Writing An Executive Summary
Writing An Executive Summary
Writing An Executive Summary
Many more people will read the executive summary of a report than will read either all or even part
of it. The summary is the bridge between the often-technical arguments and findings of the main
report, and the target audience, whether media, decision makers or aid professionals. A concise
and well-written summary will draw readers into the main report. If it is effective, it will be cited by
others and used as the basis for their own summaries of your findings.
Yet all too often, it is dashed off as an afterthought, badly written and missing some of the best
nuggets in the main report. What a waste! In terms of readership and impact, you should spend
a great deal of time and care on the executive summary, not a begrudging half hour at the end of
months of work.
Here are some ideas on how to get it right, or at least not as wrong.
The first paragraph should be a summary of the executive summary crucial to getting and keeping
the readers attention (imagine a tired journalist skimming a dozen incoming reports, or someone in
front of a computer scanning their RSS feed what makes them keep reading, rather than moving on
to the others?). So it should first say what is new or interesting in the report, plus the conclusions
thats what will keep people reading.
Next establish your bona fides: why should people trust your organization/author on this topic?
Then decide: What problem does the report address, and what methodology does it use?
Be sure to identify and import any killer facts or particularly striking graphics from the main report.
Finally, add a few of the main recommendations, but not a long list.
If you are a new pair of eyes, first interview the author to get their views on what is new or interesting.
They will know both the report and the other literature on the topic far better than anyone else in the
Then start with the original full report (not the terms of reference (TOR) or the original concept note
they should have been superseded by the report). Read it carefully, particularly the first and last
sentences of each paragraph. Highlight key words or ideas (even if youre the original author, this may
be a worthwhile exercise), as well as killer facts and good graphics.
Using these prompts, construct the strongest narrative possible. If you have trouble doing so, that may
be because the report itself is not clear, either in arguments or structure writing the executive
summary can often lead to tweaking the main report, so you may need to go back to the author on
Ideally, the main report and the executive summary can be even more closely interwoven. If the report
has well-defined sections, it can be a good discipline to draft part of the summary as you complete
each section. This is relatively painless if you have followed advice to conclude each section with a
short and succinctsummary of the main takeaways. You can always come back and amend it later,
taking the context of the whole report into account.
Re-read it, test it and get others to read it and comment on what does and does not make sense. If
youre a fresh pair of eyes, ask the author to fact-check it and point out any key omissions. Take your
time this is the most critical part of the report.
Do not introduce the structure of the main report, e.g. In section one, we discuss the context of
X. The executive summary needs to work as a stand-alone document.
Do not introduce new ideas, references or arguments in the summary.
Dont oversell sprinkling hype (terms such as groundbreaking, breathtaking, extraordinary,
outrageous) through the summary will put people off. Substance, not superlatives, is what will
persuade them to keep reading.
Keep jargon and acronyms to an absolute minimum, and explain their meaning the first time you
use them. In particular, minimize the use of development-speak. Keep in mind George Orwells
guide to how to write.
A first step towards cutting out redundant language would be to start calling the summaries of our
reports just that, rather than executive summaries!
Here are some examples of good and bad executive summaries from the business world.
From academia, here is the best abstract ever (and almost certainly the most succinct!)
See also Oxfams research guidelines on Writing for impact: lessons from journalism and Creating
killer facts and graphics.
This guideline has been prepared by Oxfams Research Network for use by staff, partners, and
other development practitioners and researchers. It was written by Duncan Green (with the help
of a number of crowd sourcers) and edited by Martin Walsh.
The text may be used free of charge for the purposes of education and research, provided that
the source is acknowledged in full. The copyright holder requests that all such use be registered
with them for impact assessment purposes. For copying in any other circumstances, or for re-use
in other publications, or for translation or adaptation, permission must be secured and a fee may
be charged. Email publish@oxfam.org.uk
Oxfam welcomes comments and feedback on its Research Guidelines. If you would would like to
discuss any aspect of this document, please contact research@oxfam.org.uk. For further
information on Oxfams research and publications, please visit
Oxfam GB, Oxfam House, John Smith Drive, Cowley, Oxford, OX4 2JY, UK.
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