Shoulder Impingement Syndrome: Michael C. Koester, MD, Michael S. George, MD, John E. Kuhn, MD
Shoulder Impingement Syndrome: Michael C. Koester, MD, Michael S. George, MD, John E. Kuhn, MD
Shoulder Impingement Syndrome: Michael C. Koester, MD, Michael S. George, MD, John E. Kuhn, MD
ABSTRACT Subacromial impingement syndrome is a common cause of shoulder pain. The purpose of
this article is to review the clinical presentation, physical examination findings, and differential
diagnosis of impingement syndrome. Using an evidence-based approach, we propose an algorithm for
the management of subacromial impingement syndrome including indications for nonoperative man-
agement, advanced imaging, and operative management.
2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Shoulder pain is a common presenting complaint for become painful, and a general loss of strength may be noted.
patients of all ages and activity levels. Subacromial im- Onset of shoulder pain and weakness following a fall in an
pingement syndrome (SIS) encompasses a spectrum of sub- individual over 40 years of age should raise concern for a
acromial space pathologies including partial thickness rota- complete tear of the rotator cuff.
tor cuff tears, rotator cuff tendinosis, calcific tendinitis, and
subacromial bursitis. These conditions may all present sim-
ilarly and are often distinguishable only by magnetic reso-
nance imaging (MRI) or arthroscopy. In this article we Examination findings
present the clinician with key historical and physical exam-
A thorough examination of the neck and shoulder is
ination findings, a differential diagnosis, and an algorithm to
critical to properly diagnosing SIS. Strength testing of the
guide management and referral of patients with SIS.
upper extremities as well as neck and shoulder ranges of
motion should be carefully assessed. In SIS, active and
passive shoulder range of motion is typically normal. The
Clinical presentation muscles of the rotator cuff are best isolated with 3 separate
maneuvers. To isolate the subscapularis, the patient places
Although impingement symptoms may arise following their hand behind the back and attempts to push away the
trauma, the pain more typically develops insidiously over a examiners hand (Figure 1), a maneuver called the lift-off
period of weeks to months. The pain is typically localized to test. Next, with the arms at the sides and the elbows flexed,
the anterolateral acromion and frequently radiates to the the examiner resists the patient in external (Figure 2) rota-
lateral mid-humerus. Patients usually complain of pain at tion of the shoulder. Next, to isolate the supraspinatus,
night, exacerbated by lying on the involved shoulder, or which may be painful with SIS, the patient abducts the arms
sleeping with the arm overhead. Normal daily activities to 90, forward flexes to 30, and internally rotates each
such as combing ones hair or reaching up into a cupboard humerus so that the thumbs are pointed to the floor. A
downward force is then applied to the forearms as the
patient resists (Figure 3).
Requests for reprints should be addressed to John E. Kuhn, MD , Chief
of Shoulder Surgery, Vanderbilt Sports Medicine, 2601 Jess Neely Drive, Two provocative examination techniques are highly sen-
Nashville, TN 37212. sitive but not very specific for diagnosing SIS. Neers sign
E-mail address: (Figure 4) elicits pain with maximum passive shoulder el-
0002-9343/$ -see front matter 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Koester et al Shoulder Impingement Syndrome 453
Figure 1 Examining the subscapularis using the lift-off test. Figure 3 Examining the supraspinatus. Pain or weakness may
This may be painful or weak with tears of the anterior supraspi- be seen in disorders of the rotator cuff.
natus or subscapularis.
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roidal anti-inflammatory drug; PT physical therapy.
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