Frequently Asked Questions - Formatting and Publishing An SAE Technical Paper
Frequently Asked Questions - Formatting and Publishing An SAE Technical Paper
Frequently Asked Questions - Formatting and Publishing An SAE Technical Paper
Are there any other resources available to assist me in formatting my SAE technical paper?
Yes, there are multiple resources available for you to use which can be found on our website at
Are there sections of the SAE Technical Paper that are mandatory?
Yes, Paper Number, Title, Abstract, Introduction, Body (this is the main body of the paper covering
measurements, analysis, findings, but there is no section titled body), Summary/Conclusions, Contact
Information and References if necessary. Author information including affiliation(s) will be inserted using the
information from MyTechZone.
Does it matter if I submit my final manuscript with my paper offer number instead of my final paper
Yes, please enter your paper number which is a ten digit number (i.e. 2012-01-0001) at the top of your
manuscript. Paper numbers can be found by going to MyTechZone at
What guidelines does SAE follow for publishing the final layout of the technical papers?
SAE follows the Chicago Manual of Style.
Is it the authors responsibility to obtain permission for use of any copyrighted materials?
If an author uses material that is directly taken from another source (figures, tables, images, text, facts,
equations, etc.), even if the source is another SAE International publication, the author is required to obtain
permission to use the material. A reference to the original source of the information must be indicated at the
end of the line of text in which the reference is made by sequentially numbering each instance. This
(reference) number correlates to complete information about the original source which will be included in the
References section at the end of the paper. In addition, images used with permission must include the
copyright statement as provided by the copyright owner as part of the caption and must also include a
reference number. A Copyright Permission Form for this purpose is located at
Are there any editing/translation sites that can be used to assist when writing my paper?
Yes, Many companies provide substantive editing via the Web, including The Charlesworth Group
(, American Journal Experts (,
Editage (, International Science Editing (,
SPi Professional Editing (, and Write Science Right
( Please note that SAE International does not endorse these vendors, nor
do we guarantee acceptance of a submission edited by any of these vendors.