General Description Features: 12A-Peak Low-Side MOSFET Driver Bipolar/CMOS/DMOS Process
General Description Features: 12A-Peak Low-Side MOSFET Driver Bipolar/CMOS/DMOS Process
General Description Features: 12A-Peak Low-Side MOSFET Driver Bipolar/CMOS/DMOS Process
Bipolar/CMOS/DMOS Process
IN 2k
Micrel Inc. 2180 Fortune Drive San Jose, CA 95131 USA tel +1 (408) 944-01200 fax + 1 (408) 474-1000
Ordering Information
Part Number
Temperature Range Package Configuration
Standard Pb-Free
MIC4451YN 40C to +85C 8-Pin Plastic DIP Inverting
MIC4451BM MIC4451YM 40C to +85C 8- Pin SOIC Inverting
MIC4451ZT 0C to +70C 5- Pin TO-220 Inverting
MIC4452YN 40C to +85C 8- Pin Plastic DIP Non-Inverting
MIC4452BM MIC4452YM 40C to +85C 8- Pin SOIC Non-Inverting
MIC4452ZT 0C to +70C 5- Pin TO-220 Non-Inverting
MIC4452VM 40C to +125C 8- Pin SOIC Non-Inverting
Pin Configurations
VS 1 8 VS
IN 2 7 OUT
NC 3 6 OUT
3 VS
1 IN
Pin Description
Pin Number Pin Number
Pin Name Pin Function
T0-220-5 DIP, SOIC
1 2 IN Control Input.
2, 4 4, 5 GND Ground: Duplicate Pins must be externally connected together.
3, TAB 1, 8 VS Supply Input: Duplicate pins must be externally connected together.
5 6, 7 OUT Output: Duplicate pins must be externally connected together.
3 NC Not Connected.
Electrical Characteristics(3)
(TA = 25oC, with 4.5V VS 18V unless otherwise specified.)
Symbol Parameter Condition Min. Typ. Max. Units
VIH Logic 1 Input Voltage 2.4 1.3 V
VIL Logic 0 Input Voltage 1.1 0.8 V
VIN Input Voltage Range 5 VS + .3 V
IIN Input Current 0 VIN VS 10 10 A
VOH High Output Voltage See Figure 1 VS .025 V
VOL Low Output Voltage See Figure 1 0.025 V
Output Resistance,
RO IOUT = 10mA, VS = 18V 0.6 1.5
Output High
RO Output Resistance, Output Low IOUT = 10mA, VS = 18V 0.8 1.5
IPK Peak Output Current VS = 18V (See Figure 6) 12 A
IDC Continuous Output Current 2 A
Latch-up Protection Duty Cycle 2%
IR >1500 mA
Withstand Reverse Current t 300s
Switching Time(3)
tR Rise Time Test Figure 1, CL = 15,000pF 20 40 ns
tF Fall Time Test Figure 1, CL = 15,000pF 24 50 ns
tD1 Delay Time Test Figure 1 25 50 ns
tD2 Delay Time Test Figure 1 40 60 ns
Power Supply
VIN = 3V 0.4 1.5 mA
IS Power Supply Current
VIN = 0V 80 150 A
VS Operating Input Voltage 4.5 V
Electrical Characteristics
(Over operating temperature range with 4.5V VS 18V unless otherwise specified.)
Symbol Parameter Condition Min. Typ. Max. Units
VIH Logic 1 Input Voltage 2.4 V
VIL Logic 0 Input Voltage 0.8 V
VIN Input Voltage Range 5 VS + .3 V
IIN Input Current 0 VIN VS 10 10 A
VOH High Output Voltage See Figure 1 VS .025 V
VOL Low Output Voltage See Figure 1 0.025 V
RO Output Resistance, Output High IOUT = 10mA, VS = 18V 2.2
Output Resistance,
RO IOUT = 10mA, VS = 18V 2.2
Output Low
Switching Time (3)
tR Rise Time Test Figure 1, CL = 15,000pF 50 ns
tF Fall Time Test Figure 1, CL = 15,000pF 60 ns
tD1 Delay Time Test Figure 1 65 ns
tD2 Delay Time Test Figure 1 80 ns
Power Supply
VIN = 3V 3 mA
IS Power Supply Current
VIN = 0V 0.4
VS Operating Input Voltage 4.5 18 V
1. Functional operation above the absolute maximum stress ratings is not implied.
2. Static-sensitive device. Store only in conductive containers. Handling personnel and equipment should be grounded to prevent damage from static
3. Specification for packaged product only.
Test Circuits
Figure 1. Inverting Driver Switching Time Figure 2. Noninverting Driver Switching Time
Typical Characteristics
Applications Information
Supply Bypassing Input Stage
Charging and discharging large capacitive loads quickly The input voltage level of the MIC4451 changes the
requires large currents. For example, changing a quiescent supply current. The N channel MOSFET input
10,000pF load to 18V in 50ns requires 3.6A. stage transistor drives a 320A current source load. With
The MIC4451/4452 has double bonding on the supply a logic 1 input, the maximum quiescent supply current
pins, the ground pins and output pins. This reduces is 400A. Logic 0 input level signals reduce quiescent
current to 80A typical.
parasitic lead inductance. Low inductance enables large
currents to be switched rapidly. It also reduces internal The MIC4451/4452 input is designed to provide 200mV
ringing that can cause voltage breakdown when the of hysteresis. This provides clean transitions, reduces
driver is operated at or near the maximum rated voltage. noise sensitivity, and minimizes output stage current
Internal ringing can also cause output oscillation due to spiking when changing states. Input voltage threshold
level is approximately 1.5V, making the device TTL
feedback. This feedback is added to the input signal
since it is referenced to the same ground. compatible over the full temperature and operating
supply voltage ranges. Input current is less than 10A.
To guarantee low supply impedance over a wide
The MIC4451 can be directly driven by the TL494,
frequency range, a parallel capacitor combination is
recommended for supply bypassing. Low inductance SG1526/1527, SG1524, TSC170, MIC38C42, and
ceramic disk capacitors with short lead lengths (< 0.5 similar switch mode power supply integrated circuits. By
offloading the power-driving duties to the MIC4451/4452,
inch) should be used. A 1F low ESR film capacitor in
parallel with two 0.1F low ESR ceramic capacitors, the power supply controller can operate at lower
(such as AVX RAM GUARD ), provides adequate dissipation. This can improve performance and reliability.
bypassing. Connect one ceramic capacitor directly The input can be greater than the VS supply, however,
between pins 1 and 4. Connect the second ceramic current will flow into the input lead. The input currents
capacitor directly between pins 8 and 5. can be as high as 30mA p-p (6.4mARMS) with the input.
No damage will occur to MIC4451/4452 however, and it
Grounding will not latch.
The high current capability of the MIC4451/4452 The input appears as a 7pF capacitance and does not
demands careful PC board layout for best performance. change even if the input is driven from an AC source.
Since the MIC4451 is an inverting driver, any ground While the device will operate and no damage will occur
lead impedance will appear as negative feedback which up to 25V below the negative rail, input current will
can degrade switching speed. Feedback is especially increase up to 1mA/V due to the clamping action of the
noticeable with slow-rise time inputs. The MIC4451 input input, ESD diode, and 1k resistor.
structure includes 200mV of hysteresis to ensure clean
transitions and freedom from oscillation, but attention to Power Dissipation
layout is still recommended. CMOS circuits usually permit the user to ignore power
Figure 4 shows the feedback effect in detail. As the dissipation. Logic families such as 4000 and 74C have
MIC4451 input begins to go positive, the output goes outputs which can only supply a few milliamperes of
negative and several amperes of current flow in the current, and even shorting outputs to ground will not
ground lead. As little as 0.05 of PC trace resistance force enough current to destroy the device. The
can produce hundreds of millivolts at the MIC4451 MIC4451/4452 on the other hand, can source or sink
ground pins. If the driving logic is referenced to power several amperes and drive large capacitive loads at high
ground, the effective logic input level is reduced and frequency. The package power dissipation limit can
oscillation may result. easily be exceeded. Therefore, some attention should be
To insure optimum performance, separate ground traces given to power dissipation when driving low impedance
should be provided for the logic and power connections. loads and/or operating at high frequency.
Connecting the logic ground directly to the MIC4451
GND pins will ensure full logic drive to the input and
ensure fast output switching. Both of the MIC4451 GND
pins should, however, still be connected to power
Resistive Load Power Dissipation
WIMA Dissipation caused by a resistive load can be calculated
1 F as:
0V 5 0V where:
0.1F 4 0.1F
2,500 pF
I = the current drawn by the load
RO = the output resistance of the driver when the output
GROUND is high, at the power supply voltage used. (See data
300 mV PC TRACE RESISTANCE = 0.05 sheet)
GROUND D = fraction of time the load is conducting (duty cycle)
PD = PL + PQ + PT
PL1 = I2 RO D
However, in this instance the RO required may be either CL = Load Capacitance in Farads.
the on resistance of the driver when its output is in the D = Duty Cycle expressed as the fraction of time the
high state, or its on resistance when the driver is in the input to the driver is high.
low state, depending on how the inductor is connected,
and this is still only half the story. For the part of the f = Operating Frequency of the driver in Hertz
cycle when the inductor is forcing current through the IH = Power supply current drawn by a driver when both
driver, dissipation is best described as: inputs are high and neither output is loaded.
IL = Power supply current drawn by a driver when both
PL2 = I VD (1 D) inputs are low and neither output is loaded.
ID = Output current from a driver in Amps.
where VD is the forward drop of the clamp diode in the PD = Total power dissipated in a driver in Watts.
driver (generally around 0.7V). The two parts of the load PL = Power dissipated in the driver due to the drivers
dissipation must be summed in to produce PL: load in Watts.
PQ = Power dissipated in a quiescent driver in Watts.
PL = PL1 + PL2 PT = Power dissipated in a driver when the output
changes states (shoot-through current) in watts.
Quiescent Power Dissipation RO = Output resistance of a driver in s.
Quiescent power dissipation (PQ, as described in the VS = Power supply voltage to the IC in volts.
input section) depends on whether the input is high or
low. A low input will result in a maximum current drain
(per driver) of 0.2mA; a logic high will result in a
current drain of 3.0mA. Quiescent power can therefore
be found from:
PQ = VS [D IH + (1 D) IL]
IH = quiescent current with input high
IL = quiescent current with input low
D = fraction of time input is high (duty cycle)
VS = power supply voltage
PT = 2 f VS (A s)
Package Information
0.013 (0.330
0.010 (0.254
0.026 (0.65)
0.020 (0.51)
0.013 (0.33)
0.050 (1.27)
TYP 0.0098 (0.249) 45
0.010 (0.25)
0.0040 (0.102) 0.007 (0.18)
Micrel makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information furnished in this data sheet. This
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