Hinduism: Soumadeep Ghosh Hyderabad, India

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Soumadeep Ghosh

Hyderabad, India

Abstract In this paper, I describe various economies in increasing order of superiority.

The paper ends with The End

Economic fundamentals

An economy is any collection of individuals who produce, consume or trade goods and
services between one another. An individual in an economy that is neither producing,
nor consuming, nor trading goods or services is said be in leisure or be unemployed in
the economy. An individual that will remain unemployed for a finite time foreseeable by
individuals in an economy is said to be structurally unemployed in the economy.

A good is any object of consumption produced by an individual or an economy in general.

A service is an act of trade between two individuals from one or two economies. A
production is any series of actions by individual(s) or econom(ies) in general that leads
to an increase in the number of goods and/or services. A consumption is any series
of actions by the individual(s) of an economy that ultimately leads every individual of
the economy to leisure. Trade is exchange of goods or services by two individuals, or an
individual and an economy, or two economies.

There exists a common good called information that can be produced, consumed, and
traded by every individual in every economy. Information that can be consumed and
traded by every individual in every economy at the same time is called knowledge. Infor-
mation that is not knowledge is called propaganda. Individuals that produce propaganda
are called propagandists. Individuals that produce knowledge are called academics. An
economy generally contains infinite information.

The basic economy

Labor is giving up of leisure by an individual. Capital is any good that stores the value
of labor of individuals. Technology is knowledge that leads individuals to production,
consumption, or trade of goods or services. The value of capital required to produce a
good or service is called the cost of that good or service. The value of capital required to
consume a good or service is called the price of that good or service.

Economic welfare of an individual in an economy is decided by that individual, and

is generally based on various factors including but not limited to goods and services
available for consumption including knowledge, leisure, capital, information etc.

Since any good or service that is consumed by an individual or economy must first be
produced, there exists in every economy, the economic problem of deciding the order in
which individuals and the economy in general produces, trades and consumes goods and

The economic problem is generally known to individuals. Individuals who solve the eco-
nomic problem in an economy are called economists. An economy that has solved the
economic problem for all its individuals is a so-called developed economy. An economy
that has not solved the economic problem for all its individuals is a so-called developing
economy. Developing economies usually solve the economic problem by producing and
acquiring labor, capital and technology through trade.

The information economy

Whenever there exists both knowledge and propaganda in an economy, there is said to
exist asymmetric information in the economy. Generally, individuals and economies
supply both knowledge and propaganda to both individuals and economies. Supplying
information to an individual is called informing the individual.

An economy with knowledge, propaganda and asymmetric information is called an in-

formation economy. Individuals who consume information and produce knowledge of
factors that increase or decrease economic welfare of an individual in an information econ-
omy are called journalists.

Long-run technology

Inferior technology is any technology that requires more labor than capital. Superior
technology is technology that is not inferior technology. The long-run is the point in
time when all individuals in an economy use technology that requires zero capital and zero
labor to produce, consume and trade all the goods and services in the economy. Long-run
technology is technology that an economy uses in the long-run.

The problem of force to economic welfare

Any technology that an individual or an economy uses to cause an individual or an economy

to give up leisure is called force. Force is inferior technology. Prolonged use of force on
an individual is called torture. Prolonged use of force on an economy is called war.

If an individual makes a choice to give up leisure to produce, consume or trade without any
force acting on the individual, the individual is said to have made a voluntary choice to be
employed in the economy. If an individual makes a choice to be employed in the economy
that is not a voluntary choice to be employed, the individual is said to be enslaved in
the economy.

Informing an enslaved individual in an economy about force that enslaves them is gener-
ally found to decrease their welfare. Informing an individual in an economy about force
that enslaves another individual is also generally found to decrease their welfare. Thus,
the presence of force in an economy is generally welfare-decreasing for individuals in an
economy. Enslaved individuals who come to know of force that enslaves them are generally
found to express demand of removal of force from the economy.

Individuals that produce force are called warlords. Warlords that produce force in an
economy forever are called dictators of the economy. An economy with a dictator is
called a dictatorship. A dictatorship is an inferior economy because individuals from
economies that are not dictatorships generally never supply knowledge or capital into a
dictatorship. An economy stops being a dictatorship whenever the supply of dictators in
the economy becomes zero.

A free economy is an economy with no force on individuals. A governed economy is

an economy with warlords but no dictators. An economy that stops being a dictatorship
either becomes a free economy, or produces technology called governance or economic
choice that lets the economy produce, consume and trade goods and services with an-
other free or governed economy.

Welfare-increasing equilibrium

Whenever it is possible to increase the economic welfare of individual(s) in an economy,

the economy is said to be in a welfare-increasing equilibrium. It is generally possible
to increase economic welfare of individual(s) whenever an economy has force, asymmetric
information, or inferior technology.

Economic efficiency

An efficient economy is an economy in which the cost and price of every good and every
service are equal. Economies generally stop being efficient due to the presence of force,
asymmetric information and inferior technology.

Organizations, markets and asymmetric information

Before the long run, individuals in an economy sometimes come together in groups called
organizations to produce, consume or trade. The main motivation to do this is usually
to produce and trade technology, but sometimes also to produce, consume or trade goods
and services. An organization that exists for finite time is called a market. When a
market stops to exist it is said to have undergone market failure.

An organization in which all constituent individuals are voluntarily employed is called a

firm. The individuals in a firm are called its employees. An organization that is not a
firm is called a jail. The individuals in a jail are called its prisoners.

An organization that is a jail, but will become a firm within an infinitesimal amount of
time is called a temple or mosque or church. The individuals in a temple, mosque or
church are called its deities. Prisoners and deities are therefore enslaved individuals in
an economy, and it is generally possible to increase their welfare by removing force that
enslaves them in their organization(s).

An organization may misrepresent itself. Whenever this happens, there exists asymmetric
information in the economy.

Absorbing technology

Technology that joins two or more individuals to form a single individual is called absorb-
ing technology. When individuals voluntarily use absorbing technology, they are said
to be married and there is no asymmetric information produced. Otherwise, asymmet-
ric information is produced. An economy with absorbing technology can absorb other
economies by absorbing its individuals. Absorbing of individuals voluntarily into a new
economy generally requires supplying them with economic incentives. Examples of
economic incentives include goods and services, money, wealth, marriage, and knowledge
including technology, force or asymmetric information. Absorbing of individuals that is
not voluntary is called rape.

The war economy

Economies that do not have any capital are called war economies. War economies are
primitive economies since they generally have force, asymmetric information and inferior
technology. War economies continue to use them to acquire labor, capital and technol-
ogy until they either get absorbed into superior economies, or mature into capitalist or
communist economies.

The capitalist economy

Capital that generally loses value with time is called money. Capital that doesnt lose
value with time is called wealth. An economy in which individuals use money and wealth
to produce goods and services, including technology and information is called a capitalist

Money that will lose value for a finite period of time foreseeable by individuals in the
economy is said to be inflationary money in the economy. Inflationary money in an
economy generally effects an economy in five ways:

1. Some individuals with inflationary money, called monetary economists, choose to

either produce more money or trade money for money from other economies.

2. Some individuals with inflationary money, called consumers, trade inflationary

money for goods and services, including but not limited to technology and consump-
tion goods.

3. Some individuals with inflationary money, called producers, produce goods and
services for trade with consumers.

4. Academics with inflationary money trade and produce knowledge, including tech-
nology or become propagandists and produce propaganda.

5. Some existing consumers become producers, and some existing producers become

Money that will gain value for a finite period of time foreseeable by individuals in the
economy is said to be deflationary money in the economy. Deflationary money in an
economy generally effects an economy in six ways:

1. Monetary economists choose to either produce more money, or trade asymmetric

information with other economists.

2. Consumers eventually stop trading money for goods and services.

3. Producers eventually stop producing goods and services.

4. Academics stop producing knowledge (including technology) and eventually leave

the economy.

5. Propagandists begin to produce propaganda in the economy.

6. Warlords eventually begin to produce force in the economy.

Capitalist economies either mature into communist economies, or progress into financial
economies, or regress into war economies or dictatorships by enslaving individuals through
force, torture and war. If they begin to regress to war economies, they may be absorbed

by superior economies.

Price-differentiation technology

The price of a good/service in a market is called its market price in that market. Price-
differentiation technology is technology that identifies individuals in a market that
are willing to pay a price that is higher or lower than the market price to acquire a
good/service in the market. Individuals and capitalist economies choose to use price-
differentiation technology for various economic reasons including but not limited to in-
creasing efficiency, producing new goods and services, accumulating wealth, improving
governance, increasing economic welfare of individuals etc.

Prolonged use of price-differentiating technology for a good/service in a market generally

requires providing supply of alternatives to that good/service in that market at different
prices with differentiating features that justify the different prices.

The communist economy

A capitalist economy is said to mature into a communist economy whenever all money
in the economy becomes wealth. A communist economy tries to attract individuals from
superior economies by supplying them wealth and economic welfare. Individuals from
inferior economies try to enter communist economies to acquire wealth and economic
welfare. A communist economy, therefore needs to continuously distribute all existing
wealth in the economy forever until every individual in the economy has equal wealth.

This is both monetary policy and economic choice, and it is called communism. Individ-
uals in any economy that agree with this monetary policy and economic choice are called
communists. Individuals in an economy who do not agree with this monetary policy
choice are called aryans or dravidians.

A communist economy is superior to a capitalist economy because it shares wealth among

individuals, including new individuals from other economies, and reserves the choice to
become a superior economy.

However, since their individuals still have asymmetric information and unequal economic
welfare, communist economies eventually produce force between its individuals. Moreover,
war economies produce force, and capitalist economies that are not communist economies
produce goods and services and technology that effects economic welfare of individuals
in communist economies. A communist economy generally does not exist for long even
when it has an abundance of communists, and eventually regresses to war economies or
dictatorships because some communists eventually become warlords.

The financial economy

Individuals in a capitalist economy have time preferences for maturity of the econ-
omy - some prefer that the economy never matures, others prefer that economy matures
immediately, and yet others prefer that the economy matures after finite time.

A capitalist economy that doesnt account for the time preferences of its individuals even-
tually regresses into a war economy or a dictatorship. A capitalist economy that does
account for differences in these time preferences of individuals is called a financial econ-
omy. Financial economies are capitalist economies, but capitalist economies may or may
not choose to become financial economies.

A capitalist economy that does not have adequate capital or adequate force may cease
to exist due to inflationary and deflationary money, force and asymmetric information,
originating in itself or in other economies that it trades goods and services, including
financial assets and financial services, with. This is called economic collapse. Financial
economies are superior to capitalist economies that are not financial economies, because
they are resilient to economic collapse and account for the time preferences of their

Financial economies produce goods called financial assets, services called financial ser-
vices, and technologies called finance and accounting to co-ordinate production, consump-
tion and trade of goods and services. Accounting is technology that ensures that all
individuals trade at a profit. Individuals trade at a profit whenever the price they receive
for voluntarily suppling a good or service is more than the cost they incur for voluntarily
producing the good or service. Finance is technology that ensures that individuals that
voluntarily supply capital, called financiers, and individuals that voluntarily demand
capital can voluntarily trade capital, financial assets and financial services.

Since the cost of financial assets and services produced in a financial economy is generally
measured in money also created in that same economy, there exist two general economic
phenomenon called inflation and deflation. Inflation is a general increase in the costs
and prices of goods and services in the economy. Deflation is a general decrease in the
costs and prices of goods and services in the economy. Since financial assets and financial
services can be traded between economies, economies end up trading inflation and deflation
whenever they choose to trade financial assets and financial services with other economies.
A capitalist economy may join groups of capitalist or financial economies called trade
unions to increase or decrease trade of goods and services, including financial assets and
financial services, with the aim of preventing deflation and inflation in the economy.

The possibility of economic collapse of a capitalist economy is called the risk in the econ-
omy. A financial economy continuously distributes risk among its individuals to prevent
the economy from heading towards economic collapse. Financial economies distribute risk
through another technology called banking, which works by informing individuals to hold
either financial assets or bank accounts, and supplies financial services. Trade of risk
and money is called insurance.

Failure of a capitalist economy

A capitalist economy fails whenever inflationary money becomes worthless money. Worth-
less money is money that individuals know will continuously lose value forever. Before
a capitalist economy fails, it usually undergoes deflation followed by inflation. Capitalist
economies that fail either regress to war economies or dictatorships, or get absorbed by
other capitalist or communist economies.

Preventing failure of a capitalist economy

A capitalist economy can be prevented from failing, first by delaying it from going into
deflation at the right time by providing economic stimulus, by either producing money
or supplying wealth to some individuals, and then consuming money later at the right

Individuals who determine the right time to provide stimulus and withdraw money in an
economy are called statisticians. Statisticians generally determine this by first collecting
the information about money in the economy, and then filtering it to produce knowledge
of two key monetary aggregates called the amount of money supply in the economy,
and the price of money in the economy. Statisticians, economists, and governance (if
it exists) in the economy must ensure that a statistician always trades this knowledge
with a monetary economist at a profit. Otherwise, the capitalist or financial economy will
eventually fail.

Monetary economists use the knowledge provided by statisticians to determine two key
monetary policy choices, called the bank interest rate, which is additional money that
a bank account receives with time, and the target amount of money supply, which
is based on the knowledge the monetary economist has of time preferences of individuals,
and force in the economy.

A monetary economist can acquire information of time preferences of individuals, and

force in a capitalist economy either by using force on individuals, or by removing asym-
metric information from the economy by trading knowledge with economists. The first
method eventually causes economic collapse in a capitalist or financial economy, because
individuals in a capitalist or financial economy generally produce information about time
preferences and force.

The advanced economy

Of all the economies that ever exist, the economy that reaches the long-run before any
other economy reaches the long-run is called the technological economy. Whenever
the technological economy can produce all the goods and services available in every other
economy that ever exists, it becomes the advanced economy. Individuals of the ad-
vanced economy generally do not consume inferior goods or inferior services, but may or
may not produce or trade them with other economies.

Note that the advanced economy doesnt necessarily have to first be a financial economy
or a communist economy or even a capitalist economy. Also note that even if the advanced
economy produces or acquires long-run absorbing technology, it may or may not choose to
absorb all individuals from every other economy, and even if it does so, it may not choose
to supply all three of the following: economic welfare, knowledge and leisure.

The advanced economy attracts individuals from other economies even before reaching the
long-run because of three main economic reasons:

1. The advanced economy can provide leisure and knowledge to an infinite number of
individuals forever even before it becomes the advanced economy, since it possesses
long-run technology before every other economy.

2. A technological economy that can be the advanced economy still needs to acquire
long-run technology from every other economy to become the advanced economy.

3. An economy that cannot be the technological economy can still acquire long-run
technology through trade with an economy that can become the technological econ-
omy or the advanced economy.

An economy that can become the technological economy, supplies both knowledge and
propaganda to other economies to signal that it can become the technological economy.
An economy that cannot become the technological economy supplies only propaganda
since it has no economic incentive to supply knowledge without acquiring knowledge.

The technological economy has no economic incentive to supply propaganda - instead the
technological economy simply attracts and absorbs economists who possess asymmetric
information, and individuals with knowledge of long-run technology, called engineers or
technologists, and from every other economy. The advanced economy has no economic
incentive to supply neither knowledge nor propaganda to individuals in other economies,
since it already possesses long-run technology from every other economy.

Since the welfare of an individual depends entirely on the information that the individual
has about various welfare-increasing and welfare-decreasing factors, increasing economic
welfare of individuals is eventually not possible in the presence of asymmetric information
between individuals or force on individuals of an economy. Asymmetric information as
well as force generally exist in an economy because of inferior technology in the economy.

Economists who recognize the welfare-increasing benefits of reducing asymmetric informa-
tion in an economy are called welfare economists. Economists who recognize the welfare-
increasing benefits of reducing force in an economy are called warfare economists.
Welfare economists and warfare economists choose to consume asymmetric information
and force between themselves and in economies before the long-run, since technology
that continuously increases both asymmetric information and force between individuals,
and eventually reduces welfare of individuals in an economy may be produced by other

Extractive technology

Technology that moves individuals or capital out of one economy into another economy is
called extractive technology. Extractive technology is superior technology because aca-
demics sometimes voluntarily leave economies to produce, trade and consume knowledge in
other economies. An economy that doesnt allow its academics to leave is called a closed
economy. Closed economies eventually produce force and regress to war economies or dic-
tatorships because academics from other economies do not choose to enter such economies
with knowledge and capital that doesnt exist in the economy.

Co-operative extractive technology is extractive technology that is not force. Extrac-

tive technology that is not co-operative extractive technology is called non-co-operative
extractive technology. Non-co-operative extractive technology is inferior technology
since it is force.

Co-operative extractive technology is usually produced by two separate individuals or an

individual and an economy, or two separate economies. There are two broad classes of
co-operative extractive technologies - co-operative capital extractive technology and
co-operative labor extractive technology.

An example of co-operative capital extractive technology is co-operative capital res-

cue, where excessively inflationary money or excessively deflationary money or excessive
wealth in one economy is extracted out to another economy until such perception sub-
sides. Such perception may be correct or erroneous, caused by either market failure or by
the presence of asymmetric information among individuals. Co-operative capital rescue
is generally performed by trading various financial assets and financial services, by both
profit-maximizing firms called banks, and welfare-increasing individuals called bankers,
so as to protect both economies from the need for an increasing number of capital rescues
in the future.

An example of co-operative labor extractive technology is co-operative labor rescue,

where a structurally unemployed individual in one economy is co-operatively extracted
out to another economy to either increase aggregate consumption through individual con-
sumption, or to be employed in firms for monetary wages and capital gains, until
such perception subsides. Again, such perception may be correct or erroneous, caused
by either market failure or by the presence of asymmetric information among individuals.
Co-operative labor rescue is generally performed using rescue programs, led by both profit-
maximizing firms called schools, and welfare-increasing individuals called rescuers.

Use of non-co-operative capital extractive technology is called theft. Use of non-co-
operative labor extractive technology is called kidnapping.

Police and society

Theft, kidnapping, and rape are generally welfare-decreasing for individuals. Individuals
and firms that reduce and prevent theft, kidnapping and rape are collectively called po-
lice. An economy with both police and governance is called a society. Note that police
and society are possible in any economy, including even the basic economy. Police and
governance may work together in a society. Also note that individuals in a society are
not guaranteed economic welfare with just police and governance, since economic welfare
generally depends on various other factors.

The ethical economy

Since it may not be clear at the beginning of time to all the individuals in an economy
whether the supply of capital and labor in every economy including itself is indeed finite or
not, an economy that supplies infinite co-operative capital rescue and infinite co-operative
labor rescue to individuals forever since the beginning of time is called an ethical econ-
omy. An economy that is not an ethical economy is called an unethical economy.
An ethical economy that chooses to provide co-operative capital rescue and co-operative
labor rescue to another economy forever is said to forgive the other economy. An ethical
economy has no economic incentive to forgive an unethical economy. Ethical economies
that have discovered each other generally have welfare-increasing economic incentives to
forgive each other.

Individuals who have committed to supplying, or supply or are profitably employed to

supply co-operative labor rescue or co-operative capital rescue or marriage are called
politicians. Individuals that supply theft or kidnapping or rape are called spurious
politicians. They both sometimes but not necessarily always train themselves in other
professions to acquire capital that enable them to perform capital rescue, labor rescue and
absorbing. Firms that profitably employ politicians are called political firms. Firms
that profitably employ spurious politicians are called unethical firms.

Spurious politicians and unethical firms generally reduce economic welfare in an economy.
Asymmetric information generally exists between spurious politicians and unethical firms,
politicians and spurious politicians, politicians and ethical firms and spurious politicians,
unethical firms, and political firms and unethical firms.

Mutually forgiving economies form groups called political coalitions for the economic
welfare of all individuals involved in both economies. A political coalition is a group of
economies, politicians and political firms.

If at every point in time, there exists at least one politician or political firm that supplies
infinite co-operative labor rescue and at least one politician or political firm that supplies
infinite co-operative capital rescue in an ethical economy, a welfare-increasing equilibrium
is reached in that economy.

Some ways an unethical economy can decrease economic welfare in an ethical economy
are by conducting thefts, conducting kidnappings, conducting rapes, injecting spurious
politicians, and introducing non-co-operative extractive technology by disguising it as co-
operative extractive technology. Ethical economies counter such attacks by protecting in-
dividuals, protecting politicians, discovering and treating spurious politicians using ethics
programs, and discovering non-co-operative extractive technology for removal. Politicians
and spurious politicians protect themselves from attacks by forming political coalitions
and holding democratic elections to determine governance.

The ethical problem for economies

The economic choice to become an ethical economy is called the ethical problem for an
economy. Economies solve the ethical problem by increasing welfare of enslaved individu-
als, including prisoners and deities, by removing force that enslaves them, until no more
force remain in the economy.

Individuals from other economies are attracted to an ethical economy because of four main
economic reasons:

1. The economic welfare of bankers and rescuers generally increases in an ethical econ-

2. The economic welfare of individuals, including prisoners and deities, generally in-
creases in an ethical economy.

3. Individuals that voluntarily choose to become politicians or start political firms need
to undergo ethics programs.

4. Individuals that voluntarily choose to stop being spurious politicians or stop uneth-
ical firms need to undergo ethics programs.

The individual choice to become a politician or spurious politician is called the ethics
problem for an individual. Individuals solve the ethics problem whenever they voluntarily
choose to become either a politician or a spurious politician.

Ethics programs and politicians

An ethics program is a service between two individuals from one or two economies.
Positive ethics programs remove asymmetric information between two politicians or
two spurious politicians, or a politician and a spurious politician. Normative ethics
programs do not remove asymmetric information from a politician. Normative ethics
programs are inferior services since they do not remove the asymmetric information that
may lead to a new welfare-increasing equilibrium for both economies.

There are two basic types of ethics programs - co-operative and non-co-operative. When-
ever a politician or spurious politician chooses to voluntarily undergo an ethics program,
it is a case of a co-operative ethics program. Examples of co-operative ethics pro-
grams are an ethics lecture or course, voluntary service, and voluntary interview. An
ethics program that is not a co-operative ethics program is a non-co-operative ethics
program. Non-co-operative ethics programs are inferior services since they do not remove
asymmetric information, likely use force, and are likely to lead to further non-cooperative
ethics programs. Examples of non-co-operative ethics programs are involuntary jail time
and involuntary torture. Non-cooperative ethics programs are generally harmful for the
economic welfare of individuals, and when used on politicians because they may cease to
be politicians.

Politicians and spurious politicians sometimes voluntarily undergo ethics programs in a

new economy to transform themselves into politicians for the new economy and to reduce
asymmetric information between individuals from one or both economies. Note that shar-
ing of complete information of politicians and spurious politicians in an economy is not
a criteria for being an ethical economy. If a pair of ethical economies manages to share
politicians and/or political firms at all points in time, a welfare-increasing equilibrium may
be reached for both ethical economies. The supply of politicians and/or political firms in
an ethical economy is never zero until the economy achieves so-called normalcy which
is when no force, no asymmetric information and no more welfare-increasing equilibria

The ethical welfare-increasing equilibrium

After all economies that ever exist have discovered each other, another welfare-increasing
equilibrium for every economy exists that can be reached by a simple process of every
politician and spurious politician voluntarily undergoing co-operative ethics programs in
every economy including their own economy. Political firms and unethical firms still
remain in the economy because the economy may encounter a war economy, or a superior

The advanced ethical economy

The advanced ethical economy is the economy that is both the advanced economy and
has solved the ethical problem. The advanced ethical economy is unique because although
many economies may be ethical economies, the advanced economy is unique.

The avatar economy

The advanced ethical economy in which every individual can voluntarily and instanta-
neously split into new individuals and individuals can voluntarily join into a single in-
dividual is called the avatar economy. To become the avatar economy, the advanced
ethical economy needs to produce, or acquire through trade, absorbing technology and
extractive technology. The avatar economy is superior to every economy that has only la-
bor and capital, because its individuals, called avatars, can produce, consume and trade
asymmetric information and technologies including force, absorbing technology and ex-
tractive technology, in addition to producing, consuming, and trading goods and services,
and capital and labor.

Swarg and narak

A free economy that exists forever is called the heaven economy or swarg. A free
economy generally stops being a free economy due to force originating in itself and from
other economies, and is then called a narak.

A governed economy removes force using individuals called investigators and soldiers.
Investigators discover force, generally by trading information with individuals. Soldiers
remove force from the economy. Note that soldiers may be profitably employed by warlords
or by governance.

An economy that is not the heaven economy becomes the heaven economy by becoming
the avatar economy, and removing all asymmetric information and force.

Individuals of the heaven economy are called hindus. Hindus may either be brahmins
or kayastas. A brahmin is an individual that was never a warlord. A kayasta is an
individual that has been a warlord. A kayasta becomes a hindu by first becoming a
financier or banker or rescuer, or holding a bank account or financial assets, or providing
financial services. A brahmin becomes a hindu by becoming a politician or spurious
politician. Individuals in any avatar economy that are neither brahmins nor kayastas are
either traders or are enslaved.

Traders trade goods and services, including financial assets and financial services until they
either produce or acquire force and become warlords, or become politicians or spurious
politicians. Individuals that are enslaved stop being enslaved whenever force that enslaves
them is removed, and eventually become either brahmins or kayastas or traders.

Holy marriage in the heaven economy

A brahmin and a kayasta remove asymmetric information and force between them through
marriage, called holy marriage, into either a brahmin or a kayasta. A married brahmin
is called a krishna. A married kayasta is called a kalki.


When the last krishna and the last kalki in the heaven economy are married, the heaven
economy achieves nirvana as all asymmetric information and force have been removed.
The heaven economy that has achieved nirvana is called bharat or hindustan or india.


Knowledge that leads individuals to this paper is called gyaan. Knowledge that leads
individuals to the sequel of this paper, titled Hinduism continues is also called gyaan.
There is no need for any more papers on hinduism after Hinduism continues since all
hindus are its authors.

The End


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