Wheel Loader 992K
Wheel Loader 992K
Wheel Loader 992K
Wheel Loader
Minimize service time and maximize Best-in-class working environment for Cat buckets and ground engaging
production through key ground level this wheel loader size class. tools provide versatility on any job
access points and grouped service site.
Greater control and ease of operation
for your operator. Proper bucket and application match
Monitoring the machine and delivers maximum productivity.
Ergonomically designed for the health
forewarning of machine trouble allows pg. 14-15
and safety of your operator.
you to schedule downtime and ensure
pg. 12-13
jobsite productivity continues without
pg. 10-11
Maximize uptime, long life its what you expect for your bottom line.
Proven components and high hour Sleeve Bearing Pins. The new SB pins
rebuild and machine life standards eliminate the need for daily greasing
provide proven reliability. on select pins. Another key benefit
of the SB pins is that customers can
Machine systems work together in
schedule change-out of pins on a
the harshest environments.
planned maintenance day. The design
Diagnostic programs are available of the SB pins allows this planned
to monitor machine health and downtime due to its low risk of
maintain uptime. consequential damage.
The 992K is designed to meet (2) Next Generation Modular Radiator
customers multiple rebuild requirements (NGMR). Utilizing 14 parallel flow
and this is accomplished through design (1) system modular cores, the NGMR
emphasis put on key components. increases cooling performance by only
drawing cooler ambient air through
the radiator system. Copper fins allow
higher heat transfer for improved
cooling performance.
Front Frame and Rear Frame.
Highly engineered and field-proven,
combination use of high-strength
plates and castings distributes loads
and increases structure robustness. A
key differentiator from competitive
machines is the box section rear frame
(1) and box-shaped loader tower (2).
Caterpillar Designed Components. The box section absorbs torsional
Components used to build Cat Wheel forces generated in a loading cycle,
Loaders are designed and manufactured maintaining alignment for hitch pins
to Caterpillar quality standards to ensure and driveline. The box-shaped loader
maximum performance even in extreme tower resists shock and torsional loads,
operating conditions. maintaining hitch and loader linkage
The 992K utilizes the Cat C32 engine
pin alignment, maximizing pin life.
Linkage. The 992K features the certified to meet EPA Tier 2/EU Stage II
revolutionary box boom linkage design Cat Planetary Power Shift emissions. This Mechanically actuated
with new maintenance-free sleeve Transmission. The 992K transmission Electronically controlled Unit Injection
bearing (SB) pins. Enhancements have utilizes a planetary gear group similar (MEUI) diesel engine shares a common
been made to the linkage to improve to the one used in the 993K and platform with the 777F, 993K, 854K,
durability. Improvements include high 994F, which has proven strength and and D11. The 992K produces the same
strength castings in pin joint areas that reliability. net power as the 992G, but has
resist twisting and minimize stress, a increased power density with the C32
new forked B pin bucket mount for engine. The increase in power density
better stress distribution from bucket yields improved engine response and
to boom, and a four-hinge plate fuel efficiency.
bucket design to increase linkage/
bucket durability.
DIAGNOSTIC PROGRAMS Product Link. A state-of-the-art satellite SOSSM Services. Keep minor repairs
Monitoring product health is key to technology-based product that provides from becoming major ones and
maintaining the reliability of any information flow between machine help prevent complete failures. By
equipment. Many programs are available on-board systems and the Caterpillar regularly taking samples from the
on the 992K both as standard and network operations center. Multiple ports provided, your Cat dealer tracks
optional features to help you track types of information can be collected component wear, oil performance,
machine condition. and tracked from machine location and oil condition and uses that data
and service meter hours, to health and to predict wear-related issues.
Vital Information Management
productivity information.
System (VIMS). Monitoring over 100
machine parameters, VIMS records Equipment Manager. With a subscription
these parameters for maintaining and to Equipment Manager through the
optimizing the machine. VIMS features Cat Dealer Storefront, the information
System Events and Data Events, collected through Product Link can be
giving notification from machine transmitted to a computer. With fast,
malfunction to changes in easy-to-access machine information, you
preprogrammed machine settings. can optimize asset utilization, reduce
security risks, improve maintenance
management and implement before-
failure repair strategies.
Delivery of performance is critical to your bottom line.
Cat Planetary Power Shift Transmission. TRUCK PASS MATCH
The 992K planetary powershift Dont work harder, work smarter optimize the wheel loader to the trucks. This
transmission is electronically controlled is accomplished through even passes when loading and optimizing operation for
and features three forward and three efficiencies. The 992K wheel loader was developed to optimize pass match with key
reverse speeds. trucks in this size class and job site requirements.
Transmission features include:
992K PassMatch
Integrated shifting/steering control 775 3 Pass
with F/N/R rocker switch and upshift/
downshift switches 777 4-5 Pass
People are the backbone of your business, and keeping them safe and productive is the
number one priority.
Good visibility, whether its front
Working 24 Hours a Day. Any time of
visibility for positioning to a truck or
the day and in all types of weather,
side visibility for vehicles or people
the 992K has a number of features SAFETY IN OPERATOR ENVIRONMENT
in the work area, is key to a safe work
to ensure safe visibility. Rear heated Cab comfort and operator safety go
environment. The 992K offers the best
mirrors are available for quick defrost hand in hand. Features which decrease
visibility for this size wheel loader class.
and good visibility in winter conditions. repetitive motion enhance operator
Additional standard visibility features
The optional High Intensity Discharge comfort while contributing to operator
that enhance safety include:
(HID) lights provide exceptional lighting safety. Key features that aid operator
Long-life LED taillights for night work. HID lights are a new safety include low effort implement
generation of 35-watt lights featuring controls floor mounted for ease of
Articulated wiper/washer system
a special flood lens and reflector which adjustment, a seat-belted trainers seat
with intermittent feature on front and
provides brighter output that can open to facilitate operator training on the
rear windows
up the floor in quarry and aggregate or jobsite, and a cab filtration system
mining operations. that removes dust and debris from the
cab air. Optional for extremely dusty
Optional roading fenders help prevent
applications is a cab pre-cleaner that
mud and debris build-up on the stairs for
reduces the amount of dust that reaches
safety in getting on and off the machine.
the cab air filter.
Optional warning beacons are also
available as a safety feature.
MAINTENANCE SAFETY Starter Lockout Switch (6). Another key Maintenance-Free Sleeve Bearing (SB)
Daily and routine maintenance should safety feature on the bumper service Linkage Pins. With the new SB pins,
not pose a safety hazard to your operator center is a starter lockout that disables front linkage pin greasing is eliminated
or service technician. With the 992K, machine start-up, which is often needed for select pins, keeping the operator from
design effort was taken to group service during service procedures. The machine having to access high or hard to reach
points with convenient access. One key will still have electrical power; however, grease points.
service center that is focused on operator the engine cannot be cranked.
and service technician safety is the
Transmission Lockout Switch (7). The 1
Bumper Service Center
transmission lockout switch does not
Bumper Service Center. This centralized allow the transmission to shift out of 7
service center, located at ground level neutral, even if running. This feature
on the left hand rear side of the 992K, is designed for service procedures that
includes a stairway light (1), auxiliary require the machine to be running but 2
emergency shutdown switch (2), VIMS need the transmission disabled for
port (3), power-on switch (4) and added safety.
electronic technician ET com-II port
In-Cab Steering Lockouts. The steering
(5). It also contains lockout switches
lockout feature in the cab locks the
allowing your service technician to
steering handle in the neutral position
perform routine maintenance while
ensuring the machine stays static.
and disables the transmission controls, 3
ensuring the machine will not be moved
until the lock is disabled. 5 4
Visibility Safety
Standard Features Optional Features
Long-life LED taillights Rear-vision camera with in cab monitor
Articulated wiper/washer system with intermittent feature on the front and High Intensity Discharge (HID) lighting package
rear windows
Rear-view heated mirrors
Warning light beacons
Operator Safety
Standard Features Optional Features
Floor mounted easily adjusted implement controls Roading fenders
Powered cab air pre-cleaner removes airborne dust before it reaches the cab
Low effort implement controls
air filter, increasing filter service interval
In-cab trainer seat with seat belt
Cab filtration system
Full perimeter railings on upper platform
Punched stamped tread plates
Stairway light
Maintenance Safety
Standard Features Optional Features
Complete electrical system lockout Optional ground level service center
Starter lockout
Hydraulic system lockout
Transmission lockout (both in cab and at ground level)
Ground level viewable site gauges on all major systems
Maintenance-free Sleeve Bearing (SB) linkage pins
The 992K is designed to ensure minimal downtime through ground level access, grouped
service points, and attention to key serviceable areas on the machine.
Minimize service time and maximize Rear Frame Hydraulic Center. The
production through key ground level rear frame service center is accessible
access points and grouped service from the cab platform and provides
centers. one location to monitor rear frame
pressures like fan pump, steering pump,
Monitoring the machine and
brake accumulator, Impeller Clutch
forewarning of machine trouble allows
Torque Converter, lock-up clutch and
you to schedule downtime and ensure
transmission pressures.
jobsite productivity continues without
interruption. Engine Service Area. In the left-hand
side engine access door are grouped
service points for the engine including
Bumper Service Center. The bumper
oil and fuel filters, oil fill, and oil check.
service center features safety service
The compartment also includes a light
controls including starter and
for service at night.
transmission lockouts, emergency
engine shutdown, and VIMS and ET Hydraulic Service Area. On top of the
Connections. The bumper service center platform behind the cab are access
also features a power-on switch and a panels for the the hydraulic implement
stairway light switch. filters and hydraulic pumps.
Ground level access service points and
grouped service points lead to easier
service, minimizing service time and
maximizing production. The 992K offers
seven centralized service centers located
throughout the machine. This allows a
service technician to perform a variety
of service procedures, often from ground
level or platform, ranging from access to
VIMS to grease fittings for the frame. Electronic Service Center. A centralized
electronic service center is located
Optional Service Center. The 992K Front Frame Hydraulic Center. The front
on the right side of the cab platform
offers an optional service center for frame hydraulic center is accessible from
and provides one service point for
one point of service. This includes oil the ground level right side and provides
transmission, implement, VIMS and
renewal system (if equipped) tank fill one location to monitor key front frame
ECMs, breakers, and fuses. It is sealed
and full light, radiator fill, implement pressures such as lift and lower circuits,
against weather elements.
fill, steering tank fill, transmission dump and rackback circuits, pilot supply
fill, engine oil fill, and Autolube (if and implement pumps. Additionally, a Cat Autolube Systems Option. The
equipped) fill and full light. The full manual lower hitch valve is located in Autolube system provides precise,
lights allows the service technician to this center. automatic lubrication of all grease
ensure the system is full while filling it joints while the machine is in operation.
at ground level. Automatic lubrication reduces time
spent on daily maintenance and
downtime for unplanned repairs due
to insufficient greasing.
1 Optional Service Center
Ground level
Oil renewal system (if equipped)
tank fill port
Oil renewal system full light
Radiator fill port
Implement fill port
2 5 Steering tank fill port
6 Transmission fill port
7 Engine oil fill port
Autolube (if equipped) fill port
3 Autolube tank full light
1 4 2 Hydraulic Service Center
Hydraulic pilot filters
Hydraulic pumps
Hydraulic case drain filters
3 Bumper Service Center (left side bumper)
Auxiliary emergency shutdown switch
VIMS port
Power on switch
Electronic Technician ET Com-II port
Stairway light switch
Product Link. Product Link is a
Starter lockout switch
state-of-the-art satellite technology Transmission lockout switch
based product that provides two-way
information flow between machine 4 Remote Diagnostic Pressure Ports
Front Frame
on-board systems and the Caterpillar
network operations center. Lift and lower circuit
Dump and rackback circuit
Equipment Manager. With a subscription Right and center implement
to Equipment Manager through the pump relief pressures
Cat Dealer Storefront, the information Ride control (optional)
collected through Product Link can be Pilot supply
DIAGNOSTICS Manual lower valve
transmitted to a remote computer.
The 992K offers customers the ability
to troubleshoot and monitor machine 5 Remote Diagnostic Pressure Ports
information, customize operator settings
The Caterpillar global network of Steering left
for continuity of operation, and set
independently owned dealers is the best Steering right
machine configuration. A number of
in the world at providing support to keep Steering pump discharge
these tasks are accomplished through
your loader up and running. Known for Fan drive
the VIMS which monitors over
parts availability and technical expertise, Brake accumulator front and rear
100 machine parameters.
Cat dealers are partners in your business. Impeller clutch
SOSSM Services. Keep minor repairs Lock-up clutch
from becoming major ones and Transmission lube
help prevent complete failures. By Brake pump discharge
Axle oil cooler motor supply
regularly taking samples from the
Axle oil cooler pump front and rear
ports provided, your Cat dealer tracks
Service brakes front and rear
component wear, oil performance,
and oil condition and uses that data to 6 Electrical Service Center
predict wear-related issues. Breakers ECMs
7 Engine Service Area
Primary fuel filter Engine oil filter
Water separator Air filters
Secondary fuel filter
Operator Comfort
The new 992K has been ergonomically designed to enhance operator comfort allowing for
a more productive jobsite.
Best-in-class working environment for Seat. The Cat Comfort air suspension Rear-Vision Camera. An optional rear-
this wheel loader size class seat, standard in the 992K, is built vision camera is available to clearly
strong and durable and is six-way monitor movement behind the wheel
Greater control and ease of operation
adjustable to accommodate all-sized loader. Additional optional features
for your operator
operators. The cast one-piece back that enhance visibility include a high
Ergonomically designed for the health and seat pan prevent protrusions under intensity discharge (HID) lighting
and safety of your operator the cushions. The seat features an package and warning beacons.
automotive-style lumbar support for
OPERATING ENVIRONMENT maximum comfort. A heated seat option
The 992K maintains the distinction of is available for additional comfort.
offering the largest, most ergonomic cab
in its class. VISIBILITY
The 992K provides excellent visibility to
both the front and rear of the machine.
Wipers with intermittent feature on both
front and back keep the windows clean
in any condition.
EASE OF OPERATION OPERATOR TRAINING Ride control is an option designed
The main control panel on the 992K A slight increase in cab size allows to reduce jolting and bouncing
is located to the right of the operators room for a trainer seat with three-inch during load and carry operations.
seat, keeping everything within reach seat belt. This provides a safe method to Accumulators act as shock absorbers
of the operator. Keeping all switches properly train the operator. to reduce machine pitching and
and controls conveniently placed provide a smoother ride over rough
allows better efficiency and improved ERGONOMICS terrain
productivity while minimizing Caterpillar understands that wheel
Electronically controlled automatic
operator fatigue. loaders work in some of the harshest
kickouts provide a smooth,
environments. By controlling machine
Special attention was paid to implement modulated cylinder stop throughout
vibrations, operator efficiency and
control effort and location of the the loading cycle
productivity are improved.
implement controls. The implement
All these features minimize operator
controls are fully adjustable to allow
fatigue, resulting in operator comfort
the operator to set the controls to their
and productivity.
size. The STIC steer controller uses a
single lever for steering and transmission
control. Left-hand operation enables the
operator to shift or change directions
without letting go of the steering
controls. Repetitive motion fatigue is
minimized through low-effort implement
controls and effortless steering.
Buckets and Work Tools
Cat buckets and ground engaging
tools provide versatility on any job
site. Proper bucket and application
match delivers increased stability and
maximum productivity. The combination
of right bucket with the right machine
will provide the best possible
performance in your application.
To better match your 992K to material Custom Buckets. Caterpillar Work Tools
conditions, contact your Caterpillar can design a bucket for your customers
dealer for speciality bucket needs. specific needs and material densities.
Contact your Cat dealer for more
Buckets. For the 992K, bucket capacity information.
ranges in size from 10.7 to 12.2 m3
(14-16 yd3). The following information
highlights bucket specifications and
available buckets.
Heavy Duty Rock Bucket. For use in
extremely aggressive applications such
as face loading tightly compacted pit The following chart highlights bucket selection information for 100% fill factor,
material. Intended for use in materials payload, and material density:
where moderate abrasion and high
impact is encountered. Material Density Bucket Volume
lb/yd3 tons/yd3 kg/m3 tonnes/m3 yd3 m3
2500 - 2800 1.25 - 1.40 1483 - 1661 1.48 - 1.66 16 12.2
2700 - 3000 1.35 - 1.50 1602 - 1780 1.60 - 1.78 15 11.5
2900 - 3200 1.45 - 1.60 1720 - 1898 1.72 - 1.90 14 10.7
The material density bucket chart is a guideline intended to maximize wheel loader structural and
component integrity. According to SAE J818, the rated operating load, in kilograms (pounds), will not
exceed 50 percent of the tipping capacity for wheel loaders as defined in SAE rating J732C.
Bucket Systems and K Series Work Tools
Owning and Operating Costs
The 992K is engineered to provide durability, reliability, ease of serviceability, and maximum
productivity for minimal downtime and machine life bringing more to your bottom line.
Machine design features extend MACHINE AND COMPONENT LIFE NEW Sleeve Bearing Linkage Pins.
machine life and minimize downtime High hour structure life and long life of The new sleeve bearing linkage pins
to keep the 992K in production. major components makes the 992K a feature an innovative design that
leader in durability and structural life. virtually eliminates any gauling that
Ease of serviceability includes
Additionally, similarity of components can occur. Additionally, with any pin
centralized service centers and ground
with other Cat machines such as the failures, an early predictor allows
level access. Less service time means
993K and 994F transmission or the the customer to maintain machine
more working time.
Cat C32 engine being utilized on the production and schedule downtime on
Machine monitoring allows for key or D11, 993K, and 777F, ensure proven, a regular maintenance day. Longer life
standard maintenance to be scheduled field tested components that give and predictable wear mean you get
around your production schedule. maximum life. maximum performance at the lowest
possible operating cost.
Your Cat dealer offers total customer
support unmatched in the industry.
Less downtime means more working Monitoring the machine and forewarning Consider the financing options available
time. Centralized service centers were of machine trouble allows you to as well as day-to-day operating costs.
designed for ease of access which leads schedule downtime and ensure jobsite This is also the time to look at dealer
to easier serviceability. productivity. services that can be included in the cost
of the machine to yield lower equipment
Key Service Centers. Service points are VIMS. Allows you to monitor over
owning and operating costs over the
clustered in seven centralized service 100 machine parameters and alerts the
long run.
centers, most of which can be accessed operator to malfunction in machine
safely from ground level. The seven key systems or a change in machine settings. Operation. Improving operating
service centers include: techniques can boost your profits. Your
CAT DEALER Cat dealer has training videotapes,
Optional Service Center offering
Your Cat dealer offers a wide range literature, and other ideas to help you
one point of service for a number of
of services that can be set up under a increase production.
key systems
customer support agreement when you
Product Support. You will find nearly
Bumper Service Center with a number purchase your equipment.
all parts at our dealer parts counter.
of safety service controls
Selection. Make detailed comparisons Cat dealers utilize a worldwide
Remote Diagnostic Ports Front Frame of the machines you are considering computer network to find in-stock parts
before you buy. How long do to minimize machine downtime. Save
Remote Diagnostic Ports Rear Frame
components last? What is the cost of money with remanufactured parts.
Hydraulic Service Center preventive maintenance? What is the You receive the same warranty and
true cost of lost production? Your Cat reliability as new products at a cost
Electronic Service Center
Dealer can give you precise answers savings of 40 to 70 percent.
Engine Service Area to these questions.
Engine Transmission
7 8
()Specifications and ratings conform to all applicable standards recommended by the Society for Automotive Engineers. SAE Standards J732C govern loader
ratings and are denoted in the text by ()
=Static tipping load and operating weight shown are based on standard machine configurations with a full fuel tank, coolant, lubricants, and operator
Alarm, back-up Axle oil coolers (front and rear)
Alternator, (150-amp) Brakes, full hyd, enclosed, wet multiple disc service brakes
Batteries, low maintenance and dry parking/secondary brake
Deutsch & Amp Seal terminal connectors Demand fan
ECM diagnostic connector Electric fuel priming pump
Lighting system, halogen (front & rear) Engine Cat C32 ACERT
Lighting, access stairway Ground level engine shutdown
Starter, electric (heavy duty) Ground level transmission lockout
Starting and charging system (24-volt) Ground level starter lockout
Starting receptacle for emergency start Implement and steering lockouts
Precleaner, engine air intake
Next Generation Modular Radiator (NGMR)
Action alert system, three category
Starting aid (ether) automatic
Air conditioner
Throttle lock
Cab, sound suppressed, pressurized, rollover protective
Transmission, 533 mm (21 in) planetary, powershift with
structure (ROPS/ FOPS) Radio ready for (entertainment)
3F/3R, electronic control
includes antenna, speakers, and 1 x 12V converters
(24-volt, 10 amp) for use with laptop/cell phone OTHER STANDARD EQUIPMENT
Cigar lighter and ashtray Autolube
Coat hook Automatic bucket lift/tilt kickouts, electronically adjustable
Electro-hydraulic tilt and lift control system locks from cab
Heater and defroster Bumper service center
Horn, electric Couplings, Caterpillar O-ring face seals
Instrumentation, gauges: Doors, service access (locking)
Engine coolant temperature Fenders, steel (front and rear)
Fuel level Grouped hydraulic pressure ports
Hydraulic oil temperature Guards, powertrain and crankcase
Tachometer Hitch, drawbar with pin
Transmission oil temperature Hoses, Caterpillar XT and XT-ES
Intermittent front wipers Hydraulic oil cooler
Light, dome (cab) Impeller clutch
Lunchbox and beverage holders Implement and steering ecology drains
Mirrors, rearview (externally mounted) Mufflers, under hood
Monitoring system (VIMS) w/gauges Oil sampling valves
Seat belt, retractable, 76 mm (3") wide Piston pump case drain filters
Seat, Cat Comfort (cloth) air suspension Positive Flow Control implement valve and pumps
STIC control system Sight gauges:
Tinted glass Steering oil level
Trainer seat with lap belt Implement oil level
Transmission gear indicator Transmission oil level
Wet-arm wipers/washer (front, rear, and corners) Coolant level
Starter lockout, bumper
Stairway, left rear access
Steering and transmission lock lever, cab
Steering, load sensing
Transmission lockout, bumper
Vandalism protection caplocks
Venturi stack
A tire must be selected from the mandatory attachments
section. Base machine price includes a tire allowance
Premixed 50 percent concentration of extended life coolant
with freeze protection to 34C (-29F)
22 992K Wheel Loader specifications
Optional Equipment
Optional equipment may vary. Consult your Caterpillar dealer for details.
Mandatory Equipment
Must choose from each category. Consult your Caterpillar dealer for more information.
For more complete information on Cat products, dealer services, and industry solutions,
visit us on the web at www.cat.com
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CAT, CATERPILLAR, their respective logos, SOS, ACERT, VIMS, Caterpillar Yellow
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