Rockless VFO Low Power Transceiver

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The Rockless, a VFO Controlled

Low Power Transceiver

Make a version of this transceiver that
lets you move around the band.
A. Robert Patzlaff, W9JQT

hen I first read Dave Bensons
article The Rock-Mite A Simple
Transceiver for 40 or 20 Meters, I
decided it was my kind of low power (QRP)
rig.1 It was small, had straightforward cir-
cuitry and some nifty features, including a
built-in keyer all for a reasonable price. So
for the last 5 years I have had a barrel of fun
and made many contacts with my 40 and 20
meter versions of this kit from Daves Small
Wonders Lab.2
It really is a unique and clever design. In
my opinion, small rigs like this provide the
real thrill of QRP operating. Sure, I can crank
my commercially built 100 W home station
down to 5 W and work anyone I hear and
call it a QRP contact. But its not the same
enjoyment as working them from a collec-
tion of small parts you put together in some
clever housing. I am sure there are many QRP
operators who share the same opinion.
Figure 1 Both versions of completed Rockless transceivers.
Almost Perfect
There was, however, one enhancement that for VFO frequency control using a varactor tor and is based on a circuit shown as the
I always wanted to try to see if this basic variable capacitance diode. The second and Practical 40 Meter VFO found in an old
CW transceiver could be modified to work slightly larger Rockless package uses a 10 copy of W1FBs QRP Notebook.3 I modified
with a variable frequency oscillator (VFO). turn potentiometer for enhanced band spread this circuit for varactor tuning using a 10 k
As provided, the Rock-Mite transmits on a tuning. The 10 turn tuning potentiometer ver- potentiometer. The schematic of either ver-
single frequency controlled by a crystal (the sion just wont fit in an Altoids tin sized hous-
sion of the VFO board is shown in Figure 2.
rock). It would be a major improvement, in ing. I found a slightly larger light gauge box The oscillator inductance (L1) is a shielded
my opinion, to be able to tune across the band for the 10 turn version that measures about miniature 8.2 H coil. The lower frequency
and answer CQ calls beyond the rock bound 312 538 1 inches. See Figure 1. of the tuning range is adjusted by trimmer
QRP meeting spot. Well, I dreamed about Both versions incorporate the same cir- capacitor C7. The tuning range is set by
it long enough, and finally set out on a long cuitry and boards. My complete Rockless selection of R3. The oscillator can be set to
trail resulting in this little rig very similar to
transceiver circuitry consists of two printed tune approximately 30, 50, 70 or 100 kHz of
the Rock-Mite circuit, but one with an added circuit boards: one for the VFO, referred the 40 meter band, depending on the value of
VFO board. Since it has no crystals I call it to as the VFO board the other for the R3, as shown in the schematic (Figure 2).
the Rockless. rest of the transmitter and receiver circuitry, So with your lower tuning set to say
called the main board. This arrangement pro- 7025 kHz you can tune from about 7025 to
The Two Packages vides for flexibility in packaging and, more 7075 kHz when the value of R3 is 22 k.
This article describes two packaging ideas importantly, allows the VFO board to be That covers the QRP hot spots on the band
for my Rockless circuitry. One version com- easily shielded. If you are a QRP enthusiast, and lets you move around over 50 kHz of the
pletely fits in the popular QRP housing, an or Rock-Mite user, read on this may be band. This seems like a real luxury after being
Altoids tin. This miniature version incorpo- something you want to build. rockbound at a single frequency. There is a
rates a 9 mm square, single turn potentiometer give and take between R3 and the setting of
The VFO the trimmer to get to the lowest frequency you
1Notes appear on page 8. The VFO circuit uses a 2N4401 transis- want in your tuning range. Smaller values of
November 2009 1
Figure 2 Schematic of either version of the VFO board. R1 is the tuning potentiometer with parts shown for both the single and
10 turn versions, as described in the text. Only one is required. The value of R3 sets the tuning range. For R3 at 10 k, the range is
about 100 kHz, at 15 k about 75 kHz,at 22 k about 50 kHz and at 30 k about 30 kHz. Digi-Key parts are available at
C1,C2 680 pF ceramic COG capacitor (Digi-Key 1N5233BDICT-ND). R3 See text, 14 W resistor.
(Digi-Key P4904-ND). D3 9 V Zener diode R4 47 k, 14 W resistor
C3 150 pF ceramic COG capacitor (Digi-Key 1N5239BDICT). (Digi-Key 47KQBK-ND).
(Digi-Key 495-1027-1-ND). L1 8.2 H shielded inductor R5 4.7 k, 14 . W resistor
C4 120 pF ceramic COG capacitor (Digi-Key DN41822-ND). (Digi-Key 10kQBK-ND).
(Digi-Key 495-1483-1-ND). Q1 2N4401 NPN transistor R6 22 k, 14 W resistor
C5 0.1 F ceramic XTR capacitor (Digi-Key 2N4401-ND). (Digi-Key 22KQBK-ND).
(Digi-Key 495-3350-1-ND). R1 10 k, single turn, 9 mm, R7 180 , 14 W resistor
C6 27 pF ceramic COG capacitor potentiometer (Digi-Key 3310Y-001- (Digi-Key 180QBK-ND).
(Digi-Key P4842-ND). 103L), or: R8 1.2 k, 14 W resistor
C7 5.2-30 pF variable capacitor trimmer R1 10 k, 10 turn, potentiometer, (Digi-Key 1.2KQBK-ND).
(Digi-Key 490-1960-ND). optional, see text Tuning knob 18 inch shaft
D1 Type 901 varicap diode (Digi-Key 3590S-2-103l-ND). (Digi-Key 226-4120-ND).
(Digi-Key MV2090S-ND). R2 100 K 14 W resistor
D2 6 V Zener diode (Digi-Key 100KQBK-ND).

Figure 3 Photograph of the completely wired oscillator board

ready for mounting in an Altoids tin.

Figure 4 Oscillator wired and with leads for the 10 turn tuning
control and the fabricated oscillator shield of Figure 5.

R3 will let you tune lower in the band with-

out the need to change the value of any of the single turn 9 mm square potentiometer used the oscillator board.
oscillator tuning capacitors. My intent was to in the oscillator for an Altoids tin housing. In The VFO board is further mechanically
keep the tuning in the linear portion of the MVthis package the VFO Circuit Board mea- stabilized by allowing the code speed chang-
209 Epicap diodes tuning range. sures 19 51 mm. ing switch to pass though a hole in the VFO
Figure 3 is a photograph of the completely circuit board. A piece of scrap Altoid tin
For Altoid Tin Packaging wired oscillator board ready for mounting metal is soldered over the oscillator board to
I use a value of 22 k for R3 in my minia- in an Altoids tin. The VFO circuit board is shield it on the top and stabilize if from oil
ture Rockless in the Altoids tin to tune about mounted vertically, within the front 12 inch or can type movements of the housing lid. I
50 kHz of the 40 meter band. By limiting so of an Altoids can housing. It mounts using found it a good practice to put a screw in the
the overall tuning range, the tuning feel the mounting hardware for the single turn lid to hold it securely after the entire rig is
is slightly delicate, but reasonable with the miniature tuning potentiometer mounted on wired, tested and working.
2 November 2009
Figure 5 Fabrication drawing of the oscillator shield.

Oscillator with 10 Turn

Tuning Potentiometer
The circuitry of the VFO is the same
except wire leads mount in the holes for the
9 mm control and extend to where you want
to mount the 10 turn tuning potentiometer in
your housing. Thats the beauty of the varac-
tor tuning because there is no RF on the leads
to the tuning potentiometer.
The oscillator board is extended at one end
to provide mounting holes so the board can be
secured to the bottom of the housing. In this
package the entire VFO board is covered with
a fabricated metal shield. It exhibits excellent
mechanical stability due to the rigidity of the
shield. With R3 set at 10 k you can tune
about 100 kHz of the 40 meter band with
excellent band spread feeling because of the
10 turn tuning control.
Figure 4 shows an oscillator wired with
leads for the 10 turn tuning control and the
fabricated oscillator shield of Figure 5.
The caption of Figure 2 lists the parts in
the VFO circuit along with Digi-Key part
numbers for reference. The shaft of the
9 mm square tuning control is 18 inch diam-
eter. The 10 turn potentiometer requires a
knob for a 14 inch shaft.

Preliminary Checkout and Test of the

VFO Board Figure 6 Block diagram of the Rockless CW QRP transceiver.

After completing the parts mounting and

soldering, visually inspect again, and apply
12 V dc to the oscillator board from your supply immediately and carefully look over ten for the oscillator signal. It may be found
power source or a battery supply. Insert a mil- the circuit board again, checking for solder below the 40 meter band. In this case care-
liammeter in series so you can immediately bridges or wiring mistakes. Normal oscillator fully adjust C7 on the oscillator circuit board.
see the current draw. If you see a current over current at 12 V should be about 16 mA. Do this with the tuning potentiometer in the
100 mA on your meter, turn off the power Turn on a communication receiver and lis- far counter clockwise rotation (lowest fre-
November 2009 3
4 November 2009
The addition of capacitor C10 between
Figure 7 Schematic of the main board. Note that volume control R5 can be either
fixed or variable (recommended) as described in the text; only one 2is required. pin 4 of U1 and ground. Early editions of
Digi-Key parts are available at this VFO controlled rig had a real problem
C1 180 pF ceramic COG (NPO) L2, L3 1 H Mini Coated with night time shortwave broadcast interfer-
capacitor (Digi-Key 495-1028-1-ND). (Digi-Key DN7683-ND). ence. It was not tunable interference, just an
C2, C30 5-30 pF miniature variable L4 3.9 H Mini Coated overloading of signals getting into the audio.
capacitor (Digi-Key 490-1960-ND). (Digi-Key DN2534-ND).
C4 0.022 F ceramic XTR L5, L6 10 H Mini Shielded
The addition of C10 removed the majority of
(Digi-Key 495-1079-1-ND). (Digi-Key DN42077-ND). this interference. Without C10, night-time
C5, C8, C13, C15, C24, C26 Q1, Q2 2N7000 Switching FET reception of CW signals was masked by the
0.1 F ceramic or mono (Digi-Key 2N7000FS-ND). interference. C10 took out all but occasional
(Digi-Key 495-3350-1-ND). Q3-Q5 2N4401 NPN Transistor
C6, C26, C27, C28 100 pF ceramic (Digi-Key 2N4401-ND).
interference from a Florida 6.986 MHz short-
COG (NPO) capacitor R1, R12-R14, R17-R19 1 k, 14 W, wave station at least here at my location in
(Digi-Key 495-3293-1-ND). resistor (Digi-Key 1KQBK-ND). Illinois. Now, even if it is occasionally heard
C7, C11 47 F, 25 V, electrolytic radial R2, R3 4.7 k, 14 W, resistor in the background, 40 meter CW signals can
lead capacitor (Digi-Key P13458-ND). (Digi-Key 4.7KQBK-ND).
C9 3.3 F, 25 V, electrolytic radial lead R4 1 M, 14 W, resistor still be copied well.
capacitor (Digi-Key 493-1101-ND). (Digi-Key 1MQBK-ND). Local oscillator output is now taken
C10, C12, C14, C21 0.01 F ceramic XTR R5 1 M, 14 W, resistor, optional; from a resistive voltage divider at the collec-
capacitor (Digi-Key 495-1078-1-nd). see text (Digi-Key 1MQBK-ND), or: tor of Q3 to provide a higher level injection
C16, C18 470 F ceramic COG (NPO) R5 1 M 9 mm volume control, optional,
capacitor (Digi-Key 495-3330-1-ND). see text (Digi-Key 3310Y-001-105L-ND). signal to the receiver and to reduce frequency
C17 1000 F ceramic COG (NPO) R6 10 , 14 W, resistor shift. The data sheet for U1, the SA512 mixer
capacitor (Digi-Key P4937-ND). (Digi-Key 10QBK-ND). chip, advises that for separate oscillator injec-
C19 150 pF ceramic COG (NPO) R7 100 k, 14 W, resistor tion to this chip the level should be over 200
capacitor (Digi-Key 495-1027-1-ND). (Digi-Key 100KQBK-ND).
C20 68 pF ceramic COG (NPO) R9, R15, R21 47 k, 14 W, resistor mVPP. This change provides plenty of RF to
capacitor (Digi-Key 495-3310-1-ND). (Digi-Key 47KQBK-ND). the chip.
C23 560 pF ceramic COG (NPO) R10, R11 22 k, 14 W, resistor The driver coupling to the final uses an
capacitor (Digi-Key 495-1033-1-ND). (Digi-Key 22KQBK-ND). LC circuit tuned to about 7.04 MHz and a
C25 47 pF ceramic COG (NPO) R15, R16 51 , 14 W, resistor
capacitor (Digi-Key 495-3277-ND). (Digi-Key 51QBK-ND). capacitor divider to feed the final. This adds
C31 27 pF ceramic COG capacitor R20 180 , 14 W, resistor frequency selectivity to the signal reaching
(Digi-Key P4842-ND). (Digi-Key 180QBK-ND). the final.
D1, D2, D3, D4, D8 1N4148 diode U1 SA 612 8 IC DIP package receiver Changes in capacitor values of the out-
(Digi-Key 1N4148FS-ND). mixer (Digi-Key 568-2089-5ND).
D5, D6 1N5231B, 5.1 V, Zener diode U2 LM 1450 8 IC DIP package AF put pi network filter improved power output
(Digi-Key 1N5231BDICT-ND). amplifier (Digi-Key LM1458NFS-ND). and stability in the Rockless.
D7 LED, 3 mm green lamp U3 12F508A memory IC, programed as I strongly urge the use of the VOLUME con-
(Digi-Key 754-1210-ND). in Rock-Mite (Small Wonders Lab).
L1 T50-2 core toroid, hand wound Hardware for 8 pin DIP sockets for U1, U2
trol discussed in the original Rock-Mite arti-
(Amidon T50-2). and U3 (Digi-Key ED3308-ND). cle achieved by replacing R5, a 1 M fixed
resistor connected between pins 6 and 7 of
U2, with a 1 M potentiometer. The receiver
has high sensitivity and plenty of gain with
the new input circuit. The VOLUME control
is really needed when the band is hot. It also
improves signal to noise ratio, when the band
quency setting). Walk the signal into range by The New Main Board is noisy and you reduce the volume level.
adjusting C7 until you hear it on your receiver To accommodate changes to the Rock-
at the lowest frequency you want to cover on Mite circuitry for VFO operation I made a Frequency Shift Circuit
the 40 meter band. new layout of the basic transmitter-receiver The Rockless includes an adjustable trim-
This adjustment is touchy, so tune care- board that I call the Main Board. It is a mer capacitor for setting the frequency offset
fully and be patient. After setting the lowest single sided board, with block diagram and between transmit and receive. Capacitor C30
frequency, turn the oscillator tuning control schematic shown in Figures 6 and 7. The is switched in and out of the circuit using
clockwise to determine that the frequency design includs the following features: diode switching. C30 is adjusted for proper
changes. You can listen on your communica- frequency shift between transmit and receive
tions receiver to find the tuning range. In your All three ICs are 8 pin DIP size that plug mode. When receiving with the Rockless you
listening to the oscillator signal, determine into sockets. should tune to the lower frequency sideband
that the signal sounds clean and that it is tun- A toroid coil tuning circuit at the front of the incoming signal, then you will transmit
ing the approximate range of the 40 meter end of the receiver matches the 1500 RF on the incoming stations frequency.
band that you selected by your choice of R3. mixer input. When you key the transmitter or operate
During this initial testing process you will It fits in an Altoids can with the single the frequency shift key, 4.5 V appears on pin
find that the oscillator frequency changes turn version VFO board and all the other 3 of U3. Resistor R19 and LED2 are in series
when you bring your hand near it. Dont be associated jacks. with this voltage and the switching diode. The
concerned at this stage but be aware that the It is a single sided board requiring only LED serves as an indicator so you know when
entire oscillator board must be completely two wire jumpers, one for keying, one for RF you are in the receive position. The switching
shielded after its installed in your housing. injection. diode conducts when the LED lights, thereby
This will be discussed in the section about The board uses most of the parts from a putting C30 into the circuit.
packaging the circuitry. You should again Rock-Mite kit.
check the lowest frequency and tuning range All RF transistors are 2N4401. Rock-Mite Control Operation Review
after the board is in its final assembled loca- Circuitry that is different from the Rock- The push button switch connected to pin
tion. Mite include the following: 4 of U3 controls the functions of U3. A tap
November 2009 5
of the switch shifts the frequency. A slightly it is tuning the approximate range of the
longer push of the switch results in three dits 40 meter band that you selected by your
being heard in the earphones, indicating you choice of R3.
have switched to CW keying speed mode. In During this initial testing process you will
this mode hold the paddle to the DIT side and find that the oscillator frequency changes
keying speed increases and holding it to the when you bring your hand near it. Dont be
DAH side reduces speed. No activation of the concerned at this stage but be aware that the
keying paddle for about 2 or 3 seconds resets entire oscillator board must be completely
to operating mode. Note that in the Rockless shielded after its installed in your housing.
you should tap the switch right after applying This will be discussed in the section about
power so that the LED glows. This indicates packaging the circuitry. You should again
you are on the receive frequency. check the lowest frequency and tuning range
Those who have used the Rock-Mite are after the board is in its final assembled loca-
familiar with this switch control. Note, too, tion.
that frequency shifting also actuates while
keying the transmitter. This capability is Assembling the Main Board
programmed into the Rock-Mite 508 micro- If you use choose to use my circuit board
processor as purchased from Small Wonder you can insert the parts according to the
Labs. The procedure for setting the Rockless Rockless component location drawing sup-
frequency shift capacitor (C30) is discussed plied with the board. I recommend that you
later in this article. first wind and mount the toroid coil to the
Figure 8 Case with the mounting nuts circuit board. Note that the link is placed at
Circuit Assembly soldered in place. the opposite end of the toroid than that which
First, some helpful reminders: connects to the 180 pF and trimming capaci-
Use a small wattage iron (25 to 30 W) tors. This provides for balanced feeding of the
with a clean, sharp and well tinned tip. leads in the holes long enough to reach the RF signal to the SA 602 mixer. Use enamel
Have a damp sponge handy so you 10 turn tuning control. Use three different coated 22 gauge wire. Be sure to scrape the
can wipe the soldering tip clean from time color wires, so you can identify where they leads clean at the end where they will solder.
to time. came from later when you connect to the After winding the toroid, leave the leads
Have a good magnifying glass, wire potentiometer. Check to make sure you have longer than needed so you can hold and
cutting and handling tools and soldering wick installed the correct value of R3 on the oscil- scrape the wire clean next to the coil where
at hand. Also have a good light over your lator board for the tuning range you want. I you will solder it to the circuit board solder
work area. suggest a value of 10 k for R3 if you use pads. Clip the wire slightly beyond the clean
Packaging and wiring is a matter of choice the 10 turn potentiometer. bare wire point and insert and solder the four
for the builder. You may have most parts in leads from the toroid. You can run a quick
your shack junk box. For convenience I offer Preliminary Checkout and Test continuity check after soldering to make sure
my circuit boards if the builder chooses to of the VFO Board you have a good solder connection to the coil
use them. After completing the parts mounting and ends. Check the main winding at the pads for
soldering, visually inspect again, and apply the trimmer capacitor, and the four turn link
Construction Notes for My Boards 12 V dc to the oscillator board from your coil at their solder points on the circuit board.
power source or a battery supply. Insert a mil- Next mount and solder the three dip sock-
Oscillator Board liammeter in series so you can immediately ets. Note orientation of the pin numbers. Pin
The VFO board is supplied extended see the current draw. If you see a current over 1 goes to the left when looking at the top of
on one end to provide a mounting hole for 100 mA on your meter, turn off the power the board, with the toroid at the right. Then
mounting the board to the bottom of the larger supply immediately and carefully look over install components for the receiver circuitry
housing. If you are building the package for the circuit board again, checking for solder first, since these components are rather tightly
the Altoid can version, cut the board at the bridges or wiring mistakes. Normal oscillator packed on the board. Now proceed to install
line to shorten it to fit. current at 12 V should be about 16 mA. the transmitter components.
Put the oscillator board together first. It Turn on a communication receiver and lis- Constantly check your work for good sol-
is rather straightforward and goes together ten for the oscillator signal. It may be found dering and particularly for excess solder that
quickly. Follow the parts location drawing below the 40 meter band. In this case care- may bridge close tracings. Connect the two
that comes with the board. Use caution since fully adjust C7 on the oscillator circuit board. board jumper wires shown in the drawing
some terminals are close together. Carefully Do this with the tuning potentiometer in the that comes with the boards. If you are using
check constantly for solder bridges between far counter clockwise rotation (lowest fre- the VOLUME control (highly recommended)
unwanted points. Inspect for good solder quency setting). Walk the signal into range by install two leads for the control to the solder
adherence and no shorts before applying adjusting C7 until you hear it on your receiver points for R5, the 1 M resistor at terminals
power. Also note and double check the ori- at the lowest frequency you want to cover on 6 and 7 of the LM 1458. If you decide not to
entation of all the diodes for proper polarity, the 40 meter band. use the VOLUME control, you may want to
particularly the tuning varactor diode. Solder This adjustment is touchy, so tune care- consider using a smaller value resistor (about
short wire leads for power and RF connec- fully and be patient. After setting the lowest 500 k) at this position.
tions to the main board. frequency, turn the oscillator tuning control After both boards are fully assembled
Mount the 9 mm square 10 k tuning clockwise to determine that the frequency with components, dont rush to mount them
potentiometer on the oscillator board if you changes. You can listen on your communi- in the housing. First insert the DIP ICs into
are using an Altoid size or similar housing cations receiver to find the tuning range. In their respective sockets. Then make tem-
for the radio. If you choose to build using your listening to the oscillator signal, deter- porary connection of the oscillator power
the 10 turn tuning control, just put some wire mine that the signal sounds clean and that leads and RF output leads from the oscillator
6 November 2009
board to solder pads provided on the main
board. Then connect leads for key, head-
phones, switch control, main power and a
50 RF load at the antenna output.
Connect a wattmeter or a 50 resistor
load and an RF probe at your RF output to Figure 9 Rubber
check RF power output. If you use an RF stick on pads are
probe, use Ohms law (P = E2/R) to calculate used to elevate the
front of the case
an approximate power output. My RF probe about 1 inch and the
connected to a milliammeter shows RF volt- rear about 12 inch.
age of 4.5 to 6.8 V. Output will of course vary
with input supply voltage. Remember, too,
that homemade probes are often more rela-
tive than absolute in reading values. You are
now ready to test the whole circuitry.

Initial Current Draw Check

Connect your bench power supply set transceiver as I did. I soldered #4 brass used if using the Altoids tin. A 1 inch bolt
at 12 V with a milliammeter in series to the machine nuts to the bottom of the case for passes through the top of the shield and into
power input. The Rockless standby current mounting the circuit boards. This light metal the mounting nut on the bottom of the hous-
should be about 40 mA. Quickly turn on galvanized steel takes solder nicely. If you ing. This bolt should be covered with an insu-
the power supply, and check for this current. build the multi-turn tuning potentiometer ver- lated tube. A 34 inch length of 14 inch wood
If you get a sudden high current draw, turn sion in the larger case, you will also need to dowel rod with a hole drilled through the
power off and recheck circuit board and con- solder two #4 brass nuts to the bottom of the length provides support and insulation. If you
nections. After you observe a standby current case for mounting the two boards. Figure 8 have access to 14 inch diameter nylon tubing,
of about 40 mA, then using a straight key shows a case with the mounting nuts soldered it can also be used for this purpose. Carefully
in the KEY jack, key up and check transmit in place. place the oscillator shield over the VFO
current. It should be about 130 mA. Look at Use the empty circuit boards as a template board and use a 14 inch #4 bolt at the outside
your wattmeter and confirm output power of to mark the position of mounting holes in the end, and the 1 inch #4 bolt through the other
450 to 1000 mW. If currents and RF power rig housing. Drill 18 inch holes. Then put a hole and insulating tube as discussed above.
check out okay you have reached the first brass #4 bolt in from the bottom and tempo- After all items are installed and mounted
good news step! rarily fasten the nut to hold it in place while in the case use rubber stick on pads to elevate
you solder the brass nuts to the bottom of the the front of the case about 1 inch and the rear
Initial Setup and Receiver Check case. Remove these bolts used to hold the about 12 inch (see Figure 9).
Using your communication receiver as a nuts in place after the solder cools. You will
monitor, key the transmitter and check the use short #4 bolts inserted from the top of the Altoids Size Housing
note. Check the tuning range by moving circuit boards to mount the boards onto the I made a paper template to tape around
the VFO TUNING knob from one end to the bottom of the housing. the edge of the housing to show hole loca-
other. At this point you may want to reset the Make sure you have some plastic sheet to tions. When the tin is completely prepared
TUNING adjustment on the oscillator board for fit between the boards and the bare metal bot- with all holes and mounting nuts in place you
the desired lowest frequency. tom of the case to insulate the circuit board are ready to install the boards. Wire all con-
Next, see that the receiver is working by traces and component connections from the nections between the VFO and main boards
either generating a signal in the 40 meter CW case before you mount the circuit boards. so you can install the two boards as a unit.
band using a signal generator, an antenna ana- Heavy plastic covers from report folders Make sure all wire leads from the main board
lyzer, or equivalent. Hold a wire from your RF work nicely for this purpose. You will need to for external connecting jacks are soldered on
signal source near your receiver and find the punch holes in the plastic to pass the mount- the main board and long enough to reach their
beat note as you tune the VFO control. If you ing bolts. respective jacks. Now insert the two boards
dont hear a beat note, and your oscillator is Before installing the boards you will also as a unit.
operating in the correct range, check receiver need to punch or drill all holes in the sides of A nylon and or rubber washer inserted
wiring. Tap the key and monitor the keyed the case for controls, jacks and a power wire. over the threaded connection on the tun-
transmitter on your communications receiver. If you need to cut away the lid of the tin to ing potentiometer will adjust the spacing of
The note should key clean and crisp. accommodate mounting hardware, you can the vertically oriented VFO board from the
Check the frequency shift indicator by smooth sharp edges and then tin with solder inside of the case. Fasten the VFO with the
momentarily tapping the push button switch to strengthen the cut out. Use a punch if pos- hardware supplied with the tuning poten-
and observe that the green LED lamp illu- sible, or else drill and then smooth interior tiometer. Now complete all connections to
minates. With the lamp illuminated, it is in burrs with a rotary tool sanding wheel. Use the jacks and switch. A miniature 1 M,
the receive position. (The frequency-shift a 14 inch diameter hole for the power wires 9 mm square VOLUME control similar to the
capacitor adjustment should be made after all and insert a 14 inch rubber grommet in the tuning control can be installed on the right
boards are mounted in the housing.) hole. After all drilling is completed, and the side of the case.
Assuming all of the above went smoothly insulating material is in place, install all items
you are ready to mount the boards in the in the housing. Setting Frequency Shift
housings. In the 10 turn tuning package, two mount- Connect your 50 antenna for 40 meters,
ing nuts are used for mounting the VFO your keyer and you headphones. Turn on
Large Housing Preparation board to the bottom of the housing. One goes the power and tune across the band, listen-
Multi-Turn Tuning Version through the center of the hole provided on the ing for signals. Hopefully the band doesnt
Here are some hints if you package your VFO board for passing the pushbutton switch seem dead. If you dont hear signals, double
November 2009 7
check with your communications receiver. and check that when you transmit, you hear it In Summary
Remember that the Rockless uses the direct as maximum signal on your QRO rig receiver The Rockless is a very basic circuitry QRP
conversion receiver as in the Rock-Mite, so tuned to the same incoming signal. With rig. If you are looking for narrow receive
you will hear both side bands. Now peak the practice you will get an idea of the incoming filters and other advanced technology fea-
RF input trimmer (C2) for maximum signal. signal note that grabs him on your first call!tures, this may not be your choice of a radio.
This transceiver requires that you tune to Remember it receives both sidebands
the side band note of incoming signals that is On The Air Experience always tune below zero beat.
lower in frequency than zero beat. Ideally you Throughout the design of this project, If you like to build simple circuitry then
will tune about 800 Hz lower. So remember, from breadboard to final package, I have you will enjoy making this straightforward
always tune desired signals to the desired been delighted with the many contacts I have rig for QRP and get back the thrill of contacts
audible note lower in frequency than a zero made using a simple doublet, 110 feet of wire made from a radio put together with your
beat with the incoming signal. with 600 feeder to an antenna transmatch own hands and experience first hand what
Before setting the frequency shift capaci- to match my 50 output requirement. The can be accomplished with low power on
tor (C 30) it is very helpful if you have a wattmeter on the transmatch reads between 40 meters.
means to switch your antenna between your 1
2 and 1 W. Almost all contacts have been As mentioned earlier in the article, credit
QRP Rockless and your communication made while powered by 8 D batteries, often for the basic circuitry goes to Dave Bensons
rig. I have found the MFJ-1703 antenna/ running well below 12 V. The Rockless oper- Rock-Mite. The change of the addition of the
transceiver RF safety switch is very helpful ates with supply voltages from 10.5 to 14 V. VFO has added greater flexibility to this radio
for switching my antenna between QRP and I like the idea of a battery supply no hum for general CW operating in the 40 meter
high power (QRO) rigs. I set mine up with a and always available. band. The ability to move around the band
100 W dummy load on the second antenna Over 50 QSOs have been logged with the obviously provides more opportunities for
receptacle. That way when one rig is on the Rockless while in various stages of develop- contacts. Dont worry about the low power
antenna the other is on the dummy load. ment over the past eight months. I would a 12 W transmitter is only 23 dB, or about
First make sure the LED is illuminated. If like to thank all those I contacted for their 4 S-units, below a 100 W station!
not tap the CONTROL push button. Then tune contacts, patience, QSL cards and helpful
to a strong CW signal on your Rockless (again comments. It has been an effort of learning 1Notes
D. Benson, K1SWL, The Rock-Mite
adjust to an audio tone below the frequency of and enjoyment. A Simple Transceiver for 40 or 20 Meters,
zero beat). Now switch your antenna to your QST, Apr 2003, pp 35-38.
QRO rig set for CW reception and tune it to Getting the Parts
3D.DeMaw, W1FB, W1FBs QRP Notebook
receive the same station you heard on the All new electronic parts will cost approxi- (1989 edition, p 29, overleaf) Available from
QRP Rockless. Switch antenna back to QRP mately $30 to $40. Some hams may have your ARRL dealer or the ARRL Bookstore,
and with key down turn the Rockless TUNING many parts already on hand and can start ARRL order no. 3657. Telephone 860-594-
with them. You can use whatever style of 0355, or toll-free in the US 888-277-5289;
control for maximum S-meter signal on your;
communication receiver. construction you prefer for parts mounting. 4The Get Started kit includes the following
Release the key, and switch your antenna The parts lists provide ordering information items: both circuit boards, schematic draw-
back to the Rockless. Without moving the for individual parts from a popular mail order ings of both boards and oversized parts
placement drawings. Price, $12. Contact
Rockless TUNING, adjust C30 for best receive dealer. A source of the memory chip, with the author for more information.
signal and a pitch of about 800 Hz. Turn the stored message features and automatic CQ
Rockless tuning knob now and make sure sending, is the Ham Gadgets Store at www. You can reach Robert Patzlaff, W9JQT, at
you are on the low side of zero beat. With this 422 West Maple St, Hinsdale, IL 60521 or at
adjustment you will transmit on the incoming For those who wish to use my boards, I
stations frequency when you are tuned below offer a get started kit that includes the two Did you enjoy this article?
his zero beat. printed circuit boards and other basic items.4 Cast your vote at:
Now tune around the band for some other Building time to build up the circuit boards,
package and test is probably about 10 hours. qstvote.html
signals, locate them on your QRO rig receiver,

8 November 2009

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