Familia: Empowered Christian Living Seminar Team Manual

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Revised: 7/94

Evangelization: To take the basic message of Christianity and to proclaim it anew so that
participants who hear it can make a renewed commitment to the Lord in a way which will
allow them to receive a fuller experience of the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives.
Practical support and wisdom in living out the Christian way of life: To provide relevant and
practical teachings and an environment to help participants experience Christian
community life during the seminar. To invite those who are interested to be part of
1. The ECLS talks are as follows:
Talk 1 - A time to reflect on the changes of life
Talk 2 - Who is Jesus Christ to you
Talk 3 - Change your ways and believe in the Good News
Talk 4 - Learning to relate to God as Father
Talk 5 - Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit
2nd ONE- TO-ONE (Special for Baptism Preparation)
Talk 6 - Baptism in the Holy Spirit - 6:30pm to 10pm, OMPH Church
Talk 7 - Growing in the Spirit
Talk 8 Transformation in Christ/Lords Day


The assigned member to meet individually with the Participant for One-to-One
1. Venue may be at any place convenient to both leader and participant. It may be at
eithers home, in a church, etc. The only requirements are privacy and a peaceful
2. A One-to-one Meeting Guide. These guide questions are listed for your optional use.
Use your own judgment, considering where your people are, or what you are more
comfortable with.
3. Readiness to GO ON consists in being willing to repent and turn away from serious
wrongdoing; a willingness to follow Jesus and the Christian way of life; and an
openness to learn more about Him.
Has the person repented for serious sin? You need to ask them directly and get a
direct response. If they are unclear of what serious sin includes, go through the
list. Note that what is important is willingness to turn away from sin.
4. Sometimes, the actual turning away may not be accomplished in a single, immediate
act (e.g., breaking off with a mistress or giving up addiction to liquor).

Purpose: To see whether the participants are willing to proceed, and more
importantly, to see whether they are ready to go on;
a) We have been talking and discussing basics of our faith. Are there any questions
that I have not answered? Is there any unclarity that I can help you with?
b) The first step to a full and committed life with the Lord is repentance, i.e., turning
away from serious wrongdoing and turning towards the Lord and accepting His
ways. If there is serious wrongdoing in your life, are you willing to make a definite
break with it? Serious wrongdoing includes, but are not limited to the following:
1) Non-Christian religions and non-Christian practices like TM, SOM, etc.;
2) All forms of occult, spiritualism, witchcraft;
3) Sexual wrongdoing (adultery, masturbation, active homosexuality, perversity)
4) Murder, stealing, cheating;
5) Lying, slander, gossip;
6) Drunkenness, drugs;
7) Refusing to forgive.
(For Catholics: To make repentance full and effective, go to sacramental
confession and make a firm resolution to lead a new life acceptable to Jesus
c) Is there anything you wish to share or discuss with me? Is there any other way I
can help you?
d) Are you ready to turn away from sin, confess (if there is serious wrongdoing) and
commit your life to the Lord and His ways?

6. SAMPLE 2nd ONE-TO-ONE MEETING: To be done after the session on New Life in
the Holy Spirit ending Module Two and to be held within the week prior to the prayer
session for the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.
Purpose: To help the participant prepare for the prayer session where each one
receives the power of the Holy Spirit in a new way. Often called, Baptism in the Holy
Spirit, this session sometimes causes some unclarity in the mind of the participant.
The discussion group leader will try to clear up any question concerning this. The
meeting also serves to give encouragement and support to the participant and to find
out specific areas where he/she needs to be strengthened and prayed for.

a) Start with a prayer. Foster an atmosphere of concern, friendliness and informality.

b) Find out if there are any questions regarding what has transpired in the program or
if there are any problem areas. Discuss these.
c) Check the participants understanding of Baptism in the Holy Spirit and the gift of
tongues. Explain these concepts again. If there is any hang-up or fear in any of
these areas, help the participant to get over them.
d) If the participant has any involvement in the occult and the like (fortune telling, card
reading, spirit of the glass, etc.), which may or may not have been brought out in
the first individual meeting, lead the participant to renounce verbally this
e) Make sure that any serious wrongdoing which the participant disclosed during your
first individual meeting is no longer present in his/her life. Find out if there are
other areas of wrongdoing which the participant has not disclosed.

f) Find out if there are other barriers or other obstacles to the full release of the Spirit
in his/her life. Check areas of unforgiveness, resentments, hatred, bitterness, etc.
Lead the participant to forgive the person(s) who caused all these negative
emotions. Pray for a repentant and forgiving heart.
g) Find out if the participant has had traumatic experiences, so that you can pray for
healing of memories during the prayer session.
h) Find out if there are other areas of concern or difficulties that the participant would
like to share with you.
i) Ask if the participant has any prayer intention, or any specific areas that he/she
would want to pray for during the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.
j) Strongly suggest or recommend to the participant to go to confession, to Mass and
receive Holy Communion, and to pray and fast prior to the Baptism in the Holy
k) Pray together after the meeting.

7. 3rd ONE-TO-ONE MEETING: To be done after the session on Empowered Christian

Life and to be held within the week prior to the Commitment Session.
Purpose: To see whether the participants are willing to be part of FAMILIA. To
give them a chance to ask questions and to get help to understand more what
FAMILIA is and what it means to make a commitment to it.
a) Start with a prayer. Foster an atmosphere of welcome, friendliness and informality.
b) Find out if there are any questions regarding what has transpired in the program or
if there are any problem areas. Discuss these.
c) Check the participants understanding of FAMILIA. Explain as needed.
d) Ask if the participant wants to become a member of FAMILIA. If yes, then remind
him the practical details of the next session.
The principle of confidentiality is still very much in force. Keep to yourself
whatever information is brought out, except what you cannot handle, in which case
you should bring the same to the team leader. Any discussion of serious problems
should be only with the team leader (or if necessary with the Area Head) and
should not be specifically taken up during the team meeting. The team meeting is
a time of sharing in general, to see where people are at. Always avoid gossip,
slander or any wrong way of speaking about any participant.
Inform the team leader immediately of any problem you cannot handle, or of any
obstacle to being prayed with for the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. Dont wait till prior
to the prayer session itself.

1. Praising the Lord

Praising the Lord is an act by which we acknowledge Gods perfection and His
dominion over us.
Why praise the Lord?
a) Because the Lord is our Creator and we are His creatures. It is but proper and
fitting that children should acknowledge their parents, how much more for
creature towards their Creator.
b) Because the Word of God explicitly tells us to do so.
Ps 9:12 - Sing praise to the Lord enthroned in Zion.
Ps 22:24 - You who fear the Lord, praise Him.
Ps 103:1 - Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all my being, bless His holy
Ps 104:33 - I will sing to the Lord all my life, I will sing praise to the Lord!
Heb. 13:15 - Through him let us continually offer God a sacrifice of praise,
that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge His name.
c) Because it is our vocation as Christians.
Eph. 1:11-12 - In Him we were chosen; for in the decree of God, Who admi-
nisters everything according to His will and counsel, we were
predestined to praise His glory...
Eph. 1:14 - ...a people God has made His own to praise His glory.
As Christians, we are Gods people. If the purpose for which He made us His
people is to praise His glory, then as Christians, praising the Lord must be the
most important act we can ever do. In fact, it must be our main occupation so
that every moment of our life should be a praise to the Lord. This is what St.
Paul says in 1 Cor. 10:31.
The fact is that whether you eat or drink -- whatever you do -- you should do
all for the glory of God.
d) Because this is how Jesus taught us to pray.
Lk 11:1-4 - The Lords prayer has two parts. The first part is a prayer of praise
and second is a prayer of petition. Thus one thing Jesus teaches
us here is to make praise part of our prayer.
e) One of the consequences of praise we see in Scriptures, and also in our expe-
rience, is that Gods power is manifested.
Jos 6:15-16 - The walls of Jericho collapses after the Israelites praised the
Lord in procession around the city.
Acts 16:25-26 - Paul and Silas were delivered from imprisonment while they
were praying and singing praises to the Lord.
What are we going to praise God for?
a) For His perfection, greatness, goodness, generosity.
b) For all the innumerable blessings He has given us.
c) For His patience with all our weaknesses, etc.
d) Even for the evils He allows to happen to us.
Romans 8:28; Eph. 5:20
We should also praise Him even for the trials and difficulties that come our way.
As Christians, we believe that nothing happens which God does not allow to

happen. If something bad has happened, then God must have a purpose in
allowing that to happen.
Since Gods purpose can only be good, we therefore still praise Him not for the
bad happening but for His good purpose. So that always and for everything
we praise the Lord.
How do we praise the Lord in group prayer?
a) Speaking out loud our praises to the Lord.
Ps 66:1-2, 8 - Shout joyfully to God, all you on earth, sing praise to the glory
of His name...
Bless our God, you peoples, loudly sound His praise.
Heb. 3:15 - Through him let us continually offer God a sacrifice of praise,
that is, the fruit of lips which acknowledge His name.
b) Songs and singing in the Spirit.
Eph. 5:18-19 - Be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms
and hymns and inspired songs. Sing praise to the Lord with
all your hearts.
Col. 3:16 - Sing gratefully to God from your hearts in psalms, hymns and
inspired songs.
c) Raising of hands.
1 Tim. 2:8 - ... in every place the men shall offer prayers with blameless
hands held aloft ...
d) Clapping hands.
Psalm 47:2 - All you peoples, clap your hands, shout to God with cries of
e) Dancing.
1 Chron. 13:8 - ... David and all Israel danced before God with great enthu-
siasm, amid songs and music on lyres, harps, tambourines,
cymbals and trumpets.
2 Sam. 6:14-16 - Then David, girt with a linen apron, came dancing before
the Lord with abandon ... Kind David leaping and dancing
before the Lord ...
Ps 149:3 - Let them praise His name in the festive dance.
Ps 105:4 - Praise Him with timbrel and dance.
2. Fasting
The team is greatly encouraged to engage in fasting during the entire course of the
program, not only as a means of personal spiritual growth, but more so as a personal
sacrifice for the intention of the participants, the people whom the Lord has entrusted
to our care.
What is fasting?
Fasting refers to abstaining from food for spiritual purposes.
What fasting is not:
a) Dieting, which stresses abstinence from food for health or physical reasons.
b) Hunger strike, which has for its purpose the gaining of political power or the
attracting of attention for a good cause.

How do we fast?
The normal means of fasting involves abstaining from all food, solid or liquid, but
not from water. However, one could also engage in a partial fast, which is a
restriction of diet but not total abstention. Just consider what your body can take
or how far you yourself want to go.
We can fast on the day of the session itself or any day before the seminar.
*0 Who should fast?
Just for information, the list of personal biblical personages who fasted is like a
Whos Who of Scripture: Moses the lawgiver, David the King, Elijah the prophet,
Esther the queen, Daniel the seer, Anna the prophetess, Paul the apostle, and of
course, Jesus Christ the Son of God. So, were in good company when we fast.
Generally the whole team should fast once a week during the whole course of the
ECLS. But obviously, there will be some people who for physical reasons should
not fast. For example, diabetics, expectant mothers and heart patients. If you
have any question about your fitness to fast, seek medical advice.

What is the Scriptural basis for fasting?

Mt. 6: 16-18 - Jesus says, When you fast, ... Jesus already assumed that
people would fast, and what was needed was instruction on how to
do it properly.
Mt. 9:14-17 - Jesus says, When the day comes that the groom is taken away,
then they will fast (Mt. 9:15). The day refers to the present
church age. Jesus expected His disciples to fast after He was gone.
Why should we fast?
a) The first and most important is that fasting is a means of worshipping God and
centering our lives and our existence on the Lord.
10. Like the prophetess Anna, we need to be worshipping in fasting and prayer
(Lk 2:37).
11. As in the case of the apostolic band at Antioch, fasting and prayer go
together (Acts 13:2-3).
b) Fasting is also a weapon for spiritual warfare (Mt. 17:21). We can expect
Satan to be angry at the work we are doing, and he will be trying to stop us and
the participants from receiving what God has to offer. We need to fast in our
fight against evil forces.
c) Fasting is a way by which we can control our body and the desires of the flesh.
In life, we crave for so many things (not just food) which we do not need until
we become controlled or enslaved by them. By fasting, we learn to discipline
ourselves and to keep our desires in the proper perspective. Fasting helps us
keep our balance in life.
d) Fasting reveals the things that control us. We cover up what is inside us with
food and other good things, but in fasting, these things surface. If pride
controls us, it will be revealed. Anger, bitterness, jealousy, strife, fear -- all
these will surface during fasting. And knowing these things within us is a great
benefit to one who longs to be transformed into the image of Christ. We can
now come before the Lord and pray for healing in these areas.
e) Fasting is a way by which we grasp the reality that we live not by bread alone,
but more importantly by the Word of God (Mt. 4:4). We are totally dependent

on the Lord for our existence. And our spiritual life is of much more importance
than our physical life.
f) Fasting is a way by which we can relate, though admittedly in a very small way,
to the sufferings of people who dont have adequate food or other necessities
of life. By actually experiencing doing without, we can empathize more with
their plight.
g) Other values of fasting are increased effectiveness in intercessory prayer, gui-
dance in decisions, increased concentration, deliverance for those in bondage,
physical well-being, etc.
3. Commitment to Christ
Leader: Do you renounce Satan and all wrongdoing?
Response: I do.
Leader: Do you believe that Jesus is the Son of God, that He died to free us
from our sins, and that He rose to bring us new life?
Response: I do.
Leader: Will you follow Jesus as your Lord?
Response: I do.


Lord Jesus Christ, I want to belong to you from now on. I want to be freed from the
dominion of darkness and the rule of Satan, and I want to enter into your kingdom and be
part of your people. I will turn away from all wrongdoing, and I will avoid everything that
leads me to wrongdoing. I ask you to forgive all the sins that I have committed. I offer my
life to you, and I promise to obey you as my Lord.


Lord Jesus Christ, I ask you to baptize me in the Holy Spirit. Fill me with your Spirit and
help me to worship you in Spirit and in truth. I ask you to give me the gift of tongues and
any other gifts you wish to give me.

4. Guidelines on Prayer for Baptism in the Holy Spirit

a) Much of the effectiveness of the prayer session on the participants will be related
to the mood or the kind of atmosphere which the team itself establishes. Thus
the atmosphere should be one of:
1) FAITH. We need to turn to the Lord and to put our faith in Him. We need to be
centered on the Lord. The more we have faith, the easier it will be for the
participants. Faith catches. In an atmosphere of worship and faith, it is much
easier to have faith.
2) PEACE. We do not want to encourage emotional excitement. Rather, we want
to encourage relaxed joy. Those conducting the prayers should be warm and
friendly and relaxed and should themselves convey a mood of peace and
calmness to the participants.
3) OPENNESS. We should be especially open to spiritual gifts during this time.
The Lord will work through the team with prophecy and words of wisdom, with
discernment and faith, even with healing. If we obey the promptings of the
Spirit, we will see God work in many ways that we might not have expected.
b) The Gift of Tongues
1) The participants should come to see tongues as another means of growing
closer to Christ. It is a gift we can all use right from the start of our new

entrance into the life of Gods Spirit. A person should claim this gift in
confidence when he is prayed with to be baptized in the Spirit. No one needs
to wait for this gift or shy away from it because of unworthiness. It is a gift God
gives freely, simply because we ask for it. No one has to psyche himself up
or feel emotionally ready to receive the gift.
2) Three conditions dispose a person to receive the gift of tongues:
12. He should desire the gift. He should hunger and thirst for the gifts of God,
which includes tongues.
13. He should ask in faith for the gift. Faith means looking to Christ expectantly
for him to give the gift of tongues.
14. He must cooperate with God by speaking out in faith and expecting God to
give him the utterance. What is needed is active, not passive faith.
3) There are some people who come seeking to be baptized in the Spirit who say
that they do not want to have the gift of tongues. This is not a helpful attitude
because it would be placing limits on Gods working. It is not being open to the
Lord. Encourage everyone to be open to have tongues.
4) Tongues may not be of first importance in itself, but it has great consequences
in a persons spiritual life. It can revolutionize a persons prayer life. A person
who prays in tongues can normally pray more easily, and his prayer will be
more likely filled with praise and worship.
But even more significantly, tongues usually turn out to be the gateway to the
charismatic dimension. It builds a persons faith in a very concrete way. It
gives him a clear experience of what it means to have the Holy Spirit forming
something new through him.
Yielding to tongues is an important first step, and it is worth putting effort into
encouraging a person to yield to tongues, even to run the risk of being labeled
4) At the same time, we should make it clear that speaking in tongues is neither a
necessary sign, nor by itself a certain sign, that a person has been baptized in
the Spirit. We should encourage the participants to be open to this gift, as a
valuable way of praying, especially in praising God, but we should not put too
much stress on it that their attention will be on tongues and not on the Lord and
His gift of the Holy Spirit.

Suggested Procedure in Praying For Baptism in the Spirit

1) Ask the participant to sit down, just be relaxed, and be open to the working of
the Holy Spirit.
2) Ask if there are any other specific areas that he wished you to pray for, aside
from those already discussed in your individual meeting. Ask if he desires any
specific gift(s) from the Holy Spirit.

3) Start with praising the Lord. Ask the participant to join you here. Then ask for
the Lords protection for the participant and his loved ones and also for
yourselves. Claim Gods power and victory over the situation.
4) Do a short prayer of exorcism, which means the casting of evil spirits or telling
evil spirits to leave a person or place free. It should be done simply and
undramatically in a quiet voice, so that only those praying for a particular
person will hear it. Simply command whatever evil spirits there are to depart. If
you have any discernment as to the kind of evil spirit present, then simply
command that spirit to depart. Then ask for an infilling of the Holy Spirit for the
void left by evil spirits.
(NOTE: This is not the kind of exorcism called for when an individual is actually
possessed. To avoid misconception, some prefer to use the term praying for
deliverance from evil spirits.)
5) Pray that the participant be delivered from the bondage of sin. Pray for all
those areas of wrongdoing or of weaknesses, all negative emotions, all areas
of concern and difficulty, and any other obstacles to the full release of the Spirit
in his life.
6) Pray for inner healing.
7) Pray specifically for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. For example:
Father, we now ask you, in the name of your Son Jesus Christ, that you pour
upon ___________________ the Holy Spirit so he/she may receive new life.
Or any other variation. The important thing is that in faith, you ask Jesus to
baptize the participant with the Holy Spirit.
8) Pray that the participant receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit, especially those he
specifically desires.
9) Pray in tongues. Then you can ask the participant to pray in tongues. But you
may have to help the participant to yield to tongues. Many, perhaps most, will
not understand or follow the instructions given in the opening remarks. Thus
after praying with a person to be baptized in the Spirit, you should suggest that
he should try to start praying in tongues. You should encourage him to speak
out, making sounds that are not English or any other language he knows.
Then pray with him again. When the person begins to speak in tongues,
encourage him. Many will still be afraid that it is just them. You can often
supply the faith that will allow them to yield to the Spirit. Once the participant is
able to pray in tongues, say a short prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord. If no
tongues come, or the person feels inhibited, try encouraging but never force
the person.
10) Pray that the participant be given the grace to become a strong Christian and
be faithful to his commitment to the Lord.
11) Speak some words that will encourage and upbuild him. End with a short
12) Let the participant go back to his seat, exhorting him to continue praying until
everyone is finished.
1) Prayer partner will be assigned to provide support. However, you, as the
discussion group leader, will lead the prayer. The prayer partner is in a
supporting role. However, as is called for, the prayer partner gives support to
the extent necessary. And in a case where the discussion leader himself does

not have the gift of tongues, it would be preferable for the prayer partner to
lead this portion, if he has the gift himself.
2) Pray in a low but audible voice. Usually there will be other praying teams in the
same room. Your prayer should be loud enough to be heard by the participant
and your prayer partner, but not too loud as to disturb other groups.
3) Apply the right amount of encouragement and understanding for each
participant. Some people will yield to the Spirit beautifully without any
encouragement at all. Some will need just a little push. Some will need patient
encouragement. Some should not be pushed at all. Let the Spirit lead you
and give you wisdom in how to help your people.
4) Should the participant become restless, pray that the peace of the Lord be
upon him.
5) Be aware of what is happening to the participant. Dont be lost in your own
prayers. Be sensitive to the situation, and adapt your prayers, your procedure
and your whole self to it. Open your eyes.
6) There is no set length of time for the prayer of this sort. It can range from as
short as 5 minutes to as long as 15 minutes or more. It is not how long it takes
that is important, but how effectively the participant is led to baptism in the Holy
Study this guide and other available materials well.
Prepare yourself spiritually, throughout the week but especially on the day of the
prayer session. Pray, read Scripture, go to mass and communion, fast and
intercede for your people.
Have faith and trust in the Lord!


Our Mission: To live an empowered Christian life through our community and to
this life with others.

Our Vision : A Familia Community in Every Parish

I commit myself to follow, love and serve God as a faithful member of His Church and
as a dedicated member of Familia.

1. I promise to live a life that is pleasing and acceptable to God.

I will do my best to stay away from sin.
I will pray and read the Word of God daily.
I will entrust my life to Jesus as my Savior and Lord.
2. I will put Jesus at the center of my family life.
I will pray with my family regularly.
I will relate with the members of my family with love, honor and respect.
Whatever is my role, I promise to give adequate time to serve and faithfully
exercise my responsibilities.
3. I uphold the value and sanctity of life.
I will oppose whatever demeans life and devalues the dignity of persons.
4. I shall share in the life and mission of the Church through my active membership
in Familia.
I will faithfully attend all Familia gatherings
I will attend all Familia teachings and formation programs.
I shall relate with love to all members of Familia as my brothers and sisters
in Christ.
I will accept the leaders assigned to me in obedience, honor and respect.
I shall live out the various formation programs of Familia.
I will support Familia with my time, talent and treasure.
I will support and participate in the activities of the parish where I belong,
as much as I can.
I will evangelize my family, relatives, neighbors, friends and others. I will
strive to bring them into Familia.
1. I shall participate in addressing the needs of society particularly the poor and
2. I shall always rely on the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to enable me to live up
to my commitment to God and my brothers and sisters in Familia.

With Gods grace, I will do everything possible to live my life holy and pleasing to
the Lord.

Date ________________ Signature ____________________________________


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