Comparing Problem Based Learning With Case Based.10

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Comparing Problem-Based Learning with

Case-Based Learning: Effects of a Major
Curricular Shift at Two Institutions
Malathi Srinivasan, MD, Michael Wilkes, MD, PhD, Frazier Stevenson, MD,
Thuan Nguyen, MS, MD, and Stuart Slavin, MD

Purpose second-, and third-year Doctoring preferred CBL because of fewer
Problem-based learning (PBL) is now courses from PBL to CBL formats. Ten unfocused tangents (59%, odds ration
used at many medical schools to months after the shift (2001 at UCLA [OR] 4.10, P .01), less busy-work
promote lifelong learning, open inquiry, and 2004 at UCD), students and faculty (80%, OR 3.97, P .01), and more
teamwork, and critical thinking. PBL has who had participated in both curricula opportunities for clinical skills application
not been compared with other forms of completed a 24-item questionnaire (52%, OR 25.6, P .002).
discussion-based small-group learning. about their PBL and CBL perceptions and
Case-based learning (CBL) uses a guided the perceived advantages of each format Conclusions
inquiry method and provides more Learners and faculty at two major
Results academic medical centers
structure during small-group sessions. In A total of 286 students (86%97%) and
this study, we compared faculty and overwhelmingly preferred CBL (guided
31 faculty (92%100%) completed
medical students perceptions of inquiry) over PBL (open inquiry). Given
questionnaires. CBL was preferred by
traditional PBL with CBL after a curricular the dense medical curriculum and need
students (255; 89%) and faculty (26;
shift at two institutions. for efficient use of student and faculty
84%) across schools and learner levels.
time, CBL offers an alternative model to
Method The few students preferring PBL (11%) traditional PBL small-group teaching. This
Over periods of three years, the medical felt it encouraged self-directed learning study could not assess which method
schools at the University of California, (26%) and valued its greater produces better practicing physicians.
Los Angeles (UCLA) and the University of opportunities for participation (32%).
California, Davis (UCD) changed first-, From logistic regression, students Acad Med. 2007; 82:7482.

Contemporary medical practice most effective, time efficient, and demonstrated improved learner/faculty
employs a variety of small-group, case- palatable to the learner and teacher. In satisfaction but without changes in test
based discussion strategies.13 Small- this study, we assessed two methods of scores from responses to multiple-choice
group teaching methods emphasize small-group teaching: the classical questions.8 Many hypothesize that when
teamwork and problem solving, yet they problem-based learning (PBL) method5 confronted with a new problem, learners
are extremely faculty- and resource and an innovative case-based learning participating in PBL instruction may
intensive.4 Controversy remains about (CBL) strategy.6 emerge as better problem solvers than
which method of small-group learning is would learners from purely lecture-based
instruction. Some have called PBL an
Background open inquiry approach.
Dr. Srinivasan is assistant professor of medicine, The two teaching methods
University of California, Davis, School of Medicine,
Sacramento, California. In PBL small groups, the group focuses In CBL small groups, the group focuses
on the process of discovery by learners on creative problem solving, with some
Dr. Wilkes is professor of medicine and vice dean,
Education, University of California, Davis, School of to stimulate problem solving, advance preparation.9 Discovery is
Medicine, Sacramento, California. independent learning, and teamwork.7 encouraged in a format in which both
Usually, facilitators play a minimal role students and facilitators share
Dr. Stevenson is associate professor of medicine,
University of California, Davis, School of Medicine, and do not guide the discussion, even responsibility for coming to closure on
Sacramento, California. when learners explore tangents. In this cardinal learning points. As in the PBL
Ms. Nguyen is a statistics PhD candidate, format, learners are presented a problem, format, learners are presented with a
University of California, Davis, School of Medicine, often using a clinical case as a starting clinical problem and have time to
Davis, California. struggle, define, and resolve the problem.
point for discussion. Learners then have
Dr. Slavin is associate dean for curriculum, Saint Louis time to struggle and define the problem, However, when learners begin to explore
University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri. explore related issues (during and/or tangents, the facilitators will use guiding
Correspondence should be addressed to Dr. after sessions), and grapple with problem questions to bring them back to the main
Srinivasan, UC Davis Department of Medicine, 4150 learning objective. Additionally, students
resolution. Compared with traditional
V. Street, Suite 2400, Sacramento, CA 95817;
telephone: (916) 734-7005; e-mail: lecture-based educational approaches, prepare in advance for the session, and
( PBL instructional methods have they may ask questions of the local

74 Academic Medicine, Vol. 82, No. 1 / January 2007


experts during the session. They typically issues and encourages debate, discussion, To date, no study has directly compared
have little postsession work, although this and exploration of ambiguity while these extremely different types of small-
varies depending on the groups interest providing more structure for the learner group teaching methods. Previous
in pursuing additional issues. Some have in an efficient, goal-directed manner. barriers to this comparison included the
called CBL a guided inquiry approach. Key Further, CBL proponents argue that CBL need to train facilitators in both methods,
similarities and differences between these helps focus the learners on the key points the preference of faculty for one
two methods are illustrated in Figure 1. of a clinical case, encourages a structured particular method of small-group
approach to clinical problem-solving, teaching, and the need to recreate a new
PBL proponents argue that PBL methods and allows each learner to be a content curriculum for students with the
encourage lifelong learning, simulate expert for part of the session. alternate method.
clinical practice, encourage curiosity, and Importantly, they argue that facilitators
create a broader understanding of the Curricular shift at two academic health
can correct incorrect assumptions of the
complexity of medicine.5,10 PBL centers
learnerwhich usually does not happen
detractors argue that the PBL process is The University of California, Davis,
in PBL. Faculty can moderate the
time inefficient, frustrating for time- School of Medicine (UCD) and the
influence of louder, more contributory
pressured medical learners, and often University of California, Los Angeles,
students. CBL detractors argue that
leads to erroneous conclusions.9 David Geffen School of Medicine at
Additionally, there is little guarantee that providing answers (or direction towards
answers) to key clinical or ethical UCLA (UCLA), each undertook a shift in
the students will learn how to apply the teaching methods from a longitudinal
material necessary for clinical practice in questions effectively stifles curiosity.
Detractors also argue that without PBL course to a longitudinal CBL course,
the absence of appropriate clinical via an existing small-group course called
direction.1 PBL detractors also state that intensive faculty development, the CBL
format may encourage faculty to lecture Doctoring. This shift occurred between
the presence and expertise of the faculty 1998 and 2001 at UCLA and between
is wasted if it not harnessed in more than instead of facilitate. They feel that CBL
encourages a spoon-feeding mentality of 2002 and 2004 at UCD. Although the
a passive manner. PBL course at each school had received
learners, in which they always expect
their peers or teachers to have the correct good reviews from students and faculty
CBL proponents argue that CBL still
based on standard course evaluations, the
provides for open-ended exploration of answers.
shift was undertaken to assess the impact
of a guided inquiry approach over an
open-ended approach to small-group

At the time of the change from PBL to

CBL, the surveyed students had at least
one year of experience with the PBL
format, with similar content and learning
issues. At UCLA, these medical students
were finishing the second year (with PBL
in their first year) and their third year
(with PBL in their first two years). At
UCD, these medical students were
finishing their third year (with PBL in
their first two years).

At both schools in the PBL format,

students were presented with a clinical
case using a sequential management
problem (Table 1). Over the course of
multiple sessions, students identified
their own learning issues for the case,
explored those issues, and brought back
new material to the small group to
inform the rest of the group. Many of the
cases were triggered by standardized
patient interviews. Video-trigger tapes or
standardized patient interviews were used
to illustrate key points, and students were
encouraged to seek outside sources of
information to share with the group on
topics. The topics related to clinical
Figure 1 Differences between two small-group instructional methods: problem-based learning management, etiology, epidemiology,
(PBL) and case-based learning (CBL). and pathophysiology. Typically,

Academic Medicine, Vol. 82, No. 1 / January 2007 75


Table 1
Differences in Approach to a Clinical Case Using Two Small-Group Teaching
Methods, UCLA and UC Davis, 2004*
element Problem-based learning Case-based learning
Presenting problem A 15-year-old boy with asthma comes with his father to a clinic visit. The father wants his son tested for drugs because his behavior has
changed over the past several months. The father wants a perfect son (like his older son) and doesnt understand why his son is withdrawn
and doing poorly in school. The son is initially sullen, resentful, with poor eye contact. The father is angry and feels that he has been treated
poorly because he has HMO insurance.
Actual dilemma The actual dilemma is to establish trust with the son. Specifically, to understand reasons for the sons behavioral change and to ensure that
the son returns for future visits.
During the encounter, learners must convince the father to leave the room, to have an open conversation with the son. The son is quite
upset that he cant participate in sports, because he gets short of breath from uncontrolled asthma. His friends have changed because of
this, and he feels isolated at school. Once the learner discusses confidentiality, the son reveals that he has tried drugs in the past, but he is
not a frequent user. His father is domineering and judgmental. The son doesnt want his father told about his sporadic drug use. This is just
between us, right?
Time for session Three hours per session. The SPs arrive about 30 minutes into the session.
Faculty training 50 minutes before each session, plus faculty guide given a week before the session.
Student pre-session None Each student reads one or two core articles about the topic.
preparation Three to five students read specialized articles on related
topics, which they will present to the group at the
appropriate time.
Initial question to Why is the patient here? Why is the patient here?
begin discussion
Student approach May interrupt, pose questions, provide answers/approaches to dilemmas May interrupt, pose questions, provide answers/approaches
that occur during the session. to dilemmas that occur during the session. Responds to
faculty questions and directions.
Faculty approach to Faculty will not interfere, and will allow the students to continue their The faculty may:
students incorrect discussion. Mistakes may be corrected by other students, but only if
Redirect and explore incorrect statements: Why do you
knowledge or students recognize the mistake. Otherwise, the mistake or misperception
think that is true? Can you provide some examples? What
assumptions will go undetected by the learners.
do the rest of you think?
Provide corrective information: Actually, another approach
to managing asthma in adolescents involves . . . or When
you ask the SP sensitive questions, you must give him time
to respond. Dont interrupt.
Discuss alternate techniques: Why do you think the
patient isnt comfortable talking to you about sensitive
issues? What could you do differently?
Faculty approach to Does not interfere, and allows the students to continue their discussion, Probe learner for alternatives: Why do you think that is
clinical blind-alley unencumbered by learning objectives. important in this case? What else might you consider that
digression might be important? What do the rest of you think?
Student use of The students generate questions during session. Students are given time None
additional resources to look up articles, Web sites, and references based on discussion by the
during the session group
Student additional The group assigns individuals homework assignments between sessions, None required. Articles read by selected students presession
work after the because the same case will continue over several sessions. These PBL are available to all students after the session. If the group
session assignments would require obtaining information about the topic. These chooses, unanswered or unresolved issues are investigated
assignments would take about the same preparation time as the CBL and brought back to the group later.
student presession preparation for reading one to two articles.
Case continuity The same case will continue over several consecutive sessions. For The same case may continue over several sessions, but will be
instance, a patient presents with abdominal bloating, is found to have a spread out in time.
testicular and abdominal masses, is treated for a mixed germ cell tumor,
For instance, on case 4/session 1, a standardized patient will
and suffers multiple chemotherapy complications before recovering. In
present with newly diagnosed breast cancer and the student
session 1, the students may discuss any number of issues around
will have to break the bad news. On case 4/session 2 a few
approaches to abdominal pain. In session 2, the students may discuss any
months later, the student will have to discuss informed
number of issues around testicular cancer (breaking bad news, sexuality,
consent around clinical trials. On case 4/session 3, the learner
prognosis). In session 3, students may discuss issues surrounding
will have to discuss code status and inform the patient that
chemotherapy and clinical trials (informed consent, health status
the disease has recurred. On case 1/session 4, the learner will
measurement, economic impact, stigmatization).
have to deal with an angry partner after the hospital has failed
to respect the patients wishes to not be intubated, as listed in
the durable power of attorney.

* At UCLA and UC Davis, a problem-based learning curriculum was replaced by a case-based learning curriculum,
of similar length and general content, and generally taught by the same faculty. Three sets of medical students
(second- and third-year students at UCLA and third-year students at UC Davis) had experience with both
formats. This table highlights how similar clinical material would be taught differently using the two techniques.

76 Academic Medicine, Vol. 82, No. 1 / January 2007


obtaining and preparing additional students and facilitate discussion. The type of small-group format, based on
material took less than an hour. If CBL curriculum was developed at both their communications with us.
students explored tangential material or institutions by a common faculty
had incorrect assumptions about the member (MSW). After the curricular shift, we assessed the
material/approach, these were left effect of each teaching method on the
uncorrected, because mistakes were First-, second-, and third-year medical target population of our educational
understood to be part of the learning students, respectively, participated in intervention. Below, we report how we
process. Trigger material was provided to Doctoring 1, 2, or 3 courses. Both PBL assessed the target population, the
the students to encourage discussion of and CLB courses had about the same learners and faculty members
ethical, economic, and cultural themes number of student contact hours per preferences for the two teaching
relevant to the session. Faculty were school. Depending on the course, methods, the factors that contributed to
encouraged to provide guidance only students would meet from 15 to 25 those preferences, and how those
when asked, and to throw back the sessions with their small groups. Sessions involved in our study felt about the
questions to the students whenever ranged from two to three hours. Each effectiveness of the two methods in
possible. course ranged from 60 to 120 hours, reaching their educational goals.
depending on the year. Clinical cases
At both schools in the CBL format, were used to anchor the discussions and
students were presented with a clinical Method
would often run over several sessions in
case using progressive disclosure in a both formats. There were roughly the We developed a 24-item survey
fixed order throughout the session. same number of sessions per year, per instrument about the strengths and
Students had preassigned general school. At both schools, before and after weaknesses of each curricular model and
readings, which were often the curricular shift, each small group preferred choice of learning. The
complemented by specific readings consisted of two faculty and seven to nine instrument was piloted with ten fourth-
assigned to individual students. Typically, students. These small groups worked year students. The survey was
reading and preparing for the sessions together for the full year. Some of the administered approximately 10 months
ahead of time took less than one hour. curricular changes were highlighted in after each group had the opportunity to
Sessions typically began with a check-in participate in the new curriculum: in
the first few Doctoring sessions. The
phase, in which students shared recent 2001 to 215 students at UCLA and in
paired faculty had different but
professional experiences. Case discussion 2004 to 89 students at UCD.
complementary backgrounds. The pairs
began with either a discussion of the
would include one clinical faculty
main clinical problem or a presentation Questions focused on identifying the
member (pediatrician, internist,
of a patients case, via a triage note. strengths of each teaching method based
emergency room, etc.) and a mental
During each session, one or two students on the assumptions of each proponent,
health or social work faculty member
would interview a standardized patient. achievement of specific learning
(psychologist, psychiatrist, social worker,
Faculty and interviewing students could objectives, general curricular questions,
call time-outs at key times to discuss the etc.)6,9. Each student in the two medical and overall preference for each teaching
ongoing interview content to help the schools was assigned to a small group, method. For instance, theoretical
student problem solve. During time-outs, with attention to balancing sex and advantages of CBL included fewer
students in the group would provide ethnicity. All participants evaluated each unfocused tangents or more
feedback and assistance to the other at the midpoint and end of the opportunities for clinical skills
interviewing students. At the conclusion academic year. application. Theoretical advantages of
of the session, there was no requirement PBL included increased time interacting
for students to read about the completed Faculty at both schools were recruited with and getting to know faculty and
case, because the next case would be on a from among those with the highest greater self-directed learning. The general
different topic. In several sessions, the teaching evaluations and with a genuine curricular questions were assessed on a
same standardized patient would return interest in medical education. Faculty five-point Likert scale to allow learners a
for follow-up visits, allowing students to were assigned to small groups and neutral choice if they had no strong
follow the development of illness over worked with the same group all year. preference about the question.
time, but the patient would present with Faculty participated in specific training
different issues than those shown in the regarding the teaching methods. Training At UCD, third-year Doctoring students
initial presentation. Ethical, economic, included a half-day to one-day seminar and their faculty were surveyed, and at
and cultural themes were interwoven into about teaching methods. We developed UCLA, both second- and third-year
the discussion. Each week, facilitators the seminars and focused on teaching Doctoring students were surveyed. Only
were provided with a facilitator guide techniques, use of standardized patients faculty who had taught in both formats
that contained learning objectives, in teaching encounters, student were included in the survey. The
sample questions, sample answers to the evaluation methods, and discussion of questionnaire took approximately 10
questions, and a time-management guide teaching experiences. All faculty also minutes to complete. Anonymity was
for the format of the class. Faculty were participated in a required weekly hour- achieved by deidentifying the data during
encouraged to provide guidance when long faculty development sessions analysis. We compared all students with
the group seemed off track or unsure associated with each class. Faculty in both all faculty, UCLA second-year with third-
about the content. However, they were the PBL and CBL courses had little year students, and UCD third-year
also asked to throw back questions to the difficulty in adapting their style to either students with UCLA third-year students.

Academic Medicine, Vol. 82, No. 1 / January 2007 77


We did not compare faculty responses In comparison, the majority of faculty UCD students felt that there were
between schools, because the sample sizes felt that PBL was advantageous in only somewhat more benefits to PBL.
were small. Mean preference scores were two areas. Specifically, faculty felt that
compared using two-sample t tests; PBL provided more emphasis on Effect of learner level. We were also
proportions preferring a specific format independent learning and that it interested in the effect of the learners
or rating a feature as a strength were encouraged self-directed learning. stage of training. UCLA Doctoring 2 and
compared by chi-square tests. We also However, student responses were 3 students differed on only a few points.
explored the degree to which specific significantly lower for these items, and For instance, compared with Doctoring 3
opinions on strengths or weaknesses led responses differed significantly with the students, more Doctoring 2 students felt
to a preference for PBL versus CBL, using faculty. Additionally, fewer than half of that the structured CBL environment
logistic regression. All tests of hypotheses the students agreed with the advantages enhanced knowledge.
were two tailed at level 0.05, and all of the PBL methods that have been
analyses used SAS version 6.02. The study proposed by PBL proponents. For Comparison with faculty ratings.
was approved as exempt by each schools instance, only 9% felt that less course Faculty ratings of CBL were quite
institutional review board, because the structure provided opportunities for positive. A few differences were noted in
responses were only examined in more participation in class or that PBL comparison with students. For instance,
aggregate, all data were analyzed in a really promoted student participation. students were more likely to report that
deidentified manner, and no adverse Only a quarter of all students agreed that CBL decreased outside work, busy work,
outcome accrued to either faculty PBL promoted the ability to explore a or the need for presentation. Faculty
or student for participation/ single case in any depth, emphasized ratings of PBL were less positive than
nonparticipation. Because the study their ratings for CBL. Faculty saw more
independent learning, or encouraged
benefits to PBL than did the students. For
examined the effect of a curricular shift, stronger resource-utilization skills, and
instance, faculty were more likely to
and not learner-specific outcomes that 23% of students felt that the PBL format
report that PBL stimulated independent
could affect students careers, individual had no advantages at all.
learning and encouraging self-directed
consent was not necessary for the survey.
learning. Only 3% of faculty (in
When asked directly about particular PBL
comparison with 23% of students) found
advantages, students and faculty thought
no value to the PBL method.
Results that PBL was somewhat valuable or not
valuable and that it neither promoted nor Associations with preferred
Response rate. At UCLA, 209 (97%) of
inhibited discussion (see Table 3). instructional methods. We also explored
the surveyed students and 23 (92%) of
Overall, they reported that PBL was which perceived strengths of the two
the surveyed faculty responded; at UCD,
somewhat valuable or not valuable in approaches were associated with a
77 (86%) students and 8 (100%) faculty
promoting listening skills. They reported preference for one curricular method
responded. For both schools, this meant
that both PBL methods somewhat over the other, using logistic regression
that 286 (94%) of the students and 31
promoted self-directed learning. There analysis. Separate models examined the
(94%) of the faculty responded.
were statistically significant differences role played by perceived advantages of
Curricular preferences. As seen in Table between groups on a few of these items, CBL and of PBL. Students who agreed
2, students and faculty overwhelmingly but these differences were generally small that having fewer unfocused tangents was
preferred the CBL method; at UCLA, 189 in magnitude. an advantage of CBL were substantially
(90%) of students and 18 (78%) of more likely to prefer that method: odds
faculty; at UCD, 66 (85%) of students Comparison of learners and faculty ratio (OR) 4.10, P .01. A preference for
and 8 (100%) of faculty. Between 60% perceptions, between institutions. We less busy-work and fewer student
and 80% of students at both institutions were interested in seeing whether learners presentations also predicted a preference
identified as comparative strengths of the at different schools perceived the benefits for CBL (OR 3.97, P .01). Students
CBL format that it made better use of of the curriculum differentlyas who saw greater opportunities for clinical
time, had fewer unfocused tangents, and reflecting a schools individual culture. skill application in CBL preferred that
decreased outside work and busy work Because Doctoring 2 and Doctoring 3 method (OR 25.6, P .002), whereas those
(required work without perceived emphasize different content and have who enjoyed more opportunity to meet
benefit). About half of the learners felt students who have transitioned between with faculty tended to prefer PBL (OR 0.15,
they had more opportunity for clinical the preclinical and clinical years, we only P .001). These analyses suggest that all
problem solving. In addition, more than compared differences between schools for of these features of the two methods
half of the faculty felt that CBL offered learners at the same stage of training contributed somewhat independently to
the opportunity to apply the skills learned (Doctoring 3 students), using two-tailed t preferences, but they should be interpreted
in the CBL sessions in different practice tests. There were few significant with caution because the number of
settings. More than half of the faculty at differences between groups, as noted in students preferring PBL was small only
both schools felt that PBL offered more Table 3. Compared with UCD students, 27 in each model.
opportunities for application of problem- UCLA students were more likely to agree
solving skills within the session. Fewer that CBL decreased outside work and Discussion
than 5% of student and faculty felt that busy work and that it offered more Educators are struggling to find practical
there were no advantages to the CBL opportunities for clinical problem instructional methods to promote critical
format. solving. Compared with UCLA students, inquiry and sustainable self-directed

78 Academic Medicine, Vol. 82, No. 1 / January 2007


Table 2
Perceptions of Learners and Faculty at Two Institutions about Small-Group
Teaching Methods: Problem-Based Learning and Case-Based Learning, 2001
and 2004*
UC Davis
Doctoring 3 UCLA Doctoring 2 UCLA Doctoring 3 All participants
Student: Faculty: Student: Faculty: Student: Faculty: Student: Faculty:
no. (%) no. (%) no. (%) no. (%) no. (%) no. (%) no. (%) no. (%)
Type of inquiry (n 77) (n 8) (n 114) (n 12) (n 95) (n 11) (n 286) (n 31)
Individuals who preferred case-based
learning 66 (85) 8 (100) 101 (89) 9 (75) 88 (93) 9 (82) 255 (89) 26 (84)
Individuals who preferred problem-
based learning 11 (15) 0 (0) 13 (11) 3 (25) 7 (7) 2 (18) 31 (11) 5 (16)
Case-based learning: individuals who
agreed with stated advantage
More efficient use of time 43 (56) 6 (75) 78 (68) 7 (58) 61 (64) 6 (55) 182 (64) 19 (61)
Fewer unfocused tangents 56 (73) 6 (75) 56 (49) 4 (33) 57 (60) 5 (45) 169 (59) 15 (48)
Decrease in outside work 41 (53) 1 (13) 87 (76) 0 (0) 66 (69) 5 (45) 194 (68) 6 (19)

Less busy work 54 (70) 2 (25) 99 (87) 5 (42) 76 (80) 7 (64) 229 (80) 14 (45)
More opportunities for participation 33 (43) 3 (38) 32 (28) 2 (17) 32 (34) 5 (45) 97 (34) 10 (32)
More structured environment enhances
learning 35 (45) 4 (50) 49 (43) 6 (50) 28 (30) 3 (27) 112 (39) 13 (42)
More opportunities to apply learning to
different cases 25 (32) 3 (38) 45 (39) 8 (67) 36 (38) 6 (55) 106 (37) 17 (55)
More opportunities for clinical problem skill
application 32 (42) 5 (63) 59 (52) 6 (50) 58 (61) 4 (36) 149 (52) 15 (48)
Eliminates need for student presentations 37 (48) 2 (25) 71 (62) 3 (25) 57 (60) 5 (45) 165 (58) 10 (32)
No advantages of case-based learning 5 (6) 0 (0) 4 (4) 1 (8) 2 (2) 0 (0) 11 (4) 1 (3)
Problem-based learning: individuals
who agreed with stated advantage
Less structure promotes more participation 10 (13) 3 (38) 9 (8) 5 (42) 6 (6) 2 (18) 25 (9) 10 (32)
More opportunities for exploration of related
topics 14 (18) 1 (13) 15 (13) 5 (42) 15 (16) 0 (0) 44 (15) 6 (19)
More opportunities to explore a single case in
depth 25 (32) 1 (13) 21 (18) 1 (8) 21 (22) 2 (18) 67 (23) 4 (13)
More opportunities to interact with faculty 13 (17) 2 (25) 19 (17) 4 (33) 5 (5) 1 (9) 37 (13) 7 (23)
More emphasis on independent learning 30 (39) 4 (50) 25 (22) 9 (75) 20 (21) 4 (36) 75 (26) 17 (55)
More opportunities for student participation 8 (10) 1 (13) 11 (10) 2 (17) 8 (8) 2 (18) 27 (9) 5 (16)
Better assurance that quiet students
participate 22 (29) 4 (50) 23 (20) 2 (17) 14 (15) 3 (27) 59 (21) 9 (29)

Encourage self-directed learning 29 (38) 6 (75) 27 (24) 9 (75) 20 (21) 4 (36) 76 (27) 19 (61)
Encourage stronger skills in using resource 20 (26) 3 (38) 39 (34) 7 (58) 21 (22) 3 (27) 80 (28) 13 (42)
No advantages to problem-based learning 11 (14) 0 (0) 31 (27) 0 (0) 23 (24) 1 (9) 65 (23) 1 (3)
* At UCLA and UC Davis, a problem-based learning curriculum was replaced by a case-based learning curriculum,
of similar length and general content, and generally taught by the same faculty. Three sets of medical students
(second- and third-year students at UCLA and third-year students at UC Davis) had experience with both
formats. This table summarizes the responses of students and faculty who were surveyed in 2001 at UCLA and
in 2004 at UC Davis to general questions about the two curricular methods. Given the small numbers of faculty
surveyed at each institution, direct faculty comparisons were not calculated.

P value 0.05, comparing perceptions of UCLA Doctoring 3 students with UC Davis Doctoring 3 students.

P value 0.05, comparing perceptions of UCLA Doctoring 2 students with UCLA Doctoring 3 students.

P value 0.001, comparing perceptions of all students with all faculty at both sites.

learning.1,5,6,11 PBL has been heavily methods to promote inquiry and method, both students and faculty
promoted in the literature and in development of related skills. In this shift, contribute to discussion, learning issues
educational conferences as the preferred PBL was replaced with CBL during a are preidentified, and preparatory
method of promoting critical inquiry. period of two to three years. readings are assigned, while student
This study assessed the outcomes of a Overwhelmingly, students and faculty at discussion and guided inquiry around
major, similar curricular shift at two both institutions preferred the CBL clinical problems are still promoted.
academic medical centers to examine instructional method. In this small-group Guided inquiry, over open inquiry, was

Academic Medicine, Vol. 82, No. 1 / January 2007 79


Table 3
Mean Responses of Students and Faculty at Two Institutions to General
Questions about Two Curricular Methods, 2001 and 2004*
UC Davis Doctoring 3 UCLA Doctoring 2 UCLA Doctoring 3 All participants
Faculty: Student: Faculty: Student: Faculty: Student: Faculty:
General question about curricular Student: mean mean mean mean mean mean mean
method; explanation of rating mean (SD) (SD) (SD) (SD) (SD) (SD) (SD) (SD)
scale (n 77) (n 8) (n 114) (n 12) (n 95) (n 11) (n 286) (n 31)
Was the problem-based learning method 2.4 (0.9) 3.3 (1.0) 2.4 (1.0) 3.7 (0.8) 2.6 (1.1) 2.0 (1.4) 2.5 (1.0) 3.1 (1.2)
educationally valuable?
(1 not at all valuable; 5 extremely
Was the problem-based learning method 2.6 (0.9) 3.1 (0.9) 2.2 (1.0) 2.7 (1.5) 2.1 (0.9) 2.5 (1.0) 2.3 (0.9) 2.8 (1.2)
valuable for promoting listening skills?
(1 not at all valuable; 5 extremely
Did the problem-based learning method 3.3 (1.1) 3.0 (0.8) 2.8 (1.1) 3.0 (1.2) 2.7 (1.0) 3.2 (1.0) 2.9 (1.1) 3.0 (1.0)
inhibit or promote discussion?
(1 inhibit; 5promote)
Did the problem-based learning method 3.1 (1.0) 3.5 (0.5) 2.7 (0.8) 3.3 (0.9) 2.6 (1.0) 3.0 (1.0) 2.8 (1.0) 3.3 (0.8)
achieve our goals for self-directed
(1 not achieved at all; 5 very well
Did the case-based learning method 2.8 (1.0) 3.0 (1.0) 3.0 (0.9) 2.6 (1.0) 3.2 (0.9) 3.3 (1.2) 3.0 (0.9) 2.9 (1.1)
achieve our goals for self-directed
(1 not achieved at all; 5 very well
* At UCLA and UC Davis, a problem-based learning curriculum was replaced by a case-based learning curriculum,
of similar length and general content, and generally taught by the same faculty. Three sets of medical students
(second- and third-year students at UCLA and third-year students at UC Davis) had experience with both
formats. This table summarizes the responses of students and faculty who were surveyed in 2001 at UCLA and
in 2004 at UC Davis about their perceptions about both teaching methods. Given the small numbers of faculty
at each institution, direct faculty comparisons were not calculated.

P value 0.05, comparing perceptions of UCLA Doctoring 3 students with UC Davis Doctoring 3 students.

P value 0.05, comparing perceptions of UCLA Doctoring 2 students with UCLA Doctoring 3 students.

P value 0.001, comparing perceptions of all students with all faculty at both sites.

preferred by these early learners and Barrows.5 Although the CBL-initiating Medical learners are operating in a time-
experienced faculty. faculty member (MSW) was the same at pressured setting, in which learners are
both institutions, the faculty multitasking clinical, academic, and
Although it is conceivable that implementing the curriculum and the personal responsibilities often in excess
individuals at both institutions had students at each site were different. The of 60 to 80 hours a week. The lack of
identical cultures and responded CBL curricula at each site, while quite closure of the PBL method, with
similarly because of similarities in their similar, were not identical except in additional work between cases, and
West Coast environment, these method of instruction. Thus, the exploration of blind alleys, seemed like
institutions are, in fact, quite different. robustness of our findings is increased by busy work to the learnersas opposed to
The institutions differ in their urban/ the variation in the schools and courses free exploration and inquiry. Student
suburban settings, their in-state/out-of- themselves. Additionally, both students presentations were often inefficient, and
state student mix, residency choices by and faculty rated important
some presented inaccurate or incomplete
students, faculty expectations, and questionnaire items for both PBL and
institutional size. Outside of their information on their topics. The open
CBL very similarlywith few statistical
common Doctoring curricula, other inquiry method is also not mirrored in
differencesfurther strengthening our
curricular initiatives are quite different. the clinical arena, where the learners
At each institution, both the PBL and the develop a sound clinical approach with
CBL courses were carefully conceived, Why did these students prefer the CBL guidance from faculty and more senior
well executed, well supported, and over PBL? Did they eschew the fully open learners. It may be that more advanced
involved numerous faculty. The initial inquiry method of PBL? Our findings learners (who have the context for their
PBL courses were only somewhat similar indicate that the determinants of student work already developed) or a subset of
in content, but they were nearly identical preference for the CBL format were early learners might benefit more from a
in method. They both adhered to the related to perceptions of efficient use of process of open inquiry in a time-limited
strict definitions of PBL described by time, not an opposition to open inquiry. context. At our institutions, learners

80 Academic Medicine, Vol. 82, No. 1 / January 2007


participated in no other courses taught in points to a value that both learners and who may have disliked some aspects of
the PBL format. One might hypothesize faculty placed on the revised CBL PBL (such as not correcting student
that if an entire school were created using instructional method. errors) may have been unconsciously
the PBL model, with sufficient time given biased toward disliking PBL teaching as a
for exploration and inquiry, the Should learner preferences be considered whole. Although it is unlikely that this
outcomes of this study might have been when creating curricula? Some might occurred with all 84% of our faculty who
quite different. argue that learners are too naive to know preferred the CBL method, a more global
what is most beneficial for their future like/dislike may have biased a subset of
Even after 15 to 20 hours of faculty careers, and that learners do not know the faculty. Fifth, we did not compare our
development, the faculty at these two best. We disagree with this assessment of CBL method of small-group learning
institutions preferred the CBL method. In our adult learners. Medical faculty and with other PBL variants, such as student-
our study, faculty impressions of PBL, learners often trade short-term challenges directed PBL, virtual PBL, etc. Sixth, and
although more positive than those of the for long-term skills improvement. Yet, if most importantly, our survey was
students, were not very positive when both learners and experienced faculty conducted retrospectively, after students
compared with their impressions of CBL. find little benefit to an instructional and faculty had experienced a new course
Our faculty did see the value of the PBL methodwhen given a choice and format. Their recall of their previous
course in stimulating self-directed experience in competing methodsthen course may have faded, or they may have
learning. But the CBL method allows educational planners must give serious been biased by their participation in the
faculty to contribute to discussions to consideration to their viewpoints. Similar second course structure. This potential
guide the learners without dominating to 360-degree evaluations in other recall bias might affect the
their discussions. CBL uses faculty as a contexts, feedback about instruction may generalizability of our results
consultants and allows the two faculty not be pleasant, but it needs to be
Even with these limitations, our studys
(clinical and mental health) to interact incorporated into planning for future
findings at two distinct universities are
with students in their areas of expertise. It curricula. As adults in their mid-to-late
striking, and the multiinstitutional aspect
also allows faculty to balance discussion 20s (and sometimes 30s), medical
decreases the likelihood that these
among individuals, as opposed to having students have a rich sense of utility, and
findings are spurious. When given a
the group moderate itself and unduly they are quick to passively oppose
choice, learners and faculty preferred the
favor the more aggressive students. activities that they find less valuable.
guided-inquiry method of CBL to the
Although they may not know what they
open-inquiry method of PBL. These
Additionally, in the PBL format, faculty dont know, they usually recognize
findings raise important questions for the
do not provide learners with feedback activities that are beneficial to them, in
use of small-group learning techniques in
about their performance. From a which they see real gains in skills,
educational settings. Small-group
theoretical perspective, many early techniques or thought processes.
learning methods in medical education
learners are unskilled, unaware of their
are expensive and faculty- and staff
lack of skill, and have difficulty This study has several limitations. First,
intensive, and they require tradeoffs with
identifying methods to improve their only 60% of faculty who taught in the
other more directly clinical activities. Our
skills. Feedback is thought to be essential PBL course taught in the CBL course.
findings call for a careful analysis of the
to development of reasoning skills among Thus, we might have a biased sample of
effect of curricular interventions on
learners. Although fully open inquiry educators who chose to stay during the
learners and faculty to guide the best use
may promote scientific curiosity among curricular shift. However, we had an over
of limited resources in medical
learners who are aware of their own skills 90% response rate from all students who
and deficits, it may not benefit the larger had participated in the curricular shift at
group. However, trained faculty at the both schools, and participation was
two institutions were unable to achieve mandatory in both curricula. Second, the References
the levels of learner satisfaction and study took place over several years, and 1 Roberts C, Lawson M, Newble D, Self A,
acceptance that have been seen at other the characteristics of the learners at each Chan P. The introduction of large class
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technique. although we have studied the perceived
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utility of CBL and PBL among faculty
2 Steele DJ, Medder JD, Turner P. A
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or faculty group, but incorporating one of these methods is more effective in attitudes in student- versus faculty-led
learner preferences within a curricular producing physicians who are more problem-based learning: an experimental
framework holds greater promise in prepared for the complexity of patient study: Med Educ. 2000;34:2329.
creating a sustainable, accepted care encountered in practice. This 3 Albanese MA, Mitchell S. Problem based
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and 15% of learners are persistently because a number of influences (rotation
4 Rosenbaum ME, Lobas J, Ferguson K. Using
unhappy with being pulled from other experience, clinical feedback, non- reflection activities to enhance teaching about
duties to participate in small-group Doctoring skills development, residency end-of-life. J Palliat Med. 2005;8:11861195.
learning sessions. However, the quick program, and related experiences) shape 5 Barrows HS. A taxomony of problem-based
acceptance of a major curricular shift the clinical performance of these medical learning concepts. Med Educ. 1986;20:481
(where there is normally resistance) students. Fourth, it might be that faculty 486.

Academic Medicine, Vol. 82, No. 1 / January 2007 81

Teaching and Learning Moments

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Teaching and Learning Moments

Just Be Yourself
For the past few years, as part of a neuropathic pain and the loss of an crisis. What mattered most was that
medical humanities course for first- important relationship had left her two human beings were brutally
year medical students, I have feeling alone, isolated, and hopeless. honest during a time when both
interviewed a chronic pain patient in She described her plan to end her life doctor and patient were feeling
front of the class. The patient is and how she had felt ready to do it. helpless. So, the next time I try to
articulate and insightful and One student asked her what might teach a medical student to just be
comfortably covers a wide range of have been said or done during the yourself, I will have a little story to
topics, including disability, pain, crisis that was helpful to her. She tell. It is a story that reminds me that
suffering, spirituality, and meaning in thought about it and said, At one no matter what, we always have
life. Student evaluations have been point Dr. Blackall looked at me and something to offer our patients. And
decent enough to keep this patient said, You know, if you kill yourself, I that something is ourselves.
interview in the curriculum. will miss you. She went on to say
that if one of her doctors would miss
This past year, the patient spent more her, maybe her life wasnt worthless Acknowledgments
time than usual talking about a suicidal after all. I was dumbstruck. I would like to thank the patient mentioned in
crisis that she had endured several this essay for her kind permission to use this
story. I would also like to thank Philip Wilson,
years ago. I had been her treating This was experiential learning at its
PhD, for his editorial assistance.
psychologist at the time. As she spoke, best. In academic medicine, we try
the room of over 100 first-year medical hard to teach our students about the George F. Blackall, PsyD, MBA
students was silent. Some students importance of being genuine, being
were in tears, and some might have human, with their patients. There is Dr. Blackall is associate professor of pediatrics,
humanities, and neural and behavioral sciences, and
actually stopped reading on irony in that my years of sophisticated
director of student development, Pennsylvania State
their laptops for just a few moments. and expensive clinical training were Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, Hershey,
She described how her chronic nearly irrelevant during this patients Pennsylvania.

82 Academic Medicine, Vol. 82, No. 1 / January 2007

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