Syllabus Electronic Fundamentals Mod b1

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1 HEA~~INE 'T & 81 .1 4 tALL\
11.5 ,11.6,11:14 11.19,11 20 &
11 21
11.2 1 O F1 1A
5 (All ) 0510
CAR- 66

A 81
4.1 Sem iconductors
4.1.1 Diodes
(a) 2
Diode symbols;
Diode characteristics and properties;
Diodes in series and parallel;
Main characteristics and use of sUlcon controlled rectlflers (thyristors).llght
emltting diode. photo conductive diode, varistor, rectifier diodes;
Functional testing of diodes.
4.1.2 Transistors
(a) 1
Transistor symbols;
Component description and orientation;
Transistor characteristics and properties.
4.1.3 Integrated Circuits
(a) 1
Description and operation of logic circuits and linear circuits/operational
4.2 Printed Circuit Boards 1
Description and use of printed circuit boards.
4.3 Servomech anisms
(a) 1
Understanding of the following terms: Open and closed loop systems.
feedback, follow up, analogue transducers;
Principles of operation and use of the following synchro system
components/features: resolvers. differential. control and torque.
transformers. inductance and capacitance transmitters.
5.1 Electronic Instrument Systems 1 2
Typical systems arrangements and cockpit layout of electronic
instrument. systems.
5.2 Numbering Systems 1
Numbering systems: binary, octal and hexadecimal;
Demonstrat ion of conversions between the decimal and binary, octal
and hexadecimal systems and vice versa.
5.3 Data Conversion 1
Analogue Data, Digital Data;
Operation and application of analogue to digital, and digital to
analogue converters, inputs and outputs, limitations of various types.
5.3 Data Conversion 1
Analogue Data, Digital Data;
Operation and application of analogue to digital, and digital to
analogue converters, inputs and outputs, limitations of various types.
5.4 Data Buses 2
Operation of data buses in aircraft systems, including knowledge of
ARINC and other specifications.
5.5 Logic Circuits
w 2
Identification of common logic gate symbols, tables and equivalent
Applications used for aircraft systems, schematic diagrams.
5.6 Basic Computer Structure
(a) 1 2
Computer terminology (including bit, byte, software, hardware, CPU,
IC, and various memory devices such as RAM, ROM, PROM);
Computer technology (as applied in aircraft systems).
5.10 Fibre Optics 1
Advantages and disadvantages of fibre optic data transmission over
electrical wire propagation;
Fibre optic data bus;
Fibre optic related terms;
Terminat ions;
Couplers, control terminals, remote terminals;
Application of fibre optics in aircraft systems.
5.11 Electronic Displays 2
Principles of operation of common types of displays used in modern
aircraft, including
Cathode Ray Tubes, Light Emitting Diodes and Liquid
Crystal Display.
5.12 Electrostatic Sensitive Devices 1 2
Sp ecial handling of components sensitive to electrostatic discharges;
Awareness of risks and possible damage, component and personnel
anti-static protection devices.
5.13 Software Management Control 2
Awareness of restrictions, airworthin ess requirements and possible
catastrophic effects of unapproved changes to software programmes.
5.14 Electromagnetic Environment 2
Influence of the following phenomena on maintenance practices for
electronic system:
EMC-Eiectromagnetic Compatibility
EMI-Electromagnetic Interfer ence
HIRF-High Intensity Radiated Field
Lightning/lightning protection
5.15 Typical Electronic/ Digital Aircraft Systems 2
General arrangement of typical electronic/digital aircraft systems and
associated BITE(Built In Test Equipment) testing such as:
(a) For Bland B2 only:
ACARS-ARINC Communication and Addressing and Reporting System
EICAS-Engine Indication and Crew Alerting System
FBW-Fiy by Wire
FMS-Fiight Management System
IRS-Inertial reference system
(b) For Bl, B2 and 83:
ECAM-Electronic Centralised Aircraft Monitoring
EFIS-Eiectronic Flight Instrument System
GPS-Global Positioning System
TCAS-Traffic Collission Avoidance system
Integrated modular Avionica
Cabin System
Information system
11.S Instruments/Avionic Systems
11.S.1Instrument Syst ems {ATA 31} 1 2
Pitot static: altimeter, air speed indicator, vertical speed indicator;
Gyroscopic: artificial horizon, attitude director, direction ind.icator. horizontal
situation indicator, turn and slip indicator. tum coordinator;
Compasses: direct reading. remote reading;
Angle of attack Indication, stall warning systems;
Glass Cockpit
Other aircraft system indication.
11.S.2 Avionic Systems 1 1
Fundamentals of system lay-outs and operation of;
Auto Flight (ATA 22};
Communications (ATA 23);
Navigation Systems (ATA 34).

11.6 Electrical Power (ATA 24) 1 3

Batteries Installation and Operation;
DC power generation;
AC power generation;
Emergency power generation;
Voltage regulation;
Power distribution;
Inverters, transformers, rectifiers;
Circuit protection.
External/Ground power;
11.14 Lights {ATA 3 3) 2 3
External: navigation, anti-collision, landing, taxiing. ice;
Internal: cabin, cockpit, cargo;
11.19 Integrated Modular Avionics (ATA42) 1 2
Functions that may be typically integrated In the Integrated Modular Avionic (IMA)
modules are, among others: Bleed Management, Air Pressure Control. Air Ventilation
and Control, Avionics and Cockpit Ventilation Control, Temperature Control, Air
Traffic Communication, Avionics Communication Router, Electrical Load
Management, Circuit Breaker Monitoring, Electrical System BITE, Fuel Management,
Braking Control, Steering Control, Landing Gear Extension and Retraction, Tyre
Pressure Indication, Oleo Pressure Indication, Brake Temperature Monitoring. etc.
11.20 Cabin Systems (ATA44} 1 2
The units and components which furnish a means Of entertaining the passengers and
providing c-ommunication within the aircraft (Cabin Intercommunication Data
System) and between the aircraft cabin and ground stations (Cabin Network Service).
Includes voice, data, music and video transmissiolilS.
The Cabin Intercommunication Data System provides an Interface between
cockpit/cabin crew and cabin systems. These systems support data exchange of the
different related LRU's and they are typically operated v'ia Flight Attendant Panels.

The cabin Network Service typically consists on a seiVer, typically Interfacing with,
among others, the following systems:
-Data/Radio Communication, In-Flight Entertainment System.

The cabin Network Service may host functions such as:

- Access to pre-departure/departure reports,
- E-mailfintranetf lnternet access, - Passenger database;
Cabin Core System;
In-flight Entertainment System;
External Communication System;
Cabin Mass Memory System;
Cabin Monitoring System;
Miscellaneous Cabin System.
11.21 Information Systems (ATA46) 1 2
The units and components which furnish a means of storing. updating and retrieving
digital information traditionally provided on paper, microfilm or microfiche. Includes
units that are dedicated to the Information storage and retrieval function
such as the electronic library mass storage and controller. Does not include units or
components Installed for other uses and shared with other systems, such as flight
deck printer or general use display.
Typical examples include Air Traffic and Information Management Systems and
Network SeiVer Systems
Aircraft Genera! Information System;
Flight Deck Information System;
Maintenance Information System;
Passenger Cabin Information System;
Miscellaneous Information System.

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