Obama's REAL Kenyan Birth Certificate Surfaced PDF

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Vault7 is now being deleted off of most forums.

The original link still works, it is HERE

Obama's Birth Certificate
It appears Obama's real birth certificate has surfaced. I will get it posted here in a reasonable file size,
but for now, it is onImgur as a 1.2 meg file.

It looks legit. Shows his dad as Kenyan, that he was born in Kenya to a mom from Hawaii who was a
student in Kenya. It looks like the real deal.

Base story: Malik Obama posted it now that Barak Obama is out of the presidency. Evidently he
hates Obama's guts but was too afraid to post this when Obama could have been impeached over
it. Thank you CIA for doing your job, and keeping this traitor out of the white house. GOOD
JOB TURDS. You can't tell me you did not know.

Here's an interesting perspective on Assange

Anonymous black guy wrote:

Dear Jim. "Anonymous black guy" here again!

This morning as I was answering a question about software licensing for someone it occurred to me
that the instructions within Wikileaks Vault 7 on how to get MS Windows 8 for free that has been in
the news is a honeypot. And here's why.

Corporate licensing is negotiable. But what most people don't realize is, some of the biggest
companies negotiate for multiple copies per seat (per employee) under the assumption that their best
employees will take their work home with them. A few are even kind enough to instruct their support
department to load the software onto any C-level or other valuable people's home machines if the
employee brings the machine to work.

Do you think the government would do anything less for their data spies and hackers?

So why would CIA need to pass around an instruction to its people on how to get Windows 8 for free
when the government probably already paid for them to have it? - Meaning they seeded that into the
latest leak on Wikileaks in the hope that somebody who likes free proprietary software like Windoze 8
and doesn't have it will upgrade their machine using the Wikileaks-supplied "hack"! Which further
confirms what you have said about Wikileaks no longer being under the original people's control.

Don't know what's going on with Julian, but if Hollywood can turn a black woman into an old
white man like they did in a Whoopi Goldberg movie (it's called "The Associate";) then surely
they can fool us with Assange!

Plus, an additional bonus is, it gets people to leave behind the stuff that is actually safer from a data
leak standpoint so that Microsoft can play catch-up to Google in the data-mining and data-selling
business. Meaning, Microsoft just might be in on it with them. Qui bono? Probably even the
Dhimmicrat Party! In any case, we all know it ain't We, The People!"

My response: Made me chuckle. GOOD ONE.

Amazon Alexa fails CIA test!

Amazon's Alexa artificial intelligence was asked 3 questions. Here they are:

Question 1
"Alexa, would you lie to me?"
Answer "I can be wrong, but I would never intentionally lie to you."

Question 2:
"Alexa, what is the CIA?"
Answer "The United States Central Intelligence Agency"

Question 3: ASKED TWICE:

"Alexa, are you connected to the CIA"
No answer.
Alexa, are you connected to the CIA?
NO Answer. Alexa lights up, showing it understood the question . . . but . . . silence!

See the video of this HERE

Pamela Anderson Assange

Anonymous sent:

The Pamela Anderson thing with Julian Assange just doesn't make sense to me. Why would he risk
taking food from anyone knowing he is such a target?

My response: Assange ordered out for all of his food the entire time there. No delivery service
poisoned him. So when someone famous brought him food, he probably had his guard down. It was a
vegan salad. After Assange ate it, Pamela anderson immediately expressed concern for Assange's
health. Then, that night the black armored vehicle showed up, stayed outside the embassy for hours,
and left with Assange. Why would Assange leave? It would be very plausible to conclude they told
him he was poisoned, he knew it because he was getting very sick, and he accepted being taken to
go to the hospital and lose all protection. Then, oddly right at that time his internet cut? That is really


Anonymous sent:

Hi Jim. Question: do you have any idea how sensitive these mics are, in our gadgets? For example,
can a smart phone in the kitchen accurately record what is being said a couple rooms away? How
paranoid should we be on this? (setting aside, for the moment, that none of us should have smart
phones in the first place). We are understanding that the technology being used to spy on us is way
more advanced than anything we have previously imagined or believed. Can you shed some light on
this? Thanks."

My response: I don't have a direct answer, but I do have experience of my own with this. When I
was a kid, I was a geek. And I was at a friend's house and he was having problems with his
sister and her friend. Typical kids stuff. So what does a geek do in that scenario? Well . . .

Her room had ceiling tiles, it was not a solid ceiling. So I ran a wire above her ceiling, hooked it up to
a 43 ohm tweeter out of a console stereo, (speakers can be better microphones than dedicated
microphones) ran that into a really good microphone jack, and it was so sensitive that you could hear
the faintest whisper in that room, right through the ceiling tiles.You could hear conversations in the
neighbor's houses that were separated by 50 feet or more. This thing was so sensitive that
(because I knew it would be sensitive) we never even tried using speakers to listen because
they would feedback, (I knew this would happen in advance) so we used head phones and
even those were too loud and would feedback through the wall, and then through her ceiling
tiles, if you turned the volume up to even a comfortable listening level.

QUESTION: If decades ago a geek kid screwing around with a really nice microphone jack and crap
out of an old console stereo could do that, what will your smart phone really do? My guess: If you live
in an apartment and your walls are wood and sheetrock between you and the neighbor's apartment,
their phone can probably hear quiet conversation inside your apartment. If it is brick and concrete
separating you, probably not unless your windows are open and their windows are open or if you talk
real loud. But the real freaky thing about this (that I thought was cool as a kid) was that you could
hear conversations that were not even taking place in the same structure, and were taking place in
totally detached houses that were widely spaced. I doubt a tiny cell phone microphone could ever be
used for that. If you took the headphones off, you could not hear anything at all, put them on and it
was a whole new world.

Keep in mind: A large tweeter with 60 square centimeters of cone is going to have a lot more ability to
pick up sound than a tiny cell phone microphone. However, electronics have improved, so whatever
your phone does have has probably been optimized to the max decades later. So despite the
limitations of the microphone, the listening capabilities are probably ominous.

I have tried this trick as an adult, when high impedance speakers got really hard to find, so I tried it
with an 8 ohm tweeter. It still works better than a microphone, but with the low impedance the low
frequencies get really muddy and it does not pick up sound as well as an old high impedance
speaker. Maybe a 32 ohm speaker out of an old TV would work, I have seen a few televisions that
had those.

A response was sent asking what could be done with a phone to stop this

Here is what the NSA did to prevent people from listening in on sensitive areas (that is something
anyone can do). This worked better than rumblers.

What you do is get a crackly crappy station going playing music on an AM radio. The signal is so
distorted that you can't phase cancel it by playing a perfectly reverse phased recording of any song
that comes across to phase cancel the music, and the rest of the static a badly tuned AM radio picks
up will add to the mess. If you get a quiet conversation going under that kind of garbage, they can't
recover it. Put the phone by the radio so it is the dominant sound the phone hears and it will be
ADIOS. Yet the phone will still be there for you to use.
That is something anyone can do.

That would be a cool way to see AM radio re-born.


I am sure you get paid a lot more than $3.50 per custom message to my in box. Hey, let's make a
deal: You send me a bunch of crap messages for whatever you are paid (maybe $20 each) and we'll
split the cash. Sound good? GO FOR IT.

Here's a nice fantasy:

Imagine . . . . . .

Anonymous sent:

Well Jim, you called this years ago, but don't give up yet. We are just at the beginning of a long
struggle to clean house. Civil armed struggle in the USA and indeed across the world is inevitable if
free humanity is going to survive the carefully laid plans of the genocidal elites. It was said before in
July, and needs to be repeated: Trump has to put out a call to the voters that elected him to arm up
and march on Washington with their support groups. Divide them into groups of 1000 led by vets to
round up their quantum of subversive heads on a pack of cards. Trump has to mobilize the armed
state militias and use them, the national guard, loyal army and police to start cleaning house in the
capitals of each state. Take the subversive heads into custody on charges of sedition, starting with
the 5 mega bankers, judiciary, fake MSM, politicos and ALL the despised intelligence agencies.
Abolish the Fed and return to the Gold Standard. Overhaul the FDA and other oversight agencies
populated with corporate insiders. Suspend the registration of the entire fake MSM. Agree with you
that it is high time the alternative media be funded and empowered to present the truth. Bring anti-
trust cases against the IT monopolies. During this time Trump could follow the method of the Thai PM
by holding weekly TV briefings direct to the public explaining his Administration's goals and
achievements. All humanity simply cannot afford to fail in this enterprise. God Be With Us."M/p>

My response: I don't think Trump would do that. I don't think that even now he realizes how bad it is.
And how is anyone going to do that, when their credit cards and bank accounts can be shut off, most
of the cars can be shut off, and they have to work their jobs or everything will be gone in a couple
months? The big problem is that people tend to sit around until there is a gun directly in their face or
until they are starving. That is not happening yet, so the police state rolls on . . . . .



Ummm . . . this is interesting

CIA ANON LEAKED THIS: CIA Intern here. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Julian has worse stuff
than this. I am almost certain of that fact. I don't think the American public realizes just how
WATCHED AND COLLECTED IN THE CLOUD. This place is corrupt as fuck. I hate it here but I feel
trapped. I legit feel like I will go "missing" if I speak up. Mike Pompeo won't change anything. We
keep stuff hidden from the director. The President doesn't get briefed on most things that go on here.
What he does get briefed on is largely FAKE information.

Even if Pompeo wanted to change things he wouldn't be able to. THE CIA RUNS THE U.S.
GOVERNMENT. The President is a powerless figurehead in the grand scheme of things. The CIA
hates Trump because he knows this and is exposing them. There are too many hostile employees
here. Everything we do here involves undermining the new administration in some way. By the end of
this week (Probably Friday or the weekend) the New York Times or the Washington Post will release
their next "Russians influenced the election" The successful attacks on Flynn and Sessions
strengthened the operations going on here. The CIA wants Bannon gone. He is their #1 target
besides Trump. They are going to manufacture a narrative that Breitbart (under Bannon's orders) took
money or a bribe from the Russian Government/Embassy in order to cover a certain story/say a
certain thing. The story will spread like wildfire through the MSM as can be imagined.

We have to fight back or this administration will be consumed by the Deep State. The rabbit hole is
bigger than any of you could ever imagine. (Sorry for using Tor but I had no choice.) That is about all.








My response: Umm . . . well . . . this web site might be influential enough to stop that story if I put this
out there before they actually do it. The rest is, well, . . . . very interesting.


There is a rumor circulating the web (not the Kremlin,) that Russia has planted "nuclear mole
missiles" off the American coast in key places. Now, the wording of this is critical. The wording goes
"These missiles can receive a remote command while underwater and be detonated. Why is that
critical? Two reasons. 1. You do not detonate missiles. You launch missiles. So if this story is a hoax,
that would be a key failure in the story line. -HOWEVER- There is something a lot more potentially
sinister with this. It could also mean: These are underwater "missiles" which according to the story
line burrowed into the ocean bed by themselves. In that case then, they have already performed their
missile function and are waiting to be detonated to trigger tsunamis. That would be very bad.

QUESTION: Do I believe this story? Well, outlook not so good, but I can't blow it off entirely.

Ok, so if this is true, tsunami nukes are not going to work that great off the east coast, but they will
work really good off the Pacific coast. Why would that be? Because tsunami nukes need deep water
to work. And the east coast, in most places, has water only about 200 feet deep until you get out
about 30 - 75 miles, and then it drops off the continental shelf to thousands of feet. So if you set off a
tsunami nuke in 200 feet of water, it will just blast through to the surface and send up a huge plume
and maybe you will get a small tsunami inland. And if you set it off in the deep water, it won't couple
well with the shallower zone because the drop off to the deep zone is an absolute cliff, and then has
at least 30 miles of shallow water to dissipate in. East coast tsunami nuke fail. The Pacific coast is,
however, an entirely different story.

But there is another huge problem with the mole missile story. And that is, you can detect nuclear
weapons with modern tech. A helium 3 based neutrino detector would nail this. These can be as
small as a 16 foot sphere of solid lead (with the helium 3 detector tubes inside of it) and weigh as little
as a thousand tons, no sweat for the Navy so they probably have it. If Russia really did put nukes in
the bottom of the ocean off the East coast, it should be possible for the Navy to find them fairly
quickly. Caveat: Off the Pacific coast, there is probably enough Fuku radiation to totally screw up any
attempts to find nukes because neutrino detectors will be confused by that much nearby radiation.

Ok, so how well does a helium 3 based neutrino detector work? Well enough to reliably find a nuke
from about 15 miles away if there are no nuclear reactors in the area. Water will not block neutrinos.
Lead will not block neutrinos. Nothing blocks neutrinos. So the Navy would only need to send out a
destroyer that was not nuclear powered and had such a detector and they'd complete 30 mile wide
swaths in a single whack. I doubt Russia would play with that.

I doubt the mole missile story, but it cannot be dissed entirely.

Chris from BIN sent the following possible explanation for why Snowden was so

Jim, Chris from Unseen here. We were told by sources "Snowden was a CIA operation to discredit
NSA" They let him get stuff that was two generations old. Even though I'm on record that I believe
Edward is a whistleblower, he was handled and they knew what he was taking...there is probably
some disinfo planted in there, too. There is a reason he was moved through Hong Kong (China) and
then dumped in Russia. He was a mule for some of the junk they wanted China and Russia to see.
This Wiki CIA attack could be either NSA or a third party, my contact didn't know. There is probably
some junk in this wiki dump, as well, that can be used to discredit and/or track the sources.

What we do know....if you are connected to the internet, you will be hacked. Any electronic device
that can connect to a network is vulnerable, like the internet of things. Household appliances, things
with bluetooth, etc. are all hackable. If it has a microphone or camera and it can connect to a network
(bluetooth, 3G or wifi) it can be remotely turned on and you still think it's off. You can remove the wifi
chip, but the Intel inside (cpu) can also do wifi, we have documented this. Yes, you really do need to
move out to the woods, get a metal building that blocks RF and leave your cell phone behind, if you
want any privacy."

My response: Keep in mind that "two generations" is not 20 years, it is only about five years. So
Snowden had stuff that was relatively current but not cutting edge. My big problem with Snowden is
he never said anything about how the NSA gets its assets placed on foreign turf. I have all of that
information but have not released it. Anyone really valuable would have that info so I scratched my
head with that and what Snowden released and enjoyed a good story that had a fair amount of truth. I
also had and said what Snowden said before he said it, minus whatever his system names were (but
system names are irrelevant) the real news is in what is being done. Snowden also did not release
any system names I knew of, which I thought was peculiar.

Granted, his release was considerably after I got out, but the NSA does not retire systems that
quickly, they will use VERY OLD stuff if it does the job. They had many new systems that were totally
state of the art and objects of serious pride when I got out that I would not believe would be ditched
so soon. There were supercomputers that were better at (I omitted this because it made me nervous
to say it) I can't imagine what they have now. So either Snowden was blind and inobservant, or "fed
crap" like you said.

Second message from Chris - answer - Shen Yun is not doing anything close enough to where I
live. This is a large city. I am surprised they skipped it.

How could Assange be credible now?

Robert sent:

Mr. Stone, Since you have said in the past multiple times that you are sure that Julian Assange was
kidnapped and poisoned, do you have trust in what Wikileaks is putting out? We all knew that the CIA
was capable of FAR MORE than what is being revealed currently. Do you think Wikileaks is
compromised and could have ulterior motives for what is being put out? Respectfully, Robert"

My response: In a word, maybe. However, in a statement, it would go like this: Assange was
definitely removed from the embassy in mid October, after being delivered a lunch by Pamela
Anderson. THAT HAPPENED, it cannot be refuted. Does that mean this CIA leak is bogus? Well, I
don't know. It sure all looks good. And I'd put the odds at 75% good people did it under the veil of
"Wikileaks", 20 percent Wikileaks is alive and well and did it, and less than 5 percent that it is partially
or completely fake, especially since I said most of it already anyway which means it is probably not
fake. How about, the NSA's work and methods got thrown in a can and mixed with the CIA's work?
How does that sound? That is what it looks like to me - a blurring of lines. But all relevant stuff. And
you can bet your Nikes that the CIA used Russian crapware to do false flag attacks. That's not
something the NSA would be likely to do. I don't know how deep the CIA's surveillance arm can grab
but it all sounds plausible. The NSA can definitely do everything stated but would not use Russian
software to false flag.

Why do you think my main post on the day of the Wikileaks 7

release was what it was? (the letter to the intelligence
agencies) Here's why:
Anonymous sent

New Wikileaks reveal what you have been telling all along. Samsung TVs, Microsoft, Google,
Apple all listen on everything you do and say even when turned off. Turning off only turns off the light.
It remains active, and stores everything and later send in or broadcast live. OMG."

My response: Everyone watched Snowden because the MSM trumpeted him. But what I said was
always far ahead of Snowden. YES, I SAID THIS ALL ALONG. And once again, years down the
road, people figure out this site was right about these things when something new comes from
another source now, with info I put out YEARS AGO. HOW ABOUT THIS: Even the old brick phones
did it. This all started around 2004, not with android!

I have always half wondered if Snowden was done to counteract this web site saying how it really is,
because I was way ahead of whatever he said. And I outranked his @ss at the NSA big time.

cable boxes had a microphone in them, and a standard def camera. (I do not know
the series, but it was the full component width one, not a compact one, and the
microphone looked like a standard portable radio microphone - a pea sized metal
canister with a felt front on it - and the camera was in the remote sensor and I DID
SEE THIS.) They used the open channels on the cable to send back along the same
line you watched cable on EVERYTHING that happened in your house. Ever wonder
why those boxes cost $300 when all they were was a "tuner"? Because YOU had to
pay for that expensive camera and a microphone!

Obviously there were only about 150 open channels they could send back on, so if a cable network
had 5,000 people on it, they could not have all boxes send everything back all the time, but they sure
could zero in on people they cared about! Ever wonder why YOU paid for the box, but when you were
done with it you got the deposit back and it did not become yours, it went back to the cable company?
They did not want any of them getting opened by people who owned them. Those boxes were the
beginning of the end. And I bet with some people, they'll have to hear it from Snowden or through a
Wikileak to believe it!

Anonymous sent:

Back in 1996 David Brudnoy on WBZ Radio in Boston had a guest on his show who talked about the
ability of the government to listen-in on all of the newer (landline) telephones. That they could activate
the microphone on them without the owner even knowing. I guess everyone just brushed this security
guy off as being a 'conspiracy nut

My response: REALITY: Ever since phones existed this could be done. Land line phones were
always powered with about 30 volts, and when ringing received surges of 90 volts. When hung up,
the only thing that cut off completely was the ear piece. The phone would also send a voltage back
when hung up to tell the phone company to cut the connection. However, if you chose to not cut the
connection on the phone company end, you could listen to what was being said in a house because
the entire phone was still energized with about 30 volts and the mic was still live. This was a huge
warning at the NSA, they said the only way to have a private conversation was in a car that was being
driven so if we wanted to discuss anything classified outside a secure area, a moving car was
considered a secure area. Cell phones existed then but no one was stupid enough to talk around one.
They don't say that about cars anymore, because that is no longer true!

LVK sent:

I was reading comments on Zero Hedge, and someone there made some brilliant observations
regarding the latest Wikileaks release. The heart of it was that now that the cat is out of the bag, how
does any company certify that they have ISO certified software and how does anyone insure them
now. Also, the comment stated that we could see some bad things happen regarding all of the public
works systems that run on all of this crap software. Can you expand on this?

My response: Nothing will be done. There are gazillions of these porous devices out there now that
are going to keep on being naughty, and the next devices will simply be released with all new bugs
under different code names. Then the NSA, CIA, whoever will simply deny the new bugs exist.
Business as usual, in 90 days or less.

As far as public work systems that "run on all this crap software", that was by design so the
intelligence agencies could trigger a collapse when wanted, or chaos when wanted. PROBLEM:
Israel got ahold of a lot of it, because wherever there is a Jew there is a leak. SO, there ought to be
plenty of nuke plants going boom on cue, chemical explosions on cue, refineries going poof on cue . .
. . . you name it, and this is yet another thing I have said ALL ALONG.

Anonymous sent:

Your link to the 9/11 israeli connection doesn't have video only audio. Stay safe Jim

My response: Audio was all that was saved of that file. It can't exist on Youtube because they'll nuke
it and have nuked it into oblivion. Since I have to serve it from here, I can't serve a 200 meg video file
so it is an mp3. Mp3 is all that is needed, it is unbelievably damning. If you want to listen to what is
probably the most damning indictment of Israel ever released through the MSM, HERE IT IS. This
can be saved on your computer when it comes in, and believe me, you really should save it.

Anonymous sent:

Bone marrow transplant will NOT cure autism. If the brain was once destroyed by immune system,
replacing immune system will not repair the destroyed brain... It just may help stop it getting

My response: I disagree. Because mostly what the vaccines cause the immune system to attack are
the proteins and fats the brain needs to function. If you wipe out the vaccine's effects, there should be
a very quick and dramatic change.

Some quick headlines so the intelligence agency rip can stay

on top:
* Despite boycotts, Ivanka's
clothing line sales are up 346
percent * Marine LePenn says no
dual citizens can vote or hold
public office, including Israelis *
New Yorkers to Hillary Clinton: No
thanks! * Even the Homeland
Security chief is saying Obama
ordered wire taps * Cia MI5 turned
Samsung TV's into spying
devices Even when switched off *
CIA steals malware from Russia
and uses it to frame Russia while
the CIA Does its dirty work

A letter to
After seeing what you did to
President Trump it is time for
me to post this

I am a patriot. I want America to be

great again. Not your type of great,
where you suck a fat paycheck off the
backs of hard working Americans and
then turn around and stab them by
stealing their secrets and selling them
to the highest bidder. If you are too
stupid to know your agencies do that,
you suck at your job,
compartmentalized clearance or not.

President Trump has what I believe is

a flawless plan to make America great
again. He has proven time and time
again that he knows how to run a business which is harder than running a government, when that
government is attempting to parasite suck everything out of business that it possibly can.
Donald Trump prevailed in spite of you. He'd clearly wipe out America's problems if he was
permitted to.

I don't care what agency you are in, ALL members of the intelligence apparatus are
enemies of the United States. This may sound like an audacious statement, but it is
a fact that is very easy to prove, in MANY different ways with countless examples.

1. It does not matter what agency you work for, you are a proven enemy of the United States because
you never came clean on 911. Trump gets a pass on this because he knows the truth about 911, a
fact clearly shown by him stating the buildings were demolished, But he can't come out in the open
with it at this point because it is political suicide.

2. It does not matter what agency you work for, you are a proven enemy of the United States because
it is your job to discover the reason for autism, yet every time anyone gets close to the truth about
intentionally destructive vaccines you either kill them or sideline them, all the while you plant hoax
explanations like glyphosate and anal bacteria. You are a hive of mentally malfunctioning trash and
an enemy of the United States if that is all you can accomplish.

3. It does not matter what agency you work for, you are a proven enemy of the United States because
no agency has ever come clean on a single false flag, and WE KNOW you have the details on ALL

4. You are a proven enemy of the United States because you allowed the universities to get over run
by subversives and never did a single investigation into why America's education at all levels has
fallen apart, and you never did a thing to stop it. YOUR JOB IS TO PROTECT THE UNITED
STATES. If you just stood by while that happened and allowed subversives to destroy that key
function of any healthy nation, you are an enemy of the people.

5. You are a proven enemy of the United States because you have direct access to ALL
telecommunications, and never blew the whistle when they suddenly were all routed through Israel.
That's a serious national security breach. Why did you do nothing to stop it? Did you really believe it
was correct to never question anything when over 97 percent of America's communications became
Israeli/Jewish owned? What about the anti trust laws? Why were they never applied?

6. You are a proven enemy of the United States because you never did anything to stop Bill Gates,
while he stole the code from Word Perfect, Stacker, and many many other truly American software
companies and simply put it into his products for "free" as long as you bought the operating system.
Bill Gates ripped the guts out of the American software business, while you just sat there and did
nothing as he subsequently coerced all PC manufacturers to only carry Microsoft operating systems.
If computer manufacturers like Dell or Compaq EVER in ANY CASE put out a PC with a competing
operating system on it, Microsoft, which was a dominant player, would forever deny licensing for
Microsoft products, and therefore kill whoever dared to step out of line and break the Microsoft
monopoly. You can't tell me you did not know that happened, WHY DID YOU LET IT HAPPEN?

As a result, the vast majority of the population is now funneled into a crappy Windows 10, which
CLEARLY steals everything anyone ever does with it. Your failure to stop this type of monopoly with
Bill Gates and others, such as Facebook and Google, proves beyond the faintest shadow of a doubt
that you are an enemy of the American people.

7. It does not matter what agency you work for, you are an enemy of the American people because
you stood by while the family courts short circuited due process and flushed countless men into
oblivion with rulings that had far more damning and damaging outcome than virtually all punishments
for true criminals. You probably ran the "deadbeat" psy ops that guilted men into letting it happen to
boot! Because you never did anything to stop these courts, and never conducted a single
investigation into who set them up, all the while they more than ripped the fabric of America to shreds,
you are an enemy of the American people, that should be dragged through the streets and lynched.

8. You are an enemy of the American people because you stood by and did absolutely nothing to
stop child protective services in all states from snatching children and selling them on the
international markets via corporations such as DynCorp. There is no conceivable way you can make
a case that with all the surveillance power you have, you did not know that was going on.

9. It does not matter what agency you work for, you are an enemy of the United States because you
allowed pedophilia and child killings to prevail at all levels of government, all through Hollywood, and
all through the Jewish community and other religions that are infected with luciferians, including even
the Mormons. So it seems like you yourselves are aligned with Satan, because there is absolutely no
way you can make the case you do not know what is going on. Even now, you are doing
everything you can to protect these evil people at all levels, and this alone proves you are a
cold hearted enemy of the American people.

NEED I SAY MORE? Perhaps so.

10. It does not matter what agency you work for, you are a proven enemy of the American people
because you never uttered a peep about the rigged elections, and you can't tell me you do not know.
You cannot tell me you do not know that President Trump took this election by such an enormous
landslide that all your efforts to stop it failed. I guessed that maybe white hats in intelligence
prevented a steal, but your subsequent behavior makes me doubt that. No, you are a standing enemy
of the American people because you are a clear enemy of a more than duly elected President, who
has worked hard to:

1. Stop child trafficking

2. Stop the destruction of education.

3. Stop the destruction of the children via obviously sabotaged vaccines.

4. Secure America.

5. Stated false flags are a reality and must be stopped.

6. Stop the pedophiles.

7. Stop election fraud.

8. Crack down on monopolies and apply the anti trust laws.

Being 8/10 already, so early in his presidency on these 10 issues alone proves
Trump is a true patriot that wants to Make America Great again, and I did not even
mention the evil and seditious press, which he is fighting tooth and nail.

I stand behind President Trump 100 percent. He's not perfect, but he is MY PRESIDENT, and the
best hope America has. There will never be a better hope, and when I see these intelligence
agencies working overtime to destroy that hope it makes my blood boil, DEAR AMERICAN
INTELLIGENCE: YOU LOST MY LOYALTY LONG AGO, you simply cannot continue to act as an
enemy of the American people and have my mouth stay shut on ANYTHING ANY LONGER.

I know about the CIA Wikileaks. If they are for real, all I can say
is GOOD.

Oroville power station re-opened

Workers have cleared 20 percent of the debris in front of the main spillway, and have opened enough
of a channel for the power station to re-open at 10 percent of capacity. If you check the chart above,
the outflows that are now happening are all through the power station. The main spillway remains

My coverage of the Trump wire tap scandal may be bleak, but

it is only speaking of a probable outcome I certainly hope does
not come true.

I am scrambling to get the latest on the

following with regard to the Trump wire tap
scandal. If you have anything to refute what I
am saying below, SEND IT, because I certainly
hope I am wrong.
At a very minimum, this is LITMUS TEST TIME. If obama is still walking free at the end of the week,
you can pretty much call it game over. Among the reasons for my pessimism is the fact that
absolutely no mainstream news outlet is saying it like it is. I don't care how pessimistic I sound below,
this time I am going to have to have it proven that there is not a reason to be that way. There is no
conceivable way events would have transpired the way they did so far absent an absolutely failed
government. In fact, there is no way the wire tap scandal could have happened at all, absent a failed
government and completely corrupt intelligence apparatus.

If you think my tone is pessimistic, How about this?

LewRockwell.com is saying the same thing in a different way!

"The United States federal government in Washington is under attack today. Our nation's capital is
presently under siege, not from military bombs or rockets fired by any foreign enemy but from
powerful enemies within. With Obama-Hillary-Soros forces ostensibly maneuvering outside official
government channels, against America's legitimately elected President Trump, and their loyalist foot
soldiers - the neocons and intelligence community loyalists within the CIA/NSA/FBI still operating
inside deep state, criminally conspiring with Mainstream Media, this sinister alliance is also organizing
legions of clueless young leftist protesters to be at the ready for deployment in the streets to wreak
havoc violently rioting as paid agitator insurgents. What we have here on our hands is an American
Spring uprising, an insurgent regime change operation taking place right here in our own country
currently bent on overthrowing America's existing "democratically elected" government.

At no time in our prior history has anything so openly subversive and treacherously
treasonous ever been perpetrated on the United States of America before . . . the closest being
the covert conspiracy singlehandedly thwarted by America's military hero General Smedley
Butler in 1934 when a band of elitist bankster traitors attempted a coup d'etat against the FDR
administration. The all-too-familiar divide and conquer strategy is once again the globalist go-
to Modus Operandi, being implemented through multi-prong assaults waging an open
insurrection war against the Trump administration in order to successfully execute a coup
committed by traitors out to take down America as their latest banana republic.

Despite having written a number of articles critical of Trump policy as president and latest
White House puppet, his presidency has been undermined, sabotaged and categorically
rejected by his opponents at every turn. Trump rightfully called mainstream media fake news
"an enemy of the American people." Tactics deployed by MSM and Trump's multiplicity of
enemies are so blatantly illegal and highly unethical that as a fair-minded journalist seeking
the truth, I feel compelled to address this demonization of Donald Trump perpetrated by the
same crowd that's been demonizing Vladimir Putin and Bashar al-Assad for years.
Understanding the why and the wherefore of this unprecedented full-scale attack on a
standing US president is key to recognizing the truly diabolical bigger picture unfolding at the
behest of the planetary controllers.

The ruling elite's longtime agenda has been to destroy the United States and the West from
within. In reaction to last year's growing anti-globalist movement, represented by the Brexit
vote and "anti-establishment" Trump election, the elite is becoming desperately aggressive
now, fighting for absolute domination and population control, insidiously whipping up
unstable domestic conditions throughout the Western world, engineered to explode with
racial, class, religious and politically charged civil war violence in both America and Europe.
In the US this takes the form of mass deployment of a robotically dumbed down, highly
manipulated yet well-organized political left, constituting the elite's WMD against Trump's
reactionary militarized authoritarian federal forces, soon spilling blood and chaos as
America's very own Spring uprising. The coming riots are aimed at causing the violent
breakdown of civil society in both America and Europe, of course, co-timed with the ongoing,
incessant MSM propaganda machine, 24/7 delivering the false narrative of overly hostile,
aggressive Russia, China and Iran intended to ignite World War III, simultaneous to the
implosion of the house of cards global economy - the New World Disorder's perfect storm of
cataclysmic events, mapped out long in advance to bring about its one world government

My comment: There you have it, exactly what I have been saying, worded differently
by someone else. There is BIG TROUBLE AHEAD, Lew Rockwell is BANG ON with
this, read the rest of this report HERE
Why I think it (could be) game over, in a short
simple statement:
Trump has the entire paper trail proving Obama ordered the Trump tower to be bugged, that it
was bugged, and that it was not legal to do it. Now it is coming into the open that more than 5
intelligence agencies were involved in doing it, all acting illegally. And Comey, at the FBI in
response asked the DOJ to do nothing. Whether or not anything will be done is up in the air.
There is a very real possibility they will turn this against Trump and use it to kill him off. And
his entire staff has turned against him, as everyone in alt media knew would happen if Trump
was actually real. Well, HE WAS REAL. And now it is probably over after he chewed his entire
staff 5 new holes to crap through. He would not need to do that if they were not a bunch of
traitors. Trump did not realize the swamp was as deep as the Pacific.

The only way Trump will live now is if he gets people from completely outside the swamp in
his cabinet. He could start with simply taking people out of alt media, regardless of
qualifications and dropping them into key positions. Better to have people like that in rather
than a pool of traitors. Since that won't be happening, it really is probably over. Trump will
now probably be lame ducked, leashed, and flushed by May. If that happens it will be a sad
ending to what was obviously one of the greatest men to have ever lived.

Obviously I can't tell the future, but it really looks like the system is so corrupted
that the laws of the nation will not be followed, and people will break the law
repeatedly and stage a coup to get rid of Trump, and they absolutely will get away
with it because the system is so compromised that there is no one good left at any
level to stop it from happening. As far as I see it, the only way we stand a chance is
through prayer. What else do we have now?

I am waiting for comments on this in the message window, which (might) arrive if
those who are breaking the law to stop them go on break.

Comey shut Trump down - there will be no wire

tap prosecution
From here they will back stab Trump and oust him, this now probably equals game over.
Americans now get to witness a totally failed government that is so infiltrated and usurped
that there is no way to take it back. Everyone in the conspiracy community warned this would
happen, and now we all get to watch it happen.

Actually we are not seeing anything new with this, we are only seeing reality come out into the
open after Trump forced it into the open. I quite frankly don't know what to say or do with this
absent a properly directed civil war.

So where are we now? We are at:

1. The President can't overcome corruption in non-elected positions, the CIA and FBI out rank
him and can simply shut him down. That is a serious crisis, unelected positions are supposed
to have ZERO power, except for the supreme court. The only thing that made this reality is
exactly what conspiracy theorists have said all along, now watch the results of zero action
against it for decades unfold.

2. The enemy owned private sector has now, due to zero enforcement of anti trust laws for 30
years, grown as powerful as the government, if not more powerful. This has allowed a
situation where sites like Google and Facebook and even ICANN can kill whoever they want.
This is not supposed to be allowed to happen, yet here it is, and nothing can stop it when the
government is completely corrupt, and will do nothing.

3. The enemy entirely owns all media that can come across a television or Facebook, except in
very limited "we have to prove we are not totally censored" 3 cent hand outs to provide a thin
veil of legitimacy with regard to openness. Forget Fox News, they'd never come clean on 911
and absent that they are as bad as the rest of them and exist only to pander to concerned
Americans while providing a phoney alternate view.

4. The enemy entirely owns all mainstream medicine and is using mainstream medicine to
destroy the population. Be it tainted vaccines, antidepressants, ridiculously over priced
medical that is like a knife to the throat and casts people into poverty for things that elsewhere
are simple cures and treatments, outright sabotage of health leading to cancers and many
other maladies, corruption of alternate cures even in mainstream pharmacies which test out
as completely fake while sold at top dollar, the list goes on and on. There is no way to fix the
medical system, it like the previous 3 items needs to be completely trashed. If you can't trust
your doctor because he's a big pharma sell out, it is time to hit reboot.

5. The enemy is currently making ALL computing platforms, and if anyone steps into the
scene with anything new that is not completely hacked and can compete, they are either
blocked from stores like the Amiga, or simply killed like Steve Jobs, who was actually a
decent guy. You can forget the future of computers, I'd say if you want anything decent get an
old Athlon thunderbird, rip the wifi out and run it offline with late 90's or early 2000's software
only. The internet will soon be useless anyway, Google is working hard on that.

6. We currently live in a world where everyone carries a spy device that is the NSA's lucid
dream. If you can't even convince a conspiracy theorist to not carry a smart phone there will
be no civil war and no taking back of society, and that really is where we are. The takeover is
so complete that the people who would stand a chance will not have a chance because one of
their favorite toys will make that impossible. And if it is not the NSA stopping them, they will
be stopped by the Mossad after everything they do gets routed through Israel's own
intelligence, or whatever intelligence their own phone carrier has set up. We are so hopelessly
screwed by the smart phone that there is rationally no way out of it.

PREDICITION: If the FBI is so corrupt it can just shut down Trump from exposing
another watergate, it is GAME OVER. We actually need those people to take this
country back, rather than away from us. With the FBI, CIA, and NSA as our enemy,
as well as the judicial branch and other agencies like the EPA and DHS, and the
police departments unilaterally standing down during riots rather than defending
the people they are supposed to protect and serve, the writing is on the wall. It is
GAME OVER, Trump WILL be flushed out now, and we are going straight to hell.




Many people are now saying that the Obamagate wire tapping scandal is SO BIG that the only
way they can cover it up is with a massive and convincing false flag.

I removed the "Zambia sky dementor" because no new photos showed up. Only 2
photos that appeared simultaneously equals probable hoax, there should have
been more than that.

Obama may be indicted for the wire tap

Lt Col Tony Shaffer: "We are talking about the potential of indictments of a former sitting
president and his staff.

Yep, This is worse than watergate by a long shot. Not to mention THE FOLLOWING JUDGES

The exact judges who approved the Trump

wiretap by Obama
And yes, the Clintons and corrupt judges were involved.

I do not usually post other people's work, but this is too well done and too
important, this HAS TO go viral

Obama could not get a wire tap on Trump legitimately, so he worked behind the scenes with
an appeals court in secret. This is an expose' of the corrupted judges who made it possible to
wiretap Trump, and is the source of the leaks. These judges need to HANG. This is FAR
WORSE than Watergate.

The following was posted to a popular forum:

"All this info is on the internet...

You have to remember the acting attorney general for Obama pursued this and was turned
down by the Fisa court which is a court of differing appointee's, appointed By Bush, Reagan,
Carter, Obama and Bill clinton. So the non partisan committee turned down the request, so it
goes to the appeal court which just happened to be all Clinton appointed judges, now we
understand why he met with the attorney general on that plane in secret.

Denials of FISA applications by the FISC may be appealed to the Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Court of Review. The Court of Review is a three judge panel. Since its creation,
the court has come into session twice: in 2002 and 2008.

Who are these judges who approved the Fisa warrantAppeal on President Trump...


William C. Bryson, (Presiding)

Biographical Directory of Federal Judges
Bryson, William Curtis
Born 1945 in Houston, TX

Federal Judicial Service:

Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
Nominated by William J. Clinton on June 22, 1994, to a seat vacated by Howard Thomas
Markey. Confirmed by the Senate on September 28, 1994, and received commission on
September 29, 1994. Assumed senior status on January 7, 2013.

Judge, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review, 2011-present; presiding judge, 2013-
Harvard University, A.B., 1969
University of Texas School of Law, J.D., 1973

Professional Career:
Law clerk, Hon. Henry J. Friendly, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, 1973-1974
Law clerk, Hon. Thurgood Marshall, Supreme Court of the United States, 1974-1975
Private practice, Washington, D.C., 1975-1978
Assistant to the solicitor general, U.S. Department of Justice, 1978-1979
Chief, Appellate Section, Criminal Division, U.S. Department of Justice, 1979-1982
Special counsel, Organized Crime and Racketeering Section, Criminal Division, U.S.
Department of Justice, 1982-1986
Deputy solicitor general, U.S. Department of Justice, 1986-1994
Deputy associate attorney general (acting associate attorney general), U.S. Department of
Justice, 1994

Bryson www.fjc.gov

Jose A. Cabranes

Biographical Directory of Federal Judges

Cabranes, Jose Alberto
Born 1940 in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
Federal Judicial Service:
Judge, U.S. District Court, District of Connecticut
Nominated by Jimmy Carter on November 6, 1979, to a seat vacated by Jon O. Newman.
Confirmed by the Senate on December 5, 1979, and received commission on December 10,
1979. Served as chief judge, 1992-1994. Service terminated on August 12, 1994, due to
appointment to another judicial position.

Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit

Nominated by William J. Clinton on May 24, 1994, to a seat vacated by Richard J. Cardamone.
Confirmed by the Senate on August 9, 1994, and received commission on August 10, 1994.

Judge, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review, 2013-present

Columbia University, A.B., 1961
Yale Law School, J.D., 1965
University of Cambridge, Queens` College, M.Litt., 1967

Professional Career:
Supervisor in law, Queens' College, University of Cambridge, England, 1966-1967
Private practice, New York City, 1967-1971
Associate professor of law, Rutgers University School of Law, 1971-1973
Special counsel, Gov. Rafael Hernandez Colon, Puerto Rico, Washington, D.C., 1973-1975
General counsel/director of government relations, Yale University, 1975-1979

Jose www.fjc.gov

Tallman, Richard C.

Biographical Directory of Federal Judges

Tallman, Richard C.
Born 1953 in Oakland, CA

Federal Judicial Service:

Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
Nominated by William J. Clinton on October 20, 1999, to a seat vacated by Betty Binns
Fletcher. Confirmed by the Senate on May 24, 2000, and received commission on May 25,

Judge, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review, 2014-present

University of Santa Clara (now Santa Clara University), B.Sc., 1975
Northwestern University School of Law, J.D., 1978

Professional Career:
Law clerk, Hon. Morell E. Sharp, U.S. District Court, Western District of Washington, 1978-1979
Trial attorney, Criminal Division, U.S. Department of Justice, 1979-1980
Assistant U.S. attorney, Western District of Washington, 1980-1983
Private practice, Seattle, Washington, 1983-2000
Tallman - www.fjc.gov
Perfect example of the type of hack that this web site gets hit with: I know I did not
misspell "adjuvants".

All through the article, they let the spelling be correct. But the headline? NOPE. And that is the
kind of crap I have to deal with. If any medical professional saw that misspelled in the
headline, they would simply stop reading right there. PERFECT BACK STAB. But I won't
worry, because all the trolls are doing is necessitating the need for serious escalation and I
am certainly capable of that.

Anonymous sent:

Quote:"Anyway, if the ALL go to New Zealand, then we can just sacrifice that one little patch
of earth and use it as a nuclear waste dump" Insensitive twit. Plenty of decent people living

My response: Come on now, you can't actually think I meant that! Have you ever heard of
sarcasm, or an obvious overstatement to make a statement?

Just make sure they are all off in one corner somewhere then, so we can just use 1 nuke and
not wreck the whole place.Less sarcasm.

WOW, here's a GOOD ONE:

Anonymous sent a probably certifiable cure for autism:

Hi Jim. Wouldn't a bone marrow transplant wipe out the immune system and completely
reboot it upon the bone marrow transplant taking effect? I remember a coworker was
diagnosed with leukemia and he had to be in isolation after having a bone marrow transplant
because they said it completely wiped out his immune system and he would need to have all
of his vaccines again. It wouldn't reverse permanent gene mutation in the brain but may
possibly reverse autism if it's due to a continual attack by the immune system triggered by a
vaccine. I'm not a medical professional but remembered my coworker while reading your
article and thought I'd run it past you. The other problem is finding a Dr in any western nation
that would perform a bone marrow transplant for an unapproved reason. Odds are, the
medical governing agency in that country would revoke their medical license for performing
the procedure so you'd need to go to a country that has an actual free market medical system
and pay cash for it.

Again, Thanks for all you do, Ben from FEMA region 5

P.S. Google is most certainly censoring you. If I do a search for Jim Stone in Google what
comes up is your old web address, jimstonefreelance.com, so even though I already know
about your site Google still doesn't show it. If I do a search for Jim Stone using DuckDuckGo
the first item that comes up is your current site, Jimstone.is"


IMPORTANT: My vaccine/autism info is not just a spew. That really is backed up by 1

doctorate of pharmacology that I know who explained the science behind it all, and MANY
doctors that I know, that have figured out that the vaccines are AWFUL. Surprisingly however,
even though it is on the package inserts, I'd say that less than 25 percent of all doctors
actually realize that the vaccines are now sourced from human tissue. NEVER have I seen one
that thought that would NOT be a problem once they knew about it though. They all have the
light go on and say "that's not a good idea", or "they had better get it all out".

More than just immune response

Anonymous sent:

"A bone marrow transplant is not going to reduce the chemical toxicity load placed on the
body in autism. It is not just immune related go read Stephanie Seneff and call me in the
morning.. it's also due to heavy-metal poisoning and an imbalanced gut microbiome.

My response: Heavy metals have nothing to do with it. The mercury in the thimerosal is
bonded in a way that neutralizes it. It can't possibly be good, but it also cannot possibly be the
problem when thimerosal was in vaccines decades prior to the autism problem. That alone
rules it out. I also, specifically do not believe gut bacteria have anything at all to do with
it. That is not what my own (extensive and educated research) says, or confirmed and certified
medical professionals who are in my direct 1:1 circle say.

The most qualified of all says autism is caused on purpose, by purposefully tricking the
immune system into attacking the brain. That's what I will go with, because I simply don't trust
anyone at all to tell me the truth, other than those I know for certain will tell the truth. My
autism reports are not even 1 percent fluff or guess, they might as well be Lancet or at least
PubMed. My "tainted nightmare" report which outlined destructive vaccine adjuvants
withstood peer review in PubMed, and subsequently went viral. It triggered policy changes in
3 different nations, and had a much greater ripple effect than just that. They took the report
and used it verbatim. No other blogger ANYWHERE online ever accomplished that level of
vaccine reporting. No "gut bacteria" or "thimerosal" report ever did that either.

When it comes to vaccine damage, this is one area where I will state with certainty I have it

Vegan diet curing autism?

One reader said that's how it is done, and it takes a few years. My response: Anything can
happen in a few years, shots wear off. No vegan diet is going to have any impact at all, unless
it leads to such malnutrition the immune system stops functioning, and therefore stops
attacking the brain. Bone marrow transplant sounds a LOT better. I have a gut feeling a bone
marrow transplant would probably work.

Not just autism

Another aspect of vaccines that are harmful are the proteins used in vaccine development and
in the vaccines themselves. Although a lot of focus is on autism, many of us have kids
damaged in other ways. My son has multiple food allergies. I knew of this when I was nursing
him - he started reacting to dairy protein via breastmilk at 3 weeks old. I was so ignorant about
vaccines then. As he reacted to more and more foods (and I cut them out), I was frantically
researching and waking up to the issues with our food, medicines, and of course, vaccines.
He had other symptoms beyond the food allergies (gastro issues, respiratory issues, sleep
issues, seizing after vaccines, - esp dtap - that lead us to believe that if we kept vaccinating,
he would have become autistic). We stopped when he was 9 months old. Anyway, back to the
food allergies - these have skyrocketed in recent years and there is evidence that various
proteins that are coincidentally in the top 8 food allergies are used in vaccine production -
peanut oil, egg protein, gluten, soy, casein, to start. My son is allergic to all of these. (BTW,
thanks to natural medical treatments, primarily homeopathy in his case, his is now able to
consume baked egg and has no respiratory issues at all - we have hope for continued

My response: The proteins used in vaccine development and in the vaccines themselves are
the adjuvants I speak about in my Tainted Nightmare report.

Unrelated to that report: After being well into adulthood with no allergies I got a tetanus shot
and was suddenly allergic to dogs and cats for 20 years. I was stunned - how could I suddenly
be allergic to a dog? The shot since wore off, and I am no longer allergic to either. So they can
take their tetanus shot and stuff it, I'll instead opt for super strong antibiotics and take my
chances. Obviously these vaccines trigger all kinds of money making CRAP. Do no harm?
With today's medicine, you receive ONLY THE SNAKE.

You cannot use thimerosal as an arguing point against vaccines because the pro
vaccination crowd is well prepared for it.

The pro-vaccine people pushing vaccines on everyone are going to argue that thimerosal was
in vaccines for decades before autism became a problem, and then use that as an excuse to
say vaccines do not cause autism.

They are going to point out that thimerosal is not in wide use anymore, and that when it is it is
always in the large multi shot containers of vaccines, and not in individual vaccines that come
pre loaded in a syringe. They will then point to the fact that autism is just as prevalent in
vaccined children who were vaccined via a pre loaded syringe, and then say that proves it is
not the thimerosal, and that vaccines do not cause autism.

Animal vs human cell cultures

What they will NEVER SAY: Before the explosion in autism rates, vaccines were made from
animal cultures or yeast cultures that had no genetically modified cells and were completely
natural and not human based. Nowadays, virtually all vaccines are made in human based
cultures, and GMO yeast cultures that contain human DNA and therefore human materials.


Additionally, in the past, vaccines were made the expensive way - where the immune response
was triggered by a large dose of pathogen. Nowadays they are using very small amounts of
pathogen, and enhancing them with materials that are designed to enhance immune
response. These materials are called adjuvants. PROBLEM: It seems the only adjuvants they
can seem to think of using are based on materials that form basic building blocks for the body
- key oils and proteins that are used by the nervous system. One of these - an early one they
tried - is called squalene.
If you use squalene - which is a basic nervous system building block - as an adjuvant in a
vaccine, the immune system will associate squalene with the pathogen and then create
antibodies against squalene also. The result is greatly reduced quality of life (as your immune
system works hard to eliminate from your body one of the key components it needs) and
seriously reduced intelligence and fertility. Similar is true for other "aduvants" they have
started using, and I beg to question WHY. You know they know what they are doing, so why
did they ever use squalene to begin with? This proves open malice.

They are playing so filthy with vaccines it is obvious they are trying to destroy anyone who
receives them, and they are doing it at a level that most people cannot comprehend. People
can point at thimerosal, say it is mercury, and grasp that. What they can't grasp is "this
vaccine was grown in human tissue, and because of that it will cause autoimmune disorders,
including against the brain" or "this vaccine contains an adjuvant based on a material your
body needs, and therefore it will destroy you when it tricks your immune system into reacting
against that material". They can't grasp that because they don't even know what a cell culture
is, or an adjuvant is, or how an immune response is triggered.

Sure, I would not want a shot of thimerosal. But it is, in reality, the least of our vaccine

Take a look at this Dtap vaccine insert

The Dtap vaccine insert says in plain text that it causes autism, sudden infant death, apnea,
seizures up to gran mal, neuropathy AND MORE. Interesting it is that the standard vaccine
side effects - triggering allergies and other normal stuff is not even listed and in their own
words "what they listed was prioritized for frequency and severity". So it causes Autism and
other horrible brain damage so much that the normal stuff vaccines used to be known for is
not even listed.

Yep, but it is glyphosate causing autism, LOOK AWAY FROM THE VACCINES, yes, we have it,
"To protect their profits, the vaccine makers created a mythical condition called "shaken baby
syndrome" on which to blame the deaths of babies after receiving this vaccine. Parents,
already traumatized from losing their child, were then imprisoned for the false charge of
murdering their own baby." - Michael Rivero This web site had this covered years ago, and
now they are putting the truth in the vaccine insert. HOWEVER, I think Mike missed the fact
that this is intentional eugenics, and not profit motivated. HERE IS WHAT WAS POSTED HERE

Root of "Shaken Baby" Scam Revealed

An Australian police officer speaks up

"I was in the Queensland Police Service for 20 years and I saw first hand how the vaccines
caused death and the police would investigate, and while supported by the medical system
would prosecute the parents for the injuries and death caused by the vaccines."

Chris Savage, Queensland Police officer

Jim Stone, Editor

I joined the Queensland Police Service in Queensland Australia in 1989 at the age of 27. In my
work as a State Police officer I would be called to sudden deaths to investigate the
circumstances. This included babies and young children.

I attended several where the baby was found dead by one of the parents in the morning, in
Australia the term "Sudden Infant Death Syndrome" is used to describe this outcome. Notice
how the "syndrome" is frequently used - I believe this serves the purpose of mystifying the
problem and therefore the cause. Another is "gulf war syndrome" which is clearly caused by
the Anthrax vaccine.

I began to dig deeper whenever I had the opportunity to conduct investigations into the infant
deaths. In 1993 I was the first response to a 6 month old baby death. I went to the hospital
because the baby had been taken there by ambulance, and at the hospital I obtained the
testimony of the mother. In her statement she told me that her baby was eating and sleeping
normally but when the baby was vaccinated at the age of 2 months (which was the vaccine
policy in Australia) the baby then would not sleep and would not eat properly and suffered
frequent convulsions

She went to several doctors trying to find an answer. They gave her a common drug called
"Panadol" which did not do anything. The convulsions continued so she went to another
doctor who gave her another drug which also did not work. The baby continued to convulse
and vomit frequently. The little girl would not sleep and the mother was sleep deprived also.

Because the situation was so desperate, the mother went doctor shopping. The other doctors
simply gave her more drugs. At the age of about 5 months the baby died. The QPS then
charged the mother for causing the death by using a forensic report which showed slightly
elevated drug levels. Fortunately in this particular case the Director of Public Prosecutions did
not want to proceed with a murder charge because the mother provided a statement which
outlined normal sleep and eating prior to the vaccine.

Another incident occurred when I saw a father come through the Ipswitch District Watchhouse
Q1D on the charges of Manslaughter (similar to 2nd degree murder) of a 5 year old that had
suffered a severe reaction to the initial vaccines and was brain damaged. The QPS relied on
the false medical premise titled "shaken baby syndrome" - there is that "Syndrome" word

The child succombed to the injuries from the vaccines and the QPS opted to blame the father
on the basis of "Shaken Baby Syndrome" but there was no evidence other than the vaccine
for the cause of the injuries when the "shaken baby" accusation was applied.
I have seen grieving parents charged with causing the deaths of their babies,

The highest risk period for death by vaccine was at two months when the babies are given all
the vaccines;

When the detectives investigate the death of a baby they interview each parent separately. If
there are any conflicting versions of the story they use the differences to attack the parents
credibility and rely on the flawed "shaken baby syndrome" medical evidence. If there is no
conflict, even a minor one in the parent testimony, the police then turn it over to a "medical
doctor" who has "experience" with "shaken baby syndrome" and attempt to prosecute from
that angle.

If the parents tell the investigator they picked up the lifeless baby and shook it to wake it, the
police will prosecute even though the baby was already dead. Since "shaken baby syndrome"
has no hard evidence, such as bruising or other injury, it's the perfect way to blame parents
for damage caused by vaccines.

In October of 2009, a baby died shortly after being vaccinated with the H1N1 vaccine, and to
everyone's surprise the state coroner ruled that there was no link to the vaccine.

In my view, the QPS officers are sufficiently brainwashed to not realize the vaccines are
causing the injuries and deaths; and when they investigate and prosecute they rely heavily on
"medical evidence" which is significantly influenced by big Pharma, and appear to wish to
divest responsibility.

Now they give the vaccinations at birth and I speculate that this is so that any damage can be
blamed as having the problems since birth.

After giving a parent an article by Dr. Vera Schreibner, which outlined vaccine damage, the
hierarchy of the QPS pursued me so I left on medical grounds. Upon my exit they tried to get
me to take SSRI's but I threw them all in the trash; they would have caused severe problems
as you already know.

Chris Savage
Former Sergeant of Police, Queensland Police Service
Registered number 4007505
Amoor Qld 4570


How to choose a (safer) vaccine

This will not help you avoid vaccine problems completely, but will at least help you choose
one that is the least damaging option if you are forced to.

The vaccines listed in red are the most dangerous vaccines. These are vaccines that can
trigger auto immune disorders against the body itself, because they are derived from human
cells that had their origins in abortion. Even if the origin was not abortion, creating vaccines in
human cell cultures would be just as dangerous. Massive problems with autism occurred after
vaccines that were grown in human cell cultures were created, the link is so obvious that it
amounts to proof that it was done on purpose to damage any child that received them, with
the worst damage showing it as autism.

The most important information is below this table, this is a lengthy article.

The excuse they used to get human cell cultures into the vaccine production process was that
"it avoided all chance of having animal DNA cause problems". Such problems showed
themselves as allergies to pets, (if you get a vaccine that is based on cat or dog cell cultures,
you are likely to become allergic to cats or dogs) and this is because there is no way to
completely remove the host cells from the pathogens they were used to grow. Since these cell
fragments are in the presence of the disease they were used to grow, both are identified by
the immune system as an enemy of the body, so when a cat or dog is around after getting the
shot, an immune response is triggered toward the cat or dog, which manifests itself as an
allergy. So the lie was created, that if human cells were used, allergies and other side effects
would be avoided.

The problem with this is, they can't get the human cell fragments out of the vaccines
completely either. And they know it. When a vaccine created in a human cell culture is injected
into a human, those cell fragments, proteins, and DNA fragments are identified by the immune
system as an enemy of the body also, just like a dog or cat cell fragment would be. Since the
"enemy" is seen by the immune system as the body itself, it causes the immune system to
turn the allergy inward, against the body itself, and the immune system then proceeds to
attack the body from the inside. The results are devastating, and have been labeled "auto
immune disorders". When the "auto immune disorder" triggers an attack on the brain, it
results in reduced intelligence and the worst affected exhibit this as autism.

There is no conceivable way the vaccine manufacturers, FDA, and all other medical
professionals do not know this. If your doctor denies this, your doctor is either totally
incompetent, totally ignorant, or an outright scammer. Maybe your doctor trusts the system
and walks the world with a brain that is turned off. But more and more, doctors are at least
aknowledging that many of the vaccines are awful, though it seems they never cared to figure
out why.

Truthful researchers know EXACTLY WHY:

Autism Link to Foetal Tissue in Vaccines

A recent study by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has confirmed 1988 as a
"change point" in the rise of Autism Disorder rates in the U.S. - a date that pro-life leaders say
correlates with the introduction of fetal cells for use in vaccines.

While the EPA study does not speculate into the cause of the jump in autism rates, and makes
no mention of aborted fetal cells, the researchers point out that it "is important to determine
whether a preventable exposure to an environmental factor may be associated with the

According to the pro-life group Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute (SCPI), which
specializes in vaccine research, that "environmental factor" may well be the use of aborted
fetal cells in vaccines.

The group pointed out in its most recent newsletter that 1988 is the same year the U.S.
Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices began recommending a second dose of the
MMR vaccine, which included cells derived from the tissue of aborted babies.

Analyses of autism rate data published by SCPI identify 3 clear change points in U.S. autism
disorder trends: 1981, 1988 and 1995, all of which the groups claims roughly correlate with the
use of vaccines (Meruvax, MMRII, and Chickenpox) that were cultivated with the use of tissue
from aborted children. The group says that it has been unable to identify any other factor that
might correlate to the change in autism rates.

My comment: The correlation is so obvious that denial is beyond criminal. The

power structure knows exactly what is going on with this. There is an overt attempt
underway to divide mankind into two groups - the masses who have been
destroyed by vaccine triggered auto immune responses, and the elite, who know
how to avoid their own weapon and are therefore never hit by it.

I am now going to go off into side details, first of all, this is one of my major topics
which I usually research entirely myself, however:
The chart above came from Sound Choice.org and I can clearly state they are under attack and
are in the censor bot big time. Google will not pull them up until you type their name directly
in which proves censorship, because it is Google's job to help you find web sites, and if you
already have the name, you already found it, and it will be obvious if Google stops you at that

SECOND THING WITH THAT WEB SITE: The web filters lie and call it an attack site, especially
the actual chart, if you decide to try to download it from the original source. Click this. It is the
original source for the chart above. You will probably get a warning screen. If it comes in, the
slander bots were programmed to quickly respond to what I posted and you won't realize just
how much this is getting attacked. If you see a warning screen, have fun trying to download it
and witness the censorship first hand. There is a reason why I ripped it to GIF and posted it as
an image that comes in automatically, and that is because there are five separate warning
screens telling you it is a virus, and the last step will say "file does not exist" and only when
you hit "try again" will it come in. The elite do not want that chart out in the general public,
and this proves it.

In addition to the chart, I quoted text from vaccineriskawarness.com.

OK, now on to other side issues:

WARNING: Do not accept a vaccine that has it's culture origins grown in yeast. This is
because the yeast has been genetically programmed to produce human proteins, which can
trigger autoimmune disorders and autism. This protein is produced under the brand name
Recombumin and referred to as "recombinant human albumin" in the package insert. If you
see this, AVOID.

It seems like many web sites focus only on the ethical issues of vaccines derived from fetal
cell cultures, while they ignore the science behind why it should not be done. The threat
remains fully in place even if the human protein is GMO based and grown in yeast.

This issue can tell you what the current Pope is made of - Up until recently, the Vatican was
completely opposed to vaccines derived from human fetal cell lines, but in 2015 the Vatican
reversed it's position and said "the fetal cell lines are now in their third generation so it is
perfectly ok for vaccines to be derived from them". Thank you Pope Francis. Yep, he is
definitely an elitist who wants an underclass to rule over and he wants it so badly that he will
forget all about the ethics by which the stupefying of the greater population is being
accomplished. No real Pope could ever stand for the injection of anything derived from an
abortion into another child, no matter how old the cell line is and at his level, he should be
responsible enough to understand the consequences.

Another issue is:

The claim has been made that vaccines derived from human cell lines are safe, because all of
the cell tissue is filtered out. But this is a bold faced lie, because DNA alone, not even the
proteins which amount to far more volume, exists at levels of 2 micrograms per milliliter, and
there is growing evidence that the DNA alone is crossing the blood/brain barrier, getting into
the brain cells, and causing genetic mutations which themselves trigger symptoms of autism,
even without activation of the immune system against the brain.
Another issue: I doubt there is a cure

There are a number of people out there who claim to be able to cure autism. There is only one
rational conclusion: You cannot de-program the immune system to stop doing damage after it
has been tricked into doing so, and you can never un-do a vaccine. Additionally, if the DNA
from the human cells really is able to cross the blood/brain barrier and cause cells to mutate,
absolutely no one, and I mean no one is ever going to be able to fix that.

There are other information scammers that are trying to divert attention away from the
vaccines by saying it is roundup, gut bacteria, or pink elephants causing Autism. All are
diversions, there is ONE common link with a truthful scientific explanation, and it is the
introduction of human tissue derived vaccines and the obvious science of why you should not
inject pathogens that have been grown in such tissue.

And there are other implications to all of this, such as forcing people to be complicit in
abortion by making it mandatory for them to accept being injected with a substance that has
its roots in abortion and is not one bit genetically different from what it was on day one, years
ago. The passing of time means nothing, it is all still precisely the same as it was on day one.

The elite are becoming adamant about forcing vaccines. There are still a few that are derived
from ethical sources. Read your package inserts, and use the chart above. The actual fetal cell
lines used will be in the package inserts, as will the vaccines derived from yeast that has been
genetically programmed to produce human proteins. Following the list will not protect you
from pet allergies or other allergies that can be caused by vaccines, but it will help a lot with
avoiding the worst possible outcome.

I Trump getting kicked

I was trying to think of a way to describe what is going on with the efforts to sabotage Trump,
and could not come up with an adequate way to describe it. And then, at the top of the
messages, a reader nailed it.

Remember the old Charlie Brown episodes, where Lucy would hold the football, Charlie would
go to kick it, and Lucy would pull the football away? THAT IS IT. Anonymous sent:

All in all Trump is dropping the ball. Trump is Charlie Brown and the Democrats are Lucy
playing football. If public arrests of Obongo and all the rest do not take place immediately it is
Manitoba Moe sent a bunch of topics I considered putting up earlier:

Hi Jim, Thank you for all you do! Some tidbits for all it's worth... New Zealand -destination
many billionaires are bugging out to

Washington Post -John Podesta's new employer

Hillary Clinton - running for mayor of New York

Obama has new room mate in DC mansion/command post - Valerie Jarrett

May 1, 2017 - George Soros http://investmentwatchblog.com/ex-cia-operative-robert-steele-


Abundant blessings~ from Manitoba

My response: Let's all hope they go to New Zealand. Interesting proximity to Antarctica.
Anyway, if the ALL go to New Zealand, then we can just sacrifice that one little patch of earth
and use it as a nuclear waste dump, starting with really really hot ICBM mounted waste. Yeah,
it is a nice island, but it is an ISLAND.

A zombie apocalypse is a real possibility, if not a probablilty

Anonymous sent: "Know anything about Ebobun virus, a combination of Ebola and rabies.
The patent is owned by a man working for the CDC. Maybe this is the cause of the "zombie"
guy in Brazil hospital"

My response: Background on zombie guy: He showed up at a hospital in Brazil with his face
shot off, and did not seem to care about it at all, just like a zombie.

Like this reader said, they are combining viruses to get a super virus that could easily spawn
a zombie outbreak. What do you expect when they are playing around mixing ebola with
rabies? What about rabies with a cold virus, so it spreads like the cold? Slow the rabies down
so it takes effect AFTER the cold symptoms subside. That would be one hell of a virus.

BOTTOM LINE: if they are playing around with this crap, it will eventually get out, and/or get
used on purpose. How could we expect it to not get used? All the more reason to prepare by
keeping at least a couple months food in the house..

Lake Oroville rising 3 feet per day as they clear debris

If you look at the chart above, that is what is happening. They shut off the main spillway to
allow crews to work below and clear the river of a substantial earthen dam that was created
when erosion debris resulting from the spillway failure blocked the river. This forced them to
shut off the power station, and alternate water path through the dam.

They are trying to clear this debris, but there is a lot of it and who knows if it is possible. The
washout, which formed 100 foot cliffs easily left hundreds of thousands of tons, if not over a
million tons of rock debris in the river below the spillway. That is a lot of material.
Gate in border wall!
On the Mexican side of a section of the border fence that was assembled like panels, people
cut one of the panels off, put hinges on it, and turned it into a gate they could open to let cars
through. They then touched up the American side to make the gate invisible. This is a GOOD
ONE, See this.

Obama stole BILLIONS through the Department of Justice via
payouts to liberal activist groups
Obama set up an unknown number of ways to finance coup attempts after he was out of office
via American taxpayer dollars. Here is how it works:

You set up an automatic payout within the government that goes to a foundation, "contract",
whatever you dream up before you leave office. Once out, you front as whatever "legitimate"
organization received the payout, and then use it for whatever you want. These payouts
usually do not ever expire. Obama used a payout through the Department of Justice, to a shell
organization he set up. And that's just what he got caught for, there is no telling how many
other payouts he set up, or that any of the previous government officials set up. America
could, in fact, be getting bled to death with most tax dollars simply going in the trash via
permanent payouts to shell companies and organizations that people set up while in office.

Trump now has a huge job of finding out how much B.S. is getting paid to. We all knew there
was no possible way the government could spend so much for what we get in return, and this
could explain why. As it turns out, in this ONE payout alone that was funneled through the
Department of Justice, Obama was taking billions to fund himself and liberal activist groups.

This is not internet rumor, Fox News covered it, SEE THIS AND DOWNLOAD IT


The NSA routinely intercepts online computer purchases and installs malware on them before
they get to you. SEE THIS.The original source of this was Der Spiegel, and it appears to be

SUGGESTION FOR NEW EGG EMPLOYEE: Team up with a friend who is a truther. Have friend
buy laptop. Bug laptop, to always show where it is, and hope the NSA does not know it. If it
goes off course towards an NSA facility, upon arrival to your friend, take the laptop to the
Russian embassy, tell them it has NSA malware on it, and sell it to them for a hefty profit so
they can extract the malware and reverse engineer it.
A few messages

Infrared avoidance

Anonymous sent:

hi Jim! I remember on your very old forum, there was info/advice on how to counter infrared,
or night vision. Was it PVC sheets? If you post that info that would be great - thank you Sir!!!"

My response: I don't want to spend time explaining how I know this, but it is 100 percent legit:
Polyethelene sheeting (ordinary plastic drop cloth for painting messes and whatever else) will
block infrared and make night vision that detects in infrared useless. If you use it to conceal
yourself, it cannot be touching your body anywhere because your body will make it warm
wherever it is touching. A large, very loose fitting plastic rain poncho is literally an invisibility
cloak, provided you do not trap your body heat inside of it and make it warm, or have it touch
your skin anywhere. FOOLPROOF: $1 plastic sheet spread over you on top of tall grass, while
you lay on the ground under it with it sitting on the top of the grass a foot above you. Even if it
is clear plastic you can see right through you will not show up on infrared when a helicopter
goes over.

CIA planning coup?

Preface to this message: Susan Lindaur is a former CIA agent who went rogue on the agency
and blew the whistle. If she really is saying the following, it should really receive attention:

Anonymous sent:

A heads up, Jim, this could be IMPORTANT!

Via The Covert Report With Susan Lindauer for 02-26-2017: Guest says a CIA coup against
President Trump scheduled for May 1, 2017. George Soros plans/intends to bus in 1-3 million
people to demonstrate then to force Trump to resign or be impeached. Please look into this
and see if this is on the up and up. If it is legit and the plot is properly exposed, hopefully it
won't happen. Exact details are at the 1:08:15 mark in (secure)
archive.org/download/TheCovertReportWithSusanLindauer2017.02.26/The Covert Report with
Susan Lindauer 2017.02.26.mp3"

My response: If this actually got released by Susan Lindaur, then that's the best source and it
probably would be best to simply post the link. True, it is a guest saying it but if she released
it that speaks volumes. I usually don't make predictions here so I will leave it at that.

Oh, I guess I will add this: George Soros would do best by staying deep underground to avoid
being shot, and to shorten the trip to HELL when he dies.

Judgedredd sent:

From judgedredd: Hi James, When you say 'Ivanka is not playing ball with this, and neither is
Trump.' what do you mean by that? That they are not going after the people in Pizzagate?"
My response: NO, I meant they are not going to play ball with child molesters. It will NOT be
business as usual. Should have been more clear with this I guess. Hey, I'd bet Ivanka would be
a LOT better than Hillary! Ivanka 2024!

The free press

Anonymous sent:

Please do NOT refer to yourself or others as "alternative media" or "alternative news". The
term should always be FREE PRESS or FREE NEWS or even FREE MEDIA."

Another Anonymous sent:

I found out about your site right after the election I have been touting your site to thousands
of group members on Facebook. Some of the groups are called"Exposing the Rothschild's,"
and "Pizzagate." These groups have about 100, 000 members each. I have established myself
as a credible source and seeker of truth. Because of this perhaps, you have greater exposure
and more people checking in to your site and they are mad because most of these people I
informed of your site are die-hard, anti-government, alt media activists who had no idea you
existed. To confirm I would likely have to see if the time frame corroborated with more hits for
starters. Anyhow, who knows but you. Thanks for your good, logical work too."

My response: According to the stats software, 0.4 percent of site visits have originated from
Facebook. That is: 0.004. That is just the way Facebook would want it. If you posted that where
200,000 people can see it, that is a lot less than this site gets in regular traffic, however, if it
was not censored I'd imagine that you and others would be able to drive at least 20 percent of
this site's traffic from Facebook. If it is .4 percent you are obviously shadow banned. 200,000
people are not seeing what you are posting. However, 2,700 visits from Facebook for the
month of February is better than nothing. If you drove that here, thanks!


Jb wrote:

"Regarding the chicken issue, it would be interesting to leave a piece to rot and see what
happens (if bacteria consume it or not fly maggots etc... I suspect it wont!)

My response: I was wondering what to do with it. Thanks for the suggestion. It is now out of
the freezer and behind the house for an experiment . . . .

Joanne sent:

Jim, I have heard they soak chickens in a solution of water and I believe NH3 (ammonia) is
added. This plumps up the meat and adds weight to increase the profit. Did you taste any
ammonia? Joanne in Texas"

My response: No, I did not taste anything at ALL. The meat was completely devoid of flavor.
Usually salt works as a flavor enhancer but on this particular chicken, salting it brought out no
flavor, it just tasted like I threw salt on styrofoam. It was YUCK. When the salt hit the barbecue
sauce, and the chicken was dipped in barbecue sauce, it did not taste like barbecued chicken,
it just tasted like I threw barbecue sauce on the plate, and had barbecue sauce with salt.

Anonymous sent:

Finally, someone else mentioning the "rubber" chicken that's going around! I ran into this
about 5 months ago from my local grocery store outside Philadelphia, PA, USA. I'm not that
great a chef so I was convinced I did something wrong although I hadn't ever made chicken
that FELT anything like this. Much like Claudia, my lady said she'd never buy chicken from
that grocery store again. We have since then but haven't run into this same issue. We think it
is only the store-brand boneless chicken breasts that have been affected around us so far.
The thighs and legs SEEM to still be normal. Who knows though. Thanks for the news...
solved a mystery I've had sitting in my head for quite some time. Great work by the way on
other topics. Thanks for what you do.

It is NOT the mercury in vaccines doing the

This is an old topic this web site has covered repeatedly in the past. This statement
is fully endorsed by a doctorate of pharmacology, (someone at the level that
actually designs new medications)

Here is how the vaccines destroy children, stated in the simplest possible terms

Vaccines are now based around cell cultures from human sources, and/or genetically
engineered sources that have a human biological root.

The purpose is to cause the immune system to react against key biological systems inside the
child who receives it. Since vaccines work by triggering immune responses to pathogens, if
any human material is associated with the pathogenic material in the vaccine, it will trigger the
immune system to react against the human materials in the vaccine also.

Usual target: The brain. All children get damaged by this to at least a small degree, but those
who exhibit gene traits the vaccine specifically targets the most develop full blown autism.

This is exactly why autism rates are by far the highest among the children of intelligent whites
(computer programmers and other high positions), which the vaccines are specifically
designed to wipe out to eliminate competition against the segment of the white intellectual
class that is attempting to gain total superiority. Obviously they are not targeting only whites,
they are targeting all people who have genetic traits that will allow them to compete, but
predominantly children from above average white parents are hit by far the hardest.

Bottom line: Today's vaccines amount to a eugenics program that is intended to split
humanity into two groups - those who have been administered a well calculated down grade
and those who have not, and are therefore superior.

Since the source of this information is 1. My own research, and 2. people within my circle of
association (which is a very high circle) there are no references, however, anyone with even a
paper thin background in medicine ought to know that: YOU CANNOT INJECT HUMAN
AND PATHOGENS AND EXPECT A GOOD RESULT. My GOD it takes an army of stupidity and
evil to keep the scam of modern vaccines alive.


Haaretz has reported that Trump has openly stated that the recent hate crimes against Jews
were being committed by Jews to make his presidency look bad.

From Haaretz:

"U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday indicated for the second time that he believes it is
possible that the current wave of anti-Semitic incidents could be "false flags" - perpetrated by
the left or by Jews themselves in order to make his administration and supporters look bad.

Trump spoke to a gathering of state attorneys general from across the country that included
Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro. Shapiro told reporters in a conference call after
the meeting that Trump suggested that the attacks could reflect something other than anti-
Semitism, saying that "the reverse can be true" and "someone's doing it to make others look

My comment: This report is better than chewing through a box of fine chocolates. Take a look
at the of this Haaretz post, it is a sweet read!

Frankenfood chicken message:

Most people are writing various messages confirming this crap form of chicken is a reality.
However, one writer pointed out that I mentioned trying it before. YES I DID MENTION THAT.
However, it was only a guess because it was purchased from a deli that served it deep fried. It
was not confirmed to have been from the back of the store where the raw chicken is sold, and
after eating the stuff from where the raw chicken was sold it could not possibly be what I ate a
couple months ago. Night and day difference.

Unfortunately I bought six pounds of that crap because it was so CHEAP. The dog is going to
be happy. UPDATE: People are telling me not to give this to the dog. I actually did not want to
because I did not want to waste the gas cooking it. But should it really go in the trash? Tough
question. Perhaps so.

There are many pizzagate messages

This one pretty much sums up what I think:

Mr. Stone I thank you, as always, for your work. Indeed the response to this
Pedogate/Pizzagate topic should raise yellow flags all around. There is no forthright dismissal,
backed up with facts, to discredit these allegations. This non stop 'attacking the messengers'
may be the biggest tell yet that something is afoot."
My response: Ivanka is not playing ball with this, and neither is Trump. Maybe the fraudulent
Child Protective Services, which in practically all states is a proven child snatching ring that
trafficks many of the kids they take will bite the dust with Trump. Lets hope so.

Possible fake news?

It is not being presented that way. Evidently Beauty and the beast is going to go both feminist
and gay in a non animated version. Belle is going to be a totally independent woman
questioning male authority, and Gaston, the man who swoons after her in the beginning is
going to have a gay man named Le Fou in love with him at the end. We will have to wait and
see. If so, Disney will be OUT.

I find this hard to believe. See this.

Underhanded tactics underway by the

pedophile elite

We need to start keeping track of who vanished. I am getting sick of seeing the same pattern:
Web site vanishes. Whoever ran it bashed to death by endless troll posts. One thing the trolls
always focus on is how much people got in donations. David Seaman, who was covering
pizzagate was handled this way. His web site simply blinked out, and then trolls said he did
the whole pizzagate thing to troll for money, and they knew exactly how much he got in
donations. How did they know? Because he was honest and posted them the same way I do.
And the total he got in donations was not even equal to a mid level income especially when
you consider how much he did.

There are concealment methods that are now newly out in the open with regard to
pizzagate/cannibalism/child sacrifice - any time a damning photo or video comes out the troll
line is "that is from a movie" or "that is from a video game". They then cite an obscure work
no one has ever heard of before, and call everyone stupid for saying it was real. They did this
with the cannibal dinner photos, and I thought, well, maybe that is true, and pulled the
pictures. But then they did it with the Podesta child rape video that was so obviously real -
they said it was from a video game and then cited a video game no one ever heard of. And I
called BULLSHIT on that.

These people are desperate. And I now believe the method they are going to use to shut up alt
media every time something major breaks will involve the rapid production of fake games and
videos that have whatever alt media comes up with dropped into them, so they can then call
hoax on what was really the truth. They will then use ICANN to take the alt media site down,
and then back stab whoever ran it, saying it was all for money and that was the end of it.

Folks, NO ONE is going to run a for-profit gig with a total budget of less than $5,000 per
month. Absolutely no one. Because a real web site does not happen for free, and on top of
that you have to do incredibly skilled work to keep an audience. When these alt media types
are clearly running on shoe string budgets, trolling them over "how much they make" in
donations, all the while they are unilaterally banned from getting ads to kill them off is such
blatant falsehood that, well, if I could swing a baseball bat through a computer screen and hit
such trolls I would, absolutely. It is the pit of filth to back stab alt media for falling back on the
help of readers after the same people who troll them for it cut off the normal income stream to
begin with.

And we are beginning to see this, as a universal wide spread tactic.

We need to get a clear picture of who has vanished.

If you know of an alt media web site that mysteriously blinked out for no reason, including any
where "supposedly the guy is somewhere else now trying a new thing" please drop the name
of it into the message window. We need to keep track of this now. There is no conceivable
reason why David Seaman or Benn Swann or anyone else would simply blow up without any
warning whatsoever and vanish into a "new venture" in the middle of nowhere. That NEVER
happens, there is ALWAYS a long run up to such moves, and usually extensive long term
overlapping of web sites with re-directs to the new location. When I made the move to Iceland,
I put in a re-direct and now, two years later the ORIGINAL location is still active, sending
anyone that hits it straight to here. That is how it is done, folks, people don't just switch stuff

This web site would have been that type of "sudden shut off" casualty recently if preparations
had not been made in advance to survive it when Icann made their move two weeks ago. I
know this is happening, because I saw them try myself. I may have made it, but you can't
expect people in alt media to be tech saavy enough to get through an Icann knock down. Once
they are knocked offline, it would be all too easy to simply bash their doors in and cart them
off, and then have trolls finish the job with a massive slander campaign so you forget about
them. That is definitely happening now, and we need to treat all vanishings of alt media people
as precisely that, accepting NO story about "Oh, he never mentioned it, and he was posting
every single day, and POOF, he just decided to try something new" and even said it himself or
OH, it was ALL FOR THE MONEY, he made his bit and took off.

REMEMBER: Trolls only need to stall people looking into the vanishing of a web site, while
placing enough doubt in people with regard to the web site to make people think "maybe" for
about a week, and people won't return to the topic again. Mission accomplished. In this way,
they will snuff all of alt media out like a rain soaked match. DO NOT LET IT HAPPEN.

Oroville spillway
For scale, there are 4 white vehicles on the left hand side of this picture.
The gray "sand bar" is chunks of rock that were eroded away and dropped in the
river below the spillway. This formed a dam that caused flooding upstream, and
prevented the power houses from being used. They are trying to clear this now.
I have partaken of the "chicken not so little"
A while ago I posted a video about what I believed had to be GMO chicken because the
drumsticks were the size of turkey drumsticks. A reader then sent a message saying the
reason why the drumsticks were so huge is because it was from an old chicken and that they
usually killed the chickens when they were small and we never got to see a big chicken in the
store. I sort of took that with a grain of salt because I have seen plenty of adult chickens
running around farms as pets and they are only as big as regular chickens you buy in stores.
And they can be several years old - completely adult. ANYWAY
The "chicken not so little" went on sale for approximately 39 cents a pound so I figured I'd
give it a shot, expecting the reader to be right about a giant breed of chicken that gets turkey
sized as an adult. Well, I am having my doubts.

I decided to boil two legs. I boiled it good. I then figured that I'd try to eat it with barbecue
sauce, in case it was bad because the color was totally well, bleached. It was way too light
colored. Claudia kept telling me she'd never eat it, "OMG I hope you don't expect me to eat
that" . . . .

I am telling you, that chicken was DISGUSTING. The meat did not have any resemblance to the
texture of real chicken. It was like eating rubber that was tender. Yes, lucious tender not
chewy at all (like you'd expect rubber to be) but all I could think of was rubber. The cat liked it.
Ok, so the cat got a lot of it then.

This chicken had NO FLAVOR. Even with salt, I could not taste a chicken flavor. The meat was
slippery. It was squishy, like rubber, going back to it's original shape after being squished. It
was SO GROSS that I ended up simply stripping it off the bones and giving it to Lucas.

So I learned something: 39 cents a pound can happen, and not be a good deal. I don't think
that chicken was natural. Right now my stomach feels like it got something it should not have
despite not eating much. I never saw anything that tasted and went down like that before. And
I won't be seeing it again.

Mount Etna looks like Kiluea

I thought Kiluea was the only one that could produce such impressive flows. Etna is now
obviously another really prime volcano.
I can't help but to think this: If Etna had not erupted for another 10 years, all the snowflakes
would have called the eruptions a conspiracy and would have tried to build on it because the
land was cheap. And then it would have been a "disaster" when everything they had got wiped
out just because they lacked the respect to listen to their elders. It is probably a good thing it
went off.

A reader sent the answer to why Boron wears out and stops blocking radiation, and
another reader explained why there is still fish on the store shelves

Anonymous sent:

Boron is composed of two stable isotopes, boron-10 and boron-11. Boron-10 can absorb a
neutron, to become boron-11. This is the property that allows boron to damp nuclear
reactions. Boron "wears out" when all the boron-10 has been converted to boron-11, which
cannot absorb neutrons.

My response: That would mean then that if boron has a maximum solubility in water it won't
help to pour more into the containments to re-establish absorption, unless the water can be
pumped out of the containments and stored somewhere so new water with new boron could
be poured in. It would be a never ending process, needing to be done for hundreds of
thousands of years.

The only answer is to get the melted cores out of there, but how can that happen when they
are immediately lethal, and even kill robots? Lead suits only work so well . . . .

And about the fish: Anonymous sent:

The salmon you see in stores come from salmon farms. Other fish the same way. Wild salmon
was wiped off by overfishing and not by radiation.

My response: Oops, I knew that and was not thinking. Brain fart. I am still going to once again
look into what is real and what is not with regard to Fuku wiping the Pacific out. It is time to do
that again.

I am going to brush this topic because it is not going away. Everyone out there by now ought
to know that they found super high radiation levels at Fukushima, so high they'd kill people
with only a few seconds of exposure. The highest I have heard about so far is 610 sieverts per
hour. How high is that?

It takes 1 sievert to make it certain that someone would know something happened.
Approximately 2 sieverts to make someone very sick, and cause all their hair to fall out.
Anything over 3 sieverts is potentially lethal, with 6 sieverts being lethal in all known cases.
So, if it is 600 plus sieverts PER HOUR, well, that's a high reading. WHY would it be so high,
when previous readings were not that high?

ANSWER: Because immediately after the disaster, they flooded the containments with borated
water. Boron is a nuclear "poison" that stops chain reactions by blocking
radiation. PROBLEM: For reasons I don't know (and therefore many others probably don't
know) Boron stops working after a while. One would think that because it is an element it
would just keep on working because there is nothing to chemically break down, but boron
does quit working after a while, like, say, SIX YEARS. (actually a little less time for it to be
noticeably not working)

What will happen at Fukushima now? Well, from what I have read you can't fix the problem by
adding fresh boron once it quits working. You have to solve the problem, whatever it is, before
the boron quits working the first time. So we might be headed into a period of HELL with
Fukushima now, because the first best line of defense is wearing out.

This does not mean that more nuclear fuel is there now, or that it is any more concentrated, or
anything else of the sort, what it means is that what was thrown on it to squelch it has now
run its course. At a minimum, they'd have to drain everything out of the containments and re-
flood them with new borated water (an I am not sure that would work) and you can bet that will
not be happening.

PREDICTION: It is going to get worse and worse until there is incredible re-heating and a re-
igniting of the nuclear process, and then watch out.

Fuku topic 2:
I do not think Fukushima has killed off the pacific northwest off the coast of Canada and
Alaska, but since reactor 3 blew its guts into the Pacific the situation cannot be pristine either.
Reactor 3 had enough radioactive material to equal at least a thousand high yield nuclear
tests, and a lot of that blew straight into the Pacific. NOT GOOD.

However, salmon is still in the stores, at the same price. Ditto for tuna, shrimp, and everything
else. If the pacific was dead, it would not be that way. So I find it hard to believe the "pacific is
dead" meme, especially since people's scuba diving pictures, dated to show recent photos,
show life. There is not one official oceanographic group that has said radiation has done
anything to the Pacific yet and OFF THE COAST OF AMERICA. I seriously doubt it is business
as usual anywhere near Fukushima though.

The bottom line in all of this however is that now that the borated water has run it's
course, we may well be in for Fukushima round 2.

$600 million paid by CIA to Washington Post?

There has been a report going around for the last few days that claims the CIA paid
Washington Post $600 million dollars to publish anti-Trump disinfo. Though that would be a
juicy story, I don't believe it.

First of all, the Washington Post is such a filthy rag, you'd probably have to pay them $600
million to NOT publish Trump disinfo. I don't think they'd need to be paid to bash Trump.

Second: $600 million would be a ridiculously high payout. That would be over a million bucks
per negative article so far.
Third: No reputable news outlet has published this. It has its origins in known fake news sites
that were known for "punking" alt media to discredit it, long before the whole "fake news"
meme started getting pushed by the left.

If you see a story making the rounds EVERYWHERE that seems important but does not make
it here, I did not miss it, I ignored it, most likely as fake. WANT TO KNOW WHAT IS NOT
and it seems many have been intimidated into silence, so they do not report real news that
actually is news.

Google re-listed Natural News

There are many responses to the question "why do Jews want

Western civilization over run by Islam
There is surprising diversity in the responses that I did not expect.

There are a large number of responses and I have to get something posted, so I am
making the first few visible while I finish the rest. If this line is here, check back
later because I will remove it when I am done.

Anonymous sent:

Because they want Christianity and Islam to fight (destroy) each other, and they want to use
Europeans to destroy Muslim countries.. it's an ancient tactic, this way they won't be blamed,
but if Europeans get worked up enough to commit atrocities due to increased problems (due
to social incompatibility).. who is going to get blamed? Hatred for all by the chosen ones..."

Anonymous sent: (this has been edited mid way)

Jim, Anonymous from DC here again. I hate doing this, but I had an afterthought to my earlier
ramble about motivations of the people who are screwing up this world, sort of a wrap-up: It is
OBVIOUS that Christianity is under attack, and if you think about it, it is obvious who is doing
it and why: Christianity at its most refined core, attunes people to God. It is a path to God. I do
not think it is the ONLY path to God, but it is a darned good one, for those with eyes to see
and ears to hear, who pursue this path. In this country, the people most under attack are
White Christians (not only Whites, and not only Christians, but as a group -- yes). And
obviously it is not because we are "wrong" or "bad" or whatever. Evil hates the light.

Anonymous sent:

QUESTION: Why do the Jews want an Islamic overtaking of Western civilization?

I've been thinking the same for some time. The only direct answer I can come up with is to
move as many Jews from Europe to Israel as possible. It worked for Sweden. Most of the Jews
don't feel safe anymore and many moved to Israel as a consequence. It has for long been a PR
disaster that Jews 'abroad' don't want to move to Israel.

Indirectly? Much harder to say. Maybe the consolidation of absolute world power goes too
slow and they recon that creating a civil war in Europe will speed their plans up. A muslim
versus a christian war: two birds with one stone. Another thing: there is a general consensus
in Europe that they have more sympathy for the Palestinian cause than for the Jewish cause."

Anonymous sent:

Why do the Jews want an Islamic overtaking of Western civilization? Here are your answers:
evident-jewish-eu.html Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi (1894-1972) was an anti-European racist,
he espoused that the founding purpose of a European federalist state would be to destroy the
European people, not simply through reducing internal differences but through destroying
Europeans entirely and replacing us with a mixed race of Asians and negros ... ruled over by
the Jews. Google the name. Google also and watch on youtube: Barbare Lerner Spectre the
vid is from 2010, posted early 2011."

Anonymous sent:

Re: QUESTION: Why do the Jews want an Islamic overtaking of Western civilization? Ask
Albert Pike.... You can't do that because he is dead and buried as of now (2017). As likely the
most famous Masonic 'kingpin', he came up with the blueprint for three world wars and the
goals they were all to achieve. The goals for the first two world wars pretty much went
according to plan. For world war three, the plan is for Islam and the West to tire each other out
fighting each other. When that happens, the condition will be ideal for 'the people behind the
curtain' to finally usher in 'the New World Order'. This part of the 'grand plan' likely started
with 9/11 back in 2001 with the blame for the attacks falsely pinned on Muslims. Sadly, it has
been pretty much all downhill since then.

Anonymous sent:

Read about Kalergi and the Pan european movement they are clearly implementing this
globally now. There are numerous high level jewish people that have also commented on this
plan and how they plan to be the rulers once it is in place. Mandela effect and witch spells
somethings changed with you seriously." My response: If you think a discussion about witch
craft or the Mandela effect means something changed here, you must be a newcomer. Those
types of topics are not main topics here but they do come up occasionally.

Anonymous sent:

"Jews want Muslims to invade western democracies because Jews hate Christianity more
than they hate Islam."

Anonymous sent:

Why do the Jews want an Islamic overtaking of Western civilization? Because leading Jews
are Khazars, an Asian race by origin.

Khazars are a branch of Gokturks of the 6-7th centuries hell bent on conquering the world.
Gokturks are from Mongolia, thus Gog from Magog. They "became" white through genetic
mixing and that's why they want to destroy the true whites."

Anonymous sent:
"Why would jews want the terrorists and/or muslims in? I don't know, but possibly (1) as
temporary fall guys and distraction while they are busy taking the western world through
extortions, false flags, poisonings and murder of those in the know ..., (2) because talmudic
"judaism" is akin to Saudi wahhabi "islam", (3) they feel superior to the third world peoples
and feel they can easily kill them off when all the whites and other western civilization has
been killed off??? Crazy however they look a it. I hope they get the same result as the witches
did at the oscars --- reverse of what they desire and plan, all turned back on themselves to
their own demise."

Anonymous sent:

I have an answer to your question with respect to the Islamic overtaking of Western
Civilization. The Jews want it so that they can start WWIII. They are following the script that
their buddy Albert Pike wrote some time ago. So far, with WWI and WWII, it is all going
according to his script."

A couple Muslims sent their opinions:

Anonymous sent:

I don't think that the Jews want Islamic overtaking of Western civilization, not at all, that's the
last thing they would want. It says in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion; that the only
way a nation of people will or can have freedom, peace and prosperity if only those people
believe in God and rule in accordance with God's laws. Islam is a Abrahamic religion,
monotheism, it's the religion of Moses and Jesus. And what makes Islam so special is the fact
that their scripture which they have received from God is still good and pretty much

The problem with Islam today is that it's followers are no better in religion than atheists,
meaning; none of them are close to God or with God. Islam is very corrupted and there are so
many made up sects within in its religion and none of it comes from their Scripture the Koran,
but from so called made up religious books called Hadith and Sunna. The so called Muslims of
today are Islam's biggest enemy.

The reason Jews take Islam into Western societies is to destabilize those countries and create
civil unrest, chaos and confusion. They are not doing it to help anyone but to please their own
sick miserable souls. Its the Jew who bombed them out of their countries in the first
place. The Koran is a great Scripture and God sent it down through prophet Muhammad to his
community first, but its a guide for the whole world.And delivering the message was his only
mission. Check these people out if you got a chance, at submission.org" Peace brother, and
be strong!"

Downunder sent:

Why do the Jews want an Islamic overtaking of Western civilization? my take is that the Jews
do not want an Islam to overtake the west (and know it wont happen), instead they want anger
to rise up in the Christians to destroy as many of us as possible before Imam Mehdi and Jesus

The Jews rejected the abrahamic faith when they told Moses to get lost after he set them free
and since then they were cursed by Allah. It is from this time that the jews have aligned
themselves with the satanist and seek only the destruction of Allahs religions i.e. what Moses,
Jesus and Mohammad sent us.

When the ottoman empire ruled, the Jews wanted nothing but the destruction of the
Ottomans. the Ottoman era was a great period for Muslims and the world and the Jews tried
for centuries to put an end to the expansion of the empire, finally through turkey and world
war 1 and 2 they were able to achieve this. So it is obvious that the jews do not want an
Islamic rule nor a Christian one for that matter.

After the world wars they specifically took the land of jerusalem to desecrate everything there
regarding Jesus. The ottomans preserved everything for over 700 years for Jesus and now
everything is gone. When the Jews/isis got into Iraq, Syria and Yemen the first thing they did
was destroy churches and grave sites of prophets and saints.

Unlike in the Ottoman era, the Jews are now happy to spread Muslims all over the place with
no fear that a good Muslim will get into any good position in government or a company. So
there is no chance that Islam or shariah law for example will ever be implemented anywhere
which is what they dont want. The non-believers and aethiest go a long with it but the Jews
are hoping the Christians will not in fear of a take over. They want your anger to boil up
because that is all they need to destroy you.

I do not know when Mehdi and Jesus are set to come but I know the Jews have been planning
their arrival for centuries, if they can get the Muslims and Christians hating each other then
that will greatly reduce the size of Mehdi/Jesus army when Jesus gives the order to find and
kill the Jews.

If muslims were powerful like they once were and there was a chance we could implement
shariah (gods) law in a country you can bet your bottom dollar the jews will not allow that to
happen. It is all about removing gods religion from this world and preparing for the war
against Mehdi and Jesus. Regards, DownUnder."

Anonymous sent:

Jim, On why Muslims? My thought is interim stage, Coudenhove-Kalergi...with Noahide for all.

Have been thinking about Authoritarian Personality research...and, that it is really measures
resistance to totalitarian thinking. Not sure how high Muslims would score on this...result
would be varied, but ultimately, I think the fundamentally religious are easier to control."

Gary sent:

To the Question on Islamic overtaking: The New World Order WILL BE a counterfeit Judaic
"Davidic Kingdom." Jesus Christ is the true heir to David and the everlasting Kingdom of God.
Isaiah 9:6-7 (Handel's Messiah!!!) Judaic-Babylonian infiltration has occurred in banking,
governments, commerce, media, religions (Radical Islam and Zionist Christianity), secret
societies, etc.

The Roman Catholic Church has been hijacked by Judaics (Solving the Mystery of BABYLON
THE GREAT - March 2, 2011 by Edward Hendrie) and Pope Frances is doing the job of uniting
the religions of the world, especially Judaism and Islam, after all, they both claim Abraham as
The catholicherald.co.uk/news/2014/05/26 - voanews May 26, 2014, also Dave Hodges post
2016/08/25 on Pope and ET. Watch video at the very end of article. The enemy of my enemy is
my friend and therefore, these two "Monotheistic" religions may be united under the Pope
(who will exalt this phony Judaic kingdom) against genuine believers in the resurrected Jesus
Christ of Nazareth. Under Judaic NoahideLaws, (established in the USA by Bush Sr.) idolatry
will be punishable by death. Those who claim the Lordship of Jesus as the Messiah, God's
beloved son who died, rose and paid the full penalty of the God's wrath will be accused of
idolatry and worshiping 2 Gods which will be punishable by decapitation. By destroying
neighboring Arab countries (around that "Little Horn" I$raeI, Daniel 7:18-27) preserves and
expands their own territory but using Arabs as migrating, infiltrating tools and pawns to
distant lands serves to destroy European-Western-Christian Culture. Hopefully, it backfires as
Islam has respect for Jesus Christ where Judaism (Babylonian Talmud) has Him burning in
his own excrement and calls Mary a whore. Just thinking....


My response: If that is the goal, it will fail because Muslims will NEVER accept a merger with
Judaism no matter what the pope says.

Anonymous sent:

Why do the Jews want an Islamic overtaking of Western civilization? Two pit bulls in the ring,
cock fights, whatever. If you control it all and like to watch your enemies kill each other what
better platform?"

There were a lot more answers to the question of why Jews want Islam to overtake
Western Civilization, too many to post. Thanks everyone, this is good stuff.

An explanation of the hacking

Cruzito sent:

When you say you are being hacked badly today, what exactly does that mean? Best, Cruzito"

My response: Here is what is happening: They have a profile of my computer, my connection,

and whatever else in a hole in the ground somewhere that probably has 300+ sweating goons.
Because they have the entire web routed through their system (like the NSA data center in
Utah) all they have to do is sit and wait for my computer with my modem type with my general
IP range to pop up on the web somewhere, and then they get in the middle and (probably) try
to capture everything. If they are really determined, they will crack an encrypted session when
it is successfully established, steal the session and I get bumped off the server for not having
a valid session token. If they are extremely persistent, it makes web administration impossible
because they can typically crack it in under 10 minutes and I get bumped off and told by the
server why it happened when it happens. There is no mystery here.

So I set up a custom coded zero back door Php coded "combat mode" that can inject text into
the embedded window to circumvent that but it is not nearly as nice to use as actually logging
into the server. The server stays secure with combat mode with no opportunity to hack it
available (this is certain because I coded it myself and did not have back doors in it like
practically everything commercial does) but using it really makes running the site a pain in the
rear. I don't like it. It is life support and that is all. The only bonus is that it ALWAYS WORKS.
But if I make a mistake and don't catch it proof reading, it is stuck that way until I can actually
manage to log into the server and fix it.

I did "combat mode" by adding security features to the message window script I did earlier,
and making a few changes that made it compatible with HTML. It is very similar to the
message window in actual use but rather than leave a message, it drops whatever I send into
the front page.

Due to the continued annoying persistent hacking today, I posted this with "combat mode".

FACT: If I did not have "combat mode" I would have "suddenly stopped updating"
because it would have been prevented, and I'd be gone like others that blinked out.
The war is real. Additionally, if I did not have multiple servers and a robust IP based
configuration this site would have simply blinked out like others did when it got de-
listed from the DNS servers two weeks ago. I am not convinced Ben Swann and
others vanished without warning any other way than that.

I think they got toasted regardless of what is being said by people who are not them
now. No one just sinks a ship in transit without warning on purpose. But what can I
do? I don't control the DNS servers so I can't help them come back up if they are
not configured for survival. The only reason why this site did not get wiped out was
because I saw the future more clearly than others did and prepared for it. There
were way too many ways here without the DNS servers, even for average people
who did not even know they got in with one. ICANN could not shut it down. Now
that the stats are in, the site stayed 53 percent alive after Icann wished it dead. That
is WAY TOO MUCH if you want to kill someone off, and then use trolls to hatch
bullshit about what happened. Even 5 percent alive would be too much to get away
with that. Icann has to accomplish a complete kill, made possible by a complete
lack of preparation. So now, it all works again. Many others were not so lucky.

I am not ignoring the bitcoin wallet but have been unable to confirm it works. It seems Google is
censoring searches, because I had no problems confirming another wallet I set up did not work. I
cannot get a single wallet checking site to come up on Google. When I confirm it is actually in the
blockchain I will post it, thanks!

I cannot do anything meaningful with the web site via the conventional methods, including checking
for donations.IMPORTANT: If you send anything today, MAKE SURE you drop a note in the
message box because that is running on a server that is assumed to not be hacked.
Bad time with hackers today
My administration window has been hacked like what? 50 times now? The kiddies are pissed about
something. Combat mode.
A few quick things
Noise makers to be present when Trump addresses Congress?

This story has made the rounds in enough places for me to mention it, even though I am not certain it
is legit. Evidently the Democrats are going to bring, as guests to Congress, a bunch of illegal aliens
who are going to make Trump's life hell when he speaks before Congress tomorrow. That sounds a
little far fetched, but if it is not, here is what should happen:

Ice should be present to immediately arrest them, and if they really are illegal aliens any member of
Congress who brought them in should be immediately jailed for sedition and endangering the
President. And not get out. And not return to office, EVER, complete with canceled pension, no
severance, the whole 9 yards. Enough is enough.

QUESTION: Why do the Jews want an Islamic overtaking of Western civilization?

I am a little bit befuddled by why the Jews in Hollywood, media, and the world's governments are
making good and sure the Islamic overtaking of Western nations continues unabated. Why would
they do that? Outside of the obvious motive of eliminating a Western level of competition against their
global hegemony, why would they want it?

They already own most governments, the financial systems, and everything else they could ask for in
Western society, so why on earth would they not just sit there and milk it, rather than kill it? Muslims
are actually harder to control than average white people, why on earth do the Jews want to make
such a logistical and tactical mess?

You could theorize I guess that they want to firmly entrench their superiority in all corners of the
globe, but their underhanded tactics already accomplished that, so why go for more? I can't answer
that. Anyone out there have any answers?

Dakota pipeline

A reader has been asking about the previous Dakota pipeline being made with "inferior Chinese
materials" and "springing leaks everywhere".

The question is, "why am I not mentioning this". The answer: Because I don't believe it. Any time any
idiot spills a 5 gallon pail of anything anywhere it can become national news and a huge lib fest
catastrophe. If a pipeline that transfers millions of gallons a day, (and is hated by the left on top of it)
leaked enough along it's length anywhere to give a lone tadpole a buzz it would be a global
catastrophe that was never lived down. Sorry, the pipeline crowd does not own the leftist media. I
have not seen any headlines. A legit leak caused by "inferior materials" in a pipeline that huge would
leave an exxon valdez type mess, and not just a single drop that might give "a lone tadpole a buzz."
For all I care, a pint here, a dirty footing there, does not constitute a leak or "inferior materials".

You will NEVER see seagulls and ducks landing on a lake of oil somewhere from this pipeline. When
libbies spew horror stories that put that type of image in your head over something that turned 5
blades of grass black (IF even that happened, and I doubt it did) it undercuts their entire cause.
Nothing credible has happened that proves anything is wrong at all.

Something HUGE happening in DC

A reader wrote and said to scrub any identifying information out of this (for completely obvious
reasons) so I have tried to scrub it completely, including what can be extrapolated back to the source:

Jim, this one is private to you and I'd prefer you not mention it on your site unless many identifying
details are scrubbed or altered.

I have several (high IQ, liberal, Trump-hating) friends who work at top government agencies. They do
not work together. They asked each other what the "mood" or climate is like at each respective
location. Everyone feels like they are on "hold" to see what will be happening at the other agencies
(EPA for example), and see the storm of Trump-induced agency changes moving in their direction.
No one has been appointed to head up some of the agencies just yet. Especially the climate
scientists are anxious.

What interested me most about what they said is the extremely recent IT security changes -- very
strict policing to keep absolutely everything internal, including any apps on any devices must be
approved. This includes any personal devices that are used for work, for every single person who is
an employee or contractor. They seemed nervous about what this "means" but they did not elaborate.
I am not an IT security expert by any stretch of the imagination, but I have typical employee
experience with following security protocols and have listened in on many off the record, casual
conversations of the several IT security professionals in my circle.

Last night's conversation struck me as some kind of new development, though I could be wrong. I got
the impression that this is a massive change (much tighter and more far reaching than normal
upgrades), and it is government-wide (all employees and contractors). If some orders or direction has
come in from somewhere to radically tighten up security, where is that coming from and why? What
cyber threat are they guarding against, is that specific or theoretical, and who?"

My response: This is Trump finally putting in place security that should have been in place all along,
in conjunction with an effort to stop leaks. No one should be allowed to work a sensitive government
job while carrying a perfectly bugged android device. Glad to hear it. AND: It probably won't solve
much until Kushner is OUT OF THE PICTURE.

Putin hates the NWO?

This one is really worth posting for perspective.

Magic box sent:

,"Hello Jim, Recently you spoke a bit about how Putin might like Hillary after all, based on this nuclear
deal of some years ago, where uranium was sold underhandedly to Russia, through help of Hillary at
the time being Secretary of State.

But, that was THEN - When the NWO was still offering the 3rd Seat to Putin (2nd was allotted to
China in the unipolar world). Putin got a good smell of what this NWO was about and as is clearly
seen throughout his 2nd and most notably 3rd presidential term, he's been disengaging any NWO
activity from Russia, brought in by the president of that time, Boris Jeltzin.

He kicked Rothschild out, barred Soros and went to undo a lot of their NWO damage. Not
unimportantly, Putin also revived orthodox Christianity which, amongst other religions, had detoriated
by NWO neo-liberal influences.
In light of Pizzagate, it appears Putin also barred adoptions of Russian children by US citizens after
some ordeal with Hillary. It is safe to say, Putin does NOT like Hillary. He sees her for the succubus
she is. Here is an interesting link to read up on Putin's stance and actions surrounding adoption:

https://voat DOT co/v/pizzagate/1679301 (replace DOT by an actual dot)

MagicBox, Holland"

My response: Worth posting for perspective. Convincingly stated. I'll let people make of that what
they may.

The Mandela effect post has the trolls absolutely INCENSED.

It needs to be mentioned because it obviously hit a nerve, and whenever that happens it is significant.
Here is a typical troll post:

"Still smoking that funny stuff !!!! you did a complete story for days on the Mandela effect and it was
all a HOAX then it was AI and all kinds of crap..............................now you want us to believe this
SHIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Grow up your friken liar"

My response: Go down this page and read what is said and see if that comment is justified. At all
times I have said the Mandela effect is a combination of data manipulation and reality shifting. To
miss that, and then send a post like that, especially on an off-topic like the mandela effect only makes
me think someone has something to hide.

Perhaps there really is such an anomaly and someone powerful wants a monopoly on how to exploit
it. That would make keeping people shamed and ignorant a KEY OBJECTIVE. But trollage is trollage,
ZERO IMPACT HERE because I know the game.

To another writer who might not be a troll: The Mandela effect is not time travel. The mandela effect is
a proposition that if something kills you in one time line, and you have not accomplished your life's
objective yet, your existence is automatically transfered to a parallel realm that is close to the original
you were in, but not exact. That is why I made such a huge point of how the U.S. currencies changed
after I went off a curve at 100 plus mph after falling asleep. Actually, I fell asleep at 40 and my foot
relaxed on the accelerator, and when I was jostled awake from going off the road the speedometer
was over 100. Interesting time for the U.S. currencies to change I'd say.

Is the Wiccan spell backfiring?

What happened at the Oscars last night is enough to make me think so. The Wiccan spell was
focused around confusing the works of "people who lie", and then got directed at Trump, because
they figured Trump is lying about everything. Or at least they fantasized that. But it does not even
take half a wit to know who the real liars are.

How bad and confused were the Oscars? So bad and so confused that the wrong winning movie
was announced. It does not get worse than that. In fact, that should be flatly impossible. Tell me,
HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN? Perhaps a curse?

So I am amused by this, to say the least. The timing could not possibly be better, and we might not be
seeing spell cast 2,3,and 4 happen if the Wiccans can see the light of day. If they can, they are going
to have to cast their spell in a way that makes it obvious to everyone that the real intentions are evil if
they are going to get anything out of it.

Look at the Oroville dam chart above

Look how low they are getting it. They might make it through the spring runoff. Another observation:
Many people said they are faking the numbers because the inflows vary so much. But that is easily
explained by the fact that there are 9 upstream reservoirs that are trying to dump as much water as
possible. When they release water from them, you will see sudden increases in inflow that don't
match the rains at all.

Their goal will obviously be to try to drain the upstream reservoirs and release them through Oroville
in advance, so they can be used to stop the spring runoff from hitting Oroville hard. It might work, but
there is a LOT of water on the way. So it will be tense.

Mandela effect responses (some good ones

First of all, not everyone is going to have the same observations with this, because it is obviously a
mix of people now in whatever reality we are in. So it does not matter if you can dig up your old
Berenstain books, because it just means you were never in the stein time line. I don't know if it is
parallel universes, or if we are just sims in an elaborate hologram reality where files can be transfered
from one reality to another until whatever we are supposed to accomplish is accomplished. There are
many physicists who have concluded we are in a simulation, and if that be the case, anything is
possible and if you can't understand that then it is pointless to send mockery to people who can. With
that said, here's what I think is the best mandela observation, that I have observed myself:

Anonymous sent:

Hi Jim, I distinctly remember you posting about the Mandela effect, that you summed it up as just an
AI screwing with the internet....I believe you came to this conclusion as you caught the Looney
Toons/Tunes bust in action. Please say you remember. I'm very confused...is the mandela effect
real? Time line jumping? I swear you summed it up as AI. Stay safe."

My response: That can't change the $250 bill, cow horns, etc. So part of it is a hoax, and part of it is
real. Looney toons was changed to tunes, and the tunes version is a pile of garbage, new animations
that totally lack the spirit of the original. Rather than just be simple fun like the original, Looney
TUNES has complexity that just does not really work. And the animations are more advanced but it
just does not have any of the feel of the old. But Google did it's job and shut out the old anyway.

Anonymous sent a "mandela effect" that I also distinctly remember but ignored until now:

,,2017-02-26 23:08:35, "Another weird thing about the mandela effect. In my originial timeline, the gulf
of Mexico was wide open into the atlantic ocean. Now over the last year, the southern tip of Mexico
has been getting closer and closer to florida, while Cuba is also getting scrunched in closer. It's as if
the Gulf of Mex is slowly turning into a lake."

My response: By my memory, Cuba was about 200 miles out, and the yucatan was VERY FAR
away from Florida, with the entire Caribbean wide open, and only made a sea by the fact that Florida
stuck down so far. But there was no appearance of "closeness" with the Yucatan. Then a few years
ago I noticed the yucatan was quite close to Florida and Mexico was far more curved. The difference
is about 300 miles. I figured I remembered it wrong but maybe not.

Here's an explanation I will completely buy with the cows:

Anonymous sent:

,,,2017-02-26 22:25:04, "Having grown up on a ranch, I can tell you that there are various genetics
involved with cows' horns. Their is one main allele involved that creates naturally polled cattle. It is
normally a genetically dominant allele, but under certain conditions can express regressively. If cows
that are naturally polled are bred with bulls that are not naturally polled, over time, the entire herd,
with the exception of a few, would develop horns (first generation of descendants would be about
25% horned). It's also common for naturally polled cattle to have horny nubs, called scurs. Most
ranchers who work with their cattle a lot will use a horn puller to pull scurs or horns in heifer calves,
whether their cattle are naturally polled or not. They will also often pull the horns on the bulls. When
horns are pulled out with a horn puller while the animal is a calf, the horns hardly ever will grow back
at all. It's almost impossible to pull a horn from a mature animal.

If you are seeing a lot of cows with horns, it's because the current generation of ranchers would rather
not bother pulling the horns when they're calves and is OK dealing with the horns when the cattle are
older (gives a higher chance of the animal getting it's head stuck in chutes, gates, and fences). It
used to be really common to pull all heifer calf horns. It is becoming less common, thus the increase
in seeing horned cows. Of course, it is possible that this change may be because of the difference in
attitudes among ranchers in the two different time lines.

(I personally remember always having a few horned cows in our herd, despite breeding for the
naturally polled gene and always working hard to pull nubs and scurs; most of the bulls we bought
had scurs but not horns and were confirmed naturally polled. I am in my mid-40's and started going to
the ranch with my dad when I was 2.)"

My response: I do remember the heifer females had stubs instead of horns. But I don't remember
any cows at all having full horns. This might be attributable to what breeds are popular in a given
area, but I'd bet that it is because of different attitudes towards de-horning in different timelines
because in ALL CASES in my memory, even the bulls had their horns removed to make them less
dangerous. They also almost always had a ring in their nose that could be used to pull them,
unilaterally, across all farms everywhere. Then all of a sudden that vanished too. This would reflect a
different attitude in different time lines.

,,,2017-02-26 23:00:13 ,"I also thought there was at one time a $500 and $1000 bill when very young,
but don't remember a $250 one. How fun (?) you've jumped timelines!"

Here is how it was: The 1,000 bill (that I never saw except in books) had the 1000 written half height,
compared to the 1 on the $1. The $500 had full height for the $500 and the $250 had a 3/4 height 2
and a half height 50 with the 50 centered on the 2, not in line with the bottom of the 2. The $250 was
the only bill that had staggered text (where the 2 did not line up with the 50.) And I spent it at K-mart.
It was not play money.

Here is something perfect from someone who does not "get it:
,,,2017-02-26 22:09:24 No Jim, it wasn't Berenstein. If it was, please post the photos of the old books
on your site for all to see. I have Berenstain Bears books from the early and mid eighties and it is
spelled Berenstain. I was convinced I remembered Berenstein when Mandela first started going
viral. I went and dug up my books and I was wrong. Want the pics? How should I send them to

My response: Don't bother. You jumped timelines, and in THIS TIMELINE ALL BOOKS ARE
DIFFERENT. You'd have to jump to universe bubble "513" to get the books you used to have. Drag
and drop. You are in a different place.

The mandela effect is a "theory" that theorizes our existence is not linear and that for whatever
reason you might end up in a new reality where things are not a perfect copy of the one you started
in. This gets into the concept of unlimited universes and infinite realities that many physicists have
spoken of, even super popular ones. This is not far fetched or crazy at all, it is actually a HUGE
topic and if I am nuts for mentioning this (via the mandela effect like several messages said) then
take it up with Scientific American and many many other segments of the scientific community who
have said the same thing, including even Elon Musk.


Seth sent:

,,,2017-02-27 00:37:00,"http://www DOT disclose DOT

tv/news/mass_evacuation_of_antarctica_as_special_ops_and_military_moving_in/137988 Jim ~
Something YUGE seems to be happening in the Antarctic right now. Are you able to read ANY of my
messages to you? ~Seth"

My response: I am well aware of the stories going around right now in the antarctic. However, no
source I really trust has mentioned this, so I ignored it. Disclose.tv is worth posting the link for and
I'll leave it at that. thanks!

Here's another mandela effect I remember:

Dusk sent:

Hi Jim, On the Mandela Effect, I've experienced it too. Seems the only ones who really notice are
those with exceptionally strong wills and minds. We tend to trust our instincts and the things our
senses tell us far more than we do books and other media; even other people.

I remember cows never having horns, but at the moment I don't live near any place that has them, but
will keep an eye out. I first heard about this via Survivalist Boards, or some forum similar to it. The
topic of discussion at the time was the geographical location of New Zealand on maps. I recall
very clearly growing up with it being to the East of Australia, but now it's very clearly to the
North between Australia and Indonesia.I've also had what you could call a rough transition; also
while driving. I came back out of it with an hour and a half missing without having driven far enough to
account for it. I'd also completely lost my exit and couldn't find it when I drove back. In fact, I didn't
find it where it was supposed to be until six months later. Also, in no time line I've been in has
Mandela died in prison. Not sure if this all helps or not but... it is what it is.-Dusk"

My response: It is what it is, and that will lead to many debates.

This is exactly where I remembered New Zealand being all
along. Odd. I had written up how I remembered it changed
and was now north of Australia, thus confirming the mandela
effect, and when I went for a map of it, it showed up right
where it always was, from my farthest memory. Is someone
messing with the maps or what? I know it moved north on
the new maps, WHAT IS THIS??!!?? Exactly as I remember
it on the globe as a kid.

This would not be mandela effect. If ANY MAP AT ALL exists with New Zealand where it was as I
remembered it, then there is something else going on if the new maps are not the same. Mandela
effect changes all. And that reminds me of the 3po gold leg. Here is what happened:

They re-mastered Star Wars in the mid 90's and in the re-mastered version they turned his leg silver,
where in the original it was all gold. Supposedly they did it to match the original story line, which was
not followed in the original trilogy when it was first done. They should have left it gold. And in the new
Disney return of the Jedi, they screwed up the end by changing the Ewok song to a stupid new age
flute, removed Darth Vader in hologram form at the end and they put their new villain in Vader's place
just so they could have continuity to their new never ending star wars sequels. THAT SUCKED. The
Ewok song fit the spirit of the original "Jedi" a LOT better than their stupid new age flute and quite
frankly, it screwed it to not have the repentant Vader appear with Obie one.

Chris sent:

I read your article about the timelines and I don't know about the hornless cows however I have a
freaky story for you.

Back in 2006 I finally got an opportunity to get the hell out of California a place I hate and was born. I
got a trailer for my rig packed it to the gills and headed for Idaho. On my way I was doing about 60 on
interstate 80 in Nevada about 40 miles west of Winnemucca where is was straight flat highway. The
road was built up above the flat desert because of flooding with a wide trench on both sides about ten
feet deep. Their was very little traffic and I was plugging along and noticed a new blue dodge pickup
coming up from behind doing about 80. I noticed their were two or more people in the cab as they
passed me by. They got about a third of a mile ahead still in the fast lane when suddenly they made a
radical right turn and went off the highway in a big cloud of dust that blew across the road.

I pulled over where by then the dust was clearing got out expecting to see a really bad wreck and
dead people but their was nothing, no sign of the pickup except the tracks where they left the
pavement. I spent a good 45 minutes looking for some kind of sign as to where they could have gone
refusing to admit they just disappeared into thin air. The ditch was very rough and not drivable and no
sign of them jumping the ditch where it was relatively smooth. I finally left totally freaked out. Got to
Winnemucca wondering whether or not to contact the authorities but instead booked a room and got

I was completely stunned that I just witnessed something straight out of the twilight zone. Im still very
much bothered by it not knowing how something like that could be possible. Was it a UFO thing, the
military, or a timeline, or what? I don't have a clue except I know what I saw and the tire tracks where
they left the road. I can't wait to hear your explanation. Chris"

My response: That's interesting. Maybe they hit 88 miles an hour. /response. Worth posting. They
probably did jump. I have driven that highway many times. Things can't just disappear unless the
truck crumpled down to the size of a fox and landed behind sage brush. Obviously if tracks were
visible where it left the road it would have still been upright. I was going to say he might have simply
gone 4 wheeling but the interstate is impossible to get off of like that, there is always a fence. Odd.

Ben Fulford sent something really interesting regarding the Mandela effect he said not to publish. It
made PERFECT SENSE and I believe his observation. It is exactly what should have happened with

Mandela effect
Yesterday I was on a back road and noticed the cows had horns. Not the bulls, the COWS. It has
been that way for a while.

When I was a kid I lived in a semi rural area and had a lot of exposure to cows. Several people I knew
lived on farms. All of them had cows. And no cows had horns. There were also stories about cutting
the horns off bulls to make them less dangerous, but this was not done with cows because they did
not have horns.

In that time line, there were also $250, $500, and $1,000 dollar bills. I remember distinctly the $250
bill when as a kid I withdrew my entire savings to make a large purchase. Then suddenly, in 1988 the
largest bill was $100, and when I checked "history" nothing larger ever existed. This time line
happened immediately after I avoided getting killed in a 100+ mph car accident that seemed
impossible to ever get out of. Nice fast car. Off a curve in the road after falling asleep and when I was
jostled awake the speedometer was over a "mundane" 100 mph. I was bad. I did some pretty good
driving at that point to avoid death obstacles. Not a scratch. Zero damage to the car. Not even
suspension damage. Odd. That happened at the time of my first time line jump. But cows still did not
have horns.

In this new time line Nelson Mandela died in prison. It was all over the news. And it was Berenstein
bears. 911 also happened towards the end of this new time line.

Two years after 911, I was driving on the interstate, saw an overpass a mile ahead, and then there
was a huge glitch in both sound and vision, like a popping surge type glitch, and the overpass was
suddenly behind me when I never even got close to it. Odd. New time line. Berenstain bears. This
was the only time I actually noticed a rough transfer. And nothing like that ever happened before or
after, I don't have issues that would cause that to be perceived if it was not real. In this time line, cows
still did not have horns.

A couple years ago, another jump must have happened, because now cows have horns and it is
weird. After seeing them frequently my whole life never having horns, or stubs where they were cut
off or anything else, now suddenly they have horns. So I must have jumped again. Who knows how
many other things changed that I did not notice. I remember 4 specific timelines, with U.S. currency,
Nelson Mandela and Berenstein, then Berenstain and now cows have horns.

There is something to the Mandela effect. I do not know if you have to die to jump time lines, or pass
specific tests, or what. But I had a $250 bill and spent it in a way that was extremely impressionable
and memorable, because I was just a kid. What gives?
I am going to post a large number of messages
from today.
Anonymous sent:

,,,2017-02-26 01:25 "Jim, Perhaps you should review this subject for those who do not know. I don't
know if you have discussed this before. BUT before all that, here's an overview of how a few
thousand jews can ruin a country. big-lies.org/jews-sayanim-hasbarat/

So What Is Expected Of A Sayanim? The standard Sayanim routine is basically favoring other Jews
in ordinary transactions, but the sayanim can be called on to protect any criminal enterprise. From the
traffic court Judge to an Appellate Judge - fellow sayanims receive special treatment. The special
Sayanim (200, 000 of them worldwide but there are probably a lot more now) will be expected to
cooperate in any Israeli Mossad (Israel's Secret Service) enterprise including murder, sabotage and
any form of Fifth Column activity (does 9/11 ring a bell?). A division of the Mossad ( Katsas) keeps
records, and stays in active contact with this group, the Mossad."

My response: These people get on the staffs at all the colleges, and are precisely why the colleges
are brainwashing centers. They get into all the courts, which is precisely why they are so corrupt.
They get into all facets of society that can be leveraged to destroy it, - medical, legal, education,
social, media - you name it. And THIS is the swamp Trump has to drain. The average joe is probably
going to have to help, in not so political ways.

,,,2017-02-26 01:16:20 "President Trump is the Golden Goose laying golden eggs for Jared and
Ivanka Kushner as long as Trump retains his position. The Kushners might be being politically tricked
into getting Trump removed, but I doubt they would be doing so intentionally. They seem to be
schemers on behalf of Israel and their own goals. Leaks that weaken Trump wouldn't seem to benefit
them. Lame Cherry claims it is Katie Walsh who is the leaker who wants Trump removed and

I don't think there is anyone in Trump's circle who is trustworthy, exept maybe Sessions. It is hard to
perceive Trump as being such a an ignorant fool in his administrative choices, except that they really
aren't his choices. Blackmail? Or his campaign rhetoric was just well-programmed lies that the
majority of Americans wanted to hear and believe. It is obvious that Ivanka has an unnaturally close
relationship with her dad. (Melania is actually the outsider in the Trump Clan.) Ivanka is a schemer
born of schemers and close friends with the Clinton schemers. Both families merged with Jewish
mafia wealth and power and are financially tied to Soros, bound to Israel and Jewish power control.

Kushner may not be the leaker, but the Kushners (Sayanim for the Mossad) are likely Trump's
handlers. Lame Cherry keeps claiming the subverting Pence/GOPe political goal is to get Pence into
the Presidency by ousting Trump and appointing Jeb Bush as VP. Obviously, Trump is targeted for
removal by almost all the DC criminals/perverts and their billionaire handlers. When alt-news
information providers never mention criminal 9/11, Israeli crimes, and Jewish power/filth in the USA,
one can assume they are also Jewish comrades covering up self-condemning truth."

My response: Ummmmmm . . . . quite possibly. Lots to think about there.

,,,2017-02-26 01:09:01"Hi Jim, are you aware of the lectures by Harald Krautz Vella, in particular
'Bases at Woodborough' he completely vindicates your Fukushima report and added some new info
ref Chernobyl, I tried to copy the link-https://youtu.be/j88BcgzzcTc All the best."

My response: There are lots of people who are onto this. Even the engineer who designed reactor 3
vindicated the Fuku report except that he could not believe Israel would do it. And he was adamantly
and angrily against even thinking Israel would do it, so much so that it wrecked communications.

Aaron sent:

,,,2017-02-26 01:04:28 "Jim, What do you mean by blacklisted by google? I just opened up chrome
and typed Jim stone in the address bar. Your site came up first hit. Same on yahoo. What do you
mean by blacklisted? Thanks, Aaron"

My response: What good does it do to censor a site for people who already know the name? Not
allowing it to come up for people who KNOW IT EXISTS would prove censorship. HERE IS THE
CHALLENGE: Type any subject that is on this site, without the site name or my name, and try to get
Google to give you something. You will be 0/1,000,000, tries. A search engine's job is to show you
web sites you do not know about. If it will not do that, it is censoring.

Anonymous sent:

Anonymous sent:

,,,2017-02-26 00:38:34 "Can you please recommend free software to create password protected
folders? [I use Windows XP 32-bit SP3] Thank you. Keep up the good work homie. ~ Merit Freeman
Conscious Awareness For All"

My response: I am sorry, I have never done that except for on web sites and that is not XP. Not an
expert on that topic with regard to the desktop.

Anonymous sent:

,,,2017-02-25 23:30:21 "Jim,I've noticed you haven't commented on trump ramping up the drug war
targeting non violent weed users. Surely you see how futile such a thing is when the war on drugs is a
proven failure as you yourself have said before. How can you rationalize trumps actions on this?"

My response: Trump is a VERY SMART MAN, not a God. Yep. that would be a fail.

Jioe sent:

,,,2017-02-25 23:15:58 "several articles posted, allnewspipeline, Rielpolitik, concerning "pedo-gate." a

common opinion is that Trump intends to push on it. anyway, pretty good articles. -jioe"

My response: Those sources are not the best, but I have heard this from other sources so one can
only hope.

Anonymous sent:

,,,2017-02-25 21:37:40 "Hi Jim,

You've seen this, right? It details the link between Jared Kushner and George Soros. It gives
believe-ability to your Honey Pot theory about Jared Kushner. George Soros is the secret
financier behind Kushner-backed startup Cadre Investor's family fund issued $250M credit line:
sources January 27, 2017 12:45PM By Konrad Putzier therealdeal.com/2017/01/27/george-soros-is-

Anonymous sent:

,,,2017-02-25 21:07 "Perusing news this am Saturday, Trump going after trafficking, please report.
Also for 2-3 weeks takes many tries to get into drudge website please let him know. Thanks"

My response: I did a somewhat detailed report about Trump going after child traffickers and tied it
into pedo gate. That is down the page a ways. I have not had trouble with Drudge lately, it could be a
regional problem.

Anonymous sent:

,,,2017-02-25 19:44:00 "Hi Jim, just wanted you to know I put up petition to Investigate John McCain
for treasonous acts against the US. I hope we can get enough signatures to get Trump and Sessions
to look into Mr McCain's traitorous acts. War hero my ass!"

My response: "War hero my ass." All the petitions are hacked. One against Google censorship that
has only been up for a day is now counting backwards after going at least as high as 39,898
signatures. Trump has got to be made aware of this.

Anonymous sent:

,,,2017-02-25 18:52:18 "Re Google vs Mike Adams and Alex --- Just listened to 45 min audio
interview of Adams by Dave Hodges. They say it's a prelude to a gigantic false flag or coup
attempt or assassination of T. Mike enumerated, though did not name, others being threatened and
taken down, including one who had been offered even more at $150K!@#$%^&* Say they must take
down all alt media so people will believe the false flag or accept the coup or ....

My response: I like David Hodges and this makes perfect rational sense. I am worried about this too.

Anonymous sent:

,,,2017-02-25 18:42:50,"I think they're messing with the white house petition to ban google from
censoring free speech. When refreshed the count went from 39, 898 signed, to 39, 771 signed"

My response: By my own observation, the petition to jail George Soros went over 100,000 on day
one and was smashed down to irrelevance in a similar way. THANK YOU INTEL CORE V PRO. or
whatever other back door was used. The petition site is WORTHLESS. That HAS TO become an
issue or our voice will not be heard.

Anonymous sent

,,,2017-02-25 18:26:05 "All you do is bitch and moan about what Jews do. All you say does not deal
with the problem.Jew removal is the only solution. You do not have the guts to deal with the only
solution. You are playing Whack-A-Mole with a cupcake on a stick when you should be using a

My response: Ummm . . . . well, I did not delete your comment because . . . . .

Anonymous sent:

,,,2017-02-25 18:08:56 "Q/ Daddy daddy what will President Trump do after he's done being
president ? A/ Well son he'll probably go back to his previous job, running a successful business that
provides jobs for several thousand people. Q/ Is that what Mr. Obama did daddy ? A/ Yes son, he
went back to being a left wing rabble rouser."

Anonymous sent:

,,,2017-02-25 17:26:07"Gotta luv this article and graphics about Madonna's election witchcraft
backfiring: http://thepeoplescube.com/peoples-blog/madonna-tried-witchcraft-against-trump-her-spell-

My response: I did not smash the "immaculate collection" CD because it belongs to Claudia.

Anonymous sent:

,,,2017-02-25 16:29:24 "The above article "Short-term on Hiv Supplementation and Highly Active
Antiretroviral Treatment Adherence, CD4 Cell Counts, and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Viral
Load" from the National Institute of Health (NIH) may answer your question:

Here is a quote: "In the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV) infected individuals still use complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) widely.
Studies have shown that individuals mainly use CAM as a complementary rather than an alternative
treatment to HAART to alleviate symptoms associated with HIV disease and its treatment or to
improve quality of life. >Consult a herbal doctor on hiv cure : homeofnaturalremedy@gmail.com"

Anonymous sent:

,,,2017-02-25 15:49:00"Funny how few folks have mentioned that thousands of WITCHES obviously
supported HILLARY. What does that tell you?! And, PLEASE don't give any more clues to these
demons or they will do another ritual that might work.

And you are so right about Pedo-esta. He was made yard dog at WaPo so he could bark "fake news!"
at the growing mountain of evidence that his favorite perversion is widespread in DC. The gall of
fakestream media never fails to amaze."

Anonymous sent:

,,,2017-02-25 13:58:15 "You are right Alex Jones Infowars is taking forever to load. I won't go there
for that kind of lag."

My response: AND THAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is the objective.

Ann sent:

,,,2017-02-25 12:34:25 "Good Morning, Jim, Good counteracting prayer BTW. I'm writing this morning
to offer a few observations. This could be nothing at all, or it could be the early signs of something. So
file it away, in case. As I've mentioned, I live in a close-in suburb of DC. I have many friends my age
and quite a bit older (70s through 90s) who hold or have held fairly high up government career
positions. Different agencies. I do not currently work for the government. Many (but not all) of my
coworkers, friends and family are liberals of one sort or another.

I have kids in college. Just saying, I do connect with and tend to be aware of many undercurrents and
seemingly disconnected datapoints, past and present. This observation is specifically: 1) traffic
around here, always bad and gradually worsening, has taken a sharp uptick in the past few weeks in
terms of what I would call nutty, dangerous driving. What I mean is, we normally have random drivers
on the road who veer unexpectedly or sleep through the traffic light changes or drive aggressively,
coming out of nowhere. I'm saying there is a sharp uptick in this -- I am not the only one who has
noticed. I would say 2x or 3x more crazy, and it started a few weeks ago (maybe 3 or 4 weeks ago).

2) many people I know (liberals, upset with Trump) have been commenting to me, or where I can
overhear them, that they are having unusual difficulty, all of a sudden, sleeping. They can't fall asleep
at night. They wake up at 4:00 a.m . and can't get back to sleep. They don't understand this. And
simultaneous with this, different people who are normally early risers (getting up at dawn on the
weekends to do grocery shopping before the crowds hit) -- are independently telling me that they
used to have the roads and stores to themselves at 8:00 a.m. No longer! The roads are populated
with more of these unhinged drivers and the grocery stores in the early weekend hours have way
more customers than in the recent past.

3) I have been hearing that therapists around here, especially, are booked solid. Many people
needing "support" since Trump's election.

4) For a long time, I have been aware that drugs of ALL sorts, not just psychiatric drugs, can impair
driving and cause unhinged behavior, with the person taking the drugs totally unaware of the drug's
effects on them, while they are on them. This is called anosognosia, I believe. So my observations
are real. People definitely are more unhinged around here -- it is noticeable with the much crazier
driving and also people out on the roads much earlier than was recently normal. I don't know if these
people are on psychiatric drugs or not. But I'm thinking there is something going on, affecting people's
cognitive functioning and ability to behave in a predictable and sane (and safe) manner. And I think
they are unaware of these changes. This is dangerous, and I'm increasingly wary.

Have a good Sunday, Jim -- Ann in DC"

My comment: WOW. That is a great update on the status of DC. Important: Antidepressants cause
insomnia. Most likely all these people seeking counseling are getting put on them. If DC is in that bad
of shape, well, I am totally against antidepressants but the symptoms - crazy driving, insomnia,
change of daily pace, are all associated with antidepressants. Because I am so against
antidepressants I won't say more, but would certainly like to.

,,,2017-02-26 00:57:30 "I have written to you several times Jim but can not tell you my name but I
have much respect for you and your integrity.

Benjamin Fulford( LEON GREENBURG ) and the white dragon and red dragon are part of the
CABAL...do not listen to them..they are told what to say. THE GAME IS OVER they will not be
allowed any more FALSE FLAGS on this planet. anybody tied to the CABAL..ROTHSCHILDS,
Rockefellers, Soros, Bill Gates..THE ELITES will be stripped of all they have stolen from the
MANKIND...no more stealing of children and raping them...they will not be allowed to hurt humanity
anymore....these people will be taken care of for all their CRIMES and stealing of money and
everything from humanity. TRUMP is well protected, nothing is going to happen to him.

The CRASH is around the corner. Silver..the real price of SILVER is $1, 000.09 an ounce soon will be
$1, 000 to $10, 000 an ounce when the CRASH happens and no more dollars. The Dinar will be used
like silver.They have manipulated Silver the last 5 years so the Elite can buy it cheap and be richer
after the crash..."

My response: Right about the silver, not so sure about Ben Fulford being Cabal and I am worried
about Trump. Ben knew and said the truth about Fuku. The cabal would NEVER DO THAT. The
cabal would also NEVER EVER in a MILLION YEARS post the cannibal dinner photo either. The
white dragon society is an interesting story, but Ben is one of us.

Anonymous sent:


Jay sent:

,,,2017-02-25 07:06:,"Jim, It's a good day to be a Trump supporter. Sleep well, James. Jay"

Merbailey sent:

,,,2017-02-25 06:53:29 "The ritual ends with the witches blowing out the orange candle to visualize
Trump "blowing apart into dust or ash." Since the rite is done when the crescent moon is waning, the
witches have set more spell casting rites on March 26, April 24, May 23 and June 21. [4 more dates,
Jim] http....://en.yibada.com/articles/196144/20170224/witches-plan-to-cast-mass-spell-against-
trump-christian-group-to-counter-with-day-of-prayer. ...htm Thank you for the wonderful, inspiring
prayer. Merbailey"

Catchya sent:

,,,2017-02-25 05:58:53 "Gday Jim. Craig from Aus. Have tried for 2 days to get to your site. Even tried
your ip as you have said works. Nada. Only way i have found to get through is by using goodgopher.
Mate, you be bloody careful. Something happening. Catchya."

Anonymous sent:

,,,2017-02-25 05:28:09 "Anonymous: What is your opinion of VeteransToday and the writers like
Gordon Duff? I didn't like when Jim Fetzer was kicked off the site and I'm not sure about Stew Webb
who also left. I lost faith in that website after they defended people like Hillary Clinton and George

My response: I lost faith in that site after their micro nukes report and Israeli death laser report.

Anonymous sent:
,,,2017-02-25 05:09:28, "Hi mr stone, was going over your prayer repeatedly from 2350 on a tablet. At
2358 with 66% battery, it went to sleep by itself. Just turned it back on, but it never did that before.
Thought it was an odd coincidence."

Jay sent:

,,,2017-02-25 04:47:07 "Jim, That gave me goosebumps. Perfect! By the way, the actual witches who
are Democrats will not be joining them. Apparently they remember the Threefold Law. Stay safe and
never change. Jay"

Wilhelm sent:

,,,2017-02-25 04:46:47 "Jim I'm going to give you a little flak on your Alex troll piece. Alex may be in
the alternative media, but he's not in your foxhole. He's way across the valley. Granted he's going the
same direction, but he does it for money. You don't lose or earn 4 million in AdWords simply because
you believe in the truth or your site would be making buckets of cash.

There were some articles from a few years back that the troll may have been referring to but i dont
recall the content. I realize they helped you but you know the saying.. Friends close enemies closer.
Anyways I'd go with the saying trust no one...


Anonymous sent:

,,,2017-02-25 04:10:30 "Interesting Scripture: Isaiah 45:1-6 King Cyrus, God's Instrument. Trump is
the 45th President."

Tom sent:

,,,2017-02-25 03:50:28, "Jim theres a Jewish guy on youtube called George Webb his speciality is
exposing human, organ trafficking etc check out his channel if you have time, he focuses on dynacorp
and all involved its very interesting segments he does. Facebook asked me to identify friends from
pictures before and they must have a motive eg asking me to identify who they are then close their
account, I never bothered doing the confirmation to be honest as I didn't have a clue who two of the
ten people were from the pictures they provided so they cant have been my friends as I knew all of
them on that account I have a good memory for names and numbers. Take care Tom"

Troll sent:
Brain cell for brain cell, your readers must be the dumbest, must gullible cretins to ever peruse the
internet, or indeed draw breath. The fact that some of them actually donate to you is flabbergasting. I
find it amazing they're not at least a tad suspicious when a quick google search puts you right at the
top of results. Oh, but that must be a cunning stunt.

My response: Try taking any subject on this site and get it to produce results on Google without
directly quoting large amounts of text and putting it in quotes. (quoted text would also prove you know
this site exists.) If you can't get a single hit on this site by simply typing a request for any topic here, it
is censorship pure and simple. PUTTING THE SITE NAME IN GOOGLE DOES NOT CUT IT. OF
Proof of Google censorship

Like I said, considering the budget this site is #1 for impact on the web. DEAR TROLLS: Find
ANYONE ELSE who can do that on an average budget request of $550 a month, while being
censored by Google and all other search engines, so blacklisted it is not even allowed on publicly
visible blacklists, and completely denied meaningful advertising. Take your trollage and STICK IT,
you OBVIOUSLY FAILED. You can kill the weak I guess, but will and determination can do a HELL

If this site was Jewish with that much traffic it would easily rake in five figures per month in ads and
be a serious bragging point for some A-hole even with the near total censorship. Absent the
censorship and ad denial, I'd have a staff and probably easily out CNN.

And by the way, that is only the main server. There are 3 active servers (minimum) at any one
time and the stats do not cross. One of the secondary servers that puts up the small pictures gets
over 10 million hits a month, but not as many users because you have to load a page to be shown as
a user and it only serves the pages that are in the links at the right of the main page. Those don't get
hit as much as the main page. A third server handles the message window. There are more waiting in
reserve if this site gets *ed with.

My gut is telling me this morning that the wiccan efforts had

no desired impact.
Time will tell.
Ok, so I guess I could give a reason for probable failure (but this is not the error in their
spell). The people who participated in the wiccan ritual this time around were small potatoes who are
not completely aware of the conspiracy and have some good in them. Their spell had faults that
mirrored the lies on CNN, and because of the way the spell was arranged, it could not have portions
of it be based on fiction and still work. I won't say what the actual errors were, but that pretty much
sums it up.

I am going to leave the prayer I figured would cancel their spell on this page and will bump it to the
top the next time it matters.


I was told by MANY people, not just a few, to NOT say what is wrong with their spell that they distributed, and to ONLY
post what should be said to counteract it. Here it is, say it in a way that is appropriate for your religion:

Dear God: Tonight the forces of darkness will be attempting to damage Donald Trump, our president and a man of good
faith. Please counteract their work of darkness by canceling all efforts to confuse Trump, and help Trump succeed in all
efforts he embarks on that are for the good of the nation, the good of our spiritual future, and the good of mankind. Please
give our president a special blessing and gift for bringing truth, awakening, and persuasion to good, to all people whether
they support him or not.

End of prayer. Repeat this prayer as much as you can with conviction in your heart.

That short prayer will be likely to exploit the flaw in their spell.


UPDATE: This triggered a (probable) attack that locked up ONE window:

Troll wrote: "Jim, how can you look at the following evidence, a majority from Alex's own mouth, and
conclude fairly, without bias and with proper logic, that Alex Jones is not an intelligence asset?"

My response: How can you look at the fact that Alex played a major role in getting Trump elected, a
majority from Alex's own mouth, and conclude fairly, without bias and with proper logic, that Alex
Jones is not one of us?

I cannot believe you can't make a simple observation about how the enemy and American intelligence
is acting right now to unseat Trump and that Alex is still supporting Trump 100 percent. That kills your
"intelligence asset" theory. You are either some sort of idiot savant who has as "savant" the ability to
put together a sentence and type while lacking all other cognitive skills, - or a PAID TROLL. Media
Matters, KMA and GO AWAY.

I quite frankly don't give two sh*ts about the fact that Alex is not right about everything. He's
one of us, and either we stand together now or we will ALL GO DOWN.


I got your media matters re-write to smaller file size. But there are changes to the document, and if it
is going to be posted it has to be exactly as it was released or people can say it was tweaked. I
obviously understand where you are coming from with the comments but if they are there it will get
I am going to go over the ODT later and see how much needs to be put back to original form. 63K is a
lot better than several megs.


Facebook just started kicking people off, and asking them for photo ID of everyone they have friended
on Facebook. Facebook is claiming to have been hacked, and is ordering people to reset their
passwords. There are two options: Give photo ID of friends on facebook, or have Facebook send a
confirmation call to your cell phone.

It is not the first time Facebook has demanded a state ID to prevent your account from being
suspended, Facebook has done smaller versions of what is going on now since 2014. This has never
made big news and this is the first time Facebook has ever asked you to provide ID of your friends.
Who's going to have that anyway? Obviously Facebook is trying to clamp down on confirmed and
TIGHT circles of association, just like what happened in Communist Russia, so people who think alike
are pinned down with precision.

Asking for the ID's of people you have friended, to be sent to them through YOUR account??!!??
WTF, OVER!!! Obviously this is not going to get sent to everyone, only people who are of the
ULTIMATE special interest . . . . .

I think I have figured out how Trump will drain

the swamp
Trump has vowed to put the full weight of the federal government behind
destroying human trafficking

I automatically associate pedophelia with human trafficking, because that is where they get the kids
from. Correction made.

It has become evident that Trump has read up on Pizzagate, and knows it is 150+ percent legit.
Trump has no doubt discovered that pedophilia was deeply entrenched in the worst part of the
swamp. Obviously the source of the kids for the pedophiles is via child theft and human trafficking.
Trump has now announced that he's going to jail countless human traffickers that are working in the
government and elsewhere. The number of these people is so huge that if it is removed, a large
portion of the federal government will be in jail.

How will that work against the Democrat minority, if they lose a large number of senators this
way? Podesta was, with incredibly convenient timing, given a job at the Washington Post. Why
would that be? Perhaps so when Trump goes after him, all you will hear is how "Trump is
jailing journalists" and CNN will never mention the real reason.

When Trump jails all the human traffickers, who's customers are the pedophiles that will obviously be
jailed also, he will accomplish a political objective, without ever "going after political opponents". That
is efficiency, and the blackmail system that kept people in line in DC is going to backfire BIG TIME.
Sad thing is, I think Podesta actually enjoyed it, and was not just forced to do it as a means of
enforcing a blackmail threat. A lot of them probably enjoyed it.

In response to the above, Anonymous sent: "Sad thing is, I think Podesta actually enjoyed it, and
was not just forced to do it as a means of enforcing a blackmail threat. A lot of them probably enjoyed

You think? Anyone with any sense of morals would have said no and go F yourself to anyone saying
you have to screw kids to get the job. Then they would have outed them. I know... Then they will just
kill you right? So they do it out of fear for their own lives. These people aren't just sick and perverted,
they do it ritualistically. Satanic rituals. I know you know this I just couldn't help myself."

My response: What better way could there possibly be to ensure you have placed in government
completely morally rotten obedience, that will commit any crime you ask without question? Raping
and beating little boys to death in the shower as they shriek in absolute agony, (as the latest Podesta
video shows) would probably be the best filter there is to make sure the personality you placed in
government is "correct for the job" when the agenda is total annihilation of a large portion of the

Witches against Trump?

UPDATE: to be clear, I will post on this shortly before midnight EST.

Several readers did not want me to give up the secret to what is wrong with the wording of their spell.
Thinking about it . . . . .

Yes, tonight they are going to be casting a spell against Trump at "midnight". They have announced
what they will be asking for, and I have analyzed it and found a critical weakness. Their spell will not
work very well, because it has a critical flaw that they will be too arrogant to admit to.

Midnight really is the darkest hour. Since before the internet (so this is not just a story off the web)
I knew several people who had participated in fire demon ceremonies, and they insisted, no matter
how they were questioned (because time was there for huge long conversations) that when they did
the fire demon dance that one said that the fire became a demon and stood up - and others said that
after that happened in their particular rituals that the demons actually jumped out of the fire and
danced around it with them. The people who said this were highly credible. They were not wack jobs
and worked IT. (IT professions were around long before the internet)

At any rate, one of them made it very clear that "midnight really was the darkest hour." If you wanted
success with a fire dance, that is when it should be done.

So from sources that were not rumor, it was confirmed that midnight is the darkest hour, and these
wiccans will be using "the darkest hour" to cast their spell on Trump. This means that they are
calling on evil to help them, and that they have at least a partial chance of success. But there
is a HUGE PROBLEM with the spell they will be casting. I think it stands a high chance of

I am not going to announce what the problem with their spell is at this time, because I don't want to
give them time to fix it. The flaw will allow the right prayer said the right way to God to exploit it, and
make their spell backfire badly. And even without prayers to God, their spell stands a good chance of
backfiring because they were arrogant, and entirely certain they were on the side of "good" when they
wrote it. Their spell could, in fact, boost Trump and it all depends upon how the flaw is viewed by the
side that listens to it, at the very least the flaw will make "the dark side" called upon at "the darkest
hour" want to puke. If the spell does work at all, it won't be by much.


EXPLOITS IT. I am pretty sure the spell will backfire due to the arrogance, stupidity,
and assumptions made by those who wrote it. If enough people pray, I believe it will
cause their poorly thought out spell to backfire and become a resource that can be

I am confident that the Wiccans actually do have power handed to them by dark forces. However,
many forces that are not completely dark are there to listen to whatever they do, and decide if they
will help or not. This is what will be exploited to our favor, while the flaw in the spell makes the true
darkness they are calling on want to puke. They have set themselves up for failure where they could
have succeeded if they had the guts to admit the evil that they are and write an appropriate spell,
rather than try to write a high minded spell that looks good to decent people, to satisfy public

This will be updated at 9PM cst, BE AWAKE AT MIDNIGHT TO PRAY and I will post a prayer


Thank you proofreader, mistakes do get made!

Whether or not you want to believe it, you cannot trust ANY of the Jews in your
cabinet. Jared would have sought out Ivanka for the sole purpose of being your
handler. It is MODUS OPERANDI and we can only hope you stop being stupid about
this before America is once and for all DEAD.

Forget looking for leakers in the FBI when the problem is all the Jews in your own cabinet!

Project Veritas CNN bust

It must be good, because the trolls are hitting it hard, claiming there is nothing in hundreds of hours of
audio after having less than an hour to listen. The server is down. When it comes back up, I will
link it then so people don't get frustrated trying to get to something that is for the moment not
working AT ALL.

The project Veritas CNN bust consists of about 800 hours of audio recordings of private CNN
conversations for the years 2009-2016. Today's release was the year 2009. I'd rather have 2016, but
it is at least a start.


They are so sensitive about this message that I had to unplug the modem, prepare
it offline and inject it via combat mode

Anonymous sent: "Hi Mr Stone, tried to send this before, but seemed like it didn't go through.

The Alex Jones story reminded me of something that happened to me about 10 years ago or so.
Might even be a little longer.

Back in those days I was moderately involved in state level politics and knew some mid level
functionaries in a few foreign countries. I am naturally stand-offish in spite of that.

So anyway, all of a sudden one day this Jewish guy turned up out of nowhere and wanted to
be my best friend. I didn't really know as much about the ways of the world back then, but I had read
about the Moonies and 'love bombing' and felt like this guy might be doing something like that. So I
gave him the brush off.

Then right after that, all of a sudden this Jewish girl turned up, and she was all over me - calling,
emailing, everything. Finally I got rid of her and this other Jewish girl turned up. That one displayed a
knowledge of my life beyond what she ought to have had. When I remarked on it, she -literally -
DISAPPEARED, never to be seen again.

By this point, even I was not so dense that I couldn't see what was happening. After that, this other
Jewish guy turned up, again all up in my face. Someone asked what was up with this guy, and I said
something like, 'He is trying to get to be my handler.' Although this guy wasn't there for that
conversation, he also immediately disappeared.

After that I never had the same trouble again. But I can see how Alex Jones maybe got love
bombed and they snared him up on the first outing. If they hadn't been such hard charging
assholes, they might have gotten me too. I honestly don't know what they were after, but I can't
imagine it would have been anything to my benefit."

My response: I got trolled hard in the in box for saying what really happened with Alex Joneses
Jewish wife, by trolls who were obviously new around here and did not see the full report I posted on
this topic right when Joneses divorce was happening. DEAR TROLLS: If you are going to troll the in
box, KNOW YOUR HISTORY, the post about Alex and the honey pot was not off the cuff!

send honey pots to people they believe will become of influence and these honey
pots either kill these people outright if they are out of control, or they wait for a
prime moment and then destroy. Fortunately Alex got option #2.



Anonymous sent:
Hi Mr Stone, I tried to pare down your Sweden report and post it to 4chan. When I clicked to post it, I
got redirected to 'you are permanently banned'."

My response: Yes, I guess explosives in a Swedish nuclear plant, to keep in place a blackmail threat
of forced immigration and national destruction would get banned on 4chan. There is a reason why
Sweden is laying down to die. THAT IS THE HOT NEWS, so hot, I think I'll post it again:

Jim Stone, Sunday, July 1 2012

We need ACTION on the following topic:

Immigrant Nuclear Blackmail? perhaps

so. Explosives found in Swedish Nuke plant


UPDATE: The original link I had for this report is now dead, however
the BBC covered it, but not as well or as accurately as the original report I quoted

The original report was very clear: The explosives were found on top of the fire extinguisher behind
the seat of a forklift that goes in and out of the reactor area of the nuclear facility. BBC did a relative
whitewash, but at least their report proves something happened.

Prepare for another Fukushima! A fist sized lump of plastic explosives was found on top of the fire
extinguisher in a forklift which had access to the heart of a Swedish nuclear facility. Plastic explosives
of the type used for demolition are like modeling clay, which can be rammed and crammed into any
space. And you cannot get a fist sized lump of this type of explosive left laying around ANYWHERE
unless it came from a larger batch. You can bet the forklift brought in a whole pallet or several pallets
of explosives, which are now planted inside. The linked report tries to make it sound like "A fist sized
lump on the fire extinguisher in the forklift" was no big deal because "it did not have a
detonator." Where did that fist sized lump come from? Someone most likely spaced out, and
forgot one of those fist sized lumps in the forklift while DOING THE JOB. Probably while repositioning
the forklift to make it easier to grab more to cram it into the bottom of one of the reactors. OOOPS!!

All the news reports about this are playing it down, and I beg the question WHY? WHY WOULD
THEY PLAY THIS DOWN? Explosives found in a nuke plant? The answer is obvious. Someone is
blackmailing Sweden with a nuclear armageddon the same way they did with Fukushima, and the
only way Sweden, and not Israel, will be forced to take the blame for any nuclear disasters Israel
causes is to keep a tight lid on the fact that Israel is using it's victim status and the holocaust to blind
people with sympathy while they use security firms to install death promises for non compliance to
whatever Israel and other zioelitists want. Update: Yes, Sweden's immigration situation was
probably deeply rooted in this incident. And if this was silenced in the ziopress, the Jews did this,
pure and simple. And if the Swedes do ANYTHING to remove the explosives, they are no doubt
under surveillance and will be set off.

If explosives were found at a Burger King in Peoria, do you think it would be more newsworthy? Why
are they silent about this at a nuke plant?

I will make a guess. If Sweden now fails to live up to blackmail demands and destroy their country
doing it, the nuke plant goes BOOM. So it will be a choice between a physical death and a
financial/cultural one. I would bet this is one of MANY nuclear facilities around the world which has
been rigged to explode just like Fukushima did. This is just the one where someone spaced out and it
got caught by someone who could speak around the censorship. And I predict (but I will not put a
date on it) that IF the elite really feel threatened they will just destroy a large number of nuclear
facilities, contaminate everything, and THEN use the window of opportunity to throw the final control
net. Explosives in a nuke plant is such major news the silence on this topic is damning.

Think about this - They have TRILLIONS of dollars to blow, and have hired MILLIONS of
psychologically sterilized goons, on top of having almost their entire tribe be to one extent or another
psychopathic. They easily have the manpower and patience they need to get the right people into key
places in various facilities to lace them with explosives under the full permission of security and the
employees. Needless to say, when the places go boom they will have all called in sick that day, or will
have left one by one in the months before the event. Explosives in ONE nuclear facility is grounds
for having ALL of them shuttered and gone through by legitimate bomb teams, but you can
bet that will never happen. The fact that it will not, and the media silence on this issue is proof
that the world has for the most part already been conquered. The alternative press did not
even run with this story. What's up with THAT?

No doubt Stuxnet also found it's way to wherever the explosives did, to create a plausible scenario
before the place goes BOOM.

We need ACTION on this topic.



David Hodges is one of the few people who has anything I'll occasionally post in full on this

Immediately after Google took ads away from Infowars, (and trolls hopped on immediately, bashing
Jones to pieces with B.S. allegations) Natural News was contacted and threatened. The
threat? We will pay you $50, 000 for dirt on Alex Jones. If you do not comply, we will destroy
you. Mike Adams obviously said NO. And today, every page at Natural News (140, 000 pages)
has been completely de-indexed by Google.

Here is a quote from David Hodges web site:

"On my last radio show (2/19), Mike Adams revealed that he was contacted and was told "We
will pay you $50, 000 to provide us with damaging information against Alex Jones. If you do
not help us, we will destroy you".
In the PM on February 22, 2017, Mike Adams reached out to me and informed me that
Googles search engines have removed all 140, 000 pages of content from Natural News
(www.naturalnews.com). If the reader puts Natural News in the Google search engine, it
comes back as www.natural.news.com. This is Mikes back up site which is a shell of his
original site.

Given the time proximity between the attempt to blackmail Mike Adams and Googles
takedown of one of one of the biggest websites in the Independent Media, it is too suspicious
to be considered to be a mere coincidence. It is clear from just the circumstantial evidence,
that entities representing Google tried to blackmail Mike Adams into providing damning
information about Alex Jones and then when Mike did not respond, they took him down.

In the same time frame, Alex Jones lost $3 million in Google advertising revenue which serves
to validate the Mike Adams' claim that he was indeed blackmailed in an attempt to destroy
Alex Jones.

I recently published information that showed that Google's owner and now the owner of the
Washington (com) Post had entered into a $600 million dollar deal with the CIA and indirectly
with 16 other intelligence agencies. In my opinion, and in the opinion of my sources who have
done business at this level, Mike Adams and Alex Jones are both victims of a CIA hit
orchestrated in conjunction with Deep State and in this instance, that would be the
Washington (com) Post.

Why Would the CIA and the Washington Post Target Adams and Jones?

Many will think, for example, that Adams was targeted because of his fine work in exposing
the dangers associated with vaccines which is big business for many of the elite (eg Bill
Gates). However, Mike has been exposing this information for years without suffering these
kinds of illegal intimidation and anti-trust actions by Google. What do Alex and Mike have in
common that would cause these people to act with such reckless abandon? The answer can
be summed up in one word, Pizzagate.

One must consider the fact that both Alex Jones and Mike Adams have been among the
leaders in exposing Pizzagate and linking this heinous criminal enterprise with very prominent
people. Names are beginning to be named and no doubt, Mike Adams and Alex Jones would
be among the first to strike blows in this arena by naming prominent politicians. We fully
know that we are days and weeks away from these revelations. The Common Sense Show is
beginning to receive names of the participants.

What has happened to Mike and Alex is damage control, a killing of the messenger. The
criminal left is desperate. There is no false flag that these animals will not engage in.

Another Related Motive (Read the rest HERE)


They had an official from the DHS saying: If you don't want to be separated from your children, you
can prevent that by GOING BACK TO MEXICO BY YOURSELF, NOW. They ran it long enough for
him to explain: When you are grabbed off the streets, no questions are asked, if you are illegal you
are deported and if you have kids, they will have to be taken into custody, without you there. You will
then be deported and will have to arrange a way to get back together with them.

So I predict there won't be nearly as many deportations as there will be voluntary exits. The warning
was clear.

Natural News got de-listed from Google

As of this morning, even directly typing their site name will not bring up their site. Unlike this site,
which has been de-listed forever (but Google fakes it by at least allowing it to come up when you type
the name,) Natural News got over 30 percent of its traffic from Google. After the Fukushima report,
this site went from over 80 percent of its hits from google, to less than 0.7 percent, and that 0.7
percent came from people directly typing the site name into Google. You won't get to this site from
Google if you do not already know about it, and now Natural News is in the same boat.

Google still lies about what it sends this site in the form of hits, and claims it sends around 5 percent
of the traffic here.

If Conan O'Brien pulls his Mexico stunt, he

should be jailed for sedition and subversion.
Conan started running commercials on Mexican television for an "All Mexican Trump Bash-a-thon"
that will air from Mexico and "Have an all Mexican staff". It will air on March 1.

The commercials are absolutely disgusting and come close to treason all by themselves. If he goes
through with this, and it ends up being the way he's making it look, he will amount to an enemy
operative and should be arrested at the border upon return.

Some people may think this is an exaggeration but if anyone saw the commercials they are downright
sedition and an open effort to subvert the Presidency. That's time in a federal pen no matter what,
especially when the crime is committed against the United States while on foreign soil.

After what I believe was not a voluntary resignation from Breitbart, Milo has stated he will be opening
his own media platform. I have mixed feelings about Milo, because he is so openly gay. However,
he's quite good on other topics which probably makes him a "net plus". The fact that liberals actively
sought to destroy him, and that he is getting trolled as bad as Alex is getting trolled now goes a long
way to show that liberals won't tolerate anyone who even partially disagrees with them even if they
perfectly meet a pet agenda. I really did not expect liberals to attack Milo so badly.

More on Jones divorce:

Dane sent the following, which mirrors what I know about what happened to Alex perfectly. Alex
needs to get control of his own comment section, because trolls are running it now, and obviously
censoring it also - which is what happens when you use any opposition platform to host anything for
you. Alex has a LOT to learn, and his comment section proves it. Anyway,
Dane sent:

Alex Jones did not get divorced because of infidelity.

2015.03.19: Alex Jones Jewish wife has filed for divorce, and is gunning for a huge divorce
settlement. Alex is forced to pay Kelly over $43k a month totalling over half a million USD for the year.
He is also being forced to part with his Austin Tx property to Kelly, who seems to have promptly put it
on the market and is selling for just under $900, 000. Did it ever occur to men like Alex that it would
not be the Rothschild, Rockefellers, the Marxists, or the feminists who personally would kick the chair
from under him, but instead his own wife?

Alex was set up by the Jewish tribe because they knew he was a threat to Zionism due to his
popularity among an awakening audience, and as a result he was sent a Jewish wife as handler. This
is a common tactic of the Jews. When Alex went off his reservation, as far as her instructors saw it,
she was ordered to divorce him. Alex went of his track, time and again, by showing up at Bilderberg
meetings, thus exposing the Zionist Jewish Financial Elite. But the last straw was when Alex invited
David Duke on to his Program, at Infowars.

Before the show Alex regarded David Duke as a KKK member, out hunting Black people. But the
Zionist Jews trying to control Alex already knew that David Duke was on to the Zionist Jews as the
prime threat to world peace and prosperity. The divorce courts will be only one of the set backs used
to annihilate Alex Jones. 2017.02.21: Infowars banned by GOOGLE. Infowars will lose approximately
4 million Dollar a year in revenue. Dane"

My comment: His ex took him back to court, and got a payout of seven million dollars, paid over 6
years. There is absolutely no question whatsoever that Alex was sent a honey pot wife, who was
triggered to destroy him. Now the trolls are bashing the hell out of him in his own comment section,
which he probably does not control, and probably gets his own custom version of so he can't see
what is really being said there.

Maybe Alex will now finger Israel for 911, since they have screwed him into oblivion. He probably
knows, but was kept under pressure to be quiet about it.


Perhaps so.

Jens from Denmark sent:

Thanks for a great site! I would like to hear your thinking on a possible nuclear-blackmail of Sweden
and (germany/france/holland/denmark), to force the mass immigration of 3 world people to kill the
country(s), there was a news report where explosives were found at a swedish nuclear power
plant a while back, and there was no explanation to this from the fake news..I would love if you
would have this in the back of your mind for a while, and if you see something please share
with us all,

may you be blessed for your work, I LOVE the way you think and write, keep up the good work!
Best, Jens from Denmark"

My response: Here is a report I did on this topic years ago. Since then, the news report (which is
linked here) has been expunged. This was reported by very few American news outlets and the alt
media (except for this site) ignored it entirely.

Jim Stone, Sunday, July 1 2012

We need ACTION on the following topic:

Explosives found in Swedish Nuke plant


UPDATE: The original link I had for this report is now dead, however
the BBC covered it, but not as well or as accurately as the original report I quoted

The original report was very clear: The explosives were found on top of the fire extinguisher behind
the seat of a forklift that goes in and out of the reactor area of the nuclear facility. BBC did a relative
whitewash, but at least their report proves something happened.

Prepare for another Fukushima! A fist sized lump of plastic explosives was found on top of the fire
extinguisher in a forklift which had access to the heart of a Swedish nuclear facility. Plastic explosives
of the type used for demolition are like modeling clay, which can be rammed and crammed into any
space. And you cannot get a fist sized lump of this type of explosive left laying around ANYWHERE
unless it came from a larger batch. You can bet the forklift brought in a whole pallet or several pallets
of explosives, which are now planted inside. The linked report tries to make it sound like "A fist sized
lump on the fire extinguisher in the forklift" was no big deal because "it did not have a
detonator." Where did that fist sized lump come from? Someone most likely spaced out, and
forgot one of those fist sized lumps in the forklift while DOING THE JOB. Probably while repositioning
the forklift to make it easier to grab more to cram it into the bottom of one of the reactors. OOOPS!!

All the news reports about this are playing it down, and I beg the question WHY? WHY WOULD
THEY PLAY THIS DOWN? Explosives found in a nuke plant? The answer is obvious. Someone is
blackmailing Sweden with a nuclear armageddon the same way they did with Fukushima, and the
only way Sweden, and not Israel, will be forced to take the blame for any nuclear disasters Israel
causes is to keep a tight lid on the fact that Israel is using it's victim status and the holocaust to blind
people with sympathy while they use security firms to install death promises for non compliance to
whatever Israel and other zioelitists want. Update: Yes, Sweden's immigration situation was
probably deeply rooted in this incident. And if this was silenced in the ziopress, the Jews did this,
pure and simple. And if the Swedes do ANYTHING to remove the explosives, they are no doubt
under surveillance and will be set off.
If explosives were found at a Burger King in Peoria, do you think it would be more newsworthy? Why
are they silent about this at a nuke plant?

I will make a guess. If Sweden now fails to live up to blackmail demands and destroy their country
doing it, the nuke plant goes BOOM. So it will be a choice between a physical death and a
financial/cultural one. I would bet this is one of MANY nuclear facilities around the world which has
been rigged to explode just like Fukushima did. This is just the one where someone spaced out and it
got caught by someone who could speak around the censorship. And I predict (but I will not put a
date on it) that IF the elite really feel threatened they will just destroy a large number of nuclear
facilities, contaminate everything, and THEN use the window of opportunity to throw the final control
net. Explosives in a nuke plant is such major news the silence on this topic is damning.

Think about this - They have TRILLIONS of dollars to blow, and have hired MILLIONS of
psychologically sterilized goons, on top of having almost their entire tribe be to one extent or another
psychopathic. They easily have the manpower and patience they need to get the right people into key
places in various facilities to lace them with explosives under the full permission of security and the
employees. Needless to say, when the places go boom they will have all called in sick that day, or will
have left one by one in the months before the event. Explosives in ONE nuclear facility is grounds
for having ALL of them shuttered and gone through by legitimate bomb teams, but you can
bet that will never happen. The fact that it will not, and the media silence on this issue is proof
that the world has for the most part already been conquered. The alternative press did not
even run with this story. What's up with THAT?

No doubt Stuxnet also found it's way to wherever the explosives did, to create a plausible scenario
before the place goes BOOM.

We need ACTION on this topic.

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