5G The Microwave Perspective PDF
5G The Microwave Perspective PDF
5G The Microwave Perspective PDF
Thomas Cameron
Analog Devices, Inc. PERSPECTIVE
Given that the 5G is still in its infancy, much work needs to be completed
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development before the first commercial systems will be deployed.
With 5G rising on the horizon, its an exciting time to be an RF engineer. As However, there are certain trends and requirements already agreed upon
we embark on the road to 5G, the next-generation wireless communications and problems to be solved that will lead to the final 5G systems.
system, there are countless challenges and opportunities emerging for the
Lets consider 5G access systems at microwave and millimeter wave
engineering community. 5G represents both an evolution and a revolution
frequencies. One of the major hurdles in implementing radio access at
of mobile technologies that reaches the various high level goals that have
microwave frequency is overcoming the unfavorable propagation
been published to date by various members of the wireless ecosystem.
characteristics. Radio propagation at these frequencies is highly affected
5G is widely seen as the generation of wireless that will enable cellular to by atmospheric attenuation, rain, blockage (buildings, people, foliage),
expand into a completely new set of use, case, and vertical markets. While and reflections. Microwave point-to-point links have been deployed for
5G is generally seen in technology that delivers ultrabroadband services, many years but these are generally line of sight systems. The fact that
including HD and ultraHD video streaming, 5G technology will also enable they are stationary makes the link manageable, and the systems have
cellular to enter the world of machines. It will contribute to autonomous been developed in recent years, which support very high throughput
vehicles and be used to connect millions of industrial sensors and a using high order modulation schemes. This technology continues to evolve
multitude of wearable consumer devices, to name a few applications. and we will leverage the microwave link technologies into 5G access.
The evolutionary path to 5G consists of incremental enhancements of Early in the cycle, it has been acknowledged that adaptive beamforming
4G in the conventional cellular bands and extending up in frequency to will be required to overcome the propagation challenges for access systems.
emerging bands in the 3 GHz to 6 GHz range. Massive MIMO has industry Unlike point-to-point systems, the beamforming will need to adapt to the
momentum and will evolve from first systems based on LTE to adopt new users and the environment to deliver the payload to the user. It is generally
waveforms designed to improve throughput, latency, and cell efficiency. agreed in the industry that hybrid MIMO systems will be used in the micro-
wave and low millimeter wave bands, while in V bands and E bandswhere
Spectrum is seen as the lifeblood of the cellular industry and the
bandwidth is plentifulthe systems will likely only employ beamforming to
spectrum in the legacy cellular bands (sub-6 GHz) just cannot support
reach the required throughput goals.
the exponentially growing demand in upcoming years. As such, the
bands above 6 GHz are currently under study to test the viability of Upconversion PA
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2 5GThe Microwave Perspective
The diagram in Figure 1 depicts a high level block diagram of the What about CMOS? Is it also a contender? It is well documented that CMOS
hybrid beamforming transmitter. The receiver can be envisioned as the is suited for high volume scaling and this is being proven out in WiGig
reverse. The MIMO coding is performed in the digital section along with systems at 60 GHz. Given the early stage of development and uncertainty
the typical digital radio processing. There may be a multitude of MIMO of the use cases, it is difficult to say at this point if or when CMOS will be a
paths processed in the digital section from the various data streams technology choice for the 5G radios. Much work needs to be done first in the
feeding the antenna system. For each data stream, the DAC converts channel modeling and use cases to conclude the radio specifications and
the signal into analog at either a baseband or IF frequency depending where microwave CMOS may fit in future systems.
on the selected architecture. The signal is upconverted and split into the
The final consideration in the 5G systems is the interdependency of
constituent RF paths to feed individual antennae. In each RF path, the
the mechanical design and RF IC partitioning. Given the challenges to
signal is processed to set the gain and phase to form the beam out of
minimizing losses, the IC needs to be designed with the antenna and
the antenna.
substrate in mind to optimize the partition. Below 50 GHz, the antenna
While the block diagram is simplistic, the system challenges and trade- will be part of the substrate and it is expected that the routing and some
offs are complex. In this short treatment of the topic only a few issues will passive structures may be embedded in the substrate. There is a body of
be discussed, but lets focus on the architecture and radio challenges. It is research ongoing in the area of substrate integrated waveguides (SIW)
critical to design this system with power, size, and cost in mind from the that looks promising for such integrated structures. In such a structure
start to bring these systems to reality. it will be possible to mount much of the RF circuitry on one side of the
multilayer laminate and route to the antennae on the front face. The
While such radios can and are being built today for prototype 5G systems
RF ICs may be mounted in die form on this laminate or in surface-mount
using discrete (mainly GaAs) devices from Analog Devices and our
packages. There are good examples in the industry literature of such
peers, we need to bring the same high levels of integration to bear in
structures for other applications.
the microwave space as what has been implemented in cellular radios.
High integration and high performance make a tough problem for the Above 50 GHz, the antenna elements and spacing become small enough that
industry to solve. it is possible to integrate the antenna structure in or on the package. Again,
this is an area of ongoing research that may push 5G systems forward.
But integration alone is not the solution to this problem facing the industry.
It needs to be smart integration. When we think of integration, we need In either case, the RF IC and mechanical structure must be codesigned
to first consider architecture and partition to leverage the benefits of to ensure symmetry in routing and to minimize losses. None of this work
integration. In this case mechanical and thermal design also need to be will be possible without powerful 3D modeling tools for the extensive
considered as the circuit layout and substrate are interrelated. simulations required for these designs.
First of all, an architecture conducive to integration needs to be defined. If While this is a brief perspective on the challenges 5G brings to the microwave
we consider the examples of highly integrated transceiver ICs for cellular industry, there are boundless opportunities to bring forth RF innovations in
base stations, many use a zero IF (ZIF) architecture to either eliminate or the coming years. As mentioned previously, a rigorous systems engineering
minimize the filtering in the signal path. Particularly at microwave frequency, approach will yield the optimum solution by leveraging the best technologies
one must minimize the loss in the RF filters, as RF power is expensive to throughout the signal chain. There is much work to be done as an industry
generate. While ZIF will reduce the filter issue, of course the trade-off is LO from processes and materials develop to design techniques and modeling, to
suppression, but we shift the problem from physical structures to signal high frequency test and manufacturing. All disciplines have a role to play in
processing and algorithms. Here we can leverage Moores law, whereby reaching the 5G goals.
passive microwave structures do not follow the same scaling dynamics. It
Analog Devices brings a strong contribution to the 5G microwave effort
is necessary to take advantage of the ability to optimize analog and digital
with our unique bits to microwave capability. Our broad technology
simultaneously to reach our goals. There are many algorithms and circuit
portfolio and continued RF technology advances combined with our rich
techniques that have been employed at cellular frequency that may bring
history in radio systems engineering put ADI in a leading position to
benefits to the microwave space.
pioneer new solutions for our customers at microwave and millimeter
Next, consider the semiconductor technology requirements. As mentioned wave frequencies for the emerging 5G systems.
above, state-of-the-art microwave systems are generally implemented with
As mentioned in the beginning of the article, it is an exciting time to be an
GaAs components. GaAs has been the mainstay of the microwave industry
RF engineer in the wireless industry. 5G is just starting and there is much
for many years, but SiGe processes are overcoming the barriers of high
work ahead of us to realize commercial 5G radio networks by 2020.
frequency operation to rival GaAs in many of the signal path functions. High
performance microwave SiGe BiCMOS processes enable a high level of
integration required for these beamforming systems encompassing much of
the signal chain as well as auxiliary control functions.
GaAs PAs may be required, depending on the output power required
at each antenna. However, even GaAs PAs are inefficient at microwave
frequency as they are generally biased in the linear region. Linearization
of microwave PAs is an area ripe for exploration in the 5G era, more than
ever before.
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