The Chakra Map

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The key takeaways are that the document discusses the 7 main chakras, their locations in the body, imbalance symptoms, and a process for chakra meditation involving learning the chakras, identifying problems, and meditating.

The 7 main chakras are the Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown. Their locations are the base of the spine, lower abdomen, stomach area, chest, throat, forehead and top of the head respectively.

The 5 basic steps of chakra meditation are: 1) Learn the Chakras 2) Identify a Problem 3) Find the Chakra Associated with the Problem 4) Meditate 5) Set Up a Routine

1 | The Chakra Map Show Yourself Where It Hurts


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2 | The Chakra Map Show Yourself Where It Hurts

BenArion here. Ive devoted myself, and my
entire life, to helping people find truth,
happiness, success, contentment, and spiritual
enlightenment. I spend my time creating products
that help people become more aware. Im really
excited that you decided to download my Chakra
Wall Chart and Balance Building Cheat Sheets, and I
hope they help you on your journey to become the
best, happiest, most successful version of yourself
you can possibly imagine!


Before you do anything, please understand that these
3 | The Chakra Map Show Yourself Where It Hurts
resources are simply a piece of a much larger puzzle.
That puzzle, in itself, is the point of life. We must all
journey into becoming the best version of ourselves. But
specifically, they are part of the process we call Chakra

To keep things simple, the whole process has 5 basic

steps which Ive laid out below:

1 - Learn The Chakras

2 - Identify A Problem
3 - Find The Chakra Associated With That Problem
4 - Meditate
5 - Set Up A Routine

This guide, specifically, is for helping you more with

the first 3 steps. Each step in and of itself is worth of
its very own course, especially steps 4 and 5, where the
advanced course material can go as deep as uncovering
the very foundational principles of the universe.
4 | The Chakra Map Show Yourself Where It Hurts
There are two resources in this guide.

The first, THE CHAKRA WALL CHART, is for helping you

learn and memorize the Chakras. Simply print out this
guide, and hang it up on the wall where you can see it
frequently. The best place for it is the place where you
will be meditating, but it will find a good home in any
place where you see it frequently.


SHEETS, are a series of descriptions and questions.

Each description will help you learn a bit more about

the Chakra in question, and about what effects it can
have on your life. There is a description of how it
affects you when you have an excess of energy, how it
affects you when you have a deficit of energy, and how it
affects you when it is in balance.

5 | The Chakra Map Show Yourself Where It Hurts

If you suspect an imbalance, simply answer the
questions. In fact, it would help you the most if you just
went through the entire resource and answered every
single question. If youre like most people, youre
probably more out of balance than you think you are.

Thats really all there is to it.


6 | The Chakra Map Show Yourself Where It Hurts

7 | The Chakra Map Show Yourself Where It Hurts
The Balance Building
Cheat Sheets

The ROOT Chakra is the base chakra, and so it

affects your most basic needs. To a lesser extent, it also
affects all of your other chakras, especially the Sacral.
As your foundation, it provides stability and security.
And often, it serves as a grounding mechanism for people
who have an excess of energy in the chakras located
above the heart.

An excessive amount of energy in this chakra point can

lead to feelings of sluggishness, heaviness, and
monotony. It can make us greedy, materialistic, or prone
to hoarding. Workaholism has its roots in the Root

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When you are deficient in Root Chakra energy, you tend

to be fearful and anxiety-ridden. You might be restless,
or spacey, or unable to take consistent action to get what
you want. This lack of discipline is a symptom of
resisting structure, which requires a strong foundation.

But, when this Chakra is open and functioning

properly, we feel safe and secure, grounded and stable.
We tend to have prosperous careers, and are able to
easily provide for ourselves and the ones we love. We
tend to be present in the moment, and still, and happy,
like an old tree with deep roots.

Answer these questions if you suspect an imbalance in

your ROOT chakra:

1) Do you feel secure at the moment? Why or why not?


2) Do you avoid any situations? If so, what kind of

situations? Why?
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3) Are there situations you face head-on, despite obvious

danger? Why?

4) Do you ever let your lust get the better of you, and
then regret it?

5) Do you feel anxious or afraid more than you would

like? Why?

6) Do you tend to obsess over things? What kind of things?

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The Sacral Chakra is the center of your sensuality
and sexuality, though it also greatly influences creativity.
This is because sexuality is by its very nature a creative
act, and it too must stem from a creative energy. The
Sacral Chakra is located above the pubic bone, and below
the belly button.

An excess of Sacral Energy brings about feelings of guilt

and sensitivity. It leads to having poor boundaries, to
emotional dependency and instability, and sexual

A deficiency of Sacral Energy brings about emotional

numbness, and a fear of pleasure. It leads to apathy,
boredom, frigidity, and, in extreme cases, even

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But, when in balance, the Sacral Chakra is associated
with heightened emotional intelligence. A person is able
to accept change, and can nurture not only themselves,
but others as well. They tend to have healthy
boundaries, but do not shy from pain, pleasure, and
sensual satisfaction.

Answer these questions if you suspect an imbalance in

your SACRAL chakra:

1) Do you often love people who don't reciprocate your


2) Do you often physically or emotionally hurt others?


3) Do you struggle with an addiction, or often give in to

minor temptation?
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4) Do you feel as if your life lacks novelty and


5) Are you easily prone to sudden bursts of anger?


6) Do you struggle emotionally with not being creative


7) Do you sometimes get so emotional that it leads to

poor decisions?

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8) Do you feel that you deserve a pleasurable life?

9) Do you find it difficult to cope with sudden changes?


The Solar Plexus Chakra deals with complex

emotions, power, fear, anxiety, opinions, and
introversion. It encompasses the area from the navel to
the breastbone where the diaphragm, which controls our
breath, resides. It is our source of personal power. When
athletes, singers, and pregnant woman are told to focus
on their breath in order to manage their strength, they
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are focusing on the Solar Plexus.

When a person has too much energy in relation to the

Solar Plexus Chakra, they are often domineering,
blaming, aggressive, flighty, hyperactive, and

But too little chakra energy can cause feelings of

powerlessness and acts of submissiveness. It leads to
laziness, poor self-esteem, fear, shame, and even

In balance, this Chakra generates feelings of self-

confidence and control. This balance is seen in people
with good self-esteem, who are motivated, disciplined,
and take responsibility for their own actions.

Answer these questions if you suspect an imbalance in

your SOLAR PLEXUS Chakra:

1) Do you feel as if your life has purpose?


15 | The Chakra Map Show Yourself Where It Hurts

2) Do you feel as if you are in control of your destiny?

3) Do you feel as if you have something valuable to

contribute to the world?

4) Do you often want to give up when things get hard?


5) Does fear of success or failure keep you from taking


6) How do you react to your haters? Do you have any?

16 | The Chakra Map Show Yourself Where It Hurts
7) Are you comfortable taking the lead when you have to?

8) Do you stay true to yourself when you make decisions?


9) If something bad happens to you, do you first blame

others, or yourself?

17 | The Chakra Map Show Yourself Where It Hurts

The Heart Chakra lies right in the middle of the
seven chakras, uniting the lower and upper chakras
together. It is located, obviously, in our heart, though
some prefer to imagine it as the entire chest.

It is a spiritual connection that serves as the first bridge

between our bodies and our minds, our emotions and our
spirit, and ourselves and others. Humans are social
beings, and as our source of love and connection with
others, the importance of a balanced Heart Chakra can
not be overstated.

An excess of energy here leads to co-dependence,

jealousy, clinginess, poor boundaries, and a desire for
attention through false martyrdom.

People with a lack of energy in the Heart Chakra are

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typically antisocial, withdrawn, critical, intolerant,
lonely, isolated, and lacking empathy.

But people with a balanced Heart chakra are loving,

caring, and compassionate. They accept theirselves and
others for who they are, and love them anyway. This
brings peace, contentment, and trust in their

Answer these questions if you suspect an imbalance in

your HEART chakra:

1) Would you describe yourself as generally happy and


2) Do you often get jealous of what other people have

that you dont?

3) Do you tend to find yourself in co-dependent or

abusive relationships?
19 | The Chakra Map Show Yourself Where It Hurts

4) How comfortable are you when talking to new people

in social settings?

5) Do you tend to take rejection personally?


6) Do you often go out of your way for the sake of others?


7) Do you sometimes judge others because theyre

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8) How do you feel when the homeless approach you and
ask for money?

The Throat Chakra is about self-expression,

communication, and fluent thought. Again, its location is
the same as its name.

Excessive Throat Chakra energy leads to gossip and

excessive, loud talking. People with too much energy
tend to be poor listeners, unable to keep secrets, and
express themselves creatively in a false, forced manner.

Deficiency of Throat Chakra Energy commonly leads to

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an overall fear of speaking, public or otherwise. It can
bring about lying, shyness, and a complete denial of any
creative expression whatsoever.

The balanced throat chakra expresses itself in a voice

that is full, confident, and resonant. People in balance
communicate honestly and clearly, but not excessively.
They are great listeners, and express themselves
creatively with ease.

Answer these questions if you suspect an imbalance in

your THROAT chakra:

1) Do you ever lie about things when you should be

telling the truth?

2) Do you sometimes find yourself gossiping for


3) When speaking, do you often put your foot in your

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mouth, or trip over your words?

4) Do you listen to others attentively, or just wait for

your chance to talk?

5) How easy do you find it to express yourself creatively?


6) When you do create something, are you often afraid to

show it to others?

7) Do you learn from your mistakes, or do you find

yourself repeating them over and over?
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8) Do people trust you to keep their secrets safe?


9) Do you have to repeat yourself often because other

people cant hear you?

The Third Eye Chakra is the center of our intuition.

It affects our inner guidance, our instincts, and our
clarity of thought. It is located in the center of the head,

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where the pineal gland resides. Some people prefer to
imagine it as being directly in the center of the
forehead, so that it resembles an additional eye in
between our two physical ones. This, and because it
involves seeing what cannot easily be seen, are the
reasons for its name.

Excessive Third Eye Chakra Energy leads to trouble

concentrating, headaches, intrusive memories, excessive
fantasizing, nightmares, obsessions, and delusions.

A person with not enough Third Eye Chakra Energy is

often unimaginative and insensitive. They often have a
poor memory, poor vision, and cant see patterns. They
tend to live in denial, and think very rigidly.

But in balance, that same person will have keen

intuition, imagination, and insight. They will have a
strong memory, recall their dreams easily, and be able
concentrate on minute details without losing track of the
big picture.

Answer these questions if you suspect an imbalance in

your Third Eye chakra:

1) Do you often spend hours planning everything out,

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only to have your plans fall apart in the moment?

2) Do you suffer from painful headaches?


3) Do you remember your dreams, or believe that you

dont dream?

4) Do you often lose yourself in fantasies at the expense

of reality?

5) Do you trust your instincts?

26 | The Chakra Map Show Yourself Where It Hurts
6) Do you find it difficult to focus on a task until it is

7) Do you ever spend hours rehearsing conversations

before they actually happen?

8) Do you find yourself often getting distracted by things

that dont matter?

9) Do you find yourself often having nightmares?


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The Crown Chakra is the energetic center of
wisdom, enlightenment, and spiritual connection with
the entire universe. Interestingly, it is the only Chakra
that is not directly connected to the vagus nerve,
because it is instead directly located at the top of our

And though its location is at the very top of the head,

because it serves as our connection to the divine, some
people prefer to imagine it as a point a couple of inches
above the head itself. They visualize it as connected to
our physical body by a beam of healing energy that flows
down into the top of the head at the traditional Crown
Chakra point.

This helps accentuate its spiritual connection with a

higher plane of existence during meditation.

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To be in tune with the Crown Chakra brings about a
very specific feeling that cannot be fully and accurately
described; It can only be experienced. This feeling is
best described as transcendence.

Since the feeling of transcendence is pretty much feeling

in complete balance with the universe itself, to be out
of balance is to simply stop meditating on

Of course, there are still lingering effects of meditation

on The Crown Chakra, but the experience is so powerful
that even these effects pale in comparison. It can
actually be addictive, and like every other addiction,
meditating too much can harm us. Be careful.

Answer these questions if you suspect an imbalance in

your CROWN chakra:

1) Do you feel connected to everything?


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2) Do you feel a lack of spiritual connection?

3) Do you often find yourself making unwise decisions?


4) Do you find it difficult to make connections?


5) Do you often run out of energy?


6) Are you depressed?


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7) Do you meditate for more than 4 hours a day?

8) Do you feel disconnected and alone?


9) Do you see beyond the illusory nature of separateness?


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