4245 Eberlin Jason Unitplan
4245 Eberlin Jason Unitplan
4245 Eberlin Jason Unitplan
Jason Eberlin
E. McKinnon
Lakehead University
EDUC 4245
Unit Description
In this unit students will partake in learning and building upon previous knowledge and
skills surrounding the sport of badminton. Students will reinforce skills such as serving,
drop shots, clears, smashes and drives as well as learn techniques to develop their
overall skill level in the game such as footwork development and court movement in
both singles and doubles play. This unit is designed to help student effectively work
together to improve on their skills while communicating with one another and the
teacher through discussions and peer assessment. Overall the aim of this unit is to
develop knowledge of the activity in order to encourage active participation outside of
the class and to promote healthy and active living in the students daily lives.
Big Questions
- How can I demonstrate the ability to perform and use different badminton shot in
a game?
- How can I apply the skills learned in previous net games such as volleyball to the
game of badminton to gain a better understanding of the game?
- How can I effectively use communication to work with a partner and build up
other peers to develop my own skills as well as theirs?
Learning Goals
- To understand the rules of badminton
- To understand how to perform the skills of badminton including serves, drops,
clears, drives and smashes
- To learn a sport that can help develop overall fitness not only in phys. Ed. class
but also outside and throughout ones life
Ontario Curricular Overall Expectations
B2.2 apply analytical and problem-solving skills to identify and implement tactical
solutions that will increase their chances of success as they participate in a variety of
physical activities, including individual activities, sports, and/or recreational activities
Lesson Plan
Lesson Title: Badminton Serving Grade: 11/12 Date: Day 1
This lesson starts of the badminton unit. The class begins with a review of rules and
strategy of the game. It is important to remind of the scoring and serving system used in
badminton. Since this is the serving lesson, extra focus should be placed on reminding
the students of the service lines and how the differ in singles and doubles; on top of
reviewing the other lines of the court. Students will also learn the process of setting up
the nets and how this differs from the previous unit, volleyball. The lesson will consist of
progressive serving drills followed by doubles games to end the class.
Ontario Curricular Overall Expectations
B2.2 apply analytical and problem-solving skills to identify and implement tactical
solutions that will increase their chances of success as they participate in a variety of
physical activities, including individual activities, sports, and/or recreational activities
Learning Goals
Racquets must be inspected regularly for breakage and to determine proper grip.
Protective eye gear meeting ASTM F803 standards or equivalent must be worn by all
students (singles and doubles) at all times.
Playing surface and surrounding areas must be free of all obstacles (e.g., tables, chairs)
and provide safe footing and traction.
If facility does not allow for safe play, (e.g., boundary lines too close to walls) modify
rules appropriately.
Special Rules/Instructions
When teaching/practicing skills, adequate spacing must be allowed for each student to
be able to make an uninterrupted swing.
The code of etiquette for court play must be taught and enforced, (e.g., not entering a
court being used).
Players must stop play whenever a foreign object comes onto the court.
- Underhand serve
- Overhand serve
- Birdie/shuttle
- Doubles/singles lines
Action: During /working on it (time given for each component, suggested 15-40 min)
Time: 30 minutes
Progression drills (4-5 students per court):
1. Begin practicing serving over the net to a partner on either side of the net
2. Place targets on the floor and have the students aim and hit them with their
3. Have students serve to a partner and if it lands in then play out the point until
someone wins (repeat process with the other partner)
Consolidation & Connection (Reflect and Connect) (5-15 min.)
Time: 35 minutes
Allow students to choose partners and have them play 7 minute games against another
pair. Rotate so that teams will get to play different opponents (rotations occur with the
middle 6 court in a clock-wise fashion with the outside courts remaining stationary).
Extension Activities/Next Steps
Tomorrow we will go over drops and clears as well as building upon serving in more
Lesson Plan
Lesson Title: Badminton Drops and Clears Grade: 11/12 Date: Day 2
This lesson covers the badminton skills of drops and clears as well as builds upon the
last lesson of serving. After beginning the class with a verbal description and visual
demonstration of the skills the student go through a few drills to work on the skills until
they eventually work them into a game.
Ontario Curricular Overall Expectations
B2.2 apply analytical and problem-solving skills to identify and implement tactical
solutions that will increase their chances of success as they participate in a variety of
physical activities, including individual activities, sports, and/or recreational activities
Racquets must be inspected regularly for breakage and to determine proper grip.
Protective eye gear meeting ASTM F803 standards or equivalent must be worn by all
students (singles and doubles) at all times.
Playing surface and surrounding areas must be free of all obstacles (e.g., tables, chairs)
and provide safe footing and traction.
If facility does not allow for safe play, (e.g., boundary lines too close to walls) modify
rules appropriately.
Special Rules/Instructions
When teaching/practicing skills, adequate spacing must be allowed for each student to
be able to make an uninterrupted swing.
The code of etiquette for court play must be taught and enforced, (e.g., not entering a
court being used).
Players must stop play whenever a foreign object comes onto the court.
- Clear
- Drop
- Open space
Resources and Materials /Technology Integration
Drop shot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIwKgw7fKqw
Clear shot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Jk2RvjNkd4
- 8 badminton poles
- 6 badminton nets
- Goggles for every student
- Racquets
- birdies
Learning Environment
- Skills will be explained with everyone together in a group
- Each drill will be explained with everyone remaining at their courts to minimize
Cross Curricular Links
- Exercise has been show to positively improve all other academic subjects so there
is a permanent link
Lesson Delivery Format
Minds on: Motivational Hook/engagement /introduction (5-15 min)
Time: 10 minutes
Begin the lesson with a description of what a drop shot is and what advantage it gives
you during the game (brings opponent to front of court, potentially drops the birdie
where opponent is not, forces opponent to hit birdie high in the air). Also describe the
advantages of a clear (resets rally, forces opponent to back of court, sets up drop shot).
Action: During /working on it (time given for each component, suggested 15-40 min)
Time: 30 minutes
Drill one:
- In partners drop shots at the net
- Continue in rally of underhand drops as long as possible
- Do not use other shots
Drill two
- In partners have one person drop the birdie at the net and have the other partner
clear it to the back of the court
Drill three
- In groups of 4-6 have a rally with drops and clears with teams alternating hitters
(in singles formation with lines at the back of the court)
Consolidation & Connection (Reflect and Connect) (5-15 min.)
Time: 35 minutes
Allow students to choose partners (ensure a different from yesterday) and have them
play 7 minute games against another pair. Rotate so that teams will get to play different
Lesson Plan
Lesson Title: Badminton Smash & Drive Grade: 11/12 Date: Day 3
In this lesson the focus is on offensive hits in badminton. Students will learn how and
when to use the overhand smash as well as the drive shot. In the development of the
students overall game development the will work on building upon the previously
learned strokes to enhance the understanding and strategy development of the game. In
this lesson students will work on progressive drills to work up to proper smash and drive
shots. Students will focus on form, projection of the birdie and placement on opponents
side of the court.
Ontario Curricular Overall Expectations
B2.2 apply analytical and problem-solving skills to identify and implement tactical
solutions that will increase their chances of success as they participate in a variety of
physical activities, including individual activities, sports, and/or recreational activities
Learning Goals
Racquets must be inspected regularly for breakage and to determine proper grip.
Protective eye gear meeting ASTM F803 standards or equivalent must be worn by all
students (singles and doubles) at all times.
Playing surface and surrounding areas must be free of all obstacles (e.g., tables, chairs)
and provide safe footing and traction.
If facility does not allow for safe play, (e.g., boundary lines too close to walls) modify
rules appropriately.
Special Rules/Instructions
When teaching/practicing skills, adequate spacing must be allowed for each student to
be able to make an uninterrupted swing.
The code of etiquette for court play must be taught and enforced, (e.g., not entering a
court being used).
Players must stop play whenever a foreign object comes onto the court.
- Drive shot
- Backhand drive
- Overhead smash
- Down the line
Learning Environment
Lesson Plan
Lesson Title: Badminton Movement and Footwork Grade: 11/12 Date: Day 4
In this lesson students will work on movement and footwork in singles and doubles
matches. Student will learn how to position themselves to best return the birdie and the
most efficient way of getting to all areas of the court. Students will also learn the
different doubles strategies and why they are used for different situations. Utilizing skills
worked on in previous lessons students will build on gameplay strategy through
progressive drills in both singles and doubles.
Ontario Curricular Overall Expectations
B2.2 apply analytical and problem-solving skills to identify and implement tactical
solutions that will increase their chances of success as they participate in a variety of
physical activities, including individual activities, sports, and/or recreational activities
Learning Goals
Racquets must be inspected regularly for breakage and to determine proper grip.
Protective eye gear meeting ASTM F803 standards or equivalent must be worn by all
students (singles and doubles) at all times.
Playing surface and surrounding areas must be free of all obstacles (e.g., tables, chairs)
and provide safe footing and traction.
If facility does not allow for safe play, (e.g., boundary lines too close to walls) modify
rules appropriately.
Special Rules/Instructions
When teaching/practicing skills, adequate spacing must be allowed for each student to
be able to make an uninterrupted swing.
The code of etiquette for court play must be taught and enforced, (e.g., not entering a
court being used).
Players must stop play whenever a foreign object comes onto the court.
- Front and back
- Sides
- Mixed
- Lung
- Back pedal
Resources and Materials /Technology Integration
Slide Show: Use of footwork and projection slides
- 8 badminton poles
- 6 badminton nets
- Goggles for every student
Learning Environment
Pre-select partners based off observed skill level and play 7 minute doubles games.
Rotate so that students get to play against different opponents. Ensure students are
exhibiting proper footwork and positional play for doubles.
Lesson Plan
Lesson Title: Badminton Tournament Grade: 11/12 Date: Day 5/6
Ontario Curricular Overall Expectations
B2.2 apply analytical and problem-solving skills to identify and implement tactical
solutions that will increase their chances of success as they participate in a variety of
physical activities, including individual activities, sports, and/or recreational activities
Learning Goals
Today I will learn
To implement skills learned throughout unit
To work as a team to develop strategy and win games
To compete in a friendly tournament with peers
Safety Guidelines
Racquets must be inspected regularly for breakage and to determine proper grip.
Protective eye gear meeting ASTM F803 standards or equivalent must be worn by all
students (singles and doubles) at all times.
Playing surface and surrounding areas must be free of all obstacles (e.g., tables, chairs)
and provide safe footing and traction.
If facility does not allow for safe play, (e.g., boundary lines too close to walls) modify
rules appropriately.
Special Rules/Instructions
When teaching/practicing skills, adequate spacing must be allowed for each student to
be able to make an uninterrupted swing.
The code of etiquette for court play must be taught and enforced, (e.g., not entering a
court being used).
Players must stop play whenever a foreign object comes onto the court.
Resources and Materials /Technology Integration List ALL items necessary for
delivery of the lesson. Include any attachments of student worksheets used and teacher
support material that will support communication of instruction. Include the use of
Information Technology (ICT) in your lesson plan where appropriate.
Videos of the skills are available on YouTube
- 8 badminton poles
- 6 badminton nets
- Goggles for every student
- Racquets
- birdies
Learning Environment (grouping; transitions; physical set up)
- The tournament will be self-running with the students recording wins and losses
for themselves.
Cross Curricular Links
- Exercise has been show to positively improve all other academic subjects so there
is a permanent link
Lesson Delivery Format
Minds on: Motivational Hook/engagement /introduction (5-15 min)
Time: 10 minutes
*Only on the first day of the lesson
Re-explain the rules to badminton to ensure fair play. Explain doubles strategies such as
front-back, sides and mixed (depending on the serve players either stay up if it is a short
serve or drop to sides if it is a deep serve as discussed las class).
Action: During /working on it (time given for each component, suggested 15-40 min)
Time: 60 minutes
Play games to 21 with the teams winning by at least 2 points. Students must wear eye
protection. Each pair plays each other
Consolidation & Connection (Reflect and Connect) (5-15 min.)
Time: 35 minutes
Go over what the students learned about badminton and special awareness on the court.
Discuss how they improved in the sport and how they can use the skills to remain active
outside of phys. ed. class.
Chiang, S.L-M & Casebolt, K. (2017). Badminton Skills and Drills. East Stroudsburg
University. https://aahperd.confex.com/aahperd/.../Badminton%20Skills%20and
Badminton. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ruRiKSzK5c