Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade

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Curriculum Map

Compiled by Carol Wellen

Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade
Alphabet/letters Sight words Short stories Realistic fiction Realistic fiction Novels:
Sight words Short stories: Informational Informational Historical fiction -The Miraculous
Short stories: -Fall and apples reading reading Informational Journey of Edward
-Fall and pumpkins -Author Eric Carle Text features Text features reading Tulane
-Winter holidays Fairy tales Fables & folktales Fables & folktales Drama/plays -Esperanza Rising
Fairy tales Poems/nursery The Gingerbread History month topics Greek mythology Informational
Arts (ELA) Poems/nursery rhymes man Writing small Biographies reading
rhymes Writing small Writing about moments Biography research Biographies
moments leaders Animal Animal report Biomes research
report research research
Count to 100 Count to 120 Add & subtract 2 Add & subtract 3 Add & subtract with Add & subtract
Write numbers 0 - Add/subtract within digits digits regrouping decimals, fractions
20 20 Use money Multiply to 100 Multiply/divide 2 Powers of 10
Compare numbers Compare lengths Graph data Shapes sides, digits Volume
Measure objects Measure objects Measure objects angles Find area & Graph data
Math Know 2D/3D shapes Know shapes & Geometry Understand fractions perimeter Mult./divide fractions
Make 10 fractions Tell time to 5 min Tell time to the min Add/subtract Place value of
Place value Tell time to the half Place value Weight and volume fractions decimals
more/less hour Place value to Measure angles
Place value thousand Place value to
World cultures Maps & directions Maps & directions Maps & directions Regions of Maryland American Beginnings
World holidays US Symbols US Symbols Frederick landmarks Early Explorers Colonial America
Communities School rules Geographic features World Cultures Maryland Settlement American Revolution
Social Families Children of the world Money & finance Economy, Production Post Revolution to US Constitution
Studies Leaders- Leaders Lincoln, ML Democracy & Immigration & Govt Modern Times We the People: US
Washington, Rosa King Jr elections Environmental Maryland Government
Parks Goods & Services Natural resources Issues Government
Local geography Pollution Holidays
Science Magnets Weather Sun, moon and stars Aquarium habitats Classification of Rocks & minerals
Matter & heat Temperature Moon phases Food webs plants and animals Water cycle
Crystals Clouds and rain Chemical changes Chemical Light & refraction Weathering &
Weather Organisms Solids, liquids, gases classification Mirrors & reflection erosion
Seasons Life Cycles: Mixtures Chemical tests Moon phases Terrarium habitats
Plants and seeds Mealworms Life Cycles: Rocks & minerals Solar system & Photosynthesis
Animals: Terrarium habitats insects & frogs Soil & fossils planets Microscopes & cells

Information obtained from and

caterpillars, tadpoles Animal adaptations Renewable Motion & energy Electricity
Solids and liquids resources Vehicle design Magnetism
Colors, shapes, lines Colors, shapes, lines Colors, shapes, lines Portraits Portraits and still life Portraits and still life
Portraits, Portraits, Portraits Still life Land-, city-, Land-, city-,
Landscapes Landscapes Land-, city-, Land-, city-, seascapes seascapes
Art Drawing, painting, Drawing, painting, seascapes seascapes Drawing, painting, Drawing, painting,
mixed media/collage mixed media/collage Drawing, painting, Drawing, painting, etc. etc.
etc. etc. Abstract v realistic Abstract v realistic
art art
Rhythm and beat Rhythm and beat Rhythm, beat, Rhythm, beat, Rhythm, beat, Rhythm, beat,
Singing Singing dynamics dynamics dynamics dynamics
Moving to music Playing xylophones Music notation Music notation Playing recorders Playing recorders
Music Alphabet songs School/learning symbols symbols Improvisation Improvisation
songs Playing xylophones Playing recorders Music theory songs Music theory songs
Insect songs Songs around the
Hop, jump, gallop, Hop, jump, gallop, Soccer, Lacrosse, Soccer, Lacrosse, Soccer, Lacrosse, Soccer, Lacrosse,
skip skip Bowling, Basketball Bowling, Basketball Bowling, Basketball Bowling, Basketball
Catching and Catching and Track & Field Track & Field Track & Field Track & Field
throwing throwing Fitness and Nutrition Fitness and Nutrition Fitness and Nutrition Fitness and Nutrition
Education Bowling, Soccer, Bowling, Soccer,
Tennis Tennis
Fitness and Nutrition Fitness and Nutrition

Information obtained from and

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