Araneta Employees Vs ROLDAN

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G.R. No.

L-6846 July 20, 1955


ARSENIO C. ROLDAN, ET AL., respondents.



The Agricultural Division of the Gregorio Araneta, Inc., was established in 1947
with a capital of P200,000. The total investment in that Division in 1953 was about
P3,000,000. To reduce this overcapitalization, the Board of Directors felt that it was
necessary either to invite fresh capital from outside or to adopt a retrenchment policy.
When Heacock and Company refused the invitation to invest in the enterprise, the Board
took the alternative of retrenchment.

The Board decided not to import as much merchandise as usual. It also reduced credits.
All these plans required a reduction in the volume of business necessitating likewise a
reduction of personnel and caused the laying off of 17 employees. The selection of those
to be laid off was made by a technical man and approved by the Board. These employees
were given one month separation pay, except Nicolas Gonzalez who refused to receive it.

The reorganization of the Agricultural Division was adopted by unanimous resolution of

the Board of Directors as a consequence of the retrenchment policy. This was adopted
even before the petitioner, "Gregorio Araneta Employees' Union", was organized and;
consequently, it was never directed against the union.


Whether the retrenchment made by the employer can be categorized as unfair

labor practice?


The laying off of employees due to the retrenchment policy adopted by a

company in order to reduce the overcapitalization and minimize expenses and as a
consequence the volume of business is considerably reduced particularly when it is not
aimed at the Union or any of its members for union or labor activities, is not an unfair
labor practice.

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