Pneumatic Drill Jig

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This project work deals with the DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF

shows reduction in the labor time, machining time, etc. this type of Jig is used for mass
production for motor cover, bearing cap and other mechanical and automobile

This pneumatic drill jig is provided with pneumatic clamping arrangement. This
type of clamping arrangement saves the setting time, marking time, punching time etc.
when compressed air is taken from a convenient medium to provide pope clamping force
and good gripping to the component. As the quantity to produce is large the proposed
pneumatic drill jig fulfils the mass production requirement in the shop. Clamping can be
done by releasing the pressured air using valves.


Jigs and Fixtures have become a necessary pat of modern manufacturing

processes. The employment of Jig is an important aspect of workshop Engineering field.
So as understanding of the principles involved is a necessity in every step. Jig is the
economical means to produce repetitive type of works by providing special workholding
and tool-guiding devices Jig is an appliance used to facilitate the operation to which it is
applied. The primary objects of its use might be to facilitate the holding and support an
awkward of trial article for some machining operations, to position a component and
guide the cutters, so that every component will be uniform.
Jigs are designed mainly to save manufacturing time and for each type of work
where quantity of production is desired, to maintain consistency in dimensioning, and to
facilitate quick and easy assembly and also to educe cost of manufacturing. The work
may be clamped and unclamped quickly using valves.

Holes may be drilled at the same relative positions on each of the identical
workpieces, without marking the work individually. The wok is clamped below the Jig
and holes are located. The jig plate is rotated for the required holes and kept it in position
using locating pins. The drill bushes provided on the jig plate guide the drill. When the
work is completed, the second work is clamped as per the procedure and process is again


The component is placed in between the Jig plate and the locator, which is on the
piston rod. When the valve is opened, the compressed air from the compressor will enter
into the cylinder through a hole at the bottom of the cylinder. The piston inside the
cylinder is made to push in the upward direction. When the piston moves the locator
clamps the component rigidly. Now the component is ready for drilling operation.

When the two-way valve is closed the piston will return to bottom position to
release the clamps. When we close the valve, the piston will come in very high force in
downward direction. So these are chances for the damage of piston. To avoid this, we are
using FLOW CONTROL VALVE to control the flow of piston. This can be repeated with
the same procedure as described above.

The main advantages of Pneumatic Drill Jig for HP Motor cover are termed as
1. The use of air cylinder educes operator effort.
2. Operator effort was reduced considerably and the job made much easier and faster.
3. Air clamping device is quicker in action more constant in clamping proper, and
more convenient than hand operated clamps and save human energy.
4. Increases the versatility of machining performed.
5. Reduces waste motions which cause fatigue to worker.
6. Considerable savings in time are possible from the use of air clamps.
7. The average ratio of clamping time for a component between manual operation
and air operation is approximately 4:1.
8. Increases machining accuracy, because the workpiece is automatically located
without any alignment to the machine tools.
9. Increases productivity due to increasing the speed, feed and depth of cut. This
becomes possible due to higher clamping rigidity.
10. Ai clamping can be controlled more uniformly than manual clamping, thus
reducing tendencies for work piece breakage or distortion and insufficient grip.
The savings so far indicated in addition to the energy and strain serve the operator.
It has been proved conclusively that operator fatigue can be greatly reduced by the
use of pneumatic clamping means where large exertions not be made. Also
operator straining himself on large manual clamping device has caused physical
11. Decreases expenditure on quality control of the machined pats.
12. This method is used for large production quantities pressures are uniform, and are
controlled by operator with minimum fatigue.

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