E-Portfolio X

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Name: X Age: X Sex : FemalSport: Volleyball

Height (in/cm/m2) 70 177.8 3.2
Weight (lbs/kg) 150 68.2
BMI 21.6 Healthy

CALORIES 2400 2550 2700
* estimated to provide a range, true requirements will vary based on physical activity level.

Calories 2400-2700 1064 216 1031
Meal spacing 3-4 hrs Average 6 hrs Average 5.5 hrs Average 4.5 hrs

Lunch=24g, Breakfast=44g,
Dinnger=9g, Lunch=24g, Lunch=1g(?),
Snack=12g Dinner=1g(?) Dinner=69g Average =
Protein per meal 25g Average = 15g Average = 8g 38g
Protein per day 75g 46g 24g 114g
Consuming around 1000 calories, on average - compared to the 2000 calorie goal.
Protein intake is varied: some days consuming under 75g goal, others over. "Salad"
should include protein (not included in record). Consistently eating cottage cheese,
which is a great source of protein! Tend to leave large gaps in between meals, however.
On average, meeting requirement (~20g), but you should be consuming protein
consistently throughout the day (especially before practice). During exercise, if amino
acids aren't in the blood supply (through diet), your body breaks down muscle for fuel.
So, eating enough protein before a workout helps preserve lean mass. Ideal: 25g of
protein 1 hour before a workout. Eating your cottage cheese before practice is a great
way to meet your pre-workout protein requirement! If you wake up late, eat 10g of
protein 30 minutes before a workout and consume an additional 15g after to make up
for the deficit. If you're in a rush, grab a bar with at least 8-15 grams of protein. With
regards to lunch and dinner: aim for seafood as a protein source at least 2 times per
week. Seafood is a great source of health boosting essential omega-3 fats - crucial for
reducing inflammation and easing stiffness in the body by curbing joint pain (along with
many other benefits)!

0.25 cup fruit, 1.25 cup
veggies: olives, lettuce, 3 cup vegetables: 3 cup vegetables:
Variety 3+ types corn "salad" "salad"
Servings per meal 1+ cup 0.5 cup 1 cup 1 cup
3 cups
Servings per day minimum 1.5 cups 3 cups 3 cups
On average, you're achieving the goal of 3 cups per day - awesome! Seems as though
your vegetable intake is taking place during one meal, however. Remember: A greater
variety of both fruits and vegetables will decrease risk of illness and infection!
While you are eating enough vegetables, try to increase your fruit intake! Pack your
bag with fruit every day for a quick energy boost! Note: 1 piece of fruit is equivalent to
1 cup. Also, spread out your fruit and vegetable intake throughout the day. Add a side
of fruit with your cottage cheese each morning, and mixed greens with your dinner!
When assembling your salad, go for a range of colors that provide a variety of vitamins,
minerals, and antioxidants - this is vital for reducing risk of injury and promoting
speedy recovery. Eating enough fruits and vegetables also helps decrease fatigue!
Lunch=14g, Breakfast=7g,
Dinner=35g, Lunch=11g, Lunch=2g(?),
Snack=94g Dinner=2g(?) Dinner=0g Average =
Servings per meal 75-150g Average = 48g Average = 4g 3g
Servings per day 350-450g 143g 13g 9g
Added sugars less than 50g 0 0 0
Not consuming any added sugars, which is awesome! Consistently missing goal for
carbohydrates, however. On top of training, you actively bike. As such, your body needs
carbohydrates to increase glycogen stores and build endurance, especially before
practice. Without enough carbs, lean muscle tissue will be broken apart and used to
fuel your body.
Try to incorporate at least one serving of grains into each meal. Add toast or fruit in the
morning with your cottage cheese! Toss in cold pasta to your salads or turn your
chicken dinner into a sandwich (with whole-wheat bread)! You should still be consuming
the lower end of the scale (75g of carbs per meal) even if you are not participating in
physical activity. Remember carbs are equally as important off season - the primary
source of fuel for your brain is GLUCOSE :)
* denotes practice days
Consistently eating salad and 0 added sugars, which is great! Biggest concern is meal spacings and calorie intake.
Aim for 3-4 hours between meals - waiting longer will increase risk of fatigue. Bring fruits or bars (with about 8-15
grams of protein) in your bag for a quick source of energy! Make sure your salad contains protein as well as a
serving of carbohydrates. Also, you should not be skipping breakfast. Your body is straining after a night's sleep
(remember you haven't consumed protein since dinner the night before). Overall, you should consume more
calories (about twice as much): whole grains, protein, and vegetables will help keep you full longer!
1) Aim for 3-4 hours in
between meals
2) Try to increase calorie intake (~2000 calories per day)
3) Try not to skip breakfast (aim for 25g of protein each morning)

Evaluated by Elsa M. Esparza, Sports Nutrition Intern


4.5 hrs

69g Average =

alorie goal.
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meals, however.

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your dinner!
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your body needs
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each morning)
Food Amount Calories Protein Fat Carbohydrat
Cottage Cheese 1 cup 183 23.62 5.13 10.76
Letuce 2 cups 16 1.16 0.28 3.09
Cheese 0.25 cup 65 5.08 4.24 1.73
Olives 0.25 cup 39 0.28 3.59 2.1
Corn 0.25 cup 151 3.91 1.97 30.82
Chips 2.5 cup ~4 oz 535 8.05 23.45 76.86
Salsa 1 cup 75 3.95 0.44 17.26
TOTAL 1064 46.05 39.1 142.62

Food Amount Calories Protein Fat Carbohydrat
Cottage Cheese 1 cup 183 23.62 5.13 10.76
Salad 3 cups 33 0.55 0.11 2.32
TOTAL 216 24.17 5.24 13.08

Food Amount Calories Protein Fat Carbohydrat
Eggs 2 cups 656 43.96 48.31 7.08
Salad 3 cups 33 0.55 0.11 2.32
Chicken 2 cups ~ 8 oz 342 69.22 7.19 0
TOTAL 1031 113.73 55.61 9.4
Fiber Sugars Added Sugars
0 9.04
2 1.12
0 0.48 Shredded Mozzarella?
1.1 0
2 0.27
6.1 88
4.9 10.43
16.1 109.34

Fiber Sugars
0 9.04
0.8 1.33 Garden Salad (assorted veggies)???
0.8 10.37

Fiber Sugars
0 6.12
0.8 1.33
0 0
0.8 7.45

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