TMS Software Products
TMS Software Products
TMS Software Products
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
TAdvChartView .................................................................................................................................................160
TAdvGDIPChartView .........................................................................................................................................161
TMS IntraWeb HTML5 Controls Pack ..................................................................................................................162
TMS IntraWeb Planner .........................................................................................................................................164
TMS IntraWeb Query Builder ...............................................................................................................................166
TMS IntraWeb Security System ............................................................................................................................167
TMS IntraWeb iPhone Controls Pack....................................................................................................................168
TMS IntraWeb Cloud Pack ....................................................................................................................................172
TMS IntraWeb WebGMaps...................................................................................................................................173
TMS IntraWeb WebOSMaps .................................................................................................................................175
TMS IntraWeb Component Studio .......................................................................................................................177
Developer Tools ........................................................................................................................................................179
TMS Data Modeler................................................................................................................................................180
TMS Aurelius .........................................................................................................................................................186
TMS Aurelius - Data Modeler Bundle ...................................................................................................................187
TMS Sparkle ..........................................................................................................................................................188
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Create modern-looking & feature-rich Windows applications faster with over 350 components in
one money and time saving bundle.
Grid Components
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Find dialog for TAdvStringGrid. Easy to use full featured
find dialog for TAdvStringGrid. Easy to use: drop the
component on the form, connect the grid and call the
Execute method.
Find & replace dialog for TAdvStringGrid.
Dialog to perform a quick preview of grid printout
Dialog to configure the print settings of grids
Excel-like wizard dialog for importing CSV files
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
A MS Messenger like popup box that can roll up & down from the
bottom of the screen with HTML formatting capabilities. Supports
the Mini HTML formatting tags.
Statusbar with support for clock, keystate, progressbars, HTML formatted items, single & multiple images ..
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Edit controls
A collection of supercharged edit and DB-aware edit controls
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
An edit control and combo box with automatic lookup and lookup history. DB-aware
versions link to a field of the database and can optionally load the lookup values from
the database as well.
Spin editor for various datatypes: integer, float, hex, time and date.
Offers various styles and extra keyboard navigation capabilities and
smart increment (Up/Down/Next/Prior/Home/End key handling).
Optional attached label.
DB-aware version included.
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Edit, ComboBox, Panel, Memo in Mac OSX style with rounded corners
Optionally single or multiple images/controls left,right from edit or
combobox or left inside or right inside edit or combobox
Optionally text hint in edit control
Capability to add control with dropdown menu in edit or combobox
Hints per control and optionally hover & down images for controls
Values can have a different display text
from value text (name and email for
Values can have an image
Configurable lookup from first matching
character or any character
Appearance of values in normal and
selected state can be configured
Edit control can automatically size to the
number of values added
Can be set in read only mode
Support for hints for each value
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Direct accessible left and right list
Single or multi select can be selected
Move or copy from left to right / right to left can be
Move or copy single, multiple or all items via
buttons, arrow keys, drag & drop
Left or right list color/font can be set
Auto sort on left or right list can be enabled
Events notify when items are moved from one list to
the other list
Label with hover and inplace editing on click
Start editing can be programmatic, by click on Edit button or by
click on label
End of editing with OK/Cancel button
Edit control with configurable number of buttons left and right from
edit control
Number of predefined button types :
Custom buttons with imagelist images can be added
Hint, enabled state, flat look, image & position can be controlled per
Built-in capability to have a checkbox per node
Configurable control over parent/child node checkbox control
Fully interface compatible with the standard VCL TTreeView
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Filter box to perform filtering of
items in listbox
Different configurable filter
methods: starts
with/contains/equal/ends with/not
Filter box can be hidden and made
visible with shortcut key
Filter or search configurable: goto
item found, highlight matching
items, filter items
Filter or search can be case sensitive
of not
List can have checkboxes or not
with each item
List can have an image or not with
each item
Insert box to perform inserting new
items in the listbox
Insert box can be hidden and made
visible with shortcut key
Planner components
A full series of scheduling, PIM and calendar components
Award-winning feature-rich
day/month/week/timeline/multi-day/multi-resource &
custom scheduling user interface component.
DB-aware version included.
Fine control over appearance of items (events) in the
Planner including read-only items, items with trackbar,
multiple images, caption, different inplace editors, HTML
formatting in items with hyperlink support, rich text and
Highly customizable display modes with horizontal, vertical
or repeating time-axis.
Time-axis in 5,6,10,15,30,60min, day, halfday and custom
divisions with configurable start of day/end of day.
Built-in printing, clipboard, export to HTML, stream
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Features : subject, completion, priority, status, resource, notes, category, totaltime, creation, due,
category, completion date editing.
Sorting by different todo item properties.
Preview view of todo item notes.
Additional tools
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
TPlannerOxygenExchange: exports or imports appointment information to a Nokia 61xx /
71xx cell phone.
TPlannervCalendarExchange: exports or imports appointment information in vCalendar
TPlannervAddictCheck: uses the Addict spell checker for spell checking appointments in
Planner / DBPlanner.
TPlannerGCalendarExchange: Component to import or export planner items to Google
calendars. This requires TMS Cloud Pack to be installed to be installed.
TPlannerLiveCalendarExchange: Component to import or export planner items to
Windows Live calendars. This requires TMS Cloud Pack to be installed to be installed.
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
TWebCopy uses the Wininet API to load the selected files via http or
ftp from Intranet or Internet sites or can copy files by UNC name
over the network. It features a progress / cancel dialog and threaded
execution. (ASP script available to handle POST based HTTP uploads)
WebCopy can be configured to retrieve automatically only newer
files w.r.t. to a configurable date.
TWebData uses the Wininet API to load HTML files and searches
these files for information. ypical use is to let TWebData
automatically scan a number of web pages for you and present the
required data extracted from the page. You can use it to automate
downloading of stock quotes, weather forecast, site update dates,
etc... and manage this information easily in your Delphi or
C++Builder application.
This graphic control can automatically retrieve and display JPEG, GIF,
BMP images from a HTTP server in various modes, including stretched
and tiled.
Connects or disconnects a machine from the Internet or checks its connection state with the IE API
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Memo components
Lightweight syntax highlighting memo component
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
System components
System level tasks made easy
Can automatically save last form size & position with or without taking user of the application into account
Can give a form magnet style moving (like WinAMP)
Can make a form fully drag'able
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Wrapper around the Windows CABINET.DLL functions to create CAB files, extract files from CAB files or create
self extracting EXE files?
Easy automatic version information extraction from running application The component can be used by just
dropping it on the form and access its properties.
Add the capability to let users record and playback macros easily in your applications.
Records all user mouse & keyboard actions
Save recorded actions to human readable/editable file
Load from human readable/editable file
Playback at normal or fast playback speed
Option to include or exclude mouse move actions
Option to record with application relative coordinates or absolute coordinates
Component to provide forms with mousewheel messages. With this component added to a form, Microsoft
Intellimouse mousewheel messages can be processed. Win95 + Windows NT. Automatically scrolls grid, listbox,
memo, edit control..
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Shell Dialogs
Change Icon
Disk format
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Component to read and write events from vCalendar files
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Graphic components
A set of graphic property selectors for word processing or graphics applications
TAdvOfficeFontSelector , TAdvOfficeColorSelector
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Generic Office 2007 style component for selecting "Tools". Tools can
be any type of item and can be added in categories.
Each "tool" can be represent by an image or text.
Menu components
From Office 2007 ribbon control to classic toolbars, menus, navigational controls
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Vista / Office 2007 style button with glow. Can display PNG glyphs with alpha
transparency and many layout capabilities. Optionally has a separate
dropdown button part.
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Smooth components
Your applications never get a second chance on a first impression. Use feature-rich sophisticated
looking & smoothly animated controls.
Smoothly animated circular
Inner, Outer, Progress and
Background Fill
Complex gradient shadows and fills
Circular progress indication and
customizable digits
Mouse Interaction to change
Configurable Steps
Marquee support
Office 2003 / Office 2007 / Office
2010 / Office 2013 / Windows XP,
Vista, 7 and 8 styles
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Brings the mega menu concept available on the web to desktop applications
Menu with different sections, items in columns, break, separator items and more
Built-in Office 2003/2007/2010/2013 styles as well as Windows Vista, Windows 7 & Windows 8 style and
Support for PNG, GIF, JPG, BMP images
Customizable DropDown Position
Floating submenus with tear-off functionality
Complex gradient fills with optional opacity in all parts of the menu
HTML formatted text support
Top layer / hover items with HTML support
Support for embedded controls
Built-In support for checkbox, radiobutton and edit control
TAdvSmoothTouchKeyboard &
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C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Built-in Office 2003/2007/2010/2013 styles as well as Windows Vista, Windows 7 & Windows 8 style
Complex gradients with full opacity control
Moveable indicators with different shapes
Customizable sections with floating hints
Data-aware version included
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C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Complex gradients with full opacity
Customizable capacity items
Adjustable total capacity
Automatic calculation of free capacity
Different optional color gradient
appearance for each capacity item
Optional and fully customizable legend
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C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Built-in Office 2007 / 2003 / 2010 /
2013 styles as well as Windows Vista,
Windows 7 and Metro style
Header Footer and BackGround
appearance fill style
Smoothly animated drill down page
HTML support in Header and Footer
Compatible with TMS TAdvFormStyler /
Calendar group with sophisticated
opacity and fill
Single date select or date range
Support for background images,
texture fill, gradients
Built-in color settings for Office
2003 / Office 2007 / Office 2010 /
Office 2013 styles
Optionally shows arrows to navigate
to previous and next month
Columns and Rows to display a set
of calendars in a specific month -
year interval
TMS TAdvFormStyler compatible for
instant switch between Office 2003
/ Office 2007 / Office 2013 styles
Miscellaneaous components
Miscellaneous components to make your applications stand out from the rest
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Highly customizable & flexible editable card list. Card list offers built-in
filtering, sorting and inplace editing with various edit control types.
Several criteria can be set to automatically decide to show/hide an item on a
DB-aware version included with TPicture image, memo & memo fields
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Parameter controls
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
TMS W7 Controls
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Metro components
Controls for creating Windows applications in the Metro design language
Metro style form
Caption area with caption text and
regular text
Progress animation built-in the
Optional sizer grip in bottom right
Easy synchronisation of Metro style
with other UI controls on form
Metro style task dialog
Easy synchronisation of Metro style with
other UI controls on form
Full task dialog functionality: instruction,
content, expanded text, command links,
footer, checkbox, radiobuttons,....
Task dialog based replacement functions
for standard VCL
Task dialog based UI for input,
replacement for InputQuery() function
Metro style scrollbox
Flat Metro scroller style
Automatic scroll handling based on child controls
in scroll box
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
TAdvMetroButton, TAdvMetroToolButton
Metro style button
Automatic Metro color adaption of black & white
Metro symbol images
Full transparent button
Optional automatic circle around Metro symbol
Easy synchronisation of Metro style with other UI
controls on form
Turns all hints on the form in Metro style flat
Easy synchronisation of hint color with Metro
style colors of other UI controls on form
Flat Metro style progress bar
Easy synchronisation of progressbar color with Metro style colors of other
UI controls on form
TAdvFormStyler, TAdvAppStyler
Components for changing the style of UI controls form-wide or application-wide
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Metro style tile
Can contain text with HTML formatting
Picture/text layout control, including
background picture
Optional tile zoom on mouse hover
Optional auto brightness control of picture on
mouse hover/down
Optional auto picture coloring for use of
monochrome images on colored tiles
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
TMS Unicode Component Pack controls allow you to develop applications that take advantage of the Unicode
capabilities of Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista without abandoning Delphi, C++Builder or Windows 95/98/ME.
NOTE: These controls do not add Unicode capabilities to Windows 95/98/ME. They will run on any 32-bit version
of Windows, but they only support Unicode on Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista.
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
TAdvToolBar: Office 2003 toolbar, Office 2007, Office 2010, Metro style, Windows 7 scenic ribbon toolbar
TAdvToolBarPager: Office 2007, Office 2010, Metro style, Windows 7 scenic ribbon base class
TAdvToolBarButton: Office 2003 toolbar button
TAdvGlowButton: Office 2007, Office 2010, Metro style toolbar button
TAdvOfficeStatusBar: Office 2003/2007/2010/Metro statusbar
TAdvPreviewMenu: Office 2007 ribbon, Metro style, Windows 7 scenic ribbon application menu
TAdvShapeButton: Office 2007 ribbon, Metro style, Windows 7 scenic ribbon application menu button
TAdvPolyMenu: Office 2010 & Metro style ribbon application menu
TAdvMainMenu: Office 2003, 2007, 2010 style menu
TAdvPopupMenu: Office 2003, 2007, 2010 popup menu
TAdvStickyPopupMenu: Office 2003, 2007, 2010 always visible popup menu
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C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Create DB-aware or non DB-aware multi-pane or multi-serie financial & business charts and spectacular 3D Pie
charts. Supports Line, Bar, Area, Band, Stacked Bars, Stacked Area, Pie, Donut, OHLC, Spider, CandleStick,
Histogram, Bubble, Error charts.
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C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
TMS GUIMotions
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Set of VCL components to offer easy access from Windows applications to cloud services
Component to get access to DropBox storage
Component to get access to Box storage
Component to get access to Google Drive storage
Component to get access to Microsoft SkyDrive storage
Component to get access to Facebook API
Component to get access to Twitter API
Component to get access to Google Calendar API
Component to get access to Google Contacts API
Component to get access to Windows Live Contacts API
Component to get access to Windows Live Calendar API
Component to get access to iCloud Contacts
Component to get access to iCloud Calendar
Component to get access to LinkedIn API
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
TAdvDropBox: component for access to DropBox cloud storage
TAdvBoxNet: component to get access to Box storage
TAdvSkyDrive: component for access to Microsoft Skydrive cloud storage
TAdvGDrive: component for access to Google Drive cloud storage
TAdvTwitter: component for access to Twitter API service
TAdvFacebook: component for access to Facebook API service
TAdvGCalendar: component for access to Google Calendar API service
TAdvGContacts: component to get access to Google Contacts API
TAdvFlickr: component to get access to Flickr API
TAdvPicasa: component to access Picasa web albums
TAdvURLShortener: component for access to Google URL Shortener API service
TAdvLiveCalendar: component for access to Windows Live Calendar API service
TAdvLiveContacts: component for access to Windows Live Contacts API service
TAdvLinkedIn: component to get access to LinkedIn API
TAdvInstagram: component to get access to Instagram API
TAdvWeather: component for access to weather forecast service
TAdvWeatherLocationLookupProvider: component that can perform lookup based on the available locations
the Wunderground weather service provides weather data for
TAdvCloudLookupEdit: edit control with lookup dropdown showing matches while typing
TAdvGoogleLookupProvider: component that can perform lookup on a partial string for the most frequently
used Google search terms
TAdvGoogleLocationLookupProvider: component that can perform address lookup based on Google Maps
address data
TAdvCloudImage: component to display images from an URL
TAdvCloudExifImage: component to get/set geolocation data in JPEG files
TAdvPushOver: component to send push messages to iOS or Android devices running the PushOver client
TAdvWebDAV: WebDAV client component
TAdvCardDAV: CardDAV client component
TAdvCalDAV: CalDAV client component
TAdvCardDAVFilter: filter component for TAdvCardDAV
TAdvCalDAVFilter: filter component for TAdvCalDAV
TAdvWebDAVDataSet: dataset component exposing WebDAV/CalDAV/CardDAV data as TDataSet
TAdvWebDAVCollectionFieldDataSet: dataset component exposing collection type WebDAV data fields as
TAdvWebDAVStorage: storage interface for WebDAV/CalDAV/CardDAV
TAdvWebDAVSync: synchronizer component for WebDAV/CalDAV/CardDAV
TiCloudContacts: component to access iCloud contacts
TiCloudCalendar: component to access iCloud calendar
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Flexible printing
Enhanced display
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Easy navigation
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C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
And more
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Office 2007 or Office 2003 styled flexible components for selecting various typical properties of graphic
Selector can optionally be floating
Styles included for Office 2007 Luna & Obsidian, Office 2003 Blue, Olive, Silver & Classic and Visual Studio
Font name selector with recently used indication option, lookup, font preview
Font size selector with automatic list of available font sizes
Generic combobox with recently used control & lookup
Color selector in 3 styles : discrete, color cube, color spectrum
Text color selector : Outlook 2007 style text color selector
Pen width selector
Pen style selector
Brush selector
Shadow selector
Border selector
Gradient style selector
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
TMS Async32
TMS Async32 is a communications package containing components which provide access to the serial ports under
Windows. The event-driven architecture provides the highest possible performance and allows all the tools to run
in the background.
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
The TMS Security System facilitates the definition of user rights on a menu or form level. In its user management
features the TMS Security System relies on user/group profiles stored in a database.
The users can be grouped and can inherit rights in this way. Thereby you can integrate a highly sophisticated and
close grained user management that closes all potential loopholes via shortcuts with minimal effort. Only if the
user has been granted the specific right by the administrator he can see or use the specific function assigned by
the administrator.
The administrator can configure the rights at run-time thereby preventing a restart of the program when
changing assignments. For doing so he can use an easy to handle, intuitive GUI that enables the administrator to
create new users or to group or delete them directly from the application.
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C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
TMS Instrumentation Workshop is a library full of components, methods and routines enabling you to create
professional looking instrumentation and multimedia applications. A set containing over 80 instrumentation and
digital components like leds, scopes, banners, sliders, knob controls, buttons, meters, panels with customized
backgrounds and much more.
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Led Styles
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C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
TVrScanner: tool to
display a row of
horizontal leds which
can be highlighted
TVrSpectrum: row of
vertical bars to display
a collection of signals
TVrScope: graphic
oscilloscope control
TVrScale: displays a
Non-visual controls
TVrDirScan: non visual component for locating files on local or network drives
TVrFormShape: gives your form the shape of a bitmap
TVrRunOnce: disable multiple instances of the application
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C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
TMS Skin Factory is a great and easy way to create advanced looking forms like Winamp and other multimedia
applications. Designing skinable forms was never this easy before. The components and the complete designing
process are fully integrated within the IDE! Create a skin just by loading your designed images into the designer.
Define some buttons, labels or use one of the other skin controls and you are ready to release your first skinable
application! Why using the old boring Windows styled forms when you can design your own, fancy, modern
looking, user-interface. You can also use other third-party components with the skin designer.
TMS Skin Factory uses no external window hooks like many other third-party skin components.
Everything is done on component/runtime level. The library has already proven itself to be solid and reliable.
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
TMS Scripter
By building scripting support into your applications, you can provide a high degree of configurability, flexibility
and automation control in your applications.
It allows modification of the application behaviour without needing to update the full application. Just
sending a new small script file is sufficient.
It allows you to create and debug scripts and forms at runtime in an Delphi-like Integrated Development
End users can add totally new functionality to an application by binding application logic with COM servers
through scripting.
Different end user specific rules can be put in scripts allowing to maintain a single application for different
And much more
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
TMS Scripter supports pseudo-compiled scripts, making time critical script routines even faster.
Feature details
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) allow creating script projects at runtime with multiple cross-
language scripts (Basic and Pascal) and forms
Visual form designer and Object inspector at runtime
Integrated and automatic debugging system in the IDE, including breakpoints, watch viewer, trace into
libraries, etc.
Component palette in both Delphi 7 and Delphi 2007 styles
Integrated syntax highlight memo with automatic code completion
Separated components to build your own custom IDE
Delphi 2007-like filtering system in Tool Palette
Helper dialogs in IDE like Alignment, Size, Designer options, among others
Events in IDE components allow saving/loading scripts and forms to/from database
Run-time Pascal or Basic language interpreter
Cross-language scripter component allows calls to Basic scripts from Pascal scripts and vice-versa
Ability to load Delphi dfm forms and run them
Access any Delphi object in scripts, including properties and methods!
Supports try..except and try..finally blocks in script
Allows reading/writing of Delphi variables and constants in script
Allows access (reading/writing) script variables from Delphi code
You can build (from Delphi code) your own classes, with properties and methods, to be used in script
Most of Delphi system procedures (conversion, date, formatting, string-manipulation) are already included
(IntToStr, FormatDateTime, Copy, Delete, etc.)
You can add your own custom functions, using AddFunction method
You can save/load compiled code, so you don't need to recompile source code every time you want to
execute it
Script libraries
Thread-safe scripter engine
COM support
Support for calling DLL functions
Debugging capabilities (breakpoint, step into, run to cursor, pause, halt ...)
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Query Studio provides an easy way to give users access to powerful queries without requiring any knowledge
about SQL. Users can setup complex queries in an almost natural language way with Query Studio. Dropping the
component VisualQuery on the form and connect to the database opens the visual query power of Query Studio.
Feature details
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Workflow Studio is a Delphi/C++Builder VCL framework for Business Process Management (BPM). With Workflow
Studio you can easily add workflow and BPM capabilities to your application,by allowing you or your end-user to
create workflow definitions and running them.
Here are some examples of business process that can be automated by using Workflow Studio:
Order management
Sales management
Hiring process
Help desk tasks
Sales and marketing tasks
Project management
Quality checking
Warranty management
Software deployment
Product requirement
and specification
Expense tracking
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Add business intelligence to applications and application development with VCL frameworks, libraries,
components to automate & streamline development as well as use of applications. From ORM framework to
dynamically extending applications with scripting tools, TMS Business Subscription makes the developer & user
more productive.
The TMS Business Subscription contains the 7 component sets listed here:
TMS Aurelius
ORM framework for Delphi with full support for data manipulation, complex and advanced
queries, inheritance, polymorphism, and more...
The convenient and time-saving tool for modeling databases with an easy and straightforward
TMS Sparkle
TMS Scripter
Add the ultimate flexibility and power into your applications with native Pascal or Basic scripting
and full IDE (Integrated Development Environment) with visual form designer, object inspector,
and more.
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
FlexCel for VCL / FireMonkey is a suite of Delphi XE, XE2, XE3, XE4 components allowing to manipulate Excel
files. It includes an extensive API allowing to natively read/write Excel files. If you need to read or create
complex spreadsheets, on Windows or Mac OS-X on machines without Excel installed, Flexcel can do the job.
Support for cross platform use: Win32, Win64, Mac OS-X, iOS
100% Native support for Excel .XLSX, .XLSM file formats (Excel 2007 - Excel 2013)
100% Native support for Excel .XLS Excel 95 - Excel 2013
100% Native PDF report generation from .XLS/.XLSX files
100% Native support for previewing and printing .XLS/.XLSX files
Fully standards compliant HTML file generation from .XLS/.XLSX files
Support for formula recalculation with over 200 Excel formulas
ApiMate tool for automatically showing needed Delphi/C++ code for generating specific .XLS/.XLSX file cells
with Flexcel
Templates can be embedded inside your exe. No additional files to distribute
Can write images/comments/conditional formats/merged cells/pivot tables/charts and almost the complete
Excel feature set in native mode
Designed from start to make full use of modern Delphi features like records with methods or generics.
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C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
This set of Delphi components allows you to add powerful mail merge capabilities into your software
quickly and easily. Features include:
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Smoothly animated rotary menu
Normal, hover, down and disabled Fill per item
Ability to show in a popup with animation
Different animation modes and types
Complex gradient shadows and fills
Configurable Size, Start and Stop Angle
Office 2003 / Office 2007 / Office 2010 / Office
2013 / Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8 styles
Smoothly animated circular progress
Inner, Outer, Progress and Background Fill
Complex gradient shadows and fills
Circular progress indication and customizable
Mouse Interaction to change position
Configurable Steps
Marquee support
Office 2003 / Office 2007 / Office 2010 /
Office 2013 / Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Brings the mega menu concept available on the web to desktop applications
Menu with different sections, items in columns, break, separator items and more
Built-in Office 2003/2007/2010/2013 styles as well as Windows Vista, Windows 7 & Windows 8 style and
Support for PNG, GIF, JPG, BMP images
Customizable DropDown Position
Floating submenus with tear-off functionality
Complex gradient fills with optional opacity in all parts of the menu
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
TAdvSmoothTouchKeyboard &
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C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Built-in Office 2003/2007/2010/2013 styles as well as Windows Vista, Windows 7 & Windows 8 style
Complex gradients with full opacity control
Moveable indicators with different shapes
Customizable sections with floating hints
Data-aware version included
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Background & foreground image at various
positions with BMP, JPEG, GIF and full PNG
alpha transparency support
HTML formatted panel content with optional
hyperlinks, HTML specified images, ...
TMS TAdvFormStyler compatible for instant
switch between Office 2003 / Office 2007 /
Office 2010 / Office 2013 styles
PictureContainer for sharing / reusing
TGDIPButton container
Expandable collapsable panel
Support for grouping
TAdvSmoothExpanderButtonPanel with
Keyboard support to navigate buttons or
expand / collapse panel
Separate stylish expander button
Support for image in button
Optional automatic increase / decrease height
when adding / removing buttons
Button status indicator
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Complex gradients with full opacity
Customizable capacity items
Adjustable total capacity
Automatic calculation of free capacity
Different optional color gradient
appearance for each capacity item
Optional and fully customizable legend
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Calendar group with
sophisticated opacity and fill
Single date select or date
range selection
Support for background
images, texture fill, gradients
Built-in color settings for Office
2003 / Office 2007 / Office
2010 / Office 2013 styles
Optionally shows arrows to
navigate to previous and next
Columns and Rows to display a
set of calendars in a specific
month - year interval
TMS TAdvFormStyler
compatible for instant switch
between Office 2003 / Office
2007 styles
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
SDK to create immersive interactive multimedia applications or public point of sale touch based
information systems.
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
VCL Component with extensive configurability for integrating Google Maps in Delphi & C++Builder.
Different map modes are available: default road map, satellite view, hybrid view and terrain
Extra map information can be displayed: Bicycle View, Panoramio (pictures of interest) information,
Traffic information
StreetView can be selected
Position markers may be added to the maps, including default Google balloon markers and custom image
Moving over a marker can display a hint with the marker title information
Extensive configuration options over the different Google maps controls are available: MapType control,
OverViewMap control, Pan control, Scale control, StreetView control and Zoom control.
Image files can be created of the displayed map. Images can be saved in different formats: .BMP, .JPG or
Different mouse and keyboard options to enable/disable: mouse or keyboard panning, mouse or
keyboard zoom, mouse wheel scrolling
TWebGMapsGeocoding helper component to facilitate conversions between address and
longitude/latitude coordinates
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C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Image files can be created of the maps displayed. These can be saved in different formats: .BMP, .JPG or
Position markers can be added to the maps. Markers can be default balloons or custom images.
Markers is a collection of positions that are indicated on the map. Markers are based on longitude and
latitude coordinates.
A custom label text can optionally be displayed on top of a Marker, polyline or polygon or anywhere on
the map.
Polylines is a collection of lines that are displayed on the map. Polylines are based on a list of longitude
and latitude coordinates.
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Polygons is a collection of closed lines with a filled region that are displayed on the map. Polygons are
based on a list of longitude and latitude coordinates (for Polygons of type ptPath), a center point and
radius (for Polygons of type ptCircle) or two longitude and latitude coordinates (for Polygons of type
Different controls are available and can be turned on or off. LayerSwitcher, OverViewMap control,
PanZoom control, Scale control and MousePosition. The position on the screen of the control as well as
the visibility can be defined.
Different mouse and keyboard options are available: dragging of the map, enabling/disabling all controls,
enabling/disabling zoom on double clicking the mouse, enabling/disabling the mouse scroll wheel and
enabling/disabling the keyboard.
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C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
TMS WebGMaps
VCL Component with extensive configurability for integrating Google Maps in Delphi &
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
One subscription =All current VCL & VCL.NET components for Windows application development
Over 350 productivity VCL components, including grids, Office 2003/2007 toolbar/ribbon bar,
planning, scheduling, calendars, advanced edit controls, web update, enhanced listbox, treeview,
combos, CAB file handling, and so much more ...
A library with over 50 components enabling you to add Unicode support in your Delphi &
C++Builder applications. Includes Unicode replacement components for most of the standard
TMS GUIMotions
Create spectacular 3D animated user experiences in your Delphi applications. Offers 8 different
animation modes for images, glyphs, controls.
Fast multipane financial graphs & 2D feature rich charting components. Includes a wide range of
2D chart types: Line, Bar, Area, Pie, Donut, Band, Stacked Bars, Stacked Area, OHLC, CandleStick,
Histogram, Bubble, Error, ... in one or multiple panes with scrolling, scaling, splitter, drag & drop,
synchronized scrolling with mouse or keyboard
TMS FlexCel Component Suite for VCL
Powerful suite of components for cross platform native Excel file report generation and Excel file
manipulation. Create Excel reports, read Excel files, update Excel files without needing Excel to
be installed on your machine.
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
TMS Async32
Light-weight, fast and easy to use serial communications, with support for direct RS232
communication, modem, terminal, X - Y - Z Modem protocol support
TMS Scripter
Native VCL scripting engine for Pascal and Basic with debugger. By building scripting support into
your applications, you can provide a high degree of configurability, flexibility and automation
control in your applications.
Library for adding diagramming and flowcharting capabilities to your applications. Features
printing, panning, zooming, clipboard, rotation, snap to grid handling and more. Includes lines,
rectangle, polygon, bezier, text blocks, labels and custom diagram blocks support...
Query Studio provides an easy way to give users access to powerful queries without requiring
any knowledge about SQL. Users can setup complex queries in an almost natural language way
with Query Studio. Dropping the component VisualQuery on the form and connect to the
database opens the visual query power of Query Studio.
TMS TAdvSpreadGrid
Grid with formula-awareness, extensive built-in function library, additional math & statistics
libraries available, extendable function library architecture.
The TMS Plugin Framework offers an architecture for breaking large applications into multiple
dynamically loadable packages. This reduces filesize for sending updates by sending only plugin
updates or allows distribution of specific functionality modules to a selected group of customers
TMS Security System
The TMS Security System facilitates the definition of user rights on a menu or form level. The
user management features rely on user/group profiles stored in a database. The users can be
grouped and can inherit rights allowing to integrate a highly sophisticated and close grained user
management into your application. Only if the user has been granted the specific right by the
administrator he can see or use the specific function assigned by the administrator.
TMS Skin Factory
Gives your applications skinning capabilities in a breeze. Why using the old boring Windows
styled forms when you can design your own, fancy, modern looking, user-interface.
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Component set allowing to add mailmerge support for Word 95, Word 97, Word 2000, Word XP,
WordPerfect 7, WordPerfect 8 and WordPerfect 2000 to be added in your applications quickly
and easily.
A library with over 80 components enabling you to create professional looking instrumentation
and multimedia applications with digital components like leds, scopes, banners, sliders, knob
controls, buttons, meters, high performance timers and much more ...
Workflow Studio is a Delphi VCL framework for Business Process Management (BPM). With
Workflow Studio you can easily add workflow and BPM capabilities to your application,by
allowing you or your end-user to create workflow definitions and running them.
TMS MultiTouch
SDK to create immersive interactive multimedia applications or public point of sale touch based
information systems.
TMS WebGMaps
VCL Component with extensive configurability for integrating Google Maps in Delphi &
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Wide and rich offering of over 500 components for VCL Windows application development, FireMonkey
cross platform application development and IntraWeb web application development. Includes our
award-winning grids, planners components for VCL, IntraWeb, FireMonkey and much more.
Over 350 productivity VCL components, including grids, Office 2003/2007 toolbar/ribbon bar,
planning, scheduling, calendars, advanced edit controls, web update, enhanced listbox, treeview,
combos, CAB file handling, and so much more ...
Set of highly configurable and styleable components for cross-platform FireMonkey application
development. Target Win32, Win64, Mac-OSX and iOS operating systems with one-codebase.
Internet application development with IntraWeb made easier with over 70 controls ranging from
advanced edits, calendars, grids, menus and much more ...
Create multi-pane or multiserie financial & business charts. Supports Line, Bar, Area, Band,
Stacked Bars, Stacked Area, Pie, Donut, OHLC, CandleStick, Histogram, Bubble, Error charts.
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
TMS Async32
Light-weight, fast and easy to use serial communications, with support for direct RS232
communication, modem, terminal, X - Y - Z Modem protocol support
A library with over 80 components enabling you to create professional looking instrumentation
and multimedia applications with digital components like leds, scopes, banners, sliders, knob
controls, buttons, meters, high performance timers and much more ...
TMS TAdvSpreadGrid
Grid with formula-awareness, extensive built-in function library, additional math & statistics
libraries available, extendable function library architecture.
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C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
FireMonkey Components
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Set of components for instrumentation and multimedia applications for cross-platform FireMonkey
software development
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Set of highly configurable and styleable components for cross-platform FireMonkey software
Lightweight memo control with
configurable syntax highlighting
Highlighting for Basic, C#, CSS, HTML,
JavaScript, PascalSQL, Web and XML files
Undo and redo functions
Optional gutter with configurable line
number display
Clipboard operations
Find and replace dialogs
Save to formatted HTML support
Configurable auto-completion
URL aware
Styler available for emoticons
Search highlight, search with expressions
PDF Export Component for the TMS Grid for FireMonkey for Windows (QuickPDF), Mac and iOS.
Multiple grid export.
Ability to show title, description and pagenumber per grid with separate font and text color.
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
TMSFMXCalendar / TMSFMXCalendarPicker
Extensive calendar and calendarpicker component.
Ability to display events per date.
Events with separate styleable event indicator and
information popup / hint when hovering.
Multi and disjunct date selection.
Month and Year selection in popup.
Separate appearance for current, weekend, weekday,
weeknumber elements.
Separate header and footer
Navigational arrows
Set of events for customization / interaction
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Highly configurable, styleable and flexible grid
Various cell types available and built-in as well as support for custom cell types
Fixed columns left and/or right, fixed rows at top and/or bottom.
Column & row freezing
Several selection modes: single & multi cell, column, row, distinct cell, row, column
Cells with support for HTML formatted text, hyperlinks
Editing with range of built-in editor types and capability of using custom cell inplace editors
Cell merging and splitting
Grouping support with summary rows, and group calculations such as average, sum, min, max, custom
Filtering with optional auto filtering via dropdown
Different cell layouts for different cell states
Read-only and/or fixed state per cell configurable
Single column sorting, indexed column sorting, grouped column & indexed column sorting
Pixel and cell scrolling modes
Keyboard and Mouse handling customization: tab, enter, insert, delete key handling
Column and row dragging and sizing
Cell controls such as checkbox, radiobutton, button, bitmap, progressbar etc...
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Bitmapcontainer support
Extensive control over appearance
Flexible structure for hosting controls inside the panels
Capability to define logical sections in panels
Capability to collapse/expand control
Extends TEdit and adds Lookup and autocompletion capabilities
Various editing type such as alphanumeric, float, money, upper and lower case
Uses in the TTMSFMXGrid component but separately available as well
Comes with a button variant that supports displaying a popup
HotSpots can be rectangle, ellipsis, polygon or rotated
rectangles, rotated ellipsis
HotSpot events for hovering, hints, click, double clicks
Includes design time HotSpot editor with magic wand tool
for automatic polygon selections
Clipped or non-clipped HotSpot hover-image or clicked-
Each HotSpot has a Down, Selected, Blink property for
displaying clipped or non clipped clicked image after click
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
on HotSpot
Supports image zoom
Support for single or multiselect
HotSpots can show in selectable color or overlay image
when selected, down, or blinking
Design-time and runtime usable hotspot editor
Compatible with VCL HotSpot files
Support for HTML formatted text, including hyperlinks in
header, footer, items
Adds support for grouping with checked state
Inherits from TSpeedButton
Highly styleable cross platform FireMonkey
Collection of fully customizable tiles
TileList control with smooth scrolling with
inertia, direct navigation, single & multi select
Built-in support for searching & filtering
Built-in support for reordering tiles
Can be displayed in a page mode or scroll
Support for HTML formatted text, including
hyperlinks in header, footer, items
Support for navigation through styleable
header and footer arrows and bullets
Optional detailview per tile
Built-in support for use with LiveBindings,
allows to bind any tile element to data
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Highly styleable cross platform FireMonkey
List item is fully customizable
TableView control with smooth scrolling with
inertia, direct navigation, single & multi select
Built-in support for searching & filtering
Built-in support for editing items and/or delete
TableView can display data in list mode and in
group mode like in iOS
Buffered display for improved performance
Automatic generation of categories alphabetic,
alphanumeric or custom category support
Support for HTML formatted text, including
hyperlinks in header, footer, items
Optional detailview per item, any FireMonkey
component that descends from TControl can be
used to show the item detail
Built-in support for use with LiveBindings, allows
to bind any item element to data
Combination of multiple TTMSFMX7SegLedShape
Digits and Decimals properties for maximum flexibility
Completely styleable
Default iOS style and completely styleable badge
Inherits from and extends TButton
Support for TTMSFMXBitmap and
Different predefined style and color kinds
Support for iOS backbutton style
Used in TTMSFMXTableView
Control that displays an image with optional stretching and
aspect ratio
Can display the image proportional with cropping
Supports loading an image directly, with a linkedimage (reference
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Container with a TBitmap collection
Designtime support to add / remove multiple images
Used in various components
Completely styleable
Configurable Divisions and Subdivisions
Needle with predefined shape layouts
Division and Subdivision formattings
SetPoints, Sections and Extra Needles
Clickable values
Inherits from TTMSFMXCircularGauge
Predefined layout of a styleable compass
Automatic time setting
Smooth animated seconds indicator with separate interval
Predefined layout of a styleable compass
Needles for all wind directions
Inherits from TTMSFMXCircularGauge
Inherits from and extends TText
Support for HTML formatting capabilities
Used in various components
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C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Inherits all features from
Continuous scrolling with Aperture
Inherits from TTMSFMXCircularGauge
Depends on a collection of positions
Predefined styleable layout
Glossy led with Base color to automatically calculate on and off colors
On and off color can be set separately.
Collection of TTMSFMXLed components
indicator with Value property and relative to the amount of leds
inside the component
Amount of leds can be set with the Count property
Configurable Steps
Start and Stop color with Active start and Active stop
Peak value and peak color to mark the highest value
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Collection of TTMSFMXLedMeter components
Completely styleable
Configurable Divisions and Subdivisions
Needle with predefined shape layouts
Division and Subdivision formatting
SetPoints, Sections and Extra Needles
Clickable values
Label with styleable LED text shape
Support for auto scrolling and scroll direction
left or right
LED size can be set with sized: 9x13, 14x20,
Text can contain colored sections if configured
with special characters
Multiple animation and shadow effect
enabled pages
Pages with the ability to contain multiple
FireMonkey controls
Pages are separately styleable
Optional header and footer
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Display a FireMonkey control inside a fully
customizable transparent popup window
Positioning relative to a control, with optional
popup direction
Optional Header and footer text
Optional Header and footer buttons
Rating control with a separately styleable on and off state
Count and value properties
Inherits from TTMSFMXCircularGauge
Depends on a collection of positions
values are drawn outside of the gauge
Display multiple channels with an interval
and frequency
Channels have a separate color
Styleable Y-Axis, grid with a minimum and
maximum value
Auto scrolling, auto update support
Inherits from and extends Tedit
Adds an optional search and clickable clear
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Default styleable rounded appearance
Styleable on / off slider
iPhone style spinner control
Spinner with selectable number of columns
with numeric data, date/time data and custom
Optional infinite scrolling
Smooth mouse scroll effects
Completely styleable container and columns
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Cross platform smooth scrolling list based on the concept of the iOS UITableView control for displaying
and editing hierarchical lists of information, allowing the user to scroll, select, view details,...
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Interface between TMS Grid for FireMonkey and TMS Flexcel to provide import/export capabilities to .XLS &
.XLSX, .PDF formats
Fully native solution to import/export to .XLS, .XLSX without the need for Excel to be installed on Windows &
Mac OS-X!
Fully native solution to export grids to .PDF
Import/export wide range of cell properties
Import/export of cell images, multi cell images, checkboxes
Wide range of formulas supported
Support for virtually unlimited nr. of columns & rows for import/export with new .XLSX file format
Free download, can be used by registered users of TMS Pack for FireMonkey and TMS Flexcel
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Seamless connectivity from FireMonkey applicationsto cloud services like SkyDrive, Box, DropBox,
Facebook, Flickr, Picasa, Google Calendar, Google Contacts, Google Drive, LinkedIn, Twitter, Windows
Live Calendar, PushOver, FourSquare, Instagram, Wunderground weather service, ...
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C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
No compromises: 100% iOS performance, 100% iOS look, 100% iOS feel components
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Feature overview:
100% native iOS components for FireMonkey applications for iPhone, iPad, iPod
TTMSFMXNativeUIButton: Native iOS button
TTMSFMXNativeUISearchBar: Native iOS search entry edit control
TTMSFMXNativeUISlider: Native iOS slider control
TTMSFMXNativeUISwitch: Native iOS switch control
TTMSFMXNativeUITableView: Native iOS tableview with sections and items
TTMSFMXNativeUIToolBar: Native iOS toolbar
TTMSFMXNativeUIPickerView: Native iOS pickerview control
TTMSFMXNativeUIDatePicker: Native iOS date/time picker or countdown timer
TTMSFMXNativeUITextView: Native iOS memo control
TTMSFMXNativeUILabel: Native iOS label
TTMSFMXNativeUIScrollView: Native iOS scroll box
TTMSFMXNativeUIProgressView: Native iOS progress indicator
TTMSFMXNativeUISegmentedControl: Native iOS segment control
TTMSFMXNativeUIStepper: Native iOS stepper control
TTMSFMXNativeUITextField: Native iOS edit control
TTMSFMXNativeMKMapView: Native iOS map view
TTMSFMXNativeFMXWrapper: Wrapper component to display a separate form as a subview of other native
iOS controls
TTMSFMXNativeUIImageView: Native iOS image view
TTMSFMXNativeUIPopoverController: Native iOS popup controller
TTMSFMXNativeUIView: Native iOS view
TTMSFMXNativeUITabBarController: Native iOS TabBarController
TTMSFMXNativeUIImagePickerController: Native iOS ImagePickerController
TTMSFMXNativeMFMessageComposeViewController: Native iOS Message compose viewcontroller
TTMSFMXNativeMFMailComposeViewController: Native iOS Mail compose viewcontroller
TTMSFMXNativeUIActionSheet: Native iOS actionsheet
TTMSFMXNativeUINavigationController: Native iOS navigationcontroller
TTMSFMXNativeUIViewController: Native iOS viewcontroller
TTMSFMXNativeUIPageViewController: Native iOS pageviewcontroller
TTMSFMXNativeUIPDFViewController: Native iOS single PDF page drawing view
TTMSFMXNativeUIPDFPageViewController: Native iOS PDF viewer
TTMSFMXNativeUIWebView: Native iOS WebView
TTMSFMXNativeMPMoviePlayerController: Native iOS movie player
TTMSFMXNativeSLComposeViewController: Native iOS view to compose a post for supported social
networking services
TTMSFMXNativeUIActivityViewController: Native iOS view controller
Includes various demos and an extensive PDF developers guide
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Feature overview:
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
FireMonkey component with extensive configurability for integrating Google Maps in FireMonkey
Feature overview:
Different map modes are available: default road map, satellite view, hybrid view and terrain
Extra map information can be displayed: Bicycle View, Panoramio (pictures of interest) information,
Traffic information
Get & show directions on the map
StreetView can be selected
Position markers may be added to the maps, including default Google balloon markers and custom image
Moving over a marker can display a hint with the marker title information
Extensive configuration options over the different Google maps controls are available: MapType control,
OverViewMap control, Pan control, Scale control, StreetView control and Zoom control.
Capability to add polygons, polylines, circles, rectangles on top of the map
Capability to add labels with markers
Capability to show flight routes from point to point (based on longitude/latitude)
TWebGMapsGeocoding/TWebGMapsReverseGeocoding helper component to facilitate conversions
between address and longitude/latitude coordinates
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Feature overview:
Position markers can be added to the maps. Markers can be default balloons or custom images.
Markers is a collection of positions that are indicated on the map. Markers are based on longitude and
latitude coordinates.
A custom label text can optionally be displayed on top of a Marker, polyline or polygon or anywhere on
the map.
Polylines is a collection of lines that are displayed on the map. Polylines are based on a list of longitude
and latitude coordinates.
Polygons is a collection of closed lines with a filled region that are displayed on the map. Polygons are
based on a list of longitude and latitude coordinates (for Polygons of type ptPath), a center point and
radius (for Polygons of type ptCircle) or two longitude and latitude coordinates (for Polygons of type
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Different controls are available and can be turned on or off. LayerSwitcher, OverViewMap control,
PanZoom control, Scale control and MousePosition. The position on the screen of the control as well as
the visibility can be defined.
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Fully cross-platform chart component designed for business, statistical, financial & scientific data
Feature overview:
Support for multiple series with optional separate or combined auto range for x- and y-axis.
Bar, grouped bar, absolute stacked bar, percentage stacked bar, area, stacked area chart types.
Line and digital line chart types.
XY line and XY scatter chart types.
Legend with glyph representing the chart type for each series.
Formatting of values in various formatting types (numbers, floating point numbers and date time)
X-axis and y-axis with optional custom formatting for each series and multiple position support.
Optional configurable background grid.
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
Set of highly configurable and styleable components for cross-platform FireMonkey application
development. Target Win32, Win64, Mac-OSX and iOS operating systems with one-codebase.
Fully cross-platform chart component designed for business, statistical, financial & scientific data.
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
100% native iOS components for FireMonkey applications for iPhone, iPad, iPod. No
compromises: 100% iOS performance, 100% iOS look, 100% iOS feel components.
Set of components for true native Mac OS-X application development.
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C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
.NET Components
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C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
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Overview products for Delphi,
C++builder & Visual Studio .NET
100% managed code Excel file manipulation engine & Excel & PDF report generation for .NET,
Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.Mac
Generates Excel files from WinForms, WebForms ASP.NET, PocketPC applications, webservices on the fly and
fast with FlexCel Studio for .NET
Native .NET components (no additional OLE/dlls required) allowing to read, create and modify native Excel
.XLS and .XLSX files without needing to have Excel installed
Supported Excel 5 to 2013 file formats
Native PDF file export / report generation
Runs on .NET 2.0, .NET 3.0, .NET 3.5, .NET 4.0, .NET 4.5, Mono
Cross platform support: runs on Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.Mac
Exceptionally fast and solid hand tuned .XLS & .XLSX engine capable of generating thousands files per minute
Able to modify .XLS files and keep almost everything existing on the original file, from macros to activex
Recalculation of more than 300 Excel functions
Ability to read and write encrypted .XLS and .XLSX files, including Office 2007, 2010 and 2013 encryption
Completely written in C# 100% managed code, with NO interop and NO p/invokes
Templates can be stored inside your executable file, in a database or in any place from where you can access
it as a stream
Extensive API is available with which you can programmatically write and read files, with formatting info,
images comments, etc.
Export to HTML in HTML 4.01 strict or XTHML 1.1 and fully standards compliant
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Report Engine that allows to create complex reports using Excel as your report designer, so your final users
can modify them. You can use images/comments/conditional formats/merged cells/pivot tables/charts and
almost anything you can think of on those reports
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The TMS Components for ASP.NET allow a RAD way of web application development with Microsoft Visual Studio
2003, 2005, 2008, 2010 & Delphi Prism making web development as easy as dropping components on a form.
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WebPlanner is a first-class ASP.NET control for implementing a broad range of planning and scheduling solutions.
Whether a project requires the creation of a single-user Personal Information Management (PIM) application or
time planning for multiple resources such as hotel rooms, rental cars, and university courses, the WebPlanner
provides an open, highly-configurable interface that will suit the project's needs. Because WebPlanner is browser-
based, it is perfect for applications supporting users connected via an intranet or the Internet.
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WebPlanner supports dynamic viewing of multiple resources and scheduled items in a variety of modes. Items
can be scheduled at any granularity of time within a day view. Broader pictures of allocated resources and
appointments can be had via the day period, month, multi-month, timeline, and week views. All of these modes
are available through a single WebPlanner control placed on a web page.
WebPlanner also includes a MonthPlanner control that displays events for an entire month in a fashion similar to
a wall calendar. To easily handle unscheduled events, another component WaitList is included. This component
displays unscheduled events and allows to move these with drag & drop to the WebPlanner or MonthPlanner.
Users find it easy to interact with WebPlanner. If a person needs to move a scheduled appointment from one
time slot to another, or even from one day to another, they can do so by clicking on the appointment and
dragging it to the desired time slot. If the duration of an appointment needs to be changed, the user can resize
the appointment use one of the two track bars located at the top and bottom of the event.
WebPlanner is loosely coupled with its data and supports the retrieval and update of scheduling information
located in existing databases. It can be used with the AccessDataSource, SQLDataSource, ObjectDataSource,...
Simply connect WebPlanner / MonthPlanner with a DataSourceID with UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT commands
specified and the WebPlanner is up and running. This makes using WebPlanner as easy as using the ASP.NET
Security integration
WebPlanner integrates well with an application's existing security framework and is perfectly suited for public and
private web sites. For public consumption, the entire WebPlanner may be marked as read-only.
For situations where the user is authenticated, the individual meetings and appointments may be configured as
read-only or read-write based upon the user's privileges. For example, medical patients could schedule their own
appointments using the Internet. The online meeting room example shows you how to implement a role-based
security system.
Customization friendly
WebPlanner is used in a wide variety of situations and our users have found it to be quite pliable. We've tried to
make the appearance and behavior of the WebPlanner and MonthPlanner controls as customizable as possible.
For example, you can have WebPlanner invoke your own web forms when the user creates or edits an event (e.g.,
meeting, appointment).
You can also control the appearance of each and every event, decide on a per event basis whether or not they can
overlap or be double-booked, whether they can be resized, moved, or deleted. You can decide whether the time
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axis is displayed on the left, right, top, or bottom and specify the colors, interval, and format of the times. There
are even more options available. Please try the demo version to see for yourself.
WebPlanner is bandwidth friendly. We spent a lot of time reducing the amount of HTML the server controls
deliver to the client browser.
WebPlanner also supports the caching of client-side JavaScript on the user's machine so that the JS is downloaded
only once.
Many applications take advantage of User Controls for modularity or are based upon existing frameworks such as
DotNetNuke. WebPlanner has been used successfully within DotNetNuke and other frameworks. It's use within
User Controls is fully supported and fully functional.
Possible applications
Appointment , scheduling for medical and dental offices, hotel reservations , car rentals , course scheduling ,
resource allocation, meeting room reservations , process scheduling, loading dock availability.
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Set of ASP.NET components to create web applications for mobile devices like iPhone, iPad, Android
that offer a look & feel very close to native applications.
The TMS ASP.NET iPhone Controls Pack has been designed for and tested with iPhone 3, 3G, 3GS, 4, iPad, iPad 2,
Android.. Please note the TMS ASP.NET iPhone Controls Pack is not intended to be used in common desktop
browsers like Internet Explorer, FireFox, Chrome, Safari,
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Client-side animation
Different animation types configuration
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WebPlanner offers the most comprehensive and feature rich ASP.NET component for single & multi resource web
based scheduling and planning applications. With Flexcel .NET the full power of WebPlanner can now be exported
to XLS, PDF, images ... The WebPlannerExport component also shows the versatility, detail, strength and
unmatched speed of the Flexcel .NET component.
Seamles export of a WebPlanner to an XLS, XLSX, PDF, PNG, GIF, TIFF, HTML
Can stream the exported file directly to the browser or generate files on the server
Can use XLS templates for customizing header, footer, adding company logo ... etc..
Works with ASP.NET (.NET 1.1,2.0,3.0,3.5)
Supports Visual Studio 2003, 2005, 2008 or Delphi 2005, 2006, 2007
Works with WebPlanner v2.5.0.0 or higher
Component is free with source code
Extremely simple to use. Drop a WebPlannerExport component on the form, assign the WebPlanner and
call the code:
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Over 70 components for building feature-rich VCL for the Web (Intraweb) applications faster .
TMS Components for IntraWeb allows rich design-time editing of webpages from the Delphi IDE directly on
IntraWeb forms. IntraWeb and the TMS Components for IntraWeb allow an unprecedented RAD way of web
application development with Delphi, making web development as easy as dropping components on a form. Over
70 components for IntraWeb development tool for Web applications including:
Message dialog *
* IW 10 & IW 11 only
Async events
Async updates
Nodes with checkboxes
Nodes with radiobuttons
Link, hint, color, images per node
* IW 10 & IW 11 only
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Smooth controls *
TTIWSmoothTimeLine: timeline
TTIWSmoothGauge: gauge
TTIWSmoothLEDLabel: LED label
TTIWSmoothLabel: label with
gradient/texture fill
* IW 10 & IW 11 only
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: non data-aware grid
rid: data-aware grid
Edit controls
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TTIWCalendar, TTIWDBCalendar:
monthcalendar controls
TTIWDatePicker, TTIWDBDatePicker:
datepicker controls
TTIWDateSelector: date selector control
TTIWMonthCalendar: month calendar with
events per day indication
TTIWClock: client side running clock
TTIWSmartPanel: expanding /
collapsing panel
TTIWScrollPanel: scrolling
TTIWTickerPanel: ticker with
optional expanding/collapsing
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TTIWCountryComboBox, TTIWDBCountryComboBox:
combobox with all countries predefined
TTIWStateComboBox, TTIWDBStateComboBox: combobox
with states of USA
TTIWMultiColumnComboBox component: multi column
combobox with lookup and type-ahead
TTIWCheckListBox component: checked listbox
TTIWCheckList: Dropdown checklist group control
TTIW(DB)AdvRadioGroup, TTIW(DB)AdvCheckGroup:
multicolumn radio & check group with DB aware version
TTIWDBHTMLEdit: html editors
(IE, Firefox, Chrome, Opera)
Debugging tools
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Navigational controls
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TMS IntraWeb HTML5 Controls pack focuses on controls that take advantage of HTML5 capabilities to give a new
powerful dimension to your IntraWeb web applications, including low bandwidth usage and ultra fast
asynchronous updates. Currently the pack contains two controls: TTIWHTML5Chart & TTIWHTML5Gauge.
Different chart modes: area, bar, line, stacked area and stacked bar.
Automatic display of a legend in both vertical and horizontal mode.
Annotations and value labels can be added to series points for any chart type.
A 3D effect can be optionally applied to each chart type.
Square, circle, rectangle or image markers on series points can be set for chart types: line, area and
stacked area.
A separate item layer is available to add any type of additional information on the chart at a position of
choice, either on top of the series or below.
Customizable text in X-axis, Y-axis and different X-axis, Y-axis per series.
Automatic Y-axis range calculation or configurable range.
Configurable helper lines and color banding.
Asynchronous updatable single series point or entire series and asynchronous updates of series
properties, chart properties.
Different asynchronous events to handle clicks on various parts of the chart.
Display of series points values as hint on mouse-over.
Full asynchronous update support.
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Features :
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IntraWeb Query Builder provides an easy way to give users access to powerful queries without requiring any
knowledge about SQL. Users can setup complex queries in an almost natural language way with IntraWeb Query
Builder. Dropping the component TTIWQueryBuilder on the form and connect to the database opens the visual
and full client side query power of IntraWeb Query Builder.
Feature details:
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The TMS Security System facilitates the definition of user rights on a menu or form level. In its user management
features the TMS IntraWeb Security System relies on user/group profiles stored in a database.
The users can be grouped and can inherit rights in this way. Thereby you can integrate a highly sophisticated and
close grained user management that closes all potential loopholes via shortcuts with minimal effort. Only if the
user has been granted the specific right by the administrator he can see or use the specific function assigned by
the administrator.
The administrator can configure the rights at run-time thereby preventing a restart of the program when
changing assignments. For doing so he can use an easy to handle, intuitive GUI that enables the administrator to
create new users or to group or delete them directly from the application.
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Set of IntraWeb components to create web applications for mobile devices like iPhone, iPad, Android that offer a
look & feel very close to native applications
The TMS IntraWeb iPhone Controls Pack has been designed for and tested with iPhone 3, 3G, 3GS, 4, iPad,
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16 components for IntraWeb development tool for iPhone/iPad Web applications including :
TTIWIPhonePhoneLabel, TTIWIPhoneEmailLabel,
TTIWIPhoneSMSLabel, TTIWIPhoneLocationLabel
Label starting iPhone dialer app with predefined
phone number
Label starting iPhone email app with predefined
email and optional predefined subject, body text,
CC email and BCC email
Label starting iPhone SMS app with predefined
phone number
Label starting iPhone maps app with predefined
location and optional destination
iPhone application header control
Asynchronous updates, asynchronous events
Optional button left & right with text and/or image
Optional arrow shape back button
No images used for rendering
Clientside events for button clicks
iPhone application footer control
Optional graphic element left & right
Asynchronous updates, asynchronous events
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Set of IntraWeb components for easy integration of authentication via services (OAuth) of Google, Facebook,
Twitter and Windows Live and Paypal based payments services in IntraWeb web applications.
Enables the client controls to process the information retrieved from the external service websites
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IntraWeb component with extensive configurability for integrating Google Maps in IntraWeb applications
Different map modes are available: default road map, satellite view, hybrid view and terrain
Extra map information can be displayed: Bicycle View, Panoramio (pictures of interest) information, Traffic
Get & show directions on the map
StreetView can be selected
Position markers may be added to the maps, including default Google balloon markers and custom image
Moving over a marker can display a hint with the marker title information
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Extensive configuration options over the different Google maps controls are available: MapType control,
OverViewMap control, Pan control, Scale control, StreetView control and Zoom control.
Different mouse and keyboard options to enable/disable: mouse or keyboard panning, mouse or keyboard
zoom, mouse wheel scrolling
Capability to add polygons, polylines, circles, rectangles on top of the map
Capability to add labels with markers
Capability to show flight routes from point to point (based on longitude/latitude)
Support for Asynchronous updating
Asynchronous events, client events and selected synchronous events
TTIWWebGMapsGeocoding helper component to facilitate conversions between address and
longitude/latitude coordinates
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Position markers can be added to the maps. Markers can be default balloons or custom images.
Markers is a collection of positions that are indicated on the map. Markers are based on longitude and
latitude coordinates.
A custom label text can optionally be displayed on top of a Marker, polyline or polygon or anywhere on the
Polylines is a collection of lines that are displayed on the map. Polylines are based on a list of longitude and
latitude coordinates.
Polygons is a collection of closed lines with a filled region that are displayed on the map. Polygons are based
on a list of longitude and latitude coordinates (for Polygons of type ptPath), a center point and radius (for
Polygons of type ptCircle) or two longitude and latitude coordinates (for Polygons of type ptRectangle).
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Different controls are available and can be turned on or off. LayerSwitcher, OverViewMap control, PanZoom
control, Scale control and MousePosition. The position on the screen of the control as well as the visibility can
be defined.
Different mouse and keyboard options are available: dragging of the map, enabling/disabling all controls,
enabling/disabling zoom on double clicking the mouse, enabling/disabling the mouse scroll wheel and
enabling/disabling the keyboard.
Support for Asynchronous updating
Asynchronous events, client events and selected synchronous events
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Over 100 IntraWeb components for all your needs, including grids, menus, scheduling, query builder, charts, user-
rights management system and more ... in one money saving bundle.
Internet application development with IntraWeb made easier with over 70 controls ranging
from advanced edits, calendars, grids, menus and much more ...
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Create web applications for mobile devices like iPhone, iPad, Android that offer a look &
feel very close to native applications.
Set of IntraWeb components for easy integration of authentication via services (OAuth) of
Google, Facebook, Twitter and Windows Live and Paypal based payments services in
IntraWeb web applications.
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Developer Tools
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TMS Data Modeler is the ultimate tool for modeling databases with an easy and simple interface. It
provides powerful features you need, such as diagramming, reverse engineering, SQL script
generation and version control. It keeps track of your changes and generates SQL scripts to update
your database according to them. It has smooth integration with development tools like Delphi and
C++Builder. And all of these features are accessible through a very pleasant user interface..
If you don't want or don't need to model your database using diagrams, you don't have to. Data Modeler allows
you to create and manage database objects directly, without having to deal with visual diagram designing. It's up
to you.
Multi-diagram interface
Create different ER diagrams in a single project. You can put different tables in each diagram, making it easy to
document and separate your application if it's too big.
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Data Modeler supports a number of database systems and new ones are in our roadmap to be included in future
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Don't edit your tables, fields and objects in modal forms or windows that overlap each other. Most tables and
objects in data modeler are displayed in tabs, making navigation very similar to browsers like Firefox and Internet
Explorer. You can have many objects open at the same time, all accessible through one click.
Multi-project interface
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TMS Aurelius
ORM framework for Delphi with full support for data manipulation, complex and advanced queries,
inheritance, polymorphism, and more...
Several database servers supported (MS SQL Server, Firebird, MySQL, DB2, Interbase, Oracle,...)
Several database-access components supported (dbExpress, AnyDac, SQLDirect, ADO, IBX,...)
Multi-platform solution - Win32, Win64, Mac OS X, VCL, FireMonkey
Saving, updating and loading of entity objects in an object-oriented way
Queries - Powerful query API using criteria expressions, projections, grouping, conditions and even logical
operators in a LINQ-like approach
Inheritance mapping and polymorphism - map a full class hierarchy into the database
Cross-database development - use a single Delphi code to target multiple databases in a transparent way
Choose from classes-to-database approach (creating the database structure from classes) or database-to-
classes approach (creating classes source code from database, using TMS Data Modeler )
Mapping directly in classes using custom attributes
Association mapping
Lifetime management of objects using object manager
Cached and identity-mapped objects
Automatic database structure generation
Nullable types support
Lazy loading for associations and blob fields
Allows logging of SQL commands
Allows mapping enumerated types to database values
Open architecture - easy extendable to use different component sets or database servers
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The ultimate tool for modeling databases with an easy and simple interface. It provides powerful
features you need, such as diagramming, reverse engineering, SQL script generation and version
control. It keeps track of your changes and generates SQL scripts to update your database
according to them. It has smooth integration with development tools like Delphi and C++Builder.
TMS Aurelius
ORM framework for Delphi with full support for data manipulation, complex and advanced
queries, inheritance, polymorphism, and more...
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TMS Sparkle
TMS Sparkle is a Delphi framework for network, Internet programming. It provides classes for both client and
server applications/services, allowing for example performing Http requests to servers, or building Http servers
that receive and process client requests. It supports several platforms, including Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X,
iOS and Android. TMS Sparkle is also the core framework used by several other TMS products such as TMS
RemoteDB and TMS XData.
It is the core building block for several other TMS products and technologies, such as TMS RemoteDB and TMS
XData. Such products needed to be built from scratch, and rely on a robust framework for which TMS could
have 100% control and also responsibility. For such products to work flawlessly, we needed to be sure to build
such products in a framework that must be properly tested, and have fast response in performance
improvement and bug fixing.
It's a new product that doesn't carry any legacy applications behind it, thus classes and interfaces provide a
simple, clean method of use.
It's target to new Delphi versions, and benefits from modern language features such as generics and
anonymous methods.
Supports multiple platforms such as Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, iOS and Android.
Platform Native
In most of it, Sparkle is a thin, abstract layer over native API's from the underlying platform. Existing platforms
already provide a lot in terms of native networking and internet programming. TMS Sparkle tries not to
reinvent the wheel and use such technologies. This makes it easy for your applications to benefit from new
platform versions and upgrades. Any bug fixes and improvements in the platform frameworks will be usually
available in Sparkle. It also provides smoother integration with the platform, such as system-wide settings.
Client features:
Http client available in Windows, Mac OS X, iOS and Android
Support for Http Secure (Https)
Transparent handling of chunked and gzip-encoded responses
Server features:
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Http server based on http.sys stack (Windows only - minimum Vista and Server 2008)
Support for Http Secure (Https)
Kernel-mode caching and kernel-mode request queuing (less overhead in context switching)
Multiple applications/process can share (respond) the same port (at different addresses)
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) support in kernel-mode
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