See How They Run
See How They Run
See How They Run
I dont know where I am. I dont know why Im here. And as I study the woman who stands two feet
away from me, staring, I realize I dont know her either.
Not even a little bit.
Sure, she is my grandfather s chief of staff. She says she was my mother s friend. Ive seen her
every day for weeks now, but she is a stranger. For a second, I have to wonder if this might all be a
nightmare. But not a nightmare, really. A hallucination. A fantasy. An episode. Thats what the
doctors call it when my mind drifts to places that arent real and arent here and arent now.
Ive been doing it for years, they tell me.
Ever since my mom died.
Ever since I
No. I dont let myself think about what I did. There are some things that, once remembered, you
can never quite forget.
Grace, its okay, Ms. Chancellor says. Youre safe here.
I know shes afraid Im going to turn around and run down the tunnel from which weve just
emerged. Or, worse, that Im going to lash out that Im going to fight. With her. With the truth.
With reality, because reality keeps trying to kill me, and one day it might just succeed.
Grace? Ms. Chancellor s hand is on my arm, and only then do I realize Ive started to shake.
Then again, Im always shaking.
Unlike Ms. Chancellor. I look at her hand at how steady it is and I think about how it held
the gun. She didnt waver. She didnt tremble. She just took aim at the most powerful man in Adria
and pulled the trigger.
That was a week ago. Now shes looking at me as if nothing happened at all.
Will he die? I ask before I even realize how much the answer matters.
Who? Ms. Chancellor asks.
The prime minister. Hes in a coma, right? Will he die? Or will he wake up?
I want him to die so that he can never hurt anyone again so that he will never be able to tell the
world it was the US ambassador s chief of staff who sent him to his grave.
But I also want him to live so he can tell me why he wanted my mother dead and exactly who
first gave the order. I need him to give me a list of all the people that I have to destroy.
I wonder which fate Ms. Chancellor would prefer for the prime minister. As usual, shes not
saying. Instead she eyes me over the rim of her dark glasses and answers, Oh. Its not clear whether
or not the prime minister will ever recover. It was a very serious heart attack, after all.
For a second, Im certain Ive misheard her. But then I realize that shes smiling like someone
who is three moves away from checkmate and theres no way anyone can stop her.
You cant be serious, I say.
Oh, Im quite serious. Heart trouble runs in the prime minister s family. The attack was very
sudden, you know. Almost lethal.
I saw Ms. Chancellor shoot him. I saw the bullet wound and the blood that covered his chest. I
saw it!
Didnt I?
I dont know anymore, so I shake harder.
No. My voice is quiet even though I want to scream. It wasnt a heart attack. He was shot. You
Of course it was a heart attack, Grace. What else would it have been? Ms. Chancellor gives me
a knowing look, and Im pretty sure this is her way of telling me Im not crazy. But she will never,
ever say so.
Heart attack.
Now I know why the streets have been so calm, the city so normal. Ive been alone in my room
for a week, but even so I should have recognized the signs of a country not at all concerned about an
attempt on the life of its primary leader. If Adria thinks the prime minister was brought down by
natural causes not an American bullet from an American gun then No. That cant be. People
cant actually believe that his heart failure had nothing to do with the bullet in his chest.
Ms. Chancellor cocks an eyebrow. What bullet?
There would have been paramedics and doctors, the Adrian equivalent of the Secret Service. And
reports so many reports. My mind cant fathom the amount of power that this kind of cover-up
would take the scope and scale of a lie of this magnitude. But I know by looking at her that it isnt
just possible it happened.
Ill never look at this woman the same way again. Its one thing to mortally wound a man, but
then to make it look as if it never happened at all? Who is she? What is she?
Nothing is as it seems.
After all, the room were in isnt supposed to exist. Im not supposed to be alive. My mom was
supposed to be an antiques dealer.
No one was supposed to want her dead.
Slowly, Ms. Chancellor steps away and I stop focusing on her and start focusing on where I am,
in a passageway deep beneath the city of Valancia, standing on the threshold of a secret.
What is this place? I sound almost feral, I know. And I shake harder.
We shouldnt have come here, Ms. Chancellor says, worried now. Youre not ready yet. Its
okay. We can come back another time.
I shake my head. No. I want to know everything. I want to know everything now.
Im too thin, they tell me. Too frail and tired and broken. I can see it in her eyes. The lies Ive
been living with for years have all fallen away, leaving me with nothing but pain and anger and a
deep, deep sadness that this woman would give anything to fix. Shes kind enough to try, but smart
enough to know she should know better. So Ms. Chancellor pats my arm.
Very well, dear. Come along.
Ms. Chancellor walks ahead of me then turns back, holds her arms out wide, and sweeps them
across the massive space that sprawls before us.
What do you think?
I think Im still in a nightmare. A very elaborate nightmare. But I dont dare tell her that.
I just follow her onto a balcony that is old no, ancient. But it doesnt creak beneath my weight.
The walls are solid stone. Below us, the floor is composed of glossy white tiles that gleam beneath the
massive gaslight chandeliers hanging overhead. A huge stained-glass window shines from high on
the wall to my left, its light slicing through the cavernous space, showing the symbol that I have been
seeing for days but never really stopped to study until now. We are at least a hundred feet beneath the
streets of Valancia. How the light reaches that piece of stained glass I do not know and do not ask.
There are far more important questions on my mind.
What is this place? I ask, knowing the answer must matter but having no idea exactly how.
It is the headquarters, Ms. Chancellor says.
Headquarters for what?
But Ms. Chancellor doesnt answer. Instead, she starts for the steps that spiral down to the floor
below. Come with me, Grace. There is a lot for you to see.
When we reach the bottom of the stairs, I touch the heavy wooden tables that sit in the center of
the room. Theyre covered with books that are so old their pages have actually grown thin. I think I
could probably see through them if I held them up against a light.
Its like a library, I say, reaching out for one of the old books.
Not without gloves, dear, Ms. Chancellor chides. I pull my hand back. And its not like a
library, Grace. It is a library. Of a sort.
Thats when Ms. Chancellor walks by the weapons rows and rows of them lining one wall.
There are spears and swords, daggers and arrows bows so large they look like they must have
been wielded by giants. It makes me think of empires and gladiators and the battle between good and
evil. Ive lived on army bases my whole life, but Ive never seen anything like this.
Are those real? I ask.
Of course.
How old are they?
How old is Valancia? Ms. Chancellor glances over her shoulder and eyes me. She doesnt
wink, but she looks like she might want to. Come now. There is something in particular you need to
I follow Ms. Chancellor through an arching doorway, down a stone corridor that twists and
curves. The ceiling is low, and gaslights burn at even intervals, but even so, the light is dim as it
bounces off the old white stone.
There is no sound here, a hundred feet beneath the city. No honking buses or ringing trolley
bells. No tourist has ever set foot in these hallowed halls Im sure of that. Im walking in important
footsteps, but I have absolutely no idea whose.
Finally, the corridor opens into a large circular room. The ceiling rises, dome-like, above us.
And in the center of the room stands a woman, carved from wood. She looks toward a sky that she
cant see, reaches out for a sun that she cant touch. One wing is unfurled behind her, its tip long since
rotted away. Her other wing is broken. And I know this poor angel will never fly again.
What is this?
I hold my hand out tentatively, asking for permission, and Ms. Chancellor nods.
Go ahead, dear, she says as I touch the old, smooth wood. It was the masthead of a ship a very
long time ago. One of seven ships, to be precise. This is the angel that guided the Grace.
I spin on her. The what?
Ms. Chancellor grins as if to say You heard me. Then she just brings her hands together and asks,
Do you know the story of Adria, dear?
My grandmother was Adrian. My mother was born here raised here. I came here every
summer for the first twelve years of my life. Im fluent in Adrias language, but I dont know this
country, Im starting to realize. Its my home, but I still feel like an invader, someone who should be
cast outside its walls.
Mom used to tell us the story, I say. But somehow I think it was the wrong one.
Ms. Chancellor chuckles. What you and most of the world have been told is true. It is simply a
tad bit incomplete. As much of history is wont to be.
My blood is pounding harder now, like Ive been running. But am I running to or from? I
honestly dont know.
A chandelier hangs overhead, but the gaslight is dim a fluttering, flickering thing. So Ms.
Chancellor lights a candle and holds it up, walking toward the wall that circles around us.
In the glow, I realize that the wall is covered in canvas. A mural stretches all the way around.
Several arching doorways stand at regular intervals, breaking up the scenes.
When Ms. Chancellor raises her hand, her light shines upon sand and ancient strongholds and a
scorching sun that reflects off the shining armor of an army riding into battle.
At the end of the twelfth century, the Third Crusade was coming to an end, Ms. Chancellor
says, beginning the story that every child in Adria learns in the cradle.
On the next panel, sand blends into sea as seven white sails set out for the horizon.
Sir Fredrick and his knights left the holy land. They took their seven fastest ships and made for
England, but a massive storm blew them terribly off course. They couldnt see the stars. They had
long since lost sight of land. Day after day the storm beat on, until these men who had survived years
of battle began to fear that they would die there, swallowed by the sea. But then as the story goes
on the seventh morning, Sir Fredrick saw it.
When Ms. Chancellor moves to the third painting, I have to step back to fully realize what Im
seeing. A man. It is a painting of a man, a giant, standing in the clear blue waters I know well.
As you know, Grace, the Romans founded Valancia. Even two thousand years ago it was the
crossroads of the world, and to mark the entrance to the bay they erected a monument, something to
announce to the world that this was their land. Of course, eventually, the Roman Empire gave way to
the Byzantines, and the Byzantines eventually lost Adria to the Turks, and the Turks to the Mongols,
but the point is that for a thousand years a great stone idol stood, guarding Adrias shores.
What is it? I ask, gesturing to the painting.
Its Neptune. Roman god of the sea. Some say the angel led Sir Fredrick and his knights
through the storm, kept them safe until Sir Fredrick could see Neptune on the horizon like a beacon,
calling them home.
I watch Ms. Chancellor s light play over the scene as seven ships sail though the long, dark
shadow of Neptunes outstretched hand.
Was there really a statue? I ask.
Oh yes. Im told it was the height of two football fields.
Why havent I ever seen it?
Oh, it fell and eroded away ages ago, Ms. Chancellor says with a wave of her hand. The
important thing is that it still stood when Sir Fredrick and his men battled that storm. Because of it,
they found Adria. And safety.
Its easy to imagine ships full of war-torn knights coming here to outrun their demons. I dont
stop to consider the irony that this is where mine found me.
In the next painting, Adria looks like Eden. The seven ships bob on peaceful waters while the
knights make their way onto the land. They fall to their knees and kiss the ground.
When Sir Fredricks men climbed onto our shores they were greeted by people who had never
known anything but war and unrest people who had been mere pieces on a chessboard for
centuries. They were greeted by people who took them in. Of course, at the time, Adria was ruled by
the Mongols. Ms. Chancellor points to the painting, at the warriors who watch Sir Fredricks knights
from the hills in the distance. But the knights quickly formed an alliance with Adrias people, and
together they fought until this new land was their own.
When Ms. Chancellor turns to me again, there is a new twinkle in her eye. Seven knights came
to Adria, my dear. What the stories never say is that this is where they found and married seven
When she reaches the next-to-last picture, Ms. Chancellor shines her light upon the beautiful
faces of the brides who stand behind their husbands, smiling knowing smiles.
These women had been born here, raised here. They knew every tunnel the Romans had carved
beneath the city, every cave high in the hills. What the history books never say, Grace, is that Sir
Fredrick and his knights won Adria because their wives showed them how to do it.
She says this like its important, and I have to remind myself that once upon a time, my mother
came to this room and heard this story.
A part of me has to wonder if this is what killed her.
Ms. Chancellor lowers her candle. Now, its important to understand that Adria had never
known peace. Not really. It was too important, too pivotal every great empire wanted it for its own.
And so as the knights of Adria ruled, their wives watched and listened and whispered in their
husbands ears ways to keep their homeland from being pulled once more into war and chaos.
She takes another step and lets her light fall upon the image of a great stone wall beginning to
rise around the city.
They told their husbands they would feel safer behind a wall. They suggested who the new
country should trade with and why. And, most of all, these women remembered what their mothers
and grandmothers had learned from the Romans, the Byzantines, the Turks, and the Mongols: that
history almost always repeats itself. And it is almost always written by men.
Shes right, of course. Theres a loop in my life a pattern of violence and death and
heartbreaking sorrow that I would give anything to stop. To rewrite. To end. But my walls are not yet
high enough, not strong enough. What Ms. Chancellor doesnt know is that I never will stop building.
So that is how Adria was born, Grace. Sir Fredrick became King Fredrick the First. The knights
who led the other six ships were given lands and riches and a place at the kings side as his most
trusted advisors. Years passed, and their sons became princes and lords and the leaders of Europe.
She pulls the candle farther from the wall. Its gentle glow lights her face, and somehow I know
this moment matters. My heart is pounding, my hands sweating as Ms. Chancellor turns to me.
We are what became of their daughters.
T hree years ago the prime minister of Adria called his chief of security into his office and ordered
him to kill my mother.
I dont know why.
When I started asking questions, the same prime minister ordered the same man to kill me.
And now the prime minister is in a coma and my mother is dead, but the mystery lives on. The
look on Ms. Chancellor s face tells me that she thinks the answers are here, in this dimly lit alcove
and centuries-old story. But I dont see it. So I look up at the angel, willing her to guide me to the
What did the daughters do? I ask. I cant meet Ms. Chancellor s gaze.
They did the only thing women could do a thousand years ago: They stayed in the shadows. But
shadows are the perfect place from which to watch, to see. And make no mistake, my dear, the women
who founded Adria saw everything. We still see everything.
My mother was a part of this?
Ms. Chancellor nods. And your grandmother. And your grandmother s mother, and so on for a
thousand years. Every girl born to one of the Societys members was observed and, if she seemed an
appropriate fit, she was introduced to the Society in her sixteenth year. In time, we grew. Our reach
expanded. And through it all we watched and recorded history, gently guiding it on occasion.
I think about the gunshot wound that miraculously became a heart attack. I remember the room
full of dusty, ancient books and weapons.
So youre a secret society of librarians?
Ms. Chancellor laughs. Among other things, she says. But in my mind Im remembering how
she held the gun, how calm she was when she fired. Every army in the world knows that knowledge
is power information, the worlds most lethal weapon. The women keep the secrets, my dear. We
have always kept the secrets.
Did one of these secrets kill my mother?
The lights are flickering, off and on. Ms. Chancellor glances behind us then reaches for me.
Come along, dear. Im afraid our time is up.
When Ms. Chancellor takes my arm and leads me away, I realize were going back the way we
Stop, I snap, jerking free of her grasp. I know how I look, how I sound. Ancient secret
societies dont have room for petulant children, but its too much, too fast. And it isnt nearly enough.
I want to stomp my foot, to scream, to cry. I need to curse my predecessors for their club and their
secrets because they led to what happened to my mother. I hate this Society and every one of its
members. Even the one who is standing right in front of me.
You said someone wanted my mom dead because of her job.
I did say that.
So what was her job?
She was an antiques dealer, Ms. Chancellor says.
What was her job here? I ask, my frustration boiling over.
She was an archivist, Grace. An antiques dealer. Her job was collecting and retrieving rare and
valuable artifacts that pertain to Adria or the Society.
Were these artifacts valuable?
Were they dangerous?
Ms. Chancellor brings her hands together. Anything of value can be dangerous if given the
right conditions.
What did she find?
Ms. Chancellor studies me, as if weighing which will harm me more, the truth or yet another lie.
Shes too calm, too poised as she studies me. I have no idea whether or not to believe her when she
says, Honestly, I have no idea.
No! I howl rage and fear and dread bubbling up inside me and spilling over. You have to
know something! You have to.
Instinctively, Ms. Chancellor steps closer, but she doesnt put her arms around me. She knows
better than to try to hold a wild thing.
We will find it, Grace, she says.
Im weaker than Id like to admit, because I find myself wanting to believe her.
She leads me back into the first big room. As were passing by the weapons, she says, Making
yourself sick wont help matters. You both have a lot to learn, and youre going to need to be at your
best when we begin.
I dont care. I want Wait. I stop. Did you say both?
The stained-glass window is overhead. Dust dances in the inexplicable beam of light, and that is
where shes standing.
I see the outline of her silhouette, and when she moves slowly forward, I know immediately who
it is.
Hello, Grace, Lila says. Havent you heard? Were going to be sisters.
I am my own worst enemy. But if there were to be a second place, it would go to this girl. Lilas black
hair is glossy and straight. Her nails perfectly polished, her back perfectly straight. Shes my
Brazilian-Israeli best friends twin sister, but there is nothing of Noah in the girl in front of me.
Lila is the anti-Noah, which means shes also the anti-me.
I spin on Ms. Chancellor. Yes, Grace, she says to my unasked question. You and Lila will be
joining us at the same time. Isnt that wonderful? Learning about the Society is so much better with a
Lila is not my friend.
One look at the girl tells me she is thinking the same thing, but Ms. Chancellor practically
beams. Im so excited for you both. Now go on. Im sure you two have a lot to talk about.
No, I want to say, but somehow I manage to bite back the word.
Im afraid Im needed at the embassy. We will continue this soon, Ms. Chancellor says before
hurrying ahead of us.
Lila and I follow in silence, climbing the spiral steps to the door Ms. Chancellor showed me just
an hour ago. But even if were quiet, my thoughts are loud. I cant even try to hide my disappointment.
My mom was supposed to make more sense to me now. This was her big secret. I am where she once
was, on the verge of learning the things that she once knew. But as Lila and I start down the tunnel that
will take us outside, I cant help but feel my mother slipping further and further away. The woman I
remember now simply feels like a lie, and theres nothing new to replace it.
Weird, right?
It takes a moment to realize Lila is talking, a moment more to realize shes talking to me.
Youre in the shocked-and-confused phase right now. Its okay. I get it. The shock goes away
after a few days, but the awe the awe hasnt gone away for me yet.
So you didnt know
What? Lila looks at me. That my mother belongs to an ancient league of secret lady assassins
or whatever?
They arent assassins, I say. Then I think about it. Are they?
Oh, certainly. Lila rolls her eyes. Did you think their battle-ax collection is for when the
librarians want to collect late fees? She doesnt wait for me to answer before she shrugs and says,
In answer to your question, no. I didnt know. My mother told me a few weeks ago. Did yours tell
you? It takes Lila a moment to realize what shes said. I mean, before she died?
She doesnt sound embarrassed. After all, Lila is the kind of person who isnt afraid of the truth
and doesnt have time for regrets.
I shouldnt either, I realize, but all I can say is, No. I never knew.
Maybe my mom died too soon. Maybe she didnt think I belonged here. Maybe its just too hard
to work something like an ancient family legacy in over breakfast. But no matter why, the fact
remains that my mother never told me, and my mother never will. There was a time that would have
made me cry, but thats the good thing about being dead inside, I guess. Dead people dont feel pain.
Then something occurs to me something that has nothing to do with my mother.
Does Noah know? I ask, and Lila laughs.
Noah doesnt have a clue. About anything. Ever. It is safe to assume that Noah is perpetually
Im worried.
I dont know where the words come from or why I say them now. Aloud. To Lila. But I cant take
them back, and its too late. Lilas already looking at me like Im even crazier than shed been led to
What do you have to worry about?
Well, lets see Three years ago the prime minister ordered my moms death, but I
accidentally killed her instead. Didnt remember it, though. And then a few weeks ago the prime
minister tried to have me killed, but he ended up in a coma, so we have absolutely no idea who else
wanted my mother dead. Or why. Or how it might all tie into the shadowy secret society that my
ancestors evidently founded a thousand years ago. So I have worries, Lila. I have plenty.
The look Lila gives me is so cold its like maybe I didnt say a thing. And maybe I didnt. Im
starting to wonder when Lila shrugs.
Fine. Evade my question. She reaches for the ladder and climbs outside.
I want to yell at her and pull her glossy black hair or force her to break a nail. Most of all, I want
to go to Noah and tell him how annoyed I am that his twin sister and I are going to be in the same
secret society. But I cant do that, of course. Because secret society. I have one more secret now.
One more mystery. One more set of lies. But Im not lying to myself anymore, and that has to count
for something.
The sun seems too bright once we make it to the street. Im still standing, squinting, when Lila
says Dont look behind you, which means, of course, I start to turn, but Lila grabs my arm. Keep
Lila loops her arm through mine. Its the way the fashionable women always walk together down
the chic streets near the palace. This feels so European, I think before realizing that we are in Europe.
We probably look like confidantes. Friends.
Looks can be deceiving.
What is it? I ask.
Theres a big guy with a scar on his face watching us. I think hes She makes a quick glance
back. Yes. He is following us.
How many times in my life have I thought I saw the Scarred Man? Too many to count. For years,
it was just another by-product of my messed-up mind, my fear. My crazy.
Now its just one more thing I have to feel guilty about.
After all, the Scarred Man is no longer the Scarred Man. Now hes
Dominic. I force out the word.
What? Lila asks.
His name is Dominic. He used to be the prime minister s head of security.
Do you think he saw us leave the tunnel?
I know he saw us leave the tunnel, but thats not something I can tell Lila. I jerk to a stop and turn
around. Dominic is across the street, standing perfectly still. Watching. He doesnt smile and doesnt
wave. He doesnt even try to hide or act natural. Theres no denying what hes doing. He is tracking
Lila says something in Hebrew I dont understand. Or maybe its the Portuguese equivalent of
I should tell her that I know him. Sort of. I should let her know that he and I are something.
Not friends. Not family. We have whatever bond forms when you spend three years shouting from
rooftops that the Scarred Man killed your mother. We are bound by whatever it is that lives on long
after someone saves your life. Or maybe hes here because my mother was his first and maybe
only love.
I killed the love of his life, I realize with a start. And, suddenly, Dominics glare has an entirely
new meaning.
Sorry, Lila. Ive got to
I have to get away from here before the guilt makes me throw up all over Lila and her perfectly
polished toes.
Where are you
Bye, Lila. Just tell Noah I said bye.
Then, before my new sister can see through me, Im gone.
I run until my lungs want to burst and my legs turn to noodles. I hear nothing but the pounding of my
feet against the hard-packed dirt. I feel nothing but the stinging slap of the tree branches and thorny
vines that swipe against my face and scratch my legs. But I cant stop. I have to go faster, higher,
I have to outrun the past.
Even after I break free from the brush that covers the path I keep running until I literally cannot
run anymore. I skid to a stop, kicking at pebbles that tumble down the cliff and splash into the sea.
Only then can I let myself breathe.
At the top of the cliffs, the air that blows off the Mediterranean is warm and wet. It pushes my
hair from my face as I stand here, hands outstretched, desperate to fly. But I cant fly. And I wont
jump. No matter how much I want to, regardless of how deep I know the water off the shoreline is.
I am not supposed to jump off the cliffs anymore. Im not supposed to take chances or tempt fate.
Besides, my grandfather and Ms. Chancellor have been watching my every move for days. If I come
back to the embassy with bruises, theyll see them. If I pick at my food theyll ask why. And so I stand
on this ridge, high above the city, hiding in plain sight, pretending to be an ordinary girl.
Just your average teenager who recently learned she shot and killed her own mother.
Grace! My name comes flying on a breeze that smells like smoke. When I close my eyes I
hear glass shatter, a woman scream.
Grace! No!
The cries havent changed in years, but now I know what they mean. Now I know shes not trying
to make me run. Shes trying to make me stop to put down the gun Im holding. She is trying to tell
me that its okay and that the Scarred Man that Dominic isnt trying to hurt her. But its too late.
In every sense of the word.
I shake my head, try to clear away the smoky haze. But the words come again.
Grace, no!
I clench my hands together so tightly that my nails almost draw blood.
Grace, stop!
The voice is too deep, too close. Too real. And thats what makes me spin. As I do, the rocks
beneath my feet shift. Ive ventured too close to the edge and I can feel the ground beneath me giving
way, crumbling, and soon I, too, am falling. The wind rushes up to greet me, and for one split second,
I am free.
But then a hand reaches me. It grasps my arm and Im jerked back. Instead of stone, I slam
against a hard, broad chest, and then we topple to the ground. Arms come up to hold me, squeezing
me so tightly I cant fight. I am frozen. Trapped. Then the boy beneath me rolls, forcing my back to
the ground as he looms overhead, making certain there is no place left for me to fall.
I dont understand what Noah says next, but Im pretty sure its in Portuguese and probably
vulgar. Hes breathing so hard and were so close that I can actually feel his chest rise and fall. Even
though were lying on the ground, its like hes run a marathon like hes still running. Chasing
after me.
He curses again and then spits out, What were you doing, Grace? What were you thinking?
He isnt angry, I can tell. Hes terrified. Even after he leans back and lets me go, his hands are
still shaking.
You told me youd never jump off of here again. You promised!
I wasnt jumping, I say but Noah doesnt believe me. He wants to, but he cant.
Its not his fault that hes not stupid.
I try again. I wasnt going to jump, Noah. I swear.
When he leans toward me, I cant help myself; I scoot away.
Youre lying, he says.
No. Im not. I just come up here sometimes. To think.
To think about what? Jumping?
No! I stand, and the wind blows in my face again. There are no more traces of smoke. The air
is salty and brisk, slapping me awake. Still, its almost like a dream when I say, My mom, okay?
Sometimes I come up here and think about my mom.
Oh. Noah eases back.
What are you doing here, Noah? I ask, suddenly worried that maybe Dominic isnt the only
person who has been watching my every move. Maybe Ive just been too sloppy to notice.
What am I doing here? Noah throws his hands out wide then rests his elbows on his bent
knees. Well, I havent seen you in a week. You are my best friend. And sometimes I like to check and
make sure my friends arent dead. There. Did I cover it all? I think I got it all.
It sounds good, but Im not buying it, so I ask again, What are you doing here?
Noah pushes to his feet and hastily brushes the dust off of his khaki shorts and dark T-shirt.
What am I doing here? he snaps. What do you think Im doing? I followed you! I saw you
running down the street like a madwoman, so I followed you, because
He trails off, unwilling or unable to go on, so I finish for him.
Im a madwoman.
Because I was worried about you, okay? Noah looks at the sea then back to where I stand,
dusty and wind-blown. My arms and legs are scratched and probably bleeding. Can you blame me?
he asks.
I cant, but I dont dare say so.
Im not going to leave, you know, Noah says when my silence is too much. You cant run me
off. Its too late for that. Weve done international espionage together. Were bonded for life.
I laugh in spite of myself, because even though Noah cant make me happy, every now and then
he makes me forget to be sad. And sometimes I try to tell myself that its enough.
Then he looks at me again, joking aside. What is up with you?
Where were you? What made you so upset?
I want to tell him I really do. Noah is good and kind and safe a diary in human form and
I want to pour out all of my secrets. But theyre secrets for a reason, and Noah can never, ever know.
Not about Lila or the Society or the Scarred Man or me. Especially me. Its taken sixteen years for me
to find a best friend; I cant risk losing him now.
Nothing, Noah. Im fine. Really.
I turn from the cliffs and start toward the rough path that leads to the street below. But before I
get far, Noah reaches out and grabs my hand. As he spins me toward him, he is heartbreakingly
Just dont jump, Grace. Okay? Please dont jump.
Yeah. Okay, I say, and move again toward the path, but Noah keeps my hand too tight in his
own and pulls me closer.
I mean it. Dont get yourself hurt. Okay?
Ive only lived on Embassy Row for a few weeks, and already Noah knows this about me that
Im reckless, that Im dangerous. That I can never be trusted. And thats the problem.
Im not going to jump, Noah, I say, but even I dont really believe me.
He doesnt question my word, though, as we start down the path that is even wilder and more
overgrown in the heat of summer. He doesnt even question my sanity.
He just says, I saw the Scarred Man today.
His name is Dominic, I say, repeating the words I have told myself over and over since that
fateful night.
Yeah, Dominic. I saw him. And I dont trust him.
But Im already shaking my head. Hes just a man with a scar. Not all people with scars are
Noah gives me a look. Of course not. But think about it. You say Dominic killed your mom
He didnt, I blurt. But Noah doesnt hear my tone. He doesnt read the pain that lives behind my
Yeah. Noah waves my concern away. But hes supposed to be the prime minister s head of
security, right? And then the prime minister s heart mysteriously gives out right in the middle of the
G-20 Summit? On the Scarred Mans watch? The prime minister is in a coma, Grace.
I am aware, Noah.
Dont joke. And dont tell me thats a coincidence, Noah finishes strong.
Its not, but I dont dare say so.
I was wrong, I tell him. Okay? Dominic didnt kill my mother. My mother s death was an
I dont choke on the word and for that, at least, Im grateful. But Noah still hears a little of
what I dont say.
Theres something youre not telling me.
Noah has been my designated best friend since my first night on Embassy Row. But he wasnt
there the night the prime minister finally cornered me. He didnt see the way Dominic put himself in
danger. And he can never, ever know that the prime minister was shot and Ms. Chancellor was the one
who picked up the gun and pulled the trigger. Noah may be my best friend and all, but Im pretty sure
hes not ready for the international implications of a high-ranking diplomat from one country
actually shooting and seriously wounding the prime minister of another. Wars have started for less.
And if Noah knew the truth if anyone knew the truth
I think about Grandpa and the president and the diplomatic implications.
And then I think about the Society and wonder what theyve already done to keep the truth a
secret. I dont want to know how far they might go to make sure it stays that way.
Grace. Gracie! Slowly, Noahs voice brings me back. Then he smiles and squeezes my hand.
You okay? Noah is a good enough friend that he actually cares about the answer to that
question. Which means hes too good a friend for me to actually give it.
Instead, I kick a small stone that sits on the path, watch it tumble down the hill, and say, Come
A few minutes later were stepping back onto Embassy Row. The sun has started to set across the
Mediterranean, and the flags of the embassies all blow in the salty breeze, like soldiers standing guard
against the massive wall that has held Valancia safe against intruders for at least a thousand years.
Wordlessly, Noah falls into step beside me, his long legs eating up the ground, two of my strides
matching one of his.
So, he says, spinning around and walking backward, what are we going to do now?
Now, Noah, I go home.
Okay. Good plan. First stop, USA. Well tell your grandfather and Ms. Chancellor that youre
going to spend the evening with me. Ill give them my best responsible-role-model smile, and theyll
be putty in my hands. Then what? A movie?
No, thank you, I say, trying out my best good-girl voice.
No movies. Check. Hey, Lilas planning a thing later. We should go.
Lila. The realization almost stops me. Noah doesnt know the truth about Lila.
Oh, right. I shake my head. Thats a great idea, because your twin sister is such a fan of
No. Its a great idea because you are my aforementioned best friend and it is summer in one of
the most beautiful cities in the world.
Noah is grinning at me, teasing, mocking just a little. He doesnt know that he should hate me.
Fear me. Pity me. I should like him for that, but in the end I cant respect anyone who could be foolish
enough to be sucked into all of my lies.
As the sun dips lower, shadows descend on Embassy Row. Noah stops, and I have no choice but
to turn and face him.
I cant help but notice hes stopped smiling.
Whats going on with you?
Youre up to something. And youre not telling me, and that offends me. Just a little. It hurts.
Noah motions to his heart. Right here, Grace. Right here.
Im almost certain hes joking. Almost. He laughs, but then, in a flash, hes serious again.
Youre scaring me, Gracie. Just tell me what it is. Tell me and let me help you.
But no one can help me. Not anymore. Not ever again.
Im sorry, Noah, I say as we reach the US embassys gates. The marine on duty nods to us but
doesnt speak. Hes almost invisible, and Noah and I are almost alone.
I will see you later, Grace.
Yeah. Ill see you later.
He points at me. At Lilas shindig, right? Ill meet you right here. In this spot. Nine oclock.
Because you are going to go with me. We are going to be typical teenagers for a brief, three-to-six-
hour window this evening.
I cant help myself. I laugh a little as I ease toward the gates.
Take care, Noah.
Im taking that as a yes. You heard that, Martin. Noah points to the marine. She said yes.
Martin opens the gates and I step onto US soil, but Noah is still calling at me through the fence.
I will be here, Grace. And youd better be here, too, or else Im storming the fences. Or he
looks up at the imposing iron bars that surround the embassys grounds Im going next door to
Germany and getting Rosie to storm the fences! Dont make me cause an international incident.
Martin is laughing as I step toward the doors. When I glance back I cant help but notice that
Noahs grin is wide and honest. He doesnt see the truth about me because he doesnt know where to
look for it. Buried deep. Paved over. If he knew me better he might see through my facade, so I swear
that Noah can never know me better. I am safe in my mother s homeland, my grandfather s house.
Embassy Row is my new home, and Ill be fine here as long as Im surrounded by strangers.
Im just starting to tell myself that its okay, that no one here will ever guess the truth about my
mother s society or my terrible secret, when I see the doors of the residence open and I hear a
familiar voice say, Hello, Gracie.
T he boy in front of me is not a stranger, and yet he feels like one. His hair is shorter, practically
shaved. His arms are leaner, his posture better. But the hardest thing to realize is that he isnt looking
at me like he used to.
He called me Gracie.
But I am not his little sister. Not really. Not anymore. Im the monster who killed his mother, and
now both of us know it.
I knew Id have to see Jamie eventually, but Id assumed Id have time to prepare, to brace myself
for him lashing out, fighting back against the thing that killed his mother. I knew I was going to have
to deal with this someday. I just never guessed that someday would be now.
Before I can blink, Jamie lunges for me. Hes faster than he used to be, stronger. In a flash, his
arms are around my waist and my feet are off the ground. I close my eyes and feel his harder-than-I-
remember shoulders beneath my hands as he spins me around and around. For a split second, I let
myself forget that Im not little that Im not safe. This is my big brother, the boy who slayed all my
monsters. But just as soon as Im back on the ground, I remember: The monster is me.
Guilt makes my eyes burn. I want to run and hide, but I just stand there, looking at my big
What what are you doing here?
Something happens when the sun sets in Adria. There comes a moment every day when the sky is
clearer, the water is bluer, and the entire city looks as if its made of gold. It actually glows, and when
my brother smiles, the honey-colored light hits him and he looks like hes wearing a halo.
Surprise! On anyone else, Jamies smile would be cocky. But on him its so natural and easy
that it makes me want to cry.
What are you doing here? I ask again.
Do I need a reason to come visit my favorite sister?
Im his only sister, and thats what Im supposed to say. Its my line, my joke. But I can only ask,
What about West Point?
I cant even imagine my father s response should Jamie wash out. But of course that thought is
preposterous. Jamie doesnt fail. Not at anything. Not ever.
West Point is still there, he tells me, trying to tease, but I dont laugh anymore. My brother, of
all people, should know that.
Why arent you there, Jamie?
Relax, Gracie. Im on leave. Were finished with basic, and we had a few days, so we
We? I ask just as another boy steps through the embassys door. Its the one used for the
ambassador and senior staff. For family. But I have never seen this boy before in my life. And yet,
instantly, I know him.
He is like every boy on every military base in America. At least from a distance. Even in civilian
clothes, boys like him are always uniform, with their nearly shaved heads, muscular shoulders, and
bulging biceps. He is caught in that space between man and child. A little baby fat is still in his cheeks,
but he has the body of an adult male.
I know without asking that he was some kind of high school sports stud. Football? No
wrestling. The boy takes a step; I watch him move, and I know he was some kind of hotshot high
school wrestler just as surely as I know my own name. He carries himself like someone who hasnt
yet been beaten. But high school and even West Point are not like the world at large. He doesnt
know what I know: that, eventually, everybody gets taken down.
Gracie, Id like you to meet John Spencer, Jamie says. Spence, this is my sister, Gracie.
I hold out my hand. Grace. I glare at my brother. Hes the only one who gets to call me
Spence takes my hand and tips the cap that he wears over his too-short hair. Its nice to meet
you, maam, he says.
This makes me laugh. Maam?
Yeah, dont you know, Gracie? Jamie puts an arm around me. Were in training to become
both officers and gentlemen.
Jamie thinks hes funny. Hes trying to make me laugh again, but I just look at John Spencer.
You go to West Point, too? I ask him.
Yes, maam.
And youre both on leave so you just happened to pop across the Atlantic Ocean? I say.
I dont ask how many phone calls Jamie has shared with Grandpa. With Dad. I dont want to
know how many hours they have worked and worried behind my back, strategizing how to pull me
back from all the metaphorical cliffs and all the real ones, too.
Was this Jamies idea?
And does anyone really think this can do anything but go terribly, horribly wrong?
Spence and Jamie share a glance before Spence answers, My grandmother was from Adria. Ive
never been, and when Blake said he was coming this way, I decided to tag along.
Blake? I ask.
Blakely. Jamie says our last name as if that should explain it all. Blake. You get called by your
last name a lot at West Point, and
Oh, I get it. Spence. Blake. Very cute. Very fun. You guys are adorable. My brother is looking
at me. No, I realize with a start my brother is seeing me. Hes not like Noah. Hes known me longer
better. And Im afraid that Jamie is going to see all of my new secrets, read them in my eyes. Its
the one thing I cant ever let happen. Not again.
Suddenly, I step back. I feel my brother s arm fall away. It was nice meeting you, Spence. And,
Jamie, Ill see you soon, but Ive got things to do.
Ill go with you.
No, Jamie. Its okay.
Its not okay. I came a long way to see you. Now let me see you. I miss you.
When I pull away again, Jamie moves in front of me, blocking my path. This isnt some
maneuver they teach at West Point. It is Sibling 101, and Jamies always been a natural.
Wait, he says.
Dont, I tell him.
Dont what? He is using his Big Brother tone, daring me to deny that he is taller, stronger,
faster. Older. But he has spent two semesters already at West Point, and Im no longer the girl he left
behind. The me who lives in Adria feels more like an only child.
Dont lie to me, I say, my voice too low for Spence to hear it.
Jamie is facing me, away from his friend. Maybe thats why he allows a look to cross his face,
almost like Ive slapped him.
Id never lie to you, Gracie.
Except you have, I want to say. You lied to me every day for three years. You are still lying if you
dare to stand there, looking like a part of you doesnt hate a part of me.
But I dont say a single word.
West Point cadets dont get leave, Jamie. And if they do, they dont leave the country.
Well, actually, he says, sidling closer, we do have a break between terms. And we are allowed
to leave the country if we miss our kid sisters.
He wants us to pretend, to act like nothings wrong and nothing happened. But I am so, so tired
of making believe. I have been living a lie for three years. My mind is having a hard enough time
remembering the true version of events; I cant bear another fake one.
Dont you mean, if your kid sisters have nervous breakdowns? West Point cadets get to go on
big international trips then?
I wait for Jamie to joke again, to laugh. Or, better yet, to walk away. Yes, walking away would be
so much better than standing in the fading light, pity filling his eyes.
Im fine, Jamie. You didnt have to come check up on me.
But he just shakes his head slowly, side to side. He sees right through me.
Now whos lying?
Spence has drifted back inside, and for once, Embassy Row is quiet and still.
Do you have a good therapist? Jamie asks, slipping from brother to father to mother. My role
is still the same.
Are you going? he demands.
Do you want to get better?
Yes! I dont know.
When a pair of women pass by on the sidewalk, Jamie takes my arm and pulls me deeper into the
shadows of the embassys yard. The women speak in rapid Adrian, the language of our mother. And
for a second I swear I can almost see her standing on the other side of the fence, calling out that its
time for us to come home.
I know you know. Jamies voice shakes. I know you remember what happened, so dont tell
me youre okay.
Im supposed to say something now. Something good or kind or clever. Something to show just
how sorry I am and just how much progress Ive made. Im supposed to make my brother stop
But the truth is, if my brother was smart he wouldnt be worried. Hed be terrified.
Grace Jamie starts, but I cant listen to any more I cant take any more. The guilt and
shame have been weighing on me for three years, and the only thing I can do is pave over them with
I deserve my guilt, but I shouldnt have to live with Jamies betrayal, with all of their lies.
You knew! I cant help but shout. All those years, you knew the truth and you never told me!
I expect Jamie to lash back, to fight. Hes a soldier now, isnt he? But hes just shaking his head.
Youre my little sister. Protecting you is my job, so Im not going to apologize for not telling
you the truth. You can yell at me all you want, but Im not sorry.
You had no right to keep that from me!
I had every right! Jamie shakes his head, almost like hes locked in a nightmare, trying to
wake up. It was better when you didnt know, Gracie. Id make you forget all over again if I could.
You lied. Everyone lied. Grandpa and Dad and them, I understand. But not you, Jamie. Never
You didnt see you, Gracie. Mom was dead and you were dying. Really. Im not exaggerating.
The guilt was killing you! I hated seeing you in that place. I dont know how much longer Dad and I
could have taken it watching you scream and shake and yell about the Scarred Man. You just
couldnt take it anymore. I couldnt take it anymore. So when they decided to stop fighting and let you
think what you wanted to think, I didnt care. I wanted to lie. I wanted to forget about everything as
much as you did. About Mom. And you. And the intruder, and how
The intruder? For a moment, Im sure that Ive misheard him.
The burglar. The intruder. Whatever. The man who was there. The reason why you My
brother cant say pulled the trigger, and despite the setting sun, some new light dawns.
Jamie doesnt know.
Not the whole truth. Not really.
They lied to him, too.
No one ever told him the truth about the Scarred Man. He doesnt know about the Society or the
prime minister or Ms. Chancellor. He only knows that his kid sister fired the shot that killed his
mother. He has no idea why.
It should anger me, infuriate me. I should charge into my grandfather s office and call him out
on all of his lies. But then I realize that Grandpa might not even know the truth. Maybe Ms. Chancellor
and her Society have been manipulating him, too. Their cover-ups could go back at least three years.
They could go back a thousand.
I should end it all right here and now, but for once I am on the inside. For once, Jamie is the
person left behind.
I must stay silent long enough for Jamie to soften, because he smiles.
Are you at least a little bit glad to see me? he asks.
I shrug, play along. The jury is still out.
Hearing him tease me, love me, I come to realize that he doesnt hate me. Not at all. And I guess
that means I have to hate myself even more to make up for his bad judgment.
Grandpas meetings run late, and goodness knows we arent allowed to eat without him. Not since
Ms. Chancellor decreed that tonights meal is to be a family affair. Which is a little ironic, since shes
not family. Neither is Spence. But Ms. Chancellor took me into the tunnels. She told me something
about my mother. And, most of all, she saved my life. We might not have the same blood, but we are
bonded now, and I wont even try to deny it. Even if sometimes Im pretty sure shed like to.
By the time we gather around the big, formal dining room table its dark outside and my
stomach is growling, but I dont say a thing.
And how do you like West Point, young man?
I can hear Grandpa talking from his place at the head of the table, but hes so far away I have to
strain to listen. Ms. Chancellor tried to force me into a dress, but we compromised on shorts that
dont have rips in them and a nice sweater. I can feel her watching me as I pick at my salad. Its like
shes the only one who can see that Jamie is a time bomb that has landed back in our lives. Its just a
matter of time until the truth slips out and we all go boom.
Is your father a military man? Grandpa asks.
Spence wipes his mouth before speaking. My mother, sir. Shes in the Air Force.
Excellent. Grandpa takes a sip of his water. Just excellent. And your father, what does he do?
The conversation goes on like this through two more courses.
What classes are their favorites? What sites should Jamie show Spence in Adria? Will they be
here for the Festival of the Fortnight?
And, through it all, I want to turn to my brother and scream. Did you know Mom was involved in
some kind of secret society? Did you know someone ordered her death? Did you know that even though
I pulled the trigger, someone else sent an assassin to her door?
Did you know it might not be over?
The potatoes. It takes a moment to realize that Spence is whispering to me. If you dont want
to eat they make a great hiding place for the rest of your food.
I look down at my plate, which is almost full. I havent taken a bite in a long time, I realize. My
fork just dangles in midair.
Or you could always slip whatever you dont want under the table and give it to me. Like a
dog, Spence says, then grins. Im not joking. The food here is a lot better than what we get at
school, and Im always hungry. It would be an honor. He takes a big bite and gives me a wink, but I
cant help thinking about what John Spencer doesnt do.
He doesnt ask me how Im doing. He doesnt wonder what is wrong. He isnt watching as if
waiting for me to implode or explode or just turn into a puddle of mashed potatoes. Spence is the
only total stranger at this table. So hes the only one I really trust.
Well, John. Grandpas never been a fan of nicknames. Jamie tells me that you have family ties
to Adria.
Yes, sir, Spence says. My grandmother on my father s side was Adrian. Her family
immigrated to the US after the Second World War.
Grandpa considers this. Yes. A lot of people left then. Those were dark days for Adria. But they
passed, Im happy to say. The dark days they always pass. Grandpa doesnt look at me as he says
this last sentence, but I can feel everyone at the table not staring at me as the words reverberate around
the room.
The silence is too much. All I hear is the sound of Spence chewing his asparagus. Im allergic to
asparagus, but right now I would welcome the feeling of my throat closing up, an excuse to go to the
emergency room anything to leave here. Now.
So, I hear youve made friends.
It takes a moment to realize that Jamie is talking to me. It isnt his teasing older-brother voice,
though. Its his Im-trying-to-hide-how-worried-I-really-am voice. And I dont like it.
A few. I would tell him about Noah and Rosie and Megan, but I dont think my brother wants to
hear about the hours we spent in the basement of the Iranian embassy or the time we broke into the
Scarred Mans house. There are a dozen lies I could give him, but suddenly I remember one essential
truth. Alexeis gone.
I wait for Jamie to react, to say something or make some kind of sign that hes heard me, but
nothing comes, so I go on, Did you know that? His dad had to go back to Russia a few days ago.
Alexei is gone, Jamie. I mean gone gone. I dont think hes coming back.
I heard is all Jamie says.
So have you talked to him? Did he tell you why he left or
Its for the best, Grandpa says. He doesnt look up from his potatoes.
Whats that supposed to mean? I snap, but Grandpa spears me with a look.
Our relationship with the neighbors is hard enough without the two of you gallivanting around
the city. You should have stayed away from that boy, Gracie.
Alexei running around with me was a problem? He and Jamie have been best friends for
forever, I say with typical younger-sibling outrage.
Grandpa cuts his steak. And your brother is now a cadet at West Point. Jamie should not be
gallivanting around with Russians either.
My retort is on my tongue. Jamie, I can tell, is trying to decide whether or not to argue. But
before anyone can say a thing, Spence turns to Jamie and asks, Youre friends with a Russian?
Embassy Row. My brother shrugs. Its a crazy place to grow up. The Russian embassy is next
door. Alexeis dad was the Russian ambassador s chief of staff. We used to play together when we
were kids. We kept in touch.
I cant believe what Im hearing what Jamie isnt saying.
Alexei is your best friend, I remind my brother, but Jamie only grins.
In fact, I left Alexei in charge of Gracie here. He gives me a wink. No wonder he had to leave
the country.
Jamie is trying to tease, to take the awkward out. But Spence is staring at him, trying to process
what hes just learned. James Blakely, Jr. Blake is friends with a Russian. Hes looking at Jamie
as if he never really knew him at all.
Where in Adria was your mother s family from, John? Ms. Chancellor asks Spence. He takes a
moment before turning to her.
Valancia, maam.
And what was her name?
Carefully, Ms. Chancellor draws Spence into a discussion of family trees and Adrian history, but
I dont listen. I just sit, staring at my peas.
After a while, Jamie leans closer. Youre not eating.
Im not hungry.
I dont look up, but I know Grandpa and Jamie share a look. Im starting to regret not taking
Spence up on his offer to help me smuggle food off my plate.
Shes never hungry, Grandpa says.
At the other end of the table, Ms. Chancellor uses her best posture and smiles her brightest smile.
Now, Jamie, how long will you boys be able to stay?
Three weeks, I think. The new term starts about then.
How lovely. You have certainly come at the right time of year. Jamie, youll have to be sure you
show Spence all of the festivities.
Im looking forward to it, maam, Spence says.
For a second, I have to wonder how Ive ended up here at this table. Its all so polite, so
serene. So normal.
So fake.
I look at Ms. Chancellor. May I be excused?
We have your favorite dessert coming, Grace. Dont you want
No. I push my chair away and drop my napkin on the table. I mean, no thank you. I have
When I start to rise, Spence is already up and holding out my chair not yet an officer, but
maybe a gentleman. As I leave, he smiles at me and whispers, I promise not to check your potatoes.
But I dont stop and I dont laugh. I just hurry toward the door.
Im almost to the gates when I hear the heavy steps that pound behind me.
Gracie! Wait up!
I dont even slow down.
Grace, I said wait. Jamie doesnt sound mad. No. He sounds like someone trying very hard to
sound like nothing is wrong at all. What are you doing?
I dont know.
Where are you going?
I stop and face him. Out.
Out where? Are we gonna go climb the wall for old times sake? Get gelato? Hey, I know. We
No, I say, harder than I should. When I look at Jamie, I can see how much he wants us to be
who we were instead of who we are. I hate him for pretending nothings wrong and I hate myself for
knowing that its not true. Id give anything for that not to be true.
I mean, Im sorry, Jamie. I cant. I have plans.
What kind of plans?
Hiding from you. Beating myself up. Wandering the city by myself for hours and hours, hoping to
find a portal back in time. All of these things are true. But I just say, Im doing something with
Jamie steps back and eyes me skeptically. Whos Noah?
My initial reaction is shock. How is it possible he doesnt know? Then I remember that Jamie
lives on another continent now. He goes to another school and is living in another world. My big
brother has gone to some place I cant follow. It was inevitable, I know, but a part of me cant help but
mourn the fact that I will never chase him and Alexei over the wall again.
Noahs my friend. I sound almost defensive. As if maybe Im not allowed to have any friend
that he hasnt preapproved.
Jamie bristles. Boyfriend?
I almost laugh. Suddenly, Jamies protective posture makes sense.
Friend who is a boy, I tell him, but Jamie doesnt look so certain. He isnt going to take my
word for it. Not on this.
I think I need to meet this Noah.
No need. I assure you, Grandpa and Ms. Chancellor both like him. Hes adequately safe
almost boring. A stickler for the rules.
But is he good enough for you?
Is it Jamies question or the earnest look on his face that makes me laugh? I dont know. And I
suppose it doesnt matter, because I just throw back my head and howl. Not a chuckle. A full-throated
laugh like I havent had in ages. Its the kind of laugh that, three years ago, might have gotten me tied
down, my meds changed.
I know that I sound crazy, but the difference is, now, I no longer try to stop it.
Dont you know, Jamie? I cut him off, and, suddenly, Im not laughing anymore. I shake my
head. Your kid sister? The murderer? Maybe shes the one who isnt good enough.
A darkness crosses my brother s face, and I know Ive finally done it. Ive mentioned the
unmentionable thing, and I couldnt take the words back even if I wanted to.
Dont say that, he scolds me. Dont make jokes.
Do you really think Im joking?
Does he hear my voice crack? Does he see the tears that are welling in my eyes? Hes an expert
on battle strategy and discipline and making things straight and clean and even. But he will never, ever
know how to fix me. And it hurts him. Turns out, hurting him is one of the few things that can still
hurt me.
I gotta go, Jamie.
I flew across an ocean to see you, Gracie. To help you.
Dont you know? Im too far gone to help. Besides, my shrink says Im supposed to socialize
and partake in activities that will cement my relationships with my social peers. I put on my most
serene smile. Socialization is incredibly important for those of us who are emotionally unbalanced.
Hey. Thats my sister youre talking about.
Im sorry, I say. And I am. Not because I said it, but because its true. Jamie deserves so much
better than me. Really, Jamie. I cant I cant do this right now. Please. Just let me go. Please.
No, Jamie says, suddenly the boss of me. Im not going to let you hightail it out of here and
go to a party with a bunch of strange kids.
Kids? Youre nineteen! I snap, but its like Jamie doesnt hear me.
Do you really think thats a good idea?
Better than staying here, I mumble to myself.
Let me help you, Gracie. Let me in.
Jamie wants me to get better. He wants his kid sister to come back. He doesnt quite know that his
sister is dead that she died the moment she murdered his mother and then, again, the moment she
I love you, Jamie, I say, and I mean it. I really do. I mean it far more than I can bring myself to
say. And Im sorry.
Then I hug my brother, who is so shocked that he lets me past him and out the gate without a
word. Before he can quite realize what has happened, I am already gone.
I knew youd come back. Noah hops down off the stone ledge that runs around the German embassy.
Theres a cocky bounce in his step as he tells me, The ladies they always come back.
That is when Noah notices the new boy standing by the US gate, watching me through the
wrought-iron fence. I know how it must look, my tall, handsome brother scowling after me, watching
my every move.
For a second, Noah pauses. New man in your life?
Not a man, I tell him. A brother.
Instantly, Noah changes. Thats the infamous Jamie? Come on. Introduce me.
When Noah stops cold, his expression is somewhere between amused and angry. I cant read his
tone when he asks, Are you ashamed of me or ashamed of him?
Both, I say, and start walking up the street.
A moment later, I feel Noah fall into step beside me. For a while, we walk along in silence.
I will meet him eventually, you know.
I know.
He hasnt seen you in months.
I know.
Ive barely seen you in days.
I stop. You saw me a few hours ago.
You know what I mean. A week ago you disappeared into your room, and then today you finally
came out and I saw you running toward the cliff like wild dogs were on your heels, so Noah
pauses talk to me.
When I stop and spin, I try to keep my voice calm, but the exasperation comes out anyway. I
dont want to talk anymore, okay? My brother wants to talk. Ms. Chancellor wants to talk. My
grandfather well, he never wants to talk, but that doesnt stop him from looking at me
disapprovingly. So please dont make me talk anymore. Ill go to Lilas stupid party as long as we
dont have to talk. Okay? Please, just one talk-free night thats all Im asking. Please, Noah. Can
you do that for me?
I was going to say that were walking the wrong direction. Noah points both thumbs behind us
and takes a step back. Lila is branching out.
As we start down the sloping street of Embassy Row, Noah is silent. He doesnt ask me why
Jamies here. He doesnt even start to mention my mom. An easy, comfortable peace settles around us
as we walk through the glow of the gaslights and under the arch of the city gates. We make our way
outside the safety of Valancias wall, closer to the ocean.
I glance up at Noahs strong profile. Party on the beach?
Something like that. Noah shoves his hands into his pockets. So, Jamie
So much for peace
I said I dont want to talk.
I know. Im not asking about you and Jamie. Im asking about Jamie. Whats his story?
Hes on break from West Point thats our big military academy for the army. Its a big deal.
Hes a big deal. Hes probably going to be a general someday. He might even be president. Everybody
loves him.
Why is he here?
I told you. Hes on break, and
Noah stops. Why is he here, Grace?
For a split second, I actually want to tell him the truth. I want to pour out all the things I know or
remember or would give anything to forget. But Noah doesnt know what happened to my mother.
When Noah looks at me he doesnt see the girl I used to be or the monster Ive become. He only sees
a tiny bit of my crazy. And thats more than enough.
I was wrong, you know. About the Scarred Man. I was wrong for years, and Jamie knows it. He
knows that finding out the truth has been hard on me. Hes worried about me.
Noah takes a slow step back. Theres nothing but moonlight and the sound of the waves and this
boy who could be at home almost anywhere on Embassy Row and yet has chosen to be here with me.
Just so you know, Noah says, hes not the only one.
Im just about to speak when Noah points to the darkness and I see a long pier. A tiny girl stands
on the very end of it, her blond hair catching the light of the full moon that is rising over the city. She
waves wildly in our direction. For a second, I think she might jump off the pier and swim toward us.
As it is, she just runs.
Grace! I havent seen you in ages!
I saw you a week ago, I say, but Rosie barely registers the sound.
But you missed my birthday! Im a teenager now. Do I look like a teenager? Rosie smiles and
laughs, so happy shes practically bouncing, and Im suddenly reminded of the fact that shes thirteen
The age I was when Mom died.
The age I was when everything went wrong.
This is supposed to mean something, a part of me registers. Im supposed to forgive that
thirteen-year-old version of me because she was young and scared and she was just doing the best that
she could at the time. Im supposed to be kind to thirteen-year-old Grace, and seeing thirteen-year-old
Rosie is supposed to remind me of that.
But it doesnt.
Im sorry, Rosie. Happy birthday. What else did I miss?
Rosie shrugs. Nothing. I find there is a lack of international intrigue at the moment. For a
second, her German accent is so heavy that she sounds like a spy in a black-and-white movie. The
prime minister is still in a coma, you know.
I know.
So what?
So it seems more than a little coincidental that the Scarred Man is supposed to be the prime
minister s head of security. And you think the Scarred Man killed your mother. And then the prime
minister has a heart attack she makes air quotes around the words as she says them and ends
up in a coma!
Its not a coincidence. But its not the truth either. And no matter how much I care for Noah and
Rosie, thats the last thing I can tell them.
I know youre thinking that its Dominics fault. But youre wrong. I was wrong. Im sorry.
For what? Noah asks, genuinely confused.
For lying to you.
For lying to me.
For ruining your lives.
But I cant say any of that, so I just ask, Wheres the party?
There should be music and lights and the not-so-hushed voices of people scurrying through the
darkness, but Noah and Rosie and I are virtually alone in the moonlight. It feels like were the only
people in Adria as Noah raises a finger and points to the inky darkness of the Mediterranean.
I look, but I see nothing but stars and sky and salty water reaching all the way to the Italian coast.
The moon is rising behind us, and the water looks so dark, so bleak. Once upon a time they thought
the world was flat, and sometimes I still do. I want to swim out there, farther and farther until I reach
the edge.
But then I see it.
There is a fire flickering in the distance, a tiny dot in the ocean of black sea and starry sky. It
takes a moment for my eyes to adjust and make out the dark outline of trees, for me to remember the
island that rests three or four miles offshore. As kids, Jamie used to tell me it was filled with monsters
dragons and minotaurs and the ghosts of the people who, a thousand years ago, let the city fall.
And right now Id prefer any of those creatures to the beasts I know are gathering on the islands
I want to run away, to tell Noah and Rosie Im sick or afraid of water or just plain afraid. But
thats the thing about being the girl whos spent years convincing the world shes not afraid of
anything: At some point, someone is going to find out youre afraid of everything.
Im just starting to open my mouth, to protest or turn away, when Noah points to the motorboat
that has appeared on the horizon and is coming toward us fast. Heres our ride.
Im pretty sure my jaw drops. My excuses fade away. The moonlight catches the long black hair
that blows behind the girl who stands at the controls of the boat thats pulling up to the end of the pier.
Im fresh out of excuses when Megan looks at us and says, Get in.
They say the island is bigger than the city, but I dont think it looks that big. Do you think it looks
that big? Rosie has been talking nonstop since we left the pier. Im starting to think she might be
afraid of water. Shes in a puffy orange life vest and clinging to the side of the boat. I guess maybe it
could be that big, but Everyone says its haunted, but I dont believe it.
Why? Noah asks, teasing. He nudges her gently with his shoulder. Dont you believe in
ghosts, Rosie?
Oh, no. Rosie sounds serious. Of course I believe in ghosts. I just dont think theyd waste
their time haunting an island where no one ever goes.
But if people didnt think it was haunted then they might go there and give ghosts a reason to
haunt it, Noah tries.
But Megan shakes her head. No one goes there because it is three-point-six miles from shore;
there are no docks and no bathrooms, not to mention no Wi-Fi, cell signals, or running water.
Noah shrugs. That too.
There are dragons. I dont realize Ive said the words aloud until Rosie spins on me.
Her eyes are impossibly big and blue.
At that, Rosie looks incredibly disappointed, but recovers quickly.
So, Grace she starts slowly. I was thinking that now that youre feeling better, we should
probably start
No, I say again, cutting her off.
You dont even know what I was going to say!
I dont need to hear what she has to say to know my answer. Dominic is just a man with a scar,
Rosie. The prime minister had a bad heart and Dominic didnt kill my mom. He didnt.
The last words I say only for myself. I lean closer to the edge of the speedboat and let the mist hit
me in my face. It makes me feel alive. Behind us, the lights of Valancia grow dimmer, and on the
horizon the island looms larger.
A few minutes later Megan is pulling up among dozens of other boats that float not far from the
islands shore. She drops anchor just as Noah pulls a small inflatable lifeboat from somewhere and
jerks a cord, causing the raft to burst to life, inflating in less than a minute. Before Megan can step
down into it, though, Noah swings her off her feet.
Allow me, my lady, he says while easing her effortlessly over the side of the big boat and
placing her gently into the raft. Megan laughs and hits him playfully on the arm.
Noah! She giggles. Put me down, silly.
I stand for a second, too stunned to speak. Then I look at Rosie. Are they
Rosie shrugs. Your guess is as good as mine, she says, then jumps into the little boat beside
A second later, Noah and I follow.
W hen we finally reach the island, I pull off my shoes and wade through the waves, heading toward
the beach. The Mediterranean is cool as it laps against my ankles, and the shoreline is rocky beneath
my bare feet. Someone has built a bonfire, and its flames lap up at an inky sky that, here, so far from
the city, seems impossibly full of stars. There is music playing, a pounding bass thats keeping beat
like the lapping waves. And all around me, there are people.
Beautiful people.
Awkward people.
People who are so engrossed with the person beside them that I highly doubt they even
remember where they are.
People who want to be anywhere but here.
But as Noah and Megan and Rosie and I walk into their midst, no one notices, no one stares. At
the beginning of the summer I was an anomaly, a mystery. A new girl. There are even more reasons
for people to stare at me now, but no one here seems to know them. I vow to do whatever it takes to
keep it that way.
I wonder if Alexei made it home okay. Theres a wistfulness to Rosies voice. It would be
weird, dont you think? Going home. I mean this is home. Isnt it?
I have no home, I think, and then she looks at me.
Have you talked to him? she asks.
Even though there are probably fifty people on the beach, no one hears. We are anonymous,
hidden by the islands shadows and our peers complete lack of interest.
No. Why?
Rosie shakes her head. I think I see some meaning in her eyes, but I cant decipher it. The beach
is too dark, and Im too bad at this at having friends. So I just keep walking, following in Noahs
From a distance, the party looks the same. Theres a bonfire raging in the center of the beach.
Big pieces of driftwood circle around it and a few people gather in clusters, sitting on the wood or
scattered across blankets and a few boulders. The beach stretches from the water to the big trees and
dense forest that no doubt dominates the center of the island, growing untamed and untouched by man.
It feels like Megan has brought us to the far side of the earth, some uncharted territory or
unknown land like maybe we are our own civilization, if only for tonight.
We curve around the beach and, for a moment, the mainland is blocked by rocks and trees, and it
feels like weve gone back in time. There are no roads, no lights, no signs of the twenty-first century.
Weve come to a place where even teenagers look different. Our phones wont work here. There is
nothing but the music and the fire and the night.
Come on, Noah says, looking back to make sure Rosie and I are still following.
A low stone wall stretches across part of the beach, crumbling and overgrown by vines and
weeds, and I know we arent the first people to set foot here. We are just the first in a very long time.
Dont wander off, okay? he says. A moment later, he looks right at me and repeats, Okay?
Yeah. Right. Im not going anywhere, I tell him.
He doesnt look convinced.
As we walk closer to the fire, I feel the heat of it, pulsing toward me like the music. Through the
lapping flames I see Noahs sister chatting with some English girls known as the three Cs: Chloe,
Chelsea, and Charmaine. From this distance, Noah and Lila look alike, almost like the twins that they
are. But when Lila spies us, she glares, and I remember that that is where the similarities end.
What are you doing here? Lila snaps, coming forward.
If I thought that our newfound sisterhood was going to bond us, I was obviously mistaken.
I wanted to be close to you. Noah tries to swallow her in a hug. Just like in the womb.
Lila rolls her eyes, then, for a second, lets her gaze drift onto me. Is she thinking about Ms.
Chancellor and the Society? Or maybe about how Dominic followed us through the streets this
afternoon and how I ran away? Ill never know.
Just stay away from me, she snaps at Noah, and I feel like I should say something, but all my
witty banter has abandoned me, so instead I stand perfectly still for a long time, staring at the fire.
Its a mistake, and I know it. I can feel the flickering glow washing over me. But even if I turned
away, Id still see the way the light flits and moves across the trees, how the shadows dance in the
sand. The whole party is bathed in the orange-red aura of the flames. Then the wind shifts. I smell
smoke and thats when I start shaking.
Noah and Megan have moved up ahead, talking to someone I dont know. Rosie is no longer by
my side. I am alone in the middle of the party, surrounded by the music and the flames.
Grace, no! my mother screams.
I close my eyes and shake my head and try to keep the panic at bay, but its here its always
here closing in on me. I spin, looking away from the fire, trying to find air to breathe that doesnt
taste like smoke.
I push away from the flames and only realize how far Ive walked when I feel the sand beneath
my feet turn to rock and grass. The smoke is fainter here. The flickering light is muted, and I can feel
my heart stop pounding and my head stop spinning.
I put on my shoes and pull a flashlight from my pocket. No one looks at me like Im a freak
because I have one. I just look prepared.
There are noises in the trees. I hear a few shouts, some laughing. Couples who have peeled away
from the pack for a few moments of privacy, overanxious boys eager to jump out of the woods and
scare some unsuspecting female who has been told tales of monsters and ghosts.
No one dares to jump out at me.
I let the beam of my flashlight dance across the trees and bushes, the outcroppings of rock and
the boulders that, upon closer inspection, look more like giant fists, fighting free of the ground. I step
closer, let my light and my gaze sweep deeper into the overgrowth. Vines have almost overtaken the
island. They climb and crawl, and I swear I can almost feel them wrapping around my ankle. I kick
and claw, spinning.
And that is when I see it.
Someone has carved something into the trunk of one of the ancient trees. I step closer, shine my
light directly on the words, and make myself say them aloud.
Caroline and Dominic forever.
And just like that my blood turns cold.
Moms arent supposed to have pasts. Not old crushes or first loves. But the words have been
there for ages, I can tell, and its far too easy to imagine another night in another year another
party filled with other kids. I cant help but see my mother here. Alive and young and in love. Long
before my father. Long before me.
Long before everything went wrong.
Suddenly, I think Im going to be sick. I want to cry, but I dont cry anymore. My grief comes out
of me in other ways. I can feel it in my pounding heart, my running feet.
My promise to Noah is the furthest thing from my mind. Besides, Im not wandering off. Im
fleeing, retreating, going deeper inland, exploring this new place that is actually incredibly old. I only
know that I cant go back to the music and the fire and the laughing. I dont belong there. Im far more
at home in the dark.
When I reach something of a clearing, I let myself stop. I can feel the moonlight upon my face.
The music is fainter and the smell of smoke is all but gone. Wonder takes the place of panic. I dont
know how far Ive run. I dont care. Im too mesmerized by the sight before me.
A temple. A fort. Something is built into the side of a hill. Im not sure what it is, but something
draws me toward the massive pillars. Some still stand, and some have tumbled, spilling and breaking
onto the ground, returning to the earth that bore them. Creeping vines cover almost every surface as
if trying to pull the old walls down.
In the darkness, I have no idea how large it is. My light is too small, almost insignificant as it
sweeps across something that must have once been an entrance. But now there are crumbling rocks
and sagging arches. Its not safe even I know that. But when my light catches the Societys symbol,
I step closer. Its like a magnet drawing me into the dark.
I thought that was you.
The voice startles me, and I spin, remembering suddenly that Im not alone on this island. Its a
voice I recognize but dont quite know, and it takes a second to find the figure standing in the trees,
one hand held up to shelter his eyes against the glare.
Lower the flashlight, will ya?
Spence has come to the party. Which means my brother is on this island.
What are you doing here? I ask when he steps closer.
We heard there was a party, Spence says, but hes no longer looking at me. I watch him take in
the trees and vines, the dim outline of crumbling towers and ancient ruins.
So in other words, Jamie followed me.
Yes. Spence flashes me a smile.
And he sent you to keep an eye on me.
No. Spence looks sheepish, charming. He gives me the kind of grin that probably goes over
big with the girls around West Point. I volunteered, he says, but Im not flattered, and I dont say a
single word.
Wow. What is this place? he asks after a while.
Just some ruins, I say, protective. If Im not supposed to be here, then neither is he. And Ive
never been good at sharing.
I should tell him to go. I should tell him I want to be alone, because I do. But Spence doesnt
know the truth about my mother. He has probably never heard of the Scarred Man. This is the closest I
can get to being alone while in the company of another human being, so I dont ask him to leave. I just
think about how, when my mom was my age, she was coming to parties on this island. She was
joining the Society.
She was falling in love.
For a moment, I think about Alexei. He must be back in Russia by now. Home and safely out of
my blast radius. It should make me happy that I can no longer hurt him. But it doesnt.
I feel Spence coming closer. Soon his arm is brushing against mine, and I see him looking up at
the symbol hidden among the ruins.
Thats cool, he says. What is it? It looks kind of familiar.
I shake my head. I dont know.
Its not a lie. I still have no idea what the Society is about or how it can be explained. Ive been a
member less than twenty-four hours, and I barely know more than I did as a kid, chasing after my
mother down the streets of the great walled city. So I just tell him what everybody already knows.
A lot of people have ruled in Adria. The Romans and the Turks and the Byzantines. Thats
probably the symbol of whoever built this place.
Despite the darkness, Spence jumps onto one of the fallen stones of the crumbling fortress. He
looks like some kind of ancient marauder, claiming the island for a far-off king.
So, Jamie told me you moved here at the start of the summer.
The change of subject surprises me.
He didnt tell me you were so pretty.
When he jumps off the rock and lands in front of me he is close. Too close. I step back, but
theres a stone behind my foot and I stumble.
I reach back instinctively, bracing for the crash that never comes. Instead, Spences arms are
wrapped around me, holding me a foot off the ground.
For a second, I am suspended in the air, caught between two realities. I could be Grace, the
messed-up little sister. The murderer. The crazy girl.
Or I could be the girl this stranger seems to see.
I think about Ms. Chancellor and Jamie and my grandpa, and how they all want me to be normal.
Im supposed to get over it, move on. Pretend. I think about Noah and Megan, the people on the beach.
This is what being a teenager is supposed to be, isnt it? The Big Moments.
And in this moment all I really want is to be the kind of girl whose biggest worry is whether or
not this boy is about to kiss her.
Then there is no more thinking. He is leaning closer and closer. I close my eyes and feel his lips
brush mine. I try to stop thinking, worrying, being afraid. But my worries dont go away. If anything,
they multiply. Im consumed by a new kind of panic. Who is Spence and why is he here and how am I
supposed to face my brother after his friends hands have been in my hair and his lips on mine and
Im stronger than I look, I know. And Spence stumbles back when I shove him.
Sorry. I shouldnt have done that. Spence doesnt sound sorry, though.
I should get back to the party, I say, and start to walk away.
Wait. Hold up. In a flash, he cuts me off. Were just talking.
No. That was called kissing.
Grace, I
Why? Whatever Spence was expecting me to say, it wasnt this. Why did you do that?
Why did I kiss you? He raises an eyebrow and sounds like he wants to laugh.
Is it Take Pity on Your Friends Kid Sister Day or something?
No. Spence runs a hand through his too-short hair. The fact that you are Blakes kid sister is
the one reason I shouldnt be kissing you.
Then whyd you do it?
I dont know. Im sorry. Youre cute and nice and funny and I thought
He thought I was normal.
Whats wrong? he asks.
I should answer, but Im too tired of this place, this boy, this night. I want my bed and my
mother s room. I want to go back to the demons I already know how to handle, so I spin and start
across the clearing, back toward the trees and the beach and the party.
Grace, wait up, he says. Im sorry. I didnt mean
Didnt mean to kiss me? Didnt mean to hurt my feelings? To incur Jamies wrath?
I will never know how Spence meant to finish that sentence, though, because in that moment
there is a movement in the shadows near the trees. For a second, I think it is my unreliable mind
playing tricks on me, another ghost from my past returning to haunt the present.
Even when the figure yells, Leave her alone, I dont let myself believe hes really here.
Its not until Spence turns, too, and looks at the shadow, that I allow myself to say, Alexei?
H es not supposed to be here, but even in my shock I dont say that. Hes supposed to be in Russia,
called home with his father for reasons no one ever explained. Hes supposed to be far, far away from
Alexei is supposed to be safe.
Its what I want for him. But the emotion that floods my veins is enough to say that what I want
for me is something completely different.
Hey, Gracie.
There is tension in the look on Alexeis face, in the sound of his voice, pulsing like the beating
of the waves or the pounding of the music I can barely hear.
Whos your friend? he asks, unblinking, his gaze firmly glued to Spence.
Oh, this is John Spencer. Spence is a friend of Jamies they just got here from West Point.
Spence, this is Alexei. Hes
The Russian, Spence says, and for the first time I realize that its like Ive wandered between a
lion and a tiger.
Alexei is Jamies oldest friend, I say, as much for my benefit as for Spences. Its a fact Ive let
myself forget. But my brother, I have to remember, is back now.
What are you doing here with her? Alexei asks the other boy.
Jamie asked me to come find Gracie, make sure she was okay out here. She wandered off.
She does that, Alexei says flatly.
But Spence isnt swayed. Thanks for your concern, comrade, but the lady and I can take care of
Lady? Alexei yells. She is sixteen. She is a child.
Um no, I say, even though, technically, I know hes right. But my childhood ended years
ago. I will never consider myself a child again. I was perfectly content before either one of you got
Stay out of this, Gracie, the two of them say in unison, their accents blending almost in
harmony, so I throw my hands in the air.
I give up. I whirl, heading for the trees and the beach and the sea. Ill swim home if I have to.
But Alexeis not going to let me go so easily. He falls into step beside me.
Come on, Gracie, he orders, his accent heavier than I remember it. Im taking you home.
I cant take it. I face him down.
Maybe I dont want to go home! Maybe I dont want you to take me anywhere!
Gracie, I
What are you doing here, Alexei?
Spence is behind us, lurking and listening, but I dont care.
I heard Lila was throwing a party. I knew you would likely be here.
I mean why are you here? In Adria. I thought your dad got transferred.
Alexei shrugs. We are back.
I can see that.
My father Alexei starts, then trails off, risking a glance at Spence before lowering his
voice. My father is to be the new ambassador. There are to be changes.
For a moment, I think Alexei wants to say something else do something else. But instead he
takes my hand, gentler now.
I should get you home. Or at least back to your brother.
I can do that. Its Spences voice that slices through the moment. Shes not your
Dont tell me what she is, Alexei says, spinning on him. I know Gracie better than you ever
Well, youve never kissed me, I mutter, half under my breath.
Instantly, I know what a mistake Ive made. Because I watch the realization wash over Alexeis
But evidently you didnt see that part, I say as Alexei turns to ice.
He kissed you?
Lets go find Jamie! I say too cheerfully, bolting for the beach.
Grace! Spence yells, chasing after me, but Im moving fast over the uneven ground. Ive spent
too much time in the tunnels underneath Valancia. My eyes are used to the dark. Im like a creature of
the night, and they cant match me.
When I reach the edge of the tree line I pause and search for Noah or Rosie or even my brother. I
need a distraction.
But the pause is all it takes for Alexei to reach me.
He kissed you?
Im fine! I shout, but its too late. Spence has caught up with us, and Alexei isnt looking for an
explanation. He turns and pulls back his arm in one smooth motion, dropping Spence to the ground
with a single blow. Some might call it a sucker punch. I know Spence never saw it coming. He lies on
the ground for a moment, sprawled and stunned.
Hes older and he goes to West Point, but Alexei is a little taller and enraged.
Spence doesnt care, though. He lunges at Alexeis legs, toppling them both out of the cover of
the trees and onto the beach. They land, tangled together, rolling and fighting as sand billows up
around them, rising like a fog.
They are darkened silhouettes, black shadows outlined in fire as they tumble and twist and brawl
closer and closer to the party.
Soon, other people see them. The crowd turns. And a murmur sweeps across the beach, a low,
simmering echo. Alexei.
But no one knows the boy who knocks him to the ground and pounds against him with a terrible
backhanded hit.
I want to run to them to stop it. But before I can move, Alexei reverses their positions and
kicks, striking Spence in the ribs with a vicious blow that makes him double over for a moment
before charging, unwilling to be knocked down. Not again. Not without company. They roll together,
a tangle of limbs and aggression and blood.
When they get too close to the fire, a cry goes up.
Thats when I see Jamie. Hes nearer the water, barefoot in the sand with his jeans rolled up,
surrounded by Lila and a mob of pretty girls that I dont know.
When Noah appears beside me he is entirely too calm, considering two boys are trying to kill
each other by the fire.
So Alexeis back, I say.
I can see that. Id go say hi, but he seems busy.
Jamie is in motion now, leaping over one of the burning logs that has fallen, smoking and
smoldering, from the fire and onto the sand.
Stop it! he yells. For a moment, he sounds like our mother, scolding us for bickering and
fighting and taking the risk of breaking her favorite lamp.
But his friends dont hear him. Its like theres no sound on the beach but the sickly slap of skin
against skin, the crunch of bones and sparking, burning wood.
Even the music has stopped playing.
When Spence throws Alexei to the ground, he rolls and comes up almost in one motion. Sand
sticks to his sweat-covered skin. And the cry he lets out, the string of Russian curses He sounds
like a stranger.
Alexei lunges for Spence, feral and brutal. All strength and wounded pride and fury.
Theres only one boy on the beach who is fast enough to reach them, strong enough to leap into
the breach when Alexei charges again.
I watch Alexei spin as Jamie catches him around the waist, using his own momentum to change
How many times have I watched the two of them play at battle, tussle and wrestle and fight like
brothers? Jamie, older, always a little bigger. Alexei, always a little more wild.
But now its not like that. Its like Alexei has been tackled by a stranger.
Let me go! Alexei shouts, pushing against the offending hands. He might not even recognize
my brother.
And Jamie, being Jamie, laughs.
Its good to see you, too, buddy. I heard you were in Moscow.
Im back, Alexei growls, then lunges for Spence, who is breathing hard and bleeding from a
cut on his eyebrow. His shirt is torn.
Control your dog, Blake, Spence shouts before spitting blood into the fire.
Alexei lunges again, breaking free. Theyre going to kill each other, I think. Before I realize it,
Im moving forward. My arms are around Alexeis waist. I can feel the sand that clings to him, the
rise and fall of his chest. Its like trying to hold back an animal, but Alexei wont hurt me.
Alexei will never hurt me.
Stop it! I yell, forcing him back toward Jamie. Im the weakest of us all, I know. But I have a
power here, even if I cant name it. Both of you. I stare down Spence. Youre causing a scene.
I glance toward the crowd that has gathered around us. Half of Embassy Row is represented here.
Most of the partygoers have their phones out, capturing the whole thing on video. It doesnt matter
that the island is too far from shore for anyone to have a signal. Word of this will spread eventually. It
will spread far and wide and at the speed of light. It will live online forever.
But Alexei doesnt see, doesnt realize, doesnt think. Hes pointing at Spence, shouting, Touch
her again, and I will kill you. Do you hear me? Ill kill you!
Hey! I pull his arm down and make him look me in the eye. Stop, Alexei. Its over.
And then its like he sees me for the first time. I can actually watch the rage begin to fade. When
Jamie grabs Alexei and pulls him toward the beach, a little farther away from prying eyes, I follow.
What is going on? Jamies tone of voice would make most people cower. But Alexei only
I saw him follow Grace to the ruins.
Jamie spins on me. You went to the ruins?
Alexei isnt easily distracted. And when I found them, he was all over her.
I see the words land. Its like a shadow crosses my brother s face. In the distance, someone turns
the music back on. People begin to buddy up, return to previously scheduled programming in groups
of twos and threes. But the three of us are near the water. And a lot of people are still watching.
They see when Jamie spins and takes three long strides in Spences direction.
That is my kid sister.
Spence tries to laugh. It was harmless.
Shes sixteen, Jamie says.
She seems pretty mature to me.
Jamie doesnt say a word of warning. He just hits him.
Spences head jerks but he stays on his feet. Slowly, he looks back at my brother and brings a
finger to his bloody lip. He doesnt fire back, though. Maybe its an army thing, or a West Point thing.
Or maybe just a guy thing but Im certain that Spence thinks he had that coming.
When Jamie steps closer, he lowers his voice. Its not the crowd hes trying to hide his words
from, I know. Its me.
You dont know my sister, he tells his friend, but his gaze echoes with the things he doesnt
She is not mature.
She is not responsible.
She is not to be trusted in the dark with strange, mysterious new boys.
She is not to be trusted. At all.
I only wish I could tell my brother that hes wrong. But Jamie is never wrong. And nobody
knows that more than me.
Touch my sister again and he wont get a chance. I will kill you myself. Then Jamie turns and
glares at Alexei. That goes for you, too.
I want to remind Jamie that Alexei is still his best friend, that Alexei was the perfect proxy. But
Jamie is here because Ive been in trouble. Because somehow, in his eyes, Alexei has already failed.
This isnt over, Alexei says. Maybe to Jamie. Maybe to Spence. Maybe even to me. But I dont
get a chance to answer, because Jamie is spinning.
Were leaving.
My brother s tone is clear, and I have no desire to argue I have no desire to stay. So I follow
him to the little boat he and Spence must have brought from the mainland.
Spence smirks at Alexei, a flash of teeth in the moonlight. But when he starts to follow, Jamie
blocks his way.
Find your own way home.
Spence doesnt argue, and that may be the smartest thing hes done all night.
Then Im in the boat, alone with my brother. Which, from the way hes looking at me, feels a lot
like being entirely alone.
Valancia is asleep when we finally reach the shore. Jamie docks the boat and offers me his hand, but I
jump onto the dock without him. Im not as helpless as broken as he thinks I am.
Im worse.
And I can never, ever let him know it.
In the distance, the island is lost to the darkness of the sea. But the moon still shines, its white
light rippling across the water, guiding us toward the city gates. They stand open, and I walk with my
brother toward the big archway in the citys outer wall its first and best line of defense. For a
thousand years it has kept intruders away, but Jamie and I carry our problems with us.
An old playground lies down the beach. A rusty swing blows in the wind, and the merry-go-
round stands silent, but I can hear a womans laugh and see my mother running through the sand,
singing to the children who have long since grown up.
Hush, little princes, wait and see
No ones gonna know that you are me!
She laughs and chases a memory. Then, just as quickly, she is gone.
Im not sure how long I stand there, lost in thought, but when I come back to reality, Jamies
shoulder is touching mine.
Its weird, my brother says, following my gaze. Being here without her.
You dont get used to it, I tell him. He nods, then turns and starts walking toward the wall.
Are you going to tell me what happened out there?
Youve got to talk to me, Gracie.
Really? I ask. Where is that written? Is that Adrian law or something?
No. Its sibling law.
I dont need a babysitter.
Really? Because it looks to me like someone has to save you from yourself. What happened out
What happened is that Spence kissed me. And Alexei didnt like it. I stop just inside the city
gates and spin on him. And judging by the punch you threw, neither did you.
You shouldnt have wandered off alone.
News flash, Jamie: I am alone! Technically, its not true. I have family here. Friends. It would
crush Noah and Megan and Rosie if they heard me say such a thing. And yet it might also be the most
truthful thing Ive said in years. I am always alone.
I hate the way my voice cracks, but I cant stop it, so I dont even try.
Thats not true, Gracie.
Oh, Jamie. I shake my head. And in this moment, I pity him. I really do. It is exactly the truth.
I start up Embassy Row, my feet carrying me faster now. He practically has to jog to keep up.
You werent supposed to grow up, you know. I was supposed to have another ten or twenty
years before I had to start punching guys who kissed you. Jamie is trying to tease me now, to make
me smile. And you werent supposed to
Remember, I say flatly as I stop and spin. I wasnt supposed to remember. I was supposed to
just keep thinking I was crazy. But I am crazy, arent I? I want to laugh with the irony, but then the
shadows move. For a split second, I glance behind Jamie, at the presence on the dark side of the street.
I am crazy, but the Scarred Man is real, I want to tell my brother.
And hes standing right behind you.
For three years, Dominic lived in the shadows of my mind. I could point to him now, exhibit A
that I am only partially insane. But I just smile and turn away from both of the overprotective alpha
males who seem to watch my every move. Let Jamie believe what he wants to believe. Its what I did
for three years, after all.
When I appear in the kitchen the next morning, Jamie is already there. His T-shirt is drenched in
sweat, and I dont have to be told that hes already run five miles on the beach. Maybe six. Or seven.
Or ten. It doesnt matter that his body is in a different time zone. He would have risen before the sun
and pushed himself to his limit. It was all I could do to make myself brush my teeth before I stumbled
Jamie studies me over the rim of his cup of coffee and smirks, so sure in his skin, so confident
of his place in this world. Are we going to talk about it? he asks, and I roll my eyes. He doesnt
sound like Dad or Grandpa, not even Ms. Chancellor. He doesnt even sound like himself.
Did you talk to Spence about it? Im dying to hear what he said. Did he tell you it was my fault?
That I made it up?
Jamie is silent, and it feels like an admission. I start to wonder if maybe Spence did say those
things. If maybe Jamie believed him.
But then Jamie puts his cup on the counter and leans back. If you must know, I didnt ask him
about it.
Why? Does that go against some sort of West Point code or something?
No. I would have asked, but he didnt come home last night.
I think about Spence, in a foreign country and left on some island, and wonder if Jamie is
worried about his friend or if hes too mad at him to care. Spence is a grown-up, after all. A West
Point man. He can take care of himself, and Jamie knows it.
He should have known better than to hit on the likes of me.
Jamie, I
There you are! Ms. Chancellor s voice has the singsong quality that it gets when shes up to
something. She practically floats into the room. Good morning, she says. Did you sleep well?
Yes, maam, Jamie replies. It felt good to be home.
This isnt our home, but Jamie is good at this this impressing-the-grown-ups thing. It is
maybe what he does best. And that, of course, is saying something.
When Ms. Chancellor smiles at him its like hes the sun and shes basking in his glow. Then her
smile fades.
Alexei is here, she says, and I can feel an undercurrent of tension in the words, as if she knows
what happened on the beach. Then I realize that of course she knows. Ms. Chancellor knows
everything. He says he has been trying to call you all morning, James.
Jamie busies himself, looking through a big basket of fruit.
I cant find my phone. I must have lost it. For a second, I actually wonder if my brother, the
saint, might actually be lying.
Well, Alexei is here now. Waiting outside.
I dont want to see him, Jamie says, and Ms. Chancellor smiles and slowly shifts her gaze onto
Well that works out nicely, then, since he is here to talk to Grace.
I wait for Jamie to be insulted, to get upset because, for once, hes the one being left behind. But
Jamie isnt hurt, I realize. Hes just angry.
I turn to look at Ms. Chancellor, who raises her eyebrows. I dont understand boys, I say.
She pats me on the back. It gets worse once they turn into men, dear. Now come along. Alexei is
waiting for you outside.
When I step outside the residences doors, I see Alexei standing on the other side of the fence. Hes
staring straight at me, not blinking, not smiling. He doesnt even say hello. I nod at the marine who
opens the little gate and lets me out onto Adrian soil. Wordlessly, Alexei falls into step beside me.
His right eye is swollen and I know Im in his blind spot, so I stare a little harder than I
ordinarily would. His knuckles are bruised and red, like he tried and failed to wash the blood
off. There is a cut at his hairline, a burn on his arm. I start to reach out and touch it, as if I have the
power to soothe, but I dont. So I pull my hand back and cross my arms.
Dont tell me, I say when the silence is too much. I should see the other guy.
I have no desire for you to see the other guy.
I still cant believe how much stronger Alexeis accent is. Maybe thats what happens when you
return to your homeland and spend a few days speaking exclusively in your native tongue. Or maybe
that is just something that happens when Alexei is angry or sad or deep in thought. I dont know, I
realize. And then it hits me: There is so much about Alexei I may never know.
Then you will be happy to hear that the other guy didnt come home after the party. At least
thats what Jamie said at breakfast.
Alexei pauses for a moment, blinks, and looks back. Its like he is expecting or maybe just
hoping to see we arent alone.
Jamies still mad, I say, answering the unasked question.
I had assumed as much.
We walk in silence toward the city gates. There are cars and bicycles passing, a few pedestrians
and tourists snapping pictures from atop the big red buses that seem to circle Embassy Row on a
perpetual loop. I wonder if, to Alexei, it feels like hes come home. Or maybe it feels like hes just
You came back.
Its not a question.
I did. He tries to slip his hand into his pocket, then winces like maybe he forgot about his
bruised and bloody knuckles. Moscow is concerned about our situation. The ambassador is
retiring. My father will assume the position.
What situation? I want to know. Im sick of people dancing around the facts, treating me like a
child. Im sick of all of it.
But thats not what I say.
Instead I blurt, What were you doing last night?
That man was touching you. Alexeis voice is almost like a roar.
Something about it makes me want to laugh.
Hes not a man. Hes Jamies age.
But when Alexei turns and glares at me I dont feel like laughing anymore.
Jamie is a man now. I am almost a man.
What were you doing, Alexei? I cant help but notice he never answered my question.
I thought you needed help.
I dont need any help, I say, because its instinct now. Automatic. It was my reply when I was
twelve years old and following the boys over the wall. And it is my answer now. It will be the answer
until I die.
In fact, it is probably the answer that will kill me.
Yes. Alexei looks at me too closely; he sees too much. You do.
And I cant help but stare at his swollen eye and bruised jaw. He looks like the god of war,
damaged and scarred, but still standing. Im not thinking as I reach up and gently run a finger across
his battered face. Then I pull back, like Ive felt a shock, and Alexei drops his gaze to the ground.
I will make apologies to your friend if that is what you wish.
He is not my friend.
Alexei nods. To Jamies friend. To your grandfather. I have lived here long enough to know
that there are repercussions for my actions. I knew better than to behave as I did. I am sorry, but
But what, Alexei? I throw my hands out, confused. If you knew better then why did you do
The wind blows behind me, pushing my hair around my face. I must look wild, crazy. Free. I
would give anything to feel free.
Are you mad that I fought with Jamies friend, Gracie? Are you mad that I interrupted the two
of you? Or are you just mad that I left?
You dont get it, Alexei. Im mad because you came back. I move away, just a step. Just enough
to breathe. Its hard to read the look that fills Alexeis eyes. He has always been a little stoic, a little
cool. He has a natural poker face, my father used to say. And now, with his black eye and bloody
knuckles, it is hard to see past what happened last night. Its almost impossible to reach the boy behind
the bruises.
Wordlessly, we keep walking, through the gates and toward the beach that looks and feels so
different in the light of day.
Grace, I
I dont know what hes about to say, because then the wind picks up, carrying the clear salty air
and the sounds of shouting.
Over here! someone yells in Adrian.
There are more cries and shouts, screams that are the same in every possible language. Grief
and terror have a tongue of their own.
I dont know what Im going to see as I turn and look down the beach. There are men in the surf,
swimming out against the tide. An older couple holds two children, pulling them away from the water
and the cries.
Then someone yells for an ambulance and I see the thing that is floating in the water. It looks like
a log or a tangle of seaweed that the tide keeps pushing toward the shore. But the men are swimming
toward it. The tension builds and grows. And when theyve hauled it to the beach, more cries go up as
the crowd descends.
And then the yelling stops.
The silence is so much worse. There is nothing but the sound of the waves and the seagulls and
the whispers of the people who gather on the shore.
Whispers that I cant un-hear.
And then the sentence that changes everything.
This says his name is Blakely.
It feels like maybe someone else is screaming. I hear the bloodcurdling yell that causes people to
turn. Panic is contagious; I learned that long ago. And the people in the crowd dont know what to
make of me, the wide-eyed girl who is screaming and clawing, fighting her way toward the body.
Jamie! Im yelling. Jamie, Jamie, Jamie, wake up. Wake
Grace, wait.
Strong arms are around me, pulling me back. Still, I fight against the bond. My arms are
squeezed tightly to my sides as I try to claw and flail and kick.
Jamie! I yell again, but my voice is muffled as Alexei turns me, presses my cheek against his
I have to go help Jamie!
Shh. Its okay. Alexei takes my face in his hands and forces me to look into his eyes.
No, I
Grace, its okay! Jamies at the embassy, remember. Jamies at the embassy. Jamie is okay.
Finally, I exhale.
Jamies at the embassy. Jamie is okay. I say it like a mantra, the words bringing calm.
But my blood still pounds inside me. The crowd has parted now, no one wanting to stand in the
way of the crazy girl. They look at me like Im something else to fear. The bystanders slowly fade
away, a blurry, distant reminder that lingers on the outside of my vision as I stare at the boy in the
surf. His West Pointissued jacket. His too-short hair and broad shoulders.
Thats Spence, I say, pulling away from Alexei, who surges to grab me again. Ive got to get
him. I have to help him.
You cant help him, Alexei says, taking my face tightly in his hands. Hes not going to let me
turn my head. Hes going to make me keep staring into his blue eyes eyes that are bruised and
swollen, yes. But eyes that are alive. I have seen too much death already in my short life, and I have no
doubt Alexei knows it.
I have to help him, I say, numb.
But Alexei shakes his head.
Hes Jamies friend, I say, as if that changes things.
Alexei pulls me against him.
Hes dead, Gracie. Hes dead.
T he embassy looks the same when we reach it theres no black wreath upon the door; the flag
isnt flying at half-mast. No, the US embassy isnt mourning. Yet. I have to remember that Spences
body is still lying on the beach, waiting to be identified. Tests will need to be run, calls will need to be
made. It might be hours until someone tells my grandfather that a cadet from West Point has washed
up on Adrias shores. Until someone tells Jamie.
Someone is going to have to tell Jamie.
Grace. Alexeis hand is on my arm, and thats when I realize Ive started to tremble. It is
No. Im shaking my head. I thought it was him. I thought
Jamie is safe.
I know. Its just
The marine holds open the gate, waiting for me to make up my mind about whether or not Im
coming in, and I cant help myself I hesitate. Im not used to being the bearer of bad news. Usually,
I am the bad news. A part of me wants to keep walking, past the gates to Russia and China, all the way
to Iran and the hills that climb high above the city. I look at the embassy that stands before me,
currently at rest. Like a pebble thrown into a very still pond, I know the ripples are coming. A part of
me fears they will make waves.
Spence is dead. Spence is dead. Spence is dead.
I know the words are true, and yet they have no meaning.
Its not even ten a.m. yet. Twelve hours ago he was alive. Alive and standing on a beach. Talking.
Fighting. Kissing.
He was the first boy I ever kissed. And in the deepest, darkest part of me I have to wonder if
thats what killed him.
Its not as ludicrous as it sounds. After all, if Spence hadnt kissed me then Alexei wouldnt have
hit him. If Alexei hadnt hit him then they never would have fought on the beach. If theyd never
fought on the beach then Jamie would never have left Spence on the island. And if Spence hadnt been
on that island then his body would have never washed ashore this morning.
I know its not rational. I know its not true. But knowing something and believing something are
two totally different things, and right now I believe with all my soul that Spence is dead and Im
somehow to blame.
Spence is dead.
When I feel a hand on my arm I remember that Alexeis still beside me. Id give anything for
him to be a thousand miles away.
Ill call you later, I say as I step through the narrow gate and start to close it behind me.
Im not leaving you, Alexei says, catching the metal latch before I can pull it closed. He sounds
a little shocked Id even think it.
He wont take the news well.
Alexei steps closer, staring me down. And thats why Im not leaving you.
I could argue. I could fight. But it feels too good having him beside me, to know that, at least in
this, Im not alone. I step toward the doors and feel Alexeis hand take mine. Wordlessly, he follows.
The lights are off in the foyer. I stand for a moment on the black and white tiles, watching.
Listening. Light streams through the narrow windows on either side of the door, slicing through the
shadows. I look up the stairs, listening for the sound of Ms. Chancellor s high heels, ringing phones,
and worried whispers, but the US embassy is business as usual. For now.
Should I find Ms. Chancellor or my grandfather first? Ms. Chancellor, I decide. Shell know
what to do, who to call, what
Whats he doing here?
Jamie is standing on the stairs, looking down on us. His hair is still wet from the shower, but he
doesnt look refreshed. Hes looking at Alexei in a way I never thought Id see. They were inseparable
every summer of my childhood. They came home with scraped knees and knowing grins and secrets
so many secrets. But now I know something Jamie doesnt know, and it doesnt feel the way I
always thought it would, being on the inside. Id give anything not to know.
Theres something we need to talk about. Alexei glances at me, and, if possible, Jamie grows
more distant.
Im not giving you my blessing, he snaps.
What? I ask, then shake my head. Never mind. Come on down, Jamie. We need to talk to you.
If youve come to say youre sorry about last night, you can save your breath, he says, passing
us and glaring at Alexei. You dont owe me an apology. You owe one to Spence, and hes not here.
But as soon as he gets back
Spence is dead.
I didnt mean to say it. Not so quickly. Not like that. But the words have been on a perpetual loop
inside my mind and now theyre out, tumbling free. I know I should have broken the news gently,
eased Jamie off the cliff. But eventually, he had to fall. And I have never been one to fall when I can
What are you talking about, Gracie?
He thinks Im lying.
Or maybe hes just wishing, pretending he didnt hear or trust my opinion on this or
anything, really. Never before has anyone wanted me to be so wrong. I can see it in his eyes.
Spences body just washed ashore. Im so sorry. He died.
I dont know what you think youre saying, but
Jamie. Its true, Alexei says, and I know that this confuses my brother.
No. Jamie shakes his head. Spence is nineteen. Hes not dead.
He is. I grab hold of my brother s shirt. Its an old one from before West Point and its a little
too tight across the chest. Buttons pull and gap. With the tiniest tug, he might break free. We were on
the beach and
I can hear the breaking of the waves, the screams.
This says his name is Blakely.
Blakely, I whisper as my vision narrows, filling with spots. Its like the world is running out of
Its okay. Alexeis hands are on my shoulders, gripping tight. Breathe, Gracie. Breathe.
Why is she saying that? I hear Jamie ask. He sounds so confused. Stunned. This is a bad dream.
It has to be.
Your friend must have been wearing your jacket. For a moment, she believed it was you.
I hear my brother cuss. And then he takes Alexeis place beside me.
I can hear him, see him, feel him. And yet I cant stop hearing the voice on the beach.
This says his name is Blakely.
Im okay. I force the words out. This is no time for me to fall apart. Im fine.
Gracie, why would you say that Spence is dead?
Because he is. We were on the beach and Jamie, his body washed ashore.
I dont believe it. Jamie steps back. Hes a US citizen. They would have told Grandpa. You
have to be wrong.
They havent identified him yet. We just came from the beach. We were just there.
No. No. Youre wrong.
Im so sorry, I say.
Did you see his face? my brother shouts.
He was wearing your jacket. Thats why they thought his name was It was him.
It wasnt. Jamies acting like denial can make something true. But it cant. And no one knows
that better than me. It cant be
James. At the sound of Grandpas voice, my brother s face goes white. Slowly, he turns, and
just that quickly Jamie knows. Grandpa doesnt have to say that someone called the embassy that
its official. That its true. And there is nothing anyone can say to change it.
It takes a long time to fall asleep, and when I do, I dream of bodies.
I dream of ghosts.
Some are floating on the waves and others lie in clouds of smoke, but all are just out of my
reach. Im far too late to save them. And yet I try, over and over, tossing and turning until my legs are
tangled in my sheets and Im covered in sweat.
I blame it on the chaos thats filled the embassy for hours, on the meds that Im not taking. Its
natural, I tell myself, to be haunted. But as I lie somewhere in that place between sleep and wake, it
takes a while to realize that Im not making up the voices.
Ah, she looks so sweet.
Should we wake her?
Dont touch her! I touched her once. It was a mistake.
Slowly, the whispers penetrate the haze that surrounds me and pull me gently from the dream.
When I open my eyes, Rosies face is inches from mine. Good morning! Her voice is too
chipper and entirely too loud. I dont know what time it is, but the room is bright, and decidedly not
Good. Youre up, Megan says, plopping down on the foot of my bed.
Now I am.
Slowly, I push upright, trying to hide my worry. Was I talking in my sleep? Did they hear me?
What dream was it this time? I have to wonder as I look at my friends, hoping they didnt hear enough
to figure out any of my secrets.
What are you two doing here?
Three! a voice calls through the window.
I throw off my covers and go over to look out at Noah. Hes trying to ease his way onto one of
the limbs of the tree outside, but hes bigger than Megan and Rosie, and the limb is bending under his
weight. He has a death grip on the tree trunk and all the color has drained from his face.
Rosie, how do you make this look so easy? he asks.
Rosie shrugs. Im little, but Im strong.
Noah, I say slowly, why dont you try coming in through the door?
Noah shakes his head. He keeps his gaze on the ground. Cant.
Noah, youre gonna get yourself killed breaking into the US embassy. And Im pretty sure,
diplomatically speaking, thats frowned upon. Now climb down and come to the door like a sane
I have no right to question anybodys sanity, but my friends dont know enough to say so.
Thats the thing, Grace Rosie looks up at me. We had to climb over from Germany
because the main gates are kind of busy.
Im just starting to say something when the limb cracks. Noah winces, and I turn and yell, Are
you coming in or arent you?
Im good out here. You guys just talk loudly.
Talk about what? Im still half asleep, and I really need to go to the bathroom. I want to eat
something and go back to bed and wake up when I can convince myself that the last twenty-four hours
were a dream. But they werent. I can tell by the looks on my friends faces. What are you guys doing
Megan and Rosie share a glance, and then Megan steps slowly forward.
Grace, we have a problem. Thats when I notice shes holding her phone.
Theres a video paused on the screen, and Megan presses PLAY. At first, the screen is too small
for me to make out the moving image. For a second, I dont know what Im watching.
What is it? I ask.
Megan turns up the volume and instantly the audio fills my silent room. Only then do I recognize
the flickering light of the bonfire, hear the sickening sounds of the hits.
And when Alexei shouts, Touch her again, and I will kill you, the words are as clear as a bell.
There were four different versions from four different angles uploaded the morning after the
party, Megan says. You can hear him say it on every one.
Thats online? I ask, panic rising. Who put it up? Weve got to get it taken down. Now.
But Megan is shaking her head. You dont understand, Grace. Its on the Internet. Its
I remember that night on the beach, the panic I felt as I saw people were recording the fight, and I
realize that a part of me always knew this was going to happen. But no part of me ever guessed that
Spence would be dead when it did.
There are millions of videos online. I mean, nobodys gonna see it, right? Megan, tell me
nobody will see it!
Grace Megan starts.
But Rosie has already picked up the remote control and is turning on the little TV I never watch.
One of the perks of embassy life is that we get pretty much every station. All the ones in Adria. A lot
of the news outlets covering Europe and Asia and the Middle East. And, especially, the US.
Im not sure which channel the TV is on, but as soon as the picture becomes clear, I recognize
the fire, the hits, and the words of the boy next door.
I will kill you.
I grab the remote control and click to the next station. And the next. And the next. On every one,
the footage is the same a constant loop of violence mixed in with the droning of experts, none of
whom actually know Alexei. But that doesnt stop them from talking. Words like diplomatic immunity
and Adria and murder fill my room like a fog. Like smoke.
And on the bottom of every screen scrolls the same clear message: Murdered West Point Cadet
Brutally Attacked and Threatened by Russian Ambassadors Son.
We live in a twenty-four-hour news cycle, and as I slept, the world started to care about a stupid
fight at a stupid party. About two stupid boys who just had to lash out at each other.
Because of me.
Where are you going? Rosie says when I bolt from my room. I can feel her behind me,
keeping pace at my heels, but I dont slow down.
Grace, where are you going? Megan calls.
To fix it.
You cant fix it! Megan says, but Im not listening.
Wheres my grandpa? I ask her, barreling down the stairs of the residence, racing toward the
offices. Have you seen him? We have to issue a statement, or
Its not until I reach the landing that I hear the noise the yells. Its different from the shouting
on the beach. These arent cries of fear or terror. No, its lower somehow. A steady, rumbling hum on
the other side of the big round window that looks out onto the street.
And then I see them. The entire street is blocked off, and where there are usually buses and
pedestrians, at least a hundred people stand. They carry signs and American flags and chant,
demanding justice. Russias gates are tightly closed against the mob, but their cries fill the street.
Rosie cuts her eyes at me. Its too late to fix it.
My friends dont follow me to my grandfather s office, and I cant blame them. Embassy kids are
supposed to be good at blending into the wallpaper and making ourselves scarce. Were not supposed
to charge into the center of international drama. But Im pretty sure were not supposed to cause any
international drama either. Thats why I find myself pushing down the hall, rushing toward the big
double doors that are almost always closed, especially to me.
But when I notice theyre open just a crack, I stop. When I hear voices, I cant help myself. I
We will have to speak with her. I dont recognize the womans voice, so I risk creeping a little
closer and allow myself to peek through the slim crack in the open door.
Now, I just dont think thats gonna be possible. Grandpas tone is hard, but the Tennessee is
heavy in his voice. Whatever he wants, hes trying to get it with his own special cocktail of charm and
You may posture and complain all you like, Mr. Ambassador. But Adrian officials must be
allowed to interview the girl.
Absolutely not, my grandpa says, and I dont have to wonder what girl they might be speaking
The girl who is too fragile.
The girl who is too weak.
The girl who is too broken.
Why dont you question the boy? From Grandpa, it isnt a question. Its a challenge. And my
first thought is my brother. Grandpa sees no reason to hide Jamie.
But then the woman says, The boy is here on a black passport. Of course we havent questioned
Now I know theyre speaking about Alexei.
Im not surprised to hear the Russians are playing the diplomatic immunity card, but I wish they
werent. After all, Alexei doesnt have anything to hide. Alexei isnt me.
I hear the clicking of high heels, watch a white-haired woman walk across my grandfather s
office, admiring the art on the walls as if she has all day to answer the US ambassador s questions.
I have come as a favor, Mr. Ambassador.
Are we really going to be so formal, Madame Prime Minister? You used to call me Bill. Or
William when you were angry.
And you used to be a better flirt, the woman says. I didnt have to come to you myself, you
I do know. Grandpa nods. And I thank you.
I could step outside right now and tell the world that the US is refusing to cooperate with this
investigation. Would you prefer I do that?
Threats, Alexandra? And here I thought we were having so much fun.
I am here because we want a resolution.
As do we, Grandpa says.
We cannot have this spiraling into something more of a spectacle than it already is.
You call the death of a West Point candidate a spectacle?
With all due respect, Mr. Ambassador, there are approximately two hundred people and two
dozen television cameras outside at this very moment who are proving my point for me.
A United States citizen is dead and
Alexei didnt do it!
When I push open the doors and step inside I see them look around as if wondering whether or
not their discussion might have conjured me. Well, now Im in their midst, and I can tell that neither
of them is entirely sure what to do about it.
Gracie, Grandpa snaps. Go to your room. Ill speak to you later.
Oh. Im sorry, Grandpa. Is this a bad time?
I grin and turn to study the woman in my grandfather s office. I look from her white hair worn
in a sleek, chic bob all the way down to the tips of her designer heels. Shes so polished she reminds
me of Grandpa. But the Adrian Lady version. She is diplomacy personified.
Something in my look must tell Grandpa that hed have to summon the marines to drag me from
this room, so he finally gestures in my direction.
Madame Prime Minister, would you do me the courtesy of allowing me to introduce my
granddaughter, Grace? Grace, you have the privilege of meeting Adrias acting prime minister, Ms.
Alexandra Petrovic.
The last time I was this close to an Adrian prime minister I was at the wrong end of a gun. But I
guess a week can change things. A week can change everything.
Hello, Grace, the woman says.
Isnt it your first week on the job? I ask her.
It is, she says with a laugh. It seems Im going to have to what is it you Americans say?
hit the ground running.
The smile she gives me never quite reaches her eyes. This isnt a chat, a friendly visit. I have to
wonder what shes heard about me. Does she know Im the reason the man who had the job before her
is in a coma right now and probably isnt going to make it?
Well, I think, remembering, Im part of the reason.
Theres a small door that separates my grandfather s office from Ms. Chancellor s. It doesnt
look like a door, though the red wallpaper and white wainscoting simply swing forward on a
nearly invisible hinge. As a kid, I thought it was the coolest thing Id ever seen. My very first secret
The very first of many, I have to think as the door swings open and Ms. Chancellor steps inside.
Oh, good. Here you are, Grandpa says, gesturing her closer. Madame Prime Minister, you
know my chief of staff, Eleanor Chancellor?
Ms. Chancellor steps forward and takes the prime minister s outstretched hand. Madame Prime
Minister, so nice to see you again. Please forgive me. If Id known you were coming I would have met
you downstairs myself.
But the prime minister pushes Ms. Chancellor s worries away. Thats quite all right. It was an
unexpected stop. Id prefer to keep this visit informal.
That prime ministers dont just pop by to visit foreign ambassadors is something nobody in the
room says but everyone in the room knows.
To what do we owe the pleasure? Ms. Chancellor asks, and I can feel the air start to turn.
Grandpa can flirt and cajole, thicken his accent and lay on the charm. But thats not going to work on
the new prime minister of Adria, and Ms. Chancellor knows it. Probably because she knows it
wouldnt work on her either.
I look from Adrias new prime minister to the woman who shot the old one, and for a second my
heart begins to pound and my mouth goes dry. I forget about Spence and Alexei and the protesting
crowds outside, and I think about what would happen if the truth about that night ever came to light, if
the Society and their cover-up failed.
If that happened, there would be no end to the shouting.
Im looking at Ms. Chancellor, trying to keep the panic from my eyes, when Ms. Petrovic says,
We would very much like to ask Grace some questions.
Absolutely not, my grandfather interrupts. Grace, you
I dont let him finish. I just tell her, I dont have anything to hide.
I have everything to hide.
We have found ourselves in a bad situation at a very bad time.
Ms. Chancellor raises an eyebrow. When exactly is a good time, Madame Prime Minister?
I simply meant that
I know what you meant, Ms. Chancellor says. The Festival of the Fortnight begins tonight and
the streets will be overrun with tourists. The death of an American citizen is bad for business.
Tourism is Adrias largest industry. I wont apologize for that fact. I cant have Americans
making speeches on television and calling for Russian heads on spikes. We havent done that in Adria
for two hundred years, Im happy to say.
Yes. Well, the last time it didnt end so well, did it? Grandpa challenges, finally getting into the
The prime minister studies him, a glint in her eye. No. It did not. And I believe we shall all
spend the next two weeks remembering.
Irony is an amazing thing, is it not? Ms. Chancellor says.
The women stare each other down with cool indifference that has to be anything but. Does she
know the truth about Ms. Chancellor and her predecessor? Does Grandpa? How deep and how far
does this conspiracy go?
But the adults around me are so calm. I half expect my grandfather to smile and say By the way,
Alexandra, did you know Eleanor is the one who shot your predecessor and then had her secret society
librarian friends orchestrate a massive international cover-up? Would you like some tea?
Its Ms. Chancellor s voice that finally breaks through my foggy brain. Grace went to the party
at about nine. She was home by ten-thirty. She and her brother would have passed at least two dozen
surveillance cameras between here and the city gates, and you are welcome to check ours if you
would like.
Mr. Spencer stayed at the party? the woman asks me.
And the fight?
Youve seen the video.
Yes. I have. Her smile is so cold that I cant help but remember that the last man who held her
job wanted me dead. I start to wonder if thats one of the responsibilities that comes with the position.
There. Was that so hard? the prime minister says. However, I do also need to ask you to
control your people, Mr. Ambassador. These things do have a tendency to turn ugly.
They are not my people. And they are not out of control.
The woman laughs. There is a mob outside, sir, who would disagree with you. She pierces my
grandfather with a glare and reaches for the door. Valancian police will monitor the crowds and
keep the peace on our side of the fence. I strongly urge you to do what you can from your side. She
shifts her gaze onto me. Grace, it has been so nice to meet you. Now, Im afraid I should be going.
Of course, Grandpa tells her. Its a busy day. I appreciate you taking the time.
When she reaches the door she stops and looks back. Well reach a solution, William. And the
US will be happy with it.
As soon as the prime minister is gone, I look at Grandpa. Im pretty sure hes already noticed
that it wasnt a question.
A fter I leave my grandpas office I lie on my bed for hours, wondering whats worse, the chanting of
the mob outside or the pounding that fills my head. Over and over and over. I know that it cant kill
me, and yet I think it might. Maybe a part of me wishes that it would. Anything to make the pounding
I have to make the pounding stop.
Before I realize it, Im bolting from my room and down the stairs at the back of the building.
Theyre only used by staff, so no one sees me as I push out into the courtyard, chasing the pound,
pound, pound that beats like a telltale heart, reminding me over and over that something is terribly
wrong. After all, its not the first time Ive found Jamie shooting hoops behind the embassy. Its just
the first time Ive ever found him here alone.
Jamie! I yell, but its like he doesnt even hear me.
Jamie! I shout again, but my brother keeps dribbling the basketball, bouncing it hard against
the pavement. He doesnt even look in my direction.
At the back of the embassy, the noise from the mob is softer, but I can still hear the chanting
the steady roar that rages, demanding justice be done. But no one asks for the truth.
When I walk closer, Jamie stops dribbling long enough to take aim at the basket. The ball
swooshes through nothing but net and my brother grabs it, starts dribbling again. Pound, pound,
pound. It makes me want to scream.
Hey! I shout. When Jamie shoots again, I grab the ball as soon as it drops through the net and
hold it just out of my brother s reach.
Give me the ball, Gracie. Its like hes just now noticed that Im here.
How are you?
How do you think I am?
Hes right. He doesnt have to answer my question. I can see the truth in his dark eyes and the set
of his jaw. Theres an anger in my brother that I have never seen before. Hes pulsing with it. And a
part of me wonders if that was really the pounding that has filled my head all day.
Spences parents called Grandpa today to make arrangements for claiming his body. Im going
to have to shake his father s hand and salute his mother and Can you imagine that? They have to
bury their son.
Three years ago Jamie and Dad brought our moms remains here. To Adria. Now the Spencers
have to make the opposite journey with their child. I cant imagine anything worse. And by the look
on his face, neither can Jamie.
I cant tell them that their son died a hero. I cant hand them a folded flag and say it was all in
service to his country. No. He died because he trusted me enough to follow me to that island.
Theres a chink in Jamies armor now. He is vulnerable and flawed and its the most terrifying
thing that I have ever seen. I need Jamie to be perfect. I need it so badly so I dont have to be.
Jamie, its not your fault.
Spence was alive when I left him, Gracie. When I left him. Jamie looks away and shakes his
head. For the first time, I realize how much he looks like Dad. I left a man behind. Do you know what
that looks like? What that feels like? Im going to have to go back to West Point and tell my teachers
tell my classmates what happened here. Someone is dead because of me. Do you have any idea
what that
I do know what that feels like better than anyone. And Jamie just remembered. It wasnt your
fault, I tell him, but Jamie just shakes his head.
Hes never been here before. He doesnt he didnt know his way around. Jamie grimaces as
he remembers his friend is in the past tense now. He didnt speak the language.
Every person on that island goes to an English-speaking school, Jamie. And you know it.
Hes dead, Grace! Not Gracie. And when I left he wasnt.
Three years ago, on a dark night in a smoky building, I pulled a trigger and someone we loved
died. What Jamie did or didnt do is different. But guilt isnt smart. It isnt logical. It doesnt
only live in the places it belongs.
So I, better than anyone, should know just what to say to make my brother feel better. But its a
trick question. The truth is, theres nothing anyone can say.
Jamie, talk to me. Or, fine. Dont talk to me. Talk to Alexei!
At this, my brother only glares.
Were behind the embassy, right by the wall. Alexei is just on the other side of the fence, but
Jamie is acting like theyre strangers.
Have you talked to him? I ask.
Of course I havent talked to him, Jamie says, and I cant help myself. I take his basketball and
throw it with all my might, high over the fence, into Russias backyard.
Hey! my brother snaps.
Alexeis probably home. I shrug. Go ask him for your ball back.
Brat, he tells me, and starts toward the doors.
What can I say? Im mentally unstable.
Dont joke. Jamie is spinning on me.
Instinctively, I step back. You used to have a sense of humor.
Not about that. Never about that, he says. Besides, someone murdered my friend, Grace.
Forgive me if I dont crack up.
Who said anything about murder? We dont know what happened.
Oh, he says, turning slowly to look at the Russian embassy, I think we know a little bit of what
I follow his gaze, but I cant believe them the words he isnt saying.
No, Jamie. You cant possibly think that Alexei
He never left the island. Did you know that? Jamie turns again, this time as if he can see
through Adrias great outer wall, as if he can look all the way out to the island, back into the past.
Spence. He was killed out there.
You dont know that.
Our grandfather is the United States ambassador to Adria, Gracie. He gets briefed on these
And Grandpa briefs Jamie. Nobody ever briefs me.
I try to follow where Jamies going with this. So Spence never left the island. Okay. Maybe he
got drunk and wandered off and fell. Hit his head. Drowned.
He didnt drown, Gracie. His neck was broken.
So he fell and broke his neck!
I am so used to Jamie being the calm one, the smart one. Im not used to him being the cold one.
But thats exactly what he is as he looks back at the Russian fence.
Hed been in a fight.
You cant think Alexei did this. You cant really, honestly think that.
Alexeis been doing a lot of things I never thought hed do.
Like what? I demand.
Like you guys got close.
Youre the one who asked him to look out for me.
Did he take advantage of you?
Did he Ew. No!
Dont lie to me, Gracie. I see the way he looks at you. How you two are together.
Spence is dead and thats awful. It is so, so awful, and Id give anything to go back and change
that night. I know you would, too. But we cant. Spence is gone. But if you dont stop this youre
going to lose Alexei, too. And that would be tragic. Because that is something that you can still stop.
Maybe some men deserve to be left behind.
I know this isnt just some army thing, some West Point thing. Spence was alive and now hes
not, and Jamie isnt mad at Alexei. Hes mad at himself. Alexei is just the closest target.
Alexei is my brother s Scarred Man.
Spence was an adult, Jamie. He could take care of himself. He wasnt your responsibility.
Like youre not my responsibility?
No, I tell him. Dont you remember? You gave that job to Alexei.
Well, then I guess Ive made a lot of bad decisions this summer.
Jamie is my family. My blood. If I ever need a kidney, he is totally my first call. But we have
never been so alike until this moment. He is changed. Broken.
Its the one thing I had hoped we would never have in common.
Ms. Chancellor? I say. Shes in front of one of the big round windows upstairs, looking out onto the
street, when I find her. Dusk is falling, but she holds a coffee cup with both hands, slowly sipping. Its
the middle of summer on the Mediterranean, but its like shes standing beside a pane of frosty glass,
watching it snow. I can feel the cold descending.
The crowd is smaller now, here at the end of the day, but there are still protestors chanting,
clogging the street and blocking off Embassy Row. Are these people angry with us or the Russians
next door? Sometimes its hard to say. Some people, after all, dont care who they yell at as long as
they have a reason to keep shouting.
Its not going to go away quickly, is it? I ask, staring at the crowd.
Ms. Chancellor takes a sip. No, dear. I dont believe it will.
Thats why the prime minister was here, wasnt it? Because of the crowds?
Because of what they represent, yes.
Thats when I realize Ms. Chancellor isnt looking at the street not at the protestors or the
massive television trucks that stand right behind the barricades. No. Her gaze is locked on the
building next door. Theres an almost identical window on the Russian side of the fence. I half expect
to see Alexei standing there, staring back.
On the street below, people are pushing through the crowds, going somewhere. There is a
charge in the air, and even inside I can feel it. The sun begins to dip below the horizon and the
shadows come to Embassy Row.
You know Alexei didnt do it, I tell her, but Im still surprised to hear her say, Of course.
Do you know who did? I ask.
I dont know what Im expecting her to say, but Im disappointed when she shakes her head. No,
dear. I do not.
I think about the secret rooms and tunnels and the memory of Ms. Chancellor in a nearly
abandoned street, holding a smoking gun.
Ms. Chancellor, about the prime minister
Alexandra Petrovic is acting prime minister, dear.
I wasnt asking about her.
Eleanor Chancellor isnt a cold woman. But the look she gives me might turn the Mediterranean
to ice. But I cant stop not now.
About what happened did I ever say thank you?
For being there. For believing in me. For saving my life.
Really, Grace. The smile she gives me is almost blinding. Im sure I dont know what you
But she does know. Of course she does. But the truth is one more thing that I know shell never
Now go on, Ms. Chancellor tells me with a playful push toward the stairs.
Go where? I ask.
Out. The Festival of the Fortnight begins tonight, you know. She looks at me over the top of
her glasses. Oh, Grace, dont tell me youve forgotten. Its a very important part of Adrian history.
And a very big party. There is an uncharacteristic twinkle in her eye. I think for a moment that she
might be teasing. Then I think better of it. Eleanor Chancellor does not tease.
Im not in a partying mood, I tell her.
Im not asking, Grace. You need to get out of this building and enjoy yourself for a little
while. She points toward the stairs. Now go. Your guests are waiting.
Is she speaking as my grandfather s chief of staff or as my surrogate mother? Or maybe this is
part of the Society. Maybe Im not supposed to know.
Then I wonder, What guests?
W hen I reach the entryway, Megan and Noah are already there. She is leaning against his shoulder as
they both look at her phone. His cheek touches the top of her head. Their embrace is so comfortable,
so easy, that I almost feel guilty for having seen it.
Hey, Noah says when he sees me. He doesnt pull immediately away from Megan, though
as if theyve been caught. They arent doing anything wrong, I guess. Technically, theres no shame in
being happy.
Awesome. Youre here, Megan says, and Noah reaches for the door. I told you not to
underestimate Ms. Chancellor, she tells him before stepping outside.
Come on, Noah almost yells over the chants of the protestors. Lets go.
I havent seen him this excited in ages. Not since the night we met, when he took me to Lilas
party on the cliffs. It was only a few weeks ago, but it seems like a lifetime. It was Before.
Before my brother came and his friend died. Before the streets were filled with protests and
cries. Before I knew the truth about my mother and what I did.
Before I figured out that I am the villain of my own story.
I want to pull away from Noah, go back inside. But his grip on my hand is too strong as he loops
an arm around Megans shoulders and leads us out beyond the gates.
Dusk is settling over Valancia, and the crowd is smaller. But barricades still line the sidewalk,
keeping the protestors in the street. Adrian police officers rush toward us, ushering us farther from
the embassy, away from the chanting mob.
We walk through the bright lights that shine upon the reporters who stand in the street with US
and Russia over their shoulders, the embassies spotlighted in the glare. Its the middle of the day in the
States, I have to remind myself. And cable news isnt going to let this story die. Not yet. We live in a
twenty-four-hour news cycle and this story has only begun.
When we reach the edge of the crowd I know Im safe, but I have to look back like Lots wife.
Im almost afraid Ill turn to salt. But I dont see the city burning. No. I see a boy with black hair and
blue eyes standing before a second-story window of the building next door.
Alexei raises his hand in something that isnt quite a wave but isnt a salute. Its more like hes
pushing me away, telling me to save myself.
So I look straight ahead. I swear I wont look back again.
When we reach the Israeli embassy we turn and start up the street that rises steadily to the palace
and the center of town. The farther we get from Russia, the more the city seems to change. The angry
cries grow fainter, but the streets are anything but empty, and the closer we get to the palace, the
rowdier the crowd becomes. We are surrounded by laughter and talking, big raucous groups of
tourists and older couples who walk together, hand in hand. Its like all of Adria is heading toward the
Then I think about Alexei about Jamie.
Well, almost all of Adria.
So what is all of this, exactly? I ask.
Noah turns, walking backward for a moment, shocked indignation on his face. You spent every
summer of your childhood here and you dont know what tonight is?
Its like Ive just told him that I think all puppies are evil.
You never came to the Festival of the Fortnight? He gapes.
No, I say.
Never? Noah asks, not letting it drop. Little Grace never crawled out of her window and ran
away to see the bonfire? he teases. Or set the bonfire or tossed petrol upon the bonfire
No, I say, sounding almost defensive of Past Me. Mom would have killed me.
Theres a huge group of people coming up behind us, singing songs Ive never heard. Noah and
Megan and I step aside to let them pass, but one of them knocks into me anyway. He mumbles
something, slurring his words, and his breath smells like liquor.
As the drunk moves along, I look at Noah. Mom said it wasnt exactly kid friendly.
Noah nods. I can see her point.
When we reach the streets that surround the palace, the crowds grow thicker, heavier. Somehow
hungrier. We are tossed and pushed and shoved. Noah holds both of our hands, keeping us lashed
together, until we finally find a place beside one of the barricades, right in front of the palace. I turn
and look up at the tall iron fences, the almost impenetrable facade.
You do know about the War of the Fortnight, dont you, Grace? Megan asks me.
I look at the palace and try to recall the night last month when I accompanied my grandfather to
an official state function. I remember walking through the ornate ballroom, studying the walls that
were covered like patchwork with priceless paintings of kings and queens. That night, the prime
minister told me the story of one of those kings. But at the time that same prime minister was also
trying to kill me, so, in hindsight, Im not exactly eager to take his word for it.
Remind me, I say, and Megan and Noah share a look.
Noah rubs his hands together, trying his best to be dramatic.
Okay, he says. Picture it! Adria. Almost two hundred years ago. A terrible drought has
crippled the land. Rivers are dry. Crops have failed. The people are hungry literally starving for
revenge. And since they cant take it out on God, they go after the next best thing
Reverently, Noah turns, and we all look at the palace. I can feel his countenance change. He isnt
teasing; no ones laughing anymore.
One night, the palace guards left their posts and threw open the gates, and an angry mob pulled
the king and his family from their beds, I say, almost to myself.
Noah and Megan stand beside me. Together, we ease a little closer to the fence.
The king, Megan says. The queen. Two princes, and a baby girl who wasnt even a month old
yet. Five of them. They pulled them from their beds, and they killed them. She points to a line of
windows in the center of the palace. Thats where they hung their bodies.
For a second, I think about Alexei and the crowds that have taken over Embassy Row. What
would it take for that mob to pull him from his bed? How easy would it be? But then I remember that
there are some questions to which you never want to know the answer.
And that, Gracie Noah leans against the barricade and eyes the palace was the start of
the War of the Fortnight. Fourteen days that changed Adria forever.
Fourteen days, I think. Noah seems amazed that change can happen so quickly, but I know better.
It doesnt even take that long. The whole world can change far faster. In the time it takes a thirteen-
year-old girl to point and fire a gun.
Some people in the crowd carry torches, and the air is filled with smoke. Gaslight shines from
sconces that adorn the palaces fence. The light that surrounds us is the color of fire.
In the distance, I hear a child laugh. A mother yells. And I close my eyes, try to block out the din
of chaos that fills the air. I want to run, to leave. I dont know why, but I know I need to get away from
these people before it is too late.
Frantically, I push away from the fence and am just starting to turn, to leave, when the trumpets
sound. The sound is so foreign and ancient and regal that I stop. Then I remember where I am,
standing outside an ancient palace, looking through the fence at history.
The crowd stands still. Its like even the fire in the torches stops moving. Everything is
absolutely quiet as the palace doors open.
That is when I notice the rich red carpet that runs from the doors to the gates. A few weeks ago,
that was where I ran, clutching a ball gown in my hands, away from the Scarred Man and my mother s
memory. But tonight the people who exit through those doors are walking slowly toward the hordes
that gather on the other side of the fence.
The king is in the center, the queen to his right. On his left stands the crown prince of Adria. And
beside him his wife, Princess Ann.
The royal family keeps walking until they reach the fence, and then the most amazing thing
happens. Slowly, the gates open wide until there is nothing between the crowds and the four royals
who stand, almost at attention, as if daring history to repeat itself.
Two hundred years ago, someone threw open those gates and the people of Adria rushed in. But
now the gates stand open and the royal family looks out.
I expect cheers from the crowd, applause of some kind. But the people outside the palace stay
silent, as if imagining that centuries have not passed. As if they have traded places with their ancestors
and are pondering this chance to do things differently.
But I know better. I know you never really get a second chance.
The king leads his family toward four black wreaths that sit on stands before them. They each
pick up a wreath and carry it through the gates. Slowly, the royal family members raise their wreaths
and place them in front of the palace, directly beneath the place where the kings ancestors once hung
for all to see.
Again, I expect applause, but there is no sound except the buzzing of the gaslight, the solemn
breathing of the crowd.
Its like all of Adria is waiting, watching as the king picks up a nearby torch and brings it to the
wreath hed carried. I cant believe it as he lowers the flame to the wreath and lights it. In a flash, the
fire spreads, and soon all four wreaths are ablaze.
I realize then there is a small path through the crowd. Barricades hold the people back, and soon
I know why when the fire shoots away from the wreaths, chasing the darkness toward the wide grassy
promenade where just last week the closing of the G-20 summit was held.
But now the grassy area is filled with the silent crowd that stands, watching, as the fire hurtles
toward them from the palace, then leaps onto a massive tangle of timber and broken furniture, tree
limbs and debris. In a second, it ignites. The fire shoots and spreads, spiraling up into the night.
Only then does the crowd applaud, the sound almost a roar as they stand in the orange-red glow
of the spark that the king himself sent into their midst.
Its supposed to symbolize something, Im certain. But Im not quite sure what. Maybe its a sign
of peace. Maybe its a warning.
Like a rainbow, is this supposed to be a sign that the people will never destroy their king again?
But I know better than anyone just how quickly the world we know can turn to flames.
It will burn for fourteen days, Megan says, but I only half hear her.
The king and queen and their son are turning slowly, solemnly away from the crowd and starting
the walk back toward the palace.
Only the trim, beautiful woman remains.
For just a second, Princess Ann stands silently, looking right at me.
I dont know how I lose Megan and Noah but theyre gone.
All I know for certain is that the air is filled with smoke and the sky is the color of fire, and my
mother s best friend was just looking at me as if maybe she might see what I see, know what I know.
Grace! I hear a woman yell, but I dont turn. I dont want to see my mother s shadow in the
Grace, honey, no!
Then Princess Ann turns and starts back toward the palace, away from the commoners. Away
from me. And I start pushing away from the gates and whatever little safety Id clung to on the edges
of the crowd. I have to find Noah and Megan. I have to go home. I have to keep moving, pushing
against the current of people that keeps pushing back, too hard.
Its growing late and the crowd is too close. I hear a popping sound, like gunshots. I imagine the
glass breaking in the window of my mother s shop, the burst of fresh fire as soon as the oxygen
rushes inside.
And now I dont care about Noah and Megan. Theyre together. Theyll be safe. They are
probably holding hands and kissing somewhere. I would just be in the way, I tell myself. But the truth
is I just need to be anywhere but here.
Grace! I hear my name again, but its too much. I close my eyes tightly against the memory.
Like the flames of the bonfire, I expect it to explode inside of me, to leave me shaking with terror and
guilt and grief.
If I can just make it to the tunnels, I might be able to climb inside and slip away, escape into
darkness and silence. I might be able to have my attack in peace.
So I push against the crowd that seems to be growing thicker, wilder, by the second. People chant
and cheer. Even as I get farther and farther from the bonfire, the pressure of the people around me
doesnt lessen. It just grows darker.
Grace! I hear my name again, my mother s voice.
I stop.
I want to scream.
But then there is a hand on my arm, turning me.
Grace, are you okay?
And its not my mother. I look up into the same blue eyes that just a short time ago watched me
from a Russian window. And, suddenly, I am completely unconcerned about myself.
What are you doing here?
Alexei shrugs. I was getting ready to ask you the same question. He looks around. Where are
Noah and Megan?
I shake my head. Im not sure. We must have gotten separated and I I was going home.
Yes, Alexei says. We must get you home.
And you, I say. You shouldnt have come, Alexei.
Its a mistake. I know it as soon as I say his name.
There are too many people. The Festival of the Fortnight isnt just an Adrian tradition. Its
famous. Visitors come from all over the world. Like people collecting beads at Mardi Gras or
running with the bulls in Pamplona; the city fills with tourists. In the past ten minutes Ive heard five
different languages.
And just this morning another crowd gathered on another street. The setting and the cause are
different, but all mobs are the same.
I dont recognize the man who turns toward us, but I know him. I know the way he stumbles and
the cadence of his words as they slur. Hey, I know you.
He is drunk on smoke and fire and the darkness of the streets, the heady mixture of whatever
primitive drug seems to come with night and torchlight.
Valancian police are on patrol, but the crowd is too big. It always is. Its why our mother locked
us in the embassy, forbade us to leave. This place, this night these people.
Are dangerous.
I see it in Alexeis eyes as he reaches for my hand.
I speak to him in Adrian. Lets get out of here.
Alexei nods and we start to push our way down the hill and back toward Embassy Row. But
before weve even taken a step, the big man blocks our way. His friends see and circle us. Two of
them carry torches. They are staring at Alexei and me as if we are their next meal.
Well, what do we have here? the leader asks. Hes not much older than Jamie. Maybe theyre
American college guys. Maybe they are backpacking through Europe. Tourists.
But these guys arent content with the fire and the crowds and the music that is coming from
somewhere deep within the city.
I know in my gut that they were outside the embassy today. I know that they have been looking
for a fight for maybe their entire lives. A sick feeling fills me as I realize that theyve found one.
Youre him, the leader says. It isnt a question.
I speak in Adrian again, pull harder on Alexeis hand, but its no use.
Its the Russian! one of the men with the torches yells. The world is full of Russians. He
doesnt bother to specify which one.
Someone shoves Alexei, and he stumbles back, crashing into me.
Grace, Im so
But as soon as Alexei speaks, the mob descends. Hearing him his accent is proof enough.
Besides, they dont care about justice. They arent here to take Alexei to the cops, turn him over for
In the crowd, I hear words like murderer and communist and diplomatic immunity. It is the last
phrase that really does it.
The fist that hits Alexei knocks him nearly off his feet. He doesnt see it coming. I dont know
which one of the men swung first, but now the floodgates have opened. I can feel myself getting
pushed, almost knocked to the ground. I lash out, kicking a man in the knee as he lunges at Alexei. But
two other men are already upon him. I feel a sharp, searing pain in my side. I think about the torches
and the bonfire and the smoke. There is so much smoke.
Grace, run! Alexei manages to yell as he knocks one of the men away, but no sooner does that
man fall than two others take his place.
Let him go! I shout, then jump onto someones back and elbow the ringleader in the nose.
He curses and blood begins to stream down his face. And then there is a loud bang and, for me,
the world begins to spin. Perhaps it is the motion of the man trying to throw me from his back, but the
pain that slices through me is real, even as the sights and sounds that fill my mind descend to shadow.
The sound of the shot.
The smell of the smoke.
And the fire that grows and grows, filling the space and climbing up the stairs.
Most of all, I see blood. There is so much blood.
Grace, no! my mother yells.
And I know that I have to break free of these thoughts that fill my mind. I have to help Alexei. I
have to be stronger, smarter, tougher.
I see the Scarred Man rising, walking through the smoke. I hear him yell my name.
But this is different. The Scarred Man has never spoken to me before, not in the flashbacks or the
nightmares. I feel his hands on my arms.
Grace, are you okay? Dominic yells. And just that quickly, fresh air fills my lungs. Terror is
replaced with a different kind of panic.
Alexei, I say. The mob is growing. Help Alexei!
Dominic presses me up against a wall, as out of the way as I can be, then starts toward the center
of the mob. But before he can even reach Alexei, I hear a voice crying out, cutting through the
Let him go!
Jamie has always been tough. He was raised by our father, a born soldier. But what I see isnt his
West Point training; its not the result of years of wrestling with our dad on the living room floor.
No. What I am seeing is sheer rage as Jamie battles ahead of Dominic, plowing through the
crowd. He tosses grown men aside as if they were rag dolls. He knocks bullies to the ground like the
toy soldiers he and Alexei used to play with on the embassy stairs. He is turning them all to dust
because they touched his friend.
Jamie starts yelling, warning the college kids to back off, but its Dominic who pulls Alexei
from the mobs clutches. He drags him toward me while, behind him, Jamie keeps fighting like a man
possessed by demons no one can ever exorcise or name.
I want to stop him. To hold him. To let him pummel me until I feel as bad on the outside as I do
within. But Dominic is thrusting Alexei toward me.
He limps, and one eye has already swollen shut. Blood is soaking through the front of his white
Im okay, Gracie, he chokes out, and the smile that follows makes me want to fall to the
ground and cry.
Get him home, Dominic orders, pushing Alexei forward. He gives me a knowing look. You
know the way.
I dont wait for Jamie. Hes with Dominic. Hell be fine. I just place Alexeis arm around my
shoulder and drag him into an empty alley. Its the very place I saw the Scarred Man disappear weeks
ago. Alexei leans against me, heavy and warm, but I dont stop to explain as I reach down and trigger
the opening of the tunnel. I just hope that Alexei can make it down the ladder as I push him toward it,
the two of us descending into the dark.
T here are hundreds of miles of tunnels and catacombs beneath the city. The Romans built them, or so
Im told. They are thousands of years old and twist and turn, climb and fall. People died here, are
buried here. But I am not afraid. As soon as the tunnel entrance closes overhead, there is nothing but
darkness and the dank, musty smell of a damp enclosed space.
It smells a little bit like home.
Thats why I let myself rest against the old stone walls. My shoulders rise and fall as I try to
breathe deeply. It hurts but if there is one thing Im good at its not letting myself think about the
I reach for the flashlight in my pocket, and when I turn it on, Alexei flinches. Its like the bright
light actually hurts. I shift the beam away from him, but there is still enough light for me to see the
details that I didnt have time to fully notice on the dark, crowded street.
Scrapes and blood cover his knuckles. There is a split in his lip. Old bruises blend with new. The
cut on his forehead has come open again, and his black hair is coated with red blood that still trickles
slowly down his right temple.
Dont, he says. I think its because Im reaching for him. Im bringing my sleeve to his cut,
wiping his blood away.
No, Gracie. Dont look at me like that. Im fine.
You are not fine! I run my fingers through his hair, pushing the strands away from his
forehead. Theyre monsters.
Come on. He takes my hand. We should get home, he says, but doesnt move.
He stands too close. He looks at me too long. I think, for a second, that maybe he is going to kiss
I think maybe I am going to let him.
Thousands of people fill the streets above us. We are just feet away from an angry mob. But we
are also alone in the glow of my flashlights narrow beam.
Gracie. Alexei exhales my name. He pushes my hair away from my face with one hand and
holds on to me with the other, slipping his arm around my waist and pulling me close. It hurts but I
cant say so, not when he breathes deeply and says, What are we going to do?
Not I.
Not my government.
Not the embassy.
What are we going to do?
Alexei and I are a we now, I realize. At least right here, right now. In this moment. And with the
way he rests his forehead against mine and closes his eyes, I feel like maybe this feeling this
togetherness is going to follow us when we finally decide to go back into the light.
Alexei doesnt speak again. He just holds me to his chest while he takes long, deep breaths. I feel
my body moving with his chest.
Spence kissed me.
But this is more.
More intimate. More gentle. More emotion pounds through my veins than anything any boy has
ever made me feel. For a second, we both just breathe, him out and me in. Me out and him in. It is like
we are sharing breath, the very air that will keep us both alive. And in this moment, I stop thinking
about my mother.
It will pass, Alexei, I say, remembering Ms. Chancellor s words.
Will it? he asks. But its not really a question, I can tell. He pushes me away but takes my hand.
Hes still holding it when I aim the flashlight down the long tunnel, to the place where it curves out of
sight. Its what the old explorers must have felt like, seeing the earth disappear over the edge of the
I know where were going.
And yet I cant help but fear that beyond this point there might be dragons.
The light in Dominics kitchen is too bright. He makes me sit on a stool in the middle of the
fluorescent glare, and I cant help but feel like Im in an old-fashioned movie and hes a cop or a spy
trying to sweat the truth out of me. But, of course, Dominic barely says a word. So I use the light to
study him.
There is not a scratch on him, save the obvious. Its like there never was a fight, as if there was
no mob. Last night? The guys on the street? They were boys, drunk and rowdy. Standing before me is
an actual man. They never stood a chance.
Im sorry. I dont say for what. For getting into trouble, for bringing my problems to his door.
For killing the love of his life. Theres so much to choose from that I dont even try to be specific.
Where are you hurt? Concern seeps into his voice, but also annoyance.
I pull up my shirt. My dad is an Army Ranger and I spent half of my childhood in some kind of
brace or cast. I know how to clean and bind a wound. But now blood is oozing through my makeshift
bandages. The cut must be deeper than I thought. I must look as hideous as I feel.
From last night? Dominic rips the bandage away and I wince. He cocks an eyebrow, as if Im
being a baby.
When the Scarred Man drops to his knees and leans toward me, I tell him, I got cut.
You did not get cut, Grace Olivia. You got stabbed.
Its the first time he has ever used my full name. My mother used to do that. Its no doubt where
he heard it, and that makes me sway again.
I blame it on the blood.
Youre not going to tell me I should go to the hospital? I ask, even though I already know the
answer. Its why Im here. But still I hold my breath as the Scarred Man looks at me.
You have seen enough of hospitals, I would expect.
I dont bother to agree. It would be redundant, and Im coming to learn that Dominic is the kind
of person who doesnt waste anything. Not a movement; not a moment; not a breath.
I sit on my stool while he rummages through a cabinet filled with old bottles. He pulls on a pair
of gloves and takes out a toolbox stuffed with the kinds of tools that have nothing to do with home
improvement. I see scalpels and tweezers and bandages. There are pills in a half dozen colors and
clear vials of thick liquids that carry no labels.
Raise your shirt again, he says, matter-of-fact. I do so, showing him the gash in my right side.
It isnt too deep. He sticks a gloved finger into the wound, probing it, and I cry out in agony.
My apologies, he says, but I dont think he means it. The wound burns as he cleans it, but I stay
silent. When he reaches for a needle and thread, I brace myself for whats coming.
Do you want something for the pain?
No, I say.
Finally, he smiles as if maybe Im starting to gain some of his respect.
The Scarred Man works in silence. Theres no lecture, no fatherly concern, as he sews me back
Shouldnt you be at work? I ask, but silence is the answer. I met the acting prime minister. Are
you a part of her security team now?
The last man under my protection is currently in a coma.
It was a heart attack, I say, the words a reflex now.
Dominic cuts his gaze up at me as if maybe Ive forgotten he was there that he of all people
knows better. I wonder for a moment if Ms. Chancellor and her Society even tried to rewrite him. I
wonder if theyd still be breathing if they had.
Well, as far as everyone knows, it was a heart attack, I try.
Dominic goes back to work. Nevertheless, Grace Olivia, my services are not precisely in
demand at the moment.
Oh, I say, then add one more item to the list of things that are my fault. But I guess you have
lots of free time, then. You know, to take in the sights Enjoy the festival Follow me.
Dominic keeps working, his stitches smooth and even. Hes better at this than Dad, but I can
never tell him that.
You were there last night, I say dumbly.
I was.
Why do I get the feeling you werent just in the neighborhood? I ask, but he doesnt look up.
Why were you there? Why are you always there?
I was following you.
I should know better than to make demands of a man sticking a needle in and out of my skin, but
Ive never been known for my stellar decision-making. If theres something you want to ask me, just
ask it. If theres something you want to say, just
Your friend
His name is Alexei. And if you knew him
Finally, Dominic stops. Stares at me. Oh, I know him. He knots the thread and clips the end,
then rubs some sweet-smelling cream over the place where Ill no doubt have a scar. You would do
well to avoid him in the future.
He didnt kill that cadet.
And yet someone is going to a great deal of trouble to make it look as if he did.
Why are you following me? I dont yell. Its almost like a whisper.
Dominic stands. He pulls off his gloves. Slowly, he begins to wrap a bandage around my ribs,
around and around and around, binding me tightly, holding me together.
I could not save her.
I see it in his eyes then: Hes going to save me.
For the first time in a long time, it doesnt feel like my guts are going to spill right out.
There. He pushes away. How does that feel?
I look at him. Hurts.
He nods as if he understands completely, then he turns and pulls a small glass bottle from one of
the shelves. Its little, with an old-fashioned stopper. It looks almost delicate, like something a fine
lady might dab on her wrists. The liquid inside is thick and clear.
Take this, he says. Mix a little with water. No more than a few drops, though. Youre small.
Too much will knock you out.
Okay, I say, standing and slipping the vial into my pocket. He offers me a bottle of water.
Here. Now go.
Go home, Grace Olivia. Today, you rest.
Okay, I say again. There is no doubt Ive been dismissed, so I start toward the door. Im almost
gone when Dominic calls to me.
And, Grace I turn back. Your friend he should be careful.
He didnt do it, I say again.
Dominic just looks at me as if I should know better. That is precisely why he should be careful.
Why? What are you talking about? Worry stirs within me. What do you know?
But Dominic doesnt care that I am desperate. Its almost like he doesnt notice that Im scared. I
watch him fade and drift away. I can see some old worry settle into the lines around his eyes. And I
know hes not talking about Alexei, not about Spence. He is thinking of my mother when he tells me,
Bad people do not like loose ends.
A darkness descends. My blood turns cold. Its like its someone else who is asking, What does
that mean?
Dominic looks into my eyes. His voice is low, a warning. It means your friend should be
T he Scarred Man bound my wounds, but Im still sore. And yet it is another ache that claws inside of
me. Dominics words echo in my mind, and even though I know I told him Id go straight home, I
cant take the chanting crowds or the closed doors. I cant take much of anything anymore.
Bad people dont like loose ends.
A prime minister with a bullet wound was a loose end, and that went away. The question I dont
want to ask is simple.
What about a dead cadet?
For a second, Im sure I must be hearing things, but the word comes again.
Gracie, wait.
I tell myself that Im wrong, that Alexei cant be outside of Russias walls and chasing after me.
But he is. I see him running up the hill, and a new kind of panic takes control.
What are you doing out here? Are you crazy? You shouldnt leave the embassy. Wait how
did you leave the embassy?
Were at the top of the hill, near the base of the cliffs and almost to Iran. I can see the mob and
the blocked street below. I can actually hear the chanting, but Alexei only shrugs.
You arent the only one who can climb the wall, you know.
Its hard to imagine Alexei climbing onto the ancient wall that circles the city, running along the
top like a fugitive. Like me.
But Alexei is stepping closer, pulling me over to the cliffs, near the Iranian fence. Its so calm
here, almost like the night before didnt happen. But even in the shadow of the fence I can see the
black that rims Alexeis eyes, the bruises on his jaw and the cuts that mar his skin.
You shouldnt be here, I say again.
Alexei shakes his head. I had to come.
No. Its not safe. We have to get you back before
I came to say good-bye.
Its maybe the only thing he could have said that might stop me. My mind reels with all the things
that he might mean. But there is one obvious answer: Alexei is returning to Moscow. Alexei is
leaving. Again. And a part of me hopes he will stay away forever. Another part hopes hell take me
with him.
Oh. I see. Okay. I guess this time youll have to stay in Moscow for good. I tell myself that its
okay. Prudent. Totally for the best.
Im in no way prepared for when Alexei says, I will not go to Moscow.
What do you mean?
I mean that, in fact, the opposite is happening. I am renouncing my diplomatic status. Im going
to turn myself in.
When I was twelve I followed Alexei and Jamie up the big wall that circles the city. I wanted to
chase them and catch them and be just like them for a little while. And when I couldnt listen to Jamie
scold me for my foolishness any longer, I did something truly stupid: I jumped.
That is what this feels like.
Not the mind-blowing pain of a shattered leg, but the whoosh of air that leaves my lungs, the
jarring crush of the earth rushing up to greet me. For a moment, I forget where I am. Its like Ill
never breathe again.
No, I say, as if I can forbid it, stop it. You cant.
Was this what the meeting at the embassy was about this morning? Was this the deal my
grandfather brokered while I was out having the Scarred Man bind my wound? I want to run down the
hill and yell at the mob that Id be dead if it werent for Alexei. But I cant say a thing.
Alexei puts his hands in his pockets and shrugs. My father is holding a press conference
denouncing my immunity even as we speak. They are readying an official vehicle to take me to the
central police station in about an hour. It is not an arrest. I will answer their questions, thats all. I have
nothing to hide.
Its what I wanted at first, for the Russians to stop shielding themselves behind immunity. For the
world to see that Alexei has nothing to hide. But in my mind, I hear the Scarred Mans words the
Scarred Mans warning. Terror fills me and I cant let Alexei see it.
This is insane!
No. Its not. It is for the best. I can turn myself in, and there can be a full investigation, without
all the politics.
This is Adria! There will always be politics!
Grace, my father is worried what all of this unrest will lead to. It cant be good for diplomatic
relations and
Do you think I care about diplomatic relations? I shout. Well, I dont, Alexei. And you
shouldnt either. Think about it. I grab his shirt. I refuse to let him go. None of the politicians care
about what happened to Spence. Not what really happened. They just want to make this problem go
away. Make you go away.
I can feel Alexeis heart pounding against his chest as I grip his shirt, holding him to me and this
place and this time. I force him to look into my eyes. I have to make him see.
I finally understand what Dominic was really saying: Sometimes good people stand in the way of
bad things. Sometimes good people get hurt. But maybe if Im smart enough, strong enough, clever
enough, this time I can find a way to stop it.
You have to go back to Russia. Now! You have to get out of here.
But Alexei is stepping back, shaking his head. I will not run away.
You cant go to jail, Alexei.
A brief glint fills his eyes. Are you worried about me? he tries to tease, but this isnt funny.
None of it is funny.
So I yell, Yes!
Alexei is taken aback.
Theyre saying someone killed Spence, Alexei. They think someone murdered Spence, and now
you are conveniently willing to take the blame for it. Someone wants you to take the blame for it.
Alexei shakes his head. You dont know that.
It probably seems too improbable for Alexei to believe, this cover-up. My crazy theory. He
doesnt know what I know he hasnt seen what Ive seen.
I look at the Iranian embassy. It is still dilapidated. Still forbidden. It seems like a lifetime ago
that my friends and I huddled in its basement, speculating on the Scarred Mans every move. I miss
that feeling the certainty that came with knowing who the boogeyman was and what needed to be
done to stop him.
But right now the villains are nameless and faceless, omnipresent and filling every shadow.
Maybe Im becoming paranoid in my old age. Or maybe paranoia is the only thing that will allow me
to see seventeen.
I know it, Alexei. And if youll stop and think about it youll know it, too.
We dont know who killed him, I say. Or why. But do you really think this was a mugging or
some random act of violence? You saw his body on the beach that day. Did that look like a boy whod
been in an accident?
He puts his hands over mine. They are warm, pressing against my skin.
Ill be okay, Gracie.
I used to hate it when he called me that. I used to say he didnt have the right that it was
reserved for Jamie and Jamie alone. But my nickname sounds different when Alexei says it. Maybe
its his accent, or maybe it is something else. Something more.
Again, I think about Dominics words, the unspoken danger that pulsed beneath the moment. My
mother got hurt. Someone wanted her dead. And I killed her.
I vow here and now that I will never again let someone get hurt if I can help it.
Never again.
Ill be okay, Gracie, Alexei reassures me, but I turn my back on him, look up at the Iranian
embassy, the rotten fence and overgrown weeds. Another country. Another world.
My father said that as soon as the political aspect can be set aside we will be able to pursue
justice instead of vengeance. He says
He wants the mob to go away, Alexei. And hes willing to sacrifice his own son to make it
Alexei pulls away. He cant face me when he says, Its not like that.
It is exactly like that.
For a second, the silence stretches between us. Its almost quiet here, on the north end of
Embassy Row. The protestors are still chanting in the distance, but the wind has shifted now. It blows
their cries toward the sea.
Please do not be angry with me.
You think Im angry? I snap, then soften. I have to make him see. Alexei, Im terrified.
Im sorry, he says.
For leaving me?
For scaring me?
For hurting me?
I cant tell and he doesnt say. So I hold out the bottle of water Dominic gave me.
Im not thirsty anymore, I tell him. Do you want this?
Its just a bottle of water, but in the diplomatic world its never just that. It is an olive branch. A
peace offering.
Alexei takes it with a smile.
Thank you, he says, taking a sip.
Dont let it go to waste, you know. It might be your last taste of freedom.
Alexeis eyes look like he wants to keep smiling as he drinks faster, deeper. But then, even
though hes standing still, he stumbles.
His hand goes limp. The bottle tumbles to the street and starts to roll down the long, sloping hill.
But I dont care about that. I put my arms around his waist and hold him tightly.
Grace, I dont feel
I know exactly how he feels, but I dont say so. I just grip his waist tighter with my left hand
while, with my right, I slip the nearly empty vial of medicine into my pocket.
Alexeis gait is uneven as I lead him past the Iranian fence. His legs wobble. But thankfully we
are out of view of the street by the time he passes out completely and falls, sprawling into the weeds.
I look down at the sleeping boy who, for once, looks helpless. Innocent.
Its for your own good, I assure him.
Alexei doesnt say a thing.
Im almost to Brazil before Noah and Megan see me. He looks worried something bad has happened.
He has no idea.
I got your text. Whats going
Come with me, I say, and sprint toward the city gates.
I can hear Noah and Megan behind me, but I dont stop or look back.
Grace, slow down! Noah yells, but I am running down the beach like there is no looking back.
And there isnt. Not for me. Not anymore. I will not stop to consider what Ive done, that it might be a
mistake. I did what I had to do. And if I cant make Noah and Megan see that
I have to make Noah and Megan see that.
My side no longer hurts. Its the adrenaline, I know. I have to keep moving, keep fighting. I have
to keep us safe and make them see.
When we reach the cliffs that mark the north end of the beach, its like weve reached a dead end.
Then they see it.
No. Noah pulls back and shakes his head. He has no intention of following me through the
small, arching doorway that was once a hidden passage through the great wall of Adria. Forty years
ago, it was the gateway that allowed the Iranian embassy private access to the beach. Its rusty and
overgrown now, but it still works, I know, and I push through it, desperately needing my friends to
Grace, I thought we talked about this! Noah calls after me. I thought we said that maybe Iran
wasnt the best place for us to you know hang out. He glances nervously around, but this
stretch of beach is deserted. There is no one here to see. Especially those of us who are, you know,
half Israeli.
And American, Megan adds. Americans should really keep out as well.
Guys. I look at them and then do something truly desperate. I say, Please.
Grace, wait, Megan calls to me, but Im already through the gate and running across the
stretch of sand that lies between the wall and a wooden fence that has been beaten down by more than
two decades of salty air and neglect.
Grace! Megans voice isnt fading, and I know shes right behind me, running through the
weeds that are so thick and high that when I see him, I have to freeze, slamming to a stop.
I feel Megan collide with me, then Noah. For a second, no one speaks. We just stand quietly,
staring at the boy asleep on the ground.
His hands are bound with shoestrings, his feet with his own belt. He lies on his side, lifeless and
Alexei! Megan rushes to his side and shakes him. Her hands push back his hair, looking for
some kind of wound.
But Noah doesnt panic. He just looks at me.
Hes okay, Megan, I say. Hes just sleeping.
In the weeds in the backyard of the Iranian embassy? Noah sounds like he wants to shout but is
afraid to.
Hes drugged, I say.
How did he Megan starts, then realizes she already knows the answer. No. No. No, Grace.
Tell me you didnt drug the son of the Russian ambassador and restrain him on Iranian soil. Please
tell me you didnt do that.
I had to! I tell her.
Oh, she had to, Noah says, cutting his eyes at Megan and then at me. Tell us, Grace, exactly
why you had to drug Alexei.
He was going to give up his diplomatic immunity. He was going to turn himself in.
I stand, waiting, watching. And that is when I see the look that passes between Megan and Noah
like a secret.
What? I ask, but they stay silent. What is it?
Noah eases toward me. Alexeis dad just finished the press conference. Its done. Theyre
expecting Alexei to come in for questioning Noah glances down at his watch now. Right now,
in fact.
Megan shifts her gaze onto me. If Alexei doesnt show up
He cant show up, I tell them.
He has to! Megan says. Without diplomatic immunity, not showing up will mean violating all
kinds of Adrian laws. He has to turn himself in. Its too late.
No, I say. Im not shouting. My voice is even and low. He didnt do it, and he is not going to
turn himself in. Now come on. I reach down and grab Alexeis arm. Help me get him inside. I would
have done it myself, but hes heavier than he looks.
I pull and tug, but Alexei barely moves across the overgrown grass. Neither Noah nor Megan
moves to help me.
We have to get him inside, I say again. We have to hide him. If we hide him then hell be okay.
We can
Noahs hand is on my arm. Calm radiates through his skin and into mine. Its enough to make me
want to cry, so I pull harder.
Grace, he says.
Help me get him inside!
Grace, he says again. Whats wrong?
But a better question is: Whats right?
My mother is dead and so is Spence. Theyre both dead, and its too late to save them.
But its not too late to save Alexei.
Alexei is innocent, I say, my voice so soft its almost a whisper.
So? Noah prompts, and I look into his big brown eyes that have always felt as comforting as
chocolate. I want to make him see. But I dont want to make him change.
So sometimes innocent people get hurt.
Megan and Noah see them then, the ghosts that follow me. They hear the things that I cant say.
Grace, Megan says, easing closer, Alexei cant stay here.
Of course he cant. But hes harder to move than I thought he would be.
No. Noahs voice is so soft its like hes speaking to a child. I think what Megan was trying to
say is that Alexei has to turn himself in.
No. Hes got to go back to Moscow. Hell be okay there. I think. At least, I hope so. They
probably cant get to him in Moscow.
Neither Megan nor Noah asks who they are. They dont mention my cracking voice or my
shaking hands.
I know I sound like a crazy person, I tell them. I know it. But you have to believe me. If he
Gracie. The voice is too far away. I only realize who is speaking when Megan drops to her
knees and helps Alexei sit upright.
What happened? he asks.
Noah gives me a skeptical look before telling Alexei, You took a little nap, my friend.
While Noah works on the belt that binds Alexeis feet, Megan pulls a pocketknife from
somewhere and cuts through the shoestrings around his wrists.
Alexei, dont yell, I tell him. Just listen. You have to listen to me. Please. You have to go back
to Moscow.
No! It hurts for him to shout, I can tell, but he does it anyway. And when he stands, hes a little
unsteady, but that doesnt stop him. No. I will not run. I will do the honorable thing for my country
and for yours. I must do this! Then something seems to dawn on Alexei. What time is it? he asks.
Noah gives a somber nod. Its time.
Alexei mumbles something in Russian then starts through the lawn, around the corner of the
embassy and toward the street. Im no longer worried that someone might see us at the top of the hill.
Im too afraid of what lies at the bottom.
Alexei, dont do this, I plead.
I must do this, he says.
No, you dont have to. Okay. So you dont want to go back to Moscow. Fine. Then stay here.
Lay low until we can figure out who really killed Spence. Just
Were on the street when Alexei turns. It is a matter of honor, Grace.
Honor is overrated.
I will cooperate with their investigation, and the truth will come out.
No! I grab his arm and stop him, lunge forward and block his way. It wont if they dont want
the truth to come out.
Who are they, Gracie? Tell me. Alexeis voice is soft, worried. But not about the situation.
About me. He thinks the world is too big and vast, too full of checks and balances for the truth to stay
hidden forever. He still thinks the good guys always win.
I I dont know. But dont go, Alexei. I dont know why, but I know it is a huge mistake.
Please, dont go.
Reporters are in position, overlooking the mob and the Russian embassy. The press conference
must have sent the cable news networks into a feeding frenzy. I can almost hear the talking heads now,
speculating on exactly when the Russian ambassador s son will appear and make the trip to police
headquarters, when the next chapter of the story will begin. They keep their cameras trained on
Russias gates.
Im late. Alexei glances down the street as a long black car with Russian flags flying near the
headlights pulls through the crowd and into the Russian courtyard. I should be on my way to the
police station by now.
He looks at Megan and Noah.
Itll be okay, Noah says. When he glances at me, I know hes not talking about the police.
Well take care of her.
Yeah. Megan stands on her tiptoes and kisses Alexei on the cheek.
Then he turns to me. Im sure that Im not crying. There has to be some other excuse for the way
my eyes go blurry and my throat begins to burn. And yet when Alexeis fingers come to my cheeks, I
notice that they smooth away moisture, but that cant be right. Im supposed to be all out of tears.
I am okay, Gracie, he tells me, my face still cradled in between his hands. Do you hear me?
Im okay. Im going to be okay. No one is trying to hurt me.
I want to believe him. I swear, I really do. Its not like I enjoy this terror that consumes me, this
never-ending pulse of fear that pounds in my veins and echoes in my mind so hard that even when I
cover my ears I hear it.
I dont want to be right.
But Im too terrified of what might happen if Alexei is wrong.
Down below, the car sits idling in the Russian courtyard, and the crowd waits with bated breath.
They are watching the front doors of the embassy, not the far end of the street. They havent seen us.
Alexei looks toward them, certain of where he must go and what he must do.
Were going to figure out who did it, I tell him. Were going to find Spences killer. Before
its too late.
What do you thinks going to happen to me, Gracie? Alexei says it with a grin. Its almost like
a dare.
But that must be too much irony for the universe to handle, because, just then, the big black car
explodes, fire and black smoke filling the sky.
T he room was probably beautiful once. But now when I pull off the white sheets that cover the
furniture, a cloud of dust billows up. Moldy drapes cover the windows, but Megan pulls them aside
just a crack and peers out onto Embassy Row. From the second story of Iran we can see the street. The
chaos. Thats why we arent in the basement. No, were here, watching the black smoke rise into the
sky, listening to the constant chorus of sirens, shrill and piercing, playing like an old-fashioned
phonograph turning in another room.
The protestors have been replaced by spectators who push against barricades. Police cars and
fire engines and every news crew in Adria fill the streets. The story has changed, and for a moment,
the crowd waits, reverent and still.
But soon soon theyre going to start looking for Alexei.
The world is right outside that dirty window, but we stay in this dusty, decaying shell of an
embassy, none of us certain what comes next.
We cant stay here. Noah cant stop pacing. Hes right, of course, but I dont say so. We know
the Scarred Man used to meet the prime minister here maybe other people come here, too. Its a
risk that we cant take, and Noah knows it.
Do you think wed be better off out there? Megan points to the street.
We can use the tunnels, Noah says.
And come out where? Megan asks. Where are we supposed to go? Where is Alexei supposed
to go?
I dont know, Noah snaps. But I know we cant stay here.
Youre right, I say. For a moment, I consider the Society and its massive underground
headquarters. Ms. Chancellor said that she didnt think Alexei was guilty, but she didnt offer to prove
that hes innocent either. I could ask her to hide him. I could ask the Society to help. But theyve
already become embroiled in one international conspiracy on my behalf. And if Im being honest
with myself, it scares me.
If Im being really honest, a part of me cant help but fear they might be in the midst of another.
Grace? Noah is at my elbow. Grace, what do you think?
Youre both right. Were probably stuck here until the sun goes down. Well find someplace
safe for tonight, but eventually weve got to get Alexei out of the country. Noah, can you get your
moms van?
Yes, but I wont.
You have to!
We cant just smuggle a hot Russian across the border, Noah snaps, then realizes what hes
said. I mean, a fugitive Russian. Not a hot Russian. Not that Alexei isnt extremely attractive. You are,
its just that
We get it. Megan places a hand on his arm and stops him, saving Noah from himself.
Through it all, Alexei is silent. He hasnt spoken since the street. Maybe its the trauma. He
almost died. I know how that feels, and the sensation takes a while to get used to.
Megan and Noah are watching him, too. He doesnt rock, doesnt shake. Its more like hes still
seeing it, a nightmare on a loop inside his mind.
Hes so quiet that when he finally whispers, I knew him, Im not sure if Alexei even realizes
that he has spoken aloud.
Then he looks at me.
The man in the car. His name was Mikhail. He was my father s personal driver. I know him. I
mean I knew him. He taught me to ride a bicycle.
Im so sorry, Alexei, Megan says, patting his hand. Were all so, so sorry.
Spence is dead. And now Mikhail. People are dying! I want to scream as I look out the window at
the chaos that still fills Embassy Row. Im three years and thousands of miles away from my mother,
but it feels like I will never outrun the smoke.
Grace! I hear a voice echoing up from the basement. Grace, are you in
Second floor! I call, but Rosie is already racing up the stairs. She has a large bag in her hands
and the look on her face is sheer terror.
Grace, I got your text. Where is he? Is he But then Rosie sees Alexei, sitting on Irans old
couch, all color drained from his face but very much alive. She hurls herself across the room and into
his arms. Alexei rests his cheek on the top of Rosies head as she comes down to rest, cradled in his
I was so worried, she croaks out.
I am okay, Rosemarie. All is well.
All is not well, but now might not be the time to say so.
Did you get it? I ask Rosie, who hands me the bag.
Of course. Its a madhouse out there. The embassies are all closed off and the street is blocked
and there are television cameras everywhere. But it was easy, Rosie says, then shrugs. No one paid
any attention to me.
I open the bag and look down at some mens clothes and bottles of water, a few protein bars.
And, finally, four shiny cell phones. I pull one out and eye it.
The embassy keeps those for staff and visiting dignitaries, Rosie says. No one has used them
in months. They wont be missed.
Perfect. If Alexei is going to go on the run, hell need to be on his own. Or at least it needs to
look that way. No one has a reason to be watching Germany.
Rosie, I love you, I say.
Rosie shrugs. Most people do.
She snuggles closer to Alexei, and he squeezes her tight.
Dont worry, I tell him. Were going to keep you safe until we can find a way to get you out
of Adria.
Im not leaving the country. His voice is strong now, sure.
Youre not safe here, I tell him.
I will not run away like a coward.
If you stay here, whoever blew up the car is going to find you. And they are going to kill you.
And maybe not just you. Dont tell me you still want to turn yourself in?
This, at least, hits home. I can almost see the gears in Alexeis head start spinning.
I must return to the embassy. Ill be safe there, and in the meantime
Alexei! Stop!
Finally, its Megan who is screaming and not me. Im so relieved to be the quiet, sensible one, if
only for a moment.
It was a Russian car, housed and maintained in a Russian garage. And it exploded. Megan eyes
him as if waiting to see him catch on. Someone got to it from inside the Russian embassy. Which
You cant go home, Noah finishes, then places a hand on Alexeis shoulder.
The honorable part of Alexei is struggling with the idea, but the sensible part of him knows
better. What if Mikhail isnt the only person who gets hurt?
I know a place, Rosie says at the exact moment Megan blurts, Well hide him!
Where? Noah asks Megan.
I know a place, Rosie says again.
Is there another embassy that would take him? I ask. I know the US wont do it, but what about
A piercing whistle fills the room. Slowly, we all turn to look at Rosie.
As I was saying, she starts slowly, I happen to know a place. Its just that she looks
skeptically at Alexei it may be a little rough.
For the first time since black smoke and fire filled the street, Alexei grins. I can handle rough.
Dont worry. You arent in this alone, I say, but my words are hollow. I mean them. I swear, I
really do. But I have been the one in danger the one at the center of a secret. And no matter how
many people surround you, that is still the loneliest place on earth.
Do you have everything you need? I ask for what has to be the twentieth time. At least. And for the
twentieth time, Alexei looks at me.
I will be fine, Gracie. Thank you.
I look around at the hodgepodge of things that lie scattered on the dirt floor.
Rosies place is high in the hills that rim the north edge of the city. I dont know how she found
it or how long shes known about it, but I am sure that no one is going to stumble across Alexei here
anytime soon. The entrance is narrow, barely wide enough to slip through. And the stone ceiling
overhead has cracks that show the stars, enough air circulation that it is safe to build a fire.
Its as good a place as any to hide, but Im not a hider. Im a runner and a fighter. It goes against
my every instinct to sit on the ground in this cold, dark place, waiting for things to get better, but that
is exactly what Alexei has to do.
Noahs dad likes to go camping, I say, desperate to fill the silence. He managed to smuggle
out a stove and a sleeping bag, and we have some water and protein bars in that bag. Youre supposed
to be able to make coffee with one of those contraptions, but the instructions are in Portuguese, so
Grace. Alexeis hands are on my arms. His skin is warm against mine. I was starting to worry I
might never feel warm again.
Were going to take turns bringing you food and stuff, so dont worry. Someone will be here
tomorrow with
Grace, Im fine. Alexeis voice is steady, but my hands shake.
If there is anything in particular youd like, just let me know. Youve got Rosies phone and all
of our numbers, but we probably shouldnt use them except for emergencies because
Grace, Alexei says again, pulling me closer. I am trying to be strong, for him and for me. But
the trying is too much sometimes too hard and I feel myself fall against him.
Im not fighting anymore.
When I saw that car explode
Alexei smooths my hair. He rests his cheek against the top of my head and holds me tighter.
I know, he says.
I smelled smoke, I somehow mutter. I hate the smell of smoke. My mom There was a fire.
And ever since then
Im shaking now, even as Alexei holds me tighter. The wound in my side hurts and I wince but I
dont want to pull away.
Its okay, he says even though hes the one who almost died, even though I should be
comforting him.
Im sorry, I say, because its what I always say. To Jamie and my grandpa and the world. Im
always sorry. Because the world broke a long time ago, and it was my fault. This is my fault, too. I
just know it. And I have no idea how to fix it. Im sorry, Alexei.
But, somehow, he laughs.
I have never been drugged before. It was a new experience for me. And considering it saved my
Not for that. I pull away and wipe my nose on my sleeve. For my country. For how quick we
were to hate you. Im so sorry were so out for vengeance.
Alexei is silent for too long. Even in his arms, I can feel his stare. Are you not out for
vengeance, Gracie?
I push away from him and put my hand on my side, hurting. Not from you.
I dont talk about the Scarred Man or the Society, the prime minister or whatever villain is still
out there, unknown and unnamed.
Vengeance is like gravity for me. Always present, pulling me in a direction that I can no longer
feel. It is simply the fact of my life, of who I am. Someday, though, Im going to break free. And when
that happens, I may very well just float away.
Alexei leans down and turns on one of Noahs father s lanterns. Its yellow glow fills the cave.
Shadows dance across the walls. Overhead, a small sliver of rapidly darkening sky is the only thing
that reminds me that there is a world out there, beyond the safety of this stone cocoon.
Its getting late, he says. You should go home. It would not do for your grandfather and Jamie
to worry.
What about you?
What about me?
I mean, should someone tell your dad that youre okay? The dad who wanted to throw Alexei
to the wolves just this morning.
Everyone at the embassy will know I wasnt in the car. They will feel nothing but relief.
Hes right, of course, but still I do not move.
Theyre going to think But I trail off. The truth is I have no idea what anyone is going to
Yes? I sway closer.
Im going to be okay, he tells me, and I try to believe it.
Of course you will, I say.
And, Grace Alexei brushes a piece of hair out of my face, tucks it behind my ear. Youll be
okay, too.
But as I slip through the narrow opening in the cave and out into the coming night, I cant help
but believe that Alexei is no longer perfect that, for once, Alexei is most certainly wrong.
A man and woman are waiting in the upstairs sitting room when Ms. Chancellor summons me the
next morning. Most of the time, we call it the family room, but these people are not family.
Grace, these police officers would like to ask you some questions, Ms. Chancellor says as
soon as I walk in the room.
Prime Minister Petrovic already asked me some questions, I think but dont say. Things have
changed, after all. Outside, the street still smells like smoke, and even though the crowds have grown,
theyre oddly silent. Reverent. But sides are forming. I can tell.
Embassy Row is filled with fire trucks and police cars that stand with swirling lights, and every
news channel in the world is broadcasting live, all of them busy speculating on what happened.
None of them know the truth.
Some people think Russia blew up its own car to curry sympathy or let Alexei get away. Others
believe it was an act of retaliation by the US an answering strike that might lead to an all-out war.
Some blame terrorists or extremists who want to see the US and Russia come to blows. And some are
conspiracy theorists who rant and ramble and just sound crazy.
Im one of the latter.
I dont bother saying hello. I just eye the two cops and ask, Do you know who blew up the car?
What I dont add is that Im almost afraid of the answer.
This isnt about a dead cadet anymore.
This isnt even about an international embarrassment or situation.
There is no longer any question of whether or not Spences death was an accident.
Someone killed him. And now someone has tried to kill Alexei someone did kill the Russian
driver and, finally, the authorities have noticed. Finally, the authorities might care.
So? I ask again. Do you know who planted the bomb?
The look that passes between the two strangers is equal parts guilt and confusion.
We actually have several questions for you, Grace. The man in the suit speaks to me in
English. Would you prefer we discuss this in Adrian? I was told you are fluent.
I am. I try to nod and smile.
But perhaps this is a good opportunity for me to practice my English, he says with a slight
British accent. I attended Eton.
And now youre a cop?
A detective, yes. He glances at one of the uncomfortable chairs in the formal living room.
Wont you sit down? Ms. Chancellor asks.
Her voice is so even, so kind and cool. She doesnt look like a woman who, just a week ago,
shot and seriously wounded the prime minister of Adria. No, she looks like a woman who really
wants to get back to her filing.
But Ms. Chancellor isnt going to leave me. The police probably arent supposed to question a
minor without a parent or guardian present. I guess on Embassy Row its a parent, guardian, or the
guardians chief of staff.
Theres a female officer, too. She must speak English, but so far she hasnt said a thing. She just
sits there, scowling. Theres not a doubt in my mind that she will remember every word.
Cautiously, I sit down next to Ms. Chancellor. My side aches, but Im glad the back of my chair is
so straight, the seat so hard. I have a feeling it would be a great mistake to get too comfortable around
these people.
I am very sorry about what happened to your friend, the man tells me.
Thanks. But they said on the news that he wasnt in the car, so hes probably okay. I think about
Alexei, all alone in that cave in the hills. I hope hes okay.
No. The officer shakes his head, smiles. I was talking about John Spencer.
And then it hits me: They arent here about the bomb. Or not directly. This isnt about the attack
on the boy next door.
John Spencer wasnt my friend, I say too quickly. I mean, he was my brother s friend. I barely
knew him. You should talk to Jamie.
Wed love to. Where is he? the man asks.
I dont want to tell him I dont know, that Jamies room is right next door to mine, but in so
many ways its like hes still on the other side of the world.
Maybe well just talk to you first, okay? the man says, and leans back. He keeps smiling at me,
though, a look that is supposed to put me at ease. He doesnt know that I have been questioned by
police officers before. Lots of times. I dont need him to tell me to relax.
So, Grace, Officer Smiley says after a moment. Where is Alexei Volkov?
I thought you were here to find out who killed John Spencer?
That investigation is ongoing. Were here because of the manhunt.
From the moment I gave Alexei that drugged bottle of water I knew this was coming. I knew I
was making him a fugitive, an outlaw. Suddenly, the Mediterranean coast feels more like the Wild
West, and Alexei is supposed to be some villain on the run. Its absurd.
Manhunt? My voice is shaking again, but this time for an entirely different reason. Manhunt!
Fury consumes me. Im aflame with righteous indignation. Two people are dead. One more person
should be dead except sheer dumb luck meant he wasnt in the car at the time.
Now, Grace Smiley starts, but I dont care what he has to say. I know they arent here
because theyre worried someone tried to kill Alexei worried that next time theyll succeed. They
arent even worried about who killed Spence. No, theyre here because Alexei is in the wind and
Adria is embarrassed. And the crowds the crowds arent going to go away.
Do you know who tried to kill Alexei? I ask. Who killed his driver? Do you even care?
Grace. Ms. Chancellor places her hand on my sleeve, pulls me back.
The car had a mechanical malfunction. Officer Smileys face is so straight, his expression so
earnest, that its almost like he believes this ridiculous theory.
Oh, I say. Is that what theyre calling bombs these days?
Grace, Ms. Chancellor warns, but I shake her off.
It was on a timer, wasnt it? The bomb? I wait, but of course they dont answer. That doesnt
stop me from seeing the truth in their eyes. He wasnt supposed to be late. Alexei is never late. If I
hadnt drugged him had to guess, Id say whoever set the bomb knew that.
The Russian delegation is handling this situation internally. It was an official embassy car on
official Russian territory. We havent examined the wreckage, havent removed any bodies. We know
only what they tell us. And they tell us mechanical malfunction.
I can tell by the way he says it that Officer Smiley doesnt think there was a driver, a body. Now
at least I know the Adrian police are buying into one conspiracy theory. They just have the wrong one.
Someone killed Spence. And then someone tried to kill Alexei right before Alexei was able to
talk. You cant possibly think thats a coincidence.
So youre saying that you think there is some vast international conspiracy at play here? Some
Its all I can do not to turn and stare at Ms. Chancellor. It wouldnt be the first time.
Smiley leans a little closer, places his elbows on his knees, like were confidants. Like were
friends. Now, come, Grace. We know you have an active imagination.
Times like this I want to yell, I want to scream. I want to tell the world that I was wrong about the
Scarred Man, but I was right, too. I was just a different kind of
The officers stare at me, not blinking. I go on. Thats what you meant to say, isnt it? That I was
institutionalized? That I have a history of psychotic breaks? Its okay if it is. I really am
I turn at the sound of Jamies voice. Hes standing in the doorway, hurt and confused. He looks
like maybe Ive betrayed him. Im talking about his little sister, after all. It would be easier if Id just
act like everyone else. Pretend.
Whats going on here? my brother asks Ms. Chancellor as both cops rise to their feet.
James Blakely? the woman asks.
What do you want with my sister?
Smiley extends a hand, but Jamie lets it hang, empty in the air.
Well, the officer says, pulling back. Good to meet you. We were hoping to have a moment of
your time as well. We have a few questions about
Gracie, come on. Were leaving. Jamie jerks his head toward the door.
Mr. Blakely, please come in. Have a seat. That Officer Smiley doesnt have the right to offer
anyone a seat in the US embassy is something that no one mentions.
Jamie stays at the door, his own form of rebellion.
Whats going on here? he asks.
These officers had some questions for Grace, Ms. Chancellor tells him.
Please, join us, Mr. Blakely. We have some questions for you, too.
Jamie doesnt budge until Ms. Chancellor says, James. Please.
Grudgingly, Jamie comes around and takes a seat beside me. It feels like I have a guard, a
protector. Its something I havent felt in ages, but I dont let myself think about how much Ive missed
Do you have any idea why Mr. Volkov wasnt in the car yesterday? Smiley asks me.
No. But I know John Spencer is dead and the boy who was getting ready to start talking about
that night is supposed to be dead. So please tell me you people dont still think this is just about some
kids trying to blow off steam at some party.
He doesnt speak, so I cross my arms, defiant. Fine. You dont have to tell me the truth. But
please dont treat me like Im stupid.
Lets talk about that night. Tell us about the party, Smiley says.
It was nothing special. My friends went. So I went. It was just your typical, run-of-the-mill high
school party.
Smiley slides his gaze onto my brother. But you and Mr. Spencer are no longer in school, are
you, Mr. Blakely? So why did you go?
We felt like it, Jamie says, and Smiley turns back to me.
And you talked to Mr. Spencer there?
I nod. Sure.
What did you talk about?
Nothing really, I say, honestly not evading the question. It just seems so irrelevant. So far in
the past.
I will not tell this man that Spence kissed me. I will not tell him how that made me feel or what
happened next.
Where did you talk to him?
At the party. Im so exasperated I do everything shy of roll my eyes.
I mean where, exactly, at the party? What parts of the island did he make it to?
Oh. I think a bit. The beach, of course. Everyone nods. After all, theyve already seen the
video. And we might have wandered just a little bit.
Wandered where? the cop says.
Inland. Theres kind of a clearing. We saw some old ruins and looked at them for a little while.
Have you heard enough? Ms. Chancellor asks, shifting, reminding everyone that she is still my
grandfather s pit bull. A pit bull in high heels.
Almost. Mr. Spencer and Mr. Volkov got into a fight that night, did they not? This time he
looks at me.
Boys are idiots, I say.
Why dont you tell us about the fight? Officer Smiley leans back and crosses his legs, like
were just chatting, like at any moment Ms. Chancellor is going to ring for tea.
I thought you were here because of the manhunt, I tell him, but Smiley just raises an eyebrow.
Its almost like a dare. It was a fight, okay? A bunch of hitting and grunting and showing off in front
of girls in bikini tops. It was exactly what that fight always is. I know youve seen the video.
Yes. We have. But perhaps you can tell us what Mr. Spencer and Mr. Volkov were fighting
The officer eyes me. Were playing a game, I realize. Him asking questions to which we both
already know the answer. But I dont like games, so I dont say another word.
You dont have to talk to them, Gracie, Jamie says.
Smiley ignores him. Were they fighting over you, Ms. Blakely?
Beside me, I feel Jamie tense, but I have to laugh at the thought of it. Its so absurd.
They were fighting because that is what alpha males do when they are thrown together in close
proximity. Herd dominance. Survival of the fittest. Alexei had been gone. Spence was new. So they
were the designated fight of the night. Go to any high school party in the world, and chances are
youll find one.
But one of the fighters doesnt always end up dead.
Smiley has a point, but I dont say so.
Did you give Mr. Spencer a ride off the island?
Its the woman, Officer Scowl, who asks this. Im taken aback for a moment. Id half forgotten
she was here.
No, Jamie says. My sister and I left early. We didnt see Spence again.
Until the next morning.
Until he was already dead.
Did you see Mr. Volkov? Scowl asks.
Not until the next day, Jamie says. He came to tell me He and Grace were there when the
body washed ashore.
Have you seen him since then? Smiley asks. Jamie shakes his head, so Smiley turns to me.
And when did you last see him?
Yesterday morning, I say. Not long before someone tried to kill him.
Do you know where he might have gone? Smiley asks.
Do you know anyone he might go to for help?
Sure. Anyone who doesnt want him to be killed.
Im being ridiculous, the grown-ups think. A kid. An innocent. A crazy girl with fantasies about
conspiracies and wrongly accused boys with pale blue eyes and soft black hair. I am what happens
when people just refuse to listen to reason, I can see it in Officer Smileys eyes. And I really cant
blame him. Sometimes the lies are so much less work to believe.
Mr. Spencer died on the island, Ms. Blakely. Smiley isnt calling me Grace anymore, I notice.
Now that weve spoken to the two of you, we have officially interviewed every person who was there
that night, except for Mr. Volkov, of course. Its been a diplomatic nightmare, but we have done it. And
what weve learned is that Mr. Spencer didnt get a ride off the island with anyone. No one saw him on
any boat. The current is strong that time of night too strong for even a young, fit man to swim that
distance. So listen to me carefully. Your friend John Spencer died on that island. And on that island
there was only one person who might have wanted to hurt him.
When the pair of officers stand, Officer Smiley closes his notebook and gives me a grin.
Dont worry. We have officers posted at the airport and all the private airstrips. All trains in and
out of the country are being searched, and his picture is posted at every port. If hes still here, Alexei
Volkov isnt getting out of Adria. Then the man cuts his eyes around at the embassy the fortress
I live inside. And I highly doubt he can hurt you here.
You think Alexei would hurt me? I actually laugh. That would be like being afraid of my own
Smiley cocks an eyebrow and glances from me to Jamie, then back again. But Alexei Volkov is
not your brother, is he? the man asks, and I sit for a moment, thinking hard about the answer.
Theyre almost to the door Im almost free of them when the woman stops and pulls
something from her pocket.
One more thing. We were wondering if any of you recognize this? Shes holding a plastic bag,
but its whats inside that draws my attention. A piece of leather is looped through what looks like
some kind of medallion. Its the size of a quarter but the color of a penny. For a minute I think it must
be some kind of European coin. But then I stand and move closer, and its easy to recognize the
symbol that I have been seeing around Valancia for weeks, leading me down beneath the city and into
the Societys web.
It takes everything within me not to turn to Ms. Chancellor, not to gape. But its Jamie who
breaks the silence. Thats Spences.
What an unusual piece, Ms. Chancellor says, her voice so calm and casual.
Yes, the officer says. We found this in Mr. Spencer s pocket.
In his pocket? Jamie asks. Not around his neck?
You sound surprised. Smiley studies my brother.
Spence always wore that. Always. He said his grandmother gave it to him told him to come
to Adria someday and it would lead him to
Go on, Smiley says.
When my brother exhales, its like the worlds smallest, saddest laugh. Treasure.
Theres a twinkle in Officer Smileys eye. Did he find it?
No one says the obvious: that John Spencer found something far, far worse.
I can feel my brother s gaze on me long after Ms. Chancellor escorts the cops from the room.
Hes okay, Gracie, Jamie says. Hes probably back in Moscow by now was probably
halfway there by the time the car exploded.
He was going to renounce his diplomatic immunity.
Thats what the Russians said, but its not true.
Of course its true!
Grandpa says the Russians did it themselves. Probably to buy time or change the headlines. Or
both. The windows were tinted and no one saw a driver get into the car. It could have been driven by
remote. Easy. The army can fly a drone from the other side of the world. Trust me.
I cant tell if Jamie believes it or if he only wants to. Which version of the truth might scare him
more that someone killed one of his friends and tried to kill another? Or that our grandfather has
been right for all these years, and we never should have made friends with the boy next door?
Either way, Jamie says, by the time that car blew up, Alexei was long gone.
No. He wasnt.
Something in my face must tell him that Im serious. That Im right.
How do you know that?
Because I really did see him. Earlier yesterday. He came to tell me what his father had agreed to
do. He was going to go to the police station. He was going to be in that car.
I can actually see this wash over Jamie. One of his friends is dead, and one should be. But
Jamies anger is a lifeboat. Hes not letting go just yet.
He was lying.
No, Jamie. My voice is soft, gentle. He wasnt.
You heard the cops. No one else on that island had reason to hurt him.
Maybe they didnt talk to everyone on the island. Maybe theres more here than meets the eye.
Maybe This is Adria, Jamie. Theres always more under the surface.
I love my brother. And Ive missed him. And I need him. I should stop and tell him all of that, but
the officer s words are still ringing in my ears. The sight of Spences pendant is still burned into my
brain. Questions are swirling inside of me, about to come screaming out, and if I dont ask them soon
I may explode, so I start for the door.
Gracie, do you
Like you said I turn and give him a knowing look hes okay.
Then I practically run down the hall and to the center staircase. Im going to search the embassy,
the tunnels, the entire continent for Ms. Chancellor if I have to. I dont care how loud I have to scream
or how far I have to run, Im going to get answers this time if it kills me.
Then I stop. I let myself wonder if thats what killed Spence.
Shes standing at the bottom of the stairs as if shes been waiting for me. Of course she has, I
realize. She knew I was going to give chase, cause trouble. Ms. Chancellor is no fool.
Im almost to the bottom of the stairs when she looks me straight in the eye and says the only two
words that might make me hold my tongue.
Not here.
When she walks through the embassys doors, I follow.
Spence had seen the symbol before. Of course he had. I should have realized it that night at the ruins.
I should have recognized his lies when I heard them. They sounded so much like my own.
He was looking for something.
The only question now is whether or not he found it.
As soon as we step out the embassys doors, I smell smoke and feel tension. Two marines are
stationed at the gate. Next door, Russia has a half dozen armed men guarding their high walls. Maybe
more. Adrian police patrol the barricades that hold back the crowds, but I can feel a thousand eyes
upon me; I can almost hear the people wondering who I am and why Im allowed inside the fences.
But Ms. Chancellor doesnt falter, doesnt care. Shes walking quickly in her high heels, past the end
of the barricades, pushing through the crowds.
When we reach Israel we turn and start up the steep incline toward the city center. I expect her to
turn into the narrow alley that leads to one of the entrances to the tunnels, but Ms. Chancellor keeps
walking, higher and higher, faster and faster.
Her heels dont get stuck in the cobblestones. Her breath doesnt come even a little bit hard.
Shes practically floating up the hill, and I follow right behind, but I refuse to ask any questions that I
dont think Ms. Chancellor will answer, so I dont say anything at all.
When we reach the palace, Ms. Chancellor walks up to the gates. I half expect them to swing
open, to welcome both of us inside. But the gate stays closed, and Ms. Chancellor stays silent.
Until, finally, the silence is too much.
Tell me, I say.
Ms. Chancellor draws her hands together. Its almost like a prayer.
Youre probably wondering why were here and not down in the tunnels, arent you, Grace? I
nod. The truth is, the answer to your questions are here. The stories Spence heard from his
grandmother, they all started here. Because of this.
Her voice is distant, like shes remembering a dream, but I dont understand.
Because of what?
The festival, she tells me. No. Thats not true. The war. The rebellion.
Slowly, Ms. Chancellor turns and stares through the wrought-iron bars of the fence. Guards in
ornate uniforms with bright gold buttons stand, unblinking, at the gates. The sun shines and a light
wind blows. Tourists snap pictures all around us. But in the center of the square the bonfire still burns.
A hint of smoke taints the air. I think Im going to be sick.
You know the story, Grace. Everyone knows the story. There was a drought and a coup and a
massacre. For eight hundred years the Society had been here, watching history, guiding fate. But two
hundred years ago we didnt see the rebellion coming. And we should have. Truly. We should have
known. Trouble such as that does not happen overnight, doesnt come out of the blue. The drought
was severe and the people were restless, and we should have understood that a mob was forming.
I think about the crowds that are filling Embassy Row, blocked by barricades and still pushing
toward the scene. Two hundred years have passed, but I cant help but see the truth.
A mob is always forming.
Ms. Chancellor places her hands in her pockets. She doesnt face me as she says, But by the time
word left the palace it was too late. Some of our sisters reached these gates only to find them open and
the royal family
Ms. Chancellor raises her hand to point, as if looking back in time.
They were already hanging the bodies, Grace. From those windows. There. In the center of the
palace, see? The king and queen and the children, too. They were in their nightclothes, or so the story
says. Snow-white muslin practically glows in moonlight except except when it is stained with
Ms. Chancellor s hand was steady as she shot the prime minister, but her voice trembles as she
tells this story. It happened centuries ago and yet it feels like her mistake, her failure, her burden, I can
We were too late to save the family, and the palace was in chaos. But the Society knew the
building well, so as quickly and carefully as possible we went inside and gathered all the artifacts and
relics that we could. Looters were everywhere, and more were filing in by the minute, so we collected
the things that mattered most. That night the Society did what we always do we guarded Adrias
She turns back to the windows where, two hundred years ago, the royal bodies hung. I only
wish we had done a better job of guarding Adria itself.
Ms. Chancellor shakes her head, as if trying to wake up from a dream.
Three of our elders took responsibility for guarding the things we salvaged. Some say they
were taken from the country for safekeeping. Some say they were tucked away in the hills or in the
tunnels or catacombs beneath the city. Personally, I like to think they were hidden in plain sight. But
whatever the case, the people who knew the location were killed during the War of the Fortnight, and
the truth died with them.
So the treasure its real?
Quite real. But also quite lost. And almost forgotten.
You think Spence was looking for it, dont you?
I think he probably heard stories about it from his grandmother, yes. For a thousand years
Adria has been whispering about us, as if we are angels. As if we are ghosts. I have no doubt his
grandmother delighted in telling her grandchildren the story. But, Grace, that story had nothing to do
with his death. Its just that. A story.
How can you say that?
Because two hundred years have passed, and now it is an old wives tale. A legend. Like most
legends, it was a little bit true once upon a time. But that time was centuries ago, and, besides, the
Society has never cared about gold or rubies those things were left to the looters and the
murderers and the people who came through the gates. The Society values information, not material
wealth. This so-called treasure is not for you, Grace. Its gone. And you should forget about it. You
should just move on.
How many times have I heard those words? A hundred? A million? I was supposed to forget
about my mother s murder and the Scarred Man and the fire. For three years, I was told to leave well
enough alone. To move on. I should learn from that, I know. But Alexei is in a cave in the hills, and
this time Im not fighting my own dragon. Ms. Chancellor, however, doesnt care.
You are not the first young girl to hear the word treasure and have her head fill with ideas. But
listen to me, and listen to me carefully, Grace. Dont think about that. Dont let it consume you, too!
Ms. Chancellor seems to realize that shes yelling because she almost recoils with the words.
Then she turns away from the palace and the bonfire and the tourists. She starts back toward Embassy
Row as if nothing has happened at all. We walk together in silence, hearts beating, feet pounding.
Why? After a few minutes, its all I can think to say. If it wasnt because of the treasure, then
why was Spence killed? Why go to such extreme lengths to cover it up? What arent you telling me?
She stops. For a second, Im not quite sure shes heard me, so still does she stand upon this hill.
From here you can see the embassies and the wall and the deep blue waters of the sea. But thats not
where Ms. Chancellor is looking.
The crowd blocks the street below us, filling Embassy Row. When someone throws a bottle it
crashes to the cobblestones in front of Russia, shattering, splintering, and I know this isnt a crowd.
Its not even a mob. Its a powder keg, and Alexei is a spark.
Look at it, Grace. Look at whats happening.
I think about the words she said just a few days before how history always repeats itself. And
how its almost always written by men. The truth about what happened two hundred years ago lives in
an ancient room beneath this city. And the woman in front of me is one of the few people who know it.
Mobs are powerful things, she says, as if that answers my question. And I guess, in a way, it
You think this is what they wanted? You think this is why Spence was killed?
Ms. Chancellor shakes her head. For the first time since Ive known her, she seems genuinely
unsure. Honestly, Grace. I have no idea.
You have to help him, I say.
No, Grace, we do not.
Then why did you tell me all of this? The Society stood aside and let a mob make a mistake two
hundred years ago. Is your point that youre going to let it happen again?
Its my point that Alexei should leave the country, Ms. Chancellor says.
You mean run.
I mean he should get far away from Adria. Hes gone now. And he should stay gone. At least
for the time being. If you see him she eyes me knowingly you should tell him that.
So you agree? Someone is trying to kill him? Someone is going to kill him?
I know I dont want you to get hurt.
Its been almost two weeks since Ms. Chancellor shot a man to save me. She shot a man, I have to
remind myself. Then I want to laugh with the irony, because, in that respect, Ms. Chancellor is far
more dangerous than Alexei will ever be.
When I watch her walk away, I remember that I owe her my life. But do I owe her my obedience?
My blind devotion?
My trust?
I might not trust Eleanor Chancellor, I finally admit.
And I dont like it.
Theyre not going to help, are they?
When I spin, I see Lila standing with her arms crossed, defiant.
I guess my face shows my answer because Lila rolls her eyes. I knew it, she says then mutters a
word that is some kind of Portuguese insult. Its like shes daring fate to talk back.
Well, at least hes someplace safe, she says, then raises an eyebrow. I mean, you do have him
hidden somewhere safe, dont you? Lila doesnt really wait for an answer. Lila isnt the type to wait
for anything. You and my brother and Megan. Maybe that little German freak.
Insult Rosie one more time and you and I are going to have a problem, I say.
Lila raises her hands as if in truce. Fine. Dont tell me where he is. Just promise me hes okay.
Lila seems worried. No. Lila seems scared. But then I cant help myself. I think about what the
cops said, what I told Jamie. Spence was killed by someone on that island, but it wasnt Alexei, I know
it in my soul.
Lila was on the island. For the first time, I let myself wonder: What did she see? What does she
Does she know about the prime minister and what the Society has already covered up this
summer? Does she know that the Society is likely what got my mother killed? Does Lila know about
the treasure that may or may not be hidden in the hills or beneath our feet? Somehow, I dont think Ill
ever know.
Alexei was the first friend I made in Adria, Lila says then slowly turns to me. It was three
years ago, and our father had just been posted here. Mother had already come. It was during the
divorce, and Noah and I knew no one. We were citizens of two countries, but in so many ways we
were without a home. Then Alexei became our friend.
Ms. Chancellor says he should leave the country and I should stop sticking my nose where it
doesnt belong. If I were smart, Id probably do what they tell me for once, but
Youre new, Lila says. Its almost like an accusation.
Ive been coming to Valancia every summer since I was born, so Im not new.
Lila doesnt seem mad. She just shrugs and goes on. Youre new to us. To me and Noah. You
didnt know us. Before.
Before what?
Before our parents got divorced? Before they relocated to Adria? Before our world turned
upside down? Take your pick. You didnt know us before everything went to pieces and Noah learned
how to please everyone. Lila pierces me with a glare. I learned theres no use trying to please
So? I ask.
For the first time I can remember, Lila actually smiles at me.
So if the Society isnt going to help and the police think hes guilty, and his own father was
willing to throw him to the wolves what are we going to do about it?
We? I ask.
Alexei was my friend long before you came back and started stirring up trouble. So, yes, what
are we going to do?
A re you sure this is a good idea? Noah asks as he looks up and down the deserted stretch of beach.
Were too far from the city gates for tourists or even the locals to bother us. The sun is high and
theres no wind coming in off the sea. Its the hottest day of summer so far, and Im starting to sweat,
but even though we havent seen a soul in ages, I cant blame it entirely on the heat.
I mean, are you absolutely certain? Noah asks again.
Is he asking if Im sure I wasnt followed out of the tunnel that took me from inside the US to the
alley behind a mosque deep in the heart of the city? Is he wondering if this is the best use of our time
and limited resources? Or maybe Noah, like the rest of us, is just terrified that this is yet another in a
long history of Graces Very Bad Ideas.
Im not certain, so I look at Megan.
According to my sources, Megan says, which Im pretty sure is code for I hacked into the
police mainframe, but please dont tell my mom, the police are finished on the island. Theyve
combed every inch of it for clues, and no one is planning on going back.
Which is good because it means nobody is going to bother us.
Which is bad because it means that theres probably nothing out there to find.
But the police werent there that night. They never met Spence. They dont know Alexei. And as
long as theres a chance, no matter how slim, we have to take it.
Besides, Megan adds with a shrug, if the police do show up, well were not the first kids to
go out to that island. I think the whole world pretty much knows that by now.
I look at the island in the distance, floating and shimmering like a mirage. Spence died there.
Part of me never wants to set foot on those rocky shores again. Part of me knows I wont sleep until I
Should I go get the boat? Megan asks, but I shake my head.
We have another ride coming, I say.
Who? Rosie sounds concerned.
But theres already a boat on the horizon coming this way, and coming fast. A silky black
ponytail waves in the wind, and before the boat even slows down, Noah starts shaking his head. Hes
actually backing away.
Grace, you cant be serious. Noah stares at his sister, slack-jawed and a little afraid.
Lila is going to help us.
For a second, my friends stand silent.
Leave it to Rosie to say what everyone else is thinking. Are you sure we can trust her? I mean,
she was there. Maybe she killed Spence? I mean, could Lila kill someone? At least I think Lila could
kill someone.
We all turn to Noah, who seems offended we would have to ask. My sister? Oh, she could
absolutely kill someone. But then shed look you straight in the eye and tell you why she did it and
how much better off the world is for her bravery. Lila might be a killer, in other words, but shes no
Plus, she was there that night, and shes spent a lot of time on the island. I think about the
Society and Lilas mom and how shes been a part of this longer than I have. Some might say Im
keeping my enemies closer, but I just repeat, Lila is going to help us.
Noah stumbles a little. Im sorry. I cannot get used to hearing my sister s name and the word
help in the same sentence.
We all watch as Lila pulls the boat up to the pier and lets it coast into position. I know I should
say something, to defend Lila or maybe just my own good sense. But its no use because Lilas
already staring up at Noah.
I know that island better than any of you, she says. So Im coming.
Perhaps, Noah counters. But I know you better than any of them, so excuse me if Im a little
concerned about how much help you might actually be.
Noah Lila begins, but what follows is a stream of Portuguese so fast I could never hope to
Noah throws his hands in the air and shouts back in Hebrew.
Another Hebrew insult from Lila followed by Noahs favorite Portuguese swearword.
Lila huffs, offended. But she doesnt turn and stomp away.
The fight swirls, a cloud of language and flying hands, insults the same in every language.
Finally, Rosie looks at me. You want me to handle this? she asks.
Be my guest, I say.
What comes next is a sound like nothing I have ever heard before. Part whistle. Part yodel. It
pierces the air, a sound so fierce that Megan actually puts her hands over her ears. In the distance,
dogs begin to bark. And, on the pier, Noah and his twin finally stand silent.
Thank you, Rosie. I give her a smile then turn to the others. Now, as I was saying, Lila is
going to help us.
But Noah starts, and Lila cuts him off.
Im not here for you, she snaps. A smug smile crosses her face. Im here for him.
When the door to the boats small cabin swings open, it seems to happen in slow motion. Even
though were far from town and took every crazy and overly cautious detour to get here, Im terrified
when I see Alexei step out into the sun.
Dark stubble covers his jaw, and his hair is going in about a dozen different directions. But hes
here. And, most important, hes safe.
You made it, I say. I didnt realize how worried I was until I see him standing on the deck of
the boat, squinting against the glare of the sun as it bounces off the water.
Lila smiles at me. I told you no one would follow me. We didnt see a soul.
Noah smirks at his sister. Oh. Okay. This makes sense. My murder wouldnt get her out of bed
before ten.
Lila snaps back in Hebrew and soon the two of them start again. This time, I step between them.
Enough! Noah, leave your sister alone, I say in my best Ms. Chancellor voice. And, Lila, if
you dont want to go to the island, feel free to use your time otherwise. Im sure there is something
your little party-going minions didnt tell the authorities, for example. If you dont want to go with us,
then go question them. But Im not going to listen to the two of you argue all day. Do you
understand? I ask. They both stay quiet. Do you?
Yes, they answer in unison.
Okay, I say, turning for the pier. Lets go.
At this time of day its easy for the blue water of the Mediterranean to disappear into the blue of the
sky, and as we reach the island, I cant fight the feeling that Im returning to someplace Ive never
been. It looks so different, here in the light of day. There is no bonfire, no music. Instead of a beach
covered with partying teens, there are long scrapes in the sand where things have been dragged
ashore. The grass and bushes at the back of the beach have been trampled. Its like walking into a
ghost town, something once so full of life that now stands empty.
Spence died here.
And now I have to find out how.
What now? Rosie asks.
Spread out, I guess, I say. We need to find out where he was killed, if we can. Just look.
For something. Anything that doesnt belong. Anything that might prove something. Anything that
could indicate that there was someone out here that night besides Spence and Alexei.
And you, Noah says. Something in his gaze unsettles me.
And me, I say. Meet back here in two hours?
Everyone agrees, and slowly we start to spread out down the rocky beach. Lila and Megan start
toward the forest. The island feels bigger than it did in the dark, farther from land. Our phones wont
work here, and I know were all alone, miles from shore from civilization. Theres nothing but the
sound of the waves lapping on the beach, the wind in the trees. Its supposed to be paradise. But it feels
like something else entirely as I climb a huge stone outcropping and
Sharp pain shoots through me as I trip over a stone that protrudes from the hillside. What the
Uh guys? Noah calls. Hes already climbed the rocky ridge and is looking down on the
beach and the water and me. I think you need to see this!
Theres something in Noahs voice that frightens me, so I run up the embankment as quickly as I
can. Noah clutches my hand and helps pull me the rest of the way. The others have taken the long way
around, but soon I feel my friends gather at the edge of the ridge, all of us peering down at the same
eerie sight.
I didnt trip on a boulder or an outcropping of rock, I realize. I tripped on a
Face! Rosie says what everyone else is thinking. That big rock is a face!
I think its some kind of statue, Noah says, his voice flat, but theres no doubt that hes right.
I lean over the edge and peer down into the face that stares back at me from the ground. Years of
age and erosion have dulled the features. The nose is smaller than it probably once was, but the lips
are still closed, as if keeping a secret. And the eyes stare up at me like a giant whos been buried alive.
Like a god who was cut down in his prime.
Part of me had just assumed that the tale Ms. Chancellor told me was some kind of myth. Or
legend. Or fairy tale. But now I stare into eyes that are the size of washing machines, at a nose the size
of a tiny car. In its prime, the statue must have been massive, and now its easy to imagine a great
stone idol rising into the sky, looking out over the blue waters of the sea.
What do you think it is? Noah asks.
A statue used to guard the bay before the Crusaders came, Lila says. I never thought Id see it.
I thought it was all gone. But its here. She gestures toward the parts of the statue that we can now
identify strewn across the beach.
Is that a foot? Noah points to a huge stone. There are fingers, and long, massive pieces that are
probably broken arms and legs. The hill has tried to reclaim it, but from this vantage point we can
clearly see the statues base.
Why would someone tear it down? Rosie asks.
Lila shrugs. False idols and all that, I guess. But if you ask me, they didnt want someone else
sneaking up and stealing Adria from them after they went to so much trouble to steal it from the
Turks or the Mongols or whoever it was they stole it from in the first place.
Lila and I share a look. We could tell them about the knights and the angel that guided the Grace
through the storm. Weve both heard the same story, but its one that Im pretty sure we arent
supposed to tell.
No wonder people say this place is haunted, Rosie says. Then, undeterred, she turns, ready to
get back to business.
Slowly, we pair off. Megan and Lila start toward the rocky cliffs at the far side of the island.
Rosie and Noah comb the beach.
I guess that leaves us, Alexei tells me.
Together, we start toward the trees.
I know exactly where Im going. My feet move on their own. The sun burns above us, but its light is
fractured as it cuts through the trees, shifting, swirling. Im inside a kaleidoscope, I have to think as I
make my way toward the clearing.
I close my eyes and try to remember it as it was that night. There was music in the distance.
Shadows played across the forest floor. But in the light of day, I see the details that were invisible
then, especially as I stare up at the high structure that disappears inside a rocky hill.
Wow, Alexei says. Its bigger than I thought.
The stones of the structure itself are staggered, so it looks almost like a pyramid built into the
hillside, so utterly out of place among the trees and crawling vines, the thick bushes that almost
swallow one side of it whole. From the air, youd never even see it, and I know now how this place
has remained almost a total secret for so long.
As I creep closer I see flowers and smell honeysuckle see a piece of a hand coming out of the
ground, as if Neptune is trying to wrench a sword free from the flowers and the vines. It feels like Im
stealing into some ancient burial ground and if we disturb anything the giant is going to wake.
But a part of me swore Id never wake a sleeping giant ever again. Thats why Im careful as I
head toward the place where Spence and I stood not long ago. The emblem is right where I remember
it, so much clearer in the light of day.
What is that? Alexei is right behind me. I can feel his chest against my back as he leans closer
to see.
I dont know, I lie.
Hes too close.
Were back at the place where it happened the kiss, the argument. The fight. And its like
were both only just realizing it.
Grace. Alexeis breath is warm on the back of my neck.
When I turn, hes just right there. I dont even have to reach out to touch him.
I didnt mean it, I say.
The kiss. Kissing Spence. He was here and he seemed like he liked me and I thought maybe he
did like me. He was just new. He didnt know me. So I thought that maybe
You thought that no one who does know you could possibly like you. Alexei is still too close.
He sees too much.
What Im saying, Alexei, is Im sorry I dragged you into this. Im sorry.
This isnt your fault.
Everything is my fault.
If I hadnt kissed Spence or let Spence kiss me then you wouldnt have fought with him
and there wouldnt be any stupid videos online and you wouldnt have to live in a cave for the rest of
your life.
Then Alexei does the strangest thing.
He laughs.
Oh, Gracie. He leans closer, takes my face in his hands and looks straight into my eyes. I am
fairly certain the cave is temporary.
I hit him in the chest. You know what I mean! I say, but Alexei just laughs harder.
He glances at the massive overgrown fortress behind us.
Now. Are we going in there or arent we?
It takes a half hour to find the entrance. Its covered by brush and vines. But here, at last, there are
signs of life. The vines are crushed, like theyve recently been pushed aside. And maybe its my
imagination, but in the dirt I can almost swear that I see footprints.
Spence? Alexei asks.
Maybe, I say. I doubt the police would have looked here very hard. Spence was a pretty big
guy. If hed been killed here, it would have been hard for him to end up in the water.
I squeeze through the vines and step inside, dragging my leg after me. A moment later, Alexei
follows. I can feel him at my back as my eyes adjust to the dark. Its still the hottest day of the year so
far, but inside the narrow opening, the air is so much cooler, darker. Dust dances in the slim rays of
light that slice through the darkness beyond the entrance. But its too dim to see much, so I reach into
my pocket for the flashlight I always carry. The light slashes across the space. I watch it sweep across
the ancient walls. Moss grows between the cracks in the mortar. The stone floor beneath my feet is
dirty and damp. And in it I see footprints, too big to be my own.
Alexeis gaze catches mine, and I can almost hear what he is thinking. Probably because Im
thinking it, too. And so we follow those footsteps into the shadows, no matter where they might lead.
Its not a tunnel. Not really. I know Im not underground, at least not yet. Its more like a corridor
made of stone. Only tiny slivers of light cut through the darkness. Moss and vines creep through the
cracks. I see signs of wildlife, too. Probably some small animals have nested here, but there is no
other living thing inside the passage now. No movement. No sound. Alexei and I are alone as we walk
on and on.
Were inside the hill by now; we have to be. Weve been walking for too long, and its too dark
too quiet.
Then the passage ends, opening into some kind of chamber or room. All I know is that the air
feels different here. When I try to sweep the beam of my flashlight across the walls, the beam
stretches then fades, reaching out so far that it doesnt find an end.
What is this place, Alexei?
He says something in Russian, low and under his breath. Then he mutters, I have no idea.
Carefully, we go on. When the beam flashes across a giant urn I inch forward. Its stone, but the
interior is black. I rub my finger along the inside and realize its coated with soot.
Alexei looks at me. This is where they used to light their fires, he explains.
I walk forward, down a wide staircase onto the sunken floor. My light catches other urns. Some
stone pedestals that look like places where ancient pillars might have crumbled. I point my light up
and see mosaics covering the ceiling above us, catching the light, and I just know in my gut that it is
inlaid with gold.
Alexei cranes his head upward, following the light. Have you ever seen anything like it?
I have, but I cant say so.
Alexei looks at me. I can feel his gaze through the darkness. Our hands brush.
Grace! Alexei points in the dim light, so I flash the beam across the dusty floor, past cracks in
the stone and plants that grow, even in the darkness. Grace, are those I follow Alexeis gaze, and
then my light catches them.
Footprints. Spence? I ask.
Who else? Alexei shrugs.
Neither of us asks how a West Point cadet could have died here and ended up in the sea. Neither
of us worries that in the dark there might be nothing we can find. We just ease forward, following in
the footsteps of a dead man.
There are vines overhead. A bird squawks and I jump, suddenly grateful Alexeis beside me.
Dont leave me in here, okay? he asks, grinning and taking my hand. This place is freaking
me out. In Alexeis Russian accent, that sounds almost funny, and I cant help but smile.
Dont worry, tough guy. Ill protect you.
We cross the massive room, following the footsteps until, as if by magic, they disappear. Theres
a wall ahead. A dead end. I turn quickly, sweeping the beam of my light across the floor, but I cant see
where the feet might have retreated. Maybe they did, walking on the section of floor that isnt as dusty.
Or maybe
I step away from the wall and look at it from a new angle.
Okay, Alexei says. I suppose this is a dead end. Im sorry, Gracie.
I can feel him turning, backing away, but I cant stop looking at the wall. I cant stop thinking
Spence was here. I know it. I can feel it. He was too intrigued when I saw him outside, and, according
to Jamie, he wore his grandmother s necklace every day of his life. He wasnt the type to turn back
just because something looked to be off-limits.
He came here.
And then he ended up dead.
Gracie, Alexei says. I can feel his hand on my arm. We should go find the others. Perhaps
they have had better luck.
No. I shake my head. Not yet.
I start in the upper-left-hand corner of the wall and slowly sweep my light across it, moving in a
gridlike pattern. I cover every inch. Every brick. Every loose piece of mortar and
The mortar is loose, here in the right-hand corner. I step forward, reach out to touch the stones
the way Ive seen Ms. Chancellor do, pressing and pulling.
Gracie, please. It doesnt look stable. We should go.
I know Alexei is looking at me like Im a crazy person. I can hear it in the way he says my name.
But its too late for looking crazy to bother me.
Just a second. I think maybe The stones are turning, theyre easing into position, and a
moment later, the floor shakes a little. The wall moves, sliding aside, revealing an empty space of
echoing darkness, but as soon as I shine my light upon the floor I see more footprints.
Alexei is mumbling something that I think must be the Russian equivalent of Oh my freaking
But I dont stop to think or reason, I just follow the footsteps to the other side of the wall, where
there is nothing but blackness. The air feels different here fresher. Even though the walls on either
side of me are closer and the room feels smaller, when I shine my light forward it stretches out
farther and farther and I know were not even close to the end.
Gracie, we shouldnt be here, Alexei says, but even his voice is filled with wonder.
I turn my light upward and see that even here the ceiling is covered with images, faded but clear.
In the first, a king is surrounded by six knights, each of them bowing before him, offering their
Look at that one, Alexei says.
I cast my light over an image that looks vaguely familiar. Its the room we just left, I realize, but
its filled with piles of gold. Rubies, emeralds, and pearls overflow from chests, spilling out onto the
Even though were standing still, my heart has started to pound too hard. The light shakes as my
hand trembles.
They almost look real, Alexei says as the gems in the pictures catch the light, gold shining,
diamonds glowing. A cold dread grips me.
I think they are real, I say, and just that quickly I know.
We arent supposed to be here.
Spence wasnt supposed to be here.
The last person who came to this place looking for treasure died, and it doesnt matter that he
ended up miles away from here I know it isnt safe.
Gracie, I think wed better get out of
But before Alexei can finish, we hear it: a faint scraping, the sound of small rocks being ground
into dirt as something heavy moves across an ancient floor.
We spin in time to see that the wall is moving again, closing, locking us in. Alexei races toward
the entrance, but he and I have wandered farther inside than we realized, and even with his long
strides, I know that its too late.
A second later the wall closes, trapping us inside the black.
No! I yell, as if that can make the wall open again.
There must be a trigger, I think. I pray. But the wall is almost solid stone, and on this side the
pieces of the puzzle arent moving, arent working. If theres a trigger to open the door I cant find it,
and as my hands move over the stones, I feel my fingers scrape my hands bleed. Panic blooms
inside me.
No, I say, almost to myself. No. No. No.
Darkness surrounds us. I realize too late that Ive dropped my flashlight, and its started to roll
away, faster and faster. The floor must slope downward, because the flashlight is picking up steam,
and a new kind of panic fills me.
I jump to my feet and race across the floor, chasing after the rolling beam of light.
Then the beam flashes across nothing.
I can sense as much as see the flashlight teeter, tipping, falling away, but I dive, sliding through
the dust and the dirt, and grasp the end just as it falls over the edge of the cliff.
And then it hits me: Were on the edge of a cliff.
Its not a long room or a corridor; its a dead end, and I can feel myself slipping, sliding. I claw
against the air as if I can propel myself backward, but then Alexeis arms are around me, jerking me
back into the safety of his chest.
I got you. Alexei breathes against my temple. Youre safe. Youre well.
We arent well. Were trapped, and I know it.
Behind us, theres an ancient doorway that is closed. Locked. In front of us is a sharp drop to
Only then do I feel the real blackness descending.
My breath comes too hard. Even though my flashlight is bright in the total darkness, I can feel
my field of vision starting to close in. My heart is pounding too hard inside my chest. Its going to
burst free and Ill never be able to stop the bleeding.
Grace. Alexeis voice is too far away. Gracie!
Alexei has seen me have an attack before, so I dont even bother being embarrassed. What use
would that be when I know Im going to die here on this dirt floor in a place where no one besides
Spence has been in decades? Maybe centuries.
Our friends are on the island. Our friends will eventually miss us, I know it in my head. But in
my gut I know that they may never find this room. They may never open the door. This place that
looks and feels so much like a tomb is going to serve as ours, Im just certain.
And thats when I begin to rock. I try to slow my breathing. I try to tell myself that theres no
reason to panic. Not yet. I have to think. I have to move. I have to fight.
The door behind us is closed, locked. In front of us theres a sharp cliff and a long way down
into what, I do not know. I may be the girl who jumped off the great wall of Adria, but even I have my
If we die, I say, not knowing where the thought comes from, itll kill Jamie.
Theres a way out, Gracie. There has to be. And were going to find it. Alexei turns with my
flashlight and starts scanning the space. In front of us, theres nothing but a sheer cliff and an expanse
of black. The secret door and hidden chamber must lead into some kind of massive cavern, and we
are standing on a ledge so high that well never find our way down, so Alexei turns back to the way
we came. The light plays over the walls and the ceiling, the dusty, cold stone floor.
Wait! I yell, just as Alexei freezes. Something small and white lies in the dirt something
decidedly man-made and a few thousand years out of place.
What is that? Alexei asks.
Its a phone. I crawl toward the wall and pick it up.
Is it Spences?
No, I say, examining the ARMY cell phone cover that I got my brother for Christmas. Its
Jamies. He told me he lost it the night of the party.
Frantically, I try turning the phone on. It comes to life, almost fully charged, but of course there
is no signal here, so far from the mainland and locked in this place so dark and deep.
Has Jamie been here? Alexei sounds amazed, and for a moment Im confused. Then I
No. Spence was wearing Jamies jacket. It must have fallen out of the pocket when he was down
here. Thats why Jamie couldnt find it even after It wasnt on Spences body.
For the first time, my panic wanes. Breath comes easier now, and I feel steady, certain.
We found Spences body. We saw it wash up on the beach. So, one way or another, Spence made
it out of this dark chamber. The only question is how.
If Spence was here, I say, looking up at Alexei, then he made it out.
I take back the flashlight and crawl on my knees, inching toward the sharp edge of the cliff. My
light plays across the stone on the far side of the huge ravine, thinking there might be some other
passage. Maybe theres a bridge.
And then I see it: a staircase. Its rickety and ancient the stairs just a few inches wide but
theyre there. And they stretch, spiraling, leading to whatever lies below.
Alexei and I move slowly, practically inching our way around and around and around. But with every
step, the air gets fresher, clearer. Its boiling hot outside, but in here the air is almost chilly, and a low,
rumbling hum grows louder the lower we go.
Do you hear that? I ask. Alexei glances back at me.
Water? he says, and I nod.
Eventually, we see the underground river that runs through the bottom of the massive cavern.
The water is black and it feels like were about to reach the River Styx, but we dont have the luxury
of being afraid of what lies on the other side.
If someone built the stairs, then they have to go somewhere. Right? I look at Alexei, who
flashes me his most boyishly charming smile.
Of course.
This is Alexei trying to be so positive so overwhelmingly charismatic that I forget to be
afraid. And it might be working. Maybe. Just a little bit.
The stairs end, and Alexei puts the flashlight in one hand and takes my hand with the other then
steps down onto a floor of solid stone. The river isnt wide, but its deep and moving quickly. Theres
a narrow path along its edge, and we walk until the river runs into what looks to be the side of a
mountain. A kind of tunnel or cave surrounds it, and I can imagine this underground river cutting a
path through the stone for centuries, leading away from this place but to where, we do not know.
I look at Alexei, and, wordlessly, we follow.
So, he says, moving carefully along the river s slick black banks, how is Jamie?
I guess were going to make conversation. I guess were going to pretend that this is just another
outing just another day.
Hes upset, I say. Im not sure how else Jamie would want me to answer. Once upon a time, he
and Alexei told each other everything. But now Im not so sure.
I always thought Embassy Rows secrets were the result of diplomacy and politics, old alliances
and the new world order, but now Im walking through a tunnel in the middle of a mountain,
following a river that leads away from some sort of ancient treasure chamber. Something tells me
Adria was full of secrets long before the embassies were built along its wall.
I think the hardest part is that he wants to blame himself, I say.
So he blames me instead, Alexei fills in.
I want to tell him that hes wrong, but Alexei is a smart guy. Alexei already knows better.
How are you? he asks next.
I dont say a thing.
The cavern-like path seems to go on forever. Stalactites hang from the ceiling. Or are they
stalagmites? I never could keep them straight. But now Im surrounded by them, and I know this place
is not man-made. And yet, its easy to imagine the Romans or Byzantines or some other ancient
civilization exploring this cavern these caves expanding, searching, looking for a place to hide.
My side hurts from so much walking and climbing, but the stitches hold and soon Im shivering
underground. We walk for what feels like hours. Eventually, the river runs away and the tunnel
continues on. Sometimes it branches. Sometimes we find that its caved in, and then we backtrack and
start again.
I have the vague sense that the ground slopes down for a long time and then back up again. Then
the tunnel subtly shifts.
I think were climbing, I say. This ones probably caved in, too.
Alexei nods. Maybe it is.
I mean, its probably nothing, I say, even though my heart is beating faster. Alexei grips my
hand harder. Were probably wasting our time. I mean, it cant possibly be
The tunnel turns and Alexei and I freeze because, up ahead, there is a door. Not a trapdoor.
Not a hidden, secret wall that spins or a tunnel that spirals. No. Its an actual door. And, well,
technically, there are two. Theyre wide and made of a deep, dark wood. I reach out and touch them
theyre smooth, but, most of all, theyre real.
I want to cry, but Im so thirsty that my eyes dont make tears. I want to scream, but Im half
afraid someone wont hear me.
And Im half afraid somebody will.
Do we dare? I ask, but Alexeis hand is already on the handle. And slowly carefully he
A s soon as Alexei opens the door, I know where we are. I dont recognize the room we enter or the
corridor we try to creep down, but I know. From the moment Spence and I spied the symbol on the
ruins, I knew that place was linked with this one. I just didnt realize the link would be quite so literal.
Where are we? Alexei asks.
Im not sure, I say, and tell myself it isnt even technically a lie.
Alexeis hand is tight in mine. I try not to think about how accustomed Ive become to the weight
of it, the feel of it. Its not a talisman, I tell myself. Im certain Id be fine without it, and yet the warm
pressure soothes me in a way that I dont dare consider long.
The corridor has low stone ceilings that arch overhead. Gaslights burn in sconces, lighting the
way, but I know I didnt see this corridor with Ms. Chancellor.
We pass old oil paintings the kind like they have in the palace and cabinets that are tightly
locked. There are more corridors, other rooms. Alexei and I go on, following the flickering gaslight,
hoping it will light the way, but the place is built like a maze, and for a second I wonder if Alexei and
I have been trapped in some terrible loop like we may never find our way out.
We have to find one of the tunnels, I whisper to Alexei. We have to get you out of here.
Out of where? he asks, spinning me to face him.
I think were back on the mainland. I bet this leads to one of the tunnels. From here, we can get
you to Iran then back up into the hills.
I try to pull away, but Alexei holds me steady. What arent you telling me?
Alexei, I cant
Wait. Alexei leans close to my ear. Someones coming.
The corridor branches up ahead, twisting into shadow and out of sight, and that is where Alexei
pulls me. He presses me into the corner and squeezes in beside me, the two of us huddling together in
the darkness.
Voices carry in these long stone halls. Footsteps echo. So I hear them long before I see them.
And judging by the look in Alexeis eyes, theres no doubt he hears them, too. Hes listening to every
The girl is a problem. The womans voice is faint but familiar.
The girl is a child!
The second woman is Ms. Chancellor, Im sure of it. And as the two women come into view
around the corner, Alexei and I squeeze farther into the shadows, and I realize why the other voice
sounds so familiar.
Here, deep beneath the city, the acting prime minister s accent is a bit thicker. Her tone a little
more severe. She isnt trying to charm the US ambassador into making her problems go away. No.
Shes arguing with the woman who, two days ago, she treated like a virtual stranger.
They were lying. Of course they were lying. For three years, people lied to me about what
happened to my mom. About what I did. About who really, truly was to blame. And theyre still lying.
My whole life is a game of make-believe and no one has ever had the courtesy to tell me.
Im tired of everyone talking about me, worrying about me, lying about me. Im just so tired.
I lean against Alexei.
She was interested, but I talked to her, and I believe she will move on now. We have no reason
to believe that shell cause a problem, Ms. Chancellor says.
No, Prime Minister Petrovic corrects her. The American boy was interested. Caroline was
obsessed. And her daughter will become obsessed, too. She wont stop her digging, you know.
Let her dig. I can practically hear Ms. Chancellor s impatience. What harm will it do?
I dont know, Eleanor. What harm did it do Caroline?
Its not a question. Its a threat. I can hear it in the womans tone. I can feel it in the silence that
follows. Alexeis arms tighten around me, and when I start to shake, his hands steady me. Is this rage
or terror that Im feeling? I dont know.
I dont know anything.
My blood is pounding so hard I almost miss the sound of Ms. Chancellor s high heels clicking
across the stone floor, walking away.
What is this place? I can feel Alexeis breath on my skin. I know hes right beside me, and yet
he feels a million miles away. Grace, what is all this?
Slowly, I shake my head. A fog fills my mind. Honestly? I have no idea.
Its maybe the most truthful thing Ive said in weeks.
Come on, Alexei says, taking my hand again and leading me in the direction Ms. Chancellor
Its not the way she brought me. This must be the back door, but thats okay. In fact, its better.
Alexei and I creep silently behind her, far enough back that she likely wont hear us, but close enough
that I can still hear the clicking of her high heels.
Eventually, though, the clicking stops. And from a distance I see her go through a large door and
into one of the tunnels. I know thats our way out.
Was that your grandfather s chief of staff? Alexei asks. I try to meet his gaze. Gracie, what
arent you telling me?
He doesnt sound angry; he sounds afraid, and I cant blame him. If I had good sense if I were
a normal girl Id be terrified right now, but fear is a luxury I no longer have.
I want Alexei to be okay. I want Spences killer found and for Jamie to be able to rest. But Im
not concerned for myself anymore. I learned a long time ago that theres really not much use in that.
Im far too lost for saving.
But its not too late for Alexei, so I open the exit and listen. The sound of Ms. Chancellor s heels
are fading into nothing, so I grab Alexeis hand and start dragging him down the tunnel that lies
beneath Valancias streets.
Gracie! Alexei pulls me to a stop. Do you know who that was?
Slowly, almost numbly, I nod. But I dont tell him that the woman Ms. Chancellor was talking to
is currently the most powerful politician in Adria. I dont dare mention that the reason that she has the
job is because Ms. Chancellor shot her predecessor, or that the world is living a lie. I dont want to
say the words society or conspiracy or treasure. No. Im not going to give anyone else any more
reason to think Im crazy, because I know how it sounds I know how it feels. And right now I dont
know which is more dangerous: what Ms. Chancellor did to protect me, or what these women might
do to protect something else.
I wont tell Alexei any of the things I cant figure out, so I just stand there. Because when you
cant lie, sometimes that means you cant say anything at all.
But Alexei, being Alexei, reads my silence.
Wasnt your mother s name Caroline? he asks.
The words are too much, too loud, too clear.
What harm did it do Caroline?
Im sweating again, too hot and tired. The air around me feels like steam, and my side burns, a
pain so intense that Im afraid the fire of three years ago might still be raging, burning me from the
inside out.
Noah and the others are going to be looking for us. Theyre going to be terrified. Now, please.
Lets go. Lets just get out of here. Lets
Okay, Gracie. Alexei takes my hand again. Okay.
A summer shower must have started while we were gone because water runs down the sides of
the tunnel in places. Rain trickles down the corridor. I can actually see Ms. Chancellor s wet footsteps
up ahead, leading the way.
This can get you back to Iran, I tell him.
Im not leaving you. After what we just heard, Im never letting you out of my sight ever
Im okay, Alexei. Im fine, I say, pulling him along.
No. Youre not. Youre beeping? Alexei looks as confused as I feel.
Im what? But then I feel the vibration coming from my pocket. Id almost forgotten about my
brother s phone until I reach inside and pull it out, look down at the screen. We must be inside cell
range now, because the phone is vibrating constantly, downloading text after text. Notice after notice
of voice mails and missed calls.
Theyre from Spence, the night of the murder, I say as the texts keep coming. Over and over
and over. Dozens of them. Theyre all from Spence.
Youre not gonna believe this.
Bro, call me.
Where R U?
Call me ASAP.
I think Im in trubl.
I thought you werent supposed to be able to make calls from the island, Alexei says, and a
cold realization dawns.
You cant.
Finally, Alexei raises an eyebrow. So if Spence was calling and texting your brother after the
party but before he died, then
Spence didnt die on the island.
By the time I reach Embassy Row I am absolutely drenched. But at least Alexei isnt behind me or
at least, hes not supposed to be. He should be back in Iran by now. He should be dry. He should be
safe, invisible and protected from the manhunt that no doubt still blankets the city. I look back, but
with the fog and the rain I cant be sure that Im not being followed.
Rain has driven the protestors back, and the mob is smaller, but police barricades still line the
streets. At the newsstands, headlines blare in three languages about the vicious fugitive who is still on
the run. The rain is heavy and the sky that was utterly cloudless a few hours ago is now dark and gray.
It matches my mood.
And yet, I can almost swear that I hear music. In the distance, theres a procession of people
dancing in the street, and I know its part of the festival. The War of the Fortnight ended when the sky
decided to rain and end the drought that plagued Adria. Id almost forgotten this tradition that the
people will dance in the rain as long as it lasts. Longer.
But not me. Ive got better things to do.
Im not certain how much time has passed, but I know that Alexei and I have been separated from
our friends for hours. I have to find a boat and go back to the island, to tell Noah, Rosie, Megan, and
Lila where weve been that were okay. But first I have to go to the embassy. I have to see Grandpa
and Jamie. I have to give them Jamies phone and tell them that Spence made it to the mainland. I have
to make sure that they know Im okay.
But when I burst through the gate and onto US soil, no one notices. No one cares. And thats
when I realize that absolutely no one in this building has had time to miss me, time to worry. Its
almost anticlimactic, I think as I rush inside and up the stairs toward Grandpas office.
Jamies phone is in my hand, and my brain swirls with Spences final words, with the fact that he
didnt die on the island. I feel vindicated and alive and nothing can make me stop.
Well, almost nothing.
As it is, I only stumble a little when I realize that my grandfather isnt alone.
Im afraid I fail to follow, young man. Grandpa sounds confused and annoyed and maybe a
tiny bit concerned. What, exactly, is wrong with Grace?
Noah, Megan, Rosie, and Lila stand before him, all of them drenched. All of them terrified. They
have towels thrown around their shoulders, but Rosie still shakes.
Sir, we hate to bother you, but time is important in these situations and it seems that Grace is
Hey, whats going on? I call from the doorway, my voice too bright, too happy.
Instantly, Noah spins. Rosie drops her towel and Megan visibly exhales. Lila just looks at me
with cool indifference, as if Ive already messed up her schedule enough for one day.
Gracie? someone says, and for the first time I realize my brother is here, too, on the far side
of the room. Where have you been?
But Grandpa keeps his attention on Noah. You were saying, young man?
Oh. Noahs mouth hangs open and I cant tell if hes furious or relieved. Probably a
combination of both, I realize, as he has to mentally rewrite whatever speech hed probably started
composing on the island. Well, sir, Grace is not spending enough time with her friends, you see.
Were worried about her. Shes new and we want to make sure she experiences all that Adria has to
Grandpa goes from annoyed to merely befuddled. Okay. Go. Leave. Experience with my
blessing. Grandpa stands and slaps Noah on the back. Before you drip all over the floor and Ms.
Chancellor yells at us.
Ms. Chancellor, I think with a pang.
What harm did it do Caroline?
I take it youve been out enjoying the rain festival? Grandpas voice pulls me back, but it takes
a while to realize hes talking about me and that Im as drenched as my friends. But, as usual, Grandpa
isnt really concerned about my answer. How they get it to rain every year at least once during these
two weeks Ill never know. But somehow they do.
Then Grandpa shakes his head, as if in wonder.
My brother isnt as easily distracted. Where have you been? he asks.
Noah cocks his head. Yeah, where have you been?
I give my friends an Ill fill you in later nod and move toward my grandpas desk.
The theory has always been that Alexei had to have killed Spence because he died on the island
and no one else there had a motive to kill him, right? I dont bother to wait for their replies. But
what if Spence didnt die on the island?
If my change of subject surprises them, it doesnt last long.
You cant know that, Gracie, Jamie says.
Yes. I can. I pull Jamies phone from my pocket and hold it out to him. I found this. And its
full of messages from Spence. From after the party.
Is that mine? Jamie asks.
My brother comes toward me, takes the phone. Where did you find it?
If I tell him, well fight, and, for once, Im not in the mood, so I take a step back.
The police think Alexei did it because Spence never left the island. Well, theyre wrong. Theres
no cell service on the island. If Spence called and texted Jamie after the party, then he must have made
it back. And if he made it back, then Alexei wasnt the only person who could have killed him.
Im right, and I know it. They know it. But there is something else on Jamies mind as he leans
toward me, his voice like ice.
Where did you find the phone, Gracie?
Where did you lose your phone, Jamie?
I dont know. Thats kind of what people mean when they say things are lost.
Where did you last see it?
I dont know. Here, I guess. I remember putting it in my jacket pocket and then
Spence was wearing your jacket, I say, but Jamie only looks at me, confused. When he
washed ashore, he was in your jacket. Thats why I thought he was you.
I regret the words as soon as I say them.
Oh, Gracie. Jamie moves to hug me, but I dont need his comfort or his pity. I want his trust.
So I lie.
The phone was downstairs. In the dining room under the table. You probably turned it off for
dinner, and then it fell out of your pocket, but how I found the phone doesnt matter. What does matter
is that Spence made it back to the mainland.
No. Grandpa shakes his head, walks around his desk. Impossible. The police questioned
everyone, and no one admitted to giving him a ride off the island, Gracie. Its too far to swim. Theres
no way.
There is a way! I know because it happened. I reach for the phone again, shove it toward my
brother. Here. Play them. Play your messages.
When Jamie reaches for his phone, its almost like hes afraid that it might bite him, so I press
the buttons myself, and soon theres a voice in my grandfather s office. A ghost on speakerphone,
calling from the grave.
Blake! Man, youre not going to believe this. Call me back.
Slowly, my brother reaches down to play the next message.
Blake! Pick up the phone, man. Ive got to Just call me. As soon as you get this, call me!
At first, Spence sounds excited, intrigued. But by the next message hes out of breath. Its like
hes been running and is winded. His voice is barely a whisper.
Blake. Its me again, man. Im trying to get back to the embassy, but if I dont, you have to know
Spence never speaks again. I hear a crash, like his phone falling to the street. There are mumbles
and scuffling sounds. A hit. And then theres nothing but silence and a cold chill of dread that comes
with the knowledge that weve just heard the last moments of John Spencer s life.
For a long moment, my brother just stands, looking at the phone, guilt and grief spreading
across his face.
His friend called him, but Jamie wasnt there. Not for our mother. Not for Spence. And now its
way too late to save either one.
He made it back to the mainland, I say again, hoping that this time theyll believe me. He
made it back, and he saw something. And they killed him.
No one says, There is no they. My grandfather and brother have already spent years telling me
there is no Scarred Man. But there is. Dominic is real. His scar is real. Its just the details of that night
that my mind always managed to forget and confuse.
This time, its the details I dont know.
He made it off the island, I say again.
How? Jamie asks, and for a second, I think I might do something crazy. I think I might just tell
the truth. But then I hear my name.
Grace? Ms. Chancellor is at the door. She looks at my friends and then at me. Once upon a
time I might have thought I could read her bemused expression, but not now. Now I have no idea what
shes thinking when she says, Well, isnt this the party?
In a flash, I see the future. Spences phone is right here, not quite proof, but something. And I
could tell them about the tunnel and the Society and the cryptic, nagging doubts that plague my mind. I
could tell them about Spences search, my mother s obsession, and maybe I could make somebody
understand that this is so much bigger than two boys fighting at a party.
I could do that. And I could also end up back in a psych ward.
Or worse.
Whoever did this killed a US citizen, framed an ambassador s son, and planted a bomb on a
diplomatic vehicle.
There are things that are far, far worse.
Did I hear that you all are going out to dance in the rain? Ms. Chancellor says. Her smile
doesnt quite reach her brown eyes, though. Im almost terrified of what she might mean when she
says, Do be careful. Id hate to see anyone else get hurt.
W here were you?
That we make it all the way to the street before Noah spins on me is something of a miracle. Its
still raining not a downpour, but the kind of heavy, lingering drizzle that clings to your hair and
your clothes until it feels like youll never be truly warm or dry again.
But that doesnt stop the festival. According to legend, when the rains came two hundred years
ago, musicians filled the streets and the people danced, so now everyone who has ever played an
instrument is outside in the rain, leading the nonstop procession. Tourists and natives alike are
dancing in the streets now, carrying umbrellas that they dont even hold overhead as they spin and
spin, following the circle that rims the city, dancing down Embassy Row.
Noah glances in their direction then shakes his head. Ignore them.
Noah, I
Where were you? he says again, not teasing. And for the first time I really let myself consider
todays events from his perspective. We all went to a place where someone died and then Alexei and I
disappeared without a trace. We were gone for hours, and Noahs right to be angry. Theyre all right
to be terrified.
We got stuck, I say, as if that makes any sense.
Stuck how? Noah asks through gritted teeth. And how did you get back here? We had the only
There was a tunnel, I say. Or really more like catacombs or caverns or something. Anyway,
there are these big ruins in the center of the island. It looks like it was some kind of temple or fortress
or something once. I think Spence went in there. That night. I think he got stuck in the same room we
got stuck in and then he found the same tunnel we found and took that back to the mainland.
I dont understand, Megan says. What kind of tunnel? You mean like the ones that are under
the city?
Yes, I say, then reconsider. No. I mean I dont know. It hooks up with the city tunnels,
though. Thats how Alexei and I got out.
Hooks up where? Rosie asks, and I cant help myself. I look at Lila.
No! Noah yells. He points between me and his twin sister. Dont think I dont see you two.
Whispering and giving each other looks. Youre working together now? You two? In case you have
forgotten, you dont like each other! You barely know each other. And now youre acting like best
friends and I dont like it. I know something is going on, and I want to know what it is. Now.
I think about what Noahs asking me to do what I want to do. If Ms. Chancellor was right, the
Society has existed for a thousand years; Ive been a member for less than a week, and already Im
about to crumble.
Grace. I can hear the worry in Megans voice. Whats wrong?
When I start to shake, I tell myself its because of the rain, so I push my wet hair out of my face.
Water runs down my cheeks, and I remind myself that Im not crying that crying is a luxury Ill
never have again.
No. Its a luxury that Spence will never have again. And Mikhail, the Russian driver. And maybe
Alexei if we cant make this stop.
What harm would it do to tell my friends? I wonder. Then another thought cuts through me:
What harm did it do Caroline?
The words chill me like the wind, and only one thought remains: This is happening. Im going to
have to face it one way or another. The only question now is whether or not Im going to face it alone.
We need to go inside. Lets go meet Alexei, and then Ill tell you. I look at Lila, but I cant read
her eyes. Ill tell you everything.
Its not hard to find a tunnel entrance and, from there, to make it to the north end of Embassy Row. As
soon as I push open the doors into the basement of Iran it feels, shockingly, like home. This dingy
basement with its hot springsfueled swimming pool and ornately tiled ceiling is as comforting as
anyplace else. For the first time since I heard the temple door closing behind us, I let myself relax.
Where are we? Lila asks, stepping inside.
Shes taking in the long room with its domed ceiling, the moldy lounge chairs and water-stained
walls when Rosie says, Iran.
Lila almost knocks her down as she spins. Where? she shouts, and I remember.
Oh. Yeah. I forgot you didnt know. Sometimes we hang out in Iran. Im so matter-of-fact that
it takes a moment for her to hear what Im saying.
Lila is a blur as she whirls on her brother and starts shouting at him in a steady stream of
Hebrew. But Noah throws his hands in the air the universal signal for dont blame me and fires
off a reply.
It might go on forever if not for the dark shadow that appears in the stairway, the deep voice that
says, Is someone going to tell me what has happened?
And just that quickly Lila forgets all about her brother and runs to Alexei as fast as she can. He
throws open his arms and practically swallows her whole.
I was so worried, she says as Alexei speaks softly near her ear, his voice so low that I cant
hear it. And the whole scene makes me feel angry. And sad. And guilty.
But mostly it makes me want to pull Lila out of Alexeis arms and toss her in the pool.
I have no right to feel this way, but thats the thing about feelings. You never get what you
When Megan clears her voice, Ahem! Lila peels herself off of Alexei and turns back to us. Her
mascara is smudged and her cheeks are too red.
Now, will someone explain where the two of you went? Noah points to Alexei and then to me.
And what the two of you this time he points between me and his sister have been keeping
from us?
Grace, Lila starts, my name a warning. We should talk about this, it says. We should think. We
shouldnt throw a thousand years of secret sisterhood out the window just because one of us is having
a really messed-up summer.
But this isnt my summer. Its my life. And I dont know how much more I can take.
You can leave if you want to, Lila. You can go tell your mom or Ms. Chancellor what Im doing
right now. You can. Its your right, and I wont try to stop you. But dont try to stop me. I look at my
friends. Theyre already involved with this, one way or another. They have the right to know.
My mom was obsessed with something once, if Ms. Chancellor and the prime minister are to be
believed. Just a few weeks ago I was obsessed with the Scarred Man and justice and proving to the
world that Im not crazy. I was wrong, of course, about so many things. And I may be wrong about
this. But if theres something worse than knowing an awful thing, its knowing nothing at all.
I look at my friends and then to Lila.
Go ahead, she says. I wont stop you.
Maybe this means she believes me. Maybe she trusts me. Or maybe Lila is just smart enough to
know that, given enough rope, eventually, I am bound to hang myself.
Okay, I say. Get comfortable, and Ill explain.
Its chilly in the basement, and were all still wet, but we settle on the hard tiled floor. We wrap
towels around our shoulders and huddle around like theres an old-fashioned campfire. Then its time
for me to tell the story.
A thousand years ago, the knights of the Crusades settled Adria.
Feel free to skip ahead a millennium, Noah tells me, but I shake my head.
No. I cant. Because a thousand years ago men founded this country, but their wives and their
daughters and their granddaughters formed a sort of society. Or so they tell me. And that society
still exists today.
Ive never heard of it, Megan says.
Its a secret, I say, not realizing how foolish it sounds until the words are out of my mouth.
Noah doesnt look impressed. What do they do?
I dont know, I say. My towel is fraying and I pick at the edges. If I pick long enough and hard
enough, eventually I might find the thread that makes it all unravel. Ms. Chancellor said that my
grandmother was a part of it, and my mother, and that that might be why someone wanted to kill her.
Noah glares at his sister. You knew about this?
Lila shrugs. Mom told me a few
Mom is a part of this? Noah stands up and starts to pace.
Yes! Lila says. Its why she wanted to be posted in Adria. She wanted me raised as her
grandmother was raised. She wanted me to know my birthright.
Your birthright? Noah asks, indignant.
Its a girls-only kind of thing, I explain, but Im not helping.
I dont get it. Rosie leans back, totally unimpressed. So theres a really-old-lady society. That
doesnt seem like such a big thing.
To be fair, Megan corrects, I dont think its a club of old ladies, merely
The Society is a thousand years old, I blurt. A thousand years. The Society is as old as Adria
itself. Its older than the wall. I let that fact sink in. In fact, theyre the ones who decided to build the
wall. This thing is ancient and powerful. We dont even know how powerful.
So theres a club, Megan says. Thats nice. Im sure its
Its not a club, I say. Its bigger than that.
Okay. Of course. Im sure its very prestigious and
Ms. Chancellor shot the prime minister!
The only sound is the steady plop, plop, plop of the rainwater that leaks through the ceiling and
drops into the pool. I cant tell if they dont believe me or if theyre just too shocked to argue. I no
longer care. I just start talking.
I tell them about Spence and his grandmother, about the rebellion and the treasure. I tell them
everything from the moment the former prime minister cornered me in the shadows and Ms.
Chancellor picked up a gun. Never before have I felt so many secrets tumble out of me. I cant stop. I
might as well try to hold back the tide.
But as fast as I spill the Societys secrets, I still cant bear to tell my own. Maybe that makes me a
hypocrite. But Im a hypocrite who doesnt want her friends to know she shot and killed her own
mother. And, honestly, Im okay with that.
And thats it, I say when Im finished. I sit back and wait for them to laugh, to tell me I must be
joking. Or worse that I must be hearing things, misremembering things. Crazy.
But before anyone can argue, Alexei says, Its true. We saw Ms. Chancellor. She was with the
new prime minister. They spoke of the cadet and of Grace. Alexei cuts his gaze toward me, as if
asking permission. And of Graces mother.
I shiver beneath the towel I have thrown over my shoulders. But none of my friends move to
comfort me. Its like they already know me too well.
Wait. No. This is Ms. Chancellor were talking about? Even Megan sounds confused. Eleanor
Yes, I say.
She shot the prime minister and this society or whatever covered it up? Megan says.
Yes! I know how it sounds, okay? And I know how it looks, but its true. This time, I swear that
Im not wrong. Id give anything to be wrong. Its true, and
My voice cracks. My vision blurs.
Say it, Noah demands. Come on, Grace say whatever it is youre afraid to say.
I think Spence got stuck in that tunnel on the island and then came out the other side. I think he
ended up inside the Society someplace he was never meant to be.
And what else? Noah prompts.
There are truths you think and truths you feel and truths that, deep down, you know but pray
youll never have to bring to the surface. So I dig deep and look Noah in the eye and whisper the
words Ive been too afraid to voice for days.
And I think they killed him.
Its not hard to make a to-do list. Weve been here before and we know how this goes. Its just that,
this time, I hope it goes better.
Check every camera you can find, I tell Megan. I dont think the police ever considered the
possibility he wasnt murdered on the island. Its possible they missed something big.
On it! she says.
We need to find some other suspect. Any other suspect, I say.
Lila considers this a moment, then asks, What about that creepy guy? He seems like he could
break somebodys neck.
What creepy guy?
Scar Guy. You know, the one who was following you, Lila says, and I can feel the room shift.
The Scarred Man is following you? Noah asks me.
No. Yes. I mean, Ive seen him around.
Hes following you?
Its nothing, Noah, I say.
Do I need to remind you that two weeks ago you swore that the Scarred Man killed your
And do I have to remind you that I just told the story of how Dominic saved my life?
But what if he did kill your mom? Rosie asks.
He didnt. I know for a fact he didnt. I dont even try to tell them why I am so certain.
And yet youre convinced that Ms. Chancellor and my mom are criminal masterminds now?
Noah has a point, but I dont say so. I think theyre hiding something. I think we need to find out
what. Now, do you have a problem with that?
Noah shakes his head and backs away. I know he wants to fix this fix me. He doesnt yet know
that his best friend was broken long before he met her that Ill never really be okay again.
Can I follow the new prime minister? Rosie asks. Please. Im really good at following prime
Megan and I share a look before I cautiously say, Okay. But be careful. And take Noah with
you. Noah looks less than excited about this prospect, but he doesnt bother to protest. Dont
approach her. And dont follow her anywhere that isnt totally public. Okay? I ask, but Rosie says
nothing. Rosie, okay?
Okay. She sulks like I never let her have any fun.
You almost act as if youve done this before. Lila laughs, but Noah shrugs. Instantly, Lila
registers the truth. Youve done this before?
But we dont have time for Lilas shock or outrage.
Megan gives her a thats old news hand wave and starts making notes for what she has to do.
And I guess that leaves us, I say, looking at Lila. I mean, if you want to help.
That depends. What are you going to do? Lila sounds more than a little skeptical.
Were going to the Society, I say. Were going to claim our birthrights.
Slowly, we all stand and gather our things. Once weve cleared away any evidence that someone
has been inside Iran, Alexei takes my hand and pulls me aside.
I believe you forgot to give me a job. Hes smiling, trying to tease. To flirt. He doesnt want to
hear what I have to say and, already, he knows it.
You cant stay here, Alexei.
No. Hes shaking his head. Ill not leave you to take chances because of me. Ill not sit on my
hands while you and our friends place yourselves in danger because of me, he says again.
We wont be in any danger! Megans going to be on her computer. Noah and Rosie are going to
be walking down public streets. And Lila and I are just going to go look around a place weve already
been invited to look around. Its not dangerous.
Digging up secrets is always dangerous.
Alexei, youre still the most wanted man in Adria. We need you to go back to the cave.
No. These are dangerous people. I dont want you sticking your noses where they do not
Why? I ask. Its not like youve got anything to hide, I say in the manner of someone who
knows too much about secrets.
Alexei catches my arm and doesnt let me pass. When he speaks again his voice is low and his
accent is thick. We all have things to hide.
Its late in the day when I return to the embassy and find a suitcase on Jamies bed. Rows of neatly
folded clothes sit in orderly stacks. Some books. A few toiletries. For a second, I panic. Jamie just got
here. I just got him back. But another part of me has to wonder if this isnt what I want for Jamie to
leave Adria, to go back to West Point. For my brother to get far, far away from me.
Jamie? Are you leaving? I step farther into the room, but Jamie just keeps folding and
refolding clothes, trying to bring order to our messy world.
He doesnt even look me in the eye when he says, No. Not yet.
These are Spences things. His parents asked me to ship them home.
Suddenly, the feeling in the room makes sense. Jamie isnt packing. Hes mourning. And as usual
Im in the way. I should slip back through the door, but my legs dont move. I stand, frozen.
Im really, really sorry about your friend, Jamie. I dont know if I told you that. But I am.
Thanks, Jamie says, then finally glances up. Im filthy from walking through tunnels and
sitting on the floor in Iran, and my rain-drenched hair has no doubt dried funny. I probably look as
awful as I feel, and my brother sees it. Where have you been?
Thats all it takes to make me want to crumble, to break down and tell him everything. Jamie is
older. Hes supposed to be wiser. He had years more with our mother than I will ever have, and I want
to ask him if he ever heard her talk about a treasure or a society or any reason someone might want
her dead. Mom was obsessed with something, I want to say. Its like I never knew her, and now I know
I never will.
A week ago I thought Id spent the last three years living a lie, but now I know that its actually
been much longer. I want to go back to being the little girl who was on the outside of the secret.
Grace, what is it? Whats wrong?
I killed our mother and someone killed Spence someone is trying to kill Alexei. A better
question might be whats right?
So I tell him, Alexeis okay, because right now its the only thing that matters. I mean, I dont
know where he is exactly, but I know hes fine.
Im lying, but thats not the look that Jamie gives me. If anything, he looks like someone who
would give anything not to be the bearer of bad news.
Oh, gosh, my brother says. You dont know.
Know what?
Russia blew up their own car, Gracie.
For a second, Im sure I must have misheard him.
No. I told you. Alexei was supposed to be in the car. He was turning himself in. And, besides,
Spence made it back to the mainland!
Oh, Gracie. Jamie sounds like hed give anything to keep me young and nave and stupid. But
we both know its far too late for that. Theres proof. Adrian officials finally got eyes on the car.
And, besides, theres a witness. The cops just briefed Grandpa. Theres a witness who saw Spence on
the mainland after the party. And he was with Alexei.
Jamie sounds as if this makes it real, but I know all about witnesses, how they appear and
disappear to suit the needs of some kind of higher calling. I know medical records can be altered and
even gunshot wounds can morph into something else. Jamies older and no doubt wiser, but on this
topic I am the expert, and my brother has no idea.
No. I shake my head. Witnesses lie. They get confused.
This one isnt confused.
Alexeis not a murderer.
But Spence was a hothead!
For a second, Jamies as stunned as I am to hear him shout, but hes so angry now. Not with me.
Not even with himself. Hes angry with the thoughts that hes obviously been carrying for days. Gone
is his cool logic, and what remains is guilt and dread. It rolls off of him in waves.
Okay, Gracie? I know that. And thats what worries me.
The rage fades, and in its place grows something so much darker, sadder.
Spence wasnt the type to let go of what happened on the beach to take it. Not from some
high school kid. Not from some Russian. He could have picked a fight, and in the heat of the moment,
in the dark it could have gotten out of hand. It could have gotten out of hand real fast. Dont you
get it, Gracie? Im not afraid Alexei started something. His voice cracks. He cant meet my gaze.
Im afraid that Alexei finished it.
Jamies really scared, I can see it now. This isnt the by-product of grief or guilt. He actually
doubts Alexei. And that makes me doubt myself.
But if Spence made it back to the island, then anyone could have done it, I say.
Jamie laughs softly, as if it would be nice to be so innocent. Do you know how hard it is to
break a mans neck with your bare hands how hard it would be to do it to someone like Spence,
who was big and strong and trained? Dad could do it. It would have to be someone like Dad.
Exactly! Alexei doesnt have that kind of training!
Its supposed to be the perfect argument. This is supposed to be the moment that changes his
mind. But, instead, my brother gives me a look that makes my blood go cold.
Did Alexei ever tell you what his dad did before he came to the embassy?
Well, I dont know what it was exactly. KGB? Russian special forces? I dont really know. I just
know that You know how, growing up, boys say things like my dad could beat up your dad?
Well, Alexeis the only kid I never said that to.
I try to remember the boys they were, how they used to laugh and play and run wild through the
halls and down the streets, but no matter how hard I try I just cant reconcile who they were against
who they are.
What are you saying?
Im saying Alexei doesnt have to be a murderer to be a killer. Im saying that if he ran into
Spence on the mainland that night
Slowly, my brother turns back to Spences things. Hes still trying to make them straight and
He cant look at me as he says, I dont want you to tell me where he is, so Im not asking. And
dont bother telling me you dont know, because I dont want you to lie to me and I dont want to have
to lie to anybody else. But know this, Gracie youre right. Alexei is the best friend I have ever had.
And I dont want to think this. If there were any way to convince myself otherwise I would have done
it days ago, but right now Im pretty sure he did it. I want to be wrong. But, Gracie Jamie
looks at me Im probably not.
W hen I leave my brother, I cant go to my room. Theres no way I can sleep. I leave the embassy, but
Noah and Megan and Rosie are no doubt sick of me and all of my drama. Theyve earned a night off,
and so Im not really sure where Im going until I feel the cobblestone streets give way to soft dirt. I
check to make sure Im not being followed, and then Im climbing. Pebbles shift and muddy earth
crumbles beneath my feet, but I climb faster. My breath comes harder than it should. Im still too thin
and too weak. My side is still tender, and I know that I am fragile, but that makes me move faster,
careless on the uneven ground. I dont care. Id run if I could. And Id keep running. Until I ran out of
When I see the clearing and the rocks I know exactly where my feet have led me. When Alexei
emerges from the small crack in the stone, I know why.
Hi, he says. We are high in the hills that overlook the city. In the distance, the sun is setting on
the far side of the sea, and I stand in the twilight, looking down on the great walled city. They call it
one of the wonders of the world, but the walls I have built around myself are higher, stronger, deeper.
They have kept me safe for years, but when Alexei moves toward me, I feel the stones begin to shift;
the mortar starts to crack and crumble, and the walls that guard my heart grow unsteady. But I cannot
turn and run away.
Whats wrong? Alexei asks.
I shake my head but cant speak. I dont want my voice to crack. Its hard enough being
vulnerable without letting anyone know it, see it, hear it. I cant let this boy know how easy it would be
for him to hurt me.
Gracie, are you okay? Genuine worry fills Alexeis eyes, and I think thats what finally breaks
Is it true?
Is what true?
Did your embassy blow up its own car? Were they going to fake your death and send you back
to Russia?
Hes supposed to deny it, be outraged. But instead he says, I dont know. Its harder than
hearing him lie.
Did you see Spence back on the mainland that night?
No. This time hes emphatic. He takes two long strides and reaches for me, but I pull away.
Gracie, I swear to you that I got a ride home with some kids I didnt know and went straight back to
the embassy. I swear it.
Jamie says theres a witness who saw you with Spence on the mainland. After the party.
There isnt. Or the witness is mistaken. Or lying. I never saw Jamies friend again. Not after the
I want to believe him. Really, I do.
Gracie, would I lie to you?
I never thought my brother would lie to me. Or my father. Or Ms. Chancellor or Grandpa or
practically everyone else Ive ever known. I never thought I would spend three years lying to myself.
The ground beneath me has been shifting for too long. My world is too unsteady. So when
Alexei reaches for me again, I dont try to pull away. I am looking for anything that might anchor me
at last to solid ground.
Say you believe me, Gracie. None of it matters if you dont believe me. Hes forcing me to
look into his eyes. Whats wrong?
I think about Grandpa and Jamie, about the Society and the wanted posters that still blanket the
city of how high the flames were when the car exploded. Im thinking of lost treasures and hidden
rooms and of whatever obsession might have driven my mother to her grave. Ive been carrying these
things with me for too long, and I can feel them tumbling over and over in my mind like clothes in a
dryer, warm and full of static. I keep waiting to feel a shock.
Lila and I are going to go down to the Society tomorrow. Maybe we can find something about
the treasure or Spence or I shake my head. I dont know what to do.
Then dont do anything. Please, Gracie. Please. Its too dangerous. And youre too Youre
too important.
Im not important. I shake my head, but Alexei catches my hands.
Youre important to me.
The air is growing chilly, but Alexeis hands are warm. I tell myself thats why I dont pull away.
Just dont take any chances, okay? he says. Dont get hurt. I dont think I could take it if you
got hurt. Say you understand, Gracie.
I do understand, so much more than Alexei can ever know. I understand what its like to feel the
earth shift beneath you, to know there are people you cant trust. I understand what Dominic meant
when he told me that Alexei is a pawn in a much bigger game with dangerous players who will
sacrifice anyone to get whatever they want.
I understand that no one else is looking for the truth.
I understand I might be his only hope, as pathetic as that sounds.
So I look up into his eyes and force a smile. Im not lying when I tell him, I understand.
You want to get out of here? Alexei asks, tugging on one of my hands.
You cant go back to town, Alexei. Its not safe yet.
Then we wont go to town.
I dont know how far we walk, or for how long. Im only aware of how big and bright the moon is as
it rises over Adria, how warm Alexeis hand is and how tightly it holds on to mine.
Im content to let him lead me. For a little while, I forget to fight. Alexei is with me, guiding me,
and I am not alone anymore, watching my mother s shop burn. Im not shaking on the street or
strapped to a bed in a psych ward, screaming out my mother s name. There is someone here who is
bigger, stronger, faster, and hes on my side.
I use the wall inside of me to block out those thoughts, a very brief reprieve against the worries
and doubts that are in a constant siege against me. Alexei is standing guard.
I close my eyes. I take a deep, deep breath. The air is cool and fresh after the rain. When Alexei
stops I come to rest beside him, and in the stillness that follows, far away from the chanting of the
protestors or the crashing waves of the sea, I hear water. Not the Mediterranean. It is a rush a
steady, constant hum that fills the darkness.
What is that? I look up at Alexei.
A secret, he tells me. Come on.
A minute later he is pushing aside the undergrowth of trees and pointing down into a tiny valley.
The noise is louder now, and I can see its source. Rivers run through the hills surrounding Valancia,
and some of them must converge here, rushing into a great waterfall, pooling at the base of the valley.
The vegetation is thicker, the air cooler. Its like Alexei has taken my hand and led me all the way to
Jamie and I found this place when we were kids, trying to run away from you. I think the land
technically belongs to the royal family most of the land around the city does. Ive never seen
anyone else here, though. Im fairly certain we are alone.
Even without Alexeis assurance I would know that its true. Were no more than a few miles
from Embassy Row, and yet it feels a world away as Alexei drags me down the hill too fast. We
stumble but keep running, in an odd kind of race. We want to leave the world away, on the far side of
the ridge. We are running toward paradise, and nothing not even common sense can stop us.
When we reach the water s edge, Alexei drops my hand and immediately reaches for his shirt.
What are you I start, but by that time, his shirt is already off, tossed to the ground
doing? I finish. I know I should turn away, but my feet dont agree with me, because I just stand
there, staring.
Come on, Gracie, he yells, already diving into the water. His cargo shorts are going to be
soaked. I cant remember whether or not Rosie brought him a change of clothes. The nights are going
to be cold in his wet things, but logic fails me, words fail me. I can think of nothing as I watch him
swim out into the dark water strong, sure strokes that carry him farther and farther from me.
Come in! he yells.
I dont have a swimsuit.
I dont want my wound to get infected.
I really should be getting back before Jamie or my grandfather or Ms. Chancellor sends out a
search party.
I have a big day of betraying my ancient sisterhood tomorrow.
I could offer up any of a dozen valid excuses, but I dont let myself think of the reasons not to do
something. I try to focus on the reasons I should.
The tank top beneath my sweater is black.
My cardigan is warm.
And one of the few people in the world I actually trust is out there in the stillness, waving,
yelling, Gracie, come on!
So I take off my shoes and my sweater.
So I follow.
We shouldnt be doing this, I tell Alexei when I reach him.
I smell, Gracie. And Im tired. And every part of me hurts from sleeping on the ground last
night, so yes, I should be doing this. Im just glad youre doing it with me.
I tread water and look up at the moon thats rising.
The water s warm, I finally say, dipping low to let my hair wash back away from my face.
Yeah. Alexeis treading water, too, barely moving. Were both suspended in the water, in
time. I think one of the hot springs must feed into it. Its like this all year long, he says, and I know
its true. The weather in Adria never varies much, but I can imagine Alexei sneaking out here in the
middle of winter, taking off his shoes and shirt and diving in.
Stop, Alexei says, pulling me back.
Stop what? I ask.
Stop thinking. Hes closer now, I realize. I can barely see the shore. In Valancia, the Festival of
the Fortnight is in full swing. Natives and tourists no doubt fill the streets, but Alexei and I are
cocooned in our own little world. And we are happy. Almost.
Im going to do it, Alexei warns. His smile is too bright in the moonlight.
Do what? I ask.
Im going to make you laugh.
Youre what?
Im going to make you laugh, he says, grinning. Its been a long time since Ive heard you
laugh, Gracie, and its time.
Im just opening my mouth to protest when he splashes me.
Water gushes over my head. It gets in my mouth and my eyes.
He does it again and again.
And again.
And hes right. I do laugh. I laugh so loudly that it echoes off the hills and drowns out the sound
of the rushing, falling water.
I laugh like a little girl who has finally climbed the wall and caught up with the boys.
I laugh because, for once, Alexei chose to run away with me.
When I splash him back, he lunges in the water, wrapping my arms in his own, squeezing me
from behind. I squirm and kick and try to break free, but Alexei only holds me tighter, pulling me
against his chest as we float, weightless, looking up at the stars.
Slowly, I stop fighting.
For a long time, we are alone and we are silent. I can feel Alexeis every breath. My head rests
on his shoulder and he doesnt move to push me away. If anything, he holds me tighter.
The people who are behind this Alexei begins, but I just keep gazing at the stars. Someone
put a bomb in a diplomatic car, Gracie. Someone killed a West Point cadet who was a personal guest
of the United States ambassador. Whoever these people are, please tell me youre being careful.
He squeezes me so tightly that I can barely breathe. The last thing I want to do is stop him.
Im okay, I say, to the boy and to the stars. Ill be okay, I say, praying its true.
Embassy Row is dark when I reach it. Its late enough that if Im quiet I know that I might just make it
inside and up to my room before Jamie or my grandfather or Ms. Chancellor even realizes Ive been
missing. The rain drove most of the protestors away, and now Embassy Row is oddly silent. For the
first time in days, the street is at peace.
You have been careless, Grace Olivia.
When Dominic steps out from the small crack in the fence between the US and Russia, I almost
jump out of my skin.
You scared me! I say while I try to force my heart back into my chest.
He doesnt ask where Ive been or who Ive been with. No. Its worse than that. He looks at me
like he already knows.
Valancia is a dangerous city, Dominic says, but I cant help myself. I glance down the
mansion-lined street. Armed guards stand approximately every fifty feet; cameras cover every angle.
Yeah. Its all I can do not to roll my eyes. Clearly the neighborhood is super sketchy.
But Dominic doesnt laugh at my joke, doesnt relax. He doesnt even scold me like my dad or
Jamie would. He just looks at me as if he sees something I dont. And he probably does. He was some
kind of elite soldier once upon a time. Its his job to look in shadows and see ghosts. Now that theres
no one hes supposed to be protecting, I guess hes decided to protect me.
For the first time in my life, I actually feel sorry for the Scarred Man.
How are you? I ask.
He looks stunned by the question.
You should not be concerned about me, he says.
But you get to worry about me? That doesnt quite sound fair.
I He stumbles, and I know Ive knocked him off guard, probably the first time thats
happened in decades. He moves out of my way and gestures to the embassy. Go inside, Grace Olivia.
And do not wander the streets alone again. Especially after dark. Especially now.
The Festival of the Fortnight is just getting started, and as if on cue, some drunks stagger down
Embassy Row, proving his point.
I move to the gates but at the last minute turn back and study the Scarred Man. Was he always so
dark, so brooding? Did he ever go night swimming with a girl and splash her until she laughed? And
did that laughter die the night my mother died? Did I kill his laughter, too, when I killed her?
Thank you, Dominic. If I didnt say so before, thank you for saving my life.
Im quiet on the stairs of the embassy. Im like a ghost as I walk down the hall. The light is off in
Jamies room, but I cant tell if hes asleep or out somewhere, wandering through the city. I dont
know, and I tell myself it doesnt matter. I just ease open my door and step inside, closing it softly
behind me, thankful for the dark.
Its about time, a voice says, and I cant help myself: I scream and spin.
Lila! I try to catch my breath and glare at the girl who is lounging atop my covers, a smug
smirk on her perfect face.
Members of your family really need to learn to knock, I say, remembering the night when I
met Noah.
I did knock. Lila stretches and twists across my bed like a very shiny cat. You werent here.
And you came in anyway?
Oh. Im sorry. Youre so right. I should have knocked on every door in the embassy looking
for you, asking if anyone knew where I could find you. Would you have preferred that?
She has me and she knows it. When I flip on the light she eyes me, and I see that Megan is asleep
in my chair.
Nice sweater, Lila says as I strip off my cardigan. Thats also when I realize that I must have
put it on inside out.
I could say something, retreat. But I am far more comfortable on the offensive.
What do you want, Lila?
I think maybe shes going to tell me that its over, that shes told her mom or Ms. Chancellor and
any moment now an army of lady librarian assassins is going to storm the embassys walls and take
me away for my betrayal.
But Lila just crosses her arms and studies me. So how was Alexei?
I could deny it. I could fight it. But I have learned to pick my battles wisely, and under any
circumstances, Lila is a worthy foe, so I say, Fine.
What is it? Megan is still half asleep, but shes pulling herself together.
Also, your hair is wet, Lila tells me, then looks at Megan. Grace came home.
Was there something the two of you needed? I dont mean to snap, really I dont. But Im too
tired and its too late. Im too hungry and worried and I dont know what just happened between
Alexei and me, but I know that somethings different now. We are different. Lila and Megan would
probably know about boys. They could probably tell me what happened, but that would be betraying
Alexei and whatever our private moment meant.
If Megan and I were alone, I might ask, but Lila and I arent friends. I know it. She knows it. If it
werent for the Society and Alexei and all the drama of our lives, we would exist in completely
separate social spheres.
But I can see something changing inside of Lila. Her features shift as she climbs off the bed and
walks to the window. The moon is bright and full, and its light slashes across her pretty face. There
was a time, not long ago, when that would have reminded me of a scar. But Lilas skin is perfect. Its
whats in her eyes that scares me.
Whats wrong? I ask.
Lila turns to Megan, and something passes between them. Megans fully awake now, and I can
tell that shes almost afraid.
You two are scaring me, I say.
Megan reaches down and picks up her laptop. You know how you told me to and I quote
do my computer thing and find out all I can about that night?
Well, I did.
That was fast. What did you find?
This. Megan sounds like shed give anything to take it back, but its too late. For a lot of
She turns the laptop around. It takes a moment to recognize the scene thats playing out in black
and white. The footage is from one of the embassies. I can tell by the fences that line the street. Its
dark and the night is clear.
Its from the night of the party, Megan says. Most of us were still on the island it wasnt
that late. And then Megan trails off but gestures to the screen, where Spence is walking down an
alley thats just off Embassy Row. Hes covered in dust and his hat is missing, but its definitely him,
and hes definitely 100 percent alive.
Isnt there a tunnel entrance around that corner? I ask. Megan nods.
Yeah, but
Well, thats good, right? This is more proof that he made it back to the mainland alive?
Keep watching, Lila says.
On the screen, Spence turns, walks out of sight.
Then, ten seconds later, Alexei appears as well.
And follows.
Ive been wrong, and Ive been crazy. But this is the first time Ive ever truly felt like a fool.
I keep thinking about the way Alexei held me and looked into my eyes while he lied. It makes me
want to take a hot shower, scrub off every inch of skin he might have touched. It makes me wonder
how a person can be so wrong so often. It makes me realize Im the last person on earth anyone
should ever trust.
Thats what keeps me up all night.
Thats why I cant relax long enough to close my eyes or sleep or eat or do anything but stare at
the walls of my mother s bedroom, rocking and wondering exactly when and how everything went so
Thats why, when morning comes, I know exactly what I have to do.
Theres no answer when I knock on the door, but its unlocked, and as I push it open just a crack I can
hear the water running in the bathroom. I let myself in and stand at the window.
You can see Russia from here. Id almost forgotten that. But now I remember stories about
flashlights and Morse code, a long-running debate about the wisdom of stringing a laundry line
between the two embassies so that no matter what day or night messages could be passed in
I hear my mother s laugh when I think about it. I can almost see her close this window, blocking
out the rain and the sun and the boy next door.
When the bathroom door swings open, the small bedroom floods with steam, and I hear my
brother gasp. Gracie! You scared me half to death!
Jamies hair is wet, and hes not wearing a shirt. Hes always been my big brother, but its hard to
disguise the fact that, now, hes even bigger. His arms are huge and his chest is broad, and it feels like
hes grown a foot. Or maybe Im just smaller. It feels like I shrink a little more every day.
Youre up early, my brother says. He digs around in his dresser and pulls out an ARMY T-shirt,
pulls it over his head. It wouldnt do any good to tell him that I never went to sleep.
How far did you run? I ask instead.
I did the circle, he says. I dont have to ask which circle. He means he looped the city, ran all
the way around Embassy Row. Five miles. Its barely six a.m.
Is that all? I tease.
Jamie shrugs. I did it twice.
Of course he did. It used to bother me, having a sibling who was so perfect. But now Im glad
Dad has him. Im glad not all of our familys expectations have to land on me.
Gracie? Jamies closer than I remember. I can see his reflection in the window as I look out at
Russia. The suns just coming up.
Im sorry, Jamie.
He turns to me. For what?
For killing your mother.
The wall that runs around Valancia is high and wide and strong enough to stand for a thousand
years, but its nothing compared to the one Ive built inside me. In the haze of early morning, though,
I can hear it start to crack. I can feel my defenses crumble. And when the tears come they dont slide
down my face in slow motion. No, my grief comes out in wails and sobs.
I know Jamies arms are around me. I know thats the reason I havent already fallen, broken, to
the floor.
I did it, I say. It was me. I did it. I
Shhh, Gracie. Shhh. Its okay.
I killed her. I killed Mom. I shot her, Jamie.
You didnt mean to. It was an He stops himself before he says the word accident. You
didnt mean to do it. Its okay, my brother says, like that will make it better. He doesnt know that
thats maybe my least favorite lie of all.
Jamie drags me to the bed and makes me sit on the edge, his arms around me like a vise. Hes
not going to let me split into a thousand pieces no matter how much I want to. He is going to hold me
I was wrong, I say.
Its okay, he tells me. He has no idea Im talking about Alexei.
I was so stupid! I say, then my anger shatters, fractures into tears. Im not really mad, I realize.
Im betrayed. Like it or not, I know Ill never trust again.
Ive been quiet for a while now. Jamie must think its safe to speak again because he presses a
kiss to the top of my head just like Mom used to do.
Did you sleep at all last night?
I can hear the tension in Jamies voice, the worry. Hes already wondering if he should call Dad,
what hes supposed to say to Grandpa. He wants to know how bad I am. He doesnt even know the half
of it.
I didnt think so. He rubs my back, mutters, Man, youre thin, and I know its not a
compliment. My brother is worried about me. Its not his fault he isnt a fool.
My sobs have turned to silent tears. The only motion is the feel of my brother rocking me as if I
were still a little girl whos had a bad dream. But this is one nightmare from which I will never, ever
Is this the part where I sing? he asks me. Mom always sang.
Hush, little princes, dead and gone I start softly, but Jamie pulls back and looks at me. Hes
What? I ask.
You. You always get the words wrong.
No, I dont.
Yes, he says in that tone that must come standard in the Big Brother package. You do.
No. I never mind.
Fine, Jamie says, and for a long time, he just hugs me. But I can hear him humming under his
breath. And when the humming stops, his words are almost a whisper.
What if I stay?
I push away and rub my nose with my sleeve as he tells me, I could defer. Go back in a semester
or two.
No! Im shouting now. Grandpa might hear us, get worried. Come to see what has become of
his only grandchildren. But thats not likely, and we both know it. Im not going to let you throw
West Point away.
West Point isnt going anywhere.
Im not going to be responsible for ruining anybody elses life. I cant I wont do that.
Theres nothing my brother can say to that so, to his credit, he doesnt say a thing.
Get some sleep, Gracie. He pulls me to my feet and pushes me toward the door.
Im not tired.
Youre exhausted, he says, and a part of me has to admit he might be right because, when I
reach the door, I sway a little. I have to hold on to the frame when I turn.
My brother looks up at me.
Alexei is in a cave in the hills, three clicks north of the Iranian embassy.
It takes a moment for the words to register, for their meaning to land. I cant tell if hes relieved
or disappointed when he shakes his head.
You dont want to tell me that.
Hes not far from the hot springs where the two of you used to sneak off and swim. The caves
pretty well hidden. Theres just a narrow crack. But you can find it if youre looking.
Why are you telling me this?
Tell the cops. Dont tell the cops. Tell Grandpa. Swarm the place with a SWAT team, I dont
care anymore. Its your choice. Im through.
With Alexei?
With drama?
With taking foolish chances all on my own?
I dont stop to specify because, in truth, I really dont know. Im just through. With all of it. Most
of all, Im through with trusting my own judgment because, clearly, its as messed up as my mind.
Lila and I arent going to storm the Society. They are welcome to their secrets, and as far as Im
concerned it can stand for another thousand years. When I go back to my room I fall onto my bed and
deep into sleep. I dont even dream. The embassy could go up in flames around me, the neighbors
could start World War III I wouldnt notice anything. Im dead to the world.
Or at least it feels that way. I tell myself thats why I dont notice when my door opens. I dont
feel the mattress sag. And when a hand presses against my mouth its why it takes a moment for me to
swallow down the instinct to scream.
Wake up, you little traitor.
I bolt awake and realize Alexeis blue eyes are staring into mine. His face is inches away. We
need to talk.
Im not afraid.
Thats the first thing I realize, aside from the obvious. That Alexei is in my room. That Alexei is
in the US embassy. That Alexei knows I told someone his location, and now Alexei has fled his hiding
place and come to me.
And Alexei isnt smiling.
Its been days since hes shaved, and dark stubble covers his strong jaw. But his blue eyes are
clear and alert as they stare into mine. Alexei is wide awake, but hes not wild. His breathing is slow
and even. Hes almost the boy I know. Or, at least, the boy I thought I knew.
If I take my hand away, are you going to scream? he asks, and, slowly, I shake my head.
Dont lie to me, Gracie.
And that does it. I wrench myself away from him and roll off the other side of the bed.
Youre telling me not to lie to you?!
You said you would not scream.
Oh, I can show you screaming
But Alexei is on me in a flash. You might want to lower your voice if you dont want your
grandfather and a whole host of your American marines to find a killer in your bedroom.
Maybe thats exactly what I want, I bite out.
Alexei grins. Once upon a time that would have meant wed have to marry, you know. It would
have been the only honorable thing to do.
Dont what?
Dont flirt with me. Dont tease me. Dont lie to me.
Im mad and I dont trust him not to tell me the truth, not to do anything but hypnotize me with
a touch. Mainly, I dont want the reminder of how weak I was, how easily fooled. I dont want to
remember being used.
Youve been busy, Gracie.
You cant call me that anymore, I tell him. I revoke the privilege.
Jamie came to see me, Alexei says.
Did he bring the police with him? I ask, even though Im almost afraid of the answer.
He glares at me, betrayed. I didnt wait around to find out.
He releases me then, moves around my mother s room. When he stops at the window he draws
the curtains and blocks out the light. Id almost forgotten its still the middle of the day. Time doesnt
mean anything to me anymore.
Why are you here, Alexei?
Isnt it obvious? Im a dangerous murderer and there is a nationwide manhunt. I have more
Americans to kill.
Why are you here? I practically shout. If you can break into the US you can break into Russia.
Youd be safer there. Why are you in my room?
Because you and I have unfinished business.
I expect him to grab me or tease me or kiss me. I expect him to shout from the rafters about
my betrayal or throw me over his shoulder and drag me away.
But Alexei just stalks into the bathroom and starts pulling out drawers, throwing open cabinets.
Theres a pack of toothbrushes, and he grabs one, wheels on me.
This is mine now, he announces. I dont say a thing to protest as Alexei starts to brush his teeth.
I sleep in Dads old T-shirts, and one is lying on top of my dresser. Alexei grabs it. This, too!
he says, toothbrush sticking out the side of his mouth, toothpaste foaming on his lips. He looks like a
rabid dog.
Okay. I sit down on the edge of the bed and wait silently as he brushes his teeth and rips off his
stained and sweaty shirt. He wets a washcloth and rubs it over his chest, then pulls on my clean shirt.
Finally, he leans over the sink and splashes water on his face. When he looks up again, our gazes meet
in the mirror.
You dont look scared, he tells me.
Im not.
The look that crosses his face next is one Ive seen before: Maybe she really is crazy.
I thought you believed I was a killer.
And I thought you got a ride home with some kids you didnt know and went straight back to
Russia. Weve both been disappointed.
Alexei huffs and slowly turns. As he leans against the sink I can feel him studying me. Its not the
first time Ive watched someone wonder, What am I going to do with Grace?
Jamie probably has shaving stuff, I tell him, but he shakes his head.
Youre not running to Big Brother. Not this time, Gracie. This time you will sit right there. And
Im going to tell you a story.
Alexei doesnt move toward me. Im happy for that, I think. When he touches me I get stupid, so I vow
to never, ever let him touch me again.
He crosses his arms and studies me, as if we have all day, as if this is the most natural thing in
the world.
My mother was Adrian.
It takes a moment for me to register what Alexeis just said, for me to realize that I have never
heard him mention his mother before.
I didnt know that.
There is no reason you should know. I doubt you ever saw her. She has not been seen by anyone
in ten years. Not since she went missing.
Your mother s missing?
Alexei looks away for a moment. Its like he doesnt want to face what comes next.
I know, Gracie. Ive always known. About the Society.
Your mother was a member? I ask. Alexei nods.
She and her friends. I used to see them together, meeting in secret, talking in whispers. I
watched them obsess over things that disappeared hundreds of years ago. It is rather ironic, is it not?
That now she is the thing that is missing?
Who exactly were her friends? I ask, even though I already know at least part of the answer.
Alexei must see it in my eyes, because he nods.
Yes. Your mother was one of them. How do you think Jamie and I became so close? The two of
us were pushed together practically in the cradle, told to go play while the three of them did whatever
it is they would do.
Alexei reaches into his pocket, pulls out his wallet, and tosses it in my direction. I catch it as he
says, Look. There among the euros is an old snapshot of three women. No, three girls. Theyre
laughing and smiling, so happy as they stand atop the wall with the blue sea stretching to the horizon
beyond their shoulders. I stare into my mother s eyes and know I never knew her at all.
My mother carried that photo with her, he says. Almost always.
Alexei I start to stand, to reach for him, but Im rooted to the spot. Im half afraid that if I
get any closer hell jump out the window, never to be seen again.
What happened the night Spence died? I ask instead.
We fought. Alexei shrugs. And I saw the medallion around his neck and knew it had to do
with the Society, so when he went to search the ruins I followed him. I wasnt going to stay behind just
because I did not care for the company.
So you came back via the tunnel? With Spence?
The last time I saw the two of you, you were trying to claw each other s eyes out.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend, Alexei tells me, and in a strange way it makes sense. I
can see it. I did not kill John Spencer.
I think it might be the first time Ive heard him say it. And even ten feet away, with his arms
crossed and his gaze down, I have to admit that I believe him.
Did you see anyone when you were down in the Society?
Did anyone see you?
Alexei shakes his head. I cannot be sure.
Was anyone on the street with you? Were you being followed?
No! Alexei pushes away from the sink and bolts toward me. I dont know who killed him. I
wish I did. I wish I had been there because then It was late, but he was still on American time and
wasnt tired. He wanted to look around the city more, and I wanted to come home, so I left him. I did
not see him again until the next morning. With you.
I must sit in silence for longer than I realize because eventually Alexei says, Say something.
Stay here.
I cant.
Youre the most wanted man in Adria. This is the US embassy. Can you think of someplace they
are less likely to look for you? Stay here. In this room. Ill be back.
Im grabbing my sweater and walking toward the door when Alexei gently takes me by both
arms and pulls me closer.
Its not safe out there, he says, too close to my ear.
Yeah, well I look up at him. Maybe its not safe in here either.
Once, when I was little, my mom took me on a tour of the city.
It wasnt like the tours the real tourists do. No. It was My Moms Valancia, and we spent a whole
day, just the two of us, eating gelato from her favorite stands and riding bikes down her favorite
We browsed in the store where she bought her first fancy party dress.
We took charcoal and palettes and tried to sketch her favorite view of the city from high up in
the hills.
As the sun set that evening, I held my mother s hand and walked back down Embassy Row,
knowing there was no place else in Adria that I ever really needed to visit that Id seen everything
worth seeing.
I was wrong.
Because now Im walking into a room that no tourist no mere mortal is supposed to ever
Hello, Grace. Princess Ann stretches her arms out as she greets me. I was so glad to get your
The man who escorted me up from the private entrance leaves us and closes the big double
doors behind him. Im filled with a kind of nervous energy that I cant quite hold in.
I cant believe the phone number my mom had for you was your actual phone number.
At this, the princess laughs, and that makes me remember that she really was my mother s best
friend, that once upon a time she was just a regular girl.
Before she married the crown prince of Adria.
Before she gave birth to a future king.
Before my mother died.
Long before I became a killer.
Im sorry, I say. I dont know how I got here exactly, I just Youre part of it, arent you?
Youre one of them.
Princess Ann considers answering, I can tell. But instead she turns toward the staircase that
curves along the edge of the great room, lush red carpet running down its center. Its a staircase meant
for a queen.
Come, Grace, you must be thirsty. Ive already rung for tea.
Im not the kind of girl who has tea parties. Not when I was little. And certainly not now. I was the kind
of girl who might set her teacups up along a fence, use them for target practice with her slingshot. But
I dont say any of that to the princess of Adria.
She leads me to the massive staircase, then up and up to the fourth floor of the palace.
These are the family rooms, I can tell. The paintings on the walls are all less than three hundred
years old. The cheap ones. And the ceilings are lower than in the grand staterooms and ballrooms
below. But when she pushes open a wide set of double doors, the room she leads me into is still
maybe the most beautiful that I have ever seen. Its smaller than the ballroom, less stately than the
entrance where just a few weeks ago I curtsied before the king. No, this room isnt quite that formal,
but everything inside it is equally majestic.
Two fireplaces flank it on either end, surrounded by deep chairs covered in soft brown leather.
There are plush couches, and tables covered with beautiful pots of orchids and family photos in silver
frames. But there is also a soft blanket, an overturned book. Beneath one of the sofas there is a pair of
discarded tennis shoes. This isnt where Princess Ann entertains, I realize. Its where she lives, and I
know it is some great honor just to be here.
But perhaps the most striking thing about this room is the four large windows that dominate the
far wall. Black silk curtains run from floor to ceiling and, wordlessly, Im drawn toward them. When
I look outside I see that we are exactly in the palaces center the gates are right outside and I
remember standing right there, looking up at this very spot while Ms. Chancellor told me a story.
Is this
Yes, Grace, the princess says. This is where they hung the bodies.
Behind me, doors open and a maid delivers an elegant tray covered with the things for tea. But
even the splendor of this room and all the trappings of the palace cant keep me from the windows
and the scene that is playing out down below.
Theyre setting up for tonight, the princess says. I hadnt realized shed come so close.
Whats tonight? I ask.
Princess Ann looks at me, surprise all over her face. You dont know?
I shake my head, stare back at the window. Mom didnt like the festival. She always kept us away
from it. She said it was dangerous.
Gently, Ann reaches out and touches the glass. It is.
Down below, workers are stringing lights throughout the square and over the sidewalks.
Vendors are setting up carts draped with fabrics in white and red. And in the center of it all, the fire
still burns.
For the first time, I see it all through the eyes of the woman beside me. When a group of tourists
look up at the palace and start taking pictures, I expect her to step away, but she just shakes her head,
reading my mind.
The glass is one-way, she says. And bulletproof.
Every girl thinks about growing up in a palace. Few ever ponder living in a cage.
Whats tonight? I ask.
Its the fourth night, Princess Ann tells me. The Night of a Thousand Amelias.
What does that mean? I ask.
She looks at me. Your mother really never told you?
No. I shake my head. She didnt want us anywhere near here during the festival. We werent
even allowed out after dark.
Im not surprised, Princess Ann says. Caroline knew what this really is.
What is it? I ask, even though Im half afraid of the answer.
It is a fourteen-day celebration of a time when people like them killed people like me.
Ive never thought of it like that how it must feel to look out every night onto that scene,
The royal family is very popular now, I say, but Princess Ann just laughs.
You are sweet to say so, Grace. Just like your mother.
It is the perfect time to change the topic, to ask her what she knows about my mother s death and
my mother s work and all the ways the two things are intertwined. But for some reason I cant. Not
Why does the royal family allow it? I ask instead.
Because perhaps allowing people to remember history will help us all be less anxious to repeat
I see, I say, even though I dont. Not really.
Come, Grace, the princess says. Your tea is getting cold.
I follow Princess Ann around to sit on one of the straight-backed chairs that face the window.
She pours me a cup and adds a generous dose of honey without asking how I take it.
You knew, I say as she hands me the cup.
The princess smiles. You are very like your mother. I couldnt imagine you would take it in any
other way.
Thank you, I say, but Im not talking about the tea. I am grateful for the compliment, until I
remember all of my mother s secrets. Maybe being just like her is not such a great way to be after all.
This is the worst night, Princess Ann volunteers after a moment. She sips her own tea, places
the cup gently on her saucer. I always sit in this room in this chair on the fourth night.
Why? I ask.
Ms. Chancellor should tell you, she says, as if Ive just asked where babies come from and she
wants nothing more than to avoid an awkward conversation.
Please. What happened on the fourth night? Suddenly, the room is cold even here, on the
Mediterranean in the middle of summer.
I watch the princess weigh her options, contemplate what she should and should not say.
You say your mother never allowed you to attend the festival, but you know the reason for it,
dont you?
I know the royal family was murdered, and that it started a war. I study Princess Ann. And I
know about the treasure.
For a while, the moment stretches out, the silence hangs heavy between us. What do you know
about it?
Ms. Chancellor told me everything, I try.
I doubt that, Grace, because no one knows everything. Three elders came to the palace the night
of the coup. They salvaged what they could, but died before they could tell anyone the details.
I nod.
It must have been chaos, Ann says. For a moment I wonder if shes even really talking to me.
They say it was an angry mob, but it wasnt, you know. In truth it was no more than a dozen people
who stormed the palace. At first. Did they come intent on murder? I dont know. Ive often wondered,
though. Maybe all they wanted was food for their families? Maybe it simply got out of hand? Or did
they come up those stairs intending to kill? Does it make me a bad person if I think it was the latter?
She doesnt really wait for an answer. Because I do, Grace. I really do. I think they came to kill.
Ann holds her teacup in her hand, but she doesnt sip, doesnt move. Its almost like shes frozen,
looking back in time.
Those windows, she says after a long moment. Then her cup begins to shake. Hurriedly, she
places it back on the table. They hung the bodies from those windows, like trophies. Like a warning.
They hung their bodies from those windows, Princess Ann says, stronger now, until the fourth
night, when the Society came and cut them down.
I cant help myself. I look at the windows before me, now tinted and bulletproof and bordered by
black silk. Theres no way to see what actually happened, but this room carries the truth inside it still.
And maybe its just the sadness radiating off of Princess Ann, but I swear I can feel it.
The Society did that? I ask.
Princess Ann nods. They came through a passageway and smuggled the bodies out of the
palace. They took them and buried them. I dont know where. No one knows, and thats probably for
the best. They deserve to rest in peace.
My tea has gone cold in front of me. Ive lost all desire to drink it. So I just sit here, thinking
about how the king and his family are just people, and for two weeks every year an entire nation
celebrates the moment their ancestors died.
Im surprised your mother never told you, Princess Ann says.
Now my teacup is shaking too. There were a lot of things my mother never told me.
She must hear the bitterness in my voice. She has no trouble guessing why.
She never told you about the Society?
She never told me about anything.
You mustnt blame your mother, Grace. She loved you so. She just wanted to protect you.
From what? I snap. Ann is not the princess of Adria now. She is my mother s first and best
She is someone who might have answers.
Tell me, I demand.
Ann smiles. I suppose very few people ever make demands of princesses. Tell you what,
Tell me everything. About the Society. And the treasure. And your other friend my friend
Alexeis mother. Do you know what happened to her? Why did someone want my mother to die?
Ann stands. We found out when we were about your age, I suppose. Your grandmother had
passed away, but one day Ms. Chancellor and my mother came to us. Caroline and I had always been
friends, but when we learned that we were descended from the daughters of the founders when we
learned we had that in common that in that way we were more like sisters than friends then we
became much, much closer. I suppose you might even say we grew obsessed.
With the Society? I ask.
Slowly, Ann shakes her head. With history.
Its such a strange response it takes me a moment to truly hear it.
What did she find? Why did someone want her dead?
Dont deny it! I stand too, unable to sit corralled inside some fancy chair. I know she was
obsessed with something.
At last, Ann looks surprised. You do?
Was it the treasure the Society smuggled out of the palace the night of the coup? Was it
something else? Did she find it? Is that why they tried to kill her?
I watch Princess Anns brown eyes, wait for her to carefully word her denial. But the denial
doesnt come.
Oh, Grace, Ann says instead. Your mother loved antiques, and she loved secrets. I think
perhaps she did find something. But I dont know what.
What was she working on?
You have to understand, your mother and I hadnt been truly close in years. When I married, it
was difficult to maintain ties to my old life my life before this. She gestures at the palace and all
its trappings, but also its loneliness. It feels like we must be the only people here.
But you know she was still looking for it, dont you? You know about the treasure.
Im deadly serious, but Princess Ann almost laughs. The treasure, if you want to call it that,
disappeared two centuries ago. It wont be found now. When we were girls we thought it exciting and
fanciful. It was our own little adventure. But we grew up, Grace.
I know you got together as grown-ups. I know you were still looking after Jamie was born.
After Jamie was born we would get together as friends.
What happened to Alexeis mother?
I dont know, Ann says. Karina was always a bit wild. She had an unhappy marriage. When
she went away, Caroline and I did not ask too many questions.
You think she abandoned her child?
We didnt know what to think. But a part of me did wonder. I saw less and less of my friends in
those days. I was desperate to have my own child, and I was selfish. I forgot about my friends. But
after Karina disappeared, your mother told me she still searched for the treasure that that had
become her job within the Society and I grew worried. I told your mother to forget it. To be
honest, I thought she had.
Slowly, the princess turns to me, a sad smile on her face. Oh, how I wish she had. Princess Ann
is one of the most beautiful women in the world, but right now she looks like she wants to cry. I know
the feeling. There is nothing worse than remembering.
Now, Grace. I need you to tell me the truth: Are you here with your grandfather s permission?
Yes. The lie is automatic now.
Grace. Princess Anns voice is a warning. She sounds just like a mother. If your
grandfather is at the embassy right now, worrying about where you might be
Hes not. This much, at least, is true. Hes not worried. I promise. I told someone where I was
going. If Princess Ann doubts my lie she doesnt say so.
Forgive me, she says. Motherhood has this effect on a person. I worry about my son every
Oh. Yeah. Im sure you do.
Your mother said that someday we would make the two of you get married and then wed truly
be family. Did she tell you?
I choke on my tea, and Ann laughs.
Dont worry, darling. We never actually signed the betrothal contracts.
The look on my face makes her laugh even harder.
Oh, Grace. I am so glad you called.
Its funny how, until this summer, Id never really realized that my mother was a girl once. Sure,
I always knew that shed grown up in Valancia, that the embassy was her childhood home, and yet Id
never thought about the fact that my mother had once been a child.
Like me.
No wonder someone tried to kill her.
Excuse me, Your Highness. I turn and see a man in full livery standing by the doors. I am
sorry to interrupt, but the young ladys escort is here to return her to the embassy.
I dont have an escort, I say, but then Dominic appears over the footmans shoulder.
Please excuse the interruption, Your Highness, but the ambassador has asked me to bring Grace
home, the Scarred Man says. It is no night for her to be out alone.
I could argue, but then I remember the bonfires and the crowds and the chaos. I remember bodies
hanging from four beautiful windows, and that, no matter how high your walls are, no one is ever
truly safe. Its no wonder my grandfather has sent Dominic to find me.
I turn back to Princess Ann one final time. An hour ago Id hoped that someone who knew the
girl my mother was might be able to explain what happened to the woman she became. But thats not
meant to be, I guess.
Thank you for the tea, I say, because I cant thank her for the answers.
It was my pleasure, dear. Ann pulls me into a hug too tight to be anything but real. When she
pulls away she actually pauses for a moment, pushes a stray bit of hair out of my face and tucks it
behind my ear. A motherly gesture.
It makes me want to cry.
Dominic doesnt speak. Doesnt smile. Im walking beside him, trying to keep up. When he leads me
through the palace gates I look for a black car with the little US flags flying near the headlights, but
the circle drive is empty. I guess were going to walk.
The sun is nearly down, and soon the streets will be black and lit by fire. Were walking quickly
through the crowds that are filing toward the palace, over cobblestones and curbs. Tonight, the crowd
is different. Most of the men wear long black capes and ornate masks. Women and young girls dance
in flowing white dresses with red sashes. Most have flowers in their hair.
Its beautiful.
And its insanely creepy.
Dominic holds me tight, pulling me against the tide of people flowing toward the palace. I
should be happy to have his arm around my shoulder, to feel his big, steady, and intimidating
presence beside me. I stumble once, but he holds me so firmly I dont even start to fall.
Grandpa sent you? I ask.
He grunts something that sounds like yes, and we keep walking.
He didnt know where I was, I tell him, but Dominic shakes his head.
I knew where you were, Grace Olivia.
Of course he did.
How is your injury? Dominic asks.
My what? It says a lot about me that I dont even notice the ache of a stab wound anymore, that
a part of me is so utterly immune to pain. Its fine. I mean, it hurts. But Im used to that.
Then, as if on cue, a wave of tourists passes by us, jostling me closer to him. You should never
have left the embassy. It was foolish to come.
Now that Dominic has mentioned it, my side starts to ache. I feel out of breath. Aware.
What were you thinking, leaving the embassy tonight of all nights? Are you listening to me?
You arent safe here!
I am safe! Im fine.
Im not fine, and standing before me is one of the few people on the planet who really knows it
who will ever know why.
As the sky grows darker, the crowds grow thicker. People push recklessly toward the palace, too
close. Too strong. Its different from the first night somehow, and Im not the only one who feels it,
because Dominic reaches for me, tucks me protectively under his arm.
Masks are dangerous things, he says. They make people feel anonymous, immune. They give
people license to act as they otherwise wouldnt dare. This is no time to be out of the embassy.
Thats okay, I say, youre here to protect me.
Im not being flippant. This isnt my idea of a joke. It is the truth, and I know it. I watch him
move see how strong he is and even as I know that I am safe, another thought is coming to me.
My brother s words come rushing back.
Its hard to break somebodys neck, Jamie said. It would take someone strong. And fast. And
It would take someone like Dad.
The Scarred Man is about as much like my father as one man could possibly be. I suppose my
mother had a type.
And with that realization, a cold sense of dread bubbles up within me. A realization dawns.
Its easier than it should be for me to pull myself free of the Scarred Mans grasp. I think hes too
shocked. But he, of all people, should know better than to underestimate me and all of my crazy.
You were there. You saw us that night, when Jamie and I got back from the island.
Grace, this isnt the time.
When he reaches for me I pull away. No. I saw you! And you heard us fighting about Spence,
didnt you? You knew he tried something. You said youd always keep me safe.
I will.
Did you kill him?
The look on the Scarred Mans face chills me to the bone. If I had killed a man who hurt you,
Grace Olivia, they would have never found the body.
Hes not joking, and thats what scares me. Dominic could kill, would kill no doubt has killed.
But he wouldnt hurt me, I know it in my soul, and I realize something strange: Im the only person in
Adria who actually trusts the Scarred Man.
Maybe this makes me even more of a fool.
Or maybe it just makes me safe.
You belong in your embassy, Dominic says, and nudges me forward.
The crowds are growing thicker, the sky darker. Someone must have lit more bonfires because
the smell of smoke carries on the wind.
Im going to get you to tell me, you know, I say, but I dont glance back as I start down the hill.
About my mom and the island and whatever it is you think you cant tell me. Im going to get it out
of you. Im
The Scarred Man is silent. Too silent.
And when I turn back, hes already gone.
I stand for a moment, wondering what to do. But the current is too strong, and soon Im pushed with
the crowd. Even though the embassy is in the other direction, I cant fight it. I am surrounded by
people in masks and capes and long white dresses draped in red.
The sun is down, but its not dark. Not exactly. Not yet. The gaslights are growing brighter,
though, and the bonfire still burns.
Firecrackers erupt in the street, and I jump. It sounds like gunfire, and I find myself pressed
against the brick of one of the buildings, rocking.
Hush, little princess
Maybe its the smoke, but I feel my eyes begin to water. I will not allow myself to cry. I will not
crumble. I will not turn to ash and blow away like the tiny sparks and embers that fly up from the
bonfire and float like fireflies out to sea.
Dead and gone
The words come to me through the darkness, and I want to scream.
No ones gonna know youre coming home
Grace! I hear my mother s cries.
Grace! my mother screams, and I find it harder and harder to breathe because Im surrounded
by smoke and masks and the sky is the color of fire.
Hush, little princess, wait and see
Grace! the word comes again, and I know these women in white dresses are each my mother s
When I feel a hand on my arm I want to fight and run, but the man in the mask is gripping me too
hard. Its too dark and Im too tired. I lash out, pushing and fighting with all that I have. I grab the
offending hand and step to the side, spinning. But then the voice calls again, Grace!
With his free hand, Noah removes his mask. He leans down and looks into my eyes.
Grace, its me!
Im breathing so hard now the air doesnt actually reach my lungs.
Noah frees himself of my grasp and reaches for me again. Then he seems to think better of it.
Another man in a mask bangs into me, his elbow landing in my side, and I cry out. I think about
another day, another mob. The knife wound in my side. The mob that was after Alexei. After me.
And just that quickly I can feel the panic take me, the air being pulled from my lungs. There are
just too many people just too much smoke.
Jamie, I tell Noah. I need Jamie.
When Megan appears at Noahs side, shes breathing hard, laughing. I can tell shes been dancing
around the fire. Her long black hair is swept back and tied with a red bow at the base of her neck. Her
white dress is long and flowing, old-fashioned and high-waisted. Its like shes danced here from a
Grace! she exclaims, breathless. You came!
Was Jamie at the embassy when you left?
Its loud, and Megan cant hear me, so I yell again.
Was Jamie at the embassy?
I dont know, Megan says, shaking her head. I havent seen him. Grace, whats wrong?
I have to get back to the embassy, I say, even though I have no idea what will come next. I cant
think that far ahead. This is no chess game. Its my life. And it is spiraling out of control.
Hush, little princess
Stop it! I yell, putting my hands over my ears, trying to block out the song that is echoing over
and over in my mind. Stop it!
Stop what? Noah asks.
That singing. Its
In my mind, I start to say. But Noah is shaking his head and rolling his eyes.
Theyll sing it all night, he says, as if he is annoyed, too. He has no right to be bothered, I
think. The songs not inside his head.
But then I realize that if its not in Noahs head, then it isnt in mine either. Noah gestures at the
crowd, at the men in their capes and masks and the women and girls in their dresses. I catch glimpses
of red sashes waving in the firelight. Its like seeing splashes of blood.
They always sing it on the Night of a Thousand Amelias, Noah says, as if its a simple fact,
common knowledge, as obvious as the sun rising in the east.
The what? I think Princess Ann said something like that too, but she didnt explain it.
The Night of a Thousand Amelias, Noah says. You know how on the fourth night the masked
men came and cut down the bodies of the royal family? The king and queen and the children were all
wearing these white nightgowns or sleep shirts or whatever, but theyd been stabbed so many times
there were big red streaks like
I get it, Noah.
I recall Ms. Chancellor s words, the image of white muslin glowing in the moonlight except
where it was stained with blood, and I think Im going to be sick.
Well Noah is getting into it now legend has it the royal family comes back every year
and haunts the mob who killed them. So every year the women pretend to be little Amelia, all grown
up and out for revenge.
He gives me his Evil Laugh, but I just think about Princess Ann watching from her window.
Noah doesnt know his story is terrifying in a totally different way.
The men dress in masks and capes like the men who came on the fourth night to cut the bodies
down, he finishes.
They werent men, I say, but the crowd is so loud that no one hears me. In fact, if anything, the
song grows even louder. My mother s voice is singing.
Hush, little princess
Grace, are you okay? Megan asks from beside me.
I shake my head slowly. My mother used to sing this song.
Everybody in Adria sings this song.
The firecrackers erupt again, their sparks flying up and filling the small side street that stretches
up the hill. The gaslights are brighter now in the darkness; the street almost glows with an eerie,
smoky haze.
This isnt right. I shouldnt be here. Dominic was right, but now Dominic is gone. In my head,
my mother sings and I smell smoke, and Im afraid Im going to be sick all over Megan and her
pretty white dress.
Something is wrong, I know it.
When I see the dark figure striding through the smoke, backlit by the glow of the torches, I cant
help myself. I start to shake.
Spence, I say. I could swear Im talking to a ghost.
Even when the smoke fades and the figure becomes clear, the words on his jacket support the lie.
Spence. I read the name and struggle to breathe.
Gracie! Its Jamies voice, but Im still shaking as my brother draws closer and pulls off his
mask. Youre here, he says, but Im grabbing him, clawing, as he asks, Whats wrong?
I thought you were Spence. I thought Spence, I mutter. My gaze goes to the words
embroidered on the jacket my brother wears.
Its his. Jamies voice is solemn, and he doesnt look me in the eye. They got swapped and
The lights are off in the dining room, as if that will help Jamie rest. Only a single spotlight shines
down upon my brother s bloody chest. I want to whisper into his ear, tell him not to follow the light.
But maybe Mom is at the end of it. Maybe Im just jealous that I cant go, too.
Will someone tell me what is happening now?
No. Dominics tone tells me that it isnt up for debate. Hes not my father, not my grandfather.
He doesnt even work at the embassy. But my brother s blood is still all over his hands. Im not going
to complain.
The army has a wonderful medical facility at their base in Germany. Well get him there, Ms.
Chancellor says. If we can.
I look at them then, Dominic and Ms. Chancellor really look at them. At what it is they arent
You should get some rest, dear, Ms. Chancellor says, but I pull away from her.
Tell me. Now. Im trying to be calm, to be cool. And thats what scares them. Why is someone
after my family? Why are they out to kill us?
Ms. Chancellor and Dominic share a look. He says, If it were up to me, I would have told her
years ago.
Tell me now, I say again, and wait for Ms. Chancellor to do just that.
Grace, two hundred years ago, during the coup, palace guards abandoned their posts and threw
open the gates. As you know, members of the Society went that night to try to salvage what they could.
It was too late, though, to save the king and queen and princes, and the palace was bedlam. Looters
and murderers, thieves It was a nightmare, but sometimes chaos serves a purpose. And that night,
among the chaos, one of the royal nursemaids was able to hide a very small baby in her arms
Amelia lived, I say, and let the words wash over me. I look up at Ms. Chancellor. The
Yes, dear. When the Society came, they found the princess and her nurse. Of course, they had
also gathered some records and artifacts and other items as well, Ms. Chancellor adds. But Amelia
was without a doubt the most valuable thing taken from the palace that night.
Was she really lost? I ask in disbelief.
Ms. Chancellor considers this and answers carefully. Yes. In a sense.
They lost a baby?
No. The elders hid a baby. There were four baby girls born to Society members that spring
all at about the same time. Their mothers brought them to the headquarters that night and the babies
were wrapped in identical blankets. And then five Society members took daughters home, the idea
being that no one would ever know exactly which child was Amelia.
Hush, little princess, wait and see. No ones gonna know that you are me, I sing. Princess. Not
princes. Jamie was right. I did always get the words wrong. I have to laugh a little. And then,
desperately, I want to cry.
Ms. Chancellor shrugs, smiles a sad smile. Its just a nursery rhyme. But all nursery rhymes
begin with a kernel of truth.
What does this have to do with my mother? I ask, spinning on them. Im tired of playing
Now, Grace, you must understand that your mother was only interested in the history the
overwhelming historical significance of Amelias story. She didnt know what she would find, or that
it would lead to any of this.
Tell me!
Amelia didnt just survive, Grace. She lived. She grew into adulthood and married and had a
child of her own. And that child had children and so on and so on. And now its too late to change
what has happened to change what your mother discovered.
Tell me, I say, because I know theres more; I can see it in her eyes and feel it in my gut. I
think, deep down, a part of me has always known it.
Ms. Chancellor, tell me! I demand, but before she can say a word, Alexei appears in the
doorway and says, The helicopter is here.
He and Dominic pick up Jamies stretcher and rush him up the stairs to the embassys roof. The
wind is strong here. I can hear the flag flapping, the chain pinging against the metal pole. Overhead,
the helicopter s blades keep whirling, not slowing down. There isnt a minute to lose, I know.
Get in! Dominic orders Alexei, who doesnt argue. Hes sitting by Jamies head like an anchor,
refusing to let his best friend drift away. Both of you, he tells me, but I look back at Ms. Chancellor.
You have to go with him, dear, Ms. Chancellor says.
Tell me! I demand one final time.
The Scarred Man is the only one wholl meet my gaze. For years, I saw his face in my
nightmares, the shadow in my dreams. Three years ago he came to my mother s shop, but that wasnt
when this started. No. Our path was set ages ago, wrapped in a blanket and carried away. A secret
hidden for centuries.
Grace Olivia, the Scarred Man says, you are the lost princess of Adria.
Before I can ask a question, say a word, Dominic pushes me into the chopper then follows,
slamming the door.
I feel the helicopter rising, floating above the embassy. Its like this secret has been weighing us
down for years and now, without those lies to tether us, my brother and I are floating free, weightless
and directionless like balloons released into a strong wind.
The embassies recede. The great wall of Adria grows smaller and smaller. And smaller. It feels
like maybe Ive jumped again, but this time I do not fall; I just keep rising.
Behind us, the sun is coming up over Valancia, casting the city in its golden glow. Ahead of us,
the blue waters of the Mediterranean stretch out to the edge of the earth.
I hold my brother s hand. I look into Alexeis eyes. And we keep flying.
Suspended somewhere in between.
ALLY CARTER is the New York Times bestselling author of All Fall Down, the first book in the
Embassy Row series, as well as the Gallagher Girls and Heist Society series. Her books have been
published all over the world, in over twenty languages. You can visit her online at
Copyright 2016 by Ally Carter
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e-ISBN 978-0-545-65488-3
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