PE II-CompLabs-2014 04 01 - T

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Vilnius 2013
Contents Computer Labs

1. Time series: Examples

White Noise
Random Walk
Time Series and R
2. Stationary Time Series
2.1 AR processes
2.2 MA processes
2.3 ARMA Processes
2.4 Forecasting Stationary Processes
2.5 ARCH and GARCH Processes
3. Time Series: Decomposition
Once Again on White Noise
The Global Method of OLS
The Global Nonlinear Method of Least Squares
The Local Method of Exponential Smoothing
Local Linear Forecast Using Cubic Splines
4. Difference Stationary Time Series
4.1 Unit Roots
4.2 SARIMA (=Seasonal ARIMA) Models
5. Regression with Time Lags: Autoregressive Distributed Lags Models
6. Regression with Time Series Variables
6.1. Time Series Regression when Both Y and X are Stationary
6.2. Time Series Regression when Both Y and X are Trend Stationary: Spurious
6.3. Time Series Regression when Y and X Have Unit Roots: Spurious Regression
6.4. Time Series Regression when Y and X have Unit Roots: Cointegration
6.5. Time Series Regression when Y and X are Cointegrated: the Error Correction Model
7. Multivariate Models
7.1. Granger Causality
7.2. Cointegration
7.3. VAR: Estimation and Forecasting
7.4. Vector Error Correction Model (VECM)


Contents Lecture Notes

0. Introduction
0.1 Preface
0.2 Statistical data and their models
0.3 Software
1. Time series: Examples
2. Stationary Time Series
2.1 White Noise - 1
2.2 Covariance Stationary Time Series
2.3 White Noise - 2
2.4 The Lag Operator
2.5 The general Linear Process
2.6 Estimation and Inference for the Mean, Autocorrelation, and Partial Autocorrelation
2.7 Moving-Average (MA) Process
2.8 Autoregressive (AR) Models
2.9 Autoregressive Moving-Average (ARMA) Models
2.10 Specifying and Estimating Models
2.11 Forecasting
2.12 Financial Volatility and the ARCH Model
3. Trend Stationary Time Series
3.1 The Global Method of Decomposition
3.2 One Local Method of Decomposition
4. Difference Stationary Time Series
4.1 Unit Roots
4.2 Testing in the AR(p) with deterministic trend model
4.3. Appendix
5. Regression with time lags: autoregressive distributed lags model
5.1 Selection of lag order
5.2 Dynamic models with stationary variables
6. Regresion with time series variables
6.1 Time series regression when X and Y are stationary
6.2 Time series regression when X and Y have unit roots: spurious regression
6.3 Time series regression when X and Y have unit roots: cointegration
6.4 Estimation and testing with cointegrated variables
6.5 Time series regression when X and Y are cointegrated: the error correction model
6.6 The long-run and short-run multipliers
6.7 Summary
7. Multivariate models
7.1 Granger causality
7.2 VAR: estimation and forecasting
7.3 VAR: impulse-response function
7.4 Vector error correction model (VECM)
8. Endogenous right-hand-side variables
8.1 One equation
8.2 System of Equations
9. Simultaneous equations
9.1 Seemingly unrelated regression (SUR)
9.2 Multiple equations with endogenous right-hand-side variables
10. Panel data analysis
10.1 Panel data models
10.2 Autoregressive panel models


These computer labs are to accompany the Lecture Notes Practical econometrics.II. Time
series analysis. We shall use two software programs, GRETL and R, interchangeable.
R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
1. Time Series: Examples

1. Time Series: Examples

In Fig.1.1, one can see a graph of a typical time series yt 1 together with three of its components.
Time series can usually be split into three components: clearly seen regular part, a so-called
trend Trt , seasonal part 2 St (there are less passengers in the winter time) and, hopefully, not
very big random errors t ; in general, we shall write Yt = Trt + St + t . Note that in Fig. 1.1 not
the trend Tr is drawn but only its estimate Tr  t (the same applies to other components, S and
t t
et = t , but we shall not be too pedantic). One of the objectives of the time series analysis is to
extract from Yt these three components and use them for analysis, comparison or forecast."AirPassengers");library(datasets)
data(AirPassengers);dec=decompose(log(AirPassengers)) # extracts three comp.





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-0.10 -0.05 0.00





1950 1954 1958 1950 1954 1958 1950 1954 1958 1950 1954 1958

Time Time Time Time

Fig. 1.1. The graphs of the time series log(AirPassengers) and its three
components (trend, seasonal part and residuals)

If residuals make a stationary process, we assume that we have created a proper model (i.e., the
components were extracted correctly). Recall that the process is stationary if its trajectories
randomly and more or less regularly fluctuate around a constant (its mean). The stationary
process also has a mean reversion property, that is, whatever is its value, it tends to get back to
the mean. The right-most graph is similar to that of stationary process (though one can see
something like periodicity in it; on the other hand, the amplitude of oscillations in the middle is
less than elsewhere anyway, we assume that our procedure (described in what follows) has
correctly decomposed the time series).

White Noise

This is a fundamental example of stationary process the white noise is a sequence of

uncorrelated random variables with zero mean and constant variance. Note that we do not
mention the distribution of the random variables but often it is assumed that they are normal or

This is the classical Box and Jenkinss airline data set (it contains monthly, 1949-1960, totals of international
airline passengers; the set can be found in the datasets package, data set AirPassengers). Notice that in Fig.
1.1 the logarithms are drawn. This data is also analysed in 1.12 exercise.
Both trend and seasonal components are treated as nonrandom curves.

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
1. Time Series: Examples

Gaussian. The white noise is a model of absolutely chaotic process of uncorrelated observations,
a process which immediately forgets its past.

Let us plot three trajectories of (normal) white noise, yt(1) , yt(2) , yt(3) (it is impossible to plot all the
trajectories of random process (because there are infinitely many of them), therefore we shall
artificially create some of them).

We start with a few remarks on the set.seed function. R knows how to generate a (very
very long) sequence of uniformly in the interval [0,1] distributed random numbers (r.n.). A part
of the sequence we can produce with the runif (=r+unif) function:

> runif(10)
[1] 0.81878843 0.13345228 0.07379024 0.01138173 0.13101318
[6] 0.20613918 0.16512315 0.51821997 0.47321645 0.52996317

If we apply the function once again, it will produce the next ten numbers of that sequence:

> runif(10)
[1] 0.01618378 0.15645068 0.10320850 0.46572912 0.53319667
[6] 0.34754886 0.57468911 0.17348361 0.57527263 0.82605006

To generate always the same sequence of r.n., R must know from where to begin the sub-
sequence. This can be achieved by indicating the starting point with the set.seed function
before starting runif anew. All the other r.n. (normal, Poisson etc) can be obtained from the
uniform, therefore, in order to get the same sequence, one has to point the starting point with
set.seed(int), where int is any integer.

set.seed(10) # fix the beginning

y=ts(rnorm(50));plot(y,ylim=c(-2.5,2.5));abline(0,0) # 50 elements long seq.
y=ts(rnorm(50));plot(y,ylim=c(-2.5,2.5));abline(0,0) # Another sequence
y=ts(rnorm(50));plot(y,ylim=c(-2.5,2.5));abline(0,0) # Continuation









0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50

Time Time Time

(1) ( 2) (3)
Fig. 1.2. Three trajectories (paths) yt , yt , yt of normal white noise (note that some
trajectories do not seem quite regular)

We shall use the symbol Wt in the future to denote white noise; its trajectories (realizations) will
be denoted by wt .

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
1. Time Series: Examples

Random Walk

The random walk process is in a way opposite to stationary (it does not oscillate around a
constant, it is characterized by long excursions up and down, it does not have the mean reversion

1.1 example. The gambler begins with an initial capital of y0 = $10 and during each play he
wins or loses $1 with probability 0.5. It is easy to verify that his capital at moment t is expressed
by the formula Yt = y0 + i =1 t where t are his (uncorrelated) gains at moment t. The process
Yt is called the random walk. It does not more or less regularly fluctuate around a constant
because its variance increases: var Yt = ct const (can you prove that?).

wn1=sample(c(-1,1), 100, replace = TRUE) # Random sampling from a set of
# -1 and 1.
rw1=cumsum(wn1)+10 # cumsum:(x1,x2) (x1,x1+x2)

wn2=sample(c(-1,1), 100, replace = TRUE) # generates gains
rw2=cumsum(wn2)+10 # generates cumulative capital
wn3=sample(c(-1,1), 100, replace = TRUE)









0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

Index Index Index

Fig. 1.3. Three trajectories of Bernoulli random walk; note long excursions up and

 Note that the construction of random walk rw consists of two steps:

1) Generate any white noise wn (for example, wn1 does it satisfy the definition of white
noise?); it will represent random gains.
2) Use cumsum(wn) and generate your accumulated capital rw.

1.1 exercise. Generalize this (Bernoulli) random walk by assuming that the gain is a normal r.v.
N(0,1). Hint. To generate this wn use the function rnorm(100)(=rnorm(100,mean=0)).

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
1. Time Series: Examples

This process can still be generalized by assuming that during each play the gambler gets not only
his gainings but also a premium of a=$0.20: Yt = Yt 1 + ( t + a ) = (Yt 2 + t 1 + a ) + t + a = ...
= y0 + s + ta (this is a a random walk with a drift a ).
s =1

1.2 exercise. Draw two paths of a random walk with drift with y0 = 10 and a = 0.2 . Hint.
Replace rnorm(100) by rnorm(100,mean=0.2).

Atsitiktinis klaidiojimas
Atsitiktinis klaidiojimas
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0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000

n n

Fig. 1.4. Two graphs of a random walk till bankruptcy (left) and two paths of a random
walk with drift (right; the black line denotes the mean value of the process:
y = 10 + 0.2 n ).

Time Series and R

In R, a time series is a vector with some additional attributes. Select the Courier New text below
and using Copy+Paste move it to the console of R:

shipm1 = c(42523, 46029, 47485, 46692, 46479, 48513, 42316, 45717, 48208,
47761, 47807, 47772, 46020, 49516, 50905, 50226, 50678, 53124, 47252, 47522,
52612, 53800, 52019, 49705, 48864, 53281, 54668, 53740, 53346, 56421, 49603,
52326, 56724, 57257, 54335, 52095, 49714, 53919, 54750, 53190, 53791, 56790,
49703, 51976, 55427, 53458, 50711, 50874, 49931, 55236, 57168, 56257, 56568,
60148, 51856, 54585, 58468, 58182, 57365, 55241, 54963, 59775, 62049, 61767,
61772, 64867, 56032, 61044, 66672, 66557, 65831, 62869, 63112, 69557, 72101,
71172, 71644, 75431, 66602, 70112, 74499, 76404, 75505, 70639, 71248, 78072,
81391, 80823, 82391, 86527, 77487, 83347, 88949, 89892, 85144, 75406)

> class(shipm1)
[1] "numeric"

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
1. Time Series: Examples

The vector shipm1 is value of shipments, in millions of dollars, monthly from January, 1967 to
December, 1974. This represents manufacturers' receipts, billings, or the value of products
shipped, less discounts, and allowances, and excluding freight charges and excise taxes.
Shipments by foreign subsidiaries are excluded, but shipments to a foreign subsidiary by a
domestic firm are included. Source: U. S. Bureau of the Census, Manufacturer's Shipments,
Inventories and Orders.

To transform the vector to time series object, one should indicate the initial date and monthly

shipm = ts(shipm1, start=1967, freq=12)

> shipm
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1967 42523 46029 47485 46692 46479 48513 42316 45717 48208 47761 47807 47772
1968 46020 49516 50905 50226 50678 53124 47252 47522 52612 53800 52019 49705
1973 63112 69557 72101 71172 71644 75431 66602 70112 74499 76404 75505 70639
1974 71248 78072 81391 80823 82391 86527 77487 83347 88949 89892 85144 75406

Now shipm has a time series structure:

> class(shipm)
[1] "ts"

Inside R, shipm is now expressed as follows:

> dput(shipm) # The function dput describes the internal structure of shipm
structure(c(42523, 46029, 47485, 46692, 46479, 48513, 42316, 45717, 48208, 47761,
47807, 47772, 46020, 49516, 50905, 50226, 50678, 53124, 47252, 47522, 52612, 53800,
52019, 49705, 48864, 53281, 54668, 53740, 53346, 56421, 49603, 52326, 56724, 57257,
54335, 52095, 49714, 53919, 54750, 53190, 53791, 56790, 49703, 51976, 55427, 53458,
50711, 50874, 49931, 55236, 57168, 56257, 56568, 60148, 51856, 54585, 58468, 58182,
57365, 55241, 54963, 59775, 62049, 61767, 61772, 64867, 56032, 61044, 66672, 66557,
65831, 62869, 63112, 69557, 72101, 71172, 71644, 75431, 66602, 70112, 74499, 76404,
75505, 70639, 71248, 78072, 81391, 80823, 82391, 86527, 77487, 83347, 88949, 89892,
85144, 75406), .Tsp = c(1967, 1974.91666666667, 12), class = "ts")

> tsp(shipm)
[1] 1967.000 1974.917 12.000
> start(shipm)
[1] 1967 1
> end(shipm)
[1] 1974 12
> frequency(shipm)
[1] 12
> attributes(shipm)
[1] 1967.000 1974.917 12.000
[1] "ts"

The function plot draws the graphs of shipm1 and shipm; note that the shape of the graph
depends on the class of the object.

plot(shipm1) # The graphs are different for different classes

If freq=12, R will treat the data as monthly; if freq=4 as quarterly.

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
1. Time Series: Examples






0 20 40 60 80 1968 1970 1972 1974

Index Time

Fig. 1.5. The graphs of a vector shipm1 and the time series shipm

1.3 exercise. Assign a time series structure to the random walk from 1.2 exercise and draw its
graph. Experiment with number of observations, start and freq attributes.

1.4 exercise."housing") # find the data set housing

library(fma) # attach the package fma
library(help=fma) # description of the package
data(housing) # unzip the file housing
housing # the data set
?housing # description of the data

When begins and when ends this three dimensional time series? What is its frequancy? Plot its
graph. What is the meaning of each series?

1.5 exercise. Find the data set AirPassengers and explore it (class, start, frequency etc).

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2014
2. Stationary Time Series

2. Stationary Time Series

Once we have correctly decomposed a time series into three components: Yt = Tt + St + t , the
errors t 1 must constitute a stationary process. If this stationary process is WN, its near and distant
forecasts are trivial it is just its mean, i.e., 0. In other cases, the forecast depends on the structure
of a stationary process, more specifically, on its past values. This chapter is to describe some classes
of stationary processes.

2.1. White Noise

The simplest stationary process is a white noise (this is a sequence of uncorrelated r.v. with a cons-
tant, often zero, mean and constant variance). In R, the functions rnorm(n), runif(n,-a,a)
and like generate namely a white noise. To learn that your sequence Y(=lh) is white noise, per-
form two steps:

data(lh); plot(lh)

1) Visual inspection.

tsdisplay(lh) # lh is time series

Follow the rule: if all the first 5-10 bars in both ACF and PACF are inside the blue lines, the time
series is most probably a white noise. In our case, lh is most probably not a white noise (the first
ACF and PACF bars are outside the blue band). 

Before taking Step 2, a few words about the stationary ARIMA model whose general form is ARI-
MA(p,0,q)(P,0,Q)[freq]. The time series Yt is a white noise if it is described by ARI-
MA(0,0,0)(0,0,0)[freq] or, in a shorter form, ARIMA(0,0,0) (in this case Yt = const +
t ). Now, to take the final decision, go to Step 2:

2) perform the Ljung-Box test with H 0 : Y is a white noise. Follow the rule: if at least one of
the first 5-10 bubles is below the 5% critical blue line, reject H 0 (in other words, Y is then not a
white noise).

mod.000 <- arima(lh, c(0,0,0)) # to express lh as const + res.

2.4000 # Note: 2.400 2*0.0788 does not include 0 intrc. is signif.
s.e. 0.0788

sigma^2 estimated as 0.2979: log likelihood = -39.05, aic = 82.09

In reality, we observe residuals t = et , which should not differ much from the errors t .

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2014
2. Stationary Time Series

tsdiag(mod.000) # mod.000 is a model

Note that tsdisplay is applicable to time series Y whereas tsdiag to arima model (tsdiag
expresses lh as 2.4000 + mod.000$res and tests whether residuals make a white noise). Our
conclusion: according to its graph, lh is a stationary time series but according to ACF and PACF as
well as Ljung-Box test, not a white noise. 

2.1 example. The file cret.ret.txt contains montly returns on citigroup stock starting from 1990:01.


Both steps confirm that our data is WN (why?). In the future, we shall try to answer the question is
cret a WN or not? using the function auto.arima from the forecast package:

Series: cret
ARIMA(2,0,0)(1,0,0)[12] with non-zero mean

ar1 ar2 sar1 intercept
-0.0393 -0.0889 -0.1289 0.0277
s.e. 0.0960 0.0959 0.1173 0.0075

sigma^2 estimated as 0.009589: log likelihood=97.59

AIC=-185.18 AICc=-184.6 BIC=-171.77

The auto.arima function returns the best ARIMA model according to the smallest AIC value
and claims that our model is not a white noise (because it is not an ARIMA(0,0,0)). Note that the
function does not care whether coefficients are
significant (the seasonal AR(1) term sar1 is not
significant because the confidence interval -0.1289
2*0.1173 includes 0; we shall explain what sea-

sonality means later) and whether residuals make a

WN. To see whether these two models differ signi-

ficantly, run



The model is more precise (it

follows cret more closely) but we would like to 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998
apply the general rule all the coefficients must be
significant. We improve the model
by forbidding insignificant seasonal term:

Series: cret
ARIMA(0,0,0) with non-zero mean

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2014
2. Stationary Time Series

s.e. 0.0095

AIC=-189.19 AICc=-189.08 BIC=-183.83

Surprisingly, this single improvement brings us back to a more natural model ARIMA(0,0,0).

To forecast cret 24 months ahead, run

plot(forecast(cret.000),include=48,main="cret.000") # 2*12 months forecast
plot(forecast(,include=48,main="") # leave only 48 histor.
# observations in plot








1995 1997 1999 2001 1995 1997 1999 2001

Thus, if the model is WN, the forecast (left) is just the mean of the time series. If the model is not a
WN (right), the forecast tends to the mean. 

2.2. Stationary Processes

Recall that Yt is stationary if its mean and variance do not change in time (all trajectories of statio-
nary process fluctuate around its mean with more or less constant spread). The process Yt is stable
if its distribution tends to stationary (if the process starts at a point far from its mean, its trajectory
will tend towards the mean; we say that a stable process has the mean reverting property). The con-
cept of stable process is close to stationarity: stationary process is stable, stable process tends to

The known Wolds decomposition theorem claims that practically any stationary2 process
Yt , t Z, may be expressed as a linear combination of the values wt j of some WN process:

More specifically, stationary in wide or covariance sense.

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2014
2. Stationary Time Series

Yt = + j =0 k j wt j , k 2
j < ;

to simplify notation, we shall assume that the number (it is the (constant) mean of Yt ) equals ze-

ro. The mean of a stationary process and its variance 2 (= Y2 ) = w2 i =0 ki2 are constant, there-
fore all the information about the process is contained in its (auto)covariance function (ACF) ( s )
or (auto)correlation function ( s ) :

( s ) = cov(Yt , Yt + s ) = w2 (
i=0 )
ki ki + s ,
( s) = corr(Yt , Yt + s ) = (what is its definition ?), s = 1, 2,...

One should distinguish a theoretical covariance function ( s ) and its estimate (sample covariance
1 min( n s ,n )
c( s ) = (Yi+ s Y )(Yi Y ),
n i = max(1, s )

which is only for large n close (because of the law of large numbers) to ( s ) . The same proposi-
tion holds for the correlation function ( s ) and its estimate r ( s ) = c( s ) / c(0) (the ACF graph plots
namely this function).

We usually have only a finite number of time series observations, therefore it is impossible to res-
tore (that is, estimate) infinitely many coefficients k j . The famous Box - Jenkinss ARMA model
was introduced to approximate a stationary process by a process described by a finite number of

A process Yt is called the AR(p) process (AutoRegressive process of order p), if it satisfies
the equation Yt = a0 + i =1 aiYt i + wt (the simplest variant is AR(1) described by Yt =

a0 + a1Yt i + wt ; it is stationary if | a1 |< 1 and its constant mean then equals a0 / (1 a1 ) ).

A process Yt is called the MA(q) process (Moving Average process of order q)), if3 Yt =
+ i = 0 b j wt j , b0 = 1, (the simplest variant is MA(1) described by Yt = + wt + b1wt 1 , it is

always stationary and its mean equals ).

A process Yt is called the ARMA(p,q) process4, if Yt = + i =1 aiYt i + j =0 b j wt j (the sim-
p q

plest variant is ARMA(1,1) process Yt = + a1Yt 1 + wt + b1wt 1 and its mean equals
/ (1 a1 ) ).

Each type can be recognized by its ACF and PACF plots but we shall use auto.arima function
to do the job (if necessary, slightly correct the output and test whether residuals w t make a WN)

When defining the MA process, we do not need to know both the variance 2 of the process wt and the coefficient
b0 ; we choose b0 = 1 .
Some authors define ARMA in a different way.

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2014
2. Stationary Time Series

Most of the functions for the analysis of the ARMA processes are in the MASS, tseries and
forecast packages.


2.2 example. Generate and plot 100 values of the AR(1) process with a0 = 1 and 1) a1 = 0.7 , 2)
a1 = 1 , and 3) a1 = 1.2 . Forecast the 1st variant (why is it stationary?) 20 time periods ahead.

y=vector("list",3) # save space for 3 time series
for(j in 1:3)
y[[j]][1]=5 # all series begin in Y1 =5
for(i in 2:N) # this loop generates 100 observations
yts07=ts(y[[1]],freq=4) # assign ts attributes

plot(yts07) # see Fig. 2.1










5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25

Time Time Time

Fig. 2.1. Stationary with a1 = 0.7 (left), random walk with a1 = 1.0 (center), and explosion (for
example, hyperinflation) with a1 = 1.2 (right); only the left variant is stationary

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2014
2. Stationary Time Series


ARIMA(1,0,0) with non-zero mean

ar1 intercept
0.6976 3.3560
s.e. 0.0713 0.2794

plot(forecast(y.mod07,20),include=40) # see. Fig. 2.2, left

The AR process (here it is AR(2)) may also be generated with the arima.sim function:

Y3 <- arima.sim(200, model=list(ar=c(0.5,0.1)))
abline(0,0,col=2) # see Fig. 2.2, center

# the second path:

Y4 <- arima.sim(200, model=list(ar=c(0.5,0.1)))
abline(0,0,col=2) # see Fig. 2.2, right

Forecasts from ARIMA(1,0,0) with non-zero mean Forecasts from ARIMA(2,0,0) with zero mean Forecasts from ARIMA(1,0,0) with zero mean









20 25 30 170 180 190 200 210 170 180 190 200 210

Fig. 2.2. The forecasts tend to the mean of the process.

2.1 exercise. Assume that we have forgoten the origin of the time series Y3. Create its model with
auto.arima, test residuals for WN and forecast the model 24 time periods ahead.

2.2 exercise. The file unemp.txt in the folder PEdata contains quarterly data on the U.S. unemp-
loyment, 1948:01 iki 1978:01. Analyze the data and determine its model with auto.arima. Do
the residuals constitute WN? (apply tsdisplay and tsdiag5 functions from the forecast
package). Forecast unemployment two years ahead, draw respective graph.

2.3 exercise. The Rs data set presidents contains the (approximately) quarterly approval ra-
ting for the President of the United States from the first quarter of 1945 to the last quarter of 1974.
Create an appropriate AR model.

The argument to tsdisplay is time series and to tsdiag its arima model.

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2014
2. Stationary Time Series

2.4 exercise. On p. 2 - 1 we saw that lh is not a WN. Can you find a better model for this time

We have already mentioned that AR(p) in good cases is a stationary process (but not a WN; when
AR(1) is stationary?) Here is one more example of a stationary process: the process
Yt = + b0 wt + b1wt 1 + ... + bq wt q , b0 = 1, is called a Moving Average process of the q-th order and
denoted MA(q) (the simplest MA process is MA(1): Yt = + wt + b1wt 1 ).

2.3 example. The internet site contains the file varve.dat
where the yearly time series varve is presented. Here is the description of the file:

Melting glaciers deposit yearly layers of sand and silt during the spring melting seasons, which can
be reconstructed yearly over a period ranging from the time deglaciation began in New England
(about 12,600 years ago) to the time it ended (about 6,000 years ago). Such sedimentary deposits,
called varves, can be used as proxies for paleoclimatic parameters, such as temperature, because, in
a warm year, more sand and silt are deposited from the receding glacier. Fig. 2.3 shows the thick-
nesses of the yearly varves collected from one location in Massachusetts for 634 years, beginning
11,834 years ago. Because the variation in thicknesses increases in proportion to the amount deposi-
ted, a logarithmic transformation could remove the nonstationarity observable in the variance as a
function of time. Fig. 2.3 shows the original and transformed varves, and it is clear that this impro-
vement has occurred. The ordinary first differences log(Yt ) log(Yt 1 ) will also improve stationari-

One can import the data as follows:

varv = ts(scan(""))

As proposed, we shall analyze logarithmic differences.

dlvarv=diff(log(varve)) # create log-differences
par(mfrow=c(1,3)) # see Fig. 2.3
plot(varv) # nonstationary with varying mean and amplitude
plot(lvarv)) # nonstationary with varying mean
plot(dlvarv) # stationary, see Fig. 2.3, right

Recall that the meaning of the log-differences is the yearly percentage change (of varv in our ca-
se), this series is often stationary.

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2014
2. Stationary Time Series







0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600

Time Time Time

Fig. 2.3. The right graph of varv is statio-

nary Standardized Residuals

To create the model of dlvarv, run
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Series: dlvarv
ARIMA(1,0,1) with zero mean Time

Coefficients: ACF of Residuals

ar1 ma1

0.2330 -0.8858

s.e. 0.0518 0.0292


AIC=868.88 AICc=868.91 BIC=882.23

0 5 10 15 20 25

(thus dlvarv is described by ARMA(1,1)) and it Lag

is a good model because its both terms are signifi-

p values for Ljung-Box statistic
cant (why?) and residuals constitute a WN:

tsdiag(varv.mod1) # see to the right

p value


To forecast varv 10 years ahead, run


2 4 6 8 10
plot(forecast(varv.mod1),include=50) lag

Note that if Yt is described by the model ARIMA(p,1,q), it means that the first difference Yt =
Yt Yt 1 is ARIMA(p,0,q) or, in short, ARMA(p,q). In other words, if lvarv = log(varv) is
described by ARIMA(1,1,1) then dlvarv by ARIMA(1,0,1) (this explains the meaning of the let-
ter I). Indeed,

Series: lvarv

ar1 ma1
0.2330 -0.8858
s.e. 0.0518 0.0292
AIC=868.88 AICc=868.91 BIC=882.23

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2014
2. Stationary Time Series

2.5 exercise. Use arima.sim to generate any MA(3) process (choose the parameters yourself).
Use auto.arima to create a respective model. 

We already know that stationary processes can be written as infinite or finite sums:

Yt = + j =0 k j wt j , k 2
j < . We cannot estimate infinitely many parameters therefore we try to
simplify the model and replace the infinite sequence of coefficients 1, k2 , k3 ,... with an appropriate
finite set6.

Recall that

if the process Yt = j = 0 k j L j wt (where LYt = Yt 1 ) is satisfactory described by the process

( q
j =0 )
b j Lj wt , b0 = 1 (i.e., Yt = wt + b1wt 1 + ... + bq wt q ), it is called an MA(q) process,
if by the process wt (i.e., Yt = a1Yt 1 + ... + a pYt p + wt ), an AR(p)
1 a1 L a2 L2 ... a p Lp
1 + b1 L + ... + b q Lq
and if by the process wt (i.e., Yt = a1Yt 1 + ... + a pYt p + wt +
1 a1 L a2 L2 ... a p Lp
b1wt 1 + ... + bq wt q ), an ARMA(p,q) process7. The ARMA(p,q) (or ARIMA(p,0,q)) process
could also be expressed as Yt = i =1 aiYt i + j =0 b j wt j
p q
or (1 a1 L ... a p Lp )Yt =
(1 + b1 L + ... + bq Lq ) wt where, if necessary, a constant on the right hand side is added.

2.6 exercise. Generate8

200-observation-long white noise

150-observation-long MA(2) process (for example, yt = 0.3 + (1 1.3L + 0.4 L2 ) wt )
AR(1) process with 100 observations (for example, (1 0.7 L) yt = 1.8 + wt )
ARMA(1,1) process with 300 observations (for example, (1 0.9 L) yt = 0.7 + (1 0.5 L) wt )

Plot the processes and their sample ACF and PACF. Use the following rule to determine the type
and order of respective process:

AR(p) ACF declines, PACF = 0 if k > p

MA(q) ACF = 0 if k > q, PACF declines
ARMA(p,q) both ACF and PACF decline

This rule is easy to apply theoretically but not so easy for sample ACF and PACF, therefore parallel
your analysis with auto.arima. 

That is, to approximate original stationary time series with a simpler stationary process.
It is not so easy to divide a polynomial by a polynomial, therefore the estimation procedure is rather complicated.
This can be done with the arima.sim function (it generates a process with a zero mean, thus if necesary you have to
calculate the mean of the process and add it to the time series generated) or directly following the definition and using
the necessary loop in R.

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2014
2. Stationary Time Series

2.7 exercise. Below you can see the seasonally adjusted quarterly Canadian employment data,

caemp = structure(c(83.09, 82.8, 84.634, 85.377, 86.198, 86.579, 88.05, 87.925, 88.465, 88.398, 89.449, 90.556,
92.272, 92.15, 93.956, 94.811, 96.583, 96.965, 98.995, 101.138, 102.882, 103.095, 104.006, 104.777, 104.702,
102.564, 103.558, 102.986, 102.098, 101.472, 102.551, 104.022, 105.094, 105.195, 104.594, 105.813, 105.15,
102.899, 102.355, 102.034, 102.014, 101.836, 102.019, 102.734, 103.134, 103.263, 103.866, 105.393, 107.081,
108.414, 109.297, 111.496, 112.68, 113.061, 112.377, 111.244, 107.305, 106.679, 104.678, 105.729, 107.837,
108.022, 107.282, 107.017, 106.045, 106.371, 106.05, 105.841, 106.045, 106.651, 107.394, 108.669, 109.629,
110.262, 110.921, 110.74, 110.049, 108.19, 107.058, 108.025, 109.713, 111.41, 108.765, 106.289, 103.918, 100.8,
97.4, 93.244, 94.123, 96.197, 97.275, 96.456, 92.674, 92.854, 93.43, 93.206, 93.956, 94.73, 95.567, 95.546,
97.095, 97.757, 96.161, 96.586, 103.875, 105.094, 106.804, 107.787, 106.596, 107.31, 106.897, 107.211, 107.135,
108.83, 107.926, 106.299, 103.366, 102.03, 99.3, 95.305, 90.501, 88.098, 86.515, 85.114, 89.034, 88.823, 88.267,
87.726, 88.103, 87.655, 88.4, 88.362, 89.031, 91.02, 91.673, 92.015), .Tsp = c(1961, 1994.75, 4), class = "ts")

Analyze the series. 

Forecasting Stationary Processes

The white noise process is a process with no memory9, therefore its forecast is of no interest it
is always the mean. On the other hand, AR, MA, or ARMA processes correlate with their past, thus
we may use this information. If the process is modeled with the arima function, forecast it with
the forecast function from the forecast package.


par(mfrow=c(1,1)) Forecasts from ARIMA(1,0,0) with non-zero mean
ar1.est=arima(ar1,order = c(1, 0, 0))

# or use auto.arima


The forecast exponentially fast tends to the

(sample) mean of the time series.
170 180 190 200 210 220

ar2.est=arima(ar2,order = c(2, 0, 0))
# or use auto.arima

ar2.est=arima(ar2,order = c(2, 0, 0))
# or use auto.arima

Because it is a sequence of uncorrelated random variables.

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R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2014
2. Stationary Time Series

In the first case, the roots of the inverse characteristic equation 1 a1 z ... a p z p = 0 are bigger in
modulus than 1 (it means that the process is stationary) and complex , therefore the forecast tends to
the mean oscillating; in the second case, the roots are real and therefore the convergence is monoto-

2.8 exercise. Analyze the behavior of the forecast in MA and ARMA cases.

2.9 exercise. Forecast the caemp time series two years ahead.

Forecasts from ARIMA(2,0,0) with non-zero mean Forecasts from ARIMA(2,0,0) with non-zero mean




170 180 190 200 210 170 180 190 200 210

Fig. 2.4. If the inverse equation has a complex root, the forecast oscillates (left); if all the
roots are real, the convergence to the mean is monotone (right).

2.10 exercise. In the data set GermanMoneySystem.txt, the variable R is the nominal long-term in-
terest rate (quarterly data, 1972:1-1998:4). Plot necessary graphs. Remove the quadratic trend. Do
residuals make WN? Choose the right model for residuals. Do the differences Dt = Rt = Rt Rt 1
make WN? Choose the best model for differences. 

2.3. ARIMA model and arima and auto.arima functions

Here are some examples which should help you to systematize you knowledge about the stationary
ARIMA(p,d,q) model (the necessary, but not sufficient, condition for stationarity is d=0; for
example, the process ARIMA(1,0,0) is stationary if | a1 |< 1 ).

If X t is ARIMA(p,0,q) or ARMA(p,q), i.e., X t a0 a1 X t 1 ... a p X t p = t + b1 t 1 + ...

+bq t q , t ~ WN (0, 2 ) , its parameters ai and b j are estimated with arima(x,
c(p,0,q)), for example,

arima(unp,c(2,0,3)) # ARIMA(2,0,3)

ARIMA(2,0,3) with non-zero mean

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2. Stationary Time Series

ar1 ar2 ma1 ma2 ma3 intercept
1.7443 -0.7839 -0.6930 -0.4890 0.1821 6.4157
s.e. 0.1022 0.1010 0.1583 0.1168 0.1416 0.2279

AIC=423.26 AICc=424.63 BIC=440.76

Is the ARMA(2,3) model good for unp? - no, because ma3 term is insignificant. Remove it and
continue until you will get all significant terms (you will get ARMA(1,1)).

If X t is ARIMA(p,0,0) or ARMA(p,0) or AR(p), i.e., X t a0 a1 X t 1 ... a p X t p = t ,

t ~ WN (0, 2 ) , its parameters ai are estimated with arima(x,c(p,0,0))or ar(x)
(the latter function chooses the order p by the minimum of AIC), for example,


1 2 3 4
1.0876 -0.4760 0.2978 -0.1920

Order selected 4 sigma^2 estimated as 6.165

or, once you know the order,


ARIMA(4,0,0) with non-zero mean

ar1 ar2 ar3 ar4 intercept
1.1171 -0.5594 0.4292 -0.2806 6.3341
s.e. 0.1020 0.1536 0.1598 0.1083 0.8399

AIC=422.83 AICc=423.85 BIC=437.83

(coefficients of the two models slightly disagree because the estimation formulas differ). The latter
model is acceptable in the sense that all its terms are significant (for example, the interval
1.1171 2*0.1020 does not include 0), but do its residuals make a WN?

tsdiag(arima(unp,c(4,0,0))) # residuals make WN

Yes, they do but is it the simplest (with minimum number of coefficients) correct model?


ARIMA(1,0,1) with non-zero mean

ar1 ma1 intercept
0.6322 0.5105 6.3720
s.e. 0.0947 0.1143 1.0182

AIC=422.68 AICc=423.15 BIC=432.68

tsdiag(auto.arima(unp)) # residuals make WN

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2. Stationary Time Series

Thus, the simplest acceptable model of unp is ARMA(1,1) (it has only 3 coefficients, all the coeffi-
cients are significant and residuals are described by WN). This is quite a common situation high
order AR(p) can often be replaced by a simpler ARMA(1,1).

The parameters of supposedly ARIMA(1,0,0) or ARMA(1,0) or AR(1) process

X t a0 a1 X t 1 = t are estimated with arima(x,c(1,0,0)). X t is AR(1) if the term
X t 1 is significant and residuals of the model make a WN.

2.11 exercise. Is the time series unp an AR(1) process?

The parameter of supposedly WN or ARIMA(0,0,0) process X t a0 = t is estimated with

arima(x,c(0,0,0)). X t is WN if residuals of the model make a WN.

2.12 exercise. Is the time series unp a WN?

Each type can be recognized by its ACF and PACF plots but we shall use auto.arima function
to do the job (if necessary, slightly correct the output and leave only significant terms; then test
whether residuals w t make a WN)

The functions arima or auto.arima can be generalized to include the I part of the model ( X t is
ARIMA(p,1,q) if its first differences X t = X t X t 1 form an ARIMA(p,0,q) time series). The
ARIMA model can also include a seasonal part the quarterly process X t = a0 + as1 X t 4 + t can
be treated as ARIMA(0,0,0)(1,0,0)[4] process and estimated with arima(x,order=

The model
X t = 0 + 1t + ut

ut = a1ut 1 + t , t ~ WN

or, what is the same,

X t = a1 X t 1 + ( 0 a1 ( 0 1 ) + (1 a1 ) 1t ) + t = a1 X t 1 + B0 + B1t + t

describes a process such that its deviations from a straight line make an AR(1) process (it is estima-
ted with arima(x, order = c(1,0,0),xreg = 1:length(x)) .

2.4 example. As an artificial example, consider

uuu.mod=arima(uuu, order = c(1,0,0),xreg = 1:90)

Is it a good model? What if you replace 1 by 2?

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R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2014
2. Stationary Time Series

2.4. ARCH and GARCH processes

Typically, for financial series, the return does not have a constant conditional variance (i.e.,
t2 = var(Yt | t 1 ) const ), and highly volatile periods tend to be clustered together. In other
words, there is a strong dependence of sudden bursts of variability in a return on the series own
past. Such processes are described by the endless family of ARCH models (ARCH, GARCH,

The relevant R functions are contained in the fGarch, tseries, gogarch, and rugarch packages.

2.5 example. To start with, we shall repeat 2.8 example from the Lecture Notes. To import
stock.xls from the dataPE folder, open the file, select and then copy both columns of it. Next, type

lStock=stock[,2] # logged stock prices
d_lstock=diff(lStock) # create log-differences, i.e., returns
uhat1=mod1$res ; sq_uhat1 = uhat1^2 # centered and squared returns
par(mfrow=c(1,2)); plot(d_lstock); plot(sq_uhat1,col="blue",type="l")

mod2=dynlm(sq_uhat1~L(sq_uhat1)) # create the "naive" model




0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200

Time Time

Fig. 2.5. Logged stock prices (left) and squared residuals (right)

Start = 2, End = 207

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 2.408e-06 1.484e-06 1.622 0.106
L(sq_uhat1) 7.370e-01 4.733e-02 15.572 <2e-16

The significant coefficient in this naive model of volatility ut2 = 0.0000024 + 0.737 ut21 + wt indi-
cates that ut is probably an ARCH(1) (=garch(1,0)) process. To create a respective model, type


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R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2014
2. Stationary Time Series

mod3=garchFit(~garch(1,0), d_lstock, trace=F)

Error Analysis:
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
mu 1.048e-03 1.132e-04 9.259 < 2e-16 ***
omega 2.400e-06 3.904e-07 6.148 7.85e-10 ***
alpha1 6.599e-01 1.571e-01 4.199 2.68e-05 ***

which means that the respective model coincides with

what was produced by GRETL:

^ d _ lstock = = = 0.001048

2 6
t = + ut 1 = 2.400 *10 + 0.660ut 1
2 2 0 50 100 150 200

Now it is the right time to recall that d_lstock is

not a WN:




tsdisplay(d_lstock) 5 15 5 15

Lag Lag
(the correlogram on the right indicates that d_stock
is possibly an AR(6) process).

To find the proper conditional mean model mod3 for d_lstock we use the auto.arima func-
tion. Then we create an AR(7) - ARCH(1) model mod4 of the d_lstock:

mod4 # auto.arima chooses an AR(7) process
mod5=garchFit(~arma(7,0)+garch(1,0), d_lstock, trace=F)
Error Analysis:
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
mu 1.194e-03 1.730e-04 6.899 5.22e-12 ***
ar1 -1.237e-01 7.070e-02 -1.749 0.080257 .
ar2 8.081e-02 4.428e-02 1.825 0.067996 .
ar3 -3.826e-02 4.559e-02 -0.839 0.401336
ar4 -1.069e-01 3.933e-02 -2.719 0.006544 **
ar5 7.209e-03 3.970e-02 0.182 0.855914
ar6 1.636e-01 3.580e-02 4.568 4.92e-06 ***
ar7 -1.125e-01 3.389e-02 -3.318 0.000905 ***
omega 2.046e-06 3.567e-07 5.735 9.75e-09 ***
alpha1 6.503e-01 1.722e-01 3.777 0.000159 ***

To explore the GARCH predictions of volatility, we calculate and plot 51 observations from the

middle of the data along with the one-step-ahead predictions of the corresponding volatility10, t2 :

plot(window(d_lstock, start=75, end=125),ylim=c(-0.020,0.035), ylab="l_stock")
lines(window(d_lstock-2*sigma, start=75, end=125), lty=2, col=4)
lines(window(d_lstock+2*sigma, start=75, end=125), lty=2, col=4)

The value of the garchFit function is an not a list (S3 object), but an S4 object; its components are accessed not
with the $ symbol but with @.

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2. Stationary Time Series



80 90 100 110 120


Fig. 2.6. d_lstock and its 2 t confidence region

To predict our process (see Fig. 2.7), use

predict(mod5, n.ahead = 2, mse="cond", plot=T) # 

Prediction with confidence intervals



X t+h
X t+h 1.96 MSE

X t+h + 1.96 MSE

0 10 20 30 40 50


Fig. 2.7. Last 50 observations and 2-step-ahead prediction

2.6 example. (GRETL) The file S&P.txt contains monthly data on the S&P Composite index re-
turns ret over the period 1954:1-2001:9, the consumer price index (CPI) inflation rate infl, and
the change in the three-month Treasury bill (T-bill) rate dTbill11. We begin by modelling the re-
turns series rett as a function of a constant, one lag of returns rett-1 , one lag of the inflation

The returns series includes dividends and is calculated using the formula rt = ( Pt + Dt Pt 1 ) / Pt 1 . The inflation
series is calculated as the first-difference of the natural logarithm of the CPI, and the T-bill series is the three-month T-
bill rate, dTbillt = Tbillt Tbillt 1 . All data are converted into percentages.

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2. Stationary Time Series

rate inflt-1 and one lag of the first-difference of the three-month T-bill rate dTbillt-1 . We
expect our model to be of the form Yt = 0 + 1 X 1,t + ... + ( X1,t ,...) wt where wt are i.i.d.r.v.s with
conditional mean 0 and conditional variance 1. We begin by adding the first lags of the necessary
variables and create a usual OLS model; then we test the hypothesis H 0 : residuals of Model 1 are
normal. In conventional regression models, rejection of the null would lead to the change of speci-
fication, but non-normality is an inherent feature of the errors from regression models for financial
data, and here, as in all cases henceforth, robust standard errors must be calculated (this means that
you have to check the Robust standard errors box). Note that all coefficients of corrected Model 2
are significant and have expected signs:

Model 2: OLS, using observations 1954:02-2001:08 (T = 571)

Dependent variable: ret
HAC standard errors, bandwidth 6 (Bartlett kernel)

coefficient std. error t-ratio p-value

const 1.17715 0.239720 4.911 1.19e-06 ***
infl_1 -1.17945 0.533158 -2.212 0.0274 **
dTbill_1 -1.25007 0.343281 -3.642 0.0003 ***
ret_1 0.207991 0.0445415 4.670 3.77e-06 ***

R-squared 0.101059 Adjusted R-squared 0.096303

Log-likelihood -1482.848 Akaike criterion 2973.697
Schwarz criterion 2991.086 Hannan-Quinn 2980.481
rho 0.015237 Durbin-Watson 1.945707

Residuals of Model 2 constitute WN (test) but their squares do not, residuals are still non-normal
(test), thus we shall test the residuals for ARCH(6) in the Model 2 window, go to Tests| ARCH:
Test for ARCH of order 6

coefficient std. error t-ratio p-value

alpha(0) 7.40357 1.26960 5.831 9.31e-09 ***
alpha(1) 0.105877 0.0440643 2.403 0.0166 **
alpha(2) -0.00339383 0.0442404 -0.07671 0.9389
alpha(3) 0.0552574 0.0442307 1.249 0.2121
alpha(4) -0.000128459 0.0442403 -0.002904 0.9977
alpha(5) 0.0521755 0.0442754 1.178 0.2391
alpha(6) 0.102231 0.0441054 2.318 0.0208 **

Null hypothesis: no ARCH effect is present

Test statistic: LM = 16.1293
with p-value = P(Chi-square(6) > 16.1293) = 0.0130763

The alpha(6) coefficient is significant and the hypothesis H 0 : 1 = ... = 6 = 0 in

t = t wt
t = E ( t | t 1 ) = + 1 t 1 + ... + q t q
2 2 2

is rejected, thus the residuals of Model 2 make ARCH(6). As a next step, we combine the Model 1
for conditional mean and Model 2 for conditional variance: in the main GRETL window, go to Mo-

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2. Stationary Time Series

del| Time series| GARCH... | check the Robust standard errors box, and choose GARCH p: 0,
ARCH q: 4 (alas, GRETL does not allow for higher order of ARCH):
Model 3: GARCH
Dependent variable: ret

coefficient std. error z p-value

const 1.32794 0.240500 5.522 3.36e-08 ***
infl_1 -1.33020 0.567450 -2.344 0.0191 **
dTbill_1 -1.10767 0.409915 -2.702 0.0069 ***
ret_1 0.203983 0.0526545 3.874 0.0001 ***

alpha(0) 6.78984 1.18074 5.750 8.90e-09 ***

alpha(1) 0.155438 0.100847 1.541 0.1232
alpha(2) 0.0338954 0.0441612 0.7675 0.4428
alpha(3) 0.190236 0.123270 1.543 0.1228
alpha(4) 0.0189580 0.0389964 0.4861 0.6269

Log-likelihood -1473.048 Akaike criterion 2966.096

Schwarz criterion 3009.570 Hannan-Quinn 2983.057







1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000

Fig. 2.8. The conditional heteroscedasticity of the S&P returns is clearly visible in both graphs (to
obtain conditional error variance h3, go to Save| Predicted error variance); the spike in the conditio-
nal variance around observation 1988 corresponds to the crash of October 1987

GRETL, like R, allows to extend it by down-loading packages from the main server: in the GRETL
window, go to File| Function files| On server...| gig (the gig function allows to take order higher
than 4 and also to choose out of many more ARCH variants). If you do not find gig (= GARCH in
GRETL) package on server, download it from and
copy the unzipped folder to Program Files\ gretl\functions). Now go to File| Function files| On local
machine, click on gig and fill in the boxes as shown on the right.

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2. Stationary Time Series

Model: GARCH(0,6) [Bollerslev] (Normal)*

Dependent variable: ret
Sample: 1954:02-2001:08 (T = 571), VCV me-
thod: Robust

Conditional mean equation

coefficient std. error z p-value

const 1.21848 0.270645 4.502 6.73e-06 ***
ret_1 0.218684 0.0542242 4.033 5.51e-05 ***
infl_1 -0.918096 0.796982 -1.152 0.2493
dTbill_1 -0.966632 0.427802 -2.260 0.0239 **

Conditional variance equation

coefficient std. error z p-value

omega 5.33612 1.20031 4.446 8.76e-06 ***
alpha_1 0.123039 0.0855170 1.439 0.1502
alpha_2 0.0146264 0.0508976 0.2874 0.7738
alpha_3 0.133004 0.104548 1.272 0.2033
alpha_4 0.00135661 0.0325198 0.04172 0.9667
alpha_5 0.124912 0.129797 0.9624 0.3359
alpha_6 0.147888 0.0853039 1.734 0.0830 *

Llik: -1467.41584 AIC: 2956.83168

BIC: 3004.65296 HQC: 2975.48864

The Model is ARCH(6), i.e., a model of high order with many parameters, and a common advice is
to replace the model by GARCH(1,1).

Model 4: GARCH, using observations 1954:02-2001:08 (T = 571)

Dependent variable: ret
QML standard errors

coefficient std. error z p-value

const 1.31222 0.224066 5.856 4.73e-09 ***
infl_1 -1.31716 0.577148 -2.282 0.0225 **

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2. Stationary Time Series

dTbill_1 -1.19681 0.370105 -3.234 0.0012 ***

ret_1 0.185278 0.0449396 4.123 3.74e-05 ***

alpha(0) 1.19981 0.556395 2.156 0.0311 **

alpha(1) 0.119459 0.0511436 2.336 0.0195 **
beta(1) 0.775665 0.0691383 11.22 3.29e-029 ***

Mean dependent var 0.994713 S.D. dependent var 3.428556

Log-likelihood -1472.312 Akaike criterion 2960.624
Schwarz criterion 2995.403 Hannan-Quinn 2974.193

The parameters on infl_1 and dTbill_l maintain their negative signs, and the estimated pa-
rameters in the equation for the conditional variance are highly significant. The information criteria
computed (Akaike, Schwarz and Hannan-Quinn) allow the fit of competing models to be compared
while penalizing for additional variables (the aim is to minimize the criteria). On the basis of the
Schwarz criteria, which is often the preferred method of comparing fitted models in applied time
series analysis, the GARCH(1,1) specification would be preferred to the ARCH(4) specification.

(R) Similar analysis may be performed in R with the help of the following script.

SP = ts(read.table(file.choose(),header=TRUE),
freq=12,start=1954) # navigate to S&P.txt
mod1 = dynlm(ret~L(ret)+L(infl)+L(dTbill),data=SP)
shapiro.test(mod1$res) # normality is rejected
# variance-covariance matrix Heteroskedasticity Corrected
# HC means Whites estimator
# z test (using a normal approximation) is performed
coeftest(mod1,df=Inf,vcov=vcovHC(mod1,"HC")) # all coefficients are still signi-
# ficant
z test of coefficients:

Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)

(Intercept) 1.177149 0.228283 5.1565 2.516e-07 ***
L(ret) 0.207991 0.048629 4.2771 1.893e-05 ***
L(infl) -1.179451 0.521536 -2.2615 0.0237285 *
L(dTbill) -1.250071 0.328941 -3.8003 0.0001445 ***

mod1res = mod1$res
# mod1$res is probably an ARCH process:
tsdisplay(mod1res) # WN
windows() # open a new graphical window
tsdisplay(mod1res^2) # not WN

fit60 = garchFit(formula = ~ garch(6,0), trace = FALSE, data=mod1res)

fit11 = garchFit(formula = ~ garch(1,1), trace = FALSE, data=mod1res)


Error Analysis:
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)

2 - 20
R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2014
2. Stationary Time Series

mu -1.510e-16 1.292e-01 0.000 1.00000

omega 1.151e+00 5.183e-01 2.221 0.02636 *
alpha1 1.139e-01 4.002e-02 2.846 0.00442 **
beta1 7.851e-01 6.584e-02 11.925 < 2e-16 ***

Standardised Residuals Tests:

Statistic p-Value
Jarque-Bera Test R Chi^2 36.679 1.084565e-08 # Residuals are
Shapiro-Wilk Test R W 0.9851698 1.482773e-05 # non-normal.
Ljung-Box Test R Q(10) 10.01125 0.4395069 # Residuals
Ljung-Box Test R Q(15) 22.05404 0.1063948 # form
Ljung-Box Test R Q(20) 27.39449 0.1245256 # a WN.
Ljung-Box Test R^2 Q(10) 7.909245 0.6377014 # Squared residuals
Ljung-Box Test R^2 Q(15) 13.07198 0.5967378 # form
Ljung-Box Test R^2 Q(20) 17.00733 0.6524979 # a WN.
LM Arch Test R TR^2 8.202932 0.7690776 # No more ARCH in res.

Information Criterion Statistics:

5.172060 5.202514 5.171962 5.183941

Here we did the ARCH analysis in two steps and the green output is quite close to GRETLs Model
4. The Rs package rugarch allows to include the regression part into the model and combine
these two steps in one:


FIT06 = ugarchfit(data = ret[2:572], spec = SPEC06)

FIT11 = ugarchfit(data = ret[2:572], spec = SPEC11)

Robust Standard Errors:

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
mu 1.31189 0.230362 5.6949 0.000000
mxreg1 0.18500 0.043915 4.2126 0.000025
mxreg2 -1.31970 0.547745 -2.4093 0.015982
mxreg3 -1.19513 0.361096 -3.3097 0.000934
omega 1.19863 0.597928 2.0046 0.045001
alpha1 0.11992 0.047741 2.5118 0.012011
beta1 0.77568 0.069656 11.1358 0.000000

(the FIT11 model is very close to Model 4!) Explain the meaning of numbers below:
Q-Statistics on Standardized Residuals
statistic p-value
Lag[1] 0.09045 0.7636
Lag[p+q+1][1] 0.09045 0.7636
Lag[p+q+5][5] 4.87537 0.4313
H0 : No serial correlation

2 - 21
R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2014
2. Stationary Time Series

Q-Statistics on Standardized Squared Residuals

statistic p-value
Lag[1] 0.002856 0.9574
Lag[p+q+1][3] 1.136267 0.2864
Lag[p+q+5][7] 7.423113 0.1910

Statistic DoF P-Value
ARCH Lag[2] 1.179 2 0.5547
ARCH Lag[5] 2.436 5 0.7862
ARCH Lag[10] 7.898 10 0.6388

forc11 = ugarchforecast(FIT11, n.ahead=20)


Forecast Series Rolling Forecast v s Actual Series Forecast Conditional Sigma

(n.roll = 0) w/th 2 conditional SD bands (n.roll = 0)

Horizon: 20 Horizon: 0 Horizon: 20
Actual Actual Actual
Forecast Forecast Forecast







GARCH model : sGARCH

GARCH model : sGARCH

GARCH model : sGARCH


480 500 520 540 560 580 480 500 520 540 560 480 500 520 540 560 580

Time/Horizon Time/Horizon Time/Horizon

Fig. 2.9. Historical data of the ret series 2 conditional standards (center) and the 20-
steps-ahead forecast of conditional standard (right)

2.13 exercise. The ARCH effects are better seen in high frequency (for example, daily) data. The
data set dmbp in rugarch contains two columns:

1. The daily percentage nominal returns ret computed as 100 (log Pt log Pt 1 ) where Pt is the
bilateral Deutschemark/British pound rate constructed from the corresponding U.S. dollar rates.
2. A dummy variable mo that takes the value of 1 on Mondays and other days following no tra-
ding in the Deutschemark or British pound/ U.S. dollar market during regular European trading
hours and 0 otherwise.

a) Some people say that means and/or variances of returns on mo==1 differ from those on the rest
days. Test.

2 - 22
R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2014
2. Stationary Time Series

b) Use GRETL or R and test ret for ARCH effects. Add mo to both conditional mean and condi-
tional variance parts of the model. Are these terms necessary? Create a proper GARCH(1,1) mo-
c) Forecast conditional variance or standard 10 days ahead.
d) Plot several relevant graphs.

# with mo
fi11 = ugarchfit(data = ret, spec = sp11)

# without mo
f11 = ugarchfit(data = ret, spec = s11)

for11 = ugarchforecast(f11, n.ahead=10)


2 - 23
R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
3. Time Series: Decomposition

3. Time Series: Decomposition

Once Again on White Noise

Often it is important to establish whether a stationary process under consideration is WN. To

achieve this, we shall use the graphs of the ACF and PACF functions produced by the
tsdisplay function of the forecast package:

rn=rnorm(100) # what is the difference between
rn1=ts(rn) # rn and rn1?

rn1 rn2

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100







5 20 5 20 5 20 5 20

Lag Lag Lag Lag

Fig. 3.1. Rule: if the first five to ten bars of both ACF and PACF plots are inside the
blue strip, the process under consideration is WN

Standardized Residuals
In clear cases it suffices to use the tsdisplay
-3 1

procedure. However, if the correlogram is ambiguous (bars

0 20 40 60 80 100
in ACF and/or PACF are close to or slightly outside the
blue band), the above could be followed by the tsdiag
procedure which tests the residuals of the model for WN: ACF of Residuals
-0.2 1.0

mod1=arima(rn1,c(0,0,0)) # rn1t = 0 + t 0 5 10 15 20

tsdiag(mod1) # mod1$res ~ WN? Lag

p values for Ljung-Box statistic

(note: if t is zero-mean WN, then rn1t is 0 mean
0.0 1.0
p value

WN). All the bubles (p values) in the bottom graph are

above the 0.05 blue line, thus rn1 is a white noise. 2 4 6 8 10


R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
3. Time Series: Decomposition

Maybe the simplest way, but not equivalent1 to the previous ones, is to use


ARIMA(0,0,0) with zero mean

sigma^2 estimated as 0.9883: log likelihood=-141.31
AIC=284.61 AICc=284.65 BIC=287.22

Thus, the auto.arima also chooses the ARIMA(0,0,0) or WN model for rn1 as the best.

The following function conducts a tripple test on whiteness:

trippleWN <- function(x) {

oask <- devAskNewPage(TRUE)

As an illustration:


Series: x
ARIMA(0,0,0) with zero mean # yes, WN

sigma^2 estimated as 0.8331: log likelihood=-132.76

AIC=267.52 AICc=267.57 BIC=270.13
Waiting to confirm page change... # click on the graph

Standardized Residuals

0 20 40 60 80 100


ACF of Residuals


0 5 10 15 20


p values for Ljung-Box statistic

p value


2 4 6 8 10


Fig. 3.2. ... and also both the correlogram (left) and the Ljung-Box test (right) confirm

Recall that auto.arima looks for an ARIMA model with minimum AIC (the function does not care whether the
coefficients are significant nor whether residuals make white noise).

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
3. Time Series: Decomposition


The general mathematical representation of the decomposition approach is:

Yt = f (Trt , St , t ) , (*)

Yt is the time series value (actual data) at period t
Trt is the trend-cycle component at period t
St is the seasonal component (or index) at period t
t is the irregular (or remainder) component at period t

The exact functional form of (*) depends on the decomposition method actually used. A
common approach is to assume that the (*) equation has the additive form

Yt = Trt + St + t .

That is, the trend-cycle, seasonal and irregular component are simply added together to give the
observed series.

There are many methods to decompose a time series into its components.

3.1 example. To plot Fig. 3.2 in Lecture Notes, run the following script where the moving
average method is used:










1950 1954 1958 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time 1:12

library(fma); data(airpass)
plot(lat,lwd=2) # plot original time series,filter=c(1/24,rep(1/12,11),1/24))
lines(,col=2) # add trend,ncol=12,byrow=TRUE)

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
3. Time Series: Decomposition

lat.s=apply(,2,mean,na.rm=TRUE) # estimate the seasonal component

lines(,col=3) # lat.s cyclically repeats

Note that this method does not allow to produce forecasts. However, this is possible when using
the methods introduced below.

The Global Method of OLS

Consider the airpass data set from the fma package.

library(fma); data(airpass);plot(airpass)
at=time(airpass); at # at is the sequence of dates
# only quadratic trend
time.f=seq(1949,1964-1/12,by=1/12) # our time sequence plus 36 months for forecast
par(mfrow=c(1,3)); plot(time.f,air1.f,type="l",lty=2);lines(airpass,col=2)

# quadratic trend and monthly seasonality

month = seasonaldummy(airpass)

# model for logs













1950 1955 1960 1950 1955 1960 1950 1955 1960

time.f time.f time.f

Fig. 3.3. Three quadratic trends and forecasts. Dependent variable is airpass - without
seasonal part (left) and with seasonal component (center); dependent variable is
log(airpass) with seasonal component (right)

The central graph in Fig. 3.2 corresponds to the OLS model airpasst = 0 + 1t + 2t 2 +
3,1dm1t + ... + 3,11dm11t + t , extended for 36 months into the future. Clearly, it is not a very
good model since airpass fluctations are increasing in size together with the level of

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
3. Time Series: Decomposition

airpass and additive model is unable to catch this effect.

The common solution to this problem is to take logarithms
of airpass. The model

log(airpass )t = 0 + 1t + 2t 2 + 3,1dm1t + ...

+ 3,11dm11t + t is free of the above mentioned weakness.
The only problem appears when we move back to

airpass the true formula is airpass  =
1950 1955 1960

exp(log( airpass )t + 2 / 2) (note that exp( 2 / 2) = 1.02 ,
thus this correction is almost invisible):


3.1 exercise. Analyze the residuals of all three models using the functions of the form
plot(air1.lm$res,type = "l"). Are the residuals stationary? (decide by eye). Do the
residuals make a WN? (use tsdisplay).

3.2 exercise. Extract linear, quadratic, and cubic trends from shipm. Do the residuals make
WN? Should we include a seasonal component? Wouldnt it be better to use logs of shipm?
Choose the best model (that is, the one whose 1. Residuals are WN and 2. AIC is minimal) and
forecast shipm 36 months ahead.

3.3 exercise. The monthly time series co2, 1959:01 1997:12, contains atmospheric
concentrations of CO2 expressed in parts per million (ppm). Describe the data through linear,
quadratic and cubic trends with, probably, seasonal component. Which model is the best?

3.2 example. Earlier we assumed that the lh series is stationary and created its model (see 2.4
exercise). However, it seems that the series is trending (TS?), therefore we shall present another
model of that series here.

lh # length=48
plot(lh) # it seems that the series contains incr. trend(?)

lh.lm=lm(lh~time(lh)) # what is time(lh)?


summary(lh.lm) # significant trend; however, residuals

trippleWN(lh.lm$res) # do not make WN, lm is not reliable

lh1.arima=auto.arima(lh,xreg=time(lh)) # with linear trend
summary(lh1.arima) # ar(3) term not significant, trend significant
summary(lh2.arima) # ar(1)term is significant, trend is not
trippleWN(lh2.arima$res) # residuals make WN

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
3. Time Series: Decomposition

Forecasts from ARIMA(3,0,0) with non-zero mean

The results of our analysis are ambiguous,
the last two lines of our code say that the

trend is insignificant (if it were, then lh
would be called a TS series). Just for
illustration, taking into account that the

trend in lh1.arima is significant, we
can forecast the series 24 months ahead:




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

The Global Method of Nonlinear Least Squares

If economics increases every year the same percent, then it grows exponentially. This argument
explains why the exponential model is so popular. However, modeling is rather complicated
because to extract trend here we need nonlinear regression.

data(shampoo) # ?shampoo sales of shampoo over a three year period; do
# the sales are seasonal?
plot(shampoo) # Sales grow roughly exponential (see Fig. 3.3)
# I had to experiment when choosing the starting values
plot(summary(shampoo.nls)$res) # The spread of residuals is more or less
# constant, however they are probably
# non-normal (their histogram is not symmetric
# - test)

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
3. Time Series: Decomposition










1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Time Index

Fig. 3.4. shampoo time series and exponential trend (left); residuals (right)

One of the drawbacks of the OLS is its globality if the time series departs for some reason from
its trend at the final moment T, this will change all the coefficients of the model and therefore the
predicted value at moment t = 1 . The local methods are free of this defect their forecast at
moment t are (mostly) influenced only by the values at close time moments.

The Local Method of Exponential Smoothing

We know three variants of exponential smoothing, they are for series without trend, with linear
trend and with seasonality. In the first case (simple exponential smoothing), the procedure to
produce smoothed series is described as follows:

1. Initialize at t= 1: Y1 = Y1
2. Update: Yt = Yt + (1 )Yt 1, t = 2,..., T .
3. Forecast: Y = Y , h = 1, 2,... .
T + h,T T
We call Yt the estimate of the level at time t. The smoothing parameter is in the unit interval,
[0,1] . The smaller is, the smoother the estimated level. As approaches 0, the smoothed
series approaches constancy, and as approaches 1, the smoothed series approaches point-by-
point interpolation.

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
3. Time Series: Decomposition




2 4 6 8 10 12 14


Fig. 3.5. Three variants of smoothing the original series (black)

R allows to use the automated procedure to choose the smoothing parameters: the function ets
selects the best variant automatically (by the minimum of AIC) and estimates its parameters.

l.ap.ets <- ets(log(AirPassengers))

3.4 exercise.

?housing # A three-dimensional time series
plot(housing) # Examine the 2nd component

Use exponential smoothing to estimate trend and seasonal part; predict hc 12 months ahead.

plot(forecast(hc,h=12),include=36) # here, to write hc is the same as to

# write ets(hc)

3.5 exercise. Predict shampoo 1 year ahead with the nls function.

lines(newTIME,new.pred,col=2) # not very convincing

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
3. Time Series: Decomposition

Local Linear Forecast Using Cubic Splines

The cubic smoothing spline model is equivalent to an ARIMA(0,2,2) model (we shall present
this model later) but with a restricted parameter space. The advantage of the spline model over
the full ARIMA model is that it provides a smooth historical trend as well as a linear forecast

Forecasts from Cubic Smoothing Spline

We shall use the function splinef from the

forecast package to extract linear forecast from
the shipm time series and forecast it for 24

fcast <- splinef(shipm,h=24)

1968 1970 1972 1974 1976

3.6 exercise. Find the uspop data set and their description in R. Estimate the trend and
forecast this time series for 10 years ahead. Use the method of nonlinear least squares,
exponential smoothing and smoothing splines. Which of the forecasts fits best todays data (find
them from the internet).

3.3 example. Lithuanian quarterly GDP, 1993:01-2012:04, can be downloaded from; it is also given in L.gdp.txt. We want to
decom-pose the DGP into trend and seasonal components and also random (hopefully,
stationary) component. Many R functions can do the job, but only some allow to forecast the

l.gdp=ts(scan(),start=1993,freq=4) # copy and paste data from L.gdp.txt

plot(l.gdp, main="Lithuanian GDP")
ll=window(ll.gdp,start=2000) # extract a subset of ll.gdp
plot(ll, main="logs of Lithuanian GDP")

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
3. Time Series: Decomposition

Lithuanian GDP logs of Lithuanian GDP

15000 25000


1995 2000 2005 2010 2000 2004 2008 2012

Time Time

Fig. 3.6. Quarterly data of Lithuanian GDP, 1993:01-2012:04 (left) and logs of
Lithuanian GDP, 2000:01-2012:04 (right)

The Lithuanian GDP is rather unregular till appr. 1996 due to the transition to the free market
economy. The development of Lithuanian economy was also heavily disturbed by the 1998
Russian financial crisis, therefore we restrict ourselves to 2000:01-2012:04. We choose to
analyze logarithms because its seasonal part appears to be of constant amplitude; thus, we want
to find the additive decomposition log(l.gdp) = Trt + St + t . It is clear from the graph in Fig.
3.4, right, that it would be difficult to describe the trend of ll in analytic terms, therefore we
shall apply the decompose function and use nonparametric decomposition.

dec.ll # the result of decomposition
tsdisplay(dec.ll$rand) # draw a residuals correlogram

The seasonal effects can be extracted from dec.ll (the additive quarterly extras of
log(l.gdp) are -0.099, 0.018, 0.041, and 0.040). The random component of dec.ll seems to
be stationary (see Fig. 3.5), but not a white noise (see Fig. 3.5, right). However, the main
problem with our procedure is that it does not allow to forecast ll.

3 - 10
R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
3. Time Series: Decomposition

Decomposition of additive time series dec.ll$rand

o bse rved

10.2 9.4

tre nd

2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012

0.02 9.4
sea son al


-0.10 -0.04





ran do m


2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
5 10 15 5 10 15
Lag Lag

Fig. 3.7. Decomposition of ll (left) and the correlogram of dec.ll$rand (right)

One of the procedures which allows forecasting is exponential smoothing:

ets.ll=ets(ll) # automatic exponential smoothing
ets.ll # AIC -116.35
# plot(forecast(ll),include=16) will produce the same result
tsdisplay(ets.ll$resid) # residuals form a WN

Forecasts from ETS(M,Md,M) y.ets$resid



2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012







-0.4 -0.2

-0.4 -0.2

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 5 10 15 5 10 15

Lag Lag

Fig. 3.8. Exponential forecasting (left) and the correlogram of residuals (right)

Later, in 4.10 exercise, we shall present more methods to analyze and forecast ll. 

3 - 11
R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
4. Difference Stationary Time Series.

4. Difference Stationary Time Series

4.1. Unit Roots.

In econometrics, nonstationary processes are more important than stationary. In this chapter, we
shall discuss one class of such processe, the so-called processes with unit root.

Let the AR(1) time series Yt is described by Yt = aYt 1 + wt , where wt is a WN; if the root of an
inverse characteristic equation 1 az = 0 , namely, z = 1 / a equals 1 (to put it simply, a = 1 ), then
we say that Yt has a unit root. If Yt is an AR(p) process, i.e., Yt = a1Yt 1 + a2Yt 2 + + a pYt p + wt ,
it is called a process with unit root if at least one root of the inverse characteristic equation
1 a1z ... a p z p = 0 equals +1. Warning this is not the same as a1 = 1 !

Remark. If the time series Zt is of the form Zt = Tt + Yt , where Tt is a deterministic trend (for
example, Tt = a + bt ), and (the deviation) process Yt is AR(1) or AR(p) process with unit root, then
sometimes Zt is also called a process with unit root.

The series Yt = 1 Yt 1 + wt is not a stationary process because Yt = (Yt 2 + wt 1 ) + wt = ... = Y0 +

w1 + w2 + ... + wt , thus DYt = DY0 + t w2 const . In other words, the graphs of sample ACF and
PACF are senseless, however they give some information about potential unit root (see Fig. 4.1).

The trajectories of the process with unit root make long excursions up and down. The (sample)
ACF of the process decays very slowly and the first bar of the (sample) PACF is almost equal to 1
(other bars are almost zeros).

If Yt is an AR(1) process with a unit root, then the process of differences Yt = Yt Yt 1 = wt is a

WN. If Yt is an AR(p) process with one1 unit root, then the process of differences is a stationary
AR(p-1) process. Indeed, wt = (1 a1L ... a p Lp )Yt = (1 b1L ... b p 1Lp 1 ) (1 L)Yt =
(1 b1L ... b p 1Lp 1 )Yt .

In Fig. 4.1 below, we depict three AR(1) processes Yt = aYt 1 + wt (with, respectively, a =0.9, 1 and
1.1). Note that despite the fact that the a coefficients are almost equal, trajectories of the processes
are notably different in the first case the series is stationary, in the second case the series is a ran-
dom walk, and in the third is a rarely met explosion (sometimes the process of hyperinflation can
be described as explosion). In this chapter, we shall mostly deal with unit roots, namely: i) how to
detect such series? and ii) how to extend such series into the future, i.e., to forecast them.

Economical time series sometimes have two unit roots, but (almost) never more.

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
4. Difference Stationary Time Series.

a=0.9 Series x1 Series x1 a=0.9 - Skirtumai Series skirt Series skirt

-0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2


0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

x1[2:100] - x1[1:99]


Partial ACF

Partial ACF








0 20 40 60 80 0 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 0 20 40 60 80 0 5 10 15 5 10 15

laikas Lag Lag laikas[2:100] Lag Lag

a=1 Series y1 Series y1 a=1 - Skirtumai Series skirt Series skirt




y1[2:100] - y1[1:99]




Partial ACF

Partial ACF











0 20 40 60 80 0 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 0 20 40 60 80 0 5 10 15 5 10 15

laikas Lag Lag laikas[2:100] Lag Lag

a=1.1 Series z1 Series z1 a=1.1 - Skirtumai Series skirt Series skirt


80 100

z1[2:100] - z1[1:99]


Partial ACF

Partial ACF
20 40 60





0 200





0 20 40 60 80 0 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 0 20 40 60 80 0 5 10 15 5 10 15

laikas Lag Lag laikas[2:100] Lag Lag

Fig. 4.1. The first row: a=0.9 (stationary process), second row: a=1 (this is a random walk; it is not a
stationary process but its differences are), third row: a=1.1 (explosion neither the process nor its dif-
ferences are stationary)

Here are some definitions. If the sequence of the first differences Yt = Yt Yt 1 is stationary, the
sequence Yt is called a (one time) integrated series and is denoted by I(1) ; if only the series of the
dth differences2 is stationary, the series Yt is the dth order integrated series and denoted by I(d) (the
stationary Yt is denoted by I(0)). We say that the ARMA(p+1,q) process yt : p +1 ( L) yt = q ( L) wt
has a unit (autoregressive) root if at least one of p+1 autoregressive roots equals 1, that is, if
p +1 ( L) = p ( L)(1 L) . It is equivallent to that the differenced process Yt is ARMA(p,q):
p ( L)(1 L) yt = p ( L)yt = q ( L) wt (the original ARMA(p+1,q) process Yt is now called ARI-
MA(p,1,q) process). That is to say that ARIMA(1,1,1) is a process whose first differences make an
ARMA(1,1) process etc.

4.1 example. Assume that our process is described by a simple ARIMA(1,1,1) process
1 0.4 L
(1 0.4 L)(1 L)Yt = (1 + 0.3L) wt which can be rewritten as (1 L)Yt = (1 0.4 L) (1
1 + 0.3L
0.3L + (0.3L) 2 ...)(1 L)Yt = wt . The infinite order polynomial on the lhs can be approximated by a
(sometimes quite of a large order) finite polynomial, i.e., AR(p) process. The popular Dickey-Fuller
unit root test always interpret the process under consideration as an AR process.

The operator of the dth differences is defined as d = ( d 1 ) . For example, 2Yt = (Yt ) = (Yt Yt 1 ) =
Yt Yt 1 (Yt 1 Yt 2 ) = Yt 2Yt 1 + Yt 2 .

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
4. Difference Stationary Time Series.

If the dth differences d Yt make a stationary ARMA(p,q) process, then the process
Yt is called an ARIMA(p,d,q) process.

4.2 example. The data set \\nyse.txt contains monthly index of the NewYork
Stock Exchange from 1952:1 to 1996:1.









1960 1970 1980 1990 1960 1970 1980 1990 1960 1970 1980 1990

Time Time Time

Fig. 4.2. nyse (left), log(nyse) (center), and diff(log(nyse)) (right)

We shall model the variable log(nyse) (see Fig. 4.2, center) in two different but equivalent

1) as a process with a linear trend whose deviations from the trend are described as the AR(1)
process (possessing, probably, a unit root):

Yt = + t + ut

ut = ut 1 + wt

ar1 intercept time(lnyse)
0.9832 -144.2528 0.0763
s.e. 0.0076 12.4969 0.0063

2) as an autoregressive process with a linear trend:

Yt = + Yt 1 + t + wt =
= ( (1 ) + ) + Yt 1 + (1 ) t + wt


R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
4. Difference Stationary Time Series.


Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -2.169524 1.124569 -1.929 0.0542 .
time(lnyse) 0.001152 0.000595 1.936 0.0534 .
L(lnyse) 0.984518 0.008150 120.792 <2e-16 ***

The coefficients of the two models differ because of different parameterization, however both mo-
dels practically coincide (their residuals in fact are zeros):

> summary(mod.1$res-mod.a$res)
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
-1.021e-03 -6.636e-04 3.215e-05 -1.198e-04 3.638e-04 8.119e-04

The most important coefficient is that of the lagged term in the first case it equals 0.984518, and
in the second 0.9832 (do not forget that these are only the estimates of a1 from Yt = a1Yt 1 + wt ).
The estimate is very close to 1, however we cannot test the unit root hypothesis H 0 : a1 = 1 by using
the presented p value <2e-16 (it is to test the hypothesis H 0 : a1 = 0 ). We also cannot test the
hypothesis H 0 : a1 = 1 in a standard way, i.e., through constructing the confidence interval 0.984518
2 0.008150, due to the fact that (a1 1) / s.e. , provided H 0 is true, has not the Student but anoth-
er, namely, Dickey-Fuller distribution.

A. We shall apply the OLS method and proceed as follows.

1. Since the order of AR is unknown, we begin with a sufficiently high order pmax . It is easy to
verify that the process Yt = + a1Yt 1 + a2Yt 2 + + a pYt p + t + wt can be rewritten as:
Yt = + Yt 1 + 1Yt 1 + ... + p 1Yt p +1 + t + wt (for example, the process Yt = + a1Yt 1 +
a2Yt 2 + t + wt can be expressed as Yt = + (a1 + a2 1)Yt 1 + a2 Yt 1 + t + wt ). Now the
original hypothesis H 0 : the process has a unit root will transform to H 0 : = 0 .

2. Let us find the right order of the model. To do this, use the models output table to test the
hypothesis pmax 1 = 0 (if the p value is >0.05, reduce the order and repeat the calculations etc).
When the right order is found, we shall test the significance of .

3. The significance of is tested in a different way:

i. If the final version contains the linear term t , the 5% DickeyFuller critical value is appr. -3.45.
Thus, if the t ratio of the term Yt 1 is less than -3.45, the null H 0 : the process has a unit root is
rejected and we decide that the AR process is stationary.

ii. If the final version of the model does not contain t , the 5% DickeyFuller critical value is appr.
-2.89.Thus, if the t ratio of the term Yt 1 is less than -2.89, the null H 0 : the process has a unit
root is rejected and we decide that the AR process is stationary.


R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
4. Difference Stationary Time Series.

We shall apply the procedure to lnyse. Let us begin with pmax 1 = 4.


Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -2.3687713 1.1485801 -2.062 0.0397 *
L(lnyse) -0.0172567 0.0083590 -2.064 0.0395 *
L(d(lnyse), 1:4)1 0.0544182 0.0439376 1.239 0.2161
L(d(lnyse), 1:4)2 -0.0282789 0.0439795 -0.643 0.5205
L(d(lnyse), 1:4)3 0.0150925 0.0439341 0.344 0.7313
L(d(lnyse), 1:4)4 0.0364520 0.0439285 0.830 0.4070 nereikmingas
time(lnyse) 0.0012584 0.0006077 2.071 0.0389 *

Now, instead of L(d(lnyse),1:4) we write L(d(lnyse),1:3) etc until we get such a mo-
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 0.0077315 0.0121721 0.635 0.526
L(lnyse) -0.0001374 0.0019082 -0.072 0.943

We have no ground to reject = 0 (since the t value -0.072 is greater than -2.89). Thus lnyse
has a unit root and it can be modelled as


Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 0.006865 0.001768 3.884 0.000116 ***

In other words, lnyset = 0.0069 + lnyset 1 + wt , i.e., this is a random walk with drift.

B. The 5% Dickey-Fuller approximate critical values were presented above. In our case, -0.072 was
definitely greater than -2.89 but, generally, once the order and the necessity of t are established,
use the augmented DickeyFuller test implemented in ur.df()). Recall that this test is applied in
the cases

Yt = a1Yt 1 + wt (none option)

Yt = a + a1Yt 1 + wt (drift option)
Yt = a + a1Yt 1 + t + wt (trend option)

In all three cases we test the null H 0 : a1 = 1 (it is equivalent to H 0 : = 0 ), its critical values de-
pend on option and are equal to, respectively, tau1, tau2 and tau3. Note that the critical values
remain the same even if the process is not AR(1) but AR(p).

lnyse.df=ur.df(lnyse,0,type = "drift")

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
4. Difference Stationary Time Series.


lm(formula = z.diff ~ z.lag.1 + 1)

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 0.0077315 0.0121721 0.635 0.526
z.lag.1 -0.0001374 0.0019082 -0.072 0.943

Value of test-statistic is: -0.072 7.5294

Critical values for test statistics:

1pct 5pct 10pct
tau2 -3.43 -2.86 -2.57
phi1 6.43 4.59 3.78

Since the t value -0.072 is closer to zero than the 5% critical value: -2.86<-0.072<0, there is no
ground to reject the null H 0 : the process has a unit root.

C. Testing for the unit root with the A and B procedures last long. The same ur.df function
allows us to automate the procedure: once you choose the maximum number of lags (e.g., 4) and
note to include linear trend, the ur.df function creates all possible models with lags=4, =3, =2,
=1, =0 and chooses the one with least BIC. Note that this model will differ from the previous,
however it is hard to say which one is more accurate.


lm(formula = z.diff ~ z.lag.1 + 1 + tt + z.diff.lag)

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 8.559e-02 3.915e-02 2.186 0.0292 *
z.lag.1 -1.680e-02 8.209e-03 -2.046 0.0412 *
tt 1.023e-04 4.983e-05 2.053 0.0406 *
z.diff.lag 5.261e-02 4.380e-02 1.201 0.2302

Value of test-statistic is: -2.0463 6.0166 2.1302

Critical values for test statistics:

1pct 5pct 10pct
tau3 -3.96 -3.41 -3.12
phi2 6.09 4.68 4.03
phi3 8.27 6.25 5.34

Thus, the bottom line is: since the test statistics is greater than the critical value, lnyse is a process
with (a linear trend and a) unit root.

If instead of type=trend we choose type=drift, once again we get that the process has
a unit root. Thus, we have three models and, to forecasting, choose (without any deeper argumenta-
tion) the A model.

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
4. Difference Stationary Time Series.

D. lnyse is forecasted with the formula lnyset = 0.0069 + lnyset 1 + wt ; to do this in R, use the
Arima function:

include.drift=TRUE) Forecasts from ARIMA(0,1,0) with drift

ARIMA(0,1,0) with drift

s.e. 0.0018


************************ 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998


4.1 exercise. Repeat the forecast by using other two models. Compare the forecasts.

4.2 exercise. Use different methods and investigate whether the variable lc from the Raotbl13
file in the urca package has a unit root. 

When testing for unit root, it is important to understand the meaning of the hypotheses the func-
tion ur.df has three options: type="none", "drift" and "trend".

1. none our time series resembles a stationary AR(1) process with zero mean (however,
we suspect that it could be a random walk):

H1 : Yt = Yt 1 + wt ~ Yt Yt 1 = ( 1)Yt 1 + wt , | |< 1
H 0 : Yt = Yt 1 + wt ~ Yt Yt 1 = 0 Yt 1 + wt

In this case, the null = 1 means that our process is a random walk without drift. If the hypothesis
is rejected, we conclude that the process is stationary AR(1) with zero mean.

2. drift our time series resembles a stationary AR(1) process with nonzero mean (how-
ever, we suspect that it couls be a random walk with drift):

H1 : Yt = + Yt 1 + wt ~ Yt Yt 1 = + ( 1)Yt 1 + wt , | |< 1
H 0 : Yt = + Yt 1 + wt ~ Yt Yt 1 = + 0 Yt 1 + wt

In this case, the null = 1 means that our process is a random walk with drift. If the hypothesis is
rejected, we conclude that the process is stationary AR(1) with nonzero mean.

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
4. Difference Stationary Time Series.

3. trend - our time series resembles a stationary AR(1) process around a linear trend (how-
ever, we suspect that it couls be a random walk with drift):

H1 : Yt a bt = (Yt 1 a bt ) + wt ~ Yt = [a (1 ) + b ] + b(1 ) t + Yt 1 + wt , | |< 1

H 0 : Yt = b + Yt 1 + wt ~ Yt Yt 1 = b + 0 Yt 1 + wt

In this case, the null = 1 means that our process is a random walk with drift. If the hypothesis is
rejected, we conclude that the process is stationary AR(1) around a line a + bt . 

We shall repeat the nyse analysis with gretl. The ADF test is, as implemented in gretl, the t-
statistic on in the following regression:

Yt = + Yt 1 + 1Yt 1 + ... + p Yt p + t + wt .

It is a one-sided test whose null hypothesis is = 0 versus the alternative < 0 (and hence large
negative values of the test statistic lead to the rejection of the null). Under the null, Yt must be dif-
ferenced at least once to achieve stationarity; under the alternative, Yt is already stationary and no
differencing is required.

4.3 example. . Import the data file nyse.txt containing monthly data from 1952:1 through 1996:1
on a major stock price index provided by the New York
Stock Exchange. Select l_StockPrice, go to Varia-
ble| Unit root tests| Augmented Dickey-Fuller test and
fill in the window as shown on the right. If we choose
the recommended order 18 as a starting point, gretl uses
the highest significant term principle and finally takes
14 lags in Dickey-Fuller regression.

Augmented Dickey-Fuller test for l_StockPrice

including 14 lags of (1-L)l_StockPrice (max was 18)
sample size 514
unit-root null hypothesis: a = 1

with constant and trend

model: (1-L)y = b0 + b1*t + (a-1)*y(-1) + ... + e
1st-order autocorrelation coeff. for e: -0.001
lagged differences: F(14, 497) = 1.253 [0.2333]
estimated value of (a - 1): -0.0151188
test statistic: tau_ct(1) = -1.70429
asymptotic p-value 0.7497

Note that if we replace 18 with 8, we get a recommendation to include only 5 lags, but the
asymptotic p-value (=0.4378) is again more than 0.05, therefore in any case we do not reject the
unit root hypothesis. To get the model, go to Model| Time series| ARIMA... and fill in the window
as shown in 6.3 pav., left3, below. The 12 months forecast of l_StockPrice is shown on the

See Case 3.trend above: to apply ADF test, we selected with constant and trend; now, when we accepted
= 0 hypothesis, the model will contain only the drift (constant) .

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
4. Difference Stationary Time Series.

95 percent interval






1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997

Fig. 4.3. ARIMA model (left) and 12 months forecast (right)

4.4 example. The data set \dataPE\interestrates.xls contains quarterly long-run Longrate and
short-run Shortrate interest rates, 1954:1-1994:4.

(a) Estimate descriptive statistics of both variables and their differences.

(b) Draw and comment the graphs of four respective variables.
(c) Draw and comment the Longrate Longrate(-1) scatter diagram; do the same with
(d) Estimate cor(Yt,Yt-1)for both variables.
(e) Do (c) and (d) for the differences of our variables. Comment the differences.
(f) Plot ACFs of Longrate and diff(Longrate).

rate= ts(read.delim2("clipboard",header=TRUE),start=1954,freq=4)
cor(Longrate[2:164],Longrate[1:163]) # [1] 0.9997162
cor(diff(Longrate[2:164]),diff(Longrate[1:163])) # [1] -0.002354711

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
4. Difference Stationary Time Series.


The results of this analysis allows us to guess that Longrate, most probably, has a unit root. We
shall repeat the procedure of the previous example with pmax 1 = 4 and finally end with the model
Yt = + Yt 1 + wt :

dynlm(formula = d(Longrate) ~ L(Longrate))

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 0.038606 0.014392 2.682 0.00807 **
L(Longrate) -0.003983 0.001871 -2.130 0.03473 *

It would be wrong to say: since the t value |-2.13|>2, we reject the null = 0 . The right an-
swer can be obtained with the Dickey-Fuller test:


Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 0.038606 0.014392 2.682 0.00807 **
z.lag.1 -0.003983 0.001871 -2.130 0.03473 *

Value of test-statistic is: -2.1295 63.8967

Critical values for test statistics:

1pct 5pct 10pct Forecasts from ARIMA(0,1,0) with drift
tau2 -3.46 -2.88 -2.57
phi1 6.52 4.63 3.81

Since the t value statistics -2.13>-2.88, we


have no ground to reject the null, therefore

Longrate is a random walk with drift,

Yt Yt 1 = 0.008 + wt :
1988 1992 1996

Repeat the analysis with Shortrate. 

4.1 exercise. The time series

lGNP = structure(c(14.1923, 14.2862, 14.328, 14.3646, 14.3577, 14.4125, 14.4322, 14.4513,

14.4464, 14.4995, 14.5197, 14.5445, 14.6042, 14.6470, 14.7053, 14.7661, 14.8290, 14.8546,
14.8987, 14.9293, 14.9293, 14.9622, 15.0173, 15.0738, 15.0680, 15.0592, 15.1122, 15.1624,
15.2127, 15.2413, 15.2413, 15.2679, 15.2486, 15.2868, 15.3513, 15.3836, 15.4119, 15.4435,
15.4807, 15.5055, 15.5138, 15.5017, 15.5221, 15.5517), .Tsp = c(1950, 1993, 1), class =

4 - 10
R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
4. Difference Stationary Time Series.

contains the logarithms of the U.S. gross national product, 1950-1993, in total 44 years).



1950 1960 1970 1980 1990



-0.4 0.0 0.4 0.8

-0.4 0.0 0.4 0.8




1950 1960 1970 1980 1990

5 10 15 5 10 15

Lag Lag

Fig. 4.4. The graph of lGNP (left) and the residuals of a linear model (right)

The time series has an evident, almost linear, trend, therefore we shall examine two variants: this is
a process with i) a deterministic trend and ii) a stochastic trend (and, probably, a drift).


(a) Use the lm function, remove linear trend, and analyse residuals.
(b) The residuals, it seems, are described by an AR(1) process, therefore once again remove the
trend with

(the coefficient at time(lGNP)*100 is an average percentage growth rate of GNP).

(c) Is it a proper model? (write the model). If your answer is positive, forecast lGNP seven years


(d) Since the residuals of the linear model have a unit root (can you substantiate your answer?), it
seems reasonable to examine


(e) Is it true that lGNP itself has a unit root (and, probably, a positive drift)? Test the hypothesis
with the ur.df function.

(f) Create a respective model (how does it differs from the previous one?)


The rate of growth, i.e., the drift, i.e., the coefficient at time(lGNP) equals ..., it is practically the
same as earlier.

4 - 11
R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
4. Difference Stationary Time Series.

(g) Draw the forecast of lGNP seven years ahead. Both models give similar forecasts, the only dif-
ference is in the forecasting errors.

The width of the confidence interval of the forecast of the stationary AR process (the
GNPar100 model) tends to a constant.
The width of the confidence interval of the forecast of the process with unit root (the
GNPar010 model) widens as a square root.

(h) Which model is selected by the sequential procedure A? And by C? 

We conclude that all three models are of more or less the same accuracy. Below we shall present
one more method to value the model: we remove the last few observations, create a new shorte-
ned model, and compare its forecast with the eliminated data. Then we choose the one with the
smallest forecast error.

4.2 exercise. Generate a process with linear trend and correlated errors, i.e., Yt = 7 + 0.3 t + 5et
where et = 0.8842et 1 0.5316et 2 + wt , t = 1,...,150 . Use the sequential procedure to establish the
type of the process. Do not forget to apply the Dicky-Fuller test. Find the 20-step-ahead forecast.

ee=arima.sim(n = 150, list(ar = c(0.8842, -0.5316)))

summary(ur.df(yy,lags=1,type="trend")) # vienet. akn atmetame

4.3 exercise. Generate the random walk Yt with 0.1 drift: Yt = 0.1 + Yt 1 + wt . Use sequential pro-
cedure to classify the process. Forecast the process for 20 time moments ahead.

4.4 exercise. Create two lGNP models using the data from 1950 till 1990 and compare the accura-
cy of forecasts of both models for 1991 till 1993., 1950, 1990) # shorten lGNP

(a) Create the models and and draw the graphs as in Fig. 4.5.

4 - 12
R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
4. Difference Stationary Time Series.

Forecasts from ARIMA(1,0,0) with non-zero mean Forecasts from ARIMA(0,1,0)




1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992

Fig. 4.5. The two models give different forecasts

The mean error of the forecast may be estimated in various ways:

(1/ n) i =1 ui2
Root-Mean-Square Error: RMSE =
MAE = (1/ n) i =1 | ui |
Mean Absolute Error:
MSE = (1/ n) i =1 ui2
Mean Squared Error
MAPE = (1/ n) i =1 ui / yi 100
Mean Absolute Percentage Error
ME = (1/ n) i =1 ui
Mean Error

Compare the two models by RMSE:


According to this criterion, the unit root model is more accurate.

(b) Compare the models by MAPE. 

4.5 exercise. The data set .../PE.II.2010data/nporg.txt contains the fourteen U.S. economic time
series (annual, 1860-1970) used by Nelson & Plosser in their seminal paper.

year Time index from 1860 until 1970.

gnp.r Real GNP, Billions of 1958 Dollars], [1909 1970]
gnp.n Nominal GNP, [Millions of Current Dollars], [1909 1970]
gnp.pc Real Per Capita GNP, [1958 Dollars], [1909 1970]
ip Industrial Production Index, [1967 = 100], [1860 1970]
emp Total Employment, [Thousands], [1890 1970]
ur Total Unemployment Rate, [Percent], [1890 1970]
gnp.p GNP Deflator, [1958 = 100], [1889 1970]
cpi Consumer Price Index, [1967 = 100], [1860 1970]

4 - 13
R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
4. Difference Stationary Time Series.

wg.n Nominal Wages (Average annual earnings per full-time employee in manufacturing),
[current Dollars], [1900 1970]
wg.r Real Wages, [Nominal wages/CPI], [1900 1970]
M Money Stock (M2), [Billions of Dollars, annual averages], [1889 1970]
vel Velocity of Money, [1869 1970]
bnd Bond Yield (Basic Yields of 30-year corporate bonds), [Percent per annum], [1900
sp Stock Prices, [Index; 1941 43 = 100], [1871 1970]

Until 1982, when these data and their analysis were published, most of the economists believed that
all time series were TS (i.e., after removing the trend they become stationary). Nelson & Plosser
proved that most of economic series are DS (i.e., their differences are stationary). Take gnp.r and
cpi (or, probably, their logarithms) from the above file and examine whether they are TS or DS.

4.6 exercise. The urca package contains many macroeconomical time series. The data set Ra-
otbl1 has 5 columns which can be (though it is not necessary) converted to time series. What is
the meaning of the variables in the 1st, 3rd, and 5th columns? Examine whether these series have a
unit root.

4.2. SARIMA (=Seasonal ARIMA) Models

Many economic processes have a seasonal component. Usual procedure at first removes (the trend
and then) the seasonal part and then analyzes the remainder, for example, identifies it as a stationary
ARMA process. On the other side, better results are obtained if both procedures take place at the
same time.

Here are two seasonal quarterly models: yt = a4 yt 4 + wt , | a4 |< 1 and yt = wt + b4 wt 4 . It is easy to

verify that in the first case i = a4i / 4 , if i/4 is an integer and =0 otherwise. In the second case, ACF
has the only nonzero bar at 4. However, usually the processes have not only the seasonal component
but also a trend, therefore the behavior of ACF is more complicated (also, do not forget that sample
ACF may differ from the theoretical).

One more example: yt = a1 yt 1 + wt + b1wt 1 + b4 wt 4 . In principle, the seasonal effect may also be
described as yt = a1 yt 1 + a4 yt 4 + wt + b1wt 1 . Both these models add a seasonal term ( wt 4 or yt 4 ,
respectively), therefore they are termed additive. Here are two variants of multiplicative models4:

(1 a1 L) yt = (1 + b1 L) (1 + b4 L4 ) wt (denote by SARIMA(1,0,1)(0,0,1)4)
(i.e.,, yt = a1 yt 1 + wt + b1wt 1 + b4 wt 4 + b1b4 wt 5 ) and

(1 a1 L) (1 a4 L4 ) yt = (1 + b1 L) wt (denoted by SARIMA(1,0,1)(1,0,0)4).
(i.e., ... write it yourselves).

The process (1 L) (1 L ) ( L) ( L )Yt = ( L )( L ) wt is denoted by

4 d s D s s
ARIMA( p, d , q )( P, D, Q ) s or
SARIMA( p, d , q )( P, D, Q ) s .

4 - 14
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4. Difference Stationary Time Series.

Now we shall examine some models with seasonal component. We begin with GRETL.

4.5 example. The data set .../Thomas ME1997/data4.txt contains quarterly, 1974:1-1984:4, data
about consumption C and disposable income Y in UK. Test whether log(C) has a unit root, create
a model of log(C), and forecast it 12 quarters ahead.

These series are not seasonally smoothed, therefore we say that log(C) has a unit root if the coeffi-
cient in the equation

log Ct = + log Ct 1 + 1Yt 1 + ... + p 1Yt ( p 1) + t + 2 D2,t + 3 D3,t + 4 D4,t + t (6.1)

equals 0 (here Di are quarterly dummy variables and the order p is chosen according to the mini-
mum of AIC or by the significance of the highest term). Select l_C (=log(C)), go to Variable|Unit
root tests| Augmented Dickey-Fuller test and fill in the test window as shown in 6.5 pav., right. The
answer is a bit strange: it is well known that log(C ) is I (1) , however the output suggests stationari-

Augmented Dickey-Fuller test for l_C

including 10 lags of (1-L)l_C (max was 13)
sample size 33
unit-root null hypothesis: a = 1

with constant and trend plus seasonal dummies

model: (1-L)y = b0 + b1*t + (a-1)*y(-1) + ... + e
1st-order autocorrelation coeff. for e: -0.138
lagged differences: F(10, 17) = 2.020 [0.0970]
estimated value of (a - 1): -1.72407
test statistic: tau_ct(1) = -4.02327
asymptotic p-value 0.008069

However, if one repeats the analysis with Lag order ... = 5, the ADF test will now claim that p = 1
in (6.1) and that unit root is present in the model:

Dickey-Fuller test for l_C

sample size 43
unit-root null hypothesis: a = 1

with constant and trend plus seasonal dummies

model: (1-L)y = b0 + b1*t + (a-1)*y(-1) + e
1st-order autocorrelation coeff. for e: -0.178
estimated value of (a - 1): -0.35111
test statistic: tau_ct(1) = -2.78711
p-value 0.2096

These different answers can be explained by the fact that a random walk could be quite close to sta-
tionary AR(p) with large p and the roots of the inverse characteristic equation close to 1. This asser-
tion can be also supported by the forecasts of the two models. We start with the TS model and desc-
ribe respective ARIMA5 model as shown on the right (this model is similar to the model without
dq2, dq3, and dq4 as independent variables, but with Seasonal AR order equal to 1; try to create the
model yourself).

Sometimes it is termed ARIMAX to indicate the presence of independent variable X.

4 - 15
R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
4. Difference Stationary Time Series.








1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984

Fig. 4.6.

To create respective DS model, fill in the ARIMA

window with AR order: 0, Difference:1 and remove the
variable time from the list.
The forecasts are presented in 6.6 pav. where one can
see that both models are similar. In fact, the only diffe-
rence is in the width of the confidence intervals (in DS
case they are broader but it is not quite clear which mo-
del is more correct).

4 - 16
R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
4. Difference Stationary Time Series.

11.05 11.15
l_C l_C
forecast forecast
95 percent interval 95 percent interval




10.9 10.95




10.75 10.75
1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987

Fig. 4.7. The forecasts of the TS model (left) and DS model (right)

4.7 exercise. Parallel this analysis with log(Y). 


Now we shall continue the analysis with R. Upon typing

spain=ts(scan(file.choose()),start=1970,freq=12) # Navigate to
# Data\Enders\Spain.txt

you shall see the monthly numbers of tourists visiting Spain. The mean of spain is slowly increa-
sing, but the data has evident seasonality.
e+ 06

1970 1975 1980 1985

0 .8

0 .8
0 .2

0 .2
-0 . 4

-0 . 4

5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20

Lag Lag

Fig. 4.8. The number of tourists visiting Spain and respective ACF and PACF graphs

4 - 17
R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
4. Difference Stationary Time Series.

Since the spread of data is increasing in time, we take logarithms first and then differentiate to make
them stationary.

tsdisplay((y1 <- diff(log(spain)))) # = (1- L) yt = yt - yt -1

tsdisplay((y12 <- diff(log(spain),12))) # = (1- L12 ) yt = yt - yt -12

(y1 <- diff(log(spain))) (y12 <- diff(log(spain), 12))



-0.6 -0.2

1970 1975 1980 1985 1975 1980 1985













5 15 5 15 5 15 5 15

Lag Lag Lag Lag

Fig. 4.9. The plots of simple and seasonal differences of spain

The seasonal differences are similar to stationary, therefore in the future we shall analyze y12. The
remaining variations we eliminate with simple differentiating.


diff(y12) Standardized Residuals

-4 0

1970 1975 1980 1985


ACF of Residuals
1975 1980 1985
0.0 0.6


0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5





p values for Ljung-Box statistic

-0.4 -0.2

-0.4 -0.2

p value


5 15 5 15 2 4 6 8 10

Lag Lag lag

Fig. 4.10. The graphs of diff(y12) (left) and the diagnostics of the MAR (see below) model

The only clear peak of the ACF of diff(y12) is at 1; coupling the fact with the vanishing PACF,
we choose the MA(1) model (significant peaks around 12 may be explained by additive or multipli-
cative seasonal factors we propose three variants to explain them (notation: y=log(spain)):

4 - 18
R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
4. Difference Stationary Time Series.

(1 L12 )(1 L)(1 a12 L12 ) yt = (1 + b1 L) wt (multiplicative autoregressive model MAR)

(1 L12 )(1 L) yt = (1 + b1 L)(1 + b12 L12 ) wt (multiplicative moving average model MMA)
(1 L12 )(1 L) yt = (1 + b1 L + b12 L12 ) wt (additive moving average model AMA)


MAR=arima(y, order = c(0,1,1), seasonal = list(order=c(1,1,0)))

Series: y
ARIMA(0,1,1)(1,1,0)[12] model

ma1 sar1
-0.7452 -0.4085
s.e. 0.0425 0.0627

sigma^2 estimated as 0.01378: log likelihood = 156.16, aic = -306.32

tsdiag(MAR) # See Fig. 4.9, right

MMA= arima(y, order = c(0,1,1), seasonal = list(order=c(0,1,1)))

Series: y
ARIMA(0,1,1)(0,1,1)[12] model

ma1 sma1
-0.7354 -0.7267
s.e. 0.0455 0.0515

sigma^2 estimated as 0.01118: log likelihood = 175.52, aic = -345.04

AMA=arima(y, order=c(0,1,12), fixed=c(NA,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,NA), seasonal=
Series: y
ARIMA(0,1,12)(0,1,0)[12] model

ma1 ma2 ma3 ma4 ma5 ma6 ma7 ma8 ma9 ma10 ma11 ma12
-0.6930 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.2777
s.e. 0.1068 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1047

sigma^2 estimated as 0.01522: log likelihood = 145.08, aic = -284.17


4 - 19
R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
4. Difference Stationary Time Series.

Standardized Residuals Standardized Residuals


-4 2

1970 1975 1980 1985 1970 1975 1980 1985

Time Time

ACF of Residuals ACF of Residuals




0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5

Lag Lag

p values for Ljung-Box statistic p values for Ljung-Box statistic

p value

p v alue
0.0 0.8

0.0 0.8
2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10

lag lag

Fig. 4.11. The diagnostic graphs of MMA (left) and AMA (right; the model MMA is better)

According to AIC, the best among these models (and, possibly, among all the SARIMA models) is
the MMA model which can be denoted as SARIMA(0,1,1)(0,1,1)12 . We can use this model (write it
down explicitely) to forecast the logs of the Spains tourists.

plot(forecast(MMA,12),include=36) # See Fig.4.12 below

It is interesting to note that a fully automated procedure of exponential smoothing gives almost the
same result:

plot(forecast(y.ets,h=12),include=36) # See Fig.4.12 below

4.8 exercise. 1. The spain.p model can also be characterized by its accuracy (i.e., calculate ME,
MSE, MAE, MPE, and MAPE by its historical data, see summary(spain.p)). Estimate some of
these characteristics for the MMA model. 2. Type the numeric values of the both forecasts.

4 - 20
R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
4. Difference Stationary Time Series.

Forecasts from ARIMA(0,1,1)(0,1,1)[12] Forecasts from ETS(A,N,A)

14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0 16.5

1987 1988 1989 1990 1987 1988 1989 1990

Fig. 4.12. Two forecasts using the MMA and exponential smoothing models

4.9 exercise. In the fma package, one can find the airpass data set; their logarithms (why loga-
rithms but not airpass itself?) are usually described by the classical airline model SARI-
MA(0,1,1)(0,1,1)12. Create the model. Compare it with the exponential smoothing.

4.10 exercise. In 3.1 example, we have used exponential smoothing and created a model allowing
to forecast the Lithuanian GDP.

l.gdp=ts(scan(),start=1993,freq=4) # copy and paste data from L.gdp.txt

plot(ll, main="logs of Lithuanian GDP")

Model ll (it is clearly not stationary and has a seasonal component) as i) S.ll = SARIMA(0,1,1)
(0,1,1) 4 (analyze the model, estimate its AIC, and use it to forecast ll 8 months ahead), and as ii)
the model with dummy seasonal variables:

plot(forecast(q.ll,,h=8,xreg=seasonaldummyf(ll,8))) # AIC=? = -175,7

Compare these two models with the model presented in 3.1 example. Which one do you prefer? The
last one? Create all three models with GRETL. 

plot(forecast(S.ll,,h=8)) # -157.05
Eksponentinis buvo AIC = -116.35

4 - 21
R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
5. Regression with Time Lags: Autoregressive Distributed Lag Models

5. Regression with Time Lags: Autoregressive Distributed Lag Models

We shall redo 5.1 example from Lecture Notes with R.

5.1 example. The effect of bad news on market capitalization.

Select 2-62 rows in badnews.xls and copy them (to clipboard):


Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 91173.32 1949.85 46.759 < 2e-16 ***
L(price, 0:4)Series 1 -131.99 47.44 -2.783 0.007589 **
L(price, 0:4)Series 2 -449.86 47.56 -9.459 1.01e-12 ***
L(price, 0:4)Series 3 -422.52 46.78 -9.032 4.40e-12 ***
L(price, 0:4)Series 4 -187.10 47.64 -3.927 0.000264 ***
L(price, 0:4)Series 5 -27.77 47.66 -0.583 0.562736

What can we conclude about the effect of news about the oil price on market capitalization? In-
creasing the oil price by one dollar per barrel in a given month is associated with:

1. An immediate reduction in market capitalization of $131,994, ceteris paribus.

2. A reduction in market capitalization of $449,860 one month later, ceteris paribus

and so on. To provide some intuition about what the ceteris paribus condition implies in this con-
text note that, for example, we can also express the second of these statements as: Increasing the
oil price by one dollar in a given month will tend to reduce market capitalization in the following
month by $449,860, assuming that no other change in the oil price occurs.

Since the p-value corresponding to the explanatory variable pricet-4 is greater than 0.05 we can-
not reject the hypothesis that 4 = 0 at 5% significance. Accordingly, we drop this variable from the
model and re-estimate with lag length set equal to 3, yielding the results in the following table:


Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 90402.22 1643.18 55.017 < 2e-16 ***
L(price, 0:3)Series 1 -125.90 46.24 -2.723 0.008792 **
L(price, 0:3)Series 2 -443.49 45.88 -9.666 3.32e-13 ***
L(price, 0:3)Series 3 -417.61 45.73 -9.131 2.18e-12 ***
L(price, 0:3)Series 4 -179.90 46.25 -3.890 0.000287 ***

The p-value for testing 3 = 0 is 0.0003, which is much less than 0.05. We therefore conclude that
the variable pricet-3 does indeed belong in the distributed lag model. Hence q = 3 is the lag

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
5. Regression with Time Lags: Autoregressive Distributed Lag Models

length we select for this model. In a formal report, we would present this table of results or the

capitt = 90402.22 125.90 pricet 443.49 pricet 1 417.61 pricet 2 179.90 pricet 3 .

The results are similar to those discussed above, therefore we will not comment their interpretation.

5.1 exercise. Kleiber Zeileis 88+ Consider different forms for a consumption function based on
quarterly US macroeconomic data from 1950:1 through 2000:4 as provided in the data set USMac-
roG in the AER package. Consider two models,

consumptiont = 1 + 0 dpit + 1dpit 1 + ... + q dpit q + t

consumptiont = 1 + 1consumptiont 1 + 0 dpit + t

(here consumption is real consumption expenditures and dpi real disposable personal income).
In the former model, a distributed lag model, consumption responds to changes in income only over
q (where q is still to be found) periods, while in the latter specification, an autoregressive distributed
lag model, the effects of income changes persist due to the autoregressive specification.

gdp consumption invest government dpi cpi m1 tbill unemp
[1,] 1610.5 1058.9 198.1 361.0 1186.1 70.6 110.20 1.12 6.4
[2,] 1658.8 1075.9 220.4 366.4 1178.1 71.4 111.75 1.17 5.6
[3,] 1723.0 1131.0 239.7 359.6 1196.5 73.2 112.95 1.23 4.6
[4,] 1753.9 1097.6 271.8 382.5 1210.0 74.9 113.93 1.35 4.2
[5,] 1773.5 1122.8 242.9 421.9 1207.9 77.3 115.08 1.40 3.5
[6,] 1803.7 1091.4 249.2 480.1 1225.8 77.6 116.19 1.53 3.1
population inflation interest
[1,] 149.461 NA NA
[2,] 150.260 4.5071 -3.3404
[3,] 151.064 9.9590 -8.7290
[4,] 151.871 9.1834 -7.8301
[5,] 152.393 12.6160 -11.2160
[6,] 152.917 1.5494 -0.0161

plot(USMacroG[, c("dpi", "consumption")], lty = c(3, 1),plot.type = "single",

ylab = "")
legend("topleft", legend = c("income", "consumption"),lty = c(3, 1), bty = "n")

What about the models in logs and with a trend t ? Fit all the models, visualize and compare them
with AIC. Estimate the short- and long-run multipliers of the best model. 

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
6. Regression with Time Series Variables

6. Regression with Time Series Variables

Recall that regression models are aimed to explain the response variable Y in terms of the predic-
tive variables X s.

6.1. Time Series Regression when Both Y and X are Stationary

Let us repeat our argument which was used in our discussion on the ADL( p, q ) processes: the dy-
namic model

Yt = + t + 1Yt 1 + ... + pYt p + 0 X t + ... + q X t q + t

is equivalent to the model

Yt = + t + Yt 1 + 1Yt 1 + ... + p 1Yt p +1 + X t + 1X t + ... + q X t q +1 + t .

The second form is often more convenient than the first because 1) it allows us to easier test the unit
root hypothesis (now it is just H 0 : = 0 ) and 2) in the first model one is often challenged by the
multicollinearity problem. The coefficients of both models have their usual interpretation, however
in economics more popular is the concept of a multiplier. Assume that X and Y are in a long-
running equilibrium, i.e., , ... = X t 2 = X t 1 = X t X , and ... = Yt 2 = Yt 1 = Yt Y ; thus the
0 + 1 + ... + q
equilibrium model is given by Y = + t+ X . Now, if
1 1 ... p 1 1 ... p 1 1 ... p
the process transfers to the new constant level, i.e., X t +1 = X t + 2 = ... X + 1 , this will change the
equilibrium value of Y . This change of Y is called the long run or total multiplier and it equals
( 0 + 1 + ... + q ) / (1 1 ... p ) or / .

6.1 example. The effect of financial liberalization on economic growth.

Researchers in the field of international finance and development are interested in whether financial
factors can play an important role in encouraging growth in a developing country. The purpose of
this example is to investigate this issue empirically using time series data from a single country.
Data set LIBERAL.XLS contains data from Country A for 98 quarters starting at 1980:1 on GDP
growth and a variable reflecting financial liberalization:
the expansion of the stock market. In particular, the
dependent and explanatory variables are:
pchGD P

Y = pchGDP the percentage change in GDP.


X = pchSMC the percentage change in total

2 -4

stock market capitalization.

pchS MC

liber = ts(read.delim2("clipboard"),

1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
6. Regression with Time Series Variables

pchGDP pchSMC
0.29677662 0.01256935

The mean of these two variables is 0.30% and 0.01% per quarter, indicating that stock markets in
Country A have not expanded by much on average. Note, however, that this average hides wide
variation. In some quarters market capitalization increased considerably, while in other quarters it
decreased. Assuming that both variables are stationary, we can estimate an ADL(2, 2) model using
OLS. Remember that, if the variables in a model are stationary, then the standard regression
quantities (e.g., OLS estimates, p-values, confidence intervals) can be calculated in an ordinary

We shall use the above applied sequential procedure and begin with the model


which, after removing insignificant terms, ends in

mod.f = dynlm(d(pchGDP)~L(pchGDP,1)+L(d(pchGDP),1)+pchSMC+d(pchSMC),data=liber)

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 0.007127 0.020386 0.35 0.72747
L(pchGDP, 1) -0.120092 0.011414 -10.52 < 2e-16 ***
L(d(pchGDP), 1) 0.799661 0.029680 26.94 < 2e-16 ***
pchSMC 0.124421 0.041605 2.99 0.00358 **
d(pchSMC) 0.839340 0.036458 23.02 < 2e-16 ***
Adjusted R-squared: 0.9736

How to interpret the long run multiplier / =

0.124421/(0.120092) = 1.036? We know that
until now the market capitalization grew on ave-
0 2 4 6

rage 0.01% per quarter and GDP 0.30% per

quarter. If the stock capitalization began to grow

1.01% each quarter, then after some time the

GDP will begin to grow 0.30+1.036=1.336% each

The inclusion of pchSMC into our model not only

improved it (when compared with the autoregres-
sive model of d(pchGDP); compare their Ad- 1980 1990 2000
justed R-squared), but also allowed to ana-
lyze the influence of pchSMC (it is described by Laikas
the lung run multiplier).

Note that to forecast pchGDP we use the formula pchGDPt = pchGDPt-1 + fitted

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
6. Regression with Time Series Variables

[1] 98

6.2 example. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

6.2. Time Series Regression when Both Y and X are Trend Stationary:
Spurious Regression
Consider the regression

Yt = 0 + 1 X1t + 2 X 2t + t (*)

and assume that some (or, maybe, even all) of the variables have a linear trend, e.g.,
X1t = 10 + 11t + 1t . In this case, the seemingly (or spuriously) significant coefficients of regres-
sion (the spurious regression) can be obtained not because the response truly depends on predicti-
ve variables, but because of the trends hidden in these variables (both Y and X increase because of
progress, but Y increases not because of X increases). To clear the true dependence of Y on X,
we can act twofoldly: 1) to augment the (*) equation with a linear or, when necessary, polynomial

Yt = 0 + 1 X1t + 2 X 2t + t + t (**)

or 2) to rewrite the (*) equation in the form of deviations from the trend:

Yt = 0 + 1 X 1t + 2 X 2t + t ; (***)

here, for example, X 1t = X1t 10 + 11t . Interestingly, the coefficients in (**) and (***) (note
that namely these coefficients describe the true dependence of Y on Xs) are the same.

6.3 example. The files ...\\PRMINWGE.RAW and ...PRMINWGE.DES contain

the yearly data on Puerto Rican employment rate, minimum wage and other variables (this data was
used to study the effects of the U.S.A. minimum wage on employment in Puerto Rico).

PUERTO <- scan(file.choose(),what=list(rep(0,25)),multi.line=T)

puerto = matrix(unlist(PUERTO),byrow=T,ncol=25)

Two simple models are

log( prepopt ) = 0 + 1 log(mincovt ) + 2 log(usgnpt ) + t

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
6. Regression with Time Series Variables

lprepopt = 0 + 1lmincovt + 2lusgnpt + t


lprepop log(PR employ/popul ratio)

lmincov log((avgmin/avgwage)*avgcov)
lusgnp log(US GNP) uerto[, c(21, 24, 18)]

avgmin is the average minimum wage, avgwage is the

average overall wage, and avgcov is the average coverage
rate (the proportion of workers actually covered by the

-1.0 -1.1
minimum wage law).


7.2 7.6 8.0
All the variables have a trend close to linear (accurate
analysis would require to test for unit root first!).

1950 1960 1970 1980

summary(lm(lprepop~lmincov+lusgnp,data=uerto)) Time
Estimate Std.Error t-value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -1.05441 0.76541 -1.378 0.1771
lmincov -0.15444 0.06490 -2.380 0.0229 *
lusgnp -0.01219 0.08851 -0.138 0.8913

Thus, if the minimum wage increases then employment declines which matches classical econo-
mics. On the other hand, the GNP is not significant but we shall scrutinize the claim right now:

> summary(lm(lprepop~lmincov+lusgnp+tt,data=uerto))
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -8.696292 1.295770 -6.711 1.04e-07 ***
lmincov -0.168695 0.044246 -3.813 0.000552 ***
lusgnp 1.057350 0.176638 5.986 8.98e-07 ***
tt -0.032354 0.005023 -6.442 2.31e-07 ***

Here, we interpret the coefficient of lusgnp as follows: if usgnp raises 1% more then it should
accordind to its long run trend, prepop will raise extra 1.057%.

The above regression is equivallent to this:

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 2.351e-18 6.064e-03 3.88e-16 1.000000
lm(lmincov ~ tt)$res -1.687e-01 4.361e-02 -3.868 0.000456 ***
lm(lusgnp ~ tt)$res 1.057e+00 1.741e-01 6.073 6.18e-07 ***

6.1 exercise. (A spurious regression example). The file \Shumway\globtemp2.dat has 142 ob-
servations starting from the year 1856 (yearly average global temperature deviations from the 1961-
1990 average). Properly organize and import the file. Create a two-dimensional (from 1964 till

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
6. Regression with Time Series Variables

1987) time series containing the Annual_Mean column and also lusgnp column from the uerto
data set. How do you think, does the GDP of the U.S.A. depends on the global temperature? Plot
the necessary graphs. Create two regression models: the first, without the year variable on the rhs
and another containing the variable. If your conclusions differ, explain. 

6.2 exercise. Generate two series Yt = 0 + 1t + 1t and X t = 0 + 1t + 2t where both 1t and

2t are WN. Create two regression models: Yt = 0 + 1 X t + 1t and Yt = 0 + 1 X t + t + 2t .
Comment the results.

6.3. Time Series Regression when Y and X Have Unit Roots:

Spurious Regression
Let us consider the regression model

Yt = 0 + 1 X t + t (6.1)

and assume that both variables are integrated, i.e., have unit roots. If, in addition, the variables are
cointegrated (that is, the errors t of the OLS model constitute a stationary process) all the usual
procedures of estimating the coefficients, making inferences etc are still valid (the case will be ana-
lyzed in the next section). On the other hand, if the errors t are not stationary, but still have unit
root, the relationship between Yt and X t will only be seeming or spurious (despite big R 2 and si-
gnificant coefficient), the regression, as a rule, will have no economic meaning. The reason of this
phenomenon is the fact that the OLS estimators are now inconsistent and the t statistics has ano-
ther, not Students, distribution.

Let us consider a revealing example: generate two independent random walks Yt = Yt 1 + wYt and
X t = X t 1 + wXt where wYt and wXt are two independent white noises. It is clear that equation
(6.1) is senseless (in other words, 1 must be 0 since Yt and X t are not related in any sense),
however, once 1000 Monte-Carlo experiments are performed, it is easy to verify that the hypothesis
H 0 : 1 = 0 will be rejected with, say, 5% significance, much more often than 5 times in 100.

ilgis=50 # The length of random walk

kartai=1000 # The number of Monte-Carlo experiments
p.value=numeric(kartai) # A vector to place the p-values of H 0
for(i in 1:kartai) # Loop
y=ts(cumsum(rnorm(ilgis))) # Generate random walk y
x=ts(cumsum(rnorm(ilgis))) # Generate random walk x
p.value[i]=summary(lm(y~x))$coef[2,4] # The pvalue of H 0
print(sum(ifelse(p.value<0.05,1,0))/kartai) # The frequency of regressions
# with p<0.05
[1] 0.67 # 67 kartus i 100 H 0 atmesime

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
6. Regression with Time Series Variables

One outcome of this experiment is plotted in Fig. 6.1 where one can see two independent paths of
random walks. Obviously, there should not be any ties between these variables, however, their scat-
ter diagram is visibly organized and the coefficient of regression is very significant (the p-value
equals 0.000003). This quasi-significant regression is called spurious regression. Also draw your
attention to the graph of residuals, it is more similar to the random walk rather than to stationary




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Time Time

p-value= 3e-06

Regresijos likuiai

0 2 4


-8 -6 -4 -2 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

x Time

Fig. 6.1. Two graphs of random walks y and x (top row), the scatter diagram of x and y
together with the regression line (bottom, left) and the graph of residuals (bottom,

6.4 example. Let us analyze daily IBM stock prices spanning May 17, 1961 to November 2, 1962
(369 days in all) and daily closing prices of German DAX index starting at the 130th day of 1991.

library(waveslim); ?ibm
library(datasets); ?EuStockMarkets
plot(ibm); plot(DAX,type="l")
plot(DAX,ibm); abline(iD)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 31.99302 74.03495 0.432 0.666
DAX 0.27347 0.04527 6.040 3.78e-09 ***

Though, because of their nature, ibm and DAX should not have any relationship, the coefficient of
regression is very significant. This is an example of spurious regression which can be explained
through the fact that the errors of the model have a unit root.

1) Establish that ibm has a unit root.

2) Establish that DAX has a unit root.
3) Now we shall verify that the errors of the iD model have a unit root:

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
6. Regression with Time Series Variables

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 1.898716 1.088535 1.744 0.0820 .
L(iD.res) -0.013392 0.007109 -1.884 0.0604 .
time(iD.res) -0.011303 0.005366 -2.107 0.0358 *

Recall that the unit root hypothesis H 0 claims that the coefficient at L(iD.res) equals zero. In
this cointegration case, we have a further complication: here the t statistics has not the Dickey
Fuller, but the Engle-Granger distribution whose critical values are given in this table:

Table 6.1 The asymptotical critical values of the Engle-Granger distribution (when testing the unit
root hypothesis in the error process in the model with constant)

In order to test the cointegration of these two variables note that the t statistics equals -1.884
which is closer to 0 than -4.10, therefore there is no ground to reject H 0 ; thus the errors have a unit
root or, in other words, ibm and DAX are not cointegrated and the strong regression bonds are only

6.4. Time Series Regression when Y and X Have Unit Roots:

It is well known that many economic time series are DS and therefore the regression for levels is
often misleading (the standard Student or Wald tests provide wrong p values). On the other hand,
if these DS series are cointegrated, the OLS method is OK. Recall that if Y and X have unit roots
(i.e., are nonstationary), but some linear combination Yt X t is stationary, then we say that Y
and X are cointegrated. In order to establish cointegration, we estimate unknown coefficients
and by means of OLS and then test whether the errors of the model Yt = + X t + t have a unit
root (respective test is applied to the residuals e = = Y X ).
t t t t

6.5 example. The file ...\\hamilton.txt contains quarterly data, 1947:01 1989:3,

lc logarithms of the real quarterly personal expenditure

ly logarithms of the real quarterly aggregated disposable income

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
6. Regression with Time Series Variables

ham = read.table(file.choose(),header=T)
ha = ts(ham,start=1947,freq=4) # attach time series structure to ham
mod2c = dynlm(d(lc)~L(lc)+L(d(lc),1:2)+time(lc))
mod0y = dynlm(..)



lm(lc ~ ly)$res








1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 650 700 750 800 0 50 100 150

Time ly Index

Fig. 6.2. The graphs of lc and ly (left), scatter diagram lc vs ly (center), and the resi-
duals of the cointegration equation (right)

It is easy to verify that both series have unit roots and their final models are

dynlm(formula = d(lc) ~ L(lc) + L(d(lc), 1:2) + time(lc))

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -307.49203 129.86620 -2.368 0.0191 *
L(lc) -0.05204 0.02176 -2.392 0.0179 * > -3.45
L(d(lc), 1:2)1 0.06550 0.07592 0.863 0.3895
L(d(lc), 1:2)2 0.23949 0.07586 3.157 0.0019 **
time(lc) 0.17553 0.07390 2.375 0.0187 *
dynlm(formula = d(ly) ~ L(ly))

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 2.064366 1.478031 1.397 0.164
L(ly) -0.001679 0.002024 -0.829 0.408 > -2.89

Now we shall test whether the errors of the model lct = + lyt + t make a stationary process,
i.e., do not have unit root. The arguments of the function dynlm must be time series, therefore we
shall endow this structure to the residuals of the cointegration model:

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
6. Regression with Time Series Variables


We want to test whether | |< 1 in = 1 + t . However, if the errors of this model do
not constitute WN, the standard OLS procedure gives the erroneous estimate of . One approach is
to replace the AR(1) model by an AR(p) model. Another approach is to use the AR(1) modeliu, but
to take into account the fact that the errors are not a WN (this is done by the Phillips Ouliaris test).

1st method

This method is also called the Engle Granger method, it tests the unit root in errors hypothesis.
However, the OLS procedure proposes the coefficients to the cointegration equation such that the
variance of the residuals were minimal, thus residuals are too stationary. In other words, the null
hypothesis will be rejected too often. This is why we use other critical values to test the null hypo-
thesis H 0 : = 0 in1 et = et 1 + 1et 1 + ... + p 1et p +1 + wt .

Table 6.1 The asymptotic critical values to test the unit root hypothesis in the errors of the cointeg-
ration equation containing an intercept

+ trend


It seems that R does not have such a function therefore we shall perform the test manually. Here
is the final model of residuals:


Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
L(cy.res) -0.14504 0.05271 -2.752 0.006603 **
L(d(cy.res), 1:4)1 -0.27251 0.07981 -3.414 0.000809 ***
L(d(cy.res), 1:4)2 -0.08063 0.08171 -0.987 0.325222
L(d(cy.res), 1:4)3 -0.03778 0.08076 -0.468 0.640568
L(d(cy.res), 1:4)4 -0.22957 0.07317 -3.138 0.002025 **

Since -2.752 is closer to zero than -3.34, we do not reject the unit root in errors hypothesis, thus the
processes lc and ly are not cointegrated. Too, the test statistics is close to critical value and the
residual graph is similar to that of RW (see Fig. 6.2, right).

2nd method

The Phillips Ouliaris cointegration test can be performed with the ca.po funkction from the urca
The average value of residuals is 0, therefore the intercept is not included.

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
6. Regression with Time Series Variables

cy.po <- ca.po(, type="Pz")

Test of type Pz
detrending of series none

lm(formula = lc ~ zr - 1)

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
zrlc 0.96528 0.03449 27.98 <2e-16 ***
zrly 0.03541 0.03406 1.04 0.3

lm(formula = ly ~ zr - 1)

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
zrlc 0.18636 0.04627 4.028 8.52e-05 ***
zrly 0.81713 0.04569 17.886 < 2e-16 ***

Value of test-statistic is: 51.4647

Critical values of Pz are:
10pct 5pct 1pct
critical values 33.9267 40.8217 55.1911

The test statistics 51.4647 is further from 0 than 40.8217, therefore we again reject the null hypo-
thesis: lc and ly are cointegrated. 

6.3 exercise. Use the data on Y = Longrate = long-term interest rates and X = Shortrate =
short-term interest rates in ...\\interestrates.xls.

(a) Use a sequential procedure and/or the DickeyFuller tests to verify that Y and X have unit roots.
(b) Run a regression of Y on X and save the errors.
(c) Carry out a unit root test on the residuals using an AR(1) model.
(d) Carry out a unit root test on the residuals using an AR(2) model.
(e) Carry out a unit root test on the residuals using an AR(3) model.
(f ) What can you conclude about the presence of cointegration between Y and X?

(If you have done this question correctly, you will find that cointegration does seem to be present
for some lag lengths, but not for others. This is a common occurrence in practical applications, so
do not be dismayed by it. Financial theory and time series plots of the data definitely indicate that
cointegration should occur between Y and X. But the EngleGranger test does not consistently indi-
cate cointegration. One possible explanation is that the EngleGranger and DickeyFuller tests are
known to have low power.)

(g) Use Phillips-Ouliaris test to verify that Y and X are cointegrated.

6 - 10
R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
6. Regression with Time Series Variables

6.4 exercise. The data set .../DUOMENYS/Thomas ME1997/data1.txt has yearly, 1963-1992,
data on the food demand in the U.S.A.

NF expenditure on food in current prices

RF expenditure on food in constant prices =Q demand for food
NTE total expenditure in curent prices =X total expenditure
RTE total expenditure in constant prices

The variable P (price of food) is defined as the ratio NF/RF and G (general price index) is
NTE/RTE. Test whether ln(Q) (=expenditure on food in constant prices) and ln(X/G) (=total
expenditure in constant prices) are cointegrated.

6.5 exercise. The data set .../DUOMENYS/Thomas ME1997/data4.txt contains quarterly, 1974:1
1984:4, data on consumption C and disposable income Y in the United Kingdom. Test these va-
riables on cointegration. These series are not seasonally smoothed, therefore try such a cointegra-
tion equation:

ln Ct = + 2 D2 + 3 D3 + 4 D4 + ln Yt + t .

The not very favorable outcome can be explained by fact that some important variables (property,
interest rate etc) are missing in the model. 

6.5. Time Series Regression when Y and X are Cointegrated:

the Error Correction Model

If X and Y are integrated but not cointegrated, their ties2 can only be spurious. In order to get sen-
sible results, the model may be augmented with new variables or another ADL model for (stationary
differences) created:

Yt = + 1Yt 1 + ... + p Yt p + 0 X t + ... + q X t q + t .

Similar model can also be analyzed in the case of cointegration, but then one more term, the so-
called error correction term et 1 (here Yt = + X t + et is a long-run equilibrium or cointegration
equation) should be included:

Yt = + t + et 1 + 1Yt 1 + ... + p Yt p + 0 X t + ... + q X t q + t . ()

This is the error correction model (ECM) where the coefficient is usually negative3 (e.g., if
= 0.25 , then unit deviation from equilibrium will be compensated in 1/0.25=4 time units).

The ECM is usually created in two steps.

We mean regression ties for levels.
If et 1 is positive, that is, Yt 1 is above the equilibrium + X t 1 , then negative value of et 1 will shift Yt
towards equilibrium.

6 - 11
R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
6. Regression with Time Series Variables

1. Estimate the long-run equilibrium model Yt = + X t + et and save its residuals.

2. Estimate the regression model ().

6.6 example. 181 monthly data on the spot and forward rate of a certain currency are located in
...\\forexN.xls. Both rates are similar to a random walk with drift (see figure on the
right, fr is red), however, it seems that they
are wandering in a similar manner (in other
words, they are cointegrated).

forex = ts(read.delim2("clipboard",


Let us test their cointegration (...)
(...) then the ECM
0 50 100 150


6.7 example. We have already analyzed (in 6.4 exercise) the data set .../DUOMENYS/Thomas
ME1997/data1.txt and found that the variables ln Q and ln( X / G ) are cointegrated, that is, ... (end
the definition).

summary(c1) # cointegration (equilibrium) equation
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 7.11378 0.25406 28.00 <2e-16 ***
log(X/G) 0.35537 0.01778 19.99 <2e-16 ***

Residual standard error: 0.02478 on 28 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.9345, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9322
F-statistic: 399.5 on 1 and 28 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16

We use the residuals of the cointegration equation c1 and create a regression model

ln Qt = c1rest 1 + 1 ln Qt 1 + 0 ln( X / G )t + 1 ln( X / G )t 1 + t .


6 - 12
R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
6. Regression with Time Series Variables

mod1 = dynlm(d(log(Q))~ -1 + L(c1res) + L(d(log(Q))) + L(d(log(X/G)),0:1))

Time series regression with "ts" data:
Start = 1965, End = 1992

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
L(c1res) -0.4233 0.1208 -3.504 0.001823 **
L(d(log(Q))) 0.4051 0.1592 2.545 0.017794 *
L(d(log(X/G)), 0:1)0 0.5368 0.1347 3.984 0.000548 ***
L(d(log(X/G)), 0:1)1 -0.2532 0.1387 -1.825 0.080523 .

Residual standard error: 0.01307 on 24 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.7338, Adjusted R-squared: 0.6894
F-statistic: 16.54 on 4 and 24 DF, p-value: 1.242e-06

The error correction term has the right sign and is significant, the model itself is quite acceptable.
We can still improve the model by including other differences of I (1) variables, e.g., log-
differences of relative food prices P / G :

ln Qt = c1rest 1 + 1 ln Qt 1 + 0 ln( X / G )t + 1 ln( X / G )t 1 +

0 ln( P / G )t + 1 ln( P / G )t 1 + t

After deleting insignificant terms, we get such an ECM:

mod2 = dynlm(d(log(Q))~-1+L(c1res)+L(d(log(Q)))+d(log(X/G))+d(log(P/G)))

Time series regression with "ts" data:

Start = 1965, End = 1992

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
L(c1res) -0.40437 0.10795 -3.746 0.000999 ***
L(d(log(Q))) 0.24010 0.13413 1.790 0.086080 .
d(log(X/G)) 0.36579 0.08985 4.071 0.000440 ***
d(log(P/G)) -0.32361 0.10135 -3.193 0.003906 **

Residual standard error: 0.01169 on 24 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.7872, Adjusted R-squared: 0.7518
F-statistic: 22.2 on 4 and 24 DF, p-value: 8.984e-08

Here the short-run demand elasticities with respect to total real expenditure and relative price are
0.36579 and 0.32361, respectively. In the long-run, however, demand is independent of relative
price, while the expenditure elasticity falls sligthly to the 0.35537 in the equilibrium relationship.

Here the long-run relationship measures any relation between the level of the variables under consi-
deration while the short-run dynamics measure any dynamic adjustments between the first-
differences of the variables.

6 - 13
R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
7. Multivariate Models

7. Multivariate Models

7.1. Granger Causality

Assume that X and Y are stationary processes generated by the ADL(1,1) equation1

Yt = + 1Yt 1 + 1 X t 1 + t

where, if the coefficient 1 is significant, we say that X Granger causes2 Y . Recall that we
usually use the Student test to verify the (in)significance hypothesis H 0 : 1 = 0 . On the other
hand, we can use the Fisher test to this end: the previous model is called unrestricted and the
( SSRR SSRUR ) / q
model without X t 1 restricted; if3 F = is small4, that is, if SSRUR
SSRUR / (T q p )
SSRR , that is, if the model augmented with X t 1 has only marginally better SSR , then H 0 is
accepted, i.e., X does not Granger cause Y .

In general case, we consider the ADL( p, q) model

Yt = + t + 1Yt 1 + ... + pYt p + 1 X t 1 + ... + q X t q + t ; (7.1)

if the hypothesis H 0 : 1 = 0,..., q = 0 is rejected (use Fishers test), we say that X Granger
causes Y .

7.1 example. The file .../dataPE/stockpab.xls contains 133 monthly data of the most impor-
tant stock price indices in Countries A and B (the data are logged) and respective stock market

pchA stock returns in Country A
pchB stock returns in Country B

It is easy to verify that both indices have unit roots but are not cointegrated. On the other
hand, the logarithmic differences, i.e., returns, are stationary. We are interested in whether the
stock returns of country A Granger causes the returns in B.

stock = read.delim2("clipboard",header=TRUE)[-1,]
stoc = ts(stock[,4:5],freq=12,start=2)

Note that only lagged variables are on the rhs.
This does not mean that X causes Y , it only means that information on X helps to reduce the forecast error of
Here q is the number of restrictions (in our case q = 1 ), and p is the number of coefficients in the restricted
model (in our case p = 2 ) .
That is, less than the 95% quantile of the Fisher distribution with ( q, T q p ) degrees of freedom.

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
7. Multivariate Models

We have already learned of the sequential procedure to choose p and q in the (7.1) model.
On the other hand, in the Granger causality case, this is not the question of the first importance
(and, also, we usually assume p = q ).

mod1NR=dynlm(pchA~time(stoc)+L(pchA,1:2)+L(pchB,1:2),data=stoc) # NR mode-
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -1.0850199 1.0204824 -1.063 0.28974
time(stoc) 0.4478695 0.1432894 3.126 0.00221 **
L(pchA, 1:2)1 0.0489767 0.1659134 0.295 0.76834
L(pchA, 1:2)2 -0.0007376 0.1656757 -0.004 0.99646
L(pchB, 1:2)1 0.8607950 0.1977275 4.353 2.77e-05 ***
L(pchB, 1:2)2 -0.2339125 0.2026224 -1.154 0.25055
mod1R=dynlm(pchA~time(stoc)+L(pchA,1:2),data=stoc) # R modelis
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -1.33585 1.08277 -1.234 0.21960
time(stoc) 0.42007 0.15196 2.764 0.00656 **
L(pchA, 1:2)1 0.65583 0.08872 7.392 1.76e-11 ***
L(pchA, 1:2)2 -0.07830 0.08876 -0.882 0.37936

To compare these two models by their SSR, we can use the F statistics and anova function:
Model 1: pchA ~ time(stoc) + L(pchA, 1:2) + L(pchB, 1:2)
Model 2: pchA ~ time(stoc) + L(pchA, 1:2)
Res.Df RSS Df Sum of Sq F Pr(>F)
1 124 2258.8
2 126 2604.9 -2 -346.13 9.5005 0.0001449 ***

The models definitely differ, thus the information on pchB notably improves the forecast of
pchA. On the other hand, on reversing the procedure, we can see that pchA is not the Gran-
ger cause of pchB:

Model 1: pchB ~ time(stoc) + L(pchB, 1:2) + L(pchA, 1:2)
Model 2: pchB ~ time(stoc) + L(pchB, 1:2)
Res.Df RSS Df Sum of Sq F Pr(>F)
1 124 1604.3
2 126 1610.5 -2 -6.2165 0.2402 0.7868

Note that we can shorten the whole procedure with

var.2c <- VAR(stoc,p=2,type="both") # "both" means that (7.1) contains
# constant and trend

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
7. Multivariate Models

Granger causality H0: pchA do not Granger-cause pchB

data: VAR object var.2c

F-Test = 0.2402, df1 = 2, df2 = 248, p-value = 0.7866

7.1 exercise. Import the file ...\Data\GHJ_learning(1993)\TABLE21.6.txt. The quarterly U.S.

data on consumption and disposable income, 1951:2 - 1969:4, were first seasonally adjusted
and then, to make them stationary, differenced (the file contains these differences). Clearly,
consumption z1t in the given quarter depends on this quarter income z2t but also, because of
constancy of habits, on the previous quarter consumption z1,t 1 . On the other hand, this quarter
income is similar to that in the previous quarter as well as the previuos quarter consumption
(since the increase of consumption stimulates the growth and, therefore, income). Thus, the
consumption-income system can be described by

z1 t = a10 + a11 z1, t 1 + a12 z2, t 1 + e1t

z2 t = a20 + a21 z1, t 1 + a22 z2, t 1 + e2t

Investigate the Granger causality in both equations. 

7.2 exercise. Employ quarterly series for 1974:1 through 1984:4 in /dataPE /DataCY.txt to
examine the direction of causality between UK disposable income Y and UK consumer ex-
penditure C. Test whether Y Granger-causes C.

The question of whether income causes consumption is not as straightforward as it sounds.

Both the major theories of the consumption function the life-cycle hypothesis and the per-
manent income hypothesis suggest that current consumption depends not so much on current
disposable income as on some measure of total lifetime resourses. Some researches suggest
that changes in consumption are entirely random and not related to income changes at all.

Using a maximum lag of three quarters, apply the Granger test and estimate a version of (7.1)
with seasonal dummies. Can you prove that Y Granger-cause C? 

7.2. Cointegration

Let all of the Y1t , Y2t ,..., YMt have unit roots, i.e., are nonstationary . If there exists a linear
combination Yt = 1Y1t + ... + M YMt such that Yt is stationary, the collection Y1t , Y2t ,..., YMt is
called cointegrated. If such a combination exists, the coefficients can be found with the help of
the least squares procedure.

7.2 example. data4.txt ...

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
7. Multivariate Models

7.3. VAR: Estimation and Forecasting

7.3 example. Economists often use such important macroeconomic variables as: R = the
interest rate, M = the money supply, P = the price level and Y = real GDP. Due to the symbols
used, models using these variables are sometimes informally referred to as RMPY models
(pronounced rumpy). The file ...\\rmpy.xls contains quarterly data on the
variables for the US from 1947:1 through 1992:4. To be precise:

R three-month Treasury bill rate

M money supply (M2) measured in billions of dollars
P price level measured by the GDP deflator (a price index with 1987 = 1.00)
Y GDP measured in billions of 1987 dollars

Before carrying out an analysis using time series data, you must conduct unit root tests. Re-
member that, if unit roots are present but cointegration does not occur, then the spurious reg-
ression problem exists. In this case, you should work with differenced data. Alternatively, if
unit roots exist and cointegration does occur, then you will have important economic informa-
tion that the series are trending together and use ECM.

In the present case, tests indicate (verify) that we cannot reject the hypothesis that unit roots
exist in all variables and that cointegration does not occur. In order to avoid the spurious reg-
ression problem, we work with differenced data. In particular, we take logs of each series,
then take differences of these logged series, then multiply them by 100. This implies that we
are working with percentage changes in each variable (e.g., a value of 1 implies a 1% change).

dR percentage change in the interest rate.

dM percentage change in the money supply.
dP percentage change in the price level (i.e., inflation).
dY percentage change in GDP (i.e., GDP growth).

We choose somewhat arbitrarily a VAR(1) model with a linear trend.

Year.Qtr Y P R M X dY dP dR dM
1 47.00 1239.5 0.1829 0.3800 197.05 NA NA NA NA NA
2 47.25 1247.2 0.1849 0.3800 199.98 NA 0.6192966 1.087558 0.000000 1.4759858
3 47.50 1255.0 0.1872 0.7367 202.09 NA 0.6234534 1.236243 66.200950 1.0495781
4 47.75 1269.5 0.1930 0.9067 203.92 NA 1.1487550 3.051262 20.763088 0.9014617
5 48.00 1284.0 0.1956 0.9900 204.47 NA 1.1357083 1.338157 8.789331 0.2693505
6 48.25 1295.7 0.1994 1.0000 203.33 NA 0.9070884 1.924110 1.005034 -0.5590991

var.1t <- VAR(rmpy, p = 1, type = "both")

VAR Estimation Results:

Endogenous variables: dY, dP, dR, dM

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
7. Multivariate Models

Deterministic variables: both

Sample size: 182

Estimation results for equation dY:

dY = dY.l1 + dP.l1 + dR.l1 + dM.l1 + const + trend

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)

dY.l1 0.3085537 0.0757405 4.074 6.99e-05 ***
dP.l1 -0.1168849 0.0995695 -1.174 0.24202
dR.l1 0.0003808 0.0050367 0.076 0.93982
dM.l1 0.2830971 0.0840506 3.368 0.00093 ***
const 0.4986157 0.1758513 2.835 0.00511 **
trend -0.0031337 0.0014759 -2.123 0.03513 *

Estimation results for equation dP:

dP = dY.l1 + dP.l1 + dR.l1 + dM.l1 + const + trend

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)

dY.l1 -0.0387799 0.0466774 -0.831 0.40721
dP.l1 0.5190143 0.0613627 8.458 1.02e-14 ***
dR.l1 0.0099351 0.0031040 3.201 0.00163 **
dM.l1 0.1206121 0.0517987 2.328 0.02102 *
const 0.1588937 0.1083737 1.466 0.14439
trend 0.0018117 0.0009096 1.992 0.04793 *

Estimation results for equation dR:

dR = dY.l1 + dP.l1 + dR.l1 + dM.l1 + const + trend

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)

dY.l1 3.22423 1.11748 2.885 0.00440 **
dP.l1 1.77875 1.46905 1.211 0.22759
dR.l1 0.22188 0.07431 2.986 0.00323 **
dM.l1 3.39062 1.24008 2.734 0.00689 **
const -3.57467 2.59451 -1.378 0.17002
trend -0.05618 0.02178 -2.580 0.01070 *

Estimation results for equation dM:

dM = dY.l1 + dP.l1 + dR.l1 + dM.l1 + const + trend

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)

dY.l1 -0.0315759 0.0446037 -0.708 0.47993
dP.l1 0.0606118 0.0586367 1.034 0.30270
dR.l1 -0.0129930 0.0029661 -4.380 2.03e-05 ***
dM.l1 0.7494549 0.0494975 15.141 < 2e-16 ***
const 0.3351330 0.1035592 3.236 0.00145 **
trend 0.0003412 0.0008692 0.393 0.69515

To compare the original series with the fitted data, one can use plot(var.1t) (see Fig.
7.1); the 12 months forecast can be produced with (see Fig. 7.2)
var.1t.prd <- predict(var.1t, n.ahead = 12, ci = 0.95)

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
7. Multivariate Models

Fig. 7.1. Two (out of four) graphs of VAR

We have chosen a VAR(1) model with a constant and trend without any deeper consideration.
On the other hand, one can automate the selection (use the VARselect function which
allows to use different information criteria to choose the order):

> VARselect(rmpy, lag.max = 5, type="both")

AIC(n) HQ(n) SC(n) FPE(n)
3 2 1 3

1 2 3 4 5
AIC(n) 2.507590 2.335251 2.333008 2.382359 2.346143
HQ(n) 2.681563 2.625206 2.738945 2.904277 2.984044
SC(n) 2.936595 3.050259 3.334019 3.669372 3.919160
FPE(n) 12.276570 10.336949 10.322340 10.860509 10.498417

(thus the most conservative SC criterion suggests the 1st order).

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
7. Multivariate Models

Forecast of series dY


Forecast of series dP

0 50 100 150 200

1 2
60 -1 0

Forecast of series dR
0 50 100 150 200
0 1 2 3 4 5-60 -20 20

Forecast of series dM
0 50 100 150 200

0 50 100 150 200

Fig. 7.2. The forecast of all four rmpy components.

To plot the impulse-response graphs we use the plot(irf(...)) function. Recall that the
response, generally, depends on the order of variables.

dY dP dR dM
2 0.6192966 1.087558 0.000000 1.4759858
3 0.6234534 1.236243 66.200950 1.0495781
4 1.1487550 3.051262 20.763088 0.9014617
5 1.1357083 1.338157 8.789331 0.2693505
6 0.9070884 1.924110 1.005034 -0.5590991
7 0.6231988 2.035315 4.879016 0.1572559

plot(irf(VAR(rmpy, p = 1, type = "both"),impulse="dY",boot=FALSE))

In this case, we created the VAR(1) model using the original order of variables in the rmpy
matrix and analyzed how all the variables reacted to the unit dY impulse (see Fig. 7.3, left).
Now we will change the order of columns in the rmpy matrix:
plot(irf(VAR(rmpy[,4:1], p = 1, type = "both"),impulse="dY",boot=FALSE))

the VAR model is the same but reaction to the unit dY impulse is different (see Fig. 7.3, right;
basically, the differences are not big).

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
7. Multivariate Models

Another variant


will plot all the responses to all the impulses together with the confidence intervals obtained
via the bootstrapping procedure.

Orthogonal Impulse Response from dY Orthogonal Impulse Response from dY





4 0




4 0




4 0





0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8

Fig. 7.3. Two variants of the reaction to the unit dY impulse

7.3 exercise. The package vars contains the data set Canada. Draw relevant graphs. Choose
the right order of VAR (consider all four types: type=c(const,trend,both,
none)). Choose a model with minimum value of SC. Estimate the model. Forecast all the
variables 12 quarters ahead. Draw the impulse-response plots.

7.4. Vector Error Correction Model (VECM)

We shall model three VAR processes following the 7.8 example in the Lecture Notes. Recall
that its equation

Y1t   1 0 1 Y1, t 1 1t
= t + 1Yt 1 + t = + +

Y2t 2 0 1 Y2, t 1 2t

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
7. Multivariate Models

This two-variable VAR(1) process can be modelled in several ways. In the first case, we shall
use the Dyn package.
varcov <- matrix(c(36, 0, 0, 25),2)

B.ur <- matrix(c(15.5, 0.5, 0, 0, 1, 1), 2) # unrestricted constant

var.ur <- VAR.sim(B=B.ur,n=100,include="const")
ts.plot(var.ur, type="l", col=c(1,2), main="unrestricted")
# Both components are with a drift, (average) distance between them is
# constant and not equal to zero

B.rc <- matrix(c(15.5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1), 2) # restricted constant

var.rc <- VAR.sim(B=B.rc,n=100,include="const")
ts.plot(var.rc, type="l", col=c(1,2), main="restricted")
# Both components are without drift, distance between them is constant and
# does not equal zero <- matrix(c(0, 0, 1, 1), 2) # no constant <- VAR.sim(,n=100,include="none")
ts.plot(, type="l", col=c(1,2), main="no constant")
# Both components are without drift, distance between them is constant and
# equals zero

Explain the differences among the graphs.

7.4 exercise. The above process can be generated differently:


mu1=15.5 # unrestriced
mu2=0.5 # this component does not equal zero
for(i in 2:(NN+3))
Y1=ts(y1[4:(NN+3)]) # Remove the warming starter
plot(Y1, main = "unrestricted")

Generate three trajectories of this two-dimensional process. Do they vary? Why? Experiment
with the drift mu2. Generate restricted and no constant processes. Test the components for the
unit root. 

R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
7. Multivariate Models

7.4 example. We shall create a VEC model of the vector (Y_1M, Y_5Y): the data file us-
tbill.txt contains monthly, 1964:01 through 1993:12, interest rates of US treasure bills for ma-
turities of one month Y_1M and five years Y_5Y. Both series are integrated and even cointeg-
rated (check), We have earlier created (not a very succesful) VAR(2) model for levels and
differences. Since the sequences are cointegrated, the difference model lacks the error correc-
tion term; we include it using the Johansen method.

date Y_1M Y_1Y Y_5Y
[1,] 1 3.419 3.789 3.984
[2,] 2 3.500 3.947 4.023

rate[, c(2, 4)]

# it seems that both series do not have
# drift and the difference in cointegra
# tion is constant


0 100 200 300
H1 <, ecdet="const",
K = 2) # Johansens procedure
# Summary of the cointegratiom matrix = T :

# Johansen-Procedure #

Test type: maximal eigenvalue statistic (lambda max) ,

without linear trend and constant in cointegration

Eigenvalues (lambda):
[1] 7.619916e-02 1.306153e-02 6.612704e-20

Values of teststatistic and critical values of test:

test 10pct 5pct 1pct Reject H 0 : r=0 because 28.37>15.67

r <= 1 | 4.71 7.52 9.24 12.97 Do not reject H 0 : r=1 because 4.71<9.24
r = 0 | 28.37 13.75 15.67 20.20

Eigenvectors, normalised to first column:

(These are the cointegration relations)

Y_1M.l2 Y_5Y.l2 constant Here is the matrix T , equation

Y_1M.l2 1.0000000 1.0000 1.000000 zt = 0.9098 + Y_1Mt 0.9236 Y_5Yt
Y_5Y.l2 -0.9236070 113.3143 -1.183872 is the cointegration or long-run
equilibrium equation
constant 0.9097674 -888.7860 -27.049571

Weights W:
(This is the loading matrix)

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7. Multivariate Models

Y_1M.l2 Y_5Y.l2 constant

Y_1M.d -0.10977230 -0.0002484112 2.799703e-19 Here is the matrix
Y_5Y.d 0.04014519 -0.0001576087 -1.461470e-18

The matrices T and can be also expressed this way:


lm(formula = substitute(form1), data = data.mat)

Y_1M.d Y_5Y.d
ect1 -0.10977 0.04015
Y_1M.dl1 -0.28757 0.01169
Y_5Y.dl1 0.71654 0.04408

Y_1M.l2 1.0000000
Y_5Y.l2 -0.9236070
constant 0.9097674

Recall that the VECM equation is Yt = t + Yt 1 + 1Yt 1 + t . The function cajools


parameterizes this equation differently (now the cointegration equation contains the second
order lags):

summary(cajools(H1)) # VECM system

Response Y_1M.d :

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
Y_1M.dl1 -0.28970 0.05664 -5.114 5.18e-07 ***
Y_5Y.dl1 0.70251 0.10873 6.461 3.46e-10 ***
Y_1M.l2 -0.11002 0.03245 -3.390 0.000778 ***
Y_5Y.l2 0.07324 0.03434 2.133 0.033635 *
constant 0.12092 0.13944 0.867 0.386438

Response Y_5Y.d :

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
Y_1M.dl1 0.01034 0.03086 0.335 0.73786
Y_5Y.dl1 0.03517 0.05923 0.594 0.55301
Y_1M.l2 0.03999 0.01768 2.262 0.02432 *
Y_5Y.l2 -0.05494 0.01871 -2.937 0.00353 **
constant 0.17660 0.07596 2.325 0.02064 *

Recall that we can express VECM in the VAR form (and then to forecast the components of
the model):

H1var=vec2var(H1, r=1) # transform VECM to VAR model

H1var # r is the rank of the matrix

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7. Multivariate Models

Thus, the VEC form of our model is

Y_1Mt = 0.121 0.290 Y_1Mt 1 + 0.703Y_5Yt 1 0.110Y_1Mt 2 + 0.073Y_5Yt 2

Y_5Yt = 0.177 0.010 Y_1Mt 1 + 0.035 Y_5Yt 1 + 0.040Y_1Mt 2 0.055Y_5Yt 2

and the VAR form

Y_1Mt = 0.100 + 0.712 Y_1Mt 1 + 0.717 Y_5Yt 1 + 0.178 Y_1Mt 2 0.615 Y_5Yt 2

Y_5Yt = 0.037 + 0.012 Y_1Mt 1 + 1.044 Y_5Yt 1 + 0.028 Y_1Mt 2 0.081 Y_5Yt 2

We use this model and forecast the components 60 months ahead:

H1pred=predict(H1var, n.ahead = 60)


# We draw a more coherent graph (see Fig. 7.4)

14 16
10 12


1965 1975 1985 1995


Fig. 7.4. 60 months (5 years) forecasts for Y_1M and Y_5Y

The forecast is quite reasonable and in line with the economic theory (the differences between
cointegrated series must tend toward a constant). 

7.5 exercise. Repeat the previous exercise with the data set RRate=rate[,2:4].

7 - 12
R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
7. Multivariate Models

7.6 exercise. The package vars has a data set Canada. Describe the data. 1) Plot all the four
series. 2) Use ur.df from the urca package and test whatever series on the unit root. Your
results should be close to given in this table:

(thus, what about the unit root?) 3) Use VARselect to determine the VAR order (lag.max
must be sufficiently large, the deterministic part of the trend of VAR, that is, choose ty-
pe=both (it follows from the graphs why?). The conclusion one can choose the 1st,
2nd or 3rd order (why?) 4) Use the VAR function to create the model c.var1 for Canada
(choose p = 1 and type=both). 5) Use the command plot(c.var1, names =
"e") to establish that the residuals do not make WN. Repeat modeling with p=2 and p=3. 6)
Forecast c.var3 12 quarters ahead. 7) Use to estimate the number of cointegration
equations in the models c.var2 (..., ecdet=trend, K=2,...) and c.var3 (K=3)
(one equation?). 8) Transform the VEC model obtained into the VAR model (function
vec2var) and forecast it 12 months ahead; plot relevant graphs. 9) Plot in one graph the his-
torical values of prod and rw togerher with the VAR forecast. Do the same with the VEC
# vecm in R - Pfaff.pdf
plot(Canada, nc = 2, xlab = "")
VARselect(Canada, lag.max = 8, type = "both")
c.var1 <- VAR(Canada, p = 1, type = "both")
summary(c.var1, equation = "e")
plot(c.var1, names = "e")
c.var2 <- VAR(Canada, p = 2, type = "both")
summary(c.var2, equation = "e")
plot(c.var2, names = "e")
c.var3 <- VAR(Canada, p = 3, type = "both")
summary(c.var3, equation = "e")
plot(c.var3, names = "e")
c.var3.prd <- predict(c.var3, n.ahead = 12)
summary(, type = "trace", ecdet = "trend", K = 3,
spec = "transitory"))
summary(, ecdet = "trend", K = 2,
spec = "transitory"))
c.vec.3 <-, type = "trace", ecdet = "trend", K = 3,
spec = "transitory")
c.vec.r1 <- cajools(c.vec.3, r = 1)
H1var=vec2var(c.vec.3) # transform VECM to VAR model
H1pred=predict(H1var, n.ahead = 12)
vecm <-[, c("rw", "prod", "e", "U")], type = "trace",

7 - 13
R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
7. Multivariate Models

ecdet = "trend", K = 3, spec = "transitory")

vecm.r1 <- cajorls(vecm, r = 2)

7.7 exercise. We shall investigate the presence of cointegration using US cay quarterly data
from 1951Q4 through 2003Q1 on c which is consumption (formally it is the log of real per
capita expenditures on nondurables and services excluding shoes and clothing), a which is our
measure of assets (formally it is the log of a measure of real per capita household net worth
including all financial and household wealth as well as consumer durables), and y which is the
log of after-tax labor income. This data is available in cay.txt.

In EViews
Import ccay.txt and plot the three series. They
seem to be cointegrated but we have to estab- 11.5

lish the number of cointegration relations. 11.0

To test for unit root in a, click on a and choo-
se View| Unit root test...| Include Trend and 10.0
intercept| OK: we see (see below) that trend
must be present in the model and respective p-
value is greater than 0.05, thus we do not re- 9.0
ject the unit root hypothesis. The same conc- 8.5
lusion holds for cc and y. 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00


Null Hypothesis: A has a unit root

Exogenous: Constant, Linear Trend
Lag Length: 0 (Automatic based on SIC, MAXLAG=14)
t-Statistic Prob.*
Augmented Dickey-Fuller test statistic -2.525775 0.3154
Test critical values: 1% level -4.003449
5% level -3.431896
10% level -3.139664
*MacKinnon (1996) one-sided p-values.

Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test Equation

Dependent Variable: D(A)
Method: Least Squares
Date: 05/13/11 Time: 10:39
Sample(adjusted): 1952:1 2003:1
Included observations: 205 after adjusting endpoints
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
A(-1) -0.064201 0.025418 -2.525775 0.0123
C 0.682687 0.267849 2.548772 0.0116
@TREND(1951:4) 0.000376 0.000153 2.454859 0.0149

7 - 14
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7. Multivariate Models

To choose the lag length in the VAR model, in the Workfile window, choose Objects| New
Object...| VAR| in Endogenous Variables window type a cc y| OK| the last lines in Var
window show (that for a 2nd order model without trend)

Akaike Information Criteria -19.88742

Schwarz Criteria -19.54585

Note that this is the minimum value of AIC and SC among similar models. Recall that this
implies that the VECM order will be 1 which is partially confirmed by the following table:

coint(s,4) a cc y

Date: 05/13/11 Time: 11:52

Sample: 1951:4 2003:1
Included observations: 201
Series: A CC Y
Lags interval: 1 to 4
Data Trend: None None Linear Linear Quadratic
Rank or No Intercept Intercept Intercept Intercept Intercept
No. of CEs No Trend No Trend No Trend Trend Trend
Selected (5% level) Number of
Cointegrating Relations by Model
Trace 1 1 0 0 0
Max-Eig 1 1 0 0 0
Akaike Information Criteria by
Rank (rows) and Model (columns)
0 -19.80021 -19.80021 -19.89568 -19.89568 -19.87264
1 -19.86739 -19.86944 -19.91056* -19.90438 -19.89101
2 -19.83528 -19.86886 -19.86172 -19.89247 -19.88726
3 -19.78439 -19.81006 -19.81006 -19.83303 -19.83303
Schwarz Criteria by Rank (rows)
and Model (columns)
0 -19.20857 -19.20857 -19.25474* -19.25474* -19.18240
1 -19.17714 -19.16276 -19.17101 -19.14840 -19.10216
2 -19.04643 -19.04715 -19.02357 -19.02145 -18.99980
3 -18.89693 -18.87331 -18.87331 -18.84697 -18.84697

The results are ambiguous Akaike suggests that only one cointegrating relation exists while
Schwarz claims that there is no such relations. We choose one.

In R

Create the VEC model. 

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R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
10. PanelData Analysis

10. Panel Data Analysis

Panel data (also known as longitudi-

nal or cross-sectional time-series da-
ta) is a dataset in which the behavior
of entities are observed across time.
These entities could be states, com-
panies, individuals, countries, etc.

Panel data allows you to control for

variables you cannot observe or
measure like cultural factors or dif-
ference in business practices across
companies; or variables that change
over time but not across entities (i.e.
national policies, federal regulations,
international agreements, etc.). This
is, it accounts for individual hetero-

In this chapter we focus on three techniques to analyze panel data:

Pooled model
Fixed effects
Random effects

In the sequel, we shall use R and its plm package whose manual can be downloaded from .


The fundamental advantage of a panel data set over a cross section is that it will allow the re-
searcher great flexibility in modeling differences in behavior across individuals. The basic
framework for this discussion is a regression model of the form

Yit = 1 X it(1) + ... + K X it( K ) + + 1Zi(1) + ... + H Zi( H ) + it =

1 X it(1) + ... + K X it( K ) + ci + it , i = 1,..., I , t = 1,..., T

There are K regressors, not including a constant term. The heterogeneity, or individual effect,
is ci = Zi(0) (= 1) + 1Zi(1) + ... + H Z i( H ) where Zi contains a constant term and a set of indi-

vidual or group specific variables, which may be observed, such as race, sex, location, and so
on, or unobserved, such as family specific characteristics, individual heterogeneity in skill or
preferences, and so on, all of which are taken to be constant over time t. As it stands, this

model is a classical regression model. If Zi is observed for all individuals, then the entire
model can be treated as an ordinary linear model and fit by least squares. The complications

The quality of being diverse and not comparable in kind.

10 - 1
R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
10. PanelData Analysis

arise when ci is unobserved, which will be the case in most applications (for example, anal-
yses of the effect of education and experience on earnings from which ability will always be
a missing and unobservable variable).

The main objective of the analysis will be consistent and efficient estimation of the partial
effects 1,..., K . Whether this is possible depends on the assumptions about the unobserved

1. Pooled Regression. If Zi contains only a constant term: Yit = 1 X it(1) + ... + K X it( K ) + +

it , then OLS provides consistent and efficient estimates of the common and the slope vec-
tor .

2. Fixed Effects. If Zi is unobserved, but correlated with X it , then the least squares estimator
of is biased and inconsistent as a consequence of an omitted variable. This fixed effects

approach takes ci to be a group-specific constant term in the regression model Yit =

1 X it(1) + ... + K X it( K ) + ci + it . It should be noted that contrary to the frequent claim the term

fixed as used here signifies the correlation of ci and X it , not that ci is nonstochastic.
3. Random Effects: If the unobserved individual heterogeneity, however formulated, can be
assumed to be uncorrelated with the included variables, then the model may be formulated as

Yit = 1 X it(1) + ... + K X it( K ) + + i + it

that is, as a linear regression model with a compound disturbance that may be consistently,
albeit inefficiently, estimated by least squares. This random effects approach specifies that i
is a group-specific random element, similar to it except that for each group, there is but a
single draw that enters the regression identically in each period. Again, the crucial distinction
between fixed and random effects is whether the unobserved individual effect embodies ele-
ments that are correlated with the regressors in the model, not whether these effects are sto-
chastic or not. We will examine this basic formulation, then consider an extension to a dynam-
ic model.

If each individual in the data set is observed the same number of times, usually denoted T, the
data set is a balanced panel. An unbalanced panel data set is one in which individuals may be
observed different numbers of times. Some functions are operational only for balanced data.

10.1. Static Panel Data Models

The file pp.txt contains panel data in a stacked cross-section form (7 countries: A, B etc, 10
years: 1990-1999, y is the output and x1 predictive variable; this is a balanced panel):

country year y x1
1 F 1990 1342787840 -0.56757486
2 B 1990 -5934699520 -0.08184998

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10. PanelData Analysis

3 E 1990 1342787840 0.45286715

4 D 1990 1883025152 -0.31391269
5 G 1990 1342787840 0.94488174
6 C 1990 -1292379264 1.31256068
7 A 1990 1342787840 0.27790365
8 C 1991 -3415966464 1.17748356
9 G 1991 -1518985728 1.09872830

66 E 1999 243920688 0.60662067

67 D 1999 -2025476864 -0.07998896
68 B 1999 -1174480128 0.23696731
69 G 1999 3296283392 1.23420024
70 A 1999 39770336 0.39584252

Given : country

To explore our data, type D



1990 1992 1994 1996 1998
coplot(y~year|country,type="b") 5e+09

Here y is plotted vs year (go left to


right: the left-most graph in the bottom 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998

line is for country A, next to the right is

for B etc)

Now, to explore the country and

year effects on (the mean of) y, type


1990 1992 1994 1996 1998


plotmeans(y ~ country, main="Heterogeineity across countries")
plotmeans(y ~ year, main="Heterogeineity across years")

Heterogeineity across countries Heterogeineity across years






n=10 n=10 n=10 n=10 n=10 n=10 n=10 n=7 n=7 n=7 n=7 n=7 n=7 n=7 n=7 n=7 n=7

A B C D E F G 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

country year

Fig. 10.1. The country effect on the mean of y (left) and the year (progress) effect on y (right) (95% confi-
dence interval around the means is included)

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R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
10. PanelData Analysis

The main purpose of the panel data analysis is to quantify the x1 effect on y. We start either
with the pooled model

yit = + x1it + it , i = 1,...,I, t = 1,...,T :

pooled = lm(y~x1)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 1.524e+09 6.211e+08 2.454 0.0167 *
x1 4.950e+08 7.789e+08 0.636 0.5272

or with OLS models restricted to individual countries, for example,

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -3.454e+09 1.059e+09 -3.261 0.0115 *
x1 7.139e+09 1.756e+09 4.067 0.0036 **

(note the difference in the green coefficients, see Fig. 10.2, center).

To compare the models, we use (see Fig. 10.2, left and center)

scatterplot(y ~ x1|country,legend.coords="topleft",smoother=FALSE,lwd=3)










-0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5

x1 x1

Fig. 10.2. pooled model (left), individual countries models (center), and fixed effects
model together with the pooled model (right)

Both approaches have some drawbacks the pooled model does not take into account het-
erogeineity across countries while individual model are based on small number of observa-
tions and do not consider common features of the countries (all they interact and experience
the same influence of the progress). One possibility to take this common environment into
account is to use the fixed effects (FE) model. To allow for the country effect, we introduce
dummy variables (Di =) factor(country):

10 - 4
R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
10. PanelData Analysis

+ x11t +1 + 1t , i = 1

yit = + x1it +
i=1 i i
+ it = + x12t + 2 + 2t , i = 2

fixed = lm(y~x1+factor(country)-1)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
x1 2.476e+09 1.107e+09 2.237 0.02889 *
factor(country)A 8.805e+08 9.618e+08 0.916 0.36347
factor(country)B -1.058e+09 1.051e+09 -1.006 0.31811
factor(country)C -1.723e+09 1.632e+09 -1.056 0.29508
factor(country)D 3.163e+09 9.095e+08 3.478 0.00093 ***
factor(country)E -6.026e+08 1.064e+09 -0.566 0.57329
factor(country)F 2.011e+09 1.123e+09 1.791 0.07821 .
factor(country)G -9.847e+08 1.493e+09 -0.660 0.51190
plot(x1,y,col=country,pch=15) # we plot regression lines for each country

Note that now, when we take into account country, the coefficient at x1 is significant and
quite different from that of the pooled model (see Fig. 10.2, right).

To use a more systematic approach, we shall apply the plm (linear model for panel data)

pooled = plm(y ~ x1, data=pp, index=c("country", "year"), model="pooling")
Balanced Panel: n=7, T=10, N=70 # Balanced means every country was observed
Coefficients : # the same number of years (=10)
Estimate Std. Error t-value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 1524319070 621072624 2.4543 0.01668 *
x1 494988914 778861261 0.6355 0.52722

fixed = plm(y ~ x1, data=pp, index=c("country", "year"), model="within")

Coefficients :
Estimate Std. Error t-value Pr(>|t|)
x1 2475617827 1106675594 2.237 0.02889 *

fixef(fixed) # display the fixed effects (constants for each country)

880542404 -1057858363 -1722810755 3162826897 -602622000 2010731793 -984717493

pFtest(fixed, pooled) # The F test is used to test H 0 : all the constants

# equal 0
F test for individual effects
data: y ~ x1
F = 2.9655, df1 = 6, df2 = 62, p-value = 0.01307 # if p-value is less than
alternative hypothesis: significant effects # 0.05, then the fixed ef-
# fects model is better

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10. PanelData Analysis

Usually, there are too many parameters in the FE model and the loss of degrees of freedom
can be avoided if i in yit = + x1it + i + it are assumed random (more specifically,
i ~ i.i.d .(0, 2 ) , it ~ i.i.d .(0, 2 ) , E ( i + it | X) = 2 + 2 , E (( i + it ) ( j + jt ) | X) = 2 .
The just presented conditions mean that the random effects (RE) model fits into the frame-
work of a generalized LS model with autocorrelated within a group disturbances (see PE.I,
Lecture Notes, 4.9.2). In particular, the parameters of the RE model can be estimated consist-
ently, though not efficiently, by OLS. The RE model is an appropriate specification if we are
drawing I individuals randomly from a large population (this is usually the case for house-
hold panel studies; in this case, I is usually large and a fixed effects model would lead to an
enormous loss of degrees of freedom).

random = plm(y ~ x1, data=pp, index=c("country", "year"), model="random")

var share
idiosyncratic 7.815e+18 2.796e+09 0.873 =

individual 1.133e+18 1.065e+09 0.127 = 2

theta: 0.3611 -> see below

Coefficients :
Estimate Std. Error t-value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 1037014284 790626206 1.3116 0.1941
x1 1247001782 902145601 1.3823 0.1714
Total Sum of Squares: 5.6595e+20
Residual Sum of Squares: 5.5048e+20
R-Squared : 0.02733
Adj. R-Squared : 0.026549
F-statistic: 1.91065 on 1 and 68 DF, p-value: 0.17141

Interpretation of the coefficient is tricky since it includes both the effects inside a country and
between countries. In the case of time series-cross sectional data, it represents the average
effect of X over Y when X changes across time and between countries by one unit.

Which of the three models to use? One hint is given by the quantity theta = =

1 . We always have 0 1; if = 0 , the model becomes a pooled model, and
2 + T 2
if = 1 a FE model. As a rule, 2 is much bigger than 2 , thus or, more exactly, its esti-
mate = 1 2 / (2 + T 2 ) must be close enough to 1. The same applies when T is big
(in both these cases FE and RE models are close).

To formally decide between fixed or random effects, you can run a Hausman test where the
null hypothesis is that the preferred model is RE vs. the FE alternative. It basically tests
whether the unique errors i are correlated with the regressors (the null hypothesis is they are
not) thus if the p value is significant (for example <0.05) then use fixed effects, if not use
random effects.

phtest(fixed,random) #Hausman Test

chisq = 3.674, df = 1, p-value = 0.05527 # both models are close
alternative hypothesis: one model is inconsistent

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R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
10. PanelData Analysis

To estimate a panel data model Yit = 1 X it(1) + ... + K X it( K ) + + i + it , we use the LS meth-
ods. In the pooled regression case, we assume i 0 ; in the fixed effect case, we treat i as
individual dummy variables; in random effect case, the errors i + it are autocorrelated, thus
we apply a generalized LS method.

10.1 example. The NLS.txt data set contains data on N = 716 employed women interviewed
in 1982, 1983, 1985, 1987, and 1988:

id year lwage age educ south black union exper exper2 tenure tenure2
1 1 82 1.808289 30 12 0 1 1 7.666667 58.77777 7.666667 58.77777
2 1 83 1.863417 31 12 0 1 1 8.583333 73.67361 8.583333 73.67361

id identifier for panel individual; 716 total

year year interviewed (1982, 1983, 1985, 1987, 1988)
lwage log(wage/GNP deflator)
age age in current year
educ current grade completed
south 1 if south
black 1 if black; 0 if white
union 1 if union member
exper total work experience
exper2 exper^2
tenure job tenure, in years
tenure2 tenure^2

We shall create three panel models, pooled, FE, and RE, for lwage:

lwage = 0 + 1educ + 2exper + 3exper2 + 4 tenure + 5 tenure2 +

6 black + 7south + 8 union+

pooled = plm(lwage ~ educ+exper+exper2+tenure+tenure2+black+south+union,
data=nls, index=c("id", "year"), model="pooling")

Balanced Panel: n=716, T=5, N=3580

Coefficients :
Estimate Std. Error t-value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 0.47660003 0.05615585 8.4871 < 2.2e-16 ***
educ 0.07144879 0.00268939 26.5669 < 2.2e-16 ***
exper 0.05568506 0.00860716 6.4696 1.116e-10 ***
exper2 -0.00114754 0.00036129 -3.1763 0.0015046 **
tenure 0.01496001 0.00440728 3.3944 0.0006953 ***
tenure2 -0.00048604 0.00025770 -1.8860 0.0593699 .
black -0.11671387 0.01571590 -7.4265 1.387e-13 ***
south -0.10600257 0.01420083 -7.4645 1.045e-13 ***
union 0.13224320 0.01496161 8.8388 < 2.2e-16 ***

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R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
10. PanelData Analysis

Total Sum of Squares: 772.56

Residual Sum of Squares: 521.03
R-Squared : 0.32559
Adj. R-Squared : 0.32477
F-statistic: 215.496 on 8 and 3571 DF, p-value: < 2.22e-16

fixed = plm(lwage ~ educ+exper+exper2+tenure+tenure2+black+south+union,

data=nls, index=c("id", "year"), model="within")
Coefficients :
Estimate Std. Error t-value Pr(>|t|)
exper 0.04108317 0.00662001 6.2059 6.226e-10 ***
exper2 -0.00040905 0.00027333 -1.4965 0.1346
tenure 0.01390894 0.00327784 4.2433 2.272e-05 ***
tenure2 -0.00089623 0.00020586 -4.3536 1.386e-05 ***
south -0.01632240 0.03614900 -0.4515 0.6516
union 0.06369723 0.01425380 4.4688 8.172e-06 ***

Total Sum of Squares: 126.95

Residual Sum of Squares: 108.8
R-Squared : 0.14297
Adj. R-Squared : 0.11414
F-statistic: 79.4647 on 6 and 2858 DF, p-value: < 2.22e-16

Note that the fixed model

lwage = 1D1 + ... + 716 D716 + 2exper + 3exper2 + 4tenure + 5tenure2 +

+ 7 south + 8union +

contains all individual dummies Di but does not contain educ and black variables (they do
not change in time and their presence would imply multicollinearity; indeed, if, for example,
every odd individual is black, then the black variable (column) (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,
1, ) may be expressed as 1 D1 + 1 D3 + ... which means exact collinearity) (complete the
example and choose the best model yourselves). 

10.1 exercise. The data set fuel.xls contains the 1993-2000 information on some parameters of
the 2382 enterprises in Russian fuel and energy industry. Is it possible to model their output
with the Cobb-Douglas production function Q = AK L ?

To import the data to R, select necessary data in fuel.xls and type

fuell=read.delim2("clipboard",header=TRUE) # to import
fuell[1:10,] # the panel is unbalanced (why? )
fuel = fuell[apply(fuell,1,function(x) all(x>0 &,
na.rm=TRUE)),] # to leave only all-positive rows
okpo year okonh emp wor rout rk
5 29570 1996 11170 201 138 147.0641 398.2113
6 29570 1993 11170 158 125 226.5521 290.7230
7 29570 1995 11170 196 133 142.0815 370.2107
8 29570 1994 11170 169 132 204.5996 364.4585
23 100013 1994 11120 3769 2544 3603.0230 17221.2800
24 100013 1993 11120 3676 2493 6474.3810 16572.7000
46 100138 1993 11120 2655 1744 9686.3380 20248.3100
47 100138 1994 11120 2711 1779 4143.9430 20317.9500

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R. Lapinskas, PE.IIComputer Labs - 2013
10. PanelData Analysis

48 100138 1995 11120 2757 1800 3350.6670 21066.1300

55 100167 1994 11120 1900 1087 2077.2120 11980.7400


okpo enterprise number according to OKPO classification (2382 enterprises)

year year (not in order, some are missing)
okonh code of the branch of industry (23 different codes)
emp the number of workers
wor the number of involved workers
rout production output
rk real capital

Start with the pooled model


(what is the meaning of the coefficients?) Then estimate all other relevent models and choose
the best. Add some graphs to your analysis. 

10.2 exercise. The Gasoline file in plm is a panel of 18 observations (country) from
1960 to 1978 on the gasoline consumption. Analyze the data, create all the models you know
and choose the right one.

Gas <- pdata.frame(Gasoline,c("country","year"),drop=TRUE)
lgaspcar lincomep lrpmg lcarpcap
AUSTRIA-1960 4.173244 -6.474277 -0.33454761 -9.766840
AUSTRIA-1978 3.922750 -5.762023 -0.46960312 -8.211041
BELGIUM-1960 4.164016 -6.215091 -0.16570961 -9.405527
U.S.A.-1977 4.811032 -5.256606 -1.17590974 -7.553458
U.S.A.-1978 4.818454 -5.221232 -1.21206183 -7.536176

formule <- lgaspcar~lincomep+lrpmg+lcarpcap

gas.pool <- plm(formule,data=Gas,model="pooling")

10.2. Dynamic Panel Data Models


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