Projected Cost Analysis Sheet: Participant Name County

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Participant Name County _________________

This form is required, but the following are *optional* to send for initial feedback:
A picture of your pig at weigh-in
Pictures of its housing, including the feed and water bin, and if it has access to dirt
A picture of your initial feed label.

1-6 are ACTUAL dates, weights, and costs involved in acquiring your pig.

1. Birthdate of pig (as close as breeder can determine) __________________

2. Date feeder pig acquired __________________
3. Beginning weight at date of purchase __________________
4. Purchase cost of pig __________________
5. Cost per pound (divide line 4 by line 3) __________________
6. If pig was purchased before the weigh-in weekend of March 11-14....
A. What was the weigh-in date (March 11, 12, 13, or 14)? __________________
B. What was the pigs weight on that date? __________________

7-17 are PROJECTED estimates of costs, weight gains, etc. ESTIMATE

7. Number of days pig will be on feed (from line 2 to June 23) __________________
8. Total lbs of feed from purchase (line 2) to harvesting ________________
9. Total feed costs __________________
10. Final weight of pig __________________
11. Total lbs of gain (line 10 minus line 3) __________________
12. Pounds of gain per lb of feed (divide line 11 by line 8) __________________
13. Average daily gain (divide line 11 by line 7) __________________
14. Feed costs per lb of gain (divide line 9 by line 11) __________________
15. Miscellaneous costs (include medicine, vet bills, etc.) __________________
16. Total costs (add lines 4, 9 and 15) __________________
17. Total cost per lb of gain (divide line 16 by line 11) __________________

Breeding of Pig: _______________________________

Barrow or Gilt: _______________________________

AGENTS SIGNATURE _______________________________________________

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