Truss 50 M

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TABLE: Frame Section Properties 01 - General

SectionName Material Shape AutoType t3 t2

Text Text Text Text m m
H400X237 A36 I/Wide Flange 0.381 0.395
H400X262 A36 I/Wide Flange 0.387 0.397
H400X288 A36 I/Wide Flange 0.393 0.399
H400X314 A36 I/Wide Flange 0.4 0.4
H400X340 A36 I/Wide Flange 0.406 0.403
H400X347 A36 I/Wide Flange 0.407 0.404
H400X383 A36 I/Wide Flange 0.416 0.406
H400X393 A36 I/Wide Flange 0.419 0.407
H400X422 A36 I/Wide Flange 0.425 0.409
H400X463 A36 I/Wide Flange 0.435 0.412
H400X467 A36 I/Wide Flange 0.437 0.412
H400X509 A36 I/Wide Flange 0.445 0.416
H400X551 A36 I/Wide Flange 0.455 0.418
H400X593 A36 I/Wide Flange 0.465 0.421
H400X634 A36 I/Wide Flange 0.475 0.423
H400X678 A36 I/Wide Flange 0.484 0.427
H400X744 A36 I/Wide Flange 0.499 0.431
H400X818 A36 I/Wide Flange 0.514 0.437
H400X900 A36 I/Wide Flange 0.531 0.442
H400X990 A36 I/Wide Flange 0.55 0.448
TRUSS Auto Select Steel
tf tw t2b tfb Area TorsConst I33
m m m m m2 m4 m4
0.0305 0.0185 0.395 0.0305 0.0302 0.0000084 0.000797
0.0335 0.0205 0.397 0.0335 0.0334 0.000011 0.000894
0.0365 0.023 0.399 0.0365 0.0367 0.000015 0.000996
0.04 0.0245 0.4 0.04 0.04 0.000019 0.001113
0.0429 0.0265 0.403 0.0429 0.0433 0.000024 0.001226
0.0435 0.0275 0.404 0.0435 0.0441 0.000025 0.001246
0.048 0.03 0.406 0.048 0.0488 0.000033 0.001414
0.0492 0.0306 0.407 0.0492 0.0501 0.000036 0.001469
0.0525 0.033 0.409 0.0525 0.0537 0.000044 0.001594
0.0575 0.0355 0.412 0.0575 0.0589 0.000057 0.001803
0.058 0.0359 0.412 0.058 0.0595 0.000059 0.001832
0.0622 0.0395 0.416 0.0622 0.0648 0.000075 0.002032
0.0675 0.0425 0.418 0.0675 0.0702 0.000094 0.002261
0.0725 0.0445 0.421 0.0725 0.0755 0.000116 0.002504
0.0775 0.047 0.423 0.0775 0.0808 0.000141 0.002756
0.082 0.0505 0.427 0.082 0.0864 0.000169 0.003011
0.0895 0.0545 0.431 0.0895 0.0948 0.00022 0.003439
0.097 0.0605 0.437 0.097 0.1043 0.000285 0.003922
0.106 0.0659 0.442 0.106 0.1149 0.000374 0.004502
0.115 0.0719 0.448 0.115 0.1262 0.000482 0.005189
I22 AS2 AS3 S33 S22 Z33 Z22
m4 m2 m2 m3 m3 m3 m3
0.000314 0.007049 0.024095 0.004184 0.001587 0.004727 0.002409
0.00035 0.007934 0.026599 0.004621 0.001761 0.005256 0.002676
0.000387 0.009039 0.029127 0.00507 0.001939 0.005811 0.002951
0.000427 0.0098 0.032 0.005565 0.002136 0.006417 0.003251
0.000469 0.010759 0.034577 0.006039 0.002325 0.006997 0.003543
0.000479 0.011193 0.035148 0.006123 0.00237 0.007122 0.003614
0.000536 0.01248 0.038976 0.006798 0.002641 0.00797 0.004032
0.000554 0.012821 0.040049 0.007012 0.002721 0.008225 0.004154
0.0006 0.014025 0.042945 0.007501 0.002933 0.008874 0.004482
0.000672 0.015443 0.04738 0.00829 0.00326 0.009882 0.004985
0.000679 0.015688 0.047792 0.008384 0.003298 0.01001 0.00504
0.000752 0.017578 0.05175 0.009133 0.003614 0.01099 0.005537
0.000824 0.019338 0.05643 0.009938 0.003942 0.01205 0.006046
0.000904 0.020693 0.061045 0.01077 0.004295 0.01315 0.006588
0.00098 0.022325 0.065565 0.011604 0.004636 0.01426 0.007115
0.001068 0.024442 0.070028 0.012442 0.005002 0.0154 0.007685
0.001199 0.027196 0.077149 0.013784 0.005564 0.01722 0.008556
0.001355 0.031097 0.084778 0.015261 0.006201 0.01926 0.009561
0.001533 0.034993 0.093704 0.016957 0.006937 0.02162 0.01071
0.001734 0.039545 0.10304 0.018869 0.007741 0.02428 0.01196
R33 R22 ConcCol ConcBeam Color TotalWt TotalMass
m m Yes/No Yes/No Text Kgf Kgf-s2/m
0.162462 0.101886 No No White 114189.12 11644.05
0.163623 0.102309 No No Gray8Dark 0 0
0.164756 0.102662 No No Blue 0 0
0.166808 0.103332 No No Green 0 0
0.168268 0.104019 No No Cyan 1359.46 138.63
0.168089 0.104187 No No Red 0 0
0.170222 0.104822 No No Magenta 34473.02 3515.27
0.171235 0.105128 No No Yellow 0 0
0.172289 0.105677 No No White 5752.89 586.63
0.174961 0.106774 No No Gray8Dark 0 0
0.175471 0.106849 No No Blue 0 0
0.177082 0.107705 No No Green 50861.83 5186.46
0.179466 0.108328 No No Cyan 2204.01 224.75
0.182114 0.10943 No No Red 0 0
0.184686 0.110159 No No Magenta 2536.81 258.68
0.18668 0.111181 No No Yellow 0 0
0.190464 0.112462 No No White 0 0
0.193915 0.11398 No No Gray8Dark 0 0
0.197944 0.115508 No No Blue 0 0
0.202774 0.117218 No No Yellow 198109.96 20201.59
409487.1 kg
409.4871 ton
491.38452 ton
122.84613 ton/irder
FromFile AMod A2Mod A3Mod JMod I2Mod I3Mod
Yes/No Unitless Unitless Unitless Unitless Unitless Unitless
Yes 1 1 1 1 1 1
Yes 1 1 1 1 1 1
Yes 1 1 1 1 1 1
Yes 1 1 1 1 1 1
Yes 1 1 1 1 1 1
Yes 1 1 1 1 1 1
Yes 1 1 1 1 1 1
Yes 1 1 1 1 1 1
Yes 1 1 1 1 1 1
Yes 1 1 1 1 1 1
Yes 1 1 1 1 1 1
Yes 1 1 1 1 1 1
Yes 1 1 1 1 1 1
Yes 1 1 1 1 1 1
Yes 1 1 1 1 1 1
Yes 1 1 1 1 1 1
Yes 1 1 1 1 1 1
Yes 1 1 1 1 1 1
Yes 1 1 1 1 1 1
Yes 1 1 1 1 1 1
MMod WMod SectInFile
Unitless Unitless Text
1 1 H400X237
1 1 H400X262
1 1 H400X288
1 1 H400X314
1 1 H400X340
1 1 H400X347
1 1 H400X383
1 1 H400X393
1 1 H400X422
1 1 H400X463
1 1 H400X467
1 1 H400X509
1 1 H400X551
1 1 H400X593
1 1 H400X634
1 1 H400X678
1 1 H400X744
1 1 H400X818
1 1 H400X900
1 1 H400X990
FileName GUID
Text Text
c:\program files\computers and structures\sap2000 14\
c:\program files\computers and structures\sap2000 14\
c:\program files\computers and structures\sap2000 14\
c:\program files\computers and structures\sap2000 14\
c:\program files\computers and structures\sap2000 14\
c:\program files\computers and structures\sap2000 14\
c:\program files\computers and structures\sap2000 14\
c:\program files\computers and structures\sap2000 14\
c:\program files\computers and structures\sap2000 14\
c:\program files\computers and structures\sap2000 14\
c:\program files\computers and structures\sap2000 14\
c:\program files\computers and structures\sap2000 14\
c:\program files\computers and structures\sap2000 14\
c:\program files\computers and structures\sap2000 14\
c:\program files\computers and structures\sap2000 14\
c:\program files\computers and structures\sap2000 14\
c:\program files\computers and structures\sap2000 14\
c:\program files\computers and structures\sap2000 14\
c:\program files\computers and structures\sap2000 14\
c:\program files\computers and structures\sap2000 14\
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Imported 10/7/2014 4:27:35 PM from EURO.PRO
TABLE: Program Control
ProgramName Version ProgLevel LicenseNum LicenseOS LicenseSC
Text Text Text Text Text Text
SAP2000 14.2.2 Advanced Yes Yes
LicenseBR LicenseHT CurrUnits SteelCode ConcCode AlumCode
Text Text Text Text Text Text
Yes No Kgf, m, C AISC-LRFD99 ACI 318-05/IBC2003 AA-ASD 2000
ColdCode BridgeCode RegenHinge BSchedGUID
Text Text Text Text

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