Crim Ii - Midterm Transcript - From Fiscal Carillo
Crim Ii - Midterm Transcript - From Fiscal Carillo
Crim Ii - Midterm Transcript - From Fiscal Carillo
ART 186 Monopolies and combinations with any person for the purpose of:
in restraint of trade. (walay pulos mani,
so himuon nto memoriza nlng ni para 1. Making transactions prejudicial to
sayon) lawful commerce, or
2. Increasing the market price of the
Acts punished: merchandise or any at the
manufacturer of which the said
Par 1
merchandise is used.
1. Enter into a contract
Qualifying circumstance for all 3 acts:
2. Enter into an agreement
3. Take part in any conspiracy Offense affects:
4. Take part in any combination
food substance;
-all acts must be:
motor fuel or lubricants;
In restraint of trade or commerce, or other article of prime necessity.
Prevent by artificial means free
If committed by corporation or
competition in market
Par 2
1. Monopolize any merchandise, or directors;
object of trade or commerce; managers
2. Combine with any person to
monopolize said merchandise or -who knowingly permitted or failed to
object; prevent the commission of the offense is/are
In order to alter the price thereof by;
a. Spreading false rumors
b. Making use of any artifice to
restrain free competition in the
1. Validity of plaintiffs mark;
2. Plaintiffs ownership of the mark;
3. Use of the mark or its colourable
imitation by the offender likely to
cause confusion.
ART 187 Importation and Disposition of
Falsely Marked Articles or Merchandise IF YOU CAN ESTABLISH THAT A MARK
Made of Gold, Silver and other precious HAS BEEN REGISTERED IN THE IPO,
Registration with the IPO
1. The offender imports, sells or dispose
of articles or merchandise made of Certificate of Registration prima facie
Gold, Silver or other precious metals evidence of:
or alloys.
2. The merchandise or articles fails to 1. Validity of registration;
2. Ownership of mark;
indicate actual fineness or quality.
3. Exclusive right to use mark.
3. The offender knows that the article or
merchandise fails to indicate such
fineness or quality. Cannot be registered.
a. One who neglects to apply himself to Swimming instructor liable for malesting a
some lawful calling, if physically able student who said no, im just a private life
to (w/o visible means of support); guard at UP not public officer.
b. One who loiters around public or semi-
public bldgs. Or places tramping or SC said no. you are receiving something from
wandering around (w/o visible means UP it means you are a public officeras well as
of support); a pervert.
c. Idle or dissolute persons who lodges in
houses of ill-repute and ruffians or -fiscal analyst for the city of Zamboanga PP
vs KULAIS, July 16, 1998
Malfeasance and Misfeasance 1. Judge;
2. He: a) knowingly renders unjust
Misfeasance- improper performance of interlocutory order or decree or b)
some act which might lawfully be done. renders manifestly unjust interlocutory
order or decree through inexcusable
Malfeasance- performance of some act
negligence or ignorance.
which ought not to be done.
Interlocutory order
ART 204. Knowingly rendering unjust
judgement. Issued by the court between commencement
and the end of a suit or action and which
decides some point or matter, but
1. Judge; which, however, is not a final decision of
2. Renders a judgement; the matter in issue.
3. Judgement is unjust;
4. Judge knows. does it leave something to be done in the
trial court with respect to the merits of the
Are we saying that a judge cannot make a case main issue?
Yes interlocutory order.
- no, a judge may make a mistake as
long as he does not know that he is JUDGEMENT disposes an issue of a cases
making a mistake and despite knowing
INTERLOCUTORY ORDER an order that does
it is a wrong judgement he will insist in
not dispose of the main issue of the case, a
promulgating that judgement.
- Pero kung sayop lang jud sya, wa sya preliminary injuction, a writ attachment and
kabalo sa balaod, I dont know why he other else.
became a judge, he may be liable for
- can be done in between the beginning and
some administrative penalty but not
end of case.
this article. Because again, there must
be criminal intent. ART 207. Malicious delay in the
administration of justice.
1. Judge;
ART 205. Judgement rendered through 2. There is a proceeding in his court;
negligence. 3. Delays the administration of justice;
4. Malice; inflict damage on either party
Elements: to the case.
1. Judge; ART 208. Negligence and tolerance in
2. Renders a judgement;
the prosecution of offenses.
3. Judgement is manifestly unjust;
4. Due to inexcusable negligence or
Acts punished:
1. Negligence- not lack of foresight or
204 intentional, unjust
skill, neglects to file a case that should
205 manifestly unjust, negligence be filed.
2. Tolerance- allowing an offense to be
ART 206. Unjust interlocutory order. committed without prosecuting the
Elements: - usually prosecutor is charged in here.
ART 209. Betrayal of trust by an 1st paragraph consideration of any
attorney or solicitor, revelation of offer promise, gift or present received
secrets. by such officer
Indirect Bribery no intent to decieve but The offender must accept a gift.
wala lang jud gi buhat. Nearest would be
In this case, they were planning to entrap anf
paragraph ..refrain from doing officer however the officer was not taking tha
something which it was his official duty bait.
to do,
there must be a clear intention on the part
If the failure to perform the official duty shall of the public officer to take the gift so offered
also constitute a crime, the offender shall be and consider the same as his own property
liable under paragraph 1. from then on, such as putting away the gift
for safekeeping or pocketing the same.
A prosecutor who shall not prosecute a case
in consideration of a gift or promise of a gift. ART 211-A Qualified Bribery
(Art 208)
So why was in TAD-Y vs PP, why was he
acquitted? 1. Public officer entrusted with law
You have the building official and city 2. Refrains from arresting/prosecuting an
engineer. They were acquiitted because offender who has committed a crime
apparently because the document to be punishable by reclusion perpetua
issued was not supposedly to be issued and/or death;
by another office and not their office. 3. In consideration of any promise, gift or
Naka lusot. reward.
Must relate to the official functions of ART 212 Corruption of public official
the public officer.
however, where the act is entirely
1. Offer/ promise/ gives gifts to present
outside of the official functions of the
to a public officer;
officer to whom the money is offered, 2. Offer/promise is made or gift/present
the offense is not bribery. (TAD-Y vs PP, is given under circumstances that
GR NO 148862, August 11, 2005) would make the public officer liable for
direct/indirect bribery.
Naay caso na gi pangita-an sya ug sinsiyo, In malversation the officer uses the funds for
he was able to produce the change from his personal purposes. Here its not, its still for
pocket. Ingun SC that is not malversation public purpose but for a different purpose for
because he was able to account for it. which it was supposed to be used for.
But in another case where he had to go out Ex. Funds for a road were used instead to
of the room, borrow some money form some build a road. Intention does not matter.
friends turn It over to the person demanding Bahalag for a good cause.
to account, is considered to have failed to
account because he had to get out of the ART 221 Failure to make delivery of
office and borrow money from other people. public funds or property
ART 225 Escape of prisoner under the The offender is charged with the sealed
custody of a person not a public officer. paper or property.
What if the document was not intrusted to the superior officer disapproves the
him. Yang gi kawat nyah iyang gi abri. suspension.
Masuod sya ani na article?
Nagbalik2x ni sya pero of course kinsa mu
YES daog ang superior jud.
1. Public officer;
2. Secrets of a private individual by ART 234 Refusal to discharge elective
reason of his office office.
3. Reveals secrets without authority or
Offender is elected by popular election.
justifiable reason.
The felony is committed when the offender,
ART 231 Open disobedience
without legal motive, refuses to:
The offender is a judicial or executive officer.
a. Be sworn in; or
You will notice walay legislative. I dont know b. Discharge the duties of his office.
why. Probably because they made the law. ART 235 Maltreatment of prisoners
Nganu apil2x man nto ato kaugalingon na
kita man ga himo. Offender is a public officer who has under his
charge a prisoner.
The offender, without legal justification,
openly refuses to execute a judgement, Maltreatment consists in:
decision or order issued by a superior
authority. 1. Overdoing the correction or handling
of prisoners:
ART 232 Disobedience to a superior a. Punishments not authorized
officer, when said order was suspended b. Authorized punishments in a
by inferior officer. humiliating manner
2. Extort a confession or obtain
The offender is a public officer. information.
ART 236 Anticipation of duties of a No, because the consitution allows it.
public office.
No because her term has not expired. ART 242 Disobeying request for
ART 238 Abandonment of office or
position. The offense is the disobedience of a public
officer who has been lawfully refrained,
The public officer formally resigns from his
due to questions of jurisdiction, from
continuing with proceedings in his office.
Without his resignation being accepted, the
Ex. Quoaranto proceedings questioning
public officer abandon his office to the
qualification of a particular person.
detriment of public service.
ART 243 Orders or requests by
ART 239 Usurpation of legislative
executive officers to any judicial
The offender is an executive or judicial
The offender is a member of the executive
The offender:
He issues an order or suggestion addressed
a. Makes general rules or regulations to any judicial authority which order or
beyond scope of his authority; or suggestion relates to any case or business
b. Attempts to repeal a law; or w/in the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of
c. Suspends the execution thereof. justice.
Relationship by blood.