Carolinapoemsfrom 3 Rdquarter
Carolinapoemsfrom 3 Rdquarter
Carolinapoemsfrom 3 Rdquarter
Its Petals
By Carolina Valdes
Table Of Contents:
3 . New Years
4 . Waves
5 . What I Write About
6 . Discrimination
7 . The Stars
8 . Where Have You Gone Big Brother?
11 . Family Tree
12 . Identity
16. Getting Lost
17 . A Mess
20 . Sickness
23 . Group Poem
25 . Don't Come Back
28 . Our Story
30 . Silence
31 . Drug
32 . Grow Up
33 . Exquisite Corpse
34 . Your Dog
35 . Taste
36 . Carolina Valdes
New Years
What I Write About
I write because I was taught that it is the most powerful weapon I have
Because to write is to think and to think is to live and to live is to exist
And we all exist
In this small sphere floating in the universe
Revolving around a star that will eventually die out
Collapse into itself
I write because even with all the living around me I don't feel alive
The only way I find myself is in the ink I've spilt on the paper
Because the words I don't know how to speak somehow fall effortlessly
off the pen
Creating the picture of who I am
I write because it's all that I've got
When friends leave and family no longer matters
Empty sheets welcome me with open arms
The night I asked my mom why her tears spilled on the floor
She only shook her head in response
Straightening her back to give me a crooked smile and mumble
It's nothing
Later I asked my dad why they were fighting in the room next to mine
Screaming to their hearts contents about the build passed due and the
money they didn't have
As if the walls were soundproof
And I wouldn't listen
They tell me I'm too young to understand
That the conversations they have are too mature for me
But I do understand
I'm young but these problems aren't new
The Stars
Where Have You Gone Big Brother?
Tell me,
How youre right in front of me
But I still dont know where youve gone?
Family Tree
We come from the land just below this one
Where culture is one of the many
Things we brought with us
The history of the fallen ones
It runs through our veins
In our blood
Las batallas que han luchado
Mis ancestros
Raiz mexicanas
De aya venimos
Inspired by them
Some believe they were created now
In this moment
To do great things
Because if they could start a revolution
So can they
Because it runs through our veins
It's in our blood
To put up a fight
For what we believe in
Breathing in the same air
That they once took into Saint Francis
San Jose,
Saint Joseph
Bleeding the blood of three colors
Green, white, and red
The colors that belong to the flag
With an eagle devouring a snake
To state it's independence
Let the past rest now
Hold only it's anecdotes to heart
The past is not meant to be relieved
It should not happen again
Yet it still does
Both mistakes and triumphs of the years before us happen over and over
In a never ending cycle
That for some reason
I feel disconnected from
I cannot see myself doing these things
For the history of my ancestors is not mine
Their blood may be in my veins
But their words will never be in my lips
Because my history is soiled
With blood that's been spilt
From incidents I was never involved in
Expectations are high
Because if they could start a revolution
So could I
It's what I tell myself
Because if my family tree and history and made up of great people
I should be great
Why is it I don't feel great?
Shouldn't I be able to stand up proudly
With my colored blood
And my culture?
Shouldn't I be able to stand up
Scream with courage
"Yo soy Latina!"
Tell me why is it I live in fear then?
Why is it I've been running all my life
From those who call themselves better than me
Than us
Because of where they came from?
Because of the color of their skin?
Oppression is a sickness
Tied to racism
And all of the above
I fear for my life to even mention that I come from some place different
Because I have witnessed the hate
I've seen what people will do
And have done
Because of how they loathe
That isn't just like them
Because if it isn't white
It isn't perfect
Though it isn't just me
And it isn't just you
How cower in fear
For the sake of ourselves
Our family
To be fair I'm sick of it
Maybe I can't start a rebellion
You can't start one either
But one thing's for sure
My ancestors history is not mine
Getting Lost
A Mess
Because were so sadistic
We love all the pain
Because were so masochistic
There was no one to blame
Two twisted hearts
Destined to make each other
Fall apart
We grabbed roses from their thorns
To watch blood seep through our fingers
And called it a work of art
They say the pills they prescribe will make you feel better
Will make you happy
But only for a little while
They want you to take them because theyre scared for you
They know what youve done
And what youre capable of
They know the stories of all your scars
From the faint bites on your knuckles
To the cuts on your thighs
Group Poem
Dont Come Back
I tried to put it into words how I felt like my world was ending when you
But I couldn't say the sun would stay up in the sky and no longer set
because that isn't true
The sun will always leave and come back
With or without you here
I couldn't say that all forests in the worlds would disappear
Because it'll take centuries for global warming to do that much harm
And by then we both will no longer exist
When that didn't work, I tried to explain that I could no longer see the
sky out my window with the same beauty that I did before
Because the heart that beats inside of me was still broken and bruised
And made me believe that it was impossible for me to feel the tranquillity
I did with you around
I tried to explain that everything I had ever related to you was haunting
That late at night I'd count the glow in the dark stars I glued to the walls
until I slept
Because I couldn't bring myself to think at those times
I knew that if I did my mind would slip into the memories of you
When I laid in the dark room only illuminated with the sky behind the
drapes with the window opened and the fan on because summer was
always a little too hot for us
Even when you weren't in bed with me it felt like you laid there by my
Talking sweet nothings into my ear through the speaker of my phone
Because maybe you were across the world from me but you always knew
what to say to make me feel that for a second
Just a single second
The world wasn't against me
When you left, I could understand why I felt like the stars were falling
out of my sky
You weren't the air in my lungs but you made it easier to breathe
And maybe you weren't around when I felt alone
But I knew you were still there for me
You weren't my sunset nor my forest
But you were there to experience it with me
And I can't thank you enough
Because maybe we really were a mess
But all I saw was the beauty
So thank you but please
Don't come back
Our Story
Grow Up
Exquisite Corpse
I am not afraid
Of love
But I'm afraid of you
It's myself I fear the most
Because I can hurt myself the most
Because I can hurt the people around me
I'm damaged
I don't want to be like this
To tell you the truth
I didn't predict I'd end up here
But your pain is what put me here
Somehow I'll move on
I have to
It's so hard
I just can't let go of the thought of you
Your Dog
Carolina Valdes
Close to breaking
Already losing myself at a young age
Rolling downhill
Out of control
Lost in feelings I can't contain
Inclined to worsts thoughts
Nowhere near optimistic for myself
Almost gone