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Nama: Ny. S Diagnosis: DM Tipe II Dan Hipertensi Stage 2: C. Flow Sheet

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Nama : Ny. S
Diagnosis : DM tipe II dan Hipertensi stage 2 Diabetes Center
16/1/2016 18/1/2016 20/1/2016 3-Month 6-Month 9-Month Yearly 3--Month
Measure, Test or How Often Goal Visit Visit Visit Check-Up Visit
Discussion Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: Date:

Weight Every visit 45 45 45

Blood Pressure Every visit Less than 130/80 160/90 160/100 170/90

Blood Glucose Every visit 255 248 236

A1c (average blood sugar 2 to 4 times a year Less than 7% - - -

Microalbumin (urine Every year Less than 30mg/l -
protein test)
Every year 90 mL/min or more -
GFR (kidney function) (may vary with each patient) (check with your provider)

Fasting Lipid Profile Every year -

(blood fat test) Less than 200mg/dl
Cholesterol (total)
LDL (low density Less than 100mg/dl -
More than 40mg/dl for
HDL (high density men -

lipoprotein) More than 50mg/dl for

Triglycerides Less than 150mg/dl
(fasting) -

Foot Exam Every visit Normal Normal Normal

Dental Exam Every 6 months -

Eye Exam (dilated) Every year -

Childbearing Plans & Review every year for -
Pregnancy Risks women 12-45 years old

Flu Shot Every year in the fall -

Pneumonia Shot One time if you have -

never had one
The goals shown here may be different for each person. Please check with your doctor on what is best for you.
Diabetes Centers

Our goal at the Diabetes Centers is to help you take an active role in managing your diabetes so you can
have a healthier life. The Diabetes Care Guidelines, listed on the other side, were developed to help
reach this goal. The guidelines are laid out as a flow sheet to help you track your diabetes.

Your diabetes care will focus on your blood sugar. High blood sugar over time can cause a lot of
damage to your body. Your feet, eyes, kidneys, nerves, heart and blood vessels are the most likely to
be damaged. We want to find any problems you have as soon as possible. Early treatment usually
means fewer long-term problems.

Lets take a closer look at some of these guidelines:

Weight: Many people with diabetes need to keep their weight steady or lose a few pounds. You and
your doctor can decide what is OK for you.

Blood Pressure: Many people with diabetes have high blood pressure. High blood pressure is linked to
heart disease, stroke, eye and kidney problems.

A1c: This test measures your average blood sugar over the past 2 to 3 months. The results will help you
and your doctor know whether your diabetes treatment plan is working.

Microalbumin: This is a urine test to find early kidney problems. If the test result is high, your doctor
may order medication to protect your kidneys.

FastingLipid Profile: This is a blood test that measures several fats in your blood related to heart
disease. Included in the test are total cholesterol, LDL (bad cholesterol), HDL (good cholesterol) and
triglycerides. People with diabetes are at higher risk for developing heart disease.

FootExam: Take off your shoes and socks when you visit your doctor. Your feet need be looked over for
sores, cracks, calluses and infection. Also, the blood vessels and nerves in your feet need to be checked.

DentalExam: People with diabetes may be at higher risk for dental problems.

Eye Exam: Your eyes need to be dilated (pupils opened) with drops by an ophthalmologist or optometrist at
least once a year. This allows the doctor to see the back of the eye where diabetes can cause damage.

ChildbearingPlansand PregnancyRisks: If you are a woman who is planning on getting pregnant, talk
with your doctor. BEFORE you get pregnant, you need to do two things to safeguard your health and
your babys health:
Have your A1c in goal range, less than 7%
Start a folic acid vitamin supplement

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