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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 3 Issue 2, February - 2014

Effect of Input Cutting Parameters on Geometric

Run out Controls A Review
Ravi Vaghela, Prof. Vinay Patel, Prof. Jayesh Koisha
Mechanical Dept. BVM College of Engineering
Vallabh Vidyanagar, India

AbstractTurning is a widespread machining operation in which to achieve desired results. Experiments can be designed in
a single-point cutting tool removes material from the surface of a many different ways to collect this information. Experimental
rotating cylindrical workpiece. Variables involved in the Design can be used at the point of greatest leverage to reduce
machining process are the primary factors that directly affect the design costs by speeding up the design process reducing late
quality of a product. The geometrical requirements to be met by engineering design changes and reducing product material and
the components apart from dimensional requirements are:
labor complexity.
Circularity, Cylindricity, Straightness, Circular Runout, Total
Runout etc. The controls considered in this review paper are: II. SELECTION OF CUTTING PARAMETERS IN TURNING
Circular Runout, Total Runout. The effect of various cutting
parameters on these geometrical parameters are of great A .CuttingSpeed
significance for effective part functioning. The cutting speed of a tool is the speed at which the metal
is removed by the tool from the workpiece. In a lathe it is the
Index TermsTurning, Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing peripheral speed of the work past the cutting tool expressed in
(GD&T), Design of Experiments (DOE). RPM.
B .Feed
Among various cutting processes, turning is one of the The feed of a cutting tool in a lathe work is the distance
most fundamental and most applied metal removal operations the tool advances for each revolution of the work along its
in a real manufacturing environment because of its ability to cutting path. Feed is expressed in millimeter per revolution.

remove material faster giving reasonably good surface quality.

It is used in a variety of manufacturing industries including C. Depth of Cut
aerospace and automotive sectors, where quality is an The Depth of Cut is the thickness of the layer being
important factor in the production of slots, pockets, precision removed from the workpiece or the perpendicular distance
moulds and dies. Greater attention is given to dimensional measured from the machined surface to the uncut surface of the
accuracy and surface roughness of products by the industries in workpiece. Depth of Cut is expressed in millimeters [1].
these days [1]. The system of Geometric Tolerancing offers a
precise interpretation of drawing requirements. Geometric III. GEOMETRIC RUNOUT CONTROLS
dimensioning and tolerancing (G.D. &T.) is an international Runout is a composite tolerance control used to control the
language that is used on engineering drawings (part prints) to functional relationship of one or more features of a part to a
describe parts in three mutually perpendicular, dimensions. It datum axis. A composite control controls the form, location,
uses a series of internationally recognized symbols rather than and orientation of a part feature simultaneously verified in a
words to describe the part shape. These symbols are applied to single gauge setup reading. These controls are surface to datum
the features of a part and provide a very concise and clear axis controls. They are always regardless of feature size. At
definition of the design intent. G.D. &T. is a step ahead to least one datum feature is required. The Runout specification
produce parts which are functionally better. may be verified with a dial indicator, Coordinate Measuring
Design of experiment (DOE) is useful method in Machine (CMM) or by other methods. There are two types of
identifying the significant parameters and in studying the Runout Controls: Circular Runout, Total Runout,
possible effect of the variables during the machining trials. Runout tolerances will control surfaces constructed around
This method also can developed experiment between a ranges a datum axis and those constructed at right angles to a datum
from un-controllable factors, which will be introduced axis; Fig. 1.Runout may or may not have a plane surface
randomly to carefully controlled parameters. The factors must referenced as a datum but must always be referenced to a
be either quantitative or qualitative. The term experiment is datum axis.
defined as the systematic procedure carried out under
controlled condition in order to discover an unknown effect, to
test or establish a hypothesis or to illustrate a known effect.
When analyzing a process experiments are often used to
evaluate which process input have a significant effect on the
process output. And what target level of those inputs should be

IJERTV3IS21239 www.ijert.org 2000

International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 3 Issue 2, February - 2014

tolerance zone is the space between two coaxial cylinders

whose axes are collinear with the specified datum axis. The
distance between the cylinders is equal to the total runout
tolerance value, specified in feature control frame. In
inspection, the part is rotated 3600 about the datum axis while
an indicator is moved parallel to the datum axis over the entire
surface to be controlled; Fig. 3. The FIM may not exceed 0.12

Fig. 1. Features Applicable to Runout Tolerances

A. Circular Runout
Circular runout is a two dimensional control of circular
elements of surface. Circular runout may be used to control the
cumulative variations of circularity and coaxiality. When
applied to surface constructed at right angles to the datum axis,
circular runout controls circular elements. The shape of the
circular runout tolerance zone applied to a diameter is two
concentric circles whose centres are located on the specified
datum axis. The radial distance between the circles equals to
the tolerance value specified in the feature control frame. The
feature must be within the specified limits of size
(i.e.19.95/20.05). Circular runout may be verified with a dial
indicator, CMM or other methods. If dial indicator is used,
each circular cross section of the surface must lie within the
specified runout tolerance (i.e.0.12 Full Indicator Movement
(FIM)) when the part is rotated 3600 about the datum axis as
Fig. 3 Total Runout applied to diameter& its verification
shown in Fig. 2 [2].



Hari Singh [2] et al obtain an optimal setting of turning

process parameters (cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut)
resulting in an optimal value of the feed force when machining
EN24 steel with TiC-coated tungsten-carbide inserts. The effects
of the selected turning process parameters on feed force and the
subsequent optimal settings of the parameters have been
accomplished using Taguchis parameter design approach. The
results indicate that the selected process parameters significantly
affect the selected machining characteristics. The percent
contributions of depth of cut (5515 %) and feed rate (2333 %)
in affecting the variation of feed force are significantly larger
(95 % confidence level) as compared to the contribution of the
cutting speed (263 %).Interaction between cutting speed and
depth of cut is significant at 95% confidence level in affecting
the mean and variation of feed force, while the interaction
between feed and depth of cut affects only the variation in the
feed force. Optimal settings of various process parameters for
turned parts to yield optimal feed force are: cutting speed=310
m/min; feed rate=014 mm/rev; depth of cut=070 mm.
Akhyar [3] et al applied taguchi method where Taguchis
Fig. 2 Circular Runout applied to a diameter& its verification parameter design is an important tool for robust design, which
offers a simple and systematic approach to optimize a design
B. Total Runout for performance, quality and cost. Taguchi optimization
Total runout is a three dimensional composite control of methodology is applied to optimize cutting parameters in
surface elements. When applied to a surface constructed turning Ti-6%Al-4% extra low interstitial with coated and
around a datum axis, total runout will control the cumulative uncoated cemented carbide tools under dry cutting condition
variations of Circularity, straightness, coaxiality, angularity, and high cutting speed. The turning parameters evaluated are
taper and variations in the surface relative to the datum axis cutting speed of 55, 75, and 95 m/min, feed rate of 0.15, 0.25
specified. When applied to a diameter, the shape of the and 0.35 mm/rev, depth of cut of 0.10, 0.15 and 0.20 mm and

IJERTV3IS21239 www.ijert.org 2001

International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 3 Issue 2, February - 2014

tool grades of K313, KC9225 and KC5010, each at three composites. From the experimental results, it is evident that the
levels. The analysis of results show that the optimal surface roughness increases as feed rate increases. It is
combination of parameters are at cutting speed of 75 m/min, observed that the feed is the most influencing parameter for
feed rate of 0.15 mm/min, depth of cut of 0.10 mm and tool surface roughness.
grade of KC9225. The cutting speed and tool grade have a Dr. M. Naga Phani Sastry [7] et al investigate that the
significant effect on surface roughness have a contribution are machining parameters yields the desired surface finish and
47.146% and 38.881%, respectively. At optimal condition, metal removal rate the proper combination of machining
contribution of each cutting parameter on surface roughness is parameters is an important task as it determines the optimal
reached at 20.47 from tool grade, 21.01 from feed rate, 11.54 values of surface roughness and metal removal rate. It is
from depth of cut and 11.17 from cutting speed. necessary to develop mathematical models to predicate the
Mathew A. Kuttolamadom [4] et al examines the influence of the operating conditions. Mathematical models
achievability of surface roughness specifications within efforts have been developed to predicate the surface roughness and
to reduce automotive component manufacture cycle time, metal removal rate with the help of Response surface
particularly by changing cutting feeds. The most widely methodology, Design of experiments. The Response surface
employed methodologies for surface roughness prediction in methodology (RSM) is a practical, accurate and easy for
terms of machining parameters are the Response Surface implementation. The study of most important variables
Methodology (RSM) and the Taguchi techniques for design of affecting the quality characteristics and a plan for conducting
experiments. The factors affecting surface roughness as well as such experiments is called design of experiments (DOE).
practical techniques for its improvement through optimizing Analysis of variance is employed to verify the validity of the
machining parameters are discussed next. Emphasis is placed model. RSM optimization procedure has been employed to
on portraying the dominance of feed on surface quality over optimize the output responses, surface roughness and metal
other controllable machining parameters. The most significant removal rate. The minimum surface roughness value was 1.18
machine parameters that have a direct effect on surface m for Aluminum alloy and2.295 for resin. The maximum
roughness are speed, feed, and depth of cut. It is found that metal removal rate was found to be 1377.83mm/min for
surface roughness increases with an increase in the feed rate Aluminum alloy and 182.899mm/min for resin.
and depth of cut and a decrease in cutting speed. The effect of Kompan Chomsamutr [8] et al compare the cutting
increased feed is more pronounced on surface finish than the parameters of turning operation the work pieces of medium
effect of an increased depth of cut. carbon steel (AISI 1045) by finding the longest tool life by
M. Kaladhar [5] et al used optimization model based on Taguchi methods and Response Surface Methodology. The
Taguchi and Utility concept to optimize process parameters, suitable of response of tool life by both methods will get the
such as speed, feed, depth of cut, and nose radius on multiple suitable values namely depth of cut at 0.5 mm. cutting speed at

performance characteristics, namely, surface roughness (Ra) 150 m/min and feed rate at 0.10 mm/rev. All mentioned values
and material removal rate (MRR) during turning of AISI 202 cause the longest tool life at 670.170 min by Taguchi method
austenitic stainless steel using a CVD coated cemented carbide and 670.230 by RSM respectively.
tool. Taguchis L8 orthogonal array (OA) is selected for Durai Matinsuresh Babu [9] et al explains the findings of
experimental planning. The experimental result analysis the experimental results that were obtained to select
showed that the combination of higher levels of cutting speed, appropriate cutting parameters that ensure less power
depth of cut, and nose radius and lower level of feed is consumption in high rate CNC machines. Using Taguchis
essential to achieve simultaneous maximization of material technique, experiment was conducted with an extruded
removal rate and minimization of surface roughness. The aluminium shaft on CNC lathe with cutting speed, feed rate
ANOVA and F-tests are used to analyze the results. And from and depth of cut as process parameters. Power
their corresponding ANOVA results, the feed (61.428%) is the consumed(energy), the output characteristic was measured with
most significant parameter followed by cutting speed the help of a data acquisition system. The data were analyzed
(20.697%) for Ra, the depth of cut (63.183%) is the most and appropriate process parameters were selected for minimum
significant parameter followed by cutting speed (20.697%) for energy consumption. From the experimental data, both power
MRR response. and energy are compared with material removal rate(MMR)
Surinder Kumar [6] et al implement the Taugchis which shows that, as material removal rate increase power
technique for minimizing the surface roughness and demand and energy consumption decreases.
maximizing the material removal rate in machining Jitendra Verma [10] et al focused on the analysis of
unidirectional glass fiber reinforced plastics (UD-GFRP) optimum cutting conditions to get lowest surface roughness in
composite with a polycrystalline diamond (PCD) tool. turning ASTM A242 Type-1 ALLOYS STEEL by Taguchi
Experiments were conducted based on the established method. Experiment was designed using Taguchi method and
Taguchis technique L18 orthogonal array on lathe machine. L9 array were conducted by this process. The results are
The cutting parameters considered were tool nose radius, tool analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) method.
rake angle, feed rate, cutting speed, depth of cut and cutting Taguchi method has shown that the cutting speed has
environment (dry, wet and cooled) on the surface roughness significant role to play in producing lower surface roughness
and material removal rate produced. The results indicate that about 57.47% followed by feed rate about 23.46%. The Depth
the developed model is suitable for prediction of surface of Cut has lesser role on surface roughness from the tests. The
roughness and material removal rate in machining of results obtained by this method will be useful to other
unidirectional glass fiber reinforced plastics (UD-GFRP) researches for similar type of study and may be eye opening for

IJERTV3IS21239 www.ijert.org 2002

International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 3 Issue 2, February - 2014

further research on tool vibrations, cutting forces etc. The mean roughness and Power Consumption in turning of 6063 AL
S/N ratio for each level of the cutting parameters is alloy TiC (MMCs). PCD tool was used as wear resistive tool
summarized and called the S/N response table for surface in order to achieve desire surface finish. Full factorial Design
roughness. The cutting speed is the only significant factor in design of experiment was adopted in order to planning the
which contributes to the surface roughness i.e. 57.47 % experimental runs. Analysis of Variance was used to
contributed by the cutting speed on surface roughness. The investigate percentage Contribution of Each process parameters
second factor which contributes to surface roughness is the on output Response. Results show that feed rate is significant
feed rate having 23.46 %. The third factor which contributes to parameter, which affect on surface roughness and Cutting
surface roughness is the depth of cut having 16.27%. Speed is effective parameter which affect on power
Poornima [11] et al investigate that the CNC turning is one consumption. The increase of feed rate increases the surface
among the metal cutting process in which quality of the roughness. Value of surface roughness is decrease with
finished product depends mainly upon the machining increase in cutting speed. Power Consumption is increase with
parameters such as feed, speed, depth of cut, type of coolant increase in cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut. Cutting
used, types of inserts used etc. Similarly the work piece speed is most effective parameter on power consumption.
material plays an important role in metal cutting process. Hard Pankaj Sharma [15] et al find that the The AISI H13, a
materials such as stainless steel grades, Nickel alloys, and chromium based hot work tool Steel has a wide variety of
Titanium alloys are very difficult to machine due to their high applications in aluminum casting and extrusion dies, forging
hardness. While machining these hard materials, optimized dies, hot nut tools, hot header dies, extrusion mandrels, plastic
machining parameters results in good surface finish, low tool molds, cores, die holder blocks, hot press dies and specially
wear, etc. Response surface methodology and Genetic hot work punches etc. the optimization of two response
algorithm are used to optimize the process parameters. From parameters (Surface roughness and Material Removal Rate) by
RSM are R-Sq. obtained was 99.9% which indicates that three machining parameters (cutting speed, feed rate and depth
selected parameters (speed, feed, depth of cut) significantly of cut) is investigated in high speed turning of H13 in dry
affect the response (surface roughness). The Best ranges conditions. Taguchis L18 orthogonal array and analysis of
obtained by using the genetic algorithm approach are Cutting variance (ANOVA) are used for individual optimization. The
velocity (speed) -119.93 m/min, Feed-0.15 m/min and Depth of simultaneous optimization is done by Grey Relational Analysis
cut -0.5mm. Hence the Optimal surface roughness from GA is approach. The different levels of all machining parameters are
0.74 microns. used and experiments are done on HMT STALLION-100 HS
M. Kaladhar [12] et al investigate the effects of process CNC lathe machine. The optimum condition for combined
parameters on surface finish and material removal rate (MRR) effects was found V5-F2-D3 and the optimal value of the
to obtain the optimal setting of these process parameters and surface roughness (Ra) comes out to be 1.0828 (m) and of

the Analysis Of Variance (ANOVA) is also used to analyze the MRR is 554.0.4 (mm/sec).
influence of cutting parameters during machining. In this work, Krishankant [16] et al perform an optimization of turning
AISI 304 austenitic stainless steel work pieces are turned on process by the effects of machining parameters applying
computer numerical controlled (CNC) lathe by using Physical Taguchi methods to improve the quality of manufactured
Vapour Deposition (PVD) coated cermet insert (TiCN- TiN) of goods. EN24 steel is used as the work piece material for
0.4 and 0.8 mm nose radii. The results revealed that the feed carrying out the experimentation to optimize the Material
and nose radius is the most significant process parameters on Removal Rate. The bars used are of diameter 44mm and length
work piece surface roughness. However, the depth of cut and 60mm. There are three machining parameters i.e. Spindle
feed are the significant factors on MRR. Optimal range and speed, Feed rate, Depth of cut. MRR is increased with the
optimal level of parameters are also predicted for responses. increase in spindle speed, MRR is increased with increase in
Nitin Sharma [13] et al realized that the optimized cutting feed rate and MRR is in increased with the increase in depth of
parameters are very important to control the required surface cut.
quality. Taguchi method is used to find the optimal cutting
parameters for surface roughness (Ra) in turning. The L-18 V. CONCLUSION
orthogonal array, the signal-to-noise ratio & analysis of Turned components represent a vast majority of parts
variance are employed to study the performance characteristics produced in industries. The adherence of the geometrical
in turning operations of AISI-410 steel bars using TiN coated parameters for attaining the Runout controls on the turned
inserts. The four cutting parameters insert radius, depth of cut, components to meet their functional requirements as part of an
feed & cutting speed are optimized with considerations of assembly is extremely important. This can be ensured by fully
surface roughness. The analysis reveals that feed rate has the understanding the effect of machining parameters on the
most significant effect on Ra. In turning, use of greater insert geometry and dimension irrespective of the machining process
radius, high depth of cut, low feed rate, high cutting speed are used. Hence, the selection of proper cutting parameters for
recommended to obtain better surface roughness for the turning process becomes a critical problem so some research is
specific test range. required in this field. Some of the main parameters are cutting
Pragnesh. R. Patel [14] et al founds that Problem associated speed, Feed rate and depth of cut. For better surface finish &
with MMCs is that they are very difficult to machine due to the better geometrical and dimension requirements this parameters
hardness and abrasive nature of Carbide particles. The main must be controlled in well manner.
objective is to investigate the effects of different cutting
parameters (Cutting Speed, feed rate, Depth of cut) on surface

IJERTV3IS21239 www.ijert.org 2003

International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 3 Issue 2, February - 2014

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IJERTV3IS21239 www.ijert.org 2004

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