Prediction of Surface Subsidence (Thesis)
Prediction of Surface Subsidence (Thesis)
Prediction of Surface Subsidence (Thesis)
for the award of
Bachelor of Engineering
The presence of hard and competent strata in the overlying strata at most of the
Indian coal mines causes typical subsidence development. The analysis of
collected subsidence data revealed that subsidence occurs in two phases. The
first phase of subsidence is indicating bending of main roof with very insignificant
magnitude of subsidence which is termed in India as non-effective extraction
width. The second phase of subsidence follows after initiation of main roof first
failure with high magnitude of subsidence within extraction area. The formation of
subsidence profiles shows that during first phase, the development of profile is
smooth with mild slope and development of steep slopes within extraction area
during the second phase. Thus, the developed profile is causing small magnitude
of subsidence over the panel edges and there after high magnitude of
subsidence with steep flanks within extraction area. The steepness depends on
the critical length of the main roof. The observations of limit angle show that it is
not the same for all directions of a panel, rather different with highest on the
starting side and lowest on the ending side of face advance and in-between on
transverse section.
I specially thank the purchase department staff of SCCL, Sri. xxxxxxxx and Sri.
xxxxxxxx for their help in typing and preparing the document.
Acknowledgment ii
Contents jjj
List of figures iv
List of tables v
List of symbols vi
List of figures
List of tables
Table 1.1 XXXX
Table 1.2 XXXX
Table 2.1 XXXX
In spite of its brief history, the data obtained from these intensified
research programs have demonstrated that surface subsidence due to
underground mining is a complicated problem resulting from the interaction
between mining operation, Overburden geological condition, and time. As such
the exact process and its prediction and prevention tend to be site specific,
although there are general trends and principles that are applicable to most
subsidence problems.
In India, Jharia coal fields is one of the main sources of Cocking coal
having 18 seams with nearly 10m thickness each, has been facing tremendous
problem due to subsidence as a result of under ground mining of these coal
seams. For the extraction of these seams with out or with minimum amount of
subsidence as prescribed requires early prediction.
1.1 Power Scenario and Coal Demand in India & Reserves:
World scenario:
Among all the minerals available, Coal is playing a dominant role in world’s
energy generation vis-à-vis industrial development with large reserve base. Coal
is uniquely placed in respect of all the elements of energy security.
“World reserves of coal are enormous and, compared with oil and natural
gas, widely dispersed... The world’s proven reserve base represents about
200 years of production at current rates... Proven coal reserves have
increased by over 50% in the past 22 years. The correlation of strong
growth of proven coal reserves with robust production growth suggests
that additions to proven coal reserves will continue to occur in those
regions with strong, competitive coal industries.”
A brief analysis of the technology wise coal production reveals that most of
the world coal production is coming from opencast mines as the reserves suitable
for open pit mining are more compared to underground and also the opencast
technology is less complicated. Mechanized longwall contribute about 50% of the
total hard coal production from underground mines.
Indian scenario:
Coal accounts for 63% of our country's energy needs. Commercial energy
consumption in India has grown from a level of about 26% to 68% in the last four
& half decades. The current per capita primary energy consumption in India is
about 248 kgoe/year, which is well below that of developed countries. Driven by
the rising population, expanding economy and the quest for improved quality of
life, energy usage in India is expected to rise to around 450 kgoe/year by
2010. Considering the limited reserve potentiality of petroleum & natural gas,
eco-conservation restriction on Hydel projects and political perception of nuclear
power, coal continues to occupy the centre-stage of India's energy scenario.
Fuel wise break-up of the primary energy consumption is as under.
Consumption by Fuel India (%) World (%)
Oil 32 37
Natural Gas 8 24
Coal 54 27
Nuclear Energy 1 6
Hydro-Electric 5 6
Total 100 100
(Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2005)
Total annual hard coal production in India is about 373.79 million tonnes
(m.t)(2004-05) out of which nearly 80% is from Opencast Mines. Coal India
produces about 90% of total Indian coal production and SCCL’s share is about
10%. The expected demand for coal by 2011-12 is about 707 M.T, whereas coal
production would be around 550 M.T, leaving a gap of about 157 M.T, which
needs to be met by imports/private mining.
Coal reserves:
India is the third largest coal producer in the world. With hard coal
reserves of around 248 billion tonnes, out of which 93 billion tonnes are proven.
India holds around 10.2% of the world’s proved hard coal and lignite reserves
and produces around 7% of total world’s production. The depth wise coal
reserves of India as on January 2005 are as follows:
(in Billion Tonnes)
(In Bt) (%)
0-300 71 66.5 15 152.5 61.5
300-600 6.5 39.5 17 63 25
0-600 14.5
14 0.5 - 6
600-1200 1.5 10.5 6 18 7.5
0-1200 93 117 38 248 100
(Source: GSI Report, January 2005)
Depth – Wise coal reserves of Andhra Pradesh (Godavari Valley Coal Fields) as
on 01.01.2005 in million tonnes is as follows:
Intensive mining for meeting heavy power demand of the nation creates
significantly alarming environmental problems. Transportation of coal to far
distances, preparation and burning of coal for power generation produce coal
dust, methane, nitrous gases, sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide. Opencast
mining causes land use problems by disturbing the landscapes, forest areas,
agricultural lands and reducing ground water etc.
Till date, the subsidence due to mining of coal has not drawn the attention
of mine managers in India. Subsidence studies are being considered only when
damage is expected for important structures on the surface. However, the
present trend is changing rapidly as environmental issues are cropping up at
every stage of mining.
During the Gondwana era, the bulk of strata were laid down as a thick
series of fluviatile or lacustrine deposits with intercalated plant remains which
ultimately formed as rich coal deposits. Each cycle of deposit started with coarse
sandstone and proceeded through shale to coal seams. All Gondwana coals,
contain high ash, and even the best seams contain not less than 5% or 6% of
The Gondwana group was divided into two major divisions based mainly
on palaeontological evidence. The lower division is characterized by Glossopteris
flora and the upper division by Ptilophyllum flora. Further the upper and lower
Gondwanas have been sub-divided into series of formations. Lower Gondwana
which is rich in coal seams has been divided in the ascending order of Talchir,
Damudar and Panchet. Upper Gondwana period acquired no importance as coal
seams formed during this period were thin and unworkable. In the lower
Gondwana, Damudar formation has gained the status of a system because of its
most extensive and best developed coal seams with considerable thickness and
of great economic importance.
The Barakar measures are the chief coal bearing measures, practically in
all the lower Gondwana basins in India. It consists of sandstone and grit, with
occasional conglomerates and beds of shale in the Jharia coalfield up to a
thickness of about 830m. The sandstone often contains more or less
decomposed feldspars. In all the areas where the Barakars are exposed, it is
seen that sandstone with false bedding, shale and coal seams appear in order
and are repeated over and over again. The Barakar seams are best developed in
the Jharia Coalfield.
It has been observed that at most of the Indian coal mines the beds of
shale and sandstone occur alternatively with coal seams at certain intervals. The
coal bearing rocks are traversed by dykes of dolerite and sills of mica-
lamprophyre. In most of the coalfields, there is a strong bed of sandstone varying
in structure and form from fine grained to coarse and from bedded to massive,
respectively. There is a varying thickness of shale in-between the coal seams
and strong beds of sandstone. The percentage of sandstone, in general, varies
from 50 to 95 in most of the cases. The sandstone beds are generally stronger as
compared to the immediate shale. The average depth of workings is 250 m
except in a few cases, with an extraction thickness from 2 to 3 m. The dip of
seams (a), in general, is less than 10 gon with multiple seams in close proximity.
The major part of Indian coal deposits comes under the Permian age,
popularly known as Lower Gondwana. It is followed by Eocene and Oligocene of
the North Eastern Region, lignite deposits of South Arcot and Pleistocene lignite's
of Kashmir. In addition to these well known deposits, occurrence of several
coal horizons in Eocene sediments in the Northern part of Cambay Basin was
found in the sixties while drilling for oil in Kalol and Mehsana. However, these
deposits confined to oil bearing formation occurring at depth of 700 m to 1000 m
with a thickness of 6 m to 50m. The lower Gondwana, which is confined within
the South - Eastern quadrant, bounded by 78° East Longitude and 24° North
Latitude, forms the most important source of coal in India. The above figure
shows the distribution of coalfields in India. About 95.5% of Indian total coal
reserves occur in 44 coalfields of the Gondwana measures spreading over an
area of 14,550 km2. The remaining 4.5% comes under the Tertiary coalfields,
covering an area of 1,100 km2. The stratigraphy of coal measures of South
Africa, New South Wales of Australia and Northern Appalachian region of USA,
shows significant similarities with Indian coal measures. The South African coal
measures belong to Karoo sequence of Permian Paleo-age, with thick beds of
dolerite and sandstone in the overlying strata of the coal seams. New South
Wales coal measures belong to Permian age containing thick beds of
conglomerates and sandstone. The Northern Appalachian region coal measures
contain, however, bands of hard limestone and sandstone. Furthermore, the
similarity of lithology and fossil content of the Gondwana deposits in the southern
continents suggest that South Africa, Madagascar, India, Australia, Antarctica
and South America formed parts of a continent which lay in the region of the
Indian Ocean around what is now South Africa.
In bord and pillar method two sets of galleries, one set normally
perpendicular to the other, are driven, forming pillars between them of the size
mentioned in the Indian Coal Mines Regulation 1957. In most of the cases, pillars
are square shaped. A group of such pillars is formed as a district. Each district is
separated from the other by a solid coal barrier in the form of long rectangular
pillars. The number of connections from district to district should be minimum, so
that each district will be isolated from the rest of workings in case of any fire or
after complete extraction of all pillars. Further, coal barriers act as support to the
roof to minimize the subsidence damage. Normally, formation of pillars in a
district and pillar extraction is two separate activities, one after the other, and a
long time may pass between them. Thus, coal pillars may stand for years before
they are extracted. This is one of the reasons for not observing subsidence
during development of district. Fig. 1.5 shows the development of pillars in a
Longwall method
b. Normal Theory:
Proposed by “Jicinsky:. He observed that the limiting lines bisect the angle
between the vertical and the normal lines when dip is less than 45 degrees and if the dip
exceeds 45 degrees, the line of fracture lies at an angle of 45 degrees minus half the
angle of dip.
d. Dome Theory:
Later Eckardt assumed the roof to be composed of many thin beams each one
supported by the one below and gripped at the ends. All the beams bend down in
succession with all or most of them breaking off at places where they are gripped. The
bending yields a positive angle of draw.
f. Trough Theory:
g. Continuum Theory:
In this theory, it is assumed that the ground acts as a continuous body bounded
by the surface above and the excavation below. If the elastic modulo, the initial stress in
ground, and the boundary conditions i.e., the distribution of stress on the surface, on the
roof or on the floor are given, it is possible to predict stressed and placements at any
point of the medium by using the theory of elasticity.
h. Particulate Theory:
A further study on subsidence trough using stochastic equations has been proposed.
The rock medium, for which these equations determine movement, has been called a
stochastic medium, such as dry sand.
The weight of overlying rock before mining generally exerts a uniform vertical
pressure. The undistributed strata are under the influence of two potential forces. The
first force is due to gravity, which acts vertically downwards and may be taken roughly
equal to 0.025 MN/cu.m. The second force consists of compressive stresses induced in
the earth crust ( due to contraction of the earth’s interior upon cooling ) which acts more
or less horizontally. Its magnitude varies from place to place and produces varying
effects. So long as the strata is left undisturbed these forces remain potential and in
How ever, when excavation commences in seam, these potential forces are
liberated (become kinetic) and their joint action is responsible for all the phenomenon of
subsidence. The part played by gravitational component are obvious, but the action of
the second force is not so evident apart from the “creep” phenomenon is an example of
the existence of such stresses. Also the liberation of potential forces stored up in the
earth's’ crust due to secular cooling produces lateral movement. The evidence of such
stresses can be seen in the walls of a trench made at the surface. The walls because of
lateral forces tend to move towards each other. The efficiency of mine timber as a
means of supporting the roof also predicates the existence of lateral compressive forces,
which help to hold up the roof. A consideration of the enormous weight of strata over
head compared with the strength of the timber employed for support is an example of
this cage.
The lateral forces, which are liberated acts in the opposite direction to that of the
advance of the face (towards the goaf). Considering the joint action of vertical and
horizontal components their resultant will act obliquely downwards and backwards the
Remembering that in all cases action and reaction are equal and opposite, it is
seen that the reaction upon the roof itself is along the line AB, so that the line of strain is
projected forward over the coal face. The accounting for “draw” ( the distance which the
line of break or strain is in advance of the coal face).
A sinkhole is caused by collapse of mine roof that works its way upward. If it is
not arrested during the process it will eventually reach the surface and emerge as a
sinkhole. The thickness and govern the process characteristics of the over burden, the
width and height of the mine openings.
In case of Bord and pillar working, the pillars may be experience local failures
during mining operations. If pillar is having joint, it edges may fail even under low
stresses. This increases the stresses on the remaining part of the pillar causing
complete failure. Thus, failure of one pillar may cause other pillar to fail since increased
loads are transferred on the remaining pillars and giving rise to circular depression or a
sink hole.
Even if the pillars are relatively stable and free from joints, the ground surface
can be affected by upward wide migration with the laps of time, which may range from a
few months to a few years. This happens because the materials which fall out in worked
out areas although expands (because of bulk characteristics) but never completely fills
the void.
Pillars in dipping seams tend to be less stable than those in the horizontal seams.
Since over burden above dipping seams produces shear force on the pillars. The sink
hole may also be caused while working near the surface. There is a possibility of
surface fracture, either before or after the surface has subsided.
The roof may caves in a dome shape over the excavation. When the dome of
projecting beds have reached a height and width at which it can no longer support the
weight of the overlying beds, it caves to the surface. The stresses in the rock are
thereby relieved and the surface subsidence in a funnel shaped around the point of
rupture. This generally happen when the height of the surface is about 8 times less than
extracted seam and the seam under extraction located at a depth less than 5 times the
width or 10 times the height of the mine road way.
Sink Type subsidence is more abrupt and the profile of sinkhole may
resemble a bottle. Soil erosion in to the sinkhole may increase its diameter at the
ground surface so that eventually it assumes profile or hourglass. Structure
damage caused by sinkhole type subsidence can be costly and dangerous.
Trough type subsidence, although less prominent, serve damaging effect, both
on the environment and structure. Sag or trough subsidence is a gentle depression over
a broad area. These depressions are semi-elliptical to circular shaped, partially or fully
outlined by tension cracks, and may or may not contain compression ridges. Troughs
are caused by the following 3 events roof caving above the opening, crushing of pillars,
or punching of the pillars in to the mine floor. Troughs are in the form of vertical
subsidence, tilt, curvature, horizontal displacement and strain. Each of these has
different effects on the environment and the structure. For example, in the low-lying area
may cause flooding and drainage problems, may upset roads and railway tracks. The
differential horizontal structure and building by their compression and extension effects.
Ground subsidence could also effect surface topography, damage to sub-surface
installations, destruction to wild life and the alteration of flora and fauna. In addition
some type of subsidence lead to pollution of ground water supplies.
During the settlement, if they are detached from their parent mass with
draw their supports from higher beds. The downward movement in the strata
spreads very rapidly until it reaches the upper earth surface. In this process,
changes in the position of points in the rock mass independent of time takes
place as follows. The floor layers arch elastically upwards on the relief of the
perpendicular load.
a) The seam is compressed by the front abutment pressure ahead of the face
and the waste by the back abutment pressure.
b) The area over the working detaches it self from the main roof breaks off and
falls in the waste. The size of the broken pieces depends on the
characteristics of the overlying rocks.
c) The main roof settles gradually or breaks off at regular interval leaving slight
overhang protruding over the advancing face. In case of pillars working,
sags in a wavy outline over rooms and pillars.
d) The surface zone of loose over burden behaves plastically and sinks down
and form “trough” shaped depression.
Subsidence studies in coal mining areas initially originated in Europe in the
middle of last century. Since 1870 on wards a number of scientific publications on
subsidence studies appeared in Germany and in other European countries. In the
beginning it was assumed that full subsidence was equal to seam thickness but also
subsidence factor which defines method of goaf treatment as either caving or stowing,
and time factor. Further, depth of working and volume of surface subsidence trough,
extraction area and relative position of surface points to the working were taken into
The results of investigations in workings, rates of convergence and roof
settlement suggests that strata movement at the mining horizon resembles the behavior
of a quasi-elastic beam bedded on a yielding under clay and are chiefly dependent upon
the following factors:
1) Depth of workings:
The modulus of elasticity (E) of the roof strata determines the bending
resistant (N) which is given by N=E 1 = E bd / 12 (N/cm) where, d is the thickness
of rock stratum in cm and b it’s load bearing capacity. The pressure of joints or
fissures decreases the bending resistant (they’re by causing more sag).
If the outer edge of the face is not supported in good time, either by fills
material or by leaving large pillars, high abutment pressure will be caused giving
rise to convergence. The smaller rock particles in the waste (after caving) full the
void in a better way and less deformation should be expected. The size of the
broken rock will of course depends upon whether the caving zone consists of
massive rock or within brittle rock (and the bulk factor).
5) Seam thickness:
The roof and the fill material in the process of sagging get compressed
and the degree of sag is increase further ( as if a spring being compressed) .
The thicker the seam or the fill, the greater will be roof sag.
The roof has to bridge the face excavation like a cantilever beam. This
means an increase in span to be bridged, assuming roof as an elastic beam, will
bend at the middle.
After the excavation, the roof can sag only to the extent that it compresses
what lies under it. The compression takes place gradually with time. This means
with rapidly advancing face, the roof will settle down gradually, both ahead and
behind the face.
8) Compressibility of Pillars:
The deformation will depend upon the compressibility of the pillar, which is
determined by width to height ratio, the load on it, I its flow properties and
crushing strength. If blasting in operation fissures may be developed this will
affect the stability of pillars.
The amount of subsidence varies with the presence of goafs either stowed
or caved in underlying seams, barriers will also have effect on the ground
1. Subsidence (S):
2. Displacement (U)
3. Slope (I=ds/dx):
4. Curvature (K=dS2/dx2)
6. Twisting (T = dS/dx.dy)
The angle between the vertical line at the opening edge and the line
connecting the opening edge and the point of critical deformation on the surface
is the angle of critical deformation. After observing 40-long wall subsidence
profiles, Peng and Geng (1982) found that the angle of critical deformation is on
the average of 10 degree less than the corresponding angle of draw.
The angle between the vertical line at the opening edge and the line
connecting the opening edge and the point of maximum tensile strain on the
surface is called the angle of break. The ground surface at the point of maximum
tensile strain is the most likely place where tensile cracks occur.
On the major cross-section of the subsidence basin, the point dividing the
concave and convex portions of the subsidence profile is called the inflection
point. At the inflection point the subsidence is equal to half of the maximum
possible subsidence at the center, the surface slope is maximum and the
curvature is zero. Karmis (1981) found that distance from the inflection point to
the nearest edge of the opening (is the offset d ) = 0.2 h (h = mining depth ).
This area is obtained if the lines of draw plotted from the opposite sides of
the excavation meet at the surface. This is also called “Full area”.
If the angle of draw plotted from the edge of excavation area towards the
interior of the disturbed zone, on opposite sides, intersect below the surface. In
this case no point on the surface will undergo full- subsidence.
When the draw lines plotted from opposite sides of excavation intersect
above the surface, then it is defined as super-critical area.
Based on physical principles, nearly all the available methods of subsidence
prediction can generally be classified as below :
Graphical method
Profile function method
Influence function method
Zone area method.
Elastic analysis
Visco-elastic analysis
Beam theory
Stochastic model
Void diffusion model (VDM)
IV Numerical methods
*) Graphical methods:
These are mainly used in USSR, China and Britain. The method used in
the USSR and China is called the “Typical profile method:. This method is based
on a dimensionless half subsidence profile, which is derived from a large number
of observed profiles. The NCB (1975) method is a little more complex. Since
graphical methods have no mathematical errors, high prediction accuracy can be
expected. However, these methods do not permit their use in other areas with
different mining geological conditions.
S(x) = Sm F (x-D)/R,n )
S (x , y) = a M ( F (x,y) dx dy
*) Elastic analysis:
Berry and sales (1960, 1961, 1963) considered the ground a thin, tabular,
arbitrary oriented opening below a horizontal surface as a homogeneous, elastic
medium with an initial hydrostatic state of stress. Emphasis was placed on the
subsidence associated with the mining of horizontal deposits. Two dimensional
isotropic, two-dimensional transversely isotropic and three – dimensional analysis
was presented. The boundary conditions for the opening were supposed to be
one of three types: non-closed, partly closed, o completely closed. Approximate
solutions for non closure and partial closure states and the exact solution did not
coincide with the observed data, while the transversely isotropic solution
appeared to be in reasonable agreement with field profiles.
S(x, y) = f s (X, Y ) F ( r) d A
V s = (2/IE) (s-sm)
*) Visco-elastic Analysis :
Several models have been developed to treat the over burden as a linear visco
elastic medium (Astin 1968, Bery, 1964, Imam, 1965, Marshall and Berry, 1966 ). In this
case, delayed elastic constants can be employed for estimating the final deformations
after creep has ceased. Currently, a general opinion is that the effects of time on surface
subsidence as negligible because no evidence supports that more than five percent of
total subsidence is due to viscous behavior of the over burden. In long wall mining, this
residual subsidence is probably due to the time-dependent compaction of gob. In room
and pillar mining, it is mostly due to time-dependent deformation of pillar or weak floor
*) Beam Theory :
All the above methods based on beam theory predict the surface heave
phenomenon, which is commonly observed during the subsidence process. This
is a main characteristic of beam theory. The biggest limitation of the beam theory
at present is that it can only be used for two- dimensional problems. For thee-
dimensional problem, the plate theory must be introduced which will be mush
more complex.
Where, B11 , B12, B 22, A1, A 2, And N are real numbers o third order matrices, w
is subsidence or third order vector which includes horizontal and vertical displacements.
Some simple solutions for homogeneous, simplified non homogeneous and non-linear
media have been obtained. Knothe’s method was verified to be a special case of this
model. Other little more complex solutions obtained by Litwiniszyn (1974) have not been
used yet. This model treated the stochastic and statistical behavior of mine subsidence.
This model can consider the influence of non – homogeneity and non –
linearity of over burden with finite element technique, and can also take the effect
of faults into account. With the concept of void sources, this model is more
flexible in the simulation of subsidence process. There fore, a high accuracy of
prediction can be achieved. In addition, the distribution of roof features and weak
floor deformation, etc. can be estimated from surface subsidence data using
reverse analysis techniques. The distribution of void sources can be determined
by geo mechanics analysis, physical model tests reverse analysis or combination
of all the methods.
*) For our Indian coal fields CMRI Scientists namely, Kumar, Singh and Sinha
(1973) have given the following formulae for the estimation of subsidence, slope
and displacement.
t = average or weighted average of the thickness of the seam extracted.
a= Subsidence factor.
A = 0.5 (0.9+P)
n n
P =Σ ( hi Qi )/ Σ h
i= 1 i=1
Where, h is the thickness of the I th stratum above the roofline in the over
burden, and Q is the corresponding co –efficient of stratum property (or) Rock
Hard 0.0-0.3 0.45-0.6
Medium hard 0.3-0.7 0.6-0.8
Soft 0.7-1.1 0.8-1.0
*) Ground Slope, I
I= 4(Sm/1) (x/1-(x/1)3
*) Ground displacement, n
n= kh Tan (a) I
Panle-2 was extracted between 21-8-1995 and 16-4-1996 from the Top seam.
Initial leveling was done prior to mining and subsequent observations were carried out
during and after extraction at regular intervals. Initially, however, the observations were
restricted to shorter intervals until the development of full subsidence. The panel details
including face position in relation to main roof failure and full subsidence are given
The dynamic subsidence profiles of the panel along face advance direction
are shown in FIG with panel end positions. It indicated that the locus of first
break was followed by a hump in the first break region. Additionally, it shows
non-uniformity of full subsidence with uneven subsidence trough bottom. The
reasons for this unevenness at trough bottom can be, first, inconsistent
orientation of natural joints and its frequency in the intact superincumbent strata,
second, variation of periodic breakage span length of main roof due to variation
of its thickness, and third, influence of variation in rate of face advance.
Limit angles for the longitudinal and transverse profiles of panel-2 were
calculated and are given in below table. A glance at the table indicates that limit angle at
the face starting side was highest with 680 and lowest at the face ending side with 580.
Further, it was noticed that the change in the limit angle was high after the failure of main
roof and stayed almost the same on both sides after reaching full subsidence (after the
face position of 129 m). The limit angles of the transverse profiles indicate almost same
for both sides with a value of around 600. Which is in between the limit angles of starting
and ending side of face advance. Hence, it may be inferred that due to presence of hard
rock in the overlying strata, the magnitude of limit angle in all the directions is not the
same, rather different.
Face ending side Face starting side
Line face position (m)
58 65 22 79 65 10 90
75 70 35 71 65 10 90
85 70 35 71 65 20 81
99 71 41 67 65 20 81
118 72 52 60 65 25 77
129 73 55 59 65 30 73
181 76 49 64 65 30 73
200 77 55 61 65 30 73
350 87 60 62 65 30 73
454 93 65 61 65 30 73
545 99 75 59 65 30 73
596 102 74 60 65 35 69
650 105 80 58 65 35 69
Similarly inflection point, the point with half – maximum subsidence was
measured from the edge of the panel in terms of panel depth (h). Below table
show the measured values for longitudinal and transverse profiles. Here also,
the position of inflection point was not the same in all directions. It was about
0.5h on the starting side and 0.63h on ending side and 0.4h on both the sides of
transverse section. Further, it was observed from profiles that inflection point
was shifting towards the goaf edge as the magnitude of subsidence was
approaching full subsidence.
In addition to the above approach, a net work can be formed on the panel with
equal distance between points. This gives more information about the pattern of
subsidence development. However, the number of points for measurement is more
compared to the earlier layout. When the distance between two points is less, more
precise information about trough formation is obtained. Generally, for measurements of
horizontal and vertical movements a 10m distance between two points is adopted. In
India, the DGMS as laid down the guidelines for laying out subsidence monitoring
stations. According to it that the distance between two monitoring points with in the
working area should not be more than 30m and out side the panel less than 15m and
above the barrier with in 10m. However, there is no prescribed pattern of subsidence
layout in the mine rules. Therefore, at each mine, observation station lines are laid down
according to the understanding of the mine surveyor.
When objects are structures fall with in the influence area of extraction, individual
monitoring stations can be established around the object in addition to identifiable points
on the objects for monitoring the deformation or the ground movements of an object.
Generally, periodic monitoring is carried out either with leveling equipment for
vertical and tachometer for both horizontal and vertical movements measurement. In
addition to these conventional instruments, the Global positioning system receivers,
aerial photographs and satellite imagery can be used for periodic monitoring of the
ground movements. Modern digital levels and electronic tachometers greatly help in the
measurement of ground movements and processing of such digital data, later through
the computers reduces the cost and time of surveying and mapping operations.
Precise levels which include digital levels or levels with plan-parallel plate
micrometers together with invar staff give an accuracy between 0.4mm to 0.6mm/km
(for double measurement) while the engineers levels provide an accuracy of more than
1-2 mm/km. They are being used in mining for establishment of bench marks and for
determination of settlements due to mining subsidence. The modern leveling
equipment’s are very compact and are easy to handle since they are self- leveling.
Accordingly to German mine surveying regulations, the required accuracy for precise
leveling is 2x sqrt (s) mm, where ‘s’ in km.
Zeiss Rec Elta total station is one of the latest instruments which work with
reflectors and also without. Its power and speed of measurement help
additionally in measuring moving tangents. Many tachometers base units can be
fitted with servo drives which can speed up setting out operations considerably as
the instrument would assume vertical and horizontal settings by it self. An
instrument such as the Geotronics Geodimeter system 600 can automatically
calculate the bearing and distance of a previously stored point and will sight by
itself at that point for setting out. The angle measurement of different points can
be easily done by this instrument by sighting in the tangents and then allowing
the servo motor to automatically carry out the respective measurements.
Since, 1993 instruments based on real time location technique have come
into market using radio broadcasts. The stationary carrier phases GPS data is
transmitted to a roving GPS receiver. The roving receiver processes the received
data from the stationery receiver and its own data to get in real time co-ordinates
of its location with centimeter level accuracy. Co-ordinates are displayed on a
hand held controller/key pad. This real time kinematics method has been gaining
very good applicability in the surface mining industry. The latest developments in
it are faster times to the first fix, lighter, and more compacts and portable units
with battery power. Tremble Navigation of the US made a break through in the
re-initialisation of rover’s receivers. If the signals coming to the receiver fall less
than four satellites, due to obstruction, they must return to a known survey point
to re-initialisation of the system. Where re-initialisation is a problem, new types of
total stations using dual frequency have been developed which enable the
surveyors to stop anywhere for a minute or so to re-initialise, or even to re-
initialise on move.
The convergence rate was found highest during the first few days
excavation of pillars. After 20 to 30 days the convergence rate was reduced and
became approximately constant. It was possible to get prior indication of roof
falls in the goaf from the value of the daily convergence a particular day, say n
to average daily convergence up to a day before i.e. n-1 the day when the above
ratio was between 1.75 and 2 roof fall occurred.
However, strata will sag differently from mine to mine and therefore the
value quoted above for roof fall prediction (based on convergence) cannot be
taken as a certainty. It is therefore, suggested that this value should be
determined only through experimentation for different sites.
IV. Study of Time dependent Deformation in coal pillars Using
Strain Bars :
In order to judge the behavior of the strata, one can use accurate
measurements deformation of the pillars whenever possible. These
measurements consist in measuring variations in the distance between two
points. The measurement is possible to an accuracy of 0.01 mm.
If there is no variation of distance as a function of time, it can be inferred
that the pillar is stable. On the contrary, any acceleration of the phenomenon will
be an advance signal of instability or collapse of pillars. Also, the stress strain
distribution can be used as a basis for pillar design.
Determination of time factor for full subsidence ;
The void created by under ground excavation of mineral does not lead
immediately to subsidence trough equal to the volume of the surface. The
subsidence trough is formed gradually extending in the direction of the extraction
and gets deepened even after the mining activity is over. Consequently, the
‘time-factor’ has considerable significance in relation the following :
I. In mine planning and also for protection of surface structures,
account must be taken for long term influence.
II. The time when the effects of mining first become dangerous in
order to take timely measures against the expected subsidence.
III. When the ground movement will be ceased completely to begin
IV. Where the greatest stress will occur in the structure during mining.
V. Interim amount of subsidence, in order to draw a time plan for
taking measures for sub- surface installations (such as regulatory work for
water courses, drainage works etc.)
VI. The over-lapping of ground movements over several mine workings
in order to develop an operational plan, which will produce least tilt,
curvature and linear changes in surface.
VII. Interim movements of vertical extension. Compression and tilting of
the shafts in order to know the possible damage to the shaft lining.
In the literature on delayed subsidence there are no definite value quoted for
residual subsidence. Considering that, in case coal mines about 90% of
maximum surface subsidence takes place in about one-and –a half years time,
an empirical equation as suggested below .
May be used to estimate the ‘time-factor’ for complete cessation of subsidence
T (t) =1 –e
7.1 Introduction:
Padmavathi Khani (PVK) mine is the part of No.5 Incline, opened mainly
for coal extraction by Long wall method in Top seam of 9.75m thickness. Till now
8 Long wall panels are extracted successfully with 150m face length and 9 th panel
with 60m face length is under extraction, the face length is reduced from 150m to
60m due to shallow depth of the panel. (worked out longwall panels and presently
working panel is shown in PLAN-1).
Since from the beginning of the PVK project, lot of study has been
conducted by the mine management and different scientific agencies in predicting
the surface subsidence. NIRM has studied extensively and arrived at some
empirical relation to calculate the maximum subsidence value for different regions
of SCCL. But the predicted subsidence profile using NIRM formula for
Kothagudem region is giving different results than the actual, is due to the
existence of caved and stowed goaves of King seam beneath the longwall panels
of Top seam.
After collection and study of subsidence data from 111 previous worked
out panels (both longwall and bord & pillar panels) of Kothagudem region, NIRM
scientists2 has suggested a Non-Linear equation relating the width to depth ratio
(W/H) and subsidence factor (Maximum subsidence/ height of extraction) of the
following type.
S = h x a /(1+ ((W/H)/b)-c)
S = Maximum subsidence, m
h = Effective height of Extraction ( height of extraction x % of extraction), m
W = Width of the panel, m
H = Depth of the panel, m
The results obtained by applying the above formula to the already worked
out longwall panels at different W/H ratios are showing different profiles than the
actual profiles (predicted and actual profiles in detail form is given in Annexure-
II). The starting part of the profile is somewhat co-in siding with the actual profile
but there onwards it is showing incorrect value and at the end it is not closing with
the ground profile.
S = Maximum subsidence, m
W = Width of the panel, m
H = Depth of the panel, m
The subsidence profiles obtained for different panels using the above
formula (shown in Annexure-III) are more or less co-in siding with the actual
profiles, but at some points the variation is more and it is observed from the
working plan of the mine, the difference is due to the presence of goaves in King
seam beneath the longwall panels of Topseam.
The percentage of goaf area present beneath each sub part of the panel
or between the two consecutive subsidence stations present on the surface is
calculated as shown in above figure. The variation between the predicted
subsidence (using Eq.1) and the actual subsidence of worked out panels is co-
related with the percentage of goaf areas present beneath the panels and arrived
at a solution (Variance Vs Goaf percentage curve is shown in Annexure-IV) given
Gf = Goaf Factor.
P = Percentage of Goaf area.
After calculating the goaf factor, just add it to the predicted subsidence (using
Eq.1) to get the actual subsidence, which almost co-in sides with the original
subsidence value.
Subsidence = Eq.1 +Eq.2
Subsidence = [0.1508(W/H)2-0.8248(W/H)-0.5292]+[0.0001(P)2-0.0128(P)-
Since the predictions are made based on a vast data available with wide
variations, it is not possible to accurately predict any value, but can be predicted
with in the permissible limits. Mining is such an activity that is affected by different
factors and these factors takes part in accuracy also. Some of the factors
affecting subsidence prediction are given below.
The difference between the actual and the predicted subsidence varied
between 3% and 15%. As the negative side of subsidence is more, indicating that
the predicted value is more than the actual and covers the other possible dangers
due to subsidence.
W /H
6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- 0 .5
Actual Subsidence Profile
Profile without goaf -correction
1 .5
Predicted Profile after Goaf correction
- 2 .5
From the graph it is clear that, the subsidence profile is changing its angle
at certain points where there is a goaf in King seam below the panel of Top seam
which is evident from the PLAN-2. The estimated maximum subsidence value is
around 2.2m, but the actual amount observed was 1.46m. The difference may be
due to the following reasons.
With the extraction of adjacent panel (i.e. Panel no.1), the amount of maximum
subsidence was increased to 1.6m. In this panel no arrangements are made for
measuring the strain values and the subsidence pillars were also at a greater
distance i.e. 30m distance between two pillars along centre line.
The observed subsidence profile is varying from the predicted profile for
this panel also, may be because of the same reasons specified for Panel no.1A.
The Subsidence profiles are given below.
Subsidence (m)
-2 A ctual_S ubsidence
pred_S ubsidenc e
7.8 Conclusion:
Moreover, the orientation of Panels in King seam is different from the orientation
of Longwall panels of Top seam.
- On each side of the centre line pillars were constructed at all the junction
points of the rectangles, column wise distance is 10m and row wise
distance is 5m.
Panel no.2
6 5 4 W/H 3 2 1 0
Subsidence (m)
Panel no. 3
6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Subsidence (m)
Panel no.4
5 4 3 2 1 0 -0.2
Subsidence (m)
Panel no.5
6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Subsidence (m)
Subsidence (m)
Actual Subsidence -3
Panel no.2
6 5 4 W/H 3 2 1 0
Subsidence (m)
act.sub -2.5
Panel no. 3
6 5 4 3 W/H 2 1 0
-1 Subsidence (m)
act.sub -2
Panel no.4
5 4 3 2 1 0 -0.2
Subsidence (m)
Panel no.5
6 5 4 3 W/H 2 1 0
Subsidence (m)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Goaf Factor
y = 0.0001x2 - 0.0128x - 0.3265
Poly. (Goaf.fact)
Subsidence (m)
pred-sub -3
Panel no. 3
6 5 4 3 2 1 0
W/H -0.5
Subsidence (m)
pred -3
Subsidence (m)
pred -2.5
Panel no.5
6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Subsidence (m)
p5 -2
10 (+) TENSION
-5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
25 (+) TENSION
-5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Maximum Compressive strain observed is = 6 mm/m (-)
Maximum Tensile strain observed is = 60 mm/m (+)
In India, although the bord and pillar mining method has extensively been
used, little information has been compiled and published to understand the
mechanics and prediction of surface subsidence. Till date, the subsidence due to
mining has not drawn the attention of the mine managers in India. Since all most
all of the mining areas are located in remote areas and the effect of subsidence
on the surface has not been become a serious problem. However, if any structure
is present on the surface over the panel then it became essential to pay attention
while working that panel.
The developed function can be used for the prediction of subsidence profile
without any ambiguity. Further, there is provision for improvement and defining the
parameters to suit local conditions. The function can be modified to suit the overlying
strata containing no hard layers and for multi – seam extraction panels by re-establishing
the parameters.
Surface Subsidence Engineering.
Correlation of Surface Subsidence with Deformation Parameters in Under
ground and Intervening Strata.
Study of Subsidence Development Phenomenon at Indian coal mines for
Prediction and Monitoring – A contribution to reduce mining damage.
Principles and Practices of Modern Coal mining
Coal Mining in India.