Moot Script
Moot Script
Moot Script
The Fool
Typically a Ragabash, chosen to remind the Garou of the Ways and the Litany, to
test the Sept's resolve and to help unite the sept in affirming their heritage. Never a
permanent position, it is awarded to a deservingly cunning Garou for each Moot.
A Philodox (almost always, and typically high-ranked), who will mediate disputes
and judge crimes during the Cracking of the Bone portion of the Moot. Although
usually done alone, in large septs the Truthcatcher may have assistants (also
Philodox, very likely). This is a permanent office in most septs.
More legally-minded tribes (Silver Fangs, Shadow Lords, and Glass Walkers, for
instance) may have Trutcatchers who set up an entire "court system", with assistant
Garou acting in offical "court offices" (Advocate, Arbiter, Bailiff and Caster). Other
tribes (Red Talons, Get of Fenris and Wendigo, for example), eschew such
complications and keep the Cracking of the Bone simple and direct.
A prestigious post for Galliards, this is the office that will preside over the the
Stories & Songs portion of the Moot and any and all Renown gained and lost during
that period. This office is not permanent in this chronicle, instead allowing it to
change hands from Moot to Moot.
A permanent position outside the Moot, the Wyrmfoe is (usually) an Ahroun who
leads the sept in the Revel portion of the Moot. He howls and urges the Garou into a
state of near frenzy, advocating contests of strength and telling tales of battle.
When the sept is ready, he then leads them on a wild charge through the Bawn to
clear it of all possible enemies. Kinfolk on guard duty know to stay well clear of the
rampaging werewolves. In small septs, this role is usually filled by the Master of the
Challenge, though he can and usually does give the office temporarily to Garou who
have recently distinguished themselves in battle.
Master of the Howl: Welcome Garou, one and all, my Changing brothers and
sisters, dancers in the high moonlight, welcome! I call thee, summon thee, bring
you hence to witness this circle, [all Garou except Guardians must now be circled]
this everwidening circle, the Moot that we call. Hear me! Hear my howl! [Master of
the Howl howls, all of Sept follows]
Now let us not forget our Wolfen Kin who dwindle in these last days, let our dirge
keep their memory. [Master of the Howl howls a mournful howl, Lupus follow, then
Like a fire holding back the Darkness of the Wyrm, our ancient Laws keep us from
the Wyrm's foul embrace. Know thee the Litany Laws, [Calls name of the Fool]?
The Fool: Perhaps this Sept is worthy to defend Gaia after all. Now the Fool returns
to whence he came but leaves behind this riddle....[Tells the Sept a Riddle or Puzzle,
usually with hidden insult]
Caller of the Wyld: [Stands at Caern Center, if the Caller of the Wyld has agreed
to have Shining Ones, they now dance in a wide circle around the Caller of the
Wyld, acting much like their totems (Rat hunches low and scurries about, Falcon
spreads his arms and looks as noble as possible, etc.).]
We have gathered in this sacred place of Gaia, having called our brothers and
sisters of Gaia, and we now call our gods.
Caller of the Wyld: Oh, Great Totems! We, your humble children, ask for your
blessings as we revere you this night under Luna's light!
On behalf of the [tribe name], we call upon you, [tribe's totem], so that we may
honor you this night! [The Shining One representing the appropriate totem dances
forth and presents himself before the sept. The sept then lowers there heads in
respect to the Shining One, who then leaves the circle. This is repeated for the
totem of every tribe present in the sept. For septs with all 13 tribes represented,
this can take a while.]
Caller of the Wyld: [When all the tibal totems have been honored, the Caller then
moves to the last, the totem of the caern, in this case Unicorn. The Shining One
playing Unicorn presents himself now] Oh, Great Unicorn! Come to we who have,
like you, sworn with our lives to defend this sacred place of Gaia! Come and give us
your acceptance, your blessing, and your favor!
[Here the Storyteller on hand must decide if Unicorn is pleased or displeased with
the sept. If displeased, nothing will happen and the characters should feel ashamed
and question inwardly what they have done wrong. If pleased, some visible sign
that the Caern Spirit is with them will manifest]
We thank thee, our spirit brothers and sisters! May Gaia's blessings be upon us all!
[Calls the name of the Truthcatcher] will you help us catch the Truth this night?
[This portion is totally freeform, except for a few guidelines 1 - The Eldest speaks
first, Cliaths speak last, Cubs do not speak.
2 - Only the one who has been passed the "bone" may speak, and only the
Truthcatcher may interrupt, and only the Trutcather can give permission for
someone else to interrupt. Anyone who breaks this rule may lose Wisdom Renown.
Duting this portion, the Truthcatcher [regardless of Rank] has the power to do so.
3 - The Truthcatcher is judge, jury, and punisher. If there is a dispute, the
Truthcatcher's word is law. Superceeding Rank! If the Truthcatcher is shown to be
wrong or inept, the next moot under a new Truthcatcher is the only way to bring
4 - If the bone to pick is with the Truthcatcher, then the Master of the Howl
temporarily serves in the role. These disputes are handled last of all.
5 - No Renown can be gained during this portion of the moot, but it can be lost with
6 - Theurges sometimes use this portion of the moot to tell of omens and dreams
they have had or to issue spirit warnings to the Sept. Theurges are also expected to
issue grievances to Garou on behalf of the spirits!]
[When everyone with a bone to pick is done (or the Master of the Howl calls an end
to this portion) the Master of the Howl takes the bone away from the Truthcatcher
and breaks it]
Master of the Howl: The Bone is Broken! The disputes are settled!
Talesinger: [Steps to the Caern Center and begins a high pitched Howl that ends
with a low rumbling growl.]
[The Talesinger now tells a story, usually some legend of a famous Garou, a portion
of the Silver Record or Litany story perhaps, a song of Renown from long ago,
whatever they wish. This is where Garou learn about their history, culture, legends
and lore.]
[Now the Talesinger (if s/he has the Rite) steps into the role of Inceptor (Ritemaster)
for Rites of Accomplishment and calls for individuals to step forth and sing their own
songs of glory, honor and wisdom.]
[NOTE! A Talesinger's Renown relies on the fact that the Sept does not get bored! If
the Sept is starting to get bored, the Talesinger may...
1) Interrupt the singer and sing their own version of the tale being told.
2) Interrupt the singer and tell them to sit down and come back when they have a
good song to sing.
3) Interrupt the singer violently and toss them out of the circle! (Anything so long as
the Sept is no longer bored! Ahrouns in particular love this response. This is the
Garou equivalent of being pulled off a stage by the "hook".)]
[After all positive Renown is handed out, anyone who the Talesinger has singled out
for Satire Rites or various other Renown stripping Rites now get to hear their songs
of shame.]
[New Garou or Garou Packs are introduced for the first time to the Sept]
Master of the Howl: [When the Master of the Howl has had enough, he/she steps
forth and with a friendly grin and a snarl, tells the Talesinger to go back to the
[After the Master of Challenge looks away, the Sept begins to bark, howl and make
lots of noise, the Wyrmfoe lets out a long Howl to silence the assembled Sept]
[Note! The above portion only happens if there is no permanent Wyrmfoe and one
needs to be chosen for the Moot. Otherwise, the permanent Wyrmfoe goes ahead
with the rest below. It is possible for Garou to challenge the Wyrmfoe for the right to
be Wyrmfoe for the Moot only.]
The Wyrmfoe: Who now seeks to challenge their elders for Rank?!
[The Wyrmfoe acts as a Master of Challenge for the challenges at this time, when all
who seek to challenge are finished the Wyrmfoe may call for a wild party, tests of
strength, or the Traditional "Hunt" around the the Bawn. Note! Challenges for Rank
do NOT have to take place at the Moot, they may happen at any time.]
[During this run, the Garou, in their passion, release their spiritual energies into the
air and ground of the Bawn around them. These Gnosis points are absorbed by the
caern, recharging it. An active caern requires 5 Gnosis points per level ever lunar
cycle. Although not all needs to be given during the Moot (it typically is, however), it
can be given at any time during the month. This recharging keeps the caern alive,
and is thus vital to the Garou's survival. If the caern does not get its requisite
amount of Gnosis, it laspes into inactive status, and the sept must work hard to
revive it. Obviously no sept takes that risk.]
[Once the Gnosis has been given and the Revel ends, the Moot is officially over and
the sept may go on their way.]