Buku Heritage Jamu
Buku Heritage Jamu
Buku Heritage Jamu
Publishing Team
Publishing Team Coordinator
Director of Agriculture Product Processing
Publishing Team
Message from The Chairman of Industry & Trade GP Jamu
Message from The Chairman of Indonesian Spa Association
Message from the Director General of Processing and Marketing of
Agricultural Products Ministry of Agriculture
Message from the Minister of Agriculture of
The Republic of Indonesia
Chapter I
History of Jamu
Chapter II
Bio-Resources Potencies in Indonesia
Chapter III
Jamu Industry Development
Chapter IV
Government Support
Chapter V
Some Sample of Jamu Product Indonesia
Chapter V
Some Sample of Jamu Products of Indonesia
Ir. Chairul Rachman, MM
(Director, Agricultural Product Processing, MOA)
Ir. Jamil Musanif
Prof. Dr. Latifah K. Darusman, MS
Dr. Ir. Nurliani Bermawie
Ir. Anastasia Promosiana, MS
Dede Sulaeman, ST, M.Si
Ir. Dwi Putri Yanthi
Endang Listiawati, S.Si
Erni Yuliarti, SP
Ir. Gayatri K. Rana, M.Sc
Harumi Mungilia Abidin, SPi, M.Si
Ir. Mahpudin, MM
Ofie Nidausoleha, SP, M.Si
Drs. Sabar Hariandja, Apt.
Ir. Woro Palupi
PT. Air Mancur
PT. Kimia Farma, Tbk.
PT. Mahkotadewa Indonesia
PT. Martina Berto
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
PT. Nyonya Meneer
PT. Sido Muncul
Hariwan Puja Wilapa, SS
Joanne Pierce
Kristine Tambayot
Hasan Ali Prabowo, ST
Muhammad Arif, SE
Photo cover :
Property of Taman Sari Royal Heritage Spa
JAMU as the formal and only association of jamu industry feels that
jamu as an ancient art and tradition of medicine making should be
preserved and further developed. Through Indonesian Chamber of
Commerce (KADIN/Kamar Dagang Indonesia) is included as one of the
industry to be prioritized and supported in the INDONESIAN INDUSTRY
ROADMAP, because of its WARISAN BUDHAYA or heritage values.
Beside the fact that it is rich in culture, JAMU is also in-line with the global
lifestyle slogan of GOING BACK TO NATURE. And therefore in deed, it is
attracting attention and sympathy from many people all over the world. In
the future GP JAMU and the government in the related institution plan to
work together further to boost JAMU as our export priority commodity.
Within the association, GP JAMU, has developed programs to educate
members to improve their existence, so that in the long run the industry
does not diminish inside the modern world. We encourage members to
do clinically tested products, so that JAMU can be considered to be
having the same level of efficacy as modern medicines in the future. For
smaller companies or home industries within GP JAMU, we herd them to
form alliances among members so that they can have the power to do the
same. Hopefully, with this track in line, this ancient art will stay on
forever, and can be enjoyed by everyone from all over the world
GP JAMU gladly welcome the presence of THE INDONESIAN
HERITAGE Jamu and Traditional Cosmetics book to enrich and
contribute to the collection of herbal literature worldwide. A great
appreciation from GP JAMU to the ministry of agriculture of The Republic
of Indonesia for initiating the preservation of one of our country's greatest
I expect that you can gain a lot of useful information from this
book, and for the Publishing Team, I convey my highest appreciation for
their invaluable effort.
We should be proud of and praise the God for having granted our
nation with huge bio-diversity, making Indonesia as the second largest
host countries of the world's bio-diversity, with approximately 30,000
species. Out of those, nine hundred have been identified and well known
to contain high medicinal value. They cover both domesticated and wild
medicinal herbs that can be found in almost everywhere around the
Finally, let's join those who have been fanatic consumers of locally
produced herbal medicine and cosmetics and be proud of being part of
Minister of Agriculture
The Republic of Indonesia
Some plants used in jamu and even the making of jamu were found
depicted on the walls of ancients Buddhist and Hindu temples in Java as was
found in Borobudur, Prambanan, Penataran and Sukuh. Borobudur was the
Buddish temple built during the 8th-9th century while Prambanan was the Hindu
temple built at the time of Majapahit during Sanjaya dynasty. In the relic of the
Borobudur temple, a number of medicinal plants commonly used for making
jamu such as Aegle marmelos (L.) Correa, Antidesma bunius (L.) Sprengel,
Figure 1.
One of the reliefs found on Borobudur temple
shows the habit of dringking jamu
Jamu makers during the ancient time used stone tools such as mortar
and rubbing stones to grind plants by rubbing them. Grinding is applied to
make powder and plant extracts. The neolihic stone tools used to make jamu
during those period can be found in Javanese palaces, nasional musium in
Jakarta and even in traditional market. To day the practice of making jamu
using stone tools still continue. Jamu maker in rural areas grind plant material
for jamu using stone tools especially to prepare jamu gendong, powder jamu,
pills, etc.
1.4. Manuscripts
1.8. Seminars
The first seminar on jamu was organized at Solo in 1940 and followed
by the formation of Indonesian Committee on Jamu in 1944. A seminar was
conducted again in 1966, and in 1981, the book entitled The Use of Medical
Plants was published.
Concluding remarks
That informations given above clearly indicate that jamu has been part
of Indonesian culture which was inherited from our ancestors since ancient
times. Although Jamu was originated from Java, the practice of medication
using herb have been practiced by many other ethnics around Indonesia.
About 45 % of Indonesian inhabitants depended on Jamu for their health
maintenance. Drinking Jamu has become the habit of many Indonesian, even
from the childhood.
Indonesia a is also a home for 370 ethnics who live in the nearby forest
all over Indonesia. Each of them possesses their own local wisdom to utilize
plants around them for health and beauty maintenance. By trial and error, our
ancestors were able to distinguish herbal from poisonous plants. They even
combined and formulated them by various processing ways to gain optimum
These knowledges have been vastly developed over the years so that
they become an industry of traditional medicine which are known as jamu and
natural cosmetics
2.2. Some major material for jamu and natural cosmetics industries in
The use of jamu has been rooted in Indonesian culture. As what has
been mentioned in the previous chapter, Indonesia is one of the richest
countries after Brazil in bio-diversity. For about 30.000 species to 40.000
species of floras in the world grow in Indonesia. Of this figure, 26% of them or
7500 species has been cultivated and 940 species among those have been
developed as a material for jamu and natural cosmetics.
Aside from those species, some other herbal plant species that are
also used as important material for jamu and natural cosmetics industries are
Phaleria fruit, Asiatic pennyworth, creet, zedoary, Elephan foot (tapak liman)
and others.
Some other benefits of java turmeric are anti acne, anti cholesterol,
and anti cancer. It is also a good medicine to improve appetite, spleen
treatment, kidney treatment, coroner heart, stroke, rheumatic, asthma,
headache, stomachache, and lactagoge (increase production of mother's
breast milk).
The trend of the expansion of harvest area and java turmeric production
has been increasing in the period of 2001-2006, which is followed by a
noticeable improvement in productivity.
Chart 1.1
Harvest area and production of java turmeric of Indonesia in 2001-2006
Year 2004 Year 2005
16.666.504 82.107.401
Year 2003
Year 2002
Year 2001
Year 2006
There are 3 ginger varieties based on rhizomes size, shape and color,
i.e, big white ginger locally known as Gajah ginger, small white ginger locally
known as Emprit ginger, and red ginger or Sunti ginger.
Big white and small white ginger has brownish white skin color with
yellowish white flesh. Whereas the red ginger has a red skin color with whitish
flesh. Ginger rhizomes root contains 2-4% volatile oil which consists of
zingiberin, kamfena, limonene, borneol, sineol, zingiberal, linalool, geraniol,
kavikol, zingiberen, zingiberol, gingerol, shogaol, dammar oil, essence,
organic citrate, malat citrate, oksalat citrate and gingerin.
Chart 1.2.
Harvest area and production of Ginger of Indonesia in 2001-2006
Year 2002
Year 2001 118.496.381
Year 2003
Tu r m e r i c a l s o b e l o n g s t o t h e
Zingiberaceae family. Its rhizomes have been
used in jamu and is believed to cure many
kinds of illnesses. It is also as natural color and
raw material for cosmetics.
Chart 1.3
Harvest area and production of Turmeric of Indonesia in 2001-2006
Year 2002
Cultivation area can be found in many places, but the main center of
production is in Central Java, Yogyakarta, East Java, West Java, Banten and
North Sumatra.
Chart 1.4
Harvest area and production of Kencur of Indonesia in 2001-2006
Year 2004
22.609.057 Year 2005
Year 2003 1.348.438
Year 2002
Year 2006
Year 2001
Chart 1.5
Harvest area, and production of Lempuyang of Indonesia in 2001-2006
Year 2004
Year 2003 6.025.358
Year 2005
Year 2002
Year 2006
Year 2001
The leaf and the skin of mahkota dewa contain alkaloid, saponin and
flavonoid. Furthermore, the leaf contains polifenol. Dr. Regina Sumastuti, a
pharmacologist from University of Gadjah Mada has proven that mahkota
dewa has an antihistamin essence. This could be considered as an anti
allergy. With this result, mahkota dewa is scientifically able to cure various
allergies caused by histamine such as skin disease, irritation, sniffles, and
breathing difficulties.
Dr. Regina has conducted a research which also proves that mahkota
dewa can have a similar role as oxytosin and sintosinon. They could stimulate
uterine muscle performance to ease birth process. Another research found
that mahkota dewa fruit is an antioxidant and anticancer.
The habit of using natural herbs for various purposes existed since the
ancient kingdoms era. There were even recipes specially made for beauty
treatment, health maintenance and to cure some illnesses. At that time, those
recipes were strictly kept as secret, but the pieces of infomation were passed
onto their successors.
Medicinal plant export data based on export target country shows that
Hongkong is the main target market of Indonesia commodities in medicinal
plant considering its highest import value from Indonesia, even if the number
There are various medicinal plants that have been studied such as
kunyit, temulawak, cabe jawa, sambiloto, mengkudu, pegagan, purwoceng,
Composition :
Sauropus androgynus
Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B1
Usage :
Assisting to increase breast milk
Storage :
Store in cool and dry place, protect from light.
Producer :
PT. Kimia Farma Tbk.
Jl. Veteran No. 9,
Jakarta Pusat
Telp. +61-21-384 7709, 348 34261
NO. REG. : TR 981 694 441
Extract of Sonchus arvensis folia. Extract of
Strobilanthus crispus folia.
Producer :
PT. Kimia Farma Tbk.
Jl. Veteran No. 9,
Jakarta Pusat
Telp. +61-21-384 7709, 348 34261
DEPKES RI NO. TR 931367692
Certificate GMP From BPOM/NADCF and
Certificate Halal
Ginseng extracts,Cola Semen extracts, Coptici
fructus extracts, Zingiberis rhizome extracts,
Piperis nigri fructus extracts, Boesenbergiae
rhizome extracts
Package :
Catch Cover content 1 Strip Aluminum foil @ 4
Usage :
Traditionally used for Increases stamina, Strength
for men, Sexual endurance, Satisfaction between
husband and wife
Direction and administration :
Initial dosage in 2-3 weeks :
2 capsules daily, take one in the morning and
one in the evening, 1 hour before meal
Maintenance dosage :
2 capsules daily, 1 hour before meal
Producer :
PT. Air Mancur,
Jl. Raya Solo Sragen Km 7
Palur - Solo, INDONESIA
Telp. +62-271-825 024
(Rice & Galanga Juice)
Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248
Action: Biotens is made of extract Ginurae Folium,
Centellae Herb, Garlic, Ortosiphonis Folium and
Apii Folium. Ginurae Folium is mostly known as
daun dewa. It is believed that this extract has an
ability to decrease systolic and diastolic blood
pressure. Centella Herb or pegagan is believed to
be able to fix the circulation and vena blood artery.
The compositions of Biotens are obtained from
natural material. It is scientifically proven by ISO
17025 standardized laboratory that they synergic
activity is able to slowing down blood pressure.
Biotens can be consumed together with other
treatment medicines..
Dosage and Direction of use: Consume 1
capsule three times a day.
PT. Sido Muncul
Jl. Cipete Raya No. 81 Jakarta Selatan,
INDONESIA. Telp. 62-21-7653535
POM TR 043330481
( Antiplaque Clove Mouthwash )
Composition : Purified water, Xylan hemicellulose,
Eugenia caryophyllata Oil, Mentha spicata Oil,
Mentha piperita Oil, Caramel
Action: Againts bacteria causing molded plaque,
bad breath and caries
Direction for use : Pour one capful of the essence.
Rinse mouth for 30 seconds and spit out. Do not
Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248
POM RI No. TR. 032320191
Composition :
Pterocarpi folium, Momordica fructus, Phaseoli
Producer :
PT. Nyonya Meneer
Jl. Raden Patah No. 191 199
Semarang 50128,Indonesia
Composition : Extract of Piperis Folium and
mineral flouride
Action : Prevents and treats tooth decay and
Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Composition: Each 45 ml of liquid contains: Abrus
precatorius folia extract equivalent to dried leaves
powder Piper betle folia extract equivalent to fresh
leaves. Liquiritiae radix extract equivalent to dried
root powder . Mentholum .
Action : To relieve mouth ulcer causes. To prevent
super infection (additional infection). - To make
mouth fresh. To relieve bad breath and pain that
caused by mouth ulcer
Dosage and direction: Adults: 45 ml liquid (=3
tablespoonful @ 15ml) 3 - 4 times daily. Children:
15 ml liquid (=1tablespoonful @ 15 ml) 2 times daily.
Drug should be gargled and swallowed.
PT. Kimia Farma Tbk.
Ese Mag contains of C.Longa and M. paradisiacal
that are able to neutralize stomach acid and to treat
irritation inside the stomach in order to ease the
pain. Stomach ache can be caused by exceeding
production of stomach acid that effected on irritation
of stomach inner surrounding. This will give a great
pain. EseMag is able helping to heal that irritation.
Action: Maintaining the best condition of
processing and absorbing process of our body.
Dosage and Direction of use: Consume 1
capsule three times a day before / after eating
and sleeping, or under physician direction.
PT. Sido Muncul
Jl. Cipete Raya No. 81 Jakarta Selatan,
Telp. 62-21-7653535
POM TR 052347951
Producer :
PT. Sido Muncul
Jl. Cipete Raya No. 81 Jakarta Selatan,
Telp. 62-21-7653535
( Tamarind Juice )
Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248
Usage :
To help improve body immunity
Storage :
Keep in a cool and dry place, protect from light
Producer :
PT. Kimia Farma Tbk.
Jl. Veteran No. 9 Jakarta Pusat
Telp . +62-21-3847709
Composition :
Each one sachet contains :
Coriandri fructus, Retrofracti fructus, Colae semen,
Gallae, Curcumae domesticate rhizoma, Zingiberis
rhizoma, Zingiberis aromaticae rhizoma,
Curcumae rhizoma, Zingiberis purpurei rhizoma
Packaging : Sachet @ 7 g
Certificate GMP From BPOM/NADCF and
Certificate Halal from MUI
Usage:Traditionally used for general health and to
improve digestion.
Dosage and administration :
Mix the contents of one sachet with glass (100
ml) of boiling water. Take 3 4 sachet every week. If
necessary one sachet once daily.
PT. Air Mancur,
Jl. Raya Solo Sragen Km. 7
Palur - Solo, Central Java, Indonesia.
Telp. +62-271-825024
Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248
Composition : Galian Parem Wangi (Foeniculi Fructus, Alyxiae
Cortex, Coriandri Fructus, Cubebae Fructus, Caryophylli Flos, Myristicae
Semen, Ligusticae Radix, Amomi Fructus, Sintox Cortex, Burmani
Cortex, Baekeae Folium, Isorae Fructus, Usneae Thallus, Pluchae
Folium) Pulih Balung Sumsum (Amylum Oryzae, Kaempferiae
Rhizoma, Curcumae domesticae Rhizoma, Nyctanthi Flos, Parameriae
Cortex, Tamarindi Pulpa, Sauropii Folium, Maranthae Tuber, Curcumae
Rhizoma, Retrofacti Fructus, Maoutiae Folium, Erythrinae Folium)
.Bubuk Bancar Air Susu(Ipomea Herba, Curcumae Rhizoma, Burmani
Cortex, Sauropi Folium .).Tapel Raket Mustika Sejati (Cyperi Rhizoma,
Cubebae Fructus, Alyxiae Cortex, Rhei Radix). Pilis Wangi (Alyxiae
Cortex, Nigellae sativae Semen, Cubebae Fructus, Coriandri Fructus).
Parem Segar Sumyah (Foeniculi Fructus, Alyxiae Cortex, Coriandri
Fructus, Cubebae Fructus). Minyak Kayu Putih (Oleum Eucalypti).
Minyak Telon (Oleum Cocos, Oleum Eucalypti, Oleum Foeniculi).
ACTION : Galian Parem Wangi (Helps increase mother's breast milk
and makes the body fresh) Pulih Balung Sumsum (Maintains mother's
healthy, helps reduce fatigue and makes the body fresh) Bubuk Bancar
Air Susu (Accelerate and increase the volume of mother's breast milk)
Tapel Raket Mustika Sejati (Discherge impure blood from abdomen,
make it small and tighten the muscles) Pilis Wangi (Treatment for your
eyes to make them clean and shining) Parem Segar Sumyah (Take care
of your body to make it healthy and stay young) Minyak Kayu Putih
(Subside stomachache and can be used with tapel raket by adding a
squeeze of lime and a bit of kapur sirih) Minyak Telon (Rub over the
baby's stomach to prevent it from sickness)
Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248
Producer :
PT. Sido Muncul
Jl. Cipete Raya No. 81 Jakarta Selatan,
Telp. 62-21-7653535
( Tumeric & Tamarind Juice )
Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248
Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248
Producer :
PT. Mahkotadewa Indonesia
Jl. Gaharu AA1, Nyiur Melambai II
Koja, Jakarta 14230 - Indonesia
POM TR 053 353 681
Certificate : Halal, POM TR, HACCP, Irradiation
Composition :
- Phaleria macrocarpa Pericarpium
- Gynura procumbens Herba
- Curcumae zedoaria Rhizoma
- Curcumae alba Rhizoma
- Curcumae Rhizoma
- Cantellae Herba
Package :
30 capsules @380 mg in plastic bottle & carton box
Usage:Traditionally being used in cancer
Dosage and administration:
Prevention : orally taken, one capsule once
Treatment : orally taken, one capsule three
times a day
Producer :
PT Mahkotadewa Indonesia
Jl. Gaharu AA1, Nyiur Melambai II
Koja, Jakarta 14230 - Indonesia
Producer :
PT Mahkotadewa Indonesia
Jl. Gaharu AA1, Nyiur Melambai II
Koja, Jakarta 14230 - Indonesia
Producer :
PT Mahkotadewa Indonesia
Jl. Gaharu AA1, Nyiur Melambai II
Koja, Jakarta 14230 Indonesia
(POM TR 053 243 321)
Camellia sinensis, Centella asiatica, Angelica
keizkei koidzmi, Phaleria macrocarpa, Gynura
Type : Tea in tea bag
Package : Tea bag, Aluminum foil, Box
Content: 25 bags @ 2 g
Certificate: Halal, POM TR, HACCP, Irradiation
Usage :
This tea is very rich of beta carotene and
antioxidant It's good to maintain health keep your
body metabolism in balance and increase your
Dosage and administration :
Put a tea bag in 250 cc boiled or hot water for 3 - 5
minutes, you may add sugar or Mahkotadewa
Honey drink while it's warm
Producer :
PT Mahkotadewa Indonesia
Jl. Gaharu AA1, Nyiur Melambai II
Koja, Jakarta 14230 - Indonesia
Tel. (62 21) 4302762 / 4392229
Fax. : (62 21) 43938420
Website : www.mahkotadewa.com
Composition : Oleum Cocos. Oleum Cajuputi.
Oleum Feoniculi
Action: Telon oil leaves the body feeling warm and
comfortable. Calming boating and common cold.
Good for baby and childrens
Directions for use : Apply 5 to 10 drops of telon oil
to the chest, stomach, back and soles of feet. It can
be used anytime, especially after bath and during
cold weather
Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248
(POM TR. 032 624 341)
Producer :
PT. Nyonya Meneer
Jl. Raden Patah No. 191 199
Semarang 50128, Indonesia
Producer :
PT. Mahkotadewa Indonesia
Jl. Gaharu AA1, Nyiur Melambai II
Koja, Jakarta 14230 - Indonesia
Producer :
PT Mahkotadewa Indonesia
Jl. Gaharu AA1, Nyiur Melambai II
Koja, Jakarta 14230 - Indonesia
Composition :Phaleria macrocarpa Pericarpium.
Gynura procumbens Herba. Curcumae zedoaria
Rhizoma .Curcumae alba Rhizoma. Curcumae
Rhizoma. Cantellae Herba
Action:Traditionally being used in cancer
Dosage and direction:Prevention: orally taken,
one capsule once daily. Teatment: orally taken, one
capsule three times a day
Producer :
PT Mahkotadewa Indonesia
Jl. Gaharu AA1, Nyiur Melambai II
Koja, Jakarta 14230 - Indonesia
Action: Traditionally being used in the treatment of
hypertension symptoms.
Dosage and direction: Prevention: orally taken,
one capsule once daily. Teatment : orally taken, one
capsule three times a day
Producer :
PT Mahkotadewa Indonesia
Jl. Gaharu AA1, Nyiur Melambai II
Koja, Jakarta 14230 Indonesia
Curcuma domestica rhizoma, Zingiberis rhizoma,
Curcumae rhizoma, Panduratae rhizoma
Action: Best for man and woman who work hard
and shooting pain such as waist painful, can't sit
long time, walk weakness, and body painful,
insomnia, sick of bath, hand and foot feel cool,
weak body, become numb, rheumatic and others.
Dosage and direction: 2 capsules daily, For
athlete 2 capsules, four times a week. Type:
Powder, Caplets and Capsule
Producer :
PT. Nyonya Meneer.
Jl. Raden Patah No. 191 199
Semarang 50128, Indonesia
Produsen :
PT. Kimia Farma Tbk.
Composition : Eurycomae longlifoliae Radix
(pasak bumi/tingkat ali).
Pimpinella alpina Radix (purwoceng). Oroxyl Radix
(kayu lanang). Retrofracti . ructus (cabe jawa).
Action: proven empirically helps improve mens
blood circulation, maintains libido, wellnes, vitality
and health.
Directions for use : For health maintenance, take
1 caplet twice a day. Take 2 caplet, 2 hours before
activity (if needed)
Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248
Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248
Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248
Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248
Rheumaneer has been clinical test. Its can use for
medical treatment.
Action : Treating for joint painful (arthralgia)
Dosage and direction: Therapy : Twice daily @ 2
capsules. Using this capsule minimum three days
Treatment : 2 capsules each night. During using this
capsule, It is suggested to take a nap enough time
Producer :
PT. Nyonya Meneer
Jl. Raden Patah No. 191 199
Semarang 50128 Indonesia
Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248
Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4
Ciracas,Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248
Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248
CD 1010100964. MAL 05012108 T.
(Breast Treatment Tablet)
Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248
Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248
Hair Oil
Composition :Cocos Nucifera, BHA, Pandanus
amaryllis Folium, Nothopanax scutellarius Folium,
Cananga Odorata, Rose Centifolia, Jasminum
Officinale, Citrus Nobilis.
Action : to shine the true color of your hair and help
prevent gray hair. Strengthens the hair as well as
roots to prevent broken hair and hair loss
Direction of Use : Apply it on the hair and scalp at
night one hour before bed or shampooing as
Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia.
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248
Komposisi : Lulur Extract.Butylene Glycol. Scrub.
Titanium Dioxide Micronized. Methyl Paraben.
Action: cooling the skin, removes dirt and dead
skin cells effectively. Makes your skin clean,
smooth, bright and fragrant
Direction for use: Shake Before, rub gently all
over your body. Then rinse thoroughly. Safe for
daily use.
Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248
Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248
Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248
Shampoo BAYAM
Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4
Ciracas,Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248
Cd0601500376 MAL04123415 T
Producer :
PT. Martina Berto,
Jakarta Indonesia
Producer :
PT. Martina Berto,
Bogor Indonesia
(Royal Balinese formula)
Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4
Ciracas,Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248
(Royal Balinese formula)
Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4
Ciracas,Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248
Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4
Ciracas,Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248
Action : Ratus is a concoction from different spices
which has an exotic fragrance like in Javanese
Keraton. It used for Aromatherapy, air fragrant,
room fragrant, hair fragrant, batik fragrant, and
body fragrant.
Direction to use : Crush the Ratus ball and put the
powder onto the carcoal fire, until you get the
smoke and scent. Then spread the smoke all over
your hair or clothes. The aroma could last about 2
days. Use it at least once a week.
Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4
Ciracas,Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248
Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4
Ciracas,Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248
Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4
Ciracas,Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248
Action : JASMINE EOC (Essential Oil Concentrate) :
Its active Jasmine essential oil can give calming effect.
YLANG YLANG EOC: This essential oil is made from
Kenanga Flower extract which is excellent for reducing
stress. SANDALWOOD EOC : This pleasant and sweet
smell fragrant oil contains the extract of Sandalwood and
usually used im religious ritual. The smell of this essential
oil is good for calming effect. CLOVE EOC : The fragrant
smell of Clove essential oil give energizing effect.
CHAMPACA EOC : This essential oil of Champaca can
give relaxing effect, adds emmolient and astringet your
skin. GINGER EOC : The smell of Ginger is good as an
aphrodisiac, gives warmth to the body especially on
abdominal area. To help reduce tiredness and give
relaxation. CINNAMON EOC : Its strong aroma give
stimulating, toning and as an aphrodisiac.
Direction to use : Mix 20 drops of essential oil into
massage cream/ carrier oil for body massage, or 30 drops
into water filled bath-tub, or 5 drops into bowl for oil burner
Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4
Ciracas,Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248
Producer :
PT. Martina Berto,
Jakarta Indonesia
POM CD. 1010600228
Usage :
A transparent Bar soap to cleanse the body from
dirt excess oil and impurities. Makes the skin clean,
soft and fresh. Alleviates fatigue and invigorates
both body and mind.
Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.
Body Wash
Composition :
Rice extract, Lemon, Chamomile, Cubeb, Camphor
and Peppermint oils, balancing between oily and
dry skin's condition.
Usage :
A Gentle liquid soap to clean the skin from dirt and
excess oil. Makes the skin clean, soft and fresh
Alleviates fatigue and invigorates both body and
Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.
Body Scrub
Composition :
Rice extract, Lemon, Chamomile, Cubeb, Camphor
and Peppermint oils, balancing between oily and
dry skin's condition.
Usage :
A gentle scrub helps to exfoliate dead skin cells and
stimulate a new cells growth
Alleviates fatigue and invigorates both body and
Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.
Massage Oil
Composition :
Rice extract, Lemon, Chamomile, Cubeb, Camphor
and Peppermint oils, balancing between oily and
dry skin's condition.
Usage :
A ready to use massage oil to invigorates body and
mind, overcome physical fatigue and helps to
smooth blood circulation Alleviates fatigue and
invigorates both body and mind.
Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.
Body Lotion
Composition :
Rice extract, Lemon, Chamomile, Cubeb, Camphor
and Peppermint oils, balancing between oily and
dry skin's condition.
Usage :
Keeps the skin smooth, soft and supple while
balancing its natural moisture. Alleviates fatigue
and invigorates both body and mind.
Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.
Bath Salt
Composition :
Rice extract, Lemon, Chamomile, Cubeb, Camphor
and Peppermint oils, balancing between oily and
dry skin's condition.
Usage :
A Crystal bath salt, which keeps skin smoothness
and helps to remove toxic from the skin. Helps to
relieve fatigue, gives peaceful feeling while
reinvigorate body and mind. Alleviates fatigue and
invigorates both body and mind.
Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.
Herbal Bath
Composition :
Rice extract, Lemon, Chamomile, Cubeb, Camphor
and Peppermint oils, balancing between oily and
dry skin's condition.
Usage :
Bath herbs or bathing, to provide refreshing and
energizing effect while gives aroma to the body
Alleviates fatigue and invigorates both body and
Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.
Composition :
Rice extract, Lemon, Sandalwoods, and Camphor
oils, whitened the skin to make it bright and clear.
Usage :
A transparent Bar soap to cleanse the body from dirt
excess oil and impurities. Makes the skin clean, soft
and fresh
Lightens dull complexion of the skin while restores
its natural glow.
Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.
PT. Air Mancur
Jl. Raya Solo Sragen Km. 7
Palur - Solo
Telp. +62-271-825024
PT. Air Mancur
Jl. Raya Solo Sragen Km. 7
Palur - Solo
Telp. +62-271-825024
PT. Air Mancur
Jl. Raya Solo Sragen Km. 7
Palur - Solo
Telp. +62-271-825024
Producer :
PT. Kimia Farma Tbk.
Jl. Padjajaran 29 31 Bandung 40171
Telp. : 022 4204043 (Hunting)
022 4206026
Fax : 022 - 4237079
Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.
Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung, Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171
Composition :
Rhizoma Curcuma heyneana, Folium Guazuma
ulmifolia, Bark Punica granatum, Bark Quercus
infectoria (Oak) Gall, Rhizoma Kaempferia
angustifolia, Folium Murraya paniculata, Rhizoma
Curcuma xanthorriza, Rhizoma Curcuma domestica,
Rhizoma Zingiberis purpurei, Fructus Piper cuceba,
Rhizoma Zingiberis zerumbeti, Rhizoma Acorus
calamus, Folium Cassia angustifolia, Folium
Orthosiphon aristatus, Fructus Woodfordia
Frueticosa, Flos Syzygium Armaticum
Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung, Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.
Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung, Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.
Body Wash
Composition :
Rice extract, Lemon, Sandalwoods, and Camphor
oils, whitened the skin to make it bright and clear.
Usage :
A Gentle liquid soap to clean the skin from dirt and
excess oil. Makes the skin clean, soft and fresh
Lightens dull complexion of the skin while restores
its natural glow
Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.
Body Scrub
Composition :
Rice extract, Lemon, Sandalwoods, and Camphor
oils, whitened the skin to make it bright and clear.
Usage :
A gentle scrub helps to exfoliate dead skin cells and
stimulate a new cells growth
Lightens dull complexion of the skin while restores
its natural glow
Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.
Massage Oil
Composition :
Rice extract, Lemon, Sandalwoods, and Camphor
oils, whitened the skin to make it bright and clear.
Usage :
A ready to use massage oil to invigorates body and
mind, overcome physical fatigue and helps to
smooth blood circulations Lightens dull complexion
of the skin while restores its natural glow
Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.
Body Lotion
Composition :
Rice extract, Lemon, Sandalwoods, and Camphor
oils, whitened the skin to make it bright and clear.
Usage :
Keeps the skin smooth, soft and supple while
balancing its natural moisture. Lightens dull
complexion of the skin while restores its natural
Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.
Herbal Bath
Composition :
Rice extract, Lemon, Sandalwoods, and Camphor
oils, whitened the skin to make it bright and clear.
Usage :
Bath herbs or bathing, to provide refreshing and
energizing effect while gives aroma to the body
Lightens dull complexion of the skin while restores
its natural glow
Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.
Bath Mask
Composition :
Rice extract, Lemon, Sandalwoods, and Camphor
oils, whitened the skin to make it bright and clear.
Usage :
A Powder mask to smooth and tightness while gives
nutrition to the skin
Lightens dull complexion of the skin while restores
its natural glow
Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.
Composition :
Centella Asiatica, Collagen, Theopyllisilane C,
Zingiber zerumbet, D-Panthenol and Patchouli oil
Usage :
to help inhibit the appearance of stretch mark.
Regular use leaves the skin soft and firm beautifully
Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.
Usage :
Reduce unwanted cellulite, firming and tightening
the belly. Regular use leaves the belly looking
revitalized and returns the body's natural beauty
Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.
Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.
Usage :
A transparent Bar soap to cleanse the body from dirt
excess oil and impurities. Makes the skin clean, soft
and fresh. Regenerate, reducing cellulite, while
shape up the body. Improves blood circulations, the
lymphatic system and promotes skin regeneration.
Known to be effective in reducing cellulite.
Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171
Body Wash
Composition :
Rice extract, Lemon, Lavender, Cananga and
Patchouli oils,
Usage :
A Gentle liquid soap to clean the skin from dirt and
excess oil. Makes the skin clean, soft and fresh
Regenerate, reducing cellulite, while shape up the
body. Improves blood circulations, the lymphatic
system and promotes skin regeneration. Known to
be effective in reducing cellulite.
Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171
Body Scrub
Composition :
Rice extract, Lemon, Lavender, Cananga and
Patchouli oils,
Usage :
A gentle scrub helps to exfoliate dead skin cells and
stimulate a new cells growth
Regenerate, reducing cellulite, while shape up the
body. Improves blood circulations, the lymphatic
system and promotes skin regeneration. Known to
be effective in reducing cellulite.
Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171
Massage Oil
Composition :
Rice extract, Lemon, Lavender, Cananga and
Patchouli oils,
Usage :
A ready to use massage oil to invigorates body and
mind, overcome physical fatigue and regenerate,
reducing cellulite, while shape up the body.
Improves blood circulations, the lymphatic system
and promotes skin regeneration. Known to be
effective in reducing cellulite.helps to smooth blood
Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171
Body Lotion
Composition :
Rice extract, Lemon, Lavender, Cananga and
Patchouli oils,
Usage :
Keeps the skin smooth, soft and supple while
balancing its natural moisture Regenerate,
reducing cellulite, while shape up the body.
Improves blood circulations, the lymphatic system
and promotes skin regeneration. Known to be
effective in reducing cellulite.
Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171
Herbal Bath
Composition :
Rice extract, Lemon, Lavender, Cananga and
Patchouli oils,
Usage :
Bath herbs or bathing, to provide refreshing and
energizing effect while gives aroma to the body
Regenerate, reducing cellulite, while shape up the
body. Improves blood circulations, the lymphatic
system and promotes skin regeneration. Known to
be effective in reducing cellulite.
Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171
Bath Mask
Composition :
Rice extract, Lemon, Lavender, Cananga and
Patchouli oils,
Usage :
A Powder mask to smooth and tightness while gives
nutrition to the skin
Regenerate, reducing cellulite, while shape up the
body. Improves blood circulations, the lymphatic
system and promotes skin regeneration. Known to
be effective in reducing cellulite.
Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171
Usage :
A transparent Bar soap to cleanse the body from dirt
excess oil and impurities. Makes the skin clean, soft
and fresh Relieves nervous tension and renew the
spirit. It is an ancient recipe of love
Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.
Body Wash
Compotition :
Rice extract, Rose, Sandalwood, Jasmine and
Cananga oils, moistened, softened and
smoothened the skin.
Usage :
A Gentle liquid soap to clean the skin from dirt and
excess oil. Makes the skin clean, soft and fresh
Relieves nervous tension and renew the spirit. It is
an ancient recipe of love and believed to be
amorously stimulating.
Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171
Body Scrub
Compotition :
Rice extract, Rose, Sandalwood, Jasmine and
Cananga oils, moistened, softened and
smoothened the skin.
Usage :
A gentle scrub helps to exoliae dead skin cells and
stimulate a new cells growth. Relieves nervous
tension and renew the spirit. It is an ancient recipe
of love and believed to be amorously stimulating.
Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171
Massage Oil
Composition :
Rice extract, Rose, Sandalwood, Jasmine and
Cananga oils, moistened, softened and
smoothened the skin.
Usage :
A ready to use massage oil to invigorates body and
mind, overcome physical fatigue and helps to
smooth blood circulations. Relieves nervous
tension and renew the spirit. It is an ancient recipe
of love and believed to be amorously stimulating.
Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171
Body Lotion
Composition :
Rice extract, Rose, Sandalwood, Jasmine and
Cananga oils, moistened, softened and
smoothened the skin.
Usage :
Keeps the skin smooth, soft and supple while
balancing its natural moisture
Relieves nervous tension and renew the spirit. It is
an ancient recipe of love and believed to be
amorously stimulating.
Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171
Usage :
To help inhibit the appearance of stretch mark.
Regular use leaves the skin soft and firm beautifully
Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.
Usage :
Reduce unwanted cellulite, firming and tightening
the belly. Made from. Regular use leaves the belly
looking revitalized and returns the body's natural
Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.
Usage :
Excellent for maintaining soft breast skin and firm.
Regular use rejuvenates the natural beauty of the
Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.
Atmaja, Riya Sastra angagenging Parentah Keraton. 1858. Buku Jampi-Jampi Jawi,
Besar Jumakir
Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan, 2006. Monograf Eksrak Tanaman Obat
Indonesia. Jakarta.
Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat, 1988. Dari Cultuurtuin Hingga Pusat
Breers, Susan-Jane Breers, 2001. JAMU, The Ancient Indonesian Art of Herbal
Burkill, I.H., 1966. A Dictionary of the Economic Oroducts of the Malay Peninsula,
Danusatro, Raden Subiono. 1989. Salinan Blokkan Racikan Obat Jawa. Surakarta :
Dharma, A.P. 1985. Tanaman Obat Tradisional Indonesia, Balai Pustaka, Jakarta,
Direktorat Tanaman Sayuran, Hias Dan Aneka Tanaman, Direktorat Jenderal Bina