College Scavenger Hunt 1 BT

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Atadnke HL. College Scavenger Hunt When it comes to college, you have so many choices. In order to find out more about a college, you can visit the campus and take a tour. You may have a college close to your house, but there are also many other colleges that are not close by. Use these websites to help you learn more about colleges you may not be able to visit in person. http://www, bttp://,, College/Explore Postsecondary Schools/Explore Postsecondary Schools.aspx Click on one of the links above and answer the following questions 1. Whatis the population (how many people) of the college?. AO 2, Isita public or private college? pub ina 3. How muchistuition? © 7, “3 ) 8 $ ° 4, Whatis the percentage of women an campus? _ 9.3L enn 5. What types of degrees are offered? V/ Associate's V Bachelor's \/ Master's Doctorate 6. whnisttenauor__@0LG le 7. What is the name of the admissions building? cewis Ha &. Whatisthe ameottnemain irre Zac S Hendersan brary 9. Find and name a landmark or statute that is on the university campus and explain why it is special, Sueertneos Cele Dy is said tat f yor_ walls Arund ‘he cicle “hree Vimes With vou sweetneadt, \\su_ ave. Sure tw be mavried

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