Guia Shotcrete Cap15

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Captulo 15: Referencias y Bibliografa

Referencias y Bibliografa

15.1 Referencias
12 Grimstad, E. & Barton, N. Updating the Q System for
1 Yoggy, G. The History of Shotcrete, Shotcrete, Vol. 2, NMT in Proceedings of International Symposium on
No. 4, 2000, pp 28-29. Sprayed Concrete. Fagernes, Norway, pp 21, 1993.

2 Terzaghi, K. Rock defects and loads in tunnel supports 13 Bieniawski, Z.T. Engineering Classification of jointed
Rock Tunnelling with Steel Supports, R.V. Proctor & T.L. rock masses in Transactions of the South African
White (eds) The Commercial Shearing and Stamping institution of Civil Engineers 15, pp 335344, 1973.
Co. Youngstown, Ohio, pp 1799, 1946.
14 Brady, B.H.G. and Brown E.T. Rock Mechanics for Underground
3 Barrett, S. & McCreath, D.R. Shotcrete Support Design Mining London. George Allen & Unwin, 1985.
in Blocky Ground Towards a Deterministic Approach
Tunnels and Deep Space, 10(1), pp 7988, 1995. 15 Barton, N., Lien, R. and Lunde, J. Engineering classification
of rock masses for design of tunnel support in Rock
4 AFTES Recommendation for the Design of Sprayed Mechanics, 6(4), pp 189236, 1974.
Concrete in Underground Support, Association Francaise
des Tunnels et de lEspace Souterrain, 2000. 16 Milne, D., Hadjigeorgiou, J. and Pakalnis, R. Rock Mass
Characterization for Underground Hard Rock Mines
5 ICE Design and Practice Guides: Sprayed Concrete Linings Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Vol.
(NATM) for Tunnels in Soft Ground, Institution of Civil 13, No. 4, pp 393391,1998.
Engineers, London, 1996.
17 ASTM Standard Test Method C-1550, Flexural Toughness
6 American Concrete Institute Special Publication Number of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete (Using Centrally Loaded
57, Refractory Concrete, 314pp, ACI Farmington Hills, Round Panel) ASTM International, USA.
USA, 1978.
18 EN 14488 Testing Sprayed Concrete, European Standard
7 RILEM TC 162-TDF, Test and design methods for steel (Euronorm) European Committee for Standardisation.
fibre reinforced concrete, Materials & Structures, Vol.
36, Oct 2003, pp560-567. 19 Bernard, E.S. Behaviour of round steel fibre reinforced
concrete panels under point loads, Materials and
8 John, M. & Mattle, B., Shotcrete Lining Design: Factors Structures, RILEM, Vol 33, pp 181188, April 2000.
of Influence, RETC Proceedings, pp726-734, 2003.
20 Bernard, E.S. Creep of cracked fibre-reinforced shotcrete
9 Hoek, E., Carranza-Torres, C., Diederichs, M., and Corkum, panels, Shotcrete: More Engineering Developments,
B., Integration of geotechnical and structural design Bernard (ed.), pp 4758, Taylor & Francis, London, 2004.
in tunneling, Proceedings University of Minnesota
56th Annual Geotechnical Engineering Conference, 21 McKay, J. & Trottier, J-F. Post-crack creep behaviour of
Minneapolis, 29 Feb 2008, pp1-53. steel and synthetic FRC under flexural loading, Shotcrete:
More Engineering Developments, Bernard (ed.), pp
10 British Tunnelling Society, Specification for Tunnelling, 183192, Taylor & Francis, London, 2004.
Third Edition, pp200, Thomas Telford, London, 2010.
22 Neville, A.M. Properties of Concrete, Longman, London, 2002.
11 Windsor, CR Shotcrete Rock Support in Australian
Mines: Curing and Thickness, Surface Support in 23 Beaupre, D., Jolin, M., Pigeon, M., and Lacombe, P. Recent
Mining, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, 2004. developments in the field of shotcrete: the Quebec
Experience, Shotcrete: Engineering Developments,
Balkema, The Netherlands, 2001.
Instituto del Cemento y del Hormign de Chile - ICH
Gua Chilena del Hormign Proyectado - Shotcrete

24 ACI CT-13, ACI Concrete Terminology, American 40 ACI 318.11- Cdigo de Diseo de Hormign Armado
Concrete Institute, USA. (S), American Concrete Institute, USA edicin ICH.

25 Clements, M.J.K, Jenkins, P.A., and Malmgren, L. 41 Manual del Hormigon de SIKA, Edicin marzo del 2010.
Hydroscaling An overview of a young technology,
Shotcrete: More Engineering Developments, Bernard 15.1.1 Otras bibliografas recomendadas
(ed.), pp 89-96, Taylor & Francis, London, 2004.
Barrett, S. & McCreath, D.R. Shotcrete Support Design
26 Bernard, E.S. Early-age load resistance of fibre reinforced in Blocky Ground Towards a Deterministic Approach
shotcrete linings, Tunnelling and Underground Space Tunnels and Deep Space, 10(1), pp 7988, 1995.
Technology, 23, pp451- 460, 2008.
Bernard, E.S., and Geltinger, C. Determination of
27 ACI 547R Refractory Concrete, American Concrete Early-Age Compressive Strength for Shotcrete,
Institute, USA. Shotcrete Vol. 9, No, 4, 2007, pp 2227.

28 Gray, J. Laboratory procedure for comparing pumpa- Bernard, E.S., Design performance requirements for
bility of concrete mixtures, presented at the sixty-fifth fiber-reinforced shotcrete using ASTM C-1550, Shotcrete:
annual meeting of the society, National Crushed Stone More Engineering Developments, Bernard (ed.), pp
Assn., Washington, D.C., June 24-29 (1962), pp. 964-971. 6780, Taylor & Francis, London, 2004.

29 Beaupre, D.. Rheology of High Performance Shotcrete, Bernard, E.S. Correlations in the behavior of fiber reinforced
Civil Engineering Department, University of British shotcrete beam and panel specimens Materials and
Columbia, Canada. Ph.D. Thesis, 250 pages (1994). Structures, RILEM, Vol 35, pp 156164, April 2002.

30 Browne, R.D., Bamforth, P.B. Tests to Establish Concrete

Pumpability, ACI Journal, Vol. 74, No. 5, May, (1977) pp. 15.2 Bibliografa
15.2.1 Normas y Guas Internacionales
31 Du, L., & Folliard, K. J. Mechanisms of Air Entrainment
in Concrete, Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 35, ACI CT-13 ACI Concrete Terminology, American Con-
Issue 8, August 2005, pages 1463-1471. crete Institute, USA.

32 Pigeon, M., Marchand, J., Pleau, R. Frost Resistant ACI 201.2R- Guide to Durable Concrete, American Concrete
Concrete. Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 10, Institute, Farmington Hills, USA.
No. 5, pp. 339-348 (1996).
ACI 506R Guide to Shotcrete, American Concrete Institute,
33 Dyer, R. M. An Investigation of Concrete Pumping Farmington Hills, USA.
Pressure and the Effects of Pressure on the Air-Void
System of Concrete, Masters Thesis, University of ACI 547R Refractory Concrete, American Concrete Institute,
Washington, 223 pages (1991). Farmington Hills, USA.

34 Jolin, M., & Beaupre, D. Temporary high initial air content ACI 506.1R-08 Guide to fiber Reinforced Shotcrete,
wet process. Shotcrete, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 32-34 2000. American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, USA.

35 Jolin, M., Burns, D., Bissonnette, B, Gagnon, F and Bolduc, ACI506.4R-94 Guide for the Evaluation of Shotcrete,
L-S. Understanding the pumpability of concrete, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, USA.
Shotcrete for Underground Support XI, Davos,
Switzerland, June 8-10, 2009. ACI.5R-09 Guide for Specifying Underground Shotcrete,
American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, USA.
36 ACI 506.2_95 Specification for Shotcrete, American
Concrete Institute, USA. ACI 547R Refractory Concrete, American Concrete
Institute, USA.
37 DBV 2001 Design Principles of Steel Fibre Reinforced
Concrete for Tunnelling Works, Deutscher Beton- ACI 318.11- Cdigo de Diseo de Hormign Armado
Verein. (S), American Concrete Institute, USA edicin ICH.

38 Sprayed Concrete Guidline, April 2013, Austrian Societey DBV 2001 Design Principles of Steel Fibre Reinforced
for Construction Technology. Concrete for Tunnelling Works, Deutscher Beton-Verein.

Captulo 15: Referencias y Bibliografa
DIN 1048-5 (1991) Testing concrete; testing of hardened ASTM C231 Standard Test Method for Air Content of
concrete (specimens prepared in mould), DIN. Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method

AS/NZS-ISO9001 Quality Management Systems, ASTM C1064 Standard Test Method for Temperature of
Standards Australia. Freshly Mixed Hydraulic-Cement Concrete.

AASHTO Test Method TP60, Standard Specifications AS1012 Methods of testing concrete, Standards Australia.
for Transportation and Methods of Sampling and
Testing AASHTO, Washington, 2006. AS1141 Methods of sampling and testing aggregates,
Standards Australia.
ASTM Standard Test method C-78 Flexural Strength
of Concrete (Using Simple Beam with Third-point AS1379 Specification and supply of concrete,
Loading), ASTM International, USA. Standards Australia.

ASTM Standard Test method C-116, Compressive AS1478 Chemical admixtures for concrete, mortar and
Strength of Concrete Using Portions of Beams Broken grout, Standards Australia.
in Flexure, ASTM International, USA.
AS2758 Aggregates and rock for engineering purposes,
ASTM Standard Guide C-295, Petrographic Examination Standards Australia.
of Aggregates for Concrete, ASTM International, USA.
AS2783 Use of reinforced concrete for small swimming
ASTM Standard Test method C-531, Linear Shrinkage pools, Standards Australia.
and Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Chemical-
Resistant Mortars, Grouts, Monolithic Surfacings, and AS3582 Supplementary cementitious materials for use
Polymer Concretes, ASTM International, USA. with Portland and blended cement, Standards Australia.

ASTM Standard Test method C-642 Density, Absorption, AS3600 Concrete structures, Standards Australia.
and Voids in Hardened Concrete, ASTM International,
USA. AS3735 Concrete structures retaining liquids, Standards
ASTM Standard Test method C-666, Resistance of
Concrete to Rapid Freezing and Thawing, ASTM AS3799 Liquid membrane-forming curing compounds
International, USA. for concrete, Standards Australia.

ASTM Standard Test method C-672, Scaling Resistance AS3972 Portland and blended cements, Standards
of Concrete Surfaces Exposed to Deicing Chemicals, Australia.
ASTM International, USA.
EN 14488 Testing Sprayed Concrete, European Standard
ASTM Standard Practice C-1140, Preparing and (Euronorm) European Committee for Standardisation.
Testing Specimens from Shotcrete Test Panels, ASTM
International, USA. EN 206-1 Hormign. Parte 1: Especificaciones, prestaciones,
produccin y conformidad (Concrete - Part 1: Specification,
ASTM Standard Test method C-1550, Flexural Toughness performance, production and conformity).
of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete (Using Centrally Loaded
Round Panel), ASTM International, USA. EN 12350 Ensayos de hormign fresco.

ASTM Standard Test method C-1609, Flexural Performance EFNARC, European Specification for Sprayed Concrete,
of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete (Using Beam With Third- European Federation of National Associations of Specialist
point Loading), ASTM International, USA. Contractors and Material Suppliers for the Construction
Industry (EFNARC) 1996.
ASTM C172 Standard Practice for Sampling Freshly
Mixed Concrete), ASTM International, USA. Swedish Standard SS 137243 Concrete testing-Hardened
concrete, shotcrete and plaster-Adhesion strength (in
ASTM C143 Standard Test Method for Slump of Swedish) 1987.
Hydraulic-Cement Concrete), ASTM International, USA.

ASTM C138, Standard Test Method for Density (Unit

Weight), Yield, and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Concrete.

Instituto del Cemento y del Hormign de Chile - ICH
Gua Chilena del Hormign Proyectado - Shotcrete

15.2.2 Normas Chilenas NCh2262 Hormign y mortero - Mtodo de ensayo -

Determinacin de la impermeabilidad del agua
NCh148 Cemento - Terminologa, clasificacin y Mtodo de la penetracin de agua bajo presin.
especificaciones generales.
NCh-2190 Transporte de sustancias peligrosas y
NCh152 Cemento - Mtodo de determinacin del sus pictogramas.
tiempo de fraguado.
NCh-1411 Prevencin de Riesgos.
NCh163 ridos para Mor teros y Hormigones -
Requisitos Generales.
15.2.3 Links de Inters
NCh165 Aridos para mor teros y hormigones -
Tamizado y determinacin de la granulometra. ICH:

NCh170 Hormign - Requisitos generales. ICH:

NCh171 Hormign - Extraccin de muestras de ACI:

NCh413 Agua para fines industriales - Ensayos -
Determinacin del pH. ASA:

NCh1017 Hormign - Confeccin y curado en obra Standards Australia:

de probetas para ensayos de compresin y traccin.
NCh1018 Hormign - Preparacin de mezclas de
prueba en laboratorio. OBV:

NCh1019 Hormign - Determinacin de la do-

cilidad - Mtodo del asentamiento del cono de

NCh1037 Hormign - Ensayo de compresin de

probetas cbicas y cilndricas.

NCh1328 ridos para Morteros y Hormigones -

Determinacin de la desintegracin - Mtodo de
los Sulfatos.

NCh1441 ridos para morteros y hormigones -

Determinacin de sales Parte 1: Determinacin
de cloruros y sulfatos

NCh1498 Hormign - Agua de amasado - Requisitos


NCh1564 Hormign - Determinacin de la densi-

dad aparente, del rendimiento, del contenido de
cemento y del contenido de aire del hormign

NCh2182 Hormign y mortero - Aditivos Clasificacin

y Requisitos.

NCh 2183 Hormign y mortero - Mtodo de ensayo -

Determinacin del tiempo de fraguado.

NCh2184 Hormign y mortero - Mtodo de ensayo -

Determinacin del contenido de aire.


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