Buku Heritage Jamu

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As the second richest country of bio-diversity, Indonesia

potencies have become a great gift for everyone who is eager to start and
grow bio-pharmacy and natural cosmetics businesses. These potencies
have boost up national jamu, industries development, and have
supported many industries in several countries.

The Book of Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

comprises Indonesian bio-pharmacy potencies, bio-pharmacy industries
growth in Indonesia, government supports and other useful pieces of
information about the product of bio-pharmacy industries (Indonesia
Herbal and Natural Product)

This book has adequate pieces of information for those who

need to know and understand the opportunities and profits that can be
gained from jamu and natural cosmetics business, from Indonesia- one
of the greatest bio-diversity resources in the world.

On behalf of the Indonesian government, we to strongly

encourage you to take the chance of great revenues that can be gained
from this opportunity, by starting or expanding businesses on jamu.

Publishing Team
Publishing Team Coordinator
Director of Agriculture Product Processing

Ir. Chairul Rachman, MM

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty i

Foreword by the Publishing Team Coordinator


Publishing Team

Message from The Chairman of Industry & Trade GP Jamu

Message from The Chairman of Indonesian Spa Association

Message from the Director General of Processing and Marketing of
Agricultural Products Ministry of Agriculture

Message from the Minister of Agriculture of
The Republic of Indonesia

Chapter I
History of Jamu

Chapter II
Bio-Resources Potencies in Indonesia

Chapter III
Jamu Industry Development

Chapter IV
Government Support

Chapter V
Some Sample of Jamu Product Indonesia



The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty ii

Chapter IV
Government Support

Chapter V
Some Sample of Jamu Products of Indonesia

No. Halaman disesuaikan


No. Halaman disesuaikan


The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty iii

The Indonesian Heritage
Jamu for Health and Beauty
Publishing Team

Ir. Chairul Rachman, MM
(Director, Agricultural Product Processing, MOA)

Ir. Jamil Musanif
Prof. Dr. Latifah K. Darusman, MS
Dr. Ir. Nurliani Bermawie

Ir. Anastasia Promosiana, MS
Dede Sulaeman, ST, M.Si
Ir. Dwi Putri Yanthi
Endang Listiawati, S.Si
Erni Yuliarti, SP
Ir. Gayatri K. Rana, M.Sc
Harumi Mungilia Abidin, SPi, M.Si
Ir. Mahpudin, MM
Ofie Nidausoleha, SP, M.Si
Drs. Sabar Hariandja, Apt.
Ir. Woro Palupi
PT. Air Mancur
PT. Kimia Farma, Tbk.
PT. Mahkotadewa Indonesia
PT. Martina Berto
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
PT. Nyonya Meneer
PT. Sido Muncul

Hariwan Puja Wilapa, SS
Joanne Pierce
Kristine Tambayot

Hasan Ali Prabowo, ST
Muhammad Arif, SE

Photo cover :
Property of Taman Sari Royal Heritage Spa

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty iv

Message from
The Chairman of Industry & Trade GP Jamu

JAMU is an Indonesian terminology or language (Bahasa Indonesia) for

Indonesian origin of herbal preparations. It has long been known for
centuries, that since the olden days Indonesians use JAMU to cure
illnesses, promote health and protect long lasting beauty. The prove of
the facts can be traced back from many literatures such as SERAT
CENTHINI, SERAT KAWRUH or even can be seen on the wall-carving at

JAMU as the formal and only association of jamu industry feels that
jamu as an ancient art and tradition of medicine making should be
preserved and further developed. Through Indonesian Chamber of
Commerce (KADIN/Kamar Dagang Indonesia) is included as one of the
industry to be prioritized and supported in the INDONESIAN INDUSTRY
ROADMAP, because of its WARISAN BUDHAYA or heritage values.
Beside the fact that it is rich in culture, JAMU is also in-line with the global
lifestyle slogan of GOING BACK TO NATURE. And therefore in deed, it is
attracting attention and sympathy from many people all over the world. In
the future GP JAMU and the government in the related institution plan to
work together further to boost JAMU as our export priority commodity.
Within the association, GP JAMU, has developed programs to educate
members to improve their existence, so that in the long run the industry
does not diminish inside the modern world. We encourage members to
do clinically tested products, so that JAMU can be considered to be
having the same level of efficacy as modern medicines in the future. For
smaller companies or home industries within GP JAMU, we herd them to
form alliances among members so that they can have the power to do the
same. Hopefully, with this track in line, this ancient art will stay on
forever, and can be enjoyed by everyone from all over the world
GP JAMU gladly welcome the presence of THE INDONESIAN
HERITAGE Jamu and Traditional Cosmetics book to enrich and
contribute to the collection of herbal literature worldwide. A great
appreciation from GP JAMU to the ministry of agriculture of The Republic
of Indonesia for initiating the preservation of one of our country's greatest

Putri Kuswisnu Wardhani, MBA

Chairman of Industry & Trade GP JAMU

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty v

The Holistic Care Philosophy of Health Wellness
and Good Looking Through Long Life Heritage
The rich natural resources of Indonesia as the second mega-
biodiversity of the world, provides the strategic impact in the
preservation of health, and appearance as what we see today. The
philosophy of health, wellness and beauty has been passed from
generation to generation, not limited only to certain kind of treatment,
but conducted also in accordance to our tradition.
Indonesia is the philosophy of health, wellness and beauty, to be
specially carried out throughout the woman's life cycle.
Inspired by the exotic and beautiful mistery based on The Royal
Method of Surakarta Hadiningrat, that has bee passed from
generation to generation. I have been conducting the precious in
heritage with the rest of the world. The holistic care philosophy called
perawatan paripurna consist of inner care by consuming jamu
(Indonesia herbal supplement) and the outer care by applying the
natural cosmetic. Jamu is an indigenous effreacions herb e.g.,
which consist of roots, tree banks seeds, fruits, leaves and flowers
to improve wellness and mental acuity.
The optimum result could be gained if the treatment balances with
the concept Jiwa, raga & sukma (body, mind & spirit).
Raga/body: using jamu is supposed to have a deloxifying
effect maintain stamina and good looking appearance.
Jiwa/mind allowing the mind to be calm and relax and free
from stress and being positive thinking.
Sukma/spirit improve the spiritual life enhance your will
power your energetic activity and spirit in life, to support the
concept of holistic care philosophy of health wellness and
good looking.
I have been for 35 years dealing as a pioneer with the production of
jamu and natural cosmetic presented in an efficient and practical
way to be implemented distributed domestic and abroad.
The are 500 item of jamu products and natural cosmetics to be
exported over the counter and 100 specific items of spa products
for the use of Taman Sari Royal Heritage SPA which have been
franchised to many countries in the world. The Indonesian concept
of SPA business have been excepted every where and become a
successful booming business in many countries the concept of the
jamu therapy and treatments has been proven to be in line and
relevant for the significant need for the busy and dynamic modern
community to day.

DR. BRA Mooryati Soedibyo

Founder of Jamu and Traditional Cosmetic Company
Chairman of Indonesian Spa Association

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty vi

Message from
The Director General of Processing and Marketing of
Agricultural Products, Ministry of Agriculture

Jamu is one of the priority trade commodities from Indonesian

agricultural and industrial products. This industries and trades have
obtained great support from the Indonesian government for decades.
The collaboration between industries and government has brought an
enormous development, it gives significant contribution to the economic
growth and people welfare.

Directorate General of Processing and Marketing of Agricultural

Products implemented some programs to accelerate the development of
Jamu industries and trade. Such programs are providing assistance,
guidance and information dissemination in the area of Good
Manufacturing Practices (GMP), implementation of quality assurance
system, Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and facilitating product
promotion to domestic as well as international market. This book is
published in an attempt to disseminating information to the Jamu
relevant stakeholders.

I expect that you can gain a lot of useful information from this
book, and for the Publishing Team, I convey my highest appreciation for
their invaluable effort.

Jakarta, February 2008

Prof. Dr. Djoko Said Damardjati

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty vii

Message from
The Minister of Agriculture
Republic of Indonesia

We should be proud of and praise the God for having granted our
nation with huge bio-diversity, making Indonesia as the second largest
host countries of the world's bio-diversity, with approximately 30,000
species. Out of those, nine hundred have been identified and well known
to contain high medicinal value. They cover both domesticated and wild
medicinal herbs that can be found in almost everywhere around the

Historically, Indonesia has been well-known as spice island

country. It is reputed to be a large producer of spices today. The trend of
using the natural medicines, traditionally known as Jamu in global
societies, both for maintaining health and curing particular diseases has
been growing very fast in line with the rapid development of science and
technology. Moreover the trend has been strengthened by the recent
vast discovery of the efficacy and safety of the natural herbal products.
The growing usage of herbal products has been a trigger for the recent
people's growing awareness to go back to nature in securing their health.
It is therefore, the use of natural cosmetics also increases the demand of
medicinal herbs.

There is no doubt, medicinal plants as bio-pharmacy substance

has bright prospects in the domestics as well as the world market. The
bright prospect in domestic market has been indicated by the rapid
growth in the number of herbal industries in the last decades, some of
which even has big opportunities of become world exporters.

We should extend our sincere appreciation to those who have

invented and developed advanced science and technology consistently
dedicated for producing high quality herbal and cosmetic products to
supply both domestic and international market.

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty viii

The great acknowledgement and honor also forward to the parties
who have involved themselves on the publication of The Indonesian
Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty. I truly hope that this book could
be a significant source of information for stakeholders who have heart
felt intention and commitment to support the development of Jamu
especially in Indonesia.

Finally, let's join those who have been fanatic consumers of locally
produced herbal medicine and cosmetics and be proud of being part of

Jakarta, February 2008

Minister of Agriculture
The Republic of Indonesia

Dr. Ir. Anton Apriyantono, MS

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty ix

Chapter I


Jamu is used for a complex mixture of herbs that is used as part of

traditional healing and body-care. To trace back the origin of jamu is not easy.
It was believed inherited from the Indonesian ancestors, dated back to the
prehistoric times.

According to an expert in Javanese Linguistic, the term of Jamu

originated from Javanese languange jampi. Jampi is the word used in
Javanese royalti (Kromo Inggil), which means healing, while Jamu is the
word used mostly by the common people.

Historical evidences of utilization of herbs for medication and beauty-

care can be found in many cultural and art products, such as temple's relief,
inscription stones, neolithic stones, paintings, manuscripts, etc.

1.1. Temple's Reliefs

Hindu culture and religion arrived in Indonesia at the first Century at

the same time as the Budhism. These led to the development of many
kingdoms such as Kutai, Mataram and Majapahit. The Hindu kingdom lived
up to 16th century. It was since the Hindu period, our ancentors have the
tradition of making and drinking jamu.

Some plants used in jamu and even the making of jamu were found
depicted on the walls of ancients Buddhist and Hindu temples in Java as was
found in Borobudur, Prambanan, Penataran and Sukuh. Borobudur was the
Buddish temple built during the 8th-9th century while Prambanan was the Hindu
temple built at the time of Majapahit during Sanjaya dynasty. In the relic of the
Borobudur temple, a number of medicinal plants commonly used for making
jamu such as Aegle marmelos (L.) Correa, Antidesma bunius (L.) Sprengel,

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty 01

Borassus flabilifer L., Calophyllum inophyllum L., Datura metel L.,
and Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels are found.

Figure 1.
One of the reliefs found on Borobudur temple
shows the habit of dringking jamu

1.2. Inscription stone

The Hindu's culture and religion probably is belief to play a role in

influencing people's knowledge on medication and the use of plants for health
and beauty-care. It was belief since this Hindu period that Indonesian people
started to make and drink jamu. This was prooven by the finding of the
inscription stone Prasasti Madhawapura from the Hindu-Majapahit Era
(1292-1478AD) which inscribed the profession of jamu maker which was
called Acaraki.

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty 02

1.3. Stone Tools

Jamu makers during the ancient time used stone tools such as mortar
and rubbing stones to grind plants by rubbing them. Grinding is applied to
make powder and plant extracts. The neolihic stone tools used to make jamu
during those period can be found in Javanese palaces, nasional musium in
Jakarta and even in traditional market. To day the practice of making jamu
using stone tools still continue. Jamu maker in rural areas grind plant material
for jamu using stone tools especially to prepare jamu gendong, powder jamu,
pills, etc.

1.4. Manuscripts

Indonesia's rich of bio-diversity and ethnics and their local wisdoms in

the utilization of plants for health and beauty-care have been recognized
since European conquered Indonesia. Many publication on the utilization of
plants for health and beauty maintenance already appeared since 16th
century: The first publication is Manuscripts inscribed in lontar leaf covered
many aspects of human life, one of which was Usada lontar (Book of Healing)
contained 15 chapters covers comprehensive references of traditional
healing including the utilization of plants is written in 9911600. Afterwards
many other books were published on the use plants for medication was made
by Yacobus Bontius, a Portuguese explorers, published his work entitled
Historia Naturalist et Medica Indiae in the year of 1627 which contained 60
drawings of Indonesia medicinal plants together with their descriptions and
usage indication. Bontius was also the first person who published data on
Java's medicinal plants in 1658.

In 1628-1702, Gregorius Rumphius- a botanical exper- who stayed in

Maluku conducted investigations on Maluku's flora and fauna. His works were
manifested in the Amboinish Kruidboek In addition to that, the book
Herbarium Amboinense was the written document of the used of plants for
healh maintenance, written by Rumphius, of within year 1741-1755. In 1816
Horsfield published the first monographs on the medicinal plants of Java.

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty 03

Greshoff (1890-1914) published a book focusing on toxic plants and
some with medicinal properties.

Kloppenburg-Versteegh published the book in Dutch Indische

Planten en haar Geneeskracht (Indigenous Plants and their Healing Power)
in 1907. It suggested ways on how to use medicinal plants grow around their
homes for curing illnesses. In 1927 Heyne published his second edition of the
book Indonesian Useful Medicinal Plants. Heyne provided extensive
information on medicinal plans that uses. Ave and Sunito 1990 and Bell and
Van Houten in 1993 published books which provide information on other local
traditional uses of plants for Siberut, and Central Seram respectively.

All of the the publications mentioned above, described only the

utilization of plants and some of the contains recipes. None of the books used
the word jamu.

The original hand written manuscripts on the knowledge and

formulatiom of jamu can be found in Surakarta and Yogyakarta Palaces.
Two manuscripts were found in Surakarta Palace, Serat Kawruh Bab Jampi-
Jampi Jawi (A Treatise on All Manner of Cures) was written in 1831. It
contained 1166 prescriptions, 922 of which were jamu preparations and
Serat Centhini (in javanese script ), or called Suluk
Tambanglaras or Suluk Tambangraras-Amongraga. Serat Centhini was
believed to contain one of the most comprehensive references of medical
treatments in ancient Java.

The other hand-written scripts in Javanese Serat Primbon Jampi

(Handbook of Healing Formula) and Serat Racikan Boreh Wulang nDalem
(Handbook of Mixing Medical Ingredients) contains jamu recipes for health
and beauty treatments exclusively used by Javanese royalty.

Based on those manuscripts, jamu was belief to be originated from

Javanese royalty, the word jampi instead of jamu was used in the manusripcts

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty 04

found in in the Surakarta and Yogyakarta palaces. It was only after the
knowledges more open to public, the word of jamu becomes common.

1.5. The Spread of Jamu

The knowledge of Jamu then spread to Bali, during Balinese

colonization by the Majapahit Empire at 14th-15th century. The influence of
Javanese can be seen on the manuscripts found on lontar leaf. The word
'lontar' is composed of two Old Javanese words, namely 'ron' (leaf) and 'tal'
(rontal tree). The word 'rontal' therefore means 'leaf of the rontal tree'. The
rontal tree belongrd to the family of palm trees (Borassus fabellifer).

From Bali the knowledge of jamu spread to many other neighbouring

islands over the course of time. Islamic arrival in Indonesia, influenced
people's knowledge on the use of plants for medication treatments. This
influence can bee seen on a number of manucripts in Arabics such as found in
KITAB TIBB and other Melayu's manuscripts.

1.6. Researches and Development

Research on medicinal plants conducted by Bogor Botanical Garden

Research Center was published in a book of Medical Book for Children and
Adults by E. Van Bent. The book contained the medication method by using
natural herbs.

Researces on industrial crops which includeed medicinal and aromatic

plants were done by the Establishment of Culturtuin or Garden for Cultivated
Crops in 1876 at Cikeumeuh, Bubulak and Cimanggu Triangle (now Jalan
Tenhtara Pelajar, Jalan Merdeka and Jalan Martadinata). This marked the
initial research on commercial crops, which later developed as Research
Centre of Estate Crops, wherein one of the research institutes was the
Indonesian Medicinal and Aromatic Crops Research Institute (IMACRI). The

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty 05

stone which marked the establishment of this research centre in 1876
was still preserved in Bogor.

From those infomations, the Colonial Period had contributed some

initial researches on some of the medicinal plants found in Indonesia,
especially in Java. Researches conducted during the Dutch colonial period
were published on the book entitled Formularium Medicamentarium
Soloensis which consisted of formulation of natural herbs useful for
treatment of many kinds of diseases generally suffered by people at that time.

During the time of Japanese invasion and physical revolution, modern

medicines were at its highest price and it was very difficult to get them. Finally,
doctors were initiating to try some treatment from medicinal plants. This was
probably the first record of the use of herbs by medical doctors for curing
some illnesses in Indonesia.

1.7. Commercial production

The first record of commercial production of jamu was made by Jamu

Iboe in 1910, followed, by Nyonya Meneer in 1913, Jamu Djago in 1918, Sido
Muncul in 1940 , Air Mancur in 1963, Martina Berto 1970 and Mustika Ratu in
1975. Their products were made for various purposes like after birthcare,
beauty maintenance, cure of illnesses and relaxation. Therefore, jamu
making companies remain very active there times. Jamu products are still in
demand nowadays.

1.8. Seminars

The first seminar on jamu was organized at Solo in 1940 and followed
by the formation of Indonesian Committee on Jamu in 1944. A seminar was
conducted again in 1966, and in 1981, the book entitled The Use of Medical
Plants was published.

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty 06

Apart from that, several institues dealing with medicinal plants have
been established since more than 50 years ago as well as the stablishment of
National Working Group and Commitees on Indonesian Medicinal Plants.
Since that time, numeros scientific meetings have been organized both at
national or international level.

Concluding remarks

That informations given above clearly indicate that jamu has been part
of Indonesian culture which was inherited from our ancestors since ancient
times. Although Jamu was originated from Java, the practice of medication
using herb have been practiced by many other ethnics around Indonesia.
About 45 % of Indonesian inhabitants depended on Jamu for their health
maintenance. Drinking Jamu has become the habit of many Indonesian, even
from the childhood.

With the incerase of global awareness on natural products, jamu has

developed into industries and adjusted themselves to the consumer's
preferences and health regulation. Various kinds of products such as for inner
and outer-beauty treatment, health maintenance and also to curing some
illnesses have been produced and sold at both domestic and international
market. Now, Jamu has been well-known all over the world as the brand for
Indonesian natural products for health, beauty-care and relaxation.

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty 07

Chapter II


Plants utilization to curing various kinds of diseases has been widely

known all over the world. Improvement of some science disciplines like
chemistry, phytochemistry and pharmacology in the 19th century has opened
wider opportunities of nature based medication development. Modern day
living brings new development in any field which promote compfort and
satisfaction to the majority. On the contrary, the rise of infectious and
communicable diseases are unavoidable. These new diseases include HIV
and some degenerative disease like coronary disease, kidney, liver, high
blood pressure, urinary tract, cancer etc. Need long term simultaneous
treatment. The long term use of modern medicines for those mentioned
diseases, doesn't seem to be very effective. These kind of medications are
usually very expensive These for most of the society members, Hence, the
use of alternative medication using natural herbs is getting more popular

Plants were formerly known as the raw material for medicinal

purposes. However, the trend has changed. Herbal plants are no longer used
only for medicines. Nowadays, it also used as health food (Nutraceuticals),
traditional medicines, diet supplement, food ingredients, perfumary,
fragrance, cosmetic, beauty treatment (Cosmeceuticals), coloring, detergent,
bio-pesticide, personal care and toiletteries. Development of plants as herb
and medicinal industry based product material with high market oriented
commercial value has been widely researched and improved. This
opportunity and potency will be further developed to make the country's
natural resource as the pillar for the world prosperity.

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty 08

2.1. Bio-diversity Potencies of Indonesia supports Bio-
pharmaceutical Industry

Indonesia is a home with a rich assemblage of biodiversity and known

as one of the world's center of animal, microbes and plant biodiversity. The
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) ranks the country as
second in the world in terms of species diversity and endemism. From such
large biodiversity, it is reported that 10 % of the world flowering plant species,
12 % of mammals (515 species, 39 % are endemics), 16 % of reptiles (511
species, 30 % are endemics) and 210 species of amphibians 40 % are
endemics, 17 % of birds (1531 species, 20 % are endemics), 25 % of fish, and
15 % of insects, microbes, fungi, algae and lichens are found in Indonesia.
Among those, 350 000 species are animals and 10 000 species of microbes
live in our ecosystems, one million out of 6 million insects in the world, 7000
species from 19 000 species of fish, 1 600 from 9 200 bird species, 12 000
fungi from 100 000, 1 500 from 11 300 ferns species, 100 gymnosperms from
530 and 300 species for bacteria and algae.

In terms of plant diversity, Indonesia possesses about 40 000 species,

55 % are endemics among which 7500 species are recognized as medicinal
plants. Unfortunately, not all of them are well known, nor their potential are
explored. About 1 845 medicinal plant species have been inventoried from
several forests formations derived from 203 family, 940 species have been
identified, but only 283 species are routinely used in jamu industries which are
registered to NAF-DC and 250 species are directly harvested from forests.

Indonesia a is also a home for 370 ethnics who live in the nearby forest
all over Indonesia. Each of them possesses their own local wisdom to utilize
plants around them for health and beauty maintenance. By trial and error, our
ancestors were able to distinguish herbal from poisonous plants. They even
combined and formulated them by various processing ways to gain optimum

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty 09

result. This made the herbal plants as a part of culture and has been
inherited by the new generation as a valuable heritage.

These knowledges have been vastly developed over the years so that
they become an industry of traditional medicine which are known as jamu and
natural cosmetics

By experiences, many species of herbal and medicinal plants have

been identified and proved to have good prospects to be developed as jamu
and traditional cosmetic products. They are described below.
1. Immunomodulator
Processed food, air pollution and bad living condition may trigger the
development of free radicals that lead to immuno deficiency. Many
medicinal plants are reported to having immunomodulatory properties.
Phyllanthus niruri L (seaside laurel), Aloe vera, Andrographis paniculata
(creet), Curcuma xanthorrhiza (java turmeric) are some of the plants
effective as immunomodulator.
2. Anti-inflammation
Some plants that have anti inflammation effect are turmeric, lempuyang
(wild ginger), beetle leaf, Indian alangal, ginger, languas galanga, etc.
3. Anti-degenerative
Unhealthy life-style increases the prevalence of degenerative disease
like hypertension, diabetes, heart, and liver diseases etc. Some of
plants that can prevent them and even can cure them are creet (king of
biter), javanonny, Java turmeric, turmeric, asiatic pennyworth,
Javanonny, Tinospora and bastard chedar.
4. Anti-parasite
Unhealthy life patterns and bad living environment of most of people
bring negative health impact. Filaria disease that commonly infect
people are caused by worm like Brugia malayi, B. timori and Wucheria
bancrofti. Some plants that are useful for the treatment of these

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty 10

diseases are Leucena leucocephala (white lide), Tinospora, Creet,
black turmeric (temu ireng), Rangoon creeper, etc.
5. Anti-infection
Infectious disease caused by pathogenic spores like Candida albicans,
Trichopyton mentagrophytes, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas
aeruginosa and Microsporum canis are commonly suffered by people in
developing countries. For this reason, there is a need to develop new
medicine with anti-infection effect. Some plants that are identified to
have anti-infection effect are beetle leaf, seaside laurel, beluntas (Indian
fleabane), and languas galanga, Tabat barito (Ficus deltoidea).
6. Anti-virus
Virus is related to many infectious diseases, such as
immunosuppressive disease like HIV, hepatitis and cancer. There are
plenty of plants that have anti-viral properties. Some of them are creet
(king of bitter), seaside laurel (meniran), pasak bumi (Eurycoma
longifolia Jack), beluntas (Indian fleabane), guava (Psidium guajava)
7. Anti-cholesterol
Obesitiy is one of the main causes of heart attack, high blood pressure,
diabetes, etc. Research conducted on various plants has shown that
creet,turmeric ,java turmeric and bartar chedar (Guazuma ulmifolia)
contain bioactive components with high resistance on fat synthesis and
cholesterol. Bioactive components include creet, turmeric and java
8. Anti-oxidant
Processed food and air pollution can cause formulation of free radicals
inside our body that may trigger early aging transformation and even
cancer. Some of plants have been good anti-oxidant with has a lot of
usage like anti aging, anti tumor, etc. They are turmeric, Asiatic
pennyworth, javanonny , languas galanga, Eugenia polyantha (salam),
tea and Piper cubeba (cubeb).

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty 11

9. Anti-cancer
There are a lot of plants that have been widely known and utilized as anti
cancer. There are zedoary (temu putih), Gynura pseudochina (china
root), Phaleria fruit, Coleus leaf, rumput mutiara, Solanum nigrum,
Asiatic pennyworth, Seaside laurel, Typhonium flagelliforme (keladi
tikus), Javanonny, garlic, etc.
10. Cosmetics
Having a fine smooth and white complexion has become the newest
trend of beauty. Many ways have been done to get whiter skin. Some
plants that can whiten the skin are Yam bean (bengkuang), Indian
galanga (kencur), Jasmine, Murayya and cashew leaf .
11. Functional food and beverage
To improve herbal product market, various herbal products have been
developed not only for medicine and cosmetic, but also for health food.
This food can be found easily in market in the forms of nutritious
beverages (such as Java turmeric, sweet sour turmeric (Kunyit asam),
Asiatic pennyworth (Pegagan), Sari Pace Madu, beras kencur, instant
drinks, candies, etc.

2.2. Some major material for jamu and natural cosmetics industries in

The use of jamu has been rooted in Indonesian culture. As what has
been mentioned in the previous chapter, Indonesia is one of the richest
countries after Brazil in bio-diversity. For about 30.000 species to 40.000
species of floras in the world grow in Indonesia. Of this figure, 26% of them or
7500 species has been cultivated and 940 species among those have been
developed as a material for jamu and natural cosmetics.

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty 12

The demand of jamu and natural cosmetics are growing each year in
line with the increasing number of people who get conscious on healthy living
using natural products.

With the increasing demand of jamu and natural cosmetics, the

businesses of jamu or natural cosmetics are also expanding. Therefoer, this
has lead to an increasing demand of raw materials needed by the

Some of the species that have been cultivated and developed as

materials for jamu and natural cosmetics industries are java turmeric, ginger,
turmeric, Indian galanga and wild ginger (lempuyang).

Aside from those species, some other herbal plant species that are
also used as important material for jamu and natural cosmetics industries are
Phaleria fruit, Asiatic pennyworth, creet, zedoary, Elephan foot (tapak liman)
and others.

Briefly, below are the general descriptions, effectiveness and

production centers of plant materials used by jamu and natural cosmetics
industries :

1) Java Turmeric/Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.)

Java turmeric belongs to the

Zingiberaceae family. The java turmeric
rhizomes have long been used in jamu. There
are more than 40 health claims of java
turmeric rhizomes in Indonesia. The
rhizomes skin is dark brown in color with
yellow flesh, with aromatic and bitter taste.

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty 13

The rhizomes has been widely used as decoction (boiled jamu) to cure
some diseases. Aside from being used usage as jamu or traditional medicine,
Java turmeric extract (sari) can be used as an ingredient for traditional cake
and beverage as well as natural coloring for food and cosmetics.

Java turmeric contains some chemical compounds such as

fellandrean and turmerol, essential oil, camfer, glucose, and foluymetik
karbinol. The rhizome contains 2-3 % of curcumin that is used as acnevulgaris
(anti bacteria) aside from being anti-inflammation and anti hyphotoxic (anti
gal toxic).

3-12% of volatile oil in the rhizome is believed to be effective in

improving kidney performance as well as anti inflammation. On the other
hand, java turmeric also contains 48-49,64% flour essence and 29-30%
protein essence.

Some other benefits of java turmeric are anti acne, anti cholesterol,
and anti cancer. It is also a good medicine to improve appetite, spleen
treatment, kidney treatment, coroner heart, stroke, rheumatic, asthma,
headache, stomachache, and lactagoge (increase production of mother's
breast milk).

The trend of the expansion of harvest area and java turmeric production
has been increasing in the period of 2001-2006, which is followed by a
noticeable improvement in productivity.

Chart 1.1
Harvest area and production of java turmeric of Indonesia in 2001-2006
Year 2004 Year 2005
16.666.504 82.107.401
Year 2003

Year 2002

Year 2001
Year 2006

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty 14

Java turmeric is the most common used plant in jamu ingredients.
Cultivation area of java turmeric can be found in many parts of Indonesia, but
the main production centers are in Central Java, Yogyakarta, East Java, West
Java, Banten and Riau.

2) Ginger/Jahe (Zingiber officinale Rosc.)

Ginger belongs to the Zingiberaceae

family. Ginger roots (rhizomes) have been
used in jamu and is believed that it can cure
many diseases. Furthermore, ginger
rhizomes have been utilized also as
ingredients in many other valuable products
such as in traditional instant drink,
pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food and
beverages and essential oil industries.

There are 3 ginger varieties based on rhizomes size, shape and color,
i.e, big white ginger locally known as Gajah ginger, small white ginger locally
known as Emprit ginger, and red ginger or Sunti ginger.

Big white and small white ginger has brownish white skin color with
yellowish white flesh. Whereas the red ginger has a red skin color with whitish
flesh. Ginger rhizomes root contains 2-4% volatile oil which consists of
zingiberin, kamfena, limonene, borneol, sineol, zingiberal, linalool, geraniol,
kavikol, zingiberen, zingiberol, gingerol, shogaol, dammar oil, essence,
organic citrate, malat citrate, oksalat citrate and gingerin.

Pharmacologically, ginger rhizomes is good for carminative, anti

vomit, muscle stiff, anti blood coagulation, sweat molt, anti inflammation, anti
microbe and parasite, anti pyretic, anti rheumatic, and stimulator of stomach
gum and gal gum production.

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty 15

Ginger is one of the six most used plants in jamu industries. Harvest
area and production number of ginger has shown a decreasing trend in the
year of 2001-2006, but on the other hand the productivity has increased.

Chart 1.2.
Harvest area and production of Ginger of Indonesia in 2001-2006

Year 2002
Year 2001 118.496.381
Year 2003

Year 2006 Year 2004

177.137.949 Year 2005 104.788.634

Cultivation area of ginger can be found in many parts of Indonesia, but

the main ginger production is in Central Java, Yogyakarta, East Java, West
Java, Banten, North Sulawesi and West Kalimantan.

3) Turmeric/Kunyit (Curcuma longa L.)

Tu r m e r i c a l s o b e l o n g s t o t h e
Zingiberaceae family. Its rhizomes have been
used in jamu and is believed to cure many
kinds of illnesses. It is also as natural color and
raw material for cosmetics.

Turmeric rhizomes is similar to java

turmeric except that it is bitter, hot and contains
more curcumin. Turmeric rhizomes skin is light
orange in color with bright orange flesh.

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty 16

Turmeric has been used in jamu for healing wounds after birthcare,
refreshment, blood cleanser, irritation treatment, and to reduce muscle
stiffness. Other important benefit of turmeric is as spice used in many cooking
recipes. It is also used inas an for antibiotic used in preventing diseases in
animal husbandry.

Turmeric contains pharmacological active components such as

volatile oil (fellendrene, sabinene, sineol, and zingiberen) and curcumiroid
(curcumin and its yellow color derivative comprising of desmetoxicurcumin
and bisdemetoxicurcumin).

Pharmacologically, turmeric is effective as anti inflammation, anti

microbe, anti cancer, anti tumor. In addition, it can be a good cure to reduce
cholesterol and fat, and blood cleanser.

To fulfill the demands of jamu and cosmetic industries, the harvest

area has increased in the recent years. The trend of the expansion of harvest
area and turmeric production has been increasing in the period of 2001-2006,
which is followed by a remarkable improvement in productivity.

Chart 1.3
Harvest area and production of Turmeric of Indonesia in 2001-2006

Year 2004 Year 2005

40.467.232 35.478.405
Year 2003

Year 2002

Year 2001 Year 2006

27.195.183 112.897.776

Cultivation area can be found in many places, but the main center of
production is in Central Java, Yogyakarta, East Java, West Java, Banten and
North Sumatra.

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty 17

4) Indian galanga/Kencur (Kaemferia galanga Linn)

Indian galanga also belongs to of the Zingiberaceae family. Kencur is a

small sized rhizome.

Part of Indian galanga that is

commonly used in jamu is rhizomes. The
rhizomes have shiny dark brown skin with
white flesh inside. It contains 2.5 7% volatile
oil which consists of borneo, meta-p-
cumarate citrate, ethyl cinamate, ethyl-p-
metoxy cinamate, p-metoksi cinamate
citrate, cinamate ethyl ester citrate, perita
decane, cinamat aldehyde and cafena.
Aside from those concentrates of rhizomes
contains narcotic effect that causes

Indian galanga rhizomes have been used in medications. It is effective

as analgesic, carminative, and expectorant. Generally the rhizomes are used
as puff of air molt, mucus/sniffles molt, diuretic, anti dandruff, blood pressure,
asthma, headache, stomach supporter, cough appetizer, fever and malaria,
body warmer, bone fraction, diarrhea, tetanus, stomach ache, toothache, eye
irritation, etc.

Chart 1.4
Harvest area and production of Kencur of Indonesia in 2001-2006
Year 2004
22.609.057 Year 2005
Year 2003 1.348.438

Year 2002
Year 2006
Year 2001

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty 18

Indian galanga is one of the most useful plants in jamu industries. The
harvest area of this plant can be found mainly in Java Island, particularly
Central Java, Yogyakarta, East Java, and West Java.

5) Aromatic wilg ginger/Lempuyang wangi (Zingiber aromaticum Val.)

Lempuyang wangi also belongs to the Zaingiberaceae family. This

rhizome taste bitter, fibrous and has and aromatic effect.

Lempuyang contains volatile oil, zerumbon, koriofiler, kanfer, siniol,

humuler, limonene, resin and sugar.

Lempuyang is effective for stomachache, breathing problem, severe

cough, worm molt, gall pebble molt, stiffness colon irritation, cholera, malaria
and rheumatism. It increases appetite and serves as iron supplement.

Chart 1.5
Harvest area, and production of Lempuyang of Indonesia in 2001-2006

Year 2004
Year 2003 6.025.358
Year 2005

Year 2002
Year 2006
Year 2001

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty 19

6) Mahkota Dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff) Boerl.)

Mahkota Dewa belongs to the

Thymelaeceae family. It is a perennial shrub . Its
height is about 1.5-2.5 m. Mahkota Dewa leaf is
the most commonly used for treating illnesses.
Its leaf is reported to be effective in incerasing
libido, and curing, dysentery, allergy and tumor.

Mahkota Dewa can be easily identified

through its fruit. The fruit consists of skin, flesh,
sheel and seed. It has a round shape. It varies in
sizes and shapes from orbicular to apple size.
The skin colour is bright red.

Mahkota Dewa fruit is utilized as

alternative medicines to cure cancer, diabetes,
nerve pain, kidney, disorder, liver dysfunction and skin diseases. It also helps
reduce cholesterol level, stimulates stamina and is used anti narcotics.

The leaf and the skin of mahkota dewa contain alkaloid, saponin and
flavonoid. Furthermore, the leaf contains polifenol. Dr. Regina Sumastuti, a
pharmacologist from University of Gadjah Mada has proven that mahkota
dewa has an antihistamin essence. This could be considered as an anti
allergy. With this result, mahkota dewa is scientifically able to cure various
allergies caused by histamine such as skin disease, irritation, sniffles, and
breathing difficulties.

Dr. Regina has conducted a research which also proves that mahkota
dewa can have a similar role as oxytosin and sintosinon. They could stimulate
uterine muscle performance to ease birth process. Another research found
that mahkota dewa fruit is an antioxidant and anticancer.

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty 20

7) Daun Dewa (Gynura segetum (Lour.) Merr.)

Daun Dewa belongs to Asteraceae

family. All plant parts can be used as herbal
medicine. Daun dewa contains alkaloid,
saponin, flavonoida, volatile oil, and tannin.
Saponin and alkaloid have antioxidant

Daun dewa leaf and tuber are useful

for eliminating toxic elements, preventing
cancer, and treating body system irritation. Its
tuber contains the greatest valuable active

8) Creet/king of bitter/Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata (Burm.f)


Creet belongs to the Acanthaceae. All of

its parts can be used as herbal medicines.

Sambiloto leaf contains volatile oil which

is a good anti irritation agent. It also contains
bitter taste of active compound andrographolide
alkaloid and kalium. This plant has been shown
to be effective as antiplatelet aggregates that can
prevent blood coagulation. High concentration of
kalium is good as diuretic. It helps water and salt
secretion to help reduce blood pressure.

It is also effective an anti pyretic, anti

toxic, and anti inflammation. This plant helps destroy trophocyt and
trophoblast cells and helps tumor cells' pyknosis cytoplasm condensation to
terminate cell nuclei. This herb is effective to cure infection and stimulating

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty 21

phagocytosis. When this herb is consumed, the bitter and cold feeling will
directly enter the heart and lungs. It can increase cellular body immunity
and glands activity.

9) Asiatic pennyworth/Pegagan (Centella asiatica)

Asiatic pennyworth belongs to

the Apicaceae family. This herb is in
many jamu formulae. All parts of
pegagan can be used as herbal
medicines. The taste of pegagan is
slightly bitter and fresh.

Asiatic pennyworth contains

saponin, alkaloid, flavonoid, tannin,
steroid, triterpenoid and glycosides.
Active principles found in asiatic pennyworth is asiaticoside, asiatic acid,
madecasic acid, madecassoside, sitosterol, stigmasterol, vallerin,
brahmoside, brahminoside etc. One hundred grams of asiatic pennyworth
contains 34 calori, 8.3 g water, 1.6 g protein, 0.6 g lipid, 6.9 g carbohydrat, 1.6
g ash, 170 mg calsium, 30 mg Phosphor, 3.1 mg Fe, 414 mg Kalium, 6580 ug
betacaroten, 0.15 mg thyamin, 0.14 mg riboflavin, 1.2 mg niacin, 4 mg
ascorbat, and 2.0 g fibre.

Biological activitiy tests indicated that Asiatic pennyworth is effective

as anti infection, anti toxic and anti pyretic. Its leaf can be used as astringent
and toner. Pegagan is well known of its ability to revitalize exhausted body,
women fertility. In addition it is good for circulation and revitalization of blood

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty 22

10) Zedoary/Temu Putih (Curcuma zaedoaria, L.)

Temu putih root has bitter, hot and

warm aromatic taste. It is one of medicinal
plants that promote blood health and
remove excess cholesterol. It is useful for
revitalizing energy and effective pain killer.

Temu putih has been widely used

empirically in Indonesia for treating of many
kinds of cancer. Researches indicated zedoary can cancer cells by 78-86%.
Curcuminoid and flavonoid serve as antioxidant that protects our body from
cell destruction. Empirically temu putih has been used to increase libido,
promote blood circulation, and boost appetite. It maintains the proper
functioning of our respiratory and digestive systems. Furthermore, it cures
worm infection, hemorrhoid, epilepsy, wounds and fever.

11) Java nonny/Indian mlberry/Mengkudu/Pace (Morinda citrifolia L.)

Mengkudu is an Indonesian wild plant that

grows on lowland to upland with height of 1000 m
above sea level. Mengkudu has shiny oval, thick
and wide leaf. Its fruit is yellow green. When the
fruit ripens, the it turns to dark yellow and secretes
a bad smell.

Mengkudu contains some acethylester from

Capron and capril citrate, morin-dadiol, and
soranydiol. Acetil ester can be used as an
antibacterial .

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty 23

Mengkudu is used as jamu ingredient to cure influenza, sore throat,
gum irritation, worms, dysmenorrhea, hip or waist pain and bruises. It aids in
the prevention of diabetes mellitus and serves as anti narcotics. As an anti
cancer agent, the application of javanonny extract on cancer cell lines prevent
the growth of cancer cells.

12) Daun Salam (Syzgium polyathum (Weight.) Walp.)

Salam grows wildly in forests in

mountainous areas or in the backyard of
our homes. It is a perennial tree that grows
as high as 25 m. It has dense oval leaves
with sharp point. Salam leaf produces
aroma when it is squeezed. Its flowers are
white and have good smell. Salam has a
very small fruit with astringent taste, green
when young and turned red when mature.
Its parts are used in medication.

Salam leaf contains chemical components such as 90.05% volatile oil

which consists of sitral, eugenol, tannin, and flavonoide. It tastes rather stiff
and aromatic. Empirically salam leaf has been used as antioxidants and anti
diabetes. It lower high blood pressure and cures diarrhea.

13) Kapulaga ( Amomum cardamomum Willd. )

Kapulaga is one of medical herbs

with 1-2.5 m height, lanset shaped leaf
(semi pointed leaf edge), circled rhizome
with red-white colored meat, copsed flower,
and green-red colored wood base.

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty 24

Chemical essence contained in kapulaga such as atsiri oil, cineol,
borneol and champor are useful for stomach ache, cough, breathing problem,
stomach irritation and rheumatism. It increases one's appetite and is very
useful for pregnant woment.

14) Kumis Kucing (Orthosiphon aristatus BI.)

Kumis kucing an of herbal plants

which grows of 1-2 m tall, It has square block
branches, green violet color, alternative oval
shape leaves. Its has terminaled flower
shaped with bunch opening from branches'
peak, flower bunches height is between 7 to
29 cm, small sized flower with white or violet
white color, top of its crown covered by violet
short hair.

Kumis kucing contains kalium salt,

saponin, sapofonin, alkaloid, atsiri oil,
arthosiponin glucoside, tanin, organic acid, glicolic. It is useful for madical
herb especially for diabetes, kidney trouble, stiff muscle, and cough.

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty 25

Chapter III


Indonesia is formerly known as Spice Island Country for producing

spices the world since for many centuries.

Maluku (one of the province in Eastern Indonesia) is famous of cloves

and nutmegs, Lampung and Bangka Belitung for pepper, West Sumatera for
cinnamon, and Bali and Lampung for vanilla. Spices are generally used for
food ingredient, food and beverage industry materials, modern and traditional
medicines (jamu), cosmetics and cigarettes.

The knowledge of jamu is inherited from Indonesia ancestors.

Document of jamu that remains can be traced backed to the period when
Rumphius, a botanical expert of around the year of 1775, wrote in his book
Herbaria Amboinesis. In addition, research on jamu conducted by Bogor
Botanical Garden research center was published in a book of Medical Book
for Children and Adults by E. Van Bent. The book contains medication
method using natural herbs.

In the Dutch colonial period, Yacobus Bontius published a work titled

Histiria Naturalist et Medica Indiae in the year of 1627 which contains 60
paintings of Indonesia's medicinal plants together with their descriptions and

Then, in 1628-1702, Gregorius Rumphius who stayed in Maluku

conducted investigations on Maluku's flora and fauna. His works were
manifested in the Amboinish Kruidboek and Herbarium Amboinense.

First seminar on jamu was organized at Solo in 1940 and followed by

the formation of Indonesian Committee on Jamu in 1944. Seminar on jamu

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty 26

was conducted again in 1966, and in 1981, a book entitled The Use of
Medical Plants was published.

The Colonial Period had contributed some initial researches on the

variety of medicinal plants. Furthermore it resulted on the knowledge that
some varieties that have therapeutics value such as jave tea (Orthosiphon
aristatus), java turmeric (C. xanthorrhiza), turmeric and Alstonia scholaris
(babakan pule), etc.

In the time of Japanese invasion and physical revolution, modern

medicines were at its highest price and it was very difficult to get them. Finally,
doctors were initiating to try some treatment from medicinal plants.

The habit of using natural herbs for various purposes existed since the
ancient kingdoms era. There were even recipes specially made for beauty
treatment, health maintenance and to cure some illnesses. At that time, those
recipes were strictly kept as secret, but the pieces of infomation were passed
onto their successors.

Results from researches conducted during the Dutch colonial period,

the book titled Formularium Medicametarium Soloensis was published. It
contains formulation of natural herbs useful for treatment of many kinds of
diseases generally suffered by people at that time.

The utilization of natural medicine started since a long time ago. It is

known as Jamu or Traditional Jamu, used for both health and beauty
maintenance. The trends of using jamu, has increased lately. This is
supported by the development science and technology, especially in
extraction and formulation techniques, as well as enormous support for
improving quality, safety and efficacy studies and research of the advantages
of natural herbs and natural cosmetics.

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty 27

3.1. The Jamu Industry

In accordance to Indonesia Health Minister Decree No.

246/MenKes/Per/V/1990 regarding Traditional Medicine Industry
Authorization and Traditional Medicine Products Registration, traditional
medicine industry is divided into several categories .

(1). Large/Middle Scale Industry

Industry which is able to produce traditional medicines with total
assets of above Rp. 600.000.000,-, excluding land and building, and
employed more than 100 persons. Example are Jamu Air Mancur,
Sido Muncul, Jamu Jago, Nyonya Meneer, Mustika Ratu, Martina
Berto, etc.

(2). Small Scale Industry

Industry which is able to produce traditional medicines with total
assets below Rp. 600.000.000,-, excluding land and building.

(3). Self Formulating Blended Jamu Entrepreneurship

Work of preparing, mixing, formulating or processing of small scale
traditional medicines in the form of sliced herbs, flour, liquid, pills,
tablets or parem and sold in a place without trade brand.

(4). Back Carried Jamu.

Work of preparing, mixing, formulating or processing of small scale
traditional medicines in the form of liquid, pills or parem and sold
directly to consumers without marks or trade brand.

The number of Indonesia middle/large scale industries in the year of

2000 had reached 78. It increased in 2006 and became 81. On the other
hand, the number of small scale industries in 2000 is 608, and it increased
in 2006 up to 743.

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty 28

3.2. Jamu Trade Development

Indonesia has relatively high market potencies for Jamu. It can be

seen in the increasing medicinal plant material demands both nationally or
internationally; constant increase of natural medicine industries growth;
increase number of communities medicinal plant consumption; and a
balanced supply and demand of medicinal plant materials.

Leading medicinal plants commodities are the ones with high

economic value, big market opportunity, high production potency, and
possible to be developed technologically. Demands on these commodities
have been increasing constantly in line with the changes of consumer
tendencies from chemical drug to natural medicines. These changes may be
due to the eincrease of consumers awareness on the harmful side effects of
synthetic medicines.

Indonesia has a great opportunity of natural and traditional medicine

development. The indicators of this opportunity can be found on the present
situation of small market share of natural medicines which give opportunities
to develop this market. Other indicators can be seen from the number of
Indonesian people consuming natural products, the change in lifestyle to
back to nature pattern and then efforts to preserve our ancentors heritage.

National bio-pharmacy market potencies

Local bio-pharmacy demands have been growing inline with the

increasing number of jamu, pharmacy and cosmetic industries. This number
of industries and varieties of their products, supported by the specific ecology
and topography in each province in Indonesia, keeps rising every year.

Nearly all varieties of bio-pharmacy are essential for Indonesia

traditional medicine industries as material to produce jamu/traditional

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty 29

medicine. However, there are some of those varieties needed in large amount
by industries such as ginger (Zingiber officinale Roxb.) with the requirement
to reach about 5000 tons per year. Table 2.1 below showed the detailed

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty 30

Table 2.1. Indonesia Jamu Industries demand on various medicinal plants

No. Commodities Demand/year Industries/Producers

1 Ginger 5000 ton All industries
(Zingiber officinale Roxb.) Sidomuncul : 15 ton/month
Air Mancur : 15 ton/month
Temu Kencono : 10-12 ton/month
Indotraco : 40 ton/month
2 Kapulaga 3000 ton All Industries
(Ammomum cardamomum Sidomuncul : 10 ton/month
Auct.) Nyonya Meneer : 10 ton/Month
Indotraco : 20 ton/month
3 Java turmeric 3000 ton All industries
(Curcuma xanthorrhiza
4 Fennel 2000 ton All industries
(Foeniculum vulgare Mill.)
5 Indian galanga 2000 ton All industries
(Kaemferia galanga L.) Sidomuncul : 7-8 ton/month
Temu Kencono : 5-8 ton/month
Indotraco : 200-300 ton/month
Herba Agronusa : 40 ton/year
6 Turmeric 3000 rhizomes ton All industries
(Curcuma domestica Val) (symplicia) Sidomuncul : 6 dry ton/month and 5
1500 fresh rhizomes wet ton/day
7 Bangle 300 ton Sidomuncul : 5-7 ton/month
(Zingiber purpureum Roxb.) Air Mancur : 2-3 ton/month

8 Jati Belanda 300 ton Indofarma : 8-12 ton/month

(Guazuma ulmifolia L.) Sidomuncul : 2-3 ton/month
9 Lempuyang 200 ton Sidomuncul : 15 ton/month
(Zingiber zerumbet R.)
10 Daun Sembung 100 ton Sidomuncul : 2-3 ton/month

11 Daun Sendok 100 ton Sidomuncul : 2-3 ton/month

(Plantago major)
12 Pegagan 100 ton Sidomuncul : 2-3 ton/month
(Centella asiatica L. Urban)
13 Daun Tempuyung 70 ton Sidomuncul : 2-3 ton/moth
(Sonchus arvensis) Dayang Sumbi : 1-5 ton/year

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty 31

No. Commodities Demand/year Industries/Producers
14 Clove 50 ton Sidomuncul : 3-4 ton/month
(Syzygium aromaticum L.
Merr. et. Per.)
15 Greges Otot 50 ton Sidomuncul : 2-3 ton/month
16 Sauropus androgynus 50 ton Indofarma : 1 ton/month
17 Kunci pepet 30 ton All industries
(Boesenbergia pandurata
18 Purple Leaf 30 ton Sidomuncul : 1-2 ton/month
(Graptophyllum pictum (L) Indofarma : 1-2 ton/month
19 Sidowayah 30 ton Sidomuncul : 2-3 ton/month
20 Tapak Liman/Elephan foot 25 ton Sidomuncul : 2-3 ton/month
(Elephantopus scaber)
21 Kumis Kucing Java tea 20 ton Jamu Jenggot : 200 kg/month
(Orthosipphon aristatus) Dayang Sumbi : 5-10 ton/year
Sidomuncul : 200 kg/month
22 Kayu Angin/Rasuk Angin 15 ton All industries
(Usnea missaminensis)
23 Waron 10 ton All industries
24 Kemuning Leaf 10 ton All industries
(Murraya paniculata Jack.)
25 Kayu Secang 3-4 ton All industries
(Caesalpinia sappan)

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty 32

International bio-pharmacy market potencies

Indonesia is well known as the second greatest biodiversified country

with 30 000 flowering plant species, 7000 of which are medicinal plants. Aside
from that, Indonesia also have rich local ethnics with traditional knowledge in
utilizing plants for health and beauty maintenance. Its biodivesity and local
knowledge are invaluable national assets which are needed to be explored
and exploited for the prosperity of the country.

Phenomenon back to nature has increased attention globally to

consume natural products so that the demand on food, drinks, medicines
increase tremendously. The world market for natural products in year 2000
reached US$ 43 billion and increased to US$ 68.6 M billion in 2004. Indonesia
has prospect and potential to become global player in natural products such
as jamu and natural cosmetics.

Based on Corinthian Infopharma Corpora (CIC) in the year 2000,

traditional medicine consumption (jamu) is increasing with growth average
5.4% per year. Consumption of traditional medicinal plant in Indonesia is
believed to keep increasing, with regard that Indonesian tradition and culture
are strong in the the usage of jamu as treatment (curative), physical health
maintenance, preventive action and physical condition rehabilitation. The
increasing of jamu consumption comes from people alteration tendencies to
get back to nature alternative medication for the reason that it would have less
side effects compared to synthetic ones. Agency for Drug and Food
Inspection (2001) stated that the national and global consumption of
traditional medicine will continue to increase. Some of jamu materials and
products also have become reliable export commodities to boost up national

Medicinal plant export data based on export target country shows that
Hongkong is the main target market of Indonesia commodities in medicinal
plant considering its highest import value from Indonesia, even if the number

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty 33

fluctuates each year. Indonesia export average to Hongkong can reach 730
ton medicinal plants each year which worth USD 647 thousand. Germany is
the third largest export target with average export value per year reaches 155
ton similar to USD 112.4 thousand. Other export targets are Taiwan, Japan,
Republic of Korea, and Malaysia. Based on CIC (2000), global consumption
and export of these commodities are increasing around 20.96% per year,
similar to USD 5.34 million.

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty 34

Chapter IV


4.1. Research and Development

Fast development of traditional medicines (jamu) and natural

cosmetics industries in the downstream sector, followed by the enlargement
of upstream sector which provide the industry materials, has been
undoubtedly supported by research and development conducted by
government agencies, universities and industrial sectors. This has brought a
clear encouragement for the development of bio-pharmacy in Indonesia.
Some of the results are development of medicinal plants cultivation to
improve the quality of fresh, safe and environmental friendly products;
technology of industry material preparation; processing technology;
mechanizing industry; and research in the usefulness and usage of various
natural products.

There are various medicinal plants that have been studied such as
kunyit, temulawak, cabe jawa, sambiloto, mengkudu, pegagan, purwoceng,

4.2. Extension and Public Assistances

Indonesian government has pledged a serious effort in giving

assistance to medicinal plants cultivation development and bio-pharmacy
industries. It is shown by the formation of special division that handles
medicinal plants cultivation development in Directorate General of
Horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture. Moreover, Directorate General of
Agricultural Products Processing and Marketing has special sections that
specifically deals with bio-pharmacy products processing and marketing as
well as developing organic farming especially for medicinal plants.

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty 35

In developing bio-pharmacy educational assistance system, training
office of medicinal plants has been founded under Agency of Agricultural
Human Resources Development of Ministry of Agriculture.

A special division that particularly deals with bio-pharmacy industry

assistance exists in Ministry of Health and Agency of Food and Drugs

Province and district governments also have formed special units

attached on agriculture service office, health service office, and body that
specially handle assistance to bio-pharmacy development on the field.

4.3. Standardization and Surveillance

In order to protect consumers from false usage of traditional medicines

and cosmetics in Indonesia, as well as to improve industries'
competitiveness, the Indonesia government has implemented national
standardization which is chaired by National Standardization Agency, and
consistent surveillance system conducted by Food and Drugs Surveillance
Agency. National Standardization System including quality management and
food safety is implemented to all production starting from fresh materials
production system until final products of industry. Quality certification system
is implemented in accordance to GAP, GMP, HACCP, ISO-9000 and CODEX

Observation of traditional jamu and cosmetic products, Food and Drugs

Surveillance Agency forms inspection offices which reach districts level in
Indonesia. The coverage of their duty comprises:
a. formulation and socialization of regulation and standard
b. pre-market evaluation of products
c. production and distribution equipment inspection
d. sampling and testing
e. production equipment certification

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty 36

f. material and product certification for export import
g. labeling and commercial information inspection
h. side effects surveillance
i. public warning and KIE authorization, and
j. law enforcement including investigation.

That specially handle assistances of bio-pharmacy development on

the field.

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty 37


The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty 38

A. J A M U

REG. NO. : SD 051 520 381

Package : Bottle Of 30 Caplet
Assisting to increase breast milk

Composition :
Sauropus androgynus
Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B1

Usage :
Assisting to increase breast milk

Dosage and Administration :

1-2 caplets, 3 times daily

Storage :
Store in cool and dry place, protect from light.

Producer :
PT. Kimia Farma Tbk.
Jl. Veteran No. 9,
Jakarta Pusat
Telp. +61-21-384 7709, 348 34261

NO. REG. : TR 981 694 441

Extract of Sonchus arvensis folia. Extract of
Strobilanthus crispus folia.

Action : to help shedding kidney and urinary stone,

and that could improve urinary.

Dosage and direction: Treatment: 30 ml of elixir (one

cup), 3-4 times daily. Prevention and maintenance
dose (after the stones have been pushed out): 30 ml of
elixir (one cup) once a day. It is suggested to drink a lot
of water during treatment.

Producer :
PT. Kimia Farma Tbk.
Jl. Veteran No. 9,
Jakarta Pusat
Telp. +61-21-384 7709, 348 34261

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty


DEPKES RI NO. TR 931367692
Certificate GMP From BPOM/NADCF and
Certificate Halal

Ginseng extracts,Cola Semen extracts, Coptici
fructus extracts, Zingiberis rhizome extracts,
Piperis nigri fructus extracts, Boesenbergiae
rhizome extracts
Package :
Catch Cover content 1 Strip Aluminum foil @ 4
Usage :
Traditionally used for Increases stamina, Strength
for men, Sexual endurance, Satisfaction between
husband and wife
Direction and administration :
Initial dosage in 2-3 weeks :
2 capsules daily, take one in the morning and
one in the evening, 1 hour before meal
Maintenance dosage :
2 capsules daily, 1 hour before meal
Producer :
PT. Air Mancur,
Jl. Raya Solo Sragen Km 7
Palur - Solo, INDONESIA
Telp. +62-271-825 024

(Rice & Galanga Juice)

Composition : Kaempferiae Rhizoma, Saccharum

Coconut, Amylum Oryzae, Tamarindi Pulpa, Water

Action : Helps to treat coughs and hoarseness.

Helps to reduce fatigue

Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty


Action: Biotens is made of extract Ginurae Folium,
Centellae Herb, Garlic, Ortosiphonis Folium and
Apii Folium. Ginurae Folium is mostly known as
daun dewa. It is believed that this extract has an
ability to decrease systolic and diastolic blood
pressure. Centella Herb or pegagan is believed to
be able to fix the circulation and vena blood artery.
The compositions of Biotens are obtained from
natural material. It is scientifically proven by ISO
17025 standardized laboratory that they synergic
activity is able to slowing down blood pressure.
Biotens can be consumed together with other
treatment medicines..
Dosage and Direction of use: Consume 1
capsule three times a day.

PT. Sido Muncul
Jl. Cipete Raya No. 81 Jakarta Selatan,
INDONESIA. Telp. 62-21-7653535

POM TR 043330481

( Antiplaque Clove Mouthwash )
Composition : Purified water, Xylan hemicellulose,
Eugenia caryophyllata Oil, Mentha spicata Oil,
Mentha piperita Oil, Caramel
Action: Againts bacteria causing molded plaque,
bad breath and caries
Direction for use : Pour one capful of the essence.
Rinse mouth for 30 seconds and spit out. Do not

Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty


POM RI No. TR. 032320191

Composition :
Pterocarpi folium, Momordica fructus, Phaseoli

Action: can assist to reduce blood glucose


Dosage and direction: 3 capsules, once daily

after meal

Producer :
PT. Nyonya Meneer
Jl. Raden Patah No. 191 199
Semarang 50128,Indonesia


Composition: Purified water, Xylan hemicellulose,
Piper betle Extract, Mentha spicata Oil, Mentha
piperita Oil, Cl 42090
Action: Protect from bacteriae which cause caries,
bad breath and to maintain healthy teeth
Direction for use : Pour one capful of the essence.
Rinse mouth for 30 seconds and spit out. Do not

Composition : Extract of Piperis Folium and
mineral flouride
Action : Prevents and treats tooth decay and

Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty


Composition: Each 45 ml of liquid contains: Abrus
precatorius folia extract equivalent to dried leaves
powder Piper betle folia extract equivalent to fresh
leaves. Liquiritiae radix extract equivalent to dried
root powder . Mentholum .
Action : To relieve mouth ulcer causes. To prevent
super infection (additional infection). - To make
mouth fresh. To relieve bad breath and pain that
caused by mouth ulcer
Dosage and direction: Adults: 45 ml liquid (=3
tablespoonful @ 15ml) 3 - 4 times daily. Children:
15 ml liquid (=1tablespoonful @ 15 ml) 2 times daily.
Drug should be gargled and swallowed.

PT. Kimia Farma Tbk.

REG. NO: BTR 001 600 071

Ese Mag contains of C.Longa and M. paradisiacal
that are able to neutralize stomach acid and to treat
irritation inside the stomach in order to ease the
pain. Stomach ache can be caused by exceeding
production of stomach acid that effected on irritation
of stomach inner surrounding. This will give a great
pain. EseMag is able helping to heal that irritation.
Action: Maintaining the best condition of
processing and absorbing process of our body.
Dosage and Direction of use: Consume 1
capsule three times a day before / after eating
and sleeping, or under physician direction.

PT. Sido Muncul
Jl. Cipete Raya No. 81 Jakarta Selatan,
Telp. 62-21-7653535

POM TR 052347951

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

POM SD. 021 303 121

Action: Fatraper is good as a supplement to

reduce cholesterol intensity and fat level in the
blood and body, also to reduce body weight.
Furthermore, this product is also good for
stabilizing cholesterol intensity in the blood.
Dosage and Direction of Use:Consume a capsule
three times a day before dinner regularly. Dosage of
blood cholesterol stabilizing: Consume 1 capsule
prior to eating high fat level food. Dosage of weight
reducing:Consume a capsule three times a day
regularly for two months. For best result, it is
encouraged to have regular exercise and keep your
food consuming under 2000 calories a day.

Producer :
PT. Sido Muncul
Jl. Cipete Raya No. 81 Jakarta Selatan,
Telp. 62-21-7653535

( Tamarind Juice )

Composition :Tamarindi Pulpa, Palm Sugar,

Cinnamomi Cortex, Water
Action: Helps to keep the body health and fresh.
Helps to make the body slim and improve digestion

Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

REG. NO. : SD 031 507 681
Package : Bottle Of 30 Caplet

To help improve body immunity

Composition :
Conc. Echinaceae Herba Extract, Conc.Morindae
Fructus Juice, Conc.Phyllanthi Herba Extract,
Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12

Usage :
To help improve body immunity

Dosage And Administration :

2 caplets twice daily

Storage :
Keep in a cool and dry place, protect from light

Producer :
PT. Kimia Farma Tbk.
Jl. Veteran No. 9 Jakarta Pusat
Telp . +62-21-3847709


DEP KES RI NO. TR : 771 217 231

Composition :
Each one sachet contains :
Coriandri fructus, Retrofracti fructus, Colae semen,
Gallae, Curcumae domesticate rhizoma, Zingiberis
rhizoma, Zingiberis aromaticae rhizoma,
Curcumae rhizoma, Zingiberis purpurei rhizoma

Packaging : Sachet @ 7 g
Certificate GMP From BPOM/NADCF and
Certificate Halal from MUI
Usage:Traditionally used for general health and to
improve digestion.
Dosage and administration :
Mix the contents of one sachet with glass (100
ml) of boiling water. Take 3 4 sachet every week. If
necessary one sachet once daily.

PT. Air Mancur,
Jl. Raya Solo Sragen Km. 7
Palur - Solo, Central Java, Indonesia.
Telp. +62-271-825024

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

( Intimacy Care )
Composition : Piperis bettle Folium.
Andrographidis Herba. Plucheae indicae Folium.
Achileae Herba.
Action: Prevents vaginal discharge (Fluorus
Albus). Reduces excess mucus. Reduces
unpleasant odour. Prevents and cures vaginal
Direction for uses : Pour 5 caps of Ginasih into 500
ml warm water
Use it as vaginal wash: during and after
menstruation. post delivery
before and after intercourse for daily hygiene

Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248

Composition : Galian Parem Wangi (Foeniculi Fructus, Alyxiae
Cortex, Coriandri Fructus, Cubebae Fructus, Caryophylli Flos, Myristicae
Semen, Ligusticae Radix, Amomi Fructus, Sintox Cortex, Burmani
Cortex, Baekeae Folium, Isorae Fructus, Usneae Thallus, Pluchae
Folium) Pulih Balung Sumsum (Amylum Oryzae, Kaempferiae
Rhizoma, Curcumae domesticae Rhizoma, Nyctanthi Flos, Parameriae
Cortex, Tamarindi Pulpa, Sauropii Folium, Maranthae Tuber, Curcumae
Rhizoma, Retrofacti Fructus, Maoutiae Folium, Erythrinae Folium)
.Bubuk Bancar Air Susu(Ipomea Herba, Curcumae Rhizoma, Burmani
Cortex, Sauropi Folium .).Tapel Raket Mustika Sejati (Cyperi Rhizoma,
Cubebae Fructus, Alyxiae Cortex, Rhei Radix). Pilis Wangi (Alyxiae
Cortex, Nigellae sativae Semen, Cubebae Fructus, Coriandri Fructus).
Parem Segar Sumyah (Foeniculi Fructus, Alyxiae Cortex, Coriandri
Fructus, Cubebae Fructus). Minyak Kayu Putih (Oleum Eucalypti).
Minyak Telon (Oleum Cocos, Oleum Eucalypti, Oleum Foeniculi).
ACTION : Galian Parem Wangi (Helps increase mother's breast milk
and makes the body fresh) Pulih Balung Sumsum (Maintains mother's
healthy, helps reduce fatigue and makes the body fresh) Bubuk Bancar
Air Susu (Accelerate and increase the volume of mother's breast milk)
Tapel Raket Mustika Sejati (Discherge impure blood from abdomen,
make it small and tighten the muscles) Pilis Wangi (Treatment for your
eyes to make them clean and shining) Parem Segar Sumyah (Take care
of your body to make it healthy and stay young) Minyak Kayu Putih
(Subside stomachache and can be used with tapel raket by adding a
squeeze of lime and a bit of kapur sirih) Minyak Telon (Rub over the
baby's stomach to prevent it from sickness)

Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

Kunyit Asam was first formulized in keraton.
Empirically, kunyit and asam are good for women
period time, skin smoothing, fat lessening,
metabolism and food processing maintaining and
removing bad body odor. Curcuminoid inside
Kunyit Asam has the function of anti oxidant that is
able to protect our body from free radicals.
Action: Removing bad body odor, helping women
period process, maintaining body shape and body
Dosage: Consume a pack everyday or as required.

Producer :
PT. Sido Muncul
Jl. Cipete Raya No. 81 Jakarta Selatan,
Telp. 62-21-7653535

POM TR 001 210011

( Tumeric & Tamarind Juice )

Composition : Curcuma Domesticae Rhizoma,

Tamarindi Pulpa, Zingiberis Rhizoma, Kaempferiae
Rhizoma, Cinnamomi Cortex, Saacharum Coconut,
Fructosa, Water.
Action : Helps to improve blood circulation. Helps
to abate oral ulceration, swollen abdomen and colic.
Helps to maintain healthy digestion system.

Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

Composition : Sonchi Folum. Zingiberis purpurei
Rhizoma. Tamarindi Folium. Guazumae Folium.
Action : Lowers and normalizes cholesterol level.
High cholesterol level will increase the risks of
Arteroschlerosis, which is the thickening and
weakening of the artery walls, one of the causes of
coronary heart disease.
Direction to use : Drink Regularly 3 times a day.
Put tea bag in a cup of boiling water, for faster result
and colour, dip tea bag a couple of times in the cup.

Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248


POM TR 033 329 721
Certificate: Halal, POM TR, HACCP, Irradiation
Phaleria macrocarpa extract, Amylum
30 capsules @385 mg in plastic bottle and carton
Traditionally being used in tumor treatment.
Dosage and administration:
Prevention : orally taken, one capsule once
Treatment : orally taken, one capsule three
times a day

Producer :
PT. Mahkotadewa Indonesia
Jl. Gaharu AA1, Nyiur Melambai II
Koja, Jakarta 14230 - Indonesia

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty


POM TR 053 353 681
Certificate : Halal, POM TR, HACCP, Irradiation
Composition :
- Phaleria macrocarpa Pericarpium
- Gynura procumbens Herba
- Curcumae zedoaria Rhizoma
- Curcumae alba Rhizoma
- Curcumae Rhizoma
- Cantellae Herba
Package :
30 capsules @380 mg in plastic bottle & carton box
Usage:Traditionally being used in cancer
Dosage and administration:
Prevention : orally taken, one capsule once
Treatment : orally taken, one capsule three
times a day

Producer :
PT Mahkotadewa Indonesia
Jl. Gaharu AA1, Nyiur Melambai II
Koja, Jakarta 14230 - Indonesia


POM TR 063 362 541

Certificate : Halal, POM TR, HACCP, Irradiation
Composition :
Package : 30 capsules in plastic bottle @380 mg
and carton box.
Usage :
Traditionally being used in Diabetes mellitus
Dosage and administration :
Prevention : orally taken, one capsule once
Treatment : orally taken, one capsule three
times a day

Producer :
PT Mahkotadewa Indonesia
Jl. Gaharu AA1, Nyiur Melambai II
Koja, Jakarta 14230 - Indonesia

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty



POM TR 063 361 861

Certificate : Halal, POM TR, HACCP, Irradiation
Composition :
Package : 30 capsules @380 mg in plastic bottle
and carton box.
Traditionally being used in the treatment of
hypertension symptoms.
Dosage and administration:
Prevention : orally taken, one capsule once
Treatment : orally taken, one capsule three
times a day

Producer :
PT Mahkotadewa Indonesia
Jl. Gaharu AA1, Nyiur Melambai II
Koja, Jakarta 14230 Indonesia

(POM TR 053 243 321)
Camellia sinensis, Centella asiatica, Angelica
keizkei koidzmi, Phaleria macrocarpa, Gynura
Type : Tea in tea bag
Package : Tea bag, Aluminum foil, Box
Content: 25 bags @ 2 g
Certificate: Halal, POM TR, HACCP, Irradiation
Usage :
This tea is very rich of beta carotene and
antioxidant It's good to maintain health keep your
body metabolism in balance and increase your
Dosage and administration :
Put a tea bag in 250 cc boiled or hot water for 3 - 5
minutes, you may add sugar or Mahkotadewa
Honey drink while it's warm
Producer :
PT Mahkotadewa Indonesia
Jl. Gaharu AA1, Nyiur Melambai II
Koja, Jakarta 14230 - Indonesia
Tel. (62 21) 4302762 / 4392229
Fax. : (62 21) 43938420
Website : www.mahkotadewa.com

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty



POM TR : 053649 111
Mel deperatum, Phaleria macrocapa, fructus,
Centellae asiatica folium
Curcumae rhizoma
Type: Liquid
Package: Bottle, Box
Content: 100 ml
Certificate: Halal, HACCP
As an immunity stimulant agent
and maintain health
Dosage and administration :
Adult: 1 - 3 table spoon, 1 - 3 x daily
Children above 5 years old: 1 to 3
teaspoon, 1-3 x daily
PT Mahkotadewa Indonesia
Jl. Gaharu AA1, Nyiur Melambai II
Koja, Jakarta 14230 - Indonesia
Tel. (62 21) 4302762 / 4392229
Fax. : (62 21) 43938420
Website : www.mahkotadewa.com


CHILDREN (P-IRT No. 109317509003)
Mel deperatum, Phaleria macrocapa fructus,
Centellae asiatica herba, Curcumae xanthorriza
rhizoma, Fragaria Fructus flavour
Type: Liquid
Package: Bottle, Box
Content: 100 ml
Certificate: POM TR, Halal, HACC
Maducil is very good for children. It is proven of
supporting the children's health if consumed
Direction and Administration:
1 - 2 years old children - 1 teaspoon twice a day
2 - 12 years old children - 2 teaspoons twice a day
PT Mahkotadewa Indonesia
Jl. Gaharu AA1, Nyiur Melambai II
Koja, Jakarta 14230 - Indonesia
Tel. (62 21) 4302762 / 4392229
Fax. : (62 21) 43938420
Website : www.mahkotadewa.com

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty


Composition : Oleum Cocos. Oleum Cajuputi.
Oleum Feoniculi
Action: Telon oil leaves the body feeling warm and
comfortable. Calming boating and common cold.
Good for baby and childrens
Directions for use : Apply 5 to 10 drops of telon oil
to the chest, stomach, back and soles of feet. It can
be used anytime, especially after bath and during
cold weather

Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248

(POM TR. 032 624 341)

Certificate GMP From BPOM/NADCF and

Certificate Halal from MUI.
Composition : Blumea folium, Echinaceae,
Zingiberis rhizoma, Menthae arvensitis Herba,
Retrofracti fructus, Panacis radix, Royal Jelly,
Package : Dos content 10 Sachet @ 15 ml
Marketing : Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan
Usage :Traditionally used to expel wind with the
symptoms such as fever, stomach ache and mild
vomiting, to invigorate vital energy.
Dosage and administration : Three times a day
one sachet after meal.
PT. Air Mancur,
Jl. Raya Solo Sragen Km. 7 Palur - Solo
Telp. +62-271-825024

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

(Outside use)
Action :Minyak Telon is good for infants. Anti
stomach ache and provide warmness to infants.
Dosage & Direction of Use :Put 5-10 drops of
Minyak Telon on the chest, stomach, hips and foot
surface. Use this oil everyday after bathing and in
cold condition.

Producer :
PT. Nyonya Meneer
Jl. Raden Patah No. 191 199
Semarang 50128, Indonesia

DEPKES RI No. TR. 821618691


Composition: Phaleria macrocarpa extrak
(extract) 250 mg, Amylum 135 mg
Action : Traditionally being used in tumor
Dosage and direction: Prevention: orally taken,
one capsule once daily. Teatment: orally taken, one
capsule three times a day Irradiation

Producer :
PT. Mahkotadewa Indonesia
Jl. Gaharu AA1, Nyiur Melambai II
Koja, Jakarta 14230 - Indonesia

POM TR 033 329 721

Sertificate: Halal, POM TR, HACCP,

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

Action :Traditionally being used in Diabetes
mellitus treatment.
Dosage and direction : Prevention : orally taken,
one capsule once daily. Teatment : orally taken,
one capsule three times a day

Producer :
PT Mahkotadewa Indonesia
Jl. Gaharu AA1, Nyiur Melambai II
Koja, Jakarta 14230 - Indonesia

POM TR 063 362 541

Sertificate : Halal, POM TR, HACCP, Irradiation

Composition :Phaleria macrocarpa Pericarpium.
Gynura procumbens Herba. Curcumae zedoaria
Rhizoma .Curcumae alba Rhizoma. Curcumae
Rhizoma. Cantellae Herba
Action:Traditionally being used in cancer
Dosage and direction:Prevention: orally taken,
one capsule once daily. Teatment: orally taken, one
capsule three times a day

Producer :
PT Mahkotadewa Indonesia
Jl. Gaharu AA1, Nyiur Melambai II
Koja, Jakarta 14230 - Indonesia

POM TR 053 353 681

Sertificate : Halal, POM TR, HACCP, .

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty


Action: Traditionally being used in the treatment of
hypertension symptoms.
Dosage and direction: Prevention: orally taken,
one capsule once daily. Teatment : orally taken, one
capsule three times a day

Producer :
PT Mahkotadewa Indonesia
Jl. Gaharu AA1, Nyiur Melambai II
Koja, Jakarta 14230 Indonesia

POM TR 063 361 861

Sertificate : Halal, POM TR, HACCP, Irradiation


DEPKES RI. No. TR 881339051

Curcuma domestica rhizoma, Zingiberis rhizoma,
Curcumae rhizoma, Panduratae rhizoma
Action: Best for man and woman who work hard
and shooting pain such as waist painful, can't sit
long time, walk weakness, and body painful,
insomnia, sick of bath, hand and foot feel cool,
weak body, become numb, rheumatic and others.
Dosage and direction: 2 capsules daily, For
athlete 2 capsules, four times a week. Type:
Powder, Caplets and Capsule

Producer :
PT. Nyonya Meneer.
Jl. Raden Patah No. 191 199
Semarang 50128, Indonesia

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

Composition: Each tablet contains: Attapulgite
300 mg. Psidii folium extract 50 mg. Curcuma
domestica rhizoma extract 7,5 mg
Action: For non specifics diarrhea
Dosage and Direction : Adult and children of 12
years old and more: 2 tablets each time, maximum
12 tablets during 24 hours. Children (6 -12 years
old) : 1 tablet each time, maximum 6 tablets during
24 hours

Produsen :
PT. Kimia Farma Tbk.

NO. REG. : FF 031 500 361

Composition : Eurycomae longlifoliae Radix
(pasak bumi/tingkat ali).
Pimpinella alpina Radix (purwoceng). Oroxyl Radix
(kayu lanang). Retrofracti . ructus (cabe jawa).
Action: proven empirically helps improve mens
blood circulation, maintains libido, wellnes, vitality
and health.
Directions for use : For health maintenance, take
1 caplet twice a day. Take 2 caplet, 2 hours before
activity (if needed)

Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty



Composition : Cimicifuga racemosa Rhimosa.
Valerianae Radix. Apii graveolentis Folium.
Curcumae zedoaria Rhizoma. Blumae Folium
Action : maintains women's health prior
menopause. Helps reduce premenopausal
symptoms such as heart palpitation, headaches,
night sweats, tiredness, emotional changes and
other symptoms. Increases body immune system
Dosage : 1 caplet daily regularly

Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248


Composition : Red Clover. Cimicifuga racemosa
Rhizoma. Valerianae Radix. Mori Herba. Carotae
Folium. Blumeae Folium.
Action: Helps maintaning women's health post
menopause and helps reducing osteoporosis and
other post menopausal complaints such as loss of
vaginal mucus, hot flushes, night sweats, insomnia
and nervousness
Dosage : 1 caplet 2 times a day regularly for
menopausal complaints.
For health maintenance take 1 caplet a day

Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

( Womens Health and Beauty Care )
Composition: Mimilan Mintuno : Foeniculi Fructus,
Alyxiae Cortex, Amomi Fructus, Piperis nigri Fructus.
Pare Anom: Kaempferiae Rhizoma, Zingiberis Rhizoma,
Centellae Herba, Sintox Cortex. Ratu Ayu : Zingiberis
Rhizoma, Merrimae Tuber, Phyllanthi Herba,
Kaempferiae Rhizoma. Sari Asih : Curcumae Rhizoma,
Retrofracti Fructus, Abri Folium, Blumae Folium
Action : Mimilan Mintuno : Helps reduce excess vaginal
mucus and unpleasant odour. Maintain body fitness and
freshness. Pare Anom: Maintain body fitness and
promote younger looking skin. Ratu Ayu: Maintain skin
helth and body freshness. Sari Asih: Maintain stamina
and reduce fatigue
Directions for use : 1 caplet daily, after meal. Mimilan
Mintuno: for every Mondays and Thursdays. Pare
Anom: for every Tuesdays and Fridays Ratu Ayu : f o r
every Wednesdays and Saturdays. Sari Asih: for every

Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248

Rheumaneer has been clinical test. Its can use for
medical treatment.
Action : Treating for joint painful (arthralgia)
Dosage and direction: Therapy : Twice daily @ 2
capsules. Using this capsule minimum three days
Treatment : 2 capsules each night. During using this
capsule, It is suggested to take a nap enough time

Producer :
PT. Nyonya Meneer
Jl. Raden Patah No. 191 199
Semarang 50128 Indonesia

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty


Composition : Parameriae Extractum (Kayu

Rapet Extract) , Guazumae Extractum (Daun Jati
Belanda Extract) , Foeniculi Extractum (Adas
Extract) , Curcumae Extractum .
Action : Help to reduce excessive fat and reshape
your body. Good for man, woman and teenager.
Direction of Use :Put teabag into a full cup of
boiled water. Consume 2 or 3 times a day after

Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248


Composition : Guazuma Ulmifolia Lamk. Folium ,
Curcumae Heyneana Rhizoma, Parameria
Laevigata (Juss.) Moldenke Cortex, Zingeber
Purpureum Roxb. Rhizoma, Manihot Utillissima
(POHL) Leaf Extract, Oryza Sativa Fructus, Aerosil,
Sorbic Acid,
Action : Reduce fat. flatten and firming stomach.
Good for man and woman
Dosage: 1 tablet in the morning and 1 tablet in the
evening daily. For prevention and maintenance of
shape, consume 1 tablet every evening daily.

Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4
Ciracas,Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248

TR 952576631. MAL 05061601

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

Traditional Cosmetic
(Breast massage cream)

Composition : Guazuma Ulmifolia Lamk. Folium,

Curcumae Heyneana Rhizoma, Parameria
Laevigata. Moldenke Cortex, Zingeber Purpureum
Roxb. Rhizoma, Manihot Utillissima. Leaf Extract,
Oryza Sativa Fructus, Aerosil, Sorbic Acid.
Action :To smoothing blood circulation around
breast, helping to tighten them and forming a
beauty shape.
Direction of Use : Clean up your breast using towel
and warm water every night before sleeping. Put
the cream all over the breast and massage firmly for
about 15 minutes. It is encouraged to use Ayudara
masker after the massage.

Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248
CD 1010100964. MAL 05012108 T.

(Breast Treatment Tablet)

Composition: Pueraria Iobata, Sindorae Fructus,

Psophocarpi Semen, Curcumae domesticae
Rhizoma, and other material to reach (extract form).
Action: Tighten and refreshing your breast to gain
firm, strong and charming form.
Direction of use: Consume 1 tablet three times a
day. To get optimal result, it would be better to also
using massage cream and Ayudara masker.

Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248

TR 013512081 MAL 05121315 T

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

Traditional Cosmetic
Hair Tonic
Composition : Purified Water, Urang Aring Extract,
Tincture Chinae Extract, Mannitol (and) Yeast
Extract (and) Glycogen (and) Magnesium Ascorbyl
Phospate, Tocopheryl Acetate, Climbazole ,
Glycerin, Methyl Paraben, PEG 40 Hydrogenated
Castor Oil, Perfume, Caramel.
Action : to stimulate hair growth, strengthening hair
root, and as hair nutrition. Hair will be strong and
Direction of Use : Put them with firm and gentle
massage continually in hair skin after hair wash
every night or morning.

Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248

CD 0604500114 L MAL 04123424

Hair Oil
Composition :Cocos Nucifera, BHA, Pandanus
amaryllis Folium, Nothopanax scutellarius Folium,
Cananga Odorata, Rose Centifolia, Jasminum
Officinale, Citrus Nobilis.
Action : to shine the true color of your hair and help
prevent gray hair. Strengthens the hair as well as
roots to prevent broken hair and hair loss
Direction of Use : Apply it on the hair and scalp at
night one hour before bed or shampooing as

Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia.
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248

CD 0606390700. MAL 04123423

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

Traditional Cosmetic

Komposisi : Lulur Extract.Butylene Glycol. Scrub.
Titanium Dioxide Micronized. Methyl Paraben.
Action: cooling the skin, removes dirt and dead
skin cells effectively. Makes your skin clean,
smooth, bright and fragrant
Direction for use: Shake Before, rub gently all
over your body. Then rinse thoroughly. Safe for
daily use.

Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248

Lulur Badan Mas Sinangling

(Traditional body scrub and Soap)
Composition: Amylum Oryzae, Foenigraeci
Semen 5%, Canangii Flos 5%, Murrayae Folium
3%, Licorice Extract 2%, Vitamin E Acetate 0.5%,
Curcumae heyneanae Rhizoma, Curcumae
domesticae Rhizoma, Pandani Folium, Methyl
Action: Traditional body scrub makes skin smooth
and healthy, fading out dark spots and body odor.
Usage : Use before bath. Mix powder with sufficient
water and apply onto arm, neck, body and legs.
Wait until partly dry then gently rub off the powder.
Use Lulur Badan Mas Sinangling Soap then rinse
with water. Use twice a week.

Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

Traditional Cosmetic
Minyak Cendana
( Massage Oil )
Composition: Sandalwood Oil, Palm Kernel Oil,
Crude of Sappan Lignum (Caesalpinia sappan L),
Tocopheryl Acetate.
Action : to smoothen and leaves natural fragrance
to your body. Contains an anti-oxidant to keep the
skin smooth and healthy.
Usage : Apply to your hand, legs and body properly,
also can be used as massage oil before body

Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4 Ciracas,
Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248

Shampoo BAYAM

Composition : Purified Water, Amaranthus

hybridus Extract 5%, Trichogen Liposomes 5%,
Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulfate, Cocamidopropyl
Betaine, Coconut Fatty Acid Diethanolamide, PEG-
7 Glyceryl Cocoate, Sodium Chloride, Methyl
Paraben, Perfume, Cl 42090, Cl 19140.
Action : to maintain healthy and strong hair,
prevent hair loss.
Direction of Use : To get best performance, use
Cem-Ceman hair oil on hair skin before hair wash
and Ramuan Penyubur Rambut after hair wash.

Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4
Ciracas,Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248

Cd0601500376 MAL04123415 T

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

Spa Product


Action : to help removing dead cells as well as
cleaning skin surface, to get clean, fresh and bright
Dosage and Direction of Use : Wipe the scrubs in
a wet skin and brush gently. Wash with warm water
then dry it.

Producer :
PT. Martina Berto,
Jakarta Indonesia

POM CD. 1003990031


Action : for aging process skin and protect its
cells as well as to keep its tightness. This formula
is uses for massaging.
Dosage & Direction of Use : Massage using this
oil to all over your body.

Producer :
PT. Martina Berto,
Bogor Indonesia

POM CD. 1007990046

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

Spa Product

(Royal Balinese formula)

Action : Boreh is a external Balinese herbal

medicine has already handed down for centuries,
and it is believe Boreh may cure illness from
arthritis, rheumatisms, and cold.
Direction of use: Mix the 30 gram Boreh Powder
with 50 ml primrose water, till a thick mixture has
been produced. Apply to the whole body Lift the
Boreh for 20 minutes and rinse well with warm

Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4
Ciracas,Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248

(Royal Balinese formula)

Action: Murut is a traditional Balinese body scrub

and exfoliating. As a natural exfoliating property,
Murut is not only to clean the skin from bacteria
however it has natural stimulant, heating and
emollient properties, so it will speed up the process
of exfoliating and make the skins naturally moisture
after all.
Direction of use: Mix 30 grams Murut powder
with primrose water, till a thick mixture has been
produced. Scrub the body using a couple time
circular palm friction movement and stroking
motion, this will help to clean the dead skin cells
together with the murut formula.

Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4
Ciracas,Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

Spa Product


Empon Empon Intimacy Washing

Action : Empon Empon Intimacy Washing helps

kill germs in vagina and makes husband and wife
relationship more intimate. It is effective for helping
reduce escessive while discharge and wound..
Direction to use : Use liter of water to boil the
200 gr Empon Empon Intimacy Washing. This can
be used only 100 gr for every single treatment. Boil
this Herbal concogtion for 10 minutes to produce a
particular yellowish brown herbal liquid cleanser.
This herbal liquid cleanser will be more comfortable
in 37-38 0 C, to be applied in your intimacy care after
having intercourse, giving birth or urinating.

Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4
Ciracas,Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248

Action : Ratus is a concoction from different spices
which has an exotic fragrance like in Javanese
Keraton. It used for Aromatherapy, air fragrant,
room fragrant, hair fragrant, batik fragrant, and
body fragrant.
Direction to use : Crush the Ratus ball and put the
powder onto the carcoal fire, until you get the
smoke and scent. Then spread the smoke all over
your hair or clothes. The aroma could last about 2
days. Use it at least once a week.

Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4
Ciracas,Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

Spa Product


Action : The spray that is specially formulated with
Lemon, Lemongrass and Basil. Enriched with
vitamin A, C, E & F this spray will sooth you hands
and feet. Reduce firgal and bacterial groth. Leaving
your hands and feet fresh and clean all day. Use
daily or whenever needed.
Direction of use : Spray liberraly to feet and hands
whenever necessary.

Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4
Ciracas,Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248


Action : This moisturizing Lotion For Leg is
especially enriched with vitamin A, C & E Liposome
and essential oils which will soften and stimulate
blood circulation on feet.
Direction of use : After bath and after using Foot
Scrub Gel, apply Lotion For Leg evenly. Use as
often as needed.

Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4
Ciracas,Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

Spa Product

Action : JASMINE EOC (Essential Oil Concentrate) :
Its active Jasmine essential oil can give calming effect.
YLANG YLANG EOC: This essential oil is made from
Kenanga Flower extract which is excellent for reducing
stress. SANDALWOOD EOC : This pleasant and sweet
smell fragrant oil contains the extract of Sandalwood and
usually used im religious ritual. The smell of this essential
oil is good for calming effect. CLOVE EOC : The fragrant
smell of Clove essential oil give energizing effect.
CHAMPACA EOC : This essential oil of Champaca can
give relaxing effect, adds emmolient and astringet your
skin. GINGER EOC : The smell of Ginger is good as an
aphrodisiac, gives warmth to the body especially on
abdominal area. To help reduce tiredness and give
relaxation. CINNAMON EOC : Its strong aroma give
stimulating, toning and as an aphrodisiac.
Direction to use : Mix 20 drops of essential oil into
massage cream/ carrier oil for body massage, or 30 drops
into water filled bath-tub, or 5 drops into bowl for oil burner

Producer :
PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk.
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 26,4
Ciracas,Jakarta Timur 13740 - Indonesia
Telp. 62-21-8711291 ; Fax. 62-21-8711248


Action :Maintaining skin tightness and softness,
moisturizing and reducing stretch mark (white stripes
caused by skin culture stretching formed in pregnancy
period). Anti stretch mark agent is effective to gradually
reform skin texture. Atsiri oil aroma as stress relieves
herbal is effective to give relaxation.
Dosage & Direction of Use : Wipe and massage gently
with rectangular moves to all over stomach surface
where white stripes appear. Let them absorbed and no
need to clean after using. Use this cream twice a day
continually every morning after bathing and night before
sleeping. For grown up people, use it in the pregnancy
and post pregnancy period.

Producer :
PT. Martina Berto,
Jakarta Indonesia
POM CD. 1010600228

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

Spa Product

Aromatic Bar Soap

Composition :
Rice extract, Lemon, Chamomile, Cubeb, Camphor
and Peppermint oils, balancing between oily and
dry skin's condition.

Usage :
A transparent Bar soap to cleanse the body from
dirt excess oil and impurities. Makes the skin clean,
soft and fresh. Alleviates fatigue and invigorates
both body and mind.

Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.

Body Wash
Composition :
Rice extract, Lemon, Chamomile, Cubeb, Camphor
and Peppermint oils, balancing between oily and
dry skin's condition.

Usage :
A Gentle liquid soap to clean the skin from dirt and
excess oil. Makes the skin clean, soft and fresh
Alleviates fatigue and invigorates both body and

Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

Spa Product

Body Scrub

Composition :
Rice extract, Lemon, Chamomile, Cubeb, Camphor
and Peppermint oils, balancing between oily and
dry skin's condition.

Usage :
A gentle scrub helps to exfoliate dead skin cells and
stimulate a new cells growth
Alleviates fatigue and invigorates both body and

Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.

Massage Oil
Composition :
Rice extract, Lemon, Chamomile, Cubeb, Camphor
and Peppermint oils, balancing between oily and
dry skin's condition.

Usage :
A ready to use massage oil to invigorates body and
mind, overcome physical fatigue and helps to
smooth blood circulation Alleviates fatigue and
invigorates both body and mind.

Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

Spa Product

Body Lotion

Composition :
Rice extract, Lemon, Chamomile, Cubeb, Camphor
and Peppermint oils, balancing between oily and
dry skin's condition.

Usage :
Keeps the skin smooth, soft and supple while
balancing its natural moisture. Alleviates fatigue
and invigorates both body and mind.

Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.

Bath Salt
Composition :
Rice extract, Lemon, Chamomile, Cubeb, Camphor
and Peppermint oils, balancing between oily and
dry skin's condition.

Usage :
A Crystal bath salt, which keeps skin smoothness
and helps to remove toxic from the skin. Helps to
relieve fatigue, gives peaceful feeling while
reinvigorate body and mind. Alleviates fatigue and
invigorates both body and mind.

Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

Spa Product

Herbal Bath

Composition :
Rice extract, Lemon, Chamomile, Cubeb, Camphor
and Peppermint oils, balancing between oily and
dry skin's condition.

Usage :
Bath herbs or bathing, to provide refreshing and
energizing effect while gives aroma to the body
Alleviates fatigue and invigorates both body and

Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.

Aromatic Bar Soap

Composition :
Rice extract, Lemon, Sandalwoods, and Camphor
oils, whitened the skin to make it bright and clear.

Usage :
A transparent Bar soap to cleanse the body from dirt
excess oil and impurities. Makes the skin clean, soft
and fresh
Lightens dull complexion of the skin while restores
its natural glow.

Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

POM TR. 062 665 341
Certificate GMP From BPOM/NADCF and
Certificate Halal from MUI.
Composition :
Coriandri fructus, Retrofracti fructus, Languatis
rhizoma, Cumini fructus, Zingiberis rhizoma,
Zingiberis aromaticae rhizoma, Mentahae folium
Package : Dos content 10 Sachet @ 15 ml
Usage : Traditionally used for relieve of joints and
muscular pain, waist ache, for general health
maintenance to make body warm.
Direction and administration :
Three times a day one sachet.

PT. Air Mancur
Jl. Raya Solo Sragen Km. 7
Palur - Solo
Telp. +62-271-825024

PROURAT (POM TR 052 547 411)

Certificate GMP From BPOM/NADCF and

Certificate Halal.
Composition :
Plantago major Folium, Syzigium polyanthum
Folium, Cyperus rotundus Rhizoma, Piper nigrum
Fructus, Bupleurum falcatum Root
Package : Catch cover @ 4 Tablet
Usage :
Traditionally used for relieve of fatigue, joints pain,
muscular pain and stiffness.
Dosage and administration :
Take regularly 2 tablets three times a day.

PT. Air Mancur
Jl. Raya Solo Sragen Km. 7
Palur - Solo
Telp. +62-271-825024

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

DEPKES RI NO. TR 931367682
Certificate GMP From BPOM/NADCF and Certificate Halal.

Mustika Rapet Capsule was

developed from our old product with
name Jamu Mustika Rapet in the
steeped powder forms. Jamu Mustika
Rapet had been proven experiment
pharmacologically and reality. To fulfill
market demands and understand what
the consumer needs, PT. Air Mancur
develop the
method of production in accordance to the current technology advances and research in
order to expand its production, to invent and develop a more effective formula with brand
name Mustika Rapet in the form of herbs extract capsule.

Composition : Cola Semen, Gallae, Granati pericarpium, Parameriae cortex

Package : Catch Cover content 1 Strip Aluminum foil @ 4 Capsules.
Usage :
Traditionally used for
To reduce excessive phlegm
Prevents and cures leucorrhea
To reduce body odor
Strengthen and tighten the vagina muscles
Increase desire and harmony between husband and wife
Dosage and administration :
Maintenance dosage : 2 capsules a day, one capsule in the morning and one capsule
in the evening.

PT. Air Mancur
Jl. Raya Solo Sragen Km. 7
Palur - Solo
Telp. +62-271-825024

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

REG. NO. : TR 031 518 601
Package : Blister Of 6 Caplet
Assisting to recover health and body stamina
New padibu is a natural medicine that could assisting
the recovery of health and body stamina. Plantago
major contains of tannins and alkaloid potassium that
could overcome tiredness and increase energy.
Trigonella foenum-graecum semen contains of
alkaloid volatile oil, trigonelen, choline, lechitin, and
neucleoalbumin that has tonic activity and make body stronger. Talinum paniculatum
contains of tannin, saponin, and alkaloid that has tonic and aphrodisiac activity. Bee
pollen could increase health and freshness. Yohimbee is an inhibitor selective
presynaptic and also a sympatolitic has vasodilatation affect on corpus cavernosum so it
is used as aprodisiaca. Tribulus terrestris contain mainly steroidal saponin of the
furostanol type, with pre dominating quantity effect on spermatogenesis and libido
Composition :
Each caplet contains:
- Plantago major Extract
- Trigonella foenum-graecum powder
- Talinum paniculatum powder
- Bee Pollen Powder
- Yohimbee Extract
- Tribulus terrestris
Usage :
Assisting to recover health and body stamina
Dosage And Administration :
1-2 film coated caplet in the morning and night
Storage :
Store in cool and dry place, protect from light

Producer :
PT. Kimia Farma Tbk.
Jl. Padjajaran 29 31 Bandung 40171
Telp. : 022 4204043 (Hunting)
022 4206026
Fax : 022 - 4237079

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

Anti Acne Jamu Tablet
DEP.KES. RI No. TR. 912559281
Rhizoma Curcuma xanthorriza, Folium Plantago
major, Herba Centella asiatica, Rhizoma Curcuma
domestica, Fructus Woodfordia frueticosa, Lignum
Strychnos lucida, Radix Glycyrrhiza glabra, Flos
Syzygium aromaticum, Herba Andrographis
paniculata, Fructus Foeniculum vulgare
Usage: Anti acne and healthy skin.
Package : One package contains 30 tablets.
Dosage & Direction of Use : Consume 2 tablets at
once twice a day. 1 tablet @ 700 mg.

Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.


BADAN (DEP.KES. RI No. TR. 912559321)
Composition per caplet :Folium Guazuma ulmifolia, bark
Quercus infectoria (Oak) Gall, fructus Woodfordia frueticosa,
folium Orthosiphon aristatus, folium Semen Parkie roxburghii,
rhizoma Curcuma xanthorriza, rhizoma Curcuma heyneana,
folium Murraya paniculata, rhizoma Curcuma domestica,
folium Cassia angustifolia, bark Punica granatum, rhizoma
Zingiberis purpurei, flos Syzygium aromaticum.
Sariayu Martha Tilaar Jamu Kaplet Seri Badan is marketed
and distributed in local market of Indonesia and exported to
several ASEAN countries as well, for instance Malaysia and
Brunei Darussalam.
Package : Each box contains of 30 caplets @ 700 mg
Usage : Traditionally use to restore freshness to the body
Dosage and administration : 2 caplets at once twice a day

Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung, Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

(DEP.KES. RI No. TR. 912559311)

Composition :
Rhizoma Curcuma heyneana, Folium Guazuma
ulmifolia, Bark Punica granatum, Bark Quercus
infectoria (Oak) Gall, Rhizoma Kaempferia
angustifolia, Folium Murraya paniculata, Rhizoma
Curcuma xanthorriza, Rhizoma Curcuma domestica,
Rhizoma Zingiberis purpurei, Fructus Piper cuceba,
Rhizoma Zingiberis zerumbeti, Rhizoma Acorus
calamus, Folium Cassia angustifolia, Folium
Orthosiphon aristatus, Fructus Woodfordia
Frueticosa, Flos Syzygium Armaticum

Sariayu Martha Tilaar Jamu Kaplet Selangking

Singset is marketed and distributed in local market
of Indonesia and exported to several ASEAN countries as well, for instance Malaysia and
Brunei Darussalam.
Package : Each box contains of 30 caplets @ 700 mg
Usage : Traditionally use to reduce body weight and also to restore freshness to the body.
Dosage and administration : 2 caplets at once twice a day

Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung, Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

(POM TR.042539301)
Phaseoli Radiati cotyledon extract, Glycine soja cotyledon
extract, Curcumae domestica rhizoma extract, Elephantopi
folium extract, Curcumae rhizoma extract, Nigellae sativae
semen extract, Cubebae fructus extract, Allii sativi bulbus
extract, Baeckeae folium extract, Corn starch, lactose, silica,
hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, magnesium tearate, talc.
Sariayu Martha Tilaar Kaplet Wulandari is marketed and
distributed in local market of Indonesia and exported to
Package : Each bottle contains of 26 caplets @ 700mg
Usage : Improve blood circulation around the uterus, helps improve fertility, and
freshness the body
Dosage and administration: 2 caplets twice a day for seven consecutive days before
menstruation and continued for seven consecutive days after menstruation. Follow the
procedure for 3 consecutive months then stop for the following 1-2 months. Repeat the
above procedure until symptoms of pregnancy is detected. Cease the use of this caplet in
case of pregnancy and immediately consult your gynecologist.

Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung, Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

Spa Product

Body Wash

Composition :
Rice extract, Lemon, Sandalwoods, and Camphor
oils, whitened the skin to make it bright and clear.

Usage :
A Gentle liquid soap to clean the skin from dirt and
excess oil. Makes the skin clean, soft and fresh
Lightens dull complexion of the skin while restores
its natural glow

Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.

Body Scrub

Composition :
Rice extract, Lemon, Sandalwoods, and Camphor
oils, whitened the skin to make it bright and clear.

Usage :
A gentle scrub helps to exfoliate dead skin cells and
stimulate a new cells growth
Lightens dull complexion of the skin while restores
its natural glow

Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

Spa Product

Massage Oil

Composition :
Rice extract, Lemon, Sandalwoods, and Camphor
oils, whitened the skin to make it bright and clear.

Usage :
A ready to use massage oil to invigorates body and
mind, overcome physical fatigue and helps to
smooth blood circulations Lightens dull complexion
of the skin while restores its natural glow

Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.

Body Lotion

Composition :
Rice extract, Lemon, Sandalwoods, and Camphor
oils, whitened the skin to make it bright and clear.

Usage :
Keeps the skin smooth, soft and supple while
balancing its natural moisture. Lightens dull
complexion of the skin while restores its natural

Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

Spa Product

Herbal Bath

Composition :
Rice extract, Lemon, Sandalwoods, and Camphor
oils, whitened the skin to make it bright and clear.

Usage :
Bath herbs or bathing, to provide refreshing and
energizing effect while gives aroma to the body
Lightens dull complexion of the skin while restores
its natural glow

Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.

Bath Mask

Composition :
Rice extract, Lemon, Sandalwoods, and Camphor
oils, whitened the skin to make it bright and clear.

Usage :
A Powder mask to smooth and tightness while gives
nutrition to the skin
Lightens dull complexion of the skin while restores
its natural glow

Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

Spa Product

Innoshape Stretch mark

Lessening Cream

Composition :
Centella Asiatica, Collagen, Theopyllisilane C,
Zingiber zerumbet, D-Panthenol and Patchouli oil

Usage :
to help inhibit the appearance of stretch mark.
Regular use leaves the skin soft and firm beautifully

Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.

Innoshape Tummy Firming

Composition :
Centella asiatica, Collagen, Cafeine,
Theopyllisilane C, Patchouli Oil

Usage :
Reduce unwanted cellulite, firming and tightening
the belly. Regular use leaves the belly looking
revitalized and returns the body's natural beauty

Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

Spa Product

Innoshape Breast Firming

Composition :
Centella asiatica, Collagen, Horsetail,
Theopyllisilane C, Zingiber zerumbet, D-panthenol,
Patchouli Oil.

Excellent for maintaining soft breast skin and firm.

Regular use rejuvenates the natural beauty of the

Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.

Aromatic Bar Soap

Composition :
Rice extract, Lemon, Lavender, Cananga and
Patchouli oils,

Usage :
A transparent Bar soap to cleanse the body from dirt
excess oil and impurities. Makes the skin clean, soft
and fresh. Regenerate, reducing cellulite, while
shape up the body. Improves blood circulations, the
lymphatic system and promotes skin regeneration.
Known to be effective in reducing cellulite.

Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

Spa Product

Body Wash
Composition :
Rice extract, Lemon, Lavender, Cananga and
Patchouli oils,

Usage :
A Gentle liquid soap to clean the skin from dirt and
excess oil. Makes the skin clean, soft and fresh
Regenerate, reducing cellulite, while shape up the
body. Improves blood circulations, the lymphatic
system and promotes skin regeneration. Known to
be effective in reducing cellulite.

Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171

Body Scrub
Composition :
Rice extract, Lemon, Lavender, Cananga and
Patchouli oils,

Usage :
A gentle scrub helps to exfoliate dead skin cells and
stimulate a new cells growth
Regenerate, reducing cellulite, while shape up the
body. Improves blood circulations, the lymphatic
system and promotes skin regeneration. Known to
be effective in reducing cellulite.

Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

Spa Product

Massage Oil
Composition :
Rice extract, Lemon, Lavender, Cananga and
Patchouli oils,

Usage :
A ready to use massage oil to invigorates body and
mind, overcome physical fatigue and regenerate,
reducing cellulite, while shape up the body.
Improves blood circulations, the lymphatic system
and promotes skin regeneration. Known to be
effective in reducing cellulite.helps to smooth blood

Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171

Body Lotion
Composition :
Rice extract, Lemon, Lavender, Cananga and
Patchouli oils,

Usage :
Keeps the skin smooth, soft and supple while
balancing its natural moisture Regenerate,
reducing cellulite, while shape up the body.
Improves blood circulations, the lymphatic system
and promotes skin regeneration. Known to be
effective in reducing cellulite.

Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

Spa Product

Herbal Bath
Composition :
Rice extract, Lemon, Lavender, Cananga and
Patchouli oils,

Usage :
Bath herbs or bathing, to provide refreshing and
energizing effect while gives aroma to the body
Regenerate, reducing cellulite, while shape up the
body. Improves blood circulations, the lymphatic
system and promotes skin regeneration. Known to
be effective in reducing cellulite.

Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171

Bath Mask
Composition :
Rice extract, Lemon, Lavender, Cananga and
Patchouli oils,
Usage :
A Powder mask to smooth and tightness while gives
nutrition to the skin
Regenerate, reducing cellulite, while shape up the
body. Improves blood circulations, the lymphatic
system and promotes skin regeneration. Known to
be effective in reducing cellulite.

Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

Spa Product

Aromatic Bar Soap

Compotition :
Rose, Sandalwood, Jasmine and Cananga oils,
moistened, softened and smoothened the skin.

Usage :
A transparent Bar soap to cleanse the body from dirt
excess oil and impurities. Makes the skin clean, soft
and fresh Relieves nervous tension and renew the
spirit. It is an ancient recipe of love

Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.

Body Wash
Compotition :
Rice extract, Rose, Sandalwood, Jasmine and
Cananga oils, moistened, softened and
smoothened the skin.

Usage :
A Gentle liquid soap to clean the skin from dirt and
excess oil. Makes the skin clean, soft and fresh
Relieves nervous tension and renew the spirit. It is
an ancient recipe of love and believed to be
amorously stimulating.

Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

Spa Product

Body Scrub
Compotition :
Rice extract, Rose, Sandalwood, Jasmine and
Cananga oils, moistened, softened and
smoothened the skin.

Usage :
A gentle scrub helps to exoliae dead skin cells and
stimulate a new cells growth. Relieves nervous
tension and renew the spirit. It is an ancient recipe
of love and believed to be amorously stimulating.

Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171

Massage Oil
Composition :
Rice extract, Rose, Sandalwood, Jasmine and
Cananga oils, moistened, softened and
smoothened the skin.

Usage :
A ready to use massage oil to invigorates body and
mind, overcome physical fatigue and helps to
smooth blood circulations. Relieves nervous
tension and renew the spirit. It is an ancient recipe
of love and believed to be amorously stimulating.

Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

Spa Product

Body Lotion
Composition :
Rice extract, Rose, Sandalwood, Jasmine and
Cananga oils, moistened, softened and
smoothened the skin.

Usage :
Keeps the skin smooth, soft and supple while
balancing its natural moisture
Relieves nervous tension and renew the spirit. It is
an ancient recipe of love and believed to be
amorously stimulating.

Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171

Innoshape Stretch Mark

Lessening Cream
Composition :
Contains Centella asiatica, Collagen,
Theopyllisilane C, Zingiber zerumbet, D-Panthenol
and patchouli oil

Usage :
To help inhibit the appearance of stretch mark.
Regular use leaves the skin soft and firm beautifully

Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

Spa Product

Innoshape Tummy Firming

Composition :
Centella asiatica, Collagen, Cafeine,
Theopyllisilane C, Patchouli Oil

Usage :
Reduce unwanted cellulite, firming and tightening
the belly. Made from. Regular use leaves the belly
looking revitalized and returns the body's natural

Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.

Innoshape Breast Firming

Composition :
Centella asiatica, Collagen, Horsetail,
Theopyllisilane C, Zingiber zerumbet, D-panthenol,
Patchouli Oil.

Usage :
Excellent for maintaining soft breast skin and firm.
Regular use rejuvenates the natural beauty of the

Producer :
PT. Martina Berto, Jl. Pulokambing II No. 1
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Telp. (021) 46037171.

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty


Atmaja, Riya Sastra angagenging Parentah Keraton. 1858. Buku Jampi-Jampi Jawi,

Besar Jumakir

Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan, 2006. Monograf Eksrak Tanaman Obat

Indonesia. Jakarta.

Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat, 1988. Dari Cultuurtuin Hingga Pusat

Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Industri Bogor 1876-1988. Balittro,


Bappenas, 2003. Indonesian Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan. Bappenas,


Breers, Susan-Jane Breers, 2001. JAMU, The Ancient Indonesian Art of Herbal

Healing. Periplus, Singapore, 192p.

Burkill, I.H., 1966. A Dictionary of the Economic Oroducts of the Malay Peninsula,

Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.

Danusatro, Raden Subiono. 1989. Salinan Blokkan Racikan Obat Jawa. Surakarta :

Albert Rusche & Co.

Dharma, A.P. 1985. Tanaman Obat Tradisional Indonesia, Balai Pustaka, Jakarta,


Direktorat Tanaman Sayuran, Hias Dan Aneka Tanaman, Direktorat Jenderal Bina

Produksi Hortikultura. 2002. Khasiat dan Manfaat Tanaman Obat.

de Padua, L.S., Bunyapraphatsara, Lemmens, R.H.M.J., 1999. Medicinal and

Poisonous Plants 12 (1). Prosea, Bogor.

Eisai, PT. Medicinal Herb Index. PT. Eisai Indonesia. 348 p.

Harmanto, Ning. 2004. Sehat dengan Ramuan Tradisional; Menumpas Diabetes

Mellitus bersama Mahkota Dewa. Balai Pustaka, Jakarta

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

Heyne, 1987. Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia., Sarana Wana Jaya, Badan Litbang
Kehutanan, Jakarta.
Jafarsidik, Y. 1999. Inventory Of Traditional Therapy And Medicinal Plants In
Several Localities In Indonesia. The Second Meeting Of The Asean Expert
Group On Herbal And Medicinal Plants. Cisarua, Bogor 13-15 Juli 1999.
Klopenburg-Versteegh. J. 1987. Hints and recommendations on the use of East
Indies plants, fruits, etc. GTC Van Drop, Bandung, 364 p.
Minsitry of Health Republic Indonesia, 1977-1995. Materia Medika Indonesia Vol.
Minsitry of Health Republic Indonesia, 1993. Inventaris Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia,,
Vol I-V.
Murdisiswoyo, S. and Rajakmangunsudardo, 1987. Cabe Puyang Warisan nenek
Moyang Vol 1&2. Balai Pustaka Jakarta.
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Perkebunan, 1996. 120 Tahun Penelitian
Tanaman Industri, Puslitbangtri, Bogor.
Rifai, M.A., dan Y. Anggadiredja. 1995. Keanekaragaman Plasma Nutfah Tanaman
Obat Indonesia. Penanganan Penelitian, Pengembangan, dan Pelestariannya.
Seminar Keanekaragaman Hayati Tumbuhan Obat Tropika. PPOT-UGM. 10 p.
Rumphius, G.E. 1741-1747. Herbarium Amboinense. Jaonnus Burmannus,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Soeparto, S. 1984. Jamu Jawa Asli, Sinar Harapan, Jakarta, 170p..
Sudibyo, B.R.A.M. 1998. Alam Sumber Kesehatan. Balai Pustaka, Jakarta, 412 p.
Sumahatmaka, R.M.A, Ringkasan Centini (Suluk Tambanglaras), PN Balai Pustaka,
Cetakan pertama, 1981.
Gen, Jan. 1987. Serat Primbon Djampi Djawi Akangge Tijang Sepoeh Para Lare
Soerakarta Ngayokyakarta.
Yatim, Badri, MA, Sejarah Peradaban Islam, PT Raja Grafindo Persada, Ed. 1, Cet. 12,

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty




No. Local Name Scientifics Name Part of plant is used

1. Adas Foeniculum vulgare Mill. Fruits
2. Akar wangi Andropogon zizinoides Urban. Roots
3. Alang-alang Imperata cylindrical (L.) Beauv. Rhizomes
4. Alba Physalis perivanum Flowers
5. Alpukat Persea gratissima Gaertn. Leafs
6. Asam gelugur Tamarindus indica L. Fruits, leafs
7. Ashitaba Angelica keiskoi koidzmi. Roots
8. Bawang putih Allium sativum L. Tubers
9. Bayam Amaranthus hybridus Leafs
10. Belimbing wuluh Averrhoa bilimbi L. Fruits
11. Beluntas Pluchea indica (L.) Less, Leafs
12. Bengle Zingiber purpureum Roxb. Rhizomes
13. Beras putih Oryza sativa Linn.
14. Bidara laut Strychnos ligustrina Bl. Woods, seeds, flowers
15. Bidara upas Merremia mammosa (Lour.) Hallierf Tubers
16. Blustru Luffa cylindrical (L.) Roem. Leafs
17. Botor Psopocarpus tetragonolobus DC. Seeds
18. Brotowali Tinospora tuberculata Beume Stems
19. Cabe jawa Piper retrofractum Vahl. Fruits
20. Ceguk/cekuk Quisqualis indica L. Seeds
21. Cendana putih Santalum sp. Woods
22. Cendana wangi Santalum album L. Seeds
23. Cengkih Syzygium aromatica (L.) O.K. Flowers, leafs
24. Daun dewa Gynura segetum (Leur.) Merr. Leafs, roots
25. Daun duduk Desmodium inquetrum DC. Leafs
26. Daun sendok Plantago major L. All parts of plant
27. Daun seribu Achillea millefolium L. All parts of plant
28. Daun ungu Graptophyllum pictum (L.) Griff. Leafs
29. Delima Punica granatum L. Fruits flay
30. Dilem Pogostemon cabin J.E. Smith. Leafs
31. Dringo Acorus calamus L. Roots
32. Gadung Dioscorea hispida Denntus. Tubers
33. Gambir Uncaria gambir (Hunter) Roxb. Dried leafs extract
34. Gempur batu Borreria hispida Schum. All parts of plant
35. Greges otot Equisetum debile Roxb. All parts of plant
36. Jahe Zingiber officinale Roxb. Rhizomes
37. Jambe Areca catechu L. Seeds
38. Jambu biji Psidium guajava L. Leafs
39. Jambu monyet Anavardium occidentale L. Leafs

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

No. Local Name Scientifics Name Part of plant is used
40. Jangkang Sterculia foetida L. Leafs
41. Jati belanda Guazuma ulmifolia Lamk. Leafs
42. Jenitri Elaeocarpus ganitrus Roxb. Fruits
43. Jeruk purut Citrus hystrix DC Leafs, fruits flay
44. Joho lawe Terminalia balerica Roxb. Fruits
45. Jungrahap Baekea frutescens L. Leafs
46. Kacang hijau Phaseolus radiatus Linn. Seeds
47. Kapulogo Ammomum cardamomum Auct. Fruits
48. Kayu anyang Elaeocarpus grandiflora Smith. Fruits
49. Kayu manis Cinnamomum burmani Bl. Barks, fruits
50. Kayu putih Melaleuca leucadendron L.f. Leafs, flowers
51. Kayu rapet Parameria laevigata Moldenke. Barks, leafs
52. Kayu ules Helicteres isora L. Leafs
53. Kayu wolo Plermuni acerifolium Willd. Woods
54. Kecubung Datura metel L. Leafs
55. Kedawung Parkia roxburghii G. Don. Seeds
56. Kejibeling Seriocalyx crispus (L.) Bremek. Leafs
57. Kelapa Cocos nucifera Oil
58. Kembang pulu Carthamus tictorius Linn. Flowers
59. Kemenyan Styrax benzoin Dryand. Hars
60. Kemloko Phyllanthus emblica L. Fruits
61. Kemukus Piper cubeba L. f. Fruits
62. Kemuning Murraya paniculata Jack. Leafs
63. Kenanga Cananga odorata Flower
64. Kencur Kaemferia galanga Rhizomes
65. Ketapang Terminalia catappa Linn. Leafs
66. Kina Cinchona ledgeriana Moens. Burks, flowers
67. Krangeyan Litsea cubeba Pers. Barks
68. Kola Chinchona ledgeriana Moens. Seeds
69. Kumis kucing Orthosiphon aristatus (Bl.) Miq. All parts of plant
70. Kunci Boesenbergia pandurata Roxb. Rhizomes
71. Kunci pepet Kaemferia angustifolia Roscoe. Rhizomes
72. Kunyit Curcuma domestica Val. Rhizomes
73. Kunyit putih Curcuma zedoaria (Berg.) Roscoe. Rhizomes
74. Lada Piper nigrum L. Seeds
75. Lampes Ocimum sanctum L. Leafs
76. Lempuyang gajah Zingiberis zerumbeti LG. Rhizomes
77. Lempuyang pahit Zingiberis amaricanus BL. Rhizomes
78. Lempuyang wangi Zingiberis aromaticum Vahl. Rhizomes
79. Lengkuas Languas galangal (L.) Stunz. Rhizomes
80. Lidah buaya Alloe vera Leafs
81. Leng-lengan Leucas lavandulifolia Smith. All parts of plant
82. Mahkota dewa Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff) Boerl. Fruits
83. Makasar Brusea amarissima Merr. Seeds

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

No. Local Name Scientifics Name Part of plant is used
84. Masoyi Massoia aromatica L. Bark
85. Melati Jasminum officinale Flower
86. Mengkudu/Pace Morinda citrifolia L. Fruits
87. Meniran Phyllanthus niruri L. All parts of plant
88. Mimba Azadirachta indica A. Juss. Leafs, barks, seeds
89. Nagasari Messua ferrea L. Flowers
90. Nangka Artocarpus integra Merr. Woods
91. Orang-aring Eclipta prostate (L.) Hassk. All parts of plant
92. Pacar cina Aglaia odorata Bl. Leafs
93. Pala Miristica fragrans L. Fruits flay
94. Pandan Pandanus amaryllis Leafs
95. Pare Momordica carhantia L. Leafs, roots
96. Pasak bumi Eurycoma longifolia Jack. Roots
97. Patikan cina Euphorbia thymifolia L. Leafs
98. Patikan kebo Euphorbia hirta L. Leafs
99. Patmosari Rafflesia patma Bl. Flowers
100. Pecut kuda Stachytarpheta jamaicensis (L.) V. All parts of plant
101. Pegagan Centella asiatica Urb. All parts of plant
102. Pepaya Carica papayaL. Leafs, roots
103. Pinang Areca catechu L. Seeds
104. Poko Mentha arvensis L. Herba
105. Poncosudo Jasminum pubescens Willd. Leafs, flowers
106. Prasman Eupatorium triplinerve Vahl. Leafs
107. Pucuk Saussurea lappa Clark. Roots
108. Pulai Alstonia scholaris R.Br. Barks
109. Pule pandak Rauwolfia serpentine Benth. Roots
110. Pulasari Alyxia stellata R. Br. Roots
111. Purwoceng Pimpinella pruatjan Molkenb. Roots
112. Randu Ceiba pentandra Baerth. Roots
113. Rasuk angin Usnea misaminensis Leafs thallus
114. Regulo Abelmochus moschatus Medik. Seeds
115. Saga Abrus precatorius L. Leafs
116. Salam Syzygium polyanthum (Wigh.) W. Lrafs
117. Sambang darah Exoecaria cochinchinensis Lour. Roots
118. Sambiloto Andrographis paniculata (Bl.) Nees. Leafs
119. Sangketan Achiranthes aspera Linn. Leafs
120. Saparantu Sindora sumatrana Miq. Fruits
121. Sariawan Symplocos odoratissima (Bl.) Choisy Leafs, barks
122. Sarimanis Stevia rebaudiana Leafs
123. Sawi Brassica rugosa Prain. Seeds
124. Secang Caesalpinia sappan L. Woods
125. Selasih Ocimum basilicum L. Herbs, seeds
126. Seledri Apium graveolens L. Herbs
127. Sembukan Paederia foetida L. Leafs

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

No. Local Name Scientifics Name Part of plant is used
128. Sembung Blumea balsamifera (L.) DC. Leafs
129. Serai Andropogon nardus L. Leafs
130. Sidowayah Woodfordia floribunda Salisb. Flowers
131. Sintok lekat Cinnamomum sintok Bl. Barks
132. Sintok madu Cinnamomum zeylanicum Nees. Barks
133. Sirih Piper betle L. Leafs
134. Sirsak Annona muricata Leafs
135. Srigading Nyctanthes arbotris L. Flowers
136. Sudamala Artemisia vulgaris L. All parts of plant
137. Sukmodiluwih Gunnera macrophylla Bl. Flowers
138. Suren Toona sureni (Bl.) Merr. Barks
139. Tabat barito Ficus deltoidea Jack. Leafs
140. Tapak dara Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don. Herbs
141. Tapak liman Elephantopus scaber L. Leafs
142. Teki Cyperus rotundus L. Rhizome
143. Tempuyung Sonchus arvensis L. Leafs
144. Temu giring Curcuma heyneana Val. & Zyp. Rhizomes
145. Temu hitam Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb. Rhizomes
146. Temu lawak Curcuma aeruginosa Rhizomes
147. Temu mangga Curcuma mangga Val. Rhizomes
148. Teter Solanum verbascivolium L. Leafs, plowers
149. Trawas Litsea odorifera Val. Leafs
150. Trengguli Cassia fistula L. Seeds
151. Turi Sesbania grandifolia (L.) Pers. Leafs
152. Ubi kayu Manihot utilissima Tubers, leafs

The Indonesian Heritage : Jamu for Health and Beauty

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