AA derivatives with CHO groups
1st target: Ant.Pituitary gland
Eicosanoids Thyrotropin
Fatty acids FSH
with 20 carbon atom fatty acid LH
(arachidonic fatty acid) 2 target: A. Thyroid
prostaglandin T3
T4 to muscles and liver
Mechanism of Hormone action: B. ovaries and testes:
Testosterone to reproductive organs
Post Pituitary Gland
Responsible for blood glucose
Islet cells of pancreas
Glucagon to liver and muscles
Nonsteroid Hormones collection of specialized cells located
Steroid Hormones at the central part of the brain
_____________________________________________ main link between the endocrine &
nervous system
General Mechanism of Hormone Action control the pituitary gland by
Hormone binds to cell surface or production of chemicals that stimulate
receptor inside target cell or suppress hormone secretion of
Cells may then pituitary
o Synthesize new molecules Hormones:
o Change permeability of TRH: Thyrotropin releasing hormones
membrane GnRH: Gonadotropin releasing
o Alter rates of reaction hormone
Each target cell responds to hormone GH-IH: Growth hormone inhibiting
differently hormone
o At liver cells insulin stimulates GH:RH: Growth hormone releasing
glycogen synthesis hormone
o At Adipocytes insulin CRH: Corticotropin releasing hormone
PIF: Prolactin inhibiting factor
stimulates Triglyceride synthesis
Pituitary Gland (hypophysis)
CC: Endocrinology Second Semester16Prepared by: Peter Limjoco David
small egg shaped gland located at the
base of the brain beneath the Inhibiting GH:
hypothalamus Glucose loading
master gland Beta agonist(epinephrine)
divided into 2 lobes: anterior & Alpha blockes(phentalamine)
posterior Emotional/psychogenic stress
Anterior Pituitary Gland Nutritional deficiency
regulates the activity of thyroid, Insulin deficiency
adrenals, and reproductive glands Throxine deficiency
GH, PRL, TSH, FSH, LH, ACTH Hormones that influences
o Regulate activity of thyroid, secretion and metabolic effect of
adrenals and reproductive GH: Thyroxine, cortisol, estrogen,
glands somatostatin, Somastatin releasing
also secretes ENDORPHINS factor
Hormones: Test of GH insufficiency:
GH: growth of bone and soft tissues Stimulation test
PRL: for lactation o after exercise or during sleep,
TSH: release of thyroid hormones GH normally increases
FSH: growth of the follicle and initial o Clonidine(potent GH stimulant)
wave of spermatogenesis
LH: ovulation and final follicular Prolactin (PRL)
growth and production of testosterone controls the initiation and
ACTH: release of cortisol maintenance of lactation
o induces ductal growth
Growth Hormone o development of breasts
stimulates AA transport and nucleic o lobular alveolar system
acid & CHON synthesis o synthesis of specific milk
exerts major effects on cartilage and proteins
growth of long bones act directly on mammary glands
o AA transport and nucleic acid requires priming by estrogens,
and CHON Synthesis progestins, corticosteroids, thyroid
o Increases hepatic glucose effect hormones, and insulin
w/ anti-insulin effect in muscles
o Increases lipolysis elevating Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
plasma free FA(ketogenesis in increases:
diabetes) o size of thyroid follicular cells
increases hepatic glucose effect in o uptake of iodide by thyroid cells
excess and exerts anti-insulin effect in from the ECF
muscles o release of thyroxine from the
increases lipolysis elevating levels of thyroid colloid follicles
plasma free FA o biosynthesis of thyroxine
Factors affecting GH secretion: differentiates pituitary (secondary)
Stimulate GH: hypothyroidism from primary
Sleep hypothyroidism
Physiologic stress Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
Amino acids(arginine) gonadotropic hormones
Hypoglycemia growth and maturity of ovarian
Sex Steroids(estradiol) follicles
Alpha antagonist(norepinephrine) estrogen secretion
Beta blocker(Propanolol) promotes endometrial changes
CC: Endocrinology Second Semester16Prepared by: Peter Limjoco David
(1st: proliferative phase of mens), o for contraction of uterus and
spermatogenesis ejection of milk primed with
Luteinizing Hormone (LH)/(ICSH) ADH or arginine vasopressin or
gonadotropic hormones pitressin:
ovulation and secretion of androgens o permeability of kidney tubules
and progesterone
initiates secretory phase of mens DISEASES ASSOCIATED WITH
formation of corpus luteum HORMONES OF THE PITUITARY
development of testicular cells GLAND
hyposecretion of GH during growth years
o Achrondroplasia
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH) o Hypoachondroplasia
acts primarily on the adrenal cortex, to o Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia
stimulate growth and secretion of o Diastrophic dysplasia
corticosteroids Gigantism
follows circadian rhythm hypersecretion of GH during childhood
elevated during times of stress
_____________________________________________ Acromegaly
Summary of Anterior pituitary Gland: hypersecretion of GH during adulthood
GH(growth hormone) Features:
o Growth of bone and soft tissues o Course facial features
PRL(prolactin) o Soft tissue thickening(lips)
o For lactation o Spade like hands
TSH(thyroid stimulating hormone) o Protruding jaw(prognathism)
o Release of thyroid hormones o Sweating
FSH(follicle stimulating hormone) o Impaired glucose tolerance or
o Growth of follicle(Female)
o Initial wave of
Dx of Acromegaly
o OGTT and GH measurement
LH(luteinizing hormone)
o Hyperglycemia should suppress
o Ovulation and final follicular
GH to <1ug/L
o After Treatment, failure to
o Production of
suppress GH below 2ug/L may
ACTH(adrenocorticotropic cause higher prevalence of DM,
hormone) heart disease and hypertension
o Release of cortisol Galactorrhea
_____________________________________________ inappropriate production of breast milk
due to hypersecretion of PRL
Types of cells
Acidophils: GH, PRL
o irregular menstruation
Basophils: TSH, FSH, LH, ACTH
o menopausal symptoms
o milk discharges
o difficulty in getting erection
Posterior Pituitary Gland o breast tenderness and
Hormones: enlargement
Oxytocin or pitocin:
CC: Endocrinology Second Semester16Prepared by: Peter Limjoco David
absence of menstrual cycle in females Infarction
due to hypersecretion of PRL Infection
Impotence Idiopathic
inability to attain penile erection in Monotropic hormone deficiency
males Laboratory Measurement of Some
due to hypersecretion of PRL
Hormones Secreted by the Pituitary
Sandwich ELISA
lack of FSH and LH in both male and
o Capture Ab Assay diluent Std
and Samples Detection Ab
inability to conceive after 1 year of
Avidin HRP Substrate Stop
unprotected intercourse
o Read at absorbance at 450nm
Cushings disease
o Explained by mam basta
hypersecretion of ACTH
mukang sandwich
leads to bilateral adrenal hyperplasia
Indirect ELISA
and cortisol overproduction
o Antigen coating Diluted
Samples Detection Ab +
enzyme Substrate
o Read at Absorbance 405nm
Addisons disease
secondary (ACTH) or tertiary (CRH)
adrenal insufficiency Growth Hormone Immunoassay
hyposecretion of glucocorticoids and uses specific GH antibody
aldosterone draw specimens every 20-30 minutes
over a 1224 hours period
Polyuria Insulin tolerance test: to produce
deficient ADH production or action hypoglycemia and provoke GH release
o Hypothalamic DI Basal: 2-5 ng/mL or ug/L
o Nephrogenic DI Insulin tolerance: >10 ng/mL
o Psychogenic or primary Arginine/L-dopa: >7.5 ng/mL
Kallmann Syndrome
most common form of
hypogonadism due to deficiency
of GnRH
both seen in males and females