Position Applied: Rope Access Tec NDT Curriculam Vitae
Position Applied: Rope Access Tec NDT Curriculam Vitae
Position Applied: Rope Access Tec NDT Curriculam Vitae
Name : S.Loganathan.
Nationality : Indian.
Email ID : loganathan.world@gmail.com
DME (2005-2008)
Training Attained
Computer Knowledge
MS Office ( Updated Version )
Programming In C, C++
Last Five years and six months working in the field of Non-
destructive testing for Oil and Gas sector.
Carrying out Magnetic particle testing of products, welds and cast bodies
with Electromagnetic yoke, permanent magnets, prods, coil, both visible
and fluorescent techniques.
Carrying out liquid penetrant testing of products, welds and cast bodies
with Water washable & solvent removable penetrant, both visible and
fluorescent techniques
Carrying out liquid penetrant testing on welds of non ferrous castings and
rolled aluminium sections.
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Company Name : GKN.Driveline Ltd India,
Plot No: B 13 Sipcot Industrial Park,
Vaipur A & Village, Oragadam,
Kanchipuram - 602105
Tel: +91 44 27142380
Fax: +91 44 27142300
Duration : November 2007 to Till Date
Position : NDT Technician.
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company Name : Emirates Industrial Laboratory
Oilfield, Marine & Industrial Consultants
Abu Dhabi:Tel:025542889, Fax 02-5542886
Carrying out Ultrasonic flaw detection on welding and casting. Lamination check
on steel plates, Thickness gauging of boiler steam pipe etc
Carried out UT Corrosion survey of in-service piping, Vessels, Columns & Heat
Carried out UT weld examination of in-service piping, Vessels, Columns & Heat
Carrying out RT, MT & PT of various equipment, structures and piping.
Carried out Profile Radiography of small bore fittings and process piping
Magnetic particle inspection of both wet and dry methods including florescent
method for various jobs
Perform solvent removable Dye pen. Test on SS welds.
Perform UT on areas inaccessible for Radiography.
Carrying out inspection of tanks (visual, Ultrasonic & magnetic particle testing of
tank components like shell, bottom plates, annular plates, roof plates on fixed and
floating roofs, nozzles & piping)
Carry out UT, MT, PT and RT during shutdown for Reliance Refinery, Jam nager,
Gujarat, MRL Chennai and CPCL, Chennai India.
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Familiar with the operation and maintenance of Ir-192: Tech-ops, spec-2T, Roli-I,
Co-60: Tech-ops-540. Also the operations of Siffort 420KV-10MA, Andrex 300
Familiar with the operations of Krautkramer USM 25, USM 35, DMS-2,
USM2, USM4 & USK 7 Ultrasonic Flaw Detectors.
Familiar with the operations of Electromagnetic yoke, permanent magnets,
prods, coil Both visible and fluorescent techniques.
Familiar with Water washable & solvent removable penetrant Both visible and
fluorescent techniques
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