SOCIAL HISTORY: She is retired. She lives at home. No history of tobacco or alcohol.
FAMILY HISTORY: Negative, except that she had a brother with CVA, as well as mother
who died of an MI and had diabetes. There is no known history of claudication, sickle cell
anemia or any neurological disorders.
REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: She has had right-sided hemiplegia. She has denied any
additional signs or symptoms of ongoing CVA or TIAs. She denies amaurosis fugax. No
auditory or visual changes. She denies any hair, nail or skin changes, weight changes, heat
or cold intolerance. No bladder or bowel changes, chest pain, shortness of breath or cough.
No edema or erythema of her extremities.
GENERAL: The patient is a well-developed, well-nourished, pleasant, in no apparent
distress. She is afebrile.
VITAL SIGNS: Stable. Blood pressure 180/80, pulse 78 and regular, respiratory rate 18-22.
SKIN: Warm and dry with good color.She has numerous surgical incisions, well healed.
There is no rash. No tissue breakdown, bleeding or bruising.
HEENT No complaints of headache change in vision, nose or ear problems, or sore throat.
CHEST: Fairly clear. She has faint expiratory wheezes, particularly on the left compared to
the right. Right side has fair breath sounds.Equal chest wall expansion.
ABDOMEN: Obese.Have some surgical scars. Bowel sounds are normal in quality and
intensity in all areas.
EXTREMITIES: No cyanosis. Trace edema, right side worse than left. Peripheral pulses in
the femoral, popliteal, anterior tibial, dorsalis pedis,brachial, and radial areas are normal.
NEUROLOGICAL: She is mildly hyperreflexive. Sensorium is intact in her upper and lower
extremities. She is aware of the month, date and time, as well as where she is presently
located, also aware of the president and season.