Macroeconomics in An Open Economy

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Macroeconomics in an Open Economy

Author(s): Richard N. Cooper

Source: Science, New Series, Vol. 233, No. 4769 (Sep. 12, 1986), pp. 1155-1159
Published by: American Association for the Advancement of Science
Stable URL:
Accessed: 17/08/2009 03:20

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in an
Macroeconomics Open Economy

definition of this term) is assumed to be determined exogenously by

The customary treatment of national economies as cloosed the monetary authorities. L is the public's demand for the same
and self-contained must be substantially modified to money, depending positively on income (more money is needed for
allow for those economies that typically trade goc)ds, a higher level of transactions) and negatively on the rate of interest
services, and securities with other countries in increas?ing (because higher r, which is the interest on bonds or other financial
volume. Open economy macroeconomics is essentialI to assets, leads households to conserve their lower yielding money in
understanding the major events of the U.S. economy over order to hold less of their wealth in the form of "money").
the past half dozen years. Both the sharp rise in the do lilar Equilibrium in the money market thus leads to an upward-sloping
and the unprecedentedly large U.S. trade deficit are schedule such as LL in Fig. 1. The intersection of the two schedules
linked to the U.S. budget deficit, as is the drop in the trate determines the interest rate and the level of income that will clear
of inflation. both the goods and financial markets. Employment is determined by
the level of output.
This framework has been widely used for examining various
M ACROECONOMICS DEALS WITH THE ENTIRE NATIO NAL changes introduced into an economy. For example, an increase in
economy, rather than with markets for particular pirod- government expenditure not offset by a tax increase will shift the GG
ucts, and has been principally concerned with explairning schedule to the right, say, to G'G', and this will lead to a rise in
fluctuations over time in output, employment, and the general 1level national income and the rate of interest, from K to K' in Fig. 1. An
of prices. Most theoretical work in macroeconomics is modeled on a autonomous investment boom (or, in an open economy, an export
closed economy, that is, one that has no economic interaction with boom) would cause a similar shift in the GG schedule. An increase in
the rest of the world. Open economy macroeconomics, therefor*e,is the supply of money by the central bank will shift the LL schedule to
the subbranch of macroeconomics that allows for international tirade the right and thus lead to a rise in national income and a fall in the
in goods and services and for movements of capital across natiP onal interest rate.
boundaries in response to economic incentives. Theoretical malcro- This formulation does not account for the price level. It is
economics differs from the main body of economics by charactceriz- Keynesian in flavor and arose from an attempt by the British
ing the economy as a whole on the basis of empirical observation economist and Nobel laureate John Hicks to characterize the
within a framework of consistent national economic accounts. this macroeconomic equilibrium underlying the system put forward by
contrasts with microeconomic theory, which derives behavi[oral J. M. Keynes in 1936 (1). Keynes' theory was written at a time when
relationships on the assumption that decision-making units, families it was assumed that prices (more accurately, money wages) would
or firms, are maximizing some entity of value, such as profits. not respond either to an increase or to a decline in output in the
short run. That assumption has been one of the most controversial
ones in macroeconomics, especially after the rapid inflation of the
1970's. It is possible, however, to adapt this framework to circum-
A Simple Model for a Closed Economy stances when prices are variable and output is fixed at "full-
A widely used framework for exploring macroeconomics fociuses employment" in the short run, but output is variable in the long run
attention on two macroeconomic variables, the level of nati(Dnal in response to new investment. The transition dynamics from
income, Y, which in a closed economy equals national output, and "short" to "long" run are, however, complicated and not well
the rate of interest, r. The framework proceeds from two mar*ket- developed (2).
clearing conditions: This general framework of analysis permits comparison of short-
run macroeconomic equilibria before and after some change to the
E(Y, r)= Y (1) economy-an exercise in comparative statics-but it lacks dynamics,
MIP = L(Y, r) (2) that is, the path of key variables moving from one equilibrium to
another over time. One way to deal with the dynamics is to assume
Here E is total expenditure on goods and services in a given perriod that all prices are fully flexible and demand equals supply continu-
of time, M is the supply of money, and P is the national price level. ously, with the implication that there is no such thing as involuntary
Equation I shows that in equilibrium total expenditure on go ods unemployment. Many unemployed workers would be astonished at
and services must equal total income and that income and the such a conclusion. Moreover, the assumption of instantaneous or
interest rate will adjust so as to bring this about. Expenditure is rapid clearing of markets makes it difficult to understand many
assumed to be negatively related to interest rates but positixvely features of actual economies, such as the liquidation of inventories in
related to income. To maintain the equality, higher interest r;ates an economic downturn or the granting of noncontractual pay
require lower levels of income. This balance in the market for go ods increases in a recession, when no new hiring is taking place (3).
and services is maintained along a downward sloping schedule such
as GG in Fig. 1.
The author is the Maurits C. Boas Professor of International Economics at Harvard
The supply of money (economists do not agree on the tbest University, Cambridge, MA 02138.


Fig. 1. Simultaneousdetermination level for domestic output, since the former includes imported goods
of income,Y,andthe interestrate,r. and their prices in domestic currencymay be changed by movements
in the exchange rate. (ii) Total expenditure need not be equal to
total income, as it is in a closed economy, and it is plausible that
expenditure rather than income influences the demand for domestic
money. The problem is compounded further for the United States
because foreigners hold hundreds of billions in interest-bearing U.S.
dollar balances, many of them outside the United States, and
although exact information is not available, foreigners also probably
hold more than $20 billion in U.S. currency outside the United
States. Should such holdings be counted as part of the U.S. money
Y supply or not? (The former are not included in various measures of
the U.S. money supply; the latter are.) But if they are not in the U.S.
The formalization offered above pertains to a self-contained money supply, in whose money supply are they?
economy-one that does not trade with the rest of the world. Third, it is in principle necessary to "close" the model by
Indeed, economics is generally taught in the United States as if the specifying behavioral relations for the rest of the world to allow for
United States were a closed economy, with only brief mention given the determination of Y*, P*, and r* within the economic system.
to the importance of recognizing that the United States trades in The usual practice for classroom or textbook exposition is to assume
goods, services, and assets with the rest of the world. The openness that our country is so small that its influence on the rest of the world
is not usually integrated into the analysis. Moreover, the widespread can plausibly be neglected, so Y*, P*, and r* can be taken as
use of American texts around the world suggests that a closed exogenous factors of the economy. Changes in these variables are a
economy framework is taught in many other countries as well. source of disturbance to our economy. The small-country assump-
tion is not plausible for the United States, however, which still
accounts for about one-quarter of the gross world product. Analysis
of the U.S. economy should take into account its impact on
Adapting the Frameworkto an Open Economy economic developments in the rest of the world and the feedback of
Analysis of macroeconomic events must be adapted to take the those developments on the U.S. economy.
increasing openness of national economies into account, and this Finally, if the exchange rate is an important, rapidly changing
analysis involves greater complexity. The framework must incorpo- variable, some allowance must be made for the influence on today's
rate foreign buyers as a source of demand for domestic goods and behavior of expected future changes in the exchange rate. Three
foreign sellers as a source of supply. There may be net inflows or assumptions compete in this question. (i) The present exchange rate
outflows of funds, which create the possibility that total expenditure is expected to last indefinitely. (ii) The present exchange rate is
on goods and services may exceed or fall short of total income and expected to converge exponentially at some rate on the long-term
output, as residents (including government) borrow from or lend to equilibrium exchange rate, as determined by the model [usually on
the rest of the world. If exchange rates are flexible, that is, free to the basis of "purchasing power parity" (PPP), a comparison of the
respond to market pressures, the effects of fluctuations on demand domestic price level with that prevailing in the rest of the world].
for both goods and financial assets must be considered. With flexible (iii) The exchange rate is expected to be what the model will
exchange rates, it is also necessary to specify expectations about determine it to be in every period; this last assumption is sometimes
future values of the exchange rate, since prospective movements in called "rational expectations."
the exchange rate may influence current behavior. Under a system of freely floating exchange rates, the exchange rate
How should the macroeconomic analysis be amended? First, the is a flexible price that is influenced by what happens in the markets
GG schedule must include net foreign trade, and its position can be for financial assets as well as the markets for goods. As such, it is
influenced by the exchange rate, since a more depreciated currency responsive to changes in market views about assets denominated in
will generally enlarge the foreign demand for our country's goods. one currency relative to those denominated in other currencies. It
Equation I becomes can thus jump substantially, like stock prices, in response to new
information that bears on future movement of exchange rates.
Y = E(Y, r, e) + X(Y* e) - I(Y, e) (3)
Suppose, for example, the central bank takes an action that leads to a
Here X is exports, I is imports, e is the exchange rate (units of home fall in domestic interest rates. Then holders of domestic bonds will
currency per unit of foreign currency), and an asterisk signifies the find foreign bonds more attractive (assuming that the yield of
rest of the world (4). Any excess of imports over exports of goods foreign bonds has not changed). Their attempt to purchase foreign
and services must be "financed" by the sale of securities, such as bonds will lead to an immediate depreciation of the home currency,
stocks, bonds, and interest-bearing bank accounts, to foreigners. overshooting its new medium-run equilibrium value to the point at
Indeed, the attraction of foreign securities because of their safety or which expected future appreciation of the home currency compen-
yield may play a decisive role in determining the exchange rate, sates for the difference in domestic and foreign interest rates. This
which in turn influences trade flows and production. The growth of situation is portrayed in Fig. 2, when the bond purchase occurs at
international capital mobility over the past two decades has been one time to. The exchange rate e, measured in units of domestic currency
of the most notable changes in the international economy, and it per unit of foreign currency, immediately rises (that is, the home
played a major role in the move by large countries from fixed to currency depreciates), and thereafter it falls gradually as the newly
flexible exchange rates in the early 1970's. These developments have created desire for higher yielding foreign bonds is satisfied through
led to new lines of economic theorizing. an emerging trade surplus. (In terms of Fig. 1, the currency
Second, the interest rate r* on foreign bonds and on domestic depreciation after a rightward shift of LL will also shift GG to the
bonds will influence the demand for money. Opening the economy right.) If the economy is near full utilization of its productive
introduces two further considerations bearing on the demand for capacity, domestic prices P will rise over time, so that by tl the real
money. (i) The overall price level is no longer the same as the price exchange rate (the exchange rate adjusted for changes in the price
e, P Fig. 2. Time, t, profile of the ex- Two of the key empirical questions for open economy macroeco-
changerate,e, andprices,P, afteran nomics concern the degree of international mobility of financial
open marketpurchaseby the central
bank. capital and the relation of the exchange rate to national prices. (Of
e course, the flexibility of real wages, the responsiveness of prices to
weakness in overall demand, and the sensitivity of investments,
savings, and the demand for money to changes in interest rates are
also important in open economies.)
to ti The mobility of financial capital determines how closely interest
rates and other financial variables are connected between countries,
and therefore how much changes in monetary conditions will alter
level) is restored to what it was before to. In terms of Fig. 1, both LL the exchange rate and influence economic activity through the
and GG shift gradually back to the left. [It is assumed here that exchange rate channel. Various factors affect the international
foreign prices and interest rates remained unchanged (5).] mobility of financial capital. The first is the presence or absence of
An implication of such "overshooting" is that there will be much exchange controls, government-imposed impediments to the inward
variabilityin real exchange rates, and hence in international competi- or outward movement of funds. Broadly speaking, controls on
tiveness, owing to developments in financial markets. If wages and capital movements are absent for the United States, Canada, West
other costs are not fully flexible, competitiveness as reflected in Germany, Great Britain (since 1979), Japan (since 1980), Switzer-
profit margins will vary. This variation in profitability for reasons land, and the Netherlands, but most developing countries and many
arising outside each industry may reduce investment or encourage a industrialized countries still prohibit or sharply limit the outflow of
worldwide diversification of the activities of business firms, so as to capital in important ways.
reduce the exchange risk. Moreover, differing sectors of the econo- The second is the extent to which similar assets-for example,
my are subject to differing degrees of foreign competition, so fixed interest securities, such as short-term time deposits or govern-
movements in exchange rates affect relative prices within the econo- ment bonds-are seen by investors as highly substitutable for one
my as well. If a country's currency appreciates, its "tradable" another, despite their different jurisdictions of issue (hence legal
sector-those firms subject to foreign competition either in export framework) and despite the fact that assets are denominated in
markets, such as U.S. grain farmers, or in the home market, such as different currencies. Empirical work has focused on the relation
U.S. textiles-will be put under competitive pressure and may suffer
r= r* + 4e + p (4)
accordingly. In contrast, its nontradable sector, for example, health
care or the defense industry, will not feel such competitive pressure where for roughly comparable financial claims, r is the interest rate
and indeed may benefit from the same factors, such as expansionist in one country, r* is the interest rate in the second country, beis the
fiscal policy, which encouraged the currency to appreciate. Over expected change in the exchange rate between the two currencies
time, resources will shift from the tradable to the nontradable over the maturity of the asset, and p is a risk premium. Tests of
sectors. r = r* do well for comparable securities traded in the major
As the complexity of the economy grows, especially regarding the markets, such as New York and London, that are denominated in
number of ways in which people can hold assets and the substitut- the same currency, but very poorly when denominated in different
ability among those assets, stronger (and more limiting) assump- currencies. These results suggest that jurisdiction (at least among
tions must be made about the structure of the economy in order to major markets) is relatively unimportant but currency of denomina-
determine even the sign of the impact on output, prices, and the tion is important in reducing substitutability.
exchange rate in response to specified changes in one of the Expected changes in exchange rates are not directly observable. It
exogenous variables (6). Examples of these variables include weath- is appealing to assume, on average, ee = e; that is, market partici-
er, strikes, technical innovation, or policy actions under the control pants estimate correctly the change in exchange rates that will take
of governments. Since complexity greatly increases the number of place. Tests of this proposition on the assumption that p = 0 do not
theoretically possible outcomes in response to outside shocks or perform at all well. Efforts to introduce a well-behaved risk premium
policy actions, the likely outcome must be determined empirically. (well-behaved in the sense that it is determined in some plausible,
This process has only recently begun for open economies under simple way) on the assumption that be = e also have not succeeded
flexible exchange rates, partly because the length of experience is not (8). One must conclude that denomination in different currencies
long and because serious theorizing about this kind of regime is sharply differentiates securities in the eyes of investors, but the
relatively recent. Economists, like astronomers and meteorologists, precise nature of the influence has not yet been discovered. The
must closely observe the environment as it exists, and then make limited amount of direct survey data on expected changes in
careful inferences. They cannot, like most scientists, set up experi- exchange rates does not help predict changes. Financial specialists
ments in which many of the potentially influential variables are said that they expected a drop in the dollar against other major
closely controlled. Yet they are expected to make judgments about currencies over the period 1981-1984, yet the dollar, influenced by
consequences of policy changes. Under these circumstances, econo- the collective behavior of these and other financial operators,
mists have resorted increasingly to numerical simulations on large- actually appreciated during much of this period (9).
scale economic models. To provide the detailed quantitative struc- It is possible that participants in financial markets have in mind a
ture to such models it is necessary to estimate the coefficients long-run equilibrium exchange rate (e) and that they expect the
without the benefit of controlled experiments. That is the task of market rate to converge gradually on that equilibrium rate over
econometricians, who operate on the assumption that the economic time, as shown by
structure is unchanged during the period of estimation, a problem-
atic assumption for economies that are constantly undergoing e = ot(e- e) (5)
evolutionary change. An alternative approach is to make informed where at indicates the rate of convergence.
guesses about the values of the coefficients and to test the sensitivity But what determines the long-term equilibrium rate?In principle,
of the results to these guesses through simulation of alternative the answer is all variables exogenous to the economic system, along
values (7). with the structure of relations among variables. If there were some
simple binding constraint on this complex outcome, the exchange socialist government in France and by political turmoil in Poland
rate could be set by only a few relevant variables in the system. The during 1981. The combination of high U.S. interest rates and
leading candidate for this role is the purchasing power parity of the changes in asset preferences led to a sharp appreciation of the dollar
two currencies in terms of goods and services. Usually PPP in the against other major currencies as foreigners attempted to buy dollar-
period under scrutiny is compared with that of some base period denominated assets. The tight U.S. monetary policy at first led the
assumed to have been in equilibrium. Unfortunately, PPP does not United States-and the world-into a deep recession in 1982. The
explain movements in exchange rates among the major currencies expansionist fiscal policy, accompanied in late 1982 by some
very well, either in the short run of 1 or 2 years or in the medium monetary easing, led to a marked economic recovery in the United
run of 5 to 10 years (10). States in 1983-84.
Despite the weak empirical support for some of the detailed The U.S. dollar appreciated about 20% against other major
propositions of open economy macroeconomics, these theories offer currencies (weighted by their importance in U.S. trade) between
some insights into the functioning of modern economies, which 1980 and 1982. This appreciation contributed to a sharp drop in
may be overlooked or neglected when the model of a closed U.S. exports, which exceeded the drop in U.S. production during
economy plus a foreign trade sector is used. In particular,they offer this period. The dollar appreciated further until March 1985, to a
some interpretation of the macroeconomic events in the United total (U.S. trade-weighted) appreciation of about 50% since 1980,
States over the past 5 or 6 years. partly as a consequence of the monetary-fiscal mix of policies
Compared with the closed economy approach, fiscal expansion in adopted in the United States and abroad. By year-end the dollar had
an economy with high international capital mobility and flexible receded from its peak to a point 28% above its 1980 value, as
exchange rates may be less effective in stimulating overall demand monetary policy eased and fiscal policy tightened marginally.
because it leads to an appreciation of the currency. It is also less High U.S. interest rates, the worldwide recession of 1982, and
inflationary in the short run and might even lead to a reduction of the strong dollar were major contributing factors to the debt crisis in
the overall price level even while domestic output is expanding. developing countries (and among U.S. farmers). The strong dollar
Expansionist fiscal action is less likely to "crowd out" investment meant weakened dollar prices for many commodities in the world
when the economy is operating close to its capacity because it market. Yet most of the external debt was denominated in dollars,
induces inflows of foreign funds that help to sustain both domestic so, while high interest rates increased debt-service requirements, the
investment and the budget deficit. Exports are crowded out instead. recession and the strong dollar weakened export earnings of many
In Fig. 1, a given fiscal expansion in a regime of floating exchange countries and made it more difficult to service the debt.
rates will shift GG only as far as G"G"because of the currency Once the United States began its rapid recovery, the strong dollar
appreciation, and the consequential drop in prices will shift LL to reinforced growing U.S. demand for imports and that, by itself,
L"L",leading to a new equilibrium at K" (11). eased the debt-servicing burden of many countries and also spread
Monetary policy too will be affected by the openness of the the U.S. recovery to the rest of the world. During 1983 and part of
economy and flexible exchange rates. A given increase in the money 1984, the U.S. economy was the major source of economic growth
supply may be more effective at expanding demand because it leads in the world.
to currency depreciation and a decline in interest rates. However, During this period of economic growth, the United States
price increases from this source of demand expansion will also show experienced a sharp drop in the rate of inflation from more than
up sooner because of depreciation of the currency. In addition, the 12% in 1980 (heavily influenced by oil price increases) to less than
sectoral impact of monetary policy will differ. In a relatively closed 4% in 1985. Some of this drop was due to the disciplining effect of
economy, the impact falls on the interest or credit-sensitive sectors, high unemployment and excess productive capacity on wages and
such as housing. In an open economy, it affects all tradable goods, prices during the period, but perhaps half of the drop was due to the
because of the exchange rate. sharp appreciation of the dollar. To the extent that the strong dollar
has led to an unsustainably large trade deficit, a portion of these
inflation gains were "borrowed from the future," so to speak, and
will have to be repaid as the dollar depreciates.
Interpreting Developments in the In the meantime, the United States reduced its own foreign assets
U.S. Economy and incurred new debts to the rest of the world by about $270
These stylized results apply also to other disturbances that have billion between 1982 and 1985, and a further $300 billion to $400
structural similarities to changes in fiscal or monetary policy. They billion will probably be added before external balance is restored. As
do not hold up under all degrees of complexity; but they are a result, the United States will have smaller net earnings on its
reasonably robust, and they help to interpret economic develop- foreign investments in the future and will require a larger trade
ments in the United States during the past half dozen years, when surplus to compensate for the decline in net foreign earnings.
the U.S. economy demonstrated a marked degree of openness (12). Much of this development was foreseeable, but little of it was in
The Federal Reserve System adopted a tighter monetary policy in fact foreseen. The framework outlined above helps in the interpreta-
late 1978 and changed its mode of operation in November 1979 to tion of recent events, but it still falls short of being able to forecast
concentrate on money magnitudes ratherthan on other indicators of with confidence the detailed consequences of changes in policy in
monetary conditions, especially interest rates. One consequence was the open U.S. economy.
an appreciation of the dollar from the low values of 1978. With the
tax reduction and defense buildup of 1981, the United States REFERENCES AND NOTES
adopted an expansionary fiscal policy. Slightly earlier, in 1979 and 1. J. M. Keynes, GeneralTheoryof Employment,Interest, and Money (Harcourt, Brace,
1980, Great Britain, West Germany, and Japan adopted policies of New York,1936).
fiscal contraction. The result of this configuration of policies was a 2. J. Tobin andW. Buiter,in Monetarism (North-Holland,Amsterdam,1976), pp.
273-309. These authors discuss the transitorynature of the "equilibrium"
sharp relative increase in interest rates on U.S. securities. The of analysis,whichchangesasstocksof assets,assumed
postulatedin thisframework
attraction of U.S. securities was enhanced further by the relaxation constanthere,changefromperiodto period.
3. A. Okun, Economicsof Policy-Making(MIT Press, Cambridge, 1983), p. 137.
of exchange controls in Great Britain and Japan and by political modelwith adaptive
4. For full developmentof an open economymacroeconomic
jitters in Europe arising from extensive nationalizations by the new expectations, see R. Marston [in Handbookin InternationalEconomics,R. W. Jones


andP. B. Kenen,Eds. (Elsevier,Amsterdam,1985), vol. 2, pp. 859-916]. For a 7. For a summaryof empiricalwork on open economies,see J. Helliwelland T.
model with rationalexpectations,see M. Obstfeld ["Floatingexchangerates: Padmore [in Handbook in International Economics,R. W. Jones and P. B. Kenen,
Experience and prospects," BrookingsPapers in EconomicActivity,no. 2 (Brookings Eds. (Elsevier,Amsterdam,1985), vol. 2, pp. 1107-1151; and the references
Institution,Washington,DC, 1985)]. therein].For a quantitativemodel of the United Statesthat allowsexplicitlyfor
5. In technicalterms,the set of (linear)differentialequationsused to describethe disequilibrium in some markets, see R. Fair [Specification,Estimation,andAnalysis of
movementsof the exchangerateand othereconomicvariableshas a saddlepoint Macroeconomic Models(HarvardUniv. Press,Cambridge,1984)].
solution,wherebyone path to equilibriumis stablewhile the othersare not. In 8. For summariesof and referencesto the work in this area,see K. Rogoff [J.
forward-looking markets the exchange rate will jump onto the stablepath. This Monetary Econ. 14, 133 (1984); and (9)].
processgivesriseto the exchangerate"overshooting" its new long-runequilibrium 9. J. Frankel, in How Open is the U.S. Economy?,R. W. Hafer, Ed. (Lexington Books,
value in order to maintainmomentaryequilibriumby compensatingfor the Lexington,MA, 1986), pp. 33-67.
sluggishnessor inflexibilityof other pricesin the economy.This phenomenon 10. R. Dornbusch,"Purchasingpower parity,"in TheNew PalgravesDictionaryof
illustratesLe Chatelier'sprinciplein physicsas appliedto an economicsystem.In Economics (Macmillan,London, 1986).
Fig. 2, the cumulativesurplusachievedbetweento andt, will resultin new claims 11. Theslopeof the GGschedulewouldbe alteredby a movefroma closedto anopen
on the restof the world,hencenew earningson thoseclaims.To restorea situation economy,with the GG schedulebecomingsteeperbecausesome part of any
in whichnet claimsareno longerchangingthereforerequiressomeappreciation of additionalexpenditurewill be used for the purchaseof importsand thuswill not
the home currencyin real terms, for example,a tradedeficitoffset by the net increase domestic output.
earningsfrom abroad.Thus in the long run, the e scheduledrops below the P 12. The ratioof importsto the U.S. gross nationalproducthas more than doubled
schedule(Fig. 2). sincethe mid-1960's.The shareof foreignownershipof securitiesin the United
6. J. Tobin and J. B. de Macedo, in Flexible Exchange Rates and the Balance of Statesandtheratioof foreignto totalloansby U.S. bankshaveroughlytrebled.See
Payments, J. S. Chipmanand C. P. Kindleberger, Eds. (North-Holland,Amster- R. Cooper,in HowOpenis theU.S.Economy?, R. W. Hafer,Ed. (LexingtonBooks,
dam, 1980), pp. 5-28. Lexington,MA, 1986), pp. 3-24.

- ~ ~ _ I I

Molecular Transformations on Single Crystal

Metal Surfaces


degree to which the catalyst directs the course of the chemical

One of the primary objectives of modern surface chemis- conversion toward one product is known as its selectivity. Normally,
try of transition metals is the synthesis of surface com- one desires a maximum rate along with a high selectivity, since this
pounds and complexes and the understanding of their combination maximizes production. For specialty products, howev-
reactivity, structure, and bonding. Such considerations er, selectivity considerations may dominate.
are paramount for advancing understanding of catalysis, Often, catalytic materials interact with the reactant molecules to
adhesion, organic thin-film growth, and electrocatalysis. form intermediate compounds or complexes that undergo further
On selected metals, particularly copper, silver, and gold, reaction easily. For example, in the conversion of N2 and H2 to
selective scission of X-H bonds (where X is oxygen, ammonia (NH3), if the catalyst is to be of any utility, it must provide
carbon, nitrogen, or sulfur) by surface-bound atomic a more facile path than that available in the gas phase. This
oxygen occurs to form moderately stable species that can conversion is accomplished catalytically by N-N and H-H bond
be isolated for further study. Selective oxidation reactions scission on the surface of the metal catalyst to produce atoms of
may occur heterogeneously by means of this novel oxy- nitrogen and hydrogen bound to the metal (1). A reaction sequence
gen-activated route. Furthermore, this selective chemistry then occurs on the surface with energetic barriersfor each step that
offers a paradigm for synthesis of a wide variety of surface are lower than the barrier would be in the absence of the catalyst.
organometallic complexes, whose formation can be pre- This mechanistic principle of catalysis also applies to complex
dicted from acid-base principles. These subjects are dis- cycles of reactions in living systems (2). However, even for simple
cussed in this article with emphasis on their role in reaction schemes, a number of reaction paths can be accessible to the
catalytic oxidation cycles. reactants;the selective formation of a single product depends on the
relative rates of the possible reaction channels. Thus, an understand-
ing of the kinetics of these conversions is important for progress in
the field, and manipulation of the state of the surface may enhance
I DEALLY, A CHEMICAL CATALYSTOR CATALYTICAGENT IN- or suppress certain reactions. Furthermore, specific identification of
creases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself being the intermediates formed and a detailed understanding of the
consumed in the reaction. For example, without chemical availablereaction channels is crucial. It may be possible to guide the
intervention carbon monoxide (CO) and nitric oxide (NO), formed reaction in more desirable directions by intercepting it at specific
in the combustion process, exhaust from an automobile without stages. The methods of surface science offer the opportunity to
reacting further and contribute to atmospheric pollution. In the dissect such processes on the molecular scale and to predict reaction
presence of a catalytic converter, these gases react to form harmless
carbon dioxide (CO2) and N2. The relative rate at which a reaction
The authoris professorandchairmanof the Departmentof ChemicalEngineeringand
transpires on a given catalyst is known as the catalyst activity; the professorof chemistry(by courtesy)at StanfordUniversity,Stanford,CA 94305.


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