Orientale Lumen1

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Wednesday, July 7th

Orientale Lumen Overview Orthodox Divine Liturgy at Baloukli Monastery

Plenary III - Archimandrite Robert Taft, SJ
Euro-East III Eastern Churches Journal, Eastern Christian
Publications, and the Orientale Lumen Foundation

Lunch (included)
Tour of the Ecumenical Patriarchate
“The Councils of the Church” announce a popular and scholarly conference for Vespers
lay men, lay women, religious and clergy entitled Dinner (included)
Orientale Lumen Euro-East III. Modeled after Plenary IV - Professor Richard Schneider
two previous conferences in Constantinople and Social Reception
over 10 years of success in Washington, DC, this
conference will be held from Monday afternoon, Thursday, July 8th
July 5th until midday on Thursday, July 8th, 2010 Catholic Divine Liturgy in Holy Spirit Cathedral
in Constantinople (Istanbul), Turkey at the Hilton Plenary V - Sister Vassa Larin
Inside of Hagia Sophia July 5 - 8, 2010 Hotel and the Halki School of Theology. The theme Lunch (included)
Constantinople will be “The Councils of the Church.” Plenary VI - Archimandrite Job Getcha
(Istanbul), Turkey Closing Session and Free Time
Open to the public, but requiring pre-
registration, the conference will provide an Friday, July 9th
opportunity for Roman Catholics, Eastern Tour of Churches of Constantinople
Orthodox, Eastern Catholics and Oriental Orthodox
to gather, discuss and learn about their respective Saturday & Sunday, July 10th - 11th
sponsored by: traditions. It will include presentations by scholars Tour to the Island of Patmos including: the
Eastern Churches Journal and theologians, liturgical celebrations of many monastery of St. John the Evangelist, the cave of
Eastern Christian Publications varieties, and opportunities for everyone to learn St. John, & Vespers in the monastery chapel
the Orientale Lumen Foundation from each other and participate in a “dialogue of
with the blessing of: love and understanding.” Tour to Ephesus: Mary’s House with Divine
the Ecumenical Patriarch Liturgy at Mary’s House Grotto, & Ancient
of Constantinople Sample videos can be viewed at www.oltv.tv. Ephesus ruins

Street in Istanbul Throne of St. John Chrysostom Monday, July 5th
Registration (2:00 - 6:00pm)
Dinner (included)
Moleben to the Holy Spirit
Welcome by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew
Social Reception

Tuesday, July 6th

Travel to Halki Theological Seminary
Akathist to the Mother of God
Plenary I - Metropolitan Kallistos
Lunch (included)
Plenary II - Archbishop Cyril Vasil’, SJ
The Amphitheater of Ephesus Return to Istanbul Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew
expertise. Each plenary will conclude with a
Speakers limited discussion period among the speakers Conference Fees Registration Form
and questions from the audience. All of the
papers presented will be published and provided Name _ _____________________________________
Metropolitan Kallistos of Diokleia (Greek Orthodox) Conference fees are payable in advance and
Retired Lecturer of Eastern Orthodox Studies of
to all attendees in a Proceedings book after the
include most meals, materials, space usage, Street _ _____________________________________
Oxford University, England conference. A special booklet will be prepared
travel expenses for the speakers, receptions,
for full participation in the liturgical services. City ________________________________________
Archbishop Cyril Vasil’, SJ (Greek Catholic) local bus and boat transportation, and other
Opening and closing remarks will be provided
Secretary of the Congregation for Eastern related conference expenses (excluding State/Province/County _ _______________________
Churches, The Vatican by the moderator, conference hosts and other
transportation to/from Istanbul for participants).
Church hierarchs. Audio and video recordings of Zip Code/Postal Code _________________________
Archimandrite Robert Taft, SJ (Greek Catholic) Accommodations are available at the conference
all plenary sessions and liturgical services will be
Professor Emeritus of the Pontifical Oriental site for an additional cost in the main conference Country _ ___________________________________
made available after the conference concludes
Institute, The Vatican center 5 star hotel (Hilton Hotel) with either
through OLTV. Email _______________________________________
double or single occupancy. Conference fees
Archimandrite Job Getcha
(Ecumenical Patriarchate) must be paid in advance by US dollars, by check, Nationality __________________________________
Institute of Orthodox Theology, Chambésy, money order or major credit card (VISA, MC, Passport Number _____________________________
Switzerland Amex).
Catholic Institute of Paris, France Conference Fees
Sister Vassa Larin (Russian Orthodox Outside Russia) Conference Full Fee or Monastic/Student: $
_ _____________
University of Vienna, Austria Normal Fee: $700
Monastic & Student Fee : $650
Professor Richard Schneider _____ Double or _____ Single
(Orthodox Church in America) Accommodations (includes breakfast)
St. Vladimir’s Seminary, New York, NY Double Occupancy/per person $120/night $
for _____ nights @ $ ______/night= ______________
Moderator – Bishop John Michael Botean Single Occupancy/per person $200/night Arrival Date _ ___________________
(Greek Catholic)
Optional Tours Departure Date _ ________________
Romanian Greek Catholic Eparchy of St. George, Tour of Churches in Constantinople $ 90
Canton, OH $
Tour of Churches of Constantinople______________
Tour to Ephesus & Patmos $700
Each speaker will discuss the conference Ancient Ruins at Ephesus Includes: airfare, three nights accommodations $
Tour to Ephesus & Patmos _ _____________
theme of “The Councils of the Church” from (Friday, Saturday, & Sunday nights), airport $
the perspective of his/her own tradition and transfers, tour buses, chartered boat to
Special Notes Patmos, tour guides, and most meals) Credit Card # _ _______________________________
Patriarch Bartholomew will welcome participants at Deposit Credit Card Expiration Date ____________________
the opening session A fifty percent (50%) deposit is required by
All plenary sessions will be conducted in English March 15, 2010 with the remaining fees due by Please mail or fax registration form to:
May 1, 2010.
Orientale Lumen Conference
US citizens must obtain a Turkish visa on arrival at
Attaturk International Airport for $30.00 cash PO Box 192
Orientale Lumen Conference Fairfax, VA 22038-0192
Clerical dress is not permitted in public in Turkey Fax: +1-703-691-0513
Dress for the conference will be business casual PO Box 192, Fairfax, VA 22038-0192
Phone: +1-703-691-8862 Register online at www.olconference.com
Fees are higher than previous conferences because Fax: +1-703-691-0513
prices in Istanbul are now in Euros.
Email: info@olconference.com
Deposit Due Final Payment Due
United Airlines connects to Lufthansa in Munich or March 15, 2010 May 1, 2010
Frankfurt from most US major cities www.oltv.tv
Metropolitan Kallistos of Diokleia www.olconference.com Make checks payable to: Orientale Lumen Conference

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