LIBRO PARA EL MAESTRO Matematicas 3 Grado

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Third Grade Teacher, teacher: Shape your library. Care for Your Books This book
has been prepared by the Government of the Republic and is delivered free to all
primary school teachers in the country. It is part of the overall project to im
prove the quality of basic education and aims to support the teacher in carrying
out their teaching practice. The book is not subject to any provision of shelte
r, is for the personal use of the teacher who receives, who will keep indefinite
ly and use it in the next school year, should continue to follow the same grade.
If you change your grade, will receive the materials for the teacher as appropr
iate. Over time, with each allocation, the teacher may be forming a basic librar
y on the teaching of content for primary education. The judgments and opinions o
f teachers are required to improve the quality of this book. Your comments can b
RTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS AND METHODS Avenida Cuauhtemoc 1230, eighth floo
r, Santa Cruz Atoyac, 03310, Benito Juarez, Mexico, DF Teacher's Book. Math. Thi
rd grade was developed in the Department of Educational Materials and Methods of
the Secretariat of Basic Education and Teacher of the Secretariat of Public Edu
cation Coordination Elisa Bonilla Rius general Alba Ramirez Raymundo Martínez Ol
ivé Rodolfo Avila Storer, Alicia Editorial Advisory Collaborative Renato Domingu
ez Rosas Pedro Garcia Bolles
Editorial coordination Elena Ortiz Hernán Pupareli Design and Production Coordin
ating Care Mauro Calanchina editing Poncini Jose Agustin Escamilla Escobedo Lour
des Muñoz Viveros Alejandro Portilla Technical supervision of Patricia Jardon Vo
cational Davila Good Home Design: National Commission of Free Textbooks, in coll
aboration with Luis Almeida Illustration: Math. Third grade, SEP, 1993. Altarpie
ce, bas-relief, 1961, acrylic on mahogany, Carlos Merida Museum of Modern Art, M
exico City Reproduction authorized by the National Institute of Fine Arts and Li
terature, First edition 1994 Second edition 2001 Third edition 2002 Second repri
nt, 2004 (2004-2005 school year) DR © Ministry of Education, 1994 Argentina 28,
Central 06 020, Mexico City ISBN 970-18-7718-7 Printed in Mexico
5 Presentation
7 12 13 14 16 38 39 40
Introduction Aims Content Organization of general didactics Recommendations Reco
mmendations Recommendations teaching evaluation axle Teacher Suggestions for fur
ther reading Bibliography consulted and illustration credits
In the 1993-1994 school year was implemented the first stage of reform plans and
curricula of primary education. At this stage the new curriculum came into forc
e in grades first, third and fifth, and from the 1994-1995 school year applies i
n grades second, fourth and sixth. While we were reformed curriculum plans and b
egan the renovation of the free textbooks that the government of the Republic is
sued to all pupils in primary schools nationwide. To ensure the accurate knowled
ge of the new curriculum has been sent to all teachers and school managers A cop
y of the Plan and curricula. Basic education. Primary, which describes the purpo
se and content of teaching in each subject and grade, and the cycle as a whole.
The reform of the curriculum and new textbooks are intended to Mexican children
acquire a stronger cultural training and develop their capacity to learn continu
ously and independently. For this purpose is fulfilled it is essential that each
teacher puts into practice the guidelines of the plan and programs and use new
educational materials in a systematic, creative and flexible. Traditionally, the
Ministry of Education distributes the books to the teacher as a support profess
ional work being done in our elementary schools. The form of organization and pr
esentation of these books has been modified. In the past, integrated in a single
volume teaching recommendations for all areas or subjects of a degree. From thi
s new phase of lower volume, there are books for each subject from one grade or,
exceptionally, for a pair of closely interrelated subjects.
This new organization of teacher's book is intended to facilitate handling, upda
ting and improvement,€and to provide adequate study material for teachers who wi
sh to deepen the teaching of a subject, throughout the whole cycle of primary ed
ucation. The new presentation integrates numerous proposals for the teaching of
content and use of textbooks and other educational materials for each subject an
d grade. Additionally, teachers receive the file. Educational activities. Math.
Advance third-degree program. Third grade. Basic education. Elementary, as an au
xiliary to plan and organize the sequence, the strength and articulation of cont
ent and teaching activities. This book for the teacher. Math. Third graders do n
ot have a policy nor is it intended to instruct teachers claim, so rigid and inf
lexible, you have to do in each class or in the development of each topic. The b
ook's content and presentation are based on recognizing the creativity of the te
acher and the existence of multiple methods and styles of teaching. For this rea
son, the educational proposals are open and many opportunities to adapt to the w
orking methods of the teacher, to the specific conditions in which it conducts i
ts work and the interests, needs and learning difficulties of children. The Book
for the teacher, besides being a practical resource to support the work in the
classroom, is designed as a means to stimulate and guide the collective analysis
of the teachers about their field of work, whether that takes place informally
or the activities of the Technical Council. Likewise, the book is basic material
activities and professional development courses. The plans and programs of stud
y, free text books, files and books of activities for the teacher are educationa
l tools that should be corrected and improved frequently and systematically, in
the light of the results obtained when used in practice. That is why the Ministr
y of Education reaffirms the kind invitation made to the primary teachers to sen
d to this office their views and recommendations regarding the improvement of ed
ucational tools mentioned and in particular from this book. Secretariat of Publi
c Education
Problem solving is an engine of mathematical learning
Meaningful learning is achieved primarily through the activity is complete, ie,
through the activity that has a goal for the performer. A meaningful learning an
d retention when the child comes to responding to a question of interest or solv
e a problem motivating, you need to build a solution. Such problems may involve
from knowing which of the partners won a game to learn how to build a toy or fin
d a way out of a numerical maze.
Thus, in this didactic approach, a problem is not only a written statement that
must be completed with data and at the end of the development of a theme. Proble
ms also are situations that can trigger activities, thoughts, strategies and dis
cussions that will lead to the desired solution, by building new skills. Traditi
onally, mathematics education has revolved around a concept in which to solve a
problem, children apply a model resolution that the teacher or textbook built fo
r him. From this view, the problems are not situations in which to develop a job
search and construction of new learning solutions or there are situations in wh
ich knowledge is applied to already possess. It is important, then make the foll
owing clarification: for students to learn mathematics, and can use them, is nec
essary for the study through the resolution of many and varied problems. It is i
mportant to propose to the problems that encourage students to use their own str
ategies and resources (building on the manipulable material, drawings, through m
ental calculation, etc.), Without indicating how to solve them. When students ar
e given the freedom to seek the solution of problems, are usually at least an ap
proximation. The strategies generated by students in solving a problem is analyz
ed in the group to determine their relevance and level of generality. Compare re
levant strategies encourages students to observe that some are more effective th
an others and that these allow them to more easily reach the solution of the pro
blem. Gradually, through dialogue and interaction between students and the new c
hallenges that the teacher raises,€children evolve in their settlement procedure
s, approaching the mainstream. The evolution of settlement procedures does not o
ccur linearly, and sometimes facing a new challenge, students return to primitiv
e procedures that give them greater confidence. In these cases it is important t
hat the teacher, without disqualifying the work of children, change the teaching
situation to provide access to other resources. According to the above sequence
to reach the standard procedure for each of the arithmetic, children must first
solve problems through creative responses that involve looking for ways, trial
and error. This gradual approach to the conventional algorithms provide students
the opportunity to understand them fully and also develop their reasoning abili
The background of the children are starting point for learning
The teaching of mathematics based on problem solving is based on the idea that c
hildren have, in addition to the knowledge learned in school, knowledge built in
the street, at home, at play, etc., that allow solve different problems.
In resolving the situations that the teacher presents, the children use as a sta
rting point the previously built knowledge and concepts. Therefore, the teaching
of mathematics is understood as promoting the development and enrichment of the
student's initial conceptions, by resolution of situations that cause them to a
bandon, modify or enhance these conceptions, and gradually approach to language
and procedures own mathematics.
The role of the activity and the particular materials
The word is usually associated activity to the manipulation of objects. While th
e use of concrete materials for third graders is important, the activity that le
ads to learning is primarily intellectual: it consists in the construction of sc
enarios and solution strategies as well as verification of results. The use of s
pecific material then has two functions: It can be a tool that lets you find, bu
ild and reach the solution, especially for content where the difficulty of the t
ask requires it. This is the case of sequences proposed to introduce the algorit
hm of addition and subtraction, the understanding and management would be virtua
lly inaccessible without the support of specific material (see, for example, the
lesson "Again the bench!" Page 114 of Mathematics textbook. Third grade). Somet
imes it is the tool to test hypotheses and advance solutions for children, for e
xample, when used to check if the estimated result of a calculation or measureme
nt incorrect. This role of the concrete material is essential, because one of th
e main proposals is precisely to promote the advance of solutions as a way to ac
hieve significant and permanent learning.
The dialogue and interaction, a core part of learning
This is a proposal for talks with banking partner with teammates, with the teach
er, with written information and illustrations, such as those listed in the book
the student or other sources. In the construction of knowledge, interaction wit
h peers and teachers play a key role. The confrontation of strategies and respon
ses to help children realize that there may be better ways to solve a particular
problem and will help to colleagues who are in less advanced times of the learn
ing process. It is hoped that this dialogue the child to build skills and develo
p math skills referred to the third grade. According to the dynamic in the progr
am are not prescribed, and in the book the student will not be "formal definitio
ns, these are, in any case, the conclusion of the activity along one or more ses
sions, from work individually, in pairs, in teams and through the comparison of
Learning mathematics can be enjoyable
In teaching mathematics not only seeks to promote meaningful learning, but also
a taste for this area. To be enjoyed mathematics, teaching and applications shou
ld include information useful and interesting for the child.
This new presentation of mathematics is closer to children's interests, it is a
mathematical attractive and fun but also useful and meaningful. Based on this id
ea works from the typical situations of children's culture. The fair, the zoo, g
ames, reading, literature, hiking,€skills and field trips are supported and cont
ext of mathematical content. The aim is that, parallel to learning mathematics,
children acquire other knowledge and are interested in inquiring about issues in
this subject barely touched. For example, in the student's book leads the reade
r two groups: children of a city (Paco, Pepe, Ann and Jen) and children from a v
illage (Luis, tone, and Itzel Monica). Both groups engaged in the mathematical l
earning that emerge and are discussed and clarification among themselves. Readin
g such activities and discussions will, in turn, clarify procedures, difficultie
s and solutions in a fun and flexible for students.
The teacher's role in teaching mathematics
The teacher participation is substantial for the success of this proposal. Will
participate as coordinator of activities, including guidance on the difficulties
and as a source of information and additional support when necessary. Without t
he support of the teacher in reading, many pages of the book the students are li
kely to be incomprehensible to the child. An example of this are the lessons dev
oted to the multiplication algorithm. (Matemáticas. Third Degree, pages 172, 178
and 198.) It can be said that these are particularly the teacher directed lesso
ns. Based on them may, as a facilitator of dialogue with the book, help children
understand the algorithms and other concepts related to multiplication.
Based on this approach is expected that during the third grade of primary educat
ion, the student will succeed in securing meaningful experiences that allow you
to: Understand the meaning of the numbers until 9999 and its symbolic representa
tion, order number and corresponding number use numbers to solve simple problems
. Solve problems involving the use of unconventional units of measurement, appro
aching the notion of conventional unit of measurement when using the meter, kilo
gram square centimeter and liters to measure lengths, weights, surfaces and capa
bilities. Solving Problems with various meanings of addition (add, merge, match)
, subtraction (taking away, look for a missing), multiplication (rectangular arr
ays, iterated sum) and division (distribution and tasativos, ie how many times i
t is a number in another .) Use efficiency significantly and problem-solving alg
orithms, addition and subtraction transformations, multiplication with two-digit
numbers up and the division with one-digit divisor.
To develop the geometric intuition and spatial imagination through the analysis
of physical space, objects and figures in the environment, and its location and
representation in the plane. Develop the ability to perform strokes and measurem
ents using instruments such as the rule and square. Notice that the organization
of information and its representation through diagrams, charts and graphs are a
means to discover characteristics and relationships between the data and make s
imple inferences. Use and gather information contained in documents, illustratio
ns and graphs to solve or create problems. Approaching the notion of chance thro
ugh the conducting of games, analysis of their results and their strategies to a
ccomplish them.
Organization of content
The contents of mathematics, along primary education have been organized around
six themes: The numbers, their relationships and operations Geometry Measurement
Data processing process of changing the prediction and chance in the third leve
l has five axes because the work in the shaft "Processes of Change" start until
the fourth grade. The organization axle does not mean that the contents of each
should be treated in isolation and independent. It sought a permanent basis the
relationship between the contents that correspond to different axes. It should b
e noted that such a relationship in many cases is very natural. For example, act
ivities like "Draw a square having 81 square inches of area" are working more co
ntent: measurement with square centimeter, multiplication, strokes and geometric
forms management, among others.
General teaching recommendations
The use of text and teaching aids in the classroom
Supplementary materials for this book, which has the master are the Avance progr
am, textbook and teaching activities file. The student's book helps the teacher
to organize the class because it contains the basic elements to support the proc
ess of building each of the concepts. Ie€Each lesson presents a problematic situ
ation from which are derived activities, questions, discussions, symbolization a
nd practical exercises that, together, can achieve the purposes of this matter.
In addition, the proposed activities in support and enrich teaching aids the pro
posal contained in the text.
To integrate the activities of the textbook and file the advance program was dev
eloped, which are broken down to mathematical content involved in each lesson an
d in each tab. It is necessary that the teacher be aware that some lessons intro
duce students to the study of some issues and others require background activiti
es identified as such in the schedule of learning activities. In either case, th
e text contains the key points of the learning process. The master was responsib
le for initiating, adjusting or enlarging the sequence proposed in the advanceme
nt program, using the activities contained in the file and problem situations th
at arise in the book.
Cut Material
The concrete material for work has been incorporated as cutout material in the b
ook of the student. This material is composed of 16 cutouts and bottle caps can
be complemented with colorful and beans. Thus, the teacher will have enough mate
rial to develop its course. It is suggested that teachers ask for help from pare
nts when the task of cutting it difficult for children. It will also be desirabl
e to separately store the material in an envelope or bag with the name of each s
tudent. The intention is to save all year and can be used as often as necessary.
Using newspapers, magazines and children's books
A teacher's recommendation is to use newspapers, children's magazines, the books
of the corner or others which are available in school situations as sources for
mathematical work. The use of these materials will help to more interesting pro
blems, real and appealing to children, will connect mathematics with other areas
of the curriculum (for example, geography, through reading and preparation of d
rawings and maps ; with History, by calculating the years that have elapsed sinc
e a certain event, with Natural Sciences from situations based on data on the ha
bits, diet or weight of some animals) and support the reading, always fundamenta
l activity in learning school mathematics.
Teaching recommendations axle
The numbers, their relationships and operations of natural numbers
This axis has as one of its central objectives of the study and use the decimal
system. The range that works in the third grade is the thousand units. For work
in this direction, the teacher should have in mind: Often, children know the num
bers beyond what they have learned in school, because they use them functionally
. This program is part of the idea that students recognize and use numbers in ra
nges larger or higher than expected at school to resolve issues and problems the
y face in the various activities that develop their games and to shop . To start
working with the numbering is suggested to promote the recognition and use of n
umbers that children know, through questions such as: What numbers do you know?
Where you see numbers? What numbers you can write? What is the biggest number yo
u know? What number goes first, the thousand or two thousand? What is next? (Cha
rt 2, "To what number you know?")
The answers to these questions and discussion, the teacher will know the range o
f numbers that manage their pupils orally or in writing and also begin working w
ith the numbers in this school year from their experiences and their knowledge.
This stage is also important to encourage students to identify and reflect on th
e numbers you see in prices, ads, addresses, newspaper, etc.. That is, it is han
dling the issues and reflect on them in situations that are useful. Based on thi
s idea in the first block work on this issue begins with the reading of numbers
in situations that give them meaning (Matemáticas. third grade lessons "target s
hooting" and "Entry to the zoo", pages 10 and 48). From reading the numbers on p
rice, advertisement, etc., is performed a first comparison work, management, ide
ntification and decomposition of numbers. Gradually, will mean more systematic m
anagement-and-wider ranges of the numerical series.€The construction of numerica
l series short oral and written activities are also suggested in the file and to
be performed in parallel with the development of the lessons of the book the ch
ild (Tab 9, "Numerical Tables"). In short, it is proposed that during the year s
ignificantly children to handle four-digit numbers. To assist in this task, then
the teacher will provide some general tips that can occur throughout the school
This has been incorporated as auxiliary material in the book Cut the child. Can
be used to represent numbers, to know and study the series of numbers and place
value of numbers, and to develop the skill of thinking in students. The use of t
he counter can become more interesting as the school year progresses if question
s or slogans from which you work are becoming more complex, as seen in the activ
ity "counter", page 18 of this book.
The use of concrete materials to represent quantities that helps students unders
tand the rule change "ten one" of the decimal system and, in turn, promotes unde
rstanding of the relative value of the figures in a number. In the activity "col
or chips", page 19 of this book, students work on different aspects involving th
e learning of numbers. For example, in the activity to perform an amount not con
ventionally represented, in the B must relate the value of each of the figures i
n the number with the values of the chips that are managed in order to determine
how many chips of each color is needed to represent the same amount, and finall
y, the C activity
students, from absolute value of each digit, should find its relative value to g
et the total number of points earned.
The purpose of activities such as target shooting or handling of dice, is that s
tudents learn that a same number can be represented in various ways using additi
on, subtraction and multiplication. The activity is shown, "Decomposing numbers"
, aims to allow children to express a number of different ways by the sum. These
activities raised as games encourage students to assert their knowledge of numb
ers, the breakdown of numbers and addition.
THE COUNT OF LARGE AMOUNTS OF OBJECTS, either individually or by groups
The count, in particular the counting of large quantities of objects, is an impo
rtant activity to develop intuition about numbers and clear ideas about its magn
itude. Ask the children to count the number of bottle caps that are in a box, th
e amount of beans that contains a bottle, etc., will give them a clearer idea of
what a hundred, a thousand, five thousand, ten thousand, and so on. The
Children may begin to count "one by one, but as they progress they will realize
that it is better to seek other strategies to include, for example, make groups
and add the amount you have each. Conducting frequent activities such as those j
ust outlined will enable the teacher to bring their students to understand the m
agnitude of the numbers and the decimal system with which we represent. The teac
her will find in the book of the child and file activity suggestions for the dev
elopment of these notions.
One key recommendation in line with the focus area is: Allow children to use the
ir own procedures and strategies. At first students are expected to solve the pr
oblems they pose, without restrictions imposed on them, adding, counting, making
dashes or drawings, using mental computation or other procedures used spontaneo
usly. Gradually, through dialogue among peers, the teacher and the textbook, chi
ldren will find cheaper and close to conventional. Through this process it is ho
ped that the mathematical and computational algorithms and functionality convent
ional meaningful for children. The reading of the dialogues that appear in the b
ook the student will also allow children to ask questions and correct any errors
. This activity will be an important aid in the construction and self-evaluation
of strategies for problem solving and calculation.
It is important to note that allowing children to use their own strategies does
not mean that everyone will use a different strategy and that, therefore,€the te
acher will have to reconcile 30 or 40 different strategies in their classrooms.
The studies performed show a regularity in the strategies that children use, pos
sible to control the development of the class. That is, do not appear more than
a manageable number of resolution strategies that obey the conceptual stage of d
evelopment in which children are found. Moreover, the discussion itself will all
ow them to adopt those strategies used by their peers as they deem best. Questio
ns like: "What way to solve this problem did you like best? What seemed to them
that can help to solve the problem faster?" Are key questions that the teacher c
an make to promote the comparison of strategies and take the kids to select the
most useful.
It is important to note that the difficulty of arithmetic problems depends not o
nly on the size of the numbers, but above all, relationships between the data of
the problem. The following examples to illustrate this assertion.
Example 1. Toño had spent $ 3,176 and $ 1,875, how much money you have left? Alt
hough data of this problem involving four-digit numbers, for various reasons, it
is easy to solve. The first is that the word was announced to the remaining chi
ldren, the second is that the problem is unknown at the end: 3176 - 1875 = ____
Example 2. Luis threw a dice fell in June, is now in section 19, what was before
launch box? This problem can be solved with fairly simple subtraction: 19-6 = 1
3 However, despite the numbers refer to figure implies a major difficulty for ch
ildren, since the rest is open. The problem, as posed, can be diagrammed like th
is: ____ + 6 = 19 This scheme means that the mystery is in the initial data, whi
ch can be found with a subtraction: 19-6 = ____ identify the remains as the oper
ation that allows to find the data is not simple, because children will first ha
ve to make an investment in the initial approach to the problem: ____ + 6 = 19 -
---> 19-6 = ____ Therefore, in the program and materials support has made a diff
erence between the technical difficulty of calculation and the difficulty of the
problems. In example 1 we have a problem whose difficulty lies in mastering the
technique of calculation. In Example 2, the difficulty lies in identifying the
remains as an operation that solves the problem. The teacher should support both
aspects of the operations, but must be careful to work the "estimation techniqu
es" when they are meaningful to the child, ie where the children have been ident
ified as tools to solve certain types of problems .
The mental calculation is an important activity to be worked throughout the year
, alongside the written calculation and resolution of problems. It is suggested
encourage children to solve problems and calculations mentally and to anticipate
the results. The mental calculation, as written calculation, must be in accorda
nce with the strategies that children construct. Ask them to explain them, compa
re them with those of their peers and even attempting to register in writing
help improve, enhance or enrich them. However, no stiff should consider strategi
es for mental calculation would become meaningless. The estimate is a powerful r
esource for assessing the results of calculations and measurements. For this rea
son it is a skill that is to be promoted during the school year, linked to writt
en calculations, problem solving, measurement, and so on. This is suggested ofte
n raise questions like "About what you think will be the result?" or slogans lik
e: "Of the following results choose, prior to the operation, which created right
." At first, it is desirable to give children choices and possible outcomes and
help them in their first attempts. Gradually improve their estimates and the opt
ions be withdrawn.
The use of calculators is restricted in primary schools, among other reasons, fo
r fear of teachers and parents that this instrument do not allow children to lea
rn to perform (without a calculator) basic operations. However, many experiences
in the field of education research mathematics has been shown that the controll
ed use of the calculator in specific activities€far from hindering the learning
is favored. For example, you can: Posing problems whose purpose is for students
to establish appropriate relations between the data and select, independently, t
he operations or which can be resolved. Verify results obtained by the mental an
d written computation. Infer the processes that the calculator is based on an an
alysis of the keys pressed and the found results. Solve problems that require op
erations or perform many numerical calculations cumbersome. Therefore, in some l
essons from the textbook (see pages 36 and 94) and the tabs 25, 32 and 37 of the
file for that grade learning activities were incorporated into situations where
we suggest using the calculator. Some of the activities allow the file to inves
tigate the background of the students about the numbers favor the learning of or
al and written series of numbers and addition and subtraction. Other conducive t
o mental calculation and estimation of results, these are verified with the help
of the calculator. How to work with the calculator activities? It is advisable
that before applying the experienced teacher activities, particularly those prop
osed in the tab 25, using different types of calculators, as not all work the sa
me way. For example, any calculator is possible to construct a numerical sequenc
es in one of 2 by 2, and so on. However, not always proceed in the same way. If
have on hand two or three different simple calculators and model, will probably
find different results when running in each, the following instructions: 1. Turn
the calculator (the display shows 0). 2. Press the buttons to perform the follo
wing sum: 17 + 3 (first appears on the display 17 and then 3). 3. Press as many
times as you wish, and observe key = increasing the number displayed on the scre
en. It is likely that some of the calculators to obtain the following sequence o
f numbers repeatedly pressing the = key: 20, 23, 26, 29, 32, 35, ... Another per
haps the results are: 20, 37, 54, 71, 88, 105, ... Another might yield the follo
wing results: 20, 20, 20, ... Can be seen that in the first case (20, 23, 26, 29
, 32, 35 ,...), consecutively pressing the calculator key = sum of the addend st
eadily introduced (17 + 3). In the second case (20, 37, 54, 71, 88, 105 ,...), t
he calculator shows that taken as constant the first term (17 + 3) and in the th
ird case (20, 20, 20, ...), does not change the first result. To construct numer
ical sequences with the latter calculators may be required twice pressing the +
(17 + + 3 = = = ...). Knowing how the students use calculators that allow the te
acher to coordinate the proposed activities successfully. In some lessons from t
he book Math. Third grade is suggested that students use the calculator to verif
y results. In this case, it is important for students to solve first by calculat
ing activity mentally or with pencil and paper and then use the calculator to ve
rify the result obtained.
The third grade beginning with this issue. It has been very careful to promote t
he work with fractions in different contexts, emphasizing the use of verbal that
are more familiar and easy for children of this grade: media, quarters and eigh
ths. The proposed main job is to bring the child to situations that lead to one
or more whole dividing equally. These situations are presented in contexts of di
stribution and measurement related to children's school activities, such as book
cover, boxes, make flags and ribbons and so forth. The following sequences to i
llustrate the ideas with which they are teaching fractions to develop along the
course. This theme begins in the lesson "Flags of colors" (Matemáticas. Third Gr
ade, page 12), in which children are asked to make flags of Mexico. In this grad
e, children already know that our flag is made up of three equal parts, each wit
h a different color. So if you have a sheet of white paper, a
green and one red and they want to make two flags of the same size, face the nee
d to build each sheet into two equal parts. The situation forces make flags from
sheets or statements of a certain way. It is necessary, however, that the parti
tions on this and all operations with fractions is determined by the children th
emselves, so if you make a partition that is not convenient, they realize that s
tarted badly and correction. It should also be noted that,€before using Numerica
l writing fractions, children need to have extensive experience with partitions,
plus the ability to confront their ideas on issues such as equal areas that hav
e a different way. For example, in the lesson "Monica's Braids" (Matemáticas. Th
ird Grade, page 22) suggests several ways from a letter sized sheet into two equ
al parts to determine which students are halves and which not.
Many children in third grade will have difficulty in accepting that the shaded p
arts in the picture above are equal. For them it is evident that, with equal hal
ves of leaves, should have the same area, although they have different ways. Thi
s is something that the teacher should systematically address: halves or other f
ractions as the fourth and eighth can be obtained using different partitions. Si
milarly, many children do not readily accept the equivalence of two fractions. F
or them it is obvious that ½ is equal to two quarters. Some kids say: "They are
equal if they are stuck, but if separated, there are more because they are two p
ieces." Faced with such a statement, just help the child to repeat several times
why ½ is equal to two quarters. What makes sense is to put similar situations s
o that students have the opportunity to confront their ideas with other colleagu
es and the situation itself. With the above two examples we illustrate the fact
that children build knowledge in small doses through information they receive fr
om the teacher. Rather, allowing them to build their knowledge is the process of
constantly put to test their own hypotheses in the situations they face. This f
orm of work is one of the most important purposes of this proposal.
The fractions situations become more complex throughout the school year, so that
the procedures used by children to evolve. At first there are problems in which
an integer is divided among a number. For example, the problem of dividing a ba
r for two braids (braids Monica ", Math. Third grade, page 22), or the problem o
f dividing a cake among four children (a lesson" A walk in the zoo " page 54). S
uch problems encourage the use of fractions with a numerator or unit fractions,
as they are called (half, quarter, etc.). At first, children can use sheets or s
trips of paper to verify the equality of the parties. Subsequently, graphic repr
esentations can be supported to find solutions. Further problems arise which are
distributed over an integer. For example, problems that must be shared among 4
children 3 chocolates (lesson "The Cat", Math. Third grade, page 68) or problems
that must be shared among 4 children 5 wafers (lesson "Share with friends "page
142). Such problems will lead to the use of fractions with numerator greater th
an one and mixed numbers when the number of integers spread is greater than the
number of elements among which are distributed. For example, to divide among 4 c
hildren 5 wafers, each wafer and he gets a quarter.
Among the measurement situations are problems that involve continuous quantities
such as length and capacity, and the use of discrete amounts: a dozen nuts, or
the number of days in a month. The notion of fraction measurement situation aris
es lengths through two ways to solve the same problem through the splitting of t
he unit or through the use of seeing how many times a length in the other. In ot
her words, a length measured quarter of the unit of measure because it was divid
ed into four equal parts and measure one of these four parts, or because the len
gth is to be measured it four times in the unit measure.
One of the most important for the understanding of fractions is the notion of eq
uivalence. Over the course are situations that encourage the use of equivalent e
xpressions, which can be exploited to highlight this notion. For example, the pr
oblems of distribution, depending on the partitions are made, there may be diffe
rent additive terms representing the same value, as shown immediately:
The length measurement situations and capabilities can also exploit the use of e
quivalent expressions.€Importantly, in all situations where it appears the notio
n of equivalence should be activities in which material is handled to verify the
results of children. It is not intended to introduce students to the use of for
mal expressions or rules for finding equivalent fractions. This will work in oth
er grades.
The work done in this theme is related to the measurement units of length, capac
ity, weight, area and time. To attain the goals associated with this theme, the
teacher has to take into consideration the notions related to the measure was de
veloped precisely by measuring and reflecting on the outcome of these negotiatio
ns. From the educational point of view, the use of unconventional units of measu
rement is also of extreme importance not only because it allows acquiring a wide
r notion about the concept of unit of measure, but also because it allows better
appreciate the usefulness of conventional measures . It is then recommended tha
t the teacher promotes the work of non-conventional measurement units as a prece
dent for the use of conventional units. In the case of length measurement are de
signed lessons and activities that need to take measurements using non-conventio
nal units, such as the fourth of the hand, pencil, etc., as well as conventional
units as the centimeter and meter.
Some activities of this type are illustrated in the lesson "We measure strips (M
atemáticas. Third Grade, page 18). Other suggested activities is to use an inter
mediary to make measurements. Such activity makes sense in situations where it i
s difficult to measure directly, using the centimeter ruler or meter drive. In s
uch cases a cord is a good broker to make measurements.
Another important activity which should be developed at this level is the manage
ment and the calculation with numbers that are the result of measurements, for e
xample, compare two or more lengths. In the activity "Comparing lengths", page 3
0 of this book are some examples. To measure the length, weight, capacity and th
e surface suggests that children build some units: meter, centimeter, square cen
timeter, liter, half liter and quarter liter. Some of the materials needed for t
he construction of these units appear in the scrap and other material can be pur
chased easily. Another element that significantly enrich the work on this route
is the use of units of measurement used in different regions of our country and
are compared with conventional units of measurement.
Along the extent situations arise where it becomes necessary to use the kilogram
and liter. Children will appreciate the significance of these units of measurem
ent when referring to their daily experience: for example, buying "a kilo of tor
tillas," "a kilo of beans" or "one liter of oil." The construction of a scale an
d use of packages of 1 kilogram, half or two quarters of a kilogram as units of
measurement will also allow students significantly closer to the notion of weigh
Geometry Spatial Location
The work on this route includes situations that lead to child find ways to settl
e in their environment and, crucially, to experience and express ways of recordi
ng such location. The activities included in the schedule and in the textbook ar
e also directed to children to make their own representations of the immediate a
nd familiar environment.
In all cases it is necessary to liguen the situations in the text and cards with
the children's environment.
Figures and strokes
An important aspect of the axis "geometry" is referred to the characteristics of
the figures and their strokes. It is suggested to use various resources such as
paper folding, drawing, the messages to reproduce figures, etc..
Reproduction of figures
The reproduction of figures is a motivating activity for children if raised prop
erly. It is proposed that the teacher gives the children freedom to seek reprodu
ctive strategies. This, in addition to developing skills in the stroke will be p
romoting the analysis of the figures and their properties. For example, if stude
nts are asked to play the likes of which appear early, without giving precise in
structions on how to do it, will have to investigate if the lines are parallel,
if they are perpendicular, what measures have, et cetera.
The kind of figures to be reproduced may be made progressively more complex thro
ughout the course.€The parallelism and perpendicularity are important characteri
stics that underpin the construction and analysis of figures in this grade. The
teacher should rely on these aspects when asking the children play and analysis
of figures.
Symmetry treatment begins with a very intuitive which suggests children's reflec
tion about ways reflected in the water as if it were a large mirror, and figure
drawing "reflected in the mirror." At first, this action is recommended for stud
ents to reproduce symmetrical figures. Furthermore we have proposed the use of g
raph paper for the children draw or complete symmetrical figures. To develop thi
s theme in itself attractive to children, the teacher may also suggest games or
let them explore various possibilities in graph paper.
Paper folding
The folded paper is a resource that can support various objectives, and the anti
cipation and the development of spatial imagination. There may be children cut p
aper sheets with folds as shown in the activity "Fold and cut", page 33 of this
book. This activity will impact not only on learning of symmetry, but also in th
e development of spatial imagination and the ability to build scenarios. Paper h
andling can also be used to work parallel and perpendicular lines as in the foll
owing illustration.
The concepts of parallelism and perpendicularity are difficult to formalize and
define. This degree is designed solely to bring the children to them, by identif
ying and "trace" using folded paper (Matemáticas. Third Grade, page 50, or the f
ile tab 17 educational activities). You can also propose the construction of a s
quare of folded paper and use it to trace and reproduce figures containing paral
lel and perpendicular. The work of origami, and from it, the reproduction of fig
ures and analysis of its characteristics is also an activity that the teacher ca
n take to make content more accessible, enjoyable and this aspect of the program
Information Processing
In this area incorporates content traditionally included in statistics. In addit
ion, we have added content aimed precisely to develop the capacity to collect, a
nalyze and utilize information. The didactic treatment on this axis, with respec
t to the contents of gathering and recording information, should relate to situa
tions close to the interests of children at this level, for example, animals, ga
mes and school subjects they like . Another source of interesting situations for
the students is the weather.
Apart from the situations suggested in the textbook and in the schedule of learn
ing activities, the teacher can take advantage of other school situations that a
re of interest to children. For example, the daily record of punctuality, cleanl
iness, sales of the cooperative or organization of an act. The activity "puppet
show", page 35 of this book, illustrates the type of work can be done in this li
ne. The first thing to do for the child to solve a problem is to organize and an
alyze information that is presented. This information can be oral, written or pr
esented in
illustrations and pictures. Help children to collect and analyze information is
then a crucial task to help improve their ability to pose and solve problems. Th
e work of analysis of information is something that is promoted throughout the e
ntire course by the way is to work in each of the lessons of the textbook. To re
solve them, in most cases, children must select and analyze information that is
provided in an illustration or in a document. The teacher should draw on all age
nda items to work on information processing as an aspect of the content side, an
d with it will promote both the capacity for reflection and resolution of proble
ms. This task could be supported by activities such as those described below.
Asking questions and problems from the information contained in pictures and doc
uments, as exemplified by the activity "The dream of the Animals", page 36 of th
is book.
Identification of questions that may or may not be answered from the information
contained in a text. An example of this activity is the lesson "A visit to Dino
saur", page 128 of textbook.
The prediction and chance
This axis begins in the third grade.€Didactic treatment has been given is purely
intuitive and through game situations. It is intended to introduce children in
the reflection of situations in which one knows what will happen and others in w
hich it is impossible to know. Not to point out that, in some cases, knowledge c
an not be due to the lack of information, while others can not get the informati
on because it is precisely in situations of chance. With the intention that chil
dren observe the features of some games, we propose that perform throughout the
year and analyze them through questioning. For example: you win because you have
a winning strategy or pure luck? Games like The Lottery, The Cat, Carrera 10, o
r Games Dominoes and numbers (Matemáticas. Third Grade, page 68, 69, 102 and 154
) will cover the objectives outlined in this direction. It is desirable that dur
ing the development of these activities the teacher will help children understan
d the rules of different games when they are difficult. The word chance is intro
duced to the end of the degree to characterize some games that involved only the
player's luck (lottery, dice, etc.), unlike other games which involve the abili
ty (marbles, tops, etc.). At this level, the random term can be associated to th
e word managed so that children, while the chance may not be associated with the
games in which there is always a winning strategy, as the game Race 10, which a
ppears on page 69 textbook. It is suggested that the teacher allow greater flexi
bility in children do characterizations of the games, given the difficulty of ri
gorous statements about the concept of chance, especially at this level. It is a
lso recommended that the teacher use the games played in your region or area to
work on the prediction and chance. A task may be, precisely, to inquire about th
e games in the place.
Evaluation Recommendations
Evaluation is one of the most complex aspects of teaching, as there is only, as
is thought, in giving a grade to students, but in the ongoing assessment of thei
r learning. In the case of mathematics, the teacher must bear in mind that the c
oncepts are built gradually, so their acquisition must be valued throughout the
school year after
different learning activities. Generally, the errors committed by children are s
hown the degree of understanding they have achieved one concept. The estimation
and mental calculation conducted by the students to give an approximate answer t
o certain situations are also skills that should be considered and evaluated thr
ough observation, review of work and individual and group participation. The ski
lls and abilities that show children in the management of geometrical instrument
s, for these are simple, are indicators of the degree of understanding they have
on different mathematical concepts and procedures associated with them. Therefo
re, the teacher will assess the progress of students to see how they handle the
geometrical instruments and their ability to perform the strokes. It is also sug
gested that the teacher observe the children's ability to solve simple situation
s. It is also important to consider whether students are able to analyze the inf
ormation contained in various documents and illustrations, as well as questions
and problems related to such information. Regarding the measurement that the tea
cher should observe the gradual development of students' ability to use conventi
onal units of measurement of length, area, volume, weight and time, not only in
solving word problems, but mainly in practical use. In summary, the assessment i
n mathematics to be done from the first day of classes, with the purpose of obta
ining information about knowledge and progress of children. This information wil
l help the teacher to adjust teaching activities to the needs and particular mom
ents of student learning.
Suggestions for further reading for the teacher
Alarcon, Jesus, Silvestre Cardenas, Blanca Parra, Juan José Rivaud, Maria Guadal
upe Lucio and Red Dawn, Mathematics 1, Mexico, SEP-FCE, 1991. Ávila, Alicia, als
o have children, Mexico, SEP, 1994 (Libros del Rincón). Baldor, Aurelio, theoret
ical and practical arithmetic, 8th ed., Mexico, Cultural Publications, 1993. Bal
dor, Aurelio, plane and space geometry and trigonometry, 2d ed., Spain, Basque A
merican, 1967. Block, David, Irma Fuenlabrada, Hugo Balbuena, Leova Ortega, What
accounts have to multiply and divide,€Mexico, SEP, 1993 (Libros del Rincón). Fu
enlabrada, Irma, David Block, Patricia Martinez and Alicia Carvajal, What have a
ccounts to add and subtract, Mexico, SEP, 1994 (Libros del Rincón). Block, David
, Irma Fuenlabrada, Alicia Carvajal and Patricia Martinez, numbers and their rep
resentation, Mexico, SEP, 1991 (Libros del Rincón). Godino, J., Chance and proba
bility, Madrid, Síntesis, 1987. SEP, Teacher's Guide. Third grade, Mexico, 1992.
SEP-Petra Ediciones, Papirolas 1, Mexico, 1992 (Libros del Rincón). Tison, Anne
tte, Talus Taylor, Large
Fuenlabrada, Irma, David Block, Balbuena and Alicia Hugo Carvajal, Play and lear
n math, Mexico, SEP, 1991 (Libros del Rincón).
Small, Mexico, SEP, 1992 (Libros del Rincón). ____, Hairs and feathers, Mexico,
SEP, 1992 (Libros del Rincón).
Reviewed literature and illustration credits
Douay, Regine, 'Jeux de cadres et dialectique outil-objet "in Didactique des Rec
herches en Mathématiques (2), vol. 7, Grenoble, France, La Pensée Sauvage, 1986.
Ducel, Yves and Marie-Lise Peltier, the geometrie Approche par le dessin géomét
rique au CM2, France, IREM de Rouen, 1986. Ermel, Apprentissage et résolution pr
oblems numériques, Paris, Hatier, 1991. Holloway, G., Design of space in childre
n according to Piaget, Argentina, Polity Press, 1969. INRP, "Comment font-ils?"
In Rencontres Pédagogiques, Paris, 1986. ___, "Un, deux ... beaucoup, passionném
ent! Les enfants et les names", in Rencontres Pédagogiques (21), Paris, 1988. Pe
ltier, Marie-Lise and Claudette Clavier, objectifies calcul. CE1, Paris, Hatier,
1992. ___, Objectifies Computing, Livre du maitre, Paris, Hatier, 1992. Math. T
hird grade, Mexico, SEP, 1993. ___, Children count. Construction processes of ar
ithmetic in school, Mexico, SEP, 1994 (Libros del Rincón). Vergnaud, Gerard, "Ps
ychologie du developpement cognitif et des mathématiques DIDACTIQUE" in Grand N
(38), France, IREM / CRDP, 1986. Illustration credits. Math. Third grade, Mexico
, SEP, 1993, pages 94, 97, 128, 144, 146.
Paper for the teacher. Math. Third grade was printed by order of the National Co
mmission of Free Textbooks on the 45th anniversary of its creation, in the works
hops of Grupo Gráfico Editorial, SA of C.V. residing at Calle B no. 8, Parque In
dustrial Puebla 2000 C.P. 72 220, Puebla, Pue., June 2004.
The print run of 35.900 was more left over for replacement copies.

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