Foreign Relations of Burma's Last King PDF
Foreign Relations of Burma's Last King PDF
Foreign Relations of Burma's Last King PDF
by W. S. D~AI
Quarterly Journal of the Indian School of International Studies
New Delhi, Vol. II, o. x, July 196o
W . S. D ESAit
t Mr. Desai is Reader in South Asian History and Institutions at the School. He
was formerly Professor of History at Rangoon University. He is author of History of
the British Residenry in Burflla r8z6-r84o (Rangoon, 1939).
1 The Treaty ofYandabo r8z6, Article 7
0 3644 Goele ~ouce
Chowk M01i Gate
in some books on the history of Burma : The Government of India Records do not
say so, nor is there- any such suggestion.
8 The Phayre Missions of 1855 and t86z, and of Fytche in 1867.
'Right up to the middle of the eleventh century, they were all petty princes. Burma,
politically, was a divided country.
VoL. II o. t
states were of a subsidiary nature. From the British point of view, and
correctly so according to international usage, the King of Burma, and so
Thibaw, was in treaty relations with the Governor-General of India by
agreements signed by the plenipotentiaries of the two powers, and duly
ratified by the heads of the two countries. These were the Treaty of
Yandabo 1826, and the commercial treaties of 1826, r862, and r867. The
last mentioned treaty however contained an important non-commercial
clause. It conferred on the British Resident at the Burmese capital certain
civil jurisdiction in Upper Burma over cases in which British subjects
were involved. 1 o
Besides the treaties, there was another important matter over which
an agreement was reached. Mter the second war (r8p), King Mindon
refused to sign a treaty recognizing the cession of the province of Pegu
to the British. Governor-General Dalhousie, therefore, settled the matter
by fixing the boundary between Upper and Lower Burma along a certain
parallel of latitude. But when the British surveying party, charged with
the duty of fixing the boundary, reached the Western Karenee, they were
stopped by the local authorities on the ground that they were independent,
and that their independence was respected by the Burmese King. Dalbousie
agreed to it, but on the condition that the King of Burma continued
to respect their independence. But Burmese frontier officers did not
cease to claim their King's sovereignty over the Karenees so that there
was constant friction between the two authorities over this matter.
All the kings of Burma, from Bagyidaw to Thibaw, found the treaties
and engagements with the British galling, and looked upon them as
limiting their sovereignty. Mindon was a man of prudence; he put up
with the situation as best as he could and maintained friendly relations
with the British in spite of his failure to recover the lost provinc s. Under
Thibaw a new situation developed which ultimately led to his
dethronement and the annexation of his state to the British Empire.
Soon after Thibaw came to the throne, a large number of Burmese
princes and princesses were, according to custom, put to death so that
the new King may be able to keep his crown without uneasiness. The
news of this massacre could not be kept hidden now that he was such
a close neighbour of the British. Whether responsible directly for the
massacres or not, Thibaw got a bad name throughout the civilized world.
IFDP, o. 311, July 1879 (Letter from the Government of India to the Secretary
of State for India, 7 March 1879); also Lt. Col. A. Fytche, "Burma Past and Pre$ent,"
The Calcutta Review, 163 (January 1886).
JuLY 1960
[Royalletter given by (His) Most Great and Excellent Majesty, who has sovereignty
over all the umbrella-bearing rulers of Thunaprant,11 Tampa-dipa, 13 and other great
realms and countries and over the dominions of Burmah. The Excellent Burmese
Ruler, the Rising Sun King, to (Her) Most Great and Excellent Majesty, who has
sovereignty over the great dominions of Britain and the Island of Ireland, who is
"Empret" (i.e. Empress) of the dominions of India.]
Queen Victoria
Royal Friend ! Whilst between the Burmese royal dominions and the English ruler's
royal dominions the state of a continuous Raja-Mahamit (great friendship of sovereigns)
between the two great countries was firm and lasting, sickness (or suffering) fastened
upon His Most Great and Excellent Majesty (my) Royal father the Excellent Rising
Sun King against which, notwithstanding that (his) Ministers (or nobles) in consultation
with physicians prescribed various medicines (he) could not be free (or get rest), and
on the 6th day of the waning moon Thadingyut 1240 of the Burmese era migrated
to the country of the Gods-profoundly regretted and mourned by his queens, royal
sons and daughters, ministers (or nobles), and by all the people of the country. (I)
believe and hope that the mind of (Her) Most Great and Excellent Majesty (the) Queen
will be thus (i.e. will share in the regret).
In the year 2422 of the sacred era and 1240 of the Burmese Koze era, on the 14th
day of the waning moon Thadingyut (corresponding with) the year 1878 of the hat-
wearing (nations) era, on the 24th day of October, I (a term used among equals), in
the Royal Golden Palace of the capital city, Ratna Bon" of the Burmese dominions,
do affix (my) signature.
(His) Most Great and Excellent Majesty, who has sovereignty over the dominions
of Burmah, the Excellent Burmese ruler, the Rising Sun King Agga-Maha- enapati,
Royal Minister, Lord of Legaing, Thenat Wun, Kin Wun Mengyee, Men-Thado-
Mengyee-Maha-Menhla-tsithu-gyaw, Burmese Minister for Foreign Affairs.
VoL. II o. I
cr.imes,16 but acting on the advice of the Secretary of State that an official
recognition of the Ruler of Burmah was necessary, the Queen has affixed
her signature thereto." 17
The objects behind Thibaw's foreign dealings may first be summed up
in a few words. His father Mindon's policy, as noticed above, was to get
back the lost provinces by friendly means, and if possible through the
friendly mediation of some European rulers. Thibaw adopted a double
line of attack without the intention to go to war. He and his Ministers
knew full well the utter futility of drawing the sword. Since the British
were in no mood to return the lost territory as friends, he adopted the
poli~y of ignoring their Resident stationed at his capital. This was also
the attitude of his grandfather Tharrawaddy, so that the Residency had
to be closed .in 1 840. Second, Th.ibaw began to toy with the idea of treaties
with certain uropean powers, particularly France. It was a fatal policy,
almost playing with fire . Great Britain then, whether under a Conser-
vative or a Liberal government, was pursuing relentlessly a policy leading
to the expansion of the Empire. Thibaw may not have meant anything
more than just to annoy the British ; but it is quite possible that there was
an underlying motive, namely, to look for an opportunity for the recovery
of the lost territory in case hostilities broke out between England on the
one side and France or any other European countries on the other.
Prince Nyoung-Yan, who had taken refuge .in the British Residency
in order to escape death at the hands of his half-brother the new king,
was, however, of a different view. In the course of his conversation with
the British Resident, the Prince said :
You should not consider yourself perfectly secure from an attack by the Burmese.
It is true that the English are powerful, but the Burmese Ministers may act unwisely.
The Burmese Government is anxious to regain the Taline18 Provinces, and the chiefs
of the army and the subordinate Ministers are eager for war. My Royal Father being
no more, and as I have made up my mind to spend the rest of my life in British territory,
I may as well inform you, as it will be for the benefit of both the countries, that the
Burmese Government had a scheme for regaining the lower Provinces during the
recent Turko-Russian \Var. 18 About March last year, three missions were sent to
Europe; the first started under the leadership of Maung Shoay, and the two others
18 The massacres. 17 JPC, Political A, o. So, February x88o.
18 Talaing: referring to Lower Burma, the original home of the Talaings, also
called the Mons.
11 x877-8. There was a prospect of British intervention in this war on behalf of
}ULY 196o
were despatched secretly. 10 They conveyed a present of a lakh of rupees to the Russian
Government. The pay of the Ministers and the allowances of the Princes were stopped
to make up this amount. I have heared that our Government has since sent two lakhs
more,10 but I cannot vouch for the truth of this. The object was to gain the goodwill
of the Russian Government, as it was supposed they were about to conquer Turkey
and take possession of the Suez Canal. The Russian Government was informed that
if they could prevent the English from sending reinforcements through the Suez Canal,
the Burmese Government could easily capture Rangoon and obtain possession of a
large quantity of arms and ordnance ; and that the English would be quite discomfited
as other serious difficulties would also arise in the Indian Empire. n
The Prince also said that the Burmese Government always had its
emissaries in British territory, and that the King had in his possession
accurate plans of British fortifications and the strength of their garrisons. 21
Prince Nyoung-Yan's picture of things was more conjectural than
real. What he reported was indeed not a fabrication but mere bazaar
talk. Thibaw's Ministers understood quite well their King's inability to
stand up against the might of the British so well established in India.
There were rumours that the new King would fight to regain the lost
territory. A report appeared in Calcutta newspapers that King Thibaw
had " announced in full council that heretofore fear had prompted his
yielding to all British demands, but that he would henceforth neither hear
nor speak of proposals of accommodation with the British."22 The
British Resident Shaw immediately took up the matter with the Burmese
Foreign Minister and was informed that the report was untrue, and that
the new King's desire was "to increase the mutual affection and estee.m
between the two in a Grand Friendship." 23
The Viceroy however wanted to be on the safe side and sent reinforce-
ments from Calcutta to strengthen the frontier. 241 Besides reinforcements,
the new British Resident, Col. Horace Browne, who was a bold and able
officer, finding himself a nonentity, withdrew from the Burmese capital.
The Indian Government Records do not mention these secret missions. The
one or two lakhs of rupees mentioned by Prince young-Yan loomed large before
him, but neither Russia nor France could be tempted thus.
11 IFDP, Secret, o. 78, March 1879 (Letter from the British Resident to the Foreign
Secretary, Government of India, 5 October 1878).
11 Ibid., o. 5 (i), August 1879 (Telegram from the Foreign Secretary, Government
oflndia to the British Resident in Mandalay, 21 April 1879).
n Ibid., No. 436, July 1879 (Letter from the B~rmese Foreign Minister to the British
Resident, z6 April 1879).
u Ibid., No. 337 (Telegram from the Viceroy to the Secretary of State for India).
VoL. II o. 1
The Viceroy abolished the Residency, and almost all Europeans, fearin g
danger to life and property, also left the capital. The Resident found his
position at Mandalay very undignified. He was not permitted to have the
usual bodyguard of fifty men as stipulated in the Yandabo Treaty, and
which his predecessors, Benson and Burney, had been allowed to keep.
Besides he was unable to transact any real business with the Burmese
Government on the various questions at issue as to the commercial
treaties and frontier disputes .25 In one of his letters to the Government
of India the Resident wrote, "I. feel very sure that the most skilful diplo-
matist in the world would never succeed by diplomacy alone in making
any impression on the old spirit of arrogance and exclusiveness which
since the commencement of the new reign has come over the Burmese
Government. The Burman is but an inferior type of Chinaman, and the
policy of Burmah is modelled upon that of China." 2 6
Conditions at the King's Court were fast deteriorating as to the attitude
towards the British. The Resident reported that the " one great object of
Burman diplomacy is to increase the prestige of its own government in
the eyes of hs people by showing them that though the Burmese Govern-
ment in the fullness of its charity and generosity may tolerate the presence
of the British Resident in its capital, such Resident is after all of very
little account."27 The King and the Queen were for all public purposes
arrogant. Some thought that left to themselves they would have committed
aggression; but the Kinwun Mingyi understood well the weakness of
Burma and kept them in check. The Alenandaw D owager Queen, who
contrived to place the new King on the throne and hoped to play the
part of the factotum of the Empire, gradually found herself under neglect
both by her daughter, the Qu een, as well as by Thibaw. 1other and
daughter came to be on bad terms with each other. 27 More than once,
according to the Resident's report, the old lady sent messages to him
"suggesting the opening of a secret communication between us .. ..
A letter from me was suggested, but that of course I have refused."
Some Italians and Armenians were egging the King on to war, and one
Scala, an Italian, promised to manufacture torpedoes which would destroy
Ibid., Nos. 55, 57, 61, August 1879.
Ibid., No. 54, July 1879.
Ibid., "Keep With" No. 2 (Letter from the Resident to the Foreign Secretary,
Government of India, 30 June I 879).
Ibid., Nos. 53-63 (The British Resident to the Chief COmmissioner of British
Burma, 7 July 1879, also 30 June 1879).
jULY 1960
28 Ibid., Nos. 53-63 (Letter from the Chief Commissioner to the Foreign Secretary,
Government of India,; May 1879).
30 Ibid.,
Nos. 79-12.6; "Keep With" No. 7, August 1879.
31 Ibid., (Telegram from the Resident
to the Foreign Secretary, Simla, 2.2. May 1879).
31 Ibid., (Telegram
from the Chief Commissioner to the Foreign Secretary, Simla,
24 May 1879).
38 Ibid., November 1879 (Secret: Note by Foreign Secretary A. C. Lyall,
II November
1879); C. U. Aitchison, A Collection of Treaties, Engagement! and Sanads Relating to India
and Neighbouring Cotmtries, VI (Calcutta, 1909).
' Ibid.,
os. 235-240; also" Keep With." u a n. 33
VoL. ll No. J
}ULY 196o
and Bodawpaya the Grand Monarch. The Viceroy, though feared, was
still looked upon as merely a paid officer of the British Queen. Under the
circumstances it was not possible for the two rulers to have relations
based on the principle of equality. The King was still anxious to recover
the lost territory, while the British policy was to expand the Empire
missing no opportunities. Dalhousie might as well have conquered Upper
Burma when he annexed the Pegu province in 18p, but it was not politic
at that time to do so. His policy was being severely criticized in the
British Parliament.
The one great obsession with the King and his Ministers was to recover
the lost provinces. This could not be achieved by an appeal to arms.
Mindon's friendly policy had borne no fruit in this direction. Thibaw
now u;ied a new l:iut a risky device. He desired to cultivate friendship
with France and was ready to enter into treaty relations with this power.
The French had already established themselves in Cambodia and were
enlarging their empire at the expense of Siam. Again, at that particular
time England and France were imperialistic rivals . Britain may, it was
thought in Mandalay, get involved in a war in Europe or elsewhere,
so that in the case of her defeat England's rival would be of help in respect
of the recovery of the lost provinces. It was a strategy of despair, neither
the King nor his Ministers being able to gauge the world situation in the
rivalry of great powers who were seeking to enlarge their empires and
interests wherever there was an opportunity whether in Asia or Mrica,
in Australasia or the Americas. The Burmese policy was an infantile one.
Siam was saved from absorption into a European empire not because it
was in any way superior to Burma, but because it lay between French and
British territory, and these two powers agreed to live in peace with each
other in Asia by recognizing Siam as a convenient buffer state. As to
Upper Burma, there did not seem to be any way out of annexation to the
British Empire except perhaps turning the King into a tributary ruler
like one of the many Indian Princes.
In keeping with the new strategy the King decided to send a Mission
to Europe. It was declared to be a Scientific Mission so as not to create
alarm in Calcutta. o regular Burmese Mission could leave the shores
of Burma without British permission since the King had no ports of his
own. The Burmese Foreign Minister informed the Chief Commissioner of
British Burma (1883) that the King would like to build steam carriages
and steam boats, would like to work gold, silver and coal mines, manufac-
ture silk, cotton and other fabrics, and desired to carry out improvements
VoL. II No. 1
In the meanwhile the British Minister at Paris was trying his best to
discover what the Burmese envoys were about. An English firm, Messrs.
Smith, Carter & Tutson, approached the Burmese Mission and invited
them to do business in England where they would get material for Tele-
graphs, Railways, Canals, etc. at concession rates. But the envoys were
very reticent and anxious to have as little communication as possible
with the British firm. The agents of the firm reported that "they under-
stood the Mission will remain two or three months, and that endeavours
are being made by the French to obtain concessions, and otherwise
acquire influence in the country with a view to using Burmah against
India in case of complications with Great Britain." 47
Rumours were afloat and reports were received at Westminster that
the envoys had signed a treaty which contained not only commercial
clauses, but also concessions of territory made by Burma to France.'s
Lord Lyons the new British Ambassador at Paris in an interview with
M. Lacour the French Foreign Minister told him that " in consequence
of the vicinity of British India and of its political relations with that
empire, Burmah occupied a peculiar position with regard to Her Majesty's
u Ibid., No. 376 (Telegram dated 5 December 1883). Since it is a cablegram, the
article " the " is omitted in places in the original.
All who wished to appear before the King had to remove their shoes at the palace
gate and walk bare-foot sometimes over rough ground. This was a sore point with
British envoys and residents. In 1875 the Viceroy declared that as Burmese envoys
were not required to hwniliate themselves thus at his court, but were rather provided
with chairs, retained their head-wear, and kept their shoes on, his envoys at the Burmese
court would not in future take off their shoes nor kneel before the Burmese monarch.
The result was that after 1 875 King Mindon never granted audience to British officers.
t7 Ibid., A-Political-E, No. 24, December 1883 (Letter from F. R. Plunkett, Her
Majesty's Minister at Paris, to Earl Granville, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs,
dated Paris, 21 August 1883). Lord Lyons succeeded Plunkett as Ambassador in Paris.
u United Kingdom, House of Commons, Parliamentary D ebates, vol. 194 (1884-5)
VoL. II o. 1
Government, and one which gave them a special interest in all that
concerned it."49 He also appealed to the French Government not to have
any agreement with Burma containing stipulations beyond those which
were purely commercial. 50
Burmese negotiations with the French Government produced one
concrete thing. Mindon had in 1872 sent a Mission to Europe. Kinwun
Mingyi (U Gaung) the leader of the Mission had signed a treaty (18 73)
with France by which the French were to be allowed to mine rubies in
Burma. Mindon refused to ratify the treaty since rubies were his monopoly.
TheKinwunMingyiwentagaintoFrancewith the treaty thus amended, but
the French Government refused to agree to it if they were not allowed
to mine rubies. The French Government now told the so-called cientific
Mission that as a prelude to the negotiations for further conventions,
the Burmese envoys should accept the old treaty which was authorized
by the French National Assembly in 1873. 51 According to the report of
Lord Lyons, the envoys ratified the old treaty. M. Ferry, the new French
Minister of Foreign .Affairs, assured Lord Lyons that the British " need
not feel any anxiety whatever respecting the present negotiations between
France and Burmah." 62 He also said that any new conventions or treaties
agreed to would be entirely commercial, and that no facilities would be
given to Burma to obtain arms. Lyons begged him to see that nothing
political slipped into any conventions or treaties concluded. "M. Jules
Ferry repeated that I might be perfectly at ease respecting tbe
negotiations. " 52
The Burmese envoys ultimately agreed to a new treaty, and the French
Government furnished the British Foreign Office with a copy of the same.
The terms were found to be identical with those of the commercial
treaties existing between ngland and Burma. 53 One of the stipulations
however was the recognition of" a mutual right to accredit Diplomatic
and Consular Representatives. " 5 "' After this the Burmese envoys visited
Italy. The first and second members of the embassy returned to Mandalay
on 12 May 1885 after halting in Rangoon for a week. The third member
had returned earlier. " othing of any political importance transpired
IFDP, A-Political-E, o. 38o, May 1884 (Letter from Lyons to the Secretary
of State for Foreign Affairs, 7 ovember 1883).
Ibid., o. 386 (Lyons to Secretary of State, 13 December 1883).
Ibid., o . 392 (Lyons to Secretary of State, dated Paris, 6 April r884) .
Ibid., No. 393 (Lyons to Secretary of State, ro April 1884).
63 64
n. 48, 295 (1885) 1038. Ibid., 194 (t884- 1885) u6z.
Juu 1960
18 IFDP, No. 389, May 1884 (Lyons to the Secretary of State dated Paris z6 December
VoL. II No. 1
It was a secret communication, but the news leaked out even before the
ultimatum was sent, and the Rangoon Times Daily announced it. 60 On
61 Aitcbison, n. 33.
10 IFDP, External No. 12.4, Part B, October 1885 .
)ULY 196o
Troops at once landed, and many rifles, fowling pieces, spears and swords were
laid down: j46 muzzle-loaders and 87 breach-loaders at Ava, 390 muskets at Sagaineaa
Fort, also heaps of swords and spears at Ava, Sagain and Thabyadun, not to mention
the 90 pieces of ordnance that were in batteries commanding the river and the two
great walled cities" and 3 forts of scientific European construction, that were in the
power of the British troops.'"'
At Ava the King's troops could have delayed the advance of Prender-
gast and done damage to his fleet, but Thibaw decided to surrender under
the advice of the Kinwun Mingyi who from the beginning had realized
the futility of resistance. As to the Burmese defence establishment at and
near Av~, Prendergast said :
It would have been impossible to invest the enemy's force, for the Irrawaddy was
blocked, and Ava, Sagain Fort and Thabyadun were protected by inundations. If it
had been determined to take A va fort by coup de main, the assaulting columns, restricted
to a narrow strip of dry land, would have advanced on a very narrow front, over ground
swept by cross-fire from Ava walls and Ava redout. If the enemy had stood as they
did at Minhla and Myingyan our losses would have been very heavy, the advance
on Mandalay would have been delayed, and all the Europeans at Mandalay might
have been destroyed by the King of Burma.'"'
The war cost more than 3oo,ooo and the British Cabinet decided
to charge it upon the revenues of India .. Hunter a Member of Parliament
from Aberdeen made a vigorous speech in the House of Commons
opposing the decision and pronounced it "mean and cruel." India, he
said, was a Ward while Great Britain was a Guardian ; India was poor
while the Guardian was rich; hence it was unjust to burden the Indian
tax-payer. Besides, he said, the Indian people had no say in the matter
and they had no representative in the Parliament. The voice of this noble
soul was however a voice in the wilderness. The Liberal Party Govern-
ment of Britain stuck to its decision. Hunter also drew the attention of
the House to the fact that India had been made to pay the expenses of
IFDP, (Letter from General Henry Prendergast to the Foreign Secretary,
Government of India, I 3 October I 89o).
ua n. 48, vol. 302 (I886).
)ULY 1900
the first war amounting to no less than r 5 millions, while the revenue
of British Burma was only 67o,ooo; but that on the other hand trade
between British Burma and Upper Burma during r874-8 was 3,o6r,174
which rose to 3,2.2.4,814 during 1879-83 which meant a large increase
during the reign of Thibaw. 6 6
The Viceroy visited Burma in February 1886 and found the country
peaceful. But soon the complexion of things began to change. In the
following month a large Burmese force appeared north of Yamethin,
but it accomplished nothing. It was scattered in no time by the Indo-
British troops. By 3I March the military occupation of Upper Burma
was complete. Mandalay was strongly held with a cordon of posts round
it. Military posts at convenient distances were placed along the Irrawaddy
from Thayetmyo to Bhamo, also at Alon on the Chindwin, and from the
railway terminus at Toungoo to Myingyan and Mandalay. All the strong
forts of Thibaw were occupied, also his arsenal and rifle factory. All his
war-boats were captured. Besides his transport animals, Prendergast took
charge of r,86r pieces of ordnance, about 7,300 rifles and muskets, and
37,000 spears and swords. 67 The Royal Army melted away.
Burma was unified once again but this time under a foreign ruler.
However, mere conquest or annexation does not necessarily mean unifi-
cation. Dalhousie in r 852., and later Charles Bernard, the Chief Commis-
sioner of British Burma (r88o-7), had declared that although Arakan,
Tenasserim and Pegu had been quickly conquered and pacified, the
Kingdom of Upper Burma would offer prolonged resistance. In 1879
the General Officer Commanding at Rangoon had said that he could take
Mandalay with 5oo men, but would need 5,ooo men to subdue Upper
Burma. These fears came now to be too true. Although it was a loosely
knit state, it bristled with village stockades. Besides there was a crude
but strong sense of nationality which evinced even in defeat a tenacious
vitality, the monarch, whether the one banished or a new aspirant to
the throne, being the rallying centre. Such a ruler was automatically
looked upon as the Defender of the Faith. This vitality now expressed
itself in several rival aspirants to the throne of Burma who tried to imitate
the great Alaungpaya of the r8th century. These "patriots," either
supposed to be fighting for Thibaw or for themselves played the part of
dacoits, or for the purpose in hand took to dacoity. It was nothing strange.
Ibid., 944 ff.
n IFDP, (Letter from General Henry Prendergast to the Foreign Secretary,
Government of India, 13 October 1890).
VoL. n o. I
Dacoity was not only endemic to Burma, and especially to Upper Burma,
but it had become an institution in itself. In past history, rivals to the
Burmese throne did not hesitate to enlist the help of dacoits, and on
mounting the throne gave Ministerships to their friends the dacoit chiefs.
A glaring example is Tharrawaddy who dethroned his brother Bagyidaw
in r 837 and usurped the throne.
Under Thibaw the government was powerless to suppress dacoity.
Some of his Ministers at times protected dacoits and shared their booty
leaving district governors unsupported. Villages often submitted to
their exactions in return for protection against other dacoits, protection
which Thibaw's government could not provide. In 1884 the Kachins had
even captured Bhamo and plundered villages half way down to the
royal capital.
Although Thibaw had issued a grandiose proclamation threatening to
exterminate the "foreign heretics," he was unable to lead his army
against the invader. It is possible that the army as well as many of his
subjects thought that the British would depose Thibaw and place one of
his brothers on the throne. The British however did not hesitate to annex
the Burmese kingdom to their Empire. In the hour of the monarchy's
dissolution, many Burmese soldiers went home with their arms and
joined the dacoits. Their patriotism did not rise to a sense of unity against
the new foreign ruler. They not only fought other dacoit chiefs but also
plundered their peaceful countrymen in the villages and towns. The
harassed villagers therefore welcomed the British who offered them peace
and safety. The new rulers took almost ten years to pacify the country,
and gave it a unity which Burma had never enjoyed in the past. D uring
this period of pacification the country was visited by renowned British
soldiers, such as Sir George White, Sir George Wolsely, and Sir Frederick
Roberts the Commander-in-Chief of India. At one time no fewer than
32.,000 troops, mostly Indians and Gurkhas, were employed to deal with
the situation.
Thus ended the reign of Thibaw, his foreign dealings, and the dynasty
of Alaungpaya. Under old Burma, foreigners and foreign states, with the
exception of the Chinese, were looked upon as far inferior to themselves
and their own country. The Burmese capital was to them the centre of
the world. There was nothing that they needed to learn from foreign
countries. Later, during the reigns of the last two kings, when embassies
were sent to foreign countries, the supreme object was just to get back
the territory lost as a result of the first two wars.
}ULY I96o
Under British rule, with the spread of modem education, and the
establishment of the rule of law; the Burmese people began gradually to
widen their vision of the world. The link with the British brought into
being, as also in India, a new nationalism and the desire to maintain the
rule of law in the country. It is clear from the current history of the
country that the policy of New Burma as to foreign relations is just the
opposite of the policy of Thibaw and his forbears.
VoL. II No. t
11. Au . 19/o