Research Paper

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Influence of a narcissistic mother to the well-being of her child

A Technical Writing Paper

Presented to

Jezzel Joy Partosa (English)

Instructor, Department of English and Literature
College of Arts and Sciences
Negros Oriental State University
Main Campus I, Dumaguete City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Course

Technical Writing and Reporting (English 122)

Dales, Angelita A.
Dumdum, Roan C.
Mira, Rachell C.
Rocas, Shiela Mae
Sarino, Joleen C.
Umbac, Ella V.

This research paper is whole-heartedly dedicated to our Creator of all
knowledge, our Lord God. Who thee gives us strength, knowledge and balance to
finish our task in making this research paper.
To our parents who tirelessly supported us, morally and financially. You who
loves us and gives advices that drives us to finish our research paper.
To our professors, mentors, instructors who gave us applicable advices and
for helping us in getting the right sources of materials that are used in this research.
To all of the group members who gave their full effort and their sacrifices just
to finish this research paper.
Without the imposing help of everyone and for lending us even your smallest
precious time, this research paper would not be possible, we salute you.

The Problem and Its Scope


Psychological issues are often ignored by some families in our world. This is a broad
branch of mental illnesses which include the mental disorders and personality disorder. Statistics
rises as the number of people are experiencing mental disabilities because of certain reasons in
different culture or in the society.

According to Grohol (2017), personality disorders form a class of mental disorders that
are characterized by long-lasting, rigid patterns of thought and behavior. Because of the
inflexibility and pervasiveness of these patterns, they can cause serious problems and issues in a
person's life if they are diagnosed with a personality disorder. Narcissism is one of the blinded
problems in the society nowadays which most people are experiencing either because it was
genetically inherited or through the environmental factors. Mothers are the provider in the
household and the primary caretaker in traditional views. Though they are seen to be the person
who can do it all, mothers also experience illnesses. Lopez (2016) defined narcissistic mothers as
not having children for the same reason the rest of mothers do. Narcissistic parents do not look
forward to the birth of a child. Ambardar (2016) stated that to be diagnosed with narcissistic
personality disorder, a patient must demonstrate a consistent and long-standing pattern of
maladaptive behavior, starting in adolescence or early adulthood, that exemplifies five or more of
the nine criteria listed in the American Psychiatric Associations Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) . As the population of the world is rapidly
growing every second, a prevalence of lifetime narcissistic personality disorder was 6.2%, with
rates greater for men (7.7%) than for women (4.8%). NPD was significantly more prevalent
among black men and women and Hispanic women, younger adults, and separated or divorced or
widowed and never married adults. High co-occurrence rates of substance use, mood, and
anxiety disorders and other personality disorders were observed (Stinson, Dawson, Goldstein,
Chou, Huang, Smith & Grant, 2008). However, this is a common problem of society
nowadays especially its effect to family structures. Meanwhile, it is not yet been studied with
thorough research as to what the cause of narcissism in people.
While the concept of narcissism dates back thousands of years, narcissistic personality
disorder only became a recognized illness within the last fifty years and only during the early
1900s, the topic of narcissism started to attract interest in the growing school of thought known
as psychoanalysis which an Austrian psychoanalyst named Otto Rank published one of the
earliest descriptions of narcissism in 1911, in which he connected it to self-admiration and vanity
(Flanagan, 1996; Kohut, 1971). Family involvement, therefore, is vital to success in uncovering
the reasons behind the developing personality disorders.

The researchers goal is to provide factual information on the current issues about the
narcissistic personality disorders among mothers that has either a positive or negative impact to
her children. This is to make people be aware of the present situation that most mothers are

This study aims to answer the questions regarding the influence of a

narcissistic mother to the well-being of her child.
Particularly, this seeks to answer the following questions:
1. What is a narcissistic mother?
2. What are the characteristics of a narcissistic mother?
3. What are the possible dangers can a narcissistic mother cause to
her child?
4. What are the possible factors that affect a persons narcissistic
personality disorder?
5. What are the possible treatments of narcissism?

The terms below are functionally defined in order to attain transparency and

Personality disorders
Mental disorders
Diagnostic and Statistics Manual of Mental Disorders

The research study employed a descriptive method of research since the researchers
purpose is to provide current condition of family dynamics in our society and to determine the
importance of having a better understanding about narcissistic people, who are future parents.

Collection of the data depends on printed material such as books and journals. Some are
gathered from online materials such as e-journals, e-books, and online articles. The materials that
are mostly used as references are related to medical terms and psychology books. Psychology
and medicine journals are also used as to provide information needed in the study. Organized
gathering of data and thorough understanding were done in order to establish the validity of the
Research Results and Discussion

This part of the undergraduate research paper expounds the issue and
discussion based on the statement of the problems.
Statement of the Problem
This study aims to answer the questions regarding the influence of a
narcissistic mother to the well-being of her child.
Particularly, this seeks to answer the following questions:
1. What is a narcissistic mother?
2. What are the characteristics of a narcissistic mother?
3. What are the possible dangers can a narcissistic mother cause to
her child?
4. What are the possible factors that affect a persons narcissistic
personality disorder?
5. What are the possible treatments of narcissism?

I. Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Narcissism is a type of personality disorder that is included in the

Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V). In Sigmund
Freuds paper published in 1914, he suggested that narcissism is
connected to whether ones libido that is directed inwards toward ones
self, or outward toward others.

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