ARIMA - Asymmetric Receiver Initiated Multiple Access Power Control Protocol For Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks
ARIMA - Asymmetric Receiver Initiated Multiple Access Power Control Protocol For Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks
ARIMA - Asymmetric Receiver Initiated Multiple Access Power Control Protocol For Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks
AbstractIn a distributed control wireless ad-hoc network, whereas the receivers interference range is determined by its
network performance is signicantly effected by multi-user in- signal detection sensitivity . Hidden terminals are the nodes
terference. In such networks, transmit power control can enhance that are located outside the CS range of the transmitter, but in-
the energy usage as well as the QoS performance. Although, the
effects of hidden/exposed terminals on the system throughput side the interference range of the corresponding active receiver.
in wireless ad-hoc networks have been studied extensively, the The problem due to hidden terminals is that, these nodes can
IEEE 802.11 with variable transmit power has to be re-looked cause interference to an ongoing reception should they choose
in order to optimize the energy and other QoS measures (e.g, to initiate transmission during an ongoing reception at the
bandwidth, throughput). In this paper, we capture the drawbacks intended receiver. It has been already shown in several prior
of the existing xed and variable transmission-power control
Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols and propose an ef- works (e.g., [2], [3]) that, due to distributed communication
cient energy aware receiver initiated variable transmission-power control, even with VCS hidden/exposed terminals problem
control protocol called Asymmetric Receiver Initiated Multiple cannot be completely eliminated.
Access (ARIMA). It minimizes interference due to the exposed The related works are surveyed in Section II. Problem
terminal carrier sense nodes at the receiver and hence offers denition and assumptions are described in Section III. The
higher network performance. We compare the performance of
our proposed protocol with the existing protocols analytically and proposed receiver initiated transmit power control protocol
through exhaustive simulation studies and observe that ARIMA model is presented in Section IV. Power control protocol
outperforms the existing protocols in terms of throughput and performance is analyzed in Section V. The paper is concluded
packet transmission probability. This is a simple protocol and in Section VI.
can be used in practice.
Several recent works have investigated the hidden/exposed
Wireless ad-hoc network is typically characterized by dis- terminals issues. The impact of physical carrier sensing range
tributed control, i.e., any node can set up a communication on the aggregated network throughput of one-hop ows was
session with any other node without needing any central studied by Deng et al. [4], where the authors proposed to
coordination. Network solutions based on a xed and full have a tunable carrier sensing range and showed the trade-off
transmission power control approach [1] improve the physi- between spatial reuse and packet collisions.
cal connectivity of wireless networks. However, this goal is
Another set of studies (e.g., [3], [5], [6]) on IEEE 802.11
achieved at the expense of sacricing network capacity and
ad-hoc networks aimed at reduced exposed and hidden nodes
wasting precious transmission power of the nodes. Effective
by exploiting the differential capture capability of modern
transmission power control plays an important role in the
transceivers. However these solutions work well only at lower
design and performance of such emerging application oriented
data rates. Also, they do not address the issues of interference
distributed networks. In addition, it also optimizes the system
associated with power control. In [6], Zhu and Zheng showed
design metrics such as physical/network connectivity, energy that the performance of collaborative relays in large wireless
conservation, and Quality of Service (QoS) (e.g., throughput,
networks degrades signicantly due to interference. The ef-
packet loss and delay).
fects of power control and redundant transmissions were not
Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA), which has the in- considered on the interference and nodal energy consumption.
built Physical Carrier Sensing (PCS) procedure at the trans- Although the interference problem in CSMA-based access
mitter before the actual communication, is popularly used for systems has been identied and several alternative proposals
setting up a communication link between two ad-hoc wireless have been presented in recent research literature [4], [7]; most
nodes. A two-way handshake (Virtual Carrier Sensing VCS) of the prior works are protocol level studies. In our recent
is also commonly used along with PCS for transmission of
longer data packets. In PCS, Carrier Sensing (CS) range of In general carrier sense range of a node could be different from its
the transmitter determines the number of exposed terminals, interference range.
stay silent during the transmission of RTS as well as DATA P tmax
packet from the source node. Similarly, fp-tx-zone and fp-cs- S 465s
P tpc
zone nodes of the destination keep themselves silent during
CTS and ACK packet transmissions. However, either nodes
from fp-dst-intf-zone (c.f. Fig. 1) during the reception of DATA
packet at the destination node or fp-src-intf-zone (c.f. Fig. 1)
P tmax
nodes during the reception of ACK packet at the source node
may create interference. P tpc
2) IEEE-802.11 with Power Control (BASIC-PC): In the 0
basic power control mechanism RTS and CTS are transmitted
using full power whereas DATA and ACK are transmitted
using reduced power. However, during transmission of DATA RTS CTS DATA
packets with reduced power, nodes in the fp-cs-zone of the
destination node which are outside the fp-tx-zone of both, Fig. 2. Packet Transmission Process in ARIMA
source and destination and also outside the fp-cs-zone of the
destination node, can create interference at the receiver node.
3) Asymmetric Source Initiated Multiple Access with power signicantly improves the energy saving and QoS performance
control (ASIMA) : ASIMA [9] is a power control protocol that of the network.
tries to improve the performance of BASIC-PC protocol. In We now analyze the performance of ARIMA analytically
ASIMA, during the transmission of DATA packet, the source and through exhaustive simulations and compares it with
node repeatedly, after every Extended Inter-Frame Space existing protocols.
(EIFS) time instant, varies the transmit power from P tpc (d) V. P ERFORMANCE A NALYSIS
to P tmax and then back to P tpc (d) again for a small duration
of time called beacon period. We call this process as repeated A. Analytical - Packet Success Probability
power transition. By doing so, all the fp-cs-zone nodes of The successful packet transmission probability between S
the source can be prevented from interference. During the and D depends on the successful transmission of RTS, CTS,
DATA transmission however, nodes at the destination side that DATA, and ACK packets. The packet success probability of
are outside fp-cs-zone of source node can cause interference any of these packets depend on the interfering area around the
at the receiver. However, there wont be any collision at the transmitter and receiver nodes which can cause collision of
destination during the reception of ACK packet. the ongoing transmission. We call such an area as vulnerable
zone. The vulnerable zone depends on many factors related to
IV. P ROPOSED M ODEL the transmission such as, transmitter-receiver distance, kind of
Since, interference happens on the receiver side only, we packet (RTS/CTS/DATA), node density, what MAC protocol
argue that the repeated power transition method should be being used. We denote the vulnerable zone as Avu (d) where,
carried out by the receiver node instead of the transmitter (as u and v represent the protocol type and packet type respec-
in case of ASIMA). Thus, at every EIFS period of time the tively. Vulnerable zone for different protocols and at different
receiver changes its mode from receiving to transmitting and types of packets can be easily computed using geometrical
transmits a beacon with maximum power. By doing this, the mathematics, which we could not include in this paper due
interferers in the fp-dst-intf-zone can be kept quite. We now to limited space. We now compute the success probability of
explain our proposed model ARIMA which attempts to solve each of the events.
this interference problem. 1) RTS Success Probability Prts succ : It is the probability
associated with the event when a node in idle state transmits
A. Asymmetric Receiver Initiated Multiple Access with power the RTS and receiver receives it successfully.
control (ARIMA) Let, Ptr be the probability that an idle node attempts
to begin transmission. Collision occurs when even a single
Due the fact that maximum packet drop occurs at the node from the vulnerable zone transmits while RTS is being
destination nodes, ARIMA proposes that the repeated power received. Thus we can write
transition process to be performed by the destination node
instead by the source node. In ARIMA, during the DATA
(Avu (d)) Avu (d)
packet reception, the destination node repeatedly, after every (1 Ptr )k
Prts succ (d) = Ptr (1Ptr ) e ,
EIFS time instant, switches from receive mode to transmission k!
mode and transmits a beacon packet with P tpc to P tmax . (1)
After beacon period, it again switches back to receiving mode. where, k is number of interferers in the vulnerablezone. After
This process is repeated till the reception of the DATA packet simplifying (1), we obtain
completes (see Fig. 2). Although, there will be some overhead
= Ptr (1 Ptr ) eAu (d)Ptr .
in terms of the switching over and beacon signalling, ARIMA Prts succ (d) (2)
2) CTS Success Probability Pcts succ : Successful reception 1
Packet success probability
1.2 WPC
0.6 WPC
0 0
10 30 50 70 90 5 10 15 20 25 30
Average number of neighbors Transmitterreceiver distance (m)
Fig. 4. Average Packet Success Probability, R=30 Fig. 7. Successful information bits per second.
Initiated Multiple Access (ARIMA), avoids interference at the
receiver and ensures successful reception of the data packet.
The receiver initiated repeated power transition method of
ARIMA reduces the interference and hence increases the
success probability of the DATA packet and is able to
1 ASIMA achieve improved QoS performance of the network in terms of
ARIMA throughput, which is veried through analytical and simulation
results. We have further observed that ARIMA outperforms the
0.6 existing protocols such as WPC, BASIC-PC and ASIMA in
terms of throughput and success probability. Since, the success
probability is improved, the number of re-transmissions are
10 30 50 70 90
also reduced resulting in improve in the energy efciency
Average number of neighbors of ARIMA, which requires further investigation. We plan to
Fig. 5. Successful information bits per second, R=30 investigate the energy efciency of ARIMA and extend the
model to an interference aware energy model and analyze the
effect of power control in such scenario as future work.
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