The financial crisis significantly affected Ukraine's public health system by exacerbating issues with access and quality of medical care and reducing doctor incomes and health system spending. Ukraine's medical sector is characterized as a multi-level functionally controlled system with interconnected components that interact with each other and the external environment. The basic orientation of Ukraine's medical sector is socially focused and directed towards real outcomes. Public health resources should primarily focus on disease prevention. An individual's health depends on the medical system for about 10-15%. Systems that promote social and economic incentives for healthy living will most promote a healthy lifestyle.
The financial crisis significantly affected Ukraine's public health system by exacerbating issues with access and quality of medical care and reducing doctor incomes and health system spending. Ukraine's medical sector is characterized as a multi-level functionally controlled system with interconnected components that interact with each other and the external environment. The basic orientation of Ukraine's medical sector is socially focused and directed towards real outcomes. Public health resources should primarily focus on disease prevention. An individual's health depends on the medical system for about 10-15%. Systems that promote social and economic incentives for healthy living will most promote a healthy lifestyle.
The financial crisis significantly affected Ukraine's public health system by exacerbating issues with access and quality of medical care and reducing doctor incomes and health system spending. Ukraine's medical sector is characterized as a multi-level functionally controlled system with interconnected components that interact with each other and the external environment. The basic orientation of Ukraine's medical sector is socially focused and directed towards real outcomes. Public health resources should primarily focus on disease prevention. An individual's health depends on the medical system for about 10-15%. Systems that promote social and economic incentives for healthy living will most promote a healthy lifestyle.
The financial crisis significantly affected Ukraine's public health system by exacerbating issues with access and quality of medical care and reducing doctor incomes and health system spending. Ukraine's medical sector is characterized as a multi-level functionally controlled system with interconnected components that interact with each other and the external environment. The basic orientation of Ukraine's medical sector is socially focused and directed towards real outcomes. Public health resources should primarily focus on disease prevention. An individual's health depends on the medical system for about 10-15%. Systems that promote social and economic incentives for healthy living will most promote a healthy lifestyle.
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Module 2. Public health services economy.
Text test assessments
1. How financial and economic crisis considerably affected system of public health services of Ukraine? A. Aggravated problems of availability and quality of granting of medical aid* B. Lowered level of incomes of doctors C. Cut down expenses on public health services system D. Lowered quality of granting of medical aid E. Considerably did not affect 2. What basic system characteristic of medical branch in Ukraine? A. Multilevel functional controlled system with many components co-operating among themselves and an external environment* B. Functional decentralizing system C. Hierarchical controlled system with the components which have been not bound among themselves D. Hierarchical uncontrollable system with the components bound among themselves E. Multilevel hierarchical controlled system with the components which have been not bound among themselves and an external environment 3. What basic orientation of medical branch in Ukraine? A. Socially focused, directed on real indices* B. Professionally focused, directed on optimum indices C. Scientifically focused, directed on demonstrative indices D. Individually focused, directed on individual indices E. Socially-politically focused, directed on scientifically well-founded indices 4. On what public health services resources first of all should go? A. On the prevention of diseases* B. On first aid C. On socially dangerous diseases D. On children's diseases E. On cardiovascular diseases 5. On how many health of the individual depends on medical aid system? A. On 10-15 %* B. On 20-30 % C. On 45-50 % D. On 55-60 % E. On 80-85 % 6. What actions will promote most of all the healthy way of life? A. Systems of social and economic stimulation of a healthy way of life* B. Systems of sanitary-and-hygienic training C. Systems of information propagation of a healthy way of life D. Systems of school educational programs E. Lectures and individual conversations of local and family doctors 7. It is expedient to concentrate the basic volume of the monitoring information of public health services on what level? A. At base level of management* B. At the highest level of management C. At regional level of management D. At regional level of management E. At the state level of management 8. What steps should be used for maintenance of a transparency and publicity in public health services sphere? A. It is necessary to allocate with certain functions of the control public organisations and their associations* B. It is necessary to allocate with certain functions of the control of patients C. It is necessary to allocate with certain functions of the control of representatives of opposition D. It is necessary to allocate with certain functions of the control of representatives of job lots E. It is necessary to allocate with certain functions of the control medical associations 9. What strategic direction of development of medical aid gives access guarantees to treatment? A. Introduction of the level of free medical aid guaranteed by the state and its state standard* B. Medical insurance C. Private medical aid D. Introduction of reports of treatment E. Introduction of cash desk of patients 10. In what priority strategic direction it is necessary to develop medical aid structure? A. Reorganization of the primary medicosanitary care on principles of family medicine and re- structuring of specialised medical aid* B. Upholding of institute of the local therapist C. Development as much as possible narrow specialities D. Introduction of conveyor service when each expert masterly makes only the site of work E. Leave only primary and secondary medical aid 11. In what priority strategic direction it is necessary to develop medical aid granting? A. Introduction of heterogeneity of ownership patterns in public health services sphere, liberalisation of conditions for private sector development* B. Introduction of strictly controllable public sector of medical aid C. Introduction of heterogeneity of ownership patterns in sphere of public health services with simultaneous intensifying of the control of their activity D. Introduction of medical institutions of exclusively only collective pattern of ownership E. Forbid private medical aid, as such which works on business interest, instead of in interests of the patient 12. In what priority strategic direction it is necessary to develop professional medical preparation of experts? A. Reforming of the higher medical education, reorientation to preparation of doctors of the general practice / family doctors* B. Reforming of the higher medical education, reorientation to preparation of doctors experts of separate nosologies C. Reforming of the higher medical education, reorientation to preparation of doctors on a profile: surgery, therapy, diagnostic methods D. Reforming of the higher medical education, reorientation to a formation stage structure: the younger medical personnel the average medical personnel the higher medical personnel E. To Reduce term of study till 5 years and 1 year of internship 13. In what priority strategic direction it is necessary to develop the financial policy of medical aid? A. Attraction in the state budget of additional sources of finance of medical aid* B. Introduction of obligatory medical insurance C. Introduction of voluntary medical insurance D. Introduction of cash desks of patients E. Introduction of charitable medical funds 14. What changes in structure of the primary medico-sanitary care in a countryside are provided in the program of reforming of branch? A. Medical assistance Approach to inhabitants of village, intensifying of a role and augmentation of number of village medical ambulatories* B. Care Centralization at level of the CDH C. Maintenance of countrymen with medical transport for their operative delivery to a medical institution in case of need D. Reorganization of medical institutions in village agents of local budgets E. The Raising of consciousness of territorial societies to level of the independent decision of questions of the health 15. Than the state regulation of a part of paid medical services in total amount of the medicosanitary care is caused? A. Majority of the population still long time will not be capable to pay insurance premium payments* B. State control C. The Fiscal policy of the state D. The private sector Control E. Care of well-being of the citizens 16. What leading part of public medical associations in the subsequent development of medical aid? A. Will promote control system democratization at its each level* B. Will promote the control system control at its each level C. Will promote a control system transparency at its each level D. Will promote chaos in a control system at its each level E. Will promote control system decentralization at its each level 17. Through that updating of a fixed capital of public health services in the program of reform of system is provided? A. Through improvements of material support, capital construction, modernization and replacement morally the decayed technical equipment and so forth* B. Through augmentations of financing by the state C. Through inflow of agents from a private sector D. Through profits of insurance companies E. Through donations of rich citizens of Ukraine 18. How economic methods of forecasting depending on the information, technologies of its processing and the received results are parted? A. Factorological and heuristic* B. Expedient and inexpedient C. Objective and subjective D. Correct and wrong E. True and incorrect 19. On what are based factorological forecasting methods? A. On use of actual (statistical) materials* B. On use of the checked up materials C. On use of the objective facts D. On use of the previous data E. On use of look-ahead calculations 20. How forecasting methods on substantial filling are parted? A. Qualitative and quantitative* B. Substantial and empty C. Filled and empty D. Settlement and intuitive E. Real and doubtful 21. What underlies qualitative methods of forecasting? A. Mainly logic analysis of objects which leans against the general patterns of economic and social development of subjects of housekeeping* B. Accuracy of calculations C. Objective reality D. Completeness of inspection E. Nonparametric models 22. What underlies quantitative methods of forecasting? A. Mathematical analysis of a statistical material which characterises tendencies of development of object of forecasting for the certain period* B. Carry out look-ahead workings out on the basis of inventions C. Carry out look-ahead workings out by exclusively descriptive way D. Carry out look-ahead workings out intuitively E. Carry out look-ahead workings out on the previous materials 23. In what feature of a resource method of planning consists? A. Requirements of the market, demand for produce (services) become the Initial moment of planning* B. Carry out look-ahead workings out on the basis of inventions C. Carry out look-ahead workings out by exclusively descriptive way D. Carry out look-ahead workings out intuitively E. Carry out look-ahead workings out on the previous materials 24. What use of the statistical data provides an experimentally-statistical method? A. Actual for previous years* B. Actual for next years C. Look-ahead for previous years D. Look-ahead for next years E. Any 25. At what method planned value of indices define on the basis of calculations of influence of the major factors causing changes of these indices? A. Factorial* B. Statistical C. Mathematical D. Empirical E. Any 26. What method of planning is considered the most exact? A. Standard* B. Factorial C. Empirical D. Experimentally-statistical E. Intuitive 27. What method of planning makes it possible to bind requirements to resources? A. Balance* B. Factorial C. Empirical D. Experimentally-statistical E. Intuitive 28. With what care of modelling indices of separate sections of the plan should be optimized? A. Economic-mathematical modeling* B. Statistical analysis C. System analysis D. System approach E. The Factorial analysis 29. Of what forecasting with use of correlation models consists? A. From search of statistical communication of one index with others* B. From search of attributes C. Carry out look-ahead workings out of attributes D. From search of intuitive attributes E. From true search 30. The method of expert estimations is what, as a matter of fact? A. Intuitive* B. Extensive C. Intensive D. Objective E. Progressive 31. When use a method of expert estimations? A. When there is no appropriate information* B. When there are experts C. When given doubtful D. When the data is objective E. When the information is confidential 32. What underlies "a brainstorming" method? A. Creative cooperation of certain group of experts-experts concerning the decision of a task in view by means of discussion* B. Compulsion by the chief subordinated to think C. Competition of opponents D. Prize in dispute on the correctness E. Pronouncing of the greatest quantity of absurd ideas 33. To what the construction method of "a tree of the purposes in forecasting is applied? A. For distribution of the basic tasks on subtasks* B. For definition of the main problem C. For definition of the main task D. For descriptive reasons prognosticated ideas E. For orientation 34. On what the method of information modelling is based? A. Characteristic features of mass streams of the information do possible forecasting process* B. Mathematical analysis of a statistical material characterizes tendencies of development of object of forecasting C. For the certain period carry out look-ahead workings out on the basis of inventions D. Carry out look-ahead workings out by exclusively descriptive way E. Carry out look-ahead workings out on the previous materials 35. Make literal definition of the term "marketing"? A. Market* B. Trade C. Shop D. Market E. Management 36. What is the main idea of marketing? A. Complex activity of experts in the organization of production, sale of produce and realization of the services, focused on satisfaction of requirements of the population taking into account found out before demand and possible profit* B. Action or a complex of the actions made at diseases C. It is set necessary, enough diligent, expedient and professional actions of the medical worker (the executor, the manufacturer of service), the requirements of the patient directed on satisfaction (the customer, the service consumer) D. It is a kind of medical aid which is given by medical workers, institutions of public health services to the population E. Set of the organizational-economic functions bound to realization of a complex 37. Medical service it: A. Set necessary, enough diligent, expedient and professional actions of the medical worker (the executor, the manufacturer of service), the requirements of the patient directed on satisfaction (the customer, the service consumer)* B. Realization of certain activity or set of the certain actions directed on satisfaction of requirement of other faces C. Complex of the actions directed on the prevention of disease or renewal of health D. Action or a complex of the actions made at diseases E. Care at diseases or at threat of their development, directed on the prevention of disease or health renewal 38. What covers marketing in public health services? A. Set of the organizational-economic functions bound to realization of a complex of improvingly-preventive, sanitary and medical services, medical products, products of medico-therapeutic and rehabilitational appointment* B. Complex activity of experts in the organization of production, produce sale C. Realization of certain activity or set of the certain actions directed on satisfaction of requirement of other faces D. Action or a complex of the actions made at diseases E. The Kind of medical aid which is given by medical workers, institutions of public health services to the population 39. In what the main short of medical service? A. Action or a complex of the actions made at diseases or at threat of their development, directed on prevention of disease or renewal of health which have certain cost* B. Action or a complex of the actions made at diseases, directed on renewal of the health, having certain cost C. Action or a complex of the actions made at diseases, directed on the prevention of the disease, having certain cost D. Complex of the actions directed on the prevention of disease or renewal of health E. Care at diseases or at threat of their development, directed on the prevention of disease or health renewal 40. In what the physical characteristic of service consists? A. It has no physical parametres* B. It is inseparable from the manufacturer C. It not kept D. It has changeable quality E. Its demand is not always proportional to its quality 41. In what the industrial characteristic of service consists? A. It inseparable from the manufacturer* B. It has no physical parametres C. It not kept D. It has changeable quality E. Its demand is not always proportional to its quality 42. In what feature of volumes of realisation of service consists? A. It not kept* B. It inseparable from the manufacturer C. It has no physical parametres D. It has changeable quality E. Its demand is not always proportional to its quality 43. In what the qualitative characteristic of service consists? A. It has changeable quality* B. It inseparable from the manufacturer C. It not kept D. It has no physical parametres E. Its demand is not always proportional to its quality 44. In what feature of implication of the law of a supply and demand in the market of services? A. Demand is not always proportional to quality of service* B. Service inseparable from the manufacturer C. Service not kept D. Service has changeable quality E. Service has no physical parametres 45. Marketing is an art to counterbalance: A. Supply and demand* B. Quantity of the goods and an expense C. Quantity of the goods and wages D. Service having changeable quality, quantity of the goods and mass of money E. Desire of consumers and possibility of manufacturers 46. About what real and potential requirements of consumers there can be a speech in marketing activity of system of public health services? A. About reproduction and health conservation* B. About health maintenance C. About health acquisition D. About cured diseases E. About health prevention 47. How the marketing strategic target on F.Kottler concerning achievement of as much as possible high consumption in public health services system will be realised? A. Only concerning prophylaxis, but at all concerning treatment* B. In the maximum volume because it is completely inherent for public health services system C. Can apply for satisfaction, but the aspiration to discomfort minimisation is completely justified D. For medical services it is caused by adequacy of a medical intervention E. Marketing Strategic targets on F.Kottler cannot be realised in public health services system 48. How the marketing strategic target on F.Kottler concerning achievement of the maximum consumer satisfaction in public health services system will be realised? A. Can apply for satisfaction, but the aspiration to discomfort minimisation is completely justified* B. Only concerning prophylaxis, but at all concerning treatment C. In the maximum volume because it is completely inherent for public health services system D. For medical services it is caused by adequacy of a medical intervention E. Marketing Strategic targets on F.Kottler cannot be realised in public health services system 49. How the marketing strategic target on F.Kottler concerning achievement of as much as possible wide choice in public health services system will be realised? A. For medical services it is caused by adequacy of a medical intervention* B. Can apply for satisfaction, but the aspiration to discomfort minimisation is completely justified C. Only concerning prophylaxis, but at all concerning treatment D. In the maximum volume because it is completely inherent for public health services system E. Marketing Strategic targets on F.Kottler cannot be realised in public health services system 50. How the marketing strategic target on F.Kottler concerning achievement of the maximum improvement of quality of life in public health services system will be realised? A. In the maximum volume because it is completely inherent for public health services system* B. For medical services it is caused by adequacy of a medical intervention C. Can apply for satisfaction, but the aspiration to discomfort minimisation is completely justified D. Only concerning prophylaxis, but at all concerning treatment E. Marketing Strategic targets on F.Kottler cannot be realised in public health services system 51. The manufacturer at a stage of complex research of the market in marketing activity of system of public health services should learn what exactly? A. Case rate Levels, structure and their dynamics* B. The Analysis of indices of activity of institution of public health services, indices of a case rate of potential consumers of offered services and comparison of this data through a prism of standards of granting of the given services C. Standards of granting of medical services which contain in reports of treatment of separate nosologies D. The Analysis of indices of activity of institutions of public health services of competitors E. The Analysis of indices of activity of potential competitors 52. Choose literal definition to the term "method". A. A research Way* B. The Decision of problems C. The Instrument D. Ability E. Management 53. Choose definition to a research method. A. It is the systematized set of steps, actions which is necessary for carrying out for performance of the certain task* B. It is the systematized set of steps which the purposes lead C. It is the systematized set of actions which provide to the principal the necessary information D. It is the systematized set of results which are necessary for performance of the certain task E. It is the systematized set of tasks 54. What methods of research belong to the empirical? A. Experiment, observation and the description* B. The Analysis and synthesis C. Deduction and an induction D. Abstraction E. Ordering and classification 55. What methods belong to general scientific? A. Empirical and theoretical* B. The Analysis and synthesis C. Tool D. System analysis E. Scholastic 56. What methods of research do not belong to the theoretical? A. Experiment, observation and the description* B. The Analysis and synthesis C. Deduction and an induction D. Abstraction E. Ordering and classification 57. In what the control short consists in research of the market of public health services? A. In research of deviations of actual value of analytical indices from specifications* B. In a choice of such system of analytical indices which the best measure characterize a state and development of system and public health services institutions C. In use of system of the primary data which comprehensively characterize economic activities of system and public health services institutions D. In revealing and measurement of reserves of production and working out of actions for their effective utilization E. In working out of optimum planned decisions 58. What is the market of medical services? A. It is set of social and economic relations in public health services sphere* B. It is set of social and economic relations in medical institution C. It is set of social and economic relations in an in-patient department D. It is set of social and economic relations in a private sector E. It is set of medico-social relations in public health services sphere 59. What is the basic unit of the microeconomic analysis in public health services? A. Transaction* B. Patient C. Patient D. A disease Case E. Market exchange 60. With what care of methods of research of the market of medical services will define case rate structure? A. Epidemiological methods* B. Sociological C. Retrograde models D. Look-ahead models E. Tactical methods 61. With what care of methods of research of the market of medical services the mortality reasons will be defined? A. Epidemiological methods* B. Sociological C. Retrograde models D. Look-ahead models E. Tactical methods 62. With what care of methods of research of the market of medical services the quantity of doctors on a profile will be defined? A. Epidemiological methods* B. Sociological C. Retrograde models D. Look-ahead models E. Tactical methods 63. With what care of methods of research of the market of medical services levels of medical technologies will be defined? A. Epidemiological methods* B. Sociological C. Retrograde models D. Look-ahead models E. Tactical methods 64. With what care of methods of research of the market of medical services will define the analysis of structure of medical base? A. Sociological* B. Epidemiological methods C. Retrograde models D. Look-ahead models E. Tactical methods 65. With what care of methods of research of the market of medical services will define tendencies of dynamics of a case rate? A. Retrograde models* B. Sociological C. Epidemiological methods D. Look-ahead models E. Tactical methods 66. With what care of methods of research of the market of medical services will define dynamics of number of the medical personnel? A. Retrograde models* B. Sociological C. Epidemiological methods D. Look-ahead models E. Tactical methods 67. With what care of methods of research of the market of medical services will define demand for separate kinds of medical aid? A. Tactical methods* B. Sociological C. Retrograde models D. Look-ahead models E. Epidemiological methods 68. It is necessary to carry demand for a proctosigmoidoscope to what kind of demand? A. To negative demand* B. To absent demand C. To the latent demand D. To falling demand E. To irregular demand 69. What defining characteristic of business in the conditions of the market? A. Profit Reception* B. Responsibility C. Initiative D. Competence E. Purposefulness 70. To what activity of any enterprise in the conditions of the market is bound? A. With risk* B. With money C. With the finance D. With taxes E. With inspections 71. In what defining line of the businessman in the conditions of the market consists? A. In Businessmen are inherent especial ethics and even original outlook* B. Especial mathematical abilities are inherent in Businessmen C. To Businessmen are inherent especial leader inclinations D. Usually rich relatives are inherent in Businessmen E. Especial professional skills are inherent in Businessmen 72. What three main functions are allocated in sphere of enterprise activity? A. Resource, organizational and creative* B. Strategic, tactical and uncertain C. Resource, power and financial D. Resource, organizational and economic E. Economic, financial and legal 73. Who is the subject of enterprise activity? A. Citizens and legal bodies* B. Exclusively citizens of Ukraine C. Exclusively legal bodies D. All who profits E. All who full age also has earnings 74. What is object of enterprise activity? A. The Goods or service* B. Production C. The Economy D. Profit E. The Finance 75. Whether has the right the businessman on attraction and use of natural, labour, material, financial and other kinds of resources in the enterprise activity? A. Yes* B. No C. Sometimes D. Depends on the local authorities permission E. If has agents 76. Whether has the right the businessman on the free order profit in the enterprise activity? A. Yes* B. No C. Sometimes D. Depends on the local authorities permission E. If it single 77. Whether has the right the businessman on attraction and use of natural, labour, material, financial and other kinds of resources, free employment of workers in the enterprise activity? A. Yes* B. No C. Sometimes D. Depends on the local authorities permission E. If has agents 78. In what two forms enterprise activity can be carried out? A. In individual and collective* B. In simple and difficult C. In official and informal D. In profitable and profitless E. In lawful and illegal 79. On what enterprise activity of type of a small-scale business is based? A. On a personal property* B. On the collective property C. On the joint-stock property D. On a state ownership E. On the municipal property 80. On what enterprise activity of type of the general business is based? A. On the collective property* B. On a personal property C. On the joint-stock property D. On a state ownership E. On the municipal property 81. What two models of business traditionally exist in the countries with the developed market economy? A. Classical and innovative* B. State and private C. Joint-stock and individual D. Any and regulated E. Creative and standard 82. What is the gist of classical model of business? A. Focused on maximum an effective utilization of available resources of the enterprise* B. Focused on the maximum use of available resources of the enterprise C. Focused on use of all available resources D. Focused on the maximum use of the extracted resources E. Focused on the maximum reception of profit 83. What way of estimation of new business idea the most objective? A. Complex* B. Impartial C. Objective D. Professional E. Expert 84. What represents an inversion method in individual search of enterprise idea? A. To Make on the contrary, to change in places* B. Use something similar C. Initiation of ideally solved problem D. Creative cooperation of group of interested persons E. Individual promotion of idea with a collective estimation 85. What represents a method of "cerebral storm in collective search of enterprise idea? A. Creative cooperation of group of interested persons in the form of discussion* B. To Make on the contrary, to change in places C. Initiation of ideally solved problem D. Use something similar E. Individual promotion of idea with a collective estimation 86. What organizations constitute the estimate? A. That contain through agents of budgets* B. That contain through own agents C. That contain through investment agents D. That contain through loan agents E. That contain through sponsor's agents 87. What shows a budget setting? A. The powers given to the main manager of budgetary funds* B. The post given to the main manager of budgetary funds C. The award which is given to the main manager of budgetary funds D. Rank which is given to the main manager of budgetary funds E. Trust which is given to the main manager of budgetary funds 88. What normative act the order of figure up, treating, the statement and the basic demands concerning performance of estimates of incomes and expenses of budgetary institutions affirms? A. The Decision of the Cabinet of Ukraine* B. Order MoH of Ukraine C. Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine D. Order of Ministry of Justice of Ukraine E. The Decree of the President 89. What document confirms powers concerning reception of incomes and realisation of expenses, defines volume and a direction of agents for performance of the functions and achievement of the purposes? A. The Estimate* B. The Deed of inspectorship C. Power of attorney D. The Bill E. Charter 90. What two principal views of estimates exist? A. Individual and shown* B. Budgetary and private C. Private and state D. Cooperative and individual E. Centralized and decentralizing 91. What are individual estimates? A. It is estimates which are constituted by the budgetary organizations* B. It is estimates which are constituted by an organization management C. It is estimates which are constituted by the bookkeeper of the organization D. It is estimates which are constituted by one face E. It is estimates which are constituted for one face 92. What are the shown estimates? A. It is a report of indices of individual estimates* B. It is estimates which are constituted by the budgetary organizations C. It is estimates which are constituted by finance departments D. It is estimates which are constituted by the ministries E. It is estimates which are constituted by councils of People's Deputies 93. What are estimates on the centralized actions? A. It is estimates which join assignments only when carrying out of such actions through budget agents is authorized the legislation of Ukraine* B. It is estimates which are constituted by the budgetary organizations C. It is a report of indices of individual estimates D. It is estimates which are constituted by sponsors E. It is estimates which are constituted by investors 94. What share components the estimate has? A. The General and special funds* B. The Basic and minor C. Profitable and account D. Profitable and account E. The First and the second 95. On what agents of the general fund of the estimate arrive? A. On performance by budgetary institution of the basic functions* B. On performance by budgetary institution of the priority actions bound to performance of the basic functions C. On wages D. On community works E. On improving permits 96. On what agents of special fund of the estimate arrive? A. On performance by budgetary institution of the priority actions bound to performance of the basic functions* B. On performance by budgetary institution of the basic functions C. On wages D. On the award E. On improving permits 97. How plans of assignments of a medical institution affirm? A. Together with the estimate because is its integral part* B. Independently C. After the estimate D. Before the estimate E. In a habitual regimen 98. What is the basis for designing of estimates? A. Limiting volumes of expenses of the general fund of the project of the corresponding budget the next year* B. Planned incomes state and local budgets the next year C. Requirements of a medical institution D. The Data of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine E. Data MoH of Ukraine 99. What the main managers on the basis of projects of the shown estimates form? A. Budgetary inquiries* B. Balance of institution C. Scales of charges D. List of staff E. Individual estimates 100. Who establishes terms of treating of indices of projects of estimates? A. Main managers* B. Main consumers C. Main manufacturers D. Chief accountants E. Head physicians 101. What volumes of assignments become perceptible in a profitable part of projects of estimates? A. Planned* B. Balance C. Maximum D. Minimum E. Optimum 102. Who informs institution the data on planned volumes of budgetary appropriations? A. Immediately higher organization* B. Immediately chief accountant C. Immediately Minister of Finance D. Immediately Minister of Health E. Immediately chairman of exchequer 103. Pricing is: A. Process of formation of the prices, definition of their level and search of their optimum bond* B. Quantity of the services, which manufacturers can give to buyers for the certain period of time C. It is the system of actions directed on an accomplishment of interaction of all elements of housekeeping D. Certain quantity of the monetary units received for a commodity unit E. Ceiling price for which consumers agree to receive services 104. What is the basic task of pricing? A. Covering of expenses of development of services and profit reception* B. Definition of balance of a supply and demand C. Definition of a ceiling price of demand D. Definition of floor price of the offer E. Covering of expenses of production 105. Than the size of market prices is defined? A. Supply and demand* B. By the manufacturer C. On the basis of level of the current prices D. Ceiling price E. The Floor price 106. On what goods in public health services system wholesale prices cannot be established? A. On services* B. On purchase of medicamental agents C. On dressing material purchase D. On purchase of surgical toolkit E. On purchase of a foodstuff 107. What means the term "ex" in pricing? A. Point, transport expenses to which on a way of movement of the goods from the seller to the buyer join in the goods price* B. Liability of the producer for conservation and goods transportation to certain destination C. Corresponding quantity of money which is given for goods transportation D. That the certain part of expenses from transportation or goods loading joins in the price of the manufacturer E. What is the expenses for conservation and delivery to the goods the buyer carries 108. The prices "ex" given the chance: A. To Give the discount to the client by free delivery to the goods in destination* B. To get to the manufacturer profit from each commodity unit because the buyer himself incurs all expenses for goods delivery C. To Estimate, what profit will be brought by the goods in the market of consumers D. All answers are true E. To Guarantee goods conservation 109. The price is: A. All answers are correct* B. Term of money of cost of the goods C. Certain quantity of the monetary units received for a commodity unit D. Corresponding quantity of money which is given for the acquisition right to the property of a concrete kind of produce E. It is the form of revealing of cost at an exchange of the goods on monetary 110. The tax which joins in the prices of highly profitable luxury goods and in an adjusted total is paid by the buyer, is: A. The Duty* B. Trading extra charge C. Margin of the intermediary D. Profit tax E. The VAT 111. Into structure of a wholesale price of the manufacturer does not enter: A. Penalties paid by the enterprise* B. The Excise C. Expenses of production and produce realisation D. Profit E. The VAT 112. Price elements concern: A. All answers are correct* B. The Value-added tax C. The Duty D. Cost price E. Profit 113. What prices are called as contractual? A. The agreements Fixed by the contract between the manufacturer and the consumer* B. The agreements Fixed by the contract between the manufacturer and the seller C. The agreements Fixed by the contract between the manufacturer and the state D. It is the prices about which agree the seller and the consumer E. The agreements Fixed by the contract between the seller and the consumer 114. What prices are called as free? A. Prices on which action of any state certificates does not extend* B. Fixed by the manufacturer C. Fixed by the seller D. Fixed by the state E. Fixed by the consumer 115. Versions of free prices is: A. Price of the manufacturer, the demand price, the offer price* B. Procurement price, transfer price C. Ceiling price, floor price D. Transfer price, the auction price E. List price, transfer price 116. What is the list prices? A. Prices and tariffs are fixed in special documents* B. Prices and tariffs are fixed in the Law on the prices C. Prices and tariffs are fixed in a cash-book D. Prices which are used by identical manufacturers E. Transfer of the price 117. What is the market prices? A. Prices which developed under the influence of a supply and demand* B. Prices and tariffs are fixed in special market documents C. Prices and tariffs are fixed in the Law on market economy D. Prices and tariffs are fixed in a cash-book of the seller E. Transfer of the price 118. The state buys produce from rural manufacturers under the prices: A. Purchasing* B. Industrial C. Wholesale D. Retail E. List 119. Demand is: A. Dependence between quantity of the goods which consumers buy during the certain period, and by these goods* B. Quantity of the services, what manufacturers can give to buyers for the certain period of time C. Process of formation of the prices, definition of their level and search of their optimum bond D. It is system of actions which is directed on an accomplishment of interaction of all elements of housekeeping E. Ceiling price for which consumers agree to receive services 120. What is the work? A. It is purposeful conscious activity of the person in which result consumer costs are formed* B. It is any activity of the person C. It is purposeful conscious activity of the person D. It is conscious activity of the person with a definite purpose E. There are no right answers 121. What is the wages? A. This compensation calculated in money terms which under the employment contract the owner pays to the worker for the performed work* B. This compensation calculated in money terms which the owner pays to the worker C. This compensation which the owner pays to the worker for certain work in any kind D. It is money resources which in any case are received by the worker going for work E. It is agents for which the person lives 122. What basic tasks of the account of work? A. All answers are true* B. Documentary veneering of fulfilled time C. Control of discipline of work and full use of operating time D. Documentary veneering of fulfilled time E. Collecting of the information and grouping of indices on work, wages for figure up of the accounting and static reporting 123. What obligatory precondition of rising of level of wages? A. Search of agents necessary for it* B. Staking of results of production C. Control financial audit D. Implication of desire of workers E. Trade-union offer 124. What is a basis of the organization of a payment? A. Tariff system of a payment* B. Scale of charges C. Tariff rate D. Official rate of pay E. Tariff-qualifying characteristics 125. What is the basic wages? A. This compensation for the performed work according to the established norms of work* B. This compensation for norms of time C. This compensation for performance standards D. This compensation for performance of official duties E. This compensation for overtime work performance 126. Of what the additional wages consist? A. All answers are true* B. From surcharges and extra charges C. From guarantee and compensatory payments D. From awards E. From extra charges and awards 127. Whether belong to additional wages of payment in the form of compensations following the results of work for a year, the award on special systems and positions, compensatory both other monetary and material payments which are not provided by current legislation certificates? A. No, they belong to other incentive and compensatory payments* B. Yes C. Yes, but only for separate persons D. Yes, only for VIP-persons E. Yes, but in extreme cases 128. What form of work the most widespread in budgetary institutions? A. The Hourly form of a payment* B. The Bonus form of a payment C. Contract form of a payment D. Collective brigade form of a payment E. Simple individual form of a payment 129. What versions of the hourly form of a payment to you are known? A. Simple hourly and time-bonus system of a payment* B. Difficult hourly and time-bonus system of a payment C. Difficult hourly system of a payment D. Compensatory-bonus system of a payment E. Constant system of a payment 130. On what the hourly form of a payment depends? A. From quantity of the fulfilled hours and the tariff rate (salary) for one hour* B. It is a payment which depends on the tariff rate (salary) for one hour C. It is a payment which depends on the salary for one hour D. It is a payment which depends on the tariff rate (salary) E. It is a payment which depends on qualification of the worker 131. What is the gist of time-bonus system of a payment? A. Over the wages ought for actually fulfilled time, the premium is paid for achievement high quantitative and quality indices* B. In each fairly fulfilled hour the award is paid C. The Award is paid only in separate hours D. Premium is paid in all fulfilled hours E. In each overtime hour the award is paid 132. What hours are considered as hours of night work? A. With 22 till 6 mornings* B. With 23 till 7 mornings C. With 24 till 8 mornings D. With 00 till 9 mornings E. With 20 till 8 mornings 133. What hour difference of a night shift? A. It is reduced to an hour* B. It is longer on an hour C. It is reduced at two o'clock D. It is reduced to half an hour E. It does not differ 134. What restrictions concerning the work organization, according to the current legislation, pregnant women and the women having children have is elderly till 3 years workers till 18 years workers of other categories? A. Before work at night are not supposed* B. Have the reduced night shift C. Have the reduced day shift D. The Day shift is reduced to half an hour E. No Restrictions have 135. How hours of night work are paid? A. In the raised size provided by the employment contract, but not below the values established by the legislation* B. In the raised size provided by the employment contract C. Are paid depending on results D. Are paid by time, according to the tariff rate E. Hours of night work are not paid 136. What work is considered overtime? A. Work over statutory duration of the working day is considered* B. Work is considered during night watches C. Work in the days off is considered D. Work in holidays is considered E. Work is considered during failures 137. On what the financial analysis is based? A. On the fiscal accounting data* B. On possibilities of the collecting of the information C. On the profit data D. On profitability calculation E. On modelling of a financial situation 138. Basis of what activity is the financial analysis? A. Acceptance of administrative decisions at microlevel* B. Fiscal C. Economic D. Organizations of performance of administrative decisions at microlevel E. Acceptance of the control of administrative decisions at microlevel 139. What is object of the financial analysis? A. Enterprise Financial resources* B. The Accounting information C. The Given profits D. Profitability E. The fiscal accounting Data 140. Set of the indices characterizing presence, placing and use of financial resources of the enterprise, represent: A. The Financial state of the enterprise* B. Accounts C. The Data of incomes of the enterprise D. Profitability E. The Data of a fiscal policy of the enterprise 141. What is the purpose of the financial analysis? A. On the basis of a well-founded estimation of a financial state of the enterprise to define conditions of acceptance of optimum financial decisions* B. On the basis of the well-founded accounting information to define conditions of acceptance of optimum administrative decisions C. On the basis of a well-founded estimation of profit of the enterprise to define conditions of its distribution D. On the basis of a well-founded estimation of profitability of the enterprise to define conditions of distribution of profit E. On the basis of a well-founded estimation of the income of the enterprise to define repayment terms of work of workers 142. Who is the subject of the financial analysis? A. Financial analysts* B. The Bookkeeper C. Enterprise Financial resources D. The Head physician E. The fiscal accounting Data 143. Who is the basic subject of the financial analysis of system of public health services of Ukraine? A. Investors* B. Creditors C. Managers D. Top-managers E. Public 144. What does financial independence of institution of public health services provide? A. State at which the institution is capable to provide the development and to meet under environment demands* B. State at which the institution is capable itself to finance C. State at which the institution is in a self-management regimen D. State at which the institution has no promissory notes E. State at which the institution has no sponsors 145. What represents a financial state of institution of public health services? A. Set of indices which characterize presence, placing and use of financial resources of the enterprise* B. State at which the institution is capable itself to finance C. State at which the institution is in a self-management regimen D. State at which the institution has no promissory notes E. State at which the institution contains "afloat" 146. Who carries out the external financial analysis of institution of public health services? A. Banks, auditor firms, potential investors* B. Management of hospital C. The Head physician D. Chief accountant of a TPI E. Trade-union committee 147. Who carries out the internal financial analysis of institution of public health services? A. Enterprise Financial services* B. Banks C. Investors D. Creditors E. Auditor firms 148. For what period of time it is expedient to carry out the internal financial analysis of institution of public health services? A. It is not less, than for last 3 years* B. It is not less, than over the last 5 years C. It is not less, than over the last 10 years D. For last year E. For any period 149. What gives the financial analysis of activity of the medical enterprise? A. Estimation of rationality of strategic activity of medical institution* B. Receive the big incomes of medical institution activity C. Find commodity markets for produce of the medical enterprise D. Find errors in administrative activity of medical institution E. Possibility to avoid losses and penal actions 150. What does not belong to the purposes of the financial analysis? A. Forecast of development of the enterprise* B. Definition of a financial state and financial results of activity of medical institution C. Revealing of existential changes in a financial state and results D. Revealing of major factors which caused changes in a financial state and results E. Forecast of the basic tendencies in a financial state and results of activity of medical institution 151. What is the purpose of the design financial analysis of a TPI? A. Definition of profitability and efficiency of medical institution* B. Definition of influence of investors C. The Forecast of the basic tendencies of activity of medical institution D. Revealing of major factors which caused changes in a financial state and results E. Revealing of existential changes in a financial state and results 152. What basic types of models are applied in the financial analysis? A. Descriptive, standard and predicative* B. Descriptive, standard C. Descriptive and predicative D. Standard and predicative E. Descriptive, normal and predicative 153. What models are applied to an estimation of a financial state of the medical enterprise? A. Descriptive models* B. Predicative models C. Standard models D. Discrete models E. Predicate model 154. Make correct definition of medical insurance. A. It is system of organizational and financial actions for maintenance of activity of insurance medicine* B. It is difficult and extremely mobile system of commodity-market relations in public health services branch C. It is system of organizational actions for maintenance of activity of insurance medicine D. It is system of financial actions for maintenance of activity of insurance medicine E. It is system of organizational and financial actions for maintenance of activity of medical institutions 155. What is the purpose of insurance medicine? A. To Guarantee to citizens at occurrence of the insured accident the right to medical aid reception through saved up agents and financing of preventive actions* B. To Guarantee to citizens at occurrence of the insured accident the right to medical aid reception C. To Guarantee to citizens at occurrence of the insured accident of granting of medical aid through agents of citizens, the pension care D. To Guarantee to citizens reception and financing of preventive actions through agents of medical institutions, the pension care E. To Guarantee to citizens medical aid granting through insurance company agents 156. What major principles of insurance medicine? A. Compulsion of financial participation of the insurance fund insured in formation and solidarity* B. Non-obligatory financial participation insured in insurance fund formation C. State guarantee of payments on social insurance D. Absence of guarantee of the state of payments on social insurance E. Everyone is insured 157. In what the basic social principles of redistribution of agents consist at insurance medicine? A. Healthy pays for the patient, rich for poor, and efficient for disabled* B. Healthy pays for poor, rich for the patient, and young for old C. Healthy pays for the old patient, rich for poor, and young for rich D. Healthy pays for the poor patient, rich for poor young, and young for healthy E. Everyone pays for itself(himself) 158. In what the basic tasks of medical insurance consist? A. Intermediary activity and the control in the organization and financing of insurance programs of granting of medical aid to the population* B. Immediate activity and the control in the organization and financing of insurance programs of granting of medical aid to the population C. Exclusively control in the organization and financing of insurance programs of granting of medical aid to the population D. To Supervise, whether the insurance company of an agent pays to medical institutions E. E. Whether The insurance company of an agent from medical institutions collects to Supervise 159. What basic economic characteristic of obligatory medical insurance? A. Non-profitability* B. High profitability C. Self-support D. Subsidy-based E. Lability 160. What cases do not belong to social insurance? A. From accidents in a life* B. From accidents on production C. In case of unemployment D. Medical E. In case of disease 161. Choose adequate principles of medical insurance. A. Generality (automatism) of obligatory medical insurance* B. Selectivity of obligatory medical insurance C. Specificity of obligatory medical insurance D. Promptness for voluntary medical insurance E. Indefiniteness for voluntary medical insurance 162. Obligatory medical insurance provides reception: A. Volume of medical aid socially guaranteed by the state* B. Additional services over the guaranteed obligatory medical insurance C. Medical aid at acts of nature D. Medical aid under the first reference E. Medical aid at private doctors 163. What is the beneficiary? A. Person on whom medical insurance extends* B. Institution, the organization, local Councils C. Organization which incurs financial risk of losses on medical aid D. Treatment-and-prophylactic institution E. District health department 164. Who such insurer in medical insurance system? A. Institution, the organization, local Councils* B. Person on whom medical insurance extends C. The Head physician of a TPI D. Person who pays insurance premium payments E. The one to who assist 165. Who such insurer in medical insurance system? A. It is the organization which incurs financial risk of losses on medical aid* B. Person on whom medical insurance extends C. The Head physician of a TPI D. Person who pays insurance premium payments E. Institution, the organization, local Councils 166. What is an insurance policy in medical insurance system? A. This agreement between the insurer and the insurer with the indicating of privileges for the insurer and the size of the insurance premium payment* B. This agreement of person on which medical insurance extends C. This agreement of local Council and person on care granting the beneficiary D. This agreement of person which pays insurance premium payments E. The Document of institution, the organization, local Council which provide insurance the beneficiary 167. What kinds of voluntary insurance discriminate on contract imprisonment terms? A. Short-term, long-term, lifelong* B. Monthly and annual C. Interval and continuous D. Long-term and lifelong E. Short-term and long-term 168. Long-term medical insurance lasts: A. More than one year* B. Less than one year C. More than three years D. More than five years E. More than ten years 169. Short-term medical insurance lasts: A. Less than one year* B. More than one year C. Less than three months D. More than five years E. More than ten years 170. Lifelong medical insurance lasts: A. Till the end of life insured* B. To pension of the insured C. Till 50 years D. 50 years since making agreement E. While the health services last 171. What represents a short of the economic analysis? A. Comprehensive investigation of all aspects of activity of the enterprise on the basis of use of elements of economic activities* B. Research of economic indices C. Studying of accounting forms D. Annual report Studying E. Comprehensive investigation of all aspects of activity of the enterprise on the basis of financial report use 172. What in transfer the word "reserve" means? A. To Store* B. To Isolate C. To Destroy D. To Limit E. Not to suppose 173. How reserves on a way of revealing are parted? A. Obvious and hidden* B. Intensive and extensive C. Industrial and turnaround D. Flowing and perspective E. Local and regional 174. What understand in the analysis as concept "factor"? A. The Reasons or conditions of achievement of certain economic result* B. Characteristic of certain economic result C. Attributes of certain economic result D. Level of achievement of certain economic result E. The Estimation of certain economic result 175. How factors on period of validity share? A. Constant, time and casual* B. Objective and subjective C. The General and specific D. Quantitative and qualitative E. Real and imaginary 176. How factors on character of the reasons are parted? A. Objective and subjective* B. Constant, time and casual C. The General and specific D. Quantitative and qualitative E. Real and imaginary 177. What factors of production is the labour, means of production and objects of the labour? A. Cores* B. Auxiliary C. Internal D. External E. Intensive 178. What is model, how a research method? A. This display, analogue of the phenomenon or process in the basic lines essential to research objectives* B. This absolute display of the phenomenon or process C. This absolute display of the phenomenon or process only in a miniature D. This schematic display of the phenomenon or process E. This approached display of the phenomenon or process 179. The resources supervised by the enterprise as a result of last events, which use, predictably, leads to reception of economic gains, are called: A. Assets* B. Passives C. Profitable D. Reserves E. Stocks 180. The enterprise a debt, which repayment in the future leads to reduction of resources is called: A. Obligations* B. Tax C. Bills D. Squander E. Promises 181. How the economic analysis in the market economy countries is parted? A. On internal and external* B. On extensive and intensive C. On expedient and inexpedient D. On planned and market E. In the countries of market economy of such analysis is not present 182. On what the internal economic analysis is based? A. On the information on a state of the enterprise and production reserves* B. On the limited part of the information on the activity of the enterprise accessible to by- standers C. On the data of auditor checks D. On the information of tax service E. On the information of Crewe 183. On what the external economic analysis is based? A. On the limited part of the information on the activity of the enterprise accessible to by- standers* B. On the information on a state of the enterprise and production reserves C. On the data of auditor checks D. On the information of tax service E. On the information of Crewe 184. On time research of processes and the phenomena the economic analysis is parted on: A. Retrospective and perspective* B. Consecutive and retrospective C. Strategic and perspective D. Spring and autumn E. Winter and summer 185. What defines the strategic analysis? A. State and a direction of development of economic system in the future* B. State and a direction of development of economic system in the past C. State and a direction of development of economic system in the present D. State and a direction of development of economic system during all periods E. State and a direction of development of similar economic system 186. How part the retrospective analysis? A. On operative and flowing* B. On strategic and tactical C. On retrospective and perspective D. On economic and administrative E. On kept away and near 187. The operative analysis is for what purpose carried out? A. Operative influence on technical and economic and financial indices of activity of the enterprise* B. Operative influence on technical and economic indices of activity of the enterprise C. Operative influence on financial indices of activity of the enterprise D. Operative influence on administrative indices of activity of the enterprise E. Operative influence on statistics of activity of the enterprise 188. What is the integrated index of social development? A. Nation Health* B. Gross National Product C. The Educational level D. Population E. Scientific technologies 189. What is an index of conditional health? A. The Index which characterizes a part of diseases* B. The Index which characterizes a health part C. The Index which conditionally characterizes health D. The Index which conditionally characterizes a case rate E. The Index which conditionally characterizes person 190. What place is occupied with Ukraine on integrated indices of a state of health among the CIS countries? A. Penultimate* B. Last C. The First D. Second E. Third 191. How population ageing influences economic development of the country? A. Negatively* B. Positively C. Neutrally D. Variously E. As when 192. How disability of the population influences economic development of the country? A. Negatively* B. Positively C. Neutrally D. Variously E. As when 193. How diffusion of diseases of the population influences economic development of the country? A. Negatively* B. Positively C. Neutrally D. Variously E. As when 194. What basic structure is interested in conservation and strengthening of health of the population of the country? A. State* B. Public health services System C. Local administrations D. Public health services Management E. MoH Ukraine 195. Who defines the basic strategic directions of development of system of public health services of Ukraine? A. State* B. Public health services System C. Local administrations D. Public health services Management E. MoH Ukraine 196. What responsibility is defined by the leading thesis of a policy of a WHO in 21st century? A. Diversified* B. Public health services Systems C. Local administrations D. States E. MoH Ukraine 197. What changes occur in Ukraine concerning such category, how nation health? A. Depreciates* B. Improves C. It is established D. Develops E. It is ignored 198. What kinds of efficiency discriminate in public health services system? A. Social, medical and economic* B. Social, medical and sociological C. Psychological, medical and economic D. Financial, medical and economic E. Social, medical and rehabilitational 199. What is productivity? A. This relation of the reached result to greatest possible* B. Most rational use of resources C. Least cost of medical aid without depression of its productivity D. Least financial expenses E. The Greatest social effect 200. What is profitability? A. Most rational use of resources* B. This relation of the reached result to greatest possible C. Least cost of medical aid without depression of its productivity D. Least financial expenses E. The Greatest social effect 201. What is an optimum? A. Optimum parity of expenses on public health services and the received results in health improvement* B. This relation of the reached result to greatest possible C. Least cost of medical aid without depression of its productivity D. Least financial expenses E. Most rational use of resources 202. What is legality? A. Conformity to the social advantages expressed in ethical principles, laws, norms and rules* B. This relation of the reached result to greatest possible C. Least cost of medical aid without depression of its productivity D. Optimum parity of expenses on public health services and the received results in health improvement E. Most rational use of resources 203. What are variable expenses? A. It is expenses which change proportionally to change of volume of given medical services* B. It is expenses which remain invariable on a certain short-term interval at augmentation or reduction of volume of paid services C. Least cost of medical aid without depression of its productivity D. Gain Volume at which enterings from paid services defray constants and variable expenses, but profits yet do not give E. It is size on which actual (or planned) the volume of realization of medical services exceeds a profitability threshold 204. What are the fix expenses? A. It is expenses which remain invariable on a certain short-term interval at augmentation or reduction of volume of paid services* B. It is expenses which change proportionally to change of volume of given medical services C. Least cost of medical aid without depression of its productivity D. Gain Volume at which enterings from paid services defray constants and variable expenses, but profits yet do not give E. It is size on which actual (or planned) the volume of realization of medical services exceeds a profitability threshold 205. In what social efficiency of public health a service consists? A. In rising of a public role of public health services* B. In an estimation of productivity of different ways of diagnostics, medical procedures C. In definition of reduction or augmentation of expenses D. In social justice implication E. In peer access to medical aid 206. In which direction will be primarily aimed at joint actions of the bilateral relations with European countries in the field of health care? A. Exchanging information on the health condition* B. Advertising of medicines C. Advertising of medical equipment D. Promotion of medical tourism E. The epidemic 207. What is the inter-sectoral collaboration in health care in Ukraine? A. Attraction forces of various departments and sectors of the economy to solve health problems* B. Sharing among different medical institutions C. Cooperation of financial resources to purchase expensive equipment D. Promoting a healthy lifestyle E. Involvement of all means to combat 208. What funds will be spent for voluntary health insurance, savings funds of local communities? A. To meet individual needs for medical services than the basic level of free medical care* B. To meet individual needs in health services C. To meet individual needs for medical services within the basic level of free medical care D. To meet the individual needs of medical spa services plan E. To meet individual needs in medical health services nature 209. What is the basic principle of financial health insurance? A. The rich pay the poor* B. Health pays for the patient C. Young pays for the old D. Everyone pays for itself E. Who can - he pays 210. What is the basic principle of social health insurance? A. Health pays for the patient* B. Poor pay for the rich C. Young pays for the old D. Everyone pays for itself E. Who can - he pays 211. What is the basic principle of social and developmental health insurance? A. Young pays for the old* B. Health pays for the patient C. Poor pay for the rich D. Everyone pays for itself E. Who can - he pays 212. What is the purpose of reforming the specialized medical care? A. Organize a network of specialized medical care* B. Organize the list of specialties specialized care C. Renewal of medical vehicles D. Narrowing the list of specialties specialized care E. Expanding the list of specialties specialized care 213. What are the economic purpose of reforming the specialized medical care? A. Introduction of modern energy-saving medical technologies* B. Organize a network of specialized medical care C. Savings D. Accumulation of funds E. Replacement of fixed assets 214. As should be part of medical organizations of different ownership forms in the implementation of health programs? A. On a competitive basis* B. On the basis of free access C. Within declared Finance D. Within the limits of their expertise E. This participation is unacceptable 215. As should be attended by non-professional non-governmental organizations in the implementation of health reform? A. Within the limits of their competence in the mutual assistance* B. On the basis of free access C. Within declared Finance D. On a competitive basis E. This participation is unacceptable 216. Which health problems cannot resolve the position of additional funds? A. Inefficiency* B. New equipment C. Raising tariff rates D. Provision of medicines E. Money decides everything 217. What are the two most effective ways you can improve the cost-effectiveness in health care? A. Fear and benefits* B. Benefits and beliefs C. Fear and belief D. Benefits and specialization E. There is no way 218. Against what the system is not working very hard to control health care system? A. Against the rising cost of medical care* B. Against bad faith medical staff C. Against refusal to work D. Against the adverse effects of treatment E. This method is always effective 219. What is the basic principle of the introduction and use of new methods of payment for medical care? A. The system of contractual relations between economic systems* B. The system of contractual relations between objects of the system C. The system of contractual relationships between patients D. The system of contractual relationships between health care institutions E. The system of contractual relations between banks 220. From what relieved financial side (the insurance fund or a public health authority) in a system based on distribution functions and financing of medical care? A. From the functions representing health care settings* B. From the functions representing consumers C. From the functions representing producer D. From the functions representing the patient E. From the functions of representation of their interests 221. What are the financial characteristics of a contractual relationship with the health care system? A. Stated the principle "money follow the patient"* B. Maybe laid any benefit amount the manufacturer C. Maybe laid any consumer benefit amount D. Maybe laid any patient benefit amount E. Maybe laid any amount 222. What features are settlement contractual relations in the health care system? A. Buyer pays for medical care no resources, and outcomes of health professionals* B. Buyer pays for medical care and resources, and outcomes of health professionals C. Buyer pays for health care resources, not outcomes of health professionals D. Buyer pays for medical care that he attributed to the contract E. Buyer pays for medical care not only of intellectual work doctor 223. What are the qualitative features of the contractual relationship with the health care system? A. Sharply increased volume requirements and quality of information and training key personnel* B. Sharply increased requirements for financial literacy patient C. Sharply increased requirements for financial literacy doctor D. Dramatically increase the requirements for resource efficiency E. Dramatically increase the requirements for the cost of medicines 224. What is the method of optimization of certain parameters? A. In the most thorough analysis of the maximum possible number of factors* B. In the most thorough analysis of the minimum possible number of factors C. In the most thorough analysis of the optimal number of factors D. In a superficial analysis of the maximum possible number of factors E. In the system analysis of the maximum possible number of factors 225. When do we use the target method of planning? A. With the increased competition in the market* B. With the weakening of competition in the market C. In the absence of market competition D. If a monopoly on the market E. If, when known objective market 226. What are the main indicators of the plan contains? A. Indicators to be achieved by the end of the plan period* B. Indicators offer the products (services) C. Forecasts D. Given the cost of production (services) E. Given the prices of products (services) 227. What is the strategic plan? A. The vision and mission, common goals, to the place of the future* B. The final objectives of the organization C. Forecast aims of the organization D. Activity based on real figures E. Activities based on future performance 228. What are the two areas of strategic plan known today? A. Offensive and defensive* B. End and beginning C. Estimated and actual D. Near and Far E. Local and general 229. What determines firmwide plan? A. The main objectives of the firm* B. The final objectives of the organization C. Forecast aims of the organization D. Activity based on real figures E. Activities based on future performance 230. What form should the development plan of the company? A. Business plan* B. The balance of income and expenses C. A list of resources the firm D. Tables of key performance indicators E. Matrix with balance indicators 231. What is the feature of a business plan in Ukraine? A. The legislation has not provided the required assembly* B. The legislation stipulated mandatory assembly C. There is a special circuit assembly D. There is a drawing algorithm E. No features 232. What is the essence of leading strategic planning? A. In the skill correctly determine the future of the organization* B. In the conditional law of the organization C. In the special schemes of management D. As an objective assessment of the market place E. In selecting the correct behavior of competitors 233. Implementation of strategic planning helps organizations A. Increase efficiency and productivity* B. Improve decision making C. Anticipate contingencies D. Improve communication with the public E. Overcome competitors 234. What are the methods and principles of management planning? A. According to generally accepted* B. According to the principles of democratic centralism C. In a hierarchical manner D. For research-based principles and techniques E. Special management principles and techniques 235. Is it included part of managerial work in the work plan of the management plan and a personal manager? A. So, in that they feature* B. Only in the work plan of the apparatus C. The plan of the personnel plan of the head D. No E. This section is not included in the plan at all 236. Has personal plan manager the same sections as the plan of health care setting? A. Partly* B. Yes C. No D. It is totally different plans E. It cannot work plan living person have the same sections as the work plan inanimate object 237. Development of health care as a social and economic structure should be in harmony according to: A. All answers are correct* B. Harmonious according to the laws of the State C. Harmonious in accordance with economic development D. Harmonious social development according to the state E. Harmonious according to economic and social development of the state 238. What methods of strategic planning the most appropriate for managing health systems with a high degree of freedom? A. Scientific techniques* B. Adaptive techniques C. Co-ordinating admission D. Authoritarian methods E. Any admission 239. Using the tools of the exact sciences: mathematics and logic, new information technologies, including methods and simulation, etc. most characteristic of Complex? A. Dynamic systems* B. Simple systems C. Open system D. Centralized system E. Any system 240. Where is most strategic area of regulation of life marketing of medical services? A. Outside the area of regulation the control system* B. In the same control system C. In the cell control system D. In relations between elements of control system E. In the nature of services 241. What is the nature of management decisions determine the methods of legal influence on the legal system and special techniques of standardization? A. Tactical management decisions* B. The strategic nature of management decisions C. Operative nature of management decisions D. Common nature of management decisions E. Intact nature of management decisions 242. What exactly has to learn the manufacturer at the design stage marketing strategy in the marketing of health care? A. Analysis of the performance of health care institutions, the disease potential consumers of services and comparing these data in the light of standards for data services* B. Levels of incidence, structure and dynamics C. Mostly standards of medical services contained in the records of individual treatment nosologies D. Standards of medical services being developed at the Institute for Strategic Studies E. Strategic policy 243. What is a basis of technologies? A. A condition of means of production* B. A labour C. Cars D. The equipment E. Instruments 244. Development of manufacture closely related societies with development. A. Truly* B. Incorrectly C. Partially truly D. They are not connected E. This same 245. What way of development of manufacture prevailed in a slaveholding society? A. Extensive* B. Intensive C. The narrowed manufacture D. The expanded manufacture E. Mixed 246. What way of development of manufacture prevailed in a feudal society? A. Extensive* B. Intensive C. The narrowed manufacture D. The expanded manufacture E. Mixed 247. What way of development of manufacture prevailed in a capitalist society? A. Intensive* B. Extensive C. The narrowed manufacture D. The expanded manufacture E. Mixed 248. The group of persons compatibly takes part in production of century A. Simple cooperation* B. In an organic manufactory C. In a heterogeneous manufactory D. In oligopoly E. In monopoly 249. Workers unite for manufacturing of one goods, but the division of labour in them is carried out by a principle of separate operations. A. In an organic manufactory* B. In a heterogeneous manufactory C. In a mechanical production D. In simple cooperation E. In oligopoly 250. Workers unite for manufacturing of one goods, but the division of labour in them is carried out by a principle of separate details. A. In a heterogeneous manufactory* B. In an organic manufactory C. In a mechanical production D. In simple cooperation E. In oligopoly 251. What has led to creation of such new organizational industrial structures as concern, industrial complex, corporation and consequently the similar? A. Work nationalization* B. A division of labour C. Work rationing D. A comp etition E. Work restriction 252. Than modern rates of growth of a society are characterised? A. Acceleration* B. Delay C. Stabilisation D. Seasonal prevalence E. Degradation 253. How rates of distribution of the information are characterised? A. Annually double* B. Time in 10 years doubles C. Time in 40 years doubles D. Each 10 years four times grow E. Stability 254. In what results an overstrain of human resources? A. To failure of adaptable mechanisms* B. Before development of adaptable mechanisms C. Before occurrence of adaptable mechanisms D. To stressful firmness E. Before immunity strengthening 255. What product of the general human development is the science? A. Spiritual* B. Material C. It not a product D. The general using E. Individual using 256. When the science became separate productive force? A. Presently* B. In the Middle Ages C. In feudalism D. In the slaveholding I build E. The science is not productive force 257. What represents the technician? A. It is set of means of labour* B. These are objects of the labour C. It is set of technologies D. These are instruments E. Everything that the person has created 258. Give literal sense of a word of "Technician"? A. Dexterous* B. Clever C. Mechanical D. Mobile E. Artificial 259. When association of a science and technics has taken place? A. In beginning 19th century* B. In the 20th century beginning C. In the Middle Ages D. In beginning century E. It was always 260. Who has offered for the first time the drawing of a space rocket? A. Mykola Kibalchich* B. Nicolaus Copernicus C. Mykola Lysenko D. Mykola Gogol E. Mykola Amoss 261. In what forms there is a scientific and technical development? A. Evolutionary and revolutionary* B. Evolutionary and regression C. Evolutionary and degradation D. Revolutionary and involutional E. Revolutionary and counterrevolutionary 262. At what stage of development of mankind there was a scientific and technical progress? A. It accompanied all history of mankind* B. In the Renaissance C. In capitalism D. In industrialisation E. In information 263. How many times have passed here the first successful flight of the person by the plane to its exit in space? A. It is a bit more floor century* B. Two centuries C. A bit less than three centuries D. One millenium E. It is more as a floor of a millenium 264. What was one of the first revolutions in modern system of public health services? A. The invention of antibiotics* B. Atomic energy development C. Mastering by the laser D. The invention of H-beams E. A heart transplantation 265. What opening has laid down in a microanalysis basis in medicine? A. The doctrine about cellular structure in an organism* B. Electrocurrent opening C. The invention of antibiotics D. Atomic energy development E. The invention of H-beams 266. What doctrine has answered on a question on an origin of the organic world? A. Darwin* B. Gregor's poppy C. Mendel D. Morgan E. Gay Ljusaka 267. Whether is manufacture spiritual and material benefits an irreplaceable condition of existence of a society? A. It is conclusive* B. Not necessarily C. An irreplaceable condition is only manufacture of spiritual goods D. An irreplaceable condition is only manufacture of material benefits E. It is not an irreplaceable condition 268. What kinds of human wants are covered by concept of level and quality of life? A. Material, spiritual and social* B. Material and vital C. Spiritual and vital D. Social and vital E. Only vital 269. What satisfaction of requirements the person puts on the first place? A. Material* B. Spiritual C. Social D. In a recognition of the environment E. In respect for 270. Here that level of cultural development of the person depends? A. From degree of satisfaction of spiritual needs* B. From degree of satisfaction of material requirements C. From degree of satisfaction of social requirements D. From degree of satisfaction of physical requirements E. From degree of satisfaction of sexual requirements 271. In what civilisation progress is expressed? A. In expansion of social requirements* B. In expansion of material requirements C. In expansion of spiritual needs D. In expansion of physical requirements E. In expansion of technical requirements 272. What underlies the characteristic of process of a reconstruction of manufacture? A. Resources of revenue earneds and manufacture factors* B. Technologies C. A labour D. Productive forces E. Growth rates 273. The simple, expanded and narrowed reconstruction of manufacture characterise? A. Resources of revenue earneds* B. Manufacture factors C. Technologies D. Productive forces E. Means of production 274. At what type of a reconstruction all revenue earned goes to final consumption? A. A simple reconstruction* B. The narrowed reconstruction C. The expanded reconstruction D. An intensive reconstruction E. An extensive reconstruction 275. At what type of a reconstruction the revenue earned part goes for acquisition of additional resources? A. The expanded reconstruction* B. The narrowed reconstruction C. A simple reconstruction D. An intensive reconstruction E. An extensive reconstruction 276. At what type of a reconstruction all revenue earned (if ) goes not to destination? A. The narrowed reconstruction* B. The expanded reconstruction C. A simple reconstruction D. An intensive reconstruction E. An extensive reconstruction 277. What criteria is the simple, narrowed and expanded reconstruction? A. Quantitative* B. Qualitative C. Economic D. Philosophical E. Statistical 278. The simple reconstruction of manufacture in practice is. A. Abstract* B. It is logical C. Similar D. Objective E. Virtual 279. What reconstruction prevails in the history of mankind development? A. The expanded reconstruction* B. The narrowed reconstruction C. A simple reconstruction D. An abstract reconstruction E. An extensive reconstruction 280. What purpose of economic growth? A. Increase of a standard of living* B. Population expansion C. Hobby of the next territories D. Resource saving E. Work effectivization 281. What displays economic growth? A. Dynamic productivity of economic activities* B. Quantity of made production C. Static productivity of economic activities D. Quality of made production E. Quantum productivity of economic activities 282. What economic growth types to you known? A. Extensive, intensive, mixed* B. The idle times narrowed, expanded C. Quantitative, qualitative and mixed D. Dynamic, static and mixed E. Abstract, logic and objective 283. At the expense of what there is a national product growth at an extensive economic growth type? A. A quantitative gain of all elements of productive forces* B. A qualitative gain of all elements of productive forces C. The mixed gain of all elements of productive forces D. A qualitative gain of all elements of relations of production E. Labour growth 284. At the expense of what there is a national product growth at an extensive economic growth type? A. Qualitative perfection of productive forces* B. Quantitative perfection of productive forces C. The mixed gain of all elements of productive forces D. A qualitative gain of all elements of relations of production E. Labour growth 285. What always is a basis of an intensification of manufacture? A. Scientific and technical progress* B. Labour productivity change C. Science development D. Labour growth E. Increase in resources 286. What grows out of a manufacture intensification? A. Increase in volume and quality of production* B. Labour growth C. Technical basis growth D. Labour reduction E. Reduction of expenses of manufacture 287. What it is necessary to define to learn which economic growth type at present prevails in the state? A. At the expense of what the volume of national manufacture increases* B. At the expense of what the commodity production volume increases C. Dynamics of national manufacture D. Dynamics of a commodity production E. Dynamics GDP 288. What role is played by increase in a public product in a life of citizens? A. Raises level of their life* B. Stabilises level of their life C. Does not change level of their life D. Raises wages E. Reduces the prices for basis commodities 289. In what units measure economic growth? A. In absolute and relative* B. Only in the absolute C. Only in the relative D. In averages E. In index indicators 290. The rule of what size is used for definition of quantity a current for which the production volume doubling will take place? A. 70* B. 80 C. 50 D. 60 E. 90 291. Whether very high rates of economic growth for the population are desirable always? A. Only when relative density of the goods for the population is considerable* B. In most cases - is not present C. Only when relative density of the goods for the population is not considerable D. Certainly, always E. In most cases - so 292. In what results a variant of zero rates of economic growth? A. Before economic stagnation* B. To stability in a society C. To economy recession D. Before growth in economy if the population decreases E. To anything 293. In what results a variant of negative rates of economic growth? A. To the crisis phenomena in economy* B. To stability in a society C. To economy recession D. Before growth in economy if the population decreases E. To anything 294. What factors influence economic growth? A. To the offer, demand and distribution* B. Offers, the prices and distributions C. Demand, the price and distribution D. Offers, demand and the price E. Any 295. What allows to increase manufacture of real GNP? A. Growth of resources on quality and quantity* B. Labour growth C. Renewal of technologies D. Work development of productivity E. Growth of capacities 296. About what tell offer factors in the concept of economic growth? A. About ability to growth* B. About real growth C. About requirement of growth D. That growth is not necessary E. About the growth termination 297. About what tell demand factors in the concept of economic growth? A. About possibility of real growth* B. About ability to growth C. That growth is not necessary D. About the growth termination E. About insufficient growth 298. About what tell distribution factors in the concept of economic growth? A. About an effective utilisation of the increased potential* B. About insufficient growth C. About social injustice D. About the growth termination E. About inefficient use of the increased potential 299. What curve is better displays a maximum quantity of variants of production which can be made at the set quantity and quality of resources? A. A production possibility curve* B. A demand curve C. A supply curve D. A demand curve and offers E. A curve of the price of balance 300. What optimum parity of labour productivity and expenditures of labour for increase in volume of a national product? A. 2/3 and 1/3* B. 3/4 and 1/4 C. 1/2 and 1/2 D. 1/5 and 4/5 E. 3/5 and 2/5 301. What will take place with expenditures of labour if working week is reduced? A. Will decrease* B. Will increase C. Will not vary D. These indicators are not connected among themselves E. Will be stable 302. What most effective way of accumulation of capital? A. Increase in savings* B. Introduction of investments C. Expansion of credits D. Accumulation of debts E. Assignment of capitals of competitors 303. Investments in what are always occupied? A. In the person* B. In technology C. In resources D. In a science E. In trade 304. What is one of the major elements of development of productivity of work? A. Investments into the person* B. Technology improvement C. Technical basis updating D. Operating mode change E. Conveyor system 305. What social factors slow down economic growth? A. The guarding legislation* B. Maintenance of the population with habitation C. Medical aid development D. Birth rate growth E. Death rate growth 306. What basic characteristic of development of market economy? A. Recurrence* B. Incessant growth C. Ability to decline D. Dynamic E. Stability 307. What is the important factor of macroeconomic balance? A. Recurrence* B. Dynamic C. Stability D. Redistribution E. An openness of borders 308. Than characteristic recurrence, how the form of progressive development? A. Spiral development* B. Circular development C. Continuous development D. The closed cycle E. Constant algorithm 309. Than characteristic cycles of economic development? A. Originality* B. Assignment C. Duration D. The development form E. Repetition on a spiral coil 310. What Ukrainian scientist studied industrial cycles and their influence on a national life? A. Tugan-Baranovsky* B. Marko Kropivnitsky C. Bonch Osmolovsky D. Anatoly Kashpirovsky E. Peter Chajkovsky 311. Name phases of an industrial cycle? A. Crisis, depression, revival, recovery* B. Crisis, depression, recovery, prosperity C. Depression, crisis, revival, prosperity D. Recession, crisis, lifting, prosperity E. Prosperity, stagnation, recession, crisis 312. Than characteristic such phase of an industrial cycle as crisis? A. Balance infringement between the basic proportions of economy* B. An economic boom C. Growth of production volumes D. Stagnation of manufacture E. Stability of development 313. Than characteristic such phase of an industrial cycle as depression? A. Stagnation of manufacture* B. An economic boom C. Balance infringement between the basic proportions of economy D. Growth of production volumes E. Stability of development 314. Than characteristic such phase of an industrial cycle as revival? A. Growth of production volumes* B. An economic boom C. Balance infringement between the basic proportions of economy D. Stagnation of manufacture E. Stability of development 315. Than characteristic such phase of an industrial cycle as recovery? A. An economic boom* B. Balance infringement between the basic proportions of economy C. Growth of production volumes D. Stagnation of manufacture E. Stability of development 316. For what cyclical position the interest allowed of unemployment does not exceed 5 %? A. For recovery* B. For revival C. For depression D. For crisis E. For any 317. In what an essence of the theory of long waves of a business cycle? A. The economic system constantly is in the condition rejected from macroeconomic balance* B. The economic system constantly is in a condition of macroeconomic balance C. The economic system periodically is in the condition rejected from macroeconomic balance D. The economic system constantly is in the condition rejected from microeconomic equilibrium E. The economic system never is in the condition rejected from macroeconomic balance 318. What duration of long waves of a business cycle? A. 50-60 years* B. 40-50 years C. 20-30 years D. 10-20 years E. 60-70 years 319. For what Vasily Leontiev received the Nobel Prize? A. For interindustry balance model* B. For transfer of the Chinese literature C. For research of a method of political economy of capitalism D. For release of "the Moscow sheets" E. For works on research of the differentiated equations 320. What kind the basic scheme of an interindustry balance of V.Lentva had? A. Tables* B. The linear diagramme C. A pie chart D. The stylar diagramme E. Map diagram 321. What itself the manufacture intensification represents? A. Active development of manufacture at the expense of internal reserves* B. Active development of manufacture at the expense of external reserves C. Active development of manufacture at the expense of a labour D. Active development of manufacture at the expense of technology E. Passive development of manufacture at the expense of internal reserves 322. What to you known stages of an intensification of manufacture? A. Partial and the general* B. Internal and external C. Intensive and extensive D. Opened and closed E. Obvious and hidden 323. At the expense of what mainly there is a partial intensification? A. A labour* B. Resources C. Outward investment D. Internal investments E. Changes of a profile of manufacture 324. At the expense of what mainly there is a general intensification? A. To work development of productivity* B. Resources C. Outward investment D. Internal investments E. Changes of a profile of manufacture 325. What certificates of a high intensification of manufacture? A. Results of human activity doubles each 40 years* B. Results of human activity doubles each 30 years C. Results of human activity doubles each 20 years D. Results of human activity doubles each 10 years E. Results of human activity doubles each 2 years 326. With what frequency scientific knowledge doubles? A. Each 5 years* B. Each 10 years C. Each 15 years D. Everyone 20 E. Each 25 years 327. In which degree the social production depends here an environment? A. Completely depends* B. Does not depend at all C. Partially depends D. 50 on 50 E. On 10 % 328. How results of a social production per capita have affected? A. Have separated it from other biological kinds* B. Have approached it to other biological kinds C. Have made its defenceless D. Have made its all-powerful E. Have not affected in any way 329. What condition of balance between consumption of an environment and its reconstruction? A. Broken towards consumption* B. Broken towards a reconstruction C. Not broken D. Broken in interests of the person E. Broken not in interests of the person 330. How the used power resources on the Earth renew? A. They do not renew* B. Renew in 10 years C. Renew in 20 years D. Renew in 200 years E. Renew in 500 years 331. On what structures of biosphere harmful influence of the person extends? A. On all* B. On atmosphere C. On water D. On soil E. On a climate 332. In what first of all will result ozone layer destruction? A. Before increase of level of radiation on the Earth* B. Before growth of infectious disease C. Before decrease in immunity at the person D. Before extinction of certain kinds of live beings E. To what 333. How the polluted circle answers the person? A. Causes a number of diseases* B. Spoils mood C. In any way D. Reduction of resources E. Natural cataclysms 334. What diseases in the person will be caused first of all by air pollution? A. Respiratory and immunity decrease* B. Oncological C. Illnesses of nervous system D. Endocrine diseases E. A poisoning 335. What estimation characterises degree of danger of the polluted environment? A. Quantitative evalution of risk of influence of factors on health* B. Environmental contamination level C. Maximum concentration limit - maximum permissible concentration D. Maximum permissible emissions E. GDR - maximum permissible levels 336. In what plane of processes management of hyphens of influence of harmful factors on health lies? A. Sociopolitical* B. Social and economic C. Social D. Socially-ecological E. Political 337. Scale questions of degradation of a society demand acceptance of essentially new decisions at what levels of relations? A. Interstate* B. Interbranch C. National D. The government E. A local government 338. Definition of that can be an example of interstate arrangements on environment protection? A. MPE* B. maximum concentration limit C. GDR D. OBRV E. Such arrangements, unfortunately are not present 339. Whether the society in environment destruction can stop? A. Unfortunately, no* B. Usually can C. It is improbable D. It does not destroy an environment E. In it there is no requirement 340. What way of economic development will provide balance between all elements of system "health - environment - economy"? A. Conducting rational economy* B. Conducting intensive economy C. Conducting extensive economy D. Conducting the narrowed economy E. Conducting the expanded economy 341. What prevents to be convinced to mankind of environmental disaster approach? A. Weak objectivation situations* B. Mass media C. Shortage of the corresponding literature D. Own obstinacy E. Such threat does not exist 342. How many times the person has in will reserve, polluting environment such rates how this it does now? A. The equilibrium state will not be displaced yet* B. Yet will not settle all power stocks C. The nature insuperable D. The person is weaker the nature and cannot destroy it E. About 5 billion years 343. What is manufacture? A. This creation of the blessings and the means necessary for pleasure of requirements of people* B. This creation of the blessings necessary for pleasure of requirements of people C. This creation of the means necessary for pleasure of requirements of people D. This creation of the blessings and the means necessary for the state E. This creation of the resources necessary for pleasure of requirements of people 344. What character carries manufacture? A. Public* B. Individual C. Economic D. Stable E. Strategic 345. Name stages of evolution of a social production? A. Preindustrial, industrial, postindustrial* B. Preindustrial, industrial C. Preindustrial, postindustrial D. Simple, difficult and mixed E. The first, the second, the third 346. Name two forms of a social production? A. Natural, commodity* B. Idle time, difficult C. The general, individual D. The goods and services E. Capitalist, socialist 347. What necessary condition of a commodity production? A. Purchase conditions sales* B. Presence of people C. Presence of resources D. Presence of means E. Legislation conditions 348. What two kinds of a commodity production are? A. Simple and capitalist* B. Capitalist, socialist C. Natural, commodity D. The general, individual E. The goods and services 349. What indispensable condition between sphere of manufacture and consumption sphere is in a commodity exchange economy? A. An exchange* B. Agreement folding C. Requirement D. Means E. A unique legislative field 350. The owner and the manufacturer in simple manufacture: A. One person* B. Different persons C. The head and subordinates D. Equivalent partners E. Competitive partners 351. The owner and the manufacturer in capitalist manufacture: A. Different persons* B. One persons C. The head and subordinates D. Equivalent partners E. Competitive partners 352. The owner of a product of work in simple manufacture: A. The manufacturer* B. The owner C. The people D. A society E. The state 353. The owner of a product of work in capitalist manufacture: A. The owner* B. The manufacturer C. The people D. A society E. The state 354. What form of work prevails in simple manufacture? A. Mainly own* B. Mainly hired C. Own D. Hired E. Contract 355. What form of work prevails in capitalist manufacture? A. Hired* B. Own C. Contract D. Mainly own E. Mainly hired 356. What purpose of manufacture in simple manufacture? A. Satisfaction of own requirements* B. Satisfaction of public requirements C. Satisfaction of the state requirements D. Satisfaction of requirements of consumers E. Satisfaction of neighbour's requirements 357. What purpose of manufacture in capitalist manufacture? A. Profit earning* B. Satisfaction of public requirements C. Satisfaction of own requirements D. Capital reception E. Satisfaction of requirements of capitalists 358. What itself represents a work product? A. These are material benefits and the services created as a result of work* B. These are the non-material blessings and the services created as a result of work C. These are the material benefits created as a result of work D. These are the services created as a result of work E. These are material benefits and the services created for an exchange 359. What itself represents the goods? A. It is a work product it is made for an exchange* B. These are material benefits and the services created as a result of work C. It is a work product it is made for own consumption D. These are the services created as a result of work E. It is any product of work 360. What is a work product in public health services system? A. The given medical aid* B. Quantity of patients C. Quantity of patients which have recovered D. Cases of polyclinic service E. Quantity of visitings of a medical institution 361. What in public health services system can be the goods? A. Medical service* B. Cases of polyclinic service C. Quantity of visitings of a medical institution D. Hospital cots E. Hospital premises 362. What two basic properties of the goods? A. Use value and an exchange value* B. The cost price and use value C. The cost price and an exchange value D. The cost price and the price E. Use value and the price 363. How still it is possible to name use value? A. Utility* B. The cost price C. An exchange value D. The price E. Quality 364. What does the exchange value mean? A. Property of the goods in a certain proportion to exchange on other goods* B. Property of the goods to change the cost C. Property of the goods to change the quality D. Property of the goods to change the cost price E. Property of the goods to change the characteristics 365. What is the quality of the goods? A. This conformity to certain characteristics which provide utility of the goods* B. This property to satisfy the buyer C. This property to satisfy the manufacturer D. This property to satisfy control department E. This property to satisfy committee on protection of the consumers 366. What three measurements quality of medical service has? A. Quality from a position of the patient, quality professional, quality of management* B. A first grade, a second quality, the third grade C. A first grade, a second quality, the premium D. The first, second, third category E. Rural, city, regional 367. For what TPI obligatory confirmed MoH of Ukraine "Specifications of granting of medical aid and medical aid quality indexes"? A. For everything, irrespective of patterns of ownership* B. For institutions of the state pattern of ownership C. For institutions of a private pattern of ownership D. For institutions of a municipal pattern of ownership E. For departmental institutions 368. What is the concrete labour? A. It is professionally issued work* B. Work on concrete object C. Separate operation D. Separate manipulation E. Work which brings result 369. What is the abstract labour? A. It is a labour expense* B. It is work which does not bring results C. It is work for the public good D. It is an intellectual work E. It is work of budgetary sphere 370. In what an essence of the law of cost? A. The goods exchange under the prices which equal to average public expenses on their manufacturing* B. All goods have the price C. The prices proportional qualities D. Than the higher demand that the top price E. Cost of the goods constantly grows 371. What law is a driving power of market relations? A. The cost law* B. The competition law C. The law of supply and demand D. The law of growth of requirements E. The law of restriction of resources 372. What is money? A. It is the especial goods which play a role of the general equivalent at goods exchange* B. Paper signs for which it is possible to get the goods C. A medium of exchange at goods purchase D. Securities E. Bank papers 373. What function is carried out by money, representing itself as the intermediary at an exchange of the goods and services? A. A medium of circulation* B. Enrichment means C. A medium of exchange D. Account means E. Distribution means 374. What function beats off ability of money to use the corresponding cost of what is sold for the further purchase? A. Heap means* B. A medium of circulation C. A medium of exchange D. Distribution means E. Redistribution means 375. Here that purchasing capacity of money depends? A. From prices of goods and service* B. From purchasing capacity of buyers C. From a subsistence level D. From a kind of money E. From a state policy 376. What function of money allows to express cost of the goods and services in native currency? A. A measure of value* B. An exchange measure C. A reference measure D. A money supply cubic measure E. Face value of monetary units 377. What served as money in ancient Kiev Rus? A. Bars of silver* B. Wooden stocks C. Gold coins D. Paper banknotes E. Placer gold 378. How real value of money in the conditions of inflation behaves? A. Sharply falls* B. Sharply grows C. Slowly falls D. Slowly grows E. Does not vary 379. How real value of money in the conditions of a deflation behaves? A. Grows* B. Sharply grows C. Slowly falls D. Slowly grows E. Does not vary 380. What role of money in market economy? A. They mediate circulation of incomes* B. They define the price of all goods C. They regulate prices of goods D. Consider circulation of the goods E. Accumulation means represent itself as 381. What sequence of transformation of money? A. Commodity money - wooden - metal - paper* B. Commodity money-metal- paper - gold C. Commodity money - wooden - paper D. Wooden - metal - paper - silver E. Commodity money - paper - silver - gold 382. What function usually is not inherent in paper money? A. A heap* B. The account C. The reference D. Issue E. A measure of value 383. What kinds of credit money to you known? A. The bill, banknotes, checks* B. The action, banknotes, checks C. The bill, a credit card, the check D. The bill, banknotes, the bond E. The action, the bill, banknotes, checks 384. What active money represents itself as bank obligations? A. Credit money* B. The bill C. Checks D. Actions E. Banknotes 385. What is the bill? A. The unconditional promissory note* B. The bank note C. Credit money D. An instrument of payment E. The receipt on a debt 386. What is the banknote? A. The bank note, as an instrument of payment* B. Credit money C. The unconditional promissory note D. Debt payments E. The ticket 387. In which of kinds of credit money the promissory note reason does not speak? A. In bills* B. In actions C. In guarantee D. In checks E. In bonds 388. Who lets out banknotes? A. Exclusively central bank* B. Business banks C. Any banks D. Exchequer E. Ministry 389. What shows checks? A. The order writing of an account holder of bank about delivery of a cash or transfer of the given sum to the certain account* B. The unconditional promissory note C. The bank note, as an instrument of payment D. The order writing of an account holder of bank about cash reception E. Transfer of the given sum to the certain account 390. In what the greatest problem of use of checks consisted? A. In a fake of signatures* B. In complexity of registration C. In a fake of checks D. In impracticality of using E. In constant requirement of updating 391. Than today replace checks more often? A. Credit cards* B. Banknotes C. Bills D. Bonds E. Savings books 392. What is the credit card? A. The Payment-settlement document which seems banks to the investors for merchandise payment and services* B. The Payment-settlement document which seems banks to the debtors C. The Payment-payable which seems banks to the creditors D. The Payment-settlement document which seems banks to the investors for merchandise payment and services on credit E. The Payment-payable which seems banks to the investors for debt servicing 393. Who gives out credit cards? A. Bank or a trading house* B. Exclusively business banks C. Exclusively central bank D. The organisation where the addressee works E. The creditor 394. How easily convertible assets in the form of bank savings accounts, urgent accounts, short- term valuable rents except actions are called? A. "Almost money"* B. Money C. Bills D. Bonds E. Checks 395. Who has formulated the basic equation of an exchange: MV=PQ? A. Fisher* B. Mc Gregor C. A.Smith D. F.Kotler E. K.Marks 396. In what the law of a monetary turn consists? A. In observance in circulation a necessary quantity of money* B. In an exchange of money for the goods C. In balance between purchase and sale D. In transfer of money from one account on another E. In observance in circulation necessary quantity of the goods 397. What is the monetary turn? A. Continuous movement of money in a sphere of circulation* B. An exchange of money for the goods C. Transfer of money from one account on another D. "Wanderings" of monetary denominations from hand to hand E. A full turnover cycle of money in the industry 398. What to you known kinds of a monetary turn? A. Cash - monetary and cashless* B. Cash and monetary C. Monetary and cashless D. Cashless and nominal E. Credit and debt 399. How the weight of money in the state today is defined? A. From equation by Fisher: MV=PQ* B. From the import quota equation: To = 1/P*100 C. From equation = (Ut - Uo)/uo D. From the equation p = v / (c+v) *100 E. From equation Pc = /*100 400. What is the monetary system? A. It is a form of organisation of a monetary turn which has developed in the given state* B. It is a form of organisation of a monetary exchange which has developed in the given state C. It is a form of organisation of banks and a monetary turn that have developed in the given state D. It is the form of bank notes which have developed in the given state E. It is weight of money which are in the state 401. What is the monetary unit? A. It the bank note is legislatively established* B. It is separate banknotes C. These are images which are on money D. It is cost of one denomination E. It is one separate denomination 402. What is the issue system? A. It is creation of money by exchequer* B. This fall in the value of money C. This dispersion of money D. It is input of money of other country E. This use of money of the different countries 403. Name kinds of monetary systems? A. The metal reference and paper - a credit monetary turn* B. The metal and paper reference C. A paper and credit monetary turn D. Credit and monetary circulation E. Opened and closed 404. On what the modern monetary system is based? A. On credit-paper money* B. On the legislation C. On currency resources D. On credit cards E. On banknotes 405. What metal monetary systems happen? A. Bimetallic and monometallic* B. Gold-bearing and silver-bearing C. Gold-bearing and bronze-bearing D. Silver-bearing and nickel-bearing E. Metal-alloy 406. Behind what metals the fixed role of money? A. Behind gold and silver* B. Behind gold and nickel C. Behind nickel and silver D. Behind nickel and alloys E. Behind silver and alloys 407. What is a legal platform of functioning of a monetary system in Ukraine? A. The law on a monetary system* B. The law on banks C. The law on banks and banking D. The law on the budget E. The constitution of Ukraine 408. Who has the exclusive right to release and an exception of paper money and coins from the reference? A. Exclusively Central bank of Ukraine* B. Exclusively business banks C. A central bank of Ukraine and business banks D. The Exchequer is exclusive E. The cabinet of Ukraine 409. What is the inflation? A. Process of fall in the value of money* B. It is process of reduction of a money supply C. Process of growth of cost of money D. Rise in price process E. Process of enrichment of economic sphere 410. What is the deflation? A. It is process of reduction of a money supply* B. Process of fall in the value of money C. Process of reduction monetary money D. Rise in price process E. Process of enrichment of economic sphere 411. How purchasing capacity of money varies at inflation? A. Falls* B. Grows C. Does not vary D. Fluctuates depending on quality of the goods E. It does not depend on inflation 412. How purchasing capacity of money varies at a deflation? A. Grows* B. Falls C. Does not vary D. Fluctuates depending on quality of the goods E. It does not depend on a deflation 413. Money looses value at: A. Inflations* B. Deflations C. Issues D. The commissions E. To currency reform 414. In what the inflation root consists? A. In deformation of a monetary turn* B. In acceleration of a monetary turn C. In delay of a monetary turn D. In stabilisation of a monetary turn E. In non-uniformity of a monetary turn 415. In what case a defensible currency issue? A. In short term and in the beginning of the period of economic recession* B. In economic recession C. In economic growth D. In economy stagnation E. In times of crisis in economy 416. What gives the politician of a currency issue for economy? A. Expands crediting possibilities* B. Renews bank of monetary denominations C. Enriches bank of banknotes D. Diversifies a money supply E. Enriches the basic part of the population 417. What way of a covering of a public debt? A. An additional currency issue* B. Increase in taxes C. Reduction of taxes D. A raising of the prices E. Salary reduction 418. What influence on a monetary turn economy militarization has? A. Strengthens inflation* B. Weakens inflation C. Strengthens a deflation D. Weakens a deflation E. Initiates a deflation 419. How the trade-union monopoly influences a monetary turn? A. Defining the size of the salary and duration of its level leads to inflation or a deflation* B. Defining the size of surcharges and their duration leads to inflation or a deflation C. Defining the size of the help behind poverty and its duration leads to inflation or a deflation D. Defining the size of grants and their duration leads to inflation or a deflation E. It does not influence a monetary turn 420. Monopoly of the greatest firms, defining the size of the prices and own expenses leads more often: A. Inflations* B. Deflations C. Stagnation D. Crises E. Depressions 421. What kinds of inflation to you known? A. Creeping, galloping and a hyperinflation* B. Depressive and recovered C. Crisis and growing D. Growing and falling E. Growing, stable and falling 422. For what countries characteristic open inflation? A. With market economy* B. With command economy C. With mixed economy D. A socialist way of development E. A capitalist way of development 423. For what countries the characteristic strangled inflation? A. With command economy* B. With market economy C. With mixed economy D. A socialist way of development E. A capitalist way of development 424. In what an essence of the self-reproductive mechanism of inflation? A. In escalating of an excessive demand for the goods* B. In a currency issue C. In state intervention in economic mechanisms D. In non-interference of the state to economic mechanisms E. In parallel growth of the salary and the prices 425. What is the essence of "salary - prices"? A. With pay rise the prices steadily grow* B. In escalating of an excessive demand for the goods C. In a currency issue D. With a rise in price the salary grows E. With a rise in price the salary does not vary 426. What is the balanced inflation? A. The prices of different commodity sections rather each other do not change* B. The prices of different commodity sections rather each other change C. The prices of different commodity sections rather each other grow D. The prices of different commodity sections rather each other fall down E. Such concept does not exist 427. What is the unbalanced inflation? A. The prices of different commodity sections change rather each other* B. The prices of different commodity sections rather each other do not change C. The prices of different commodity sections rather each other grow D. The prices of different commodity sections rather each other fall down E. Such concept does not exist 428. What is criterion of differentiation of inflation behind its kinds? A. Rates of price increases* B. Growth rates of the salary C. Growth rates of a dollar exchange rate D. Growth rates of hryvnia rate E. Rates of fall of the prices 429. What itself creeping inflation represents? A. When the prices grows less, than on 10 % for a year* B. When the prices grows more than on 10 % for a year C. When the prices grows less, than on 1 % for a year D. When the prices grows more than on 1 % for a year E. When the prices grow slowly 430. What itself the galloping inflation represents? A. When the prices grow two - three-considerable figures for a year* B. When the prices grows more than on 100 % for a year C. When the prices grows less, than on 100 % for a year D. When the prices grows more than on 10 % for a year E. When the prices grows less, than on 10 % for a year 431. What itself the hyperinflation represents? A. The prices grow in astronomical figures* B. When the prices grows more than on 1000 % for a year C. When the prices grows less, than on 1000 % for a year D. When the prices grows more than on 100 % for a year E. When the prices grows less, than on 100 % for a year 432. What itself expected inflation represents? A. Inflation which is provided or predicted* B. Inflation which is planned C. Inflation which is put in the budget D. Inflation which is predicted by experts E. Inflation which is declared mass-media 433. What itself unexpected inflation represents? A. Inflation which is not provided and is not predicted* B. Inflation which is not put in the budget C. Inflation is provoked by acts of nature D. Inflation which is not predicted by experts E. Inflation which is not declared mass-media 434. What itself represents a nominal income? A. It and a quantity of money which people receive in the form of the salary and so on* B. It and a quantity of money for which the person can live C. It and a quantity of money which is necessary for development of the person D. A quantity of money which is necessary for supporting vital forces of an organism E. It and a quantity of money, which to the person added in accounts department 435. What itself represents a real income? A. It and quantity of the goods and services which the person for the sum nominal to the income can get* B. It and a quantity of money which we can spend for residing C. It and a quantity of money what we receive on hands D. It what the person for the sum living to a minimum can get E. It and quantity of the goods and services which the person for the sum of the salary added in accounts department can get 436. What is the unconditional companion of open inflation? A. Fast social stratification of the population* B. Enrichment of an imperious top C. Enrichment of business population layers D. Has grown poor a population great bulk E. Strikes 437. What inflation to debtors brings? A. Profits* B. Losses C. Efforts D. Strikes E. Anything 438. What inflation to creditors brings? A. Losses* B. Profits C. Efforts D. Strikes E. Anything 439. How inflation influences the international currency relations? A. Export is released under the prices by lower world* B. Export is released under the prices by higher world C. Import is released under the prices by lower world D. Import is released under the world prices E. Export is not released 440. What occurs to the national currency during a deflation? A. The rate grows in relation to a foreign currency* B. The rate falls down in relation to a foreign currency C. The foreign exchange falls down in relation to hryvnia D. The foreign exchange grows in relation to hryvnia E. Anything 441. What actions lead to a deflation? A. Wage-freeze* B. Increase in earning C. Reduction in pay D. A currency issue E. A raising of the prices 442. How the deflation influences an aggregate demand? A. Demand falls down* B. Priests grows C. Demand does not change D. Demand fluctuates E. In any way 443. What causes existence of financial and monetary - credit relations? A. Branch of cash funds from movement of goods* B. Joining of cash funds to movement of goods C. Different currency which is used in the state D. National bank and Ministry of Finance existence E. Existence of cash funds 444. What is the finance? A. These are monetary resources which have a special-purpose designation* B. These are monetary resources C. These are monetary resources which have no special-purpose designation D. Everything that is not monetary resources E. These are cash 445. What in transfer from the Latin means the term "finance"? A. A cash* B. Money C. Payment D. Manors E. Riches 446. In what an essence of distributive function of the finance? A. Maintenance of objects of housekeeping with necessary financial resources* B. Distribution between objects of housekeeping of separate financial resources C. An exchange between objects of housekeeping of necessary financial resources D. Addition to objects of housekeeping of necessary financial resources E. An exception at objects of housekeeping of superfluous financial resources 447. In what an essence of reproductive function of the finance? A. Creation of regenerative funds necessary for a society* B. Creation of regenerative funds necessary for the enterprise C. Creation of a fixed capital necessary for the enterprise D. Replacement of worn bank denominations E. Renewal of the worn out equipment at the enterprises 448. In what an essence of registration-control function of the finance? A. Control of pecuniary obligations* B. Realisation of the account of pecuniary obligations C. Control of financial assets D. Realisation of the account of financial savings E. Control of financial expenses 449. In what an essence of stimulating function of the finance? A. Maneuvering by tax rates, privileges and so forth* B. Reduction of tax rates C. Increase in tax rates D. Creation of system of preferential financing E. Use of grants 450. In what an essence of regulating function of the finance? A. Purposeful influence of the state on the separate enterprises, branches or territories system of privileges, changes of taxes, introductions of grants* B. The purposeful help of the state to the separate enterprises, branches or territories system of privileges, change of taxes, introduction of grants C. Additional allocation by the financing state to the separate enterprises, branches or territories D. Allocation of grants to the separate enterprises, branches or territories E. A raising of taxes to the separate enterprises, branches or territories 451. In what an essence of fiscal function of the finance? A. Compulsion of payments in the established sizes and target dates* B. In tax payment maintenance C. In the control over tax bearers D. In imposing of sanctions for a tax dodging E. In maintenance of fulfilling the budget 452. In what an essence of political function of the finance? A. Provide success or a failure internal and government foreign policy* B. Provide success or a failure of internal policy of the government C. Provide success or a failure of foreign policy of the government D. Provide success or a failure of a policy of the next government E. Provide success or a failure of a policy of the oppositional government 453. What structure of a financial system from positions of localisation of means? A. Centralised, decentralised, financial households* B. Centralised, decentralised, mixed C. State, regional, regional D. Local, central E. City, rural 454. What itself represent the centralised finance? A. It is the state financial budgetary system* B. These are means are collected from periphery C. The means allocated with a central bank D. The means collected by the government E. The means directed on concrete business 455. What itself represent decentralised the finance? A. These are the finance of the enterprises, firms and so forth* B. These are means of separate physical persons C. These are decent means D. Means distributed to the people E. Means distributed to the enterprises 456. What itself represent the finance of households? A. These are the personal finance* B. This property of a household C. It is the salary of the owner of economic firm D. Authorized fund of a household E. Money for the household bank account 457. What is the central link of public finances? A. The state budget* B. A central bank C. The central and commercial banks D. The Ministry of Finance E. The Ministry of Economics 458. What is the basic incomes of the state budget? A. Taxes, excises, customs meetings* B. Exclusively taxes C. Surtax of citizens D. the vat E. Government subsidies 459. What is the financial policy? A. This management skill money resources and financial relations in interests of the state* B. This management skill money resources in interests of the state C. This management skill financial relations in interests of the state D. Financing of political projects E. Financial support of political leaders 460. What to you are known two directions of a financial policy? A. A fiscal policy and the budgetary policy* B. Fiscal and a tax policy C. Budgetary and a tax policy D. The monetary and budget policy E. Monetary and credit policy 461. What literal sense of a word "fiscal"? A. State* B. Obligatory C. Higher D. Lower E. State 462. In what a fiscal policy essence? A. State activity in branch of the taxation and regulation of public revenues in interests of treasury for the purpose economy stabilization* B. State activity in taxation branch in interests of treasury for the purpose economy stabilisation C. State activity in branch of regulation of public revenues in interests of treasury for the purpose economy stabilisation D. State activity in branch of the taxation and regulation of public revenues in interests of a society for the purpose economy stabilisation E. State activity in branch of the taxation and regulation of public revenues in interests of treasury for the purpose inflation decrease 463. In what an essence of a budgetary policy? A. It is state activity in sphere of regulation of incomes and state expenses* B. It is the activity directed on increase of incomes of the state C. It is the activity directed on taxation from citizens D. It is the activity directed on taxation from the enterprises E. It is activity in sphere of regulation of taxes in the state 464. What is the fiscal deficit? A. When income part smaller from expense* B. When income part is more from expense C. When income the part equals expense D. When expense part is more from requirement E. When income part is more from requirement 465. What is the public debt? A. The sum of debts of the state before creditors* B. When income a budget part smaller from expense C. The sum of debts of other states to us D. The sum of debts of citizens to the state E. The wage arrears sum 466. What public debt kinds are? A. Internal and external* B. Big and small C. Galloping and creeping D. New and old E. It has no kinds, the debt and is a debt 467. What is the internal public debt? A. Relations in the country when the public debt at the same time is a public credit* B. When income a budget part smaller from expense C. The sum of debts of other states to us D. The sum of debts of citizens to the state E. The wage arrears sum 468. What is external public debt? A. A debt to the foreign states or persons* B. When income a budget part smaller from expense C. The sum of debts of other states to us D. The sum of debts of citizens to the state E. The debts sum on export 469. Whether the public debt can lead to bankruptcy of the government? A. It is very improbable* B. Never C. Always D. Depending on a political situation E. Yes, certainly 470. What steps the government can undertake to reduce a public debt? A. Refinancing to increase taxes, a currency issue* B. To freeze the salary C. To reduce a quantity of goods D. To raise the prices E. To withdraw a cash part 471. What public debt will lay down on a shoulder to future generations? A. An external public debt* B. Internal C. Any D. Big E. On nonpayment of indemnifications for a birth of the child 472. In what an essence of the mechanism of the state regulation of economy? A. These are actions and means which are used by the state for achievement of a certain economic target* B. It is price management C. Input of the state sanctions D. These are actions and means which are used by the state for achievement of the maximum profit E. These are actions and means which are used by the state for the situation control 473. What means are used by the state for economy regulation? A. Direct and indirect actions* B. Price management C. Input of the state sanctions D. Payment of grants E. An establishment of privileges to the separate enterprises 474. What means of direct action are used by the state for economy regulation? A. Administrative and legislative influence* B. Price management C. Input of the state sanctions D. Payment of grants E. An establishment of privileges to the separate enterprises 475. What means indirect actions are used by the state for economy regulation? A. Tax-budgetary and monetary and credit means* B. Input of the state sanctions C. Tax-budgetary funds D. Monetary and credit means E. Activity of inspection services 476. Give literal interpretation to the term "credit"? A. A loan, a debt* B. The promise C. Trust D. Money E. The obligation 477. What is the credit? A. This agreement between partners about granting in the property of property or money to other person of subject to conditions delayed returning of the same cost with payment to percent* B. This agreement between partners about granting in the property to other person of subject to conditions delayed returning with payment to percent C. This agreement between partners about lending of money to other person of subject to conditions delayed returning of the same cost with payment to percent D. This agreement between partners about granting in the property of property or money to other person of subject to conditions delayed returning of the same cost E. This agreement between partners about granting in the property of property or money to other person subject to conditions payments to percent 478. Than forms of credits differ? A. Structure of participants, object of rent, dynamics to percent and functioning sphere* B. Structure of participants, object of rent, the size to percent C. Structure of participants, dynamics to percent and functioning sphere D. Object of rent, dynamics to percent and functioning sphere E. Structure of participants, object of rent and functioning sphere 479. In what a commercial credit essence? A. It is given by one enterprise to another* B. It is given with payment to percent C. It is given for the purpose profit earnings D. It is given by business banks E. It is given only to commercial establishments 480. In what an essence of the bank credit? A. It is given by banks to other credit institutions* B. It is given by banks only to other banks C. It is given by banks to physical persons D. It is given by banks to legal bodies E. It is given by someone to banks 481. In what an essence of the consumer credit? A. It is given by different credit institutions to the population for acquisition of goods with a postponement of payment* B. It is given by different credit institutions of consumers' co-operative society C. It is given by consumers' co-operative society to different credit institutions D. It is given by different credit institutions to someone E. It is given by consumers' co-operative society to someone 482. In what a real estate essence? A. It is the credit on the security of the real estate* B. It is the credit under pledging of securities C. It is the credit on the security of a personal estate D. It is the credit on the security of money E. It is the credit on the security of values 483. In what an essence of the interbank credit? A. Creditors and debtors are banks* B. The bank allots credits to itself C. Creditors are banks D. Debtors are banks E. The creditor and the debtor is only the central bank 484. In what an essence of the intereconomic credit? A. Money loans are given only to different economic subjects* B. Credit institutes of the state finance official bodies C. Money loans are given only to official bodies D. Money loans are given only to only budgetary organisations E. Money loans are given only to separate legal personalities 485. In what a public credit essence? A. Credit institutes of the state finance different sectors of economic activity* B. Credit institutes of the state are financed by separate physical persons C. Credit institutes of the state finance separate legal personalities D. Credit institutes of the state are financed by natural and legal persons E. Credit institutes of the state finance official bodies 486. In what an essence of the international credit? A. Movement of borrowed capital in sphere of the international economic monetary relations* B. Movement of borrowed capital in sphere of the international economic financial relations C. Movement of borrowed capital in sphere of the international economic currency relations D. Movement of borrowed capital in international sales sphere E. Movement of borrowed capital in sphere of the international relations 487. Give literal interpretation of a word "percent"? A. On one hundred* B. On ten C. Per thousand D. On prospect E. Advance 488. In advance What is the bank percent? A. It is a payment to the creditor for using the credit* B. It is a payment to the debtor for using the credit C. It is a payment to the creditor for using bank D. It is a payment to the debtor for using bank E. It is a payment bank to percent from profit 489. What function of bank? A. Crediting of subjects of economic activities and citizens at the expense of attraction of their means* B. Crediting of objects of economic activities and citizens at the expense of attraction of their means C. Debitting of objects of economic activities and citizens at the expense of attraction of their means D. To involve population means for the purpose profit earnings E. Debitting of subjects of economic activities and citizens at the expense of attraction of their means 490. Who were the first prototypes of bankers? A. Goldsmiths* B. Buyers C. Handicraftsmen D. Barbers E. Shopkeepers 491. What is the bank reserve? A. The fixed part of not involved deposits is defined* B. The fixed part of the involved deposits is defined C. The fixed part of not involved actives is defined D. The fixed part of the involved actives is defined E. The fixed part of not involved passives is defined 492. What the banking system of Ukraine is? A. Two-level* B. Centralised C. Mixed D. Decentralised E. Exclusive 493. What basic types of system of public health services in the world? A. By Beveridge, Bismarck and Semashko* B. By Beveridge, Bismarck and Strazhesko C. By Baskerville, Bismarck and Semashko D. By Beveridge, Berger and Semashko E. By Beethoven, Bismarck and Semashko 494. What financial system underlies system by Beveridge? A. State financing* B. Medical insurance C. Private medicine D. Centralised planning E. Mixed 495. What financial system underlies system by Bismarck? A. Medical insurance* B. Medical maintenance C. Private medicine D. Centralised planning E. Mixed 496. What financial system underlies system by Semashko? A. State financing* B. Medical insurance C. Private medicine D. Centralised planning E. Mixed 497. What type of system of public health services prevails in Great Britain? A. State* B. Medical insurance C. Private medicine D. Centralised planning E. Mixed 498. What type of system of public health services prevails in Italy? A. State* B. Medical insurance C. Private medicine D. Centralised planning E. Mixed 499. What type of system of public health services prevails in France? A. Medical insurance* B. State C. Private medicine D. Centralised planning E. Mixed 500. What type of system of public health services prevails in Germany? A. Medical insurance* B. State C. Private medicine D. Centralised planning E. Mixed 501. What type of system of public health services prevails in Canada? A. State* B. Medical insurance C. Private medicine D. Centralised planning E. Mixed 502. What type of system of public health services prevails in the USA? A. Medical insurance* B. State C. Private medicine D. Centralised planning E. Mixed 503. What type of system of public health services prevails in Ukraine? A. State* B. Medical insurance C. Private medicine D. Centralised planning E. Mixed 504. What means term the budget literally? A. A bag* B. Bank C. A folder D. Money E. The finance 505. What represents the budget? A. The plan of incomes and expenses on certain term* B. The plan of incomes for certain term C. The plan of expenses for certain term D. Presence of the state money E. The sum of means for the maintenance of machinery of state 506. How many budgets the budgetary system of Ukraine contains? A. 11786* B. 1786 C. 786 D. 111786 E. 86 507. How many is public finances of Ukraine? A. 1* B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5 508. Local governments independently develop, confirm and carry out corresponding local budgets? A. Absolutely correctly* B. Absolutely not correctly C. They receive from above instructions D. They only carry out budgets E. They only develop budgets 509. Local governments have the right to define independently directions of draught on funds of local budgets according to the law. A. Absolutely correctly* B. Absolutely not correctly C. They receive from above instructions D. They only carry out budgets E. They only develop budgets 510. From what budgets the public health services system is financed? A. From everything, depending on a pattern of ownership* B. From the state C. From the regional D. From the regional E. From the city 511. What two parts has the budget? A. Income and expense* B. Main and minor C. Basic and additional D. Base and subsidy E. It has no parts 512. The budget is balanced, if income and expense parts? A. Level* B. Income is more C. Expense is more D. Income is smaller E. Expense is smaller 513. The budget is in deficit, if income and expense parts? A. Income is smaller* B. Income is more C. Levels D. Not equal E. Expense is smaller 514. The budget is in surplus, if income and expense parts? A. Income is more* B. Levels C. Expense is more D. Income is smaller E. Expense fluctuates 515. What itself the subject of the taxation represents? A. This natural or legal person who directly pays duty* B. It what is taxed C. It is a unit of measure of an object of taxation D. It is legislatively established size of the tax per unit of the taxation E. This natural or legal person to whom pay taxes 516. What itself represents an object of taxation? A. It what is taxed* B. This natural or legal person who directly pays duty C. It is a unit of measure of an object of taxation D. It is legislatively established size of the tax per unit of the taxation E. This natural or legal person to whom pay taxes 517. What itself taxation unit represents? A. It is a unit of measure of an object of taxation* B. This natural or legal person who directly pays duty C. It what is taxed D. It is legislatively established size of the tax per unit of the taxation E. This natural or legal person to whom pay taxes 518. What itself represents tax a pond? A. It is legislatively established size of the tax per unit of the taxation* B. It is a unit of measure of an object of taxation C. It what is taxed D. It is internal revenue service office E. It is a tax part 519. What taxes in dependence here level of structures which establish them are? A. Nation-wide and local* B. Folding and rate C. Straight lines and not straight lines D. On incomes and on property E. Firm and soft 520. Give literal interpretation to the term "fiscal"? A. State* B. Purchasing C. Violent D. Expropriator E. Incursion 521. What basic function of an internal revenue service? A. Control* B. Precautionary C. Registration D. Accounting E. Power 522. To what taxes the value-added tax belongs? A. Nation-wide* B. Local C. Specific D. Universal E. Straight lines 523. To what taxes the duty belongs? A. Nation-wide* B. Local C. Specific D. Universal E. Straight lines 524. To what taxes hotel gathering belongs? A. Local* B. Nation-wide C. Specific D. Universal E. Indirect 525. When Constitutional spasms granting of paid services in treatment-and-prophylactic institutions has been stopped? A. In 1998* B. In 1990 C. In 1978 D. In 2000 E. In 2003 526. The document in which all established posts of hospital are fixed and their salaries are painted, is called? A. Tariffing* B. The estimate C. The list of staff D. The order E. The budget 527. The document which displays distribution of quantity of doctors, average, younger medical staff, attendants, is called? A. The list of staff* B. The estimate C. Tariffing D. The order E. The budget 528. The basic document which covers process of financing of hospital is called? A. The estimate* B. Tariffing C. The list of staff D. The budget E. Accounting book 529. On the basis of what today put the hospital estimate? A. On the basis of indicators last year* B. On the basis of actual expenses C. On the basis of standard expenses D. On the basis of estimated expenditure E. On the basis of the data about disease 530. What is the basic lack of folding of the estimate by a today's technique? A. Dynamics of disease is not considered* B. Difficult accounts C. Inflation is not considered D. Change of the prices for medicines is not considered E. Change of the prices for the equipment is not considered 531. Who puts the hospital estimate? A. The head physician of hospital* B. City health dept C. A city finance administration D. Municipal service of a city E. The centralised accounts department 532. Who unites all estimates of city hospitals in the unique erected budget? A. Management of public health services of the City Council* B. Management of public health services of a regional council C. Management of public health services of the regional state administration D. City finance dept E. Region finance dept 533. Who confirms financing of city hospitals? A. Session of city council of People's Deputies* B. The chairman of the City Council C. The head of department of public health services of a city D. The head physician E. The Ministry of Finance 534. Whether transparent system of formation of the budget in Ukraine? A. Unfortunately, no* B. Fortunately, so C. Only on a national level the transparent D. Only at local level the transparent E. Depending on conscience of those who plans the budget 535. Whether the head physician how the manager of means of hospital to remit money from wages article on article medicines can? A. In no event* B. In exclusive situations can C. The part of means can only D. Only during epidemic E. Can without problems 536. What results of activity of system of public health services deduce it in priority sphere? A. A population reconstruction* B. Disease reduction C. Life expectancy growth D. Birth rate growth E. Death rate reduction 537. How the public health services part in the erected budget of Ukraine changes? A. Decreases* B. Grows C. Does not change D. Fluctuates E. Sharply grows 538. How the public health services part in gross national product of Ukraine changes? A. Decreases* B. Grows C. Does not change D. Fluctuates E. Sharply grows 539. In the conditions of a severe shortage of means in branch where there is a displacement of structure of granting of medical aid? A. Aside concerning its expensive kinds* B. Aside concerning its cheap kinds C. Towards its primitive kinds D. Towards high technologies E. It is not displaced anywhere 540. How the public health services system today is financed? A. By a definitive principle* B. Behind specifications C. Behind requirements D. Under the decision of deputies E. Chaotically 541. How the public health services system today operates? A. By a wasteful principle* B. Behind requirements of consumers C. In interests of patients D. By an economy principle E. Chaotically 542. What percent to an average level on economy is represented by monthly average wages of workers occupied in system of public health services of Ukraine? A. 60,5 %* B. 50 % C. 40,5 % D. 30 % E. 30,5 % 543. To whom are licenses for the right of realisation of medical practice, carrying out of medicolegal and judicial-psychiatric examination granted? A. Stand out to natural and legal persons who are registered in Ukraine as subjects of entrepreneurial business and intend to carry out aforementioned practice* B. Stand out to physical persons who are registered in Ukraine as subjects of entrepreneurial business and intend to carry out aforementioned practice C. Stand out to legal bodies who are registered in Ukraine as subjects of entrepreneurial business and intend to carry out aforementioned practice D. Stand out to physical persons which intend to carry out aforementioned practice E. Stand out to natural and legal persons who intend to carry out aforementioned practice 544. Whom do licenses for the right of realisation of medical practice, carrying out of medicolegal and judicial-psychiatric examination seem? A. Ministry of Health of Ukraine* B. Management of public health services of the regional state administration C. Local authorities D. The Ministry of Finance E. The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 545. In what territorial limits licenses for the right of realisation of medical practice, carrying out of medicolegal and judicial-psychiatric examination given out by Ministry of Health of Ukraine operate? A. In all territory of Ukraine* B. In territory of the CIS C. Within member countries WHO D. The territory is not limited E. In territory of Europe 546. Period of validity of the license for the right of realisation of entrepreneurial business in system health car A. 3 years* B. 5 years C. 2 years D. 1 year E. Termless 547. What is the business - the plan? A. The form of expert appraisal of expediency of realisation of such activity* B. The form of expert appraisal of such activity C. The form of the plan of realisation of such activity D. The form of expert appraisal of financing activities E. The expert appraisal form business activity 548. With what the connected activity of expensive enterprise in the conditions of the market? A. With risk* B. With money C. With the finance D. With taxes E. With inspections 549. What aspiration business - to the plan? A. Strategic* B. Financial C. Economic D. Political E. Inspection 550. Whether "firm" and "enterprise" are identical concept? A. No* B. Yes C. Almost D. Sometimes E. Only in the conditions of the market 551. What is the firm? A. The Organizational-economic, public, enterprise mode of production* B. The Organizational-economic mode of production C. A public, enterprise mode of production D. An enterprise mode of production E. Any mode of production 552. What is the enterprise? A. It the technological complex is defined* B. These are factories and factories C. These are industrial premises D. It there where produce production E. It is structure which produces the goods 553. Who is the subject of entrepreneurial business? A. Legal or physical persons who carry out entrepreneurial business* B. Exclusively legal bodies who carry out entrepreneurial business C. Exclusively physical persons who carry out entrepreneurial business D. Legal or physical persons who carry out authorised activity E. Legal bodies who carry out authorised activity 554. Who cannot be engaged in entrepreneurial business? A. Military men, representatives of power structures and supervising bodies* B. Exclusively military men C. Exclusively representatives of power structures D. Exclusively representatives of supervising bodies E. Invalids and mentally sick persons 555. Whether has the right the businessman on activity free choice? A. Yes* B. No C. With the coordination with antimonopoly committee D. With the coordination with service of protection of the consumers E. With the coordination with the licence commission 556. Whether has the right the businessman on the order profit? A. Yes* B. No C. Sometimes D. Only from the coordination with the owner E. Only at high profitability 557. Whether has the right the businessman to sign on workers? A. Yes* B. No C. Sometimes D. Only when the enterprise of the state pattern of ownership E. Only when the enterprise of a private pattern of ownership 558. Whether has the right the businessman to choose suppliers? A. Yes* B. No C. Sometimes D. Only from the coordination with the owner E. Only at high profitability 559. Whether has the right the businessman to set prices on the production? A. Yes* B. No C. Sometimes D. Only from the coordination with the owner E. Only at high profitability 560. Whether has the right the businessman to use natural resources? A. Yes* B. No C. Sometimes D. Only from the coordination with the owner E. Only from the coordination with nature protection bodies 561. Whether has the right the businessman on the state support? A. Yes* B. No C. Sometimes D. Only from the coordination with the owner E. Only in case of bankruptcy 562. Whether has the right the businessman on foreign trade activities? A. Yes* B. No C. Sometimes D. Only from the coordination with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs E. Only from the coordination with the Ministry of Economics 563. What is the property? A. System of relations between subjects and objects of the property* B. System of a property C. System of financial values D. System of material assets E. Personal things 564. Who is the subject of the property? A. Physical, legal bodies and the state* B. Physical persons and the state C. Legal bodies and the state D. The state E. Property 565. What is object of the property? A. Operating resources or means of production and the created product* B. Exclusively operating resources and the created product C. Exclusively means of production and the created product D. Exclusively created product E. Exclusively operating resources and means of production 566. Whether can be the subject of the property of the stateless person? A. Yes* B. No C. Sometimes D. Depending on term of stay in the country E. Depending on position legalisation 567. What is object of a sole property of the people of Ukraine? A. The Earth, its bowels, air, water and natural resources* B. Exclusively air and water C. Exclusively earth and its bowels D. Exclusively water and natural resources E. Exclusively natural resources 568. What is object of the nation-wide property? A. A national bank, property of state structures of the power and so forth* B. Only a national bank C. Only property of state structures of the power D. A central bank, property of state structures of the power and so forth E. A national bank, property of state structures of the power and so forth 569. What patterns of ownership to you known? A. Private, collective, state* B. Individual and national C. Public and personal D. The general and individual E. State and national 570. What underlies formation of different social national groups? A. Aspects of the property* B. Classification of social strata C. The governmental order D. Exclusively subsistence level E. Exclusively educational level 571. To what pattern of ownership the personal property of the private person belongs? A. To the private* B. To the state C. To the municipal D. To the collective E. To the general 572. To what pattern of ownership the family property belongs? A. To the private* B. To the state C. To the municipal D. To the collective E. To the general 573. To what pattern of ownership the property of spouses belongs? A. To the private* B. To the state C. To the municipal D. To the collective E. To the general 574. To what pattern of ownership the property of persons which conduct a country economy belongs? A. To the private* B. To the state C. To the municipal D. To the collective E. To the general 575. To what pattern of ownership the property of collective of tenants belongs? A. To the collective* B. To the state C. To the municipal D. To the private E. To the general 576. To what pattern of ownership the joint-stock company property belongs? A. To the collective* B. To the state C. To the municipal D. To the private E. To the general 577. To what pattern of ownership the property of public association belongs? A. To the collective* B. To the state C. To the municipal D. To the collective E. To the general 578. To what pattern of ownership the property of the collective enterprise belongs? A. To the collective* B. To the state C. To the municipal D. To the collective E. To the general 579. To what pattern of ownership the property of an economic society belongs? A. To the collective* B. To the state C. To the municipal D. To the collective E. To the general 580. To what pattern of ownership the community property belongs? A. To the state* B. To the collective C. To the municipal D. To the collective E. To the general 581. To what pattern of ownership the government enterprise property belongs? A. To the state* B. To the collective C. To the municipal D. To the collective E. To the general 582. To what pattern of ownership the official body property belongs? A. To the state* B. To the collective C. To the municipal D. To the collective E. To the general 583. What defines a way of entrepreneurial business? A. Patterns of ownership* B. The sum of capitals C. The size of the finance D. The size of the authorised capital E. Formation of the owner 584. What is the business? A. It is independent activity on own risk, for the purpose profit earnings* B. It is independent activity for the purpose profit earnings C. It is activity on own risk, for the purpose profit earnings D. It is activity, for the purpose profit earnings E. It is activity, for the purpose goods creations 585. Who occupies the first step of enterprise hierarchy? A. Businessmen for which profit are means for improvement of living conditions* B. Businessmen for which profit are means for enrichment C. Businessmen for which profit is the passed stage, and essential is requirement of creation of own empire D. Businessmen for which characteristic embodiments so called know-how E. Businessmen for which organic requirement is working out of absolutely new decisions 586. Who occupies the second step of enterprise hierarchy? A. Businessmen for which characteristic embodiments so called know-how* B. Businessmen for which profit are means for improvement of living conditions C. Businessmen for which profit is the passed stage, and essential is requirement of creation of own empire D. Businessmen for which organic requirement is working out of absolutely new decisions E. Businessmen for which profit are means for enrichment 587. Who occupies the third step of enterprise hierarchy? A. Businessmen for which organic requirement is working out of absolutely new decisions* B. Businessmen for which profit are means for improvement of living conditions C. Businessmen for which profit is the passed stage, and essential is requirement of creation of own empire D. Businessmen for which profit are means for enrichment E. Businessmen for which characteristic embodiments so called know-how 588. Who occupies the fourth step of enterprise hierarchy? A. Businessmen for which profit is the passed stage, and essential is requirement of creation of own empire* B. Businessmen for which profit are means for improvement of living conditions C. Businessmen for which organic requirement is working out of absolutely new decisions D. Businessmen for which profit are means for enrichment E. Businessmen for which characteristic embodiments so called know-how 589. Who in public health services system can be engaged in entrepreneurial business? A. Persons who have the vocational education* B. Persons who have desire it to be engaged C. Persons who have the licence D. Persons who have the certificate E. Persons who have taken place accreditation 590. Whether it is possible to be engaged on the basis of entrepreneurial business in treatment from use of biopower technologies? A. Yes, behind a special permission* B. No C. Yes, certainly D. These in general cannot be engaged E. These can be engaged only in the state clinics 591. Whether concern to resolved in general types medical practice of subjects of business of treatment of oncological patients? A. No* B. Yes C. Sometimes D. Depending on territory E. Depending on disease levels 592. Whether concern to resolved in general types medical practice of subjects of business of treatment of infectious diseases? A. No* B. Yes C. Sometimes D. Depending on territory E. Depending on disease levels 593. Whether concern to resolved in general types medical practice of subjects of business of treatment sick of a narcotism? A. No* B. Yes C. Sometimes D. Depending on territory E. Depending on disease levels 594. Whether concern to resolved in general types medical practice of subjects of business of treatment mentally sick, what hospitalisation demand? A. No* B. Yes C. Sometimes D. Depending on territory E. Depending on disease levels 595. Whether concern to resolved in general types medical practice of subjects of business supervision and treatment of complications of pregnancy? A. No* B. Yes C. Sometimes D. Depending on territory E. Depending on disease levels 596. Whether concern to resolved in general types medical practice of subjects of business surgical interventions? A. No* B. Yes C. Sometimes D. Depending on territory E. Depending on disease levels 597. Whether concern to resolved in general types medical practice of subjects of business of carrying out of abortions? A. No* B. Yes C. Sometimes D. Depending on territory E. Depending on disease levels 598. Whether concern to resolved in general types medical practice of subjects of business surgical interventions on hypodermic cellulose? A. Yes* B. No C. Sometimes D. Depending on territory E. Depending on disease levels 599. Whether concern to resolved in general types medical practice of subjects of business of carrying out of medical reviews at acceptance for work? A. No* B. Yes C. Sometimes D. Depending on territory E. Depending on disease levels 600. Whether concern to resolved in general types medical practice of subjects of business of treatment AIDS? A. No* B. Yes C. Sometimes D. Depending on territory E. Depending on disease levels 601. Whether concern to resolved in general types medical practice of subjects of business of treatment of cardiological patients? A. Yes* B. No C. Sometimes D. Depending on territory E. Depending on disease levels 602. Whether concern to resolved in general types medical practice of subjects of business of treatment of a cataract? A. No* B. Yes C. Sometimes D. Depending on territory E. Depending on disease levels 603. Whether can apply the doctor in the treatment methods of national and nonconventional medicine? A. Having special permission MHC of Ukraine* B. Yes C. Sometimes D. Depending on territory E. Depending on disease levels 604. Who carries out the state control over entrepreneurial business in public health services branch? A. MHC Ukraine* B. The Ministry of Economics C. The Ministry of Finance D. Antimonopoly Committee E. An internal revenue service 605. What treatment-and-prophylactic institutions should take out a licence on the activity right? A. All which are subjects of entrepreneurial business* B. The state pattern of ownership C. A private pattern of ownership D. A collective pattern of ownership E. A municipal pattern of ownership 606. Give literal interpretation to the term "licensing"? A. The right, freedom* B. Trust C. A loan D. The statement E. The signature 607. Who bears responsibility for reliability of the data, what stated in the statement on reception of the licence for the right entrepreneurial business in public health services branch? A. The applicant* B. The Ministry of Economics C. The Ministry of Finance D. Antimonopoly Committee E. MHC Ukraine 608. Who has the right to stop licence action? A. MHC Ukraine* B. The Ministry of Economics C. The Ministry of Finance D. Antimonopoly Committee E. An internal revenue service 609. Who has the right to cancel the licence? A. MHC Ukraine* B. The Ministry of Economics C. The Ministry of Finance D. Antimonopoly Committee E. An internal revenue service 610. What two levers are the major in medical aid quality management? A. Licensing and accreditation* B. Financing and the control C. Quality and quantity D. Quality and the control E. Dictatorship and belief 611. Make literal definition of the term "marketing"? A. The market* B. Trade C. Shop D. A market E. Management 612. What is the marketing? A. It is science about art to counterbalance a supply and demand* B. It is a science about management C. It is a science about trade D. It is a science about shops E. It is science about art to trade 613. What is the main strategic target of marketing in aspect of consumption? A. Achievement of the maximum high consumption* B. Achievement of the maximum consumer pleasure C. The offer of the maximum wide choice D. The maximum improvement of the quality of life E. Studying of the diversified problems of the market and their interrelation 614. What is the main strategic target of marketing in aspect of satisfaction of requirements? A. Achievement of the maximum consumer pleasure* B. The offer of the maximum wide choice C. Achievement of the maximum high consumption D. The maximum improvement of the quality of life E. Studying of the diversified problems of the market and their interrelation 615. What is the main strategic target of marketing in aspect of a choice? A. The offer of the maximum wide choice* B. Achievement of the maximum high consumption C. Achievement of the maximum consumer pleasure D. The maximum improvement of the quality of life E. Studying of the diversified problems of the market and their interrelation 616. What is the main strategic target of marketing in aspect of quality? A. The maximum improvement of the quality of life* B. Achievement of the maximum high consumption C. Achievement of the maximum consumer pleasure D. The offer of the maximum wide choice E. Studying of the diversified problems of the market and their interrelation 617. On which four main principles the marketing philosophy is under construction? A. Orientation to the consumer, market segmentation, market surveillances and strategic aspiration* B. Orientation to the consumer, market segmentation, market surveillances and political aspiration C. Orientation to the consumer, market segmentation, market surveillances and economic aspiration D. Orientation to the consumer, market segmentation, market surveillances and orientation to profit E. Orientation to the consumer, market segmentation, market surveillances and orientation to profit to enrichment 618. In what complex research of the market consists? A. Studying of the diversified problems of the market and their interrelation* B. Supply and demand studying C. Studying of requirements of consumers, sellers and manufacturers D. Studying of solvency of consumers and requirements of manufacturers E. An equilibration of possibilities of consumers and requirements of manufacturers 619. In what a marketing strategy development essence? A. In working out of plans of realisation of the marketing purposes* B. In working out of plans of realisation of production C. In working out of plans of realisation of the goods D. In working out of plans of realisation of requirements of manufacturers E. In working out of plans of realisation of requirements of consumers 620. In what an essence of a marketing commodity policy? A. In definition of consumer characteristics of the goods and its positioning in the market* B. In definition of price strategy C. In a choice of methods of sale D. In working out of plans of realisation of requirements of manufacturers E. In working out of plans of realisation of requirements of consumers 621. In what an essence of a price marketing policy? A. In definition of price strategy* B. In definition of consumer characteristics of the goods and its positioning in the market C. In a choice of methods of sale D. In working out of plans of realisation of requirements of manufacturers E. In working out of plans of realisation of requirements of consumers 622. In what an essence of a marketing marketing policy? A. In a choice of methods of sale* B. In definition of price strategy C. In definition of consumer characteristics of the goods and its positioning in the market D. In working out of plans of realisation of requirements of manufacturers E. In working out of plans of realisation of requirements of consumers 623. What is the engine of advancement of the goods in the market? A. Advertising* B. Quality C. Demand D. The offer E. Trade 624. In what is an essence of the marketing service control organization? A. In creation of special divisions of marketing service* B. In creation of special divisions of the control C. In creation of special divisions of the financial control D. In creation of special divisions of the trading control E. In creation of special divisions of quality assurance 625. What two kinds of marketing service behind a level of management? A. The central marketing managements and operations sections* B. The general marketing managements and operations sections C. The central marketing managements and the general departments D. Special marketing managements and control departments E. Control marketing managements and inspection departments 626. What most widespread organisation of service of marketing? A. Functional* B. Linear C. Linearly-staff D. Matrix E. Operative 627. Who in public health services system acts in a role of the manufacturer? A. The doctor, the pharmacist* B. Only the doctor C. Only the pharmacist D. Iatrotechnics E. Optics, the pharmacist 628. Who in public health services system acts in a consumer role? A. The patient* B. The doctor C. The nurse D. The pharmacist E. The pharmacist 629. Who in public health services system acts at a role of the agent between the patient and the manufacturer? A. The doctor* B. The pharmacist C. The clinical pharmacist D. The pharmacist E. The nurse 630. In what excellent marketing feature of system of the medical-and-sanitary help? A. In that the doctor individually acts in roles and the manufacturer and the agent concerning the patient* B. It is not necessary to advertise an article C. There is a surplus of consumers D. There is no competition E. In that the doctor individually acts in roles and the manufacturer and the consumer 631. What overall objective of marketing in public health services system? A. To satisfy requirements of people for health* B. To satisfy requirements of consumers C. To satisfy requirements of manufacturers D. To satisfy requirements of intermediaries E. To satisfy requirements of management 632. What kind of marketing was used in our country for satisfaction of the want of patients in health? A. Mass* B. Individual C. Individual D. Territorial E. Regional 633. Give an example market segmentation of manufacturers in public health services system? A. Narrow specialization* B. The territorial help C. The local help D. The primary and secondary help E. The secondary and tertiary help 634. Give an example market segmentation of consumers in public health services system A. Adults and children* B. Narrow specialisation C. The primary and secondary help D. The local help E. Free choice of the doctor 635. Who can will direct consumers on consumption of services in public health services system? A. Manufacturers, that is doctors* B. Manufacturers, that is pharmacists C. Manufacturers, that is pharmacists D. Intermediaries, that is the medical assistant E. Intermediaries, that is nurses 636. What can protect consumers here participations of a victim of the market of medical services? A. Unique marketing actions* B. The medical competence C. Vigilance of the patient D. Awareness of the patient E. Awareness of the doctor 637. Whether it is possible to consider institute of family medicine as market segmentation of consumers? A. Yes* B. No C. Partially D. Only in the conditions of the market E. Depending on territory 638. How cost of medical aid under the influence of scientific and technical progress changes? A. Continuously grows* B. Continuously falls down C. Does not change D. Fluctuates E. Slowly falls down 639. In what the main cause of falling of demand in the market of medical services consists? A. Growth rates of solvency of consumers much lower, than growth rates of cost of medical service* B. In improvement of patients C. In low solvency of patients D. In falling of quality of medical aid E. In disappointment of patients 640. Market segmentation of medical services in a principle will result in what consequences "solvency - the offer"? A. The whole levels of population will not have possibility to receive medical aid* B. To mass availability to population of medical aid C. Before medical aid improvement of quality D. Before extinction of the poor E. Before improvement of the rich 641. Than balance realisation "demand - the offer" in the conditions of low solvency of citizens threatens? A. Distribution socially dangerous illnesses and occurrence of epidemics* B. Anything C. To demand on low-value medical services D. To demand on high-cost medical services E. Before upturn in demand on all kinds of medical aid 642. What dynamics socially dangerous diseases in Ukraine? A. They grow* B. Fall down C. Do not vary D. Fluctuate E. Such in Ukraine is not present 643. What is the enterprise? A. The managing subject who carries out commercial activity for the purpose profit earnings* B. The managing subject who carries out commercial activity C. The managing subject D. The natural or legal person who carries out commercial activity E. Managing object which carries out commercial activity 644. On the basis of what the enterprise works? A. On the basis of the charter* B. On the basis of money C. On the basis of position about branch D. On the basis of the collective agreement E. On the basis of the Constitution 645. According to whose decision the enterprise is created? A. The estate owner* B. Local authorities C. The Ministries of Justice D. The branch ministry E. A territorial society 646. What main signs of the enterprise? A. The charter, an independent balance, the bank account, the press, a trade mark* B. Presence of industrial premises C. Presence of administrative structure D. The charter, the bank account, the press E. The charter, an independent balance, a trade mark 647. When the enterprise is considered created? A. When receives the state registration* B. When has means for the bank account C. When has authorized fund D. When will let out the first production E. In the first day of work 648. When the enterprise gets the legal personality rights? A. From the date of the state registration* B. When will receive the press C. When will open the bank account D. When will confirm the name E. Since the first day of work 649. What is a subject of entrepreneurial business in public health services system? A. Public health services institutions* B. Public health services management C. Private hospitals D. Municipal drugstores E. Iatrotechnics institutions 650. Where it is necessary to search for definitions of an institution of public health services? A. In "Bases of the legislation of Ukraine about public health services"* B. In the dictionary C. In Position about Ministry of Health D. In Position about public health services institution E. In the Constitution of Ukraine 651. To what institutions the rural medical ambulance station belongs? A. To the primary treatment-and-prophylactic help* B. To the secondary treatment-and-prophylactic help C. To the tertiary treatment-and-prophylactic help D. Do not belong to the treatment-and-prophylactic help E. To regional hospital 652. To what institutions the medical-and-sanitary part belongs? A. To the primary treatment-and-prophylactic help* B. To the secondary treatment-and-prophylactic help C. To the tertiary treatment-and-prophylactic help D. Do not belong to the treatment-and-prophylactic help E. To regional hospital 653. To what institutions the city polyclinic belongs? A. To the primary treatment-and-prophylactic help* B. To the secondary treatment-and-prophylactic help C. To the tertiary treatment-and-prophylactic help D. Do not belong to the treatment-and-prophylactic help E. To regional hospital 654. To what institutions the first aid station belongs? A. The primary treatment-and-prophylactic help* B. To the secondary treatment-and-prophylactic help C. To the tertiary treatment-and-prophylactic help D. Do not belong to the treatment-and-prophylactic help E. To regional hospital 655. To what institutions the city children's polyclinic belongs? A. The primary treatment-and-prophylactic help* B. To the secondary treatment-and-prophylactic help C. To the tertiary treatment-and-prophylactic help D. Do not belong to the treatment-and-prophylactic help E. To regional hospital 656. To what institutions the central district clinic belongs? A. The secondary treatment-and-prophylactic help* B. To the primary treatment-and-prophylactic help C. To the tertiary treatment-and-prophylactic help D. Do not belong to the treatment-and-prophylactic help E. To regional hospital 657. To what institutions female consultation belongs? A. The secondary treatment-and-prophylactic help* B. To the primary treatment-and-prophylactic help C. To the tertiary treatment-and-prophylactic help D. Do not belong to the treatment-and-prophylactic help E. To regional hospital 658. To what institutions the narcological ambulance station belongs? A. The secondary treatment-and-prophylactic help* B. To the primary treatment-and-prophylactic help C. To the tertiary treatment-and-prophylactic help D. Do not belong to the treatment-and-prophylactic help E. To regional hospital 659. To what institutions the central regional hospital belongs? A. The secondary treatment-and-prophylactic help* B. To the primary treatment-and-prophylactic help C. To the tertiary treatment-and-prophylactic help D. Do not belong to the treatment-and-prophylactic help E. To regional hospital 660. To what institutions hospital "Hospice" belongs? A. The secondary treatment-and-prophylactic help* B. To the primary treatment-and-prophylactic help C. To the tertiary treatment-and-prophylactic help D. Do not belong to the treatment-and-prophylactic help E. To regional hospital 661. To what institutions the physiotherapeutic polyclinic belongs? A. The secondary treatment-and-prophylactic help* B. To the primary treatment-and-prophylactic help C. To the tertiary treatment-and-prophylactic help D. Do not belong to the treatment-and-prophylactic help E. To regional hospital 662. To what institutions the hospital on a railway transportation belongs? A. The secondary treatment-and-prophylactic help* B. To the primary treatment-and-prophylactic help C. To the tertiary treatment-and-prophylactic help D. Do not belong to the treatment-and-prophylactic help E. To regional hospital 663. To what institutions the infectious hospital belongs? A. The secondary treatment-and-prophylactic help* B. To the primary treatment-and-prophylactic help C. To the tertiary treatment-and-prophylactic help D. Do not belong to the treatment-and-prophylactic help E. To regional hospital 664. To what institutions the regional hospital belongs? A. The tertiary treatment-and-prophylactic help* B. To the primary treatment-and-prophylactic help C. To the secondary treatment-and-prophylactic help D. Do not belong to the treatment-and-prophylactic help E. To regional hospital 665. To what institutions the children's dermatological hospital belongs? A. The tertiary treatment-and-prophylactic help* B. To the primary treatment-and-prophylactic help C. To the secondary treatment-and-prophylactic help D. Do not belong to the treatment-and-prophylactic help E. To regional hospital 666. To what institutions the ophthalmologic hospital belongs? A. The tertiary treatment-and-prophylactic help* B. To the primary treatment-and-prophylactic help C. To the secondary treatment-and-prophylactic help D. Do not belong to the treatment-and-prophylactic help E. To regional hospital 667. To what institutions the psychiatric hospital belongs? A. The tertiary treatment-and-prophylactic help* B. To the primary treatment-and-prophylactic help C. To the secondary treatment-and-prophylactic help D. Do not belong to the treatment-and-prophylactic help E. To regional hospital 668. To what institutions the oncological clinic belongs? A. The tertiary treatment-and-prophylactic help* B. To the primary treatment-and-prophylactic help C. To the secondary treatment-and-prophylactic help D. Do not belong to the treatment-and-prophylactic help E. To regional hospital 669. To what institutions the cardiological clinic belongs? A. The tertiary treatment-and-prophylactic help* B. To the primary treatment-and-prophylactic help C. To the secondary treatment-and-prophylactic help D. Do not belong to the treatment-and-prophylactic help E. To regional hospital 670. To what institutions the antitubercular clinic belongs? A. The tertiary treatment-and-prophylactic help* B. To the primary treatment-and-prophylactic help C. To the secondary treatment-and-prophylactic help D. Do not belong to the treatment-and-prophylactic help E. To regional hospital 671. To what institutions the republican hospital belongs? A. The tertiary treatment-and-prophylactic help* B. To the primary treatment-and-prophylactic help C. To the secondary treatment-and-prophylactic help D. Do not belong to the treatment-and-prophylactic help E. To regional hospital 672. Where what treatment-and-prophylactic institutions are defined render the primary, secondary or tertiary help? A. In Order MHC of Ukraine "About the statement of institutions of public health services, the list of medical posts of pharmaceutical workers" from 22.06.95 114* B. In "Bases of the legislation on public health services in Ukraine" C. In the Constitution of Ukraine D. In the corresponding Decision of the Cabinet E. In the Law "About public health services institution" 673. What institution is an ambulance station? A. An institution which assists from one or several basic specialities* B. The ambulance C. An institution which renders mobile medical aid D. An institution where render medical aid only houses E. An institution where assist at time loss of working capacity 674. What institution is polyclinic? A. An institution which assists from many specialities* B. An institution where render medical aid only houses C. An institution where assist only at time loss of working capacity D. An institution which unites many clinics E. This reception of hospital 675. What institution is hospital? A. Treatment-and-prophylactic which is intended for granting of the stationary help by the patient* B. An institution where render medical aid only houses C. An institution which unites many clinics D. Hospital on which assigned functions of management by health protection of certain territory E. An institution which assists from one or several basic specialities 676. What institution is the central regional hospital? A. Hospital on which assigned functions of management by health protection of certain territory* B. Treatment-and-prophylactic which is intended for granting of the stationary help by the patient C. An institution which assists from one or several basic specialities D. An institution where render medical aid only houses E. Intended only for granting of medical aid by worker industrial the enterprises 677. What institution is a medicosanitary part? A. Intended only for granting of medical aid by worker industrial the enterprises* B. Hospital on which assigned functions of management by health protection of certain territory C. Treatment-and-prophylactic which is intended for granting of the stationary help by the patient D. An institution which assists from one or several basic specialities E. An institution where render medical aid only in enterprise shop 678. What institution is clinic? A. What is a part or the subordinate to medical research institutions* B. Intended only for granting of medical aid by worker industrial the enterprises C. Hospital on which assigned functions of management by health protection of certain territory D. Treatment-and-prophylactic which is intended for granting of the stationary help by the patient E. An institution which assists from one or several basic specialities 679. What institution is hospital of the first help? A. In which exclusively emergency stationary help is given* B. Intended only for granting of medical aid by worker industrial the enterprises C. Intended only for granting of medical aid of the house D. An institution which assists from any specialities E. What is a part or the subordinate to medical research institutions 680. What institution is a medical aid station? A. What will be organised at transport stations and are a part corresponding to public health services institution* B. Intended only for granting of medical aid by worker industrial the enterprises C. Intended only for granting of medical aid of the house D. An institution which assists from any specialities E. What is a part or the subordinate to medical research institutions 681. What institution is hospital "Hospice"? A. Intended for medical aid granting by the incurable patient* B. Intended only for granting of medical aid of the house C. Intended for granting of medical aid with the raised comfort D. An institution which assists from any specialities E. What is a part or the subordinate to medical military institutions 682. What hospital is specialised? A. Hospital where the help from one medical speciality is given* B. Hospital where the help from many medical specialities is given C. Hospital where the help is given by exclusively experts D. Hospital where the help from any speciality is given E. Hopital where the help to an elite contingent is given 683. What hospital is versatile? A. Hospital where the help from many medical specialities is given* B. Hospital where the help from one medical speciality is given C. Hospital where the help is given by many experts D. Hospital where the help from any speciality is given E. Hospital where the help is given 684. To what institutions the balneal hospital belongs? A. Sanatorium* B. To institutions of the primary treatment-and-prophylactic help C. To institutions of the secondary treatment-and-prophylactic help D. To institutions of the tertiary treatment-and-prophylactic help E. To the pharmaceutical 685. To what institutions the mud baths belong? A. Sanatorium* B. To institutions of the primary treatment-and-prophylactic help C. To institutions of the secondary treatment-and-prophylactic help D. To institutions of the tertiary treatment-and-prophylactic help E. To the pharmaceutical 686. To what institutions the resort polyclinic belongs? A. Sanatorium* B. To institutions of the primary treatment-and-prophylactic help C. To institutions of the secondary treatment-and-prophylactic help D. To institutions of the tertiary treatment-and-prophylactic help E. To the pharmaceutical 687. To what institutions the sanatorium - a dispensary belongs? A. Sanatorium* B. To institutions of the primary treatment-and-prophylactic help C. To institutions of the secondary treatment-and-prophylactic help D. To institutions of the tertiary treatment-and-prophylactic help E. To the pharmaceutical 688. To what institutions the drugstore belongs? A. Pharmaceutical* B. To institutions of the primary treatment-and-prophylactic help C. To institutions of the secondary treatment-and-prophylactic help D. To institutions of the tertiary treatment-and-prophylactic help E. To the sanatorium 689. To what institutions the chemist's base belongs? A. Pharmaceutical* B. To institutions of the primary treatment-and-prophylactic help C. To institutions of the secondary treatment-and-prophylactic help D. To institutions of the tertiary treatment-and-prophylactic help E. To the sanatorium 690. To what institutions the base special medical provision belongs? A. Pharmaceutical* B. To institutions of the primary treatment-and-prophylactic help C. To institutions of the secondary treatment-and-prophylactic help D. To institutions of the tertiary treatment-and-prophylactic help E. To the sanatorium 691. To what institutions the laboratory from the analysis of quality of medical products belongs? A. Pharmaceutical* B. To institutions of the primary treatment-and-prophylactic help C. To institutions of the secondary treatment-and-prophylactic help D. To institutions of the tertiary treatment-and-prophylactic help E. To the sanatorium 692. To what institutions belong iatrotechnics shops? A. Pharmaceutical* B. To institutions of the primary treatment-and-prophylactic help C. To institutions of the secondary treatment-and-prophylactic help D. To institutions of the tertiary treatment-and-prophylactic help E. To the sanatorium 693. To what institutions belong shops of medical optics? A. Pharmaceutical* B. To institutions of the primary treatment-and-prophylactic help C. To institutions of the secondary treatment-and-prophylactic help D. To institutions of the tertiary treatment-and-prophylactic help E. To the sanatorium 694. Who spends accreditation TPI? A. Special accreditation commissions* B. Regional health dept C. Executive committee of Council of People's Deputies D. Ministry of Health E. TPI 695. What document defines professional level TPI? A. The accreditation certificate* B. Charter TPI C. Position about TPI D. The licence E. The quality certificate 696. Accreditation is obligatory for all TPI? A. Yes* B. Is not present C. Depending on departmental submission D. Depending on a pattern of ownership E. Depending on the local legislation 697. How it is often necessary spends accreditation TPI? A. Once for three years* B. Once for two years C. Once for five years D. Once for a year E. Once for a month 698. The hospital where the help from one medical speciality is given is called. A. Specialised* B. An ambulance station C. Clinic D. A clinic E. Central 699. The hospital where the help from many medical specialities is given is called. A. Versatile* B. Specialised C. Clinical D. A clinic E. Polyclinic 700. In hospital "Hospice" medical aid is given. A. The incurable patient* B. To invalids C. Deprived D. To all who addresses E. To the insured persons 701. Give literal interpretation to the term "accreditation"? A. I trust* B. The right C. Freedom D. Rechecking E. An estimation 702. In what an accreditation essence? A. It is an estimation of activity TPI according to requirements of standards* B. It is an estimation of activity TPI about quality of granting of the help C. It is an estimation of activity TPI on a subject qualified personnel D. It is an estimation of activity TPI about conformity of premises of capacity of an institution E. It is an estimation of activity TPI about equipment 703. What basic idea is put in accreditation system? A. Belief that a management and workers TPI wish to assist the highest quality* B. To be convinced that the institution can render the qualitative help C. To be convinced that in an institution qualified personnel works D. To force an institution management to equip hospital E. To liquidate backward hospitals 704. What it is offered to make TPI before the accreditation beginning? A. A tax to accreditation commissions self-estimation indicators* B. To lead property to an appropriate condition C. To prepare financial instruments for check D. To clean a premise and territory E. Morally to be prepared for check 705. What is a basic element of success of accreditation? A. Standardization of methodological approaches to an estimation different TPI* B. The soldered collective of adherents among committee-men C. Speed of carrying out of check D. Objectivity of the control E. Fault-finding of the control 706. How the estimation of activity of an institution of accreditations by them the commissions is spent? A. Points for each point of the standard are appropriated* B. The commission examines all premises personally C. Each committee-man captiously checks the section D. The head physician goes to the Ministry to report about work of the institution E. Attending physicians pass certification at committee-men on accreditation 707. On the basis of what the developed standards of accreditation? A. On the basis of the analysis of existing standard base* B. On the basis of last scientific achievements C. On the basis of research activities D. On the basis of special specifications of the developed scientific research institutes E. On the basis of existing base TPI 708. In what accreditation process consists? A. In definition of standards, to their estimation, the analysis and award TPI of a category* B. In an institution recognition suitable to render medical aid C. In a recognition of the validity of qualification of doctors D. In a recognition of conformity of the areas of premises to capacity of an institution E. In a recognition of an estimation of an institution 709. What structure of accreditations them standards? A. The general standards, the quality standards and medical aid standards* B. Primary, secondary, tertiary C. The first and second level D. Conditional and unconditional E. Lower and higher 710. What to you the known enterprises behind patterns of ownership? A. Private, collective, economic, municipal, state* B. Private and state C. Collective and individual D. Economic and consumer E. Municipal and personal 711. What to you the known enterprises in terms of volume economic to a turn and number of the working? A. Small enterprises, the rent enterprises* B. Mali and the big enterprises C. Rent and own enterprises D. Small enterprises and the enterprises - giants E. The low-power and powerful enterprises 712. What to you the known enterprises for a way of association? A. Associations, agrofirms, concerns, joint ventures, consortia* B. Private and state C. Collective and individual D. Economic and consumer E. Municipal and personal 713. What to you the known enterprises for a type of liability? A. Societies with limited liability, with additional responsibility, with full responsibility* B. Responsible and irresponsible C. Societies with limited and unlimited liability D. Societies with the basic and additional responsibility E. Societies with legal responsibility 714. What society is called as joint-stock? A. What has authorized fund divided into certain quantity of actions* B. What was founded by shareholders C. What is based on actions D. Which actions lie in bank E. What lets out actions 715. Self-financing is for what purpose entered? A. For the purpose independence and production efficiency maximizations* B. For the purpose profit maximisations C. For the purpose income maximisations D. For the purpose maximisations of sale of goods E. For the purpose minimisation of expenses 716. What is main principle of activity of self-supporting structure? A. Organizational and economic independence* B. Organizational independence C. Economic independence D. Hierarchy of management E. A principle of democratic centralism 717. What is defining for successful self-supporting activity? A. A recoupment* B. Profitability C. Profit D. The income E. Economic balance 718. What was the most important purpose of the New economic mechanism in public health services system? A. Maintenance of quality of medical aid* B. Reforming of old system C. Economy of means D. Change of social accents E. A raising of image of the doctor 719. What are initial costs in any manufacture? A. Expenses for objects of the labour, means of labour and cost of spending work* B. Expenses for production realisation C. Expenses for a manpower D. Expenses for energy carriers E. Expenses for raw materials 720. What are the economic expenses? A. It those payments which the manufacturer for used resources should make* B. Expenses for production realisation C. Expenses for a manpower D. Expenses for energy carriers E. Expenses for raw materials 721. Of what economic expenses consist? A. From obvious and implicit expenses* B. Expenses for production realisation C. Expenses for a manpower D. Expenses for energy carriers E. Expenses for raw materials 722. What are the obvious expenses? A. These are payments for resources* B. Expenses for production realisation C. Expenses for a manpower D. Expenses for energy carriers E. Expenses for raw materials 723. What are the implicit payments? A. These are irrevocable expenses because they are already made and cannot return* B. Expenses for production realisation C. Expenses for a manpower D. Expenses for energy carriers E. Expenses for raw materials 724. What gives the chance to the enterprise to make a profit? A. The created additional product* B. A difference between expenses and the price C. A difference between the price and the cost price D. A difference between expenses and the cost price E. A difference between expenses and an exchange value 725. What is the cost price? A. This term of money of expenses of the enterprise on manufacture and production realization* B. It is a difference between cost and the cost price C. It is a difference between the income and profit D. It is a difference between cost and the income E. What remains after tax payment 726. What expenses are included into the cost price? A. Industrial and extraindustrial* B. Industrial C. Extraindustrial D. Expenses for a manpower E. Expenses for raw materials 727. What carry to production costs? A. Depreciation charges and resources* B. Expenses for production realisation C. Expenses for a manpower D. Expenses for energy carriers E. Expenses for raw materials 728. What carry to extraproduction costs? A. Expenses for production realization* B. Depreciation charges and resources C. Expenses for a manpower D. Expenses for energy carriers E. Expenses for raw materials 729. What most effective factor compels to reduce the cost price? A. A competition* B. The price C. Expenses for production realisation D. It is a difference between a sale price of the goods and expenses on its manufacture E. A fashion 730. What is the profit? A. It is a difference between a sale price of the goods and expenses on its manufacture* B. It is a difference between cost and the cost price C. It is a difference between the income and profit D. It is a difference between cost and the income E. What remains after tax payment 731. What is the profitability? A. The relation of profit to expenses* B. The relation of expenses to profit C. The relation of the income to expenses D. The relation of expenses to the income E. The relation of the cost price to the price 732. Give literal interpretation to the term "profitability"? A. Income, profitableness* B. Expediency C. Competence D. Cleverness E. Rationality 733. Who disposes of enterprise profit? A. The owner* B. Separate workers C. Trade union D. Accounts department E. Collective 734. What main indicator of activity of the enterprise? A. The cost price* B. Profitability C. Profit D. The sum of taxes E. The income 735. What is the main characteristic of profitableness of the enterprise? A. Profitability* B. The cost price C. Profit D. The sum of taxes E. The income 736. For what means the enterprise provides social development? A. From profit* B. From the income C. From grants D. From taxes E. From the social 737. For what means the enterprise stimulates work of workers? A. From profit* B. From the income C. From grants D. From taxes E. From the social 738. For what means the enterprise prepares professional shots? A. From profit* B. From the income C. From grants D. From taxes E. From the social 739. For what means the enterprise spends scientific workings out? A. From profit* B. From the income C. From grants D. From taxes E. From the social 740. For what means the enterprise adjusts job safety? A. From profit* B. From the income C. From grants D. From taxes E. From the social 741. For what means the enterprise develops manufacture? A. From profit* B. From the income C. From grants D. From taxes E. From the social 742. What is the price? A. Term of money of cost of the goods and services* B. Term of money of use value of the goods and service C. Term of money the goods and service cost price D. Term of money of an exchange value of the goods and service E. A good value 743. What economic relations are characterised by the price? A. Between sellers and buyers* B. Between manufacturers and consumers C. Between manufacturers and sellers D. Between manufacturers and the population E. Between sellers and the state 744. How dependence of the price here demand is called? A. Elasticity of demand* B. Depreciation C. the vat D. A price of free E. Transphering 745. What demand under the price if factor of elasticity is less than unit? A. Demand is inelastic* B. Demand is elastic C. Demand falls D. Demand grows E. Remains such which was 746. What demand under the price if factor of elasticity is more than unit? A. Demand is elastic* B. Demand falls C. Demand not elastic D. Demand falls demand grows E. Remains such which was 747. What demand to sellers on a hand? A. Not elastic* B. Elastic C. Neutral D. Agiotage E. Hidden 748. In what an essence of measuring function of the price? A. The price represents itself as the sum of money which the buyer pays for the goods or service* B. The price represents itself as the rest of money which is received by the seller for the goods or service C. The price defines goods measure of value D. The price defines goods exchange value E. The price defines the goods cost price 749. In what is an essence proportional price functions? A. Beats off goods or service exchange value and social charges on its manufacturing* B. Beats off the goods or service cost price C. Beats off use value of the goods or service D. Beats off real value of the goods or service E. Beats off a profitable good value or services 750. In what is an essence of registration function of the price? A. Transforms into the monetary form the material goods and services* B. Beats off the goods or service cost price C. Beats off use value of the goods or service D. Beats off real value of the goods or service E. Beats off a profitable good value or services 751. In what is an essence of regulating function of the price? A. Establishes balance between a supply and demand* B. Beats off the goods or service cost price C. Beats off use value of the goods or service D. Beats off real value of the goods or service E. Beats off a profitable good value or services 752. In what is an essence of stimulating function of the price? A. Price level serves as stimulus for application of the most economic methods of production* B. Beats off the goods or service cost price C. Beats off use value of the goods or service D. Beats off real value of the goods or service E. Beats off a profitable good value or services 753. In what is an essence redistributive price functions? A. Provides a price relation on different goods or services* B. Beats off the goods or service cost price C. Beats off use value of the goods or service D. Beats off real value of the goods or service E. Beats off a profitable good value or services 754. What prices happen in dependence here the state regulation? A. Regulated and free* B. Legal and illegal C. Liberal and conservative D. Fixed and floating E. Real and nominal 755. What are the free prices? A. These are the prices which are established by the manufacturer on the basis of the keeping of demand records and the offer* B. These are the prices which are established by the consumer on the basis of the keeping of demand records and the offer C. These are the prices which are established by the manufacturer on the basis of the account of the expenses D. These are the prices which are established by the consumer on the basis of the solvency E. These are the prices which are established by the manufacturer on the basis of demand 756. What prices concern the free? A. A producer's price, a demand price, an ask price* B. A producer's price C. A demand price D. An ask price E. A consumer cost 757. How the producer's price is formed? A. On the basis of manufacture expenses, including profit* B. On the basis of all expenses of manufacture C. On the basis of manufacture expenses, including taxes D. On the basis of manufacture expenses, including labour cost E. On the basis of manufacture expenses, including profit and risks 758. How the demand price is formed? A. On the basis of effective demand and offers* B. On the basis of all expenses of manufacture C. On the basis of manufacture expenses, including profit and risks D. On the basis of effective demand E. On the basis of market condition 759. How the ask price is formed? A. It extreme floor price, for which else manufacturers can make the given goods* B. It extreme ceiling price behind whom manufacturers can make the given goods C. It extreme floor price, for which else consumers can buy the given goods D. It extreme ceiling price, for which else consumers can buy the given goods E. On the basis of market condition 760. What are the controlled prices? A. These are the prices are established by enforcement authorities* B. These are the prices are established by the manufacturer C. These are the prices are established and adjusted by buyers D. These are the prices are established by buyers E. These are the prices are established by service of protection of the consumers 761. How sharing controlled prices on a way of fixing? A. Repeat, mobile and variable* B. Mobile and flexible C. Proof and dynamic D. Firm and mobile E. Local and state 762. In what is an essence of fixed prices? A. The agreements established at the moment of signing also do not vary during its action* B. The agreements established at the moment of signing, but vary during its action C. The agreements established at the moment of signing and during its action can grow only D. The agreements established at the moment of signing and during its action can fall down only E. The agreements established at the moment of signing 763. In what is an essence of the mobile prices? A. The contract expect rules of change of these prices* B. The agreements established at the moment of signing, but vary during its action C. The agreements established at the moment of signing and during its action can grow only D. The agreements established at the moment of signing and during its action can fall down only E. Change of the price is regulated by nothing 764. In what is an essence of variable costs? A. Changes of expenses are defined after contract performance with allowance for* B. The agreements established at the moment of signing, but vary during its action C. The agreements established at the moment of signing and during its action can grow only D. The agreements established at the moment of signing and during its action can fall down only E. Change of the price is regulated by nothing 765. How controlled prices behind scope are divided? A. Limiting and fixed* B. Low and high C. Limited and not limited D. Limited and unlimited E. To a dumping and wound 766. In what is an essence of price limits? A. Above their manufacturers cannot fix a price* B. The agreements established at the moment of signing C. Are established as a result of the coordination with all parties at certain level D. But, for which to purchase still can buy the goods E. But, for which manufacturers still can sell the goods 767. In what is an essence of the fixed prices? A. Are established as a result of the coordination with all parties at certain level* B. The agreements established at the moment of signing C. Above their manufacturers cannot fix a price D. Confirmed by the state E. The protections of the consumers confirmed by service 768. How controlled prices behind unification degree are divided? A. Unique, group, individual* B. Individual and public C. Personal and the general D. Unique and plural E. Group and individual 769. In what is an essence of the unique prices? A. Established for all structures which participate in realisation of the given goods* B. Unique on all goods C. Unique in all territory D. Established for the same manufacturers who make identical appointment the goods E. Established only for those structures which participate in realisation of the given goods 770. In what is an essence of the group prices? A. Established for the same manufacturers who make identical appointment the goods* B. Established for all structures which participate in realisation of the given goods C. Unique on all goods D. Unique in separate territories E. Established for separate groups of manufacturers 771. In what is an essence of the individual prices? A. Established for the concrete organisation. What makes the goods which has no analogues* B. Established for the same manufacturers who make identical appointment the goods C. Unique in separate territories D. Established for different manufacturers who make identical appointment the goods E. Established only for those structures which participate in realisation of the given goods 772. What prices generally are used in public health services system? A. Regulated* B. Free C. Fixed D. Group E. Individual 773. What include state-set prices of paid services in the form of price-lists? A. Actual expenses on medical works with allowance for labour and material norms and specifications and 15 % of profit* B. Settlement expenses on medical works with allowance for labour and material norms and specifications and 15 % of profit C. Standard expense allowances for medical works with allowance for labour and material norms and specifications and 15 % of profit D. Rough expenses on medical works with allowance for labour and material norms and specifications and 15 % of profit E. Any expenses on medical works with allowance for labour and material norms and specifications and 15 % of profit 774. In what is feature of use of "Budgetary estimations"? A. Means for TPI stand out by a principle "how many it is possible to give"* B. Means for TPI stand out by a principle "how many it is necessary to give" C. Means for TPI stand out by a principle "how many I wish to give" D. Means for TPI stand out by a principle "how many it is possible not to give" E. Means for TPI stand out behind specifications 775. What is the tariff? A. System of rates behind which pay industrial and nonproduction services* B. The prices behind which pay industrial and nonproduction services C. Behind which pay industrial and nonproduction services D. Behind which pay industrial and nonproduction services E. Behind which pay industrial and nonproduction services 776. Where in system of protection health the most frequent is used by tariffs? A. In system of obligatory medical insurance (I)* B. In system of voluntary medical insurance (VMI) C. In system of private medical aid D. In system of co-operative medical aid E. In system of the state medical aid 777. In what is an essence of contractual prices in public health services system? A. They affirm direct contracts between medical institutions and the organisations - customers of works* B. They affirm medical institutions for the organisations - customers of works C. They affirm direct contracts between medical institutions and the state D. They affirm direct contracts between the state and the organisations - customers of works E. They affirm the Cabinet of Ukraine 778. What is a part of tariffs? A. The operational expenditure and means for medical institution development* B. All expenses on medical aid C. All expenses on medical aid profit plus D. The cost price plus taxes E. The cost price profit plus 779. What two basic methodical approaches are used in public health services system to fixing of value and the medical aid prices? A. Definition of the price of separate service and definition of the price of a rare occurrence of the treated patient* B. Definition of the price of medicines and constant expenses C. Definition of constants and variable expenses D. Definition of the price of a case of polyclinic and stationary service E. Definition of the price of material and non-material expenses 780. In what structure of the prices it is possible to carry psychoemotional loading of executors? A. Contractual* B. Tariffs C. Fixed D. Preferential E. Grants 781. In what structure of the prices it is possible to carry service of patients? A. Contractual* B. Tariffs C. Fixed D. Preferential E. Grants 782. In what structure of the prices it is possible to carry advertising services? A. Contractual* B. Tariffs C. Fixed D. Preferential E. Grants 783. In what structure of the prices it is possible to carry risk of works? A. Contractual* B. Tariffs C. Fixed D. Preferential E. Grants 784. What is the pricing? A. It is process of formation of the prices and definition of their level* B. It is process of formation of the price C. This fixing of value of service D. This fixing of the price on separate service E. This definition of the cost price of service 785. Here that the policy of formation of the prices first of all depends? A. From market type on which the goods will be realized* B. From the manufacturer C. From the consumer D. From demand for service E. From the state specifications 786. How many market types are defined today for price definition? A. Four* B. One C. Two D. Three E. Five 787. In what is an essence of the market of monopolistic competition? A. Many sellers sell different behind a kind and quality the goods* B. One seller works only C. A few sellers sell the different goods D. One seller sells one goods E. A few sellers sell one goods 788. In what is an essence of the market of pure monopoly? A. One seller works only* B. A few sellers sell the different goods C. Many sellers sell different behind a kind and quality the goods D. One seller sells one goods E. A few sellers sell one goods 789. In what is an essence of the market of a pure competition? A. Many sellers sell the similar goods* B. One seller works only C. A few sellers sell the different goods D. One seller sells one goods E. A few sellers sell one goods 790. In what is a market essence oligopolical competition? A. A few sellers sell the different goods* B. One seller works only C. Many sellers sell different behind a kind and quality the goods D. One seller sells one goods E. A few sellers sell one goods 791. In what the mechanism of formation of the prices consists? A. In the course of the analysis subjects who manage economic circumstances and working out on this basis of price policy* B. In the course of the analysis objects which manage economic circumstances and working out on this basis of price policy C. In the course of the analysis subjects who manage a political situation and working out on this basis of price policy D. In the course of the analysis objects which manage a political situation and working out on this basis of price policy E. In the course of the analysis subjects who manage a financial situation and working out on this basis of price policy 792. In what is the main complexity of process of pricing in public health services system? A. This process occurs in a condition of continuous uncertainty* B. In absence of legislative base C. In imperfection of legislative base D. In disinterest of the government E. In absence of experts from pricing 793. In what is the main complexity of process of estimation of work of the doctor? A. That results of the received medical aid not always depend on qualification and diligence of the doctor* B. In absence of legislative base C. In imperfection of legislative base D. In disinterest of the government E. In absence of a technique of estimation 794. In what is the main complexity of process of estimation of expenses in public health services system? A. Expenses are very various also their cost very much is not identical in time* B. In absence of legislative base C. In imperfection of legislative base D. In disinterest of the government E. In absence of a technique of estimation 795. In what is the main complexity of process of estimation of risks in public health services system? A. In their uncertainty and unexpectedness* B. In absence of legislative base C. In imperfection of legislative base D. In disinterest of heads of system E. In absence of a technique of estimation 796. In what is the main complexity of process of estimation of medical aid as a whole? A. Unpredictability of dynamics of behaviour of an organism of an individual during treatment does not allow to state accurately previously the expenses necessary for its treatment* B. In absence of legislative base C. In imperfection of legislative base D. In disinterest of the government E. In absence of a technique of estimation 797. What of methods defines medical aid cost more precisely? A. Accounting of expenses* B. Look-ahead models C. Calculation for specifications D. Behind a level of demand E. Any of methods does not allow making it 798. In what is a problem of definition of the price of medical aid behind a cost method of expenses? A. In existence of payment risk* B. In complexity of a technique C. In absence of a technique D. In set of uncertainty E. In hour scales 799. How medical aid cost in Ukraine in the conditions of self-financing was defined? A. Under article, on system of budget expenses* B. Behind accounting of expenses C. Under the price-list D. Behind the sum of the spent means E. Behind specifications 800. What expenses consider at medical aid fixing of value? A. Constants and variables* B. Direct and indirect C. Fluid and perspective D. Material and unprofitable E. Exclusively material 801. How variable expenses are divided? A. On direct and indirect* B. Constants and variables C. Fluid and perspective D. Material and unprofitable E. Exclusively material 802. What are the constant expenses? A. What do not change at changes of volume of rendered services or the let out goods* B. What change at changes of volume of rendered services or the let out goods C. What constants at changes of quality of rendered services or the let out goods D. What change at changes of quality of rendered services or the let out goods E. What the manufacturer constantly should bear 803. What are the variable expenses? A. What change at changes of volume of rendered services or the let out goods* B. What do not change at changes of volume of rendered services or the let out goods C. What constants at changes of quality of rendered services or the let out goods D. What change at changes of quality of rendered services or the let out goods E. What the manufacturer constantly should bear 804. What are the direct variable expenses? A. Which were what of directly linked expenses with object also have objective character* B. What are is mediocre connected with object of expenses and have objective character C. Which were what of directly linked expenses with the subject also have objective character D. What are is mediocre connected with the subject of expenses and have objective character E. Which were what of directly linked expenses with object also have subjective character 805. What are the indirect variable expenses? A. What directly are not connected with object of expenses and have the veiled character* B. Which were what of directly linked expenses with object also have the veiled character C. What directly are not connected with object of expenses and have objective character D. What mediocre are not connected with object of expenses and have the veiled character E. What mediocre are not connected with object of expenses and have objective character 806. What are the overhead charges? A. The sum of constants and variable expenses* B. The sum of direct and indirect expenses C. The sum material and an overhead charge D. The sum of fluid expenses E. The sum of fluid and perspective expenses 807. What it represent average expenses in public health services? A. Overhead charges are divided into volume of the given help* B. Limiting expenses are divided into volume of the given help C. Overhead charges are divided into quantity of procedures D. Limiting expenses are divided into quantity of procedures E. Overhead charges are divided into profit 808. What it represent limiting expenses in public health services? A. Expenses on granting of one additional unit of the help* B. Limiting expenses are divided into volume of the given help C. Overhead charges are divided into volume of the given help D. Overhead charges are divided into profit E. The minimum expenses on granting of one additional unit of the help 809. What it represent alternative expenses in public health services? A. These are additional charges which compensate problem places of the organization* B. These are expenses on similar service in the next branch C. These are expenses on similar service at competitors D. These are expenses on similar service in a similar institution E. These are expenses on similar service in other state 810. What is the major element of the price in public health services system? A. The cost price* B. Profit C. The tax D. An exchange value E. Use value 811. What forms organisation financial assets in public health services system? A. The cost price and profit* B. The cost price and profit C. The cost price and the tax D. The tax and profit E. An exchange value and profit 812. What percentage tax assesses profit in public health services system? A. 30 %* B. 50 % C. 70 % D. 90 % E. 100 % 813. The structure of the prices for medical services has the same elements as well as on any other goods? A. No* B. Yes C. Almost D. Has similar elements E. Has no elements 814. On what the profit in public health services system is used? A. On coverings of those kinds of the expenses, what manufactures necessary for an expanded reconstruction* B. On coverings of those kinds of the expenses, what manufactures necessary for a simple reconstruction C. On coverings of those kinds of the expenses, what manufactures necessary for a narrowed reconstruction D. On coverings of those kinds of the expenses, what manufactures necessary for an auxiliary reconstruction E. On a covering of those kinds of expenses which are necessary for social development 815. What production costs are defined by the cost price in public health services system? A. Without what process of manufacture and a reconstruction is impossible* B. Material expenses C. Material expenses plus a labour D. Material expenses plus an additional product E. Power plus manpower 816. Name elements of structure of the price of medical aid? A. Manufacture expenses, profit, the tax* B. Manufacture expenses, the tax, the salary C. Manufacture expenses, profit, the salary D. The salary, profit, the tax E. Manufacture expenses, profit, the award 817. From how many stages usually there is a pricing process in public health services system? A. From 5* B. From 4 C. From 3 D. From 2 E. From 1 818. In what treatment-and-prophylactic institutions in Ukraine medical aid should be given free? A. The state and municipal patterns of ownership* B. The state pattern of ownership C. A municipal pattern of ownership D. A private pattern of ownership E. In all patterns of ownership 819. What it represents regulation of the prices in public health services system? A. Streamlining of interaction of all elements of housekeeping* B. The control of interaction of all elements of housekeeping C. The control of interaction of all elements of pricing D. Streamlining of interaction of all elements of pricing E. Price-fixing by the state 820. For what purpose apply the state regulation of the prices in public health services system? A. For the purpose creations of popular medical aid* B. For the purpose creations of the unified medical aid C. For the purpose creations of qualitative medical aid D. For the purpose creations of unique structure of medical aid E. For the purpose creations the one-cost medical aid 821. What is the ask price in public health services system? A. It is a floor price at which medical workers still render medical aid* B. It is a ceiling price at whom medical workers still render medical aid C. It is a floor price at which medical workers receive medical aid D. It is a floor price at which consumers still receive medical aid E. It is a ceiling price at whom medical workers still receive medical aid 822. What is the offer in public health services system? A. This quantity of the medical services, what doctors still can give to patients in a definite time* B. This quantity of the medical services, what doctors can give to patients C. This quantity of medical services which the medical staff gives to patients D. This quantity of the medical services, what doctors still can sell E. This quantity of the medical services, what doctors can offer 823. What is the demand price in public health services system? A. It is a ceiling price for whom patients agree to receive services* B. It is a floor price at which consumers still receive medical aid C. It is a floor price at which medical workers receive medical aid D. It is a ceiling price at whom medical workers still receive medical aid E. It is a floor price for which patients agree to receive services 824. Whether public health services in system always the price is proportional to demand? A. No* B. Yes C. Such dependence is not present D. It is unconditional communication E. As well as everywhere 825. In what is an essence of calculation of the price on the basis of break-even? A. All expenses of the manufacturer plus profit are considered* B. All expenses of the manufacturer plus the tax are considered C. All expenses of the manufacturer plus the award are considered D. All expenses of the consumer plus profit are considered E. All expenses of the manufacturer plus the salary are considered 826. In what is an essence of calculation of the price behind a method of direct costs plus profit? A. The cost price plus a standard estimation* B. The cost price plus profit C. The cost price plus the tax D. The cost price plus the award E. The cost price plus the salary 827. Where in public health services system today the most frequent use calculation of the price on the basis of break-even?? A. In stomatology* B. In therapy C. In gynecology D. In the venereology E. In cosmetic consultations 828. Where in public health services system today the most frequent use price calculation for a method of direct costs plus profit? A. In self-supporting departments of medical institutions* B. In reception departments of medical institutions C. In polyclinics D. In scientific research institutes E. Such it is impossible to do 829. In what is an essence of definition of the price on the basis of sealed bids? A. The price is defined leaving expected price offers of competitors* B. The price is defined leaving expected price offers of manufacturers C. The price is defined leaving expected price offers of consumers D. The price is defined leaving expected price offers on other goods E. The price is defined leaving expected price offers of specifications 830. In what is an essence of definition of the price on the basis of notable value of service or the goods? A. The price depends not on the manufacturer, and from sensation necessity services* B. The price depends on the manufacturer, and from sensation necessity services C. The price depends on the manufacturer, instead of from sensation necessity services D. The price does not depend on the manufacturer, and from the consumer E. The price depends not on the manufacturer, and not from sensation necessity services 831. In what is an essence of definition of the price on the basis of level of current prices? A. At the heart of the price own expenses, and the prices of competitors lie not* B. At the heart of the price own expenses, and the prices of competitors lie C. At the heart of the price own expenses, instead of the prices of competitors lie D. At the heart of the price only own expenses lie E. At the heart of the price the prices of competitors lie 832. Where in public health services system definition of the price on the basis of sealed bids takes place? A. During the tender auctions* B. During carrying out of own auctions C. During internal meetings D. During competition in HP Ukraine E. During competition in the Ministry of Finance 833. Where in public health services system definition of the price on the basis of notable value of service or the goods takes place? A. By granting of cosmetology services* B. In some stomatologic offices C. Exclusive branches of narrow specialisation D. In the central scientific research institutes E. In rural medical ambulance stations 834. Where in public health services system definition of the price on the basis of level of current prices takes place? A. In some stomatologic offices* B. By granting of cosmetology services C. Exclusive branches of narrow specialisation D. In the central scientific research institutes E. In rural medical ambulance stations 835. Where in public health services system definition of the price on the basis of target profit takes place? A. Exclusive branches of narrow specialization* B. In the central scientific research institutes C. By granting of cosmetology services D. In some stomatologic offices E. In rural medical ambulance stations 836. In what is an essence of definition of the price on the basis of target profit? A. When the medical institution appoints such price which will provide to it desirable volume of profit* B. When the medical institution appoints such price which will provide to it the highest volume of profit C. When the medical institution appoints such price which will provide to it the least volume of profit D. When the medical institution appoints such price which will provide to it desirable volume of visiting E. When the medical institution appoints such price which will provide to it desirable volume authority 837. In what is an essence of the first stage of pricing? A. Definition of the price depending on the marketing purpose* B. An estimation of market conditions from supply and demand positions C. A direct estimation of expenses of medical services D. Comparison of the prices and medical services of competitors E. A choice of a method of pricing 838. In what is an essence of the second stage of pricing? A. An estimation of market conditions from supply and demand positions* B. Definition of the price depending on the marketing purpose C. Direct estimation of expenses of medical services D. Comparison of the prices and medical services of competitors E. A choice of a method of pricing 839. In what is an essence of the third stage of pricing? A. A direct estimation of expenses of medical services* B. Definition of the price depending on the marketing purpose C. A direct estimation of expenses of medical services D. Comparison of the prices and medical services of competitors E. A choice of a method of pricing 840. In what is an essence of the fourth stage of pricing? A. Comparison of the prices and medical services of competitors* B. Definition of the price depending on the marketing purpose C. A direct estimation of expenses of medical services D. Comparison of the prices and medical services of competitors E. A choice of a method of pricing 841. In what is an essence of the fifth stage of pricing? A. A choice of a method of pricing* B. Definition of the price depending on the marketing purpose C. A direct estimation of expenses of medical services D. Comparison of the prices and medical services of competitors E. A choice of a method of pricing 842. For what forms of socially - economic formation characteristic action of a market mechanism consist? A. For all* B. For a primitive-communal system C. For the feudalism period D. For capitalism E. In any from specify 843. What was the most important precondition of occurrence of the market? A. A public division of labour* B. The wheel invention C. STP D. Occurrence of the first economic schools E. Input of laws on taxes 844. What three economic systems of a social production have passed mankind in the development? A. Natural, simple and the general* B. Commodity, productive and scientific C. Fundamental, applied and popular D. Material, non-material and mixed E. Commodity, services and intermediary 845. When the general commodity production has started to develop? A. After feudalism in XVI century* B. After capitalism in century C. After socialism in century D. After a subsistence economy in century E. Yet has not started to develop 846. On the basis of purchase of sale of that in the general commodity production the capital, how the general pattern of ownership is created? A. A labour* B. The material goods C. The non-material goods D. Services E. Securities 847. What general element unites simple and general manufacture? A. The market* B. Manufacturing of the material goods C. Manufacturing of the non-material goods D. Manufacturing of services, as to the goods E. Manufacturing of the intellectual goods 848. What fundamental questions are solved by market economy? A. That, as well as for whom* B. That, where and when C. That, which and whence D. That, how many and how much E. That, how many and where 849. What economic category underlies the answer to a question "What to make"? A. Demand* B. Natural resources C. Technological possibilities of the enterprise D. A fashion E. A public contract 850. What economic category underlies the answer to a question "How to make"? A. Technological possibilities of the enterprise* B. STP C. A scientific and technological revolution D. Technological instructions E. The world standards 851. What economic category underlies the answer to a question "For whom to make"? A. Solvency of consumers* B. Requirement C. The state order D. Not protected levels of population E. The efficient population 852. What interests of everyone had at A.Smit's kind when spoke about necessity serves interests of all in the conditions of the market? A. Selfish* B. Patriotic C. Economic D. Altruism E. Gigolo 853. What economic law is the mechanism of improvement of economy in market conditions? A. Costs* B. To a profit gain C. A competition D. A monetary turn E. Balance a supply and demand 854. What economic law is the central link of a market mechanism of regulation? A. A competition* B. Costs C. To a profit gain D. Balance a supply and demand E. A monetary turn 855. What economic law is the basic regulator of a commodity production in the conditions of the market? A. Balance a supply and demand* B. A competition C. To a profit gain D. Costs E. A monetary turn 856. What three economic systems in the development have made mankind as of today? A. Traditional, command and market economy* B. Feudalism, capitalism and socialism C. Capitalism, a socialism and communism D. Dictatorship, democracy and anarchy E. Capitalism, socialism and neutrality 857. On what are based traditional systems? A. On traditions and customs* B. On the centralised economic planning C. On balance of a supply and demand D. On interests of a society E. On interests of a ruling clique 858. On what command economy are based? A. On the centralised economic planning* B. On traditions and customs C. On balance of a supply and demand D. On interests of a society E. On interests of a ruling clique 859. On what market economy are based? A. On balance of a supply and demand* B. On interests of a ruling clique C. On the centralised economic planning D. On interests of a society E. On traditions and customs 860. The desired result of the market agreement is reached thanking. A. Own interest* B. To the benevolent relation to each other C. To the high price of the agreement D. To the low price of the agreement E. To certain legal norms 861. In a market system it is accepted to lean on. A. Rationality* B. Own emotions and feelings C. Intuition D. Benefit E. The law 862. What consequences for an economic system are caused by the dilemma decision: "resources are limited - requirements are boundless"? A. Evolution* B. Revolution C. Degradation D. Integration E. Devaluation 863. What price a hyphen of expenses on private enterprise? A. Profit or losses* B. Equal to the received profit C. Equal to a revenue earned D. Losses E. Profit 864. Who answers a question of the enterprises "What to make"? A. Consumers* B. Manufacturers C. Brokers D. Brokers E. Dealers 865. What generates the offer? A. Demand* B. The consumer C. The manufacturer D. The advertiser E. The broker 866. What generates demand? A. The requirement confirmed with purchasing capacity* B. The advertiser C. The broker D. Need E. The offer 867. How consumers vote for manufacture of those or second goods? A. Money* B. Hands C. Bulletins D. Demands E. Responses in a press 868. What major factor in the market stimulates quality of made production? A. A competition* B. Complaints of buyers C. Inspection of the control over quality D. Sanitary-and-epidemiologic service E. All supervising services 869. For limits of that there can not be an economy? A. Production potentialities* B. To the law C. Available means D. Desires of consumers E. Own representations 870. Economic activities freedom - main principle. A. Market economy* B. Command economy C. A traditional economic system D. To capitalism E. To communism 871. In what state of the world the pure market economy today dominates? A. In any* B. In the capitalist C. In the socialist D. In the countries of the big seven E. In Switzerland 872. In what is a mixed economy essence? A. A combination of forms of business and the state intervention* B. A combination of forms of free enterprise C. A combination of forms of the state and civil management D. A combination of forms of business and social structures E. A combination of forms of business and moral principles 873. What types of mixed economy to you known? A. Swedish, Japanese and American* B. Russian, American and French C. English, French and American D. Japanese, American and Soviet E. Chinese, English and American 874. What basic characteristic Swedish market economy models? A. Prevailing intervention of the state in redistribution of incomes* B. High degree of development of planning of government activity and private to sector C. The state only develops and supports rules of economic game, in every possible way supporting free enterprise D. Uncontrolled liberty of businessmen E. The state only imposes taxes 875. What basic characteristic of the Japanese model of market economy? A. High degree of development of planning of government activity and private to sector* B. The state only develops and supports rules of economic game, in every possible way supporting free enterprise C. Prevailing intervention of the state in redistribution of incomes D. Uncontrolled liberty of businessmen E. The state only imposes taxes 876. What basic characteristic of the American model of market economy? A. The state only develops and supports rules of economic game, in every possible way supporting free enterprise* B. Prevailing intervention of the state in redistribution of incomes C. Uncontrolled liberty of businessmen D. The state only imposes taxes E. High degree of development of planning of government activity and private to sector 877. What it is necessary to make unnecessary in the conditions of the market according to P.Drukera? A. Effort on sale of the goods* B. Effort on delivery to the goods C. Effort on goods purchases D. Effort after maintenance of quality of the goods E. Effort on advertising 878. The market hem on local, regional, national and world is carried out by a principle: A. Territorial* B. Interstate C. Political D. In exchange scales E. Such division is not present 879. Market hem on commodity, securities, capital, labour carried out by a principle: A. Functional* B. Cost C. Structural D. In exchange scales E. Such division is not present 880. The basic toolkit of a goods market is: A. Trade* B. Manufacture C. Sale D. Purchase E. Money 881. What goods are realised through wholesale trade? A. Homogeneous* B. Only the agricultural C. Only to a craft D. Only raw materials E. The diversified 882. Through what structures are realised wholesale a consignment of goods? A. Commodity exchanges and auctions* B. Exhibitions and auctions C. A grid of shops and fair D. Mail-order business E. Booths 883. Through what structures a retail consignment of goods is realised? A. A grid of shops* B. Commodity exchanges C. Auctions D. Fairs E. Exhibitions and auctions 884. What it represents the capital? A. Cost which makes profit* B. The certain sum of money C. Means in bank D. A gold stock E. Any money 885. What is the instrument of the market of capitals? A. Bank* B. Stock exchanges C. Auctions D. Fairs E. Currency transactions 886. What purpose of existence of bank? A. Transformation of money resources into the capital* B. Accumulation of means C. A source of credits D. Sphere of enrichment of separate persons E. Storage of money 887. What represents a securities market? A. Sphere of an exchange the right of possession in certain cost* B. Sphere of preservation of securities C. Transformation of securities into money D. Transformation of money into securities E. Sphere of an exchange of securities 888. What on itself cost of securities A. They have no cost* B. Costs of property which represent equal C. It is so much how many for them expose the price D. Their cost is defined by the price at auction E. It is so much for how many they buy 889. When there is "a black" currency market? A. When the state monopolises a currency exchange* B. When the currency in the state is not present C. When the currency exchange is carried out only by banks D. When the currency exchange of banks is not carried out E. When to the state bring many illicit currencies 890. That exchange in the currency market. A. The national currency on other currencies* B. Currency for dollars C. Dollars on currency D. Currency on securities E. Securities on currency 891. On exclusive why action of the market of gold is based? A. On has had a drink also offers* B. On gold cost C. On requirement of gold D. On has had a drink on gold E. On the gold offer 892. What it represents the labour market? A. Group of people which wish to exchange the labour for wages* B. Consulting firms which are engaged in employment C. Bureau from employment D. A place, where people come to find to itself work E. Base of free workplaces 893. What physical features of service? A. It imperceptible* B. It is as table C. It has the considerable sizes D. It oversized E. It is badly packed 894. What features of consumption of services? A. They not kept* B. They should be used in the near future C. They can be used by the gross D. They can be consumed together E. They exclusively individual 895. What feature of quality of services? A. Quality of service changeably* B. Quality depends on the price C. Quality depends on raw materials D. Quality depends the order E. Quality of service stably once and for all 896. What is the basic marketing feature of service? A. It is inseparable from that, which provides service* B. Service should not be advertised C. Service should be advertised D. Service can be offered anywhere E. Services do not demand sale 897. How demand here a quality of medical services depends? A. Than the first-rate quality that smaller demand* B. Than the first-rate quality that the higher demand C. Than the lowest quality that smaller demand D. Than the lowest quality that more demand E. Such dependence in system of medical services is not present 898. What nature of the goods equally and at the same time can influence directly both the manufacturer and the consumer? A. Medical services* B. Production of goods C. Non-material manufacture D. Any services E. Intellectual production 899. What uncertainty is included by demand for public health services? A. The information on a state of health* B. The information on qualification of the doctor C. The information on solvency of the patient D. Level of medical technology E. The information on payment for the rendered help 900. What is the goods, how an economic category? A. The product of a human labour intended for an exchange* B. Result of manufacture C. That, consumers wish to buy D. Means of production E. A human labour product 901. What is the use value, how an economic category? A. Ability of the goods to satisfy requirement of people* B. Cost of used production C. The price which consumers can pay for the goods D. Ability of the goods to be used by manufacturers E. Ability of the goods to be used by consumers 902. What is the cost price, how an economic category? A. Cost of the resources, spending for manufacturing of the given goods* B. Own good value which was established by manufacturers C. Own good value which was established by consumers D. Own good value which was established by the state E. The price in the market 903. What is the exchange value, how an economic category? A. This parity in which one goods varies on another* B. Own good value which was established by consumers C. Own good value which was established by the state D. The price in the market E. Limits in which the price changes 904. What is the demand, how an economic category? A. It is the requirement confirmed with purchasing capacity* B. This sensation of necessity of the given goods C. This quantity of goods which have bought during certain time D. It is the goods, on which now a fashion E. It is the goods behind which consumers ask 905. What it the demand curve represents? A. It is graphic model of communication between a supply and demand* B. These are changes of demand under the influence of the offer C. These are changes of demand depending on the price D. These are changes of demand depending on a quantity of goods E. These are changes of demand depending on mood of manufacturers 906. What major factor defines quantity of the bought goods? A. Average returns of buyers* B. A fashion C. A season D. A commodity price E. Advertising 907. What causes demand curve moving? A. Not price factors* B. Weather conditions C. A fashion D. Price level E. Advertising 908. What it represents negative demand? A. When an uncooperative altitude of consumers to the given goods* B. It is demand for the harmful goods C. When volume sale satisfies the manufacturer and does not satisfy the consumer D. When volume sale does not satisfy the manufacturer and satisfies the consumer E. When consumers are indifferent to the given goods 909. What it represents absent demand? A. When consumers are indifferent to the given goods* B. When an uncooperative altitude of consumers to the given goods C. It is demand for the harmful goods D. When volume sale does not satisfy the manufacturer E. When volume sale does not satisfy the consumer 910. What it represents the latent demand? A. When demand is, and the goods are not present* B. It is demand for the harmful goods C. When an uncooperative altitude of consumers to the given goods D. When volume sale does not satisfy the manufacturer E. When consumers are indifferent to the given goods 911. What it represents sagging demand? A. At market glut by the given goods* B. It is demand for the harmful goods C. When an uncooperative altitude of consumers to the given goods D. When volume sale does not satisfy the manufacturer E. When consumers are indifferent to the given goods 912. What it represents irregular demand? A. When demand depends on the certain periods* B. When volume sale does not satisfy the manufacturer C. When consumers are indifferent to the given goods D. When manufacturers are indifferent to the given goods E. When demand depends on transport deliveries 913. What it represents high-grade demand? A. When volume sale satisfies the manufacturer* B. When demand equals to the offer C. When demand satisfies the consumer D. When demand is higher from the offer E. When quality answers standards 914. What it represents the excessive demand? A. When demand is higher from the offer* B. It is demand for the harmful goods C. When volume sale does not satisfy the manufacturer D. When manufacturers are not indifferent to the given goods E. When the offer does not meet the demand 915. What it represents irrational demand? A. It is demand for the harmful goods* B. When an uncooperative altitude of consumers to the given goods C. When volume sale does not satisfy the manufacturer D. When consumers are indifferent to the given goods E. When manufacturers are indifferent to the given goods 916. What is the offer, how an economic category? A. Quantity of production which is offered for the market by the manufacturer* B. Quantity of production which is offered for the market by the consumer C. Quantity of production which is offered for the market by the broker D. Quantity of production which is offered for the market by the broker E. Quantity of production which is offered for the market by the dealer 917. Whose interests are beaten off by demand? A. Consumers* B. Manufacturers C. Intermediaries D. Brokers E. Brokers 918. Whose interests are beaten off by the offer? A. Manufacturers* B. Consumers C. Brokers D. Dealers E. Brokers 919. Than interconnect a supply and demand? A. The price* B. Quality C. The manufacturer D. The consumer E. They are not connected 920. What is the price, how an economic category? A. It is a monetary value form* B. It is cost of expenses for goods manufacture C. These are money which can be received for the given goods D. This monetary offer of manufacturers E. These are monetary possibilities of buyers 921. What primary factor influences the offer? A. Manufacture expenses* B. A quantity of goods on structure C. Demand of consumers D. A public contract E. The sum of means of consumers 922. In a point of intersection of demand curves and offers on graphic model is. A. The balance price* B. The goods cost price C. A market equilibrium D. Goods market value E. A competitive good value 923. What means the term "Competition"? A. I push together* B. I finish C. I oppose D. I plant E. Assistance 924. Than the pure competition is characterised? A. It is a lot of sellers and a homogeneous product* B. It is a lot of sellers and a heterogeneous products C. Had sellers and a homogeneous product D. Had sellers and a heterogeneous products E. It is a lot of sellers and a lot of production 925. In what is a monopoly essence? A. In the market one seller* B. In the market two sellers C. In the market a product not one firm D. In the market one product of one firm E. The seller in one market 926. What represents leadership of dominating firm in the conditions of the market? A. One firm supervises not less than half of manufactures* B. Amorphous and uncertain structure of leadership of several firms C. Collective leadership of powerful firms of the given branch D. Leadership of the greatest firm E. Leadership of firms the serial 927. What the secret arrangement on leadership in the conditions of the market represents? A. Collective leadership of powerful firms of the given branch* B. One firm supervises not less than half of manufactures C. Amorphous and uncertain structure of leadership of several firms D. Leadership of one firm only in the branch E. Leadership of firms the serial 928. What represents barometric leadership in the conditions of the market? A. Amorphous and uncertain structure of leadership of several firms* B. Collective leadership of powerful firms of the given branch C. One firm supervises not less than half of manufactures D. Leadership of one firm only in the branch E. Leadership of firms the serial 929. In what is an essence of personal discrimination? A. The prices are appointed depending on level of incomes of buyers* B. The prices decrease only in the market of the competitor C. The difference in the price exceeds a difference in expenses D. The prices decrease only for separate buyers E. Restriction of the prices for separate buyers 930. In what is an essence of group discrimination? A. The prices decrease only in the market of the competitor* B. The prices are appointed depending on level of incomes of buyers C. The difference in the price exceeds a difference in expenses D. The prices decrease only for separate buyers E. Restriction of the prices for separate buyers 931. In what is an essence of grocery discrimination? A. The difference in the price exceeds a difference in expenses* B. The prices are appointed depending on level of incomes of buyers C. The prices decrease only in the market of the competitor D. The prices decrease only for separate buyers E. Restriction of the prices for separate buyers 932. Integration, diversification and conglomeration are processes which beat off: A. Changes of scales of manufacture* B. Manufacture structure C. Economic development directions D. Sections STP E. Competition structure 933. In what is an essence of integration of manufacture? A. Association of technologically homogeneous manufactures* B. Association of technologically unrelated manufactures C. Associations of absolutely different manufactures which have no communications D. Association of all internal structures of manufactures E. Manufacture and sale associations 934. In what is an essence of a diversification of manufacture? A. Association of technologically unrelated manufactures* B. Association of technologically homogeneous manufactures C. Associations of absolutely different manufactures which have no communications D. Association of all internal structures of manufactures E. Manufacture and sale associations 935. In what is an essence of a conglomeration of manufacture? A. Associations of absolutely different manufactures which have no communications* B. Association of technologically unrelated manufactures C. Association of technologically homogeneous manufactures D. Association of all internal structures of manufactures E. Manufacture and sale associations 936. What purpose of creation of conglomerates? A. Reception of the big profits at the expense of manipulation with securities* B. Reception of the big profits at the expense of manipulation with profits C. Reception of the big profits at the expense of manipulation with currency D. Reception of the big profits at the expense of manipulation with other firms E. Reception of the big profits at the expense of manipulation with incomes 937. In what is an economic essence of effect "2+2=5"? A. Incorporated actions of components are given more by effect, than their simple sum of their effects* B. Incorporated actions of components give more effect at the expense of manipulation with currency C. Incorporated actions of components give more effect at the expense of manipulation with profits D. Incorporated actions of components give more effect at the expense of manipulation with incomes E. Incorporated actions of components give more effect at the expense of manipulation with other firms 938. In what is an essence of concentration of manufacture? A. Increase in scales of firm at the expense of accumulation* B. Reception of the big profits at the expense of manipulation with securities C. Reception of the big profits at the expense of manipulation with profits D. Reception of the big profits at the expense of manipulation with incomes E. Increase in scales of firm at the expense of reduction of workplaces 939. In what is an essence of centralisation of manufacture? A. Increase in scales of firm at the expense of absorption and association with other firms* B. Association of all internal structures of firm C. Increase in scales of firm at the expense of reduction of separate structures D. Increase in scales of firm at the expense of creation of interbranch structures E. Manufacture of the goods concentrates in hands of one firm 940. Between what structures the competition to 60th years century was conducted? A. Between owners of the small enterprises* B. Between huge monopolistically associations C. Between corporations D. Between the states E. Between factories and factories 941. Between what structures the competition is conducted today? A. Between huge monopolistically associations* B. Between owners of the small enterprises C. Between corporations D. Between separate firms E. Between the states 942. Than numerous treatments of concept of management are predetermined? A. Different lines of thought to its studying* B. The as table maintenance of management C. Different objects of supervision D. Different factors of environment which influence the organisation E. Presence of a numerous galaxy of scientists 943. What is the subject of management? A. The person or group of people* B. Social groups C. The head D. The organisation E. The equipment 944. What is object of management? A. Technics and social groups* B. Social groups C. The head D. The organisation E. The employee 945. What ultimate goal of activity of the head of branch of public health services? A. To support and strengthen population health* B. To raise prestige of a medical institution C. To improve medical technologies D. To build new treatment-and-prophylactic institutions E. To develop the branch 946. What posts belong to intrasectoral management of health protection? A. From managing branch to the head physician of an institution of public health services* B. Chiefs of managements of public health services C. The Minister of Health D. Head physicians of institutions of public health services E. The chief of a health service and managers of institutions of public health services 947. What posts belong to the government health protection? A. From the main expert of management of health protection to the Minister of Health* B. Head physicians and chiefs of managements of public health services C. The Minister of Health D. Chiefs of managements of public health services E. The main things of the doctor and the chief of a health service 948. What orientation (beyond Chejzom) concerning the working day managers should have? A. Readiness about not normalised working day* B. 6 hours, 42 minutes C. 7 hours of 12 minutes D. 8 hours E. The reduced working day 949. How many stages of development of management in Ukraine are known for the Soviet period? A. 7* B. 10 C. 12 D. 3 E. 1 950. For what is necessary management? A. For coordination of all tasks of the organization* B. For discipline observance in the organisation C. For reception of resources of the organisation D. For a division of labour E. For hierarchy 951. The problem is: A. The contradiction between a desirable and real state of affairs* B. Dissatisfaction of requirements of consumers C. Absence of the decision the basic tasks D. An obstacle to management E. What does not dare 952. The situation is: A. A condition of an operated subsystem which is estimated concerning the purpose* B. A condition of an operating subsystem which is estimated concerning the purpose C. A condition of the organisation which is estimated concerning functions D. A condition of operated system which is estimated concerning the main tasks E. What does not dare 953. Basic elements of an administrative cycle: A. The analysis of a situation, decision-making, the organisation of performance of the decision, the control* B. Planning, the organisation, motivation and the control C. The analysis of a situation, planning, the control and regulation D. Supply, planning, regulation and the control E. The organisation, supply and the control 954. From how many hospitals the network of the treatment-and-prophylactic consists is got Ukraine? A. 3211* B. 25 C. 10300 D. 258 E. 125 955. How many out-patient-polyclinic it is got enters into a network of the treatment-and- prophylactic it is got Ukraine? A. 6384* B. 10250 C. 15700 D. 25876 E. 975 956. What acts define the organisation and management of health protection of Ukraine? A. Bases of the legislation of Ukraine about public health services, the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law on a local government* B. Bases of the legislation of Ukraine about public health services, the Law on a local government, the law about sanitary-and-epidemiological well-being C. The constitution of Ukraine, the Law on a local government D. The law on public service, the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law on a local government E. The law on public service, the Law on a local government 957. Who carries out the general management of public health services, how national economy branch? A. Ministry of Health* B. The cabinet of Ukraine C. The Supreme Rada of Ukraine D. Local governments E. Presidential Administration 958. Who appoints the Minister of Health? A. The cabinet of Ukraine* B. The president of Ukraine C. The Supreme Rada of Ukraine D. It is selected commission MHP on a competitive basis E. Presidential Administration 959. Who presides at public health services in rural districts? A. The head physician of the central regional hospital* B. The chief of regional health branch C. The head of a local administration D. The general director of territorial medical association E. The chairman of district executive committee 960. Who appoints the head physician of the central regional hospital? A. The competitive commission of Council of People's Deputies of the given area* B. The competitive commission of Council of People's Deputies of area C. The chief of regional health branch D. Ministry of Health E. The chairman of district executive committee 961. What is specially authorised the central enforcement authority carries out the control over a control of the sanitary legislation, state standards, criteria and the requirements directed on maintenance of sanitary well-being of the population in Ukraine? A. Ministry of Health* B. The main thing sanitary-and-epidemiological management C. Sanitary-and-epidemiological station D. Disinfection station E. Militia 962. Who belongs to management shots? A. Workers who carry out managerial processes and are included into management personnel* B. Workers who have subordinates and carry out management functions C. Workers who are appointed by the higher heads D. Workers who are recognised by collective, as leaders E. Workers who carry out administrative functions 963. What are tools of administrative work? A. Organizers* B. The writing goods C. Dialogue means D. Secretary E. Subordinates 964. What provide economic requirements to the organisation of a workplace of the head? A. Such organisation of a workplace in management personnel at which expenses on the workplace maintenance are minimum, however are sufficient for its functioning* B. Such organisation of a workplace in management personnel at which expenses on the workplace maintenance are minimum C. Such organisation of a workplace in management personnel at which expenses on the workplace maintenance meet requirements D. Such organisation of a workplace in management personnel at which expenses on the workplace maintenance meet requirements of today E. Such organisation of a workplace in management personnel at which expenses on the workplace maintenance answer the world standards 965. What provide hygienic requirements to the organisation of a workplace of the head? A. These are requirements to illumination of workplaces, air exchange, a temperature mode, humidity, noise and other factors of environment which influence health and working capacity of the person* B. This observance of sanitary requirements C. This observance SNIP D. It is possibility of regular cleaning of premises E. It is cleanliness of premises 966. What is working area a sanitary code for an office of the head of the organisation? A. 24-54 2* B. 14-24 2 C. 6-12 2 D. 100 2 E. 120 2 967. Of what the total area of a premise for the head consists? A. From the area necessary for stay and movement of the head, the area which is occupied with furniture and the equipment, from the area for passes* B. From the area which is occupied with furniture and the equipment, from the area for passes C. From the area which is occupied with furniture and the equipment, from the area for passes, from the area which is occupied with visitors D. From the area which is occupied with furniture and the equipment, from the area for visitors E. From a working zone and to a so-called hall 968. What lacks of traditional placing of office accommodations? A. Dearness of the maintenance* B. Isolation from collective; C. Shortage of dialogue D. Difficultly availability E. Narrowness 969. Where requirements to an operating mode are fixed? A. In regulations* B. In the organisation charter C. In position about management personnel D. In separately given out order E. On a bulletin board 970. Concept "information" and "the Administrative information": A. Different* B. Identical C. Similar D. This same E. These are synonyms 971. What basic functions of management? A. Spatial planning, the organisation, motivation, the control* B. The analysis, planning, the organisation, the control C. Information gathering, working out of strategy the analysis, the control D. The analysis, decision-making, the performance organisation, the control E. Maintenance of uninterrupted activity and the control 972. How classify administrative decisions for the subject? A. The decision of state structures, decisions of collectives or citizens* B. Laws, decisions, orders C. Official, informal D. Official, personal E. To the plan and term 973. To decisions of state structures belong: A. Laws, decisions, orders* B. The decision of joint bodies C. Orders, resolutions D. Office sheets, instructions E. Notes, declarations and pacts 974. Behind a kind set which administrative decisions dare happen: A. Information, organizational, operative, strategic* B. Information, organizational, operative C. Organizational, operative, strategic D. Information, organizational, operative, extreme E. Information, organizational, operative, to the plan 975. The administrative decision is: A. The element of law* B. The law C. The instructive document D. It not the document E. Whim of the chief 976. How many is management functions? A. The quantity of functions of management is defined by the author* B. Five C. Six D. Four E. One 977. The control as management function is. A. Administrative function and administrative operation with which help comparison of what should be with what is actually is carried out* B. Process of comparison of the fact and the standard C. Revealing of lacks D. The control is not management function E. Stimulation of subordinates to work 978. Stages of process of the control the following: A. Definition of the standard, measurement of object of the control, comparison of the standard with object* B. Measurement of object of the control, comparison of the standard with object, the analysis and conclusions C. Definition of the standard, comparison of the standard with object D. Standard definition, the analysis, acceptance of measures to remedial action E. Measurement of object of the control, revealing of lacks 979. Acceptance of the administrative decision is a process: A. Individual* B. Collective C. Advisory D. Situational E. Consultative 980. The account as management function is: A. The regular and systematised gathering of the information on a condition and development of operated system which characterises quantitative and qualitative aspects of activity of the organization* B. Gathering of the information which characterises quantitative work of the organisation C. Gathering of the information which characterises qualitative work of the organisation D. Fixing of all indicators of activity of the organisation E. Fixing of economic indicators of activity of the organisation 981. The account as process is: A. The regular and systematised gathering of the information* B. Information fixing C. Information ordering D. Filling of registration forms E. Regular transfer of registration objects 982. What main task of the control? A. Revealing of deviations from the planned course of events* B. Revealing of lacks on business C. Revealing guilty of lacks D. Situation fixing E. Discipline 983. Profitability of the control consists in, that: A. Expenses for the control did not exceed the sum of incomes* B. Expenses for the control were minimum C. Expenses for the control the stable D. Expenses for the control paid expenses on elimination of the revealed lacks E. Expenses was not 984. The current control is spent both during preparatory and during the final stage of works. A. No, it is not true* B. Yes, it is true C. The sequence is not essential D. The control is not spent during works E. The control is spent only on end of works 985. Flexibility of the control consists in, that: A. Adequately to react to environment changes* B. To adapt to influencing factors C. Not to suppose influence of extraneous factors on the subject of the control D. Not to reckon with different factors E. To consider the person of controllable object 986. How heads are appointed to posts? A. Heads of all levels are appointed to posts on a competitive basis* B. Heads only a highest level are appointed to posts on a competitive basis C. Heads of all levels are appointed to posts the individual decision of the higher heads D. Heads of all levels are selected on a post E. By a principle "native, close and familiar" 987. To what an educational level the clinical internship belongs? A. After degree* B. Special C. Base D. Predegree E. To degree 988. In what the management essence consists? A. Reduction of operated group to a definite purpose* B. Possibility to overpeer above other C. In demonstration of the force D. In avoiding due of subordinates E. In regulation of all processes of activity 989. Management is a science or art? A. Both a science and art* B. Only a science C. Only art D. Craft E. Neither a science nor art 990. Who from the Ukrainian scientists has given 10 precepts to the manager? A. V.Tereshchenko* B. P.Poroshenko C. N.Novachenko D. T.Shevchenko E. V.Koljadenko 991. To what institutions the maternity home belongs? A. The secondary treatment-and-prophylactic help* B. To the primary treatment-and-prophylactic help C. To the tertiary treatment-and-prophylactic help D. Do not belong to the treatment-and-prophylactic help E. To regional hospital 992. Advantage is given to what illumination at the workplace organization? A. Natural* B. Artificial C. Mixed D. It not an essence important E. Sufficient Situational tasks 1. A patient addressed a psychoneurological hospital with the request for hospitalization with diabetic ulcer. Based on the right of free choice of doctor, he yet grounded his request by affinity of residing, good conditions available in given hospital and belief in professionalism of doctors working there. Will the rights of the patient be broken in case of refusal in hospitalization? A. No, because in Fundamentals of Legislation of Ukraine about public health services it is specified that it cannot be refused only in case when the institution has possibility to render such care, and in this case the institution is of different profile* B. Yes, because in Fundamentals of Legislation of Ukraine about public health services it is specified that the patient has the right of a free choice of the doctor C. Yes, because the person has the right to solve independently where it is better to it to be treated D. Yes, because the main thing that the patient trusted the doctor E. Yes, because in the Constitution of Ukraine and in WHO materials it is said that are obliged to assist patients at the reference 2. At a call for ambulance concerning putting off of renal colic, the patient was explained that at first aid station does not have enough medicines for granting of the high-grade care, but if the patient does not mind buying additional medicines on the way in a drugstore and paying after arrival. To that the later agreed. Are actions of medical staff lawful? A. No, because the Constitution of Ukraine is broken* B. No, because Fundamentals of Legislation of Ukraine about public health services are broken C. Yes, because the Declaration of human rights is not broken D. Yes, because health is mort important E. No, because the Decision of KM of Ukraine about cancellation of paid services is broken 3. At calculation of planned target of number of medical positions of neuropathologist for ambulatory-polyclinic service of adult population the head of a city out-patient clinic used the specification 0,5 per 10000 people. The out-patient clinic serves 50 thousand people. How many positions of neuropathologist can the head of an out-patient clinic plan? A. 2,5 positions* B. 10 positions C. 25 positions D. 5 positions E. 2,0 positions 4. At calculation of a planned target of number of medical positions of cardiologist for ambulatory-polyclinic service of adult population the head of a city out-patient clinic used the specification 0,3 on 10000 people. The out-patient clinic serves 40 thousand people. How many positions of cardiologist the head of an out-patient clinic can plan? A. 1,2 positions* B. 1,0 position C. 7,0 positions D. 5,0 positions E. 2,0 positions 5. At calculation of a planned target of number of medical positions of surgeon for ambulatory- polyclinic service of adult population the head of a city out-patient clinic used the specification 0,4 on 10000 people. The out-patient clinic serves 40 thousand people. How many positions of surgeon the head of an out-patient clinic can plan? A. 1,6 positions* B. 1,0 position C. 6,0 positions D. 5,0 positions E. 16 positions 6. In private hospital a patient with anticnemion trauma is delivered. He is quickly made radiological inspection. Fracture of bones of an anticnemion is diagnosed, fixing plaster bandage is made. The patient paid expenses in institution cash desk in the sum of 170 UAH. This is a question about: A. Medical service* B. Medical aid C. Paid medical service D. Free medical service E. It is a question not of services, but of money 7. In local hospital a patient with trauma of left forearm is delivered. He is quickly made radiological inspection. Fracture of radial bone is diagnosed, fixing plaster bandage made. The patient paid for plaster bandage 7,5 UAH in a drugstore. This is a question about: A. Medical aid* B. Medical service C. Paid medical service D. Free medical service E. It is a question not of services, but of money. 8. In children's hospital a girl aged 4 with poisoning attributes unknown substance is delivered. Her stomach is quickly washed out, other obligatory investigations carried out. The girl is hospitalised in intensive care unit and rendered all necessary care. Next day the nurse, having introduced herself as a welfare fund worker, asked parents of the girl to make charitable payments for hospital development in the sum of 25 UAH. Parents offered the given sum. Medical staff actions should be regarded as: A. Medical aid* B. Medical service C. Paid medical service D. Free medical service E. Bribe Extortion 9. You, head physician of a village medical ambulatory, are offered to open self-supporting department where services of masseur, cosmetician and ultrasonic will be rendered. What methods of research of the market of medical services are expedient for use in the present state of affairs? A. Theoretical* B. Empirical C. Abstraction D. Deductive E. Analysis 10. You are assigned as a family doctor to a newly founded area. At your disposal there is only quantitative information concerning population, areas of the territory of service. Also there are coupons of out-patients for some years. What methods of research of the given market of public health services are expedient for use in the present state of affairs? A. Theoretical* B. Empirical C. Experiment D. Description E. Observation 11. At district executive committee session there was a speech about expansion of enterprise activity on the basis of local hairdressing salons and saunas in directions of granting cosmetic, hairdresser's, manicure and pedicure services. What market is the problem about? A. Commodity market* B. Market of pharmaceutical services C. Market of services D. Market of medical services E. Market of capitals 12. In a report of the head of district executive committee it was said about considerable investments into development of dental offices and cosmetology salons. Also it was said about association of private businessmen engaged in diagnostic procedures. Cases of absence of licence for activity in the sphere of nonconventional medicine in a number of beauty salons were mentioned. What market was the report about? A. Market of capitals* B. Market of medical services C. Commodity market D. Market of services E. Market of pharmaceutical services 13. In one of the regional centres, at meetings of founders of a private hospital a statute project of their future enterprise was introduced. It was decided to register the enterprise. There were different offers concerning place of registration of the institution. What is the correct place of registration. A. In regional administration* B. In regional council of People's Deputies C. In district department of health care D. In regional department of health care E. In MoH of Ukraine 14. In private treatment-and-prophylactic institution a report was presented by the chief accountant on change of circulating assets of the institution. How will the circulation of circulating assets be changed if in the base period it was 12 times, and in the accounting period 9 times? A. It was slowed down* B. It was accelerated C. Did not change D. It was slowed down 5 times E. It was slowed down 108 times 15. In one of regional centres, at a meetings of founders of a private hospital, materials of preparation for enterprise registration were announced. It was decided by majority of votes to form a small enterprise such as a limited liability company. Divergence of thoughts arose concerning number of workers of the future institution. Choose correct thought. A. Up to 25 people* B. Up to 50 people C. Up to 25 positions of doctors D. All members of meetings of founders E. All interested persons 16. Jack , a first-year Medical University student, aged 16, had an idea to form a private medical institution. Considering that he is under age, he intends to hire full-age qualified experts for the firm. Will he succeed as a businessman? A. No, because only adult citizens and legal bodies who are not limited in legal rights can be subjects of business in Ukraine* B. Yes, because adult citizens and legal bodies who are not limited in the legal capacity can be subjects of business in Ukraine C. Yes, because persons who are not limited in the legal capacity can be subjects of business in Ukraine D. Yes, because all citizens and legal bodies can be subjects of business in Ukraine E. Yes, because this subject of business does not belong to officials 17. At a meeting of economical department of a CDH the expenses necessary for performance of the basic functions are projected. Also the funds received are distributed. What document confirms their powers concerning reception of incomes and realization of expenses? A. Estimate* B. Deed of inspectorship C. Power of attorney D. Bill E. Charter 18. CDH as a budgetary organization served by the centralized accounts department, constitutes the estimate for each function carried out by it. What kind of estimate is made in the given institution? A. Individual* B. Shown C. Private D. Cooperative E. Budgetary 19. Economic department of a municipal government of public health services, having collected individual estimates from city treatment-and-prophylactic institutions, deduces the total expenses necessary for performance by them of their functions. What document will they constitute? A. Shown estimate* B. Individual estimate C. Estimate of a municipal government of public health services D. Public health services estimate E. Estimate of city council of People's Deputies 20. At economic meeting of a municipal hospital the question of distribution of funds for performance of the basic functions was considered. A dispute arose concerning allocating funds for purchase of new equipment for resuscitation. The economic department denied the given offer, proving the position that expenses are limited to limiting volumes of funds of the general fund. Opponents spoke about possibility of use of incomes on realization of priority actions related to performance by institution of its basic functions. Support the correct position. A. Basis for designing of estimates are limiting volumes of expenses of the general fund of the project of the corresponding budget the next year* B. Enterings from special fund of the budget can be used on performance by budgetary institution of the priority actions bound to performance of the basic functions C. Enterings from special fund of the budget cannot be used on performance by budgetary institution of the priority actions bound to performance of the basic functions D. Basis for designing of estimates are not limiting volumes of expenses of the general fund of the project of the corresponding budget the next year E. Both parties are right 21. A firm has to establish a price for a new good protected by a patent. There is high level of demand for the goods from a considerable number of consumers, production expenses are not so big, the goods are of high quality, competitors are absent for the present. What strategy of pricing would you offer to the firm management? A. Skimming the market* B. Establishing the price within the limits of commodity range of this firm C. Price understating to enlarge quantity of the sold goods D. Auction sale E. Understating the price for making a wide range of consumers used to service 22. A chemist's firm has big party of polyvitamins the validity term of which ends in a month. What strategy of pricing would you offer to the firm management? A. Price understating to enlarge quantity of the sold goods* B. Establishment of price within the limits of commodity range of this firm C. Skimming the market D. Auction sale E. Understating the price for making a wide range of consumers used to service 23. The chemist's firm has the big party of a liquid for strengthening of fingernails. Despite advertising, the goods has no demand. The manufacturer does not accept the goods back. What strategy of pricing would you offer to the firm management? A. Auction sale* B. Establishment of price within the limits of commodity range of this firm C. Skimming the market D. Price understating to enlarge quantity of the sold goods E. Understating the price for making a wide range of consumers used to service 24. The private clinic renders services of improving character. Demand for the given services moderated, at level with contestant firms. Expenses for granting of the given services for the firm are average. What strategy of pricing would you offer to the firm management? A. Establishment of price within the limits of commodity range of this firm* B. Skimming the market C. Price understating to enlarge quantity of the sold goods D. Auction sale E. Understating the price for making a wide range of consumers used to service 25. Doctor Shatsky works on full rate as a surgeon with the salary of 1400 UAH a month. In February he worked 20 working days. What are average daily earnings of the doctor? A. 70 UAH* B. 140 UAH C. 160 UAH D. 700 UAH E. 56 UAH 26. Doctor Vysotsky works on full rate as ophthalmologist with the salary of 1300 UAH a month. In April he worked 20 working days. What are average daily earnings of the doctor? A. 65 UAH* B. 140 UAH C. 160 UAH D. 700 UAH E. 56 UAH 27. Doctor Zharovsky worked two days running overtime, 4 hours as a whole. He works as infectionist with the hourly pay of 65 UAH/hour. What surcharge will the doctor receive? A. 520 UAH* B. 240 UAH C. 360 UAH D. 700 UAH E. 156 UAH 28. Doctor Kalinovsky worked two days running overtime, as a whole 3 hours. He works as tuberculotherapist with the hourly pay of 80 UAH/hour. What surcharge will the doctor receive? A. 480 UAH* B. 440 UAH C. 360 UAH D. 400 UAH E. 456 UAH 29. In 2004 budgetary funds on public health services constituted 85 %. And in 2005 84 %. What will be the rate of increase of the allocated funds? A. 98,8 %* B. 18,8 % C. 8,8 % D. 50,8 % E. 0,08 % 30. In 2004 budgetary funds on public health services constituted 72 million UAH. And in 2005 82 million UAH. What will be the rate of increase of the allocated funds? A. 87,8 %* B. 18,8 % C. 8,8 % D. 50,88 % E. 0,08 % 31. In 2006 budgetary funds on public health services constituted 72 million UAH. And in 2007 70 million UAH. What will be the rate of increase of the allocated funds? A. 97,2 %* B. 18,8 % C. 8,8 % D. 0,88 % E. 0,08 % 32. In 2004 budgetary funds on public health services constituted 72 million UAH. And in 2005 82 million UAH. What will be pure gain of the allocated funds? A. 10 million UAH* B. 72 million UAH C. 82 million UAH D. 154 million UAH E. 2 million UAH 33. During demonstration performances there was an insured accident in the result of which life and health of crewmen of the aircraft were harmed, one person was killed. Define the size of insurance payment which would have been paid by aircraft operator if the insurance contract was concluded for one year. A. 100 % of the insured sum* B. 75 % of the insured sum C. 70 % of the insured sum D. 50 % of the insured sum E. 10 % of the insured sum 34. During demonstration performances there was an insured accident in the result of which life and health of crewmen of the aircraft were harmed: three persons recognised as invalids of the 3 rd group. Define the size of insurance payment which would have been paid by aircraft operator if the insurance contract was concluded for one year. A. 50 % of the insured sum* B. 75 % of the insured sum C. 80 % of the insured sum D. 90 % of the insured sum E. 100 % of the insured sum 35. In veterinary hospital during preventive inoculation of animals 10.01.2010 there was an insured accident which led to such consequences: doctor was recognized as invalid of the 2 nd group. Define the size of insurance payment if the insurance contract is concluded for one year. A. 75 % of the insured sum* B. 80 % of the insured sum C. 85 % of the insured sum D. 90 % of the insured sum E. 100 % of the insured sum 36. In children's hospital during face lifting there was an insured accident which led to such consequences: doctor's assistant was recognized as invalid of 1st group. Define the size of insurance payment if the insurance contract is concluded for one year. A. 100 % of the insured sum* B. 80 % of the insured sum C. 85 % of the insured sum D. 90 % of the insured sum E. 75 % of the insured sum 37. The head of regional department of health care analyzed state of health of the population of the region. It has been noticed that birth rate of the population of the region during last years decreases. Criterion of what efficiency of public health services is the birth rate index? A. Social* B. Medical C. Economic D. Statistical E. Epidemiological 38. Scientific research institute for the purpose of forecasting of average life expectancy of the population of the country, analyzes mortality tables. It is established that average life expectancy of men constitutes for last year 63,4 years, and women 74,5 years. Criterion of what efficiency of public health services is the index of average life expectancy? A. Social* B. Medical C. Economic D. Statistical E. Epidemiological 39. Head physician of a CDH analyzed indices of morbidity of the population of district. It has been noticed that the general case rate of the population of district during the last years grows, and the primary case rate considerably does not change. Criterion of what efficiency of public health services is the index of a case rate of the population? A. Medical* B. Social C. Economic D. Statistical E. Epidemiological 40. Head of the MSEC analyzed disability of the working population of region for last year. It has been noticed that more often cardiovascular diseases were the reasons of disability of workers. Criterion of what efficiency of public health services is the index of disability of the working population? A. Economic* B. Medical C. Social D. Statistical E. Epidemiological 41. Define medical efficiency of introduction of new technology in medical process if average duration of stay of the patient on a bed before introduction was 14 days, and after introduction 12. A. 2 days* B. 26 days C. 12 days D. 14 days E. 1,2 days 42. Define medical efficiency of introduction of new technology in medical process if average duration of stay of the patient on a bed before introduction was 16 days, and after introduction 12. A. 4 days* B. 28 days C. 12 days D. 16 days E. 1,2 days 43. Medical efficiency from introduction of new technology in medical process constituted 5,5 days. Define duration of stay of the patient on a bed in an initial stage if after introduction of new technology it became 11 days. A. 16,5 days* B. 6,5 days C. 5,5 days D. 14 days E. 12 days 44. Medical efficiency from introduction of new technology in medical process constituted 4 days. Define duration of stay of the patient on a bed after introduction of new technology if in an initial stage it was 14 days. A. 10 days* B. 7 days C. 18 days D. 14 days E. 12 days 45. A private cosmetic clinic received monthly income of 20,000 hryvnias. On wages it used 5,000 hryvnias, paid taxes of 1200 hryvnias, bought consumable materials for 12600 hryvnias, paid rent of 1000 hryvnias, paid telephone bills for 200 hryvnias. What type of reproduction is characteristic for the case in point? A. Simple reproduction* B. Narrowed reproduction C. Expanded reproduction D. Mixed reproduction E. Combined reproduction 46. A private clinic received monthly income of 200,000 hryvnias. On wages it used 50,000 hryvnias, taxes paid of 12000 hryvnias, bought consumable materials for 126000 hryvnias, paid rent of 10000 hryvnias, paid telephone bills for 2000 hryvnias. What type of reproduction is characteristic for the case in point? A. Simple reproduction* B. Narrowed reproduction C. Expanded reproduction D. Mixed reproduction E. Combined reproduction 47. A private diagnostic clinic received monthly income of 120,000 hryvnias. On wages it used 45,000 hryvnias, taxes paid of 25000 hryvnias, bought consumable materials for 6000 hryvnias, paid rent of 5000 hryvnias, bought the new equipment for 29000 hryvnias paid telephone bills for 300 hryvnias. What type of reproduction is characteristic for the case in point? A. Simple reproduction* B. Narrowed reproduction C. Expanded reproduction D. Mixed reproduction E. Combined reproduction 48. A private stomatologic clinic received monthly income of 50,000 850 hryvnias. On wages it used 15,000 hryvnias, taxes paid of 1400 hryvnias, bought consumable materials for 31700 hryvnias, paid rent of 1000 hryvnias, paid telephone bills for 600 hryvnias. What type of reproduction is characteristic for the case in point? A. Expanded reproduction* B. Simple reproduction C. Narrowed reproduction D. Mixed reproduction E. Combined reproduction 49. A private stomatologic office received monthly income of 40,000 780 hryvnias. On wages it used 10,000 hryvnias, taxes paid of 1250 hryvnias, bought consumable materials for 21200 hryvnias, paid rent of 1000 hryvnias, paid telephone bills for 600 hryvnias. What type of reproduction is characteristic for the case in point? A. Expanded reproduction* B. Simple reproduction C. Narrowed reproduction D. Mixed reproduction E. Combined reproduction 50. A private drugstore received monthly income of 185,000 940 hryvnias. On wages it used 85,000 hryvnias, taxes paid of 15400 hryvnias, bought medicines for 82700 hryvnias, paid rent of 1000 hryvnias, paid telephone bills for 600 hryvnias. What type of reproduction is characteristic for the case in point? A. Expanded reproduction* B. Simple reproduction C. Narrowed reproduction D. Mixed reproduction E. Combined reproduction 51. A private therapeutic office received monthly income of 5,000 hryvnias. On wages it used 3,000 hryvnias, taxes paid of 400 hryvnias, bought consumable materials for 700 hryvnias, paid rent of 1000 hryvnias, paid telephone bills for 200 hryvnias, has bought the device for measurement of pressure of 400 hryvnias. What type of reproduction is characteristic for the case in point? A. Narrowed reproduction* B. Simple reproduction C. Expanded reproduction D. Mixed reproduction E. Combined reproduction 52. A private cardiological office received monthly income of 6,500 hryvnias. On wages it used 3,5,000 hryvnias, taxes paid of 500 hryvnias, bought consumable materials for 900 hryvnias, paid rent of 1000 hryvnias, paid telephone bills for 200 hryvnias, has bought the device for measurement of pressure of 540 hryvnias. What type of reproduction is characteristic for the case in point? A. Narrowed reproduction* B. Simple reproduction C. Expanded reproduction D. Mixed reproduction E. Combined reproduction 53. A private ophthalmologic office received monthly income of 13,000 hryvnias. On wages it used 6,000 hryvnias, taxes paid of 600 hryvnias, bought consumable materials for 5700 hryvnias, paid rent of 1000 hryvnias, paid telephone bills for 200 hryvnias, has bought the device for measurement of eye pressure of 1300 hryvnias. What type of reproduction is characteristic for the case in point? A. Narrowed reproduction* B. Simple reproduction C. Expanded reproduction D. Mixed reproduction E. Combined reproduction 54. In N area within last three years growth of quantity working on 15 % was observed, quantity of private enterprises have grown on 12 %, the manufacture technical basis remained invariable. What economic growth type is characteristic for the given area? A. Extensive* B. Intensive C. Mixed D. Fast E. Slow 55. In N area within last three years growth of quantity working on 18 % was observed, quantity of private enterprises have grown on 22 %, the manufacture technical basis remained invariable. What economic growth type is characteristic for the given area? A. Extensive* B. Intensive C. Mixed D. Fast E. Slow 56. In N area within last three years growth of quantity working on 32 % was observed, quantity of private enterprises have grown on 9 %, the manufacture technical basis remained invariable. What economic growth type is characteristic for the given area? A. Extensive* B. Intensive C. Mixed D. Fast E. Slow 57. In N area within last three years stabilisation of quantity working was observed, quantity of private enterprises remained in the order the previous period, the manufacture technical basis was updated on 72 %, on 68 % of the enterprises new technologies are entered. What economic growth type is characteristic for the given area? A. Intensive* B. Extensive C. Mixed D. Fast E. Slow 58. In N area within last three years stabilisation of quantity working was observed, quantity of private enterprises remained in the order the previous period, the manufacture technical basis was updated on 68 %, on 75 % of the enterprises new technologies are entered. What economic growth type is characteristic for the given area? A. Intensive* B. Extensive C. Mixed D. Fast E. Slow 59. In N area within last three years stabilisation of quantity working was observed, quantity of private enterprises remained in the order the previous period, the manufacture technical basis was updated on 59 %, on 53 % of the enterprises new technologies are entered. What economic growth type is characteristic for the given area? A. Intensive* B. Extensive C. Mixed D. Fast E. Slow 60. In N area within last three years growth of quantity working on 23 % was observed, quantity of private enterprises have grown on 66 %, the manufacture technical basis was updated on 72 %, on 68 % of the enterprises new technologies are entered. What economic growth type is characteristic for the given area? A. Mixed* B. Extensive C. Intensive D. Fast E. Slow 61. In N area within last three years growth of quantity working on 1 % was observed, quantity of private enterprises have grown on 20 %, the manufacture technical basis was updated on 65 %, on 56 % of the enterprises new technologies are entered. What economic growth type is characteristic for the given area? A. Mixed* B. Extensive C. Intensive D. Fast E. Slow 62. In N area within last three years growth of quantity working on 16 % was observed, quantity of private enterprises have grown on 43 %, the manufacture technical basis was updated on 37 %, on 29 % of the enterprises new technologies are entered. What economic growth type is characteristic for the given area? A. Mixed* B. Extensive C. Intensive D. Fast E. Slow 63. In Ukraine of gross national product in 2000 was 170 mlrd hryvnias, and in 2001 - 202 mlrd hryvnias What rates of economic growth in the country? A. 18 %* B. 25 % C. 38 % D. 50 % E. 75 % 64. In Ukraine of gross national product in 2001 was 202 mlrd hryvnias, and in 2002 - 262 mlrd hryvnias What rates of economic growth in the country? A. 30 %* B. 18 % C. 38 % D. 50 % E. 75 % 65. In Ukraine of gross national product in 2003 was 270 mlrd hryvnias, and in 2004 - 272 mlrd hryvnias What rates of economic growth in the country? A. 0,74 %* B. 0,18 % C. 0,30 % D. 0,38 % E. 0,50 % 66. In country N rates of economic growth are 4 %, and in country K - 2 %. If these rates do not vary, through how many years the production volume doubling in both countries will take place? A. In country N in 18 years, and in country K - in 35 years* B. In country K in 18 years, and in country N - in 35 years C. In country N in 28 years, and in country K - in 25 years D. In country K in 15 years, and in country N - in 45 years E. In country N in 8 years, and in country K - in 5 years 67. In country N rates of economic growth are 14 %, and in country K - 12 %. If these rates do not vary, through how many years the production volume doubling in both countries will take place? A. In country N in 5 years, and in country K - in 6 years* B. In country N in 18 years, and in country K - in 35 years C. In country K in 18 years, and in country N - in 35 years D. In country N in 28 years, and in country K - in 25 years E. In country K in 15 years, and in country N - in 45 years 68. In country N rates of economic growth are 6 %, and in country K - 3 %. If these rates do not vary, through how many years the production volume doubling in both countries will take place? A. In country N in 12 years, and in country K - in 23 years* B. In country N in 18 years, and in country K - in 35 years C. In country K in 18 years, and in country N - in 35 years D. In country K in 15 years, and in country N - in 45 years E. In country N in 5 years, and in country K - in 6 years 69. What impact will economic agent bring in real GNP in which is occupied 10 men, each of which works 2 thousand hours per year (50 weeks 40 hours per week). Total man-hours worked is 20 thousand if normally is made for a man-hours 5 hryvnias A. 10,000 hryvnias* B. 200,000 hryvnias C. 300,000 hryvnias D. 400,000 hryvnias E. 500,000 hryvnias 70. What impact will economic agent bring in real GNP in which is occupied 20 men, each of which works 2 thousand hours per year (50 weeks 40 hours per week). Total man-hours worked is 40 thousand if normally is made for a man-hours 6 hryvnias A. 240,000 hryvnias* B. 100,000 hryvnias C. 350,000 hryvnias D. 400,000 hryvnias E. 540,000 hryvnias 71. What impact will economic agent bring in real GNP in which is occupied 30 men, each of which works 2 thousand hours per year (50 weeks 40 hours per week). Total man-hours worked is 60 thousand if normally is made for a man-hours 5 hryvnias. A. 300,000 hryvnias* B. 100,000 hryvnias C. 200,000 hryvnias D. 400,000 hryvnias E. 500,000 hryvnias 72. What will be real GNP if the price index was 97 %, and nominal GNP - 107 million hryvnias? A. 110,000 hryvnias* B. 210,000 hryvnias C. 320,000 hryvnias D. 440,000 hryvnias E. 580,000 hryvnias 73. What will be real GNP if the price index was 128 %, and nominal GNP - 64 million hryvnias? A. 50 million hryvnias* B. 150 million hryvnias C. 250 million hryvnias D. 350 million hryvnias E. 450 million hryvnias 74. What will be real GNP if the price index was 150 %, and nominal GNP - 80mln hryvnias? A. 53 million hryvnias* B. 155 million hryvnias C. 259 million hryvnias D. 350 million hryvnias E. 457 million hryvnias 75. Income part of budget of N area was 32 mlrd hryvnias, and expenses 30 mlrd hryvnias. As which the area budget behind suspension will be considered. A. Surplus* B. Scarce C. Balanced D. Executed E. Outstanding 76. Income part of budget of N area was 57 mlrd hryvnias, and expenses 56,8 mlrd hryvnias. As which the area budget behind suspension will be considered. A. Surplus* B. Scarce C. Balanced D. Executed E. Outstanding 77. Income part of budget of N area was 13 mlrd hryvnias, and expenses 12,96 mlrd hryvnias. As which the area budget behind suspension will be considered. A. Surplus* B. Scarce C. Balanced D. Executed E. Outstanding 78. Income part of budget of N area was 18 mlrd hryvnias, and expenses 18,21 mlrd hryvnias. As which the area budget behind suspension will be considered. A. Scarce* B. Surplus C. Balanced D. Executed E. Outstanding 79. Income part of budget of N area was 64 mlrd hryvnias, and expenses 64,2 mlrd hryvnias. As which the area budget behind suspension will be considered. A. Scarce* B. Surplus C. Balanced D. Executed E. Outstanding 80. Income part of budget of N area was 72 mlrd hryvnias, and expenses 73,1 mlrd hryvnias. As which the area budget behind suspension will be considered. A. Scarce* B. Surplus C. Balanced D. Executed E. Outstanding 81. Income part of budget of N area was 42,7 mlrd hryvnias, and expenses 42,8 mlrd hryvnias. As which the area budget behind suspension will be considered. A. Scarce* B. Surplus C. Balanced D. Executed E. Outstanding 82. Income part of budget of N area was 43 mlrd hryvnias, and expenses 43 mlrd hryvnias. As which the area budget behind suspension will be considered. A. Balanced* B. Surplus C. Scarce D. Executed E. Outstanding 83. Income part of budget of N area was 26 mlrd hryvnias, and expenses 26 mlrd hryvnias. As which the area budget behind suspension will be considered. A. Balanced* B. Surplus C. Scarce D. Executed E. Outstanding 84. Income part of budget of N area was 51 mlrd hryvnias, and expenses 51 mlrd hryvnias. As which the area budget behind suspension will be considered. A. Balanced* B. Surplus C. Scarce D. Executed E. Outstanding 85. From the list of taxes choose which belong to nation-wide taxes. ) Taxes to an added value; b) the tax from advertising; c) gathering for a prize in races on a hippodrome; d) the tax to a craft; e) a State Tax. A. A, d, e* B. A, c, d C. A, b, e D. C, b, d E. B, c, d 86. From the list of taxes choose which belong to nation-wide taxes. ) Gathering for warrant delivery on apartment; b) population social protection; c) a payment for special use of natural resources; d) the wealth tax of the enterprises; e) market gathering. A. B, c, d* B. A, d, e C. A, c, d D. A, b, e E. C, b, d 87. From the list of taxes choose which belong to nation-wide taxes, and which to the local. ) Payments in fund of assistance of employment of the population; b) a payment for environmental contamination; c) a payment for the reimbursement for geological works; d) a payment for the earth; e) resort gathering; f) gathering for a parking of cars. A. , b, c, d* B. , d, e, f C. , c, d, e D. C, f, e, d E. B, c, d, e 88. From the list of taxes choose which belong to nation-wide taxes. ) Hotel gathering; b) gathering for the carrying out right video and teleshootings; c) payments in fund of social insurance of the population of Ukraine; d) the municipal tax; e) a nonpersonal tax of citizens; A. C, e* B. , e C. , c D. , b E. B, c 89. From the list of taxes choose which belong to nation-wide taxes, and which to the local. ) Gathering for the right of use of local symbolics; b) contributions to pension scheme of Ukraine, c) gathering for the right of carrying out of local auctions, competitive sale and lotteries; d) the duty; e) deduction and meetings on building, repair and the maintenance of highways; A. B, d, e* B. , d, e C. , c, d D. , b, e E. C, b, d 90. From the list of taxes choose which belong to nation-wide taxes, and which to the local. ) Tax from owners of vehicles and other self-propelled cars and mechanisms; b) payments in Fund for realisation of actions concerning liquidation of consequences of Chernobyl accident a permit fee on placing of objects of trade; c) a permit fee on placing of objects of trade; d) gathering for journey by territory of boundary regions of motor transport which goes abroad; e) the profit tax of the enterprises and the organisation; f) gathering from persons who participate in game on a tote on a hippodrome. A. , b, e* B. , d, e C. , c, d D. C, f, d E. B, c, d 91. From the list of taxes choose which belong to nation-wide taxes, and which to the local. ) Gathering for participation in races on a hippodrome; b) gathering from owners of dogs; c) surtax from citizens; d) the duty; A. C, d* B. , d C. , c D. , b E. B, c 92. From the list of taxes choose which belong to the local. ) Taxes to an added value; b) the tax from advertising; c)gathering for a prize in races on a hippodrome; d) the tax to a craft; e) a State Tax; A. B, c* B. , d C. , c D. , b E. C, b 93. From the list of taxes choose which belong to the local. ) Gathering for warrant delivery on apartment; b) population social protection; c) a payment for special use of natural resources; d) the wealth tax of the enterprises; e) market gathering; A. B, c* B. , e C. , c D. , d E. C, d 94. From the list of taxes choose which belong to the local. ) Payments in fund of assistance of employment of the population; b) a payment for environmental contamination; c) a payment for the reimbursement for geological works; d) a payment for the earth; e) resort gathering; f) gathering for a parking of cars. A. E, f* B. , d C. , c D. , f E. C, f 95. From the list of taxes choose which belong to the local. ) Hotel gathering; b) gathering for the carrying out right video and teleshootings; c) payments in fund of social insurance of the population of Ukraine; d) the municipal tax; e) a nonpersonal tax of citizens; A. , b, d* B. , c, e C. , c, e D. C, d, e E. B, c, d 96. From the list of taxes choose which belong to the local. ) Gathering for the right of use of local symbolics; b) contributions to pension scheme of Ukraine, gathering for the right of carrying out of local auctions, competitive sale and lotteries; c) the duty; d) deduction and meetings on building, repair and the maintenance of highways. A. , c* B. , d C. , b D. C, d E. D, 97. From the list of taxes choose which belong to the local. ) Tax from owners of vehicles and other self-propelled cars and mechanisms; b) payments in Fund for realisation of actions concerning liquidation of consequences of Chernobyl accident a permit fee on placing of objects of trade; c) a permit fee on placing of objects of trade; d) gathering for journey by territory of boundary regions of motor transport which goes abroad; e) the profit tax of the enterprises and the organisation; f) gathering from persons who participate in game on a tote on a hippodrome. A. C, d, f* B. , b, d C. , c, e D. , c, e E. B, c, d 98. From the list of taxes choose which belong to the local. ) Gathering for participation in races on a hippodrome; b) gathering from owners of dogs; c) surtax from citizens; d) the duty; A. , b* B. , c C. , d D. C, d E. B, c 99. Wage paid for two years has in regular intervals grown with 200 to 250 hryvnias. Inflation of the first year of 10 %, and the second - 12 %. How the wages have really grown? A. Has grown for 20 kopecks* B. Has grown for 40 kopecks C. Has grown for 80 kopecks D. Has fallen to 20 kopecks E. Has fallen to 40 kopecks 100. Wage paid for three years has in regular intervals grown with 600 to 1200 hryvnias. Inflation of the first year of 10 %, and the second - 12 %, the third 14 %. How the wages have really grown? A. 268,3 hryvnias* B. 368,3 hryvnias C. 468,3 hryvnias D. 568,3 hryvnias E. 668,3 hryvnias 101. Wage paid for two years has in regular intervals grown with 200 to 250 hryvnias. Inflation of the first year of 10 %, and the second - 12 %. How the wages have really grown? A. Has grown on 3 hryvnias* B. Has grown on 2 hryvnias C. Has grown on 4 hryvnias D. Has grown for 5 hryvnias E. Has grown for 6 hryvnias 102. Wages for year have grown with 300 to 400 hryvnias. Inflation of 1 %. How the wages have really grown? A. Has grown for 40 hryvnias* B. Has grown for 20 hryvnias C. Has grown for 30 hryvnias D. Has grown for 50 hryvnias E. Has grown for 60 hryvnias 103. Define, how the price of the goods and services if speed of a turn of money grows twice will change, and the quantity of the sold goods will not change? A. Price will grow twice* B. Price will decrease twice C. Price will not change D. Price will grow four times E. Price will be quartered 104. Define, how the price of the goods and services if speed of a turn of money grows twice will change, and the quantity of the sold goods will grow twice? A. Price will not change* B. Price will grow twice C. Price will decrease twice D. Price will grow four times E. Price will be quartered 105. Define, how the weight of money if speed of a turn of money grows twice will change, and the quantity of the sold goods and the price for it will not change? A. Weight of money will decrease twice* B. Weight of money will increase twice C. Weight of money will not change D. Weight of money will be quartered E. Weight of money will be quadrupled 106. Student who has 1000 dollars, solves, as it is better to it to dispose of them: to enclose in bank where it in a year will receive 1120 dollars, whether to spend immediately that inflation which in a year is 14 % "has not eaten". How it is more favourable to dispose of money? A. It is better to spend them at once* B. It is better to enclose them in bank C. It is better to spend them gradually D. It is better to spend them at last to year E. It is better to exchange them on hryvnia 107. Student who has 1000 dollars, solves, as it is better to it to dispose of them: to enclose in bank where it in a year will receive 1120 dollars, whether to spend immediately that inflation which in a year is 14 % "has not eaten". What percentage bank rate? A. 12 % (120 100/1000)* B. 14 % (140 100/1000) C. 112 % (1120 100/1000) D. 20 % (200 100/1000) E. 10 % (100 100/1000) 108. Student who has 1000 dollars, solves, as it is better to it to dispose of them: to enclose in bank where it in a year will receive 1200 dollars, whether to spend immediately that inflation which in a year is 10 % "has not eaten". How it is more favourable to dispose of money? A. It is better to enclose them in bank* B. It is better to spend them at once C. It is better to spend them gradually D. It is better to spend them at last to year E. It is better to exchange them on hryvnia 109. Student who has 1000 dollars, solves, as it is better to it to dispose of them: to enclose in bank where it in a year will receive 1200 dollars, whether to spend immediately that inflation which in a year is 10 % "has not eaten". What percentage bank rate? A. 20 % (200 100/1000)* B. 12 % (120 100/1000) C. 14 % (140 100/1000) D. 120 % (1200 100/1000) E. 10 % (100 100/1000) 110. On what deposit it is more expedient to enclose means in the sum 1000 hryvnias at the exchange rate 1 dale. = 8,1 hryvnias: on currency at the simple rate of 14 % annual or on UAH at the difficult rate of transfer of times of 8 % a half-year. A. On the currency* B. On UAH C. On EURO D. On the urgent E. On the long-term 111. For 2009 demand for analginum pills has increased by 12 %, and the price has grown on 4 %. Define elasticity of demand under the price. A. 3* B. 1 C. 2 D. 4 E. 5 112. For 2008 demand for Corvalol pills has increased by 16 %, and the price has grown on 14 %. Define elasticity of demand under the price. A. 1* B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5 113. For 2009 demand for nitroglycerine pills has increased by 39 %, and the price has grown on 44 %. Define elasticity of demand under the price. A. 1* B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5 114. For 2008 demand for analginum pills has increased by 12 %, and the price has grown on 4 %. Define elasticity of demand under the price. A. 3* B. 1 C. 2 D. 4 E. 5 115. For 2007 demand for analginum pills has decreased for 16 %, and the price has grown on 15 %. Define elasticity of demand under the price. A. 1* B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5 116. Per 2009 demand for pills to paracetamol has decreased for 26 %, and the price has grown on 13 %. Define elasticity of demand under the price. A. 2* B. 1 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5 117. In January the price on Fervex was 7 hryvnias 50 kopecks and the private drugstore for a month had been sold 180 packings. In July demand for the given preparation has decreased and the decision to reduce the price to 4 hryvnias 30 kopecks was accepted, as consequence, sales have grown and for the next month 313 packings of the given preparation have been sold. What function of the price here was showed? A. Regulating* B. Redistribution C. Stimulating D. Registration E. Commensurate 118. With the advent of swine flu the Cabinet of Ukraine the decision on allocation of the considerable sum of assignments for vaccine acquisition is accepted. There were at once not single laboratories on working out of given production. What function of the price here was showed? A. Stimulating* B. Redistribution C. Regulating D. Registration E. Commensurate 119. In the market of footwear which for years was characterised by demand for good-quality leather footwear an average cost 400-500 hryvnias, has appeared so-called one-season footwear from a leather substitute on an average price 35-60 hryvnias. Demand has aloud changed towards substitutes. What function of the price here was showed? A. Redistribution* B. Stimulating C. Regulating D. Registration E. Commensurate 120. In the market of mobile phones many sellers sell the similar goods, the prices for phones of similar characteristics are approximately identical. Who influences level of the price and develops marketing technologies? A. Anybody essentially does not influence also requirements for deep marketing workings out is not present* B. Manufacturers are very sensitive to pricing and the marketing policy each other C. Manufacturers will enter different marketing actions concerning a price level D. Seller defines the prices, pursuing the aim E. Buyer defines the prices, pursuing the aim 121. In the market of mobile operators of a few sellers sell different mobile services. Who defines a price level on them and thinks over marketing actions? A. Manufacturers are very sensitive to pricing and the marketing policy each other* B. Anybody essentially does not influence also requirements for deep marketing workings out is not present C. Manufacturers will enter different marketing actions concerning a price level D. Seller defines the prices, pursuing the aim E. Buyer defines the prices, pursuing the aim 122. Private stomatologic office on the premise maintenance spends 600 hryvnias, for economic expenses - 200 hryvnias. Equipment cost represents 250000 hryvnias, the wages represent to attendants 2400 hryvnias (3 rates on 800 hryvnias), and doctors from 4000 to 20000 hryvnias, account materials on the average occupy 200 hryvnias on the patient, disinfectants on the average 350 hryvnias, single instruments 50 hryvnias on the patient, advertising services 450 hryvnias. Payment of telephone conversations 240 hryvnias. Define constant expenses of an office. A. 253200 hryvnias* B. 254890 hryvnias C. 255090 hryvnias D. 254700 hryvnias E. 234290 hryvnias 123. Private stomatologic office on the premise maintenance spends 600 hryvnias, for economic expenses - 200 hryvnias. Equipment cost represents 250000 hryvnias, the wages represent to attendants 2400 hryvnias (3 rates on 800 hryvnias), and doctors from 4000 to 20000 hryvnias, account materials on the average occupy 200 hryvnias on the patient, disinfectants on the average 350 hryvnias, single instruments 50 hryvnias on the patient, advertising services 450 hryvnias. Payment of telephone conversations 240 hryvnias. Define office overhead charges. A. 254890 hryvnias* B. 253200 hryvnias C. 255090 hryvnias D. 254700 hryvnias E. 234290 hryvnias 124. Private stomatologic office on the premise maintenance spends 600 hryvnias, for economic expenses - 200 hryvnias. Equipment cost represents 250000 hryvnias, the wages represent to attendants 2400 hryvnias (3 rates on 800 hryvnias), and doctors from 4000 to 20000 hryvnias, account materials on the average occupy 200 hryvnias on the patient, disinfectants on the average 350 hryvnias, single instruments 50 hryvnias on the patient, advertising services 450 hryvnias. Payment of telephone conversations 240 hryvnias. Define variable expenses of an office. A. 21290 hryvnias* B. 254890 hryvnias C. 255090 hryvnias D. 254700 hryvnias E. 234290 hryvnias 125. As a result of check, in a drugstore the revealed medicines with incongruous contents and concentration of active substance, realisation of medicines with the finished term of suitability is fixed, and some financial infringements concerning tax payment are revealed. Manager even to commission closing-up, the decision on the announcement of reprimand to the pharmacist was accepted, a serious reprimand to the pharmacist and the bookkeeper for unseemly performance of the duties is calculated. Whether administrative flaws by manager, and, if so, which have been admitted? A. There is no the situation analysis, not established reasons of infringements, the hasty decision is accepted* B. Exceeded official duties C. Manager has no right independently to release workers D. Manager has no right without the permission of a finance department to release the bookkeeper E. It is not necessary to make decisions to commission closing-up 126. As a result of check, in a drugstore the revealed medicines with incongruous contents and concentration of active substance, realisation of medicines with the finished term of suitability is fixed, and some financial infringements concerning tax payment are revealed. Manager after commission closing-up, the decision on the announcement of reprimand to the pharmacist was accepted, a serious reprimand to the pharmacist and the bookkeeper for unseemly performance of the duties is calculated. Whether administrative flaws by manager, and, if so, which have been admitted? A. There is no the situation analysis, not established reasons of infringements, the hasty decision is accepted* B. Exceeded official duties C. Manager has no right independently to release workers D. Manager has no right without the permission of a finance department to release the bookkeeper E. It is not necessary to make decisions to commission closing-up 127. As a result of check, in a drugstore the revealed medicines with incongruous contents and concentration of active substance. Manager even to commission closing-up, the decision on the announcement of reprimand to the pharmacist was accepted, a serious reprimand to the pharmacist and the bookkeeper for unseemly performance of the duties is calculated. Whether administrative flaws by manager, and, if so, which have been admitted? A. There is no the situation analysis, not established reasons of infringements, the hasty decision is accepted* B. Exceeded official duties C. Manager has no right independently to release workers D. Manager has no right without the permission of a finance department to release the bookkeeper E. It is not necessary to make decisions to commission closing-up 128. As a result of check, in a drugstore realisation of medicines with the finished term of suitability is fixed, and some financial infringements concerning tax payment are revealed. Manager upon termination of committee work, the decision on the announcement of reprimand to the pharmacist was accepted, a serious reprimand to the pharmacist and the bookkeeper for unseemly performance of the duties is calculated. Whether administrative flaws by manager, and, if so, which have been admitted? A. There is no the situation analysis, not established reasons of infringements, the hasty decision is accepted* B. Exceeded official duties C. Manager has no right independently to release workers D. Manager has no right without the permission of a finance department to release the bookkeeper E. It is not necessary to make decisions to commission closing-up 129. As a result of check, in a drugstore the revealed medicines with incongruous contents and concentration of active substance, realisation of medicines with the finished term of suitability is fixed. Manager even to commission closing-up, the decision on the announcement of reprimand to the pharmacist was accepted, a serious reprimand to the pharmacist and the bookkeeper for unseemly performance of the duties is calculated. Whether administrative flaws by manager, and, if so, which have been admitted? A. There is no the situation analysis, not established reasons of infringements, the hasty decision is accepted* B. Exceeded official duties C. Manager has no right independently to release workers D. Manager has no right without the permission of a finance department to release the bookkeeper E. It is not necessary to make decisions to commission closing-up 130. As a result of check, in a drugstore the revealed medicines with incongruous contents and concentration of active substance, realisation of medicines with the finished term of suitability is fixed, and some financial infringements concerning tax payment are revealed. Manager even to commission closing-up, the decision on the announcement of reprimand to the pharmacist was accepted, a serious reprimand to the pharmacist and the bookkeeper and the loader for unseemly performance of the duties is calculated. Whether administrative flaws by manager, and, if so, which have been admitted? A. There is no the situation analysis, not established reasons of infringements, the hasty decision is accepted* B. Exceeded official duties, the loader here there is nothing C. Manager has no right independently to release workers D. Manager has no right without the permission of a finance department to release the bookkeeper E. It is not necessary to make decisions to commission closing-up 131. As a result of check, in a drugstore the revealed medicines with incongruous contents and concentration of active substance, realisation of medicines with the finished term of suitability is fixed, with the broken off packings and some financial infringements concerning tax payment are revealed. Manager upon termination of committee work, the decision on the announcement of a serious reprimand to the pharmacist was accepted, a serious reprimand to the pharmacist and the loader, the storekeeper and the bookkeeper for unseemly performance of the duties is calculated. Whether administrative flaws by manager, and, if so, which have been admitted? A. There is no the situation analysis, not established reasons of infringements, the hasty decision is accepted* B. Exceeded official duties, the storekeeper not the guilty C. Manager has no right independently to release workers D. Manager has no right without the permission of a finance department to release the bookkeeper E. It is not necessary to make decisions to commission closing-up 132. As a result of check, in a drugstore the revealed medicines which have been not registered in Ukraine, medicines with incongruous contents and concentration of active substance, realisation of medicines with the finished term of suitability, and defective packings is fixed, and also rough financial infringements concerning tax payment and payments bonus are revealed. Manager even to commission closing-up, the decision on the announcement of reprimand to the pharmacist was accepted, a serious reprimand to the pharmacist and the bookkeeper, the watchman and the cleaner for unseemly performance of the duties is calculated. Whether administrative flaws by manager, and, if so, which have been admitted? A. There is no the situation analysis, not established reasons of infringements, the hasty decision is accepted* B. Exceeded official duties, and the cleaner has appeared extreme C. Manager has no right independently to release workers D. Manager has no right without the permission of a finance department to release the bookkeeper E. It is not necessary to make decisions to commission closing-up 133. As a result of check, in a drugstore the revealed medicines with incongruous contents and concentration of active substance, realisation of medicines with the finished term of suitability is fixed, and some financial infringements concerning tax payment are revealed. Manager even to commission closing-up, the decision on the announcement of reprimand to the storekeeper was accepted and the bookkeeper for unseemly performance of the duties is calculated. Whether administrative flaws by manager, and, if so, which have been admitted? A. There is no the situation analysis, not established reasons of infringements, the hasty decision is accepted* B. Exceeded official duties, the storekeeper is not responsible for preservation of medicines C. Manager has no right independently to release workers D. Manager has no right without the permission of a finance department to release the bookkeeper E. It is not necessary to make decisions to commission closing-up 134. As a result of check, in a drugstore considerable infringements of the tax and sanitary legislation are revealed. Manager even to commission closing-up, the decision on the announcement of reprimand to the pharmacist was accepted, the bookkeeper, junior nurse, the laboratorian and the yard keeper for unseemly performance of the duties is calculated. Whether administrative flaws by manager, and, if so, which have been admitted? A. There is no the situation analysis, not established reasons of infringements, the hasty decision is accepted* B. Exceeded official duties, it is not necessary to release the yard keeper C. Manager has no right independently to release workers D. Manager has no right without the permission of a finance department to release the bookkeeper E. It is not necessary to make decisions to commission closing-up 135. Head physician of hospital, having learnt annual report materials, has revealed underfulfilment of bed days on hospitals. Having reported on medical council a situation, it in some days undertook to check performance of bed days and has revealed a situation of the invariable. What stage of an administrative cycle has been passed? A. Acceptance of the administrative decision and the organisation of performance of the decision* B. Situation analysis C. Acceptance of the administrative decision D. Organisation of performance of the decision E. Control 136. Manager to branches has made the administrative decision concerning correction of the plan of annual holidays of workers. For this purpose she has suggested the senior nurse to put down sequence of holidays alphabetically. Next day, checking performance of the given decision, it caused a wave of indignation and perplexity in personnel. What stage of an administrative cycle has been passed? A. Situation analysis* B. Acceptance of the administrative decision C. Organisation of performance of the decision D. Control E. Acceptance of the administrative decision and the organisation of performance of the decision 137. Head nurse of hospital, having analysed a condition soft to stock in hospital, has come to a conclusion that it is necessary to sort the worn out bed-sheets and to replace their new or repaired. A week later she has noticed that is executed nothing. What stage of an administrative cycle has been passed? A. Organisation of performance of the decision* B. Situation analysis C. Acceptance of the administrative decision D. Control E. Acceptance of the administrative decision and the organisation of performance of the decision 138. Head physician, as a result of the analysis of timeliness of arrival for work, reveals a number of delay. It the decision on an institution of a writing-book of the register of arrival and a withdrawal of workers was accepted. Head physician was entrusted to get such writing-book and to charge to watch in a reception regular marks. But the given action in hospital and has not been entered. What stage of an administrative cycle has been passed? A. Control* B. Situation analysis C. Acceptance of the administrative decision D. Organisation of performance of the decision E. Acceptance of the administrative decision and the organisation of performance of the decision 139. Head physician of regional hospital adheres to a principle of restriction of contacts to subordinates. At the same time it rigidly supervises to their action, interferes with work for the purpose accurate performance of its instructions. Exclusively individually makes administrative decisions, does not demand nobody's thoughts. Criticism to the address does not recognise essentially. Adheres to thoughts that official penalties - the best means of influence for subordinates for the purpose achievement of high indicators of work. Works much, forces to work others including during after-hour time. Can go on the calculated risk. Allows "to mount upon to nobody to itself a neck", however demands from subordinates of everything that considers it necessary, despite of that its requirements not seldom fall outside the limits own office relations and lead to labour legislation infringement. What type of the head at the given head physician? A. Autocratic* B. Democratic C. Liberal D. Constructive E. Joint 140. Manager to branches personally prosecutes only the most difficult and major subjects, giving the right subordinated to solve all others. He tries to consult on them and listens to opinion of colleagues, does not underline the advantages and reasonably reacts to criticism, does not escape liability neither for own errors, nor for errors of executors. It is guided by possibilities of the subordinate, on its natural aspiration to self-expression of intellectual and professional potential. However if it is demanded by interests of business, it safely goes on the calculated risk, is maximum grounding decisions which are developed, it firmly embodies them in a life. What type of the head at the manager to branches? A. Democratic* B. Autocratic C. Liberal D. Constructive E. Joint 141. Head physician hospitals interferes with affairs of subordinates a little and does not reveal sufficient activity, acts basically in a mediator role in mutual relations. Lives expectation of instructions from above, unwillingness to accept responsibility for the decision and their consequences. In mutual relations with subordinates it is polite and good-natured, is respectful to them, tries to help with the decision of their problems, ready to listen to criticism and a reasoning, but in most cases it appears incapable to realise the opinions expressed to it. Insufficiently exacting to subordinates. Without wishing to spoil with them relations, often avoids drastic measures. When is exposed to refusal subordinated to follow its instructions, will change the task more likely, than will achieve performance. What type of the head in head physician? A. Liberal* B. Autocratic C. Democratic D. Constructive E. Joint 142. Head physician, following instructions of the chief of region health dept, has given out the decision about conducting the control over the initial documentation. What error the head physician was admitted, making of the decision. A. Head physician has given out the decision* B. Head physician has given out the order C. Head physician has given out the order D. Head physician has given out instructions E. Head physician was not committed errors 143. Owner of private clinic has decided to begin the documentary account in the institution. It instructs the reviewer all documentation to divide by a principle: "is inspected" and "is not inspected". What error the head was admitted? A. All documentation sharing by a principle: "is inspected" and "is not inspected"* B. All documentation sharing on entrance and initial. C. All documentation sharing by a principle: organizational and ordering D. All documentation sharing by a principle: internal and external E. Owner did not commit errors
Test questions for figures
1. Choose the basic financial principle of insurance medicine from specified on figure 20? A. The rich pays for the poor* B. The healthy pays for the patient C. The young pays for the old D. Everyone pays for himself E. The patient pays for the patient 2. To what method of planning, from specified in the figure 21, the functional base By requirements is inherent? A. To the target* B. To the resource C. To the balance D. To the factorial E. To the standard 3. What functional base, from specified in the figure 22, is inherent in a resource method of planning in public health services system? A. By possibilities* B. By requirements C. Sources of enterings directions of expenses D. By actual statistical materials E. Specifications of use of resources 4. What functional base, from specified in the figure 22, is inherent in a standard method of planning in public health services system? A. Specifications of use of resources* B. By possibilities C. By requirements D. Sources of enterings directions of expenses E. By actual statistical materials 5. What method of planning, from specified in the figure 23, is based what characteristic features of mass streams of the information do possible process of forecasting of development of these or those objects on the basis of information sources? A. Information modeling* B. "Brainstorming" C. Morphological analysis D. Optimisation E. Expert estimations 6. What method of marketing, from specified in the figure 24, characteristic for the big out-patient clinic which covers the service a territorial zone with the population of 100-150 thousand persons? A. Mass marketing* B. Market segmentation C. Multiple segmentation of market D. Mass marketing and multiple segmentation of market E. There is no correct answer 7. What method of marketing, from specified in the figure 24, characteristic for activity of private clinic? A. Market segmentation* B. Mass marketing C. Multiple segmentation of market D. Mass marketing and multiple segmentation of market E. There is no correct answer 8. What method of marketing from specified in the figure 24 has a main objective reception of the income from service unit? A. Market segmentation* B. Mass marketing C. Multiple segmentation of market D. Mass marketing and multiple segmentation of market E. There is no correct answer 9. What method of marketing from specified in the figure 24 is guided by some segments of market with creation of strategic economic subsection on each segment of market? A. Multiple segmentation of market* B. Market segmentation C. Mass marketing D. Mass marketing and multiple segmentation of market E. There is no correct answer 10. By means of what method of research of market of consumers of medical services, from specified in the figure 25, the mortality reasons will be defined? A. Epidemiological method* B. Sociological method C. Retrograde models D. Look-ahead models E. Tactical method 11. By means of what method of research of market of consumers of medical services, from specified in the figure 25, the analysis of base of treatment-and-prophylactic institutions will be carried out? A. Sociological method* B. Epidemiological method C. Retrograde models D. Look-ahead models E. Tactical method 12. By means of what method of research of market of consumers of medical services, from specified in the figure 25, the case rate analysis for 10 years will be carried out? A. Retrograde models* B. Epidemiological method C. Sociological method D. Look-ahead models E. Tactical method 13. By means of what method of research of market of consumers of medical services, from specified in the figure 25, tendencies of dynamics of average life expectancy of the population will be defined? A. Look-ahead models* B. Retrograde models C. Epidemiological method D. Sociological method E. Tactical method 14. What type of enterprise activity, from specified in the figure 26, is based on a personal property? A. Small-scale business* B. The general business C. Corporate business D. Small-scale business and corporate business E. There is no correct answer 15. What type of enterprise activity, from specified in the figure 26, is based on the collective property? A. The general business* B. Small-scale business C. Corporate business D. Small-scale business and corporate business E. There is no correct answer 16. What type of enterprise activity, from specified in the figure 26, is based on the joint-stock property? A. Corporate business* B. The general business C. Small-scale business D. Small-scale business and corporate business E. There is no correct answer 17. What method from specified in the figure 27 provides use something similar to already known decision? A. Analogies* B. Inversions C. Idealisation D. Cerebral storm E. Focal objects 18. Choose from 28 estimates specified in the figure which are constituted by the budgetary organisations. A. The individual* B. Combined C. For centralised actions D. The marketing E. There is no correct answer 19. Choose from 28 estimates specified in the figure which are constituted by the main manager, manager of the highest level, for representation to their Ministry of Finance of Ukraine. A. Combined* B. The individual C. For centralised actions D. The marketing E. There is no correct answer 20. What subsystemic block of price-forming factors is missing on the scheme 29? A. Price* B. Demand C. Supply D. State regulation E. Alternative production possibilities 21. To what block of price-forming factors such elements as the value-added tax, the duty, the cost price, profit (fig. 29) belong? A. Price* B. Demand C. Supply D. State regulation E. Alternative production possibilities 22. What block of price-forming factors has such characteristics as purchasing, industrial, wholesale, retail (fig. 29) belong? A. Price* B. Demand C. Supply D. State regulation E. Alternative production possibilities 23. What block of a subsystem of price-forming factors, shown on the scheme 29, defines dependence between quantity of the goods which consumers buy during a certain period, and by these goods? A. Demand* B. Price C. Supply D. State regulation E. Alternative production possibilities 24. What percentage from wages goes to a pension fund (fig. 13)? A. 1,0%* B. 0,5% C. 3,0% D. 13,0% E. 50,0% 25. What percentage from wages goes to social insurance fund (fig. 13)? A. 1,0%* B. 0,5% C. 3,0% D. 13,0% E. 50,0% 26. What percentage from wages goes to unemployment fund (fig. 13)? A. 0,5%* B. 1,0% C. 3,0% D. 13,0% E. 50,0% 27. What percentage from wages pass to trade-union payments (fig. 13)? A. 1,0%* B. 0,5% C. 3,0% D. 13,0% E. 50,0% 28. The analysis on the basis of typical attributes of an establishment of character of functioning of the enterprise is (fig. 30): A. Diagnostic* B. Snap analysis C. Statistical D. Detailed E. Preliminary 29. The analysis which is used for fast estimation of a financial state of the enterprise for the basic settlement indices and on the basis of their comparison with base, is (fig. 30): A. Snap analysis* B. Diagnostic C. Statistical D. Detailed E. Preliminary 30. The analysis which is made in some stages, dilates and supplements a snap analysis is (fig. 30): A. Detailed* B. Snap analysis C. Diagnostic D. Statistical E. Preliminary 31. The analysis which is made before realisation of financial operations, and retrospective, after realisation of financial operations is (fig. 30): A. Preliminary* B. Detailed C. Snap analysis D. Diagnostic E. Statistical 32. What insurance amount from specified in the figure 31 is paid to the successor in case of death of the insured person as a result of accident? A. 100 %* B. 75 % C. 50 % D. 25 % E. 0% 33. What insurance amount from specified in the figure 31 is paid to the insured person as a result of an establishment to it to disability groups? A. 100 %* B. 75 % C. 50 % D. 25 % E. 0% 34. What insurance amount from specified in the figure 31 is paid to the insured person as a result of an establishment to it to disability groups? A. 75 %* B. 100 % C. 50 % D. 25 % E. 0% 35. What insurance amount from specified in the figure 31 is paid to the insured person as a result of an establishment to it to disability groups? A. 50 %* B. 100 % C. 75 % D. 25 % E. 0% 36. At what stage of the organization of analytical work, from specified in the figure 32, plans and analysis programs are developed? A. First* B. Second C. Third D. Fourth E. Fifth 37. At what stage of the organization of analytical work, from specified in the figure 32, the information collecting is carried out? A. Second* B. First C. Third D. Fourth E. Fifth 38. At what stage of the organization of analytical work, from specified in the figure 32, processing of the primary information according to methodology of the economic analysis is provided? A. Third* B. Second C. First D. Fourth E. Fifth 39. At what stage of the organization of analytical work, from specified in the figure 32, carrying out of a total estimation of results of the analysis is provided? A. Fourth* B. Third C. Second D. First E. Fifth 40. Index of birth rate represented in the figure 33 belongs to what kind of efficiency of public health services? A. Social* B. Medical C. Economic D. Statistical E. Epidemiological 41. Index of morbidity of the population represented in the figure 33 belongs to what kind of efficiency of public health services? A. Medical* B. Social C. Economic D. Statistical E. Epidemiological 42. Index of morbidity of the working population represented in the figure 33 belongs to what kind of efficiency of public health services? A. Economic* B. Social C. Medical D. Statistical E. Epidemiological 43. Index of a mortality of the population represented in the figure 33 belongs to what kind of efficiency of public health services? A. Social* B. Medical C. Economic D. Statistical E. Epidemiological 44. Index of disability of the working population represented in the figure 33 belongs to what kind of efficiency of public health services? A. Economic* B. Social C. Medical D. Statistical E. Epidemiological 45. Choose the basic social principle of insurance medicine from specified on figure 20? A. The healthy pays for the patient* B. The rich pays for the poor C. The young pays for the old D. Everyone pays for himself E. The patient pays for the patient 46. Choose the basic socio-age principle of insurance medicine from specified on figure 20? A. The young pays for the old* B. The rich pays for the poor C. The healthy pays for the patient D. Everyone pays for himself E. The patient pays for the patient 47. To what method of planning, from specified in the figure 21, the functional base By possibilities is inherent? A. To the resource* B. To the target C. To the balanced D. To the factorial E. To the standard 48. To what method of planning, from specified in the figure 21, the functional base "By sources of revenue - cost areas" is inherent? A. To the balance* B. To the resource C. To the target D. To the factorial E. To the standard 49. To what method of planning, from specified in the figure 21, the functional base "by actual statistical materials" is inherent? A. To the factorial* B. To the resource C. To the target D. To the balance E. To the standard 50. To what method of planning, from specified in the figure 21, the functional base by standard use of resources is inherent? A. To the standard* B. To the resource C. To the target D. To the balance E. To the factorial 51. What functional base, from specified in the figure 22, is inherent in a target method of planning in public health services system? A. By requirements* B. By possibility C. By sources of revenue - cost areas D. By actual statistical materials E. By standard use of resources 52. What functional base, from specified in the figure 22, is inherent in a balance method of planning in public health services system? A. By sources of revenue - cost areas* B. By possibility C. By requirements D. By actual statistical materials E. By standard use of resources 53. What functional base, from specified in the figure 22, is inherent in a factorial method of planning in public health services system? A. By actual statistical materials* B. By possibility C. By requirements D. By sources of revenue - cost areas E. By standard use of resources 54. What method of planning, with specified in figure 23, is the creative collaboration of a group of experts and specialists to solve the task through discussion? A. "Brainstorming"* B. Morphological analysis C. Information modelling D. Optimization E. Expert estimations 55. What method of planning, with specified in figure 23, based on the use of combinatorics, that is to study all possible options, based on patterns of object prediction? A. Morphological analysis* B. "Brainstorming" C. Information modelling D. Optimization E. Expert estimations 56. What method of planning, with specified in figure 23, is the most thorough analysis of the maximum possible number of factors associated with the production? A. Optimization* B. "Brainstorming" C. Morphological analysis D. Information modeling E. Expert estimations 57. What method of planning, with specified in figure 23, are inherently intuitive, and is used when a lack of adequate information? A. Expert estimations* B. "Brainstorming" C. Morphological analysis D. Information modeling E. Optimization 58. What method of marketing, with specified in figure 24, focuses on the broad consumer market with a basic marketing strategy? A. Mass marketing* B. Market segmentation C. Multiple segmentation of market D. Mass marketing and multiple segmentation of market E. There is no correct answer 59. What method of marketing, with specified in figure 24, is the main goal of maximizing sales, and based on the average consumer of medical services, light-weight problems cost? A. Market segmentation* B. Mass marketing C. Multiple segmentation of market D. Mass marketing and multiple segmentation of market E. There is no correct answer 60. What method of marketing, with specified in figure 24, typical for the private dental office? A. Market segmentation* B. Mass marketing C. Multiple segmentation of market D. Mass marketing and multiple segmentation of market E. There is no correct answer 61. What method of marketing, with specified in figure 24, typical for the beauty salon? A. Market segmentation* B. Mass marketing C. Multiple segmentation of market D. Mass marketing and multiple segmentation of market E. There is no correct answer 62. By means of what method of research of market of consumers of medical services, from specified in the figure 25, level and spread of diseasewill be defined? A. Epidemiological method* B. Sociological method C. Retrograde models D. Look-ahead models E. Tactical method 63. By means of what method of research of market of consumers of medical services, from specified in the figure 25, the structure of disease will be defined? A. Epidemiological method* B. Sociological method C. Retrograde models D. Look-ahead models E. Tactical method 64. By means of what method of research of market of consumers of medical services, from specified in the figure 25, numbers of doctors by profile will be defined? A. Epidemiological method* B. Sociological method C. Retrograde models D. Look-ahead models E. Tactical method 65. By means of what method of research of market of consumers of medical services, from specified in the figure 25, analysis of security equipment and apparatus will be defined? A. Epidemiological method* B. Sociological method C. Retrograde models D. Look-ahead models E. Tactical method 66. By means of what method of research of market of consumers of medical services, from specified in the figure 25, inventory method is used? A. Sociological method* B. Epidemiological method C. Retrograde models D. Look-ahead models E. Tactical method 67. By means of what method of research of market of consumers of medical services, from specified in the figure 25, interview method is used? A. Sociological method* B. Epidemiological method C. Retrograde models D. Look-ahead models E. Tactical method 68. By means of what method of research of market of consumers of medical services, from specified in the figure 25, trends dynamics of morbidity will be defined? A. Look-ahead models* B. Retrograde models C. Epidemiological method D. Sociological method E. Tactical method 69. By means of what method of research of market of consumers of medical services, from specified in the figure 25, trends dynamics of mortality will be defined? A. Look-ahead models* B. Retrograde models C. Epidemiological method D. Sociological method E. Tactical method 70. By means of what method of research of market of consumers of medical services, from specified in the figure 25, demand for certain types of medical care will be defined? A. Tactical method* B. Look-ahead models C. Retrograde models D. Epidemiological method E. Sociological method 71. By means of what method of research of market of consumers of medical services, from specified in the figure 25, market entities that provide medical services will be defined? A. Tactical method* B. Look-ahead models C. Retrograde models D. Epidemiological method E. Sociological method 72. What type of enterprise activity, from specified in the figure 26, is based on renting? A. Small-scale business* B. The general business C. Corporate business D. Small-scale business and corporate business E. There is no correct answer 73. What method from specified in the figure 27, provides the following approaches to solve new problems: turn the "upside down", "unscrew" to wrong side swap? A. Inversions* B. Analogies C. Idealization D. Cerebral storm E. Focal objects 74. What method from specified in the figure 27, based on the initiation of the submission of the perfect solution of the problem, which can "push" on the understanding of some new ideas? A. Idealization* B. Inversions C. Analogies D. Cerebral storm E. Focal objects 75. What method from specified in figure 27, is typical of the creative collaboration of a group of experts to address the problem through, for example, a discussion on a specific range of issues? A. Cerebral storm* B. Idealization C. Inversions D. Analogies E. Focal objects 76. What method from specified in figure 27,is the characteristic of transfer signs of randomly selected objects to the object that needs improvement? A. Focal objects* B. Cerebral storm C. Idealization D. Inversions E. Analogies 77. Select from these estimates in Figure 28, the appropriations are included only in cases where such events from the budget allowed by legislation of Ukraine. A. For centralized actions* B. Combined C. The individual D. The marketing E. There is no correct answer 78. What block of a subsystem of price-forming factors belong such elements, as restriction of monopoly and control conditions, government purchases, transfer payments, lower prices (Fig. 29)? A. State regulation* B. Demand C. Price D. Supply E. Alternative production possibilities 79. How many percent from wages pass from the post of individuals in taxes (Fig. 13)? A. 13,0 %* B. 1,0 % C. 0,5 % D. 3,0 % E. 50,0 % 80. At what stage of the organization of analytical work, from specified in the figure 32, the aim of analysis is determined? A. First* B. Second C. Third D. Fourth E. Fifth 81. At what stage of the organization of analytical work, from specified in the figure 32, chooses the methodology and forms task force? A. First* B. Second C. Third D. Fourth E. Fifth 82. At what stage of the organization of analytical work, from specified in the figure 32, responsibilities are shared between the performers? A. First* B. Second C. Third D. Fourth E. Fifth 83. At what stage of the organization of analytical work, from specified in the figure 32, forms of participation of functional departments in implementing the developed program work is determined? A. First* B. Second C. Third D. Fourth E. Fifth 84. What stage of the analytical work in the figure 32, ending the previous familiarization with the system of indicators that comprehensively characterize the activities of the company? A. First* B. Second C. Third D. Fourth E. Fifth 85. At what stage of the organization of analytical work, from specified in the figure 32, some clarification of the work plan, developed in the previous step is provided? A. Second* B. First C. Third D. Fourth E. Fifth 86. At what stage of the organization of analytical work, from specified in the figure 32, information base is formed? A. Second* B. First C. Third D. Fourth E. Fifth 87. At what stage of the organization of analytical work, from specified in the figure 32, the information is collected and checked for accuracy? A. Second* B. First C. Third D. Fourth E. Fifth 88. At what stage of the organization of analytical work, from specified in the figure 32, collected information in some way is grouped and classified? A. Second* B. First C. Third D. Fourth E. Fifth