FactSheet MinnesotaFBCI

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Fact Sheet: Compassion In Action: White House Minnesota Conference On Faith-Based And

Community Initiatives
Today, Director Jay Hein Addressed The 31st White House Faith-Based And Community
Initiatives Conference. He highlighted the important role of Community and Faith-Based
Organizations in disaster response efforts and addressing social service needs.
• Director Hein Announced That Almost $190 Million In Federal Funds Were Competitively
Awarded To Minnesota Faith-Based And Community Organizations Dedicated To Social
Services In 2006. More than 200 Minnesota faith-based and secular non-profits received 347
awards to expand services to Minnesotans in need.
• Director Hein Highlighted Minnesota As A National Leader In Volunteerism. In the 2007
study, Volunteering in America 1 , the Corporation for National and Community Service rated
Minnesota among the top states. From 2004 to 2006 Minnesota averaged a 40.4% volunteer
rate statewide. Minneapolis-St. Paul was rated the number one metro area in the country with
a 40.5% volunteerism rate. During those years Minneapolis-St. Paul had approximately
945,000 volunteers, who served 106.7 million hours per year.
• This Minnesota Conference Is The Second In A New Series Of Regional Conferences In
Partnership With States Across The Country. As in the past, the conference provides an
understanding of the President’s Faith-Based and Community Initiative, information about the
federal grants process and funding opportunities, and the basic legal responsibilities that come
with federal funding. In addition, this new series of conferences puts special emphasis on
opportunities for state and local programs to partner with private sector service organizations
that serve the needy.
• Director Jay Hein And Representatives From Governor Tim Pawlenty’s Administration
Met With Minnesota Elected Officials And Leaders From The Faith, Philanthropic,
Community Service, And Non-Profit Community Prior To The White House Conference
On Faith-Based And Community Initiatives. Officials and leaders representing over 65% of
the Minnesota population gathered to discuss the role and effect of partnerships with faith-
based and community organizations.
• President Bush And Mrs. Bush Visited Minneapolis In The Wake Of The I-35W Bridge
Tragedy. On August 4, 2007, the President toured the site and met with Minnesota volunteers
who were working tirelessly in the recovery effort. He observed the determination and
compassion of the local heroes focused on helping those in need, “We have an amazing
country, where people's instinct, first instinct, is to help save lives.” Mrs. Bush also visited the
site on August 3, and expressed gratitude to Red Cross volunteers and others, "We depend on
you to come in at all the toughest times...[t]hank you for being prepared and ready to step in
when the time comes."
• The First Lady Visited St. Paul To Host A Helping America’s Youth Conference. At the
August 3, 2007 gathering, Mrs. Bush said, “The work that all of you do in your neighborhoods
every day -- helping young people build the knowledge and the self-respect they need to lead
successful lives -- is at the heart of Helping America's Youth.” President Bush announced the
Helping America's Youth (HAY) Initiative in his 2005 State of the Union address. The HAY
Initiative is a nation-wide effort to promote mentorship and encourage healthy growth and
development for young Americans.

Governor Tim Pawlenty Has Led The Charge For Minnesota Faith-Based And Community

• Governor Pawlenty Created The Governor’s Council On Faith-Based And Community

Initiatives On October 7, 2005 By Executive Order. The Council works “to develop a closer
connection between the state government and faith and community organizations by
increasing the access to existing funding resources, reducing barriers to delivering services
and promoting best practices.” Chief of Staff Matt Kramer says, “There is no Governor more
supportive of faith and service.”
• At The Conference Governor Pawlenty Addressed Community Needs. Minnesota
priorities include a comprehensive Prisoner Re-Entry Initiative and the Yellow Ribbon Task
Force, a program to serve Minnesota’s thousands of returning veterans.
• Governor Pawlenty Honored Successful Faith-Based And Community Organizations.
Governor Pawlenty awarded the 2007 Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Best Practices
Awards to nine organizations. These Minnesota programs represented innovation and
significant results in services for those most in need.

The Federal Government Is Helping Minnesota’s Faith-Based and Community Initiative

Produce Results for Americans in Need
Continued Federal Funding Aids Faith-Based And Community Organizations. Recent data from
a review of more than 600 grants in Fiscal Years 2005 and 2006 provided by the U.S. Departments of
Justice, Agriculture, Labor, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development,
Education, and Veterans Affairs, the Small Business Administration, and the Corporation for National
and Community Service showed:
• In Fiscal Years 2005 and 2006, More Than $380 Million In Competitive Federal Grants
Were Awarded To Faith-Based And Secular Non-Profit Organizations In Minnesota.
These awards were used to expand the reach and impact of faith-based and community
nonprofit organizations in a wide variety of service initiatives, including veterans’ services,
prisoner reentry, mentoring and after school programs, homelessness and other pressing
human needs.

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