1. The teacher observed their cooperating teacher using direct instruction and discussion effectively to engage students in their classes.
2. During a vocabulary review session, some students talked amongst themselves when left unmonitored, showing the need for more structured instruction of the material.
3. The use of toilet passes held students accountable for leaving the classroom and ensured they returned, showing an effective classroom management strategy different than the observer's own schooling experiences.
1. The teacher observed their cooperating teacher using direct instruction and discussion effectively to engage students in their classes.
2. During a vocabulary review session, some students talked amongst themselves when left unmonitored, showing the need for more structured instruction of the material.
3. The use of toilet passes held students accountable for leaving the classroom and ensured they returned, showing an effective classroom management strategy different than the observer's own schooling experiences.
1. The teacher observed their cooperating teacher using direct instruction and discussion effectively to engage students in their classes.
2. During a vocabulary review session, some students talked amongst themselves when left unmonitored, showing the need for more structured instruction of the material.
3. The use of toilet passes held students accountable for leaving the classroom and ensured they returned, showing an effective classroom management strategy different than the observer's own schooling experiences.
1. The teacher observed their cooperating teacher using direct instruction and discussion effectively to engage students in their classes.
2. During a vocabulary review session, some students talked amongst themselves when left unmonitored, showing the need for more structured instruction of the material.
3. The use of toilet passes held students accountable for leaving the classroom and ensured they returned, showing an effective classroom management strategy different than the observer's own schooling experiences.
(What Happened?) (What do I think of it? What went well? What could be improved? How? What will I do differently? How does this connect to the theory I have read from class?) General Overview General Overview 1. The favorite instructional modes of my 1. I consider my cooperating teacher the most cooperating teacher, also the homeroom effective teacher I observed today. Though he teacher of 6B, seem to be Direct Instruction mainly talked in his two UOI (Unit of and Discussion. There was no time spent for Inquiry) classes, he successfully engaged the nothing during his class period. My students in a class discussion. He would make cooperating teacher spent the whole class the students think by asking questions, and period effectively. the students responded actively to his 2. In the 35 minutes session of UOI class, the questions. national teacher had the students review 2. I learned in Instructional Alignment class that anywhere in the classroom the vocabularies the vocabulary teacher seemed not to steward they have learned. Some students were talking the time for maximally effective instruction. about things other than the vocabularies. The She could have helped the students review as teacher left the classroom for a few minutes. a class, rather than giving to the students an To my surprise, the teacher gathered the almost full session for an unmonitored students back to assess them five minutes individual review. before the class ended. Classroom Management Classroom Management 3. This toilet pass will hold the students 3. I noticed the students asked permission from accountable as they leave the classroom. It is the teacher if they wanted to go to the different from my school where students restroom. The student should bring the toilet would not come back when they left the pass before they left the classroom. This toilet classroom to go to the toilet. pass shows that they had permission from the 4. When I was in school, I remember I kept teacher. raising my hand because I really wanted to 4. Some students raised their hand while the ask something. But my teacher told me that I teacher is still talking. The teacher continued was being rude. Apparently, the culture in talking and finally allowed them to speak after SPH and in my culture is different. It is the teacher finished speaking. acceptable for students in 6B to raise their Curriculum Overview hand while the teacher is still talking. 5. At the end of the class, I was fortunate to be Curriculum Overview able to attend the curriculum presentation for 5. There was no overarching idea that unifies all parents. In the presentation, the teacher the subjects when I was in school. The unit in showed a video about the history of human SPH is very helpful in giving a purpose in the rights. The teachers will include the value of class. All the classes in SPH are human rights in the class. After watching the interconnected and directed. They aim video, I remember that in Bahasa Indonesia towards the importance of human rights, so class, the teacher had the students watch that the students may learn to value human videos about social injustice in Indonesia. rights and become a defender of human rights.