesson Standard 4. FINAL UNIT ASSESSMENT:
Playlist Before/by: __________

B. Learnzillion: Learn which By this date:____________
measure of central tendency
to use- 1 Video Lesson I will complete the following
playlist alternate activities:
UsaTestprep assignment:
2. Learnzillion Quiz: Using Inference 4
measures of center and
variability to draw Interpreting College
informal comparative Athletes data
By this date:____________
3. Work on the Study
Guide MCC7.SP.3 and
MCC7.SP. 4

Parent Signature: ____________________ Teacher Signature: ____________________

I, ___________________________________, have read and understand the Contract Guidelines for the
Inference Unit Learning Contract. I agree to the
expectations of my work and behavior
requirements of the alternative learning activities and due dates
I accept the responsibilities of working on the activities as outlined in the contract.
Student Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: ____________

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