Case 1
Case 1
Case 1
Mr. Nicolas believes that the spoken word is more powerful than the
written means, and he speaks directly with any of his subordinates for
whatever he wants to communicate. His business is effectively a single
proprietorship, and as such, he decides on issues whether major or minor.
Mr. Nicolas stays close to the five senior managers who comprise his
operations team. He meets him at least once a month and talks to any of
them every now and then through the medium of cell phone. These
managers report directly to him. An executive assistant helps him in various
requirements of his job, including coordinating the activities of the senior
Each branch maintains its own sales unit but there is no marketing
department at higher level to oversee the sales activities of all the branches.
The head of the various departments situated in the head office, the
five senior managers, and the 60 branch managers are responsible for
recruiting and training employees at their respective units. There is no central
HR department to oversee such activities. Recruitment and trainings are done
with minimal paperwork. Employees are hired without the benefit of job
descriptions and job specifications. Communication is mostly verbal.
The structure adapted by the firm has produced god good results,
however. This organizational approach is responsible for making the company
grow from a single branch operation to its present status. The companys
operations are generally regarded as profitable.
Employee turnover reach an average of 30% but Mr. Nicolas is not
much concerned because of the sufficient number of applicants applying for
work in the company.
1. What do you think of the organizational structure of the firm?
2. What difficulties may be anticipated if the current structure is